Brown - Strategies in LG L

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(H.D. Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching)

While 'styles' are general characteristics that differentiate one individual from another, 'strategies' are
those specific "attacks" that we make on a given problem. They are the moment-by-moment
techniques that we employ to solve "problems" posed by second language input and output. The field
of second language acquisition has distinguished between two types of strategy: learning
strategies and communication strategies. The former relate to input to processing, storage, and
retrieval, that is, to taking in messages from others. The latter pertain to output, how we
productively express meaning, how we deliver messages to others.
First, a brief historical note on the study of second language learners' strategies. As our knowledge of
second language acquisition increased markedly during the 1970s, teachers and researchers came to
realize that no single research finding and no single method of language teaching would usher
in an era of universal success in teaching a second language. We saw that certain learners seemed to
be successful regardless of methods or techniques of teaching. We began to see the importance of
individual variation in language learning. Certain people appeared to be endowed with abilities
to succeed; others lacked those abilities. This observation led Rubin (1975) and Stern (1975) to
describe "good" language learners in terms of personal characteristics, styles, and strategies. Rubin
(Rubin & Thompson 1982) later summarized fourteen such characteristics.

Good language learners:

1. find their own way, taking charge of their learning.

1. organize information about language.
3. are creative, developing a "feel" for the language by experimenting with its grammar and words.
4. make their own opportunities for practice in using the language inside and outside the classroom.
5. learn to live with uncertainty by not getting flustered and by continuing to talk or listen without
understanding every word.
6. use mnemonics and other memory strategies to recall what has been learned.
7. make errors work for them and not against them.
8. use linguistic knowledge, including knowledge of their first language, in learning a second
9. use contextual cues to help them in comprehension.
10. learn to make intelligent guesses.
11. learn chunks of language as wholes and formalized routines to help them perform beyond their
12. learn certain tricks that help to keep conversations going.
13. learn certain production strategies to fill in gaps in their own competence.
14. learn different styles of speech and writing and learn to vary their language according to the
formality of the situation.

Such lists, speculative as they were in the mid-1970s, inspired many other researchers to try and
identify characteristics of "successful" language learners (e.g. Stevick 1989). Such research led
others, in turn, (Rubin & Thompson 1982; Brown 1989, 1991; Marshall 1989) to offer advice to
would-be students of foreign language on how to become better learners.
Learning Strategies
The research of the mid-1970s led to careful defining of specific learning strategies. In some of the
most comprehensive research of this kind, O'Malley and Chamot, and then many others studied the
use of strategies by learners of English as a second language in the United States. Typically, strategies
were divided into three main categories, as noted in Table 5.2 below. Metacognitive is a term used
in information-processing theory to indicate an "executive" function, strategies that involve
planning for learning, thinking about the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of
one's production or comprehension, and evaluating learning after an activity is completed
(Purpura 1997). Cognitive strategies are more limited to specific learning tasks and involve more
direct manipulation of the learning material itself. Socioaffective strategies have to do with social-
mediating activity and interacting with others. Note that the latter strategy, along with some of the
other strategies listed in Table 5.2, are actually communication strategies.
Numerous studies have been carried out on the effectiveness of learners' using a variety of strategies
in their quest for language competence. O'Malley, Chamot, and Kupper (1989) found that second
language learners developed effective listening skills through the use of monitoring, elaboration, and
inferencing. 47 different reading strategies were identified by Anderson (1991). Men and women
appeared to use listening comprehension strategies differentially (Bacon 1992). And even studies
of unsuccessful learners (Vann & Abraham 1990) yielded important information.
In more recent years, we have seen mounting evidence of the usefulness of learners' incorporating
strategies into their acquisition process. Two major forms of strategy use have been documented:
classroom-based or textbook-embedded training, now called strategies-based instruction (SBI), and
autonomous self-help training. Both have been demonstrated to be effective for various learners
in various contexts (McDonough 1999; Cohen 1998; Hill 1994;Wenden 1992).
Of particular interest in both research and practice is the extent to which cross-cultural variables
may facilitate or interfere with strategy use among learners (Oxford 1996, Oxford & Anderson
1995). General conclusions from studies conducted in China, Japan, Israel, Egypt, and Russia,
among others, promise more than a glimmer of hope that SBI and autonomous learning are viable
avenues to success, cultural differences notwithstanding.

Communication Strategies
While learning strategies deal with the receptive domain of intake, memory, storage, and
recall, communication strategies pertain to the employment of verbal or nonverbal mechanisms for
the productive communication of information. In the arena of linguistic interaction, it is sometimes
difficult, of course, to distinguish between the two, as Tarone (1983) noted, since comprehension
and production can occur almost simultaneously. Nevertheless, as long as one can appreciate the
slipperiness of such a dichotomy, it remains a useful distinction in understanding the nature of
strategies, especially for pedagogical purposes.
The speculative early research of the 1970s (Varadi 1973 and others) has now led to a great deal of
recent attention to communication strategies (see McDonough 1999; Dornyei 1995; Rost & Ross
1991; Bialystok 1990; Bongaerts & Poulisse 1989; Oxford & Crookall 1989). Some time ago, Faerch
and Kasper (1983) defined communication strategies as "potentially conscious plans for solving
what to an individual presents itself as a problem in reaching a particular communicative goal."
While recent research does indeed focus largely on the compensatory nature of communication
strategies, more recent approaches seem to take a more positive view of communication strategies
as elements of an overall strategic competence in which learners bring to bear all the possible
facets of their growing competence in order to send clear messages in the second language.
Moreover, such strategies may or may not be "potentially conscious"; support for such a conclusion
comes from observations of first language acquisition strategies that are similar to those used by
adults in second language learning contexts (Bongaerts & Poulisse 1989).
A good way to understand what is meant by communication strategy is to look at a typical list of
such strategies. Table 5.3 offers a taxonomy that reflects accepted categories over several decades of

Table 5.3. Communication strategies (adapted from Dornyei 1995)

Avoidance Strategies
1. Message abandonment: Leaving a message unfinished because of language difficulties.
2. Topic avoidance: Avoiding topic areas or concepts that pose language difficulties.

Compensatory Strategies
3. Circumlocution: Describing or exemplifying the target object of action (e.g. the thing you open
bottles with for corkscrew).
4. Approximation: Using an alternative term which expresses the meaning of the target lexical
item as closely as possible (e.g. ship for sailboat).
5. Use of all-purpose words: Extending a general, empty lexical item to contexts where specific
words are lacking (e.g. the overuse of thing, stuff, what-do-you-call-it, thingie).
6. Word coinage: Creating a nonexisting L2 word based on a supposed rule (e.g. vegetarianist for
7. Prefabricated patterns: Using memorized stock phrases, usually for "survival" purposes (e.g.
Where is the or Comment allez-vous? where the morphological components are not
known to the learner).
8. Nonlinguistic signals: Mime, gesture, facial expression, or sound imitation.

9. Literal translation: Translating literally a lexical item, idiom, compound word, or structure
from L1 to L2.
10. Foreignizing: Using a L1 word by adjusting it to L2 phonology (i.e. with a L2
pronunciation) and/or morphology (e.g. adding to it a L2 suffix).
11. Code-switching: Using a L1 word with L1 pronunciation or a L3 word with L3
pronunciation while speaking in L2.
12. Appeal for help: Asking for aid from the interlocutor either directly (What do you call ... ? or
indirectly (e.g. rising intonation, pause, eye contact, puzzled expression).
13. Stalling or time-gaining strategies: Using fillers or hesitation devices to fill pauses and to gain
time to think (e.g. well, now let's see, uh, as a matter of fact).

Avoidance Strategies
Avoidance is a common communication strategy that can be broken down into several
subcategories. The most common type of avoidance strategy is syntactic or lexical
avoidance within a semantic category. Consider the following conversation:
L: I lost my road.
NS: You lost your road?
L: U h , . . . I l o s t . I l o s t . I g o t l o s t .

The learner avoided the lexical item road entirely, not being able to come up with the word way
at that point. A French learner who wishes to avoid the use of the subjunctive in the sentence Il
faut que nous partions may, for example, use instead the sentence Il nous faut partir. Or, not being
sure of the use of en in the sentence J'en ai trois, the learner might simply say J'ai trois pommes.
Phonological avoidance is also common, as in the case of a Japanese tennis player who avoided
using the word rally (because of its phonological difficulty) and instead opted to say, simply,"hit
the ball."

A more direct type of avoidance is topic avoidance, in which a whole topic of conversation (say,
talking about what happened yesterday if the past tense is unfamiliar) might be avoided entirely.
Learners manage to devise ingenious methods of topic avoidance: changing the subject, pretending
not to understand (a classical means for avoiding answering a question), simply not responding at
all, or noticeably abandoning a message when a thought becomes too difficult to express.

Compensatory Strategies
Another common set of communication devices involves compensation for missing knowledge.
We comment here on just 3 of the 11 strategy types in Table 5.3.
Typical of rock-bottom beginning-level learners, for example, is the memorization of certain stock
phrases or sentences without internalized knowledge of their components. These memorized
chunks of language, known as prefabricated patterns, are often found in bilingual phrase
books, which list hundreds of sentences for various occasions: "How much does this cost?"
"Where is the toilet?" "I don't speak English." "I don't understand you. Such phrases are memorized
by rote to fit their appropriate context. Prefabricated patterns are sometimes a source of fun. In my
first days of Kikongo learning in Africa, I tried to say, in Kikongo,"I don't know Kikongo" to those
who attempted to converse with me. I was later embarrassed to discover that, in my first attempts at
producing this prefabricated avoidance device, instead of saying Kizeyi Kikongo ko, I had said
Kizolele Kikongo ko (I don't like Kikongo), which triggered reactions ranging from amusement to

Code-switching is the use of a first or third language within a stream of speech in the second
language. Often code-switching subconsciously occurs between two advanced learners with a
common first language, but in such a case, usually not as a compensatory strategy. Learners in the
early stages of acquisition, however, might code-switch use their native lan guage to fill in
missing knowledge whether the hearer knows that native language or not. Sometimes the learner
slips in just a word or two, in the hope that the hearer will get the gist of what is being communicated.
It is surprising that context of communication coupled with some of the universals of nonverbal
expression sometimes enables learners to communicate an idea in their own language to
someone unfamiliar with that language. Such marvels of communication are a tribute to the
universality of human experience and an encouragement for those who feel the utter despair of
attempting to communicate in a foreign tongue.
Yet another common compensatory strategy is a direct appeal for help. Learners may, if stuck for
a particular word or phrase, directly ask a native speaker or the teacher for the form ("How do you
say, ___?"). Or they might venture a possible guess and then ask for verification from the native
speaker of the correctness of the attempt. Also within this category are those instances where the
learner might appeal to a bilingual dictionary for help. The latter case can also produce some rather
amusing situations. Once a student of English as a second language, when asked to introduce himself
to the class and the teacher, said,"Allow me to introduce myself and tell you some of the ... " At this
point he quickly got out his pocket dictionary and, finding the word he wanted, continued, "some
of the headlights of my past."
The list of potentially useful communication strategies is not limited to the 13 listed in Table 5.3.
Cohen and Aphek (1981) found that successful learners in their study made use of word association
and generating their own rules. Chesterfield and Chesterfield (1985) reported instances of self talk as
learners practiced their second language. Rost and Ross (1991) discovered that learners benefited
from asking for repetition and seeking various forms of clarification. Huang and Van Naerssen (1987)
attributed the oral production success of Chinese learners of English to functional practice (using
language for communication) and, even more interesting, to reading practice.

Much of the work of researchers and teachers on the application of both learning and communication
strategies to classroom learning has come to be known generically as strategies-based instruction
(SBI) (McDonough 1999, Cohen 1998), or as learner strategy training. As we seek to make the
language classroom an effective milieu for learning, it has become increasingly apparent that
"teaching learners how to learn" is crucial. Wenden (1985) was among the first to assert that learner
strategies are the key to learner autonomy, and that one of the most important goals of language
teaching should be the facilitation of that autonomy.

Teachers can benefit from an understanding of what makes learners successful and unsuccessful, and
establish in the classroom a milieu for the realization of successful strategies. Teachers cannot always
expect instant success in that effort since students often bring with them certain preconceived notions
of what "ought" to go on in the classroom (Bialystok 1985). However, it has been found that students
will benefit from SBI if they (a) understand the strategy itself, (b) perceive it to be effective, and (c)
do not consider its implementation to be overly difficult (MacIntyre & Noels 1996). Therefore
our efforts to teach students some technical know-how about how to tackle a language are well
Several different models of SBI are now being practiced in language classes around the world.

1. As part of a standard communicative methodology, teachers help students to become aware

of their own style preferences and the strategies that are derived from those styles
(Thompson & Rubin 1996, Oxford 1990). Through checklists, tests, and interviews,
teachers can become aware of students' tendencies and then offer advice on beneficial in-
class and extra-class strategies.
2. Teachers can embed strategy awareness and practice into their pedagogy (Rubin
&Thompson 1994; Brown 1989, 1990; Ellis & Sinclair 1989). As they utilize such
techniques as communicative games, rapid reading, fluency exercises, and error analysis,
teachers can help students both consciously and subconsciously to practice successful
3. Certain compensatory techniques are sometimes practiced to help students overcome
certain weaknesses. Omaggio (1981) provided diagnostic instruments and procedures for
determining students' preferences, then outlined exercises that help students to overcome
certain blocks or to develop successful strategies where they are weak.
4. Finally, textbooks (Brown 1998, Chamot, O'Malley & Mipper 1992) include strategy
instruction as part of a content-centered approach.

One of the most useful manuals of SBI available is Rebecca Oxford's (1990) practical guide for
teachers. She outlined a host of learning and communication strategies that have been successful
among learners. Her taxonomy (Figure 5.1 below) is both comprehensive and practical. Also, for
younger learners, Chamot et al. (1999) produced a strategies handbook for teachers in elementary
and secondary schools.
There is still a lot to learn in the creation of practical techniques for teaching learners how to
use strategies effectively, but this remains a very exciting and promising area of pedagogical

We have looked at a number of relevant and salient cognitive variables in the learning of a foreign
language. It should by now be apparent that cognitive variables alone represent a complex system of
factors that must be channeled into an understanding of the total second language acquisition
process. An awareness of these factors will help the teacher to perceive in the learners some wide-
ranging individual differences. Not all learners are alike. No one can be neatly pigeon-holed into a
cognitive type. With many styles and strategies operating within a person, hundreds of cognitive
"profiles" might be identified. If we could discover some overriding and all-pervading variable
that classifies learners neatly into categories of "successful" and "unsuccessful," then of course we
could make a case for "typing" language learners. But, as Stevick (1989) showed in his profile of
seven successful language learners, such is not the case. Instead, teachers need to recognize and
understand a multiplicity of cognitive variables active in the second language learning process and
to make appropriate judgments about individual learners, meeting them where they are and
providing them with the best possible opportunities for learning.

In the Classroom: Styles and Strategies in Practice

Strategies-based instruction h a s a n u mb e r o f p os s i b l e ma n i f e s t a t i o n s i n t h e
c l a s s r o o m. Sometimes textbooks themselves include exercises in style aware ness and
strategy development. Or teachers might consult a manual of techniques (e.g. Chamot et
al. 1999, Oxford 1990) that offers guidelines on constructing their own strategy -
building activities. Yet another option gives students an opportunity to fill out inventories
to determine which of many possible strategies they use or fail to use. Or teachers might
simply provide impromptu advice to learners as the occasions arise. Three examples of
how learner strategy training works are given below.

1. Administer a learning styles checklist. More often than not, language students enter a
classroom with little or no conception of what good language learning strategies
are. They dutifully sit at their desks waiting for the teacher to tell them "Open your
books" or "Repeat after me." One thing that teachers can do to begin to open up
students' minds to the possibility that they may not be engaging in strategies that could
make them successful is to administer a very simple checklist on which students rate
themselves. Figure 5.2 below is an example of such a checklist. Once students have had
a chance, with no advance "coaching," to fill out the checklist, you can engage them in
any or all of the following: (a) a discussion of why they responded as they did, (b)
small-group sharing of feelings underlying their responses, (c) an informal tabulation
of how people responded to each item, (d) some advice, from your own experience, on
why certain practices may be successful or unsuccessful, or (e) reaching the general
consensus that responses in the A and B categories are usually indicative of successful
approaches to language learning.
2. Engage in frequent spontaneous hints about successful learning and communication
strategies. In spite of the fact that a good deal of what we know about second language
acquisition is not unequivocally proven, we nevertheless know quite a lot about what
generally applies to most learners most of the time. Most learners, for example,
come to language classes with inhibitions and fears that prevent them from taking the
necessary risks that learners must take in order to try out language and receive
cons tructive feedback. S uch principles ma y be stated for learners in the form of
ten "commandments" (or "suggestions") for learners. A teacher's version (in somewhat
more technical jargon) and a learner's version of these ten rules for successful class room
learning are given in Table 5.4 below. These rules might simply take on the form of
little reminders sprinkled into your classroom routines. You will note that each rule
corresponds to the numbered items in the checklist above. Caution s hould be
taken in both cas es , of cours e, in assuming that all learners will benefit from the
directionality of the advice in these suggestions; a few learners, for example, may be too
confident or too right-brain oriented.

Table 5.4. "Ten Commandments" for good language learning

Teacher's Version Learner's Version

1. Lower inhibitions Fear not!

2. Encourage risk-taking Dive in.
3. Build self-confidence Believe in yourself.
4. Develop intrinsic motivation Seize the day.
5. Engage in cooperative learning Love thy neighbor.
6. Use right-brain processes Get the BIG picture.
7. Promote ambiguity tolerance Cope with the chaos.
8. Practice intuition Go with your hunches.
9. Process error feedback Make mistakes work FOR you.
10 Set personal goals Set your own goals.

3. Build strategic techniques. Perhaps a more subtle but no less effective way to manifest
learner strategy training in a classroom is to make sure that techniques are directed as
much as possible toward good language learning behaviors. Overt admonition or calling
students' conscious attention to principles need not be the major approach; instead,
teachers can encourage successful subconscious strategy employment through their choice
of classroom techniques that enhance strategy building. By extending the "ten
commandments" into classroom activities, suggestions for building strategic competence

These three suggestions for bringing strategies-based instruction into the classroom only
begin to provide an idea of what can be done to sensitize learners to the importance of
taking charge of their own learning i.e. making a strategic investment in their own
language learning success, and not just leaving it all up to the teacher to "deliver" everything
to them.

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