Abe Strategic Business Management and Planning - Syllabus - Level 7

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QCF Syllabus

Strategic Business Management and Planning

Unit Title Strategic Business Management and Planning

Unit Reference Number T/602/0128
Guided Learning Hours 180
Level 7
Number of Credits 20

Unit purpose and aim(s):

This unit aims to give learners a sound understanding of:
the nature, scope and need for strategic business management and planning in international organisations
the classical and contemporary models, concepts and tools used in business strategy and planning.
how organisations identify and develop their goals and values
the impact of political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors
the key forces that represent both opportunities and threats
the strategy process to achieve of competitive advantage
the future challenges affecting strategic business management and planning

Learning Outcome 1

The learner will: Understand the nature, scope and need for strategic business management and planning in international profit
and not-for-profit organisations.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
1.1 Explain the scope, nature and 1.1.1 Examine the nature and context of businesses working in a global environment.
characteristics of strategic 1.1.2 Consider the nature and scope of strategic decisions, in terms of time frames and
business management and level of decision-making.
planning in a global environment. 1.1.3 Explain the characteristics of strategic decisions, including the aim of achieving
competitive advantage, the effect of strategic decisions on the other organisational
levels and the impact of environmental factors.
1.1.4 Examine Mintzbergs 5 Ps to explain the concept of strategy.
1.2 Critically analyse the need for 1.2.1 Identify and explain the forces driving the need for strategic business management
strategic business management in a global environment, including:
and planning in a global Reduction in barriers to trade and investment;
environment. Market liberalisation;
Economic development and modernisation;
Integration of worldwide financial markets;
Emergence of economic trade blocs;
Advances in technology, and
Convergence of consumer lifestyles and preferences.
1.2.2 Appraise the global business environment and the nature of global business
activities. This will include appraisal of:
The forms of international trade, such as importing, exporting, international
investment, outsourcing and direct investment.
The risks involved in global strategies, including cultural risk, country risk,
currency risk and commercial risk.
1.3 Appraise the international 1.3.1 Consider the international dimensions of strategy and the organisation, and discuss
dimensions of strategic business the increasing complexity of international business strategy.
management and planning. 1.3.2 Discuss the factors of increasing complexity of international business strategy and
planning, including the impact on functional areas of the business:
Human resource management
Operations and structure
1.3.3 Explain the concept of multi-national corporations and appraise the difficulties in
strategic planning when operating in multiple international locations.
1.4 Analyse the different levels of 1.4.1 Explain the three levels of organisational strategy:
organisational strategy and their Corporate level strategy
relationship with tactical and Business level strategy
operational decision-making. Functional level strategy
1.4.2 Discuss the need for corporate and business level strategies to match appropriate
functional level strategies.
1.5 Explain the distinction between 1.5.1 Examine the nature of not for profit organisations such as the public sector,
profit and not for profit government agencies, charities and nationalised industries.
organisations in terms of 1.5.2 Explain the concept of strategic planning in not for profit organisations and the
strategic business management different influences involved.
and planning. 1.5.3 Consider the political influences in not for profit organisations and the nature of the
competitive environment and how these will affect strategic planning.
1.5.4 Appraise the nature and influence of stakeholders in the strategic planning process
of not for profit organisations.
1.5.5 Compare and contrast strategic planning in profit and not for profit organisations.

Learning Outcome 2

The learner will: Understand a range of classical and contemporary models, concepts and tools in business strategy and planning.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
2.1 Identify classical and 2.1.1 Explain the following concepts and models:
contemporary models, concepts Logical incrementalism
and tools in business strategy The learning organisation
and critically appraise the use of Transformational change
these concepts and models in Muddling through
Strategic drift
contemporary organisations.
Intended strategy/realised strategy/imposed strategy
Emergent strategy and deliberate strategy
2.1.2 Evaluate the difference between static, dynamic and complex business
2.1.3 Critically examine the applicability of the above concepts and models in these
different business environments.
2.2 Distinguish prescriptive and 2.2.1 Consider the nature of the prescriptive theory as a systematic and deterministic
emergent theories of corporate process of strategic planning.
strategy and their relevance to 2.2.2 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a prescriptive approach to strategic
organisations. planning.
2.2.3 Consider the nature of the emergent theory as an incremental and unplanned
method of strategic planning.
2.2.4 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of an emergent approach to strategic
2.2.5 Identify business environments where each approach is suitable.
Learning Outcome 3

The learner will: Understand the processes by which organisations identify and develop their goals and values.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
3.1 Examine the processes by which 3.1.1 Explain the difference between a mission statement, organisational goals, values
organisations identify and and objectives.
develop their goals and values 3.1.2 Identify who the organisation is there to serve and the direction and purpose of the
and mission. organisation.
3.1.3 Examine the nature and purpose of mission statements.
3.2 Appraise the impact of the 3.2.1 Explain the nature of stakeholder power and interest.
conflicting needs, power and 3.2.2 Undertake a stakeholder mapping process (using the Mendelow stakeholder
influences of stakeholders on an mapping matrix).
organisations goals. 3.2.3 Identify the challenges and opportunities presented by stakeholder groups.
3.2.4 Discuss strategies for managing stakeholder conflict (direction / education /
communication / intervention / participation).
3.3 Examine the influence of 3.3.1 Explain the corporate governance framework.
corporate governance and 3.3.2 Examine the importance of separating ownership from management control.
regulation. 3.3.3 Identify whom the organisation should serve.

Learning Outcome 4

The learner will: Understand the impact of political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors on an

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
4.1 Evaluate the impact and 4.1.1 Distinguish the macro environment from the micro environment.
influence of the external 4.1.2 Explain the environmental analysis process that takes place during strategy formulation
environment on an and as part of a continuous process of environmental scanning.
organisation and relate it to 4.1.3 Evaluate the macro-economic factors and their impact on organisations (economic
its strategy. growth rates, inflation rates, interest rates, exchange rates, employment legislation and
taxation policies).
4.2 Critically appraise the use of 4.2.1 Explain the component factors of Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological,
techniques such as PEST, Ecological/Environmental and Legal (PESTEL)
PESTEL, STEEP and other 4.2.2 Critically evaluate the practical use of these techniques in the light of dynamic global
derivatives. business environments.
4.2.3 Identify and explain the advantages and disadvantages to organisations of undertaking
environmental scanning as part of the strategy formulation process.
4.3 Identify the sensitivities of the 4.3.1 Examine the components of environmental change, including environmental complexity
organisation to and environmental uncertainty.
environmental change and 4.3.2 Explain how high environmental uncertainty affects business strategy.
appropriate prioritisation of 4.3.3 Examine the importance of environmental scanning and analysis within an organisation.
search mechanisms. 4.3.4 Consider the nature and sources of environmental information, including an analysis of
primary and secondary sources.
4.4 Appraise determinants of 4.4.1 Examine why certain countries have so many successful international businesses and
national advantage using why these firms sustain superior performance in a global environment.
suitable techniques such as 4.4.2 Examine the four components of Porters Diamond in order to explain the competitive
Porters Diamond. advantage of nations.
4.4.3 Appraise the role of government in achieving national competitive advantage.
4.4.4 Explain the concept of clustering.
4.4.5 Discuss the factors which lead to the loss of national competitive advantage, such as
factor deterioration or collapse of supporting clusters.
Learning Outcome 5

The learner will: Understand the key forces that represent both opportunities and threats to organisations whether for profit or
not for profit.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
5.1 Evaluate the purpose and 5.1.1 Explain the component factors of a SWOT analysis.
attributes of SWOT analysis. 5.1.2 Identify the internal and external influences of a SWOT analysis, in particular the
influence of PEST analysis.
5.1.3 Explain the value to an organisation of undertaking a SWOT analysis, including an
explanation of the need to convert threats (or weaknesses) into an advantage and
the need to match strengths with opportunities.
5.1.4 Examine the organisations approach to removing weaknesses that leave the
organisation open to threat or cannot be turned into an advantage.
5.1.5 Evaluate the position of the SWOT analysis within the strategic planning framework,
examining the arguments for putting SWOT analysis at the start of the strategy
5.2 Appraise techniques to identify 5.2.1 Examine the concepts of competition and competitive advantage.
the sources of competition to 5.2.2 Explain the concept of competitive advantage using Porters Generic Strategies.
organisations, such as Porters 5.2.3 Explain the sources of competition in an industry, in particular using Porters Five
Five Forces analysis. Forces model.
5.2.4 Discuss the barriers to entry within an industry.
5.2.5 Explain how the Industry Life Cycle may affect the nature of competition within an
5.2.6 Identify and examine the macro-economic factors that may affect the competitive
5.3 Critically evaluate the turbulence 5.3.1 Discuss the nature of changing competitive environments and the impact upon
of environmental change and the competitive advantage.
impact on strategic dynamics. 5.3.2 Critically examine the impact of changes in the macro-environment such as new
technologies, globalisation and deregulation.
5.3.3 Explain the cycle of competition and hyper competition.
5.3.4 Identify and discuss how organisations are able to create new competitive
advantage by understanding the factors in the macro-environment and identifying
strategic gaps, such as identification of substitute products, new market segments
or complementary product/service offerings.

Learning Outcome 6

The learner will: Understand the strategy process for an organisation to achieve competitive advantage.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
6.1 Identify the capabilities that 6.1.1 Consider the concept of strategic capability.
allow organisations to achieve 6.1.2 Explain the concept of critical success factors.
competitive advantage. 6.1.3 Explain the following terms relating to strategic capability:
Threshold resources
Unique resources
Available resources
Threshold competences
Core competences
6.1.4 Consider the importance of knowledge as a key capability in the modern business
6.2 Critically analyse means by which 6.2.1 Explain the use of the value chain in assisting organisations in identifying those
an organisation positions itself to products and services which add value to the business/customer.
outperform its competitors. 6.2.2 Discuss the use of a value system in creating best value products and services.
6.2.3 Discuss the concept of value for money and the importance of ensuring cost
6.2.4 Discuss the concept of effectiveness in achieving competitive advantage.
6.2.5 Examine the importance of understanding the performance standards that need to
be achieved to outperform competitors, using techniques such as benchmarking.
6.3 Identify and evaluate appropriate 6.3.1 Explain the Product Life Cycle.
strategies for emerging, maturing 6.3.2 Critically evaluate the application of Porters generic strategies within the three
and declining competitive competitive positions, including discussion of:
positions. Cost leadership based strategies;
Differentiation based strategies, and
Focus based strategies.
6.3.3 Discuss the use of ProductMarket strategies, in particular the application of the
Ansoff productmarket scope matrix.
6.3.4 Discuss the risks associated with Diversification based strategies.
6.3.5 Consider alternative growth strategies, such as:
Internal development;
Joint development strategies, and
Mergers and acquisitions.
6.3.6 Examine the use of international growth strategies, such as exporting, overseas
manufacture, multi- national operations, global operations.
6.3.7 Evaluate the issues involved in international growth strategies, such as social
responsibility, cross cultural management, financial control and economic
development issues.
6.3.8 Explain the use of the success criteria of Suitability, Acceptability and Feasibility (SAF
Framework, Johnson and Scholes)

Learning Outcome 7

The learner will: Understand the future challenges affecting strategic business management and planning.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
7.1 Analyse global influences and 7.1.1 Consider the dimensions of a global economic environment, including factors such
impact on internationalisation of as:
strategic business management Changing patterns of global trade, economic development and modernisation;
and planning. Development of regional economic groupings;
International impact on currencies and interest rates;
Impact of the influences of economic bodies such as EU and G8, and
Convergence of buyer life styles and preferences.
7.1.2 Explanation of factors driving a new global economy, such as:
Adoption of free trade and transition to market based economies;
The creation of common regulations via supra national organisations, such as EU
and NAFTA and the integration of world financial markets, and
Technological developments.
7.1.3 Analyse the consequences of market globalisation, including:
Societal consequences, such as the effect on national cultures, environmental
impacts and the loss of jobs, and
Organisational consequences, such as new business opportunities, risks of
foreign competition, supplier and customer sourcing and internationalisation of
the value chain.
7.2 Identify environmental issues 7.2.1 Consider organisations impact on the global environment and how this may affect
impacting upon strategy in the overall business strategy.
21st century, for example global 7.2.2 Examine the impact of businesses on the environment, in particular the impact of
warming, scarce commodities, emerging economies such as China and India.
emerging economies (BRIC). 7.2.3 Consider the corporate social responsibility of organisations in protecting the
7.3 Critically evaluate the effect of 7.3.1 Discuss the effect of globalisation on strategic management and planning.
these future challenges on 7.3.2 Discuss the effect on strategic business management of the globalisation of
strategic business management business, including discussion of:
and planning. Impact of global competition and the need to reassess competitive strategies;
Organisation and structure of businesses;
Changing managerial roles in global organisations;
Impact on growth opportunities and development strategies;
Impact on core competences and critical success factors, and
Impact on the organisations value chain.
7.4 Appreciate the impact of the 7.4.1 Explain the need for innovation in reaction to the changing global environment.
increasingly competitive global 7.4.2 Examine the difference between intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship.
environment and the need for 7.4.3 Examine how these alternative approaches may help organisations to compete
innovation, intrapreneurship and globally.
entrepreneurship in


Assessment method: written examination (unless otherwise stated).

Written examinations are of three hours duration.
All learning outcomes will be assessed.

Recommended Reading:

Please refer to the Tuition Resources section of the Members Area of the ABE website (www.abeuk.com) for the
recommended reading for this subject.

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