2017 06 04 11 47 06

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--------- beginning of system

06-04 08:43:15.960 D/vold (440): e4crypt_unlock_user_key 0 serial=0 token_pre

06-04 08:43:15.960 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 82 lines
06-04 08:43:15.961 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) CryptdConnector expire 3 l
06-04 08:43:15.961 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) MountService expire 4 line
06-04 08:43:15.961 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 l
06-04 08:43:15.962 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) VoldConnector expire 11 li
06-04 08:43:15.964 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 1 line
06-04 08:43:15.967 V/vold (440): Waiting for FUSE to spin up...
06-04 08:43:15.973 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) AudioService expire 1 line
06-04 08:43:16.169 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 2 lin
06-04 08:43:16.173 D/VoldCryptCmdListener(440): cryptfs getpw
06-04 08:43:16.175 D/VoldCryptCmdListener(440): cryptfs clearpw
06-04 08:43:16.195 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 2 lin
06-04 08:43:16.275 E/ActivityThread(2292): Failed to find provider info for user
06-04 08:43:16.530 E/ActivityThread(2250): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 08:43:16.732 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) WifiService expire 1 line
06-04 08:43:17.147 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 1 l
06-04 08:43:17.562 E/ActivityThread(2250): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 08:43:17.575 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 8 lines
06-04 08:43:17.580 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 40 lines
06-04 08:43:17.659 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 1 l
06-04 08:43:17.662 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 1 l
06-04 08:43:17.669 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) AsyncQueryWorke expire 1 l
06-04 08:43:17.713 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 8 lin
06-04 08:43:17.771 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 08:43:17.772 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 08:43:17.784 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) onProviders.ECP expire 4 l
06-04 08:43:17.792 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 08:43:17.793 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 08:43:17.858 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 18
06-04 08:43:17.908 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 7 lin
06-04 08:43:17.992 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 11
06-04 08:43:18.010 E/ActivityThread(2563): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 08:43:18.060 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 08:43:18.061 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 08:43:18.138 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 27 li
06-04 08:43:18.523 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 13 li
06-04 08:43:18.539 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 14 li
06-04 08:43:18.665 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration mccmnc='' fromSer
06-04 08:43:18.860 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 12 li
06-04 08:43:18.909 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration mccmnc='310260' f
06-04 08:43:18.910 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration defaultMccMnc=
06-04 08:43:18.910 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=310, mnc=260
06-04 08:43:18.910 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig conf
ig={1.0 310mcc260mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?lon
g ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/?}
06-04 08:43:19.024 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 12
06-04 08:43:19.172 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration mccmnc='310260' f
06-04 08:43:19.172 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration defaultMccMnc=310
06-04 08:43:19.172 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=310, mnc=260
06-04 08:43:19.172 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig conf
ig={1.0 310mcc260mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?lon
g ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/?}
06-04 08:43:20.663 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration mccmnc='310260' f
06-04 08:43:20.664 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration defaultMccMnc=310
06-04 08:43:20.664 D/MccTable(2563): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=310, mnc=260
06-04 08:43:20.664 D/MccTable(2563): WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE set to us
06-04 08:43:23.727 D/vold (440): e4crypt_prepare_user_storage for volume null
, user 0, serial 0, flags 2
06-04 08:43:23.727 D/vold (440): Preparing: /data/system_ce/0
06-04 08:43:23.727 D/vold (440): Preparing: /data/misc_ce/0
06-04 08:43:23.727 D/vold (440): Preparing: /data/media/0
06-04 08:43:23.727 D/vold (440): Preparing: /data/data
06-04 08:43:23.727 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) CryptdConnector expire 1 l
06-04 08:43:24.017 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.io expire 1 line
06-04 08:43:24.019 D/vold (440): Linking /storage/emulated/0 to /mnt/user/0/p
06-04 08:43:24.020 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) VoldConnector expire 1 lin
06-04 08:43:24.022 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) MountService expire 1 line
06-04 08:43:24.093 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) backup expire 3 lines
06-04 08:43:24.293 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
06-04 08:43:24.373 W/ContextImpl(2941): Calling a method in the system process w
ithout a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:877 android.conte
nt.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:421 com.quicinc.cne.CNEService.CNEServiceApp.bro
adcastCNEStarted:103 com.quicinc.cne.CNEService.CNEServiceApp.startCne:123 com.q
06-04 08:43:24.492 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 2 lin
06-04 08:43:24.810 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) IzatServiceBase expire 1 l
06-04 08:43:25.030 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines
06-04 08:43:26.437 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 4 lines
06-04 08:43:26.601 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 12 li
06-04 08:43:26.615 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 7 lin
06-04 08:43:26.646 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 15 lines
06-04 08:43:26.911 D/ActivityThread(3384): Loading provider com.android.email.pr
ovider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
06-04 08:43:26.911 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 1 l
06-04 08:43:26.912 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 9 l
06-04 08:43:26.935 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 9 lin
06-04 08:43:27.200 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 10 li
06-04 08:43:27.202 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 10 li
06-04 08:43:27.219 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 10 li
06-04 08:43:27.219 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 12 li
06-04 08:43:27.224 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 13 li
06-04 08:43:27.267 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 11 li
06-04 08:43:27.294 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 10 li
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): Service com.android.email.service.Ema
ilBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon
.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@251cf8 that was originally bound here
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked:
Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked Serv
iceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@251cf
8 that was originally bound here
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.app.LoadedApk$Service
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServ
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.content.ContextWrappe
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.app.IntentService$Ser
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:43:27.297 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): Service com.android.email.service.Ema
ilBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon
.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@b722836 that was originally bound here
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked:
Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked Serv
iceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@b7228
36 that was originally bound here
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.app.LoadedApk$Service
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServ
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.content.ContextWrappe
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.app.IntentService$Ser
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:43:27.310 E/ActivityThread(3384): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:43:29.906 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 10 li
06-04 08:43:30.395 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 8 lin
06-04 08:43:31.392 D/ActivityThread(3882): Loading provider com.google.android.g
.google.android.gm.tasks.provider;com.google.android.gm.email.notifier: com.andr
06-04 08:43:32.963 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 11 li
06-04 08:43:34.360 W/ContextImpl(2941): Calling a method in the system process w
ithout a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1357 android.conte
nt.ContextWrapper.startService:613 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:6
13 com.qti.dpmserviceapp.DpmServiceAppReceiver.onReceive:33 android.app.Activity
06-04 08:43:34.736 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 11 li
06-04 08:43:34.809 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 l
06-04 08:43:35.410 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 l
06-04 08:43:35.810 E/ActivityThread(3224): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 08:43:37.343 D/ActivityThread(4545): Loading provider com.android.email.pr
ovider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
06-04 08:43:37.348 D/ActivityThread(4545): Loading provider com.android.email.pr
ovider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
06-04 08:43:40.327 E/ActivityThread(3224): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 08:44:00.370 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 5 lines
06-04 08:44:00.602 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines
06-04 08:44:03.250 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 2 lin
06-04 08:44:04.002 W/ContextImpl(4498): Calling a method in the system process w
ithout a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1421 android.conten
t.ContextWrapper.bindService:636 android.content.pm.permission.RuntimePermission
Presenter$RemoteService.processMessage:186 android.content.pm.permission.Runtime
PermissionPresenter.getAppPermissions:127 com.android.settings.applications.Perm
06-04 08:44:04.058 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 1 li
06-04 08:44:04.304 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 4 lin
06-04 08:44:07.451 D/vold (440): Remounting 10115 as mode read
06-04 08:44:07.470 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) VoldConnector expire 2 lin
06-04 08:44:07.473 D/vold (440): Remounting 10115 as mode write
06-04 08:44:08.023 W/ViewRootImpl[ManagePermissionsActivity](4959): Dropping eve
nt due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[
0]=0, x[0]=402.2097, y[0]=1639.8629, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0
, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTim
e=76317, downTime=76306, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:44:08.069 W/ViewRootImpl[ManagePermissionsActivity](4959): Dropping eve
nt due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[
0]=0, x[0]=289.0, y[0]=1220.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, meta
State=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=7633
9, downTime=76306, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:44:08.069 W/ViewRootImpl[ManagePermissionsActivity](4959): Cancelling e
vent due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0,
id[0]=0, x[0]=289.0, y[0]=1220.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=
76347, downTime=76306, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:44:08.069 W/ViewRootImpl[ManagePermissionsActivity](4959): Cancelling e
vent due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0,
id[0]=0, x[0]=289.0, y[0]=1220.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=
76347, downTime=76306, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:44:08.070 W/ViewRootImpl[ManagePermissionsActivity](4959): Cancelling e
vent due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0,
id[0]=0, x[0]=289.0, y[0]=1220.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=
76347, downTime=76306, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:44:09.772 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 1 lin
06-04 08:44:10.010 D/ActivityThread(5056): Loading provider com.whatsapp.provide
r.contact: com.whatsapp.contact.ContactProvider
06-04 08:44:12.076 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 5 lin
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): Service com.android.email.service.Ema
ilBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon
.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@b10a4 that was originally bound here
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked:
Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked Serv
iceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@b10a4
that was originally bound here
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.app.LoadedApk$Service
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServ
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.content.ContextWrappe
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.app.IntentService$Ser
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:44:12.088 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): Service com.android.email.service.Ema
ilBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon
.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@3091c2 that was originally bound here
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked:
Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked Serv
iceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@3091c
2 that was originally bound here
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.app.LoadedApk$Service
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServ
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.content.ContextWrappe
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.app.IntentService$Ser
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:44:12.090 E/ActivityThread(4545): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:44:12.130 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 1 line
06-04 08:44:12.908 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 1 lin
06-04 08:44:17.151 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 2 l
06-04 08:44:18.336 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 1 lin
06-04 08:44:27.810 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 8 lin
06-04 08:44:30.314 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 11 li
06-04 08:44:30.333 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 9 lin
06-04 08:44:33.748 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 10 li
06-04 08:44:33.764 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 13 li
06-04 08:44:34.874 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 9 lin
06-04 08:44:34.892 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines
06-04 08:44:40.199 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 9 lin
06-04 08:44:40.209 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 12 li
06-04 08:44:40.619 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 10 line
06-04 08:44:40.886 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 5 lines
06-04 08:44:42.128 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 l
06-04 08:44:43.714 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 14 li
06-04 08:44:43.933 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 4 lin
06-04 08:44:45.491 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 14 li
06-04 08:44:45.510 W/ContextImpl(4498): Calling a method in the system process w
ithout a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:877 android.conte
nt.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:421 com.android.internal.telephony.SmsApplicatio
n.setDefaultApplicationInternal:618 com.android.internal.telephony.SmsApplicatio
n.setDefaultApplication:516 com.android.settings.SmsDefaultDialog.onClick:66
06-04 08:44:45.597 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 12 li
06-04 08:44:45.741 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 10 li
06-04 08:44:49.801 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 10 li
06-04 08:44:50.329 I/ActivityThread(3224): Removing dead content provider:androi
06-04 08:44:50.704 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 9 lin
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:46:06.981 W/StorageManager(4498): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:46:23.603 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 2 l
06-04 08:46:35.608 D/ActivityThread(6756): Loading provider com.whatsapp.provide
r.contact: com.whatsapp.contact.ContactProvider
06-04 08:46:36.144 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 1 l
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:46:42.501 W/StorageManager(6851): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:46:50.879 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:48:02.528 W/StorageManager(7102): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:48:03.296 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 2 lin
06-04 08:48:05.407 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 2 lin
06-04 08:48:08.363 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 2 lin
06-04 08:48:08.688 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) VoldConnector expire 1 lin
06-04 08:48:16.262 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 11 line
06-04 08:48:17.731 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 5 lin
06-04 08:48:18.489 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 8 lin
06-04 08:48:18.979 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 9 lin
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:48:19.010 W/StorageManager(7102): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:48:21.740 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 7 lin
06-04 08:48:21.751 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 7 lin
06-04 08:48:24.040 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 6 lin
06-04 08:48:24.065 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 5 lin
06-04 08:48:24.943 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 2 lin
06-04 08:48:26.510 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 87 lines
06-04 08:48:27.054 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 3 l
06-04 08:48:27.089 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 l
06-04 08:48:27.110 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 08:48:27.112 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 08:48:27.273 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 6 l
06-04 08:48:27.277 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines
06-04 08:48:29.273 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 1 line
06-04 08:48:29.292 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 8 lin
06-04 08:48:29.856 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 08:48:29.878 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 08:48:29.931 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 5 lin
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:48:31.165 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:48:32.842 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 5 lin
06-04 08:48:41.304 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 3 lin
06-04 08:48:42.764 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 1 lin
06-04 08:48:47.156 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 5 lin
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:48:49.715 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:49:01.588 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 22 line
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:49:53.357 W/StorageManager(7306): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:49:57.009 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 10 li
06-04 08:49:57.038 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 11 li
06-04 08:49:57.278 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 l
06-04 08:49:57.328 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines
06-04 08:49:57.412 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 10 li
06-04 08:49:57.431 D/ActivityThread(7783): Loading provider com.android.email.pr
ovider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
06-04 08:49:57.432 D/ActivityThread(7783): Loading provider com.android.email.pr
ovider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
06-04 08:49:57.434 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 2 lin
06-04 08:49:57.435 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 10 li
06-04 08:49:57.541 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 5 lin
06-04 08:49:57.548 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 8 lin
06-04 08:49:57.564 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 10 li
06-04 08:49:57.571 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 7 lin
06-04 08:49:57.575 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 11 li
06-04 08:49:57.586 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 6 lin
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): Service com.android.email.service.Ema
ilBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon
.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@b722836 that was originally bound here
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked:
Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked Serv
iceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@b7228
36 that was originally bound here
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.app.LoadedApk$Service
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServ
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.content.ContextWrappe
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.app.IntentService$Ser
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:49:57.680 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:49:57.680 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 11 li
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): Service com.android.email.service.Ema
ilBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon
.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@f235bd3 that was originally bound here
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked:
Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked Serv
iceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@f235b
d3 that was originally bound here
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.app.LoadedApk$Service
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServ
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.content.ContextWrappe
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.app.IntentService$Ser
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 08:49:57.682 E/ActivityThread(7783): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 08:49:57.925 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 10 li
06-04 08:49:58.908 D/vold (440): Remounting 10125 as mode read
06-04 08:49:58.918 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 7743
06-04 08:49:58.934 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) VoldConnector expire 5 lin
06-04 08:49:58.935 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 7 lin
06-04 08:49:58.943 D/vold (440): Remounting 10125 as mode write
06-04 08:49:58.951 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 7743
06-04 08:49:59.550 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 11 li
06-04 08:50:00.337 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 6 l
06-04 08:50:27.638 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) MountService expire 1 line
06-04 08:50:27.639 E/vold (440): Failed to readlink for /proc/7194/ns/mnt
06-04 08:52:09.896 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 6 lines
06-04 08:52:12.825 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 l
06-04 08:52:12.990 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 5 lines
06-04 08:53:42.496 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 l
06-04 08:55:33.874 D/vold (440): Remounting 10111 as mode read
06-04 08:55:33.885 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 9880
06-04 08:55:33.888 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 9897
06-04 08:55:33.891 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 9917
06-04 08:55:33.894 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 9923
06-04 08:55:33.898 D/vold (440): Remounting 10111 as mode write
06-04 08:55:33.907 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 9880
06-04 08:55:33.910 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 9897
06-04 08:55:33.912 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 9917
06-04 08:55:33.915 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 9923
06-04 08:55:34.100 W/PackageParser(9880): Unknown element under <manifest>: meta
-data at /storage/emulated/0/magisk.apk Binary XML file line #17
06-04 08:55:34.116 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 3 lin
06-04 08:55:43.558 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 1 line
06-04 08:55:43.581 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 1 lin
06-04 08:55:49.223 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 8 lines
06-04 08:56:33.714 W/PackageParser(9880): Unknown element under <manifest>: meta
-data at /storage/emulated/0/magisk.apk Binary XML file line #17
06-04 08:56:37.637 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 2 lin
06-04 08:56:48.303 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 1 lin
06-04 08:56:48.499 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 14 li
06-04 08:57:15.014 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 6 lin
06-04 08:57:15.045 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 10 li
06-04 08:57:15.089 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 11 li
06-04 08:57:15.143 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 9 lin
06-04 08:57:15.364 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 8 lin
06-04 08:57:18.054 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 8 lin
06-04 08:57:21.297 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 13 line
06-04 08:57:21.335 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 12 li
06-04 08:57:22.255 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 6 lin
06-04 08:57:22.299 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 9 lin
06-04 08:57:31.223 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 4 lines
06-04 08:57:33.635 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 9 lin
06-04 08:57:34.372 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 9 lin
06-04 08:57:41.483 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 7 lin
06-04 08:57:46.392 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](10595): Dropping event due to no
window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=3
91.25604, y[0]=1408.5684, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState
=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=4, eventTime=894693, d
ownTime=894636, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:46.406 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](10595): Dropping event due to no
window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=3
35.55566, y[0]=1197.5348, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState
=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=894710, d
ownTime=894636, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:46.416 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](10595): Dropping event due to no
window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=2
88.0, y[0]=1083.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, fla
gs=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=894720, downTime
=894636, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:46.416 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](10595): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[
0]=288.0, y[0]=1083.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0,
flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=894729, down
Time=894636, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:46.416 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](10595): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[
0]=288.0, y[0]=1083.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0,
flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=894729, down
Time=894636, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:46.416 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](10595): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[
0]=288.0, y[0]=1083.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0,
flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=894729, down
Time=894636, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:50.418 W/ContextImpl(12519): Calling a method in the system process
without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1421 android.conte
nt.ContextWrapper.bindService:636 android.content.pm.permission.RuntimePermissio
nPresenter$RemoteService.processMessage:186 android.content.pm.permission.Runtim
ePermissionPresenter.getAppPermissions:127 com.android.settings.applications.Per
06-04 08:57:50.508 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 1 li
06-04 08:57:52.465 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 5 l
06-04 08:57:53.212 W/ViewRootImpl[SubSettings](12519): Dropping event due to no
window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=34
8.48685, y[0]=1740.3092, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=
0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=901519, do
wnTime=901496, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:53.228 W/ViewRootImpl[SubSettings](12519): Dropping event due to no
window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=36
5.77945, y[0]=1641.5438, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=
0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=901536, do
wnTime=901496, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:53.244 W/ViewRootImpl[SubSettings](12519): Dropping event due to no
window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=37
0.38107, y[0]=1513.9568, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=
0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=901553, do
wnTime=901496, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:53.261 W/ViewRootImpl[SubSettings](12519): Dropping event due to no
window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=35
0.829, y[0]=1365.9741, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0,
flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=901570, down
Time=901496, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:53.278 W/ViewRootImpl[SubSettings](12519): Dropping event due to no
window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=30
6.59305, y[0]=1207.6599, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=
0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=901586, do
wnTime=901496, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:53.283 W/ViewRootImpl[SubSettings](12519): Dropping event due to no
window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=30
0.0, y[0]=1190.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flag
s=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=901588, downTime=
901496, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:53.283 W/ViewRootImpl[SubSettings](12519): Cancelling event due to n
o window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0
]=300.0, y[0]=1190.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0,
flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=901597, downT
ime=901496, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:53.283 W/ViewRootImpl[SubSettings](12519): Cancelling event due to n
o window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0
]=300.0, y[0]=1190.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0,
flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=901597, downT
ime=901496, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:53.283 W/ViewRootImpl[SubSettings](12519): Cancelling event due to n
o window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0
]=300.0, y[0]=1190.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0,
flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=901597, downT
ime=901496, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 08:57:54.834 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines
06-04 08:58:06.120 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 6 lin
06-04 08:58:19.850 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 4 lin
06-04 08:58:20.168 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 l
06-04 08:58:58.280 E/ActivityThread(7846): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 08:59:08.692 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 24 lines
06-04 08:59:20.248 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 2 l
06-04 09:01:41.934 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 6 l
06-04 09:01:55.961 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 l
06-04 09:01:56.200 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 12 line
06-04 09:01:58.481 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 8 lin
06-04 09:01:59.723 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 7 lin
06-04 09:01:59.725 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 12 li
06-04 09:01:59.808 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 9 lin
06-04 09:02:01.300 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 8 lin
06-04 09:02:02.834 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines
06-04 09:02:26.389 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines
06-04 09:02:40.854 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 9 lin
06-04 09:02:43.228 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:02:43.232 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 8 lin
06-04 09:02:44.363 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/si
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/
block/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 09:02:44.655 W/StorageManager(13867): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 09:02:44.673 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 10 li
06-04 09:02:44.920 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 3 l
06-04 09:03:12.982 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines
06-04 09:03:15.590 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 7 lin
06-04 09:03:19.779 E/ActivityThread(13938): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:03:19.845 E/ActivityThread(13938): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:03:41.859 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 4 lin
06-04 09:03:51.558 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:03:55.497 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 10 li
06-04 09:04:01.216 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 5 lin
06-04 09:04:45.245 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Dropping event d
ue to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scan
Code=0, metaState=0, flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=1313557, downTime=13135
57, deviceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 09:04:45.809 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines
06-04 09:04:48.893 E/ActivityThread(7846): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 09:05:05.020 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 11 line
06-04 09:05:06.418 E/ActivityThread(7846): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 09:05:08.380 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 6 l
06-04 09:05:08.396 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:05:08.396 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:05:08.581 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10
06-04 09:05:08.582 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 3 lines
06-04 09:05:37.682 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 2 lin
06-04 09:05:37.728 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:05:37.754 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/si
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/
block/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 09:05:44.428 W/StorageManager(14759): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 09:05:53.116 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines
06-04 09:05:57.713 E/ActivityThread(7846): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 09:06:01.814 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 11 line
06-04 09:06:08.890 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:06:08.890 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:06:41.692 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:06:41.701 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:06:41.828 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 12
06-04 09:06:41.840 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 9 lin
06-04 09:06:41.840 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 7 lines
06-04 09:06:41.919 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines
06-04 09:06:42.081 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 8 lin
06-04 09:06:42.990 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 8 l
06-04 09:06:43.002 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 8 l
06-04 09:06:43.020 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:06:43.020 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:06:43.265 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:06:48.628 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:06:48.661 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:06:48.691 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:06:48.749 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 12 li
06-04 09:06:48.772 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 11 li
06-04 09:06:51.569 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 10 li
06-04 09:06:56.928 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 12 li
06-04 09:06:56.935 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:07:00.231 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:07:00.233 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:07:04.244 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) KeyHandler expire 1 line
06-04 09:07:04.292 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:07:04.307 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:07:04.328 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 8 l
06-04 09:07:04.444 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines
06-04 09:07:04.914 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:07:05.415 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:07:05.417 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:07:16.411 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:07:16.416 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:07:16.726 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 7 lin
06-04 09:07:18.435 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:07:18.451 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:07:19.105 E/ActivityThread(15310): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:07:19.127 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 6 lin
06-04 09:07:19.145 E/ActivityThread(15310): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:08:14.939 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 2 l
06-04 09:08:27.274 E/ActivityThread(15796): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:08:27.296 E/ActivityThread(15796): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/si
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/
block/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 09:08:27.846 W/StorageManager(15871): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 09:08:40.121 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 5 lines
06-04 09:08:41.671 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 2 lin
06-04 09:08:45.105 D/vold (440): Remounting 10101 as mode read
06-04 09:08:45.120 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 15925
06-04 09:08:45.125 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) VoldConnector expire 2 lin
06-04 09:08:45.126 D/vold (440): Remounting 10101 as mode write
06-04 09:08:45.134 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 15925
06-04 09:08:51.200 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines
06-04 09:08:59.836 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 3 l
06-04 09:08:59.837 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 8 lin
06-04 09:09:25.040 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 3 lin
06-04 09:09:25.082 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 3 lin
06-04 09:09:25.082 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 12 li
06-04 09:09:25.232 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 8 lin
06-04 09:09:26.895 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 11 li
06-04 09:09:27.222 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 19 lines
06-04 09:09:31.212 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 11 line
06-04 09:09:31.401 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 8 l
06-04 09:09:31.425 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 6 lin
06-04 09:09:31.432 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 7 lin
06-04 09:09:31.447 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10
06-04 09:09:33.166 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:09:33.327 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 7 lin
06-04 09:09:34.110 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 11
06-04 09:09:34.761 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 3 lin
06-04 09:09:35.931 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 6 lin
06-04 09:10:03.304 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 6 l
06-04 09:10:36.863 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 10 li
06-04 09:10:36.865 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 6 l
06-04 09:10:36.888 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 l
06-04 09:10:48.857 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 3 lin
06-04 09:10:59.299 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:10:59.301 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:10:59.361 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 7 lines
06-04 09:10:59.390 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines
06-04 09:10:59.487 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:10:59.495 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:11:06.060 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 7 lin
06-04 09:11:54.791 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:11:54.809 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:11:54.986 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines
06-04 09:11:59.624 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 13 lines
06-04 09:11:59.673 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:11:59.677 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:12:01.990 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 2 lin
06-04 09:12:38.439 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 6 lines
06-04 09:13:39.865 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10
06-04 09:13:53.661 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 34 lines
06-04 09:16:22.605 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 6 l
06-04 09:21:46.785 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 13 line
06-04 09:21:46.871 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 3 l
06-04 09:21:47.879 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 5 l
06-04 09:21:47.919 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:21:47.920 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:21:48.103 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 12
06-04 09:21:48.104 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 6 lines
06-04 09:21:48.152 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 8 lin
06-04 09:21:57.718 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines
06-04 09:21:57.730 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 4 lin
06-04 09:21:57.760 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:21:57.761 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:21:57.836 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 3 lin
06-04 09:21:57.871 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:22:18.530 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:22:19.940 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 3 li
06-04 09:22:19.997 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:22:19.997 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 9 lin
06-04 09:22:19.998 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 3 lin
06-04 09:22:19.999 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 3 l
06-04 09:22:20.004 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:22:21.076 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:22:21.076 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:22:34.422 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 5 lin
06-04 09:22:34.464 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:22:34.504 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:22:34.595 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 3 lin
06-04 09:22:34.738 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 18 lines
06-04 09:22:41.438 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 4 lin
06-04 09:22:45.103 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:22:45.530 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:23:06.284 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 l
06-04 09:23:06.301 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:23:06.301 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:23:06.481 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 6 l
06-04 09:25:53.308 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines
06-04 09:27:49.956 D/ActivityThread(20721): Loading provider com.google.android.
m.google.android.gm.tasks.provider;com.google.android.gm.email.notifier: com.and
06-04 09:28:05.240 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:28:05.246 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:28:05.315 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 5 lin
06-04 09:28:05.597 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:28:07.136 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 7 lin
06-04 09:30:04.520 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:30:04.563 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:30:04.565 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:30:06.110 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
06-04 09:30:06.444 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 13 line
06-04 09:30:10.492 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 7 lin
06-04 09:30:10.741 E/ActivityThread(21490): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:30:10.758 E/ActivityThread(21490): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:30:13.343 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 10
06-04 09:30:13.470 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 9 lin
06-04 09:30:18.416 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 8 lin
06-04 09:30:18.426 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 9 lin
06-04 09:30:23.927 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 19 lines
06-04 09:30:45.959 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 7 lin
06-04 09:30:46.995 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 8 lin
06-04 09:30:47.073 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 10 li
06-04 09:30:47.073 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 8 lin
06-04 09:30:47.077 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 3 l
06-04 09:30:48.081 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:30:48.086 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:30:48.179 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:30:54.971 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 4 lin
06-04 09:30:55.591 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 l
06-04 09:31:37.610 E/ActivityThread(7846): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 09:31:43.621 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 11 li
06-04 09:31:43.622 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 8 lin
06-04 09:31:45.357 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 2 lin
06-04 09:31:45.390 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 8 lin
06-04 09:31:45.736 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 2 lin
06-04 09:31:45.858 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 4 li
06-04 09:31:46.892 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:31:46.893 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:31:50.513 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:32:23.707 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 4 l
06-04 09:34:13.880 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:34:14.210 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:34:14.212 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:34:30.136 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines
06-04 09:34:35.265 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:34:35.319 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:34:35.319 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:34:43.866 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 11 line
06-04 09:35:00.033 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:35:00.340 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:35:00.341 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:35:06.218 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:35:06.331 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:35:06.340 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:35:16.630 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 2 lin
06-04 09:36:16.309 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:36:16.311 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:36:16.758 E/ActivityThread(23313): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:36:16.783 E/ActivityThread(23313): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:36:17.190 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:36:36.390 E/ActivityThread(7846): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 09:36:58.105 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:36:58.850 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:37:00.940 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 9 lines
06-04 09:37:01.586 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 16 lines
06-04 09:37:02.085 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 l
06-04 09:37:02.101 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:37:02.101 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:37:02.290 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 6 l
06-04 09:37:02.294 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines
06-04 09:37:55.453 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:37:55.476 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:38:28.044 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 1 lin
06-04 09:38:35.304 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 11
06-04 09:38:39.117 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines
06-04 09:38:39.130 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 5 l
06-04 09:38:39.135 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 10 li
06-04 09:38:39.245 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 9 lin
06-04 09:38:39.262 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 10 li
06-04 09:38:39.400 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 1 l
06-04 09:38:39.869 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 8 l
06-04 09:38:50.628 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 10 li
06-04 09:39:05.412 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 2 lin
06-04 09:39:09.883 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 6 lin
06-04 09:39:10.007 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 7 lin
06-04 09:39:12.306 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 3 lines
06-04 09:39:12.409 D/ActivityThread(24020): Loading provider com.whatsapp.provid
er.contact: com.whatsapp.contact.ContactProvider
06-04 09:39:19.140 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 8 lin
06-04 09:39:21.436 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 5 lin
06-04 09:39:23.796 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 6 li
06-04 09:39:27.158 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:39:31.434 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 6 l
06-04 09:39:38.837 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:39:39.408 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:39:39.444 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 7 lin
06-04 09:39:46.427 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 10 li
06-04 09:39:54.353 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 12 line
06-04 09:39:57.036 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:39:58.783 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:39:59.100 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 7 lin
06-04 09:40:07.752 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines
06-04 09:40:55.565 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:40:57.368 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:41:16.131 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:41:16.135 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:41:16.416 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:41:47.588 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 9 lines
06-04 09:41:50.484 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:41:50.489 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:41:50.590 E/ActivityThread(20557): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:42:02.359 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 3 l
06-04 09:43:05.455 D/ActivityThread(25435): Loading provider com.android.email.p
rovider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
06-04 09:43:05.458 D/ActivityThread(25435): Loading provider com.android.email.p
rovider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
06-04 09:43:05.460 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 5 lin
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): Service com.android.email.service.Em
ailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommo
n.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@b722836 that was originally bound here
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked:
Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked Ser
viceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@b722
836 that was originally bound here
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.app.LoadedApk$Service
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServ
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.content.ContextWrappe
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.app.IntentService$Ser
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 09:43:05.615 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): Service com.android.email.service.Em
ailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommo
n.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@f235bd3 that was originally bound here
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked:
Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked Ser
viceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@f235
bd3 that was originally bound here
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.app.LoadedApk$Service
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServ
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindS
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.content.ContextWrappe
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.emailcommon.servi
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.provider.Ac
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at com.android.email.service.Ema
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.app.IntentService$Ser
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 09:43:05.620 E/ActivityThread(25435): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 09:43:05.621 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 4 lin
06-04 09:43:06.077 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 15 lines
06-04 09:43:11.056 E/ActivityThread(7846): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 09:43:13.633 W/PackageParser(25400): Unknown element under <manifest>: met
a-data at /data/app/com.phyora.apps.reddit_now-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #
06-04 09:43:28.127 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 2 line
06-04 09:44:00.346 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 3 lin
06-04 09:45:10.097 E/ActivityThread(7846): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 09:45:10.138 E/ActivityThread(7846): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 09:46:43.664 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 10 li
06-04 09:46:43.679 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 9 lin
06-04 09:46:58.124 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:46:58.154 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines
06-04 09:46:59.803 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:46:59.805 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 12 l
06-04 09:46:59.866 E/ActivityThread(7846): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 09:46:59.867 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 7 lin
06-04 09:47:21.056 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 20 line
06-04 09:47:54.397 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 9 lin
06-04 09:47:54.505 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 8 lin
06-04 09:47:57.528 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 12 li
06-04 09:47:58.525 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:47:58.590 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 10 li
06-04 09:47:58.592 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 8 l
06-04 09:47:59.018 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:48:01.769 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 4 l
06-04 09:48:02.770 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 4 lin
06-04 09:48:08.605 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 2 l
06-04 09:48:08.972 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 6 lin
06-04 09:48:24.645 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 l
06-04 09:48:31.922 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 1 line
06-04 09:49:48.762 E/ActivityThread(27033): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:49:48.777 E/ActivityThread(27033): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:49:51.928 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 8 lines
06-04 09:49:53.190 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 4 lin
06-04 09:49:58.354 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 14 lines
06-04 09:50:02.220 D/vold (440): Remounting 10094 as mode read
06-04 09:50:02.236 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 27199
06-04 09:50:02.242 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) VoldConnector expire 2 lin
06-04 09:50:02.244 D/vold (440): Remounting 10094 as mode write
06-04 09:50:02.254 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 27199
06-04 09:50:04.214 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 10 lines
06-04 09:50:10.959 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 6 l
06-04 09:50:25.477 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 4 lin
06-04 09:50:37.625 E/ActivityThread(27520): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:50:48.999 E/ActivityThread(27520): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:51:00.664 E/ActivityThread(27520): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:51:23.105 E/ActivityThread(27520): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:51:45.820 E/ActivityThread(27520): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 09:52:00.094 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 3 li
06-04 09:52:12.344 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:52:12.345 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:52:12.534 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 11
06-04 09:52:12.536 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 10 lines
06-04 09:52:12.586 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 5 lin
06-04 09:52:13.023 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 9 l
06-04 09:53:02.003 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 21 lines
06-04 09:53:02.050 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 3 lin
06-04 09:53:08.652 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 3 lin
06-04 09:53:08.669 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10
06-04 09:53:08.682 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:53:08.695 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:53:08.806 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 4 lin
06-04 09:53:08.867 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 5 lin
06-04 09:53:09.041 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 4 lin
06-04 09:53:09.314 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 l
06-04 09:53:09.516 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:53:20.225 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 3 lin
06-04 09:53:20.769 W/PackageParser(28234): Unknown element under <manifest>: met
a-data at /data/app/com.phyora.apps.reddit_now-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #
06-04 09:53:26.234 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 1 lin
06-04 09:54:08.456 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 4 l
06-04 09:54:15.235 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:55:54.793 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 12 line
06-04 09:55:54.916 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 7 l
06-04 09:55:55.998 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:56:02.901 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 6 lin
06-04 09:56:02.989 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 3 lin
06-04 09:56:40.930 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:56:40.931 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:58:04.305 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) KeyHandler expire 1 line
06-04 09:58:04.354 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:58:04.376 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:58:04.382 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines
06-04 09:58:07.784 E/ActivityThread(26376): Failed to find provider info for .pa
06-04 09:58:57.867 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:58:57.868 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 09:58:58.033 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 12
06-04 09:59:53.955 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:59:53.973 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 09:59:54.193 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines
06-04 09:59:54.582 E/ActivityThread(26376): Failed to find provider info for .pa
06-04 09:59:54.612 E/ActivityThread(26376): Failed to find provider info for .pa
06-04 10:00:24.668 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 12 line
06-04 10:00:26.008 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:00:26.012 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:03:02.054 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 1 lin
06-04 10:03:02.098 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:03:02.102 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:03:02.182 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 3 lin
06-04 10:03:03.004 E/ActivityThread(26376): Failed to find provider info for .pa
06-04 10:03:03.041 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines
06-04 10:03:21.055 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 l
06-04 10:03:21.067 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:03:21.068 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:03:21.248 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 12
06-04 10:04:10.083 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:04:10.088 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:04:47.881 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:04:47.881 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:04:48.069 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 8 lines
06-04 10:04:48.138 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 5 lin
06-04 10:06:39.030 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines
06-04 10:06:39.036 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 9 lin
06-04 10:06:39.050 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10
06-04 10:06:39.067 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:06:39.071 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:06:39.155 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 7 lin
06-04 10:06:39.222 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 6 lin
06-04 10:06:39.303 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 12 line
06-04 10:06:39.409 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 4 lin
06-04 10:06:39.469 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 6 l
06-04 10:06:40.833 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 13 li
06-04 10:06:56.113 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 10 li
06-04 10:06:57.198 E/ActivityThread(27164): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 10:06:58.444 E/ActivityThread(27164): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 10:06:59.939 E/ActivityThread(27164): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 10:06:59.944 E/ActivityThread(27164): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 10:07:16.387 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 8 l
06-04 10:07:16.441 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:07:16.441 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:07:16.631 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 12
06-04 10:07:16.689 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 3 lin
06-04 10:08:05.292 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 1 line
06-04 10:08:57.635 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:08:57.648 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:08:57.719 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 7 lin
06-04 10:08:57.925 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 13 lines
06-04 10:09:02.053 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:09:02.054 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:09:02.296 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 7 lin
06-04 10:09:57.301 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:09:57.303 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:09:57.593 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 4 lin
06-04 10:10:02.979 E/ActivityThread(27164): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 10:10:04.719 E/ActivityThread(27164): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 10:10:18.665 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:10:18.666 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:10:18.854 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 5 l
06-04 10:11:41.904 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 16 line
06-04 10:11:41.939 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:11:41.963 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:11:42.065 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 14 lines
06-04 10:11:44.537 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 7 li
06-04 10:11:56.596 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 4 lin
06-04 10:11:59.208 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534441, downTime=4534441, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.209 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534441, downTime=4534441, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.209 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534441, downTime=4534441, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.219 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534441, downTime=4534441, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.219 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534441, downTime=4534441, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.219 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534441, downTime=4534441, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.219 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534441, downTime=4534441, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.219 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534441, downTime=4534441, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.219 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534441, downTime=4534441, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.220 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Dropping event due to no
window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534655, downTime=4534655, devi
ceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.233 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534655, downTime=4534655, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.233 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534655, downTime=4534655, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.233 W/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](12676): Cancelling event due to
no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0,
metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4534655, downTime=4534655, dev
iceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.864 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Dropping event d
ue to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scan
Code=0, metaState=0, flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4535230, downTime=45352
30, deviceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.865 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scan
Code=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4535230, downTime=4535
230, deviceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.865 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scan
Code=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4535230, downTime=4535
230, deviceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.865 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scan
Code=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4535230, downTime=4535
230, deviceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.865 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scan
Code=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4535230, downTime=4535
230, deviceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.865 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scan
Code=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4535230, downTime=4535
230, deviceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.865 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scan
Code=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4535230, downTime=4535
230, deviceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.865 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scan
Code=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4535230, downTime=4535
230, deviceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.865 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scan
Code=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4535230, downTime=4535
230, deviceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:11:59.865 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scan
Code=0, metaState=0, flags=0x28, repeatCount=0, eventTime=4535230, downTime=4535
230, deviceId=-1, source=0x8000001 }
06-04 10:12:05.295 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 1 lin
06-04 10:12:19.869 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 l
06-04 10:12:34.333 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 2 lin
06-04 10:12:42.015 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 2 l
06-04 10:12:55.059 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 3 l
06-04 10:12:58.115 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 3 lin
06-04 10:13:07.439 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 1 li
06-04 10:13:28.606 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 10 li
06-04 10:13:28.606 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 7 lin
06-04 10:13:29.735 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 10 li
06-04 10:13:29.855 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 5 lin
06-04 10:13:29.916 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 10 li
06-04 10:13:30.171 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 10 li
06-04 10:13:31.388 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines
06-04 10:13:32.726 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 10 line
06-04 10:13:33.798 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 6 lin
06-04 10:13:34.776 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 7 lin
06-04 10:13:38.627 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 6 lin
06-04 10:13:44.998 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 6 l
06-04 10:13:45.037 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 7 l
06-04 10:13:45.060 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:13:45.061 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:13:45.235 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 11
06-04 10:13:45.237 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 6 lines
06-04 10:14:08.168 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 4 lin
06-04 10:14:08.230 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:14:08.235 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:14:08.415 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 4 lin
06-04 10:14:08.625 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 10 line
06-04 10:14:10.074 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 8 lin
06-04 10:14:11.729 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 6 lin
06-04 10:14:14.352 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 8 li
06-04 10:14:14.753 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 l
06-04 10:14:14.789 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 4 lin
06-04 10:14:16.275 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:14:16.275 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:16:57.228 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:16:57.234 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:16:57.393 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines
06-04 10:16:58.154 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 2 l
06-04 10:17:09.875 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 4 lin
06-04 10:17:10.505 E/ActivityThread(1290): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 10:17:40.534 E/ActivityThread(1290): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 10:17:41.711 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 5 lines
06-04 10:17:42.897 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 l
06-04 10:17:42.897 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 6 lin
06-04 10:17:43.738 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:17:43.738 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:17:43.918 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 5 l
06-04 10:19:16.287 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) KeyHandler expire 1 line
06-04 10:19:16.317 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:19:16.329 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:19:16.418 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:19:16.453 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 134 lines
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 10:19:23.109 W/StorageManager(1884): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 10:19:26.599 W/StorageManager(1884): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 10:19:27.560 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 1 lin
06-04 10:19:28.630 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:19:28.698 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 1 lin
06-04 10:19:32.062 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 3 lin
06-04 10:19:37.441 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 3 lin
06-04 10:19:52.861 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 3 lin
06-04 10:19:53.333 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 3 lin
06-04 10:20:02.090 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 8 lines
06-04 10:20:02.162 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 1 lin
06-04 10:20:03.254 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:20:03.936 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 1 lin
06-04 10:20:24.073 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 3 lin
06-04 10:20:28.391 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:20:29.460 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 3 l
06-04 10:20:29.495 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 7 l
06-04 10:20:29.517 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:20:29.520 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:20:29.701 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 13
06-04 10:20:29.702 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines
06-04 10:20:30.242 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 13 lines
06-04 10:20:30.289 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:20:30.295 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:20:30.471 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:20:30.660 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 1 lin
06-04 10:20:32.135 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:20:32.137 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:20:32.798 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:20:32.799 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:20:33.133 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 4 lin
06-04 10:20:34.886 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:20:34.887 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:20:35.072 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 11
06-04 10:20:35.074 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 6 lines
06-04 10:20:35.147 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 7 lin
06-04 10:20:36.557 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines
06-04 10:20:36.569 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 5 lin
06-04 10:20:36.583 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 7 l
06-04 10:20:36.604 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:20:36.610 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:20:36.662 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:20:36.696 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 6 lin
06-04 10:20:41.367 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 6 lin
06-04 10:20:42.152 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 5 lin
06-04 10:20:43.040 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 4 lin
06-04 10:20:49.619 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 1 line
06-04 10:20:50.361 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 27 line
06-04 10:20:50.470 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 23
06-04 10:20:50.539 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 5 lin
06-04 10:20:50.558 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 7 lin
06-04 10:20:52.426 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:21:16.475 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 2 l
06-04 10:21:29.926 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 l
06-04 10:21:29.988 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:21:29.988 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:22:07.515 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines
06-04 10:22:07.564 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:22:07.565 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:22:07.637 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 6 lin
06-04 10:22:07.713 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 4 lin
06-04 10:22:26.119 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 5 li
06-04 10:22:27.170 E/ActivityThread(31995): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 10:22:27.896 E/ActivityThread(31995): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 10:23:22.541 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 3 lin
06-04 10:23:40.097 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:23:40.814 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 1 l
06-04 10:23:41.607 E/ActivityThread(4086): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:23:41.625 E/ActivityThread(4086): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:23:41.846 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 4 lines
06-04 10:23:42.555 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:23:42.555 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:23:42.747 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 5 l
06-04 10:24:23.888 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:24:23.890 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:24:24.041 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 16 lines
06-04 10:24:41.124 W/PackageParser(29551): Unknown element under <manifest>: met
a-data at /data/app/com.phyora.apps.reddit_now-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #
06-04 10:24:43.256 E/ActivityThread(2767): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 10:25:24.129 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 8 lin
06-04 10:25:30.200 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 6 l
06-04 10:25:30.247 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 20 lines
06-04 10:25:35.769 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 13 line
06-04 10:25:35.884 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 6 l
06-04 10:25:37.675 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 5 l
06-04 10:25:37.719 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10
06-04 10:25:37.738 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:25:37.742 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:25:37.907 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 12
06-04 10:25:37.914 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 8 lines
06-04 10:25:37.962 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:26:31.384 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 5 lin
06-04 10:26:31.417 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:26:31.426 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:26:31.545 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 7 lin
06-04 10:26:31.768 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 3 lin
06-04 10:26:32.110 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 6 lin
06-04 10:26:32.309 E/ActivityThread(2767): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 10:26:34.124 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 5 lin
06-04 10:26:34.777 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 4 lin
06-04 10:26:35.282 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 5 lin
06-04 10:27:25.645 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 4 lin
06-04 10:28:12.305 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 4 lin
06-04 10:29:05.328 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:29:05.332 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:29:32.041 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:30:28.863 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines
06-04 10:30:28.916 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:30:28.922 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:30:29.094 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 3 li
06-04 10:30:29.519 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 4 lin
06-04 10:30:29.603 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 3 lin
06-04 10:30:37.844 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 2 lin
06-04 10:30:37.845 D/vold (440): Remounting 10099 as mode read
06-04 10:30:37.860 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 4054
06-04 10:30:37.864 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 4086
06-04 10:30:37.868 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 5455
06-04 10:30:37.872 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) VoldConnector expire 2 lin
06-04 10:30:37.874 D/vold (440): Remounting 10099 as mode write
06-04 10:30:37.881 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 4054
06-04 10:30:37.884 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 4086
06-04 10:30:37.887 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 5455
06-04 10:30:56.243 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 13 line
06-04 10:30:57.577 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:30:57.579 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:30:57.759 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 12
06-04 10:31:22.262 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:31:22.318 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:31:22.496 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines
06-04 10:33:02.907 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:33:02.908 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:33:06.110 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines
06-04 10:34:06.698 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 l
06-04 10:34:06.726 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:34:06.735 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:34:34.782 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 32 line
06-04 10:34:36.089 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 7 li
06-04 10:34:36.119 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 4 lin
06-04 10:34:36.143 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 6 lin
06-04 10:34:36.143 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:34:36.145 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 5 l
06-04 10:34:37.130 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10
06-04 10:34:37.578 E/ActivityThread(6296): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:34:37.597 E/ActivityThread(6296): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:34:45.128 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 17 lines
06-04 10:34:55.051 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 21
06-04 10:34:55.504 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 5 lin
06-04 10:35:00.789 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 8 lin
06-04 10:35:00.871 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 2 lin
06-04 10:35:00.872 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 4 lin
06-04 10:35:00.887 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 9 lin
06-04 10:35:20.772 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 6 lin
06-04 10:35:20.788 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 4 lin
06-04 10:35:20.838 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 6 lin
06-04 10:35:21.095 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 2 lin
06-04 10:35:35.511 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 6 lin
06-04 10:35:42.466 E/ActivityThread(6946): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:35:42.522 E/ActivityThread(6946): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:35:44.283 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 4 l
06-04 10:37:26.877 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 1 lin
06-04 10:37:53.389 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 l
06-04 10:37:53.410 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:37:53.411 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:37:53.574 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 8 l
06-04 10:37:53.575 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 3 lines
06-04 10:38:05.300 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines
06-04 10:38:29.199 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines
06-04 10:38:29.213 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 3 lin
06-04 10:38:29.243 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:38:29.244 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:39:01.237 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 10 line
06-04 10:39:17.944 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 l
06-04 10:39:19.033 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:39:19.034 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:39:19.699 D/ActivityThread(7905): Loading provider com.whatsapp.provide
r.contact: com.whatsapp.contact.ContactProvider
06-04 10:39:20.079 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines
06-04 10:39:20.102 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 17
06-04 10:39:20.105 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 14
06-04 10:39:20.123 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:39:20.123 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:39:20.217 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 7 lin
06-04 10:39:20.283 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 5 lin
06-04 10:39:20.283 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 3 lines
06-04 10:39:20.482 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 6 lin
06-04 10:39:20.863 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 5 lin
06-04 10:39:20.864 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 1 lin
06-04 10:39:20.867 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 10 li
06-04 10:39:20.880 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 8 lin
06-04 10:39:20.881 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 4 lin
06-04 10:39:21.101 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 7 lin
06-04 10:39:21.102 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 6 lin
06-04 10:39:27.001 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 5 lin
06-04 10:39:27.012 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 3 lin
06-04 10:39:27.043 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 8 lin
06-04 10:39:37.231 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 10 line
06-04 10:39:37.978 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 9 li
06-04 10:40:02.499 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 l
06-04 10:40:08.529 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 9 lin
06-04 10:40:36.564 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 1 l
06-04 10:40:36.864 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 5 lin
06-04 10:40:37.580 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 9 l
06-04 10:40:38.138 E/ActivityThread(8269): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:40:38.161 E/ActivityThread(8269): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:40:45.629 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 14 lines
06-04 10:40:47.645 D/ActivityThread(8450): Loading provider com.whatsapp.provide
r.contact: com.whatsapp.contact.ContactProvider
06-04 10:41:10.043 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 1 line
06-04 10:43:18.407 E/ActivityThread(8782): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:43:18.412 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:43:18.413 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 10:43:18.431 E/ActivityThread(8782): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:43:47.387 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines
06-04 10:45:16.245 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 2 l
06-04 10:46:01.590 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:46:01.592 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 10:46:01.626 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 2 l
06-04 10:46:01.713 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 15 lines
06-04 10:46:24.296 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 16 line
06-04 10:46:36.350 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 4 lin
06-04 10:46:36.353 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 8 lin
06-04 10:46:36.387 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 8 lin
06-04 10:46:36.387 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 7 lin
06-04 10:46:36.387 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 8 lin
06-04 10:46:36.389 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 1 l
06-04 10:46:36.389 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_E expire 7 lin
06-04 10:46:37.378 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 9 l
06-04 10:46:37.844 E/ActivityThread(9463): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:46:37.860 E/ActivityThread(9463): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:46:40.784 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_F expire 7 lin
06-04 10:46:42.894 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_1 expire 8 lin
06-04 10:46:42.985 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_3 expire 6 lin
06-04 10:46:45.302 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_4 expire 6 lin
06-04 10:46:47.488 D/ActivityThread(9557): Loading provider com.whatsapp.provide
r.contact: com.whatsapp.contact.ContactProvider
06-04 10:46:48.245 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 3 lin
06-04 10:46:54.051 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 26 lines
06-04 10:47:02.036 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_7 expire 5 lin
06-04 10:47:50.539 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 6 l
06-04 10:47:50.669 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 3 lin
06-04 10:48:01.064 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 4 lines
06-04 10:48:01.282 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 7 l
06-04 10:48:02.604 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 2 li
06-04 10:49:23.078 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 10
06-04 10:50:53.478 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 1 line
06-04 10:53:00.772 E/ActivityThread(4261): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:53:01.593 E/ActivityThread(4261): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 10:53:06.085 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 23 lines
06-04 10:53:06.446 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_D expire 2 lin
06-04 10:54:07.454 E/ActivityThread(2767): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 10:58:30.996 I/PowerUI.Notification(2250): show low battery warning: level
=15 [-1] playSound=true
06-04 10:58:31.001 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines
06-04 10:58:31.072 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_5 expire 6 lin
06-04 10:58:32.402 I/PowerUI.Notification(2250): Received PNW.dismissedWarning
06-04 10:58:32.402 I/PowerUI.Notification(2250): dismissing low battery notifica
06-04 10:58:47.555 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 13 line
06-04 11:00:25.540 E/ActivityThread(2767): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 11:00:45.497 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:00:45.499 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:00:45.668 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 3 l
06-04 11:00:45.669 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 1 line
06-04 11:01:57.729 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
06-04 11:01:57.784 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:01:57.787 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:01:57.865 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@a3
ebe40 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@2eb179, token = android.os.B
06-04 11:01:57.889 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 124
06-04 11:01:57.890 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:01:57.890 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:01:57.923 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:01:57.923 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:01:58.015 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:01:58.017 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:01:58.140 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:02:04.074 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 11386:com.google.android.
partnersetup/u0a31 for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppP
06-04 11:02:04.199 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN dat=agsa:/session?id=289843768663 flg=0x1400a000 cmp=com.google.android.goo
glequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.legacyui.VelvetActivity (has extra
s)} from uid 10039 on display 0
06-04 11:02:07.471 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 11432:com.android.chrome/
u0a84 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs.Cust
06-04 11:02:07.717 W/ActivityManager(1807): Unable to start service Intent { act
=com.google.firebase.INSTANCE_ID_EVENT pkg=com.android.chrome (has extras) } U=0
: not found
06-04 11:02:08.095 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 11486:com.android.chrome:
privileged_process0/u0a84 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.ap
06-04 11:02:08.171 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 11513:com.android.chrome:
sandboxed_process0/u0i15 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app
06-04 11:02:09.633 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:02:09.778 W/ActivityManager(1807): Finishing task with all activities a
lready finished
06-04 11:02:09.778 W/ActivityManager(1807): Duplicate finish request for Activit
yRecord{8a02368 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.ap
ps.gsa.legacyui.VelvetActivity t142 f}
06-04 11:02:09.812 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:02:10.012 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:02:10.183 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:02:10.343 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:02:10.866 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:02:11.010 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:02:11.018 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:02:11.018 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:02:11.027 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:02:11.517 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:02:11.556 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:02:11.580 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:02:11.580 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:02:11.742 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:02:11.742 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:02:11.743 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:02:11.782 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:02:35.418 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.google.android.youtube c
anInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:02:44.884 I/UsageStatsService(1807): User[0] Flushing usage stats to di
06-04 11:03:06.107 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:03:48.096 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:03:48.100 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)
06-04 11:03:48.111 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:03:48.113 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:03:48.129 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:03:48.130 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:03:48.175 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 64
06-04 11:03:48.176 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:03:48.231 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:03:48.231 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:03:48.291 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:03:48.317 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:03:50.551 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=603049082, gp=0)
06-04 11:03:50.562 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:03:50.832 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:03:50.880 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2c
94a10 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@ca59909, token = android.os.
06-04 11:03:51.317 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:03:51.407 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:03:51.490 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:03:51.567 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:03:51.611 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN dat=agsa:/session?id=289843768663 flg=0x1410a000 cmp=com.google.android.goo
glequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.legacyui.VelvetActivity (has extra
s)} from uid 10039 on display 0
06-04 11:03:51.623 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:03:53.068 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:03:53.153 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:03:54.119 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:03:54.194 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:03:54.250 E/ActivityThread(2767): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 11:03:59.624 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:04:02.060 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:04:02.074 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:04:02.099 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:04:02.101 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:04:10.080 I/ActivityManager(1807): Process net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta:
sandboxed_process2 (pid 4815) has died
06-04 11:04:10.080 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 4815
06-04 11:04:10.171 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=net.scweeny.CS.browser
.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.preferences.Preferences (has extras)} from uid
10122 on display 0
06-04 11:04:11.100 E/ActivityThread(2767): Failed to find provider info for .par
06-04 11:04:13.056 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:04:21.152 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:04:31.399 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:04:39.146 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:04:53.586 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:04:57.179 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:05:09.334 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:05:15.191 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:05:24.683 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@81
d0f76 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@13cdccc
06-04 11:05:33.211 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:05:39.730 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:05:39.816 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:05:39.862 I/ActivityManager(1807): Process net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta:
sandboxed_process3 (pid 10700) has died
06-04 11:05:39.862 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 10700
06-04 11:05:39.863 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService3
in 1000ms
06-04 11:05:40.087 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.instagram.and
roid/.activity.MainTabActivity bnds=[20,1341][228,1656] (has extras)} from uid 1
0080 on display 0
06-04 11:05:40.185 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:05:40.185 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:05:40.185 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.185 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.185 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.185 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.185 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:05:40.185 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.185 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:05:40.188 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:05:40.188 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:05:40.188 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.188 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.188 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.188 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:05:40.188 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.188 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:05:40.191 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:05:40.191 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:05:40.191 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.191 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.191 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.191 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.191 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:05:40.191 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.191 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:05:40.207 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:05:40.207 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:05:40.207 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.207 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.207 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.207 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:05:40.207 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.207 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:05:40.208 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:05:40.208 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:05:40.208 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.208 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.208 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.208 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:05:40.208 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:05:40.208 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:05:40.625 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 11908:com.instagram.andro
id:igplayer/u0a99 for service com.instagram.android/com.instagram.exoplayer.serv
06-04 11:05:51.198 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:06:08.819 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 12068:com.instagram.andro
id:browser/u0a99 for service com.instagram.android/com.facebook.browser.lite.Bro
06-04 11:06:09.207 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:06:27.227 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:06:34.923 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:06:35.044 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:06:36.058 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 8900:com.google.android.talk
/u0a78 (adj 906): empty #23
06-04 11:06:36.060 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 7620:com.phyora.apps.reddit_
now/u0a104 (adj 906): empty #24
06-04 11:06:36.068 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 12068:com.instagram.android:
browser/u0a99 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:06:36.069 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 9463:com.instagram.android/u
0a99 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:06:36.071 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 11908:com.instagram.android:
igplayer/u0a99 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:06:36.084 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 9430:com.instagram.android:m
qtt/u0a99 (adj 800): remove task
06-04 11:06:36.106 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 12068
06-04 11:06:36.111 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 11908
06-04 11:06:36.119 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 7620
06-04 11:06:36.127 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 8900
06-04 11:06:36.145 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{a04b7d1 u0 com.insta
06-04 11:06:36.146 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 9463
06-04 11:06:36.153 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 9430
06-04 11:06:36.153 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e com.instagram.android/com.facebook.rti.push.service.FbnsService in 1000ms
06-04 11:06:36.572 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:06:36.639 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 11073:net.scweeny.CS.browser
.beta:sandboxed_process4/u0a122i14 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:06:36.639 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 2925:net.scweeny.CS.browser.
beta:privileged_process0/u0a122 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:06:36.640 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 2767:net.scweeny.CS.browser.
beta/u0a122 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:06:36.666 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 11073
06-04 11:06:36.667 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService4
in 10487ms
06-04 11:06:36.694 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 2925
06-04 11:06:36.694 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0
in 20459ms
06-04 11:06:36.722 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{ad6e2fc u0 SurfaceVi
ew - net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivit
06-04 11:06:36.722 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=98, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RE
STRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@18f9d85)
06-04 11:06:36.722 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=76, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RE
STRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@602c7da)
06-04 11:06:36.723 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=98, [ Capabilities: INTERNET
06-04 11:06:36.724 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=76, [ Capabilities: INTERNET
06-04 11:06:36.724 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 2767
06-04 11:06:36.726 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{3f85b15 u0 net.scwee
06-04 11:06:37.195 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 12197:com.instagram.andro
id:mqtt/u0a99 for service com.instagram.android/com.facebook.rti.push.service.Fb
06-04 11:06:37.410 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 12229:com.instagram.andro
id/u0a99 for broadcast com.instagram.android/com.instagram.push.fbns.FbnsInitBro
06-04 11:06:37.655 E/ActivityThread(12229): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:06:37.689 E/ActivityThread(12229): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:06:37.760 E/ActivityThread(4261): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 11:06:37.761 E/ActivityThread(4261): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 11:06:39.377 E/ActivityThread(4261): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 11:06:45.261 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:06:46.472 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:06:47.221 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@ef
9c38d attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@62cea98
06-04 11:06:47.229 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:06:58.578 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:06:58.624 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:06:59.963 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.telegram.mess
enger/org.telegram.ui.LaunchActivity bnds=[20,1290][228,1605] (has extras)} from
uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:07:00.143 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 12348:net.scweeny.CS.brow
ser.beta/u0a122 for service net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.chromium.chrome.brow
06-04 11:07:00.707 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 12424:net.scweeny.CS.brow
ser.beta:sandboxed_process0/u0i16 for service net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.ch
06-04 11:07:00.742 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:07:00.856 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:07:01.035 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 12457:net.scweeny.CS.brow
ser.beta:privileged_process0/u0a122 for service net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.
06-04 11:07:01.485 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:07:01.539 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:07:03.257 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:07:07.887 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:07:07.987 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:07:08.830 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:07:08.951 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 11112:org.telegram.messenger
/u0a125 (adj 1001): remove task
06-04 11:07:09.005 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 11112
06-04 11:07:09.007 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService in 1000ms
06-04 11:07:09.984 E/ActivityThread(4261): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 11:07:09.986 E/ActivityThread(4261): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 11:07:10.026 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 12652:org.telegram.messen
ger/u0a125 for service org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService
06-04 11:07:10.204 E/ActivityThread(4261): Failed to find provider info for com.
06-04 11:07:10.420 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:07:10.495 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:07:11.140 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.Slack/.ui.Hom
eActivity bnds=[852,396][1060,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:07:15.907 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:07:15.989 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:07:17.941 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:07:17.961 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:07:19.101 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:07:19.196 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:07:21.287 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:07:32.779 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:07:32.792 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:07:32.808 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:07:32.810 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:07:40.054 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:07:40.135 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:07:41.171 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 8976:com.android.providers.c
alendar/u0a1 (adj 904): empty #23
06-04 11:07:41.193 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 8976
06-04 11:07:43.324 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=flar2.devcheck/.S
plashActivity bnds=[436,1154][644,1469] (has extras)} from uid 10080 on display
06-04 11:07:43.352 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 12785:flar2.devcheck/u0a1
17 for activity flar2.devcheck/.SplashActivity
06-04 11:07:43.653 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=flar2.devcheck/.MainAc
tivity} from uid 10117 on display 0
06-04 11:07:44.196 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 12957:com.topjohnwu.magis
k/u0a81 for broadcast com.topjohnwu.magisk/.superuser.SuReceiver
06-04 11:07:51.305 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:07:59.610 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:07:59.696 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:08:00.319 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.speedsoftware
.rootexplorer/.RootExplorer bnds=[644,396][852,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080
on display 0
06-04 11:08:00.346 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 14600:com.speedsoftware.r
ootexplorer/u0a111 for activity com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer/.RootExplorer
06-04 11:08:01.653 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:08:01.870 W/PackageParser(14600): Unknown element under <manifest>: met
a-data at /storage/emulated/0/magisk.apk Binary XML file line #17
06-04 11:08:02.390 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:08:02.442 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:08:03.075 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:08:05.516 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:08:05.661 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:08:05.867 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:08:06.022 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:08:09.310 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:08:11.151 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:08:11.251 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:08:11.379 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:08:11.458 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:08:19.660 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:08:19.775 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:08:20.288 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:08:21.028 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTI
NGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from uid 10028 on display
06-04 11:08:21.047 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:08:21.352 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 15135:com.android.printsp
ooler/u0a61 for service com.android.printspooler/.model.PrintSpoolerService
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 11:08:21.470 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 11:08:21.501 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:08:21.515 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:08:21.575 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:08:23.526 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x8000 cmp=com.android
.settings/.Settings$StorageSettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on displ
ay 0
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.Fragment.performC
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.FragmentManagerIm
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.BackStackRecord.s
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.BackStackRecord.c
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.BackStackRecord.r
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.FragmentManagerIm
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.FragmentManagerIm
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.Settings
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.Settings
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.Activity.performC
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.Instrumentation.c
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.ActivityThread.pe
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.ActivityThread.ha
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.ActivityThread.-w
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.app.ActivityThread.ma
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invo
ke(Native Method)
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.internal.os.Zygot
06-04 11:08:23.619 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.internal.os.Zygot
06-04 11:08:23.682 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on displa
y 0
06-04 11:08:23.795 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 15160:com.android.defcont
ainer/u0a4 for service com.android.defcontainer/.DefaultContainerService
06-04 11:08:27.327 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:08:29.221 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@81
2e7 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@559ec31
06-04 11:08:30.405 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:08:30.925 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 15185:com.android.systemu
i:screenshot/u0a28 for service com.android.systemui/.screenshot.TakeScreenshotSe
06-04 11:08:31.676 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:08:31.760 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:08:32.474 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.android.systemui canInte
rrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:08:32.682 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.android.systemui canInte
rrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:08:32.832 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.Slack/.ui.Hom
eActivity bnds=[852,396][1060,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:08:35.605 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:08:35.985 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:08:36.070 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:08:37.176 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.telegram.mess
enger/org.telegram.ui.LaunchActivity bnds=[20,1290][228,1605] (has extras)} from
uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:08:40.924 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@8f
ea898 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@b3d9c6f
06-04 11:08:41.148 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:08:45.322 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:08:48.304 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 15480:com.phyora.apps.red
dit_now/u0a104 for service com.phyora.apps.reddit_now/.syncadapters.redditmail.S
06-04 11:09:03.332 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:09:10.227 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 8994:com.google.android.cale
ndar/u0a74 (adj 904): empty #23
06-04 11:09:10.253 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 8994
06-04 11:09:21.341 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:09:28.459 I/WindowManager(1807): Screen frozen for +38ms due to Window{
a266300 u0 StatusBar}
06-04 11:09:29.886 I/WindowManager(1807): Screen frozen for +40ms due to Window{
a266300 u0 StatusBar}
06-04 11:09:39.386 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:09:53.519 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:09:53.600 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:09:53.658 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 9557:com.whatsapp/u0a115 (ad
j 906): empty #23
06-04 11:09:53.683 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 9557
06-04 11:09:54.060 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.Slack/.ui.Hom
eActivity bnds=[852,396][1060,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:09:57.035 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.content.pm.act
ion.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.android.packageinstaller cmp=com.android.package
installer/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10083 o
n display 0
06-04 11:09:57.080 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 15594:com.android.package
installer/u0a17 for activity com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPe
06-04 11:09:57.399 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:09:57.784 D/VoldConnector(1807): SND -> {21 volume remount_uid 10083 re
06-04 11:09:57.785 D/vold (440): Remounting 10083 as mode read
06-04 11:09:57.801 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 10405
06-04 11:09:57.808 D/VoldConnector(1807): RCV <- {200 21 Command succeeded}
06-04 11:09:57.810 D/VoldConnector(1807): SND -> {22 volume remount_uid 10083 wr
06-04 11:09:57.810 D/vold (440): Remounting 10083 as mode write
06-04 11:09:57.819 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 10405
06-04 11:09:57.822 D/VoldConnector(1807): RCV <- {200 22 Command succeeded}
06-04 11:09:59.917 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:10:01.004 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:10:01.021 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:10:01.908 W/WindowManager(1807): Attempted to remove non-existing token
: android.os.Binder@344a884
06-04 11:10:06.713 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:10:13.014 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10008000 cmp=com.Sla
ck/.ui.HomeActivity (has extras)} from uid 10083 on display 0
06-04 11:10:13.030 W/ActivityManager(1807): Duplicate finish request for Activit
yRecord{1737735 u0 com.Slack/.ui.HomeActivity t137 f}
06-04 11:10:15.408 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:10:17.333 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:10:17.348 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:10:17.360 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:10:19.339 W/WindowManager(1807): Attempted to remove non-existing token
: android.os.Binder@bf2ef6b
06-04 11:10:22.990 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:10:32.257 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:10:32.366 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:10:32.749 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.androi
d.apps.photos/.home.HomeActivity bnds=[436,1341][644,1656]} from uid 10080 on di
splay 0
06-04 11:10:33.418 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:10:34.859 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms
.googlehelp.HELP pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.googlehe
lp.helpactivities.HelpActivity (has extras)} from uid 10077 on display 0
06-04 11:10:36.234 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:10:39.398 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:10:39.428 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:10:39.454 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:10:39.456 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:10:40.064 I/ActivityManager(1807): Config changes=480 {1.0 310mcc260mnc
[en_US] ldltr sw478dp w850dp h454dp 361dpi nrml long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav
/h s.32}
06-04 11:10:40.266 I/WindowManager(1807): Screen frozen for +232ms due to Window
{a266300 u0 StatusBar}
06-04 11:10:40.901 I/ActivityManager(1807): Config changes=480 {1.0 310mcc260mnc
[en_US] ldltr sw478dp w478dp h827dp 361dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav
/h s.33}
06-04 11:10:41.069 I/WindowManager(1807): Screen frozen for +196ms due to Window
{a266300 u0 StatusBar}
06-04 11:10:46.009 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.app
s.photos/.localmedia.ui.LocalPhotosActivity (has extras)} from uid 10077 on disp
lay 0
06-04 11:10:55.210 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.app
s.photos/.share.ShareActivity (has extras)} from uid 10077 on display 0
06-04 11:10:55.608 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.content.pm.act
ion.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.android.packageinstaller cmp=com.android.package
installer/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10077 o
n display 0
06-04 11:10:57.449 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:11:04.266 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
SEND typ=image/jpeg flg=0x10000001 cmp=com.Slack/.ui.UploadActivity clip={image/
jpeg U:content://com.google.android.apps.photos.contentprovider/-1/1/content%3A%
2F%2Fmedia%2Fexternal%2Fimages%2Fmedia%2F935/REQUIRE_ORIGINAL/NONE/293826250} (h
as extras)} from uid 10077 on display 0
06-04 11:11:05.988 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:11:05.998 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:11:06.025 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:11:06.265 W/WindowManager(1807): Attempted to remove non-existing token
: android.os.Binder@56cabc3
06-04 11:11:07.552 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:11:08.272 W/WindowManager(1807): Attempted to remove non-existing token
: android.os.Binder@b18c288
06-04 11:11:10.007 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:11:11.933 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@9e
42bcd attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42ecf8b
06-04 11:11:17.407 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@47
aece attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42ecf8b
06-04 11:11:17.417 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:11:17.462 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:11:17.893 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.Slack/.ui.FullSize
ImageActivity (has extras)} from uid 10083 on display 0
06-04 11:11:21.125 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:11:22.149 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:11:22.197 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:11:22.785 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.speedsoftware
.rootexplorer/.RootExplorer bnds=[644,396][852,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080
on display 0
06-04 11:11:31.719 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:11:35.479 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:11:42.140 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.speedsoftware.root
explorer/.OpStatusActivity (has extras)} from uid 10111 on display 0
06-04 11:11:42.213 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.speedsoftware.rootexplor
er canInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:11:42.227 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.speedsoftware.rootexplor
er canInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:11:44.988 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:11:45.110 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:11:47.106 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 10405:com.Slack/u0a83 (adj 9
00): remove task
06-04 11:11:47.174 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{bace868 u0 com.Slack
06-04 11:11:47.175 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=96, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RE
STRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@f97896f)
06-04 11:11:47.175 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 10405
06-04 11:11:47.178 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=96, [ Capabilities: INTERNET
06-04 11:11:47.850 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:11:49.139 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/siz
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/b
lock/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 11:11:49.241 W/StorageManager(9964): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 11:11:49.302 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:11:49.316 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:11:50.757 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x8000 cmp=com.android
.settings/.Settings$StorageSettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on displ
ay 0
06-04 11:11:50.860 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on displa
y 0
06-04 11:11:53.519 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:11:58.557 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:11:58.727 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:11:59.397 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.Slack/.ui.Hom
eActivity bnds=[852,396][1060,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:11:59.428 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 16014:com.Slack/u0a83 for
activity com.Slack/.ui.HomeActivity
06-04 11:12:10.442 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:12:10.520 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:12:11.328 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 9933:com.google.android.gms.
unstable/u0a29 (adj 904): empty #23
06-04 11:12:11.329 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 9964:com.android.settings/10
00 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:12:11.352 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 9933
06-04 11:12:11.365 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{ec22417 u0 com.andro
06-04 11:12:11.366 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 9964
06-04 11:12:11.518 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:12:11.595 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 16014:com.Slack/u0a83 (adj 9
00): remove task
06-04 11:12:11.630 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{f432ab1 u0 com.Slack
06-04 11:12:11.630 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=109, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@bbc5032)
06-04 11:12:11.630 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16014
06-04 11:12:11.630 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=109, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:12:11.801 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 14600:com.speedsoftware.root
explorer/u0a111 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:12:11.803 I/libprocessgroup(1807): Killing pid 14617 in uid 10111 as pa
rt of process group 14600
06-04 11:12:11.803 I/libprocessgroup(1807): Killing pid 14637 in uid 10111 as pa
rt of process group 14600
06-04 11:12:11.803 I/libprocessgroup(1807): Killing pid 14643 in uid 10111 as pa
rt of process group 14600
06-04 11:12:11.828 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{4fb43dc u0 com.speed
06-04 11:12:11.829 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 14600
06-04 11:12:11.969 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 3772:com.google.android.apps
.photos/u0a77 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:12:12.029 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{9b549b9 u0 com.googl
06-04 11:12:12.029 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=61, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RE
STRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@8499183)
06-04 11:12:12.030 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 3772
06-04 11:12:12.031 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=61, [ Capabilities: INTERNET
06-04 11:12:12.034 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{c77e10f u0 com.googl
06-04 11:12:12.175 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 12652:org.telegram.messenger
/u0a125 (adj 1001): remove task
06-04 11:12:12.227 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 12652
06-04 11:12:12.227 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService in 1000ms
06-04 11:12:12.402 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 10171:com.ketchapp.ballz/u0a
101 (adj 904): empty #23
06-04 11:12:12.403 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 12785:flar2.devcheck/u0a117
(adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:12:12.419 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 10171
06-04 11:12:12.420 I/libprocessgroup(1807): Killing pid 14689 in uid 10117 as pa
rt of process group 12785
06-04 11:12:12.432 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{d86fe87 u0 flar2.dev
06-04 11:12:12.433 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 12785
06-04 11:12:12.661 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 4261:com.xda.labs/u0a116 (ad
j 1001): remove task
06-04 11:12:12.729 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:12:12.732 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 4261
06-04 11:12:12.732 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e com.xda.labs/.services.PushService in 10495ms
06-04 11:12:12.851 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 9114:com.google.android.yout
ube/u0a79 (adj 904): remove task
06-04 11:12:12.857 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:12:12.859 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:12:12.899 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:12:12.899 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:12:12.911 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:12:12.969 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=94, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RE
STRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@3857e1)
06-04 11:12:12.969 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 9114
06-04 11:12:12.976 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=94, [ Capabilities: INTERNET
06-04 11:12:13.241 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 16158:org.telegram.messen
ger/u0a125 for service org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService
06-04 11:12:13.314 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:12:13.344 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:12:13.358 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:12:13.359 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:12:13.546 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:12:13.546 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:12:13.546 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:12:13.579 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:12:23.831 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=603049082, gp=0)
06-04 11:12:23.843 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:12:23.853 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:12:23.854 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:12:23.866 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:12:23.877 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:12:23.885 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:12:23.890 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:12:23.963 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@8a
fb933 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@fb0b7c
06-04 11:12:23.970 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 118
06-04 11:12:23.972 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:12:23.972 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:12:23.983 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:12:23.983 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:12:24.090 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:12:24.191 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:12:24.601 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:12:24.671 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:12:24.694 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Dropping event d
ue to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0
, x[0]=940.4909, y[0]=1862.575, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, met
aState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=790
8897, downTime=7908850, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 11:12:24.710 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Dropping event d
ue to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0
, x[0]=906.2446, y[0]=1776.9857, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, me
taState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=79
08913, downTime=7908850, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 11:12:24.727 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Dropping event d
ue to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0
, x[0]=872.9668, y[0]=1662.7711, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, me
taState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=79
08930, downTime=7908850, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 11:12:24.744 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Dropping event d
ue to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0
, x[0]=837.8119, y[0]=1514.1848, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, me
taState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=79
08947, downTime=7908850, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 11:12:24.761 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Dropping event d
ue to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0
, x[0]=813.7047, y[0]=1254.263, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, met
aState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=790
8964, downTime=7908850, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 11:12:24.770 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Dropping event d
ue to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0
, x[0]=815.0, y[0]=1142.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaStat
e=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=7908970,
downTime=7908850, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 11:12:24.770 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[
0]=0, x[0]=815.0, y[0]=1142.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, meta
State=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=7908
978, downTime=7908850, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 11:12:24.770 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[
0]=0, x[0]=815.0, y[0]=1142.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, meta
State=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=7908
978, downTime=7908850, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 11:12:24.770 W/ViewRootImpl[NexusLauncherActivity](3041): Cancelling event
due to no window focus: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, actionButton=0, id[
0]=0, x[0]=815.0, y[0]=1142.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, meta
State=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=7908
978, downTime=7908850, deviceId=7, source=0x1002 }
06-04 11:12:25.293 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:12:25.392 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:12:25.936 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:12:26.469 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@b5
623d6 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@fb0b7c
06-04 11:12:26.488 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:12:28.867 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 16323:com.xda.labs/u0a116
for service com.xda.labs/.services.PushService
06-04 11:12:30.840 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.mms/.
ui.ConversationList bnds=[20,800][228,1115] (has extras)} from uid 10080 on disp
lay 0
06-04 11:12:30.870 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 16353:com.android.mms/u0a
16 for activity com.android.mms/.ui.ConversationList
06-04 11:12:31.003 W/ActivityManager(1807): Unable to start service Intent { cmp
=com.suntek.mway.rcs.app.service/.impl.ServiceApiBinder } U=0: not found
06-04 11:12:31.005 W/ActivityManager(1807): Unable to start service Intent { cmp
=com.suntek.mway.rcs.app.service/.impl.plugin.PluginApiBinder } U=0: not found
06-04 11:12:33.721 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {dat=content://mms-sms/conv
ersations/15 cmp=com.android.mms/.ui.ComposeMessageActivity} from uid 10016 on d
isplay 0
06-04 11:12:42.546 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:12:42.655 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:12:43.932 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 16353:com.android.mms/u0a16
(adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:12:43.935 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:12:43.985 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=110, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@1eb4e8a)
06-04 11:12:43.986 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=110, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:12:43.987 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{4148e70 u0 com.andro
06-04 11:12:43.988 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16353
06-04 11:12:44.025 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:12:45.656 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.snapchat.andr
oid/.LandingPageActivity bnds=[228,396][436,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080 on
display 0
06-04 11:12:45.932 W/ActivityManager(1807): Unable to start service Intent { cmp
=com.snapchat.android/.app.core.stickyservice.ScStickyService (has extras) } U=0
: not found
06-04 11:12:46.187 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 16498:com.google.android.
apps.photos/u0a77 for service com.google.android.apps.photos/.cameraassistant.Ca
06-04 11:12:48.742 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:12:57.525 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:12:57.624 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:12:58.675 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:12:58.719 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 7135:com.snapchat.android/u0
a110 (adj 1001): remove task
06-04 11:12:58.816 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=111, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@e4854e5)
06-04 11:12:58.818 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=111, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:12:58.819 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 7135
06-04 11:12:58.820 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e com.snapchat.android/com.snapchat.laguna.service.LagunaService in 1000ms
06-04 11:12:58.820 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e com.snapchat.android/.app.feature.messaging.chat.SecureChatService in 11000ms
06-04 11:12:59.866 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 16880:com.snapchat.androi
d/u0a110 for service com.snapchat.android/com.snapchat.laguna.service.LagunaServ
06-04 11:13:00.083 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.ketchapp.ball
z/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity bnds=[852,209][1060,524] (has extras)}
from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:13:00.115 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 16911:com.ketchapp.ballz/
u0a101 for activity com.ketchapp.ballz/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity
06-04 11:13:01.879 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms
.games.PLAY_GAMES_UPGRADE pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/
.games.PlayGamesUpgradeActivity (has extras)} from uid 10029 on display 0
06-04 11:13:03.498 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@39
9def attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@d9fa3d3
06-04 11:13:04.046 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:13:13.033 E/ActivityThread(16911): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:13:23.663 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:13:23.685 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:13:23.708 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:13:23.710 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:13:24.853 E/ActivityThread(16911): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:13:43.737 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:13:49.305 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms
.games.PLAY_GAMES_UPGRADE pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/
.games.PlayGamesUpgradeActivity (has extras)} from uid 10029 on display 0
06-04 11:13:50.095 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@a9
2b161 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@d9fa3d3
06-04 11:14:01.740 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:14:18.101 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:14:18.149 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:14:18.263 E/ActivityThread(16911): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:14:19.083 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 11486:com.android.chrome:pri
vileged_process0/u0a84 (adj 903): empty #23
06-04 11:14:19.088 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 16911:com.ketchapp.ballz/u0a
101 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:14:19.096 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:14:19.115 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 11486
06-04 11:14:19.116 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0 in 1000m
06-04 11:14:19.129 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:14:19.132 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 17268:com.android.chrome:
privileged_process1/u0a84 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.ap
06-04 11:14:19.245 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:14:19.255 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=114, [ Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED
&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@42fcb3b)
06-04 11:14:19.255 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=112, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@2e7b258)
06-04 11:14:19.256 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=113, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@d0defb1)
06-04 11:14:19.256 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=114, [ Capabilities: NOT_RES
06-04 11:14:19.256 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16911
06-04 11:14:19.257 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=112, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:14:19.258 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=113, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:14:19.258 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:14:19.258 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:14:19.259 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:14:19.271 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{9153b10 u0 com.ketch
06-04 11:14:19.271 W/WindowManager(1807): Force-removing child win Window{a60d5e
d u0 SurfaceView - com.ketchapp.ballz/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} fr
om container Window{9153b10 u0 com.ketchapp.ballz/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer
06-04 11:14:19.280 W/WindowManager(1807): Failed looking up window
06-04 11:14:19.280 W/WindowManager(1807): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Re
quested window android.os.BinderProxy@4693609 does not exist
06-04 11:14:19.280 W/WindowManager(1807): at com.android.server.wm.WindowM
06-04 11:14:19.280 W/WindowManager(1807): at com.android.server.wm.WindowM
06-04 11:14:19.280 W/WindowManager(1807): at com.android.server.wm.WindowS
06-04 11:14:19.280 W/WindowManager(1807): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDe
06-04 11:14:19.280 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: null
06-04 11:14:19.710 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:14:19.738 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:14:19.755 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:14:19.757 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:14:19.944 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:14:19.945 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:14:19.946 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:14:19.977 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:15:02.705 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=-1315547823, gp=0)
06-04 11:15:02.715 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:15:02.725 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:15:02.735 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:15:02.737 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:15:02.754 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:15:02.755 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:15:02.794 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:15:02.838 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@39
37e73 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@6461130, token = android.os.
06-04 11:15:02.846 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 111
06-04 11:15:02.847 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:15:02.847 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:15:02.872 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:15:02.872 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:15:02.925 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:15:02.944 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:15:03.075 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:15:05.292 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.speedsoftware
.rootexplorer/.RootExplorer bnds=[644,396][852,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080
on display 0
06-04 11:15:05.319 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 17392:com.speedsoftware.r
ootexplorer/u0a111 for activity com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer/.RootExplorer
06-04 11:15:07.034 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:15:07.377 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:15:07.528 W/ProcessCpuTracker(1807): Skipping unknown process pid 17467
06-04 11:15:08.003 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:15:08.201 W/PackageParser(17392): Unknown element under <manifest>: met
a-data at /storage/emulated/0/magisk.apk Binary XML file line #17
06-04 11:15:22.439 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:15:22.966 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:15:24.713 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:15:36.009 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:15:36.168 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:15:36.338 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:15:36.519 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:15:36.945 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 11513:com.android.chrome:san
dboxed_process0/u0a84i15 (adj 901): empty #23
06-04 11:15:36.976 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 11513
06-04 11:15:36.977 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 in 1000ms
06-04 11:15:37.381 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:15:37.528 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:15:37.537 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:15:37.537 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:15:37.546 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:15:38.014 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:15:38.058 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:15:38.090 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:15:38.096 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:15:38.269 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:15:38.269 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:15:38.270 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:15:38.345 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:17:25.261 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=15607927, gp=0)
06-04 11:17:25.269 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:17:25.276 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:17:25.285 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:17:25.290 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:17:25.308 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:17:25.315 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:17:25.319 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:17:25.383 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@ae
2384b attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@47b0228, token = android.os.
06-04 11:17:25.396 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 111
06-04 11:17:25.397 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:17:25.397 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:17:25.455 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:17:25.455 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:17:25.558 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:17:25.566 W/ProcessCpuTracker(1807): Skipping unknown process pid 17647
06-04 11:17:25.572 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:17:25.643 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:17:29.223 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.instagram.and
roid/.activity.MainTabActivity bnds=[20,1341][228,1656] (has extras)} from uid 1
0080 on display 0
06-04 11:17:29.304 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:17:29.304 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:17:29.304 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.304 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.304 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.304 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.304 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:17:29.304 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.304 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:17:29.306 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:17:29.306 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:17:29.306 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.306 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.306 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.306 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:17:29.306 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.306 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:17:29.307 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:17:29.307 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:17:29.307 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.307 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.307 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.307 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.307 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:17:29.307 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.307 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:17:29.325 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:17:29.325 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:17:29.325 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.325 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.325 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.325 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:17:29.325 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.325 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:17:29.326 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:17:29.326 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:17:29.326 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.326 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.326 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.326 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:17:29.326 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:17:29.326 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:17:29.763 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 17716:com.instagram.andro
id:igplayer/u0a99 for service com.instagram.android/com.instagram.exoplayer.serv
06-04 11:17:45.609 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:17:51.928 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 17850:com.instagram.andro
id:browser/u0a99 for service com.instagram.android/com.facebook.browser.lite.Bro
06-04 11:18:05.614 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:18:25.641 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:18:25.807 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:18:28.007 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:18:34.078 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:18:34.307 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:18:34.478 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:18:34.508 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 11386:com.google.android.par
tnersetup/u0a31 (adj 904): empty #23
06-04 11:18:34.525 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 11386
06-04 11:18:37.748 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.phyora.apps.r
eddit_now/.activities.ActivityRedditNow bnds=[228,1739][436,1920] (has extras)}
from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:18:43.923 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:18:45.484 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/.activities.ActivityStreamable (has extras)} from uid 10104 on display 0
06-04 11:19:01.304 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:19:01.331 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:19:01.359 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:19:01.374 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:19:16.393 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/.activities.ActivityComments (has extras)} from uid 10104 on display 0
06-04 11:19:16.961 W/PackageParser(15480): Unknown element under <manifest>: met
a-data at /data/app/com.phyora.apps.reddit_now-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #
06-04 11:19:19.956 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:19:28.785 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/.activities.ActivityComments (has extras)} from uid 10104 on display 0
06-04 11:19:37.968 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:19:56.002 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:19:59.389 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:19:59.506 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:19:59.874 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:20:00.025 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:20:00.035 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:20:00.035 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:20:00.044 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:20:00.504 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:20:00.550 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:20:00.571 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:20:00.574 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:20:00.749 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:20:00.749 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:20:00.750 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:20:00.794 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:20:24.039 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=15607927, gp=0)
06-04 11:20:24.053 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:20:24.054 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:20:24.064 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:20:24.066 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:20:24.086 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:20:24.097 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:20:24.100 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:20:24.158 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@26
aabf3 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@8c170b0, token = android.os.
06-04 11:20:24.172 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 108
06-04 11:20:24.173 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:20:24.173 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:20:24.190 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:20:24.190 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:20:24.258 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:20:24.276 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:20:24.373 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:20:27.245 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:20:27.302 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:20:27.373 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:20:27.450 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:20:41.143 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/.activities.ActivityComments (has extras)} from uid 10104 on display 0
06-04 11:20:44.289 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:21:04.310 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:21:24.313 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:21:41.308 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/.activities.ActivityComments (has extras)} from uid 10104 on display 0
06-04 11:21:42.616 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:22:00.640 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:22:07.173 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:22:07.282 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:22:12.216 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN dat=agsa:/session?id=289843768719 flg=0x1400a000 cmp=com.google.android.goo
glequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.legacyui.VelvetActivity (has extra
s)} from uid 10039 on display 0
06-04 11:22:12.624 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:22:18.669 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:22:20.587 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:22:20.745 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:22:22.563 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:22:36.694 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:23:00.729 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:23:05.891 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/.activities.ActivityComments (has extras)} from uid 10104 on display 0
06-04 11:23:06.082 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:23:18.721 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:23:20.187 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/.activities.ActivityComments (has extras)} from uid 10104 on display 0
06-04 11:23:22.151 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/.activities.ActivityViewImage (has extras)} from uid 10104 on display 0
06-04 11:23:26.082 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:23:26.200 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:23:26.928 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:23:27.050 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:23:27.058 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:23:27.058 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:23:27.067 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:23:27.525 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:23:27.554 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:23:27.567 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:23:27.571 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:23:27.759 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:23:27.759 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:23:27.761 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:23:27.800 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:24:21.605 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=15607927, gp=0)
06-04 11:24:21.618 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:24:21.619 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:24:21.630 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:24:21.631 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:24:21.658 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:24:21.662 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:24:21.665 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:24:21.729 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@d1
953c0 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@1cd58f9, token = android.os.
06-04 11:24:21.740 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 110
06-04 11:24:21.741 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:24:21.742 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:24:21.752 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:24:21.752 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:24:21.847 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:24:21.888 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:24:21.952 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:24:24.065 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:24:24.366 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:24:24.553 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:24:24.642 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:24:25.596 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:24:36.712 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/.activities.ActivityViewImage (has extras)} from uid 10104 on display 0
06-04 11:24:42.559 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:24:42.583 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:24:42.614 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:24:42.619 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:24:52.274 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:24:52.390 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:24:52.665 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=net.scweeny.CS.br
owser.beta/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main bnds=[644,1739][852,1920] (has ex
tras)} from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:24:52.708 E/ActivityThread(12348): Failed to find provider info for .pa
06-04 11:24:52.712 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x14002000 cmp=net.scweeny.CS.br
owser.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity bnds=[644,1739][852,
1920] (has extras)} from uid 10122 on display 0
06-04 11:24:52.808 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 18715:net.scweeny.CS.brow
ser.beta:sandboxed_process1/u0i17 for service net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.ch
06-04 11:24:55.204 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta
canInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:24:55.310 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@cf
1d401 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@b55c2a6, token = android.os.
06-04 11:25:00.839 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:25:18.855 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:25:21.594 I/ActivityManager(1807): Process net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta:
sandboxed_process1 (pid 18715) has died
06-04 11:25:21.594 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 18715
06-04 11:25:21.594 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1
in 1000ms
06-04 11:25:21.990 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:25:22.094 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:25:23.250 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:25:29.650 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/.activities.ActivityComments (has extras)} from uid 10104 on display 0
06-04 11:25:36.888 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:25:54.889 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:26:11.101 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:26:11.222 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:26:11.608 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:26:11.708 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:26:11.718 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:26:11.718 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:26:11.727 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:26:12.182 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:26:12.217 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:26:12.233 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:26:12.235 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:26:12.411 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:26:12.411 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:26:12.413 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:26:12.448 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:26:16.721 I/UsageStatsService(1807): User[0] Flushing usage stats to di
06-04 11:26:39.813 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=15607927, gp=0)
06-04 11:26:39.825 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:26:39.826 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:26:39.835 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:26:39.837 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:26:39.860 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:26:39.861 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:26:39.926 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:26:39.987 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@89
b10b1 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@3023996, token = android.os.
06-04 11:26:39.998 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 162
06-04 11:26:39.999 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:26:40.000 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:26:40.010 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:26:40.011 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:26:40.070 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:26:40.098 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:26:40.190 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:26:44.965 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:26:45.461 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:26:45.658 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:26:45.745 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:26:47.098 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:26:48.707 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/.activities.ActivityComments (has extras)} from uid 10104 on display 0
06-04 11:26:51.776 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:26:51.913 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:26:52.271 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:26:52.398 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:26:52.407 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:26:52.407 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:26:52.416 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:26:52.902 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:26:52.946 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:26:52.966 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:26:52.968 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:26:53.141 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:26:53.141 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:26:53.143 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:26:53.208 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:27:12.858 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=15607927, gp=0)
06-04 11:27:12.870 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:27:12.872 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:27:12.880 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:27:12.882 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:27:12.901 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:27:12.920 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:27:12.940 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:27:12.994 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@20
e73aa attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@6e13b9b, token = android.os.
06-04 11:27:13.013 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 133
06-04 11:27:13.015 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:27:13.016 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:27:13.058 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:27:13.062 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:27:13.140 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:27:13.151 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:27:13.237 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:27:13.604 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:27:13.695 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:27:13.734 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:27:13.844 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:27:33.039 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:27:38.184 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:27:38.262 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:27:38.608 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:27:38.723 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:27:38.732 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:27:38.732 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:27:38.740 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:27:39.207 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:27:39.239 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:27:39.263 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:27:39.265 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:27:39.433 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:27:39.433 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:27:39.436 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:27:39.470 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:28:48.701 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 19179:com.google.android.
youtube/u0a79 for broadcast com.google.android.youtube/com.google.android.apps.y
06-04 11:28:49.521 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.google.android.youtube c
anInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:30:31.420 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=15607927, gp=0)
06-04 11:30:31.430 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:30:31.434 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:30:31.445 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:30:31.448 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:30:31.476 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:30:31.484 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:30:31.491 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:30:31.555 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@60
0eefd attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@be507f2, token = android.os.
06-04 11:30:31.574 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 129
06-04 11:30:31.575 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:30:31.575 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:30:31.604 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:30:31.605 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:30:31.679 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:30:31.721 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:30:31.820 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:30:32.641 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:30:34.247 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.google.androi
d.youtube/com.google.android.apps.youtube.app.WatchWhileActivity (has extras)} f
rom uid 10079 on display 0
06-04 11:30:34.261 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:30:34.658 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:30:36.331 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 19457:com.google.android.
gms.unstable/u0a29 for service com.google.android.gms/.droidguard.DroidGuardServ
06-04 11:30:47.335 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:30:47.544 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:30:47.804 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:30:48.105 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:30:48.336 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:30:51.321 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:30:56.951 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.ketchapp.ball
z/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity bnds=[852,209][1060,524] (has extras)}
from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:30:56.980 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 19548:com.ketchapp.ballz/
u0a101 for activity com.ketchapp.ballz/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity
06-04 11:30:58.514 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms
.games.PLAY_GAMES_UPGRADE pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/
.games.PlayGamesUpgradeActivity (has extras)} from uid 10029 on display 0
06-04 11:31:00.139 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@eb
b41bb attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@4d30256
06-04 11:31:03.264 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms
.games.PLAY_GAMES_UPGRADE pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/
.games.PlayGamesUpgradeActivity (has extras)} from uid 10029 on display 0
06-04 11:31:04.508 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@1e
21761 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@4d30256
06-04 11:31:08.394 E/ActivityThread(19548): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:31:09.334 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:31:17.986 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:31:18.278 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms
.games.PLAY_GAMES_UPGRADE pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/
.games.PlayGamesUpgradeActivity (has extras)} from uid 10029 on display 0
06-04 11:31:19.076 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@9d
81e8 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@4d30256
06-04 11:31:19.751 E/ActivityThread(19548): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:31:25.907 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:31:25.931 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:31:25.943 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:31:25.950 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:31:30.817 E/ActivityThread(19548): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:31:40.524 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:31:40.640 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:31:41.703 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:31:41.716 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 19548:com.ketchapp.ballz/u0a
101 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:31:41.782 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{d1262d7 u0 com.ketch
06-04 11:31:41.782 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=128, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@1854e89)
06-04 11:31:41.782 W/WindowManager(1807): Force-removing child win Window{aa65e8
e u0 SurfaceView - com.ketchapp.ballz/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} fr
om container Window{d1262d7 u0 com.ketchapp.ballz/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer
06-04 11:31:41.783 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 19548
06-04 11:31:41.783 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=127, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@979b6af)
06-04 11:31:41.783 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=128, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:31:41.784 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=127, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:31:41.785 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=129, [ Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED
&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@8d64abc)
06-04 11:31:41.786 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=129, [ Capabilities: NOT_RES
06-04 11:31:41.787 W/WindowManager(1807): Failed looking up window
06-04 11:31:41.787 W/WindowManager(1807): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Re
quested window android.os.BinderProxy@43bc7c4 does not exist
06-04 11:31:41.787 W/WindowManager(1807): at com.android.server.wm.WindowM
06-04 11:31:41.787 W/WindowManager(1807): at com.android.server.wm.WindowM
06-04 11:31:41.787 W/WindowManager(1807): at com.android.server.wm.WindowS
06-04 11:31:41.787 W/WindowManager(1807): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDe
06-04 11:31:41.787 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: null
06-04 11:31:41.955 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:31:42.102 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:31:42.114 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:31:42.114 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:31:42.123 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:31:42.175 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:31:42.581 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:31:42.629 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:31:42.658 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:31:42.659 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:31:42.819 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:31:42.819 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:31:42.820 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:31:42.858 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:32:29.262 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)
06-04 11:32:29.276 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:32:29.277 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:32:29.308 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:32:29.316 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:32:29.347 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 71
06-04 11:32:29.354 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:32:29.392 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:32:29.392 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:32:29.478 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:32:29.485 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:32:31.904 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep by application re
quest (uid 10028)...
06-04 11:32:32.413 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:32:32.432 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:32:32.434 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:32:32.619 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:32:32.620 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:32:32.622 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:32:50.036 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)
06-04 11:32:50.051 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:32:50.053 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:32:50.067 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:32:50.070 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:32:50.121 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 70
06-04 11:32:50.124 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:32:50.148 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:32:50.148 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:32:50.250 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:32:50.278 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:33:00.040 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to screen tim
eout (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:33:00.554 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:33:00.579 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:33:00.582 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:33:00.759 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:33:00.759 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:33:00.760 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:33:04.348 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:33:04.398 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:33:06.106 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:33:18.871 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=-1315547823, gp=0)
06-04 11:33:18.880 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:33:18.893 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:33:18.905 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:33:18.906 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:33:18.927 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:33:18.930 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:33:18.970 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:33:19.070 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@be
b4d64 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@41c9bcd, token = android.os.
06-04 11:33:19.096 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:33:19.115 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 210
06-04 11:33:19.118 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:33:19.118 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:33:19.129 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:33:19.171 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:33:19.171 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:33:19.366 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:33:26.601 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=flar2.devcheck/.S
plashActivity bnds=[436,1154][644,1469] (has extras)} from uid 10080 on display
06-04 11:33:26.644 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 20166:flar2.devcheck/u0a1
17 for activity flar2.devcheck/.SplashActivity
06-04 11:33:26.955 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=flar2.devcheck/.MainAc
tivity} from uid 10117 on display 0
06-04 11:33:27.755 I/ProcessStatsService(1807): Prepared write state in 4ms
06-04 11:33:30.859 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=flar2.devcheck/.Temper
atureActivity} from uid 10117 on display 0
06-04 11:33:31.872 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:33:31.895 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:33:32.382 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=flar2.devcheck/.cputim
es.CPUTimeActivity} from uid 10117 on display 0
06-04 11:33:35.532 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:33:35.627 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:33:36.632 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 20166:flar2.devcheck/u0a117
(adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:33:36.636 I/libprocessgroup(1807): Killing pid 21807 in uid 10117 as pa
rt of process group 20166
06-04 11:33:36.674 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{b6285c0 u0 flar2.dev
06-04 11:33:36.675 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 20166
06-04 11:33:36.681 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{64d6748 u0 flar2.dev
06-04 11:33:37.655 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 19179:com.google.android.you
tube/u0a79 (adj 902): remove task
06-04 11:33:37.712 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=126, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@6b1b831)
06-04 11:33:37.713 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 19179
06-04 11:33:37.713 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=126, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:33:37.895 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 15480:com.phyora.apps.reddit
_now/u0a104 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:33:37.976 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{928db85 u0 com.phyor
06-04 11:33:37.976 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=116, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@6b08b16)
06-04 11:33:37.977 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 15480
06-04 11:33:37.977 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=116, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:33:37.979 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{5876d0a u0 com.phyor
06-04 11:33:38.127 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 15594:com.android.packageins
taller/u0a17 (adj 906): empty #23
06-04 11:33:38.128 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 12424:net.scweeny.CS.browser
.beta:sandboxed_process0/u0a122i16 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:33:38.129 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 12457:net.scweeny.CS.browser
.beta:privileged_process0/u0a122 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:33:38.131 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 12348:net.scweeny.CS.browser
.beta/u0a122 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:33:38.144 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 15594
06-04 11:33:38.151 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 12457
06-04 11:33:38.151 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0
in 1000ms
06-04 11:33:38.159 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 12424
06-04 11:33:38.159 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0
in 10992ms
06-04 11:33:38.201 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{c901c97 u0 SurfaceVi
ew - net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivit
06-04 11:33:38.201 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=106, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@5dc5e84)
06-04 11:33:38.202 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=123, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@1b8a66d)
06-04 11:33:38.202 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 12348
06-04 11:33:38.203 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=106, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:33:38.204 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{11c2670 u0 net.scwee
06-04 11:33:38.204 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=123, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:33:38.361 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 17850:com.instagram.android:
browser/u0a99 (adj 902): remove task
06-04 11:33:38.362 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 12229:com.instagram.android/
u0a99 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:33:38.365 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 17716:com.instagram.android:
igplayer/u0a99 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:33:38.368 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 12197:com.instagram.android:
mqtt/u0a99 (adj 800): remove task
06-04 11:33:38.382 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 17716
06-04 11:33:38.384 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 17850
06-04 11:33:38.394 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 12197
06-04 11:33:38.394 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e com.instagram.android/com.facebook.rti.push.service.FbnsService in 1000ms
06-04 11:33:38.413 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 12229
06-04 11:33:38.854 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 17392:com.speedsoftware.root
explorer/u0a111 (adj 904): remove task
06-04 11:33:38.862 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:33:38.862 I/libprocessgroup(1807): Killing pid 17408 in uid 10111 as pa
rt of process group 17392
06-04 11:33:38.862 I/libprocessgroup(1807): Killing pid 17431 in uid 10111 as pa
rt of process group 17392
06-04 11:33:38.863 I/libprocessgroup(1807): Killing pid 17436 in uid 10111 as pa
rt of process group 17392
06-04 11:33:38.911 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 17392
06-04 11:33:39.409 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22012:com.instagram.andro
id:mqtt/u0a99 for service com.instagram.android/com.facebook.rti.push.service.Fb
06-04 11:33:39.493 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:33:39.581 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22044:com.instagram.andro
id/u0a99 for broadcast com.instagram.android/com.instagram.push.fbns.FbnsInitBro
06-04 11:33:39.827 E/ActivityThread(22044): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:33:39.850 E/ActivityThread(22044): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:33:40.656 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.telegram.mess
enger/org.telegram.ui.LaunchActivity bnds=[20,1290][228,1605] (has extras)} from
uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:33:40.852 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22140:net.scweeny.CS.brow
ser.beta/u0a122 for service net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.chromium.chrome.brow
06-04 11:33:41.373 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22204:net.scweeny.CS.brow
ser.beta:sandboxed_process0/u0i18 for service net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.ch
06-04 11:33:41.618 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22233:net.scweeny.CS.brow
ser.beta:privileged_process0/u0a122 for service net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.
06-04 11:33:41.636 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.instagram.android canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:33:42.885 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:33:45.494 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {dat=ig://media?id=15298243
65226930506_1773150865&forced_preview_comment_id=17857852786183341 flg=0x4000000
cmp=com.instagram.android/.activity.MainTabActivity (has extras)} from uid 1009
9 on display 0
06-04 11:33:45.499 W/ActivityManager(1807): startActivity called from non-Activi
ty context; forcing Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK for: Intent { dat=ig://media?i
d=1529824365226930506_1773150865&forced_preview_comment_id=17857852786183341 flg
=0x4000000 cmp=com.instagram.android/.activity.MainTabActivity (has extras) }
06-04 11:33:45.505 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@5b
453ea attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@bff64c5
06-04 11:33:45.515 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:33:45.552 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Starting input on non-focu
sed client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2f1a653 (uid=
10125 pid=16158)
06-04 11:33:45.598 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:33:45.598 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:33:45.598 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.598 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.598 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.598 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.598 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:33:45.598 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.598 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:33:45.609 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:33:45.609 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:33:45.609 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.609 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.609 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.609 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:33:45.609 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.609 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:33:45.611 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:33:45.611 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:33:45.611 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.611 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.611 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.611 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.611 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:33:45.611 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.611 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:33:45.624 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:33:45.624 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:33:45.624 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.624 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.624 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.624 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:33:45.624 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.624 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:33:45.625 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:33:45.625 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:33:45.625 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.625 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.625 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.625 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:33:45.625 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.625 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:33:45.705 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:33:45.705 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:33:45.705 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.705 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.705 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.705 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.705 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:33:45.705 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.705 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:33:45.707 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:33:45.707 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:33:45.707 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.707 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.707 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.707 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:33:45.707 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.707 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:33:45.709 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:33:45.709 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:33:45.709 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.709 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.709 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.709 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.709 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:33:45.709 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.709 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:33:45.721 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:33:45.721 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:33:45.721 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.721 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.721 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.721 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:33:45.721 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.721 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:33:45.726 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:33:45.726 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:33:45.726 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.726 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.726 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.726 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:33:45.726 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:33:45.726 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:33:45.955 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:33:46.091 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22402:com.instagram.andro
id:igplayer/u0a99 for service com.instagram.android/com.instagram.exoplayer.serv
06-04 11:33:52.435 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:33:52.696 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:33:54.028 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 22044:com.instagram.android/
u0a99 (adj 902): remove task
06-04 11:33:54.030 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 22402:com.instagram.android:
igplayer/u0a99 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:33:54.041 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 22012:com.instagram.android:
mqtt/u0a99 (adj 500): remove task
06-04 11:33:54.049 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 22402
06-04 11:33:54.049 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e com.instagram.android/com.instagram.exoplayer.service.api.ExoPlayerServiceDele
gate in 1000ms
06-04 11:33:54.059 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 22012
06-04 11:33:54.059 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e com.instagram.android/com.facebook.rti.push.service.FbnsService in 10990ms
06-04 11:33:54.078 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{7c2184 u0 com.instag
06-04 11:33:54.078 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 22044
06-04 11:33:54.115 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:33:57.533 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:34:01.188 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:34:01.297 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:34:02.926 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:34:02.955 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 16158:org.telegram.messenger
/u0a125 (adj 1001): remove task
06-04 11:34:03.003 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16158
06-04 11:34:03.006 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService in 12043ms
06-04 11:34:03.374 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:34:03.486 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:34:03.496 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:34:03.496 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:34:03.504 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:34:03.978 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:34:04.019 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:34:04.038 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:34:04.038 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:34:04.218 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:34:04.218 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:34:04.219 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:34:04.265 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:34:05.097 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22540:com.instagram.andro
id:mqtt/u0a99 for service com.instagram.android/com.facebook.rti.push.service.Fb
06-04 11:34:05.305 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22572:com.instagram.andro
id/u0a99 for broadcast com.instagram.android/com.instagram.push.fbns.FbnsInitBro
06-04 11:34:05.560 E/ActivityThread(22572): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:34:05.577 E/ActivityThread(22572): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:34:15.101 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22650:org.telegram.messen
ger/u0a125 for service org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService
06-04 11:34:46.786 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:34:46.791 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)
06-04 11:34:46.801 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:34:46.803 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:34:46.825 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:34:46.832 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:34:46.862 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 61
06-04 11:34:46.863 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:34:46.899 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:34:46.899 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:34:47.067 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:34:47.077 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:34:50.020 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=603049082, gp=0)
06-04 11:34:50.023 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:34:50.244 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:34:50.279 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@c4
f8424 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@ff66b8d, token = android.os.
06-04 11:34:50.721 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:35:00.681 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.samruston.wea
ther/.MainActivity bnds=[644,1290][852,1605]} from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:35:00.727 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22777:com.samruston.weath
er/u0a108 for activity com.samruston.weather/.MainActivity
06-04 11:35:00.935 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.content.pm.act
ion.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.android.packageinstaller cmp=com.android.package
installer/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10108 o
n display 0
06-04 11:35:01.000 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22797:com.android.package
installer/u0a17 for activity com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPe
06-04 11:35:03.601 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:35:09.117 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.samruston.weather/
.ViewerActivity (has extras)} from uid 10108 on display 0
06-04 11:35:10.187 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.samruston.weather/
.HourViewActivity (has extras)} from uid 10108 on display 0
06-04 11:35:19.287 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:35:21.278 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:35:21.607 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:35:21.844 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10008000 cmp=com.goo
paActivity (has extras)} from uid 10039 on display 0
06-04 11:35:21.908 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:35:22.028 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:35:22.034 I/WindowManager(1807): Failed to capture screenshot of Token{
b823641 ActivityRecord{19db928 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.go
ogle.android.apps.gsa.staticplugins.opa.OpaActivity t118}} appWin=Window{99af217
u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.staticpl
ugins.opa.OpaActivity} drawState=1
06-04 11:35:22.204 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:35:22.305 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:35:22.437 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:35:22.482 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22910:com.google.android.
partnersetup/u0a31 for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppP
06-04 11:35:22.548 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:35:22.637 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:35:22.743 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:35:23.002 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Starting input on non-focu
sed client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@9dfd756 (uid=
10080 pid=3041)
06-04 11:35:26.626 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN dat=agsa:/session?id=289843812167 flg=0x1400a000 cmp=com.google.android.goo
glequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.legacyui.VelvetActivity (has extra
s)} from uid 10039 on display 0
06-04 11:35:29.852 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 22987:com.android.chrome:
sandboxed_process1/u0i19 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app
06-04 11:35:34.736 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 23053:com.android.chrome:
sandboxed_process2/u0i20 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app
06-04 11:35:34.748 W/ActivityManager(1807): Exception when unbinding service com
06-04 11:35:34.748 W/ActivityManager(1807): android.os.DeadObjectException
06-04 11:35:34.748 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.BinderProxy.transa
ctNative(Native Method)
06-04 11:35:34.748 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.BinderProxy.transa
06-04 11:35:34.748 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ApplicationThread
06-04 11:35:34.748 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.ActiveS
06-04 11:35:34.748 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.ActiveS
06-04 11:35:34.748 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:35:34.748 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:35:34.748 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:35:34.748 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:35:34.751 I/ActivityManager(1807): Process com.android.chrome:sandboxed
_process1 (pid 22987) has died
06-04 11:35:34.751 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 22987
06-04 11:35:39.658 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:35:44.911 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
VIEW dat=dynact://velour/weather/WeatherActivity cmp=com.google.android.googlequ
tivity (has extras)} from uid 10039 on display 0
06-04 11:35:50.810 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:35:50.829 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:35:50.840 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:35:50.845 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:35:59.542 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:35:59.642 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:36:01.637 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 15185:com.android.systemui:s
creenshot/u0a28 (adj 904): empty #23
06-04 11:36:01.640 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 22777:com.samruston.weather/
u0a108 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:36:01.641 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:36:01.660 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 15185
06-04 11:36:01.688 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{62b7361 u0 com.samru
06-04 11:36:01.688 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 22777
06-04 11:36:01.690 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{907e484 u0 com.samru
06-04 11:36:02.986 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.telegram.mess
enger/org.telegram.ui.LaunchActivity bnds=[20,1290][228,1605] (has extras)} from
uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:36:09.705 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:36:16.774 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:36:17.645 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTI
NGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from uid 10028 on display
06-04 11:36:17.665 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:36:17.684 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 23279:com.android.setting
s/1000 for activity com.android.settings/.Settings
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): Could not read /sys/block/mmcblk0/si
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/
block/mmcblk0/size (No such file or directory)
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at java.io.FileInputStream.open(
Native Method)
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at android.os.storage.StorageMan
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at com.android.settingslib.devic
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at com.android.settings.devicein
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at com.android.settings.dashboar
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
06-04 11:36:18.033 W/StorageManager(23279): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(
06-04 11:36:18.083 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:36:18.097 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:36:18.195 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:36:20.881 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x8000 cmp=com.android
.settings/.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on disp
lay 0
06-04 11:36:21.039 E/UserRestrictionsUtils(1807): Unknown restriction: null
06-04 11:36:21.056 E/UserRestrictionsUtils(1807): Unknown restriction: null
06-04 11:36:21.056 E/UserRestrictionsUtils(1807): Unknown restriction: null
06-04 11:36:21.057 E/UserRestrictionsUtils(1807): Unknown restriction: null
06-04 11:36:21.057 E/UserRestrictionsUtils(1807): Unknown restriction: null
06-04 11:36:21.057 E/UserRestrictionsUtils(1807): Unknown restriction: null
06-04 11:36:22.040 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:36:22.582 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 23310:com.android.systemu
i:screenshot/u0a28 for service com.android.systemui/.screenshot.TakeScreenshotSe
06-04 11:36:23.196 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:36:23.284 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:36:23.364 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:36:23.398 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:36:24.163 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.android.systemui canInte
rrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:36:24.387 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.android.systemui canInte
rrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:36:25.996 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@b9
d046f attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@61dcb0e
06-04 11:36:26.356 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:36:27.653 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@ef
c6814 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@61dcb0e
06-04 11:36:27.654 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:36:27.696 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:36:28.574 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:36:38.093 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:36:38.182 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:36:39.138 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 22650:org.telegram.messenger
/u0a125 (adj 1001): remove task
06-04 11:36:39.149 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:36:39.170 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 22650
06-04 11:36:39.171 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService in 1000ms
06-04 11:36:39.246 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:36:39.255 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:36:39.255 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:36:39.264 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:36:39.371 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 23279:com.android.settings/1
000 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:36:39.372 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:36:39.405 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{5538b5 u0 com.androi
06-04 11:36:39.406 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 23279
06-04 11:36:39.737 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:36:39.784 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:36:39.802 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:36:39.803 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:36:39.974 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:36:39.974 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:36:39.975 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:36:40.028 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:36:40.189 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 23478:org.telegram.messen
ger/u0a125 for service org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService
06-04 11:36:53.058 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=org.telegram.messenger canIn
terrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:36:53.071 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=org.telegram.messenger canIn
terrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:36:53.293 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:36:53.297 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", DOZE
06-04 11:36:53.349 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 56
06-04 11:37:00.914 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:37:27.941 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:37:27.946 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)
06-04 11:37:27.956 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:37:27.957 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:37:27.976 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:37:27.984 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:37:28.022 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 66
06-04 11:37:28.022 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:37:28.071 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:37:28.072 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:37:28.435 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:37:28.439 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:37:30.762 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=603049082, gp=0)
06-04 11:37:30.774 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:37:30.790 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=com.tmessages.openchat
0.068298379842791632147483647 flg=0x8000 cmp=org.telegram.messenger/org.telegram
.ui.LaunchActivity (has extras)} from uid 10125 on display 0
06-04 11:37:30.790 W/ActivityManager(1807): startActivity called from non-Activi
ty context; forcing Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK for: Intent { act=com.tmessage
s.openchat0.068298379842791632147483647 flg=0x8000 cmp=org.telegram.messenger/or
g.telegram.ui.LaunchActivity (has extras) }
06-04 11:37:30.804 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:37:30.809 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:37:31.383 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:37:31.383 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:37:31.397 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:37:31.402 V/FingerprintService(1807): stop client com.android.systemui
06-04 11:37:31.429 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is no
longer authenticating
06-04 11:37:31.429 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:37:31.429 V/FingerprintService(1807): handleError(client=com.android.sy
stemui, error = 5)
06-04 11:37:31.639 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:37:51.783 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:37:56.660 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:37:56.700 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:37:57.650 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:37:57.691 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 23478:org.telegram.messenger
/u0a125 (adj 1001): remove task
06-04 11:37:57.745 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 23478
06-04 11:37:57.746 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService in 1000ms
06-04 11:37:58.100 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.Slack/.ui.Hom
eActivity bnds=[852,396][1060,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:37:58.133 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 23766:com.Slack/u0a83 for
activity com.Slack/.ui.HomeActivity
06-04 11:37:58.746 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService in 1000ms
06-04 11:37:59.757 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 23881:org.telegram.messen
ger/u0a125 for service org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService
06-04 11:38:09.820 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:38:17.674 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:38:17.750 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:38:18.316 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.speedsoftware
.rootexplorer/.RootExplorer bnds=[644,396][852,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080
on display 0
06-04 11:38:18.344 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 23967:com.speedsoftware.r
ootexplorer/u0a111 for activity com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer/.RootExplorer
06-04 11:38:19.317 W/PackageParser(23967): Unknown element under <manifest>: met
a-data at /storage/emulated/0/magisk.apk Binary XML file line #17
06-04 11:38:23.560 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:38:24.974 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@91
47daf attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@cd7847e
06-04 11:38:25.406 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:38:26.962 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:38:27.091 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:38:27.170 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:38:27.243 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:38:27.407 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.android.systemui canInte
rrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:38:27.481 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:38:27.703 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.android.systemui canInte
rrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:38:27.817 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:38:30.502 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:31.625 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:31.631 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:31.641 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:31.651 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:32.495 W/WindowManager(1807): Attempted to remove non-existing token
: android.os.Binder@ddc6e25
06-04 11:38:38.319 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:43.394 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:38:43.508 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:38:43.791 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.androi
d.apps.photos/.home.HomeActivity bnds=[436,1341][644,1656] (has extras)} from ui
d 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:38:45.835 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:38:46.413 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.app
s.photos/.localmedia.ui.LocalPhotosActivity (has extras)} from uid 10077 on disp
lay 0
06-04 11:38:47.078 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 24138:com.phyora.apps.red
dit_now/u0a104 for service com.phyora.apps.reddit_now/.syncadapters.redditmail.S
06-04 11:38:48.342 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.app
s.photos/.share.ShareActivity (has extras)} from uid 10077 on display 0
06-04 11:38:50.593 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
SEND typ=image/jpeg flg=0x10000001 cmp=com.Slack/.ui.UploadActivity clip={image/
jpeg U:content://com.google.android.apps.photos.contentprovider/-1/1/content%3A%
2F%2Fmedia%2Fexternal%2Fimages%2Fmedia%2F937/REQUIRE_ORIGINAL/NONE/139000145} (h
as extras)} from uid 10077 on display 0
06-04 11:38:51.577 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:51.588 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:51.602 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:51.603 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:51.608 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:52.604 W/WindowManager(1807): Attempted to remove non-existing token
: android.os.Binder@68fa2a7
06-04 11:38:54.495 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:38:54.619 W/WindowManager(1807): Attempted to remove non-existing token
: android.os.Binder@8fa4e8f
06-04 11:38:55.616 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.Slack canInterrupt=false
06-04 11:38:57.123 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@33
99e4d attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@599c429
06-04 11:38:57.132 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:38:58.266 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:38:59.284 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {dat=slack://channel?id=C5M
U9QFSB&team=T2PKZPKT6 cmp=com.Slack/.ui.DeepLinkActivity} from uid 10083 on disp
lay 0
06-04 11:38:59.284 W/ActivityManager(1807): startActivity called from non-Activi
ty context; forcing Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK for: Intent { dat=slack://chan
nel?id=C5MU9QFSB&team=T2PKZPKT6 flg=0x800000 cmp=com.Slack/.ui.DeepLinkActivity
06-04 11:38:59.305 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:38:59.319 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x24000000 cmp=com.Sla
ck/.ui.HomeActivity (has extras)} from uid 10083 on display 0
06-04 11:38:59.324 W/ActivityManager(1807): Duplicate finish request for Activit
yRecord{211717c u0 com.Slack/.ui.DeepLinkActivity t170 f}
06-04 11:38:59.331 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@1c
22968 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@599c429
06-04 11:38:59.700 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:39:03.626 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:39:03.731 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:39:03.837 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:39:05.862 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.speedsoftware
.rootexplorer/.RootExplorer bnds=[644,396][852,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080
on display 0
06-04 11:39:06.626 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:39:07.880 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:39:09.070 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:39:09.148 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:39:09.847 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.android.systemui canInte
rrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:39:10.057 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.android.systemui canInte
rrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:39:10.085 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.speedsoftware
.rootexplorer/.RootExplorer bnds=[644,396][852,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080
on display 0
06-04 11:39:10.963 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:39:11.046 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:39:12.022 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:39:12.302 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 24265:com.whatsapp/u0a115
for service com.whatsapp/.contact.sync.ContactsSyncAdapterService
06-04 11:39:12.432 D/ActivityThread(24265): Loading provider com.whatsapp.provid
er.contact: com.whatsapp.contact.ContactProvider
06-04 11:39:12.715 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@21
ad560 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@fb0b7c
06-04 11:39:12.724 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:39:12.889 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.androi
d.apps.photos/.home.HomeActivity bnds=[436,1341][644,1656] (has extras)} from ui
d 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:39:13.730 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:13.761 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:13.774 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:13.796 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:13.821 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:13.867 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:39:13.870 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:39:13.881 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:13.917 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:13.956 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:39:14.032 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.055 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.141 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.185 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.267 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.290 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.338 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.348 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.376 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.388 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.421 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.438 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.476 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.498 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.551 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.562 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.644 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:14.657 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:15.789 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@ea
0147c attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@44eb105, token = android.os.
06-04 11:39:15.792 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:39:16.471 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:16.480 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:17.867 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:17.879 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:19.058 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:19.073 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=fa
lse intercept=true
06-04 11:39:21.540 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:39:21.567 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:39:21.588 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:39:21.596 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:39:22.632 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.app
s.photos/.share.ShareActivity (has extras)} from uid 10077 on display 0
06-04 11:39:28.156 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
SEND typ=text/plain flg=0x10000001 cmp=com.Slack/.ui.UploadActivity clip={text/p
lain T:https://goo.gl/photos/14SJ5ZLqaqTkvGtp6} (has extras)} from uid 10077 on
display 0
06-04 11:39:29.610 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@ae
63f7a attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@21f6ac5
06-04 11:39:30.165 W/WindowManager(1807): Attempted to remove non-existing token
: android.os.Binder@17f4d36
06-04 11:39:32.188 W/WindowManager(1807): Attempted to remove non-existing token
: android.os.Binder@bdafa5
06-04 11:39:32.870 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.Slack/.ui.FullSize
ImageAttachmentActivity (has extras)} from uid 10083 on display 0
06-04 11:39:35.693 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:39:39.891 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:39:39.954 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:39:42.976 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {dat=content://com.whatsapp
.provider.contact/contacts/4 flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.whatsapp/.Conversation} from
uid 10115 on display 0
06-04 11:39:42.996 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:39:43.439 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:39:57.909 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:40:09.229 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.whatsapp/.MediaVie
w (has extras)} from uid 10115 on display 0
06-04 11:40:12.265 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:40:13.347 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:40:13.458 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:40:14.417 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Starting input on non-focu
sed client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2d6809e (uid=
10115 pid=24265)
06-04 11:40:14.434 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 24265:com.whatsapp/u0a115 (a
dj 1001): remove task
06-04 11:40:14.477 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 24265
06-04 11:40:14.478 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService in 1000ms
06-04 11:40:14.482 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:40:15.489 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 24486:com.whatsapp/u0a115
for service com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService
06-04 11:40:15.598 D/ActivityThread(24486): Loading provider com.whatsapp.provid
er.contact: com.whatsapp.contact.ContactProvider
06-04 11:40:15.913 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:40:33.944 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:40:34.604 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:40:34.681 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:40:35.210 I/ActivityManager(1807): Process com.android.chrome:sandboxed
_process2 (pid 23053) has died
06-04 11:40:35.210 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 23053
06-04 11:40:36.342 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:40:36.479 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:40:36.488 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:40:36.488 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:40:36.498 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:40:36.979 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:40:37.017 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:40:37.041 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:40:37.053 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:40:37.222 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:40:37.222 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:40:37.224 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:40:37.283 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:40:41.324 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=15607927, gp=0)
06-04 11:40:41.332 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:40:41.336 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:40:41.347 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:40:41.348 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:40:41.366 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:40:41.375 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:40:41.383 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:40:41.441 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@ae
0a2bf attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@1f5ad8c, token = android.os.
06-04 11:40:41.456 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 109
06-04 11:40:41.457 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:40:41.457 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:40:41.518 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:40:41.519 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:40:41.587 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:40:41.705 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:40:43.420 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.telegram.mess
enger/org.telegram.ui.LaunchActivity bnds=[20,1368][228,1683] (has extras)} from
uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:40:50.065 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:40:50.128 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:40:51.012 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:40:51.189 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 23881:org.telegram.messenger
/u0a125 (adj 1001): remove task
06-04 11:40:51.237 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 23881
06-04 11:40:51.239 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService in 1000ms
06-04 11:40:51.960 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:40:52.264 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 24840:org.telegram.messen
ger/u0a125 for service org.telegram.messenger/.NotificationsService
06-04 11:40:56.077 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10008000 cmp=com.Sla
ck/.ui.HomeActivity (has extras)} from uid 10083 on display 0
06-04 11:40:56.098 W/ActivityManager(1807): Duplicate finish request for Activit
yRecord{e0781aa u0 com.Slack/.ui.HomeActivity t170 f}
06-04 11:41:09.968 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:41:28.016 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:41:46.008 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:42:06.052 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:42:24.051 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:42:40.204 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:42:40.225 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:42:40.243 I/PowerUI.Notification(2250): show low battery warning: level
=5 [-2] playSound=true
06-04 11:42:40.250 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:42:40.256 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.android.systemui canInte
rrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:42:40.258 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:42:40.313 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:42:40.314 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:42:40.343 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:42:46.310 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:42:46.661 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:42:47.249 I/PowerUI.Notification(2250): Received PNW.dismissedWarning
06-04 11:42:47.249 I/PowerUI.Notification(2250): dismissing low battery notifica
06-04 11:42:48.335 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@de
55efd attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@e566a3f
06-04 11:42:48.342 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:42:49.352 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:42:50.265 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@aa
3534a attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@e566a3f
06-04 11:42:50.271 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:42:51.478 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10008000 cmp=com.Sla
ck/.ui.HomeActivity (has extras)} from uid 10083 on display 0
06-04 11:42:51.493 W/ActivityManager(1807): Duplicate finish request for Activit
yRecord{a242562 u0 com.Slack/.ui.HomeActivity t170 f}
06-04 11:43:00.073 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:43:06.084 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:43:18.081 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:43:36.113 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:43:47.040 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 24978:com.google.android.
talk/u0a78 for service com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.hangouts.
06-04 11:43:50.415 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:43:50.494 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:43:53.916 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:43:54.118 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:43:54.850 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:43:54.963 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:43:55.006 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@c7
993da attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@f6c900b, token = android.os.
06-04 11:43:55.228 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:43:55.521 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:43:56.436 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=flar2.e
xkernelmanager/.fragments.BatteryActivity} from uid 10118 on display 0
06-04 11:43:56.443 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@40
ca300 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@fb0b7c
06-04 11:43:56.456 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:43:56.813 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:43:58.877 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:43:59.018 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:43:59.940 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
POWER_USAGE_SUMMARY flg=0x1000c000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$PowerUsage
SummaryActivity bnds=[20,396][228,711]} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:43:59.967 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 25054:com.android.setting
s/1000 for activity com.android.settings/.Settings$PowerUsageSummaryActivity
06-04 11:44:00.198 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:44:00.211 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:44:00.838 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on displa
y 0
06-04 11:44:00.901 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:44:00.911 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:44:01.238 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:44:01.324 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:44:02.197 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 25054:com.android.settings/1
000 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:44:02.240 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{7274868 u0 com.andro
06-04 11:44:02.241 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 25054
06-04 11:44:02.551 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:44:08.160 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:44:08.207 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:44:08.578 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.instagram.and
roid/.activity.MainTabActivity bnds=[20,1341][228,1656] (has extras)} from uid 1
0080 on display 0
06-04 11:44:08.666 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:44:08.666 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:44:08.666 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.666 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.666 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.666 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.666 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:44:08.666 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.666 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:44:08.667 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:44:08.667 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:44:08.667 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.667 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.667 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.667 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:44:08.667 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.667 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:44:08.669 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:44:08.669 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:44:08.669 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.669 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.669 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.669 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.669 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:44:08.669 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.669 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:44:08.684 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:44:08.684 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:44:08.684 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.684 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.684 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.684 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:44:08.684 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.684 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:44:08.685 W/ActivityManager(1807): Bad activity token: android.os.Binde
06-04 11:44:08.685 W/ActivityManager(1807): java.lang.ClassCastException: androi
d.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com.android.server.am.ActivityRecord$Token
06-04 11:44:08.685 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.685 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.685 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.685 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.app.ActivityManagerNa
06-04 11:44:08.685 W/ActivityManager(1807): at com.android.server.am.Activit
06-04 11:44:08.685 W/ActivityManager(1807): at android.os.Binder.execTransac
06-04 11:44:08.939 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:44:09.444 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 25132:com.instagram.andro
id:igplayer/u0a99 for service com.instagram.android/com.instagram.exoplayer.serv
06-04 11:44:12.123 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:44:17.210 I/Telecom (1807): PhoneAccountRegistrar: SimCallManager queri
ed, returning: null: TSI.gSCM@CSk
06-04 11:44:17.224 I/Telecom (1807): PhoneAccountRegistrar: SimCallManager queri
ed, returning: null: TSI.gSCM@CSs
06-04 11:44:30.154 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:44:48.170 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:45:04.460 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.instagram.android/
com.instagram.modal.ModalActivity (has extras)} from uid 10099 on display 0
06-04 11:45:06.194 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:45:06.440 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {cmp=com.instagram.android/
com.instagram.modal.TransparentModalActivity (has extras)} from uid 10099 on dis
play 0
06-04 11:45:06.779 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.content.pm.act
ion.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.android.packageinstaller cmp=com.android.package
installer/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10099 o
n display 0
06-04 11:45:07.336 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:45:10.087 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 25460:com.android.provide
rs.calendar/u0a1 for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarPr
06-04 11:45:11.292 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 25498:com.google.android.
calendar/u0a74 for broadcast com.google.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver
06-04 11:45:13.515 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
--------- beginning of main
06-04 11:45:13.839 I/qomx_image_core(1115): OMX_GetHandle:243] get instance pts
is 0xf1a66d00
06-04 11:45:13.840 D/qomx_image_core(1115): OMX_GetHandle:261] handle = 0xf1a66d
04 Instanceindex = 0,comp_idx 2 g_ptr 0xed6900a0
06-04 11:45:13.840 E/mm-still(1115): virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE QOMXImageCodec::omx_c
omponent_set_callbacks(OMX_HANDLETYPE, OMX_CALLBACKTYPE *, OMX_PTR): Bad Paramet
06-04 11:45:13.840 I/qomx_image_core(1115): OMX_GetHandle:267] Success
06-04 11:45:13.842 D/Camera3-Device(1115): Set real time priority for request qu
eue thread (tid 25424)
06-04 11:45:13.851 D/QCamera3HWI(1115): int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::
processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *):intent 5,firstconfig 0,blob e
xit 0
06-04 11:45:13.851 I/QCamera (1115): <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareIn
terface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3760: STREAM INFO :
type 3, wxh: 3288 x 2480, pp_mask: 0x0 Format:0 is_type: 0
06-04 11:45:13.851 I/QCamera (1115): <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareIn
terface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3760: STREAM INFO :
type 3, wxh: 3288 x 2480, pp_mask: 0x0 Format:0 is_type: 0
06-04 11:45:13.852 I/QCamera (1115): <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareIn
terface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3760: STREAM INFO :
type 1, wxh: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:0 is_type: 0
06-04 11:45:13.852 I/QCamera (1115): <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareIn
terface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3760: STREAM INFO :
type 11, wxh: 640 x 480, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:0 is_type: 0
06-04 11:45:13.861 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::update(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t): 97: active_array size
and sensor output size must be non zero
06-04 11:45:13.896 I/chatty (1135): uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 34
06-04 11:45:13.916 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toSensor(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 164: sensor/acti
ve array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:13.916 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toSensor(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 164: sensor/acti
ve array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:13.916 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toSensor(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 164: sensor/acti
ve array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:13.920 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toSensor(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 164: sensor/acti
ve array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:13.920 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toSensor(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 164: sensor/acti
ve array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:13.920 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toSensor(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 164: sensor/acti
ve array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:13.935 I/chatty (1135): uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 l
06-04 11:45:14.047 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.047 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.076 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.076 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.113 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.113 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.144 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.144 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.182 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.182 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.216 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.216 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.253 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.253 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.290 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.290 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.320 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.320 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.350 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:45:14.358 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.358 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.388 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.388 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.421 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.421 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.455 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.455 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.492 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.492 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.527 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.527 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.561 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.561 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.593 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.593 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.625 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:45:14.629 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.629 E/QCamera (1115): <MCI><ERROR> void qcamera::QCamera3CropRegi
onMapper::toActiveArray(int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &): 132: sensor
/active array sizes are not initialized!
06-04 11:45:14.632 I/GnssLocationProvider(1807): WakeLock acquired by sendMessag
e(3, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@87b1cb2)
06-04 11:45:14.638 I/GnssLocationProvider(1807): WakeLock released by handleMess
age(3, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@87b1cb2)
06-04 11:45:14.639 E/BufferQueueProducer(22572): [SurfaceTexture-1-22572-4] queu
eBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-04 11:45:14.639 E/Surface (1115): queueBuffer: error queuing buffer to Surfac
eTexture, -19
06-04 11:45:14.639 E/Camera3-OutputStream(1115): returnBufferCheckedLocked: Stre
am 3: Error queueing buffer to native window: No such device (-19)
06-04 11:45:14.639 E/Camera3-Device(1115): Can't return buffer to its stream: No
such device (-19)
06-04 11:45:14.646 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{e2028db com.instagram.android} is now in focus and seems to b
e in full-screen mode
06-04 11:45:14.646 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:45:14.646 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{e2028db com.instagram.android} is now in focus and seems to b
e in full-screen mode
06-04 11:45:14.646 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:45:14.654 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.657 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.658 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.686 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.689 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.714 W/Camera2Client(1115): notifyError: Received recoverable erro
r 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000006
06-04 11:45:14.714 W/Camera3-OutputStream(1115): A frame is dropped for stream 2
06-04 11:45:14.714 W/Camera3-OutputStream(1115): A frame is dropped for stream 3
06-04 11:45:14.714 E/BufferQueueProducer(22572): [SurfaceTexture-1-22572-4] canc
elBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-04 11:45:14.714 W/Camera2Client(1115): notifyError: Received recoverable erro
r 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000006
06-04 11:45:14.715 W/Camera3-OutputStream(1115): A frame is dropped for stream 2
06-04 11:45:14.715 W/Camera3-OutputStream(1115): A frame is dropped for stream 3
06-04 11:45:14.715 E/BufferQueueProducer(22572): [SurfaceTexture-1-22572-4] canc
elBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-04 11:45:14.715 W/Camera2Client(1115): notifyError: Received recoverable erro
r 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000006
06-04 11:45:14.715 W/Camera3-OutputStream(1115): A frame is dropped for stream 2
06-04 11:45:14.715 W/Camera3-OutputStream(1115): A frame is dropped for stream 3
06-04 11:45:14.715 E/BufferQueueProducer(22572): [SurfaceTexture-1-22572-4] canc
elBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-04 11:45:14.715 W/Camera2Client(1115): notifyError: Received recoverable erro
r 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000006
06-04 11:45:14.715 W/Camera3-OutputStream(1115): A frame is dropped for stream 2
06-04 11:45:14.715 W/Camera3-OutputStream(1115): A frame is dropped for stream 3
06-04 11:45:14.715 E/BufferQueueProducer(22572): [SurfaceTexture-1-22572-4] canc
elBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-04 11:45:14.717 E/Sensors (998): sns_reg_la.c(194):reg write: offset 1792, nu
m bytes: 24
06-04 11:45:14.729 I/chatty (1135): uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 32
06-04 11:45:14.732 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11360: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: got No.1 bundled streamon, mct stream id 2total bundled stre
am num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.733 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1636: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 2
06-04 11:45:14.734 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 149: start_sof_check_threa
d: Starting SOF timeout thread session id =3
06-04 11:45:14.734 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x30002, stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.735 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000008
06-04 11:45:14.735 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x30003 stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.735 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1607: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.735 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1985: iface_streamon: E, s
ession_id 3 mct_stream_id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.735 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11360: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: got No.2 bundled streamon, mct stream id 3total bundled stre
am num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.736 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1636: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.736 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x30003, stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.736 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000008
06-04 11:45:14.736 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x30004 stream type=1
06-04 11:45:14.737 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1607: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.738 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1985: iface_streamon: E, s
ession_id 3 mct_stream_id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.738 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11360: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: got No.3 bundled streamon, mct stream id 4total bundled stre
am num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.738 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 383: cpp_hardware_set_cloc
k: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 205659648 BW inst 205659648
06-04 11:45:14.739 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 3949: cpp_module_handle_st
reamon_event: identity=0x30004, stream-on done
06-04 11:45:14.739 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1636: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.739 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x30004, stream type=1
06-04 11:45:14.739 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000008
06-04 11:45:14.739 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x30005 stream type=11
06-04 11:45:14.740 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1607: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.740 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1985: iface_streamon: E, s
ession_id 3 mct_stream_id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.740 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11354: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: streamon, got all bundled streamon!
06-04 11:45:14.745 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2302: iface_streamon: X
06-04 11:45:14.745 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1636: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.745 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x30005, stream type=11
06-04 11:45:14.773 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 1263: isp_handler_module_h
andle_reg_update: Warning! Invalid reg_update state 0
06-04 11:45:14.797 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000009
06-04 11:45:14.797 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x30005 stream type=11
06-04 11:45:14.798 E/mm-camera(1135): <ISP ><ERROR> 1050: isp_handler_control_
streamoff: stream_off 2 2 ide 30005
06-04 11:45:14.798 E/mm-camera(1135): <ISP ><ERROR> 1050: isp_handler_control_
streamoff: stream_off 2 2 ide 30005
06-04 11:45:14.798 E/mm-camera(1135): <ISP ><ERROR> 1050: isp_handler_control_
streamoff: stream_off 2 2 ide 30005
06-04 11:45:14.798 E/mm-camera(1135): <ISP ><ERROR> 1050: isp_handler_control_
streamoff: stream_off 2 2 ide 30005
06-04 11:45:14.798 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1662: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.799 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2340: iface_streamoff: E,
session_id 3 mct_stream_id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.799 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11368: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: streamoff, first bundled streamoff all bindled streams!
06-04 11:45:14.799 E/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE ><ERROR> 11174: iface_util_update_s
treamon_id: iface_util_update_streamon_id: left stream on count 1, skip hw strea
06-04 11:45:14.800 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 382: iface_ispif_get_cfg_p
arams_from_hw_streams: interace 0 active count = 2, skip stop ispif
06-04 11:45:14.800 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 382: iface_ispif_get_cfg_p
arams_from_hw_streams: interace 0 active count = 1, skip stop ispif
06-04 11:45:14.801 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2546: iface_streamoff: ses
sion_id = 3, active_streams = 0
06-04 11:45:14.801 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2628: iface_streamoff: X
06-04 11:45:14.801 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1688: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.801 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x30005, stream type=11
06-04 11:45:14.801 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.802 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000009
06-04 11:45:14.802 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x30002 stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.802 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1662: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 2
06-04 11:45:14.802 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2340: iface_streamoff: E,
session_id 3 mct_stream_id = 2
06-04 11:45:14.802 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11374: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 2 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 2tot
al bundled stream num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.802 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2628: iface_streamoff: X
06-04 11:45:14.802 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1688: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 2
06-04 11:45:14.802 E/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE ><ERROR> 775: iface_axi_stream_set_
skip_pattern_all_stream: iface_axi_stream_set_skip_pattern_all_stream: no stream
to update skip pattern!
06-04 11:45:14.803 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x30002, stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.803 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.803 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000009
06-04 11:45:14.803 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x30003 stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.803 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1662: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.804 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2340: iface_streamoff: E,
session_id 3 mct_stream_id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.804 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11374: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 1 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 3tot
al bundled stream num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.804 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2628: iface_streamoff: X
06-04 11:45:14.805 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1688: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.805 E/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE ><ERROR> 775: iface_axi_stream_set_
skip_pattern_all_stream: iface_axi_stream_set_skip_pattern_all_stream: no stream
to update skip pattern!
06-04 11:45:14.806 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x30003, stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.806 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.806 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000009
06-04 11:45:14.806 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x30004 stream type=1
06-04 11:45:14.815 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 4040: cpp_module_handle_st
reamoff_event: info: doing stream-off for identity 0x30004
06-04 11:45:14.815 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 383: cpp_hardware_set_cloc
k: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 0 BW inst 0
06-04 11:45:14.815 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 4225: cpp_module_handle_st
reamoff_event: info: stream-off done for identity 0x30004
06-04 11:45:14.816 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1662: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.816 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2340: iface_streamoff: E,
session_id 3 mct_stream_id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.816 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11374: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 0 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 4tot
al bundled stream num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.821 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2565: iface_streamoff: ses
sion id = 0x3,Delta between vfe irqs 0 sec 0 usec
06-04 11:45:14.826 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 10409: iface_util_release_
resource: camif_cnt= 2, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 10000
06-04 11:45:14.826 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 10409: iface_util_release_
resource: camif_cnt= 1, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 0
06-04 11:45:14.826 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 10409: iface_util_release_
resource: camif_cnt= 0, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 0
06-04 11:45:14.826 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2623: iface_streamoff: all
bundled stream streamoff, clear hal bundled mask
06-04 11:45:14.826 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2628: iface_streamoff: X
06-04 11:45:14.827 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1688: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.827 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 172: stop_sof_check_thread
: Stopping SOF timeout thread session =3
06-04 11:45:14.827 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x30004, stream type=1
06-04 11:45:14.827 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.827 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000009
06-04 11:45:14.827 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x30001 stream type=7
06-04 11:45:14.827 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x30001, stream type=7
06-04 11:45:14.828 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.833 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000019
06-04 11:45:14.834 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000019
06-04 11:45:14.834 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000019
06-04 11:45:14.834 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000019
06-04 11:45:14.840 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000008
06-04 11:45:14.840 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x30001 stream type=7
06-04 11:45:14.841 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x30001, stream type=7
06-04 11:45:14.841 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000008
06-04 11:45:14.841 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x30002 stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.841 I/ (1135): sensor_pick_resolution res_idx: 0
06-04 11:45:14.841 I/ (1135): sensor_pick_resolution Matched pick_w:3280,
pick_h:2464, pick_fps:29.000000, pick_clk:251200000, pick_mode:1
06-04 11:45:14.841 I/mm-camera(1135): <SENSOR>< INFO> 3781: sensor_get_resolutio
n_info: sensor info: name: imx179, res: 0, max_fps: 29.000000, w: 3280, h: 2464
op pix clk: 251200000, FLL: 2518, LLPCK: 3440, mode: 1, PDAF support: 0
06-04 11:45:14.842 E/mm-camera(1135): <STATS_AF ><ERROR> 3310: af_port_handle_se
nsor_update: Depth_Err: actuator sensitivity: 0.000000 is invalid
06-04 11:45:14.842 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 1840: cpp_module_handle_st
ream_cfg_event: frame_offset=1, input_fps=29.00, identity=0x3000f
06-04 11:45:14.842 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 1840: cpp_module_handle_st
ream_cfg_event: frame_offset=1, input_fps=29.00, identity=0x30004
06-04 11:45:14.842 E/mm-camera(1135): <SENSOR><ERROR> 2966: sensor_get_cur_chrom
atix_name: Sensor name:imx179,sensor id:0x0, vendor id:0, lens id:1
06-04 11:45:14.842 E/mm-camera(1135): <SENSOR><ERROR> 3118: sensor_get_cur_chrom
atix_name: 3A chromatix : imx179_3a_3280x2464_30fps_preview_x3
06-04 11:45:14.842 I/mm-camera(1135): sony_imx179_eeprom_get_calibration_items:
A light valid page:0, D50 valid page:0
06-04 11:45:14.843 I/mm-camera(1135): <STATS_AF >< INFO> 1291: af_haf_update_tun
ing_data: Setting default init pos to far end
06-04 11:45:14.843 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 409: iface_util_dump_senso
r_cfg: iface_util_dump_sensor_cfg: sensor dim: width = 3280, heght = 2464, fmt =
30, is_bayer = 1, init_skip = 0
06-04 11:45:14.844 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3570: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: =====DUMP RESOURCE: PIX STREAM===
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3571: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: num pix stream = 3
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3574: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: num_isp = 1, isp_mask = 2, request_op_pix_clk = 0
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3578: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: ispif stripe info: split 0, overlap 0, stripe offset 0
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3581: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: pix stream 0
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3584: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 2(Mapped stream ID[0] = 2)
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3587: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: axi path = 1(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 2
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3581: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: pix stream 1
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3584: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 1(Mapped stream ID[0] = 4)
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3587: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: axi path = 0(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 7
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3581: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: pix stream 2
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3584: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 1(Mapped stream ID[0] = 5)
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3587: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: axi path = 2(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 101
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 3609: iface_util_dump_isp_
resource_request: num STATS stream = 5
06-04 11:45:14.845 E/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE ><ERROR> 3142: iface_util_decide_zs
l_mode: iface_util_decide_zsl_mode: E
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 870: cpp_module_handle_isp
_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] stream type 1, width 1920, height 1080,stride 1
920, scanline 1080, planes 2
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 889: cpp_module_handle_isp
_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] plane 0, stride 1920, scanline 1080, offset_x 0,
offset_y 0, len 2073600, offset:0
06-04 11:45:14.845 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 889: cpp_module_handle_isp
_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] plane 1, stride 1920, scanline 1080, offset_x 0,
offset_y 0, len 1036800, offset:0
06-04 11:45:14.846 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 9267: iface_util_dump_cami
f_cfg: =====Camif DUMP cfg for PIX interface====
06-04 11:45:14.846 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 9269: iface_util_dump_cami
f_cfg: camif input type = 3(MIPI=3), op_pix_clk = 245358139
06-04 11:45:14.846 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 9271: iface_util_dump_cami
f_cfg: camif pix_pattern(RGRG-0/GRGR-1/BGBG-2/GBGB-3) = 0
06-04 11:45:14.846 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 9273: iface_util_dump_cami
f_cfg: camif first_pix = 0, last_pix = 3279
06-04 11:45:14.846 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 9275: iface_util_dump_cami
f_cfg: camif first_line = 0, last_line = 2463
06-04 11:45:14.846 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 9277: iface_util_dump_cami
f_cfg: camif pixels_per_line = 3280, lines_per_frame = 2464
06-04 11:45:14.846 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 9281: iface_util_dump_cami
f_cfg: camif irq subsample pattern = 0, period = 0 sof_step 1
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 549: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: === AXI DUMP: VFE session_id 3, hw_stream_id 2 ===
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 553: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: AXI DUMP Axi_src: VIEWFINDER hw_stream width 3280, height 2464
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 555: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: need buf divert = 0, burst count = 0
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 558: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 0
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: width = 3280, height = 2464
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: stride = 3328, scanlines = 2496
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 3(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[1]: width = 3280, height = 1232
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[1]: stride = 3328, scanlines = 1248
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 549: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: === AXI DUMP: VFE session_id 3, hw_stream_id 10004 ===
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 553: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: AXI DUMP Axi_src: ENCODER hw_stream width 1920, height 1080
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 555: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 558: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 0
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: width = 1920, height = 1080
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 1080
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 4(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[1]: width = 1920, height = 540
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[1]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 540
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 549: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: === AXI DUMP: VFE session_id 3, hw_stream_id 10005 ===
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 553: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: AXI DUMP Axi_src: VIDEO hw_stream width 640, height 480
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 555: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 558: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 0
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: width = 640, height = 480
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: stride = 640, scanlines = 480
06-04 11:45:14.847 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_
config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
06-04 11:45:14.849 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1607: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 2
06-04 11:45:14.849 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1985: iface_streamon: E, s
ession_id 3 mct_stream_id = 2
06-04 11:45:14.849 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11360: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: got No.1 bundled streamon, mct stream id 2total bundled stre
am num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.851 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1636: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 2
06-04 11:45:14.852 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 149: start_sof_check_threa
d: Starting SOF timeout thread session id =3
06-04 11:45:14.852 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x30002, stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.853 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000008
06-04 11:45:14.853 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x30003 stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.853 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1607: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.853 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1985: iface_streamon: E, s
ession_id 3 mct_stream_id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.853 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11360: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: got No.2 bundled streamon, mct stream id 3total bundled stre
am num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.854 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1636: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.854 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x30003, stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.855 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000008
06-04 11:45:14.855 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x30004 stream type=1
06-04 11:45:14.855 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1607: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.855 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1985: iface_streamon: E, s
ession_id 3 mct_stream_id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.855 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11360: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: got No.3 bundled streamon, mct stream id 4total bundled stre
am num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.856 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 3949: cpp_module_handle_st
reamon_event: identity=0x30004, stream-on done
06-04 11:45:14.856 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1636: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.856 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x30004, stream type=1
06-04 11:45:14.856 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 383: cpp_hardware_set_cloc
k: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 205659648 BW inst 205659648
06-04 11:45:14.857 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000008
06-04 11:45:14.857 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x30005 stream type=11
06-04 11:45:14.857 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1607: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.857 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1985: iface_streamon: E, s
ession_id 3 mct_stream_id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.857 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11354: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: streamon, got all bundled streamon!
06-04 11:45:14.862 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2302: iface_streamon: X
06-04 11:45:14.863 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1636: iface_streamon_to_th
read: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.863 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x30005, stream type=11
06-04 11:45:14.884 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 1263: isp_handler_module_h
andle_reg_update: Warning! Invalid reg_update state 0
06-04 11:45:14.914 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 383: cpp_hardware_set_cloc
k: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 205659648 BW inst 205659648
06-04 11:45:14.923 I/Camera3-Device(1115): disconnect: E
06-04 11:45:14.924 I/QCamera (1115): <HAL><INFO> static int qcamera::QCamera3Har
dwareInterface::close_camera_device(struct hw_device_t *): 10304: [KPI Perf]: E
camera id 1
06-04 11:45:14.925 I/QCOM PowerHAL(1115): Video Encode hint stop
06-04 11:45:14.931 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000009
06-04 11:45:14.931 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x30005 stream type=11
06-04 11:45:14.931 E/mm-camera(1135): <ISP ><ERROR> 1050: isp_handler_control_
streamoff: stream_off 2 2 ide 30005
06-04 11:45:14.931 E/mm-camera(1135): <ISP ><ERROR> 1050: isp_handler_control_
streamoff: stream_off 2 2 ide 30005
06-04 11:45:14.932 E/mm-camera(1135): <ISP ><ERROR> 1050: isp_handler_control_
streamoff: stream_off 2 2 ide 30005
06-04 11:45:14.932 E/mm-camera(1135): <ISP ><ERROR> 1050: isp_handler_control_
streamoff: stream_off 2 2 ide 30005
06-04 11:45:14.932 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1662: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.932 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2340: iface_streamoff: E,
session_id 3 mct_stream_id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.932 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11368: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: streamoff, first bundled streamoff all bindled streams!
06-04 11:45:14.932 E/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE ><ERROR> 11174: iface_util_update_s
treamon_id: iface_util_update_streamon_id: left stream on count 1, skip hw strea
06-04 11:45:14.933 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 382: iface_ispif_get_cfg_p
arams_from_hw_streams: interace 0 active count = 2, skip stop ispif
06-04 11:45:14.933 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 382: iface_ispif_get_cfg_p
arams_from_hw_streams: interace 0 active count = 1, skip stop ispif
06-04 11:45:14.934 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2546: iface_streamoff: ses
sion_id = 3, active_streams = 0
06-04 11:45:14.934 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2628: iface_streamoff: X
06-04 11:45:14.934 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1688: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 5
06-04 11:45:14.934 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x30005, stream type=11
06-04 11:45:14.935 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.935 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000009
06-04 11:45:14.936 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x30002 stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.936 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1662: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 2
06-04 11:45:14.936 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2340: iface_streamoff: E,
session_id 3 mct_stream_id = 2
06-04 11:45:14.936 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11374: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 2 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 2tot
al bundled stream num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.936 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2628: iface_streamoff: X
06-04 11:45:14.936 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1688: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 2
06-04 11:45:14.936 E/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE ><ERROR> 775: iface_axi_stream_set_
skip_pattern_all_stream: iface_axi_stream_set_skip_pattern_all_stream: no stream
to update skip pattern!
06-04 11:45:14.936 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x30002, stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.936 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.937 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000009
06-04 11:45:14.937 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x30003 stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.937 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1662: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.937 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2340: iface_streamoff: E,
session_id 3 mct_stream_id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.937 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11374: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 1 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 3tot
al bundled stream num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.937 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2628: iface_streamoff: X
06-04 11:45:14.937 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1688: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 3
06-04 11:45:14.937 E/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE ><ERROR> 775: iface_axi_stream_set_
skip_pattern_all_stream: iface_axi_stream_set_skip_pattern_all_stream: no stream
to update skip pattern!
06-04 11:45:14.937 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x30003, stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.938 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.938 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000009
06-04 11:45:14.938 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x30004 stream type=1
06-04 11:45:14.947 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 4040: cpp_module_handle_st
reamoff_event: info: doing stream-off for identity 0x30004
06-04 11:45:14.947 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 383: cpp_hardware_set_cloc
k: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 0 BW inst 0
06-04 11:45:14.947 I/mm-camera(1135): <CPP >< INFO> 4225: cpp_module_handle_st
reamoff_event: info: stream-off done for identity 0x30004
06-04 11:45:14.948 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1662: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 3, user stream id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.948 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2340: iface_streamoff: E,
session_id 3 mct_stream_id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.949 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 11374: iface_util_get_user
_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 0 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 4tot
al bundled stream num = 4
06-04 11:45:14.951 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2565: iface_streamoff: ses
sion id = 0x3,Delta between vfe irqs 0 sec 0 usec
06-04 11:45:14.954 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 10409: iface_util_release_
resource: camif_cnt= 2, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 10000
06-04 11:45:14.955 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 10409: iface_util_release_
resource: camif_cnt= 1, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 0
06-04 11:45:14.955 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 10409: iface_util_release_
resource: camif_cnt= 0, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 0
06-04 11:45:14.955 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2623: iface_streamoff: all
bundled stream streamoff, clear hal bundled mask
06-04 11:45:14.955 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 2628: iface_streamoff: X
06-04 11:45:14.956 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 1688: iface_streamoff_to_t
hread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 3, user stream id = 4
06-04 11:45:14.956 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 172: stop_sof_check_thread
: Stopping SOF timeout thread session =3
06-04 11:45:14.956 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x30004, stream type=1
06-04 11:45:14.956 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.956 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=8000009
06-04 11:45:14.957 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3900: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x30001 stream type=7
06-04 11:45:14.957 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3915: mct_pipeline_process
_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x30001, stream type=7
06-04 11:45:14.957 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.962 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=800000b
06-04 11:45:14.962 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3980: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x30002 and stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.963 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 709: iface_unreserve_sink_
port: stream_id 2 mode 0
06-04 11:45:14.963 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 890: isp_port_check_caps_u
nreserve: ide 30002 port 0xeae6d380
06-04 11:45:14.963 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3991: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Stream 0x30002 and stream type=3, successfully deleted
06-04 11:45:14.964 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=800000b
06-04 11:45:14.964 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3980: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x30003 and stream type=3
06-04 11:45:14.964 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 709: iface_unreserve_sink_
port: stream_id 3 mode 0
06-04 11:45:14.965 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 890: isp_port_check_caps_u
nreserve: ide 30003 port 0xeae6d380
06-04 11:45:14.965 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3991: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Stream 0x30003 and stream type=3, successfully deleted
06-04 11:45:14.966 V/qomx_image_core(1115): OMX_FreeHandle:338]
06-04 11:45:14.966 D/qomx_image_core(1115): get_idx_from_handle:297] comp_idx 2
inst_idx 0
06-04 11:45:14.966 V/qomx_image_core(1115): OMX_FreeHandle:373] Success
06-04 11:45:14.966 I/qomx_image_core(1115): OMX_Deinit:125] Complete
06-04 11:45:14.971 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=800000b
06-04 11:45:14.971 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3980: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x30004 and stream type=1
06-04 11:45:14.971 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 709: iface_unreserve_sink_
port: stream_id 4 mode 0
06-04 11:45:14.971 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 890: isp_port_check_caps_u
nreserve: ide 30004 port 0xeae6d380
06-04 11:45:14.972 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3991: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Stream 0x30004 and stream type=1, successfully deleted
06-04 11:45:14.973 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=800000b
06-04 11:45:14.973 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3980: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x30005 and stream type=11
06-04 11:45:14.973 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 709: iface_unreserve_sink_
port: stream_id 5 mode 0
06-04 11:45:14.973 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 890: isp_port_check_caps_u
nreserve: ide 30005 port 0xeae6d380
06-04 11:45:14.974 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3991: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Stream 0x30005 and stream type=11, successfully deleted
06-04 11:45:14.975 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=800000b
06-04 11:45:14.975 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3980: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x30001 and stream type=7
06-04 11:45:14.975 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3991: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Stream 0x30001 and stream type=7, successfully deleted
06-04 11:45:14.975 I/ (1135): sensor_pick_resolution res_idx: 2
06-04 11:45:14.975 I/ (1135): sensor_pick_resolution Matched pick_w:1640,
pick_h:924, pick_fps:30.000000, pick_clk:136000000, pick_mode:1
06-04 11:45:14.975 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 6594: isp_util_print_meta_
stream_info: Deallocate resources
06-04 11:45:14.975 E/mm-camera(1135): <IMGLIB><ERROR> 303: static int32_t QCamer
aPAAF::AllocateBuffers(img_base_ops_t *, bool): Invalid dimensions 0x0
06-04 11:45:14.975 E/mm-camera(1135): <IMGLIB><ERROR> 203: int img_algo_preload(
img_base_ops_t *): Preload: Failed to allocate buffer, rc -4
06-04 11:45:14.975 E/mm-camera(1135): <IMGLIB><ERROR> 117: module_imgbase_client
_preload_exec: IMG_CORE_PRELOAD failed -4
06-04 11:45:14.977 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 2530: isp_resource_allocat
e: INFO: ISP resource acquired: session 3 num_isp 1
06-04 11:45:14.977 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 2532: isp_resource_allocat
e: INFO: ISP resource acquired: hw_id 1
06-04 11:45:14.977 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 6517: isp_util_decide_stre
am_mapping: stream_port_map num streams 0
06-04 11:45:14.979 I/QCamera (1115): <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareIn
terface::closeCamera(): 907: [KPI Perf]: E PROFILE_CLOSE_CAMERA camera id 1
06-04 11:45:14.980 D/ (1115): cmdtype=MM_CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT
06-04 11:45:14.980 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 216: mct_controller_destro
y: Initiating destroy sequence for session = 3
06-04 11:45:14.981 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 234: mct_controller_destro
y: serv_thread closed
06-04 11:45:14.981 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 249: mct_controller_destro
y: bus_handler thread closed
06-04 11:45:14.981 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4721: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion: Initiating stop_session on session 3
06-04 11:45:14.981 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3762: mct_pipeline_process
_set: command=800000b
06-04 11:45:14.981 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3980: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x3000f and stream type=10
06-04 11:45:14.981 I/mm-camera(1135): <IFACE >< INFO> 709: iface_unreserve_sink_
port: stream_id f mode 0
06-04 11:45:14.981 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 890: isp_port_check_caps_u
nreserve: ide 3000f port 0xeae6d380
06-04 11:45:14.981 E/mm-camera(1135): <ISP ><ERROR> 916: isp_port_check_caps_u
nreserve: ISP session resource not dellocated in time
06-04 11:45:14.983 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 3991: mct_pipeline_process
_set: Stream 0x3000f and stream type=10, successfully deleted
06-04 11:45:14.984 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4455: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: iface - E
06-04 11:45:14.984 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4455: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: sensor - E
06-04 11:45:14.984 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4463: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: iface - X
06-04 11:45:14.984 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4455: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: isp - E
06-04 11:45:14.984 I/mm-camera(1135): <ISP >< INFO> 487: isp_module_stop_sessi
on: session id 3
06-04 11:45:14.985 E/mm-camera(1135): <ISP ><ERROR> 528: isp_module_stop_sessi
on: warning: ISP resource is not freed on time!
06-04 11:45:14.985 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4455: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: stats - E
06-04 11:45:14.985 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4455: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: pproc - E
06-04 11:45:14.985 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4455: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: imglib - E
06-04 11:45:14.986 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4743: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion: Modules left: 5
06-04 11:45:14.986 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4463: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: imglib - X
06-04 11:45:14.986 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4743: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion: Modules left: 4
06-04 11:45:14.987 I/OPCAMERA_SENSOR(1135): listener_func: disable sensor=2 priv
06-04 11:45:14.988 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4463: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: pproc - X
06-04 11:45:14.988 E/ (1135): <ERROR> remosaicClient: 177: Daemon Instant
is NULL!!, call remosaic_init first!!
06-04 11:45:14.988 E/ (1135):
06-04 11:45:14.988 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4743: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion: Modules left: 3
06-04 11:45:14.989 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4463: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: isp - X
06-04 11:45:14.989 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4743: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion: Modules left: 2
06-04 11:45:14.990 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4463: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: sensor - X
06-04 11:45:14.990 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4743: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion: Modules left: 1
06-04 11:45:14.991 I/OPCAMERA_SENSOR(1135): listener_func: exit (0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x0, 0x0)
06-04 11:45:14.991 I/OPCAMERA_SENSOR(1135): deinit_module: (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
06-04 11:45:14.991 I/OPCAMERA_SENSOR(1135): deinit_module: module=0xeb321008 pri
vate=0xeb5b6840 list=0x0
06-04 11:45:14.995 E/Sensors (998): sns_reg_la.c(194):reg write: offset 1792, nu
m bytes: 24
06-04 11:45:14.996 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4463: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion_thread: Stop module name: stats - X
06-04 11:45:14.996 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4743: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion: Modules left: 0
06-04 11:45:14.996 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 4752: mct_pipeline_stop_se
ssion: Stopped session 3 successfully
06-04 11:45:14.996 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 5028: mct_pipeline_destroy
: E: session:3
06-04 11:45:14.996 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 5101: mct_pipeline_destroy
: X: Pipeline destroyed successfully session =3
06-04 11:45:14.996 I/mm-camera(1135): <MCT >< INFO> 282: mct_controller_destro
y: X Successfully closed mct_controller session 3
06-04 11:45:14.998 I/QCamera (1115): <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareIn
terface::closeCamera(): 949: [KPI Perf]: X PROFILE_CLOSE_CAMERA camera id 1, rc:
06-04 11:45:14.998 E/QCamera3HWI(1115): void qcamera::cameraPerfLock::release():
not acquired
06-04 11:45:14.999 I/QCamera (1115): <HAL><INFO> static int qcamera::QCamera3Har
dwareInterface::close_camera_device(struct hw_device_t *): 10306: [KPI Perf]: X
06-04 11:45:14.999 I/Camera3-Device(1115): disconnect: X
06-04 11:45:14.999 I/Camera3-Device(1115): disconnect: E
06-04 11:45:15.001 I/CameraService(1115): disconnect: Disconnected client for ca
mera 1 for PID 22572
06-04 11:45:15.012 I/cnss-daemon(1131): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
06-04 11:45:15.012 E/cnss-daemon(1131): Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm stat
e: 4
06-04 11:45:15.842 D/WhatsApp(24486): LL_D W [670:WriterThread] SEND <iq id='00'
xmlns='w:stats' type='set' to='s.whatsapp.net'><add t='1496591115'>WAM%03%20%15
06-04 11:45:15.893 D/WhatsApp(24486): LL_D W [682:ReaderThread] RECV <iq from='s
.whatsapp.net' type='result' id='00'/>
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): getTetherStats() called Network
Stats: elapsedRealtime=10944203
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [0] iface=r_rmnet_data0 uid=0
set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=564 txPackets=8 op
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [1] iface=r_rmnet_data0 uid=0
set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 o
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [2] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=DEF
AULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=8413709 rxPackets=10131 txBytes=498193 txPackets
=10327 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [3] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=FOR
EGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operation
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [4] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=
DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=38273 rxPackets=64 txBytes=7643 txPackets=80
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [5] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=
FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operat
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [6] iface=wlan0 uid=1001 set=
DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operation
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [7] iface=wlan0 uid=1001 set=
FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=8898 rxPackets=30 txBytes=2113 txPackets=2
2 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [8] iface=wlan0 uid=10007 set
=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=52 txPackets=1 operati
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [9] iface=wlan0 uid=10007 set
=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 opera
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [10] iface=wlan0 uid=10029 se
t=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=2439124 rxPackets=3566 txBytes=379513 txPac
kets=1778 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [11] iface=wlan0 uid=10029 se
t=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=6724378 rxPackets=7355 txBytes=586119 tx
Packets=2892 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [12] iface=wlan0 uid=10032 se
t=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=156864 rxPackets=244 txBytes=86959 txPacket
s=315 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [13] iface=wlan0 uid=10032 se
t=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=14918 rxPackets=71 txBytes=32661 txPacke
ts=74 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [14] iface=wlan0 uid=10039 se
t=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=836772 rxPackets=1259 txBytes=281338 txPack
ets=1175 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [15] iface=wlan0 uid=10039 se
t=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=3613057 rxPackets=3136 txBytes=234559 tx
Packets=2230 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [16] iface=wlan0 uid=10050 se
t=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=12292 rxPackets=27 txBytes=7251 txPackets=3
1 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [17] iface=wlan0 uid=10050 se
t=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 oper
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [18] iface=wlan0 uid=10064 se
t=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=76 txPackets=1 operat
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [19] iface=wlan0 uid=10064 se
t=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 oper
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [20] iface=wlan0 uid=10075 se
t=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=22636 rxPackets=33 txBytes=7041 txPackets=3
4 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [21] iface=wlan0 uid=10075 se
t=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 oper
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [22] iface=wlan0 uid=10077 se
t=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=3136891 rxPackets=2318 txBytes=78851 txPack
ets=1202 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [23] iface=wlan0 uid=10077 se
t=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=3040772 rxPackets=2432 txBytes=289879 tx
Packets=1247 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [24] iface=wlan0 uid=10078 se
t=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=24848 rxPackets=41 txBytes=5524 txPackets=5
6 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [25] iface=wlan0 uid=10078 se
t=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 oper
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [26] iface=wlan0 uid=10079 se
t=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=216895 rxPackets=445 txBytes=114104 txPacke
ts=517 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [27] iface=wlan0 uid=10079 se
t=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=233481702 rxPackets=170603 txBytes=65197
00 txPackets=85004 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [28] iface=wlan0 uid=10081 se
t=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=6763 rxPackets=8 txBytes=1507 txPackets=12
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [29] iface=wlan0 uid=10081 se
t=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 oper
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [30] iface=wlan0 uid=10083 se
t=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=174465 rxPackets=668 txBytes=249870 txPacke
ts=953 operations=0
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): [31] iface=wlan0 uid=10083 se
t=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=29508
06-04 11:45:15.900 I/TetherStatsReporting(1807): binding to service
06-04 11:45:16.618 I/GAV2 (25498): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data
06-04 11:45:16.656 I/ExifInterface_JNI(22572): Raw image not detected
06-04 11:45:16.710 I/ThermalEngine(1111): Monitor : quiet_therm = 39, msm_therm
= 40, ufs_therm = 39, battery_therm = 342,current_now = 944000
06-04 11:45:18.780 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:45:18.843 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:45:18.849 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{77af1bd com.android.systemui} is now in focus and seems to be
in full-screen mode
06-04 11:45:18.849 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:45:18.849 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:45:18.891 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
06-04 11:45:19.751 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) AudioOut_D expire 118
06-04 11:45:19.756 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{869f72b com.Slack} is now in focus and seems to be in full-sc
reen mode
06-04 11:45:19.756 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:45:19.756 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:45:19.768 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{869f72b com.Slack} is now in focus and seems to be in full-sc
reen mode
06-04 11:45:19.768 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:45:19.768 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:45:19.784 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) expire 28 lines
06-04 11:45:19.788 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 22572:com.instagram.android/
u0a99 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:45:19.791 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 25132:com.instagram.android:
igplayer/u0a99 (adj 900): remove task
06-04 11:45:19.802 E/lowmemorykiller(1004): Error writing /proc/25132/oom_score_
adj; errno=22
06-04 11:45:19.812 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 22540:com.instagram.android:
mqtt/u0a99 (adj 800): remove task
06-04 11:45:19.832 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 22540
06-04 11:45:19.833 W/ActivityManager(1807): Scheduling restart of crashed servic
e com.instagram.android/com.facebook.rti.push.service.FbnsService in 1000ms
06-04 11:45:19.843 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) pool-9-thread-1 expir
e 9 lines
06-04 11:45:19.854 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 25132
06-04 11:45:19.894 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) RxComputationSc expir
e 4 lines
06-04 11:45:19.955 I/Camera2Client(1115): Camera 1: Closed
06-04 11:45:19.955 I/Camera2ClientBase(1115): Closed Camera 1. Client was: com.i
nstagram.android (PID 22572, UID 10099)
06-04 11:45:19.955 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{18ceb24 u0 com.insta
06-04 11:45:19.955 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=134, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@de66dc8)
06-04 11:45:19.957 D/NuPlayerDriver(1125): reset(0xe530c0c0) at state 4
06-04 11:45:19.958 D/NuPlayerDriver(1125): notifyListener_l(0xe530c0c0), (8, 0,
0), loop setting(0, 0)
06-04 11:45:19.959 W/AMessage(1125): failed to post message as target looper for
handler 0 is gone.
06-04 11:45:19.959 D/NuPlayerDriver(1125): notifyResetComplete(0xe530c0c0)
06-04 11:45:19.960 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=134, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:45:19.961 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 22572
06-04 11:45:19.961 D/NuPlayerDriver(1125): reset(0xe530c660) at state 4
06-04 11:45:19.961 D/NuPlayerDriver(1125): notifyListener_l(0xe530c660), (8, 0,
0), loop setting(0, 0)
06-04 11:45:19.961 W/AMessage(1125): failed to post message as target looper for
handler 0 is gone.
06-04 11:45:19.962 D/NuPlayerDriver(1125): notifyResetComplete(0xe530c660)
06-04 11:45:19.962 D/GraphicsStats(1807): Buffer count: 15
06-04 11:45:19.964 I/WindowManager(1807): WIN DEATH: Window{6ffa527 u0 com.insta
06-04 11:45:19.964 D/NuPlayerDriver(1125): reset(0xe530c1e0) at state 4
06-04 11:45:19.964 D/NuPlayerDriver(1125): notifyListener_l(0xe530c1e0), (8, 0,
0), loop setting(0, 0)
06-04 11:45:19.964 W/AMessage(1125): failed to post message as target looper for
handler 0 is gone.
06-04 11:45:19.965 D/NuPlayerDriver(1125): notifyResetComplete(0xe530c1e0)
06-04 11:45:20.339 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
06-04 11:45:20.866 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 25663:com.instagram.andro
id:mqtt/u0a99 for service com.instagram.android/com.facebook.rti.push.service.Fb
06-04 11:45:21.101 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) OkHttp Dispatch expir
e 1 line
06-04 11:45:21.105 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 25695:com.instagram.andro
id/u0a99 for broadcast com.instagram.android/com.instagram.push.fbns.FbnsInitBro
06-04 11:45:21.110 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) RxIoScheduler-1 expir
e 2 lines
06-04 11:45:21.117 D/NetworkSecurityConfig(25663): No Network Security Config sp
ecified, using platform default
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): Can't load GNU S
TL lib
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): java.lang.Unsati
sfiedLinkError: JNI_ERR returned from JNI_OnLoad in "/data/app/com.instagram.and
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at com.f
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at com.f
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at com.f
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at com.f
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at com.f
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at com.i
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at com.i
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at com.i
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at andro
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at andro
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at andro
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at andro
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at andro
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at andro
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at andro
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at java.
lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at com.a
06-04 11:45:21.235 E/InstagramApplicationForMainProcess(25695): at com.a
06-04 11:45:21.348 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) background_even expir
e 3 lines
06-04 11:45:21.461 W/ColdStartPerformanceTracer(25695): . TOTA
06-04 11:45:21.461 W/ColdStartPerformanceTracer(25695): ____0 00.000 Start ..
. ... ColdStartPerformanceTracer
06-04 11:45:21.461 W/ColdStartPerformanceTracer(25695): __175 00.175 Comment ..
. ... | init_to_user_info_loaded
06-04 11:45:21.461 W/ColdStartPerformanceTracer(25695): ___35 00.210 Comment ..
. ... | init_to_app_created
06-04 11:45:21.461 W/ColdStartPerformanceTracer(25695): ___32 00.242 Done __242
ms __178 ms ColdStartPerformanceTracer
06-04 11:45:21.473 E/ActivityThread(25695): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:45:21.488 E/ActivityThread(25695): Failed to find provider info for com
06-04 11:45:21.501 I/art (25695): Thread[16,tid=25727,Native,Thread*=0xdb6e0
700,peer=0x12de8790,"IgExecutor #4"] recursive attempt to load library "/data/ap
06-04 11:45:22.258 I/art (25695): Do partial code cache collection, code=30K
B, data=25KB
06-04 11:45:22.258 I/art (25695): After code cache collection, code=30KB, da
06-04 11:45:22.258 I/art (25695): Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
06-04 11:45:23.173 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:1118_4 expire
5 lines
06-04 11:45:23.818 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) RxIoScheduler-1 expir
e 4 lines
06-04 11:45:24.185 I/chatty (3224): uid=10029(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[2
] expire 31 lines
06-04 11:45:24.193 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:45:27.299 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:45:27.325 I/LatinIme(13302): initialize() : Language = en-US
06-04 11:45:27.401 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale = [
06-04 11:45:27.401 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale ==
06-04 11:45:27.406 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:337 Portable
Language Identification module loaded successfully.
06-04 11:45:27.407 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher(13302): Schedule task: PeriodicTasks.
06-04 11:45:27.408 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = com.
Slack : Type = Text : Learning = Enable : Suggestion = Show : AutoCorrection = E
nable : Microphone = Show : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:45:27.412 W/InputConnectionWrapper(13302): Fixing selection indices to
0, 0
06-04 11:45:27.415 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4886
06-04 11:45:27.415 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 7 ms
06-04 11:45:27.438 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:45:27.440 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:27.441 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:45:27.442 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:45:27.442 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:45:27.443 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:45:27.443 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled
06-04 11:45:31.334 W/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:374 Output symbol
table doesn't contain symbol: &
06-04 11:45:31.334 I/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:401 Overriding nsm
skip_silence_cost to:-3
06-04 11:45:31.335 I/native (13302): fst-android-decoder.cc:788 Spatial model v
ersion: NSM_5
06-04 11:45:31.341 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) UserTypingHandl expir
e 23 lines
06-04 11:45:31.345 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) expire 1 line
06-04 11:45:31.622 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) expire 11 lines
06-04 11:45:32.415 I/S.FlushReqestGen(12597): Dispatch flush request to 2 listen
06-04 11:45:32.474 I/M.PowerCycleState(12597): persistCycleInfo: serializing obj
ect: PowerCycle{start=2017-06-04 08:57:54 EDT,length=+2h47m37s880ms,battpct=43.0
06-04 11:45:34.990 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) expire 24 lines
06-04 11:45:35.174 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) WebSocketPingPo expir
e 1 line
06-04 11:45:38.829 W/VoiceImeTranscriptor(13302): UIME feature enabled: true
06-04 11:45:38.829 I/LatinIme(13302): canHandleVoiceTranscription() = true
06-04 11:45:38.843 I/UnifiedImeServiceClient(13302): #internalBind completed - a
vailable: true
06-04 11:45:38.843 I/UnifiedImeServiceClient(13302): #startTranscription - the s
ervice was not bound, restarting.
06-04 11:45:38.843 I/UnifiedImeServiceClient(13302): #startTranscriptionWithCont
ext - adding pending transcription start.
06-04 11:45:38.843 I/UnifiedImeServiceClient(13302): #startTranscription complet
06-04 11:45:38.844 I/UnifiedImeService(3082): #onCreate
06-04 11:45:38.845 I/UnifiedImeService(3082): #onBind
06-04 11:45:38.858 I/UnifiedImeServiceClient(13302): #onServiceConnected - pendi
ng: true
06-04 11:45:38.861 I/UnifiedImeServiceClient(13302): #startTranscriptionWithCont
ext - initiating transcription start, isInvoked: true
06-04 11:45:38.862 I/UnifiedImeServiceClient(13302): #startTranscription complet
06-04 11:45:38.872 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[135562759274276
01] from persistence.
06-04 11:45:38.879 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:45:38.888 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:45:38.889 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:45:38.889 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:45:38.889 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:45:38.890 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:45:38.904 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 6 lines
06-04 11:45:38.937 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:45:38.944 I/MediaFocusControl(1807): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() f
rom uid/pid 10039/3082 [email protected]
roid.apps.gsa.speech.audio.c.b@df5550c req=4 flags=0x0
06-04 11:45:38.944 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:45:38.952 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): processVoiceTranscription() : input
state = 4927, action = 0
06-04 11:45:38.972 I/S3RecognizerInfoBuilder(3082): S3PreambleType 0
06-04 11:45:38.974 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 52 lines
06-04 11:45:39.001 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:45:39.007 I/FavoriteContactNamesSup(3082): get()
06-04 11:45:39.007 I/FavoriteContactNamesSup(3082): get() : Execute directly (BG
06-04 11:45:39.010 W/CronetHttpEngine(3082): Upload request without a content ty
06-04 11:45:39.011 I/MediaPlayerService(1125): MediaPlayerService::getOMX
06-04 11:45:39.012 I/OMXClient(3082): MuxOMX ctor
06-04 11:45:39.014 I/OMXMaster(1122): makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.amrwb.enc
oder) in mediacodec process
06-04 11:45:39.018 I/FavoriteContactNamesSup(3082): get()
06-04 11:45:39.018 I/FavoriteContactNamesSup(3082): get() : Execute directly (BG
06-04 11:45:39.032 I/FavoriteContactNamesSup(3082): get()
06-04 11:45:39.032 I/FavoriteContactNamesSup(3082): get() : Execute directly (BG
06-04 11:45:39.068 W/SpeechLevelGenerator(3082): Really low audio levels detecte
d. The audio input may have issues.
06-04 11:45:39.842 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) AudioOut_D expire 165
06-04 11:45:39.845 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:45:39.846 I/UnifiedImeServiceClient(13302): #stopListening completed.
06-04 11:45:39.929 I/MediaFocusControl(1807): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() f
rom uid/pid 10039/3082 [email protected]
06-04 11:45:39.934 W/ErrorReporter(3082): reportError [type: 211, code: 524292]:
errorCode: 524292, engine: 0
06-04 11:45:39.935 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:45:39.937 W/ErrorReporter(3082): reportError [type: 211, code: 524292]:
errorCode: 524292, engine: 0
06-04 11:45:39.950 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) AudioOut_1D expire 58
06-04 11:45:39.953 I/AudioRouter(3082): Route changed: ROUTE_NO_AUDIO->ROUTE_NO_
06-04 11:45:39.954 I/MediaFocusControl(1807): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() f
rom uid/pid 10039/3082 [email protected]
roid.apps.gsa.speech.audio.c.b@df5550c req=4 flags=0x0
06-04 11:45:39.955 I/UnifiedImeServiceClient(13302): #stopTranscription complete
06-04 11:45:39.956 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): processVoiceTranscription() : input
state = 4929, action = 2
06-04 11:45:40.063 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[289843812183] f
rom persistence.
06-04 11:45:40.092 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:45:40.098 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:45:40.098 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:45:40.107 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:45:40.108 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:45:40.109 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:40.111 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 52 lines
06-04 11:45:40.118 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:45:40.173 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:40.455 I/AudioRouter(3082): Route changed: ROUTE_NO_BLUETOOTH->ROUTE
06-04 11:45:40.456 I/MediaFocusControl(1807): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() f
rom uid/pid 10039/3082 [email protected]
06-04 11:45:40.998 W/WindowManager(1807): Attempted to remove non-existing token
: android.os.Binder@8017701
06-04 11:45:41.249 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:45:42.225 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:45:42.692 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:45:43.104 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) UserTypingHandl expir
e 4 lines
06-04 11:45:43.226 W/SocketClient(1126): write error (Broken pipe)
06-04 11:45:44.152 I/chatty (3224): uid=10029(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[2
] expire 79 lines
06-04 11:45:44.199 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:45:44.201 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:45:44.201 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 21 bytes.
06-04 11:45:44.213 W/InputConnectionWrapper(13302): Fixing selection indices to
26, 26
06-04 11:45:44.215 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4948
06-04 11:45:44.215 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:45:44.216 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:45:44.216 W/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:374 Output symbol
table doesn't contain symbol: &
06-04 11:45:44.216 I/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:401 Overriding nsm
skip_silence_cost to:-3
06-04 11:45:44.216 I/native (13302): fst-android-decoder.cc:788 Spatial model v
ersion: NSM_5
06-04 11:45:44.217 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:45:44.217 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 6 bytes.
06-04 11:45:44.217 I/LatinIme(13302): onDeactivate()
06-04 11:45:44.219 I/native (13302): input-context-store.cc:138 Ignoring stale
client request for FetchSuggestions
06-04 11:45:44.219 I/UnifiedImeServiceClient(13302): #disconnect
06-04 11:45:44.220 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = com.
Slack : Type = Text : Learning = Enable : Suggestion = Show : AutoCorrection = E
nable : Microphone = Show : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:45:44.227 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4950
06-04 11:45:44.227 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 7 ms
06-04 11:45:44.272 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:45:44.274 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onDeactivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:44.274 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:44.275 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:45:44.275 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:45:44.275 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:45:44.276 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:45:44.276 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled
06-04 11:45:44.326 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:1118_2 expire
2 lines
06-04 11:45:44.332 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:45:44.333 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:45:44.334 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 6 bytes.
06-04 11:45:44.348 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) Thread-13 expire 1 li
06-04 11:45:44.349 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:45:44.350 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:45:44.350 I/LatinIme(13302): onDeactivate()
06-04 11:45:44.351 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 0 bytes.
06-04 11:45:44.352 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = com.
Slack : Type = Text : Learning = Enable : Suggestion = Show : AutoCorrection = E
nable : Microphone = Show : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:45:44.354 W/InputConnectionWrapper(13302): Fixing selection indices to
0, 0
06-04 11:45:44.356 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4954
06-04 11:45:44.356 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 4 ms
06-04 11:45:44.358 W/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:374 Output symbol
table doesn't contain symbol: &
06-04 11:45:44.358 I/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:401 Overriding nsm
skip_silence_cost to:-3
06-04 11:45:44.359 I/native (13302): fst-android-decoder.cc:788 Spatial model v
ersion: NSM_5
06-04 11:45:44.369 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) expire 39 lines
06-04 11:45:44.414 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:45:44.415 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onDeactivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:44.416 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:44.416 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:45:44.416 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:45:44.416 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:45:44.417 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:45:44.417 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled
06-04 11:45:44.660 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4956
06-04 11:45:44.661 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:45:44.663 W/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:374 Output symbol
table doesn't contain symbol: &
06-04 11:45:44.663 I/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:401 Overriding nsm
skip_silence_cost to:-3
06-04 11:45:44.665 I/native (13302): fst-android-decoder.cc:788 Spatial model v
ersion: NSM_5
06-04 11:45:45.168 I/chatty (1137): uid=1000(system) /system/bin/fingerprintd e
xpire 129 lines
06-04 11:45:45.177 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:45:45.258 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:45:45.271 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 6 l
06-04 11:45:45.313 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 l
06-04 11:45:45.346 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 19457:com.google.android.gms
.unstable/u0a29 (adj 906): empty #23
06-04 11:45:45.361 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 19457
06-04 11:45:45.367 W/SessionLifecycleManager(3082): Handover failed. Creating ne
w session controller.
06-04 11:45:45.374 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[135562759274276
01] from persistence.
06-04 11:45:45.374 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:45:45.377 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:45:45.378 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:45:45.378 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:45:45.378 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:45:45.378 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:45:45.384 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:45:45.385 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:45:45.407 I/PhenotypeIme(13302): refreshConfiguration() : Force = false
: UpdateAvailable = false : Age = 163 minutes : MaxAge = 720 minutes
06-04 11:45:45.408 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:45:45.409 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:45:45.409 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 0 bytes.
06-04 11:45:45.409 I/LatinIme(13302): onDeactivate()
06-04 11:45:45.410 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onDeactivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:45.412 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:45:45.427 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:45:45.433 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:45:45.436 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:45:45.439 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 52 lines
06-04 11:45:45.445 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:45.451 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:45:45.507 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:45.531 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:45:45.776 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:45:45.782 I/chatty (1137): uid=1000(system) /system/bin/fingerprintd e
xpire 9 lines
06-04 11:45:45.788 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:45:45.788 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:45:45.798 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:45:45.918 W/OpenGLRenderer(3041): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View
: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
06-04 11:45:46.279 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 11
06-04 11:45:46.280 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:45:46.331 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:45:46.332 D/SurfaceFlinger(1006): Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x7f
06-04 11:45:46.358 I/chatty (1137): uid=1000(system) /system/bin/fingerprintd e
xpire 3 lines
06-04 11:45:46.361 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:45:46.363 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:45:46.436 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[289843812184] f
rom persistence.
06-04 11:45:46.444 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:45:46.444 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:45:46.444 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:45:46.444 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:45:46.444 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:45:46.448 W/SearchService(3082): Abort, client detached.
06-04 11:45:46.455 I/cnss-daemon(1131): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
06-04 11:45:46.455 E/cnss-daemon(1131): Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm stat
e: 16
06-04 11:45:46.456 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:45:46.461 I/cnss-daemon(1131): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
06-04 11:45:46.461 E/cnss-daemon(1131): Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm stat
e: 4
06-04 11:45:46.461 I/cnss-daemon(1131): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
06-04 11:45:46.461 I/cnss-daemon(1131): NDA_DST received: ul: 562
06-04 11:45:46.461 I/cnss-daemon(1131): NDA_LLADDR received
06-04 11:45:46.473 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:45:46.474 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:45:46.478 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:45:46.484 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:45:46.485 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:45:46.488 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:46.490 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 52 lines
06-04 11:45:46.492 E/ContentStoreEUAS(3082): Failed to commit the deferred actio
06-04 11:45:46.498 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:45:46.545 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PhotonicModulat expire 2 l
06-04 11:45:46.547 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:45:46.547 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:45:46.548 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:45:46.548 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=15607927, gp=0)
06-04 11:45:46.553 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:45:46.553 I/KeyguardUpdateMonitor(2250): Dispatching FP unlock boost.
06-04 11:45:46.580 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 5 lines
06-04 11:45:46.587 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:45:46.588 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:46.637 D/CarrierText(2250): onSimStateChanged: Normal
06-04 11:45:46.637 D/CarrierText(2250): onSimStateChanged: Normal
06-04 11:45:46.637 D/CarrierText(2250): onSimStateChanged: SimMissing
06-04 11:45:46.664 D/PhoneStatusBar(2250): disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTE
M_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
06-04 11:45:46.736 D/PhoneStatusBar(2250): disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM
_INFO back HOME* RECENT* clock SEARCH* quick_settings >
06-04 11:45:46.737 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:45:46.737 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
06-04 11:45:46.737 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_B expire 2 lin
06-04 11:45:46.747 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:45:46.748 D/SurfaceFlinger(1006): Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x7f
06-04 11:45:46.748 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:45:46.770 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:45:46.772 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:45:46.799 D/NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1)( 2250): onServi
ceStateChanged mIsCarrierOneNetwork =false
06-04 11:45:46.824 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_2 expire 2 lin
06-04 11:45:46.835 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_9 expire 1 lin
06-04 11:45:46.837 D/CellBroadcastReceiver(28178): onReceive Intent { act=androi
d.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.Ce
llBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
06-04 11:45:46.837 D/CellBroadcastReceiver(28178): Intent: android.intent.action
06-04 11:45:46.839 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:45:46.846 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:45:46.856 W/SessionLifecycleManager(3082): Handover failed. Creating ne
w session controller.
06-04 11:45:46.861 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[135562759274276
01] from persistence.
06-04 11:45:46.864 D/PhoneStatusBar(2250): disable: < expand icons* alerts syste
m_info* back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
06-04 11:45:46.865 D/NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1)( 2250): network
Class=4G showRat=false slot=0
06-04 11:45:46.865 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:45:46.865 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_A expire 1 lin
06-04 11:45:46.867 D/NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1)( 2250): onServi
ceStateChanged mIsCarrierOneNetwork =false
06-04 11:45:46.871 D/CellBroadcastReceiver(28178): onReceive Intent { act=androi
d.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.Ce
llBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
06-04 11:45:46.871 D/CellBroadcastReceiver(28178): Intent: android.intent.action
06-04 11:45:46.878 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:45:46.878 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:45:46.879 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:45:46.879 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:45:46.879 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:45:46.886 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:45:46.886 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:45:46.893 I/chatty (2907): uid=10029 com.google.android.gms.persistent
expire 6 lines
06-04 11:45:46.897 I/ScreenEventHandler(902): Received Broadcast ACTION_USER_PRE
06-04 11:45:46.905 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@23
20ef0 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@d7dac69, token = android.os.
06-04 11:45:46.906 I/EventWatcherService(902): Received start id 95: Intent { cm
ces.EventWatcherService }
06-04 11:45:46.918 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:45:46.918 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:1118_1 expire
6 lines
06-04 11:45:46.919 D/NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1)( 2250): network
Class=4G showRat=false slot=0
06-04 11:45:46.924 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:45:46.925 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:45:46.928 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:46.931 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 52 lines
06-04 11:45:46.939 E/Sensors (998): sns_reg_la.c(86):reg read: offset 2304, num
bytes: 1
06-04 11:45:46.945 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:45:46.946 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 199
06-04 11:45:46.947 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:45:46.947 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:45:46.957 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:45:46.966 I/chatty (3224): uid=10029(com.google.android.gms) expire 1
06-04 11:45:46.973 D/PhoneStatusBar(2250): disable: < expand icons alerts system
_info back home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
06-04 11:45:46.987 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.and
roid.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:45:46.990 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_6 expire 5 lin
06-04 11:45:47.005 D/PhoneStatusBar(2250): disable: < expand icons alerts system
_info back home recent clock search quick_settings >
06-04 11:45:47.012 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:47.014 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:45:47.014 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:45:47.019 I/chatty (2907): uid=10029(com.google.android.gms) NearbyDir
ectMai expire 2 lines
06-04 11:45:47.107 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10028 on display 0
06-04 11:45:47.112 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_C expire 5 lin
06-04 11:45:47.120 I/GoogleInputMethod(13302): onReceive() : Action = android.in
06-04 11:45:47.127 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_8 expire 8 lin
06-04 11:45:47.137 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[289843812185] f
rom persistence.
06-04 11:45:47.143 D/WindowManager(1807): relayoutVisibleWindow: Window{64bdc05
u0 com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher.N
exusLauncherActivity EXITING} mAnimatingExit=true, mRemoveOnExit=false, mDestroy
06-04 11:45:47.148 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:45:47.148 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:45:47.148 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:45:47.148 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:45:47.149 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:45:47.153 E/ActivityManager(1807): applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animatio
06-04 11:45:47.161 W/SearchService(3082): Abort, client detached.
06-04 11:45:47.164 I/ScreenEventHandler(902): Received Broadcast ACTION_SCREEN_O
06-04 11:45:47.175 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:45:47.188 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:1118_3 expire
7 lines
06-04 11:45:47.189 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:45:47.208 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:45:47.208 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:45:47.211 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) RxIoScheduler-4 expir
e 2 lines
06-04 11:45:47.215 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:45:47.216 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:45:47.206 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1335): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.222 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 52 lines
06-04 11:45:47.228 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:47.234 W/SurfaceFlinger(1006): couldn't log to binary event log: ove
06-04 11:45:47.235 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:45:47.238 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:45:47.242 E/ContentStoreEUAS(3082): Failed to commit the deferred actio
06-04 11:45:47.256 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1336): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.268 W/SurfaceFlinger(1006): couldn't log to binary event log: ove
06-04 11:45:47.296 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1337): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.310 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:47.322 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:45:47.334 I/LatinIme(13302): initialize() : Language = en-US
06-04 11:45:47.346 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1338): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.389 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) RxIoScheduler-7 expir
e 4 lines
06-04 11:45:47.386 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1339): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.406 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) HeapTaskDaemon expire
1 line
06-04 11:45:47.414 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale = [
06-04 11:45:47.414 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale ==
06-04 11:45:47.421 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher(13302): Schedule task: PeriodicTasks.
06-04 11:45:47.421 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = com.
Slack : Type = Text : Learning = Enable : Suggestion = Show : AutoCorrection = E
nable : Microphone = Show : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:45:47.416 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1340): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.424 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:337 Portable
Language Identification module loaded successfully.
06-04 11:45:47.424 W/InputConnectionWrapper(13302): Fixing selection indices to
0, 0
06-04 11:45:47.426 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4959
06-04 11:45:47.426 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 5 ms
06-04 11:45:47.439 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:45:47.441 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:47.442 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:45:47.443 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:45:47.443 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:45:47.443 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:45:47.443 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled
06-04 11:45:47.446 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): Cancelling personalized data fl
ush runnable
06-04 11:45:47.446 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1341): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.476 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1342): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.490 I/EventWatcherService(902): Received start id 96: Intent { cm
ces.EventWatcherService }
06-04 11:45:47.572 I/chatty (2907): uid=10029(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[1
69] expire 1 line
06-04 11:45:47.605 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) Jit thread pool expir
e 3 lines
06-04 11:45:47.626 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) FLP Service Cal expire 3 l
06-04 11:45:47.659 I/chatty (3224): uid=10029(com.google.android.gms) expire 25
06-04 11:45:47.682 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:45:47.685 I/ScreenEventHandler(902): Received Broadcast ACTION_SCREEN_O
06-04 11:45:47.706 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1343): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.745 I/chatty (2907): uid=10029(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[1
75] expire 1 line
06-04 11:45:47.736 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1344): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.766 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1345): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.786 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1346): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.806 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1347): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.826 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1348): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.846 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1349): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.856 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1350): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:47.878 I/chatty (2907): uid=10029(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[1
76] expire 3 lines
06-04 11:45:47.878 I/EventWatcherService(902): Received start id 97: Intent { cm
ces.EventWatcherService }
06-04 11:45:47.895 I/SmallWidgetProvider(902): onReceive method called, action =
'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2017-06-04 11:45:47
06-04 11:45:47.937 I/chatty (2907): uid=10029 com.google.android.gms.persistent
expire 1 line
06-04 11:45:48.157 I/chatty (3224): uid=10029(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[2
] expire 10 lines
06-04 11:45:48.178 I/chatty (3224): uid=10029(com.google.android.gms) expire 2
06-04 11:45:48.178 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:45:48.178 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:45:48.178 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:45:48.864 I/PhenotypeIme(13302): refreshConfiguration() : Force = false
: UpdateAvailable = false : Age = 164 minutes : MaxAge = 720 minutes
06-04 11:45:48.865 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:45:48.866 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:45:48.866 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 0 bytes.
06-04 11:45:48.866 I/LatinIme(13302): onDeactivate()
06-04 11:45:48.867 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onDeactivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:48.869 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:45:49.948 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:45:49.966 I/LatinIme(13302): initialize() : Language = en-US
06-04 11:45:50.027 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale = [
06-04 11:45:50.027 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale ==
06-04 11:45:50.031 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:337 Portable
Language Identification module loaded successfully.
06-04 11:45:50.031 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher(13302): Schedule task: PeriodicTasks.
06-04 11:45:50.031 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = com.
Slack : Type = Text : Learning = Enable : Suggestion = Show : AutoCorrection = E
nable : Microphone = Show : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:45:50.034 W/InputConnectionWrapper(13302): Fixing selection indices to
25, 25
06-04 11:45:50.036 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4962
06-04 11:45:50.037 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 4 ms
06-04 11:45:50.051 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:45:50.054 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:50.055 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:45:50.055 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:45:50.055 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:45:50.055 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:45:50.055 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled
06-04 11:45:50.600 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 3 l
06-04 11:45:50.649 I/NearbyDirect(2907): MagicPairScanner: BluetoothLeScanner is
null, Bluetooth might be off. Enabled=false
06-04 11:45:50.734 I/Publisher(3224): Triggered Adaptive Discovery
06-04 11:45:50.738 I/Publisher(3224): 2 Cast devices.
06-04 11:45:50.738 I/Publisher(3224): "Chromecast" (8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb
3e32) supported([]) notSupported([%urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media]) expired(fa
06-04 11:45:50.739 I/Publisher(3224): "Living room Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7
cf014c2a8a) supported([]) notSupported([96084372, %urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.me
dia]) expired(false)
06-04 11:45:51.188 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4964
06-04 11:45:51.188 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:45:51.189 W/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:374 Output symbol
table doesn't contain symbol: &
06-04 11:45:51.189 I/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:401 Overriding nsm
skip_silence_cost to:-3
06-04 11:45:51.190 I/native (13302): fst-android-decoder.cc:788 Spatial model v
ersion: NSM_5
06-04 11:45:52.372 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.372 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.372 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.372 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.372 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.372 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.373 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.374 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.376 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:45:52.377 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:45:52.435 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:45:52.438 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:45:52.438 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:45:52.438 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:45:52.438 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:45:52.438 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:45:52.439 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:45:52.439 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:45:52.439 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:45:52.440 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:45:52.440 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:45:52.440 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:45:52.440 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:45:52.837 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:45:52.839 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:45:52.839 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 5 bytes.
06-04 11:45:52.863 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:45:52.864 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:45:52.864 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 0 bytes.
06-04 11:45:52.864 I/LatinIme(13302): onDeactivate()
06-04 11:45:52.865 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = com.
Slack : Type = Text : Learning = Enable : Suggestion = Show : AutoCorrection = E
nable : Microphone = Show : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:45:52.909 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4970
06-04 11:45:52.910 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 45 ms
06-04 11:45:52.954 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:45:52.956 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onDeactivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:52.956 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:52.957 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:45:52.958 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:45:52.958 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:45:52.958 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:45:52.959 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled
06-04 11:45:53.004 I/PhenotypeIme(13302): refreshConfiguration() : Force = false
: UpdateAvailable = false : Age = 164 minutes : MaxAge = 720 minutes
06-04 11:45:53.004 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:45:53.005 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:45:53.006 I/native (13302): input-context-store.cc:113 Using roll back
input context operation: [AbortComposing] reason: client [4970] vs decoder [497
06-04 11:45:53.006 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 0 bytes.
06-04 11:45:53.006 I/LatinIme(13302): onDeactivate()
06-04 11:45:53.007 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onDeactivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:45:53.009 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:45:54.959 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:45:55.039 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:45:55.049 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) expire 4 lines
06-04 11:45:55.071 W/OpenGLRenderer(3041): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View
: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
06-04 11:45:55.118 W/SessionLifecycleManager(3082): Handover failed. Creating ne
w session controller.
06-04 11:45:55.124 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[135562759274276
01] from persistence.
06-04 11:45:55.127 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:45:55.141 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:45:55.141 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:45:55.141 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:45:55.141 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:45:55.141 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:45:55.148 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:45:55.149 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:45:55.182 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:45:55.190 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:45:55.190 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:45:55.193 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 52 lines
06-04 11:45:55.193 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:55.198 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:45:55.256 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:55.379 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 500 ms.
06-04 11:45:55.556 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Going to sleep due to power butt
on (uid 1000)...
06-04 11:45:55.562 I/chatty (1137): uid=1000(system) /system/bin/fingerprintd e
xpire 2 lines
06-04 11:45:55.562 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home -4 canceled 00
06-04 11:45:55.562 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): workerFunction STATE_IDLE
06-04 11:45:55.562 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_get_template_db_id begin
06-04 11:45:55.563 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_get_uint64_cmd begin
06-04 11:45:55.567 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_get_uint64_cmd end
06-04 11:45:55.567 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_get_template_db_id end
06-04 11:45:55.567 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_get_authenticator_id id 1316
779719905180618, aut 0,screen state 1
06-04 11:45:55.568 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): workerFunction STATE_NONE (HOME)
06-04 11:45:55.568 I/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home Enter
06-04 11:45:55.568 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up
06-04 11:45:55.568 V/FingerprintService(1807): startAuthentication(com.android.s
06-04 11:45:55.568 V/FingerprintService(1807): starting client AuthenticationCli
ent(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true)
06-04 11:45:55.568 V/fingerprintd(1137): authenticate(sid=0, gid=0)
06-04 11:45:55.568 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_authenticate operation_id 0
06-04 11:45:55.578 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up FPC_LIB_FINGE
06-04 11:45:55.578 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home fpc_wait_finger_up befor
e do HOME ,status 0
06-04 11:45:55.578 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down_for_home_12
_zone enter ---
06-04 11:45:55.578 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down_for_home_12
_zone -4 1
06-04 11:45:55.578 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home -4 canceled 00
06-04 11:45:55.578 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): workerFunction STATE_IDLE
06-04 11:45:55.578 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): workerFunction STATE_AUTHENTICAT
06-04 11:45:55.578 W/FingerprintService(1807): client com.android.systemui is au
06-04 11:45:55.578 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_identify
06-04 11:45:55.578 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_get_template_count begin
06-04 11:45:55.583 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_get_template_count end
06-04 11:45:55.583 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_identify home_prop:
06-04 11:45:55.583 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_get_indices_cmd begin
06-04 11:45:55.587 D/fpc_tac (1137): Number of indices in the database: 4
06-04 11:45:55.587 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_get_indices_cmd end
06-04 11:45:55.587 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_get_indices end
06-04 11:45:55.587 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_set_hw_auth_challenge begin
06-04 11:45:55.587 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_set_uint64_cmd begin
06-04 11:45:55.592 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_set_uint64_cmd end
06-04 11:45:55.592 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_set_hw_auth_challenge end
06-04 11:45:55.592 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_begin_identify begin
06-04 11:45:55.592 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_begin_identify_cmd begin
06-04 11:45:55.601 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_begin_identify_cmd end
06-04 11:45:55.602 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_begin_identify end
06-04 11:45:55.602 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_identify status 0
06-04 11:45:55.602 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image
06-04 11:45:55.602 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up
06-04 11:45:55.625 W/OpenGLRenderer(3041): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View
: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
06-04 11:45:55.701 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) AudioOut_D expire 8 l
06-04 11:45:55.703 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up FPC_LIB_FINGE
06-04 11:45:55.703 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down enter ---
06-04 11:45:55.703 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_wake_up 0 1
06-04 11:45:55.703 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:45:55.703 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:45:55.710 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:45:55.710 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:45:56.065 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is disallowed
06-04 11:45:56.079 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", OFF
06-04 11:45:56.079 D/SurfaceFlinger(1006): Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x7f
06-04 11:45:56.096 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): screenStateFunction screen OFF 0
06-04 11:45:56.096 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): screenStateFunction ,indices_cou
nt = 4
06-04 11:45:56.096 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137):
06-04 11:45:56.105 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:45:56.105 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen off: is_screen_off = 1
06-04 11:45:56.203 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[289843812187] f
rom persistence.
06-04 11:45:56.215 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:45:56.215 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:45:56.215 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:45:56.216 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:45:56.216 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:45:56.222 W/SearchService(3082): Abort, client detached.
06-04 11:45:56.231 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:45:56.240 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:45:56.241 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:45:56.254 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:45:56.262 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:45:56.263 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:45:56.264 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:1118_4 expire
6 lines
06-04 11:45:56.268 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 45 lines
06-04 11:45:56.270 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:45:56.272 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:56.272 E/ContentStoreEUAS(3082): Failed to commit the deferred actio
06-04 11:45:56.288 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Entering dreamland.
06-04 11:45:56.288 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Dozing...
06-04 11:45:56.288 I/DreamController(1807): Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:45:56.324 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=2250
06-04 11:45:56.335 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:45:56.376 D/CarrierText(2250): onSimStateChanged: Normal
06-04 11:45:56.376 D/CarrierText(2250): onSimStateChanged: Normal
06-04 11:45:56.376 D/CarrierText(2250): onSimStateChanged: SimMissing
06-04 11:45:56.448 D/PhoneStatusBar(2250): disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTE
M_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
06-04 11:45:56.571 D/PhoneStatusBar(2250): disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM
_INFO back HOME* RECENT* clock SEARCH* quick_settings >
06-04 11:45:56.698 I/NearbyDirect(2907): MagicPairScanner: BluetoothLeScanner is
null, Bluetooth might be off. Enabled=false
06-04 11:45:56.702 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): in onDiscoveryRequestChanged:
06-04 11:45:56.703 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:45:56.703 V/MediaRouter(3224): Removing route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Livi
ng room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name
=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USE
R , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:45:56.704 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:45:56.704 V/MediaRouter(3224): Removing route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Chro
mecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Device
s types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , pre
sentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:45:56.704 I/DiscoveryManager(3224): Filter criteria(null) scannerFlags(
06-04 11:45:56.704 I/Publisher(3224): onUpdateFilterCriteria null
06-04 11:45:56.704 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:45:56.710 W/MdnsClient_Cast(3224): Multicast lock held. Releasing. Subt
06-04 11:45:56.715 W/MdnsClient(3224): unicast receiver thread is already dead.
06-04 11:45:56.722 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] notifyDevicesOffline: ["Living
room Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a), "Chromecast" (8194b001039d421a44f
06-04 11:45:56.723 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:45:56.723 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:45:56.725 I/GoogleInputMethod(13302): onReceive() : Action = android.in
06-04 11:45:56.729 I/ScreenEventHandler(902): Received Broadcast ACTION_SCREEN_O
06-04 11:45:56.746 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1351): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:56.766 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1352): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:56.786 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1353): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:56.806 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1354): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:56.816 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1355): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:56.836 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1356): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:56.856 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1357): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:56.876 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1358): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:45:56.886 I/EventWatcherService(902): Received start id 98: Intent { cm
ces.EventWatcherService }
06-04 11:45:56.901 E/ctxmgr (2907): [WorkInfo]Attribution was already enqueued
errorCode=8, pkg=com.google.android.gms, lbl=PlacesProducer_receive, start=2017-
06-04 11:45:47.938-0400, stop=2017-06-04 11:45:47.938-0400, durtn=0ms.
06-04 11:45:56.903 E/ctxmgr (2907): [WorkManager]Ongoing task not found: Places
06-04 11:45:58.661 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) background_even expir
e 1 line
06-04 11:45:58.892 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy expire 1 l
06-04 11:45:58.899 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): no controller energy info suppli
06-04 11:45:58.924 E/BatteryStatsService(1807): modem info is invalid: ModemActi
vityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
06-04 11:45:58.936 W/QCNEJ (2941): |CORE| CNE received unexpected action: andr
06-04 11:45:58.949 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:46:00.173 I/cnss-daemon(1131): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
06-04 11:46:00.173 E/cnss-daemon(1131): Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm stat
e: 4
06-04 11:46:05.054 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) Timer-0 expire 4 line
06-04 11:46:05.056 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) pool-9-thread-1 expir
e 3 lines
06-04 11:46:05.418 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) OkHttp Dispatch expir
e 1 line
06-04 11:46:05.419 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) RxComputationSc expir
e 4 lines
06-04 11:46:08.596 I/ClearcutLoggerApiImpl(3041): disconnect managed GoogleApiCl
06-04 11:46:10.589 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 4 lines
06-04 11:46:12.084 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 0 2
06-04 11:46:12.084 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification begin
06-04 11:46:12.084 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:12.100 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:12.100 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification end
06-04 11:46:12.100 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 5 3
06-04 11:46:12.101 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAcquired(1000)
06-04 11:46:12.101 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): acquire performance success resl
ut == 0
06-04 11:46:12.101 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image begin
06-04 11:46:12.101 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:12.184 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:12.184 E/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd failed with retval: 6
06-04 11:46:12.184 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image end
06-04 11:46:12.184 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_tac_capture_image took: 8306
06-04 11:46:12.184 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image status -11
06-04 11:46:12.184 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down enter ---
06-04 11:46:12.184 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_wake_up 0 1
06-04 11:46:12.184 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:46:12.184 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:12.197 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:12.198 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:46:12.632 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 0 2
06-04 11:46:12.633 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification begin
06-04 11:46:12.633 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:12.651 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:12.651 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification end
06-04 11:46:12.651 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 5 3
06-04 11:46:12.651 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAcquired(1000)
06-04 11:46:12.651 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): acquire performance success resl
ut == 0
06-04 11:46:12.652 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image begin
06-04 11:46:12.652 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:12.698 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:12.698 E/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd failed with retval: 6
06-04 11:46:12.698 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image end
06-04 11:46:12.698 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_tac_capture_image took: 4676
06-04 11:46:12.698 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image status -11
06-04 11:46:12.698 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down enter ---
06-04 11:46:12.698 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_wake_up 0 1
06-04 11:46:12.698 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:46:12.698 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:12.710 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:12.710 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:46:13.003 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 0 2
06-04 11:46:13.003 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification begin
06-04 11:46:13.003 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:13.019 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:13.019 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification end
06-04 11:46:13.019 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 5 3
06-04 11:46:13.019 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAcquired(1000)
06-04 11:46:13.020 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): acquire performance success resl
ut == 0
06-04 11:46:13.020 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image begin
06-04 11:46:13.020 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:13.069 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:13.069 E/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd failed with retval: 6
06-04 11:46:13.069 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image end
06-04 11:46:13.069 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_tac_capture_image took: 4917
06-04 11:46:13.069 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image status -11
06-04 11:46:13.069 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down enter ---
06-04 11:46:13.069 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_wake_up 0 1
06-04 11:46:13.069 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:46:13.069 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:13.081 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:13.081 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:46:13.304 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 0 2
06-04 11:46:13.304 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification begin
06-04 11:46:13.304 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:13.320 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:13.321 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification end
06-04 11:46:13.321 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 5 3
06-04 11:46:13.321 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAcquired(1000)
06-04 11:46:13.321 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): acquire performance success resl
ut == 0
06-04 11:46:13.321 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image begin
06-04 11:46:13.321 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:13.369 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:13.369 E/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd failed with retval: 6
06-04 11:46:13.369 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image end
06-04 11:46:13.370 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_tac_capture_image took: 4828
06-04 11:46:13.370 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image status -11
06-04 11:46:13.370 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down enter ---
06-04 11:46:13.370 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_wake_up 0 1
06-04 11:46:13.370 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:46:13.370 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:13.382 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:13.382 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:46:13.661 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 0 2
06-04 11:46:13.661 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification begin
06-04 11:46:13.661 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:13.679 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:13.679 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification end
06-04 11:46:13.680 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 5 3
06-04 11:46:13.680 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAcquired(1000)
06-04 11:46:13.680 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): acquire performance success resl
ut == 0
06-04 11:46:13.680 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image begin
06-04 11:46:13.680 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:13.773 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:13.773 E/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd failed with retval: 6
06-04 11:46:13.773 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image end
06-04 11:46:13.773 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_tac_capture_image took: 9262
06-04 11:46:13.773 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image status -11
06-04 11:46:13.773 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down enter ---
06-04 11:46:13.773 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_wake_up 0 1
06-04 11:46:13.773 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:46:13.773 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:13.782 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:13.783 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:46:14.236 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 0 2
06-04 11:46:14.236 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification begin
06-04 11:46:14.236 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:14.251 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:14.251 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification end
06-04 11:46:14.252 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 5 3
06-04 11:46:14.252 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAcquired(1000)
06-04 11:46:14.252 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): acquire performance success resl
ut == 0
06-04 11:46:14.252 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image begin
06-04 11:46:14.252 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:14.804 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:14.804 E/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd failed with retval: 6
06-04 11:46:14.804 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image end
06-04 11:46:14.804 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_tac_capture_image took: 5524
06-04 11:46:14.804 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image status -11
06-04 11:46:14.804 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down enter ---
06-04 11:46:14.804 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_wake_up 0 1
06-04 11:46:14.804 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:46:14.804 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:14.815 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:14.816 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:46:15.279 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 0 2
06-04 11:46:15.280 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification begin
06-04 11:46:15.280 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:15.295 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:15.295 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification end
06-04 11:46:15.295 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 5 3
06-04 11:46:15.295 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAcquired(1000)
06-04 11:46:15.296 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): acquire performance success resl
ut == 0
06-04 11:46:15.296 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image begin
06-04 11:46:15.296 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:15.833 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:15.833 E/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd failed with retval: 6
06-04 11:46:15.833 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image end
06-04 11:46:15.833 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_tac_capture_image took: 5370
06-04 11:46:15.833 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image status -11
06-04 11:46:15.833 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down enter ---
06-04 11:46:15.833 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_wake_up 0 1
06-04 11:46:15.833 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:46:15.833 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:15.844 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:15.844 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:46:16.721 I/ThermalEngine(1111): Monitor : quiet_therm = 37, msm_therm
= 38, ufs_therm = 37, battery_therm = 345,current_now = 86000
06-04 11:46:16.962 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 0 2
06-04 11:46:16.963 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification begin
06-04 11:46:16.963 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:16.977 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:16.978 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification end
06-04 11:46:16.978 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 5 3
06-04 11:46:16.978 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAcquired(1000)
06-04 11:46:16.978 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): acquire performance success resl
ut == 0
06-04 11:46:16.978 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image begin
06-04 11:46:16.978 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:17.131 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:17.131 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image end
06-04 11:46:17.131 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_tac_capture_image took: 1526
06-04 11:46:17.131 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image status 0
06-04 11:46:17.131 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_getimagequality begin
06-04 11:46:17.140 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_getimagequality end
06-04 11:46:17.140 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image image_quality
= 86
06-04 11:46:17.140 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_handle_image_subscription
06-04 11:46:17.140 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAcquired(0)
06-04 11:46:17.140 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_identify begin
06-04 11:46:17.140 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_identify_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:17.261 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_identify_cmd end
06-04 11:46:17.261 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_identify end
06-04 11:46:17.261 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_identify fpc_tac_identify res
ult 0 297 4294967295 1679847023
06-04 11:46:17.262 D/fpc_tac (1137): read sucessed 0
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): check the tp is faraway
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137):
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): away 0 points delta > [25]
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAuthenticated(fid=0, gid=0)
06-04 11:46:17.273 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_identify status 0
06-04 11:46:17.273 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image
06-04 11:46:17.273 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up
06-04 11:46:17.929 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up FPC_LIB_FINGE
06-04 11:46:17.929 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down enter ---
06-04 11:46:17.929 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_wake_up 0 1
06-04 11:46:17.930 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:46:17.930 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:17.942 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:17.942 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:46:18.906 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 0 2
06-04 11:46:18.906 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification begin
06-04 11:46:18.906 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:18.923 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:18.923 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification end
06-04 11:46:18.923 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down 5 3
06-04 11:46:18.923 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAcquired(1000)
06-04 11:46:18.924 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): acquire performance success resl
ut == 0
06-04 11:46:18.924 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image begin
06-04 11:46:18.924 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:19.050 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:19.050 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_capture_image end
06-04 11:46:19.050 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_tac_capture_image took: 1265
06-04 11:46:19.050 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image status 0
06-04 11:46:19.050 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_getimagequality begin
06-04 11:46:19.057 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_getimagequality end
06-04 11:46:19.058 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_capture_image image_quality
= 64
06-04 11:46:19.058 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_handle_image_subscription
06-04 11:46:19.058 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAcquired(0)
06-04 11:46:19.058 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_identify begin
06-04 11:46:19.058 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_identify_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:19.133 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_identify_cmd end
06-04 11:46:19.133 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_identify end
06-04 11:46:19.133 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_identify fpc_tac_identify res
ult 2 334 0 174928
06-04 11:46:19.133 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_get_template_id_from_index begin
06-04 11:46:19.133 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_get_template_id_from_index_cmd
06-04 11:46:19.140 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_get_template_id_from_index_cmd
06-04 11:46:19.140 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_get_template_id_from_index end
06-04 11:46:19.140 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_get_hw_auth_token begin
06-04 11:46:19.140 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_get_arbitrary_data_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:19.150 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_get_arbitrary_data_cmd end
06-04 11:46:19.150 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_get_hw_auth_token end
06-04 11:46:19.150 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): authenticated
06-04 11:46:19.150 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): hat->challenge 0
06-04 11:46:19.150 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): hat->authenticator_id 1316779719
06-04 11:46:19.150 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): hat->authenticator_type 33554432
06-04 11:46:19.150 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): hat->timestamp 17078960404849229
06-04 11:46:19.150 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): hat->user_id 1427903095593446522
06-04 11:46:19.150 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): hat->version 0
06-04 11:46:19.150 D/fingerprintd(1137): onAuthenticated(fid=603049082, gid=0)
06-04 11:46:19.153 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_end_identify begin
06-04 11:46:19.153 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:19.154 V/FingerprintService(1807): onAuthenticated(owner=com.android
.systemui, id=603049082, gp=0)
06-04 11:46:19.158 I/KeyguardUpdateMonitor(2250): Dispatching FP unlock boost.
06-04 11:46:19.162 V/FingerprintService(1807): Done with client: com.android.sys
06-04 11:46:19.164 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:19.164 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_end_identify end
06-04 11:46:19.164 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_store_template_db
06-04 11:46:19.164 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_store_template_db storing db at /da
06-04 11:46:19.164 D/fpc_tac (1137): send_data_msg begin
06-04 11:46:19.165 I/PowerManagerService(1807): Waking up from dozing (uid 10028
06-04 11:46:19.180 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Blocking screen on until init
ial contents have been drawn.
06-04 11:46:19.182 I/ActivityManager(1807): Killing 27603:com.google.android.gms
.ui/u0a29 (adj 904): empty #23
06-04 11:46:19.212 D/SurfaceFlinger(1006): Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x7f
06-04 11:46:19.213 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): screenStateFunction screen ON 0,
aut 1, id 0
06-04 11:46:19.215 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_10 expire 4 li
06-04 11:46:19.228 I/DisplayManagerService(1807): Display device changed state:
"Built-in Screen", ON
06-04 11:46:19.249 W/SessionLifecycleManager(3082): Handover failed. Creating ne
w session controller.
06-04 11:46:19.254 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[135562759274276
01] from persistence.
06-04 11:46:19.254 E/WindowManager(1807): Timeout waiting for animation to start
06-04 11:46:19.256 D/fpc_tac (1137): send_data_msg end
06-04 11:46:19.257 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): workerFunction STATE_NONE (HOME)
06-04 11:46:19.257 I/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home Enter
06-04 11:46:19.257 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up
06-04 11:46:19.265 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) StartSensorThre expire 1 l
06-04 11:46:19.265 D/QMI_FW (1109): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:46:19.266 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:46:19.269 D/PhoneStatusBar(2250): disable: < expand icons* alerts syste
m_info* back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
06-04 11:46:19.276 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:46:19.276 D/QMI_FW (1127): chen-screen on: is_screen_off = 0
06-04 11:46:19.277 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:46:19.277 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:46:19.277 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:46:19.278 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:46:19.295 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 6 lines
06-04 11:46:19.297 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:46:19.298 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:46:19.313 I/ScreenEventHandler(902): Received Broadcast ACTION_USER_PRE
06-04 11:46:19.319 I/EventWatcherService(902): Received start id 99: Intent { cm
ces.EventWatcherService }
06-04 11:46:19.319 I/Coffee-PlaceLure(2907): User present
06-04 11:46:19.319 I/Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker(2907): User Present. Maybe
fetch home.
06-04 11:46:19.322 I/Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker(2907): fetch for account ja
[email protected]
06-04 11:46:19.322 I/Coffee-HomeFetcher(2907): return existing home address!
06-04 11:46:19.322 I/Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker(2907): home address is not
06-04 11:46:19.325 D/NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1)( 2250): onServi
ceStateChanged mIsCarrierOneNetwork =false
06-04 11:46:19.339 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:46:19.340 W/InputMethodManagerService(1807): Window already focused, ig
noring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@fe
c6234 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@5c9d85d, token = android.os.
06-04 11:46:19.342 W/OpenGLRenderer(2250): Points are too far apart 4.000002
06-04 11:46:19.342 W/OpenGLRenderer(2250): Points are too far apart 4.000002
06-04 11:46:19.341 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.342 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.342 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.342 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.342 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.342 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.342 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.343 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.344 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.345 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.345 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.345 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:19.345 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:19.345 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:19.346 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:19.347 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:46:19.352 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:46:19.379 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 45 lines
06-04 11:46:19.379 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 l
06-04 11:46:19.383 I/DisplayPowerController(1807): Unblocked screen on after 203
06-04 11:46:19.385 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:46:19.387 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 1 l
06-04 11:46:19.387 I/VrManagerService(1807): VR mode is allowed
06-04 11:46:19.387 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Gently waking up from dream.
06-04 11:46:19.392 D/PhoneStatusBar(2250): disable: < expand icons alerts system
_info back home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
06-04 11:46:19.395 D/PhoneStatusBar(2250): disable: < expand icons alerts system
_info back home recent clock search quick_settings >
06-04 11:46:19.402 I/DreamManagerService(1807): Leaving dreamland.
06-04 11:46:19.402 I/DreamController(1807): Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{c
om.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoz
e=true, userId=0
06-04 11:46:19.412 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up FPC_LIB_FINGE
06-04 11:46:19.412 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home fpc_wait_finger_up befor
e do HOME ,status 0
06-04 11:46:19.412 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down_for_home_12
_zone enter ---
06-04 11:46:19.412 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_12zones_wake_up status 0
06-04 11:46:19.412 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_12zones_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:46:19.412 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:19.418 D/CellBroadcastReceiver(28178): onReceive Intent { act=androi
d.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.Ce
llBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
06-04 11:46:19.418 D/CellBroadcastReceiver(28178): Intent: android.intent.action
06-04 11:46:19.425 I/Authzen (3224): [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in s
ync with current state. Nothing to do
06-04 11:46:19.428 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:19.428 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_12zones_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:46:19.436 I/chatty (1807): uid=1000(system) Binder:1807_11 expire 1 li
06-04 11:46:19.436 D/ConnectivityService(1807): ConnectivityService NetworkReque
stInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=108, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_R
ESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@705c3cc)
06-04 11:46:19.437 E/ConnectivityService(1807): RemoteException caught trying to
send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=108, [ Capabilities: INTERNE
06-04 11:46:19.439 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 27603
06-04 11:46:19.449 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): in onDiscoveryRequestChanged:
request=DiscoveryRequest{ selector=MediaRouteSelector{ controlCategories=[com.g
oogle.android.gms.cast.CATEGORY_CAST//urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media] }, activ
eScan=false, isValid=true }
06-04 11:46:19.452 E/libprocessgroup(1807): failed to kill 1 processes for proce
ssgroup 27603
06-04 11:46:19.452 I/DiscoveryManager(3224): Filter criteria(%urn:x-cast:com.goo
gle.cast.media) scannerFlags(2)
06-04 11:46:19.452 I/Publisher(3224): onUpdateFilterCriteria [%urn:x-cast:com.go
06-04 11:46:19.452 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:19.467 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.467 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.467 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:19.467 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.467 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.467 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:19.467 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:19.467 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:19.468 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=null, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices
types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , prese
ntationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.468 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=De
vices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER ,
presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.468 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.468 V/MediaRouter(3224): Adding route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Chrome
cast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices
types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , prese
ntationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.468 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=null, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices
types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , prese
ntationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.468 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.468 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.468 V/MediaRouter(3224): Adding route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Living
room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=D
evices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER
, presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.473 I/art (2563): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC
freed 81715(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 69% free, 3MB/10MB, paus
ed 1.043ms total 147.647ms
06-04 11:46:19.480 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:19.485 D/NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1)( 2250): network
Class=4G showRat=false slot=0
06-04 11:46:19.489 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] startScan: scannerFlags: 2 crit
06-04 11:46:19.497 I/NearbyDirect(2907): MagicPairScanner: BluetoothLeScanner is
null, Bluetooth might be off. Enabled=false
06-04 11:46:19.513 W/MdnsClient_Cast(3224): #acquireLock. Multicast lock not hel
d. Acquiring. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED"
06-04 11:46:19.515 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [GuestMode] startScan: scannerFlags: 2
06-04 11:46:19.524 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:19.532 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=flar2.exkernelmanager canInt
errupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:46:19.533 I/ScreenEventHandler(902): Received Broadcast ACTION_SCREEN_O
06-04 11:46:19.535 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.535 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.535 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:19.535 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.535 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.546 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:19.546 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:19.546 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:19.546 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.546 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.546 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.546 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.548 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] startScan: scannerFlags: 2 crit
06-04 11:46:19.548 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] onScanSettingsUpdated: filterCr
iteriaAdded: NONE
06-04 11:46:19.548 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] onScanSettingsUpdated: filterCr
iteriaRemoved: NONE
06-04 11:46:19.548 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] onScanSettingsUpdated: Did scan
settings changed? false
06-04 11:46:19.549 W/MdnsClient_Cast(3224): Multicast lock held. Releasing. Subt
06-04 11:46:19.552 W/MdnsClient(3224): unicast receiver thread is already dead.
06-04 11:46:19.557 W/MdnsClient_Cast(3224): #acquireLock. Multicast lock not hel
d. Acquiring. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED"
06-04 11:46:19.564 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [GuestMode] startScan: scannerFlags: 2
06-04 11:46:19.584 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:19.588 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.588 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:46:19.588 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.588 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:19.588 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.588 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.589 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:19.589 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:19.589 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.589 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:19.589 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.586 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1359): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:19.589 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:19.589 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.589 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.591 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.591 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.592 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:19.592 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.592 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.592 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:19.593 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:19.593 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:19.593 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.593 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.593 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.593 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.621 E/ctxmgr (2907): [ProducerActiveIntervalImpl]addNewAppInterv
al: already contained:appKey=cdy@71c1b10a,appInterval=cdw@a8c4397,record=cjy{key
=cka{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox, 10039, account#-1372826635#, com.g
oogle.android.apps.gsa.staticplugins.proactive.GmsContextManagerClientHelper, 97
1a2cdc-6c25-4b47-b120-f6cc51a0f60a}, t=1496580988820, name=6, lifetime=2, produc
tion=null, retention=null, dispatch=1, consumer=cfq@c5ccc662-253227311}
06-04 11:46:19.628 I/ActivityManager(1807): Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=2250
06-04 11:46:19.626 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1360): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:19.646 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1361): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:19.676 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1362): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:19.686 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1363): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:19.716 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1364): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:19.735 E/ctxmgr (2907): [AppIntervalImpl]closeInterval: ongoing
06-04 11:46:19.738 E/ctxmgr (2907): [ProducerActiveIntervalImpl]closeActiveInte
rval: Error: ongoing, trying to close
06-04 11:46:19.736 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1365): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:19.746 W/sh (937): type=1400 audit(0.0:1366): avc: denied { rea
d } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcon
text=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:19.764 I/EventWatcherService(902): Received start id 100: Intent { c
ices.EventWatcherService }
06-04 11:46:19.771 I/SmallWidgetProvider(902): onReceive method called, action =
'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2017-06-04 11:46:19
06-04 11:46:19.788 E/ctxmgr (2907): [WorkManager]Ongoing task not found: Places
06-04 11:46:19.859 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] Received response from "Chromec
ast" (8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32) with result "1 New device"
06-04 11:46:19.859 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] notifyDeviceOnline: "Chromecast
" (8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32), criteria , statusText ''
06-04 11:46:19.862 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] Received response from "Chromec
ast" (8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32) with result "0 No change"
06-04 11:46:19.862 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] notifyDeviceOnline: "Chromecast
" (8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32), criteria , statusText ''
06-04 11:46:19.863 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] Received response from "Living
room Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a) with result "1 New device"
06-04 11:46:19.864 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] notifyDeviceOnline: "Living roo
m Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a), criteria , statusText ''
06-04 11:46:19.866 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] Received response from "Living
room Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a) with result "0 No change"
06-04 11:46:19.866 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] notifyDeviceOnline: "Living roo
m Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a), criteria , statusText ''
06-04 11:46:19.867 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:19.868 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.869 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.869 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:19.869 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.869 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.870 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:19.870 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:19.870 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:19.870 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.870 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:19.870 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.870 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.870 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.871 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.872 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.872 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:19.873 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.873 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.874 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:19.874 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:19.874 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.874 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:19.874 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:19.874 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.874 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.874 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.875 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.875 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.875 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:19.876 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.876 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.876 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:19.876 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:19.876 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:19.876 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.876 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:19.876 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.877 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.877 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.877 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.878 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:19.878 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:19.878 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.878 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:19.879 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:19.879 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:19.879 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:19.879 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.879 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.879 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.879 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:19.881 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.Slack/.ui.Hom
eActivity bnds=[852,396][1060,711] (has extras)} from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:46:19.882 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserv
er expire 1 line
06-04 11:46:19.883 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:1118_3 expire
1 line
06-04 11:46:19.883 I/chatty (1118): uid=1041(audioserver) AudioOut_D expire 9 l
06-04 11:46:19.884 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample rate: 48000
06-04 11:46:19.884 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
force routing 0
06-04 11:46:19.884 E/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_backends_match: Inva
lid snd_device =
06-04 11:46:19.884 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
(40) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
06-04 11:46:19.884 E/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_backends_match: Inva
lid snd_device =
06-04 11:46:19.884 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
(40) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
06-04 11:46:19.884 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0
06-04 11:46:19.884 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:19.884 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:19.884 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: sp
06-04 11:46:19.884 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): acquireOneDevice: device owner for devi
ce 2 is 1
06-04 11:46:19.888 I/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices Selected apptype: 69
06-04 11:46:19.889 I/audio_hw_utils(1118): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg PL
AYBACK app_type = 69937, acdb_dev_id = 15, sample_rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, pa
th = 0, app id = 0x11131, sample rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audtable
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
EP_TABLE, vol index 5
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.c
al_size = 16
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_topology
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id
15, Topology Id 1025e
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 pat
h = 0
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_D
06-04 11:46:19.889 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and
update path: low-latency-playback quat_i2s
06-04 11:46:19.890 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: done
06-04 11:46:19.891 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_
name:Playback Channel Map15
06-04 11:46:19.891 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_set_channel_map: set mappi
ng(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
06-04 11:46:19.919 I/chatty (23766): uid=10083(com.Slack) expire 4 lines
06-04 11:46:19.937 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_output_stream: exit
06-04 11:46:19.941 D/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Scheduling connection attempt
for 0ms
06-04 11:46:19.941 I/NimbleDroidV1(23766): Scenario.begin full_duration
06-04 11:46:19.968 D/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): requiresRtmStart? false
06-04 11:46:19.970 I/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Starting fast reconnect
06-04 11:46:20.007 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:46:20.007 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:46:20.008 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:46:20.008 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:46:20.008 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:46:20.017 E/ContentStoreEUAS(3082): Failed to commit the deferred actio
06-04 11:46:20.020 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d1a
c0) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:20.040 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_audio_route: reset and upda
te mixer path: audio-record
06-04 11:46:20.041 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:20.041 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_snd_device: snd_device(78:
06-04 11:46:20.041 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:20.052 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=r
06-04 11:46:20.055 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stre
06-04 11:46:20.055 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d1a
c0) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:20.056 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496589
021.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496589021.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.073 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496589
069.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496589069.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.076 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496590
718.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496590718.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.092 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496590
735.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496590735.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.096 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.108 I/NimbleDroidV1(23766): Scenario.coldStartupEnd cold_start
06-04 11:46:20.179 D/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Connecting to MS
06-04 11:46:20.179 D/MsClientImpl(23766): Start web socket connect
06-04 11:46:20.181 D/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Received MsState: CONNECTING
06-04 11:46:20.181 D/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Ignoring msState: CONNECTING
06-04 11:46:20.182 D/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Kicking off channel sync. For
channels list size: 0
06-04 11:46:20.182 I/NimbleDroidV1(23766): Scenario.begin channel_sync
06-04 11:46:20.182 I/NimbleDroidV1(23766): Scenario.end channel_sync
06-04 11:46:20.182 I/NimbleDroidV1(23766): Scenario.end full_duration
06-04 11:46:20.270 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
06-04 11:46:20.299 W/SurfaceFlinger(1006): couldn't log to binary event log: ove
06-04 11:46:20.299 W/SurfaceFlinger(1006): couldn't log to binary event log: ove
06-04 11:46:20.378 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[289843812188] f
rom persistence.
06-04 11:46:20.393 W/SearchService(3082): Abort, client detached.
06-04 11:46:20.398 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496589
021.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496589021.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.398 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496589
069.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496589069.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.400 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.409 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:46:20.410 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496590
718.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496590718.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.413 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.414 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:46:20.414 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:46:20.415 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:20.415 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): adev_open_input_stream: enter: samp
le_rate(16000) channel_mask(0x10) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf01
d1b80) io_handle(2398) source(6) format 1
06-04 11:46:20.416 I/AudioFlinger(1118): AudioFlinger's thread 0xee483180 ready
to run
06-04 11:46:20.416 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d1b
80) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496590
735.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496590735.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.417 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.418 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d1b
80) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:20.426 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=i
06-04 11:46:20.427 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:46:20.427 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_input_stream: enter: stream(0
xf01d1b80)usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:20.428 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (audio-
06-04 11:46:20.428 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: )
in_snd_device(78: voice-rec-mic)
06-04 11:46:20.428 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_capture_code
c_backend_cfg:txbecf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 16000, backend_idx 0 usecase
= 16 device (voice-rec-mic)
06-04 11:46:20.428 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_capture_codec_backen
d_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 current bit width: 16 and sample ra
te: 16000
06-04 11:46:20.428 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_capture_codec_backen
d_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample ra
te: 16000
06-04 11:46:20.428 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_capture_codec_backen
d:becf: force routing 0
06-04 11:46:20.428 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:20.428 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:20.428 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_snd_device: snd_device(78: v
06-04 11:46:20.432 I/NimbleDroidV1(23766): Scenario.coldStartupEnd cold_start
06-04 11:46:20.451 I/audio_hw_utils(1118): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg CA
PTURE app_type = 69938, acdb_dev_id = 4, sample_rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:20.451 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:20.451 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, pat
h = 1, app id = 0x11132, sample rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:20.451 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
06-04 11:46:20.451 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-04 11:46:20.451 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audtable
06-04 11:46:20.451 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-04 11:46:20.451 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
EP_TABLE, vol index 0
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ (1118): Failed to fetch the lookup information of t
he device 00000004
06-04 11:46:20.452 E/ACDB-LOADER(1118): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.c
al_size = 16
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_topology
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id
4, Topology Id 112fb
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ (1118): Failed to fetch the lookup information of t
he device 00000004
06-04 11:46:20.452 E/ACDB-LOADER(1118): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path
= 1
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_D
06-04 11:46:20.452 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and
update path: audio-record
06-04 11:46:20.453 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: done
06-04 11:46:20.487 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_input_stream: exit
06-04 11:46:20.504 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:20.694 D/MsClientImpl(23766): onOpen() response code: 101 message: S
witching Protocols
06-04 11:46:20.696 D/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Received MsState: CONNECTED
06-04 11:46:20.699 D/MsClientImpl(23766): isConnected() true
06-04 11:46:20.717 D/MsClientImpl(23766): isConnected() true
06-04 11:46:20.717 D/MsClientImpl(23766): isConnected() true
06-04 11:46:20.746 D/EventLoopSupport(23766): Posting task
06-04 11:46:20.748 D/EventLoopSupport(23766): executing
06-04 11:46:20.767 W/null (23766): Ignoring update to newestTsSeen as it's ol
der or equal ts: 1496591144.853537 than previously seen: 1496591178.855994
06-04 11:46:20.768 W/null (23766): onMessageUpdated. Couldn't update or appen
d message with id 5149 so reloading the adapter
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496589
021.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496589021.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.957 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496589
069.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496589069.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.959 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496590
718.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496590718.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.972 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): Unknown message author, messageTs: 1496590
735.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown messag
e author, messageTs: 1496590735.000000, channelId: C5MU9QFSB
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.utils.MessageHelper.getMess
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.adapters.helpers.Message
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.fragments.MessagesFragme
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeMap$
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at com.Slack.ui.loaders.message.MessageL
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOn
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at rx.Observable.unsafeSubscribe(Observa
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.operators.OperatorSubscri
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.CachedThreadSc
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at rx.internal.schedulers.ScheduledActio
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$Runnab
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(F
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadP
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecut
06-04 11:46:20.976 E/null (23766): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
06-04 11:46:20.991 I/NimbleDroidV1(23766): Scenario.coldStartupEnd cold_start
06-04 11:46:21.016 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] Received response from "Chromec
ast" (8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32) with result "0 No change"
06-04 11:46:21.016 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] notifyDeviceOnline: "Chromecast
" (8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32), criteria , statusText ''
06-04 11:46:21.019 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] Received response from "Living
room Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a) with result "0 No change"
06-04 11:46:21.019 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] notifyDeviceOnline: "Living roo
m Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a), criteria , statusText ''
06-04 11:46:21.020 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:21.022 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:21.022 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:21.022 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:21.022 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:21.022 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:21.023 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:21.023 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:21.023 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:21.023 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:21.023 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:21.023 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:21.023 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:21.023 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:21.027 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:21.028 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:21.029 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:21.029 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:21.029 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:21.030 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:21.030 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:21.030 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:21.030 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:21.030 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:21.030 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:21.030 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:22.220 D/WifiStateMachine(1807): updateCapabilities for config:CellS
06-04 11:46:22.499 I/NearbyDirect(2907): MagicPairScanner: BluetoothLeScanner is
null, Bluetooth might be off. Enabled=false
06-04 11:46:22.547 I/Publisher(3224): Triggered Adaptive Discovery
06-04 11:46:22.550 I/Publisher(3224): 2 Cast devices.
06-04 11:46:22.551 I/Publisher(3224): "Chromecast" (8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb
3e32) supported([]) notSupported([%urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media]) expired(fa
06-04 11:46:22.552 I/Publisher(3224): "Living room Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7
cf014c2a8a) supported([]) notSupported([96084372, %urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.me
dia]) expired(false)
06-04 11:46:23.064 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): out_standby: enter: stream (0xef87e
000) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
06-04 11:46:23.100 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_audio_route: reset and upda
te mixer path: low-latency-playback quat_i2s
06-04 11:46:23.104 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:23.104 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: s
06-04 11:46:23.104 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:23.119 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): releaseOneDevice: not sending command,
device argument (2) does not match any registered device
06-04 11:46:23.119 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): releaseOneDevice: device 2 owner is 0
06-04 11:46:23.119 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): out_standby: exit
06-04 11:46:24.424 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.424 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.424 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.424 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.424 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.425 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.426 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.427 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.427 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.427 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.427 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.428 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.428 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.430 D/EventLoopSupport(23766): Posting task
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.432 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:24.433 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:24.434 E/IzatSvc_Wiper(1807): W/Num of elements returned by LOWI 41
06-04 11:46:24.437 D/EventLoopSupport(23766): executing
06-04 11:46:24.496 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:24.497 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:24.497 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:24.498 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:24.498 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:24.498 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:24.498 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:24.499 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:24.499 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:24.499 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:24.499 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:24.499 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:24.499 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:24.703 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:46:24.721 I/LatinIme(13302): initialize() : Language = en-US
06-04 11:46:24.789 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale = [
06-04 11:46:24.789 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale ==
06-04 11:46:24.793 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher(13302): Schedule task: PeriodicTasks.
06-04 11:46:24.793 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = com.
Slack : Type = Text : Learning = Enable : Suggestion = Show : AutoCorrection = E
nable : Microphone = Show : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:46:24.793 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:337 Portable
Language Identification module loaded successfully.
06-04 11:46:24.795 W/InputConnectionWrapper(13302): Fixing selection indices to
0, 0
06-04 11:46:24.799 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4973
06-04 11:46:24.799 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 6 ms
06-04 11:46:24.800 W/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:374 Output symbol
table doesn't contain symbol: &
06-04 11:46:24.800 I/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:401 Overriding nsm
skip_silence_cost to:-3
06-04 11:46:24.801 I/native (13302): fst-android-decoder.cc:788 Spatial model v
ersion: NSM_5
06-04 11:46:24.809 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:46:24.811 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:46:24.812 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:46:24.812 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:46:24.813 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:46:24.813 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled
06-04 11:46:24.815 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): Cancelling personalized data fl
ush runnable
06-04 11:46:24.825 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:46:25.551 D/MsClientImpl(23766): isConnected() true
06-04 11:46:25.551 D/MsClientImpl(23766): isConnected() true
06-04 11:46:25.556 I/NimbleDroidV1(23766): Scenario.begin autocomplete_users_sea
06-04 11:46:25.726 D/MsClientImpl(23766): isConnected() true
06-04 11:46:25.726 I/NimbleDroidV1(23766): Scenario.begin autocomplete_users_sea
06-04 11:46:26.122 I/NimbleDroidV1(23766): Scenario.begin autocomplete_users_sea
06-04 11:46:26.122 D/MsClientImpl(23766): isConnected() true
06-04 11:46:26.124 E/SpannableStringBuilder(23766): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spa
ns cannot have a zero length
06-04 11:46:26.124 E/SpannableStringBuilder(23766): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spa
ns cannot have a zero length
06-04 11:46:26.947 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:26.947 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:26.948 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_output_stream: enter: stream(
0xef87e000)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (low-la
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (audio-
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: s
peaker) in_snd_device(0: )
06-04 11:46:26.951 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_codec_backen
d_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase
= 1 device (speaker)
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:26.951 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_codec_backen
d_cfg: new_snd_devices[0] is 2
06-04 11:46:26.951 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase = 1 dev
ice (speaker)
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: playback on non-44.1-support device Configure afe to default Sample Rat
06-04 11:46:26.951 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample rate: 48000
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
force routing 0
06-04 11:46:26.951 E/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_backends_match: Inva
lid snd_device =
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
(40) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
06-04 11:46:26.951 E/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_backends_match: Inva
lid snd_device =
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
(40) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: sp
06-04 11:46:26.951 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): acquireOneDevice: device owner for devi
ce 2 is 1
06-04 11:46:26.955 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:46:26.956 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:46:26.957 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 4 bytes.
06-04 11:46:26.960 D/MsClientImpl(23766): isConnected() true
06-04 11:46:26.962 I/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices Selected apptype: 69
06-04 11:46:26.962 I/audio_hw_utils(1118): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg PL
AYBACK app_type = 69937, acdb_dev_id = 15, sample_rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:26.962 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:26.962 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, pa
th = 0, app id = 0x11131, sample rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:26.962 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
06-04 11:46:26.962 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-04 11:46:26.962 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audtable
06-04 11:46:26.962 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-04 11:46:26.962 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
EP_TABLE, vol index 5
06-04 11:46:26.963 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
06-04 11:46:26.963 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
06-04 11:46:26.963 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.c
al_size = 16
06-04 11:46:26.963 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_topology
06-04 11:46:26.963 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
06-04 11:46:26.963 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id
15, Topology Id 1025e
06-04 11:46:26.963 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-04 11:46:26.963 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-04 11:46:26.963 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 pat
h = 0
06-04 11:46:26.963 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_D
06-04 11:46:26.963 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and
update path: low-latency-playback quat_i2s
06-04 11:46:26.964 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: done
06-04 11:46:26.965 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_
name:Playback Channel Map15
06-04 11:46:26.965 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_set_channel_map: set mappi
ng(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
06-04 11:46:26.971 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:46:26.972 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:46:26.972 I/LatinIme(13302): onDeactivate()
06-04 11:46:26.973 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = com.
Slack : Type = Text : Learning = Enable : Suggestion = Show : AutoCorrection = E
nable : Microphone = Show : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:46:26.974 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 0 bytes.
06-04 11:46:26.976 W/InputConnectionWrapper(13302): Fixing selection indices to
0, 0
06-04 11:46:26.996 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4985
06-04 11:46:26.996 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 23 ms
06-04 11:46:27.006 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_output_stream: exit
06-04 11:46:27.043 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:46:27.045 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onDeactivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:46:27.045 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:46:27.046 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:46:27.046 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:46:27.046 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:46:27.047 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:46:27.047 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled
06-04 11:46:27.293 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down_for_home_12
_zone 0 2
06-04 11:46:27.293 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification begin
06-04 11:46:27.293 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:27.302 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:27.302 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification end
06-04 11:46:27.302 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down_for_home_12
_zone 5 3
06-04 11:46:27.303 I/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home status 0 1
06-04 11:46:27.303 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home HOME DOWN
06-04 11:46:27.303 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up
06-04 11:46:27.303 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4987
06-04 11:46:27.303 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:46:27.304 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:46:27.377 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up FPC_LIB_FINGE
06-04 11:46:27.377 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home status 0 2
06-04 11:46:27.377 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home HOME UP
06-04 11:46:27.377 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down_for_home_12
_zone enter ---
06-04 11:46:27.377 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_12zones_wake_up status 0
06-04 11:46:27.377 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_12zones_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:46:27.377 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:27.389 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:27.389 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_12zones_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:46:27.389 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:46:27.393 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{5ee7304 com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher} is now in focu
s and seems to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:27.393 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:27.393 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:46:27.402 I/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Acquired WakeLock{49d4797 hel
d=true, refCount=0} with timeout: 20000ms
06-04 11:46:27.402 I/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Disconnect task scheduled. ob
jId: com.Slack.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl@891ad84 DisconnectTask: null
06-04 11:46:27.438 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
06-04 11:46:27.458 D/FirebaseApp(23766): Notifying background state change liste
06-04 11:46:27.473 W/SessionLifecycleManager(3082): Handover failed. Creating ne
w session controller.
06-04 11:46:27.476 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[135562759274276
01] from persistence.
06-04 11:46:27.480 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:46:27.489 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:46:27.489 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:46:27.489 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:46:27.489 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:46:27.490 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:46:27.495 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:46:27.496 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:46:27.503 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d1b
80) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:27.522 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_audio_route: reset and upda
te mixer path: audio-record
06-04 11:46:27.523 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:27.523 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_snd_device: snd_device(78:
06-04 11:46:27.523 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:27.528 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=r
06-04 11:46:27.531 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stre
06-04 11:46:27.531 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d1b
80) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:27.532 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:46:27.536 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:46:27.537 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:46:27.537 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): adev_open_input_stream: enter: samp
le_rate(16000) channel_mask(0x10) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf01
d1940) io_handle(2406) source(6) format 1
06-04 11:46:27.539 I/AudioFlinger(1118): AudioFlinger's thread 0xee483d00 ready
to run
06-04 11:46:27.539 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d19
40) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:27.540 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d19
40) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:27.543 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:27.543 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=i
06-04 11:46:27.545 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_input_stream: enter: stream(0
xf01d1940)usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:27.545 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:46:27.546 I/PhenotypeIme(13302): refreshConfiguration() : Force = false
: UpdateAvailable = false : Age = 164 minutes : MaxAge = 720 minutes
06-04 11:46:27.546 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (audio-
06-04 11:46:27.546 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: )
in_snd_device(78: voice-rec-mic)
06-04 11:46:27.546 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_capture_code
c_backend_cfg:txbecf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 16000, backend_idx 0 usecase
= 16 device (voice-rec-mic)
06-04 11:46:27.546 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_capture_codec_backen
d_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 current bit width: 16 and sample ra
te: 16000
06-04 11:46:27.546 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_capture_codec_backen
d_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample ra
te: 16000
06-04 11:46:27.546 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_capture_codec_backen
d:becf: force routing 0
06-04 11:46:27.546 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:27.546 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:27.546 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_snd_device: snd_device(78: v
06-04 11:46:27.547 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:46:27.548 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(23766): finishComposingText on inac
tive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:27.548 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:46:27.548 I/LatinIme(13302): onDeactivate()
06-04 11:46:27.549 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 0 bytes.
06-04 11:46:27.549 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onDeactivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:46:27.551 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(23766): finishComposingText on inac
tive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:27.553 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:46:27.561 I/audio_hw_utils(1118): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg CA
PTURE app_type = 69938, acdb_dev_id = 4, sample_rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, pat
h = 1, app id = 0x11132, sample rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audtable
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
EP_TABLE, vol index 0
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/ (1118): Failed to fetch the lookup information of t
he device 00000004
06-04 11:46:27.561 E/ACDB-LOADER(1118): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.c
al_size = 16
06-04 11:46:27.561 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_topology
06-04 11:46:27.562 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
06-04 11:46:27.562 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id
4, Topology Id 112fb
06-04 11:46:27.562 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-04 11:46:27.562 D/ (1118): Failed to fetch the lookup information of t
he device 00000004
06-04 11:46:27.562 E/ACDB-LOADER(1118): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
06-04 11:46:27.562 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-04 11:46:27.562 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path
= 1
06-04 11:46:27.562 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_D
06-04 11:46:27.562 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and
update path: audio-record
06-04 11:46:27.563 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: done
06-04 11:46:27.568 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(23766): reportFullscreenMode on ine
xistent InputConnection
06-04 11:46:27.568 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(23766): finishComposingText on inac
tive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:27.596 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_input_stream: exit
06-04 11:46:27.603 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:27.603 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:27.603 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=net.scweeny.CS.br
owser.beta/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main bnds=[644,1739][852,1920] (has ex
tras)} from uid 10080 on display 0
06-04 11:46:27.608 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: Activity is Tr
iggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta}
06-04 11:46:27.608 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: not whiteListe
06-04 11:46:27.611 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta} is now in focus and seem
s to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:27.611 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:27.611 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:46:27.614 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:27.621 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta} is now in focus and seem
s to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:27.621 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:27.654 I/cr_InstantAppsHandler(22140): Not handling with Instant App
s (other)
06-04 11:46:27.656 E/ActivityThread(22140): Failed to find provider info for .pa
06-04 11:46:27.662 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x14002000 cmp=net.scweeny.CS.br
owser.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity bnds=[644,1739][852,
1920] (has extras)} from uid 10122 on display 0
06-04 11:46:27.663 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: Activity is Tr
iggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta}
06-04 11:46:27.663 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: not whiteListe
06-04 11:46:27.666 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta} is now in focus and seem
s to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:27.666 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:27.666 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:46:27.678 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta} is now in focus and seem
s to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:27.678 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:27.726 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:46:27.726 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:46:27.727 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:46:27.727 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:46:27.727 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:46:27.731 E/ContentStoreEUAS(3082): Failed to commit the deferred actio
06-04 11:46:27.732 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d19
40) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:27.755 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_audio_route: reset and upda
te mixer path: audio-record
06-04 11:46:27.756 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:27.756 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_snd_device: snd_device(78:
06-04 11:46:27.756 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:27.761 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=r
06-04 11:46:27.766 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:46:27.767 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stre
06-04 11:46:27.767 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d19
40) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:27.807 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 26095:net.scweeny.CS.brow
ser.beta:sandboxed_process1/u0i21 for service net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.ch
06-04 11:46:27.821 W/cr_tabmodel(22140): Starting to fetch tab list.
06-04 11:46:27.822 W/cr_tabmodel(22140): Starting to fetch tab list.
06-04 11:46:27.823 E/cr_tabmodel(22140): State file does not exist.
06-04 11:46:27.823 W/cr_tabmodel(22140): Finished fetching tab list.
06-04 11:46:27.836 W/dboxed_process1(26095): type=1400 audit(0.0:1367): avc: den
ied { getattr } for path="/data/data/net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta" dev="sda15" in
o=17915 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file
:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:27.846 W/dboxed_process1(26095): type=1400 audit(0.0:1368): avc: den
ied { search } for name="tmp" dev="sda15" ino=5137 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:
c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:27.862 I/cr_ChildProcessService(26095): Creating new ChildProcessSer
vice pid=26095
06-04 11:46:27.871 I/Adreno (22140): QUALCOMM build : 853a1ff
, I9c435c2712
06-04 11:46:27.871 I/Adreno (22140): Build Date : 01/10/1
06-04 11:46:27.871 I/Adreno (22140): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.0
06-04 11:46:27.871 I/Adreno (22140): Local Branch :
06-04 11:46:27.871 I/Adreno (22140): Remote Branch :
06-04 11:46:27.871 I/Adreno (22140): Remote Branch :
06-04 11:46:27.871 I/Adreno (22140): Reconstruct Branch :
06-04 11:46:27.878 I/OpenGLRenderer(22140): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
06-04 11:46:27.878 D/OpenGLRenderer(22140): Swap behavior 1
06-04 11:46:27.931 I/ActivityManager(1807): Displayed net.scweeny.CS.browser.bet
a/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity: +253ms (total +310ms)
06-04 11:46:27.942 E/SearchEngineParser(22140): parse Exception : org.json.JSONE
xception: End of input at character 0 of
06-04 11:46:27.976 W/cr_tabmodel(22140): Failed to restore TabState; creating Ta
b with last known URL.
06-04 11:46:27.981 I/PerflockController(22140): Class initialization succeeded
06-04 11:46:28.176 E/BookmarkParser(22140): parse Exception : org.json.JSONExcep
tion: End of input at character 0 of
06-04 11:46:28.205 I/art (22140): Do partial code cache collection, code=25K
B, data=31KB
06-04 11:46:28.206 I/art (22140): After code cache collection, code=25KB, da
06-04 11:46:28.206 I/art (22140): Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
06-04 11:46:28.309 I/SweCore (26095): Client reporting:{"caller":"v8", "version"
06-04 11:46:28.309 I/v8 (26095): ======== v8: JNI_OnLoad - done =========
06-04 11:46:28.310 E/SweCore (26095): non-main process: net.scweeny.CS.browser.
06-04 11:46:28.310 I/SweCore (26095): non-browser process: bailing
06-04 11:46:28.345 I/SweCore (26095): Client reporting:{"caller":"browser", "ver
sion":"59.0.3071.2829869", "sha":"bbfa0b035befb510467ab2d501a4c4a73a55b86c", "of
06-04 11:46:28.349 I/SweCore (26095): Client reporting:{"caller":"web_refiner",
06-04 11:46:28.349 I/cr_LibraryLoader(26095): Time to load native libraries: 54
ms (timestamps 4123-4177)
06-04 11:46:28.349 I/cr_LibraryLoader(26095): Using linker: org.chromium.base.li
06-04 11:46:28.350 I/chromium(26095): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(144)] Chromi
um logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
06-04 11:46:28.351 I/cr_LibraryLoader(26095): Expected native library version nu
mber "59.0.3071.49", actual native library version number "59.0.3071.49"
06-04 11:46:28.462 I/cr_VrCoreVersionChecker(22140): Unable to find VrCore.
06-04 11:46:28.467 W/cr_tabmodel(22140): Starting to fetch tab list.
06-04 11:46:28.467 E/cr_tabmodel(22140): State file does not exist.
06-04 11:46:28.600 W/View (22140): requestLayout() improperly called by andro
id.support.v7.widget.ao{314b446 V.ED..... ......ID 0,1551-1080,1641} during layo
ut: running second layout pass
06-04 11:46:28.675 E/WebRefiner(22140): OnBeforeURLRequest: No WebPageSession fo
und for [4][1][0][0x0][https://www.androidfilehost.com/favicon.ico]
06-04 11:46:28.696 D/GoogleSignatureVerifier(3082): Cert not in list. atk=false
06-04 11:46:28.696 D/GoogleSignatureVerifier(3082): Cert not in list. atk=true
06-04 11:46:28.747 W/View (22140): requestLayout() improperly called by andro
id.support.v7.widget.ao{314b446 V.ED..... ......I. 0,1551-1080,1551} during seco
nd layout pass: posting in next frame
06-04 11:46:28.749 E/WebDefender(22140): [4][1] CanAccessCookies: Empty first pa
rty base domain for [https://s2.googleusercontent.com/s2/favicons?domain=www.and
06-04 11:46:28.810 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
06-04 11:46:28.811 W/OpenGLRenderer(3041): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View
: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
06-04 11:46:28.838 W/SurfaceFlinger(1006): couldn't log to binary event log: ove
06-04 11:46:28.845 W/cr_CrashFileManager(22140): /data/user/0/net.scweeny.CS.bro
wser.beta/cache/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
06-04 11:46:28.845 W/cr_CrashFileManager(22140): /data/user/0/net.scweeny.CS.bro
wser.beta/cache/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
06-04 11:46:28.845 W/cr_CrashFileManager(22140): /data/user/0/net.scweeny.CS.bro
wser.beta/cache/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
06-04 11:46:28.847 W/cr_CrashFileManager(22140): /data/user/0/net.scweeny.CS.bro
wser.beta/cache/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
06-04 11:46:28.847 W/cr_CrashFileManager(22140): /data/user/0/net.scweeny.CS.bro
wser.beta/cache/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
06-04 11:46:28.847 I/cr_ChildConnAllocator(22140): ro.sys.fw.bg_app_limit = 45
06-04 11:46:28.847 W/cr_CrashFileManager(22140): /data/user/0/net.scweeny.CS.bro
wser.beta/cache/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
06-04 11:46:28.847 I/cr_ChildConnAllocator(22140): numServices = 34
06-04 11:46:28.847 I/cr_BindingManager(22140): Moderate binding enabled: maxSize
06-04 11:46:28.917 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[289843812189] f
rom persistence.
06-04 11:46:28.934 W/SearchService(3082): Abort, client detached.
06-04 11:46:28.939 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:46:28.945 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:46:28.946 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:46:28.950 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:46:28.950 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:46:28.951 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:28.951 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): adev_open_input_stream: enter: samp
le_rate(16000) channel_mask(0x10) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf01
d14c0) io_handle(2414) source(6) format 1
06-04 11:46:28.952 I/AudioFlinger(1118): AudioFlinger's thread 0xee483140 ready
to run
06-04 11:46:28.952 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d14
c0) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:28.953 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d14
c0) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:28.961 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=i
06-04 11:46:28.962 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_input_stream: enter: stream(0
xf01d14c0)usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:28.962 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:46:28.962 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (audio-
06-04 11:46:28.962 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: )
in_snd_device(78: voice-rec-mic)
06-04 11:46:28.962 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_capture_code
c_backend_cfg:txbecf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 16000, backend_idx 0 usecase
= 16 device (voice-rec-mic)
06-04 11:46:28.962 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_capture_codec_backen
d_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 current bit width: 16 and sample ra
te: 16000
06-04 11:46:28.962 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_capture_codec_backen
d_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample ra
te: 16000
06-04 11:46:28.962 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_capture_codec_backen
d:becf: force routing 0
06-04 11:46:28.962 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:28.962 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:28.962 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_snd_device: snd_device(78: v
06-04 11:46:28.967 I/audio_hw_utils(1118): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg CA
PTURE app_type = 69938, acdb_dev_id = 4, sample_rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, pat
h = 1, app id = 0x11132, sample rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audtable
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
EP_TABLE, vol index 0
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ (1118): Failed to fetch the lookup information of t
he device 00000004
06-04 11:46:28.967 E/ACDB-LOADER(1118): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.c
al_size = 16
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_topology
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id
4, Topology Id 112fb
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ (1118): Failed to fetch the lookup information of t
he device 00000004
06-04 11:46:28.967 E/ACDB-LOADER(1118): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path
= 1
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_D
06-04 11:46:28.967 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and
update path: audio-record
06-04 11:46:28.968 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: done
06-04 11:46:29.003 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_input_stream: exit
06-04 11:46:29.004 I/cr_PhysicalWeb(22140): Nearby connection failed: Connection
Result{statusCode=UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE(2802), resolution=PendingIntent{cfec363: an
droid.os.BinderProxy@9938b60}, message=null}
06-04 11:46:29.019 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:29.665 E/ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER(929): perf_lock_rel: updated /sys/cla
ss/scsi_host/host0/../../../clkscale_enable with 1
06-04 11:46:29.665 E/ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER(929): return value 2
06-04 11:46:29.963 I/art (22140): Do partial code cache collection, code=49K
B, data=62KB
06-04 11:46:29.964 I/art (22140): After code cache collection, code=49KB, da
06-04 11:46:29.964 I/art (22140): Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
06-04 11:46:30.084 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:46:30.110 I/LatinIme(13302): initialize() : Language = en-US
06-04 11:46:30.171 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale = [
06-04 11:46:30.171 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale ==
06-04 11:46:30.175 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher(13302): Schedule task: PeriodicTasks.
06-04 11:46:30.175 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:337 Portable
Language Identification module loaded successfully.
06-04 11:46:30.175 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = net.
scweeny.CS.browser.beta : Type = URI : Learning = Disable : Suggestion = Show :
AutoCorrection = Disable : Microphone = Hide : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:46:30.177 W/InputConnectionWrapper(13302): Fixing selection indices to
0, 0
06-04 11:46:30.180 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 4990
06-04 11:46:30.180 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 5 ms
06-04 11:46:30.193 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:46:30.195 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:46:30.195 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:46:30.196 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:46:30.196 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:46:30.196 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:46:30.196 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled
06-04 11:46:30.712 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): out_standby: enter: stream (0xef87e
000) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
06-04 11:46:30.744 W/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:374 Output symbol
table doesn't contain symbol: &
06-04 11:46:30.744 I/native (13302): neural_spatial_model.cc:401 Overriding nsm
skip_silence_cost to:-3
06-04 11:46:30.744 I/native (13302): fst-android-decoder.cc:788 Spatial model v
ersion: NSM_5
06-04 11:46:30.745 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_audio_route: reset and upda
te mixer path: low-latency-playback quat_i2s
06-04 11:46:30.746 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:30.746 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: s
06-04 11:46:30.746 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:30.756 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): releaseOneDevice: not sending command,
device argument (2) does not match any registered device
06-04 11:46:30.756 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): releaseOneDevice: device 2 owner is 0
06-04 11:46:30.756 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): out_standby: exit
06-04 11:46:30.909 W/chromium(22140): [WARNING:spdy_session.cc(2910)] Received H
EADERS for invalid stream 3
06-04 11:46:31.106 W/chromium(22140): [WARNING:spdy_session.cc(2910)] Received H
EADERS for invalid stream 5
06-04 11:46:31.638 W/chromium(22140): [WARNING:spdy_session.cc(2910)] Received H
EADERS for invalid stream 9
06-04 11:46:31.817 W/chromium(22140): [WARNING:spdy_session.cc(2910)] Received H
EADERS for invalid stream 11
06-04 11:46:31.924 I/cnss-daemon(1131): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
06-04 11:46:31.925 E/cnss-daemon(1131): Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm stat
e: 16
06-04 11:46:31.930 I/cnss-daemon(1131): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
06-04 11:46:31.930 I/cnss-daemon(1131): NDA_DST received: ul: 562
06-04 11:46:31.931 I/cnss-daemon(1131): NDA_LLADDR received
06-04 11:46:32.217 W/chromium(22140): [WARNING:spdy_session.cc(2910)] Received H
EADERS for invalid stream 15
06-04 11:46:33.081 I/LatinIme(13302): finishComposing()
06-04 11:46:33.088 I/PhenotypeIme(13302): refreshConfiguration() : Force = false
: UpdateAvailable = false : Age = 164 minutes : MaxAge = 720 minutes
06-04 11:46:33.089 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:46:33.090 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:46:33.090 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 8 bytes.
06-04 11:46:33.091 I/LatinIme(13302): onDeactivate()
06-04 11:46:33.092 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onDeactivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:46:33.094 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:46:33.122 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(22140): finishComposingText on inac
tive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:33.122 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(22140): finishComposingText on inac
tive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:33.156 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(22140): finishComposingText on inac
tive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:34.877 I/rmt_storage(994): rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x1b conn_
06-04 11:46:34.877 I/rmt_storage(994): rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs2:
clnt_h=0x1b: req_h=0x1b msg_id=3: R/W request received
06-04 11:46:34.877 I/rmt_storage(994): wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42
06-04 11:46:34.878 I/rmt_storage(994): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs
2: clnt_h=0x1b Unblock worker thread (th_id: 547574772816)
06-04 11:46:34.912 I/rmt_storage(994): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs
2: clnt_h=0x1b: req_h=0x1b msg_id=3: Bytes written = 2097152
06-04 11:46:34.912 I/rmt_storage(994): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs
2: clnt_h=0x1b: req_h=0x1b msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0
06-04 11:46:34.912 I/rmt_storage(994): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs
2: clnt_h=0x1b About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 547574772816) wa
kelock released: 1, error no: 0
06-04 11:46:34.912 I/rmt_storage(994):
06-04 11:46:34.914 I/rmt_storage(994): rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x1b co
06-04 11:46:36.229 E/XSSDefender(22140): Load Library
06-04 11:46:36.232 D/XSSDefender(22140): Library version:21 successfully loaded
from: /data/user/0/net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/files/libswexssdefender.so
06-04 11:46:36.246 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat=https://hastebin.com/... flg=0x
10000000 cmp=android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity (has extras)} fro
m uid 10122 on display 0
06-04 11:46:36.248 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: Activity is Tr
iggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{1868a49 android}
06-04 11:46:36.248 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: not whiteListe
06-04 11:46:36.251 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:46:36.252 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{1868a49 android} is now in focus and seems to be in full-scre
en mode
06-04 11:46:36.252 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:36.252 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:46:36.265 I/DaydreamApi(22140): Phone is not Daydream-compatible
06-04 11:46:36.276 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{1868a49 android} is now in focus and seems to be in full-scre
en mode
06-04 11:46:36.276 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:36.288 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 26150:system:ui/1000 for
activity android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity
06-04 11:46:36.479 I/ActivityManager(1807): Displayed android/com.android.intern
al.app.ResolverActivity: +202ms
06-04 11:46:37.190 D/MsClientImpl(23766): isConnected() true
06-04 11:46:37.403 I/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Disconnecting due to app back
grounding after 10000ms, objId: com.Slack.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl@891ad
06-04 11:46:37.403 I/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Disconnect requested.
06-04 11:46:37.403 I/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Scheduling disconnect
06-04 11:46:37.404 I/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): doDisconnect
06-04 11:46:37.404 I/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Released WakeLock{49d4797 hel
d=false, refCount=0}
06-04 11:46:37.404 D/MsClientImpl(23766): disconnect(1000, Client initiated disc
onnect) called.
06-04 11:46:37.404 D/MsClientImpl(23766): Disconnecting live web socket
06-04 11:46:37.422 D/MsClientImpl(23766): onClosed() code: 1000 reason: Client i
nitiated disconnect
06-04 11:46:37.422 D/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Received MsState: DISCONNECTI
06-04 11:46:37.422 D/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Ignoring msState: DISCONNECTI
06-04 11:46:37.422 D/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Received MsState: READY
06-04 11:46:37.423 D/ConnectionManagerImpl(23766): Ignoring msState: READY
06-04 11:46:37.716 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:37.717 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_output_stream: enter: stream(
0xef87e000)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (low-la
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (audio-
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: s
peaker) in_snd_device(0: )
06-04 11:46:37.718 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_codec_backen
d_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase
= 1 device (speaker)
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:37.718 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_codec_backen
d_cfg: new_snd_devices[0] is 2
06-04 11:46:37.718 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase = 1 dev
ice (speaker)
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: playback on non-44.1-support device Configure afe to default Sample Rat
06-04 11:46:37.718 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample rate: 48000
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
force routing 0
06-04 11:46:37.718 E/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_backends_match: Inva
lid snd_device =
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
(40) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
06-04 11:46:37.718 E/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_backends_match: Inva
lid snd_device =
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
(40) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: sp
06-04 11:46:37.718 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): acquireOneDevice: device owner for devi
ce 2 is 1
06-04 11:46:37.723 I/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices Selected apptype: 69
06-04 11:46:37.724 I/audio_hw_utils(1118): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg PL
AYBACK app_type = 69937, acdb_dev_id = 15, sample_rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, pa
th = 0, app id = 0x11131, sample rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audtable
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
EP_TABLE, vol index 5
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.c
al_size = 16
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_topology
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id
15, Topology Id 1025e
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 pat
h = 0
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_D
06-04 11:46:37.724 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and
update path: low-latency-playback quat_i2s
06-04 11:46:37.725 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: done
06-04 11:46:37.726 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_
name:Playback Channel Map15
06-04 11:46:37.726 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_set_channel_map: set mappi
ng(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
06-04 11:46:37.765 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_output_stream: exit
06-04 11:46:37.833 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:37.834 I/PackageManager(1807): Setting last chosen activity net.scwe
eny.CS.browser.beta/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main for user 0:
06-04 11:46:37.834 I/PackageManager(1807): Action: "android.intent.action.VIEW
06-04 11:46:37.834 I/PackageManager(1807): Category: "android.intent.category.
06-04 11:46:37.834 I/PackageManager(1807): Category: "android.intent.category.
06-04 11:46:37.834 I/PackageManager(1807): Scheme: "https"
06-04 11:46:37.834 I/PackageManager(1807): AutoVerify=false
06-04 11:46:37.834 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:37.839 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat=https://hastebin.com/... flg=0x
13000000 cmp=net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main (ha
s extras)} from uid 10122 on display 0
06-04 11:46:37.841 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: Activity is Tr
iggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta}
06-04 11:46:37.841 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: not whiteListe
06-04 11:46:37.844 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta} is now in focus and seem
s to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:37.844 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:37.844 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:46:37.851 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta} is now in focus and seem
s to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:37.851 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:37.898 I/cr_InstantAppsHandler(22140): Not handling with Instant App
s (other)
06-04 11:46:37.905 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat=https://hastebin.com/... flg=0x
14002000 cmp=net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbe
dActivity (has extras)} from uid 10122 on display 0
06-04 11:46:37.908 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta} is now in focus and seem
s to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:37.908 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:37.908 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:46:37.909 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta} is now in focus and seem
s to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:37.909 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:37.916 E/ActivityThread(22140): Failed to find provider info for .pa
06-04 11:46:37.967 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 26171:net.scweeny.CS.brow
ser.beta:sandboxed_process2/u0i22 for service net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta/org.ch
06-04 11:46:37.986 I/cr_VrCoreVersionChecker(22140): Unable to find VrCore.
06-04 11:46:37.993 I/DaydreamApi(22140): Phone is not Daydream-compatible
06-04 11:46:38.002 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta} is now in focus and seem
s to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:38.002 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:38.002 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{f0127b2 net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta} is now in focus and seem
s to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:38.002 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:37.996 W/dboxed_process2(26171): type=1400 audit(0.0:1369): avc: den
ied { getattr } for path="/data/data/net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta" dev="sda15" in
o=17915 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file
:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:38.016 W/dboxed_process2(26171): type=1400 audit(0.0:1370): avc: den
ied { search } for name="tmp" dev="sda15" ino=5137 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:
c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-04 11:46:38.042 I/cr_ChildProcessService(26171): Creating new ChildProcessSer
vice pid=26171
06-04 11:46:38.047 I/cr_VrCoreVersionChecker(22140): Unable to find VrCore.
06-04 11:46:38.085 W/ActivityManager(1807): Finishing task with all activities a
lready finished
06-04 11:46:38.085 W/ActivityManager(1807): Duplicate finish request for Activit
yRecord{43e3850 u0 android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity t180 f}
06-04 11:46:38.107 I/SweCore (26171): Client reporting:{"caller":"v8", "version"
06-04 11:46:38.107 I/v8 (26171): ======== v8: JNI_OnLoad - done =========
06-04 11:46:38.122 E/SweCore (26171): non-main process: net.scweeny.CS.browser.
06-04 11:46:38.122 I/SweCore (26171): non-browser process: bailing
06-04 11:46:38.165 I/SweCore (26171): Client reporting:{"caller":"browser", "ver
sion":"59.0.3071.2829869", "sha":"bbfa0b035befb510467ab2d501a4c4a73a55b86c", "of
06-04 11:46:38.170 I/SweCore (26171): Client reporting:{"caller":"web_refiner",
06-04 11:46:38.170 I/cr_LibraryLoader(26171): Time to load native libraries: 83
ms (timestamps 3915-3998)
06-04 11:46:38.170 I/cr_LibraryLoader(26171): Using linker: org.chromium.base.li
06-04 11:46:38.172 I/chromium(26171): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(144)] Chromi
um logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
06-04 11:46:38.172 I/cr_LibraryLoader(26171): Expected native library version nu
mber "59.0.3071.49", actual native library version number "59.0.3071.49"
06-04 11:46:38.285 I/DpmTcmClient(22140): RegisterTcmMonitor from: com.android.o
06-04 11:46:38.619 E/lowmemorykiller(1004): Error writing /proc/26095/oom_score_
adj; errno=22
06-04 11:46:38.621 E/lowmemorykiller(1004): Error writing /proc/26095/oom_score_
adj; errno=22
06-04 11:46:38.637 I/ActivityManager(1807): Process net.scweeny.CS.browser.beta:
sandboxed_process1 (pid 26095) has died
06-04 11:46:38.637 D/ActivityManager(1807): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 26095
06-04 11:46:39.845 E/ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER(929): perf_lock_rel: updated /sys/cla
ss/scsi_host/host0/../../../clkscale_enable with 1
06-04 11:46:39.845 E/ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER(929): return value 2
06-04 11:46:39.884 I/UsageStatsService(1807): User[0] Flushing usage stats to di
06-04 11:46:40.965 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): out_standby: enter: stream (0xef87e
000) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
06-04 11:46:40.997 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_audio_route: reset and upda
te mixer path: low-latency-playback quat_i2s
06-04 11:46:41.000 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:41.000 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: s
06-04 11:46:41.000 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:41.005 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): releaseOneDevice: not sending command,
device argument (2) does not match any registered device
06-04 11:46:41.005 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): releaseOneDevice: device 2 owner is 0
06-04 11:46:41.005 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): out_standby: exit
06-04 11:46:41.160 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:46:41.195 I/LatinIme(13302): initialize() : Language = en-US
06-04 11:46:41.256 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale = [
06-04 11:46:41.256 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale ==
06-04 11:46:41.259 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher(13302): Schedule task: PeriodicTasks.
06-04 11:46:41.259 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = net.
scweeny.CS.browser.beta : Type = URI : Learning = Disable : Suggestion = Show :
AutoCorrection = Disable : Microphone = Hide : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:46:41.261 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:337 Portable
Language Identification module loaded successfully.
06-04 11:46:41.262 W/InputConnectionWrapper(13302): Fixing selection indices to
0, 29
06-04 11:46:41.265 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 5009
06-04 11:46:41.266 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 6 ms
06-04 11:46:41.275 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:46:41.276 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:46:41.277 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:46:41.277 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:46:41.277 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:46:41.278 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:46:41.278 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled
06-04 11:46:41.907 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] Received response from "Living
room Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a) with result "0 No change"
06-04 11:46:41.907 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] notifyDeviceOnline: "Living roo
m Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a), criteria , statusText ''
06-04 11:46:41.909 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:46:41.911 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:41.911 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:46:41.911 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:46:41.912 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:41.912 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:46:41.912 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:46:41.913 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:46:41.913 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:46:41.913 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:41.913 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:41.913 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:41.913 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:46:42.106 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 5011
06-04 11:46:42.106 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:46:43.636 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): scrubDeleteRequest() : input state
= 5012
06-04 11:46:43.853 I/LatinIme(13302): finishComposing()
06-04 11:46:43.859 I/PhenotypeIme(13302): refreshConfiguration() : Force = false
: UpdateAvailable = false : Age = 164 minutes : MaxAge = 720 minutes
06-04 11:46:43.860 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:46:43.861 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:46:43.861 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:218 Running
NeuralLanguageIdentifier on text with size: 4 bytes.
06-04 11:46:43.861 I/LatinIme(13302): onDeactivate()
06-04 11:46:43.862 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onDeactivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:46:43.871 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:46:43.875 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(22140): finishComposingText on inac
tive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:43.887 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(22140): finishComposingText on inac
tive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:43.889 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(22140): finishComposingText on inac
tive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:45.613 I/cnss-daemon(1131): RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
06-04 11:46:45.614 E/cnss-daemon(1131): Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm stat
e: 4
06-04 11:46:46.247 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down_for_home_12
_zone 0 2
06-04 11:46:46.248 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification begin
06-04 11:46:46.248 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:46.267 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:46.267 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_wakeup_qualification end
06-04 11:46:46.267 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down_for_home_12
_zone 5 3
06-04 11:46:46.268 I/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home status 0 1
06-04 11:46:46.269 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home HOME DOWN
06-04 11:46:46.270 I/WindowManager(1807): Dispatching Keypress boost for 300 ms.
06-04 11:46:46.270 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up
06-04 11:46:46.319 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_up FPC_LIB_FINGE
06-04 11:46:46.319 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home status 0 2
06-04 11:46:46.319 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): do_home HOME UP
06-04 11:46:46.319 D/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): fpc_wait_finger_down_for_home_12
_zone enter ---
06-04 11:46:46.319 E/fpc_fingerprint_hal(1137): wait_12zones_wake_up status 0
06-04 11:46:46.319 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_12zones_wakeup_setup begin
06-04 11:46:46.319 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd begin
06-04 11:46:46.328 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_send_cmd end
06-04 11:46:46.328 D/fpc_tac (1137): fpc_tac_12zones_wakeup_setup end
06-04 11:46:46.333 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.ap
ps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
06-04 11:46:46.336 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{5ee7304 com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher} is now in focu
s and seems to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:46.336 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:46.336 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:46:46.341 I/DaydreamApi(22140): Phone is not Daydream-compatible
06-04 11:46:46.374 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
06-04 11:46:46.433 W/SessionLifecycleManager(3082): Handover failed. Creating ne
w session controller.
06-04 11:46:46.437 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[135562759274276
01] from persistence.
06-04 11:46:46.440 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:46:46.451 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:46:46.451 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:46:46.451 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:46:46.452 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:46:46.453 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:46:46.459 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d14
c0) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:46.460 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:46:46.460 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:46:46.461 I/cr_BindingManager(22140): onTrimMemory: level=20, size=0
06-04 11:46:46.478 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_audio_route: reset and upda
te mixer path: audio-record
06-04 11:46:46.478 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:46.479 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_snd_device: snd_device(78:
06-04 11:46:46.479 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:46.484 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=r
06-04 11:46:46.487 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:46:46.488 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stre
06-04 11:46:46.488 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d14
c0) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:46.497 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:46:46.498 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:46:46.498 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): adev_open_input_stream: enter: samp
le_rate(16000) channel_mask(0x10) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf01
d1880) io_handle(2422) source(6) format 1
06-04 11:46:46.501 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:46.502 I/AudioFlinger(1118): AudioFlinger's thread 0xee483040 ready
to run
06-04 11:46:46.503 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d18
80) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:46.505 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d18
80) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:46.506 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=i
06-04 11:46:46.508 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_input_stream: enter: stream(0
xf01d1880)usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:46.508 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:46:46.508 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (audio-
06-04 11:46:46.508 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: )
in_snd_device(78: voice-rec-mic)
06-04 11:46:46.508 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_capture_code
c_backend_cfg:txbecf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 16000, backend_idx 0 usecase
= 16 device (voice-rec-mic)
06-04 11:46:46.508 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_capture_codec_backen
d_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 current bit width: 16 and sample ra
te: 16000
06-04 11:46:46.508 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_capture_codec_backen
d_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample ra
te: 16000
06-04 11:46:46.509 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_capture_codec_backen
d:becf: force routing 0
06-04 11:46:46.509 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:46.509 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:46.509 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_snd_device: snd_device(78: v
06-04 11:46:46.515 I/audio_hw_utils(1118): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg CA
PTURE app_type = 69938, acdb_dev_id = 4, sample_rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, pat
h = 1, app id = 0x11132, sample rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audtable
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
EP_TABLE, vol index 0
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ (1118): Failed to fetch the lookup information of t
he device 00000004
06-04 11:46:46.515 E/ACDB-LOADER(1118): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.c
al_size = 16
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_topology
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id
4, Topology Id 112fb
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ (1118): Failed to fetch the lookup information of t
he device 00000004
06-04 11:46:46.515 E/ACDB-LOADER(1118): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path
= 1
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_D
06-04 11:46:46.515 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and
update path: audio-record
06-04 11:46:46.516 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: done
06-04 11:46:46.553 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_input_stream: exit
06-04 11:46:46.572 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:46.935 W/OpenGLRenderer(3041): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View
: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
06-04 11:46:46.953 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:46:46.964 I/LatinIme(13302): initialize() : Language = en-US
06-04 11:46:47.023 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale = [
06-04 11:46:47.023 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale ==
06-04 11:46:47.027 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher(13302): Schedule task: PeriodicTasks.
06-04 11:46:47.027 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:337 Portable
Language Identification module loaded successfully.
06-04 11:46:47.027 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = com.
google.android.apps.nexuslauncher : Type = Text : Learning = Disable : Suggestio
n = Hide : AutoCorrection = Disable : Microphone = Show : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:46:47.030 W/InputConnectionWrapper(13302): Fixing selection indices to
0, 0
06-04 11:46:47.034 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 5015
06-04 11:46:47.034 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 7 ms
06-04 11:46:47.050 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:46:47.052 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:46:47.053 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:46:47.053 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:46:47.053 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:46:47.054 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:46:47.054 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled
06-04 11:46:47.124 E/AndroidIME(13302): awv: Task threw an exception:
06-04 11:46:47.124 E/AndroidIME(13302): java.util.concurrent.CancellationExcepti
06-04 11:46:47.124 E/AndroidIME(13302): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTa
06-04 11:46:47.124 E/AndroidIME(13302): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTa
06-04 11:46:47.124 E/AndroidIME(13302): at awv.a(PG:23)
06-04 11:46:47.124 E/AndroidIME(13302): at awv.afterExecute(PG:14)
06-04 11:46:47.124 E/AndroidIME(13302): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
06-04 11:46:47.124 E/AndroidIME(13302): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
06-04 11:46:47.124 E/AndroidIME(13302): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.j
06-04 11:46:47.124 E/AndroidIME(13302): at awt.run(PG:8)
06-04 11:46:48.513 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:48.513 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:48.514 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.pluscubed.mat
log/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivity bnds=[20,209][228,524]} from uid 1008
0 on display 0
06-04 11:46:48.514 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_output_stream: enter: stream(
0xef87e000)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
06-04 11:46:48.515 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (low-la
06-04 11:46:48.515 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (audio-
06-04 11:46:48.515 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: s
peaker) in_snd_device(0: )
06-04 11:46:48.515 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_codec_backen
d_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase
= 1 device (speaker)
06-04 11:46:48.515 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:48.515 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_codec_backen
d_cfg: new_snd_devices[0] is 2
06-04 11:46:48.515 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase = 1 dev
ice (speaker)
06-04 11:46:48.515 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: playback on non-44.1-support device Configure afe to default Sample Rat
06-04 11:46:48.515 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample rate: 48000
06-04 11:46:48.515 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
force routing 0
06-04 11:46:48.515 E/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_backends_match: Inva
lid snd_device =
06-04 11:46:48.515 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
(40) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
06-04 11:46:48.515 E/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_backends_match: Inva
lid snd_device =
06-04 11:46:48.515 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
(40) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
06-04 11:46:48.515 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0
06-04 11:46:48.515 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:48.516 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:48.516 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: sp
06-04 11:46:48.516 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): acquireOneDevice: device owner for devi
ce 2 is 1
06-04 11:46:48.523 I/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices Selected apptype: 69
06-04 11:46:48.524 I/audio_hw_utils(1118): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg PL
AYBACK app_type = 69937, acdb_dev_id = 15, sample_rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, pa
th = 0, app id = 0x11131, sample rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audtable
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
EP_TABLE, vol index 5
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.c
al_size = 16
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_topology
06-04 11:46:48.524 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
06-04 11:46:48.525 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id
15, Topology Id 1025e
06-04 11:46:48.525 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-04 11:46:48.525 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-04 11:46:48.525 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 pat
h = 0
06-04 11:46:48.525 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_D
06-04 11:46:48.525 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and
update path: low-latency-playback quat_i2s
06-04 11:46:48.526 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: done
06-04 11:46:48.528 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: Activity is Tr
iggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{8b6f317 com.pluscubed.matlog}
06-04 11:46:48.528 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: not whiteListe
06-04 11:46:48.529 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_
name:Playback Channel Map15
06-04 11:46:48.529 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_set_channel_map: set mappi
ng(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
06-04 11:46:48.533 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{8b6f317 com.pluscubed.matlog} is now in focus and seems to be
in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:48.533 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:48.533 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:46:48.543 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{8b6f317 com.pluscubed.matlog} is now in focus and seems to be
in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:48.543 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:48.554 I/ActivityManager(1807): Start proc 26212:com.pluscubed.matlo
g/u0a105 for activity com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivit
06-04 11:46:48.576 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_output_stream: exit
06-04 11:46:48.592 W/System (26212): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data
06-04 11:46:48.651 E/ContentStoreEUAS(3082): Failed to commit the deferred actio
06-04 11:46:48.653 I/MicroDetector(3082): Keeping mic open: false
06-04 11:46:48.653 I/AudioController(3082): internalShutdown
06-04 11:46:48.653 I/DeviceStateChecker(3082): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
06-04 11:46:48.653 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_close com.google.android.a
06-04 11:46:48.653 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Stopping hotword detection.
06-04 11:46:48.672 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d18
80) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:48.691 I/CrashlyticsCore(26212): Initializing Crashlytics
06-04 11:46:48.695 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_audio_route: reset and upda
te mixer path: audio-record
06-04 11:46:48.696 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:48.696 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_snd_device: snd_device(78:
06-04 11:46:48.696 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:48.701 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=r
06-04 11:46:48.703 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stre
06-04 11:46:48.703 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d18
80) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:48.704 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Detection finished
06-04 11:46:48.725 D/NetworkSecurityConfig(26212): No Network Security Config sp
ecified, using platform default
06-04 11:46:48.726 I/DpmTcmClient(26212): RegisterTcmMonitor from: com.android.o
06-04 11:46:48.827 I/Adreno (26212): QUALCOMM build : 853a1ff
, I9c435c2712
06-04 11:46:48.827 I/Adreno (26212): Build Date : 01/10/1
06-04 11:46:48.827 I/Adreno (26212): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.0
06-04 11:46:48.827 I/Adreno (26212): Local Branch :
06-04 11:46:48.827 I/Adreno (26212): Remote Branch :
06-04 11:46:48.827 I/Adreno (26212): Remote Branch :
06-04 11:46:48.827 I/Adreno (26212): Reconstruct Branch :
06-04 11:46:48.834 I/OpenGLRenderer(26212): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
06-04 11:46:48.834 D/OpenGLRenderer(26212): Swap behavior 1
06-04 11:46:49.038 I/ActivityManager(1807): Displayed com.pluscubed.matlog/com.p
luscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivity: +495ms (total +11s186ms)
06-04 11:46:49.075 I/PhenotypeIme(13302): refreshConfiguration() : Force = false
: UpdateAvailable = false : Age = 165 minutes : MaxAge = 720 minutes
06-04 11:46:49.076 I/LatinIme(13302): abortComposing()
06-04 11:46:49.076 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(3041): finishComposingText on inact
ive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:49.076 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): abortComposing() : input state id =
06-04 11:46:49.077 I/LatinIme(13302): onDeactivate()
06-04 11:46:49.077 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onDeactivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:46:49.078 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
06-04 11:46:49.079 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(3041): finishComposingText on inact
ive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:49.083 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:46:49.095 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(3041): reportFullscreenMode on inex
istent InputConnection
06-04 11:46:49.095 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(3041): finishComposingText on inact
ive InputConnection
06-04 11:46:49.098 W/SurfaceFlinger(1006): couldn't log to binary event log: ove
06-04 11:46:49.182 I/PBSessionCacheImpl(3082): Deleted sessionId[289843812190] f
rom persistence.
06-04 11:46:49.195 W/SearchService(3082): Abort, client detached.
06-04 11:46:49.198 D/AndroidRuntime(26253): >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os
.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
06-04 11:46:49.202 I/OptInState(3082): There is a new client and it does not sup
port opt-in. Dropping request.
06-04 11:46:49.205 D/AndroidRuntime(26253): CheckJNI is OFF
06-04 11:46:49.208 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #updateMicroDetector [detection
Mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
06-04 11:46:49.208 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): #startMicroDetector [speakerMod
e: 0]
06-04 11:46:49.212 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(3082): Starting detection.
06-04 11:46:49.213 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_starting com.google.androi
06-04 11:46:49.213 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): adev_open_input_stream: enter: samp
le_rate(16000) channel_mask(0x10) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf01
d1880) io_handle(2430) source(6) format 1
06-04 11:46:49.215 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:49.215 I/AudioFlinger(1118): AudioFlinger's thread 0xed603f00 ready
to run
06-04 11:46:49.215 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d18
80) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:49.219 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf01d18
80) usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:49.222 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=i
06-04 11:46:49.223 I/MicrophoneInputStream(3082): mic_started com.google.android
06-04 11:46:49.224 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_input_stream: enter: stream(0
xf01d1880)usecase(16: audio-record)
06-04 11:46:49.225 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (audio-
06-04 11:46:49.225 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: )
in_snd_device(78: voice-rec-mic)
06-04 11:46:49.225 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_capture_code
c_backend_cfg:txbecf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 16000, backend_idx 0 usecase
= 16 device (voice-rec-mic)
06-04 11:46:49.225 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_capture_codec_backen
d_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 current bit width: 16 and sample ra
te: 16000
06-04 11:46:49.225 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_capture_codec_backen
d_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample ra
te: 16000
06-04 11:46:49.225 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_capture_codec_backen
d:becf: force routing 0
06-04 11:46:49.225 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:49.225 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:49.225 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_snd_device: snd_device(78: v
06-04 11:46:49.234 I/audio_hw_utils(1118): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg CA
PTURE app_type = 69938, acdb_dev_id = 4, sample_rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(78) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 4, pat
h = 1, app id = 0x11132, sample rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audtable
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
EP_TABLE, vol index 0
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ (1118): Failed to fetch the lookup information of t
he device 00000004
06-04 11:46:49.234 E/ACDB-LOADER(1118): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.c
al_size = 16
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_topology
06-04 11:46:49.234 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
06-04 11:46:49.235 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id
4, Topology Id 112fb
06-04 11:46:49.235 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-04 11:46:49.235 D/ (1118): Failed to fetch the lookup information of t
he device 00000004
06-04 11:46:49.235 E/ACDB-LOADER(1118): Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
06-04 11:46:49.235 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-04 11:46:49.235 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 4 path
= 1
06-04 11:46:49.235 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_D
06-04 11:46:49.235 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and
update path: audio-record
06-04 11:46:49.236 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: done
06-04 11:46:49.271 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_input_stream: exit
06-04 11:46:49.287 I/MicroDetectionWorker(3082): onReady
06-04 11:46:49.318 D/ICU (26253): No timezone override file found: /data/mis
06-04 11:46:49.355 I/Radio-JNI(26253): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
06-04 11:46:49.375 D/AndroidRuntime(26253): Calling main entry com.android.comma
06-04 11:46:49.380 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.top
johnwu.magisk/.superuser.RequestActivity (has extras)} from uid 0 on display 0
06-04 11:46:49.384 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: Activity is Tr
iggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{252ef66 com.topjohnwu.magisk}
06-04 11:46:49.384 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: not whiteListe
06-04 11:46:49.387 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{252ef66 com.topjohnwu.magisk} is now in focus and seems to be
in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:49.387 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:49.387 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:46:49.390 D/AndroidRuntime(26253): Shutting down VM
06-04 11:46:49.404 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{252ef66 com.topjohnwu.magisk} is now in focus and seems to be
in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:49.404 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:49.445 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {flg=0x10800000 cmp=com.top
johnwu.magisk/.superuser.SuRequestActivity (has extras)} from uid 10081 on displ
ay 0
06-04 11:46:49.448 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: Activity is Tr
iggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{252ef66 com.topjohnwu.magisk}
06-04 11:46:49.448 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: not whiteListe
06-04 11:46:49.450 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{252ef66 com.topjohnwu.magisk} is now in focus and seems to be
in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:49.450 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:49.450 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:46:49.474 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{252ef66 com.topjohnwu.magisk} is now in focus and seems to be
in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:49.475 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:49.587 I/Adreno (12957): QUALCOMM build : 853a1ff
, I9c435c2712
06-04 11:46:49.587 I/Adreno (12957): Build Date : 01/10/1
06-04 11:46:49.587 I/Adreno (12957): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.0
06-04 11:46:49.587 I/Adreno (12957): Local Branch :
06-04 11:46:49.587 I/Adreno (12957): Remote Branch :
06-04 11:46:49.587 I/Adreno (12957): Remote Branch :
06-04 11:46:49.587 I/Adreno (12957): Reconstruct Branch :
06-04 11:46:49.593 I/OpenGLRenderer(12957): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
06-04 11:46:49.594 D/OpenGLRenderer(12957): Swap behavior 1
06-04 11:46:49.642 I/ActivityManager(1807): Displayed com.topjohnwu.magisk/.supe
ruser.SuRequestActivity: +167ms (total +238ms)
06-04 11:46:50.386 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:50.386 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:50.393 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:46:50.394 W/ActivityManager(1807): Finishing task with all activities a
lready finished
06-04 11:46:50.394 W/ActivityManager(1807): Duplicate finish request for Activit
yRecord{205f1d0 u0 com.topjohnwu.magisk/.superuser.SuRequestActivity t183 f}
06-04 11:46:50.395 W/ActivityManager(1807): Finishing task with all activities a
lready finished
06-04 11:46:50.395 W/ActivityManager(1807): Duplicate finish request for Activit
yRecord{205f1d0 u0 com.topjohnwu.magisk/.superuser.SuRequestActivity t183 f}
06-04 11:46:50.417 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{8b6f317 com.pluscubed.matlog} is now in focus and seems to be
in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:50.417 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:50.417 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{8b6f317 com.pluscubed.matlog} is now in focus and seems to be
in full-screen mode
06-04 11:46:50.417 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:46:50.461 D/OpenGLRenderer(12957): endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f76f44c0
0 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7f636a6e20
06-04 11:46:50.774 D/AndroidRuntime(26273): >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os
.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
06-04 11:46:50.778 D/AndroidRuntime(26273): CheckJNI is OFF
06-04 11:46:50.861 D/ICU (26273): No timezone override file found: /data/mis
06-04 11:46:50.908 I/Radio-JNI(26273): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
06-04 11:46:50.933 D/AndroidRuntime(26273): Calling main entry com.android.comma
06-04 11:46:50.974 D/AndroidRuntime(26273): Shutting down VM
06-04 11:46:51.083 D/AndroidRuntime(26280): >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os
.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
06-04 11:46:51.088 D/AndroidRuntime(26280): CheckJNI is OFF
06-04 11:46:51.187 D/ICU (26280): No timezone override file found: /data/mis
06-04 11:46:51.235 I/Radio-JNI(26280): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
06-04 11:46:51.260 D/AndroidRuntime(26280): Calling main entry com.android.comma
06-04 11:46:51.287 D/AndroidRuntime(26293): >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os
.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
06-04 11:46:51.292 D/AndroidRuntime(26293): CheckJNI is OFF
06-04 11:46:51.294 D/AndroidRuntime(26280): Shutting down VM
06-04 11:46:51.386 E/ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER(929): perf_lock_rel: updated /sys/cla
ss/scsi_host/host0/../../../clkscale_enable with 1
06-04 11:46:51.386 E/ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER(929): return value 2
06-04 11:46:51.405 D/ICU (26293): No timezone override file found: /data/mis
06-04 11:46:51.476 I/Radio-JNI(26293): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
06-04 11:46:51.517 D/AndroidRuntime(26293): Calling main entry com.android.comma
06-04 11:46:51.559 D/AndroidRuntime(26293): Shutting down VM
06-04 11:46:51.636 D/AndroidRuntime(26301): >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os
.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
06-04 11:46:51.641 D/AndroidRuntime(26301): CheckJNI is OFF
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.644 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.645 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] expand error 2
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [MemoryStream] append error 2
06-04 11:46:51.649 E/LOWI- [OutPostcard] addBlobWithType failed
06-04 11:46:51.655 E/IzatSvc_Wiper(1807): W/Num of elements returned by LOWI 34
06-04 11:46:51.741 D/ICU (26301): No timezone override file found: /data/mis
06-04 11:46:51.787 I/Radio-JNI(26301): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
06-04 11:46:51.818 D/AndroidRuntime(26301): Calling main entry com.android.comma
06-04 11:46:51.847 D/AndroidRuntime(26301): Shutting down VM
06-04 11:46:52.693 I/Choreographer(26212): Skipped 48 frames! The application m
ay be doing too much work on its main thread.
06-04 11:46:52.760 I/art (26212): Do partial code cache collection, code=29K
B, data=29KB
06-04 11:46:52.761 I/art (26212): After code cache collection, code=28KB, da
06-04 11:46:52.761 I/art (26212): Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
06-04 11:46:53.470 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:53.470 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:54.273 V/NotificationService(1807): pkg=com.digibites.accubattery ca
nInterrupt=false intercept=true
06-04 11:46:54.653 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:54.654 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:56.728 E/AndroidIME(13302): awv: Task threw an exception:
06-04 11:46:56.728 E/AndroidIME(13302): java.util.concurrent.CancellationExcepti
06-04 11:46:56.728 E/AndroidIME(13302): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTa
06-04 11:46:56.728 E/AndroidIME(13302): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTa
06-04 11:46:56.728 E/AndroidIME(13302): at awv.a(PG:23)
06-04 11:46:56.728 E/AndroidIME(13302): at awv.afterExecute(PG:14)
06-04 11:46:56.728 E/AndroidIME(13302): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
06-04 11:46:56.728 E/AndroidIME(13302): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
06-04 11:46:56.728 E/AndroidIME(13302): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.j
06-04 11:46:56.728 E/AndroidIME(13302): at awt.run(PG:8)
06-04 11:46:57.768 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): out_standby: enter: stream (0xef87e
000) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
06-04 11:46:57.805 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_audio_route: reset and upda
te mixer path: low-latency-playback quat_i2s
06-04 11:46:57.809 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:57.809 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: s
06-04 11:46:57.809 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:57.818 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): releaseOneDevice: not sending command,
device argument (2) does not match any registered device
06-04 11:46:57.818 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): releaseOneDevice: device 2 owner is 0
06-04 11:46:57.818 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): out_standby: exit
06-04 11:46:58.345 D/WifiStateMachine(1807): updateCapabilities for config:CellS
06-04 11:46:59.415 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:59.416 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:46:59.417 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_output_stream: enter: stream(
0xef87e000)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
06-04 11:46:59.418 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (low-la
06-04 11:46:59.418 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices for use case (audio-
06-04 11:46:59.418 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: s
peaker) in_snd_device(0: )
06-04 11:46:59.418 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_codec_backen
d_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase
= 1 device (speaker)
06-04 11:46:59.418 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:59.418 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_and_set_codec_backen
d_cfg: new_snd_devices[0] is 2
06-04 11:46:59.418 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase = 1 dev
ice (speaker)
06-04 11:46:59.418 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: playback on non-44.1-support device Configure afe to default Sample Rat
06-04 11:46:59.418 I/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:be
cf: afe: Codec selected backend: 0 updated bit width: 16 and sample rate: 48000
06-04 11:46:59.418 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
force routing 0
06-04 11:46:59.418 E/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_backends_match: Inva
lid snd_device =
06-04 11:46:59.418 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
(40) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
06-04 11:46:59.418 E/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_check_backends_match: Inva
lid snd_device =
06-04 11:46:59.418 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
(40) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0
06-04 11:46:59.418 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): check_usecases_codec_backend:becf:
check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0
06-04 11:46:59.419 D/hardware_info(1118): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name =
06-04 11:46:59.419 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:59.419 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: sp
06-04 11:46:59.419 D/aud_dev_arbi(1118): acquireOneDevice: device owner for devi
ce 2 is 1
06-04 11:46:59.424 I/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices Selected apptype: 69
06-04 11:46:59.425 I/audio_hw_utils(1118): audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg PL
AYBACK app_type = 69937, acdb_dev_id = 15, sample_rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:59.425 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_can_split_snd_device: snd_
device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
06-04 11:46:59.425 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, pa
th = 0, app id = 0x11131, sample rate = 48000
06-04 11:46:59.425 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_asm_topology
06-04 11:46:59.425 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-04 11:46:59.425 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audtable
06-04 11:46:59.425 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-04 11:46:59.425 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
EP_TABLE, vol index 5
06-04 11:46:59.425 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
06-04 11:46:59.425 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
06-04 11:46:59.426 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.c
al_size = 16
06-04 11:46:59.426 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_topology
06-04 11:46:59.426 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
06-04 11:46:59.426 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id
15, Topology Id 1025e
06-04 11:46:59.426 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-04 11:46:59.426 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-04 11:46:59.426 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 pat
h = 0
06-04 11:46:59.426 D/ACDB-LOADER(1118): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_D
06-04 11:46:59.426 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and
update path: low-latency-playback quat_i2s
06-04 11:46:59.427 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): select_devices: done
06-04 11:46:59.428 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_
name:Playback Channel Map15
06-04 11:46:59.428 D/msm8974_platform(1118): platform_set_channel_map: set mappi
ng(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2
06-04 11:46:59.453 W/art (26212): Before Android 4.1, method int android.sup
port.v7.widget.ListViewCompat.lookForSelectablePosition(int, boolean) would have
incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
06-04 11:46:59.475 D/audio_hw_primary(1118): start_output_stream: exit
06-04 11:46:59.495 I/art (26212): Do partial code cache collection, code=58K
B, data=57KB
06-04 11:46:59.495 I/art (26212): After code cache collection, code=56KB, da
06-04 11:46:59.496 I/art (26212): Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
06-04 11:47:01.357 D/WifiStateMachine(1807): updateCapabilities for config:CellS
06-04 11:47:02.186 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] Received response from "Chromec
ast" (8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32) with result "0 No change"
06-04 11:47:02.187 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] notifyDeviceOnline: "Chromecast
" (8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32), criteria , statusText ''
06-04 11:47:02.196 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] Received response from "Living
room Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a) with result "0 No change"
06-04 11:47:02.197 I/DeviceScanner(3224): [MDNS] notifyDeviceOnline: "Living roo
m Home" (dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a), criteria , statusText ''
06-04 11:47:02.202 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:47:02.209 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:47:02.210 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:47:02.211 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:47:02.212 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:47:02.212 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:47:02.213 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:47:02.213 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:47:02.213 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:47:02.214 E/Publisher(3224): ProcessDatabaseInternal start
06-04 11:47:02.214 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:47:02.215 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:47:02.215 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:47:02.215 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:47:02.217 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device 8194b001039d421a44fb02f9
f8cb3e32 Chromecast: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:47:02.217 I/Publisher(3224): Processing device dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf
014c2a8a Living room Home: online = true, in use = false
06-04 11:47:02.217 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): onDevicesPublished with 2 dev
06-04 11:47:02.217 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=8194b001039d421a44fb02f9f8cb3e32, deviceType: TV, description=Chromecast, c
onnectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:47:02.217 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): buildRouteDescriptorForDevice
: id=dfa15ff9e33b22c4bee0f7cf014c2a8a, deviceType: Speaker, description=Living r
oom Home, connectionState=Disconnected, volume=0, isIdle=true
06-04 11:47:02.218 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): Published 2 routes
06-04 11:47:02.218 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 1 Route: Chromecast /Cast
06-04 11:47:02.218 I/CastMediaRouteProvider(3224): 2 Route: Living room Home /Ca
06-04 11:47:02.218 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:47:02.218 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ n
ame=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_
USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:47:02.218 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:47:02.218 V/MediaRouter(3224): Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{
name=Living room Home, description=Google Home, status=null, category=RouteCate
gory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUT
E_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null }
06-04 11:47:02.467 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:47:02.467 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:47:02.908 D/OpenGLRenderer(26212): endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f612f740
0 (ListPopupWindow$DropDownListView) with handle 0x7f76a0dc40
06-04 11:47:05.182 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:47:05.183 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:47:05.187 I/ActivityManager(1807): START u0 {act=android.content.pm.act
ion.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.android.packageinstaller cmp=com.android.package
installer/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10105 o
n display 0
06-04 11:47:05.195 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: Activity is Tr
iggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{671383f com.android.packageinstaller}
06-04 11:47:05.195 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityStartTrigger: not whiteListe
06-04 11:47:05.201 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{671383f com.android.packageinstaller} is now in focus and see
ms to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:47:05.201 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:47:05.201 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger

06-04 11:47:05.219 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity

in ApplicationInfo{671383f com.android.packageinstaller} is now in focus and see
ms to be in full-screen mode
06-04 11:47:05.219 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:47:05.362 I/ActivityManager(1807): Displayed com.android.packageinstall
er/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity: +143ms
06-04 11:47:05.577 D/OpenGLRenderer(26212): endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f6122640
0 (ListPopupWindow$DropDownListView) with handle 0x7f76a0dc60
06-04 11:47:06.683 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:47:06.683 I/AudioPolicyManagerCustom(1118): FLAG None hence request for
a primary output
06-04 11:47:06.683 D/VoldConnector(1807): SND -> {23 volume remount_uid 10105 re
06-04 11:47:06.685 D/vold (440): Remounting 10105 as mode read
06-04 11:47:06.686 I/GnssLocationProvider(1807): WakeLock acquired by sendMessag
e(3, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@25a65)
06-04 11:47:06.687 I/GnssLocationProvider(1807): WakeLock released by handleMess
age(3, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@25a65)
06-04 11:47:06.704 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 26212
06-04 11:47:06.708 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 26294
06-04 11:47:06.712 D/VoldConnector(1807): RCV <- {200 23 Command succeeded}
06-04 11:47:06.714 D/VoldConnector(1807): SND -> {24 volume remount_uid 10105 wr
06-04 11:47:06.714 D/vold (440): Remounting 10105 as mode write
06-04 11:47:06.715 I/GnssLocationProvider(1807): WakeLock acquired by sendMessag
e(3, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@7a9733a)
06-04 11:47:06.716 I/GnssLocationProvider(1807): WakeLock released by handleMess
age(3, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@7a9733a)
06-04 11:47:06.726 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 26212
06-04 11:47:06.730 D/vold (440): Found matching PID 26294
06-04 11:47:06.735 D/VoldConnector(1807): RCV <- {200 24 Command succeeded}
06-04 11:47:06.739 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
06-04 11:47:06.747 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{8b6f317 com.pluscubed.matlog} is now in focus and seems to be
in full-screen mode
06-04 11:47:06.747 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:47:06.747 D/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: The activity
in ApplicationInfo{8b6f317 com.pluscubed.matlog} is now in focus and seems to be
in full-screen mode
06-04 11:47:06.747 E/ActivityTrigger(1807): activityResumeTrigger: not whiteList
06-04 11:47:06.779 D/OpenGLRenderer(22797): endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f6412540
0 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7f63311500
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): Drawable android:drawable/text_cursor_mat
erial has unresolved theme attributes! Consider using Resources.getDrawable(int,
Theme) or Context.getDrawable(int).
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): java.lang.RuntimeException
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.content.res.Resources.getDraw
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.support.v7.widget.TintResourc
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatDr
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.support.v7.widget.TintResourc
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.intern
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.intern
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.Dialog
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.Dialog
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.Materi
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.Materi
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.Materi
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.pluscubed.logcat.helper.DialogHel
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivit
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivit
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.Activity.dispatchRequestP
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.Activity.dispatchActivity
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.ActivityThread.deliverRes
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleSend
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap20(Ac
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMe
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Ha
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:15
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(Activ
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Nativ
e Method)
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$Me
06-04 11:47:06.848 W/Resources(26212): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.ma
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): Drawable android:drawable/text_cursor_mat
erial has unresolved theme attributes! Consider using Resources.getDrawable(int,
Theme) or Context.getDrawable(int).
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): java.lang.RuntimeException
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.content.res.Resources.getDraw
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.support.v7.widget.TintResourc
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatDr
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.support.v7.widget.TintResourc
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.intern
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.intern
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.Dialog
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.Dialog
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.Materi
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.Materi
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.afollestad.materialdialogs.Materi
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.pluscubed.logcat.helper.DialogHel
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivit
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivit
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.Activity.dispatchRequestP
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.Activity.dispatchActivity
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.ActivityThread.deliverRes
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleSend
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap20(Ac
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMe
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Ha
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:15
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(Activ
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Nativ
e Method)
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$Me
06-04 11:47:06.849 W/Resources(26212): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.ma
06-04 11:47:07.127 W/InputMethodService(13302): Window size has been changed. Th
is may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
06-04 11:47:07.142 I/LatinIme(13302): initialize() : Language = en-US
06-04 11:47:07.204 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale = [
06-04 11:47:07.204 I/Delight5Facilitator(13302): initializeForIme() : Locale ==
06-04 11:47:07.208 I/native (13302): neural_language_identifier.cc:337 Portable
Language Identification module loaded successfully.
06-04 11:47:07.211 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher(13302): Schedule task: PeriodicTasks.
06-04 11:47:07.211 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : EditorInfo = Package = com.
pluscubed.matlog : Type = Text : Learning = Disable : Suggestion = Hide : AutoCo
rrection = Disable : Microphone = Hide : Incognito = Disable
06-04 11:47:07.229 W/SurfaceFlinger(1006): couldn't log to binary event log: ove
06-04 11:47:07.268 W/InputConnectionWrapper(13302): Fixing selection indices to
23, 23
06-04 11:47:07.270 I/GoogleURLConnFactory(2907): Using platform SSLCertificateSo
06-04 11:47:07.273 I/GoogleURLConnFactory(2907): Using platform SSLCertificateSo
06-04 11:47:07.360 I/InputContext(13302): input context reset success: true erro
r: 0 input_state_id 5020
06-04 11:47:07.360 I/LatinIme(13302): onActivate() : Decoder and Input Context r
eset took 148 ms
06-04 11:47:07.406 I/LatinMotionHandler(13302): consumeEvent() : GestureTypingEn
abled = true
06-04 11:47:07.408 I/EmojiDataExtension(13302): onActivate() : Locale = en_US
06-04 11:47:07.409 I/Delight5Decoder(13302): addPredictionEngine() : Duplicate e
ngine bte@1354a42
06-04 11:47:07.409 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabled() : true
06-04 11:47:07.409 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForLocale() : InputLoc
ale = en_US : ExtensionLocales = de,en,fr,it,es,pt
06-04 11:47:07.410 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): isEnabledForHostApp() : false
06-04 11:47:07.410 I/Conv2QueryExtension(13302): onActivate() : Disabled

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