English Test September 2006

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1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.

agree confuse impress possess revise

explain encourage

Robert managed to make a good impression at his job interview.

a. Sarah didnt hand in her homework, so the teacher asked her for an .

b. Dave was arrested for of drugs.

c. After two weeks of negotiations, the company signed an which promised
better working conditions.
d. Pam failed her exams because she hadnt done enough .

e. Michaels parents gave him a lot of when he decided to play football


f. The concert was badly organised. There was a lot of about who was playing.

2. Write in the correct form of the verbs below.

interrupt give up listen have buy

a. They cant affordthat flat; its far too expensive.

b. I cant stand.to other people talking on the phone.

c. William decidedsmoking.

d. Liz would likea baby now but Tom thinks they should wait.

e. James is so annoying. He keepseverything I say!

3. Write in the correct tenses to complete the text.

Last week Hannah.(listen) to music in her bedroom when

she.(hear) a terrible noise, like a monstrous wolf howling under her
bed. She..( not be) so frightened in her life. Fortunately
she(wake) up. She said to herself I(dream) again.
Hannah.(have) plenty of nightmares before.
4. Choose the correct answers to complete the paragraph.

We have been driving / had been driving for several hours when we started to get
hungry. My friend Sandra, who / which was driving, hasnt managed / hadnt managed to
get much sleep the night before, and she wanted some coffee. We saw a restaurant at the
side of the road, went in and ordered some food. After we have been served / had been
served, we began to plan some activities for the next day. Id really like to go horse
riding, Sandra said. I said that I want / wanted to go to the beach. The waitress
overheard our conversation and told us that there was a waterfall behind the restaurant
that we really might / should see. After we had eaten, we went to have a look, and I
realised immediately that I should have brought / must have brought my camera. If I
have / will have the chance, I will / would definitely go back there, because it was
incredibly beautiful and calm. What a surprise! I wish that there is / were such a place
closer to home.

5. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning.

a. Paula moved into her new flat last week. (since)

Paula............................................................................................................................. .

b. We are so poor that we cant afford to go on holiday. ( too)


c. We arrived late at the wedding. The ceremony began before we arrived.

By the time we...................................., the ceremony..................................................... .

d. She has plenty of money, but shes very mean.

Despite.................................................................................................................................. .

e. There were too many people for us to be able to see the Queen. ( so )

There were............................................................................................................................... .

f. He didnt understand the joke, so he didnt laugh.

If.................................................................................................................................. .

g. Mariano and David were told to leave by the judge.

The judge.................................. .

h. The safari was excellent, although I forgot to take my camera.

If only I.................................................................................................................. .
6. Complete the sentences with suitable vocabulary. If a verb is required use a

correct form.

a. Im............................................... . I want to go to sleep.

b. According to research, the younger.........................................spend up to five hours a day

watching television.

c. Clare is very..........................................about the Internet. Shell help you build your


e. Once she had finished her project, Clare.....................................her work on a diskette.

g. The.................................................is twenty to fifty kilometres above the earths surface.

i. Im an.............................................tennis player. I usually miss the ball completely.

j. Bens parents dont approve......................the way he spends his money........................new

sports equipment.

7. Complete the text. Use words related to the ones below:

generate develop entertain drama fame advertise

disagree health

The.............................................of TV has had a..................................................influence in our

lives. According to a recent survey, the average viewer watches sitcoms, game shows
and....................................................for up to five hours a day.
Inevitably, there has been a lot of...........................................................about how we use
television. Although it is fun and informative, watching too much can be....................................,
especially for the younger............................................................. .
TV creates a world of virtual reality, says psychologist Andrea Fletcher. Everything is
exaggerated and some types of........................................, such as violent films can have a bad
influence on children. In addition, ......................................people who appear on TV often set a
bad example.
However, despite the risk, most parents let their children watch television all the time.
Why? Because it is safer than playing in the streets. The future, it seems, is TV.

8. Fill in the gap with the correct linker:

in contrast however although despite but

a. John didnt go to see the filmthe fact that it had good reviews.

b. I forgot to record the soap operaId bought a video cassette.

c. Maria wanted to watch the MTV awardsthey werent on TV until

very late at night.
d. Kate went to the rehearsal having a bad cold.

e. Karl rarely reads books. he plays computer games all the time.

f. Not many people own DVD players. millions of people own video


Women doctors. Are they different?

In 1974, 11% of the students graduating from medical school in the U.S. were female. In
1984 that proportion was close to 30%. While the majority of doctors in the United
States are still male, that pattern is changing with the new wave of medical students. But
will this fact make any difference to the medical profession? Are female doctors really
different from their male counterparts?

Traditionally nurses did the female jobs, such as taking care of patients basic physical
needs and helping people and their families to face illness. Meanwhile, doctors did the
aggressive part.

And now, along come the female doctors. While some of them insist that they are simply
equivalent to male physicians, others consider that they may have essential differences
and special advantages. They may lack brute authority, but they are more responsive to

While many patients may still be uncomfortable with the idea of women doctors, there are
many other people who openly prefer them. They say that women doctors are more
sensitive in general, easier to talk to, and less intimidating. In fact, the very novelty of
female physicians may be that they somehow do not seem like real doctors: they do not fit
the stereotype.


1. Are the following statements true or false? Write down the evidence from the
text. No points are given for only true or false. ( 2 points )

a. There were fewer female students studying medicine in the U.S. in 1984 than in 1974.

b. In spite of being aggressive and authoritative in general, everybody prefers male

2. In your own words and based on the ideas from the text, answer the following
questions. ( 2 points )

a. Why does the writer say that women doctors do not seem like real doctors?

b. What do people think about women doctors?

3. Find the words in the text that mean the same as the following. ( 1 point )

a. model (paragraph 1)
b. do not have (paragraph 3)
c. clearly ( paragraph 4)
d. conform, adjust (paragraph 4)

4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the words in
brackets when given. ( 2 points )

a. I...........................................................(not sleep) well last night and Im very tired. Ive read
about a new medicine and Ive decided I.............................................................(buy) it.

b. She started............................................(work) two hours ago. She..................................................

(already/ read) forty pages of her medicine book.

c. Her male doctor wasnt sensitive.............................................to realise that he was hurting

her feelings.

d. Its vital to look after your health. Keeping............................................is vital.

e. Thomas denied..(copy) in the Anatomy test.

f. Dont take drugs.

She advised me......................................................................................................... .

5. Write about 100 words on one of the following topics. ( 3 points )

a. In your opinion, are boys and girls treated equally?

b. Do you think that certain jobs are more convenient for men than for girls? Give reasons

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