NetNumen U31 R10 V12.14.30 Unified Element Management System Product Description 595609

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NetNumen U31 R10

Unified Element Management System

Product Description

Version: V12.14.30

No. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China
Postcode: 518057
Tel: +86-755-26771900
Fax: +86-755-26770801
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright 2014 ZTE CORPORATION.
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Users may visit the ZTE technical support website to inquire for related information.
The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 2014-09-16 First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20140901094922-001

Publishing Date: 2014-09-16 (R1.0)

SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Product Positioning and Characteristics ............................... 1-1
1.1 Product Positioning ............................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Characteristics ................................................................................................... 1-2

Chapter 2 Product Architecture ................................................................ 2-1

2.1 System Hardware Architecture ............................................................................ 2-1
2.2 System Software Architecture ............................................................................. 2-2

Chapter 3 Product Functions .................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Topology Management ....................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Fault Management ............................................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Performance Management.................................................................................. 3-1
3.4 System Management.......................................................................................... 3-2
3.5 Task Management .............................................................................................. 3-2
3.6 Security Management......................................................................................... 3-3
3.7 Log Management ............................................................................................... 3-4
3.8 Report Management........................................................................................... 3-5

Chapter 4 Networking Applications.......................................................... 4-1

4.1 Networking Mode ............................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Local Networking...................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Remote Networking .................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.3 Mixed Networking..................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Server Deployment............................................................................................. 4-2
4.2.1 Centralized Deployment............................................................................ 4-2
4.2.2 Distributed Deployment ............................................................................ 4-3
4.2.3 Layered Networking ................................................................................. 4-4
4.3 Client Deployment .............................................................................................. 4-5
4.3.1 Single-client Deployment .......................................................................... 4-5
4.3.2 Multi-client Deployment ............................................................................ 4-6
4.4 Typical O&M Solution ......................................................................................... 4-7
4.4.1 Integrated Management for Fixed and Mobile Networks.............................. 4-7
4.4.2 Integrated ICT Management ..................................................................... 4-8
4.4.3 End-to End Service Assurance Solution..................................................... 4-9

Chapter 5 Interfaces and Protocols .......................................................... 5-1

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5.1 System Interface ................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Protocol Interface Description ............................................................................. 5-2
5.2.1 SNMP Interface........................................................................................ 5-2
5.2.2 FTP Interface ........................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.3 CORBA Interface ..................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.4 TL1 Interface ........................................................................................... 5-3
5.2.5 XML Interface .......................................................................................... 5-3
5.2.6 DB Interface............................................................................................. 5-3

Chapter 6 Technical Specifications .......................................................... 6-1

6.1 Physical Indexes ................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Performance Indexes ......................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 Power Consumption Specifications.................................................................... 6-10

Chapter 7 Environmental Requirements .................................................. 7-1

7.1 Requirements for Power Supply .......................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Grounding Requirements .................................................................................... 7-1
7.3 Temperature and Humidity Requirements ............................................................ 7-2
7.4 Anti-EMI Requirements....................................................................................... 7-3
7.5 Anti-Lightning Requirements ............................................................................... 7-4
7.6 Anti-Static Requirements .................................................................................... 7-5
7.7 Illumination ....................................................................................................... 7-5
7.8 Fire Control ....................................................................................................... 7-5

Chapter 8 Complied Standards ................................................................. 8-1

Figures............................................................................................................. I
Tables ............................................................................................................ III
Glossary .........................................................................................................V


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual
This manual describes the characteristics, architecture, function, technical data of
NetNumen U31 system and related protocols and interfaces.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:
l Planning engineers
l Debugging engineers

What Is in This Manual

This document uses the following typographical conventions.

Chapter Summary

1, Product Positioning and Describes the location and characteristics of the product on the
Characteristics network.

2, Product Architecture Describes the hardware, software architectures and the configuration
requirements of the product.

3, Product Functions Describes the service functions of the product, such as topology,
alarm and performance.

4, Networking Applications Describes the typical network solution mode of the product.

5, Interfaces and Protocols Describes the internal and external interfaces of the product and
related protocols.

6, Technical Specifications Describes the technical specifications of the product, including power
consumption and reliability.

7, Environmental Describes the requirements of the product for operation environment.


8, Standards Describes the standards that the product follows.

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Chapter 1
Product Positioning and
Table of Contents
Product Positioning ....................................................................................................1-1
Characteristics ...........................................................................................................1-2

1.1 Product Positioning

With the development of the all IP technology and the tremendous transformation in the
telecom industry, broadband, mobility, and convergence have become the mainstream
trends in telecom networks. An all IP network architecture requires a flat Operation,
Administration and Maintenance (OAM) to reduce the OPEX and improve efficiency.
To follow the future network development trends, ZTE launched the unified network
management system NetNumen U31. It can manage all the NEs of ZTE wired network,
including various devices in the service layer, control layer, bearer layer, access layer,
and terminal layer.
The location of the NetNumen U31 in the network is shown in Figure 1-1.


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

Figure 1-1 NetNumen U31's Location in an Network

l Based on the TMN hierarchical division, NetNumen U31 is located at the element
management layer.
l The NetNumen U31 provides upper level NMS/BBS with northbound interfaces.
l The NetNumen U31 provides lower level NEs with southbound interfaces.

1.2 Characteristics
The NetNumen U31 has the following characteristics:

Unified management, simplified operation and maintenance, reduced OPEX

l Multiple networks can be managed in a unified way. The network management
functions of fixed networks, bearer networks, terminals, services, and microwave
networks are integrated into the NetNumen U31, which means that multiple scenarios
can be managed in a unified way.
l Unified IT/IP software and hardware management: IT devices, IP devices, and
software systems, for example, routers, Ethernet switches, firewalls, servers,
operating systems, databases, storage devices, clusters, and middleware are
managed in a unified way.

Flexible system architecture, smooth evolution

l The NetNumen U31 provides a redundancy solution of high availability by using a
cluster consisting of a local server and a remote server.


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Chapter 1 Product Positioning and Characteristics

l The NetNumen U31 supports multiple platforms and databases. The system is
developed based on the JAVA language, so it supports UNIX, Windows, and Linux
operating systems, and MSSQL Server and Oracle databases.
l The NetNumen U31 is modularized, so that it is easy to expand and upgrade. Clients
and servers are in platform + EMS mode. All EMSs and management function
modules are imbedded in the system platform as components. When you install
the NetNumen U31, you can select the devices to be managed to customize your
installation. In addition, the NetNumen U31 supports EMS systems of new products,
and is compatible with early and later versions. Because it is extendable, compatible,
and upgradable, it can meet specific network development needs.
l The NetNumen U31 provides open interfaces that can be used to integrate with a third
party EMS system. It supports SNMP and provides CORBA, TL1, FTP, DB, and ASCII
interfaces. In addition, it can be integrated with third party EMS systems, for example,
IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and HP TeMIP. Therefore, carriers can construct an OSS
application system for the global network easily.
l The NetNumen U31 supports multiple access methods and networking modes.
Networks can be managed at any time and place. Depending on different application
scenarios, it can provide three access methods: GUI, CLI, and Web. It can be
accessed by either a local client or a remote client, and it can be maintained in a
unified manner or locally. You can select a client based on the application scenario,
habit, networking requirements, and bandwidth.

Convenient and efficient system management

l The NetNumen U31 can detect NEs fast automatically, and thus the management
efficiency is improved and the operation & maintenance costs are reduced. Devices
can be detected and added to the NetNumen U31 system in batches based on the
user-defined IP range and device types.
l The NetNumen U31 provides statistics collection. The resource and performance
statistics of all managed devices can be collected. This function can be used to
guarantee network QoS.

Secure and reliable management

l The NetNumen U31 provides sophisticated security management. Multiple security
levels can be set based on management area, management range, and management
function to meet different management requirements. In addition, the NetNumen U31
provides security logs, operation logs, and system logs.
l The NetNumen U31 supports single sign-on, which contributes to unified management
and maintenance. Data can be saved and managed in a unified manner.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

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Chapter 2
Product Architecture
Table of Contents
System Hardware Architecture ...................................................................................2-1
System Software Architecture ....................................................................................2-2

2.1 System Hardware Architecture

The NetNumen U31 system uses client/server mode, which means that a server is
connected with multiple clients in the NetNumen U31 system.
The NetNumen U31 system hardware consists of a server, clients, a disk array, network
devices, and an alarm box. For the architecture of the NetNumen U31 hardware, see
Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 System Hardware Architecture

l Server
The NetNumen U31 server can operate on a Windows, Linux or UNIX platform. It
processes and saves NE data. In addition, the server communicates with upper level
NMS systems through the northbound interface. Based on functions, the NetNumen
U31 server can operate as either an application server or a database server. The


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

hardware of these two servers can either co-located or installed independently. By

default, the hardware is co-located. The NetNumen U31 system can be installed on
one server or two servers. If it is installed on two servers, these two servers are in
active and standby mode.
l Client
NetNumen U31 clients operate on a Windows platform. They provide a graphical user
interface. Operators can operate and maintain NEs through the clients.
l Disk array
The disk array is used to store data reported by lower-layer network elements, such
as alarms and performance data.
l Network device
Network devices are used to connect the NetNumen U31 server with NEs or BOSS/
NMS, for example, the switch or the router.
l Alarm box
The NetNumen U31 system uses an alarm box to monitor current alarms. Alarms of
different levels are indicated by different lights and sounds.

2.2 System Software Architecture

The NetNumen U31 system uses a client/server operation mode. Both the client and server
software are independent of each other. The server software is installed on a server and
the client software is installed on a PC client. They can also be installed on the same
computer if necessary.

For the architecture of the NetNumen U31 software, see Figure 2-2.


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Chapter 2 Product Architecture

Figure 2-2 NetNumen U31 Software Architecture

l The NetNumen U31 system is based on a J2EE platform. It can operate on a UNIX,
Windows, or Linux OS. It uses a SQL Server or Oracle database.
l The NetNumen U31 server software is composed of multiple modules. Each mod-
ule provides certain functions, for example, configuration management, fault man-
agement, security management, topology management, performance management,
report management, policy management, and log management. The NetNumen U31
server software provides northbound interfaces for BOSS/NMS, and southbound in-
terfaces for NEs.
l The NetNumen U31 client software provides graphical user interfaces to operate and
maintain NEs.
l The NetNumen U31 system is designed with the load balance and disaster recovery
functions. Data is saved in a distributed manner to ensure system reliability.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

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Chapter 3
Product Functions
Table of Contents
Topology Management ...............................................................................................3-1
Fault Management .....................................................................................................3-1
Performance Management .........................................................................................3-1
System Management .................................................................................................3-2
Task Management ......................................................................................................3-2
Security Management ................................................................................................3-3
Log Management .......................................................................................................3-4
Report Management...................................................................................................3-5

3.1 Topology Management

The NetNumen U31 manages a large number of devices, which are managed in different
groups. By using topology management, the system can display the topology of the entire
network by function or device type. On the topology, NEs, NE connections, and alarms
are displayed directly in different colors. You can know the operation status of the entire
network easily.

3.2 Fault Management

With the fault management function, all types of device alarms and other network events
reported on the entire network are displayed to maintenance personnel directly, and thus
the maintenance personnel can know the operation status of the network. If any fault
is detected, it is easy for maintenance personnel to locate the fault and the cause, and
troubleshoot the fault to ensure normal system operation.

3.3 Performance Management

The performance management module is responsible for performance monitoring and
analysis of data network and equipment. By collecting various performance data from
network elements and generating performance reports after processing, this module
provides information for system maintenance and management, network planning and
adjustment, and network optimization.

The NetNumen U31 provides sophisticated performance management. It monitors

performance of the entire network through performance task customization, performance
report output, and performance threshold management.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

3.4 System Management

The system management function is used to monitor and maintain the application server
and the database server. In addition, it provides the frequently used functions for managing
the database.
For the frequently used functions provided by system management, refer to Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 System management function Descriptions

Function Description

Server performance Checks server performance parameters (for example, CPU, memory, hard
management disk, and server process), and set system threshold parameters and
server performance alarms.

Database management Provides the following local database management functions: database
login, database resource view, database backup, database restoration,
data table backup, data table restoration, data table clearance, database
maintenance task, regular database maintenance task, and database

System data backup Provides backup and restoration functions for logs, alarms and
and restoration performance data.
Provides the backup function for database and files.

Other management Provides a unique Favorite function, which is similar to IE's Favorite
function, to offer fast link for frequently used functions.

Views the system time, prints settings, sets system styles, sets screen
lock, controls access rights, and sets window size.

License control Uses the license to control server-side MAC address, validity period,
number of user interface terminals, function package module, northbound
function package, device types under management and specific function

3.5 Task Management

It is also called policy management. A task is a predefined procedure in the EMS. The
procedure specifies operations in the EMS under special conditions. With the predefined
task, the EMS system can automatically execute related operations in accordance
with the current operation status for automatic dispatching and protection, and system
self-management for high efficiency.
For a description of the task management functions, refer to Table 3-2.


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Chapter 3 Product Functions

Table 3-2 Task Management Function Descriptions

Function Description

History data archive Executes periodically backup and deletion tasks for logs,
performance data, and alarms to prevent the database from being

Basic data backup Executes basic data backup tasks periodically. Back up all the basic
data of the network management system. Back up only data records
excluding the history data, such as table structure and history
alarms, notifications, logs, performance raw data (history data has
the dedicated backup function).

Version and database backup Executes NM version file and database backup tasks periodically.

File clearance Monitors data catalogs of different types, and executes periodically
clearance tasks when the index exceeds the threshold.

Automatic confirmation of Confirms history alarms before the set days automatically, so as to
history alarm improve the maintainability.

IP NE resource collection Executes IP NE resource collection tasks periodically. The operation

can be performed based on hour/day/week/month and one-time.
The start and end time can be set.

3.6 Security Management

Security management is used to ensure users legal use of the NetNumen U31 system.
With the security management function, users, user groups, and roles can be managed,
and the operators are controlled when performing operations in the NetNumen U31
system. Users must log in to the system, and then can perform operations in the system.
For the security management functions, refer to Table 3-3.

Table 3-3 Security Management Function Descriptions

Function Description

Role management The user can create, modify, copy and delete a role set as well as assign a
role to a role set based on the operation rights.
The user can create, modify, copy and delete a role as well as assign
operation rights to a role based on the operation rights.
The user can set role rights for resources and an operation set, which means
that users of different roles manage different areas.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

Function Description

User management A user has multiple attributes, including ID, password, user validity period,
password validity period, and department. The management functions
supported include: add/delete a user, associate a user with a role or a role
set, configure a user profile and modify a user password.
Check user lock status.
Views the information of the current logged-in user, and log out a logged-in
user if necessary.
Blacklist management: the users added to a blacklist cannot log in to the
Sets a validity period for a user account.
Sets the validity period for a password.
Sets the working time, holiday, login IP range, and login MAC binding for a
Sets concurrent login number for one user.
Sets the maximal and minimal length of a password.
Sets account lock upon login failure.
Sets automatic lock function.

Department Department is a simulation of an administrative department for the

management convenience of user organization and management. The user can create a
department as required. By default, there is a root department in the system.
This department is the supreme department and all other newly created
departments are its sub-departments.

3.7 Log Management

A log refers to the recorded information of various events and operations in the system. By
viewing logs, a user can know whether the system is operating properly, locate the cause
of a fault, and trace and audit important events. Log management is an effective tool for
the system administrator to check the system operating status, locate a system fault, and
trace user operations.
For the log management functions, refer to Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 Log Management Function Descriptions

Function Description

Operation log Saves user's access information, including the accessed function module,
operation process, operation time, and operation result.

Security log Saves user's login and logout information.

System log Saves the operation information of the system or a module, for example,
when the system is started and turned off, the operation status of all
modules, system interruption, and module interruption.


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Product Functions

Function Description

Log query Queries a system log.

Log output Outputs a log in the form of text or SYSLOG.

Log deletion Deletes logs periodically.

3.8 Report Management

A user can be informaed of the system operation status and performance through reports.
The report management system generates reports periodically. The user can make correct
analysis and decision based on the reports.
For the report management functions, refer to Table 3-5.

Table 3-5 Report Management Function Descriptions

Function Description

Unified Report View The system provides a unified report view, including performance report
and alarm report.

Report Task Report task management generates reports periodically. The time and
Management report type can be set.

Report File Reports can be previewed, printed, and saved as Excel, Html, PDF, or
Management CSV files.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

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Chapter 4
Networking Applications
Table of Contents
Networking Mode .......................................................................................................4-1
Server Deployment.....................................................................................................4-2
Client Deployment ......................................................................................................4-5
Typical O&M Solution .................................................................................................4-7

4.1 Networking Mode

The networking mode includes local networking, remote networking, and mixed networking
based on the location between the NetNumen U31 and an NE.

4.1.1 Local Networking

LAN networking is the simplest and the most commonly used networking in the network
management system. For this networking, the NetNumen U31 server, clients, and NEs
are in one LAN and are interconnected through Ethernet. The NetNumen U31 and its NEs
are at one physical location. LCT is in charge of local operation and maintenance of the
NE, and the NetNumen U31 manages the devices in the entire network.

4.1.2 Remote Networking

Remote networking is used when clients and the NetNumen U31 server are not in the
same LAN. For remote networking, basic topologies of the network and their principles
are the same. They use specific transmission devices to transmit data on WAN. A router
is used for the access from the WAN to an LAN. TCP/IP is used for the communication
among NEs, NetNumen U31 server, and clients.
Because the communication methods between remote network management systems are
different, the NetNumen U31 provides different remote access solutions: 2 MB dedicated
line, DDN dedicated line, ISDN, PSTN, and Ethernet.

4.1.3 Mixed Networking

The actual networking sometimes uses the mixed networking that consists of local
networking and remote networking.

Clients include local clients and remote clients. They provide a GUI for operating and
monitoring NEs. Clients are connected to the server through the LAN or an MAN. These
two types of clients have the same operation capability.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

For the architecture of a mixed networking solution, see Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 NetNumen U31 Typical Networking

4.2 Server Deployment

Servers can be deployed in centralized, distributed, and layered modes.

4.2.1 Centralized Deployment

In centralized deployment, all servers operate on one host. The centralized network
management is suitable for small-scale networks to meeting the network management
requirements with the minimized cost.

For the architecture of the solution, see Figure 4-2.


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Chapter 4 Networking Applications

Figure 4-2 NetNumen U31 Centralized Deployment

4.2.2 Distributed Deployment

The NetNumen U31 supports distributed deployment that allows carriers to deploy
management modules on different servers. The NetNumen U31 system can consist
of one active server and multiple standby servers. The active server provides the
fundamental network management functions.
Deployment of the standby servers is based on the network scale and the deployment
condition. Therefore, servers are loaded in a balanced manner, more NEs and systems
can be managed, and the operation efficiency is improved.
For the architecture of the solution, see Figure 4-3.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

Figure 4-3 Distributed Deployment Solution (Fixed Access Network)

The servers of the NetNumen U31 are operating on different machines. They operate
with each other to manage the devices on the entire network. Distributed deployment is
suitable for a large-scale network. Moreover, it is suitable for networks that will grow both
in scale and complexity.

4.2.3 Layered Networking

The NetNumen U31 supports a special layered networking deployment solution.. Each of
the management domains has its own EMS server. At the upper layer, there is a superior
EMS to implement centralized management.
For the architecture of the solution, see Figure 4-4.


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Chapter 4 Networking Applications

Figure 4-4 Layered Networking (Bearer Network)

Server-1 manages devices in domain 1 and server-2 manages devices in domain2. The
superior server-3 manages the two domains simultaneously.

4.3 Client Deployment

Client deployment includes single-client deployment and multi-client deployment.

4.3.1 Single-client Deployment

It is the most basic and common application mode. The client, server and database may
operate either on the same computer or independently on different computers depending
on the amount of managed devices and the processing capability of the computer.
For the architecture of the deployment, see Figure 4-5.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

Figure 4-5 Single-Client and Single-Server Networking Mode

4.3.2 Multi-client Deployment

One server can be logged on by multiple clients. The server assures that all the clients
are synchronized.
This networking mode is usually applied in the case that multiple operation terminals
(clients) or display terminals are required by users, and the clients might be distributed in
various areas, so some of the clients need to log on the server remotely. In this way, the
management of the upper layer NM can also be accessed, with a northbound interface
module needed.
For the architecture of the deployment, see Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6 Multi-Client and Single-Server Networking Mode


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Chapter 4 Networking Applications

4.4 Typical O&M Solution

4.4.1 Integrated Management for Fixed and Mobile Networks
The NetNumen U31 provides the integrated management for fixed and mobile networks.
For the typical networking architecture, see Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7 Integrated Management for Fixed and Mobile Networks

The products with their names in red are not managed by U31 (Wireline).

l Integrated management, supporting all services operations

The integrated management can manage the access network, transport network,
core network, and intelligent VAS products, which provides the uniform O&M for
all domains of a telecom network.

End-to-end service configuration and management for bearer network products;

end-to-end service configuration and management across the transport and
datacom networks; simple, quick commissioning and deployment are both
achieved, and O&M difficulty is reduced.

Network-wide intelligent fault analysis and diagnosis: Based on network

resources and service relationships, the system can automatically locate and
analyze the root/derivative alarms, shortening the time spent on handling alarms.
l Fine-grained customization to lower costs significantly


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

The NetNumen U31 uses the unique PPU component technology that allows
carriers to determine the functions integrated into the EMS. This feature enables
ZTE to customize an EMS to meet the individual business needs of a carrier.
Furthermore, a variety of deployment schemes are available, and carriers can
find the very one for their current O&M mode. ZTE aims to help carriers drive up
their ROI.
Three access methods are available: GUI, Web, and CLI to support the local and
remote access requirements. O&M personnel can get access to U31 anytime
l Flexible system architecture for smooth evolution
Modular design for easy rollout of new services: The modular architecture
brings good scalability to U31, which allows only small adjustments for growth in
services or changes in NE management. Investment is protected, and customer
requirements in the future can be met.
Distributed deployment and flexible investment: Distributed deployment allows
a minimum investment when carriers are to build a network. The network
management capacity can be expanded flexibly if the network scale is growing.
Open interfaces for fast integration with third-party systems: A variety of
northbound interfaces are provided, which allows the integration of the NetNumen
U31 with third-party NMS/BOSS systems, such as IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus,
HP TeMIP, and Aircom Optima.

4.4.2 Integrated ICT Management

With multiple management layers combined together, the NetNumen U31 integrated the
ICT management solution to satisfy the IT management demand that devices of different
types and at different network layers can be managed in a uniform manner. It is a simple,
convenient, economic, and highly efficient solution.
For the typical architecture, see Figure 4-8.


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Networking Applications

Figure 4-8 Integrated IT Device Management

l Support multiple vendors IT devices and quick scalability to bring high customer
l Integrate with the U31 system to share resources and reduce investment costs
l Provides a uniform GUI and combined management capability to ensure high
management efficiency and service QoS.
l Provides carrier-class reliability, usability, and security
l Deployed independently or operated with the NetNumen U31 to meet the needs of
networks of different scales.

4.4.3 End-to End Service Assurance Solution

An end-to-end service assurance solution is implemented based on three layers:
l The bottom layer is for the NE devices.
l The middle layer is the management layer, including the U31 system and the
EasyOptical diagnosis system. The EasyOptical is responsible for the following
functions: end-to-end fault diagnosis, real-time monitor, performance alarm, statistics
analysis, and evaluation optimization. With these functions, the service assurance
of the FTTx network is upgrade from onsite manual assurance to remote intelligent
l The top layer is for the BOSS system. The middle layer is connected with the BOSS
system through the northbound interface of the EasyOptical. After the three layers
are interconnected, service faults can be handled automatically.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

Figure 4-9 End-to-End Service Assurance Solution


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Chapter 5
Interfaces and Protocols
Table of Contents
System Interface ........................................................................................................5-1
Protocol Interface Description.....................................................................................5-2

5.1 System Interface

The NetNumen U31 provides both southbound and northbound interfaces.
l Southbound interface: The NetNumen U31 manages accessed devices through
the southbound interface. On the NetNumen U31, the following operations can
be performed: alarm management, performance management, configuration
management, topology management, and security management. The southbound
interface supports the following protocols: SNMP, TR069, MML, ASN.1 Qx, Syslog,
Telnet/SSH, and FTP/SFTP.
l Northbound interface: The NetNumen U31 provides the open northbound interface to
interconnect with the upper level NMS/BOSS/BSS system. The northbound interface
supports the following protocols: FTP, SNMP, CORBA, MTOSI, TL1, and DB.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

Figure 5-1 System Interfaces

5.2 Protocol Interface Description

The following sections describe the frequently used interface protocols.

5.2.1 SNMP Interface

SNMP is a set of standards defined by IETF for network management. It is accepted
in the industry because it is simple and easy to understand. SNMP is implemented
based on the Manager/Agent model where the manager interacts with agents through
Management Information Base (MIB) and command sets. SNMP provides the active
reporting mechanism that allows agents to send the trap messages to the manager.

5.2.2 FTP Interface

FTP is used by U31 to transfer data files of large sizes, such as PM data files and resources
topology data files.

5.2.3 CORBA Interface

CORBA is a standard for distributed objects being developed by the Object Management
Group (OMG). It consists of ORB, object services, common facilities, domain-independent
interfaces, and application interfaces. ORB provides the method of implementing
transparent communications between clients and objects.


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Chapter 5 Interfaces and Protocols

5.2.4 TL1 Interface

Transaction Language-1 (TL1) is an ASCII-based man-machine language defined by
Telcordia. It is a standard management protocol in telecommunications. It brings several
benefits: simple integration, convenient commissioning, good scalability, and good
network adaptability.

5.2.5 XML Interface

XML, also named as MTOSI, provides a simple and lightweight mechanism for exchanging
structured and typed information using XML through Web. It is a standard interface
introduced by TMF. XML messages serve as the interface for OSS. XML defines the
interfaces at the OSS layer, including the high-layer interface (service) and fine-grained
interfaces (that each OSS service provides to the running environment).

5.2.6 DB Interface
DB views are a transformation of database data, allowing users to retrieve database table
data in another way. Through this interface, NMS can query the data view in EMS by using
the uniform username and password, implementing integration between NMS and EMS.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

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Chapter 6
Technical Specifications
Table of Contents
Physical Indexes ........................................................................................................6-1
Performance Indexes .................................................................................................6-2
Power Consumption Specifications ..........................................................................6-10

6.1 Physical Indexes

The NetNumen U31 server and disk array are server devices installed in a standard
19-inch B6080-22 cabinet. The clients are PCs or workstations that comply with industrial
For technical parameters of the B6080-22 cabinet, refer to Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 Technical Parameters of the B6080-22 Cabinet

Item Index Description

Standard Design Complies with the IEC 60297-2 standard, and uses modular
standard design that facilitates capacity extension and maintenance.

Physical Dimension Height Width Depth: 2200 mm 600 mm 800 mm.

Capability Standard shelves or devices whose widths are 19 inches provided
by ZTE or a third party can be installed in the cabinet.

Capacity The available internal height is 47U (1U = 44.45 mm).

Weight The empty cabinet is about 124 kg.

Color Navy blue.

Protection Electromagnetic compatibility is considered when the cabinet is

designed. All interfaces provide high electromagnetic shielding
Dust screens are installed behind the ventilation holes on the front
door, back door, and baseplate of the cabinet.

Heat There are ventilation holes on the front door, back door, and
dissipation baseplate of the cabinet. The percentage of opening is 56%, so
the cabinet provides high heat dissipation performance.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

Item Index Description

Process Wiring design There are wiring holes at the top and bottom of the cabinet. The
specifications cabinet supports top routing and bottom routing.

Installation In a room without antistatic floor, the cabinet can be installed on

mode the cement floor directly. In a room with antistatic floor, the cabinet
can be installed on the cement floor through the adjustable base.

The NetNumen U31 server can be a SUN-series server or ATCA blade server (with an
E4140 shelf). For the technical parameters of the E4140 shelf, refer to Table 6-2.

Table 6-2 Technical Parameters of the E4140 Shelf

Item Index Description

Standard Design 19-inch standard 14U shelf, complies with PICMG 3.0 R2.0.

Physical Dimension Height Width Depth: 619.5 mm 482.6 mm 415 mm.

Number of 14.
board slots

Empty-cabinet 35 kg.

Full- 77 kg.

6.2 Performance Indexes

For the performance indexes of the NetNumen U31, refer to Table 6-3.

Table 6-3 Performance Indexes

Item Index Value Description

Start Time used for starting a 7 seconds. Period from the time when a client is
speed client for the first time started for the first time to the time when
the dialog box for login is displayed.

Time used for logging in to 7 seconds. Period from the time when a client is
a client for the first time logged in to for the first time to the time
when the main page is displayed (not
including the time used for obtaining data
in the topology view).

Time used for starting a 2 seconds. Period from the time when a client is
client started not for the first time to the time
when the dialog box for login is displayed.


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Chapter 6 Technical Specifications

Item Index Value Description

For a Citrix scenario, every startup is

considered as the first startup.

Time used for logging in to 3 seconds. Period from the time when a client is
a client logged in to not for the first time to the
time when the rack diagram is displayed
(not including the time used for displaying
the topology view). For a Citrix scenario,
every login is considered as the first

Time used for displaying a 2 seconds. -

view (topology view, alarm
view, performance view,
security view, log view, or
configuration view) on a

Time used for switching 1 second. Time used for switching views, module
views or windows on a windows, and NE windows that have be
client opened on a client.

Time used for starting the 2 seconds. Time used for opening a subview on
command terminal the command terminal through EMS
commands, not OMM commands (OMM
commands are loaded on the back end,
and the time varies with the size of the
OMM version file).

Time used for starting the 5 minutes. If there are multiple processes on the
server server, this index refers to the time
used for starting these processes on the

Opera- Operation interaction When a user performs an The system responds to an operation
tion re- between users and the operation in the system, for within 1 second. For an asynchronous
sponse EMS example, starting the client, the operation, the system sends an
system responds within one asynchronous command successfully
second. If the response time within 1 second. The time used for
is more than one second, the executing the command is not included in
system provides a response the response time (for an asynchronous
indication, for example, the command, the execution time is long).
arrow of mouse becomes a
funnel. If the response time is
more than five seconds, the
system provides a progress


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

Item Index Value Description

Time used for querying 2 seconds. When a user queries 50,000 historical
logs logs among 1,000,000 historical logs,
the query results on the first page
are displayed within 2 seconds, and
all results can be retrieved within 30

Time used for querying 2 seconds. Period from the time when the query
active alarms parameters are set to the time when
query results are displayed on the first
page (the alarm report speed is 50
alarms per second, and active alarms
are queried on less than 10 clients
simultaneously). If the active alarm
threshold is 20,000, the time is less than
or equal to 2 seconds. If the active alarm
threshold is 100,000, the time is less than
or equal to 5 seconds.

Time used for querying 5 seconds. When a user queries 50,000 historical
historical alarms alarms among 5,000,000 historical
alarms, the query results on the first
page are displayed within 5 seconds,
and all results can be retrieved within
30 seconds. If this index cannot be met
in some situations, the system sends a
prompt message through a dialog box or
progress bar.

Time used for querying 5 seconds. When a user queries 100,000 records
performance information among 5,000,000 records, the query
results on the first page are displayed
within 5 seconds, and all results
can be retrieved within 60 seconds.
Performance query operations mean all
operations related to performance data
query, including performance information
browsing. If this index cannot be met
in some situations, the system sends a
prompt message through a dialog box or
progress bar.

Time used for displaying 2 seconds. Time used for displaying basic
the rack diagram information about the rack and boards in
the diagram. The time used for retrieving


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Technical Specifications

Item Index Value Description

alarms from the rack diagram is not


Alarm response time 5 seconds. Time used for displaying alarm

information in the EMS, making a sound,
and changing color after an NE generates
an alarm in a normal situation (meaning
that the EMS receives 50 or less alarms
per second).
In an alarm storm (meaning that 200
alarms are received per second), the
alarm response time is less than or equal
to 15 seconds (the period from the time
when the EMS southbound interface
receives alarms to the time when the
alarms are displayed on a client is less
than or equal to 8 seconds).

MML command response 2 seconds. Period from the time when a MML
time command is sent to the time when the
result is returned. Operation response
processing complies with the Operation
interaction between users and the
EMS index.

Time used for 5 seconds. The time that the EMS uses to
synchronizing alarms successfully send a single-NE
on a single NE alarm synchronization command (an
asynchronous operation) is less than or
equal to 1 second.

Time used for 60 seconds. The time that the EMS uses to
synchronizing alarms successfully send an entire-network
in the entire network alarm synchronization command (an
asynchronous operation) is less than or
equal to 3 seconds.

Dialog box and button 1 second. Time used for responding to an operation
response time performed through a menu or button

Menu (including shortcut 1 second. Time used for displaying a shortcut menu
menu and drop-down list) or drop-down list.
and shortcut key response

Time used for exporting 10 seconds. -

10,000 performance data
entries to a file


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

Item Index Value Description

Time used for exporting 10 seconds. -

10,000 logs to a file

Time used for exporting 10 seconds. -

10,000 historical alarms to
a file

Time used for getting 2 seconds. Period from the time when a user presses
online help (in Topology, F1 in a module to the time when help
Fault, Security, information is displayed (if the user uses
Configuration, and Tools help for the first time, the period is 3
modules) seconds. If the size of the help file is
large, for example, the file contains a lot
of figures, the period may be more than
3 seconds).

Time used for getting MML 2 seconds. Period from the time when a user click
command online help the help tab on an MML page to the time
when help information is displayed.

Time used for turning 1 second. When a user browse data by pressing
pages turning to browse the PgUn (or PgDn) button or dragging
information (including the scroll bar, the windows do not flicker
alarm information, or fail to respond, and the scroll bar is
tracing information, MML smooth.
returning information, and
performance information),
selecting a node in a tree,
and switching windows

Alarm report delay 2 seconds. Period from the time when alarms
are uploaded through the northbound
interface to the time when the alarms
are received in the upper-layer network
management system.

Re- CPU usage of a client 65%. CPU usage of a client The period when CPU usage exceeds
source does not exceed 65% for a long 90% due to instantaneous peak traffic
usage period. must not be more than 10 seconds.
If CPU usage is increased due to an
operation, the CPU usage should be
reduced to a normal value after the
operation processing is completed.

CPU usage of the server 70. CPU usage of the server in lightly loaded
conditions or normal conditions (for
example, at least ten NEs download
software version file simultaneously, or


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 Technical Specifications

Item Index Value Description

the maximum number of active clients

perform concurrent operations).
The period when CPU usage exceeds
90% due to instantaneous peak traffic
must not be more than 10 seconds.
If CPU usage is increased due to an
operation, the CPU usage should be
reduced to a normal value after the
operation processing is completed.

Access Number of concurrent- 50. The number of concurrent operations

capabil- access clients is smaller than the number of
ity concurrent-access clients. For
small-scale services, the number of
concurrent-access clients can be smaller
than 50.
In specified conditions, the number of
supported terminals must be equal to
greater than 128. For fixed networks
and bearer networks, the number of
concurrent-access clients must be equal
to greater than 200.

Man- Maximum number of NEs 50, 000 equivalent NEs (bearer For conversion between NE types and
agement managed by the system network). equivalent NEs, contact ZTE technical
capabil- 100,000 equivalent NEs (fixed supports.
ity network).

Maximum number of NEs 8,000 physical NEs (bearer Information about the NetNumen U31
managed by a single network). operation on a single server. The
server 40, 000 equivalent NEs (fixed configuration of the server is equal to or
network). higher than the hardware configuration
for network scale 6.

Alarm processing capacity Active alarm processing Total number of alarm generation
capacity: 100,000 alarms per messages and alarm clearance
second. messages processed per second.
Historical alarm processing
capacity: 10,000,000 alarms
per second.
During normal system
operation, the alarm processing
capacity is equal to or more
than 150 alarms per second.
The peak alarm processing
capacity is equal to or more


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

Item Index Value Description

than 250 alarms per second,

lasting for 15 minutes at least.

Performance processing Database storage efficiency: The system operates properly and stably.
capacity 300 per second. CPU usage and memory usage of the
server is normal.

Operation log capacity 5,000,000. -

Maximum number of 20,000,000 Total number of active alarms, historical

alarms that can be stored alarms, and notifications.
in a single server

Maximum number of 1,400,000,000 -

performance records that
can be stored in a single

Period when report data is Alarm data: 120 days. The original performance data table is
retained Original performance data: 90 retained for 30 days, hourly tables are
days (granularity: 15 minutes). retained for 90 days, and daily tables are
Report data: 13 months. retained for 180 days. The maximum
size of report data is 1.5 GB.
The period when report data is retained
can be modified based on the server

Network Minimum bandwidth 256 kbps. -

band- between the server and
width OMM

Minimum bandwidth for 256 kbps. -

the northbound interface

Minimum bandwidth 32 kbps 256 kbps. l If the Citrix solution is used, the
between a client and the minimum bandwidth is 128 kbps.
server l If the Coolbit solution is used, the
minimum bandwidth between a
Coolbit browser and Coolbit server
is 32 kbps.
l If the Citrix solution or Coolbit
solution is not used, the minimum
bandwidth is 256 kbps.
l If the PSTN solution is used and
the client uses the Web mode, the
minimum bandwidth is 64 kbps.


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Chapter 6 Technical Specifications

Item Index Value Description

Stability MTBF 6480 hours. Mean time between failures (class A


MTTR 0.5 hour. Mean time to recovery when the

hardware, operating system, JRE, and
database system are normal. When the
database fails, the MTTR is less than or
equal to 15 minutes.

Availability 0.99992. -

Down time 30 minutes/year. -

Time used for recovering 10 minutes. In bearer networks, the time used for
configuration data backing up configuration data is less than
5 minutes, and the performance archive
efficiency is greater than 6000 pieces per

Time used for recovering 40 minutes. Time used for recovering data through
all data dual-server cluster software when a
server fails.

Time used for recovering 1.5 hours. Time used for recovering data and
the database and network operating the network management
management software system through dual-server cluster
software when a server fails.

RTO 4 hours. Recovery time objective when the

operating system is reinstalled.

RPO 24 hours. Recovery point objective. The data to

be recovered includes basic data and
historical data.

Time used for switching 7 minutes. Time used for switching the active
the active and standby and standby servers automatically or
servers manually (The stop processes is stopped
with a 1-minute delay, the server is
started within 5 minutes, and the VCS
uses 1 minute for switching).

Backup and restoration The complete backup data is All servers in the system can be backed
retained for two weeks, and up, including the standby server. The
the incremental backup data is SAN backup mode is supported.
retained for one week.
Complete backup is performed
once a week, and incremental
backup is performed 6 times a


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

6.3 Power Consumption Specifications

The power consumption of NetNumen U31 depends on the real configuration. For the
ATCA blade server, Table 6-4 describes the power consumption of shelves and boards.

Table 6-4 Power Consumption Specifications of the ATCA Blade Server

Name Description Full Load Power

E4140 shelf 14 U shelf 260 W

OPBB1 board Universal processing blade, dual-way four-core and 145 W

64-bit Jasper processor.

OPI1 board Rear plate of the universal processing blade. 15 W

SWBB1 board The switching blade with the clock function. 60 W

SWI2 board Rear plate of the switching blade. 15 W

Unified PDU - 10 W


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Chapter 7
Environmental Requirements
Table of Contents
Requirements for Power Supply .................................................................................7-1
Grounding Requirements ...........................................................................................7-1
Temperature and Humidity Requirements...................................................................7-2
Anti-EMI Requirements ..............................................................................................7-3
Anti-Lightning Requirements ......................................................................................7-4
Anti-Static Requirements............................................................................................7-5
Illumination ................................................................................................................7-5
Fire Control ...............................................................................................................7-5

7.1 Requirements for Power Supply

Table 7-1 describes the specifications of the DC power supply.

Table 7-1 Specifications of a DC Power Supply

Parameter Specifications

Working power -48 V

Voltage range -57 V to -40 V

Voltage output ripple < 200 mV

Table 7-2 describes the specifications of the AC power supply.

Table 7-2 Specifications of an AC Power Supply

Parameter Specifications

Working power 220 V/50 Hz

Voltage range 176 V-264 V

Frequency range 45 Hz-65 Hz

7.2 Grounding Requirements

Grounding intents to guarantee proper operations on equipments and provides a capability
to resist external electromagnetic disturbance for equipments. The grounding rules are as


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

l Central grounding mode: The working ground, protection ground and building
lightning ground for various communication equipments share a group of grounding
The grounding resistance largely depends on soil types.
For areas with poor soil conditions, it is allowable to add some additive chemicals
around the grounding markers to reduce soil resistivity and contact resistance.
Variations of temperature and humidity also make the grounding resistance
If the temperature is below 0 and humidity is much lower, grounding resistance
also varies greatly. In this case, bury ground markers deep into the soil and add
additive chemicals to satisfy requirements of grounding resistance.
Grounding markers should use angle irons with a length smaller than 2 m. If
conditions permit, it is recommended to use grounding nets.
Copper-coin connection cables must be used to connect grounding markers to
grounding bolts attaching to main equipments. The sectional area cannot be less
than 50 mm2. The cable length should be as short as possible, and sectional area
of copper cables should be extended if the cable length exceeds 50 m. Both ends
of connection cables should be coated with tins or soaked with hot tins. Moreover,
remove coating materials, varnishes, paints and oxidation layers away from fixing
points. This is to ensure good contact between metallic surfaces.
For all grounding junction pieces, corrosion protection is necessary. Use a
mechanical way to secure grounding bolts so that lower resistance connection
can be guaranteed.
l Ensure that the grounding resistance is less than 1 ohm. Additionally, several factors
should be considered, such as soil conditions, grounding body resistance, grounding
cables, and so forth.
l Prior to commissioning equipments, grounding resistance should be measured
If the grounding resistance does not meet requirements, commissioning should be
delayed. Customers that still insist commissioning should present a written instruction
and make promises to bear responsibility for any problems caused by grounding.
Then, commissioning can be proceeded if ZTE Cooperation approves.

l For operating equipments, maintenance personnel should measure grounding

resistance periodically and keep records. If grounding resistance becomes larger,
appropriate measures should be taken to reduce resistance to a satisfied level.

7.3 Temperature and Humidity Requirements

Much higher or lower temperature or humidity in the equipment room will shorten the
equipment lifespan.


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7 Environmental Requirements

l If the temperature exceeds the normal temperature by 10, the equipment lifespan
is approximately shortened by fifty percent.
l In the case of much lower temperature, the performance of optical components and
crystal components cannot be guaranteed.
l Much higher humidity in a long term will result in degraded insulation performance of
insulating materials and even leakage; and then all kinds of metallic components for
the equipments are corroded.
l Much lower humidity in a long term will result in drying shrinkage of insulation
gaskets; and then connections of fastening bolts become loose. This will easily
lead to discharge of strong static electricity and damages to CMOS circuits within

Temperature and humidity in the equipment room should satisfy following requirements as
listed in Table 7-3.

Table 7-3 Temperature/Humidity Requirements

Temperature Relative Humidity

Long-Term Working Short-Term Working Long-Term Working Short-Term Working

Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions

5 to 40 5 to 50 5% to 85% 5% to 90%

Short-term operating conditions refer to that the successive operating time is not more than 96 hours
and the accumulated operating time per year is not more than 15 days.

7.4 Anti-EMI Requirements

The equipment room must be far away from high-power radio transmitting stations, radio
transmitting stations and high-frequency, large-current equipments. The actual radiation
to the equipment room should be controlled below 300 mV/m, and the magnetic intensity
around the equipment room should be less than 11 GS.
The following measures are taken to remove radiated interferences.
l Shield the equipment room or specific electromagnetic interference sources.
l Install shielding walls between primary equipments and transmitters with
high-frequency radiation, and use different power lines.
l Properly ground all cables and conductors inside pipes. Ground shielding layers of
all cables.
l Twist signal cables and return cables to cancel induced voltage caused by radiation
interferences from lines.
l Try to separately lay power cables and signal cables. Parallel layout should be
l Strictly separate grounding cables of DC and AC in the equipment room.


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NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

7.5 Anti-Lightning Requirements

Lightning protection is an important measure to ensure the safe operating of equipments.
The following measures must be followed during designing.
l When the height of main building itself or its auxiliary facilities (such as chimney,
antenna, and water tower) is over 15 meters, effective lightning protection measures
are necessary in accordance with the lightning protection requirements for Class II
civil buildings and constructions.
l In addition, measures should be taken to protect the equipment from the direct
lightning strike and incursion of lightning current. When a tall building is used as the
equipment room, take adequate measures to protect against slide lightning that are
frequently encountered in lightning-intensive areas.
l Protective measures against sidestroke are taken in line with specific conditions. For
example, connect the metal window shelf of a building to the lightning protection lead
wire, or install horizontal lightning-protection metal straps on the external surface of
wall at particular place along the height of the building.
The following anti-lightning measures must be taken for main building of the equipment
l Anti-lightning grids or belts must be installed in parts vulnerable to lightning strokes.
l Overhead lightning protection wire or lightning arrestor must be installed on top of
objects extruding out of a building such as chimney and antenna.
l The sectional area of down lead of anti-lightning equipment cannot be less than 200
mm2, and the space cannot be greater than 30 m. For lightning grounding equipments
in buildings, grounding resistance cannot be greater than 1 ohm if the joint grounding
mode is applied, and cannot be greater than 10 ohm if the independent grounding
mode is applied.
In the past, the buildings' lightning grounding and telecommunication/power system's
grounding are independent, and larger spaces are reserved between each grounding
body. However, due to the limited sites for buildings, most of the spacing requirements
are not satisfied.

Actually, the buildings' lightning grounding and telecommunication/power system's

grounding cannot be separated. The joint ground system should be applied
to the buildings' lightning grounding. That is, connect the telecommunication
system's working ground and protective ground, buildings' lightning ground and
industrial-frequency AC power system's ground together. In this case, grounding
resistance requirements are higher.
l Outdoor cables and metal pipes must be grounded before entering building.
l Actually, it is better to use metal components (such as reinforcing steels inside walls
and posts) of buildings as down leads for lightning grounding. These down leads
should be electrically interconnected to ensure electric potential equalization.
l The telecommunication system-required grounding resistance is far lower than 10
ohm, and grounding requirements for different telecommunication equipments are


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 7 Environmental Requirements

various. It is necessary to determine the specific grounding resistance in accordance

with the minimum resistance requirements for each grounding equipment.
l Install proper lightning prevention equipments for the power supply along the lines of
mains input to the equipment room.

7.6 Anti-Static Requirements

Frequently, static electricity causes accumulative damages to components rather than
one-time damages, resulting in intermittent failures or degraded performance when
equipments operate. Moreover, static electricity will lead to software failures, electronic
switch and control circuits failures, and even malfunctions. Much attention should be paid
to anti-static requirements of the system.

The following may cause the static induction.

l External electric field caused by outdoor high-voltage power transmission lines,
thunder strike.
l Internal systems such as indoor environment, floor material, and structure of the entire
l Static discharge from the operation and maintenance personnel to the equipment.
The following measures should be taken to prevent static discharge from damaging the
l Equipment should be properly grounded.
l Layer anti-static floor and ground it well.
l Operation and maintenance personnel should wear anti-static wrist strap, connected
to the static electricity discharge hole in the rack.

7.7 Illumination
Illumination in the equipment room should satisfy the following requirements.
l Install incandescent lamps or configure emergent lightning equipment in proper
places between racks to facilitate equipment installation and maintenance. However,
long-term, direct sunshine or light should be avoided to prevent the circuit boards
and other components from aging and deforming.
l It is recommended that use color glasses and non-transparent curtains for windows.
l Use the daylight lamps installed into the ceiling for the main body of the equipment
room. The average illumination between 150 lx~250 lX is recommended.

7.8 Fire Control

The main building of the equipment room must meet the requirements of related fire control
standards. Based on the local fire control regulations, the corresponding fire equipment
should be equipped and sufficient fire passages should be reserved. Notice boards bearing
"Key Fire Control Site" should be put at proper locations.


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

Neither the main equipment room nor the accessory equipment room should have
flammable and explosive materials placed inside. Warning boards bearing No Smoking
or Smoking prohibited shall be located in notable places. Prepare for effective
fire-protection appliances and put them within the reach. Install effective fire protection
water equipments in proper locations.
The water in store should suffice continuous fire-fighting for two hours. But the supplying
pipes (drainage pipes and rain pipes) should not traverse the equipment room; neither
shall the fire hydrant be placed in the equipment room.


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8
Complied Standards
The NetNumen U31 system complies with the following standards.

ITU-T Proposals
l ITU-T M.3000, Overview of TMN recommendations
l ITU-T M.3010, Principles for a Telecommunications management network
l ITU-T M.3016, TMN security overview
l ITU-T M.3020, TMN Interface Specification Methodology
l ITU-T M.3100, Generic Network Information Model
l ITU-T M.3101, Managed Object Conformance Statements for the Generic Network
Information Model
l ITU-T M.3200, TMN management services and telecommunications managed areas:
l ITU-T M.3300, TMN F interface requirements
l ITU-T M.3400, TMN Management Function
l ITU-T Temporary Document 69 IP Experts: Revised draft document on IP access
network architecture
l ITU-T X.701-X.709, Systems Management framework and architecture
l ITU-T X.710-X.719, Management Communication Service and Protocol
l ITU-T X.720-X.729, Structure of Management Information
l ITU-T X.730-X.799, Management functions

RFC Proposals
l RFC1157, Simple Network Management Protocol
l RFC1213, Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP based
internets: MIB-II
l RFC1901, Introduction to Community-based SNMPv2
l RFC1902, Structure of Management Information for Version 2 of the Simple Network
Management Protocol SNMPv2
l RFC1903, Textual Conventions for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management
Protocol SNMPv2
l RFC1905, Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management
Protocol SNMPv2
l RFC2037, Entity MIB using SMIv2
l RFC2233, The Interface Group MIB using SMIv2
l RFC1558, A String Representation of LDAP Search Filters
l RFC1777, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
l RFC1778, The String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

l RFC1959, An LDAP URL Format

l RFC2251, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol v3

TMF Proposals
l GB901, A Service management Business Process Model
l GB921Enhanced Telecom Operations Map
l GB909 Generic Requirements for Telecommunications Management Building
l GB908Network Management Detailed Operations Map
l GB914System Integration Map
l GB917, SLA Management Handbook V1.5
l NMF038, Bandwidth Management Ensemble V1.0
l TMF508, Connection and Service Management Information Model Business
l TMF801, Plug and Play Service Fulfillment Phase 2 Validation Specification V1.0
l TMF605, Connection and Service Management Information Model
l NMF037, Sub-System Alarm Surveillance Ensemble V1.0

OMG Standard
l Interworking Between CORBA and TMN System Specification V1.0


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Figure 1-1 NetNumen U31's Location in an Network ................................................. 1-2
Figure 2-1 System Hardware Architecture................................................................. 2-1
Figure 2-2 NetNumen U31 Software Architecture...................................................... 2-3
Figure 4-1 NetNumen U31 Typical Networking.......................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-2 NetNumen U31 Centralized Deployment.................................................. 4-3
Figure 4-3 Distributed Deployment Solution (Fixed Access Network) ........................ 4-4
Figure 4-4 Layered Networking (Bearer Network) ..................................................... 4-5
Figure 4-5 Single-Client and Single-Server Networking Mode ................................... 4-6
Figure 4-6 Multi-Client and Single-Server Networking Mode ..................................... 4-6
Figure 4-7 Integrated Management for Fixed and Mobile Networks........................... 4-7
Figure 4-8 Integrated IT Device Management ........................................................... 4-9
Figure 4-9 End-to-End Service Assurance Solution................................................. 4-10
Figure 5-1 System Interfaces .................................................................................... 5-2

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SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Table 3-1 System management function Descriptions .............................................. 3-2
Table 3-2 Task Management Function Descriptions .................................................. 3-3
Table 3-3 Security Management Function Descriptions ............................................. 3-3
Table 3-4 Log Management Function Descriptions.................................................... 3-4
Table 3-5 Report Management Function Descriptions ............................................... 3-5
Table 6-1 Technical Parameters of the B6080-22 Cabinet ......................................... 6-1
Table 6-2 Technical Parameters of the E4140 Shelf .................................................. 6-2
Table 6-3 Performance Indexes ................................................................................ 6-2
Table 6-4 Power Consumption Specifications of the ATCA Blade Server................. 6-10
Table 7-1 Specifications of a DC Power Supply......................................................... 7-1
Table 7-2 Specifications of an AC Power Supply ....................................................... 7-1
Table 7-3 Temperature/Humidity Requirements......................................................... 7-3


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SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

- Advanced Speech Call Items
- Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture
- Backplane of Baseband Subsystem
- Business and Operation Support System
- Command Line Interface
- Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
- Common Object Request Broker Architecture
- Central Processing Unit

- Database

- Digital Data Network
- Element Management System
- File Transfer Protocol
- Graphical User Interface
- Internet Explorer
- Internet Engineering Task Force

- Internet Protocol
- Integrated Services Digital Network

SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

NetNumen U31 R10 Product Description

- International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization
- JAVA 2 platform Enterprise Edition
- Java Runtime Environment
- Local Area Network
- Local Craft Terminal
- Media Access Control
- Metropolitan Area Network
- Management Information Base
- Man Machine Language
- Mean Time Between Failures
- Multi-Technology Operations System Interface
- Mean Time To Recovery
- Network Element
- Network Management System
- Operation, Administration and Maintenance
- Open Mobile Gateway
- Operation and Maintenance Management
- Operating Expenditure
- Object Request Broker


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential


- Operation Support System
- Power Distribution Unit
- Performance Management
- Protocol Process Unit
- Public Switched Telephone Network
- Quality of Service
- Recovery Point Objective
- Recovery Time Objective

- Storage Area Network
- Secure File Transfer Protocol
- Simple Network Management Protocol
- Secure Shell
- Transaction Language 1
- Telecommunication Management Forum

- Telecommunications Management Network
- Virtual Cluster System


SJ-20140901094922-001|2014-09-16 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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