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Smith Product This study has provided initial definition of
(1956) differentiation and segmentation in 1956.
[cited in market segmentation The development of the demand side of the market
Sharma & as alternative that represents a rationale and more precise
Lambert, marketing strategies. adjustment of products and marketing efforts to
2013] consumer or user requirements
Segmentation is tends to bring recognition for
several demand schedules, where only one was
recognized before
This definition has been resulted as a foundation for
performing segmentation to target and position the
Sharma & Segmentation of Effective segmentation usually needs that it should
Lambert, markets based on be measurable, accessible, substantial and
2013 customer service. homogeneous.
Segmentation should have strong association with
the competitive strategy of the organization.
Segmentation is mainly divided into two differential
groups mainly including identifiable/accessible
group and the needs/benefits group.
The identifiable/accessible approach is based on
different variables that are easy to access and
identify (e.g: demographic variables).
The needs/benefits orientation is based on
underlying needs and benefits sought by the buying
Mahia Female Consumer Unilever has started multiple segmentation strategy
(2014) Beauty Product for the female consumers in Bangladesh.
Perception about The consumers of Unilever beauty brand preferred
Unilever Bangladesh unique effectiveness of the beauty product. Unilever
Ltd. did not segmented the products on geographic
segmentation basis.
Unilever beauty brand consists of female age,
income, education level, religion or nationality.
Middle aged females wanted an economic quality
products; therefore, they preferred Sunsilk shampoo.
Finally from personality perspective, the female
might be very ambitious, so she can choose the brand
Rexona for her personal grooming.
In terms of behavioral segmentation of Unilever
beauty brands female mostly persist of quality,
convenience, loyalty and attitude
Kaushik Reebok: Brand In the target segment of reebok, 7 out of 10 people
(2010) Development and indulged in some kind of physical activity as
Sales Promotion compared to just 1 in 10 during 1995.
Activities for Reebok Bangalore region was segmented on the basis of
IPL (Royal popularity among youth, number of bars and
Challengers restaurants, and availability of reebok showroom.
Bangalore) Campaign After segmentation, contact information was
in Bangalore. collected of the Managers of various locations, and
phone calls were made to fix up the meeting
Ahmed, Income, Social Class It has been evaluated that segmentation, based on
Khan & And Consumer consumers perspective plays a major role in the
Samad Behaviour: A Focus regulation of process.
(2016) On Developing The article has explored segmentation strategies in
Nations. developing countries.
In accordance with the findings of different
researches based on the marketing practices of
multinational and local companies in Pakistan, it is
found that segmentation is done through
conventional methods.
Cellular phone industry always segment their
customers as pre-paid or post-paid. There are several
other consumers needs that can be focused to
comply the segmentation process.
From the perspective of milk, it is usually divided
into loose milk users, packaged milk users,
powdered milk users or users of another product
such as for drinking, tea making and dessert making.
However, this approach risks alienating customers in
two different ways, including customers who happen
to be in more than one segment get bombarded with
multiple uncoordinated offers.
Consumers are mostly studied based on
demographics, which include income, gender,
rural/urban lifestyle, age group etc. However, such
distinctions are generally not helpful unless
customers needs are not aligned completely with
demographic characteristics.
Lego, the brick toy manufacturer, has done its
segmentation based on the consumers needs. The
company mentioned that school children, who
focused on building when they play will likely want
plain bricks, but those who focus on role-playing
usually gravitate toward themed sets.
Therefore, smart approaches are needed by the
organizations to perform segmentation on the basis
of consumers needs.

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