Score Report: Your Total Score Essay Scores

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Test Date: Mar. 05, 2016

Registration Number: 0048293665

Date of Birth: Jan. 15, 1999
Test Center Number: 05265
High School Code: 051110
Score Report High School Name:
Grossmont High School

Cassidy I. Davila
2540 S Granada Ave
Spring Valley, CA 91977 - 6723 Online Score Report
Go online to get more details about your performance,
including areas of strength, and check out the action
steps in Skills Insight to help you boost your college

How Did I Score Compared to Others?

Your Total Score Essay Scores A percentile is a number between 1 and 99 that shows
how your score ranks compared to other students. It
represents the percentage of students whose scores
2 to 8 are equal to or below yours. For example, if your Math
400 to Reading score percentile is 57 that means 57 percent of test-
1600 takers have Math scores equal to or below yours.
5 2 to 8 Youll see two percentiles:
Analysis The Nationally Representative Sample Percentile
94 th 90 th shows how your score compares to the scores of
Nationally Representative SAT User Percentile 7 2 to 8 all U.S. students in your grade, including those who
dont typically take the test.
Sample Percentile National Writing
SAT User Percentile National shows how your
score compares to the scores of students who
typically take the test.
Section Scores
Will My Scores Change and Why?
660 l 200 to 800 92nd Nationally Representative Tests are not exact measures, and many factors
Sample Percentile can affect your score. After all, no two days are the
Your Evidence-Based same, and if you took the SAT once a week for
86th SAT User Percentile
Reading and Writing National a month your scores would change.
Score Thats why it helps to think of your true score as
a range from a few points below to a few points
93rd Nationally Representative above the score earned. Score ranges show how
680 l 200 to 800 Sample Percentile your score can change with repeated testing,
assuming your skill level remains the same.
89th SAT User Percentile
Your Math Score National Usually, scores for Evidence-Based Reading and
Writing and for Math fall in a range of roughly 30 to
40 points above or below your reported score.
Test Scores Total: Your score 40 points.
Section: Your score 30 points.
33 l 10 to 40 33 l 10 to 40 34.0 l 10 to 40 Test Scores and Cross-Test Scores:
Reading Writing and Language Math Your score 2 points.
Subscores: Your score 2 points.

Cross-Test Scores | 10 to 40 Am I on Track to Be Ready for College?

Youll see a benchmark score for each section of
32 33 the SAT. Benchmarks show your college readiness.
Analysis in History/Social Studies Analysis in Science The Evidence-Based Reading and Writing benchmark
is 480 while the Math benchmark is 530. This means if
Subscores | 1 to 15 you score at or above the benchmark, youre on track
to be ready for college when you graduate high school.
14 11 11 13 If you score below the benchmark, you can still get back
Command of Words in Context Expression of Ideas Standard English on track by focusing on areas where you didnt perform
Evidence Conventions well. Use the detailed feedback in your online score
report to see which skills you need to work on most.
12 12 13
Heart of Algebra Problem Solving Passport to
and Data Analysis Advanced Math

Get your full report online

SAT Summary of Scores
Date Mar. 05, 2016 Dec. 05, 2015

Grade 11 11

Total 1340

Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 660

Math 680

Reading 7

Analysis 5

Writing 7

Critical Reading 540
Mathematics 620
Writing 540

SAT Subject Test Scores

Subject Test

Test Score

Subject Test

Test Score
Subject Test

Test Score
*Scores from the SAT Subject Test in Mathematics are not comparable to Math section, test, and related subscores on the SAT.
*Not all SAT Subject Tests have subscores.

How Should I Send College Plan

My Scores to Colleges? There are a lot of great possibilities to explore in choosing a college.
This student score report is for your use only. Get a step-by-step road map and advice on what to do when.
Most colleges require you to have the College Access your online score report for details.

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score reports, or score report labels on transcripts. Keep improving your college readiness skills by connecting to
FREE, world-class personalized practice recommendations online on
With Score Choice, you decide which scores
you send to colleges. Choose by test date for the
SAT and individual test for SAT Subject Tests AP and SAT Subject Tests
in agreement with an institutions stated score-use Get ahead by challenging yourself. You may still be able to take
practice. Visit AP courses and SAT Subject Tests aligned with majors youre
for detailed analysis of your scores and more interested in. Some colleges may use those scores to place you
information on sending scores to colleges. out of introductory-level college courses.

2016 The College Board. College Board, AP, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of Cassidy I. Davila
the College Board. SAT Subject Tests, and Score Choice, are trademarks owned by the College Board.
Visit the College Board on the Web: Test Date: Mar. 05, 2016
Khan Academy is a registered trademark in the United States and other jurisdictions. Registration Number: 0048293665

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