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A series of volumes dealing with the Economic history and
of Modern India


1. Financial Developments in Modern India, 1860-1936, By C. N. Vakil

(Second edition in preparation).

2. Currency and Prices in India. By C. N. Vakil and S. K. Muranjan.

3. Life and Labour in a South Gujarat Village. By G. C. Mukhtyar.

4. Population Problem of India with special reference to food supply.

By B. T. Ranadive.

5. Taxation of Income in India. By V. K. R. V. Rao.

6. Growth of Trade and Industry in Modern India: An Introductory

Survey. By C. N. Vakil, S. C. Bose and P. V. Deolalkar.

7. Industrial Policy of India with Special reference to Customs Tariff.

By C. N. Vakil and M. C. Munshi.
8. Railway Rates in relation to Trade and Industry in India,
By R, D. Tiwari.

9. Organisation and Finance of Industries in India. By D, R Samant


and M. A. Mulky.

10. Life and Labour in a Gujarat Taluka. By J. B. Shukla.

11. Marketing of Raw Cotton in India. By M. L. Dantwala (in

ike press).

12. Commercial Relations between India and Japan. By C. N. Vakil

andD. N. Maluste (in ^Preparation).








The author acknowledges his indebtedness to the University

of Bombay for the substantial financial help it has granted towards

the cost of the publication of this work.


15th January, f937. J




The important part played by the railways in the economic

development of this country is well-known. The fact that

railways in India constitute a great national industry, and that

they have an important connection both with the financial and
the industrial policy ofthe country is, however, not fully

appreciated. Though occasionally problems relating to railways

attract some attention, a systematic study of railways and their
problems is not made. The subject of transport either occupies
a subordinate position or often no position in the syllabuses of
Indian Universities. Even important commercial bodies who are
directly interested in the working of railways, find problems such
as those of railway rates, a mystery ordinarily to be avoided.
Due to this apathy towards railway problems both among the
educated and the commercial public, railway administration in
this country has not found that corrective, which enlightened public
opinion provides in other countries. In fact the effect has been
so stupifying on railway administrations, that it is not unnatural
to find some of them considering railway problems such a close

preserve, that the entry of the outsider shall be barred. As an

illustration .of this unfortunate tendency we may point out the
fact, which would be unbelievable, if -it did not occur, that the
authorities of the G. I. P. Railway refused access to their published

tariffs, for the purposes of comparative study, required for

lonafide research.
Some interest has b^n aroused in more times in
railway problems, chiefly in connection to be
introduced under the new constitution. The provision for a

Statutory Railway Authority in the Constitution Act opened the

eyes of the public in India to this important national industry,
the administrative control of which was thus being taken away
from the future Federal Assembly. It was only then understood
that the Railway Authority of the future will have the control of
finances as large in the aggregate as those of the general budget of
the Government.
Central Though the railway budget was
separated from the general budget in 1924, the importance of
railway finance, and therefore, of railway policy was not fully

grasped, till this innovation of a Statutory Railway Authority was

suddenly sprung on the Indian public.
Additional interest in railway problems grew when it was
emphasised by Sir Otto Neimeyer that the financial position both
of the Provinces and of the Central Government under the new
constitution depended on the improvement of railway finance,
which has been involved in large deficits in recent years.
Following this recommendation the Government of India have
appointed an expert committee to go into the question.

Though railway problems have thus attracted some attention

in the country chiefly due to financial difficulties, adequate
attention has not yet been paid to the question of co-ordinating
the railway policy with the general economic policy of the
country. Since 1924, we have adopted the policy of Discriminating
Protection, and it is in the fitness of things to expect that
the railway policy should be such that it may help the growth
of industries. The reports of the Tariff Board are full of com-

plaints regarding the unfortunate tendency of Indian railways in

this connection, which may often undo the effect of protective
measures passed by the Indian Legislature. Unless effective steps
are taken to ensure that the railway rates policy shall be based
primarily, in the interest of Indian trade and industry, we may
find serious difficulties in our economic progress.

The literature on railway ratesvery limited. With the


exception of Mr. Ghosh's monograph on this subject there is no

other important work which those interested may refer to.

Mr. Ghosh's volume was published in 1918 ; besides being out of

date, it does not try to co-ordinate railway rates with the needs of

Indian trade and industry. In view of this the present volume is

the first systematic attempt to study the intricacies of railway
rates as they affect the movement of goods in this country. The
treatment followed by Mr. Tiwari is to survey these effects with
reference to a few selected articles of trade, because the effects
vary according to the nature of the commodities. He has
succeeded in establishing the conclusion that the railways follow
an individualistic policy to the utter neglect of trade and industry
in this country, and that a national policy to control and co-ordinate
railway rates consistent with the economic interests of the country
6hould be established without further delay.

This work was submitted in its original form as a thesis for

the M.A. degree of this University in 1933, for which it was

approved. The work has been considerably revised and abridged
before publication. It may be pointed out that the statistics used
in the volume refer in some cases to earlier years. Wherever
possible later data and information have been given.

School of Economics and Sociology,


Bombay C. N. VAKIL.
University of
15th January 1937.
9 )



Railroad operation is subject to decreasing costs. Ex-

ceptional rates inherent in the nature of railroad operation,
Is railway industry essentially one of joint costs ? The
cost of service principle. Objections : Absence of perfect
competition. Cost, impracticable as the sole basis of rail-
way charges. Value of service principle. Value supple-
ments the cost basis. Ability to bear the transport charges.
Limitations of the value of service principle. The problem
of reasonableness of the rates charged. Criteria of reason-
ableness as applied on the American railroads. Criteria of
reasonableness as applied on British railroads. Conclusion.



Classification of cotton in railway tariffs. Importance of

different railways as carriers of raw cotton. Rates on the
G. I. P. Railway. Mr. Ghose's criticism of the policy.
Rates on the B. B. & C. I. Railway. Relative position in
the pre-war period. Rates on the N. W. Railway, Current
rates compared with those in 1917.


Bombay cotton mills: rates on piece goods from Bombay.
Pre-war rates compared. Ahmedabad Cotton mills : rates
on raw cotton. Rates on mill stores. Rates on piece goods.
Sholapur cotton mills : rates on raw cotton. Rates on mill
stores. Rates on mill stores to Sholapur and Ahmedabad
compared. Rates on piece goods from Sholapur. Nagpur
cotton mills Rates on raw cotton. Rates on mill stores.

Rates on piece goods Pre-war. Preferential rates. In-


crease in rates and the incidence on traffic. Cawnpore


cotton mills : rates on raw cotton. Rates on mill stores.
Rates on piece goods. Conclusion.


Basis of railway rates.Analytical study of railway rates
policy. Cawnpore mills rates on raw wool. Rates on

auxiliary raw materials. Rates on finished products.

Need for lower rates on blankets at 0. R. Dhariwal
Woollen mills : on wool and rates on stores. Rates
on piece goods. Baroda Rates on raw materials. Rates

related to prices. Rates on auxiliary raw materials. Rates

on finished products. Bombay woollen mills rates on :

raw wool. Rates on piece goods and blankets. Port

competition. Bangalore woollen mills: rates on auxi-
liary raw materials. Rates on piece goods. Transport
drawbacks of location analysed. Cottage manufacturers :

Blankets, Carpets. Transport position of woollen mills

recapitulated. Suggestions.

Evolution of the Indian cement industry. Its organisa-

tion with reference to transport : The C. P. group of

factories.The Kathiawar group of factories. Bundi Port-
land Cement Co. The Gwalior Cement Co. The Punjab
Portland Cement Co. The Shahabad Cement Co. The
Sone Valley Portland Cement Co. Marketing of Indian
Cement. The era of competition. Freight paid by the
C. P. group of factories. Kathiawar group of factories :

freight on cement. Internal and external competition.

Rates on cement from Bundi. Position summarised.
Remedy proposed by the Tariff Board. Bounty suggested.
The marketing of cement after 1925. The Cement
Marketing Company of India. Railway tariffs examined.
Factories outside the Pool. Efficiency resulting from
re-organisation. Growth in consumption. Summary of


Importance of coal transport in India. Railway rates

in the pre-war period. Substantial reduction in rates on
long distance traffic. Rise in prices restricted the demand
for coal. Loss of confidence in the Bengal coal. Enhance-
ment in rates, growth in tonnage and earnings, Inadequate
railway facilities restrict growth. Railway receipts from
coal traffic analysed. Post-war position of the coal in-
dustry. Enhancement in railway rates. Inadequate rail-

way facilities. An embargo on coal. Progress from 1920

to 1925. The analysis of railway traffic and receipts.
The Indian Coal Committee. The Indian Coal grading
Board. Increase in wagons and their efficient utilisation.
Public demand for reduction in rates. Reduction in rates
offered in 1926. Their effects on coal traffic. Demand for
further reductions. Further reduction in rates. Present
position of the industry. The surcharge on coal freight.

Railway rates policy. Basis of railway rateson sugar.
The basis of rates charged on jagree and molasses. The
on sugarcane. Railway rates in the pre-war
basis of rates

period. Current railway rates. Calcutta port Calcutta :

market. Markets in the factory zone. Conclusions.

Bombay Port. Rates charged by the G. I. P. Railway.
The pre-war and current rates on the B. B. & C. I. Railway
compared. The hinterland of Karachi Port Rates from :

Karachi. Current rates compared with those of 1917.

Summary of conclusions.



Wheat production in India. Relative significance of
exports. World supply regulates the price of Indian
wheat. Marketing peculiarities stated. Railway traffic

analysed. Railway classification. Current rates on the
N. W. Railway. Pre-war rates compared. The higher
incidence of rates on internal traffic. Rates on the E. I.
Railway during the year 1932. Rates on E. I. Railway
and N. W. Railway compared. Relative position of pre-
war and current rates. Rates on the 0. R, R. Section.
Rates on the N. W. Railway to Howrah. Rates on the
G. I. P. Railway. Preferential rates. Pre-war rates com-
pared. Higher level of rates on the G. I. P. Railway.
Rates on the B. B. & C. I. Railway. Pre-war rates, Current
rates to internal centres. Flour-milling industry. Tariff

protection. Indian flour-milling industry. Railway

rates analysed. Schedule rates. Station-to-station rates.

Higher level of rates. Conclusions.



Importance and scope of the study. The structure of

Indian paper industry before 1925. The Titaghur Paper
Mills. The Bengal Paper Mill Company. The Indian Paper

Pulp Company. The Upper India Couper Paper Mills.

The Deccan Paper Mills. Detailed analysis of primary raw
materials and transport costs. The cost of sabai grass and
bamboo compared. Present position of the industry.
Present position of railway rates on raw materials. Basis
of rates on grass and rags. Rates on the raw materials
consumed by the Bengal group of mills, the Upper India
Couper Mills and the Deccan Paper Mills. Rates on paper
consumed in the country. Summary of conclusions.



Individualistic policy.Competition between railways,
Different Gauges. Absence of Rate Regulation. A
National Rates Policy.

INDEX. 331


The purpose of the present chapter is to discuss the theoretical

basis of rates and fares and the principles followed in
the determination of what constitutes the reasonable charge
to be paid by shippers and travellers for the transportation
service rendered by the railroad Notwithstanding the repeated

efforts on the part of legislative and judicial bodies, no definite

method of rate fixing has yet been evolved, which would do justice
both to the public and the carriers. The stage of transition has
not yet passed. The momentous inventions of the post-war decade
have revolutionised the entire transportation system. The
efficiency and economy of the modern commercial automobile
service has seriously questioned the monopoly of railroads as
carriers of men and merchandise on land and modified their scope.

Attempts are therefore being made to co-ordinate these two im-

portant agencies and to assign them their proper place in the trans-
portation system. This has affected the practice of rate-making
on railroads. The rapid progress in air transport and its increased
commercialisation is bound to affect the
practice of rate-making in
future. Portends of the fast approaching change are not lacking.
The task of rate-making has therefore become extremely complex
and even embarrassing. Doubtless, there are a few important general
principles which guide the authorities entrusted with the task of
constructing railway tariffs. But it cannot be denied that this
task is essentially a practical one because a railway rate structure

1. The primary function of railroads has been aptly characterised by Mr.

Marriott as one of selling transportation. The business of railways,"
he points out, is to sell to the public what the Americans call 'trans-

portation ', or in other words they are purveyors of carriage ".

Vide, The Fixing of Rates and Fares," p. 15
2. Fixing of railway rates is, according to Sir W. Acworth, in one word,
an art and not a science, and it is an art which in Bagehot's phrase,
must be exercised in a sort of twilight in an atmosphere of pro-
babilitiesand doubt where nothing is clear, where there are some chances
for many events, where there is much to be said for several courses,
where, nevertheless, one course must be determinedly chosen and fixedly
adhered to ". Vide, "Elements of Railway Economics." p. 73.

can never be built off-hand a product of gradual growth,

: it is

ever changing and adapting itself to the growing needs of a

dynamic society.
Before entering on a study of the principles determining rail-
way rates, we shall examine the general bearing of railroad

expenditure on rate-making, because not until money has been

liberally expended can the railway plant be expected to yield
appreciable earnings. Huge amounts of capital have to be sunk and
sunk for ever ; it is irrevocable. Further, if something is here to
be produced at all it must be produced on a large scale.
The expenses of a railroad are primarily of two kinds, fixed
charges and operating expenses '. The proportion of former to
the latter is roughly one to two. Capital costs are independent of
the volume of traffic carried upon the line. Of the cost of
conducting transportation, no less than half constitutes a fixed
charge, irrespective of the volume of business transacted.
In short, nearly two-thirds of the railway expenses are constant
and only one-third variable This has been found true of the

railways in the leading industrial countries .
Working of the
Indian railways are no exception to this general rule.
The preponderant proportion of constant costs reveals the
essential characteristic of the railway industry which pervades the
entire rate policy. Railroad operation is subject to decreasing
costs. Doubtless expenses increase with increase in traffic, but not
in direct proportion. A part of the total expenses does not increase
and the other part increases proportionately with the traffic,
at all,
while the expenses in the residual category, which form the bulk,
occupy an intermediate position This shows the enormous .

1 . From the detailed statistics of the American railways Professor Ripley

has come to this conclusion. He says, Thus one arrives at the general
conclusion that approximately two-thirds of the total expenditure of a
railroad and more than one-half of the actual operating expenses
are independent of the volume of traffic. The remaining third of the
total expenditure, or what amounts to the same thing, the other half of
the operating expenses are immediately responsive to any variation in
business ". Vide, Ripley, Railroads ", p. 55.
2. Supra p. 56,
3. This feature has been admirably condensed by Acworth If it costs :

x to deal with 1,000,000 units of traffic, 5,000,000 units will cost not
5x, but ix * (x X 5x) 3x.
Vide, The Elements of Railway Economics ". p. ,50.

extent of the unused capacity of the railway plant and the

consequent scope for absorbing increased traffic requirements with
a view to eliminate the waste of the unused capacity of the plant.
It is the duty of every traffic manager to see that the railway plant

under his management is used to its maximum capacity and that

the waste in the capacity of the plant is reduced to the minimum.
Therefore in order to utilise this unused capacity of the plant
running to waste, the traffic manager attracts new traffic at lower
such as would cover the prime costs , and leave a share,

though not full, to defray the capital costs. The rates thus charged
are known as exceptional or special rates, which we shall presently
examine. This brings to relief the fact that railway industry is
subject to decreasing costs or increasing returns until the
maximum operating capacity of the plant is reached.

Exceptional or special rates are inherent in the very nature of

the railroad operation. Railway industry being one of increasing
returns, with nearly two-thirds of its expenses constant, and only

one-third variable with the amount of traffic carried, special rates

are offered, as already pointed out, to eliminate the waste of the
unused capacity of the plant. But exceptional rates are as well
offered for development purposes. When the railway authorities
learn of an industry newly started, or to be started, or one suffering
under temporary disadvantages, they offer relief in the form of
lower freight charges so as to enable the industries already located
on its lines, to flourish and to attract new ones, furthering thereby
their mutual interests. The impetus is not one due to benevolence
but to enlightened self-interest. Special rates thus quoted act in a

' '
1. The term prime cost is here used in the usual sense of the special
cost of the traffic, meaning the cost which would have been saved if the

traffic had not been carried. In this connection Professor Edgeworth's

exposition of the varied implications of prime cost are instructive.

Vide, The Economic Journal, 1911, p. 563-64.

2. Professor Ripley thus expresses himself The law originates primarily

in the fixed conditions attaching to the heavy capital investment the

fact,namely, that fixed charges up to a given point of saturation tend to

remain constant absolutely ; hut hecome proportionately less as the
volume of business expands. From this fact therefore, rather than from
any marked economics of large scale production may it be affirmed that
railroads offer a notable example of the law of increasing returns".
Vide, Railroads," p. 99.

protective or insurance capacity helping to materialise varied indus-

trial potentialities of a country and lead to a full-fledged many-

sided economic development. In fact the effects of lower transport

charges on an industry are similar to those of protective fiscal
duties and as such in our country only those industries should
have a claim to exceptional freight rates which conform to the
canons laid down by the Indian Fiscal Commission. That is, the
railways concerned should offer special rates for development
purposes only to those industries which can stand open competition
after the transitional stage is passed. This is significant, because
if the railways give special rates with this object, to every industry
that is established on lines, indiscriminately, it would be bad

railway economics. Of course exceptional rates, offered ( in

operating the railroads) with a view to utilise the unused capacity
of a plant, can be claimed by any traffic, but it may be submitted
that there is no security of continuity in the special rates offered

by the railways merely for a better utilisation of the plant, while

in the case of lower rates offered for development purposes, there
is relative certainty. This an essential difference, often over-

looked, which needs to be emphasised. We have dwelt at length

on this aspect of the railwayworking because India is passing
through the Industrial Revolution and her industries are therefore
in the transitional stage, and in need of an enlightened and
vigorous national railway policy.
Special rates offered on a part of the transportation system,
are in the nature of a temporary tax on the rest of the system, and
continue to so function till the subsequent increase in the volume
of traffic seeking transport makes the rate paying one. The
temporary loss suffered by the railroads is more than made good,
in the form of increased earnings later, when adequate traffic is
built up, and in this we seek the essential justification for the
lower rates offered. The loss sustained is essentially a temporary
one. For instance, in the development of sugar factories now in
progress in this country, the railways concerned offer reduced

station-to-station rates on cane and sugar to and from different

both old and new, not only would the expansion of new
factories facilitated but even the old established factories would
extend their plant. This will certainly be a profitable proposition
to the railways. But, if even after a considerable traffic has been
built up, the rate continues to be an unreinunerative one, and does

not makereasonable contribution to over-head charges, then it

ceases to be a development rate, justified by far-sighted business

principles, and becomes a subsidy granted to one industry or group

of industries at the expense of, and discriminatory to, the other
users of the railways. It would mean artificial fostering of the
weak and the inefficient, which would, but for the help, have no
chance to survive. Exceptional treatment should therefore be
accorded with due consideration and utmost caution. This dis-
crimination should be very sparingly used. Railway authorities
should iri vest only a part of their resources in the development of

future which has good prospects but is not immediately re-


munerative. In fact, no railway can afford to change over a long

period of time a freight, the revenue from which does not cover
the direct prime costs of its own movement. However, the
exceptional rates which cover their prime costs and leave a share
to meet the capital costs are becoming more common. In England,
and America about 80 jper cent, of the total traffic is carried
at ezcepfibnal.rate which has thus become a rule rather than

an exception.
Another equally important and a yet more controversial
feature of the railway industry may now be studied. It_jg_gome
time^said that railway industry is essentially one of joint costs.
The expenses of the railway service are incurred jointly and most
aptly illustrate the production of a number of commodities by a
single plant simultaneously at joint and indistinguishable costs.
The classical economists illustrated this principle by the example
of the joint production of wool and mutton beef, hide and ;

tallow calves and dairy produce

; coke and coal-gas
; etc. ;

Neither commodity could conceivably be produced alone. 2 It

behoves us, therefore, to examine in detail the nature of joint costs
as operating in railroad industry.

The question of joint costs with special reference to railway

transport has been discussed with exquisite refinement and
precision by eminent authorities like Prof. Ripley, Taussig,
Pigou, Edgeworth, Acworth, and therefore in the pages that

1, Huge railway plant is devoted to the carriage of heterogenous

merchandise and differently graded passengers so that the cost of
moving a single commodity or passenger is indeterminable.
2. Mill, J. S.: Principles of Political Economy ", p. 510.

follow an attempt will be made to study the problem with the

help of these authorities, with a view to a clearer understanding of
the issue.
When any plant is used for diverse products," says Professor
" 1
Taussigi the case is so far one of production at joint costs".
This is true of railroad transport. In support of the application of
the aforesaid definition of joint cost to railroads, Professor Taussig
argues the same roadbed is used for passengers and freight and

for the different kinds of passengers and freight. If the outlay

for the plant were the only expense incurred in rendering the
service the case would be one completely of joint cost. There are,

of course, the operating expenses in addition. But the expense of

the plant (represented chiefly by interest on the investment)
forms an unusually large part of transportation. The operating
expenses also, he further adds, represent in large part joint
Many of them are incurred for the traffic as a whole and must go
on whether or not individual items of traffic are undertaken. At
least one-half of the total operating expenses of a railway are
impossible of apportionment to any class or item of traffic,
thus stand for joint cost. To him when two or more articles

are transported from a railway station A to another station

B ',

the transport services rendered by the railway are essentially and

fundamentally joint products ; and it is immaterial whether the

articles are consumed at B or have to be further carried to a place
*C' for consumption. This is so because, according to him,
the railway plant in used for varied purposes,
this case is

that is, the products carried are diverse, Although he

admits that when two or more different things and the
same thing for different purposes are carried from A to B, the
transport services rendered are in one sense homogenous ;
in the primary sense concerning the railway they are diverse. In
short he has with his characteristic persuasion and ability
developed the thesis that joint costs play a dominant part in the

industry of railroad transport.

Professor Acworth holds the same opinion and argues on

1. Vide, "Principles of Economics," Yol. II ( 1924 ), p, 395.

2. Vide, Supra.
3. Vide, Supra.
4. Vide, Principles of Economics, Vol. I, p, 221.

similar lines. Starting from theuniyersally aeknowledged charac-

teristic of
railway transport that it is .an, industry of liugQ
investments, he argues that almost the whole of the constructional
capital and the working expenses are incurred on behalf of the
traffic as a whole that even if either the passenger or the goods

traffic was absolutely withdrawn the claim of capital to its normal

interest would stand unchallenged, reduction in the cost of main-

tenance would only be trifling, and even the operating expenses
incident to de facto movement of traffic would fail to record pro
rata reduction. But the withdrawal of traffic of only certain
categories would leave the volume of expenses practically un-
altered. He therefore concludes that the expenditure of a railway
plant incurred
is almost wholly on the joint account of all its
customers; the accommodation it provides and the services it renders,

it must therefore render and provide at their joint cost. He says,

Railways then are the most extreme instances of business
conducted at joint cost their whole capital outlay is incurred on

joint account almost the entire cost of their services is joint

; and ;

the extra expenditure incurred especially for any one item of the
joint product is extremely small"
With due deference may, however, be submitted that the

argument as developed by Professor Taussig and Acworth is not so

convincing. It is easy to see with the worthy economists that the
railway industry isone of large fixed investments, but it is rather
difficult to accept the plea of joint supply of railway service in the
primary sense. The suggestion that joint costs play a predominant
part in railway industry has qualified acceptance ; the difference
is only one of emphasis.
Joint costs play a secondary part in railroad transport, The
most striking characteristic of the example quoted by the classical
economists, illustrative of joint production, is that one of the
joint products can never be produced alone the production of one;

necessarily results in the production of the other. To put it in

the words of they are both products of the same
J. S. Mill,

operation, or set of operations, and the outlay is incurred for the

sake of both together, not part for one and part for the other. The
same outlay would have to be incurred for either of the two,

1. Vide, the Economic Journal, (1897), p. 321.

2. This is the considered opinion of Professor Pigou.

if the other were not wanted or used at all. Thus, there is

physical joint production in the case of the examples discussed by

Mill. The marked characteristics of the joint products is that they
have a common origin and one of the joint products cannot be
produced alone.
But the application of this principle of joint production,
doubtless true of certain industries , to transport industry in
general,and the railway industry in particular, presents consider-
able contrast the two sets of industries are dissimilar. The

marked characteristic of joint production, referred to above, is not

universally and not even generally applicable in the case of railway

transport. The law of joint cost, says Professor Ripley with refer-
ence to the production of transportation, is somewhat different.

Compare, for instance, the carriage by a railroad of thousands of

passengers and different commodities in every direction, under
varying conditions, singly or wholesale, by passenger or express
train, over a given set of rails every day, with the operation of a

refinery, producing simultaneously kerosene, gasolene, lubricating

oils,and greases as well as various odd chemicals. Both are
examples of production at joint cost but with various important
contrasts. In the refinery allthe costs are joint. All the pro-
cesses are interlocked. Every increase in the output of kerosene
produces pari passu an increase of the other commodities. On the
railroad not all, but only a part of the costs are joint, in such
manner as has been shown. For, from the joint production of its
plant roadway, rails and locomotives the railroad may produce
transportation of different sorts quite independently. It may
choose to especially cultivate its passenger traffic or cotton or coal
business. For instance, a railway running between any two points
A and B may work successfully only with goods traffic, if available
in sufficient quantity, and finding that its plant is thus utilised to
its maximum capacity, it may not care to develop passenger traffic

at all. Again, if a given railway finds that only one variety of

traffic, say coal or cement, is sufficient to utilise the capacity of

its plant, it may not look for any other traffic. Thus, the Punjab

1. Vide, "Principles of Political Economy ", p. 670.

" "
2. Vide, Marshall Principles of Economics (1916) p. 388.
3. Kefer Marshall :
"Industry and Trade/ p. 192-93,
4. Vide, Ripley, "Railroads," p. 67,

ail of the G. I. P. catered only for first wd
.second class passenger
traffic7tilTasTale~as"I331, and the Frontier Mail follows the same
practice even to-day. It follows, therefore that the most essential
differentiating characteristic of railroad transport is that the
services it provides are not physically inevitable that is, the ;

production of one service does not necessarily imply the produc-

tion of the other. The supply of any one kind of railway service
is not necessarily connected with the supply of any other kind of

railway service. If, for example, facilities for passenger traffic are
increased, it does not follow that those for goods traffic are pari
passu increased or if the travelling facilities for first class

passengers are increased it does not inevitably follow that those for

third class passengers are also increased. As a matter of fact, an

increased supply of one kind of railway transport service means,
ceteris paribus, decreased facilities for the other kinds of transport.
That is, given a railroad establishment, if increased facilities are
offered for goods traffic, it would mean decreased facilities for

passenger traffic.
Further, the transport services provided by a railroad unlike
the production of several commodities by a single great plant
simultaneously, at joint and indistinguishable cost none of which
can conceivably be produced alone, can be varied according to the
traffic requirements, and to an extent limited only by the demand,

because necessary readjustments can be made in the plant to suit

the traffic requirements, and even if the established plant is fully
utilised new
plant can easily be added to meet the demand. In
fact the railway management would be only too glad to make the
requisite readjustments because it is to their interest that not only
should the existing demand be provided for but a new demand
should be created. A successful traffic manager does not wait for
the trafficjo^ome, but he creates traffic. For instance, to take an
extreme case of readjustment, if aline has been laid down between
any two points A and B for carrying primarily a particular kind
of traffic, say goods traffic, because, perhaps, when the original
survey was carried out the passenger traffic did not present any

prospects to the investigator. But, let it be supposed as well that

1. In this connection we should not be understood to convey that the actual
working of the line was justified in practice, although there is a theore-
tical justification for such working provided it pays its way that is, the
full share of capital and working costs.
R 2

after the line began to work no goods traffic was offered, but on
the contrary, passenger traffic came beyond all expectations of the
railway authorities. Faced with this most difficult situation, the
railway manager can readily adjust himself to the changed con-
ditions.Necessary readjustments can be made in the plant, and the
transport facilities for passengers can be increased without at the
same time increasing the facilities for goods traffic. This elasti-
city would hardly be feasible if the railway facilities for goods and
passengers were joint products. In the case of joint product-
tion, say mutton, wool and skin, the increase in the output of one

necessarily adds to the output of the other joint product,

albeit the exact proportion of the different items varies according
to the demand and
the point of view of the flock masters. For
instance, the proportionate share of wool, mutton, and skin of an
Australian sheep is different from that of the English or New
Zealand sheep, due to the difference in aim with which sheep
farming industry is conducted in the respective countries but the ;

common fact stands that the rearing of sheep, irrespective of the

condition of the farm, means ipso facto the production of wool,
mutton and skin. They are joint products and if you want one
you must have the others, even if you do not want them ; none of
them, to repeat, can conceivably be produced alone.
Again, in the case of joint production, like wool, mutton and
skin, outlay is incurred for the total joint output, so that even if

one of the joint products fails to fetch a price, there being almost

no demand for it, the total cost would remain unaltered. This is
of course an extreme case but nevertheless true and is not in-
frequently met with in the industrial field. For instance, molasses,
which is a bye-product of sugar, produced in some of the Hawaiian
Sugar Factories, was actually thrown away, there being no
demand for it nay, they had to incur some cost even in throwing
it away.Sugar and molasses are joint products and therefore the
production of the former necessarily implies the production of the
latter. Further, it should be pointed out that the production of
molasses does not involve any costs, distinct from those necessary
for sugar, and if it did the Hawaiian Sugar Factories, referred to
above, would never have cared to incur such expense when there
was no demand for it per contra, they would have endeavoured

to produce sugar without molasses if possible, to eliminate, the

cost of disposing of that product.

Even common cases, where each of the joint products

in the
has severally a value assigned to them, and therefore, some
special care and expense is devoted to each of them, which would
be diminished or dispensed with if the demand for that product
were to receive a serious setback. 1 The margin available is certainly
very narrow, except where special expense has been incurred
for one or allof the joint products. Thus, for instance, even
where molasses fetches a price, no saving worth the name can be
made if the demand is no special
for molasses falls, because there
expense incurred for it. In fact_one pf the pressing problems
beforejhe sugar industry to-day is to find out a means of utilis-
ing molasses and thus increase the demand for it. In short, in
joint production outlay is incurred for the output as a whole, and
the margin for the reduction of costs, if the demand for one of
the joint products falls, is narrow, unless there are special expenses
incurred for one or all of the joint products. This is not true of
the railway plant in the primary sense, as adverted to above. But
to the extent that the railway plant is subject to joint costs in the

secondary sense as will be shown presently, the aforesaid

remarks are applicable.
Thus, from the foregoing discussion it is clear that joint costs
do not play such a predominant part in the railway industry as
Professors Taussig and Acworth expect us to believe. Professor
Pigou has offered very instructive and interesting criticism on this
point which may with advantage be noted at this stage. He
contends that the transport service provided by the railroads is a
single homogenous commodity and therefore the element of joint
costs plays only a secondary part. According to Professor Pigou*
the conjunction of large common supplementary costs with
separation between the markets to which they are supplied does not
make railway services joint products in this the only significant
sense. In order that they may be joint products, it is further
necessary, not merely that additional investment in plant and so on
may be used alternatively to facilitate the supply to either market,
'but that such additional investment cannot be used to facilitate the
supply to one market without facilitating the supply to the other.
1. Refer Marshall, Principles of Economics", p. 389 and "Industry
and Trade," pp. 192-93.
2. Refer to the discussion, The Economics of Welfare ".
" "
3. Vide, The Economics of Welfare, p. 246.

This view point seems to be more in accord with the true nature of
the railway industry, and hence we accept the view taken by
Professor Pigou that joint supply does not prevail in railway
transport in a fundamental and general way as is supposed by
some writers.

In some aspects of railway transport, however, true joint

costs do prevail, (i) Back-loading provides complete analogy
to the case of joint costs. Thus, an increase of transport
facilities from station A to station B carries with it an
increase of transport facilities from B to A. (ii) In a
sparsely populated country or where railways have been
newly inaugurated, if the demand
any one kind of service, say
either goods traffic broadly, or passenger traffic, is not sufficient to
remunerate even the technically minimum sized railway plant,
goods traffic and passenger traffic is jointly produced. Professor
Taussig rightly points out that the principle of joint cost in railway
industry bears, perhaps, most on the special problems of pioneer
regions ; and as these regions advance beyond that stage, it ceases
to be all pervading. Similarly, if the increment of demand for
either passenger or goods traffic is not individually sufficient to
make profitable the technically minimum additions to the railway
equipment, then such increments of passenger and goods service
are jointly produced. The existence of unused capacity in the
railway plant constitutes the basis of the principle of joint costs.
If, however, we could adjust our units of productive factors to the

size of the units of their products, then this kind of problem of

joint supply or joint production would cease to exist. As railways
and regions they serve emerge from the pioneer stage, as traffic
becomes denser and more regular, as the different regions served
become industrially more homogenous, as the railway is able
to utilise its entire plant and its whole operating force con-

tinuously and systematically, the feature of joint costs become

less dominant But, though less dominant, it never ceases to be
important. From
the very nature of the railroad industry the
existence of unused capacity in the railway plant, albeit there are
forces tending to minimise it, is inevitable ; because even if a given
railway plant is utilised to its maximum capacity, at a particular

1. Supra, p. 265.
2. Vide, "Principles of Economics" Vol. II pp. 4045.

time, additional plant has to be installed when fresh traffic comes

and a part of this new plant remains for a time unutilised. Thus,
it is .^difficult to so adjust the railway plant as to completely

eliminate the waste of unused capacity. In short, the problem of

joint costs is less important in countries which are industrialised
and where the railway' plant has attained sufficient maturity.
In industrially backward areas, where the railways have not
passed their pioneer stage, joint costs hold dominant sway.
Thus, common costs, rather than joint
costs, are the
feature of railway industry, especially in an old country where

railway transport has fully developed. The element of jointness

isof comparatively less significance. The services provided by
the railway companies are, in the main, not jointly produced." 1

This discussion of the two most important characteristics

of railway industry clears the way for a study of the principles
on which the rate structure should be based. Now, if railway
transport were not made
monopoly by law, (i.e., if free com-

petition were allowed between two points 'A' and *B' ) the railway
rates would be determined by the separate competitive costs
of each kind of service. It is generally agreed," says Professor
Pigou, that, except in so far as the transport services sold to one
set of purchasers are supplied jointly with those sold to another
set, simple competition would tend to bring about a system of uni-

form rates per ton-mile for similar services." The rates for
similar services would be so arranged that the demand and supply
price would coincide and a separate charge would be made if

the railroad transport were sold in conjunction with some extra

service. But in fact railways are monopolies by law. (Behind
the fact of legal monopoly there are factors which make a railroad
a natural monopoly, e.g., large capital investment, waste involved
in duplication of lines,
etc.). Hence a railway company is not
called upon, and has not the capacity, to determine the separate
cost of production of individual transport services. On the
contrary, as a monopolist it finds to its advantage to charge
different prices for the supply of a common commodity, namely,

transport service (of course making allowance for special facilities)

to different buyers. It is able to so formulate its rate structure

1. Professor Pigou ; "The Economics of Welfare", p. 267.

2. Supra, p. 267.

because the demand for a unit of railway service is not transferable.

Where transference is feasible discrimination cannot be effected.
Thus, in a regime of competition discrimination can exist only
How should, then, the railway rates be fixed ? If the railway

company, even though a monopoly, (i.e., even though there are

no separate competitive costs of transport) could, by some process
of cost accounting, determine the separate costs of transport, even

approximately, then from the point of view of national economic

welfare the railway rates ought to be generally based on cost of
service principle, subject to certain exceptions. Marginal utility and
cost of production ought to coincide. The exceptions are in the
case of luxuries, which ought to be taxed higher in proportion to
their values, and lower rates to be charged in the case of traffic

which offers prospects of future gain or confers indirect benefits.

In both these cases railway authorities are entitled to charge
differential rates.
The authorities should arrange the rates on different com-
modities so as to earn normal profits on total investments. This,
however, is only one of the criteria and not the sole. Broadly, a
railway can do this if the rates for the transport of different
commodities are related to their values and the elasticity of
demand for them. But there is no one arrangement of rates
which fits in with this broad method. Therefore the problem of
railway rates is not so much one of discrimination in itself as of

choice between different kinds of discrimination, i.e., arrange-

ments of differential rates. The problem of rate making being
essentially a practical one, experience enables one to seek a proper
solution. But whether that practical solution is also justified by
theoretical considerations is an extremely obstruse point. So the
question before us is to find out the best arrangement which
theory would justify.


In any commercial or industrial enterprise, the main principle
which is taken into account by the manager of the concern in
fixing the prices of the commodities manufactured or dealt with
is that of what the provision of the commodities or services has

cost or will cost him. After calculating his cost and having
made due allowance for his own personal remuneration and for

any interest on capital, the manufacturer fixes his prices or rates

of charge to his customers accordingly. Therefore, one naturally
asks oneself, cannot the railway company fix its conveyance rates,
whether for goods or for passenger service, in direct relation to the
cost which has to incur to provide the accommodation and

service ?cannot
It be gainsaid that the cost of service must
necessarily loom large in the manager's eyes, because he has to see
that not only should the receipts be adequate enough to defray the
total expenses incurred in running the undertaking but that
sufficient surplus is left to cover the interest charges on the capital

Theoretically considered, the most equitable charges seem to

be those proportional to the costs incurred by the railway in
performing a given service. It is also approved by the business-
men who urge that the rates ought to be based on the cost of the
service. There can be no question," says Professor Ripley, "that
for an indispensable service like transportation, conducted under
monopolistic conditions, the ideal system of charges would be to
ascertain the cost of each service rendered and to allow a reasonable
margin of profit over and above the amount".
But to basing
the rate structure entirely on the cost of service principle, there
are several insuperable objections both theoretical and practical.

Railway operation, we would like to emphasise, is not analogous

to the business of an ordinary manufacturer.

A rate structure based purely on the cost of the service

principle, to be just and reasonable, presupposes the existence of

perfect competition, precise allocation of transport costs of
individual items of traffic carried, and relative stability of the cost ;

and if all these elements existed in fact the cost of service

principle would have rightly deserved the premier place in rate-
making. Then the rate structure would have been based on this
principle alone. Thus, for instance, if the cost of transport service
rendered to two articles, say coal and cotton, are the same,
in a state of perfect competition amongst the carriers, and if

the cost of these individual services is

determinable, then,
identical rates should be levied on both the articles and this ;

would afford maximum advantage both to the carrier and the


1. Vide, "Railroads," p. 168.



But the study of the nature of railroad industry reveals that

the state of perfect competition, which is the most essential
element, does not exist and it is difficult to realise in railroad

working. If the regime of perfect competition could be realised

in railway industry, other objections of mixed roads, indetermin-
ability of costs, etc., would fade into insignificance. But perfection
is neither feasible nor needless to repeat the
ib it desirable. It is

reasons which show the impracticability of perfect competition in

railroad enterprise. Since the beneficial effects of perfect
competition cannot be realised in railway industry, State inter-
ference has been invoked for regulating the rate stnicture
of railroads so as to maintain the proportion of rate charged
to marginal cost. Professor Taussig aptly remarks The :

railway itself is a vast enterprise, with a tendency to monopoly

conditions in its inherent workings ; it threatens in private
hands become an imperium imperio ; it presents most urgently
the problems of public control and public ownership." 1 Thus
we find that the basic argument of the advocates of the cost theory
is unsound.
Further, the cost basis is difficult to lay, because it is impossi-
ble to ascertain exactly the cost of any railway service none of ;

the fixed charges and very few of the operating expenses can be
assigned, except rather arbitrarily, to the various services. The
costs are incapable of definite allocation. The cargo of a single
freight train consists of a medley of commodities. To allocate
the costs, thus incurred, to individual articles, from amongst
numerous which have acquired different place
articles carried,

utilities, is at and unjust. Thus, of the total

once arbitrary
expenditure incurred, only a few items can be definitely allocated
to one service or the other but the greater part of the

expenditure is common and does not admit of precise and definite

allocation. Allocations of costs, as Professor Acworth says, made
on the basis of the rates between goods and passenger train miles
are at best no more than a conventional average. And if allocation
is impossible between goods and passengers, a fortiori it is more

impossible among the various categories of goods and passenger

traffic inter se; while as for an allocation to individual
1. Vide, Principles of Economics," Vol. If, p. 389-390.

consignments of goods, probably even the hardiest of amateur

railway statisticians would not attempt it. Railroad costs are
indeterminable and highly variable. Costs are variable because
the railway industry is subject to the law of increasing returns.

Only a rough estimate can be made of the relative costs. This

isespecially true of sparsely populated and new countries where
the equipment of railway organisation is not fully utilised and

the unused capacity runs to waste. But in old and economically

advanced countries the demand for railway service is more steady
and enables the railway managers to adjust their equipment to the
demand, minimise the waste of unused capacity, and by the
process of cost accounting ascertain approximately, if not exactly,
the cost of different railway services.


Even ifthe cost of individual railroad service could be deter-

mined, it cannot be a true index of the total costs involved in
performing that service, because the fixed costs are heavy. More-
over, even after accurately ascertaining the various costs incident
to an individual service, to frame a rate schedule based on that
cost would be highly detrimental to trade, though, because of its
balanced and symmetrical nature, it finds favour with the traders.
This is so for reasons more than one. Firstly, the costs would be
found to fluctuate violently, from year to year, from month to

month, and on different parts of a railway at the same time.

Railway costs are uncertain and fluctuating. This would be a
source of great annoyance to the traffic manager, and as transport
facilities form the basis of the modern industrial organisation, the

uncertainty resulting from the frequent changes in rates schedules

would paralyse the trade and industries of the country.
Secondly, the rates based on purely the cost of service
rendered will have no relation to the capacity of the article to
bear it. It would mean favouring the rich at the cost of the
mediocre. But as the latter constitute the backbone of the
society and bulk of the commodities seeking transport, railways
will have to face an opposition threatening their very existence,
and so also their total tonnage will receive a serious

1. Vide, "The Economic Journal ", (1897), Vol. II, p, 319-20.


1 '

set back. Not only would the rigid application of the cost of
service' principle hinder all transportation of low grade traffic;
it would also prevent any development of long distance traffic, and
ultimately spell the ruin of the country. Even the equity of the
principle, as applicable to railways, is more apparent than real.
Cheap things and of common use ought to be charged less than the

expensive articles of luxury.

At this stage another difficulty to the sole application of the

cost of service principle should be noted. Railway costs cannot be
calculated in advance until the volume of traffic is ascertained, and
the volume is ever fluctuating. The volume of traffic itself among
other things depends upon the rates quoted. The traffic manager
can calculate very little in advance with any claim to precision.
He makes a tentative and experimental move. It is only after he
fixes the rates, and puts them into operation that he is able to
watch its repercussions on traffic. The cost of service can only be
ascertained after the service has been rendered and that too only
approximately, whereas the rates schedule has to be published
sufficiently in advance, so as to give to the traders and manu-
facturers an opportunity to make the necessary readjustments.
A trader's ability to
pay transport charges depends primarily
upon the cost of his goods and the probable market price he
would be able to fetch and therefore it is necessary that he
should know in advance the freight per unit his goods would have
to pay to be able to reach particular markets. In view of the
importance of railway freight on the development of trade and
industries it is necessary that the rate structure should have a
sound basis which pure application of cost fails to provide.
Conjectures and estimates as basis are not only valueless but
positively dangerous.

Carriers play a very important part in the social organisa-

tion of a country. By annihilating distance, they equalise
industrial conditions, and act in a protective or insurance

1. To raise the rates largely on the bulky materials of industry would

BO restrict the amounts
transported as greatly to limit industry, to
reduce the volume of manufactures to be carried by the railroads, and
to impose serious restraints upon social progress. Vide, Johnson and
Van Metre, "Principles of Kailroad Transportation", p, 341.

capacity to the merchant or manufacturer. This great
obligation upon the carriers shows the delicacy of the task of
fixing rates. In fact rates have to be constantly modified
in order to keep pace with theever changing conditions of the
country. So, on examining the goods or passenger tariffs of
railroads in advanced countries we find that they frequently
deviate from the cost of service principle. The cost of service
favours a part of the traffic at the expense of the rest. Even if by
the cost of service is meant average costs, it would be impracticable
as well as inequitable to base rates on average cost which fluctuate

widely. Moreover, the cost of transport service is the resultant of

manifold conditions under which the transport business is done ;
and hence variable. The rate charged itself affects the cost of
transport service. Accordingly to base rates entirely on cost
would be attempting to find one unknown quantity by using
another. 3 Thus, it is neither possible nor desirable to fix railway
charges solely with reference to the cost of service. Cost of
service principle is only of secondary importance in practice.
Before we pass on, let us summarise the limitations to the
application of the cost of service principle as the sole basis of the
rate structure. The regime of perfect competition in the working
of railroads is an ideal difficult to realise ; cost is indeterminable

1. In a certain sense carrier exercises the function of an insurance

company, but with this important difference that while it has the
strongest interest in protecting its established industries against ruinous
competition from abroad, it may desire to share in some degree in their
development and prosperity by way of reward.
Ripley, "Railway Rates and Regulation."
2. Sakolski, p. 5.

3. The fact that the railroads operate under the principle of joint costs,
as well as of decreasing costs, renders difficult the application of cost of

production theory to the determination of fair railioad rates.

See Patterson, "Economic Problems of Modern Life," p. 219.
"It is indubitable that sole reliance upon the cost of service as a basis
for rate- making is theoretically unsound, and impossible of practical
application." Ripley.
4. As Professor Pigou says : "It is plain that anything in the nature of
extract limitation of single competition is almost impossible to attain
"A considerable gap between the ideal and the actual 19 likely
" '
to remain. Wealth and Welfare ', p. 265.

and variable ; the volume of traffic is ever fluctuating and

therefore the based purely on cost would lack in stability
tariffs ;

the preparation of tariffs in advance would not be feasible and ;

above all much of the valuable part of modern commerce would

be penalised, which in turn would react upon the stability of
the railways. It is because of its impracticability, therefore,
that the cost of service principle has been dethroned by the
leading economists from the sovereignty which it might other-
wise claim.
With all its limitations, the cost of service principle deserves
full attention in the determination of reasonable and no

railway manager can afford to neglect it. It has a marked value

in rate fixing. While the cost of service is never accurately
manager knows that ordinarily it costs
ascertainable, the railway
more to haul a given tonnage of one commodity, e.g. feathers,
than of another commodity, e.g., coal and that ordinarily it costs

more to move goods a long distance than a short one and by ;

different devices he can approximately estimate the cost of

carrying different commodities, and of carrying them over
different distances. In other words, though the absolute costs
are indeterminable, the comparative cost of carrying a particular
unit of traffic can be gauged to a considerable extent.
Having ascertained the approximate cost, he has to see that the

railway rates should be such as to be profitable both to the

shippers ( or passengers ) as well as to the railway company.
The cost of service fixes the lower limit of the rates, below
which rates cannot be reduced, for otherwise the railway would
cease to be a profitable concern. No carrier, under normal circum-
which do not cover the cost incident
stances, can afford to quote rates
to the service. Even exceptional or special rates, which scarcely
cover the prime costs of the service, are given with a view to
creating more remunerative traffic in the long run. It is a service
auxiliary to further service. Thus the cost of service consider-
ation,though by itself inadequate as a basis for determining rates,
isextremely valuable in as much as it sets a limit below which
the rates should not fall. It checks the uneconomic use of
transport service. Railway industry is a commercial undertaking
of the first magnitude and hence the capial invested in it must be

reproductive broadly and in the long run it must be remunerated


at the normal rate of interest, either out of railway rates or out of


general perferably the former.
taxation, If both direct and
indirect benefits to the community resulting from a transport
service do not cover the cost, it should not be undertaken. *

One apt to overlook the utility of this principle and the


protection that it affords against too low transport charges. One

may question as to how low rates prove detrimental to public
interests. A moment's reflection will clear the misconception. It

is too well known in business economics that no concern can for

long continue to run at a loss, lest it should go bankrupt. One
startsan undertaking with an optimistic outlook and hopes to find
the weather ever favourable. As one succeeds in his venture, he
delights in enjoying the lion's share of profits, too confident to
make it his But, competition, and not monopoly, is
the characteristic feature of the business world. Therefore, when
the competitors, attracted by the highly remunerative nature of
the business, enter the field, the vested interests, out of their
jealousy of the new adventurer, whom they take as an intruder,
resort to unfair competition and price wars. This is especially
true of the railway industry, where rates are made under the
condition of monopoly, and competition is looked at with great

suspicion. The railway plant being immovable, and utterly

useless for any other purpose , increases the scope for unfair

competition. This exclusion of competition and maintenance of

monopolistic conditions, by resorting to unfair methods, proves
harmful to the shipper and carrier alike. Hence under conditions
ofmonopoly, such as railways are the cost of service principle ,

must be kept in view while under free competition it is bound


to obtrude itself automatically .

1. "All the must among them coverall the expenses and leave,

if possible, sufficient margin to pay interest on capital at the normal

rate. Inter te, the rates must be so adjusted that each item of traffic

bears its fair share of the total cost of the entire railway service."

W. M. Ac worth, p. 74.

2. So also a large proportion of the expenses of a railway is independent

of the amount of traffic carried, and have to be met at all costs if the

road is to remain solvent.

3. The monopoly is douhtlesa conditional but even then the powers of the

railway manager are wide and competition restricted.

4. Refer Ripley, Railroads ", p. 176.

The railway traffic manager, however, is interested more in

the total receipts and expenditure of his plant, the cost of any
individual item of traffic being of little moment to him. The
question which concerns him most is that all the services taken

together must get remuneration enough to cover the total joint

expenses. This leads the railway manager to base his rates on

'the value of the service' principle. He fixes his rates in pro-
portion to the value of the service rendered or the capacity of
the article to bear it. Demand regulates price.
But here too the cost of service principle affords an important
check upon the value of the sevice principle. If the price of an
indispensable public service like transportation, conducted under
monopolistic conditions, wos to be determined solely by the demand
forit, it would prove too costly to the public. The cost of the
service principle affords protection against unduly high rates. In
limits the scope, which the traffic managers would otherwise be
permitted, to manipulate rates to suit their self-interest. In
seeking to increase their revenue, they are apt to raise their rates
unreasonably high. In certain kinds of traffic the total tonnage
moved is no indication of the equity or reasonableness of the rate
charged. In the case of necessities of life, the incidence of
increased railway freight is shifted to the consumers, and becomes
a regular charge without reducing the consumption. It is only in

the case of articles having an elastic demand that the volume of

traffic would rise and fall with the rates charged.


The value of service, as a basis for rate-making, begins where
the cost of service principle ends. It has already been pointed out
that the rates should not be based solely on the cost of service

principle, because, even if the apportionment of cost incident to

individual traffic were possible, it would penalise commerce in
with a weight or bulk larger in comparison to their value,

precluding thereby the traffic which cannot so bear the transport

charge. If the ability to bear the transport charge, in the sense of

the proportionate share of the total costs, were to be the sole test
of the utility of carriage, a very valuable part of modern commerce
would not have grown to any considerable magnitude, because the
place utility created by transport and measured in direct money

returns would be short of the transport charge levied, and there-

fore the traffic would not move. The effective demand for
transport of low grade traffic would almost cease. On the other
hand, the rates charged for the carriage of articleswhich within
small bulk or weight concentrate great value would be absurdly
low in comparison with the value of the article and its capacity to
bear the transport charge. Thus, for instance, the traffic manager
may even double the existing freight on the transport of watches,
musical instruments etc., but even a slight increase in freight
on articles like salt, sugar, food grains, cement, coal, etc.,
would seriously restrict the traffic and cause great hardship to
the public.


The aid of discrimination is, therefore, sought as a supplement

to the cost basis for making up its and it may be noted
dificiencies ;

that this discrimination, ifpractised with due caution and

consideration, helps all the parties concerned, even those against
whom the discrimination is practised. A judicious discrimination
in rate-making, therefore, helps all the parties, carrier, shipper and
the community it is essential for extracting the utmost from the

iron horse ". It has been rightly said that cost of carriage is a
function of the rates, not the rates of the costs. No doubt, dis-
crimination confers very wide powers on the traffic manager,
because the gap between a rate which is averagely profitable
and a rate which is only just better than no rate at all is a
very wide one and therefore the aid of State regulation is sought
lestthe railway should use the powers indiscretely. I am
therefore confirmed, observed Profersor Edgeworth "in the
deduction that discrimination accompanied with a moderate control
is likely to be better, both for the customers and the monopolist,
than monopoly forbidden to discriminate" The value of
service principle is a very important form of discrimination ,

L Vide, The Economic Journal (1913), Vol. 23 p. 225.

2, The value of service principle, says Professor Pigou, is a dis-

criminating monopoly of the third degree.

Tide, The Economics of Welfare, p % 256 and pp 240-47.


as applicable to railroads, and its utility has long been



The rate structure should, therefore, be based on the relative

value of the service rendered by the carrier. This principle
implies that the rates should be proportioned to what the shipper
can afford to pay, his ability being measured strictly from the
economic standpoint. Ability to pay the transport charge depends,
as mentioned above, upon the price that the article seeking
transport would fetch in the consuming market. If the value
of service received by the shipper were made the basis of

railway charges, the rates would be fixed with reference to the

value added to an article by being transported from one place
to another.

Railways pursuing a policy of enlightened self interest, base

their rates upon the value of service rendered. We have already

seen that the railroad, by transferring an article where it is in
abundance and hence less in demand, to a place where it is scarce
and the demand for it is high, augments its value by creating place
utility and it is this added value of the article which forms the

basis of rates according to the value of service principle. The

considerations primarily economic.
are The charge is ap-
portioned to the value of the service. This railways do, not out
of any philanthropic motives, but, because it serves their

U Professor Acworth says, "Historically this thing has been recognised

and approved by English legislation from the time when Adam Smith
applauded the equity of statutory turnpike tolls at the rate of 1*. for
a light carriage series of Canal Acts and Railway Acts down to the
elaborately careful revision of the railway company's charging
powers ". Vide, The Economic Journal" (1897). Vol. 7, p. 317-8.

2, The pay the transport charge, in the case of goods, depends

ability to
largely upon their value, in the case of passengers it depends largely
upon their income. The lower the value of goods, the larger will be
the share of transport charge in the total cost, and the earlier will the
freight charge restrict their sales ; the smaller the passenger's income,
the less the sum he can afford to pay for conveyance. Given the several
marked characteristics of the railroads adverted to above, it would be
profitable to carry traffic at lower rates up to a point.

interests best. Sometimes managing authorities adopt policies not

compatible with long time welfare of the railway company, and it
is here that the State has to step in, and to stop them from taking

an action detrimental to their own interests and those of the

But the principle of charging what the traffic will bear allows
a very wide discretionary latitude, which can be used to promote
social welfare as well as to retard it. Its social utility consists in
the fair distribution of the economic burden which it helps to
bring about. The value of service rendered by the railways to
different business concerns and individuals varies ad infinitum.
There are different kinds of and the value of service differs

according to the share of time, bulk, weight, distance, speed,

safety, etc. There is a kind of traffic which will barely
cover out-of-pocket expenses of carrying it and the second kind

will cover both the out-of-pocket expenses and leave a share to

meet the general charges the third will cover its full costs and

stillleave a large and disproportionate surplus more than sufficient

to fill up the deficit in unapportioned costs left by the low-class
traffic which could not bear its proportionate share of capital costs.
It is in the interest of both the public and the railroads that all
these classes of traffic must be carried, and at the rates which each
class can bear the utmost value is to be elicited from the railway

System. Here the rich contribute of their share to help the poor.
Public interest is best served under this arrangement and at the
same time the railway plant is also fully utilised. The com-
munity, therefore, gets more service on the differential rate
schedule than from the uniform rates. In short, the value of
service principle promotes flexibility of rates, high utilisation of
railway plant and economy in its operation.
The value of the service principle as a guide to railway
policy is potential of immense benefit to the community, where
it isjustly and cautiously applied and where the rates are con-
tinually adjusted to changing economic conditions. It is best
adapted for a dynamic society. It renders wonderful help to the
key industries which would have little chance to survive if the
rate structure were based on purely cost of service principle,
Important industries like salt, iron and coal are flourishing to-day
because of the differential rates quoted to them. The articles
which these industries cater for are generally light and bulky j

and even where they and compact, their value, which is

are heavy
in fact the measure bear the freight charge, is so low
of ability to
that the important considerations of bulk and weight, cannot be
strictly adhered to. These industries being national industries,
the total benefit derived by the community is many times more
than the concession allowed to them in the railway freight.
Moreover, even from a strictly railway man's point of view they
are not uneconomic customers. It is an accepted principle of
railway economics that even where the charge which the traffic
should properly bear is so low as not to provide a proportionte
contribution over and above the actual prime cost of handling the
traffic, it is prima facie advantageous for the railway to get such
traffic. Though these industries, as direct shippers, are less

advantageous to the railways, the indirect addition that they mate

to the railroad earnings is considerable. The products turned out
by the key industries form the basic instruments of most industries.
The Iron and Steel industry itself adds, both directly and indirect-

ly, immense tonnage to the total carried by the railways.

It is idle to oppose the reduction of rates on the plea that the
traffic coming to the railways on the existing rates is sufficient. If
a railway gets sufficient traffic on a particular scale of rates, it does

not conclusively prove the equity of the existing rates schedule,

and the undeterminability or impracticability of further reduction.
Where the demand is inelastic a slight increase in freight charge

may not materially affect the volume of traffic but all the same it

becomes a tax upon the community.

It is often argued by the railway men that the sure sign of a

rate being unreasonable is that it instantly puts a check upon the

traffic. This statement contains a great deal of truth but for a

clearer understanding of the issues involved it is necessary that
the nature of traffic should be better studied. It has already been
the bas is
pointed out that there are two broad divisions of traffic,
of division being value and demand. The effect of rates on

different categories of traffic varies. Thus, the low grade article

like cement, where the transport charges form a large part of the
total cost of production, it is but natural that higher freight rates
might so far increase the price as to check consumption. But
1, A far-sighted railway manager should venture the present in view of
the potentialities of the future.
* 1
8, For detailed discussion see the Ch. on The Indian Cement Industry,

the other basis of division the elastiey of demand which a given


article possesses, and here the effect of rates on the movement of

traffic is slightly different from the case noted above. In the case
of articles, which are necessaries of life, having inelastic demand,
like sugar, coal, food grains, etc., a limited increase in rates will
not readily restrict the consumption of the commodity , so that
whereas the traffic would remain unaltered, the receipts would
record an appreciable increase. Thus, in the case of necessaries of
life, an increased freight rate is apt to become a charge upon the

community, without reducing their consumption. The traffic

would remain the same. So, the volume of traffic moving offers
only a partial justification of the rate schedule. After studying
the nature of the article and the demand for it, a reduction in the
rate should be tried, and its effects on observed. In fact

the construction of tariffs must be tentative and experimental. If

with the lowering of freight rates the total tonnage hauled
increases, even without any substantial increase in the total net
earnings, the modified schedule has a valid claim for maintenance
though it is not a lucrative business to the railway companies, too
eager to earn large profits with the least traffic. This justification
is strictly economic.

It may be added that to the railroad, being a public carrier,

the increase of traffic in the case of essential articles after
lower rates have been quoted, should be an adequate justifi-
cation for the action, even if the total net receipts slightly
fall short of the previous figure. No doubt the railway manager
should be guided by the cost of service in lowering his rates, but
in the fervour for close adherance to costs social welfare should
not be sacrificed. An enlightened railway manager concerns
himself more with the total receipts and expenditure of his plant
than with individual items. He makes the freight charge on
high-priced goods more than they would be if made according to
the cost or value of the service, and lowers the rates on bulky

This principle has special importance for India, where the

railway rates have been regulated on peculiar considerations, not
even strictly economic, much less social. The duty of the Stole
has been limited to fixing the maxima and the minima, leaving to

, 1, Refer to the respective chapters, Infra,


the individual companies to constrtict actual

tariffs as they thought

would Consequently railway tariffs have

best suit their purpose.
been framed primarily with a view to facilitate export and import
trade, Now that the nationalisation of railways has become an
accepted principle and some of the important lines are owned arcd
worked by the State, the Railway Board can do great service to
the country by revising the railway tariffs in the light of the
value of service principle which has been worked on English and
American railways. It is not intended to convey that the present
rates policy ignores in toto the value of service principle, but a

readjustment in the rate structure is necessary. This is a very

important problem which the Indian railways, the business
community and the general consumers have to tackle in close
co-operation, with a view to find a solution acceptable to all parties
concerned. There are many popular notions current in the
public mind which arose from the attitude of indifference kept up
by the railway authorities and to-day being fostered by the

interested parties even though a marked change in the attitude

is now discernible. This is due to the fact that public opinion
on the railway matters is not well informed. Further, the
and the policy pursued in the
political associations of the railways
past have created a great deal of mistrust and suspecion in the
public mind.


Enough has been said about the importance of the value of

Service principle, and its defects as well have been incidentally

pointed out. Before we proceed further, let us state the limitations

of the value of service principle. Being based on discrimination,
this principle permits very wide discretionary latitude to the
railway managers, which if unregulated, is apt to be misused. It
fails to protect the consumer against exorbitant rates on several

commodities. A manager can successfully impose a tax


upon the community by raising rates on the necessaries of life

having inelastic demand. The fact that in most cases the cost of
transport is relatively insignificant as compared with the value of
the goods lends further support to the same view.
In the hands, therefore, of an autocratic traffic manager, blind
to all social considerations, this principle will result in great
injustice and paralyse the trade and industries. The spirit of the

principle would be violated though its would remain


unchanged. This is so because of the vagueness and ambiguity

of the conception of 'what the traffic can bear*. Being
elastic and can be easily manipulated to suit the purpose
flexible it

of the railway company and the most suitable interpretation put


upon it. Thus, what the traffic will bear may mean anything.

If social welfare is disregarded it may be raised very high. It is

capable of being raised still higher if the demand for the com-
modity is inelastic. Even a rate apportioned to the full extent
of the ability of the article to bear it is bound to be extortionate.
What company compels the shipper to pay, by taking an
a railway
unfair advantage of his weak position, cannot in fairness be
attributed to the ability of the shipper to pay it. For instance,
the shipper whose factory is located in a certain place is no longer
free to accept or reject a given rate ;
he is committed to the task.

He can afford neither to move nor to abandon his factory. He

has to run his factory and in order to be able to continue in the

field he has to sell his products at competitive prices.

If, however,

he is called pay relatively higher rates, whereas his other

upon to

competitors, whether in the country itself or outside, remain un-

affected by the same, the enhanced rate would become a tax upon
the industrialist without any gain to the consumer. The absolute
level of rates can likewise be manipulated to suit the purpose of
the railway company. This susceptibility to manipulation is in-
herent because the ability in individual cases cannot be accurately
measured. Even when told that a given rate has adversely
affected the volume of traffic, the railway manager can turn round
and say that the rate is fair and that the fall in traffic is due to
extraneous factors, beyond the control of the railway authorities.
One familiar with the commercial aspect of railroad operation
will readily concede that it is very difficult for a non-railway man
io question the authenticity of the statement of the traffic

manager, who is the sole custodian of the traffic statistics. As a

quasi-monopolist, a railway manager always aims to maximise his
monopoly gains, and it is only an accident that the interests of the
monopolist and the public get interlaced. The railway, being a
quasi-monopolist, by organisation, and much more so when it has
a more complete monopoly of carriage by reason of the absence of
other competitive routes, can charge a rate high enough to deprive
the shipper in toto of the added value created by the transport.

Railroads try to absorb all the place value created. Here charging
what the traffic will bear is interpreted as charging all that the
traffic will bear.No doubt, this tendency is checked by com-
petition, but does not offer complete protection to shippers and

consumers, against the danger of unjustly high rates. This misuse

of the discretionarypower of rate-making is undesirable. When
so exposed and at the mercy of the strong monopolist, the State
comes to the help of the shipper. Here we trace the genesis of
State regulation of railways in all advanced countries. The railway
to abuse their powers.
companies have to be controlled so as not
be made
Thus, the use most detrimental to the public welfare can
of the discretionary power conferred upon the traffic managers,
unless checked by State regulation.


Thus, the determination of what constitutes unreasonable
discrimination is very difficult. Between the minimum fixed by
" "
out-of-pocket expenses ", and the maximum
the additional or

by the value of service to the shipper, to locate the just charge

lying between these two extremes, one must give due consider-
ation to the cost of service to the carrier and the competitive
conditions under which the service is performed, the value of the
service to the shipper, the value of the article, and its importance
to the industrial progress of the society. The interests of the
carrier, the individual shipper, and the general public must be

properly considered in an attempt to determine the reasonable-

ness of railway rates.
State regulation of railway policy and the reasonableness of
rates charged by the railroads are closely knit ; in fact, the latter

isthe result of the former. Therefore, is it convenient to study

together these two different aspects of the same problem. Rail-
road industry, being a public utility indispensable for modern
society, has been regulated by the State in every country, though
the legal obligations imposed have varied according to local
conditions and social needs. Different are the devices resorted
to by the curb the monopolistic tendencies of the
State to

railroads, commonest of all being the control of their tariffs.

Kates and fares charged by the railways are strictly regulated.
Eegulation is the very essence of the efficiency of the transport
services and their utility to the community. As transport

industry is the barometer of national activity, so is the State

regulation of transport efficiency.

" "
To arrange railway charges on a just basis, says Professor
Taussig, as is the aim of a government in managing a railway, is
a task of peculiar difficulty and complexity." Transport
industry, like every other industry, must pay its way. The
theory of free provision of transport services at the expense of the
State stands exploded as being uneconomic and wasteful. Free

transport would increase uneconomic traffic. Therefore it is

essential that railroads should levy a reasonable charge for the

transport services they render. The huge capital Sunk

in the

railway establishment must earn a fair return.

The necessity for a fair return on the capital expended

becomes all the greater when the industry is manned by private
capital and enterprise. When a private corporation undertakes
the finance, construction and operation of a transport service, it
does so with the understanding that its capital and enterprise is
seeking a profitable investment, for otherwise it would resort to
some other field. In a society based on the institution of private
property, railway companies under private ownership and
management cannot be called upon work the lines at a loss or

unremunerative return, for otherwise it would mean the expro-

priation the private property. This limits State regulation.
State regulation then means that the railway companies should get
a reasonable return on their capital. Railway rates and fares
should be so regulated as to allow a fair and just return on the
value of railroad property, Under the pretence of regulating
fares and freights, the State cannot require the Railroad Corpora-
tion to carry persons or property without reward ; neither can it

do that which in common law amounts to a taking of property

for public use, without just compensation or without due process
of law State has to protect the rights of the public as well as

the property of the Corporation maintaining the public high way.

The question of reasonable charge is hedged with difficulties.

" 399.
1. Vide, Principles of Economics", Vol. II, p.
2. Without any prejudice to the problem of granting transport subsidy
to national industries.

3. The discussion of Chief Justice Waite of U.S.A. quoted by Shrinivasan,

p. 227.

Railroad being an industry of enormous fixed investments,

performing a medley of services, frequently at common and joint
costs, the task of allocating costs to individual services, as adverted
to above, becomes very and much more so in the deter-
difficult ;

mination of a reasonable charge. It seems that the statutory

definition of the constituents of a just and reasonable charge
will be impossible in the near future. This is so because with the
development of science the social organisationgetting more is

complex, and the transport service, which caters for these complex
wants, has become more complex. However, with the help of
scientific methods of cost accounting and more accurate railway

Statistics it has been possible to make an approximate allocation of

costs, and therefore the task of public authorities has become
easier, though it will always be an embarrassing question.
In a dynamic society, similar to the one we are living in,
there can be no one rate that can be said to be fair in all cases and
at all times ; it varies in different cases and at different times.
Before a reasonable charge for the transport of any article at a
given time can be determined, the authorities entrusted with this
complex and delicate task have to make a detailed study
of the various factors that affect the cost of service to the
carrier and the value of service to the trader, and
thereafter institute a comparison with rates which have been
found reasonable in practice on similar commodities carried on the
same railway as also on other railways, under circumstances nearly
akin and not dissimilar. The rate thus arrived at will be a near
approximation to the rate just and reasonable. But the comparison
with analogous rates, either held or presented to be reasonable,
must be undertaken with utmost sagacity and caution, because the
rate cases of leading industrial countries, like England and
America, demonstrate the necessity of a thorough study of the
different aspects of the rates to be compared, and the vicious
results that a superficial comparison of rates leads to. In all such
cases the value of comparison depends upon the degree of simi-
larity of circumstances and conditions attending the transportation
for which the rates compared are charged. Kate comparison is a
valuable instrument when properly utilised, but a hazardous one
in the hands of a novice.
Some of the important factors to be examined in the deter-
mination of a reasonable railroad charge may conveniently be

summed up : the cost of service to the carrier ; the value of the

service to the shipper: the transportation characteristics of the

commodity the total receipts under the rates in question the


topographical conditions in the territory served ; the length of

haul and the number of participating carriers the volume of the

traffic ; the direction of movement of empty wagons ; and the

financial conditions of the carriers.

Next, we pass on the criteria and standards of

to review
reasonableness as operatingon the railway systems of some more
important industrial countries with a view to find out as to how
the problem has been tackled in this direction.


In America we find that courts and Inter- State Commerce
Commission have given important decisions, on the cases of
unreasonable rates brought before them, from which evolved the
standards of reasonableness. The principle thus established
regulates the rates and fares charged on the American railways.
In America, judicial as well as economic authorities are unanimous
in their opinion that the interests of the public as well as carrier
need adequate protection ; but in cases where it is found that
be done to both the parties, the rights of the
full justice cannot

public have a preferential claim. Railroad Corporation is given

rights and privileges and the power to construct and maintain a
public highway for the benefit of the public in return for a just
compensation for the services rendered.
What are the constituents of a just compensation and how
should it be determined The answer to this question can be

found in the decisions of the American Supreme Court. Operat-

ing costs, depreciation and remuneration for the capital expended
are the three constituents. A
railroad is entitled to earn a
sufficient sum annually
not only to keep the value of the property
invested unimpaired but also some return for the capital sunk by
way of profit. But this problem is closely connected with the
efficiency of management. If every public corporation, as a
matter of right, was entitled to levy transport charges for its
services as would be sufficient to defray normal profit without
any condition as to the efficiency of its management it would soon

grow inefficient. Efficiency is the ear-mark of progress. This

difficulty has led to complications in the railroad legislation.
Stimulus to efficiency is indispensable profits are a sufficient

stimulus to efficiency. They nerve the shrewd and the alert and
weed out the inefficient. So the State in America, in order to
keep the railroad authorities alertand efficient allows fair
profits to those corporations which are under efficient and
honest management. In other words, the State so regulates the
rates and fares charged on the railways as would yield a return on
the capital expenditure just enough to attract necessary investment
under honest, efficient and economical management. This brings
to one most important characteristic of American railroad

regulation. In America failure to produce fair profits on the

capital invested in a railroad corporation is not a conclusive proof
of the unreasonableness of the tariff in force. There may be
circumstances which would justify such a tariff there may have ;

been extravagance and a needless expenditure of money there ;

may be a waste in the management of the road enormous salaries, ;

unjust discrimination as between individual shippers resulting in

general loss."
The determination on the aggregate property
of a fair return
used for public convenience is difficult and pre-
of a railroad

supposes an expert technical knowledge and unbiased judgment on

the part of the authorities entrusted with the task. Legislature,
by its very nature, being found unqualified for the task, the Inter-
State Commerce Commission in 1922 was empowered to fix
whatever rate regarded fair. This action has proved beneficial,

both to the public and the carrier, in as much as the rate regulation
is free from the gambles of the party-politics and imparts certainty,
an essential condition for the progress of trade and industry.


In Great Britain, railways are regulated by the Railways Act
of 1921. The object of the Act is, on the one hand, to protect the
public against excessive charges and unfair treatment and give it a
share in the benefits arising from amalgamation, and, on the other
hand, it purports to secure to the shareholders a reasonable

1, Decision of the Supreme Court, quoted by Shrinivasan. p. 231.


return on the capital. In fact the Act has liberated the railway
companies of the State control, yet the change has been little short
of full nationalisation of railways. This is explained by the fact
that section 20 of the Act establishes a Court styled the Railway
Rates Tribunal ", vested with wide permanent jurisdiction in
regard to railway charges.
The English Act fixes the standard revenue ", a revenue
which a company with efficient and economical working and
management would yield, based upon the revenue of 1913. The
Railway Rates Tribunal, an essentially judicial body, is made
responsible to so fix the standard rates as would yield the standard
revenue. In event, however, of the net revenue increasing sub-
stantially above the standard, eighty percent, of the surplus was

to revert to the users of the railways inform of reduced rates and

fares, and the remaining twenty per cent, was to go to shareholders
as an incentive to spur the railway companies to economy and
efficiency of management.
It is evident from the foregoing that the problem of reason-

ableness of rates has been solved in Great Britain in a charac-

teristically English manner ;
it is both conservative and practical.
Being free from the vicissitudes of property valuation it provides
adequate security for private investment. Commercial classes and
the travelling public are equally protected, for eighty per cent, of
the surplus earned by the railway companies, above the standard
revenue, returns to the users of the railways in form of reduced
rates and fares. The English method has in its favour increased
certainty and simplicity. But on the whole, both the American
and the English methods are admirably fitted to meet the
growing requirements of advanced and democratic countries.

This is, in short, the problem of railway rates. The task of
fixing a reasonable rate is at once most delicate and difficult ;

those entrusted with the task of rate-making can do no better than

make tentative experiments, each step being a milestone in the

progressive realisation of maximum satisfaction. have stated We

the problem, analysed the nature of the difficulties and noted the

1. Section 58 of the Railway Act 1921.

2. Section 58 of the Railway Act 192 1.


experience gathered by England and America in this direction.

This experience, doubtless, offers a valuable aid to rates authorities
and tribunals, but their task is no less delicate and embarrassing
to-day than what it was a decade ago. Rate-making in a dynamic
society, presents new problems of ever increasing complexity.

Categorical generalisations are impracticable. To repeat, there

cannot be any one rate said to be fair in all cases and at all times;

it varies in different cases and at different times. Each case has

to be studied separately, and both the cost and the value principles
have to be continually borne in mind.



The important role of railway rates in the development of
cotton industry hardly needs an emphasis. With the development
of cotton mill industry in India on the one hand and the rapidly

rising imports of cotton fabrics on the other, the necessity of suitable

rates to foster the growth of the indigenous industry has acquired
an added force. The scope of the study then falls into two broad
divisions, raw cotton and manufactures.


Raw cotton for transport by rail, has been sub-divided into cotton
full-pressed, half-pressed and loose. Taking up cotton full-pressed,
we find that in the General Classification of Goods, it is classified as

4th. class R.R. This, however, is subject to exceptions on different

railways to suit their peculiarities of working. The B.B. & C.I.

Railway has adopted the general classification subject to the

restriction that when cotton, full-pressed is booked from certain
Stations to Bombay (B. P. T. Rly.) it is charged 2 pies per maund
less than the ordinary rates. But, on the T.V. Railway, cotton, full-
pressed, is classified as 6th. class O.R. On the E.I. Railway general
classification hasbeen adopted subject to the conditions that when
cotton, full-pressed, is booked at 0. R. from E. I. Railway stations
and via to Howrah, it is charged 6 pies less than the 4th. class rate.
In the G. I. P. Railway Tariffs we find that cotton is charged
C. schedule rate C. Schedule rate is 1 pie per maund per mile,

forany distance, exclusive of terminal and short distance charges.

The N. W. Railway has adopted the 4th. class rate for full-pressed

cotton, but when booked to Karachi at 0. R. 6 pies per maund less

than the R. R. rates are charged.

1. The Tariff runs: 'Over the G. I. P. Section this rate supercedes the

general classification, class 4 rate... When cotton, full-pressed, is

booked at 0. R. charges will be made over the G, I. P. section 6 pies
lower per maund than at the C. schedule rate, except where lower
station-to-station rate is quoted."

Cotton (raw), half -pressed is placed in 6th. class R. R. in the

General Classification. On the B. B, & 0. I. Railway it is classed
8th. class 0. R. The G. I. P. Railway charges it 9th. class R. R.
The and N.W. Railways have accepted the general classification
without exception. Cotton (raw), loose, is put in the 8th. class R.R.
in the General Classification, but B. B. & C. I. and G. I. P. Railways
charge 9th. class R. R. In the discussion that follows we propose
to concentrate our attertion on full-pressed cotton and the railway

freight charged thereon.

The classification of full-pressed cotton, analysed in the pre-
ceding paragraph, was adopted in the year 1922 and has been
continued unchanged since then. We have noted in the preceding
paragraph that the classification of the G. I. P. Railway is higher
than that of the other railways, This conies as an apparent surprise
to the student of railway economics. The G. I, P. Railway was the
first line constructed to open out the cotton tracts of the country by
linking them with the port of Bombay, and to-day it is one of the

premier railway lines of the country, owned and managed by the

State. Railroad industry is subject to the laws of increasing
returns and the lines which are larger in length and traverse over
fertile tracts must be able to work more efficiently and economi-

cally they must be able to provide better and more prompt service

to the shippers. In this respect the G.I.P. Railway has obvioVis

advantages. But it is unfortunate that this line which hauls the
greatest tonnage of cotton should charge higher rates than its

confrere. Doubtless, for carrying cotton from C.P., Berar and

Khandesh to Bombay, the G.I.P. Railway has to traverse Ghats,

which raises the cost of haulage slightly, but it should be the aim of
railway authorities to combat the physical difficulties, overcome
the disadvantages by scientific improvements and efficient operation
of the lines. The action of the Railway Board in authorising a
higher scale of rates on this line cannot be justified. A railroad to
be efficient must be able to quote lower rates and carry maximum
amount of traffic. Efficiency and lower rates help inter se.
Efficient working means the utilisation of the maximum carrying
capacity of the plant and lower operating rates. Maximum
utilisation of the plant and lower operating ratio help the railways
in developing traffic and tapping new sources which further help to
lower the operating ratio. The G.I.P. Railway which had the
good fortune of tapping the most fertile tracts should not have

slept over in lethargy, thinking that traffic will come ; per contra,
itshould have tried to develop its cotton tracts. This step-motherly
attitude is being more resented now that the G.I.P. is owned and
managed by the State. It is now supposed to be worked by the
State for the benefit of the country and not for profits. We shall
therefore, proceed to examine the rates charged on cotton on this
line and their effects on the development of the industry. It shall

be our purpose to examine the current rates and thereafter institute

a comparison with the post-war rates, and indicate their incidence
on the traffic. Then we shall examine the assumption on which
the higher maxima have been authorised and point out the
justification for their continuance in the future or otherwise.


Before proceeding with our discussion it would be interesting
to study the relative importance of different railways as carriers of
raw cotton because this would help us in our examination of

freights charged by individual lines and their effects on the

development of industry and trade. The statement in appendix I
shows the tonnage of raw cotton carried on more important
railways and the earnings derived therefrom as well as the total
traffic shipped on all the railways and the earnings thereof. This
table is of interest to us for more than one reason. In the first
place it precisely sums up the importance of raw cotton traffic in
the working of our railways. The last column indicates that in
the year 1929-30, Indian railways as a whole carried about 17 lakhs
of tons of raw cotton which brought a return of nearly 450 lakhs
of rupees. Earnings have recorded an unprecedented increase,
though not the tonnage. We find that in the year 1925-26 the
totaltonnage was 17-1 lakhs of tons, but the earnings were only
416 '3, The increase in earnings in 1929-30 is more remarkable
when we take into account the recent acute industrial depression,
slump in prices and political discontent in the country. Secondly,
it will be seen that as carriers of raw cotton the G. I. P., the B. B.
& and the N. W. Railways are more important because they
0. L,
haul nearly three-fourths of the entire tonnage. In 1929-30, these
three railways carried nearly 11 4 lakhs of tons out of a total of 17
lakhs. Thirdly, the statement clearly demonstrates the leading
position of the G. I. P* Railway as a carrier of raw cotton in this

country. We shall confine our discussion on the rates charged by

these three railways, only.


To resume our discussion of the freights on the G. I. P. Rail-
way, we find that a number of special station-to-station rates are
quoted for traffic to Bombay. These rates are generally lower than
the class rates and facilitate the export of raw cotton. The prices
which the Indian cot ton grower fetches for his crop, are determined
by world competition particularly because a fairly good portion
of his crop is meant for export. Needless to say then, that the
lower rates quoted by the railways help the agriculturist the cost ;

of transport forms part of the cost of production and has to be

shouldered by the producer. The following are a few station-to-
by the G. I. P. Railway for cotton booked to
station rates quoted

Bombay from the stations mentioned therein :

Rates for Cotton (raw), full-pressed, from the undermentioned

Stations to Bombay for the year 1932.

*These rates are at 0. R. except where mentioned otherwise.

To take up the local rates from Chaiisgaon, Dhulia, Pachora

and Jalgaon. The rate from Chaiisgaon is Rs. 1-1-6 for a distance
of 204 miles. It works out at 1 pie per maund
per mile, plus
6 pies. Similar are the rates from Pachora and Jalgaon, But
the rate from Dhulia for a distance of 239 miles is lower. This
is a case of undue preference, and more so when one recalls
the condition of risk. Again the rates from Nagpur to Bombay

for a distance of 520 miles is Us. 1-11-5, but from Akola for
363 miles the rate is Rs. 1-14-9. Again from Kamgaon for 341
is higher than that from Akola.
miles the rate Similarly the
ratesfrom Amraoti, Murtijapur, Dhamangaon, Pulgaon and Hingan-
ghat, are higher than the rates from Nagpur and Wardha. The rate
from Nagpur works out at 633 pie per maund per mile, inclusive of
terminal and other charges and the rate from Wardha at *77 pie
per maund per mile inclusive of all other charges. Therefore,
the rates from Murtijapur, Dhamangaon, Pulgaon and Hinganghat
deserve a little more scrutiny. From Hinganghat for 493 miles
the rate is Rs. 2-0-1, but for a smaller distance of 386 miles from
Murtijapur, the rate is Rs. 2-0-8. The rate from Murtijapur works
out at 1 pie per maund per mile plus 6 pies. It will thus bo
seen that the rates on the G. I. P. Railway are always higher than
1 pie per maund per mile except where competition has forced
down the rates. Here the competition is with B. N. Railway which
carries cotton to Howrah.
Mr. Ghose while studying freight on cotton was confronted
with the same anomalies on the G. I. P. Railway in 1917 They .

have continued unabated, so that to-day after more than 17 years

we find the same problem before us. The problem has become
more serious now because the rates have been increased and the
prices per contra have slipped to the lowest level recorded in the
last three decades. This has increased the burden on the cultivators,
by increasing the incidence of transport costs. The area under
cultivation would have received a serious setback but for the
slump in the prices of other commodities. The current prices
scarcely an adequate return to the cultivators, but their
circumstances in life are such that despite the unrernunerative
character of the crop, they are forced to grow it because the prices
of other crops have also fallen. Even to-day, notwithstanding
the fall in the prices cotton continues to be a most important
commercial crop to which the poor cultivator can look with hope.

Having studied the prevailing rates on the G. I. P. Railway

\ve shall now institute a comparison between these rates and those
quoted by Mr. S. 0. Ghose, and elucidate thereby the difficulties
under which the cultivators of cotton are working. It is, however,
necessary to mention at this stage the ambiguity of the rates

l. See Mr. Ghose, S. C.- "Monograph on Indian Railway Rates,"pp,215-18

quoted by Mr. Ghose. He has given rates on cotton (raw) carried

on different railways and the traffic carried on those lines from
different stations. The tonnage given by him, as he mentions,
is of the year 1911, but quoted are, we think,
the rates
of the year 1917, when he actually wrote the book, or that there
have been no changes from 1911 to 1917. We think so because
the rates on the B. B. &
Railway, as referred to by him,
C. I.

are of the year 1917. This being the only book dealing with
railway rates available to us and the reluctance of the railway
authorities to help us in the matter we shall accept these rates
for comparative study whenever necessary. Some of the important
cotton despatching stations on the G. I. P. Railway and the rates
therefrom are given below :

Mates to Bombay

The above shows the rates

table charged in 1917 and those
charged to-day, with the percentage increase in each case. On a
review of rates in 1917 we find that the rates from the cotton
despatching stations in Berar were as they still are relatively
higher than those from the despatching stations in C.P. The
rate from Akola for 363 miles was Rs. 1-6-2 whereas from Nagpur
for 520 miles the rate was Rs. 0-14-1 only. Similarly the rates
from Hinganghat, Amraoti, Pulgaon, Khamgaon, were higher than
that from Nagpur, though the distance was lower and the conditions
of carriage were the same. The railway plea was that the lower
rates for higher distances were necessitated by the competition
of the B. N. Railway, which joined the Q. L P, Railway at Nagpur,

and carried Howrah. This was a clear case of undue

traffic to

preference which needed a scientific and impartial enquiry by the

Railway Commission as provided in the Railway Act of 1890 but ;

the enquiry was never undertaken. Under the ostensible plea of

competition, Indian railways, impervious to public opinion, have
perpetrated many sins of commission and omission, and the present
case is only one of them.


Mr. Ghose, the Special Officer with the Railway Board,

opined that the practice was undesirable and that it needed a
corrective. He advocated three -alternative remedial mea sures :

(i) either the B. N. Railway should cancel its special rate from
Nagpur, or (ii) the G. I. P. Railway should raise its rates from
Nagpur to the same level as those from the intermediate stations
and lose thereby a part of its traffic, or (iii) it should at least reduce
the rates from all intermediate stations on the line to the level of
the Nagpur He, however, gave up his last, and the most
important proposal on the ground that it is doubtful whether this
will effect any reduction in the prices of a commodity like cotton
which fetches at the despatching stations in Berar Rs. 20 to Rs. 27

per maund, (if there is any reduction in the price at all the loss in
the railway freight will be more than 40 per cent) ". He, therefore,
advocated the increase of rates on both the G. I. P., and B. N. Railway,
as an escape from the impasse.
We submit that the remedy proposed was far from being effica-
cious. Though it would be
deny the idle to
fluctuations in the prices
of cotton, it cannot be accepted that the reductions in rates would
not have been properly availed of by the producers and the
consumers. Though the middlemen may speculate, the producers
and consumers proper protect themselves against the vagaries of
market and unhealthy speculation. The marketing of cotton is
highly organised and the big exporting firms as well as the managing
agents of the cotton mills have their wide stretched network of
agencies which study the conditions and make purchases on the
spot, and through the help of hedge contracts eliminate the
uncertainty of speculative fluctuations. The Japanese exporting
firms, for instance, have a highly efficient marketing organisation

1. Ghose, S, 0. "Monograph on Indian Railway Rates", P. 217.


and it would T)e unfair to that they do protect themselves

against fluctuations. Besides, the price of Indian cotton being
determined by the American quotation, the shrewd and alert
business men hedge themselves and the transport costs are' shifted
on to the cultivator who never understands the subtle mechanism,

though he feels the pinch. We submit, therefore, that the plea

that a reduction of Es. 0-8-1 per maund will have hardly any
effect, is questionable, and whatever little truth it might have had
then, to-day it is untenable.

In the light of the foregoing discussion if we

study a little
further the preceding table we find that there has been an appreciable
increase in the rates. The percentage increase as shown in the last
column is very instructive. The railway authorities, in pursuance
of the suggestions of Mr. Ghose, have raised the rates from those
stations which enjoyed a relatively lower rate so as to place" the
different despatching stations on the same level, apart from the
general increase in the rates. Therefore, we find that the increase
in rates from Hinganghat, Nagpur, Wardha and Amraoti has
been 98 '4, 83-2, and 64-7 per cent, respectively. Similarly, the
rates from Dhulia, Jalgaon, Amraoti and Pulgaon have been raised

by more than 60 per cent. Apart from these high increases we find
that the general increase in rates has been more than 30 per cent,
except in the rate from Khandwa which has been raised by 23 2 per
cent. only. Thus, the rates have been increased varying from
about 30 per cent, to 98 per cent.; they are excessive and anomalous.

It is a relief to note that the G. I. P. Railway authorities have

taken a more reasonable attitude, have modified their policy portrayed

above, and in response to the public opinion reduced in 1934 the
rates from some of the more important cotton growing centres
to Bombay, as will be seen from the following table :

!Vom the foregoing table it will be seen that the railway

authorities have indeed offered very substantial reductions and
removed some of the anomalies referred to in the preceding pages.
For instance, rates from Akola and Amraoti which were higher than
that from Nagpur, for a shorter distance, have been reduced. The
rate from Amraoti has been reduced from Rs. 2-1-7 to Rs. 1-15-0.
But the anomalous position in some cases still subsists. The rate
from Amraoti and Wardha is still higher than the rate from Nagpur.
Again the reduction of rates from Jalgaon leaving the rates from
Pachora unchanged has created the anomaly of higher charge for
shorter distance. These are some of the anomalies which can be
easily removed.


The B. B. & C. I. Railway, it will be recalled, also hauls
considerable tonnage in raw cotton, because it passes through some
of the most fertile cotton growing tracts. The table given below
shows the rates of 1917 and those in- operation in 19.32.

Rates on Cotton (raw) full-pressed to Bombay.

As can be seen from the above table, the increase in rates

has been on the average more than 100 per cent., and in some cases,
as from Broach, the increase has been about 140 per cent. If we

compare the 1914 as quoted from some of the stations

rates of
the percentage increase becomes still more glaring. The rate, for
instance, from Navsari to Bombay in 1914 was as. 3-3 per maund
and the rate quoted to-day is as. 8-7 per maund, an increase of
about 164 per cent. If we work out the rate per maund per mile,
we find that the rate from Navsari to Bombay was about -265 pie
iu 1914, which was raised in 1916 to about '32 pie. The rate aa

quoted at present from Navsari works out at about -70 pie per
maund per mile. The maximum rate authorised for the 4th,
class is 62 pie per maund per mile to which terminal and other
charges have to be added. It is clear, therefore, that the maximum

rate is being quoted from Navsari. The rate from Broach is still
more interesting. In 1914 the rate was 4-1 per maund or '24

pie per maund per mile. It was raised in 1916 to as. 4-6 or '267
pie per maund per mile and in 1919 to as. 8-2 or *485 pie per
maund per mile. The rate quoted at present is as. 11-5 per

maund or 678 pie per mile. It follows, therefore, that the B. B. &
C. I. Eailway has raised its rates on cotton to the maximum
authorised limit.


The percentage increase in the rates over those of 1917 or

1919 has been higher over the B. B. & C. I. Railway than that
on the G. I. P. Railway. This has been due to the agreement
between the different railways to equalise freights. As can be seen
from the foregoing examination the rates over the B. B. & C. I.
Railway were lower than the G. I. P. Railway rates. The rate from
Pachora, for instance, was Rs. 0-15-1 for 232 miles in 1917 over
the G. I. P. Railway per contra the B. B. & C. I. Railway rate

from Itola for 234 miles was Rs. 0-6-11. Thus the difference
between the two was more than double. During and after the
Great War, railways resorted to agreements and combination so that
those lines which quoted lower rates hithereto raised the level of
their rates. The B. B. & C. I. Railway, therefore, followed the
same policy and raised its rates twice, in 1916 and 1919. The
changes in rates from some stations were as follows :

Hates per Kates per

maund. maund.
(1914) (1919)
Bs a. p. Es. a. p.
Broach 041 082
Ahmedabad 091 12 7
Cawnpore 127 161
Ambala Cantonment 15 10 255
Meerut 109 217
Saharanpur 15 8 1 10 11

In 1922 the rates were again increased and they continue at

the game level to the present day. We have already examined the

present rates and cannot help repeating once again that the increase
has been very high. Of course it is difficult to accept that in view of
rapid rise in prices during and after the war, which had substantially
raised the working expenses, the B. B. & C. I. Railway should, as a
matter of justice, have enhanced its rates to maintain its efficiency.
If the pre-war level of rates was a paying one, there was no reason
why the B. B. & C. I. Railway should have raised the level of its
rates so high as to bring it in line with that of the G.
I. P. Railway.

Albeit, this increase during the boom period when the

was not felt

prices of cotton were soaring, but to-day the rates are affecting the
cultivator adversely and need to be immediately revised. It is

clear from the foregoing discussion that the agreements between

the railways in India have resulted in raising the general level

of rates.

This was the position in 1932. Now the position has radically
changed. The railway authorities seem to have been shaken from
their traditional conservatism in matters of rate making by the
severe trade depression and the consequent necessity for better
efficiency and economy in transport costs. Railway rates have,
therefore, been substantially reduced as will be seen from the
following table :

Rates on Cotton full-pressed to Bombay in 1985.

These rates, when compared with those in operation in 1932,

bring to clear relief the nature of reduction offered. That the
reduction is substantial and very helpful to raw cotton trade can
hardly be denied, but with it there have crept in certain discrepancies
which need be noted. The rate from Surat when compared with
that from Navsari is lower for a longer distance. Similar discrep-
ancy can be found when the rate from Navsari is compared with
that from Broach or Viramgam. This needs be removed.


The rates on the N, W Railway support the conclusion we
have arrived at. The importance of North Western Railway ag a

carrier "ofraw cotton has long been recognised because it links

together the irrigated tracts of the Punjab where cotton of superior
quality known as the Punjab- American is grown but its importance ;

in future, now that the most important irrigation works, known

as the Sukkur Barrage or the Lloyd Barrage, have been constructed,
is bound to grow. The Lloyd Barrage which is situated about
three miles down stream from the Sukkur was opened by the

Viceroy in January 1932, with canals, channels and distributaries

extending over about 6,211 miles. The Barrage is estimated to
command an irrigable area of about 7-5 million acres. 1 Under
the new scheme the total area under cotton crop is expected to rise
to about 8 lakhs acres. The new area will preferably be devoted
to the cultivation of American cotton, which is in demand by the
local cotton mills for manufacturing yarn of high counts and is
largely imported at present. Therefore, the freights charged by
the N. W. Railway on the transport of raw cotton for export as well
as localconsumption will have to stand better public scrutiny in
future. The rates, quoted at present from some important cotton
Despatching stations on the N. W. Railway to Karachi are
given below :

Rate on cotton ( raw) full-pressed to Karachi for 1932.

Station. Rate. (0. R.) Rate. (0. R.)

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
863 Rohtak 2 8 2 11
576 Multan City 1 13
9 296
744 Shahpur 10 10
685 Lyallapur Jn. 235 298
652 Montgomery 2 1 8 2 7 11
727 Ferozpur City 2 57 261
788 Gujrat 2 86 253
806 Sialkot Jn. 298 2 9 1
755 Lahore Jn. 270 249
788 Amritsar Jn. 289
It will be seen in the above table that the distance over which
cotton has to be carried before it reaches the port of Karachi for

export is greater as
compared with that from cotton tracts on the

G. I. P. or B. B. & C. I. Railways. This obviously increases the

1. The caprice <rf the Indus," aptly remarked the Director of Agriculture,
"has governed the country like an absolute despot. For the first

time in the history of Sind the Indus is to be harnessed. In future it

serve, not rule."


incidence of transport costs on cotton grown in the Punjab. The

Kailway line is, however, not to blame for this because it is a

geographical disadvantage which is being slowly overcome by

efficient transport Railways have rendered admirable

help in overcoming these obstacles of distance, but complete

elimination of distance is not feasible in the near future. As for
the freight charge, the N. W. Eailway, like other railways, permits
a special concession of 6 pies per maund when cotton ( raw ) full-
pressed is booked to Karachi, at owner's risk, as previously referred
to. If we work out the rate from Multan city to Karachi for 576
miles it comes to 62 pie per maund per mile exclusive of all othei

charges. The rate from Gurdaspur to Karachi for 833 miles is

Rs. 2-11-0 which works out at about -62 pie per mile exclusive of
all other charges. The North Wastern Eailway, therefore, charges
almost maximum rates, even for long distance traffic. This is

undesirable. When the State lays down a maxima for certain

class of rates, the intention of the regulating authority is that the

actual rates charged should be lower than the maximum prescribed

and such as the traffic can reasonably bear. The discretionary
powers conferred upon the manager are expected to be

exercised in the interests of the community he should be guided


by enlightened self-interest. As the prices of Indian cotton are

determined by the American market, and as the Indian crop has to
compete in the international market for sale, it is incumbent upon
the railways serving the cotton growing areas to help the producers,
because both the parties profit inter se. Indian railways, however,
charge maximum rates authorised by the Government and if the
maxima prescribed were removed as has been recently advocated,
it isnot improbable that the rates might record a further rise.
This problem has become serious to-day because of the heavy fall
in prices.


THOSE IN 1917.

It would be interesting to note at this stage the increase in

rates on the N. W. Railway during and after the War. We submit


below a table of rates as quoted in 1917 and 1932, and the

percentage increase :

Distance. Stations. Rates in 1917. Bates in 1932. Percentage

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. increase.

575 Multan 109 1 13 9 75-1 percent.

Ill Hyderabad 037 059 60-93
786 Amritsar 168 289 76'1
684 Lyallpur 139 235 82-97
721 Sargodha 149 263 79-5
898 Saharanpur 165 2 10 87 -32
847 Ambala 161 2 11 7 97'35
802 Jullunder 16 10 295 81 '4
755 Lahore 159 270 79-3
711 SanglaHill 149 249 77'i
653 Gojra 1 2 11 219 78-4

The increase in rates, as can be seen from the table, has been on
the averages about 80 per cent. No doubt this has been a very
heavy increase. It could be justified during the boom period, but in
normal times, not to talk of the present trade slump and catastrophic
fall in prices, it is questionable. The maxima as prescribed by the
Government were based view of the then existing price level and
the necessity for rehabilitating the railway system which was
starved during the war. Besides, it was the upper limit to be
reached only in times of need and not a normal feature of the
From the foregoing discussion it follows that the rates before
the War were lower on the B. B. & C. I. Railway as compared with
the rates of the N. W. and G. I. P. Railways, but the combination

amongst the railways after the outbreak of the War, and the rise of
prices led to an increase in rates so that the rate level on all the
railways was equalised, except on the G. I. P. Railway which has a
higher maxima. The increase in rates were stabilised at a higher
level in 1922, and continue to this day. The rates charged are
almost the maximum authorised. The Policy pursued needs a
radical revision on national lines.
The railway freight on cotton has been examined and the
necessity of its revision stressed. We have reserved the discussion
of rates on the cotton, both indigenous and imported, consumed by
the cotton mills within the country, to which we shall presently
turn our attention. The study of Indian cotton industry has for
Convenience been subdivided into two broad divisions, raw cotton
$nd local mill industry. But the division is primarily one of

convenience and not of any fundamental difference in character.

The foregoing discussion has been centred mainly on the marketing
of raw cotton in general, and in the pages that follow we shall

Study the mill industry. In this study, however, we shall

concentrate our attention on the railway freights charged to and
from some important mill centres on their raw materials and
finished products, and then compare the rates charged on competitive
imports. Obviously, therefore, we shall endeavour to indicate the
nature of rates charged on internal production as well as imports,
and the advantage, if any, possessed by the latter over the former.
Wherever possible, we
campare the current railway rates with
the pre-war ones and show the change.


The study of the organisation of Indian cotton mill industry
shows the predominance of Bombay centre in the localisation of
cotton mills, though of late the position is being seriously questioned.
Growing importance of the island of Bombay as stronghold of
cotton mill industry in India and the subsequent diversion to other
internal centres is of special interest to the student of transport
economies because it admirably explains, inter alia, the importance
of transport facilities in determining the localisation of an industry.
Its vicinity to the port of Bombay is an asset as well as a liability,
as we shall presently see. This liability coupled with the less
favourable geographical position has aggravated the intensity of the
depression. For all sorts of
imports, like machinery, stores,
chemicals, cotton, etc. Bombay mills have nothing to pay by
way of railway freight ; and therefore, we shall exclude
them from our discussion. Railway important on rates are
raw cotton carried from the internal centres of production and
on the transport of finished goods for consumption in upcountry
centres. As for the raw cotton we have already seen that both the
G. I. P. and B. B. & C. I. Railways quote special rates to Bombay.
This appears to be in favour of the Bombay cotton mills,
but the advantage is more apparent than real. Vicinity
to the sources of raw material and power and the market for
the finished products are the primary considerations in

determining the localisation of the industry. The advantage

in respect of raw materials which Bombay cotton industry
once possessed has been outstripped by the erection of mills in the

very heart of the cotton growing areas like Ahmedabad, Sholapur,

etc. Indeed, for the same distance Bombay cotton mills pay lower
upcountry mills but that is true only of a part of the
rates than the
For the major share of the requirements of raw cotton

Bombay mills have to pay higher transport charges because of the

greater distance, Nagpur when purchasing
mills, for instance,
cotton from Wardha, Hinganghat and Dhamangaon pay as. 4-10,
as. 6-7, and as. 7-2 per maund respectively by way of freight

charge. Similarly, when Sholapur mills purchase cotton from

neighbouring cotton growing areas like Barsi town and Pandharpur
they pay only as. 3-0, and as. 5-4 per maund respectively. The
Bombay mills, per contra, have to pay higher railway freight as can
be seen from the study of rates on raw cotton.


We next turn to an examination of the rates charged on piece-

goods manufactured by the Bombay mills as well as the imports.
The freights charged from Bombay to upcountry consuming markets
are cheaper per mauncl per mile than those charged from the other
mill centres in the interior of the country. mere casual glance at A
the tariffs of the G. I. P. and B. B. C. I. Railways will amply justify
the statement. The G. I. P. Railway quotes more than a hundred
station-to-station rates from Bombay to upcountry markets from
which the following have been extracted

Eate per Rate per

Mileage. Station to. Mileage. Station to.
maund. maund.
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

This table brings out clearly the important features of the rates
policy pursued by the G. L P. Railway. The rates, as can be seen,
are anomalous and preferential. Freight from Bombay to Jalgaon
for 261 miles is Re. 1-3-1, and to Amalner for 296 miles it is
Re. 1-0~4. The higher rate for a longer distance is justified on the
plea of alternative rate and the competition of the B. B. & C. I.

Railway. Rate to Nagpur for 520 miles is Re. 1-11-10, and to

Itarsi for 464 miles is Rs. 2-0-7. Not only is this rate preferential,

but adversely affects the interests of the Indian mill industry by


helping the penetration of imports. These rates foster and subsidise

foreign competition to the detriment of indigenous industry. This
anomaly, however, has now been removed by raising the rate for
Nagpur to Rs. 2-2-11 Rates lower than the class rates, as quoted

by the G. I. P. Railway from the port, help the imports more than
the Bombay industry proper, because, as will be seen later, the
cloth produced by the Bombay mills has to face the competition of

upcountry mills in the internal centres of consumption, whereas

the imported cloth is generally superior in quality and can be des-
patched to the internal centres from the nearest port. It has been
found by the Tariff Board that the competition of upcountry mills
with those of Bombay has become very keen in goods of coarser
counts of yarn and in this the former have a decided advantage
over the latter . Hence the Bombay mills are not able to take
the full advantage of the lower rates. The imports, per contra, with
the help of lower rates, penetrate in even ordinary towns and
compete with the production of Indian mills, as can be seen from
the preceding table.

Let us explain this statement in some detail lest we should be

misunderstood. The upcountry mills manufacture piece-goods
primarily of coarser varieties to supply the general demand of the
people, albeit of late the tendency towards the production of finer
counts growing apace. Such mills largely cater for the demand

of neighbouring areas of their mills and it should be noted that in

these markets they have considerable advantage as compared with
the other mills. Bombay mills, therefore, have great disadvantage
in the markets and the facilities in the form of station-to-station
rates which they get are of little avail to them so far as the

1, Vide, Report, Para 81.


marketing of coarser goods in these centres is concerned. For in-

stance, in a centre like Cawnpore, Bombay mills will obviously find
it difficult to sell those goods which are manufactured by the

Cawnpore mills, because they have to pay Rs. 2-4-2 per maund
by way of railway freight although it is a concession rate whereas
their rivals are immune from the charge. This freight concession
is more useful only on those piece-goods which do not compete with
the manufactures of tlie local mills. Thus, Bombay mills are able to

utilise this concession only to a limited extent. But the Japanese

and Lancashire piece-goods utilise these freight concessions to the
utmost, and penetrate into the internal consuming centres from the
nearest port. Of these two, the former, with its cheap manufactures
of coarser varieties competes most effectively with the local mills,
while the latter Avith relatively high-priced fabrics of superior

quality, escapes the railway transport costs lightly and adversely

affects the manufactures of finer counts. Importers do not stand
in need of these concessions in railway freight and the traffic
would come to the railways even if the concession is withdrawn.
Both from the railway and the public points of view, therefore, such
freight concession should cease
on the import traffic. It will be
clear from what has been said above that since other manufacturing
centres do not get similar freight facilities, the station-to-station
rates quoted from the ports help to neutralise the effects of pro-
tective fiscal duties. The right course, it may be suggested, would

be to on piece-goods despatched from all port

charge class rates
towns because the import traffic does not need this concession and
would continue to flow in, and increase the railway receipts
Substantially. This will be unpalatable to the Bombay mill owners,
but they should rightly seek tariff protection. This would
enable the Indian cotton mills to enjoy the fiscal protection
in full.


We emphasise at this place the scarcity of the historical

material on the railway rates available to us. It would have been

interesting to know at this point the percentage increase in railway
rates batween 1913 and to-day, for that would have enabled us to
find out the increase in the incidence of railway freight. However,
wa quote balow a few rates from Bombay to upcountry centres, as

they were submitted to the Tariff Board by the Bombay Millowners*

Association :

-Rates from Bombay

1913 1926
Percentage Percentage
To O.R. R.R. O.R. increase R.R. increase
since 1916 since 1913
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.


It will be seen from the above table that in the pre-war years,
the railways rarely quoted Owner's risk rates most of the rates ;

were Railway risk. This was a serious drawback of the then rates
policy. Fortunately this defect was removed after the rates were
Stabilised in 1922, and alternative O.R. rates were also quoted.
These O.R. rates, however, are generally higher than the pre-war
R.R. rates. When we compare the rate from Bombay to Madras
which was Re. 0-14-0 O.R. in 1913, and Rs. 2-2-3 to-day, the
increase amounts to about 144 per cent. This is indeed a great
handicap to the indigenous mill industry. It has to be noted that
Such a high increase has been effected in spite of the alternative sea
route available to Bombay mills. It seems that the railways did
not quote a lower rate here because the importers have no interest
in this rate they directly import at Madras. The study of rates

policy fosters the belief that foreign commercial interest still

dominate the railway policy. The increase in R.R. rates has also
been more than 60 per cent. This was not felt in the boom period.
But to-day when the mills are working on an irreducible minimum
of profits the reduction in rates would be of great help to the
industry. The the prices cloth further strengthen the
fall in

plea for reduction in rates. Here, it has to be remembered, that

the price of cloth in India being determined by the imported cloth

the general reduction in rates would not be helpful to the Bombay
mill industry, because the importers would also get the same benefit

1, Vide, Tariff Board, 1927, Evidence Vol. IT, P. 154.


and the relative position would remain unaffected. Therefore, the

reduction in rates to be helpful to Bombay mills should be prefer-
ential to that over the imported goods. The Bombay Millowners'
Association urged before the Tariff Board the necessity of preferen-
tial treatment for goods of Indian Manufacture over imported
goods, but the Board did not favour the proposal in view of the
considerable advantage in matters of railway freight already posse-
ssed by Bombay over the upcountry mills and the insuperable
difficulties in the application of the policy of discrimination . The
attitude taken up by the Board is in consonance with the accepted

theory and practice of rate-making. Discrimination in rate-making

is desirable. Nay, it is a cardinal feature of modern practice.
But discrimination between one shipper and another on a basis

purely of difference in nationals is pernicious. It is apt to create

complications in the commercial policy. Further, from what
follows it will be evident that Bombay cotton mills possess fairly

good advantage over uncountry mills in respect of railway freight

on imported raw materials and the marketing of finished products.
This transport advantage of the Bombay mills is, however, being
gradually neutralised by the improvement in the quality of the
output of upcountry mills. Bombay cotton mills have an
additional handicap because their cost of production is relatively
higher due to higher wages, rental, taxes, managing agency charges,
etc. Complete rationalisation of the industry, right from the
purchase of raw cotton to the marketing of finished products is

essential for its survival after the veil of fiscal protection is

withdrawn. There is hardly any justification for discrimination

in railway rates.

Next to Bombay Ahmedabad
is the most important centre of

cotton mill industry in India. Being situated in the midst of the

cotton growing tracts of Gujarat and Kathiawar, it has a distinct
advantage in respect of the most important raw material, cotton.
Besides, the cotton grown in this surrounding area is of compara-

tively superior quality, used for spinning yarn of higher counts,

and when mixed with Uganda, Egyptian, and American cotton it

gives exceedingly fine results.

respectIn this Ahmedabad
possesses greater advantages in procuring cotton of superior quality
1. Vide, Report, Para 103.
COTTOtf 57

to any other upcountry centre. This has proved a great boon to

the Ahmedabad cotton mills because the cost of raw material is
the largest single item in the cost of manufacture of cotton goods .

As regards the markets, the finished products of the mills can be

conveniently distributed in Gujarat, Kathiawar, the Punjab, the
United Provinces, Bengal, Madras, the Central Provinces, and
several other centres according to the seasonal demand and market
conditions. The drawbacks, however, from which the Ahmedabad
mills suffer are in respect of railway freight on coal and stores .

We shall, therefore, now pass on to the discussion of railway


In our discussion of railway rates in relation to the Ahmedabad

cotton mill industry we propose to centre our attention on the
rates on cotton and finished products mainly, and only a passing
reference will be made to rates on other raw materials. The
reasons for resorting to this course are obvious. Railway freight
on coal, which is the second most important raw material, will be
discussed in a separate chapter dealing with the development of
coal industry in relation to railway freights. The freight on
mill stores will be discussed in the present chapter, but it should
be noted that this is relatively of only secondary importance
because it affects the cost of production of cotton mills to a very
limited extent. Nevertheless, in the modern organisation of the
industry and the keen competition which pervades the entire
System every item of expenditure is of great concern both for the
producer and the consumer. This is especially true of the Indian
cotton mill industry, because they are struggling for their very
existence to-day, threatened by foreign competition.


It will be recalled that Ahmedabad mills are situated in the
midst of the cotton growing districts of Gujarat and Kathiawar,
and therefore, cotton is carried from stations like Surat, Broach,

Kadi, Viramgam, Wadhwan, etc., to the mills. In addition, cotton

isbrought from the Punjab, Madras and other cotton growing dis-
trictsaccording to the requirements of the mills concerned, Foreign
cotton is also imported to a limited extent, for manufacturing

1. Vide, Report of the Textile Tariff Board.

2. Vide the written statement of Ahmedabad Millowners' Association
Tariff Board, Vol. II, P. 39(X

yarn of higher counts. The imports of foreign cotton,

however, have assumed greater importance since the last few
years which shows that the tendency of the mills in Bombay and
Ahmedabad to produce cloth of superior quality has received a
marked stimulus since the year 1929-30. The increase has been
especially marked in the year 1930-31 and is attributed to the low
level of prices and the impetus given by the nationalist movement
to the mill industry. Ahmedabad mills have made the best use
of this opportunity. It is clear from the foregoing facts that the

growth of Ahmedabad mill industry is closely linked up with the

rates quoted on cotton from different centres.

Before proceeding further it should be noted that mills have

to bring cotton from different centres stretched far and wide
within the country and also import foreign cotton because of the
wide difference in the quality of cotton produced in the country
and its low standard.
general It is hardly necessary to
emphasise unlike that
jute, which is localised, cotton is a crop
which is cultivated in almost all the provinces. But Indian cotton
is mainly of short staple, excepting the Cambodian, the Punjab-
American and Broach cotton. It would be of interest to note the
character and the quality of the different varieties of cotton grown
spun in the
in India because that will indicate the standard of cloth
millsand the consequent necessity of importing foreign cotton for
improving the standard of our mill production. The Cambodia
cotton creamish in colour, is silky with strong fibre. It is used
f f

for 28 swarp and 36 s weft, and is chiefly consumed in Indian

mills. The Punjab-American is silky and bluish white and is used

for 20's to 22 s warp. This cotton is by the

extensively purchashed
Ahmedabad mills and Japan. Broach cotton two kinds, Broach
is of
common and Surti-Broach. They are both silky, clean and very
white in colour, but whereas the former has rather big stains, the
latter has very few. Broach is used for 18 s~20 s weft yarn and is r

bought by Ahmedabad mills and Japan. Bombay mills use this

r f
cotton occasionally. Surti-Broach is used for 20 s-22 s and also for

30 s warp and 40's weft. This is chiefly purchased by Ahmedabad

and Bombay mills; it is also exported. The quality of other
varieties will be discussed later while studying other upcountry
The foregoing explains the necessity of importing cotton into
Ahmedabad from different centers within the country and of the

imports from foreign markets. Ahmedabad mills concentrate

largely in the production of higher counts ; they specialise in
dhoties, which are gold throughout the country, especially in the
Calcutta market. Dhoties of Ahmedabad mills are the best amongst
those made in India and fetch higher prices. It is needless to mention
that these dhoties compete successfully with the imports. Other
varieties of superior cotton cloth are also manufactured and for all
these Ugenda, Egyptian and American cotton is imported in addition
to the Indian varieties. The railway freight on Broach-Surat
cotton is relatively favourable because the mills are situated in the
vicinity of cotton growing tracts. The freights on other varieties

are more important of which a few are portrayed below :

Hates per maund to Ahmedabad

Rs. a. p.
2 11 5
2 12 11
2 11 2
2 13
2 12
2 10 7
The first point brought out by the above table is the relative
high level of rates charged. While discussing the rates on raw
cotton it has already been referred to that the increase in rates since
the Great War has been appreciable and in 1923 when the classifica-
tion was revised the rates were fixed at a still higher level in
consonance with the boom prices which had reached to un-
precedented heights. We further pointed out that whatever justifi-
cation the rates might have had then, their incidence has now
become unduly high. The ability of a commodity to bear the

transport charge depends, inter alia, upon the market price it fetches
and therefore the policy of charging to-day the same freight rate
which was fixed during the boom period can hardly be justified
when the price level is taken into consideration. Secondly, as can
be seen from the preceding table, the incidence of rates charged on
Indian industries is higher than that on the importers. It will be
recalled that the rates on raw cotton moving to the ports is lower
by 6 pies per maund when booked at 0. E., but the internal traffic

is denied this facility. Besides, the consignments travelling over


more than one line do not get the advantage of the telescopic
schedule on the total distance traversed. Railways, in their rate-
making follow an individualistic policy and like to be treated as

separate entities. This is quite clear from the rates quoted above.
We notice that both the railways charge the traffic irrespective of
the total distance travelled. Here of course the result of this
individualistic policy is not so serious because the rates quoted are
not telescopic, but it has to be noted that due to this vicious policy
both the trade in raw cotton as well as the cotton mill industry is
seriously handicapped. Further, the rates charged are almost the
maximum authorised by the Government. This policy is obviously
detrimental to the development of long distance traffic even purely ;

commercial principles are being overlooked. It may be suggested,

therefore, that the railway authorities should quote telescopic rates
for long distance traffic and calculate the rates on the total distance
traversed by the consignment. Lower telescopic rates should be
quoted on raw cotton, both for export and for international


Ahmedabad mills have to get their stores from Bombay and in
this the local mills at
Bombay have a decided advantage over the
upcountry mills, because they are practically immune from railway
freight. The more important of the mill stores are machinery,
dyes, lubricating oils, epsum salt, farina, tallow, sago flour,
sulphide and soda. The freight charged from Bombay to
Ahmedabad is given below, together with the rates as quoted in the
year 1913 :

Rates per maund

Rs. a. p. Ra. a. p.
Tallow 086 13 3
Farina 085 061
Epsumsalt 085 089
Machinery 085 089
Lubricating oils 093 12 3
Sago Flour 085 G 1

Dyes 13 4 12 3
Soda 5 10

These rates appear to be reasonable except in the case of tallow

and lubricating oil where the increase has been about 58 and 32p.c.

respectively. It is hoped that the B. B. & C. I. Railway authorities

will reduce the rates 'in the above two cases as well, so as to

bring them on a level equal to, if not lower than, the pre-war level.
The finished goods of the Ahmedabad mills are consumed in
Gujarat, but a greater part of the total output is despatched to
important towns throughout India. As the consuming markets are
mostly at a great distance from the mills the freight charged by the
railways comes to play a very prominent part in determining the
competitive capacity of the goods. Further, as the piece-goods turned
out by the mills are generally of superior quality they have to
stand the competition of the imported goods and the cost of railway
transport insome cases shuts out the market totally while in others
it imposes a heavy tax upon the industry. This foreign competition
assumes serious forms in port towns and in markets in the vicinity
of ports. Besides, the importers have an advantage over the internal

producers in as much as they are able to despatch their goods to the

upcountry consuming markets from the nearest port. Apart from
the tariff barriers in the form of import duties with which we are
not concerned for the present the importers have an advantage in
marketing their produce over the internal centres. This statement
will be amply explained when we study different internal mill
centres. Besides, lower rates quoted from the ports due to railway
and port competition act as a sort of subsidy to the imported goods.
Cost of transport," informs the Secretary of Ahmedabad
Millowners' Association, makes cotton manufactures of Ahmeda-
bad dear, particularly in distant markets, like Calcutta, Cawnpore,
Delhi, Madras, Bezwada, etc. Heavy freight to be paid on coal,
cotton,yarn and piece-goods certainly makes our articles unduly
dear in distant markets 1 ." The disadvantages under which the
Ahmedabad mills suffer in respect of raw materials and marketing
of their finished products is due partly to their location for which the
railway policy is not much to blame. But the railway authorities
cannot shirk the responsibility of the rates they quote. Ahmedabad,
unlike Bombay, is so situated that it has to depend entirely upon
the railway transport, and especially on the B. B. & C. I. Railway.
The absence of alternative transport facilities partly explain the
higher level of freight charge. Following the policy of undiluted
commercialism, Indian railways, even when State owned and State

1. The reply sent by the Ahmedabad Millownera' Association to our


managed, quote very low rates at the competitive points

and recoup
their loss by raising their rates from the non-competitive centres,
to the clear detriment of the national industries. The most obvious
defence put forward by the railways in support of their policy is
normal rates at the competitive
that they are forced to lower the

points in order to attract the traffic which would otherwise have

gone by the alternative route and completely lost to the railways.
This competitive traffic, it is contended, after meeting the supple-
mentary costs leaves a residue which is utilised in reducing the rates
from the internal or non-competitive centres. This plea un-
doubtedly has some justification, but understood with the nature and
characteristics of the railway industry in general and the peculiar

development of the Indian railways in particular this argument is

short of its apparent Railroad industry is a vast

national enterprise calculated to foster the development of the

country by providing efficient and economic transport services to its

nationals. If the competitive tendency inherent in the railway
industry has been regulated in America and in England so as to give
better service to the trade and industry of the country the necessity
is much more pressing in India where the Indian tax-payer has

shouldered the entire cost right from their inception to the present
day. The policy needs a corrective on national lines.
We shall attest the truth of the preceding remarks by specific
instances. Ahmedabad mills send their goods to following
important markets :

Rates for Cotton piece-goods from Ahmedcibad to :

Rait (0, R.) Hate (0. R.)

Us. a. p. Rs. a. p.

Bombay 115 Agra 1 13 2

Cawnpore 1 14 Madras 352
Lucknow 2 11 Amritsar 292
Lahore 284 Howrah 240
Delhi 1 13 2 Nagpur 2 6 10

In Calcutta, where Ahmedabad mills send their piece-goods,

especially dhoties, they are at a clear disadvantage as compared
with the importers who can land their goods directly. Again, the
prices of piece-goods being determined by the imports, which pay
nothing by way of railway freight, the internal mills have to bear
the transport costs which raises the cost of production and restricts
their competitive capacity. Undoubtedly, to some extent, this
COTTOtf 63

restriction due to the cost of railway transport is unavoidable, being

the result of geographical situation. we analyse the rate
quoted from Ahmedabad to Howrah we find that it is relatively
low, because the distance to be traversed is nearly 1300 miles.
This low rate is quoted because of the alternative routes available
for consignment booked to Howrah. The traffic to Howrah can be
routed via Agra East Bank, Amalner and Naini, Ujjain and Naini,
and Ujjain and Kanti Marwara. These three alternative routes
have forced down the rate from Ahmedabad to Howrah which
would otherwise have been decidedly higher. This fact has to bo
admitted when we take up another rate from Ahmedabad to
Amritsar which is Rs. 2-9-2 for a distance of 802 miles. Sea route
via Gujarat ports and Bombay port can also be utilised for despatch-

ing goods to Howrah. In the Madras market, Ahmedabad goods

have a great disadvantage, because, whereas the imports can be landed
directly, they have to pay railway freight of Rs. 3-5-2 per maund.
When, however, we take up the upcountry markets like Cawnpore,
we find that Ahmedabad mills are better placed than their foreign

competitors because the latter have to pay higher transport charge.

It will be interesting to record the increase in rates on piece-

goods from Ahmedabad to some important markets since the

pre-war year.
Rates for piece-goods from Ahmedabad to :

Bates in 1913. Rates in 1932 Increase per cent*

(O.R.) (O.K.)
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
Bombay 0111 (R.R.) 115 51 per cent

Cawnpore 170 114 30 per cent.

Lahore 213 284 21 per cent.
Delhi 140 1 13 2 46 per cent.
Agra 140 1 13 2 46 per cent.
Amritsar 2111 292 21 per cent

It will be seen that the increase in some cases has been very
great. The rate to Bombay on piece-goods booked from Ahmedabad
was as. 11-1 at R.R., and to-day the rate is Rs. 1-1-5 per maund at
O.R. The increase as shown in the above table is further raised
when we take into consideration the difference in risk. It is

hardly necessary for us to emphasise that Bombay is a very

important market for Ahmedabad piece-goods. Further, goods
from Ahmedabad have to face in Bombay market foreign as well
as local mill competition, and therefore, the freight charged is of

great moment the industry in determining its competitive


capacity. Foreign competition has forced down the prices to

almost unremunerative level and hence it is not surprising to learn
that the millowners in Ahmedabad are looking with grave concern
towards the high level of freight charge which impedes their
progress. It is sometimes argued that railway freight, even if

reduced, would be so slight that the selling prices would remain

unaffected. This argument is unquestionable prices being

determined by the imports a slight reduction in rates will have no

reflex effect on the prices and the consumers will not be able to
take immediate advantage of the reduction. This argument is,
however, true only over short periods in the long run the

community will be amply rewarded. The reduction in the rates

will be utilised in the initial stages by the industrialists they will

be better able to stand the foreign competition. This will result in

increased production and lower cost per unit and the general
prosperity of trade and industry. The industrial competition will
filter down the fruits to the consumers in the long run. Internal
industries have better claim for lower rates to port towns where
foreign competitors have their stronghold.


Sholapur is another important centre of cotton mill industry.

Being situated in the vicinity of the cotton growing tracts,
the mills have an advantage in respect of raw cotton and the
nature of their production seems to have been regulated by this
most important raw material. The Sholapur mills specialise in
"checks" and coloured goods. Cheap labour, low rents and ample
water supply further help the mills in lowering their cost of
production. But notwithstanding its advantageous location, railroad
transport plays an important part and therefore the freight charged
needs a critical analysis.


Cotton is the principal raw material and coal and mill stores
come next in order of importance. As regards coal supplies the
mills get their requirements from Iksaria and Ballarsha. We shall
have to discuss this question in a separate chapter but it should
be mentioned here that the railways have lowered rates on coal from
COMOtf 65

time to time though the policy pursued has been too conservative
and the reduction inadequate. Halting and half-hearted maasures
have been the sine qua non of the Indian railway policy in general.
Apart from this, the rates on cotton booked to the mills have
been frequently complained of. We shall, therefore, examine the
rates on raw cotton and mill stores in the present chapter. The
rates on cotton (raw) full-pressed booked to Sholapur have been as
follows :

be seen that 'the Railway authorities have removed

It will

anomalies and reduced the rates so that the mills have now been
placed in a better position in respect of raw cotton. This action of
the authorities is commendable. In face of these reductions
the continuance of the rate from Bombay to Sholapur at
Es. 1-8-1 is ridiculous and it is hoped that this will also be
goon reduced because it violates the differential clause. The
aforesaid reductions are due mainly to the reductions of the N. W.
Railway, though the G. I. P. Railway has also reduced its share to

Rs. 0-4-7, in case of the traffic booked to Sholapur via Wadi. On

the whole, however, the Sholapur mills have more equitable rates
on raw cotton.

1. We are indebted to Messrs. Morarjee Gokuldas, the Managing Agents

of "the Sholapur Spinning and Weaving Mills", for having supplied ua
the information.


The Sholapur mills, as previously referred to, get their stores
from Bombay and the freight charged per maund is submitted
below :

1927 1928 1929 1930 1931-32

Sulphide 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11
Tallow 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11
Farina iO 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11
Epsom salt 15 7 15 7 10 11 10 11 10 11
Machinery 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11

Lubg. Oils 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11
Sago Flour 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11
Drums Dyes 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 10 11

As can be seen from the table all the different kinds of stores
are treated on the same footing and quoted equal rates. This is
indeed anomalous. It would be interesting to examine these rates

in detail. The rates in 1927 show that Sulphide, Tallow, Farina,

Machinery, Lubricating oils and Sago Flour were quoted equal
rates of Rs. 0-10-11 per maund, while dyes and Epsom Salt were

charged higher rate of Rs. 0-15-7. To class dyes and Epsom salt
together is anomalous. Besides the policy of charging higher rates
on Epsom salt than on Tallow is questionable. The difference in
value of dyes and Epsom salt is considerable and therefore, the
rates charged should differ. In short, it is necessary that the rates
Should be revised.


Further, the rates are absolutely high. This will be evident
When we compare the rates charged on different varieties of mill
stores from Bombay to Sholapur on the G. I. P. Railway and from

Bombay to Ahmedabad on the B. B. & C. I. Railway.

Rates per maund

Epsom salt

Lubg. oils

Sago Flour

It is clear from the above

table that the rates on the G. I. P.
Railway for certain articles are higher than on the B. B. & 0. 1.
Railway even though the distance to be traversed is less. We have
already seen that the B. B. & 0. I. Railway has raised the rates on
tallow and lubricating oil considerably over the pre-war level
and that they should be reduced. Excepting on a few articles, the
G. I. P. Railway
is charging very high rates. Farina, for instance,
ischarged Rs. O-G-1 in wagon loads on the B. B. & C. I. Railway
whereas the G. I. P. Railway charges for lower distance Rs.
0-10-11. Similar is the case with Sago Flour. Undoubtedly the
G. I. P. has to carry the traffic over the Ghats, but this does not

justify such a difference and the need to be reduced especially

on Farina, Epsom salt, Machinery and Sago Flour. The Sholapur
mills are therefore at a relative disadvantage in respect of mill
stores supplies, not only in relation to Bombay but also with


Sholapur mills send their finished goods, among others, to

the following important centres :

Distance. Name of Centre. Eate per maund.

Rs. a. p.
283 Bombay 181
1,323 Calcutta 3 1 1

1,058 Delhi 310

1,346 Amritsar 3 15 7
941 Cawnpore 386
884 Agra 384
Besides these, Sholapur mills send their goods to other markets
like Bangalore, Madras, Poona, Latur, Pandharpur, Ajmer, etc. In
Madras, Sholapur cloth has to compete not merely with the
imported cloth but also with local produce. In this market
Sholapur mills cannot sell certain varieties of piece-goods with
profit because of the transport costs. This is indeed unavoidable.
" "
Local mills at Madras also specialise in Checks and similar
varieties and therefore, it is but natural that they should have

advantage in local market against the distant competitors. In fact

the competition between the Madras and Sholapur mills and the
foreign imports has increased considerably and the cost of transport
is attracting greater attention of the industrialists.


Sholapur mills sell their finished goods f. o. r. Sholapur, and

therefore, the railway freight has to be paid by the selling agents.
This selling arrangement has given rise to certain misgivings about
the freight position. The Railway authorities have frequently
waved the claim for reduction in rates on the plea that Sholapur

mills, because of the several advantages they possess, are able to

produce goods cheaply and they sell their goods f. o. r. mill site.

The selling agents or the middlemen can afford to bear higher

freight. This is a very popular fallacy, and one wonders to see
this fallacious reasoning being advanced by the railway authorities.

They argue that the mills at Sholapur sell cloth f o. r. Sholapur, .

the middleman can afford to buy at Sholapur, rail to Bombay at


our C schedule and sell in Bombay cheaper, weight for weight,


than cloth made in Bombay. Since that is the case, it is apparent

' '
that our C schedule is not greater than the traffic can bear. In the
first place, the Sholapur mills compete in Bombay market not merely
with the local produce but primarily with the foreign imports.
Granting that the cost of production of the Sholapur mills is lower
than that of the Bombay mills it is no function of the railroad to

expropriate the business profits by raising the rates charged. We

have already seen that the 'C' schedule rates, which the G.I.P.
Railway charges on piece-goods booked from the internal centres of
production, are relatively unfair when compared with the lower rates
charged from the port town. To an industrialist relative level of
rates is of greater concern than the absolute one and more so when
the competitor is stronger. The policy of charging higher rates
from Sholapur than from Bombay can scarcely have any justifica-

tion. The defence of higher transport charge on the plea of lower

cost of production of the industry is obviously one of taxation. If

the Sholapur mills produce at a lower cost they will sell at a lower
price due to industrial competition and the benefit will go to the
community. This will result in increased demand for piece-goods,
especially for Sholapur production, and the mills will be able to
lower their cost per unit by adding to their output. This will
benefit the railways as well, because they will be able to get better

aggregate profits by carrying greater traffic at a lower cost per unit.

We shall now discuss the railway freight on yarn and piece-

goods booked from Sholapur to Delhi and Amritsar, the two most

1. Vide, Case No. XVI, Pleading, P. 6.


important upcountry markets. The Sholapur mills specialise in

the production of certain cloth well suited to the needs of Northern
India, but the freight charge was unduly high. Therefore, the
Amritsar and Delhi cloth merchants in conjunction with the
Sholapur mills made a representation to the Railway Rates

Advisory Committee against the unreasonableness of rates. The

complaint in both the cases was that the railway freight on yarn
and piece-goods despatched from Sholapur to Delhi and Amritsar
was heavier relatively to distance than the freight from Bombay
and Madras and that undue preference was being shown
thereby to Bombay and Madras against Sholapur, causing prejudice
to the cotton mills in Sholapur and to the cloth merchants of Delhi
and Amritsar dealing in Sholapur goods. The prevailing
rates were :

From To Distance Kate per maund.

(miles) Rs. a, p-
Sholapur Amritsar 4,346 462
Bombay ,, 1,245 382
Madras 1,857 448
Sholapur Delhi 1,058 407
Bombay 957 2 10 3
Madras 1,568 400
The applicants contended that high railway freight charged
from Sholapur restricted the sales in competitive markets because
there no material difference in price quotations of various mills,

f. o. r. mill
site. Besides, from their business experience they
found that the consumers in Northern India preferred to purchase
the goods of Sholapur mills when the prices of similar competing
goods were equal. Because of the higher freight from Sholapur,
cloth merchants in the upcountry markets were forced to make
their purchases at Bombay.
The G. I. P. Railway contended, per contra, that they were
charging maximum rates except when forced by competition.
They said that there are competitive routes from all the three
centres Madras, Bombay and Sholapur to Amritsar and Delhi,
and therefore the rates were adjusted accordingly. Lower rates
were quoted because of the alternative sea-cum-rail route and
neutralised the geographical advantage of Sholapur being near the
market. They further argued that the reduced rates from Madras
1. Vide, Case No, XIY and'_XVl.

and Bombay were keeping down the rates from Sholapur. If

these were not quoted, traffic would pass by alternative routes with
the result that the standing cost of the railway would have to be
borne by fewer items of traffic. To the extent, therefore, that the
rates from Bombay and Madras, after paying the out-of-pocket

expenses of carrying the traffic, leave something to contribute towards

the standing costs, tend to keep the rate from Sholapur at a lower
level than would be if no attempt was made to attract the
competitive trafficAs regards the effect of prevailing rates on

traffic booked from Sholapur, the railway argued that considering

the size of the industry in Sholapur as compared with that in

Bombay, the traffic is moving in reasonable quantities from Sholapur
Besides, the difference in freight from Sholapur
at the existing rates.
and Bombay to Amritsar amounted only to 2 pies per
to Amritsar,

maund, which could have no effect upon the selling price in

Amritsar. For the reasons aforesaid, the G. I. P. Railway contended
that the existing rates were reasonable and that any further
reduction would constitute undue preference .

The Rates Advisory Committee examined the case and made

recommendations in favour of reductions. But before reviewing
the Report of the Committee we propose to examine the proceedings
which are full of valuable information. It was brought out that
the earnings per ton derived by the G. I. P. Railway from the
tonnage in piece-goods carried were higher in the case of Indian
goods than on the European or imported goods. The statistics
quoted were :

Earnings per ton on piece-goods.

These figures clearly indicate that imported traffic is being

subsidised at the cost of indigenous traffic. These disparities in
the earnings from the two varieties, imported and indigenous, are
due, inter alia, to higher rates charged on the latter, due to the

1. The Agent, G, I. P. Railway, Case No. XIV, Pleadings, P, 14.

2. The Agent, G. I. P. Railway, Case No. XIV, Pleadings, P, 7.

3. Proceedings, Case No. XIV and XVI, P. 53.


COTTOtf 71

impervious railway policy. On the solemn plea of port and inter-

railway competition the Indian railways have kept rates at port
towns like Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and Karachi lower, just
enough to cover their suplementary costs and leave a residual
share to meet the fixed costs, whereas the internal traffic has
to bear not only its share of the total costs but also of the total
traffic.Thus the internal traffic has to maintain the railway system
and the imported reaps the advantage by paying a little over

its out-of-pocket expenses. The practice of attracting extra traffic

at costs just a little above its supplementary costs is permitted and
prevalent in railroad operation, but this is true only to the extent
of utilising the unused capacity of the plant which would
otherwise run to waste. This, however, cannot and does not
hold good of the imported traffic which pours in from every
port of India in considerable bulk. The inter-railway compe-
tition, especially when most of the railways serving' the major

ports are both State-owned and State-managed, is highly pernicious

and suicidal to Indian trade and industry. A co-ordinated trans-
port policy, embracing all the varied transport agencies, is the
proper remedy.
The Committee found that as a matter of fact the G. I, P. Kail-

way rates from Bombay and Madras to Delhi and Amritsar were more
favourable than those from Sholapur to those places. The rate
per maund from Sholapur to Delhi for traffic booked to Amritsar
was Rs. 3-6-6 whereas for Delhi proper it was Rs. 4-7-0. For the
same market when goods were booked from Bombay the rate
charged was Rs. 2-9-3, whereas Sholapur manufactures paid Rs.
4-0-7. Thus, apart from other advantages the Sholapur mills were
handicapped to the extent of 57% as against their Bombay compe-

titors. was shown that as a result of the present rates policy


coarser goods were charged a higher rate than the finer goods.
This is attributed to the fact that railways do not distinguish
between the two and charge according to weight.

1. The whole piece-goods traffic of India in 1926-27 was 8678 million
over 1788 yards were imported whether be
yards of which a little it

to Calcutta, Karachi or Bombay, because there is competition between

these three places."

Vide, Remarks of the President, P. 61.

2. Keniarks of the President, 'Proceedings.* P f 51,


The Committee held Sholapur was being prejudicially

affected. After a careful scrutiny of the evidence before them
they remarked "every thing, therefore, points in equity to the
reduction of the rates from Sholapur so as to place them relatively
as near as reasonably possible on the same basis as Bombay." The
Committee, therefore, recommended that the rates for piece-goods
from Sholapur to Delhi should be reduced from Ks. 4-0-7 to Rs.
3-1-0 per maund and from Sholapur to Amritsar from Rs. 4-5-1
to Rs.3-15-7 per maund, the reductions in the latter case being
confined to G. I. P. Railway's proportion only. The Government
of India accepted the an experimental measure
recommendation as
and the G. I. P. Railway accordingly reduced the rates as aforesaid
from 1st February 1930.
The recommendation of the Committee, however, does not go
very far. It is at best, to put in the Committee's own words, a
proposal which gives the same relative position which Bombay and
Sholapur occupy before the introduction of the increases in the rates
which were necessitated by the increased expenditure during the
War." It is essentially a compromise and the inequality in rates

though reduced still persists.


Wenext turn to the study of the railway freight paid by
Cotton mills in Nagpur. It need not be emphasised here that

Nagpur is an important centre of cctton industry and the Empress

Mills are one of the best equipped mills of this country. Started

by the late Mr. J. N. Tata in 1887 the Empress Mill of Nagpur

has recorded steady progress and to-day it represents the cotton
industry of Nagpur. In efficiency it sets a standard to most
upcountry one compared the cotton mills of Cawnpore
centres. If

to the Empress Mill of Nagpur one would notice a great difference

between the two. Expert visitors both foreign and Indian have
spoken in high terms about the Empress Mill. It can stand
comparison with the best mills of Bombay. Therefore the railway
transport costs of this Mill will be a good indication of the effects
of railway rates on the development of cotton mills in general.

1. Vide, Report of the Rates Advisory Committee, P. 6.

2. Supra. P. 7.

3. Vide, Report of the Rate Advisory Committee, P. 8.



It will be recalled .that cotton is grown in the vicinity
of the mills but due to the difference in the
quality of
different varieties grown and their genera] low staple cotton is
brought from distant centres as well. Oomras is purchased from
Berar, and Broach and Surti-Broach from Surat and Navsari,
Mughlai from Umri, Comptah and Dharwar from Gadag and Hubli,
Cambodia from Tiruppur, Punjab- Americau from the stations in
the Punjab, and Uganda and Egyption cotton is imported via
Bombay port. Thus Nagpur mills use both long-staple and short-
staple cotton and the advantage in respect of raw cotton over the
Bombay mills is not so groat as is popularly made out. It is neces-

sary to clear our position on this point which is often exploited by

the foreign interest as well as the impervious railway authorities
who exaggerate the geographical advantage of the mills of being
in the vicinity of cotton tracts. Whereas it would be idle to deny
that the mills at Nagpur get certain varieties of raw cotton in the
areas close by, at the same time it should not be overlooked that
to meet from distant areas has to be
their total requirements cotton

brought, and as the cotton prices are determined by the Bombay

quotation, wherever transport charge higher than that to the
nearest port has to be incurred the difference clearly falls on the
manufacturer and to that extent puts the Nagpur manufacturer at
a relative disadvantage. Besides, upcountry mills have to purchase
the variety of cotton they need during the season and stock the
material. This is a clear disadvantage because not merely is the

capital locked the mills are unable to hedge themselves

up but
against the fluctuations in prices.

It will, therefore, be clear that the advantage in respect of

Supplies of raw cotton is neutralised. We put in appendix II to
the chapter a statement of the freight on cotton full-pressed per
maund as charged in 1914 and to-day. 1

In the table we have not included several stations in the

Punjab as the rates of freight prevailing in 1913-14 for those
stations are not available to us. However, the stations already
included in the statement will give us a clear idea of the freight paid

1. For dates of sowing and picking cotton see Pearse, A, S. The Cotton
Industry of India," p. 49.


by the Nagpur Mills for their raw cotton supplies. It will be seen
that even from the stations which are in the vicinity of Nagpur,
like Warclha, Hinganghat, Dhamangaon, Warora and Amraoti, the
rates in the post-war period have been heavily raised, the percen-
tage of increase varying from 50 to 76. While discussing the rates
on raw cotton, it will be recalled, we noticed the anomalies in
rating in the pre-war period which were removed by raising rates
from all those stations where formerly they were lower. This w as r

indeed favourable to the railway authorities and in consonance with

the prevalent policy which has been to earn maximum profit
with minimum of traffic. The cultivator of cotton has been
adversely affected because while the prices of cotton have recorded
a steep decline the cost of transport has continued at the pitch
fixed during the boom. The cotton mill industry has also been
adversely affected because of heavy cost of transport, both of raw
cotton and finished goods. The increase of 75 per cent, is indeed
very heavy in view of the prevailing prices and puts the indigenous
mill industry at a serious disadvantage in competition with the

foreign importers.
The increase in freight for other varities of cotton has been

higher as will be seen from the preceding statement.

still Surti-

Broach cotton is brought from Gujarat during the picking season,

and the freight on it from Surat and Navasari stations which was
Re. 1-0-0 and Re. 1-1-5 in 1914 is Rs. 2-4-5 and Rs. 2-5-0 per maund
respectively in 1932, the increase of 129 and
111 For per cent.
Mughlai cotton brought from Umri (via Ballarsha) the freight is
raised from Rs. 1-7-9 to Rs. 1-15-10, an increase of about 62 per cent.

This increase becomes so glaring when we recollect that the rate

the old
charged in 1914 was for distance of 602 miles via Manmad,
route. Now, the shorter route via Ballarsha, which has reduced the

distance from 602 miles to 503 miles being used and still the rate

charged is higher by 62 per cent. The Gadag and Hubli rate has
been raised still higher in spite of the reduction in mileage to be
traversed. From Gadag (via Hotgi and Manmad) the freight
charged was Rs. 2-2-4 for 904 miles in 1914, and to-day via
Ballarsha for 580 miles the freight charged is Rs. 3-1-1, an increase
of about 91 per cent, for the distance lower by about 40 per cent,
Similarly, from Hubli for 946 miles ( via Hotgi and Manmad) the
rate in 1914 was Rs. 1-9-7 and to-day for 616 miles the rate is
Us. 3-2-11, an increase of about 209 per cent. The rate from

Tirrupur, from where Cambodia cotton is brought, was Rs. 1-15-1 1

in 1914 for 1261 miles ( via Jalarpet and Raichur, ), and now the

rate has been raised to Rs. 3-9-1 for 915 miles ( via Jalarpet and
Ballarsha ), an increase of about 153 per cent, notwithstanding the

lower distance over which the tonnage has to be hauled. Thus, not
only is the indigenous industry deprived of the advantage of tho
shorter route in form of lower rate but the rates have been raised
to a very high pitch.
Cotton is the most important- raw material of the mills and
the heavy freight charge levied by the railways is vitally affecting
the textile industry. Reduced demand for cloth due to industrial
depression, growing unemployment and catastrophic fall in the
prices of agricultural produce which has seriously impaired the
purchasing power of the agricultural class, and the fall pari passu
in the cotton prices press the necessity for the reduction in railway

freight lest the indigenous industry should get devitalised, if not

actually succumbed, under the pressure of the aforesaid circumstances.
The incidence of railway freighton raw cotton has nearly doubled
as can be seen from the table submitted below:

Relative cost of cotton laid down at Nagpur

(Per 392 Ibs.)

1913-14 1930-31.

Cost. Frei3 k t .

Umri 150 720 4-8 p. o. 118 9 8 8 p. o.

Hubii 153 7 10 5 150 15 3 10

Navsari . 164 5 3 3-2 171 11 6-4

Hinganghat 136 150 -9 126 1 15 1-5

Dhamangaon 153 170 *9 113 2 2 2

The increase in the incidence of freight is clear from the

columns 4 and 7 and needs no emphasis. A substantial reduction in
railway freight is necessary. Strong protests have been raised,
first by the Indian Central Cotton Committee and
subsequently by
the various members in the Legislative Assembly and the Councils,
against the unduly high rates and it is very unfortunate that the
reduction has been delayed so long even though most of the
important railways are owned and managed by the State.


Mill stores consumed by the Nagptir Mills are purchased from
Bombay and the railway freight for a pre-war and the current
year 1932 works out as follows :

Rates per maitndfrom Bombay

Current Percentage
Commodity. Rate. increase.
Rs. a. p.
Machinery 1 3 2 11
Stationery 6 24
Dyes (Aniline & Alizarine) 11 10 48
,, (Indauthrine) 3 2 2
Epsom Salt 3 2 19
Magnesium Chloride 2 19
Acid, Sulphuric 107
,, Hydrochloric 2 25
China Clay 6 11
Oil 12 I 10
Farina 1 11 10 62
Grease 1 3 2 19
Leather Belting 2 5 24
Packing Paper 2 30
Straw Boards C 11
Asbestos Sheets. 10 29

It will be seen that the rates on certain commodities have been

raised to a level which can hardly be justified. Thus, for instance,
the rate on sulphuric acid was raised from Bs. 0-15-3, to Es. 2-5-0.
Similar is the case with rates on grease. In the case of other
do not seem to be excessive. But when these
articles the rates
rates are compared with those charged to Ahmedabad and

Cawnpore the incidence appears to be rather heavy.


From raw cotton we next pass on to the study of freight on

yarn and piece-goods. Eailway rates as charged in 1914 from
Nagpur to some consuming markets are given below :

Freight to various centres from Nagpur


In the selection of the above rates the primary object is to

demonstrate the disparity in the quotations of freight to different

stations. It should be mentioned at the outset that whereas to

cei-tain stations rates at owner's risk were quoted others were

denied that facility, which helped to accentuate the disparity be-
tween the rates quoted to different consuming markets. For in-
stance, whereas to Akola for 158 miles the rate was Rs. 0-10-6, to
Raipur for 188 miles Rs. 0-6-7 and to Nandura for 196 miles
Rs. 0-13-1 were charged. The consumers at Raipur had advantage
over these at either Akola or Nandura. Again the rate to
Howbagh for 222 miles was Rs. 0-7-9 and to Bilaspur for 257
miles Rs. 0-6-8, both being at owner's risk. Here the rate was
preferential in favour of Bilaspur. Further, to Wadi Bundar for
520 miles the freight was Rs. 0-1 1-8, to Poona for 553 miles
Rs. 1-1-11 and to Puralia for 581 miles Rs. 1-1-5.
higher A
charge was made for a lower distance. This is not Whereas all.

the rate to Cuttack for 814 miles was Rs. 0-11-3, to Shalimar for
701 miles it was Rs. 0-11-8, and to Wadi Bundar for 520 miles
Rs. 0-11-8. Instances of preferential rates can be multiplied ;

rate-making then was replete with anomalies. These anomalies

have now been reduced, as we shall presently see, by raising the
rates from those stations where they were low.


be seen from the statement appended to this chapter
It will

that the increase in rates to some stations has been appreciably

greater than to other stations and the reason is not far to seek ;

rates have been equalised. The general level of rates has risen
though preferential rates have been eliminated. Thus, the rates to
Bilaspur,Wadi Bundar, Sholapur, Midnapur, Madras, Shalimar
and Cuttack have been doubled in some cases and trebled in others.
This high increase in freights has restricted the markets of
indigenous mills. Besides, the anomalies in rating still persist.
Whereas Wadi Bundar, where ghats have to be traversed, the

freight Rs.
is 1-11-10 for 520 miles, to Sholapur for 553 miles
the rate charged is Rs. 2-11-8. The traffic to Sholapur is therefore
blocked. Here, too, it should be noted that the rate to Wadi
Bundar kept at Rs. 1-11-10, though
is it has been raised
by about 137 per cent, over the pre-war level, to meet the

port competition, lest the traffic in raw cotton should get

diverted to Howrah. Again, the freight to Poona for 553 miles is
Re. 1-14-7, and to Indore for 384 miles Re. 1-14-1 the difference ;

between the two being only of 6 pies whereas the distance is

greater by 169 miles. Internal centres have to pay higher rates
than those near the port. Further, rates on the G. I. P. Railway
are unduly high ; for instance, to Shalimar for 701 miles freight
is Re. 1-14-4 and to Madras for 682 miles it is Rs. 2-6-9, though

there are no ghats to be crossed. In short, the reduction in

rates is urgently needed so as to help the expansion of local
It should be mentioned at this stage that internal mills are

seriously handicapped in standing the competition of imported

piece-goods at the port towns clue to high railway freight and the
longer distance over which the goods have to be hauled before they
reach the port markets. On the contrary, the penetration of imports
is fostered by quoting numerous station-to-station rates from the

ports to internal markets, so that the local mills find the importer
a formidable competitor even in these markets This baneful .

stimulation is the offspring, partly of the inter-railway and

port-to-port competition and
partly of the deliberate railway

policy of fostering the inroad of imports in the interior so as to

neutralise the effect of protective tariff. quote below a few We
from the large number of relatively favourable rates quoted for
from Bombay which help to swell the imports of foreign

goods to the detriment of local mills :

Mileage From Bombay to :

Special Ordinary
0. It. rate 0. R. rate.
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
476 Hoshangabad 212 286
621 Bhopal 115 4 2 10 10
353 Khandwa 176 1 13 11
531 Betul 262 2 12 9
702 Jhansi 270 340
858 Muttra 2 7 11 3 12 6

These reduced station-to-station rates quoted from ports to the

internal centres speak for themselves. It may be said that the
1. Itshould be noted that numerous station-to-station rates are quoted
from the port towns, but from the internal cotton mill centres such
facilities are considerably restricted. Therefore, the local mills are

placed at a serious disadvantage in competition with the importer.


trafficfrom ports is quoted special rates because the distance is

great and the traffic would not come but for that rate, which is
undoubtedly a paying rate, and helps to extend the markets of
Bombay mill industry. That long distance traffic deserves
encouragement in form of reduced rates can hardly be denied.
But what needs emphasis is that similar reduced station-to-station
rates ought to be quoted from the internal mill centres to important

consuming markets, and in calculating the rates total distance

traversed, irrespective of the different lines, ought to be taken
into account.


Let us now examine the location of Cawnpore cotton mills
in relation to railway freight. In the preceding section reference
has often been made that Cawnpore possesses considerable
advantage in respect of railway freight in comparison with the
Bombay cotton mills, and therefore, in what follows we shall

critically analyse the railway transport problem as affecting

the Cawnpore mills and endeavour to locate the comparative
advantage, in respect of different articles, either raw materials or
finished products.


The Cawnpore cotton mills manufacture piece-goods primarily
of coarser varieties and therefore the new cotton they consume
is of medium quality.. Hence, their supply of raw cotton
is drawn mainly from the Central Provinces and the cotton
growing tracts in the Deccan. The railway freight they have to
pay works out as follows :

Miles. Station Rate. Miles. Station Rate.

The rates portrayed in the preceding section when compared

with those charged from other centres adverted to above

reveal the relative advantage or otherwise possessed by the

Cawnpore mills in respect of their most important primary raw
material. From the standpoint of railway transport costs, Nagpur
mills are most advantageously located, so far as the aforesaid
cotton growing tracts are concerned. The price of cotton being
regulated by Bombay quotation, the Nagpur mills save a large part
of the railway transport cost from the producing tracts to Bombay.
But the Cawnpore mills have no such advantage. Per contra, they
are at a positive disadvantage when they purchase their raw cotton
from Bombay market and pay Rs. 2-4-1 per maund by way of

railway freight. This is a very interesting feature of the cotton

trade as affecting the railway rates policy and the cost of production
of the mills alike and needs to be explained a little further.

Bombay mills have an advantage over the other centres in as much

as they can get a regular supply of raw cotton
hand, and are at

immune from the day-to-day fluctuation in cotton prices, with the

aid of hedge contracts. Other centres, like Ahmedabad, Sholapur
and Nagpur, being located nearer the cotton growing tracts, do
make certain economies in railway transport charges by purchasing
raw cotton from the tracts in their vicinity during the harvesting
season. But at the same time it was also noted that raw cotton can
be purchased in these cotton growing tracts in the harvesting season
only, and not thereafter, because the primary producers, being in
need of money, sell their produce immediately after the harvest, so
that by the end of the harvesting season most of the cotton grown
is sold out. Amongst the purchasers are the agents of the local
mills, and the exporters. Therefore, the local mills have to purchase
their annual requirements of raw cotton and stock them in their
godowns or purchase from Bombay and pay double railway
else to

freight. Therefore, the incidence of railway rates on the raw cotton

consumed by the Cawnpore mills should be visualised in the light
of the aforesaid facts. The practice of purchasing cotton differs with
the different cotton mills while some of them make their purchases

through their agents from the cotton growing tracts during the
harvesting season and keep the stock for the whole year, others
depend primarily upon the Bombay market for their supplies. There
is a considerable difference, therefore, in the de facto incidence of
railway freight when one or the other of the two systems of cotton
purchase are resorted to. If cotton is purchased from the producing
centres the railway freights tabulated above are applicable, but if

the mills do not purchase their total requirements during the

harvesting season they have to pay higher railway freight. The
total freight paid in the latter case is the railway rates charged from
cotton growing tracts to Bombay plus the rate from Bombay to
Cawnpore. It is clear, therefore, that of these two systems of
purchase, the former is preferable from the viewpoint of railway
transport, because the incidence of railway rates is lighter. Doubtless,
there are considerations other than those of transport which affect
the system of purchase but to consider these is beyond the scope of
the present work. The statement of the railway problem is suffi-
cient for our purpose. From what has been said above, we may
safely conclude that Cawnpore mills are, on the whole, at a relative
disadvantage in respect of railway rates on the raw cotton purchased
from the Central Provinces and Khandesh.

However, Cawnpore mills are more favourably located as com-

pared with the other cotton mill centres, in respect of railway
freight on the Punjab-American cotton. Special station-to-station
rates are available from some of the dispatching stations as tabulated
below :

Rates $er maund to Catvnpore

Station from Rate Station from Rate
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
Jaranwala 221 Sarodha 2 4 10
Khanna 146 SanglaHill 1 15
Lyallpur 206 Barnata 167
Nabha 149 Tarn Taran 1 10 11
Dhurri 158 Warburten 1 13 10

Gojra 221 Uankana Saheb 1 14 4

The traffic in this case is routed via Ghaziabad. When these

rates are compared with those charged to Nagpur or Ahmedabad
the relative transport advantage is revealed. Of all these three
centres, freight to Cawnpore is the lowest because of the distance.
Thus, rates charged from Jaranwala and Lyallpur to Nagpur are
Rs. 3-12-0, and Rs. 3-13-3 respectively, but to Cawnpore they are

Substantially less as will be seen from the foregoing table. Similarly,

Ahmedabad has to pay higher For instance, the rate from
Lyallpur to Ahmedabad is Rs. 2-13-0, but to Cawnpore it is
Rs. 2-0-6 only. But the freight ad vantage" enjoyed by Cawnpore
in respect of Punjab-American cotton should not be over-estimated,



Stores are purchased at Bombay and Calcutta. Cawnpore is

one of the most important railway junctions, and commands unique
rates facilities. Furthermore, it is linked directly to two leading
ports of the country :
Railway connects it with Calcutta
the E. I.

and the G. I. P. Railway with Bombay. Since the railways

serving the different ports compete inter se, Cawnpore gets
reduced rates to and from both the ports. We submit below the
8tation-to-station rates quoted from Bombay to Cawnpore on
different mill stores.

Commodity Hate
Rs. a. p.
Soda 10 1

Lubricating oils (Div. C) 120

Machinery 12 4

Farina (bags), Sago- I

n 11
u 1 1 i
Flour (bags) ]

Dyes 1 4

Sulphuric acid,
Hydrochloric acid

China Clay 10 4
Packing Paper 11 2

The most striking feature of the aforesaid rates is their

relatively lower level. When these rates are compared with those
charged to Nagpur, we find that even though the latter is nearer to

Bombay it has to pay higher railway freight. This is due to the

port competition. Here it should be noted that Cawnpore is
nearer to Calcutta than to Bombay and the ton-mile costs on the
E. I. R. are lower than on the G. L P. Therefore, the E. I. R.
quotes lower rates to Cawnpore from Howrah, and the G. I. P. in
order to keep a part at least of the total traffic on its own lines has
perforce to lower its rates. Suffice it for the present to note that
this sort of policy is questionable, since it puts other centres to a
considerable disadvantage.


[Piece-goods manufactured by Cawnpore mills are sold largely

in the markets in the vicinity of the mills, but a portion of the
total output is despatched to distant markets as far as Howrah.

The statement submitted below portrays the marketing


Rates per maund on Piece-goods from Cawnpore

be seen that Cawnpore mills have to pay class rates on

It will

their piece-goods, very few station-to-station rates being available.

But, being located at a distance from the port and

nearer to its

markets gets substantial transport protection against

it the foreign
in form of lower railway freight. However, the precise
amount of advantage differs in different markets in proportion to
the distance of the market from the mills and the nearest port.
Let us take the concrete instances. The freight to Allahabad from
Howrah is Rs. 1-11-1 per maund, and therefore, Cawnpore mills

have an advantage of about Es. 1-4-8. On the contrary, in some

markets Cawnpore mills have a positive disadvantage, like
Bhagalpur, Howrah, etc.
The foregoing study of railway rates, to and from some of the
more important cotton mill centres, conveys a fairly adequate
impression of railway policy as affecting the development of cotton
industry in India. Let us now put down the conclusion of the
survey in brief outline.
1. Indian Railways are not so planned as to meet adequately
the requirements of internal trade and industries, because, while
the port towns are directly linked with the more important internal
centres by single railroad system on the same gauge, the lines

connecting internal centres commonly belong to different systems

and involve more frequent break of gauge and consequent higher
freight charge.

1. We have been informed that on wagon loads Rs. 1-8-0 per maund is

charged, from Cawupore to Howrah.


2. Railways pursue individualistic policy in rate making

with, the result that when a consignment travels over more than one
railway S3 stem, this being more frequent in the case of internal

traffic than to and from the port towns the telescopic schedule

rates, if any,-are calculated, not on the total distance traversed, but,

on the distance of the individual railroad system.
3. The general level of rates which was raised in 1922, during
the boom period, is now restricting the movement of traffic because
the steep fall in the price level has substantially raised the
incidence of rates.

4. The cotton mills should re-organise their sales departments

and reduce the competition between the internal mills, so as to
eliminate the waste in transport costs. Centralisation of marketing

arrangements would, doubtless, yield more profitable results.


Raw Cotton carried on Class I Railways & the Earnings

therefrom (in lakhs.)

Comparative Statement of Railway Rates of Freight on

full-pressed Cotton from various centres to Nagpur
in 1914 and 1931.

Rate per

Rate per maund.

M leage Forwarding
jrom in pies. of in-
* Kemarks.
Nagpur. crease.

1914. 1931. 1914. 1931,

Es. a. p- Es. a. p.

49 Wardha ... 2 9 4 10 ,67 1.18 76.12

70 Hinganghat... 4 4 6 7 .74 1.13 58,70

80 Dhamangaon 049 7 2 .71 1.07 50.70

94 Warora ... 5 4 8 4 .68 1.06 55.88

114 Amraoti ... 6 6 10 .68 1.05 54.41

158 Akola ... 8 2 13 8 .62 1.04 67.74

454 Surat ... 1 2 4 5 .42 .96 129

467 Navasari ... 1 1 5 2 5 .45 .95 m

469 Kim ... 1 2 3 2 5 1 .47 .96 104

(621*) 484 Dharmabad 1 8 7 2 6 .47 .81 72.34 *01d route

(Via Ballarsha) via Manmad.

(602*) 503 Umri (Via 179 1 15 10 .47 .76 61.70 *01d route
Ballarsha) via Manmad.

520 Bombay ... 14 2 1 11 5 .33 .63 90.91

(904*) 580 Gadag (Via 2 2 4 3 1 1 .46 1.02 121.74 *01d route

Ballarsha) via Hotgi and
596 Asarwa ... 1 4 2 2 11 8 .41 .88 115

(946*) 616 Hubli (Via 1 9 7 3 2 11 .32 .99 209.38 *01d route

Ballarsha) via Hotgi and
(1261*) 915 Tiruppur (Via 1 15 11 3 9 1 .30 .76 153.33 *01d route
Ballarsha) via Jalarpet
and Kaichur.

Comparative Statement of Railway Rates on Piece-goods

from Nagpur to various Centres in 1914 and 1932


Old Routes,


The study of the Indian woollen industry is important from

both the agricultural and industrial points of view. In many
respects it resembles the cotton industry, and yet has distinctive
peculiarities of its own. In its agricultural aspect, unlike cotton,
the production of raw wool is carried on primarily by lower class

Hindus, having scanty resources. Looking to the conditions of

the primary producer, one is not surprised to note the decadent
position in which the, sheep-rearing industry has fallen to-day in
this country. The
role, that improved sheep-rearing and sheep-

breeding industry could play in the economic reconstruction of

this country, can hardly be exaggerated. It will make a sub-
stantial contribution* in revitalising Indian agriculture. On the
an improvement in the quality of Indian raw wool
industrial side,
will give a much needed stimulus to the cottage and mill industry


The important articles with reference to which the following

study of railway rates is to be undertaken are wool, carpets,
blankets and woollen piece-goods. This will give us a fairly good
idea of the effect of railway rates on the development of the Indian
woollen industry as a whole. Wool is the primary raw material,
and therefore, the charged are very important, especially
because the distance over which the article has to be carried is
generally great.Rates charged on auxiliary raw materials used by
the woollen mills will also be studied. As regards the finished
products, blankets and piece-goods are manufactured by the
woollen mills, while carpets are turned out by the hand-looms and
some factories. In what follows, therefore, we propose to study
the basis of railway rates, which will be followed by a detailed
review with reference to more important centres of production
and consumption.

Wool, full-pressed, is classed as 4th. class R. R. in the

Indian Railways General Classification of Goods. This classifica-
tion is followed on all the railways. On the G. I. P. Railway,
' '
however, schedule is applied, the basis of charge being one
pie per maund per mile. Wool, half-pressed, is classified as 6th.
class R. R. This rate is subject to certain exceptions on the G. I.
P. Railway. The general rate over the G. I. P. Section is 9th.
class R. R. Over the I.M. and A. D. C. Sections 8th. and 6th.
class rates are charged, and on loads of C/81 6th. class R. R. and
4th. class 0. R. charged, the minimum distance of
rates are

charge on these sections being 26 miles. Wool, loose, is classified

as 8th. class R. R. in the General Classification. This rate is
subject to the undermentioned exceptions on certain railways.
On the B. & N. W. R. C/D -schedule rate is applicable at
0. R. on wagon loads. On the G. I. P. 9th. class R. R. rate is

Carpets are classed in the General Classification of Goods as

6th. class R. R. and 4th. class 0. R. This classification is followed
on all the railways without exception. Blankets, ( Cumblies )
are classed as 4th. class R. R. Woollen piece-goods like cotton,
are classified as 6th. and 4th. class R. R. and 0. R. respectively.
With this brief statement of the bases of freight charge, we now
pass on to review in detail the rates policy as pursued to-day.


Cawnpore is the most important centre of Indian woollen
mill industry, having two woollen mills, one known as the
Cawnpore Woollen Mills (Lalimli) employing about 2,416 persons,
by far the largest woollen mill in the country, and another known
as Baijnath Balmukund Woollen Mills employing about 250 men
daily. Further, the Cawnpore Woollen Mills turn out several
varieties of goods consumed in distant parts of the country. The
production of wool being scattered and the output inferior in
quality, the millshave to import wool of superior quality from
distant centresboth by sea and land. Needless to mention,
therefore, that railway rates play an important part both in the
cost of production of the manufactured articles and in their


As regards the supplies of raw woo], in addition to what is
available locally, Cawnpore being a very important mart and a

collecting centre, the mills draw their supplies from Tibet, Persia,
Afghanistan, Central India and Australia Australian wool .

is imported by sea, because both the Indian wool as well as that

imported by land from Persia and Afghanistan is inferior in

quality. Obviously, therefore, it can be rightly said that there is

no competition between the two they being altogether two


different things Finer varieties
. of goods are manufactured with
Australian wool and coarser varieties with Indian wool. Coarser
varieties are larger in quantity. If you take the quantity that
is made out of the Indian wool," added Mr. Lilley, it is between

80 and 85 per cent, as compared with 20 are 15 per cent.

Australian wool ." Making allowance for the improvements within
the last15 years, and the tendency towards the increased production
of finer qualities, it may be said that the consumption of
Australian wool is about 25 per cent, of the total raw wool
consumed by the Mills The consumption of imported wool is

therefore fairly large, and the tendency is unmistakably towards

an increase.
Australian wool is carried from the ports, either Calcutta
or Bombay, preferably the former, and as such has to pay a
amount by way of railway
substantial freight. The railway rate
from Howrah to Cawnpore, on wool full-pressed is Re. 1-9-1
per maund at 0. R. in wagon loads, and Rs. 2-0-10 at R. R. on
actual weight. however, a special station-to- station rate
This is,

which is considerably lower than the class rate which works out to
be Rs. 2-1-3 per maund at R. R. In this connection it will be
noted that the E. I. R. quotes lower rates only at 0. R. because at
R. R. the difference between the actual and the class rate is

almost negligible. Looking at the superior quality of the imported

1. In this connection evidence of Mr. Lelley before the Indian Fiscal

Commission is very important. Vide, Evidence, Vol, I. P. 255-56.
S. Ibid. P. 255 a.
3. Ibid.

4. Anticipating this tendency Mt. Lilley remarked "Pfrobatly the greatef t

portion of the imports will be in the finer qualities. We confine

Ourselves to making low qualities with Indian wool' . Ibid*

wool and higher price, the rate of Re. 1-9-1 per maund at

0. R. facilitates the consumption of imported wool, because from

the other more important internal centres, like Fazilka, Beawar,
Yarn, etc., the rates work out at a relatively higher level. The
incidence of railway rates from the more important centres on
the N. W. R. works out as follows :

Miles Station from Rates $er Maund.

N. W. E. I. Total

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

886 Sukkur 208 0137 2 14 3

768 Multan City 158 0154 250
592 Lahore 12 7 15 4 1 11 11
859 Daryakhan 1104 0154 298
1151 Yarn 2 14 5 13 7 3 12

The higher railway rates from the internal wool collecting

centres are due partly to longer distance and partly to lack of
Special station-to-station rates at 0. R. The question of distance,
however, is important only in some cases, because generally the
distance between each of the internal centres from which purchases
of wool are made and Cawnpore, is not longer than that between
Cawnpore and Howrah. Wool markets in the U. P. are, as a rule,
located at shorter distances. The lead from some centres in the
Punjab and the N. W. P. P. are in some cases longer. Therefore
the plea of distance is not very material to the issue in hand. The
important fact which seems to explain the position is that the
Indian railways pursue an individualistic policy, and therefore, do
not quote special station-to-station rates at 0. R. from internal
centres, because generally the total distance traversed is over more
than one line, and in rating the lines take into account only the
distance traversed on their individual lines. This puts a serious
handicap in the marketing of indigenous wool as well as the
woollen manufactures. The production of raw wool is thereby
affected because higher railway rates restrict the marketing area
and curtail the consumption of wool. It may be argued at this

point, that the difference in railway rates is not so substantial, as to

affect the output of raw wool, and more so because in India sheep
flocks are not maintained primarily for wool it being only a ;

bye-product. This argument, doubtless, emphasises the remark-

able feature of the production of raw wool in this country, but' it

seems to neglect the fundamental truth that wool is a most

important bye-product of Indian sheep, and that anything which

helps to raise the cost of marketing is sure to have its repurcussions
on the primary producer in the long run. The difference is only
in respect of time. Woollen manufactures are also affected because
the cost of primary raw material being raised, the selling price
of the finished product is obviously higher, which affects the
consumption generally. Here, too, it should be remembered that
the effects of higher railway rates charged on wool on the selling
price of the manufactured products differ with individual mills,
because the cost of production depends upon several factors.
But cannot be denied that higher railway rates, so far as

they are due to the individualistic policy of the railways, are

a serious handicap in the development of the wollen mill
industry in this country. It should, however, be noted that the
E. R. has recently withdrawn the concession rate quoted from

Howrah to Cawnpore at 0. R., so that to-day the actual rate charged

is Rs. 2-0-10 per maund at 0. R. on actual weight. This removes
the disparity in rating which had hitherto favoured the imported
stuff to the detriment of internal produce.

natural disadvantage in respect of the primary raw
material, wool, should not, however, be overlooked. The distance
over which raw wool has to be carried is a great disadvantage
because it raises the prices of the raw wool. This can be overcome
by offering reduced rates from the wool markets to internal mills.
The railway authorities, especially the N. W. R,, should see that
the rates are suitably adjusted, so as to stimulate manufacture of
wool within the country as far as possible, without, at the same
time, adversely affecting their own interests, for the aim of all
transportation is annihilation of distance,

When we consider the position of Cawnpore as a centre

of woollen manufactures, we find that it enjoys more advantageous
location, and therefore, can get necessary supply of raw wool at

rates lower than those paid by some other mills, like those of
Baroda, Mysore, etc. Besides, the Cawnpore Woollen Mills have
an efficient system of purchase of raw wool, which helps the mills to

1. Vide, E. I. E. Tariff, Part I, ( 1934 ),

P. 294,

get their wool supplies at cheaper prices than those of other mills .
Furthermore, in the markets in Northern India they have acquired
a virtual monopoly both in the purchase of raw materials and the
marketing of finished products, so that the railway rates are
easily shifted over to the consumer. Again, the goods manu-
factured by them, being of superior quality as compared with
those of other Indian mills, the incidence of railway rates is still
lower. Besides, the railways give better response to their requests
for suitable adjustments, because they are a big customer. Hence
when we analyse the evidence tendered by the representatives of
the British India Corporation before the different commissions, we
find no serious complaint made against the rates policy. In short,
therefore, their organised purchase of raw wool and better selling

system, coupled with the varied and relatively larger output, enables
them to compete better alike with the importers and the internal
producres, and the railway authorities have helped them throughout
by making suitable rate adjustments whenever a proper case has
been made out for the same.


Let us then carry our analysis further. In addition to wool,
which is a primary raw material, certain auxiliary raw materials are

consumed, some of which are imported from foreign countries

while others are locally purchased. Railway rates charged differ
according to the conditions of carriage and the size of the
consignment. This is significant because the Cawnpore Woollen
mill, being the largest woollen mill in India and the second largest
in the world , is able to avail itself of lower railway rates due to
larger size of the consignment. Furthermore, Cawnpore being
linked directly both with Calcutta and Bombay, the local mills get
lower railway rates on. imported raw materials due to port

1. Cawnpore Woollen and the New Egerton Woollen Mills at Dhariwal

are both managed by the British India Corporation and as the two
mills together consume the better share of wool raised in Northern

India, they have come to acquire better hold on the markets in U. P.,

the Punjab, N. W. F. P., and even Central India. They, however,

maintain very strict control over their officers, lest the matters which

they consider as secret should be divulged. No officer, therefore, dares

to speak anything of the organisation.
P. 885,
Yide, Indian Industrial Commispion, Evidence Yol,
2. I,

competition, to which freqnent references have been made in the

foregoing chapter. An idea of the rates charged on auxiliary
raw materials can be had from the statement submitted below r

Rates per Maund from Bombay to Cawnpore

Description of Material Rate

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

1982. 1935.
Soda ash ( alkali ) 01010 01010
Glauber Salt and Caustic Soda 12 9 12 9
Machinery parts 12 4

Colours, paints and dyes, Div.

B '
140 140
Acids :
hydrochloric, Sulphuric or Nitric 242 242
China Clay 10 4 10 10
Farina and Sago Flour 0111 0134
Packing Paper 0112 Oil 2

These are special reduced rates and when the distance and
value of respective articles are taken into account the nature of
concession offered becomes clear. The rates are quite reasonable.
As regards the conditions of wagon loads it has already been
pointed out that the British India Corporation, having the managing
agency of both Cawnpore Woollen Mills and New Egerton
Woollen Mills at Dhariwal, is able to take full advantage of these
wagon load conditions. Some
instances will better explain the
advantage conferred by the reduced rates offered by the railway
authorities. For example, the rate on soda ash (alkali) at 0. R.
(W/300 L ;) is Re. 0-10-10, whereas at R. R. on actual weight it

comes to Re. 1-6-5 \ On colours, paints and dyes, (Div. B.) rate
charged at R. R. is Rs. 2-4-2, but at 0. R. reduced rate of
Re. 1-8-5 per maund is offered
A . still lower rate is quoted on
wagon loads which, as referred to above, works out at Re. 1-4-0
per maund. Similarly, on machinery parts the R. R. rate is
Rs. 2-4-0 per maund, but the reduced rate at 0. R. is Re. 1-8-5.
A still lower rate is offered on wagon loads at Re. 0-12-4 per maund.
Thus it is clear that substantially lower rates are available to
woollen mills at Cawnpore, especially at wagon loads. But
it has to be noted that these reduced rates are offered only from

the port towns, and similar station-to-station rates are not

available from internal centres where some of the aforesaid
L Vide Letter of the G. I. P. R. No-R. Q. 3/13, dated 9/9/32.
2, Ibid.

auxiliary raw materials are produced. This helps the consumption

of imported goods even when similar goods are available within
the country.

It has already been mentioned that the Cawnpore Woollen
Mills Co. has a well-organised sales department and efficient
agency system. Railway rates on woollen piece-goods to some
more important centres work out as follows :

Rates (0. R.) per Maund from Cawnpore

Miles Station to Rate Miles Station to Bate
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

198 Gwalior 11 3 773 Ahmednagar 350

319 Bhopal 116 872 Poona 356
561 Nagpur 1 13 5 551 Amritsar 1 13 3

314 Jubbulpore 113 570 Lahore 1 14 3

840 Bombay 242 630 Howrah 218

941 Sholapur 430
These rates are similar to those charged on cotton piece-goods
from Cawnpore, and as enough has already been said on this point
in connection with the cotton mill industry, it is needless to
repeat the same here. But, should be pointed out that woollen

goods command relatively higher prices than cotton piece-goods

and are consumed by the well-to-do classes, and therefore, the
railway rates do not consumption of these
materially affect the
goods, even if they are slightly higher. Per contra, if the rates
were to be lowered, they would go to swell the dividend of this
Company and the consumers would not get any share of
the reduction. Therefore, rates on woollen piece-goods from
Cawnpore are quite reasonable.

A reference has been made before to the effect that blankets
are also manufactured at Cawnpore. In fact, Messrs. Baijnath
Balmukund Woollen Mills concentrate largely on the manufacture
of blankets, and supply blankets to the Government and Public
bodies . The Cawnpore Woollen Mills also manufacture blankets.

1. Vide, Report of the Director of Industries, United Provinces 1924-25.


Therefore railway rates charged on blankets are important. We

quote below rates to a few more important markets.

Rates per maundfor Caivnpore (Blankets)

Miles Station to Mate (R R)

Es. a. p.
198 Gwalior 11 3
319 Bhopal 1 1 6
561 Nagpur 1 13 2
314 Jubbulpore 1 1 3
840 Bombay 242
941 Sholapur 317
773 Ahmednagar 2 8 11

872 Poona 2 14 1


It will be seen that these rates are similar to those quoted on

piece-goods Blankets are heavier in weight
adverted to above.
and lower in value than woollen piece goods, and therefore the
injustice of charging equal rates on both the articles is obvious.
This is due to the fact that whereas in the case of piece-goods

ratesquoted are at 0. R., those in the case of blankets are at R. R.

This is indeed an important condition, and it is reasonable that
there should be a difference in rates between 0. R. and R. R. But
here we find that while piece-goods are permitted alteranative rates at
0. R. and R. R., in the case of blankets there is no such alternative.
This is against the widely accepted practice of rate-making, which
recognises the difference in charge between 0. R. and R. R. and
permits the alternative to the shippers. It cannot be gainsaid,
therefore, that the higher railway rates charged on the transport
of blankets have adversely affected the manufacturing industry,
especially those mills which depend primarily on the manufacture
of blankets and of coarser variety. The majority of the woollen
mills concentrate more on the production of blankets, and as the
rates charged are higher, the cost of transport is substantially
raised, and the marketing area is thereby limited. Higher railway
rates, therefore, offer a partial explanation of the difficulties with
which the Indian woollen mills have been faced in the last few years.
"The condition of the woollen industry", says the Report of the
Director of Industries, Bombay Presidency, continued to be
unsatisfactory during the year. In 1920 there were five woollen

mills in the Presidency. In 1929 there were only three such mills
working in the Presidency. During the latter period of 1929 one
of these mills with a paid up capital of Rs. 13 lakhs went into
liquidation. No new mills were started. Thus, in the year
1931 only two mills were working as they were in 1930 ." The
industry is passing through difficult times, and with the exception
of a few, almost all the woollen mills are incurring heavy losses. In
view of these conditions, it is incumbent on the railway authorities
to revise their rates on blankets. Besides, offering reduced
rates at 0. R., special station-to-station rates should be quoted
from different mills to more important consuming markets. We
shall presently discuss the marketing facilities of the other mills.


We have seen that the Dhariwal woollen mills and Cawnpore
Woollen mills, or Lal-Imli ', are under the same managing agents,
the British India Corporation, and hence their purchase of raw
materials and the marketing of finished products is more or less
centralised. This helps to lower the cost of production of the
mills by eliminating waste in transport costs. Here, however, it
should be noted that since these two mills are located in two
different centres, the incidence of railway rates, both in respect of
raw materials and finished products, varies. Therefore, it has been
felt that the railway freights as affecting the Dhariwal Mills should
be separately studied.
Rates on wool from the more important collecting centres, to
Dhariwal are given below :

Station from Bate Station from Hate

Rs. a. p. Es. a. p.

Karachi 284 Bikaner 139

Sukkur 1 12 Beawar 1 13 7
Fazilka 083 Marwar 1 15 10
Delhi 102 Adorn 363
MultanCity 14 9 Nairn Tal 276
Lahore 041 Tanakpur 199
Daryakhan 109 Eamnagar 156
Yaru 298 Haldwani 274
Kalimpang 484
The freight situation as portrayed in the foregoing statement
does not convey a favourable position it demonstrates the natural
' ^ '

1. Vide, Report 1931-32 j

P. 3.


disadvantage under which the Indian woollen mills labour in

respect of this primary raw material. With the exception of a few
centres, the rates in general seem to be high, due to longer distance
over which the traffic has to be carried. Furthermore, in some
cases the traffic has to pass over several railway systems and the
total freight charged, therefore, becomes higher. This is especially
true of from Marwar, Adoni, Nainital, Tanakpur, Ramnagar,

Haldwani and Kalimpong. It is interesting to analyse the rates

charged from some of these stations, so as to know the nature of
the freight charged on different systems, and the rates policy as
affecting the through traffic. Traffic from Adoni, for instance, is
routed via Raichur and New Delhi and crosses over the M. & S.M.,
the G. I.and N. W, Railways, the proportionate share of the
rate being Re. 0-3-1, Rs. 2-8-7, and Re. 0-10-6 respectively.
Similar is the case with the traffic from Tanakpur, Ramnagar,
and Haldwani :

R & K. E. I. N. W. Total

Tanakpur 046 094 01111 199

Ramnagar 032 065 01111 156
Haldwani 050 065 11 11 274
In this case, the traffic passes over three railways. In the
case of Kalimpong the traffic is routed via Kishenganj, Katihar,
Bara Banki and Saharanpur and the proportionate share of rates
works out as follows :

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
K. R. 040 B. & N. W.
D. H. 10 7 E. I. R.
T. C. 004 N. W.
E. B. 031
Total 4

In such railways find it difficult to quote reduced

Btation-to-station rate and the freight perforce has to be higher.
These details clearly bring out the fact that the Indian mills are
not very suitably located as regards the supply of their raw
materials. This disadvantage is accentuated by the individuali-
stic policy pursued by the railways. They do not quote
reduced station-to-station rates in the case of through traffic
from the more distant centres. Doubtless there are some
gtation-to-station rates, but they are mainly for local traffic*
Therefore, the Dharhval Mills draw their supplies primarily

from the areas in the Punjab, North Western Provinces,

U. P., and the Central India. Further, in respect of imports by
land from Tibet, Afghanistan, etc., this mill is more favourably
located. Hence, as compared with other woollen mills it gets a
better supply of raw wool and at relatively cheaper railway freight.
The post-war increase in rates on wool adds to the difficulties
of the situation as will be seen from the statement given below s-

Station from Present Rate Rate in 1914

Es. a. p. Es. a. p.

Karachi 284 172

Sukkur 1 12 15
Fazilka 083 053
Delhi 102 090
Multan City 0149 0711
Lahore 041 022
Daryakhan 109 097
Yaru 298 165
The increase in rates has been considerable and the incidence
becomes still heavier when the price level is taken into considera-
tion. The need of revision, therefore, cannot be too strongly

Karachi being the nearest port, the rates on stores and other
auxiliary raw materials used by the mills work out as follows

Articles Present Kate Hate in 191 4

Es. a. p. (0. E.) Es. a. p. (0. E.)

Lubricating Oil 1134 172
Caustic Soda 0130 0141
Glauber Salt 1134 2 2 10 E. E.
do 2 8 4 E. E.
Soda Ash 0130 14 1

Machinery parts 1 13 4 14 1

Belting Leather 396 2 14 3

Colours, etc. (Div. B.) 1 13 4 172

Iron and Steel (Div. A.) 2 11 1 2 2 10
do. (Div. B.) 1 13 4 E. E. 12 3
1 7 2 E. R.
Hardware 396 2 14 3
Hessian Cloth 1 13 4 172
Soap 1 13 4 172

With a few rates convey a favourable

exceptions, these
impression. on Machinery parts should, however, be
reduced and reduced rate at owner's risk be quoted on Iron and
Steel (Piv. B),

now review the rates on piece-goods manufactured by
Let us
the Mill, In the preceding section it was pointed out that the
Dhariwal Mills is one of the most important mills in India and
distributes its products throughout the country. The railway rates

charged to some more important markets are tabulated below :

Station to Kate Station to Kate

Rs. a. p. Rs. a, p.
Amritsar 027 Patna 2 14 7
Ambala 10 1 Howrah 371
Lahore 044 Bhopal 279
Delhi 109 Nagpur 398
Agra 180 Ahmedabad 2 10 11
Cawnpore 1 14 9 Baroda 2 14 2
Lucknow 1 13 7 Bombay 3 1 10
Allahabad 230 Madras 666
Benares 253 Bangalore City 6 10 3

The rates quoted above also apply to blankets at railway risk.

These are class rates and discourage long distance traffic. To
Stimulate long distance the railways in their
traffic own interest
should quote telescopic schedule rates.
The extent of increase in rates during the post-war period
will be gauged from the statement submitted below :

Station to Present Kate Kate in 1914

Rs. a. p. (0. R,) Rs. a. p. (0. R.)

Rawalpindi 13 4 10 10
Peshawar City 129 15 3
Amritsar 029 020
Ambala City 10 1 083
Lahore 044 035
Delhi 109 13 7
Karachi 2 11 1 1 7 11

The foregoing increase in rates when compared with that on

wool tones down and does not seem to be unreasonable. The rate
to Karachi, however, seems to have been raised substantially and
needs to bo reduced,

At Baroda there is a woollen mill known as the Maharani
Woollen Mills, manufacturing woollen cloth and blankets. This
mill was started in 1922 and during the decade it had to pass
through several adverse circumstances. The problem of transport
costs has attracted the attention of the Managing Agents and
strenuous endeavours are made to economise in this direction.
We shall, therefore, review in brief the position in respect of
railway rates affecting this concern,

It will be recalled that the more important centres of raw

wool trade are Fazilka, Haldwani, Multan, Delhi, Yaru, Karachi,

Sukkur, Bikaner, Marwar, Beawar, Rajkot (Kathiawar), Bombay,
Bangalore, Adoni, Ealimpong, etc. The Indian Woollen Mills draw
their supplies of raw wool from these centres, the proportion of the
individual mills differing with their qualitative requirements and
the distance from the mills. Eates per maund to Baroda from
some more important wool markets are as follows :

Markets from Pate Markets from Kate

Rs a. p. Rs. a, p.

Bombay 14 3 Bikaner 1 12 3

Before discussing the foregoing rates it may be mentioned

that on raw wool, like Blankets, there are no 0. R. rates and there-
fore only E. R. rates have been given. A
rapid glance at the rates
will show that in respect of railway rates, the importance of
different centres varies considerably. Thus, for instance, whereas
from Beawar the rate is maund, from Yaru it is
Rs. 1-2-6 per
Rs. 3-9-1. The difference between the two is indeed substantial.
If, therefore, the Baroda Mills have to purchase wool from Yaru, it

seems that the supply of wool from the nearer sources is not
Sufficient for their requirements, or that other factors like prices,

quality of the material, etc. have a better sway. Similarly, the rate

I. NOW in liquidation.

charged from Multan is Rs. 3-3-9 per maund. These rates seem
to be prohibitive.


Let us then study these rates in relation to the prices of raw

wool. The position may be summed up as follows :

Stations from Approximate price of Wool Eate

Per maund
Rs. Rs. a. p.
Multan 16 339
Yaru 10 391
Kalimpong 20 502
Karachi 14 275
Beawar 18 126
Ramnagar 18 285
Adorn 7 2 6 11

The foregoing table strikingly demonstrates the importance

of raw wool prices, as also of the railway rates, in determining
the actual quantity of raw wool purchased by the mills from
the respective centres. Prices at Yaru and Adoni are lower,
and therefore, even though higher railway rates are charged,
the mills seem to find it convenient to make their purchases in
these markets. But after studying the situation a little deeper,
we find that the mills require wool of relatively lower quality for
manufacturing blankets and hence they have of necessity to
purchase wool from Adoni and Yaru because of the lower prices.
Thus, it seems that the mills have to carry their raw wool supplies
over very long distances, and consequently pay higher transport
charges, which vary from 25 to 40 per cent, of the cost of raw
wool. This is a serious drawback in the organisation of the
industry in general, and this mill in particular. It cannot be
gainsaid that the Baroda Mills have to work under a great handicap
of higher transport costs, in respect of their sole raw material,
"wool". No doubt, other mills are working under similar
disadvantages, but from what has-been adverted to above, it will be
seen that the Cawnpore Woollen Mills are relatively in a better
position, and, as it will be shown later, even the Bombay mills
enjoy some advantages in this respect. It seems, therefore, that
Baroda works relatively under greater disadvantages, and we shall
try to see how far this handicap can be reduced.

So far as the higher rates are due to longer distances over

which the traffic has to be carried, it may be said that the
handicap is natural and therefore permanent. But here, too,
it has to be pointed out that in conformity with the general

practice of rate-making, lower rates at 0. R. need to be quoted

as an essential alternative to the shippers. Furthermore, reduced
rates should be offered in the form of special station-to-station
rates from the important collecting centres to woollen mills,
because they being by far the largest and more regular shippers,
have a right to claim more favourable treatment at the hands of
the carrier, than small and casual shippers. Such rates are in
fact quoted from some centres to Dhariwal on the N. W. R. and
to Cawnpore on the E. L, B. B., and G. I. P. Railways. But
unfortunately we find no such rates to Baroda. This handicap
should therefore be removed by offering similar station-to-station
rates to Baroda as well. The mills on their part should endeavour
to purchase raw wool from the nearer markets, and transport the
same in larger consignments, so as to get better transport facilities
from the railways concerned.
Further, it seems that when wool is purchased at Adoni
in Southern India, and booked directly to Baroda, it costs
more than to book it to Bombay, and then get it re-booked to
Baroda. If so, this is anomalous. A similar question was raised
before the Railway Rates Advisory Committee in the Sholapur Mills
Case, and the decision given in that case is very useful here. In
the light of that decision it can be maintained that the Baroda Mills
have a right to get the present rate from Adoni reduced to that from
Adoni to plus Bombay-Baroda rate. But we do not possess
the details, and therefore it may suffice to suggest that the railway
authorities should look into the case and remove the anomaly.
The from Karachi should be further investigated and

revised, if The current rate from Karachi is Rs. 2-7-5 per

needs be.
maund, but the sea-cum-rail route from Karachi to Bombay, and
thence to Baroda is considerably cheaper, the charge in the latter
case is nearly 50 per cent. less.

Kalimpong wool is taken to Calcutta from

Similarly, if
Kalimpong, and carried by steamer from Calcutta to Bombay,

and thence by rail from Bombay to Baroda, the total freight charge
is less than that when the traffic is carried by all rail route from

Kalimpong to Baroda.

The rate from Rajkot another instance to the point. The


sea-cum-rail route is cheaper. If wool is taken from Rajkot to

Mahuwar (Bhavnagar) and is taken to Bombay by steamer, and then

railed to Baroda, the total rate is cheaper than the rate charged on
the entire rail route from Rajkot to Baroda, All these cases should
be investigated.
The impression from what has been detailed above is that

the Baroda mills have some transport disadvantage in respect of raw

wool supplies, part of which is natural and part is capable of being
removed with the co-operation of the Managing Agents of the mill
and the railway authorities.
Auxiliary raw materials or stores are purchased by the Baxoda
mill authorities from Bombay. Some minor purchases are also
made at other places in the neighbourhood like Ahmedabad. We
have already stated that railway rates on the stores or auxiliary raw
materials are not such as may materially affect the cost of
production of the finished products. Nevertheless, in a study like
the present they cannot be ignored. We may tabulate the rates on
the more important articles as under :

Rates per Maundfrom Baroda

Description of articles Kate
Bs. a. p.

Lubricating oils 10 1

Acetic acid and other liquids 126

Caustic Soda 10 1

Glauber salt 9 10
Soda Ash 093
Small machinery parts 10 1

Leather goods such as, Belting, Pickers, Bobbins,

Shuttles, etc. 126
Dyes and Colours 126
Hardware and Iron 10 1
Hessian Cloth. 10 1

The Baroda mills have an advantage over the Cawnpore mills

when the freight paid on the stores is considered. The advantage
is due to the location of the Baroda mill, being nearer Bombay.

On a closer examination it appears that the advantage enjoyed by

the Boroda mills over the Cawnpore mills is not as great as it may

appear. The advantage is partly neutralised by the fact 'that the


Cawnpore mills purchase their requirements in greater quantity

and therefore get the advantage of lower wagon load rates.
The Baroda mills manufacture largely woollen cloth and
blankets. Their markets extend throughout the country, such as
Cawnpore, Agra, Amritsar, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Bombay, Karachi,
Nagpur, Jubbulpore, Sholapur, Akola, Amraoti, Bangalore,
Calcutta, Tinsukia, Diburgarh, Gauhati (Assam), Muzzaffarpur, Patna,
Ranchi, Railway rates, therefore, play a very important part

In markets nearer at hand rates are not felt so much

in their sales.
and hence we give below a few rates to some distant centres of
consumption with a view to show the longer distances over which
the goods have to be transported, which entails substantially heavy
transport costs.
Rates per Maundfrom Baroda
Stations to Rates on Blankets Kates on Woolkn Cloth
at R. R. at 0. R.
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
Amritsar 2 12 5 2 12 5
Delhi 205 205
Karachi 276 276
Cawnpore 227 2 14
Peshawar 3 10 6 3 10 6
Bangalore 315 3 15 5
Madras 372 3 1 11
Muzzaffarpur 3 6 10 331
Tinsukia 5 15 9 5 11 6
Dibrugarh 5 14 5 6 9 10
Howrah 426 2 5 11

The most striking feature of the foregoing schedule rates is

the relative high level, especially in the case of the last three
markets. In view of the length of the haul, it is not proper
to attribute injustice to the railway authorities. Under the
circumstances, one cannot help saying that in case Baroda
mills think it advisable to cater for these distant markets
in Assam, they should be prepared to pay higher freight. From
the standpoint of the railroad manager, is it economic to carry

goods from the port of Calcutta, or from any other port as a matter
of fact, to upcountry consuming markets, lika Dibrugarh, Tinsukia,
etc., than from Baroda, because of the size of the consignment,

break of gauge, even if the distance is the same in both cases.

Railways have been planned and constructed in this country,
primarily with a view to facilitate the movement of the export and
import trade, and therefore, students of the Indian transport
system have perforce to advocate changes, to which pure transport
economics may seemingly fail to lend support. Let us explain the
statement further. The more important internal centres of trade
have been linked up to ports by a broad gauge railway system while
the internal towns, in their turn, are linked together with lines on
varying gauges, broad, metre, and narrow. The result is that when
a consignment has to pass from one internal centre to another,
linked with railway lines of more than one gauge, it has to pay freight
higher than if the same consignment were to travel on the same
gauge. Thus, break of gauge, which is a besetting sin of the
internal traffic, involves higher costs. On pure economic principles,
therefore, lower freight on port traffic is
apparently justified.
Besides, in the present case, the distance from Baroda to Bengal
and Assam is very great. In short, in these markets the Baroda
mills have a great transport handicap and it may be suggested that
tariff protection should be tried.
But it behoves us to examine the extent to which railways can
offer a remedy, or, in other words, as to how far the railway rates
are capable of suitable adjustment. In the first place, the railways
may help to ease the situation by introducing a uniform classific-
ation. At present
as adverted to above some railways have higher

Secondly, for woollen blankets lower rates at 0. R.


should be offered. Further, station-to-station rates ought to be

quoted to some distant important markets to help the long distance
traffic. Above all to facilitate long distance traffic in matters of
rate making, the total distance traversed by the consignment,

irrespective of the distance on the individual lines, should be taken

into consideration. That is, in rate-making, the entire railway net
of the country should be taken as one system.
The position of the Bombay Woollen Mills in respect of
railway rates is similar to those of the cotton mills. They can more
easily procure the supplies of their raw materials, especially the
auxiliary raw materials or mill stores and imported wool. In the
case of imports the question of railway rates does not arise
fct all.

For indigenous wool also Bombay is a good market, because
here gravitates wool right from Bikaner in the North, and Kathia-
war in the West, to Khandesh and Mysore in the South. Kaihvay
ratesdo affect the price of raw wool, but it is very difficult to
precisely evaluate the effect. The mills, it is learnt, make their
purchase of raw wool in the city itself, and have no agency system
of purchase as is the case with the Cawnpore and Dhariwal Woollen
mills. The mills can get adequate quantities of raw-wool, because
as aforesaid Bombay attracts raw wool from distant centres for

export. A rough idea of the nature of railway rates can be had

from the figures givenbelow :

Rates per Maund to Bombay

Miles Station from Kate Condition
Rs. a. p.

527 Marwar 1 8 11 R. R.
681 Beawar 1 12
697 Jaipur 217
885 Eissar 267
1059 Fazilka 289
840 Cawnpore 242
840 238 O.R.
838 Agra 289 R.R.
443 Raiclmr 1 11 5 O.R.
443 Via Raichur 160 W/300 L.


The marketing of finished goods is, however, more interesting
from the railway point of view. One important feature of the
G. I. P. Eailway tariffs, which strikes most in this connection is
the contrast in facilities offered for piece-goods and blankets.
Whereas numerous reduced rates, as special station-to-station

rates, are available for the former class of goods, the latter

is denied all such facilities. Seemingly, this differentiation is

due to the fact that traffic in blankets is far less than that
in piece-goods. But this differentiation is justified only when the
traffic is offered in wagon loads, that is, if the lower rates were
offered on wagon loads, there need be no adverse comments. But
that is not so. Even on actual weight there is a marked difference

in the treatment and the rates quoted. How the industry is affected
by the rates policy thus pursued will, perhaps, be better understood

by taking up the actual rates. In the statement given below an

attempt is made to summarise the position.
Rates per maund from Bombay
Miles Station to Piece-goods Blankets
Rates 0. E. Kates R. R.
Rs. a. p. Ks. a. p.

520 Nagpur 1 11 10 1 11 10
353 Khandwa 176 133
616 Jubbulpore 2 10 3 2 10
1223 Howrah 199 199
521 Bhopal 1 4 15 1 11 11
702 Jhansi 270 253
839 Cawnpore 242 242
763 Gwalior 10
2 11 285
838 Agra 289 289
868 Muttra 2 7 11 2 7 11
957 New Delhi 2 10 3 2 10 3

The position portrayed above is sufficiently clear to need any

elaborate comments. Blankets and piece-goods are charged almost
the same rates with the difference of the conditions of risk. It
will be recalled that the G. I. P. has an exception to the general
* '
classification, and charges C schedule rate on piece-goods, which
is substantially higher than the 4th. From Bombay
class rate.

centre, however, many station-to-station rates are quoted, which are

' '
lower than the C schedule rate. This will be evident from the
foregoing table. Itseen that the rates on piece goods,
will be

subject to minor exceptions, are similar to the 4th. class rates

on blankets. Thus, whereas there are good facilities offered to
the piece-goods traffic, blankets have to pay the class rate, and
no special station-to-station rates are offered.
The G. I. P. Railway authorities may argue that they have not
made any exception to the general classification rate on blankets,
which is 4th class, as has been the case with the rate on piece-goods,
and therefore, in practice the rate on woollen piece-goods and
woollen blankets are practically similar, as is the case with the
other railways. This can be a very strong and plausible argument
in defence of the status quo. But, then the policy of the G. I. P.
lends itself to criticism from the other side. One may ask if
the G. I. P. can afford to charge the same rates on woollen
as the other railways do, why should they not charge

similar rates on piece-goods as well ? That is, why should they

not makethe 4th class rate at 0. R., to which in fact the special
station-to-station rates work out, a general rate applicable from all
the mill centres to important consuming centres ? In other words,
the G. I. P. should charge 4th class rate at 0. R. on piece-goods
from all cotton and woollen mill centres, and *C' schedule rate
should be applied on piece-goods traffic other than that from the
local mills. Therefore, with reference to the G. I. P. the charges
should be two-fold; firstly, that reduced station-to-station rates should
be quoted on blankets from the mill centres to important markets, as
those quoted at present on piece-goods from Bombay and secondly, ;

the special station-to-station rates on piece-goods be extended to

other internal mills as well.


There is another woollen mill known as theReaymond Woollen
Mills at Thana, about 20 miles from Bombay. The position of
this mill in respect of railway rates is essentially different from the
Bombay mills as will be presently seen. In respect of raw wool
and stores, however, there is only a slight difference of which a
passing reference is sufficient.

The Thana Mills purchase their raw materials at Bombay and
import direct from foreign countries and hence their position is
similar to those of the Bombay Mills, except that they have to pay
transport charges from Bombay to Thana. The mills transport
their raw materials from Bombay to the mill site at Thana through
their own motor lorries. Therefore, the question of railway
transport does not arise.


Railway rates, however, play a more important part in market-

ing the finished products, piece-goods and blankets. The mills sell
their products to the agents f o. r. mills, and therefore, they seem

apparently indifferent about the rates charged. But the effect of

railway rates in determining the prices at different markets, in
competition with the output of other mills or even of imports
cannot be so lightly dismissed, as the mill authorities seem to

think. Rates on piece-goods to more important markets ar

tabulated below :

Rates per Maund from Thana 1 .

Miles Station to Rate Miles Station to Kate

Before making a comparative study of rates on piece-goods

from Thana and Bombay, it is necessary to analyse the foregoing
rates. Some apparent
discrepancies need to be pointed out. It
will be seen that the rate to Nagpnr for 500 miles is Rs. 2-10-2,
but for a similar distance to Bhopal the rate of Rs. 2-0-3 per
maund is quoted. It seems strange that the rate should be so high

in the case of Thana, when from other centres like Bombay and
Cawnpore the rate comes to be Rs. 1-11-10 and Rs. 1-13-5 per
maund, for 250 and 561 miles respectively. Similarly the rate to
Jubbulpore is unduly high, because when the rate is Rs. 2-3-7
to Bangalore for 673 miles, it is unfair to charge Re. 3-2-1 for 595
miles. The Shalimar rate is adjusted according to Bombay rate.

But themore important question is to examine the relative

transport position of Bombay and Thana as affecting the marketing
facilities. When the two foregoing tables are brought together
the situation becomes clear. One is impressed with the striking
contrast between the two tables, and the relative advantages
enjoyed by Bombay over Thana in matters of railway freight. It
will suffice to take a few illustrations to substantiate this statement.
For instance, the rate from Bombay to Nagpur is Rs. 1-11-10 for
520 miles, whereas from Thana it is Rs. 2-10-2 for 500 miles.
Similarly, to Jubbulpore the rate from Bombay is Rs. 2-3-10 per
1 Vide, Letter of the G, I, P. R, No. R. Q. 3/13 dated 9-9-1932.

maund for 616 miles, but from Thana the rate is Rs. 3-2-1 for
595 miles. These instances show how higher rates are levied for
shorter distances. Again to Bhopal, Jhansi, Cawnpore, etc., the
ratesfrom Thana are higher than those from Bombay, even
though the distance in the former case is lower than that from
the latter.


Rates on woollen blankets may now be examined. We cite
below a few rates which will give us the important trends of the
rates policy, as effecting the marketing of woollen blankets manu-
factured by the Thana Mills.

Rates per Maund from Thana

Miles Station to Rate Miles Station to Rate
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

183 Chalisgaon 10 5 819 Cawnpore 2 11 4

241 Jalgaon 13 5 99 Poona 061
276 Amalnei 15 3 471 Hyderabad 198
333 Khandwa 122 673 Bangalore 237
263 Sholapur 14 7 177 Surat 9 10
197 Ahmednagar 11 2 320 Ahmedabad 122
500 Nagpur 1 10 10 257 Baroda 14 11
500 Bhopal 1 10 10

Fortunately, the rates on woollen blankets, as quoted above, do

not show so many discrepancies, as is the case with piece-goods,
and seem to be more reasonable. Thus, for instance, the rates on
blankets to Nagpur and Bhopal are equal, the distance being the
same in both the cases, but in the case of piece-goods, as already
pointed out, the rate to Nagpur is higher than that to Bhopal.
Again, unlike the case of piece-goods, rates on blankets from
Thana are not higher than those from Bombay. This is so because
there are no special station-to-station rates on blankets from
But not meant to convey that these rates (on blankets)
it is

from all blemishes which have been noted in other cases.

are free
There are certain most conspicuous anomalies which may be
pointed out at this stage. When rates paid by the Thana mills are
compared with those charged from Bombay certain interesting
instances present themselves. Thus, for instance, the rate charged

from Bombay to Cawnpore is Rs. 2-4-2 per maund, but from

Thana Rs. 2-11-4 are charged. Why this apparent discrepancy ?
Here is an explanation. The rate from Bombay to Cawnpore is
adjusted according to the rate from Howrah to Cawnpore and there-
fore as the distance in the latter case (Howrah-Cawnpore) is shorter
the actual adjusted rate charged in the former case (Bombay-
Cawnpore) has of necessity to be low, if the import traffic passing
through Bombay to Cawnpore is to be maintained. The apparent
anomaly is therefore explained, and justified on the plea of port
competition. The effect of this policy on the indigenous indus-
tries is manifestly adverse as can be seen from the present case.
The import traffic gets better facilities at the cost of internal traffic.
Under the circumstances one may well question the continuance
of this port competition. As imported traffic can be carried
more economically to Cawnpore through Calcutta port, it is
undesirable that the same should be diverted to Bombay. Even
on pure economic grounds, this is unjustified, because it costs more
to carry a given load to Cawnpore through Bombay port due to
the longer distance and the ghats to be traversed. Further, both
the E. I. R. and the G. I. P. R. are owned and worked by the
Government of India, and therefore such competition is undesirable.
Even when the railways concerned are not owned and worked by
the Government, they can be forced to accept a scheme worked out
by the State, which attempts to restrict the competition between
the railways.
To sum up, the relative position of the Thana Woollen Mills
( Reaymond Woollen Mills ) in respect of railway rates, it should be
noted that the mills have a slight disadvantage as compared with
the Bombay mills with which they have to compete. This
disadvantage is off-set by certain ad vantages in other respects which
the Thana mills have over those at Bombay, and therefore does
not restrict the sales of the output in the market in competition
with the Bombay mills. In respect of raw materials, the Thana
mills are almost in the same position as those at Bombay, except
the motor truck charges which they have to bear in transporting
their goods from Bombay to the mills. In marketing blankets
also they have reasonable rates, except that Bombay has an
advantage in certain markets due to port competition. But the
anomalies are more common in rates quoted on woollen piece--
goods and here Bombay has better facilities.


Bangalore City, in Mysore State, is another important centre
of the woollen industry. This is a very important centre of woollen
mills in Southern India, but we are unable to do full justice to it
because of the scarcity of the requisite data. With reference to
the location of the mills, in respect of the supply of raw materials,
it may generally purchased from the
be noted that raw wool is

neighbouring districts, because Madras Presidency turns out a

large quantity of wool, and has a large annual surplus for
export. Wool of superior quality Bellary is one of
is imported.
the important districts, known for output of raw wool, and the

rate per maund charged to Bangalore City is Re. 0-11-7. Wool is

also brought from distant centtre like Kalimpong, and the rate per
maund works out at Rs. 5-9-7. Therefore, the actual rates paid
from different centres vary between these two figures in general.
Doubtless, there are some neighbouring towns which supply raw
wool, and consequently lower freight is charged from these
despatching stations, but our general conclusions remain unaffected.
It can fairly be said that the Bangalore mills have no disadvantage
in respect of raw wool as compared with other mills.

The auxiliary raw materials or mill stores are imported

through Madras, and the position in respect of rates on different
articles is as follows :

Materials Current Rate Pre-war Rate

(1932.) (1912)
Rg. a. p. Rs. a. p.

Lubricating Oil 089 067

Caustic Soda 080 098
Soda Ash 4 10 6 7
Machinery parts 089 067
Leather goods 104 12 8
Colours, paints & dyes ( Div. A )* 0126 098
( Div. B ) 089 067
Hardware, N. 0. C. 104 8
Gunnies 089 067
Soap 089 098
In respect of auxiliary raw materials also, as the foregoing
ratesindicate, the Bangalore mills have no disadvantage when
compared with centres like Cawnpore, Dhariwal or even Baroda,
albeit Bombay and Thana mills have an advantage in as much as


they have to pay almost nothing by way of railway freight.

Further, from the pre-war rates, it will be seen that on an average
there has been an increase of about 30 per cent. There is nothing
particular about this increase in rates, because it is common with
other woollen mills and other industries. It is not our intention
to justify this increase, but we do not wish to dilate upon this
issue because enough has been said about this question on
several occasions.

But a more interesting part of the enquiry is the marketing

of finished products. The case of Bangalore Woollen mills offers
a good illustration of the particularist proclivities of the Indian
railways, as affecting the woollen industry. It would be better,
therefore, to analyse a few rates from Bangalore, to some more
important consuming markets, so as to precisely understand the
nature of railway facilities offered to the mills.

Rates per maund on piece-goods from Bangalore

Station to Route Rate (0. R.)

Es. a. p.

Jalarpet 057
Guntur 100
Bezwada 181
Nellore 16 11
Poona 214
Shalimar Waltaire 200
Ahmednagar Via Raich ur 292
Bombay Poona 201
Ahmedabad ,, Hogli and Dadar 2 12 7
Baroda 294
Ajmer Poona and Dadar 478
Cawnpore ,, 560
Delhi Bellarshah 4 10 4
Nagpur 338
Amritsar Bellarehah and New Delhi 512
Peshawar 60 11
Madras 12 6


It willbe seen that the Bangalore mills have relatively higher
rates to pay. This is due partly to the railway policy and partly
to the location of the mills. So far as the markets in the

of the mills are concerned, the question of rates obviously does not
come to the fore; but it does assume a relatively greater importance,
when more distant markets are catered for. It may be pointed
out that woollen goods are largely consumed in cold climes, and
therefore the mills, of necessity, have to cater for distant market?.
Woollen goods are not in great demand in the Madras Presidency,
because of the climate, and whatever demand exists is generally
for finer classes of goods which is supplied by the imports.
Therefore, in the first place the demand for woollen piece-goods
in the Presidency, such as are manufactured by the Indian Woollen
mills, is considerably limited, and secondly, there is the compe-

tition of the other mills and of the imports as well. This compe-
tition increases in intensity in more distant markets as noted in the

foregoing statement. In more important towns in the Bombay

Presidency, the Bangalore mills have to face the competition of
the Bombay mills and of the Cawnpore and even Dhariwal
Woollen mills. As for the markets in Upper India, they are
almost bolted against the Bangalore mills because of the increased
internal competition. It is needless to say that the Cawnpore

mills are more important both in respect of the quantity and

quality of the output, and therefore, it is difficult for the internal
mills to compete in the Upper India markets. In short, in
marketing the output, the Bangalore mills have advantage only in
neighbouring markets, and in the Madras Presidency, but in other
markets, as aforesaid, they have to face the serious competition of
other mills. This shows that the potentialities of the Bangalore
woollen mills are considerably limited. At this point, it may not
be irrelevant to suggest that in future no new woollen mills
should be established in the Mysore State, and fears, not altogether
unwarranted, are entertained that if a woollen mill is floated in
Madras, the condition of at least some of the Bangalore woollen
mills would in fact become precarious, One may question the
economic justification of the number of woollen mills actually
working to-day in Bangalore City. It may be suggested that if

one of the three woollen mills located at Bangalore shifts its plant
to Madras, the stepwould prove beneficial to the Indian woollen
industry in general and the mill so shifting in particular. The
present difficulties of the Bangalore woollen mills are therefore
due to the location of tho mills, the limited extent of the markets
and the internal competition,

But, the railway situation is no less to blame.

Being located
on the M. & S. M. Railway, the Bangalore Woollen mills in
catering for more important markets have to despatch their
consignments over two or more lines. But in matters of rate-
making, Indian railways generally follow an individualistic policy,
and therefore, when the consignment passes over more than one
line, no special station-to-station rate, lower than the class rate, is
available, which would have been obviously provided, if the entire
distance had been covered by a single line. This is a common
feature of the railway policy, as adverted to above, and not
peculiar to the case in question. It has already been pointed out,
while discussing the transport facilities of other mills, that through
station-to-station rates are rarely quoted, that railwayseven when
they are under common management want to be treated as separate
entities. The case of Bangalore mills has been singled out, because
of the greater transport disadvantage under which they have to
labour. The G. I. P. has special classification for piece-goods,
which is higher than the general classification, and therefore when
the consignments from Bangalore have to pass over the G. I. P.
Section they are charged the class rate, while from Bombay
special station-to-station rates are quoted. The effect of this policy
is and the import trade gets an undue
that internal trade suffers
advantage over the internal trade. That ends our survey of the
Indian Woollen Mill industry. We shall now briefly outline the
important features of Cottage Manufactures.

The Manufacture of blankets is scattered over the whole
country because admirably adapted to the needs of the
it is

agricultural population, and it is from them that the demand

primarily comes. The process of manufacture being simple,
generally the village shepherd himself manufactures the blankets,
either with his own wool or that purchased from the neighbouring
areas, in leisure hours ^hen he is free from his field, and the
product he thus turns out is readily purchased by the villagers,
often at the cottage of the producer. Rightly has the Cumbli '

been characterised as an article of great utility at a small cost 1 .

In short, Cumbli is a great source of solace and service to the

1. See the Provincial Mono raphs,


rural masses, toilingunder proverbial poverty. Cheapness is the

secret of the popularity of this industry, which has enabled it to
survive so long. In view of the strong position of the industry,
it was thought that the blankets will not be affected by either
rise in wool prices or foreign competition" But history has .

shown that science can serve alike the rich and the poor, and
therefore, we find to-day, that the blanket?, turned out with the

help of machinery, have successfully attacked the citadel of the

Cumbli, hitherto thought to be impregnable. The industry shows
unmistakable signs of decay. It will be recollected that railway
transport haa hardly anything to do with this aspect of the woollen
industry, except that it has given added stimulus to mill compe-
tition referred to above, Here it should be noted that the
blankets which compete in the rural areas are generally made of
waste cotton, which would otherwise be thrown away. The price
of theraw material, therefore, being almost negligible, the finished
product is sold obviously at a low price. These blankets are
mostly manufactured in the cotton mills within the country and
cater for the markets in the vicinity.


The manufacture of carpets is carried on at different centres

in private factories as well as jails, and is relatively more important

from the standpoint of railway transport. The carpets thus
turned out are generally exported to Europe and America, albeit
there is some internal demand from the upper and higher
middle classes. It may be noted that the jail competition has
adversely affected the manufacture in private factories, because
of the unfair advantage in labour costs enjoyed by the former
over the latter. A few more important centres may be noted
in brief.

Agra a very important centre for the manufacture of

carpets of superior quality in the United Provinces. The carpets
produced in the Central Jail and Messrs. Otto's Factory possess
a world-wide reputation as regards quality and durability."
There are four factories, in addition to the Central Jail,

1. Vide, A. W. Pirn's
on the Industrial Survey of the Agra District
2. Vide, Report

manufacturing carpets. The Otto Factory has its branches in

centres like Gwalior, Amritsar and Shrinagar 1 . Wool of finest
quality is used which is either purchased locally or imported
from the Punjab and Rajputana.

Mirzapur another important centre where carpet weaving


is largely carried on, as an occupation subsidiary to agriculture

by both Hindu and Muslim inhabitants. The number of looms

thus working in the district have been estimated to be about
3,000 . In the city proper there are some factories as well, of
which the firm of Messrs. E. Hill & Co., is more important.
Wool is imported from Agra and Jhansi in addition to the local
produce. The imports of wool in the year 1920-21 have been
roughly estimated on the railway returns as 2158 maunds.
European firms import their raw meterials of superior quality
from Woolen mills at Cawnpore and the Punjab. Railway
returns show that in 1920-21 carpets weighing about 11,352
maunds were exported. Manufactures are specially suited to
European and the designs are accordingly executed. About
90 per cent, made in Mirzapur are exported to
of the carpets

Europe, Australia and America.

There are several other centres like Jhansi, Jaunpur etc.,

in the United Provinces. In the Punjab we have centres like
Multan, Amritsar, Lahore and Montgomery. From these centres
carpets are largely exported to the United States of America. In
Madras the principal centres are Muslipatam, Ellore, Ayyampet
and Walanjar. But here the industry is declining.

From the foregoing survey it will be seen that Cumblies or

blankets manufactured on handlooms are generally sold in the
neighbouring markets, and therefore the railway rates do not play
any part either during the stages of manufacture or of marketing.
Carpets are however important from the railway point of view,
but the article being generally classed in the category of luxuries,
and higher in price, the railway rates do not affect either the
production or consumption of goods. Besides, as these articles
are primarily manufactured for export, favourable rates are almost

1. Ibid, P. 132.
2. Vide, Report of the Industrial Survey of Mirzapur District, p. SI.

invariably available. It is 'needless to dilate on this any more,

because the rates tabulated below speak for themselves :

Rates per Maund on Carpets to Howrah

Miles Station from Bate (O.R.) Rate (R.R.)

Rs. a. p. Es. a. p.

631 Cawnpore 210 2 12

465 Jaunpur 188 2 10
549 Fyzabad 1 13 268
458 Mirzapur 184 304
818 Moradabad 2 10 11 393
788 Agra City 389 365
879 Najibabad 2 14 1 3 13 6
429 Benares 1 6 10 1 14 4
616 Lucknow 206 2 11 3



Of the Indian Woollen Mills by far the most important are

the Cawnpore and Dhariwal Woollen Mills in respect of the
quality as well as the quantity of their output. They have been
able to carry on specialisation to a limited extent and their products
find markets throughout India. In respect of railway transport, as
adverted to above, these mills are able to eliminate considerable
waste in transport costs, which otherwise creeps in, with the aid of
well-organised arrangements, both for the purchase of their raw
materials and the sale of their finished products. The quantity of
raw wool purchased from the respective markets is delivered to the
nearest of the two mills, and thus substantial savings are effected
in transport costs. In marketing again, the overlapping of the
marketing area and the waste in transport costs resulting there-
from, in respect of goods which are manufactured in both the
with the aid of an efficient marketing organisa-
mills, is eliminated
tion,which has gradually developed and has been improved from
time to time. The location of these two mills is well selected,
especially for marketing the finished products. Being located at
a considerable distance they have a substantial protection from the
competition of imports. Besides, due to severe winter in the
Northern India, woollen goods are largely consumed there, and
these markets are relatively nearer to the mills. In fact, in

certain varieties of goods, these mills enjoy almost a quasi-

monopoly in Northern India, because other Indian woollen mills
do not manufacture these goods, and even if they do, they are not
able to compete, firstly, because of the railway rates to be paid, and

secondly, the high cost of production. Due to large scale

production and specialisation, which these two mills have been
able to carry out, their cost ol production per unit has fallen, and
it is to-day lower than those of other mills.
The Bombay Woollen mills have some advantage in railway
freight on raw materials, both on raw wool and the mill stores.
In respect of railway rates on finished goods as well, they have
some advantage in the form of special station-to-station rates,
which are quoted from Bombay to the more important consuming
markets, especially on the G. I. P. But, notwithstanding these
Special station-to-station rates, the Bombay mills suffer under a
serious handicap, due primarily to their location, distant from the
more important consuming markets, and the consequent higher
railway freight. Again, the numerical strength of the mills in
this part of the country is great, and it has been doubted as to
whether India needs a large number of small units of woollen
mills or a small number of large units. The economic factors are
unequivocally on the side of the latter alternative, and the
soundness of the status quo has been seriously challenged. From
the transport standpoint a large number of the woollen mills in
this part of the country has created unhealthy competition and
waste in transport costs, not to speak of other factors, Therefore
it is the defective organisation of the woollen mills in this part of

the country, which largely explains the plight in which they

have fallen to-day*
It is due to the defects in organisation outlined above
that the burden of railway rates is more severely felt. Higher
cost of production, resulting from the lower output of most
of the mills in this part of the country, coupled with the
higher transport costs and the reduced purchasing power
of the consumers, account for the increased anxiety among the
mill authorities, to examine the incidence of railway rates with a
view to get them reduced. But the approach of a student is
radically different. Finding one of the most important industries
of the country in an unfortunate plight, he makes a disinterested
study of the organisation of the industry, both its past and present,

and attempts to offer a scientific explanation of the difficulties the

industry is faced with. Enough has been said about the defects in
the organisation of the industry as an important cause of the present
difficultieswith special reference to railway rates. It cannot be
gainsaid that this question needs a more detailed examination which
the limited scope of the present chapter could not permit.

But, the rates policy has several defects which we have pointed
out in the foregoing pages, and its effects on the woollen mills
severally have been dealt with. These defects in the rate structure,
which were ignored when the industry was relatively prosperous,
are more seriously felt now that the industry has fallen on evil
days. To-day even a slight relief which could be offered to the
industry would have its own value. We shall, therefore, outline
in brief the suggestions which may be helpful to the industry.


(1) Rationalisation of woollen mills, especially those in

Bombay and Bangalore, should be attempted.

(2) Marketing arrangements should be improved so as to

eliminate the waste in transport costs.

(3) The present rates policy should be modified as follows:

(a) Special station-to-station rates should be fixed for

woollen piece-goods and blankets, from the mills to

important consuming markets.

(b) Station-to-station rates should be quoted for raw wool
from the more important collecting centres to mills.

(c) On blankets a separate classification for owner's risk

and railway risk should be applied.


The Indian Portland cement industry is of recent growth.

Up to 1912 there were no cement factories in India and the

magnitude of the imports of cement from foreign countries, like
the United Kingdom, other European countries and Japan, showed
the extent of market available and the scope for future growth.
The imports from about 116 thousand tons in 1911-12 to
rise of

about 160 thousand tons in 1912-13 was in fact tempting to Indian

industrialists. Naturally several companies were floated thereafter,
arid during 1912 to 1916 the following cement companies were

Name of the Company Capacity

Indian Cement Co, Ltd. 20,000 tons.
Katni Cement & Industrial Co. Ltd., 30,000 tons.
Bundi Portland Cement Co. Ltd., 26,000 tons.

a result of the outbreak of the world war, the output of the
above companies came under the control of the Indian Munitions
Board in 1915, and very little cement from these factories was
available for works other than Government during 1915 to 1919.
Besides, due to the shortage of shipping facilities the imports of
foreign cement also received a setback and the prices began to
mount up, and rose as high as Rs. 250 per ton. The prices paid by
the Government to the Indian cement factories, whose output they
had controlled, ranged from Rs. 42-8-0, to Rs. 70 per ton, while
during the same period imported cement cost from Rs. 80 to Rs. 250
per ton. It will, therefore, be seen that the establishment of this
industry, just at the beginning of the war, saved the country an
enormous sum in the cost of an essential item of war supplies.

Thecontrol of cement production in the

country and the
resulting scarcity of cement available for general consumption led
to the belief that the productive capacity of the Indian factories

was far short of the actual and potential demand for cement in
the country. This belief was fostered by pronouncements from

official circle^. The existing cement companies therefore took
steps to increase their output, a number of fresh companies in
addition were floated, and works constructed to meet the anticipat-
ed enhanced demand, so that in 1923 the productive capacity rose
approximately to 600,000 tons, with a capital investment of about
4/5 crores of rupees.Thus, the industry recorded a very rapid
development and the productive capacity outstripped the demand
for cement in India. The Indian Cement Company whose manag.

ing agents are Messrs. Tata Sons, Ltd., opened another factory at
Banmore, known as the Gwalior Cement Company, and under the
same managing agency a third cement company was floated
under the name of the Shahabad Cement Company. Therefore
Tata Sons alono have three cement factories working at different
centres which will come for detailed reference later. Thus, the
growth of the cement industry during the post-war boom, during
1919 to 1923, was at once rapid and remarkable.


the foregoing brief review of the early growth of
cement we now pass on to the study of the organisation
of the industry. Due in no small measure to the peculiar
distribution of the various raw materials requisite for cement

production, railway transport has come to play a very prominent

part both in the production and marketing of cement. The
location of a factory is determined by the vicinity to raw
materials, coalfields and markets. Indian cement factories are
faced with peculiar difficulties, they have to carry their coal from
distant coalfields, and their markets are primarily centred in ports,
distant from the factory sites, necessitating heavy railway transport
charges. Besides, in port towns the importer has a considerable
advantage which increases the intensity of competition and makes

1 . "After the war when the works at present in abeyance will be continued
the requirements will be greater than ever the output of these
factories being very much short of the present demand even, it will
obviously not suffice for future requirements and there is still room for
additional works in other parts of India."

Vide> the"Indian Munitions Board Handbook."

2. Figures of capital investment quoted in the Evidence Volume of T, B,


the question of transport vital for the very existence of


indigenous industry. The problem is primarily one of railway

transport, which we now propose to analyse.


For the convenience of tne study of the cement industry in
its relation to railway transport, we have tried to group the several
factories according to their geographical situation wherever
possible. however, been found that grouping has been
It has,

possible only in two cases, Katni and Kathiawar groups, because

most of the factories are scattered over the wide range of the country
form Wah Punjab to Dwarka and Porbundar in Kathiawar,
in the
Shahabad Deccan and Japla in Bihar and Orissa. Apart
in the
from the advantages or otherwise of this distribution, what is
intended to convey here is that a convenient grouping of all the
factories is impossible.

The Katni group comprises three cement factories, the Katni

Cement and Industrial Company, the Central Provinces Cement
Company and the United Cement Company of India. The Central
Provinces Portland Cement Company was registered under the
Indian Companies Act in 1919 and started working in 1923. The
shares of the Company are held by Indians as well as Europeans
resident in India. The factory is situated at Kymore near Jukehi,
on the G. I. P. Railway, and the capacity of the plant was 100,000
tons of cement every year. As for raw materials, lime-stone and
clay are available in good quantities on the Company's own
property within a mile. Gypsum is brought from the Punjab and
Eajputana by rail, and the freight paid is fairly heavy. It varies
from about Rs. 20 to Rs. 23 per ton. Rajputana is nearer and the
freight is about Rs. 18 per ton, but the quality of the Rajputana
gypsum is inferior. The vicinity to coalfields is a clear advantage
which has helped to reduce the costs appreciably. Eurhar coal

1. The plant of the Company is being constantly brought up-to-date

consisting of a clay mill, crushing house and saw mill, three rotary
kilns, coal plant, cement grinding mills and three siloa for storage of
cement and is electrically driven. The present capacity of the factory
therefore has risen to 180,000 tons per annum, the largest cement
works in India.

2. Vide, Evidence of Mr. Captain, Evidence Volume, p. 67,


from O.P. is used for boilers, but its quality being low Jharia coal is
brought from a distance of about 500 miles for kilns. The factory
therefore, is relatively better situated in respect of coal supply.
The more important markets of the factory are Bombay and
Calcutta both of which are equidistant from the factory, about
650 miles.

The Katni Cement and Industrial Company was floated in 1912

company and the capital invested is primarily
as a public limited
Indian, All the Directors are Indians. The factory is situated at
the village Tikuri about 2 miles from Katni junction of the G. I. P.
and B. N. Railways and commenced working from January 1915.
Both cement and fire bricks are manufactured. Limestone and
clay are obtained mainly from the quarries in the neighbourhood
of the factory and only a small portion has to be railed from
another quarry at a distance of about 20 miles. Gypsum is brought
from Marwar. As regards the coal Supply C. P. coal is used in the
boiler which has to pay a freight of about Rs. 2-6-3, and kiln coal
isbrought from Bengal over 450 miles and Rs, 8-8-0 per ton is
paid for the railway freight. The markets are the same as those
of the C. P. Cement Company. The maximum capacity of the
plant rose to 85,000 tons in 1930. The cement is manufactured
" "
by wet process, and in addition to the ordinary cement the
factory turns out a rapidly hardening cement known as

The United Cement Company of India has its factory situated

at Mehgaon, about 6 miles from Jukehi station on the G. I. P.
Railway, to which it is linked by a siding running from the Works.
This company was originally floated as the Jubbulpore Portland
Cement Company in 1920 and commenced working in 1922,
having a maximum capacity of 60,000 tons. In 1927, however,
the Company was reconstituted under the present name and the
capacity of the plant is at present about 45 to 50 thousand tons
per annum. As for the raw materials, limestone and clay are
found in large quantities near the factory and gypsm is brought
from Marwar. Coal supplies are brought from Burhar (C. P.) and
Bengal coalfields. The principal markets of the factory are in the
eastern parts of the country.

I. Capital ", December 1931.


The Kathiawar cement factories are situated near the ports

and thus have an advantage in marketing their produce. The
factories are two in number, the Indian Cement Company and the
Okha Cement Company. The Indian Cement Company was
registered a public company in 1912 with a capital of
Rs. 12,25,000which was raised in 1916 to Rs. 19 lakhs, and the
authorised capital was raised from 20 lakhs to 60 lakhs in the
same year. This increase in capital was brought about with the
object of extending the company's works at Porbundar and also
the extension of the company's undertaking by the formation of a
Subsidiary company for the manufacture of cement in the Gwalior
State in Hyderabad. The Works are situated in Porbunder State.
Limestone and siliceous stone deposits are situated on the
Poi^bundar State Railway, about 7 miles from the Works, sidings
connecting the same and the requisite clay is obtained from the

alluvial works site. It has to be noted

deposits adjoining the
that though the Porbunder Carries are situated only at a distance
of about 10 miles from the Works, the cost of transport rose to
Rs. 5-0-0 per 200 maunds of limestone in 1924, because of the
transference of the railway lino from the Porbunder State to
the Gondal State. When, however, the line was re-transferred
to the Porbunder State, theCompany made representation to the
State authorities for a reasonable reduction in rates and the request
was granted. One important fact that emerges out of this con-
sideration is the importance of transport costs which can make
and unmake industries. The fate of our cement industry
depends upon the attitude of the railway authorities.
Gypsum the only other raw material needed but the deposits

of needle-shaped pieces of gypsum mixed with clay occur on the

marshes within a few miles of the Works besides, the total con-

Sumption of gypsum does not exceed 5 per cent, of the output of

cement. Coal is not within easy reach of the factory and has to
be brought from a distance of about 1442 miles. The cost of
transport here becomes very important. Thus, when the company
was started it was estimated that Bengal coal would not cost more
than Rs. 15 per ton at the Works. Subsequently, however, due to
freight difficulties the railway rates were enhanced /" so that in 1914

1. Vide Evidence recorded by the Tariff Board.


the actual cost of coal rose to Rs. 30 per ton delivered at Works.
This was because the coal which formerly used to have rail-cum-sea
route to Porbundar was forced to the alternative rail route for the
entire distance. With the resumption of rail-cum-sea route the

transport charges have fallen again and to-day the freight is about
Rs. 14-8-0 per ton from Bengal. It is clear, therefore, that the

freight on coal is a heavy charge, more so because about half a ton

of coal is required for every tone of cement produced coal ;

forms the principal item in the cost of production of the cement

industry. Of the total amount of coal consumed, a part is brought
from C. P. coal collieries, viz. Parasia, and Iklerah and the railway
freight paid is In view of the great distance
Rs. 11-12-G per ton.
between the factory and the colliery the freight on coal is not
heavy, but the surcharge of 15 per cent, which the Railway Board
has now levied is sure to increase the cost of production of cement.
Another cement company in Kathiawar is the Okha Cement
Company, situated at Dwarka, a sea-port. This Company was
floated in 1928 for the purpose of acquiring and re- starting the
cement factory of the Dwarka Cement Company. The factory
was originally constructed in 1919 by the Dwarka Cement
Company and commenced working in 1922, with a capacity of
100,000 tons. The capacity of the works as reconstituted at present
is 80,000 tons per year. The site o the Works at Dwarka is about
18 miles from the all-weather port of Okha and is also on the
Junagadh and Dwarka Railway. It is therefore in a good position
to serve Western India with cement by rail and to export to other

ports. The raw materials used are limestone, clay and gypsum.
The first two are drawn from local quarries situated within 2 miles;
limestone is blasted by means of gunpowder and then loaded by
hand drawn to the factory by steam
into the trucks, the truck being
locomotives and clay
; dug from the
is pits and transported to the
factory in a similar manner. Gypsum is obtained from Navanagar
State which is situated from the factory at a distance of about 40
miles. The relative cost per ton of the raw materials in the year
1923 was as follows :

Stone ... Rs. 1 7 5

Clay ... Rs. 1 13

Gypsum ... Us. 21 10 2

1. Vide Chapter on the Coal Industry.

2. Vide, Coal Tariff, G. I. P. Railway.

This shows the relative importance of the different raw

materials in the cost of production of this factory. In the case of

gypsum the freight is a bit high but the consumption of gypsum is

only about 4 per cent. Mr. Acharya of Dwarka Cement Company
Board that whereas stone and clay were
stated before the Tariff
about 125 and 40 thousand tons respectively, gypsum consumed
was about five thousand tons only in 1923." As for the coal
requirements of the factory, it is just similar to that of its confrere,
the Indian Cement Company, because coal used in boiler is brought
from C. P. and for kilns from Bengal. During 1923 and 1924 even
Bengal coal was brought by rail due to freight difficulties as pre-
viously adverted to, and therefore the railway rates charged then
were about Rs. 14 per ton for C. P. coal and Rs. 20
to Rs. 21 per

ton for Bengal coal. Later, however, the rail-cum-sea route and
the reductions in railway rates on coal lowered the cost of



Now we review the position of cement factories other


than those of the foregoing two groups. The Bundi Portland

Cement Company, or as it was then called the Bundi Hydraulic
Lime and Cement Company, was registered in 1913 and manu-
factured both cement and lime it assumed its present name in 1916.

The Company has a capital of Rs. 40 lakhs in shares of Rs. 10

each, and the factory is situated at Lakheri in Bundi State,
Rajputana, on the main line of the B. B. & C. I. Railway, Nagda-
Muttra section, about 600 miles from Bombay, the capacity of the
plant being 160,000 tons per annum. The important raw materials
are limestone and gypsum. Clay is not required because the
limestone available in the Company's quarries contains silica and
aluminia in the requisite proportion. The limestone quarries
are situated about from the Works.
a mile The mining
lease is obtained from the State on the payment of a royalty.
From the evidence recorded by the Tariff Board we gather
that 'the mining lease entered into with the Bundi State
stipulates a royalty of Rs. 2-8-0 per 100 cubic feet of
limestone, and extends to a period of 30 years with option of

1. Vide Evidence recorded by the T. B.

2. Supra, p. 231.

renewal/ Gypsum is partly obtained from Jodhpur and Marwar

and partly from the Salt Range of the Punjab. Coal for kilns is
obtained from the Bengal coalfields from a distance of about 800
miles, and for boilers from 0. P. over 500 miles. The freight on
Bengal coal was Rs. 8-8-0 per ton in 1916 which gradually rose
to Rs. 12-0-0 in 1924. From C. P. the freight was about
Rs. 9-0-0 per ton. Now it has again been reduced, but it cannot
be denied that the distance from the coal fields is great and hence
the railway freight presses heavily, though it is lower per mile.


The Gwalior Cement Company was registered in 1919 as
referred to above it is controlled by the Indian Cement Company.

The factory is located at Banmore, on the G.I.P. Railway, 12 miles

north of Gwalior City Station, close to the main broad guage line,
from which sidings enter the works to facilitate the receipt of coal
and stores, and the despatch of cement direct from the warehouses
to stations anywhere on the broad guage lines of India without any

transhipments. The output is 45,000 tons of cement per annum,

and the entire plant has been so designed as to permit of doubling
the output at an expenditure of about 20 lakhs ; the present build-
ings being large enough to contain the additional plant, while
several sections of the existing plant already have a capacity
sufficient for twice the present. production.

As regards raw materials, limestone is obtained from the hill

of limestone situated at a distance of about 32 miles from the
Works on the Gwalior State Railway. Clay is obtained from
deposits within a mile of the Works. The limestone is quarried
and transported in 16 tons capacity high-sided bogie wagons on the
Gwalior Light Railway running from the quarries to the crusher in
the factory. Clay is transported by means of donkeys. A cess of
Rs.- 1-4-0 per ton of cement going out of the Works is levied by the

Gwalior Durbar in lieu of royalty on raw materials, concession

charges, etc. Thus railway on raw materials is not very
material; even gypsum which brought from Marwar does not

affect the cost appreciably. Freight on coal is an important item.

Coal is obtained from the Bengal coalfields and from the Central
Provinces collieries, half to half, being used in kilns and boilers
respectively. The cost of coal in 1925 was Rs, 12-0-0 per ton foi*
R 17

C. P. and Rs. 20-0-0 per ton for Bengal coal, f.o.r. Banmore. Of
was Rs. 6-11-0 and Rs. 10-8-0 per
this cost, the railway freight
ton respectively. Now, of course, both the prices of coal and
freight thereon have been reduced, but it would be idle to deny
that the factory, in common with others, suffers from the natural
disadvantage of being distant from the coalfields.


The Punjab Portland Cement Company was established in 1920

and the factory started working from 1923. The factory is situated
at Wah, Atfcock district, on the main line of the North Western Rail-

way, about 30 miles north of Rawalpindi, with sidings into the

Company's property the plant consists of two rotary kiln units
with a capacity of 80,000 tons, the power being driven from the
steam turbo-alternater. The raw materials used are limestone,
clay and gypsum the first two being available in the vicinity of

the factory, and the last is brought from Dandot in the Salt Range
about 250 miles away. The coal requirements of the factory are
drawn primarily from the Bengal coalfields, at a distance of about
1250 miles and the freight paid amounted to about Rs. 15 per ton
in 1925. A small quantity of coal is also obtained from the
Makerwal collieries which are only about 125 miles off entailing
freight of about Rs. 5 per ton, but high floods of the river Indus
coupled with other circumstances make the supply of the coal
from this source uncertain. This factory, therefore, has a great
disadvantage in coal supply due to its remote location from
the Bengal coalfields.


The Shahabad Cement Company was registered in 1921, with
the object of exploiting cement making raw materials in the
Nizam's Dominions, and supplying the markets of Southern India,
where other factories were at considerable disadvantage due to long
distance and consequent heavy cost of transport. The factory
commenced production in 1925. It is situated at Shahabad,
Deccan, on the G. I. P. Railway mainline from Madras to Bombay,
with sidings into the works. The equipment is up-to-date, having
an annual capacity of about 100,000 tons.
Limestone and clay are brought from the Company's *owtt
quarries about 3 miles from the factory on a Light Railway, by the

Company. Gypsum is obtained from Badwari in Jodhpur State.

Coal requirements of the factory are met largely from the Singarini
collieries (Nizam's Dominions), and the balance from the Bengal
coalfields. The distance from the Bengal coalfields is great and
therefore the freight on Bengal coal is an important item in the cost
of production of cement. No doubt Singarini coal, being available
nearby, relieves the burden of freight charge, because for power pro-
duction Singarini coal is used, and a mixture of Singarini and Bengal
coal is But due to the longer distance over which
used in kilns.
Bengal coal has to be carriedfrom the field to the factory, we are
informed that "the average rate of freight paid on coal per ton of
cement amounts to Rs. 4-4-0". This is interesting because it

indicates the importance of coal in the production of cement

and the serious handicap under which our factories work as com-
pared with their foreign rivals. It should be noted, however, that
the existing rates for carriage of coal from the Bengal coalfields
are not heavy compared to the freight rates charged on other
commodities and work out at 069 pie per maund per mile as
against -152 pie per maund per mile on the Singarini coal.


The Sone Valley Portland Cement Company was started in
1922 and its works are situated at Japla, on the E. I. Eailway.
The raw materials used are limestone and shale, the former
being supplied from Rohtas quarries, about 5 miles from the
works on the other side of the river being transported by a
ropeway. Clay is available in the vicinity of the factory. Gypsum
is brought from Jodhpur. For generating power, Bengal coal is
used and is brought over a distance of about 200 miles, the freight
charge being about Rs, 5, per ton. Thus, the comparative proxi-
mity to coalfields, which this company possesses, brings to relief the
strength of the factory and its lower cost of production. One
more fact should be noted in the organisation of this factory
which affects the cost of production. It is furnished throughout
with automatic appliances so complete that from the time the raw
materials enter the mill until the finished cement is filled into
the sack they are untouched by hand, the manual labour being

! Information received from the Agents of the Sbahabad Cement Co.

2. For a detailed discussion refer to the Chapter on Coal Industry.

required only to tie the sack. The factory has cost more than
Es. 80 lakhs to build and equip and the plant has recently 'been
doubled. This company manufactures "Kohtas" cement and
"Rohtacrete rapid hardening cement".

We may now summarise the conclusions regarding the cement

factories in India. Indian cement industry possesses appreciable
natural advantages in respect of raw materials, because limestone
and clay of excellent qualities are available in the vicinity of the
factories. Gypsum, another raw material, has to be carried over
long distances and the cost of transport is a little high; it is not,
however, a very heavy burden as it forms only 5 per cent of the
final product. In respect of coal supply the cement factories are
working under great disadvantages and the freight on coal raises
the cost of production unduly high. Again, from the location of
the' factories, it has been shown that port towns are distant. Thus,
the whole situation in regard to organisation and production seems
to be encouraging. The freight on coal, which the Tariff Board
recorded as a very serious item in the cost of production, has also
been lowered subsequently, though the plea for special concession
on coal freight has not as yet received due consideration at the
hands 6f the Government of India or the Railway Board, the
industry has recorded a steady progress and further progress may
be expected in the near future.


Having done with the production of cement we may now turn

to marketing. Wepropose to
study the marketing of Indian
cement and the freights charged thereon before 1925 and the altered
arrangements after the inauguration of the Cement Manufacturers'
Association. This broad division in our
survey is necessary,
because the inefficiency, the reckless and cut-throat
inter se, of the cement factories, which characterised
the period
before 1925, came to an end soon after, and the era of
of prices commenced. In the
stability of internal
prices of cement
and the re-organisation of the marketing system, we trace the
seeds of the present prosperity of the
industry. The interesting
contrast between two different stages in the
development of the
industry will bring to relief object lessons, for other industries
to learn.
CEMENT - - 133


In this pre-consolidation era, or the era of competition as we

have characterised it, the policy pursued was one of undiluted and
self-seeking individualism. This defect was natural in the early
growth of the industry and was noticed by the Tariff Board, who
observed, "that the period of intense internal competition cannot be
of long continuance". This epoch of unrestricted competition 5s
of interest, because it brought home the baneful effects of mutual
mistrust and misunderstanding, the escape from which lay in
making combination and consolidation the watchword of the policy
to be pursued. The remedy lay within; the ending of "internecine
conflicts" was the proper course to resort to. It was pointed out

that "the primary remedy for the complaint from which the
industry is suffering lies in the hands of the manufacturers them-
selves. and prices are low, simply because there
Costs are high,
are two many factories, and it is within the power of cement
companies to reduce this state of affairs to-morrow if they choose
to do so. If they are unable to come to an agreement and prefer
to pursue a policy of mutual extermination, the remedy will
automatically be applied by economic forces."
In order to realise the nature of the problem before the
industry, we shall in the first place outline the wastes in transport
costs involved, and the higher railway freights which the cement

factories had to pay in marketing their output in the competitive

areas. The ports are the competitive areas. They are the largest
consumers of cement. Both the imported and the local cement
try to obtain a market in the ports. The local factories were
situated at a distance from the ports. Besides the factories which
were situated nearest to the ports like Bombay and Calcutta, even
others, which were at a much greater distance tried to sell their
products in these ports, and thus paid heavy railway freight. In
this effort, sometimes, they quoted prices below cost of production.


We now
pass on to the detailed discussion of the railway
freight paid by the cement companies. The C. P. group of

1. Vide, Report of the T. B. Para, 81.

2, Vide, Report of the T, B,JPara 62."

factories, have common markets, and was admitted 1 before the


Tariff Board that the intense internal competition deprived them of

reaping the advantages of geographical position in markets naturally
protected from foreign competition. Prices being reduced to an
irreducibleminimum even lower railway freight would not have
helped the industry. Transport advantages were neutralised. In
the port markets, too, the position was no better. From the
evidence placed by the Central Provinces Portland Cement
Company before the Tariff Board, we an idea of the railway
freight which the Company had to pay in placing its cement in
different port markets :

Haricot Freight Price

Rs. a. p. Rs.

Bombay 16 8 C6
Calcutta 11 62
Madras 30 81
Karachi 28 4 79

Rangoon 25 76

The markets shown in the above table are important port

towns, which taken together consume about three-fourths of the
total cement consumed in India. But the freights tell a very
interesting tale, varying as they do from Rs. 11-0-0 per ton in the
case of Calcutta to Rs. 30-0-0 per ton for Madras. It brings to
relief the importance of freight charge in relation to the distance

between the factory and the port towns. It is needless to point

out that an article like cement cannot bear a freight of Rs. 30 per
ton it is uneconomic. This is due not to the higher freight per

mile but to the longer distance over which cement had to be

carried to reach these markets. It is clear, therefore, that markets
like Madras, Karachi and Rangoon are not within the reach of C.P.
cement factories. This fact is further explained when we look to
the column of prices. These are the prices at which the company
could place its cement in the respective markets. But the actual
selling prices asquoted from day to day in the markets were far
below these figures. The highest price which Indian cement could
then fetch was Rs. 64 per ton. Sometimes the price realised was

1. Vide, Evidence recorded by the Tariff Board, P, 101-102.

2. Compiled from the evidence of C, P, Portland Cement Co,
OfiMESW 135

far below this. But even assuming that the highest price could be
realised, the figures indicate that the factories would have to suffer
loss in almost all the markets, except Calcutta, varying from Rs. 2
per ton in Bombay to Rs. 17 per ton in Madras. Except Calcutta,
other markets were therefore uneconomic for this group of factories.
Besides, the relative disadvantage in respect of freight charge, under
which the factories worked as compared with their foreign
competitors, becomes manifest when we recollect that British
cement paid only Rs. 12 per ton by way of freight charge to Indian
ports, as against the heavy freight paid by the Indian factories.
We have thus established the fact that the freight charge was a
serious item, due partly to the geographical location of the factories
and partly to the internal competition.
The anomalies in rates policy may now be analysed. The
freight from C. P. Cement companies to Bombay worked out
as under :

factory Freight per ton

Rs. a. p.

The Central Provinces Portland Cement Company ... 1580

The Katni Cement & Industrial Company 13 8
The Jubbulpore Portland Cement Company 15 8

While it would be idle to deny that ocean transport is

cheaper than land transport, one cannot help thinking that railway
freight on cement was high and restricted the marketing area of
Indian factories. One of the reasons for the high freights can be
traced to the individualistic tendencies of the Indian railways
already raferred In quoting telescopic rates Indian railways

take into consideration not the total distance over which the
consignment has to travel, but the distance of each individual line
covered separately. Thus, for instance, the cement despatched
from the C. P, Portland Cement Company's siding to Bombay had
to pass, before 1925, on the E. I. Railway over 67 miles, and
thereafter on the G.
P. Railway over 616 miles, the freight

charge being Rs. 4-13-0 in the former case and Rs. 10-0-0 in the
latter. The G. I. P. Railway rate was based on 'G' telescopic

1. On a tender of the Stores Department the price quoted by the

Jubbulpore Portland Cement Company, which got the order was
Us. 28-12-0 per ton f.o.r, Works, a price lower than that of the imported
cement by Bs. 1 5.

Vide, Evidence, Vol. T. B,

schedule , and if the rate quoted to Bombay had been calculated
on the total distance, the freight would have been substantially
lower. With the transference of this line to the G. I. P. Railway
in 1925, this handicap has disappeared but the policy of quoting
schedule rates on the entire distance travelled, irrespective of the
individual railway lines, has not as yet been adopted, even on
those lines which are owned and directly managed by the State.
The Indian manufacturer is in most case at a great disadvantage,

owing to the great distance from the factory to the markets and the
number of railway lines over which the consignment has to travel.


The Kathiawar group of factories is situated near the sea
ports, and as such they have a relatively favourable situation for
marketing. Their principal markets are the port of Karachi,
Bombay and Madras, Kathiawar and Gujarat. As regards the two
important markets, Karachi and Bombay, the factrories enjoyed de
facto advantageous location, being at a distance of 300 and 260
miles respectively. The freight charge, therefore, which they had
to pay to these two markets was Rs. 6-0-0 per ton to either
market. The relative advantage as
compared with other Indian
cement companies is obvious; the other factories which despatched
their output to Bombay were C. P. cement companies, which had
to pay Rs. 15-8-0 per ton as railway freight, and the Bundi
Cement Company at Lakheri paid Rs. 12-10-8 per ton to Bombay.


In Bombay and Karachi the Kathiawar companies had to
face the competition of internal factories as well as the
foreign importers. The C. P. factories and the Lakheri Works
competed with Kathiawar factories in Bombay and paid relatively
1. 'G telescope schedule was as follows;
Pie per maund
per mile.
1 to 100 miles 024
101 to 200 miles 020
200 to 400 miles 0*175
over 400 miles 0*10
But the rate quoted from Katni was special which worked out at as. 7*10
per maund as against as. 9-9 per maund which was the schedule rate.
2. Yide, Evidence Volume, T. B, Report on Cement,

higher freight charges. This was economically feasible because, ,

as we saw before, the Kathiawar factories were, and to some extent

are handicapped by higher railway freight on coal which they

have to get from Bengal, the entire journey being on the railways,
This diversion of traffic from rail-cum-sea route to entire land rout
had doubled the cost of coal. In the Karachi market, however,
their position was more secure in respect of competition from
internal factories, because in this case they could secure cheap
coastal shipping facilities in marketing their output.
Besides the competition of internal factories, there was the
competition of importers in the port towns, because they could
land their cargo directly from the ship without having to pay any
railway freight. We shall analyse this point later. The importers
undoubtedly had to pay an import duty of 15 per cent, ad valorem,
which worked out at about Rs. 9 per ton, but this disadvantage was
neutralised by the cheaper sea freight they had to pay, which for
British cement, was about Rs. 12 per ton landed at port. The Indian
factories per contra had to pay higher freight, except in the case of
a few which were better situated. Further, due to lack of adequate
coastal shipping facilities, the factories could not exploit the natural

advantages of their location. The irregular shipping facilities and

relatively higher freights limited the markets of these factories.

1. Mi-. Captain in his evidence deposed, "There is the Dwarka Cement

Company on the coast quite close to Bombay. They bring their

coal by water and yet we under-sell them quite
easily. Their cost is
higher and we have got no difficulty in competing with them in Bombay."
Vide Evidence Volume of T. B.
2. The Indian Cement Company pointed out before the Tariff Board:
"Places like Singapore, Java, Sumatra, Aden Persian Gulf and
Mesopotamia would he the most natural outlets for the output of
this Company, as the distances from the port where this factory
is situated to the marketsnamed are shorter than for other competing
countries, provided reasonable freights are granted by the Shipping
Companies. This Company is annually importing 1,500 tons of cement
from its factory to Persian Gulf by country crafts. Exports to
other places mentioned above is not possible by
country craftp, but
it very probable with reasonable ocean freight, the present

steamer freights being prohibitive. Japan is able to export cement

to Singapore, Java and Sumatra owing to low freights given by its
State subsidised steamship companies, whilst India is unable to do
so." Vide Evidence Volume of T. B, Report on Cement,


When we turn to railroad transport facilities, the seemingly

favourable location of Kathiawar factories receives a further shock
and the marketing area is obviously restricted. The most important
railways over which the traffic passed are, the Porbundar State, the
Gondal State, and the Morvi State, the Bhavanagar State, the
B. B. & C. I. Railways and the G. I. P. Railways. The Kathiawar

Railways were, and still are worked as separate systems, and

frequently block-rate policy which handicapped the
cement marketing their produce in internal markets.
factories in

Besides, other Railways too, like B. B. & C. I. and G. I. P., quoted

telescopic rates only on the distance travelled on their own lines.
A rough idea of the freight position can be had from the particulars
given below :

Freight Rates: pic per maundper mile

Kathiawar Railways B. B. <fc C. /. Railway G. /. P, Railway

The rate is Rs. 0-4.0 The rate is based on The rate is based on 'G'
per mile per one metre *H' telescopic schedule:- telescopic schedule :

gauge wagon of 7 tons Miles Pie Miles Pie

and 7 cwts. which comes 1 to 75 - 0*30 1 to 100 - 0*24
to 0'24 pie per maund 76 to 300 - 0-17 101 to 200 - 0*20

per mile. 301 to 500 - 0-15 201 to 400 - 0-75

Over 500 - 0-10 Over 400 - 0-10

The above give only a rough indication of the

facts outlined
real position. In respect of Kathiawar railways the freight of
0-24 pie per mannd per mile is apparently moderate, but becomes a
little pressing when we remember the number of railways over

which the traffic has to pass, each having a different rate basis. The
schedule rates of the B. B. & C. I. and the G. I. P. Railways
similarly fail to reveal the real difficulties of the industry because

the lower freights quoted on long distance traffic, say of 400 miles
and over, could not be enjoyed by the consignment shipped from
Porbundar destined to some station on the G. I. P. Railway in
C. P. or Berar, because the total distance travelled was on
numerous lines, each charging the freight for the distance travelled
on its own line irrespective of the other lines. No wonder then,

J, Vide Evidence of the Indian Cement Company before the T. B.


if the cement factories had to pay a higher freight. Let us clear

the position by a few illustrations :

Markets to Freight from Porb undar Freight from Bombay

( per ton ) ( per ton )

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
Ajmer 15 12 U 12
Ahmedabad 11 8 910
Nagpur 26 8 13 4
Surat 13 4 5 10 10
Poona 14 4 440
The table clearly shows the peculiarities of railway rates policy
and the advantageous position of the import traffic. Cement
despatched from Porbundar to Ahmedabad has to pay higher
freight than that from Bombay to Ahmedabad because former in the
case the consignment has to travel over the Porbundar, Gondal and
Bhavanagar State Railways before it reaches Wadhwan, from where
it is taken over by the B. B. & C. I. Railway to be carried over to

Ahmedabad, while in the latter case the consignment is carried

direct to Ahmedabad by the B. B. & C. I. Railway alone. Similar
is the case with reference to Surat and Ajmer, In the
traffic to

case of Poona the number of railways over which the consignment

has to pass is increased further, apart from the long distance to be
traversed. The case of Nagpur traffic is in no way different. A
consignment of cement from Bombay can be shipped directly to
Nagpur on the G. I. P. Railway, without any transhipments,
whereas in the case of Porbundar traffic, there are as many as five
different railway systems.

This policy of treating different railway systems separately as

isolated units in through booking is highly detrimental to the

industrial development of the country and neutralises the effects of

the protective policy. Though the rates quoted above refer to the
period before 1925, the general principles of railway rates policy
continue to be the same till the present day, as Ave shall show in
the following pages, The Railway Tariff should be so framed
as to foster Indian trade and industries and
help the protective
fiscal policy of the country.


Having discussed the marketing arrangements of the above
two groups of cement factories, we shall now describe in brief
the position of other factories. The broad features
the railway policy are true of these factories
also. Kathiawar
factories sent their
cement by rail to markets in Gujarat and
Central India. The Bundi Portland Cement Company also
competed in the same markets as will bo seen from the facts
given below:

Important Markets of Bundi Cement Compnay

be seen that in markets like Ajmer, Ahmedbad,

It will
Surat and Bomby, the Bundi Portland Cement
Company competed
with Kathiawar companies, as well as with the
imported cement.
When railway freight is considered, Bundi cement was at an
advantage in Ajmer as compared with either Kathiawar or imported
cement, because whereas in the former case railway was freight
Rs. 6-6-2, in the latter two cases it amounted to Rs. 15-12-0
and Rs. 1442-0 per ton respectively. It is
obvious, therefore,
that competition entailed waste in the form of
higher freight
charges. Per contra, in a market like Calcutta, Bundi cement
handicapped by higher railway freight as compared with the Sone
Valley and C. P. cement companies. Above all, the most
formidable competition was that of imported cement, It was

wasteful for Bundi factory to despatch its cement to Calcutta, To

Delhi markets, Gwalior cement works could despatch their cement
at a relatively cheaper freight, because whereas from the Bundi
works the charge was Rs. 6-10-9, from the Banmore works it was
Rs. 4-15-8 per ton only. To Cawnpore, likewise, the Banmore
works could despatch at Rs. 6-13-0, while the Bundi had to pay
Rs. 7-3-9. Cement Company had great
In Lahore, the Punjab
freight advantages, because The freight from Wah to
it is nearer.
Lahore was Rs. 6-10-8 per ton for 209 miles, and from Bundi
Cement Works for 551 miles the rate was Rs. 15-12-0. Such
instances can be multiplied. Each company had its own naturally
protected market, but the luck of proper division of the marketing
area led to w aste. r

The other important which emerges out of this study is

that in upcountry markets foreign competition was marked by total
absence. This was due to the high railway freight from the port
towns to upcountry markets. In these markets Indian cement
factories have enjoyed greater protection from foreign competition.
In fact, the Punjab Portland Cement factory, but for this natural
protection would not have been able to survive, because the transport

of coal is a very serious item in its cost of production. To some

extent its markets are free from internal competition as well, and
this helps it appreciably in selling its output. The more important
markets of this factory are Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Bannu, Khirgi,
Sialkot, Lahore, Phirozpur, Amritsar, etc. All these towns are
within 300 miles of the factory. Due to this advantageous location
the Punjab Portland Cement Company did not suffer much from
the wasteful internal and foreign competition to which other
factories had fallen prey.


The Gwalior Cement Company despatched cement to Delhi,

the Punjab, U. P., C. P., Rajputanas and a few outlying ports of

1. Railway freight to Lahore and Peshwar, two most important markets

of this factory from Karachi and Wah worked out as follows :

From Wah to. Per ton. From Karachi to. Per ton.

Rs. a. p: &* P-

Lahore 610 8 Lahore ,

18 2 8

Peshawar 21410 Peshawar ,,.,21 2 4

Gujarat. Some of these markets were certainly immune from
the inroads of the imported cement, but, as already adverted to, the
internal competition was more important. The railway freight to
gome of the important markets of the factory may be noted with

These freights show the advantage or otherwise under which

the factory worked in respect of its market. This handicap, as has
been pointed out more than once, was due mainly to internal
competition, although the rates policy cannot be entirely free from
the blame. The
defects of the latter were completley clouded by
the former. In Delhi and Cawnpore, the Gwalior factory had a
decided advantage over its compeers Ahmedabad and Surat were

the centres of strong competition between factories in Western and

Central India as well as imports Nagpur and Poona were beyond

its zone and in Khirgi, the Punjab Cement Company could


successfully compete with any other importer. But as it was, the

Banmore factory despatched cement to the aforesaid markets, and
prices being fixed by competition, the heavy freight charge fell

upon the producers. Consumers of cement could easily pitch one

producer against the other and exploit the situation. Here is a
specific case to the point. In 1923-24 the Indian Stores Depart-
ment invited tenders for cement for the Military Stores Depart-
ment at Khirgi and the Gwalior Cement Company, which got the

order, quoted Rs. 60-0-0 per ton f. o. r. destination. The

railway freight from Banmore being Rs. 22-2-3 per
ton the price
; f. o. r. Banmore worked out to be
Rs. 37-13-9 per ton. This price was in fact unremunerative,

8. -
Vide, Evidence Volume of Tariff Board Report.

but was quoted in competition with the Punjab Portland Cement


Company. It can be seen that this was an unwise policy for the
Gwalior Cement Company to pursue, because Khirgi being nearer
to the Punjab factory it could despatch cement at a freight ofab out
Rs. 9 per ton, whereas from Gwalior the freight paid was about
R0. 22 per ton. It involved a waste of Rs. 13 per ton by way of

freight, apartfrom other losses, without benefiting either party.

In short, the problem before the industry was primarily one of a
better marketing organisation, which would eliminate the wasteful

competition, combined with a more sympathetic rates policy.


To sum up the position of the Indian cement industry in

relation to railway freight before 1925, we find that the freight
on coal is a heavy item in the cost of production ; in the upcountry
markets, which are protected from foreign competition due to high
railway freight from the ports, competition inter se, of the internal
factories, affects them adversely ; port towns, which form the
most important markets, are a centre of cut-throat competition
between the different indigenous cement factories on the one hand
and the importers on the other. The freight from factories to the
ports is as a rule high, due partly to longer distance to be traversed.
As against these hardships in their way, the cement factories have
a great future. Great natural advantages, the productive capacity
of the factories and a large present and potential markets can
remove any scepticism as to the future. To get over their
immediate difficulties, the cement companies thought of seeking
some relief at the hands of the State and applied for protection.
The application was referred to the Traffic Board.


The Board found that the claim of natural advantages

possessed by the industry has been made good and noted the causes
of the unfortunate condition the industry had fallen in. 1 The
remedies proposed by the Board, therefore, deserve a detailed
consideration we propose to review them seriatim in so far as

they concern us in the present study. As regards the coal supply

to the cement factories, a subsidy on railway freight was at first

1, See Report of the Tariff Board,


thought of, but it was rejected on the plea that this would mfcan
a special favour to this industry when other industries were equally
in need of a reduction in coal freight. The necessity of a general
reduction in railway freight on coal was pressed in unequivocal
terms. The Board was convinced that the question of the cost
of coal was the end in view was a rapid industrial develop-
vital if

ment in India. Over a large part of the country progress must be

seriously retarded unless the freight on coal could be reduced
substantially. We believe that no one would challenge the
proposition that coal freights on the Indian railways should be kept
at the very lowest point which is commercially possible. But
more than this may be required in the interests of industrial
development. Sooner or the country may have to face the

question whether it would not be worth while to secure a

substantial reduction in coal freights at the cost of sacrificing a part
of the contribution which the railways made to general revenue.

Reviewing the internal competition between the cement
factories, theBoard held that it was essentially a temporary phase.
We have already discussed this point in the earliar portion of the
chapter, and therefore we pass on to another issue. The problem
of foreign competition was examined and it was held that the

industry can hold its own

upcountry markets, where the

railway freight adversely affects the importer, and the main

question was whether it could do so in the great ports.
We have
seen that the importers enjoyed great advantages in markets near
the ports, due to cheaper see freight which they could command,
and the high railway freight per contra that Indian cement had to
pay to reach the ports. The competitive area was isolated, and it
was held that it extended as far as Bhusaval .on the G. L P.,
Asanol on the E. L R., Panposh on the B. N. R., Baroda on the
B. B. & C. I., and Khanpur on the N. W. R., from the respective

ports served by the railways. There were two alternative schemes

for capturing these markets at the ports, either freight subsidy
or fiscal protection. But the former scheme was brushed aside on
the plea that it would not be possible apparently to restrict the

1. See Report of the Tariff Board, Para. 68.

2. See Report of the Tariff Board, Para. 63.

subsidy only to consignments to the nearest port " *, and bounties

were advocated, subject to certain conditions. 2 These recom-
mendations of the Board were, however, not accepted by the


True, the State did not give any direct help to the industry; but
the move for the improvement and re-organisation of the industry,
which started from within, after the publication of the Report, has
transformed the industry with the result that even in the present
depressed times the industry continues to maintain steady progress.
As has been noted in the foregoing discussion, the problem before
the industry was primarily one of transport, and this has been
tackled with success.


Indian cement factories had realised the baneful effects of
intense internal competition even prior to the enquiry of the Tariff
Board, and attempts from time to time were made to form a
combine, though they proved abortive due to lack of an intelligent
understanding of the problem on the part of a few members.
Nevertheless, the gravity of the situation was being constantly felt
allthe time, and by all the producers, because of the unremunerative
prices which usually did not cover even works costs. The
importance of concerted action was thus coming to the fore.
Mr. Captain, of the C. P. Portland Cement Company, while giving
evidence before-the Tariff Board, remarked that in their self-interest
the Indian Cement manufacturers should stop cutting each other's
throat and come some understanding.
to The Board had also
pointed out that the primay remedy for the malady lay in the hands
of the manufacturers themselves. In due course, the manufacturers
realised' their interests, and entered into a combine known as the
Indian Cement Manufacturers' Association in 1926, to husband

1, ride, Tariff Board Report, Para. 69.

2, Supra, Paras. 70 to 72.

3, I say frankly that the sensible thing would be for the manufacturers

to come to some understanding and not cut each other's throats." Vide
Evidence Vol. P. 102.


their hitherto frittered resources, and to present a united front to

their common rivals.

One of the most outstanding achievements to the credit of

the Indian Cement Manufacturers' Association is the elimination
of the internecine competition and waste involved in the form of
high railway freight. In the absence of definite marketing
agreements between the cement factories, apart from the price-
wars, they made inroads in distant markets within the geographical
limits of other cement factories and paid high railway freights. The
attempts of the Gwalior Cement Company to capture the Khirgi
market, referred to above, is an instance to the point. Several in-
stances of the type have been quoted in the foregoing pages showing
the extent of uneconomic waste which this practice entailed. This
deficiency was made good by the allocation of certain geographical
areas to different factories, and the definite demarcation of the
marketing limits. This move has been fruitful, and substantial
economies in freight have resulted. Besides, the standardised
prices of cement, and the stability resulting therefrom have
proved beneficial both for the manufacturers and the consumers,
and the consumption of cement has increased.


This marketing arrangement continued till 1930 when the
necessity of a further improvement was felt, and therefore a new
association was formed known as the Cement Marketing Company
of India, Ltd. In this Company are centralised the marketing
functions of its constituent members. To be clear, all the eight
factories which had formed the Cement Manufacturer's Association
in now centralised the marketing of their output. The
constituent factories carry on their production and the total produce
is marketed by the Cement Marketing
Company. This Company
studies the conditions of demand and
the nature of foreign com-
petition, and regulates the production of the factories accordingly.

Let us consider now as to how this new institution marks

a stage in the evolution of the cement industry, and how it solves
the problem of high freight charge. Hitherto the cement
after the formation of the Cement Manufacturers' Association, used
to market their output within the allocated geographical limits and
made their own arrangements with the railway companies for

freight charges, But the wastes involved in marketing, thus con-

ducted by individual factories, was soon realised. It was felt that
in order to be able to face foreign competition, which was increasing
in strength, further economies should be effcted and the prices
lowered. Therefore, under the new arrangements the two most
important functions of modern industries, production proper and
its marketing, have been separated and the latter has been
and entrusted to the Cement Marketing Company. The
Cement under the pool are mere producers and
nothing more they produce for the pool. The expected annual

outturn of the individual factories is provisionally predetermined

at the commencement it is purchased f .o.r. works
of the year, and
by the pool at This price is equal for all constituent
a fixed price.
factories, subject to a specified coal allowance proportionate to the
distance from the coalfields. The prices of the produce are
by the Marketing Company, which meets the bills drawn

upon it by the constitutent companies on the basis of aforesaid

arrangements and after defraying expenses of the .establishment,
the residue is distributed between the companies in proportion to
the tonnage supplied.

The Marketing Company, having cement at its disposal at

the different works, on the receipt of an order arranges for the

despatch from the nearest centre. Now, there are no marketing
zones fixed for the constituent factories, except for those which
are outside the pool, and the marketing company manages the
sales as it thinks best. Take a few instances. If the demand for
cement in Bombay increases above the normal, the pool would
adjust its supplies by diverting the total output of Kathiawar
factories and of C. P. cement factories to Bombay and the internal
demand would be met by other factories. Again, if some new
constructional project is started in Sind, the output of Kathiawar

factories and of Lakheri would be supplemented from other factories

in the vicinity. These are the instances of abnormal demand ; in
normal times orders are supplied from the nearest works without
any unusual effort. But the fact of great import to be noted in
this connection is that the reorganised selling arrangements have

substantially curtailed the transport costs ; long leads are elimin-

ated, as far as possible, by delivering cement from the nearest
factory, and the Marketing Company succeeded,
within a short

period of two years, in reducing the prices of cement,


From the foregoing remarks it will be evident that the

Indian Cement Industry has by its own efforts, eliminated
the high transport costs, entailed in delivering its produce
over the distant parts of this vast country, by centralising its
distribution. This central institution, obviously strong in position,
commanding as it does the output of eight out of ten cement
factories of India, is in a better position in negotiating with the

railways concerned for concessions in freight. We are informed

by the Cement Marketing Company that railways have granted
special station-to- station rates from time to time when urgent
necessity was shown therefor. For instance, whenever new
constructional works commenced and the Marketing Company
approached the railways concerned for a special station-to station
ratefrom the nearest factory the request was complied with and
the special rate operated till the works were finished. This is
done for larger orders. Even for smaller orders we are informed
that they are able to make suitable arrangements with the railways
for wagon load consignments.
The freight schedules, paripassu, have also recorded some
changes. Indeed these changes are not very material never- ;

theless,they are important in the evolution of the Industry,

more so because when the Tariff Board conducted the investigation
the railways expressed their reluctance to make any reductions in
the then existing freights. The mild and diffident attitude taken
up by the Board reflects the ultra- conservative freight policy of
Indian railways, to which even an expert body could fall prey.
An active move on the part of Indian railways to foster internal

The Board recorded their findings on the freight question in the

following terms:
We enquired from the railway administration concerned whether
anything could be done in this direction, but all of them have
expressed their inability to reduce either coal or cement rates in
existing circumstances helow their present level. The railways have
already given special concession rates on cement hooked through from
the factories to the ports, and these rates are lower by from Rs. 3 to
Rs. 4 a ton, than the ordinary rates calculated by distance. That
being so, we are not in a position to impugn their refusal to do
anything more. If anything is to be done in this way, it must be
subsidising the freights on coal and cement at the expense of
general revenue."
Report of the Tariff Board, Para, 67.

traffichas been an exception rather than a rule. Subsequent

events have falsified the position taken up by the Indian railways
to which the Board offered a willing acquiescence. As regards
the freights on coal, with every reduction the traffic and the
earnings pari passu increased, as can be seen from our survey of
the coal industry. The freights on cement, with which we are
more concerned for the present, have not been reduced to the same
extent as those on coal, nevertheless, they have hepled the industry
materially in its present transitional stage. Let us then review
the present freight position.


The General cement continues to be second
Classification of
class railway risk, but on most of the railways special schedule
and station-to-station rates are quoted, so that the general classifi-

cation has been reduced to a mere paper classification. In actual

practice schedule and special rates are of greater moment. We
shall therefore examine the changes on the more important

The G. L P. Railway*

Former Freight based on 'G' tele- Present Freight based on C/0 telesco-
scopic schedule: pie schedule:
1 to 100 miles 0*24 pie 1 to 75 miles 0*30 pie.
101 200 0-20 75 400 0*170 *

200 400 ,, 0-175 ,, Over 400 ,, 0-10

Over 400 ,, 0-10 ,,

The schedules mark a very minor change. But the rates to

port town and some other more important markets are lower than
warranted by these schedules, some of which are given below :

1. The freights are in pie per maund per mile. The conditions for
carriage are the same in both the cases, viz., in full wagon loads at
owner's risk, charges calculated on the carrying capacity of the wagon
used, loading and unloading to be done by senders and consignees.

The though below the schedule basis, they

rates reveal that,
have not been reduced below the level of 1925. We have selected
these few stations to show that so far as the railways are concerned,
except a few minor changes, the position continues to be the same.
But for the reorganised marketing arrangements the industry would
have made little progress and the freights do not give any
encouragement. Improved marketing, however, has helped
materially, the above figures indicate, because for instance, a
market like Allahabad would be supplied from Jukehi at a freight
of as. 24 per maund instead of from Banmore which would
cost as. 6-7 per maund, and thus affect a substantial saving.

To take up the freight on the E. I. R, we note the following
alterations in the schedule :

Former Schedule <
C '
: Present Schedule C\N:

1 to 75 miles ... 0'38 pie. 1 to 75 miles ... 0*333 pie.

Plus 76 to 300 ... 0-18 Plus 76 to 150 ... 0-20

301 and above ... 0-10 151 to 300 ... 0-17

301 to 400 ... 0-125
Above 400 ... 0- 10

As will be seen, the position of long distance freight has been

little affected, except that the lowest freight of 0*10 pie per maund

per mile which was formerly available over 300 miles is now for
the distance over 400 miles. Short distance traffic, however, has
received some concession. This has special significance to-day
because long leads have been as far as possible eliminated. Special
station-to station rates to Howrah below these schedule rates are
be at the
quoted from the cement factories and they continue to
Bame level with a few minor alterations. For instance, cement
booked from Katni to Howrah was charged a special rate of

Es. 0-7-0 per maund in 1925 and the present freight is just the same.

This freight is for the E. I. E. section only : for the G. I. P. section

Rs. 0-2-3 per maund be added, so that the total freight is not
is to

affected. The E. I. R. share of the traffic booked from Lakheri,

via Agra East Bank to Howrah is Rs. 0-7-11 per maund as against
Us. 0-7-1 in 1925, an increase of pies ten per maund. The traffic
from Banmore to Howrah on the E. I. R. section via Naini is
charged to-day Rs. 0-5-9 per maund, whereas in 1925 the rate via
Mankipur was Rs. 0-6-5 per maund, From Japla to Howrah

the freight is Rs. 0-5-0 per maund as against Rs. 0-4-0 per
maund in 1925. The Japala factory has thus been materially
affected in the Calcutta market in which it has the greatest
stake. Apart from this what we want to show is that there has
been no material change in freight since 1925, and that to port
towns rates below the schedule are quoted as usual.


On the B. B. & C. I. Railway alterations in freights have been
as under:
Former Freight Schedule 'H' : Present Freight Schedule 'CIO' :

Ito 75 miles ... 0-30 pie. 1 to 75 miles ... 0- 30 pie.

Plug 76 to 300 ... 0-17 Plus 76 to 400 ,, ... 0-170
301 to 600 ,, ... 0-15 Over 400 ... 0' 10
Over 500 ... O'lO

When the two compared no bold changes

schedules are
appear. The lowest
freight is now
and available over 400 miles,
the rate of -17 pie is applied for the distance over 76 to 400
miles. However, for traffic from Lakheri factory and via
Wadhwan for traffic from the Kathiawar factories, special rates
below the schedule are quoted. For instance, from Lakheri to
Bombay a special rate of Rs. 0-7-5 per maund, equivalent to
Rs. 12-9-0 per ton is charged and from via Wadhwan and
Dhandhuka a rate of Rs. 0-5-4 per maund equivalent to Rs. 9-0-0
per ton is quoted. These freights are substantially below the
schedule rate. But it is clear from the Goods Tariffs of this
railway that there have been no changes in the special station-
to-station rate since 1925.

The changes in the schedule rates on the B. N. Railway may
be briefly reviewed. We quote below the schedules :

Former Freight Schedule. Present Freight Schedule.
Ito 100 miles ... "30 pie. Ito 75 miles ... 0*38 pie.
Plus 101 to 300 ... 0-20 Plus 76 to 300 ... 0-20
301 to 600 ... 0-18 301 and above ... 0*10
Over 600 ... 0-15

On the B. N. Railway, therefore, long distance traffic has

received some assistance 1ml the freight for the first 75 miles is
raised from -30 pie to -38 pio v/hich neutralises some part of the

benefits for long distances and imposes heavier charge for the short
distance shipments. Nevertheless the reduction has proved helpful
to the industry in its huge task of popularising the use of cement
in the country.

The N. W. Railway has adopted C/N schedule as in the case of
the E. I. Railway. But for the Punjab Cement Works situated on
its line, special station-to-station rates, lower than the schedule
rates, are quoted. We submit below freights to a few important
stations to show the nature of concession granted to the factory:
Railway Freight ex Works to the undermentioned stations.

Schedule Rate Class Rate

Mileage. Station. per ton. per ton.
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
-389 AmbalaCity 11 3 6 23 15 9
239 Amritsar Junction 815 15 1 6
264 FerozpurCity 810 6 16 9 8
288 Jullunder City 937 18 3
79 Peshawar City 3 15 7 587
345 Multan City 10 5 9 21 C 11
207 Lahore 761 13 3 2
241 Lyallpur 815 15 3

The schedule rate is thus a substantial concession over the

class rate. But there
nothing particular about this concession

because a similar concession is granted by other railways too. In

fact the N. W. Railway seems tobe more conservative in quoting
special station-to- station rates, than even a company-managed line
like the B. B. & C. I. Railway, which quotes rates lower than
the schedule rates to some important markets both from the
cement factory on its lines and from Kathiawar Works via,
Wadhwan and Dhandhuka, as referred to above.
On the B.& N. W. Railway, which is important for internal
distribution, schedule rate C/Q is quoted. The basis of this

1. Vide Goods Tariff, Part I, P. 442.

2. Schedule C/N rates are applied when the weight for charge is the
carrying capacity of the wagons used ; loading and unloading to be
done by the consignments and consignees ; and the goods are booked
and accepted on Risk Note From "H".
3. Subject to the condition, 0. R, ; C. C ; L,

schedule may be noted as under :

1 to 100 Miles ... 0'20 pie per maund per mile

Plus 101 to 200 ... 0-17
201 to 500 ... 0-U
above 500 ,, ... 0-10 ,,

The point to be noted in the above schedule is that for the

first 100 miles the freight is lowest on this railway as compared
with other railways. This is especially significant because the
traffic on this generally over short distances, and as such
railway is

the lower freight helps the better distribution of cement.

These are the more important railways with which the Cement
Marketing Company has to deal they carry the major part of the

cement traffic of the Indian factories, except the bhahabad Factory

which caters for the markets in Southern India, as we shall
presently see. The reduction in rates over those of 1925 have been
only nominal, and the facilities for the marketing of cement, so far
as railways are concerned, areon a par with the conditions when
the Tariff Board enquired. But the de facto marketing arrangement
of Indian cement has been overhauled, and the reductions in rates
wherever offered has been better availed of by the industry. Under
the reorganised system, however, the lack of proper co-ordination
between the different railways is very keenly felt, and it is
imperative in the interests of Indian industries that in through
booking the entire distance over which the consignment travels,
should be taken into consideration in calculating the telescopic
the number of railways concerned.
rates, irrespective of


Before we
pass on to the general discussion of the effects of
reorganised marketing on the cement industry, we should trace in
brief the marketing facilities of cement companies outside the

pool, namely, theSone Valley Portland Cement Company and

Shahabad Portland Cement Company, especially the latter. The
Cement Marketing Company has working arrangements with these
companies, whereby they have been allotted geographical areas
within which they are immune from internal competition except
in port towns. Price agreements have also been entered into
which have helped the stabilisation of prices, and increased the
effective strength of the factories against foreign importers. The
Sone Valley Company markets its output primarily in Calcutta

and in Bengal This company is apparently in a

stronger position, and being located in the vicinity of Calcutta, one
naturally expects that this factory should be able to drive out the
imports ; but the results do not come up to expectations, as the
imports in Calcutta are still higher than those in Bombay.
Nevertheless the situation is improving.
The Shahabad Cement Factory is, however, in a slightly
different position in respect of its markets, for its capacityhigher

than that of the Sone Valley Factory. It is unable to exploit the

full advantages of its location due to the multiplicity of different

railway systems over which the traffic has to pass before reaching
the consuming markets. The principal markets of the factory
are in Southern India, rightfrom the Deccan and the
South of Bombay to the Nizam's Dominions, the Mysore State
and the Madras Presidency, The Principal railways with which
this factory has to deal are the Nizam's State Eailway, the M.& S.M.
Railway and the South Indian Railway. Each railway has a
different basis of freight charge. The N. G. S. Railway formerly
quoted a class rate but now they have adopted a Schedule rate,
based on the following :

For first 75 miles ... 0'38 pie per maund per mile
Plus 76 to 300 ... 0-20
Above 300 ... 0-10

The M. & S. M. Railway has adopted C/G schedule on the

following telescopic basis :

For first 300 miles 0'38 pie per maund per mile
Plus 301 to 400 0-30
401 600 0-20
601 600 0-125
601 700 0*115
Above 700 0-10

The South Indian Railway have adopted C/K Schedule rate

which is noted below :

For first 100 miles .,, 0*38 pie per maund per mile
Plui 151 to 250 ... 0-250 ,.

251 to 400 0-125,,

,, Above 400 ... 0-115

Thus, on a comparison of the above schedules, it appears

that the schedule rates quoted by the N. S. Railway is more
favourable than those allowed by other railways. But, the more

important and outstanding fact to be noted in this connection


isthe individualistic policy pursued by the different railways,

which charge freight on the distance over which the traffic has to
be hauled on their lines, irrespective of the total distance travelled.
This has raised the incidence of freight appreciably. To take an
instance, cement when despatched from Shahabad to Masulipatam,
will have to travel over three railways, G. I .P., N. S. t and
M. & S. M. Railway. The total distance to be travelled is 395
miles and the freight charge works out as under :

Pie per maund

per mile.
The G. I. P. Railwaywould charge at 0-38 for 7 miles.
The N. S. Railway would charge at 0-38 150
0-20 188
and M. & S. M, Railway 0-38 60

if all these railways were considered as a single

Per contra,
unit, the freight would have been charged either on the basis of
the G. I. P. Schedule, or on that of the N. S. Railway, which
would be appreciably lower than the present freight. Thus, the
advantage of telescopic schedule rates, meant to foster long distance
traffic, are not availed of by the industries on internal traffic due

to this pernicious practice pursued by railways impervious to

public opinion. Therefore, the telescopic schedule far from
helping our factories discount ipso facto the transport facilities,
because the internal traffic has to pass over more than two railway
systems in most cases, and the freight on each system is higher for
the lower distance travelled. In some cases, in readjusting the
telescopic schedules, the freight for lower distance has been raised ,
in order to give better facilities to long distance traffic. The

fostering of long distance traffic is indeed in the interests of the

country, but the particularistic proclivities of our railways,
insisting as they do on being treated separately, transform what is
obviously a very desirable action into an evil, and thereby help
the penetration of the imports. The imports can avail themselves
of the telescopic freight charge on the total distance, and get into the
interior of the country through main trunk lines running from the
ports ; the industries in the internal centres have to pay higher

1. On the G. Railway which had 'G' schedule rate formerly, the

I. P.

freight for the 100 miles was at 0*24 pie per maund per mile, but

in the'present schedule the freight for the first 75 miles is at 0*30 pie

per mauud per* mile.

freight per mile and subsidise their rivals. The root cause of
despair is the glaring lack of co-ordination in our railway policy ;

the entire railroad neb should be one entity, functioning in the

interests of Indian trade and in lustries.

From the foregoing brief account of the re-organised market-

ing arrangements based on the agreements of the cement
companies inter se, either within or outside the pool, and the
freight quoted on different railways it seems safe to conclude that
the industry, on the whole, has succeeded in eliminating the
disadvantages in the distribution of cement. The more obvious
difficulties which still persist, in spite of the energetic and intelli-

gent efforts by the industry to remove them, are due to defects

in the railway policy of the country,


As a result of the aforesaid reorganisation of the Indian
cement industry and the centralised advertising and propaganda
conducted, paripassu, by the Cement Marketing Company, the
efficiency of production and with it the consumption of cement
has recordel a marked increase. The consumption of cement has
increased from about 378 thousand tons of Indian cement in
1925-26 to 762 thousand tons in 1934-35. As regards the increase
in the efficiency in production we have not been able to get the
figures of the cost of production, but a rough indication can be had
from the increase in the productive capacity of the factories given
below, because the industry is subject to the laws of increasing
returns and consequent lower costs per unit as the aggregate
output increases.

1, Ports being linked more directly with the internal centres importers
can better avail of the telescopic rates and the indigenous industries
have to bear the brunt*

Another indication of the efficiency of the industry is the

reduction, in addition to the stability, in prices. The prices on an
average have been reduced by about Rs. 3 per ton since 1929 due
to the efforts of theCement Marketing Company of India, as can
be seen from the figures given below :

Prices in 1929 Prices in 19SS

Market. F. R. Destination F. 0. R. Destination.

Us. a. p. Rs. a. p.

Bombay City ... 52 60

Bombay Suburbs ... 55 50 to 52.

Gujrat ... 55 52
Central India ... 55 52 8

Rajputana ... 55 52 8
Sind ... 57 55
Karachi ... 50 48
Baluchistan, Quetta ... 67 8 62 8

Delhi ... 55 52 8

This efficiency in the organisation of the industry and the
resulting reduction in prices augurs well for the future. In India
the consumption of cement being very low, only about 5 Ib*,
per head as against 600 Ibs. per head in U. S. A., 400 Ibs. in U. K,
and about 350 France, the prospects for further growth in
Ibs. in

the market are immense the field only needs a proper ploughing,

which is being carried on by the Marketing Company. The Tariff

Board, while discussing the growth in India's demand for cement,
remarked that if consumption continued to grow at the same rate as
it did between 1919 and 1924, it would not be long before the

demand again overtook the productive capacity of the works.

In that case by 1928 or 1929 India would be using 600,000
tons of cement a year and the position of the industry would
be greatly improved. Later developments have proved the
prognostications of the Board, because since 1929 the consumption
of Indian-made cement has increased to about 762 thousand tons
in 1934-35. The consumption has been fostered, inter alia, by the
price factor, as referred to above. This price factor as affecting
India's demand for cement was emphasised in unequivocal terms

1. Prices supplied by the Cement Marketing Company on a personal


2. Vide Report, Para, 16,


by the Board 1 and it has been strictly borne in mind by the


Indian cement factories. 9 Profiting by the investigations of the

Board, the startling revelations made and the warnings sounded,
the industry has strenuously strived to effect every possible
economy alike in production and distribution, and consequently
the consumption of cement has been stimulated considerably.
The baneful prejudice against Indian cement has now been com-
pletelyremoved and if the imports persist to-day, it is primarily
due way of Indian factories, and the
to transport difficulties in the
on barrel packings in districts with heavy rainfall. In
fact the quality of Indian cement as supplied by the Indian
Cement Marketing Company is said to be far superior to British
cement. The remarkable advance made in the production of rapid
hardening cement and the coloured concretes, marks the efficiency
of production and the scope for its future growth. The difficulties
of transporting cement through wet districts are being increasingly
overcome, and the adoption by the Cement Marketing Company of
new twill bag with a waxed crepe paper lining, marks a step
further in this direction. As regards the transport difficulties,
especially to the ports in the South, considerable relief would be
afforded if the consignment, travelling over more than one line,
gets the telescopic rate on the total distance travelled. The policy
of co-operation between the railroads and the industry, and
a proper appreciation of the mutual difficulties may be suggested
as the proper remedy.

1. It is a mistake to assume that the growth of consumption of cement will

not be affected by the price at which cement can be bought. For
certain purposes, it is true, cement is indispensable, and will continue
to be used almost at any price. But for many other purposes cement

enjoys no monopoly, and is in constant competition with other methods

of construction and other materials, which already hold the place and
must be displaced. A rapid extension of its use can hardly be expected
under the prices continuing to be relatively low. This is particularly
true of up-country markets like the Punjab where, on account of the
distance from the sea, imported cement has always been expensive and

consequently little used. A

marked rise in the price would probably
retard the growth of consumption and as very substantial increase might
for the time being stop it altogether. In view of the excess of pro-
ductive capacity over demand industry needs a rapid expansion and
consumption. Report of the T. B. Vide, Para,'.20.

2. The cement factories have recently adopted a merger scheme,


(1) The Indian Cement Factories possess great natural
advantages raw materials are in the
; vicinity of the factories and
also the markets to some extent.

(2) In respect of coal supply, which is the primary source of

power, the factories are situated at a great distance from the
coalfields with the result that the freight on coal is a very large
item in the cost of production. So also the remoteness of the
factories from the port towns, by far the most important markets,
is a serious handicap, because it entails high railway freight.

(3) The freight disadvantage in respect of markets has been

eliminated by the centralisation of distribution. Reductions in
coal freights have given some relief in power costs too.

(4) Reorganisation of the industry has resulted in efficient

production and consequent lower costs consumption of cement

therefore has recorded a marked increase. These progressive

elements augur well for the future of the industry.

(5)Railways are quoting Special station-to-station and

schedule rates, lower than the class rates, to help the development
of the industry, but the individualistic proclivities of the railways
impose a serious handicap. In other words, if a co-ordinated rate
policy was pursued and telescopic rates were quoted on the total
distance traversed by a given consignment, irrespective of the
number of different railways, the local manufacturers would have
no cause to complain.

In India coal has been and

is even to-day by far the most

important source of power, though gas and electricity are also of

late attracting increasing attention. The consumption of electricity

and gas is rapidly increasing, but they have not as yet assumed a

very serious competitive character so as to impair the importance of

coal as a source of power. They generally supplement rather than
supplant the consumption of coal. It is, however, not intended to
convey that electricity cannot or does not compete with coal as a
source of generating mechanical energy. Far from it. In some of
the more advanced countries the process of substitution has gone
far, so as to dispel any doubt as to the precise province of coal and
electricity. What is meant to convey is that notwithstanding the
growth in the consumption of electrical energy, coal continues to
function as an important source of power.

The most striking peculiarity of the Indian coal industry

is that coalfields, unlike those of England, are centred in a part of
the country far removed from the industrial areas. The result is
that the distance over which coal has to be carried is fairly long and
therefore the incidence of railway rates is very important. Since
the possibilities of substitution are very limited, the demand for it
is inelastic and the railway authorities can successfully add to their

receipts from coal traffic by higher rates without any substantial

diminution in the traffic carried* But in this event the higher
rates would act as a tax and raise the cost of production of the
industries consuming coal. Thus, for instance, the Ahmedabad

1. Since the coal traffic Ahmedabad has to pass over more than
passing to
one railway from the coal-fields to Howrah there is one line and from
Bombay to Ahmedabad there is another railway, taking the sea route*
it does not get the benefit of the through calculated on the total
distance traversed on the railways, The case is similar even when the
total distance is traversed on land alone. Tariff Board, Evidence
Vol. II, P, 148-49,
COAL 161

Cotton Mills have to pay heavy transport charge on their coal

requirements, due to the longer length of haul. Of course, there
are other handicaps as well which help to raise the rates above the
normal level, but, distance is by far the most important. The same
is the case with other centres like Cawnpore, Agra, Delhi, Amritsar,
etc., which have to depend solely on railway transport for the
whole lead. It should be noted that when coal transported from

Bengal coal-fields to centres like Amritsar and Lahore, and the

traffichas to pass over the E. I. R. and the N. W. R, a through rate
calculated on the total distance from the coal-fields to the consuming
market is not quoted, even though both the lines are under State
ownership and management, because railway authorities do not like
to give up their old practice to which they have been accustomed
since long. This was admitted by the railway authorities before
the Tariff Board in enquiry on Salt.
its This is a very sad
commentary on the Indian Railway policy. The burden due to
this individualistic policy presses heavily upon the movement of
internal trade, especially coal, because the internal traffic has
frequently to pass over more than one railway system, and on the
different gauges over the same railway. This obviously adds to the
cost of transport. In what follows, therefore, we shall examine the
organisation of the Indian coal industry with special reference to
railway transport.


(a) Nineteenth Century

The necessity of charging a lower rate on coal was realised by

the Government of India from the commencement of railway
development in this country. The Government of India quoted
exceptional rates on coal, food grains, salt, etc., and reserved
to themselves the authority to regulate these rates, which was
exercised from time to time. The prevalent opinion was that the
lowest rates should be charged for the necessaries of life, and coal
was included in this classification. But the policy of classifying
food grains and coal together ignored the fundamentals of railway
economics rates seem to have been fixed arbitrarily.
; In this
system of rate making the capacity of the article to bear the trans-
portation charge seems to have been ignored. Taking the issue

1. Vide, Report of the Indian Tariff Board, Vol. of Evidence,


strictly from the standpoint of railway economics, it cannot be

denied that foodstuffs can bear higher transportation costs than
coal, though both of them are necessaries ;of life. The place
utility or added value created by the transport of coal is much
less than that in the case of food grains. The Government of
India, however, soon realised this disparity, and hence in 1891 the
rates on coal were fixed on a lower basis. The wagon-load con-
ditions attached to the carriage of coal were very high, and hence
small-scale industries were prevented from reaping the benefit of
lower rates. Indian industries, especially in the nineteenth
century, were only in their adolescence, so far as the factory system
is concerned, and therefore they could not afford to purchase their

coal requirements ex-colliery in larger wagon-loads, so as to avail

themselves of the lowar rates. In actual practice, therefore, the
manufacturers generally had to pay substantially higher rates.
Il seems that the reduced rates and rebates were at the time mainly
intended for the benefit of State railways, the object being to
reduce the cost of operation of such railways. It may be suggested
that if the wagon load conditions were relaxed a little, other indus-
trieswould have enjoyed similar advantages and their cost of
production would have been lowered.

In 1895, the Government of India revised the rate schedule of

coal of 1891, and the reduced rates for large quantities were made
applicable on lower wagon-loads, So that the load of one wagon too
could claim the reduced rates and rebate, like the consignments
comprising a number of wagons. The rates were calculated as
follows :

For all distances up to 400 miles 0*18 pie per maund

per mile.
For distances above 400 miles for the first 400 miles
15 pie per maund per mile.

For distance in excess of 400 miles 0-10 pie per maund

per mile. In addition the rebates formerly allowed were

1. For* a detailed theoretical discussion on this point refer to Chapter.

Theory of Railway Rates.'
2. Vide, S. C. Ghose Monograph on Railway Rates."
3. S. C. Ghose, "Monograph," P. 368,

These rates were intended to be the maximum rates that the

railways could charge, the minimum being one-tenth pie per

maund per mile which was in force since long. The rates
between two points were to be calculated by the shortest route.
As the Government could not compel all the railways to accept this
schedule, it provided that the through rates on the traffic booked
over the railways which did not accept this schedule shall be the
sum of the local rates. These lower rates proved highly beneficial
to the coal trade, and therefore the traffic increased considerably ;

the output nearly doubled itself within the next five years. This
closes our survey of the coal industry in the nineteenth century.


(b) Pre-War
The twentieth century heralded a new era in the history of
the development of Indian coal industry and the output of coal
began to multiply. The transport facilities could not keep pace
with the rapid growth of the industry and the traffic congestion on

the E. R.,
I. which was the only line serving the coal fields, drew
the attention of the Government as well as the business community.
It was found that the E. I. R. could not provide adequate facilities

for the traffic, which had increased and was promising to increase
further. Therefore, the B. N. R. was allowed an independent
access to the Jharia coalfields by the construction of their branch
line from Midnapur to Jharia. The entrance of the B. N. R. into
the Jharia coalfields gave a good stimulus to the Indian coal
industry, because the sole monopoly of the E. I. R. was checked
and the much needed competition came in. As the demand for
coal was increasing, the Government made a further reduction in
rates in 1902. The following reduced rates were introduced:
Pie per maund
per mile.

For all distances up to 75 miles inclusive ... 0*14

From 76 miles to 200 miles ... ... 0-12
200 450 0-10
451 1000 0-09

1. Vide, Ghose's Monograph, P. 123.


But this reduction too, could not suffice the

needs of growing
Indian industries, which pressed the Government and the railways
for further reduction in rates. Industries situated in centres
distant from the coal areas of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa found the
high cost of coal a distinct handicap in their cost of production.
This was the beginning of the industrial evolution in India, and
the Indian industries found it difficult to meet the competition of
imported goods. Besides, the export trade in coal had increased
considerably, and in the year 1906 the peak of the pre-war period
was reached, for the export of coal amounted to a little more than
a million tons valued at about 8 lakhs of rupees. The appeals
of the Indian industries and trade, were, therefore, sympathetically
considered by the Government of India and revised rates for
coal were introduced in November 1906. The consignments in
full wagon loads were charged on the following basis :

Pie per maund

per mile.
For all distances up to 75 miles inclusive ... 0*14
Plus for any distance in excess of 75 miles
up to 200 miles inclusive ... ... 0-12
Plus for any distance in excess of 200 miles
up to 500 miles inclusive ... ... 0'06
Plus for any distance in excess of 500 miles 0*05



Thus, we find that there was a substantial reduction in rates,

which benefited both the railways as well as the public. The
extent of actual reduction effected can be gauged if we take up
the de facto rates to some important centres. The following are
the rates charged per ton of coal from the Jharia field to some
important places :

COAL 165

It will be seen that the reduction in rates was appreciable.

The rates to Cawnpore were reduced from Rs. 11-1-0 in 1901 to

Rs. 5-15-0 in 1907; for Karachi Bombay and Lahore the reduction
was 50,48 and 41 per cent. The railways profited both as the
consumers and carriers of coal. The quantity of coal used on
railways increased by about 40 per cent., within three years after
1905. Besides, the traffic gave a prompt response to every
successive reduction in rates, thereby augmenting the net earnings
of the railways.

Though transport costs play a more prominent part in the

coal industry, by themselves they do not reveal the true nature
of the industry, because there are other factors no less important
which affect the cost of production. Efficient production measures

the true strength of the industry. It may be noted that the

colliery owners exploited to the full the advantages of reduced
rates offered to them. As shrewd and alert business men, they
improved in the meantime their methods of raising coal and
reduced their pithead costs. Fortunately, the economic conditions
of the country were also favourable to the advancement of the
coal industry. As the demand for coal, both for internal consump-
tion and for export, was rising, the colliery owners, being assured
of the market for their output, increased their production and
made huge profits. We have already noted that the peak of
export of coal was reached in 1906 this was so because the f. o. r.

prices of coal were gradually falling and also the railway freight.


The prices of coal which fell gradually from Rs. 4-0-0 per ton
in 1899, to Rs. 3-8-0 in 1905 record a sudden and substantial rise in
1906 from Rs. 3-8-0 to Rs. 4-10-0, a rise of about 30 per cent. This
rise in prices, recorded in the year 1906, increased further in the

following year, and in the year 1909 the average price was Rs. 6-12-0,
nearly double of that in the year 1905, The growth in the coal
industry, which was fostered by low prices, was checked by this rise.
Indian industries suffered from the scarcity of coal, and foreign
markets, in which India was one of the several suppliers of coal,
were lost. Markets in the Far East and Ceylon took to Australian
and Natal coal. In order to appreciate the extent of rise in prices at

1. Vide, Ghose, "Monograph," P. 356-57.


the consuming centres it is of interest to note that Bengal coal, which

was available in Bombay at prices varying from Rs. 10-0-0 to
Bs. 12-4-0 per ton in 1905,was being sold in Bombay at Es. 17-0-0
per ton in 1908. The Cotton Mills of Ahmedabad, which had been
taking Bengal coal, were found to resort to wood fuel for power, due
to this rapid rise in prices. Industries in the up-country centres
like Cawnpore, Amritsar, etc,, suffered seriously and curtailed their



During this abnormal period, under the stimulus of high prices,

several small colliery owners, doubtful of their safety on the return
to normal conditions, tried to make most of the opportunity. Being
anxious to make much profit as possible, they unscrupulously
failed to supply the right quality of coal. This attitude of the
Bengal colliery owners, conscious or unconscious, placed great
obstacles in the way of the future development of the industry,
because the consumers of coal, both home and foreign, lost confi-
dence, and Bengal coal got a stigma which it has taken long to
remove; and in spite of the ceaseless efforts of the colliery owners
as well as the Government, even to this day the former confidence
has not been restored. No doubt, the blame of this suicidal measure
cannot be thrown upon the respectable miners, but in the long run
the interests of the country have been jeopardised. It is since this
time that foreign rivals obtained an upper hand over the Indian
miners, in markets external as well as internal. Further, whereas
Bengal coal was sold at Es. 17 per ton in Bombay in 1908, the English
coal was selling at Es. 12-8-0 to Es. 18-6-0 per ton. Naturally the
consumers turned to foreign coal. The average imports of foreign
coal which amounted to about 2 lakhs of tons valued at Es. 38 lakhs
between 1901-1905, increased to about 34 lakhs of tons valued at
Es. 62 lakhs between 1906 and 1910. It is the quality as well as

the prices of Bengal coal prevalent then which account for the
substitution of foreign coal for Bengal coal.

From 1910 production as well as

consumption recorded a
marked increase. Production increased from 120 lakhs of tons in
1910 to 165 in 1914, while consumption increased from 118 to 163
during the same period, as the figures of consumption indicate.
The import trade in coal has been more fluctuating, as also the
COAt 167

export, but the change has been to the disadvantage of the Indian
industry. The importsof foreign coal which were 3 '2 lakhs of
tons in 1910 doubled themselves in 1913, whereas our exports of
coal dwindled from 9-9 lakhs of tons in 1909 to 7-6 lakhs of tons
in 1913. This was a very serious feature of the coal industry. The
imports of coal were shared by South Africa, Japan Australia and
the United Kingdom, but the most noteworthy fact was that African
coal acquired a strong hold in the Indian market, its imports having
increased from about 18 thousand tons in 1910 to about 246 thousand
tons in 1913, due primarily to rebates on the export coal granted by
the African Government, which we shall discuss in detail later.
The imports of the bounty-fed African coal later assumed a far more
serious character and became a menace to the Indian industry.

Further, the fall in the export trade from about 10 lakhs of tons
in 1910 to about 6 lakhs of tons in 1914, and the consequent
loss of foreign markets placed a very formidable obstacle in the
growth of our coal industry. Indian collieries found it difficult to
regain their hold on these markets. The increase in the demand
of coal in the home market was of course met primarily by
internal production, but the loss of foreign markets was detrimental
to the interests of the coal industry. This weakness, was
not seriously felt, because of the increasing demand for coal in the
internal markets. "An increase in the absorptive capacity of the
Indian market, however, fully compensated for the decline in
exports and the increase in imports". With the progress of
industrialisation in India the demand for coal was increasing
rapidly, because the alternative sources of power were limited. The
use of electricity for industrial purposes was almost unknown.
Foreign competition, therefore, caused no serious injury for the
time being. The average prices of Bengal coal f. mines had
o, r. at

risen to Ks. 6-8-0 in 1913, and Rs. 7-5-0 in 1914. But the adverse
effects of the loss of foreign markets, in long run, cannot be denied.
With the outbreak of the Great War conditions became
abnormal. Communications between the countries were cut off
resulting in the dislocation of trade and commerce. In the belliger-
ent countries national resources were pooled together and directed
towards the railitary operations; India had also to share the
burden. Tbe prosecution of the war meant considerable strain on
transportfacilities, both internal and external. The insufficiency
and insecurity of ocean transport hindered her import and export

trade, and the inadequacy of railroad facilities restricted her

internal trade. This insufficiency transport for
of railroad
commercial purposes -was due to the concentration of the major
portion of the plant for military requirements.

Notwithstanding the general shortage of railway facilities, the

Indian coal industry, due to protective influence exerted by the
war, recorded a steady growth ; both production and consumption
increased during the period.

The show a steady rise, a production of

figures of production
226 lakhs of tons having been recorded in 1919. The sudden fall
in the output is still more significant, and helps to bring out the
beneficial effects of the War on the coal industry. The production
which had steadily risen during the war received a setback
immediately after the cessation of hostilities. If the railway

transport facilities had been adequate, the production of coal would

have perhaps increased still more. The decline in imports was
due to the shortage of shipping facilities. The case of exports is
similar to that of imports. The figures of consumption bear an
eloquent testimony to the beneficial effects of War upon the coal
industry. Consumption shows a steady but remarkable increase
during the War and a sharp decline thereafter.

The gradual expansion of the coal industry was interrupted

for the time in 1920, when production recorded a fall of

about 20 per cent over the record of the previous year. There is
no gainsaying, therefore, that the war accelerated the production of
coal in India, The War, in fact, gave the long cherished protection
and stimulus to Indian industries, which the Government of
India had been too reluctant to accede. Under the stress of war
and pressing military requirments, several new industries were
set on foot, and the old ones were given adequate help by the
Munitions Board. The Munitons Board admirably carried out the
task entrusted to it and demonstrated India's potentialities for
Industrial production.

The imports of coal, due primarily to freight difficulties

received a sudden check and fell from 190 thousand tons in 1915
to34 thousand tons in 1916, and it is only once between 1916 and
1920 that the imports increased over 50 thousand tons. With
the elimination of foreign competition in the entire industrial
field, and not. merely in the coal trade, the scope for expansion
COAL 169

increased. There was an extensive and growing demand for coal

first for munitions, and later for the
in India during these years at
new industries, which endeavoured to establish themselves during
the boom period, and prices moved steadily upwards. The rising
demand for coal was met by increased home production. Let us
now revert to the position of railway facilities.


The Government of India being called upon to finance the

Eastern theatres of war, the finances of the country were heavily
Strained,and the inflation of currency, which was its inevitable
concomitant, brought about a rapid rise in prices. Thus, the rise
of prices and the marshalling of railway facilities for military
requirements necessitated a general enhancement in railway rates
and fares and no exception could be made in the case of coal
traffic. In 1916 we enhancement in rates for coal, so that
find an
the rate from Jharia coalfields to Bombay, which was Rs. 11-4-0,
was increased to Rs. 12-2-0. In a similar way other rates were
also increased. So also, with effect from 1st of October 1916 the
rebates on the shipments for Indian ports excluding Burma were
abolished. In 1917 all first class coal was requisitioned and con-
trolled by the Government and prices were fixed by the Controller,
This action was taken because of rising prices and frequent adulter-
ation in coal which affected its quality. The demand for coal
on Government account and for industries was increasing, which
called for a steady supply of first class coal. This control re-acted
on the suply of second grade coal also, and its prices began to
soar high, because better grade coal was not available in the open
market. Due to scarcity of coal and the consequent substitution
of lower grade coal for superior, the supply of second grade coal
was also controlled in 1918, but this was soon given up. Control
on first class coal continued and was removed in March 1920.


These enhancements in rates could not check the rising tide
of Indian coal traffic due to growing demand and we are not

surprised to note an increase in the shipment as well as production

of coal. In fact, the increase in the production of coal after these

1. Ghose, "Monograph", pp, 373-74.


enhancements in rates were more rapid so that in the three years

following, production soared high, being nearly 21 million tons in
1918 and 22i million tons in 1919. 1

As the figures show, both the tonnage and the earnings there-
froin have increased ; the increase in the total tonnage in 1918-19
over the year 1913-14 was about 53 per cent., whereas the increase
in earnings over thesame period was about 60 per cent. We also
note that after the increase in rates in 1916, the traffic received a
setback, and the rise in tonnage which had been gradual and
steady right from the year 1913-14, was interrupted and fell from
about 224 lakhs of tons in 1916-17 to about 218 lakhs of tons in
1917-18. But the earnings recorded a from about 800 lakhs
in 1916-17 to about 827 lakhs in 1917-18. Thus we find that the
railways got higher earnings with lower tonnage. This was
prejudicial to the interests of the industry. But the difficulties of
the industry did not end here, and in the year 1919-20, after the
cessation of the war, we find both the tonnage and earnings

falling considerably. The production dropped to 18 million tons

in 1920. This however,
was, post-war year and hence
several other factors which crept in after the cessation of the

hostilities have to be given due consideration, which we shall

discuss later.


During the War, the Indian coal industry, due to intensive

and growing home demand and the absence of foreign competi-
tion, developed appreciably. The expansion of the industry, in
spite of the high rates, was great, and to-day we take the produc-
tion of 1919 as a record one. But in spite of this increase in

Compi'ed from the Reports of the Railway Board, Vol. II.

COAL 171

production and consumption of coal, we find that some industries

were starved of their coal requirements and had to curtail their
activities. Even with the higher rates, railways failed to provide
adequate facilities for the transport of coal. Lack of transport
the raising of coal. The Coalfields' Committee
facilities curtailed
has collected very valuable evidence which proves beyond doubt
that the railways failed to provide adequate transport facilities
even at the higher rates. The Committee remark : The want
of a steady and sufficient supply of suitable railway wagons is
most important. It is generally admitted that not only the
number of wagons available, but also the facilities for moving
them have been inadequate. No improvement can be effected in
the industry until this outstanding defect of inadequate transport
is radically and permanently rectified. The lack of transport is
itself a direct cause of waste." The Acworth Committee recorded
similar 'finding. "There is demand for
a rapidly increasing
Indian coal, and output could keep pace with it, but is blocked
by the limitation of the railway capacity." Thus the development
of coal industry was restricted by the absence' of adequate trans-

port facilities.


The development of the Indian coal industry, notwithstand-

ing the inadequacy of transport facilities, proved beneficial alike

to the carriers, the producers and the consumers. The earnings of
allthe railways from coal traffic, increased, -as will be evident
from the following table :

Earnings on Coal Traffic*

(in lakhs of Rs.)

1. Coalfields' Committee Report, Para. 74.

2. Mr. Church, Mining Engineer to Railway Board, Acwoith Report, p. 7.
3. Compiled from the Reports of Railway Eoard, Vol. II, 1913-14 to

We cannot, however, fail to note that war had offered an

Unique opportunity to (ho Indian coal industry, which could not be
fully utilise.! due primarily to lack of transport facilities, because
much so that by the end
the heavy strain of military transport, so
of thewar the Indian railway system stood thoroughly paralysed.
Repairs and renewals had boon postponed indefinitely. There in
a largo demand for Indian coal for export, but in the absence of
adequate transport for meeting it, India is missing an

exceptional opportunity of establishing itself in the foreign

markets, where its coal is in great demand.
adequate railway If
provided the production of coal could be increased."
facilities aro

Inadequate railway facilities restricted output. In 191S and 1919

mines raised far more coal than the railway could transport and
led to rapid accumulation of stocks in the collieries.


The treaty of Versailles heralded a new era in the industrial

history of the world. The abnormal conditions having been

removed, the field \vas prepared for reorganisation and reconstruction.
The which war had
re-habilitation of the country after the ravages
wrought was the watch- word of the day. While the belligerent
countries were thus engaged in their task, the neutral countries
tried to increase their commercial activities. This meant increased
demand for goods and services. Huge debts were incurred for
reconstruction of trade and industries. India's task was no less


"Railway facilities in India had fallen short of the requirements

long before the close of the Avar, and, as we have noted above, large
quantities of coal accumulated at the collieries, especially during
the years 1918 and 1919. Aft or the cessation of hostilities, it
was incumbent upon the Government of India to take up im-
mediately the rehabilitation of the railway plant so as to supply the
growing transport requirements of trade and industries. But the
Government of India failed to make any immediate provision and
took actions which marred the future of the country. Instead of
helping the industries, which had been sofc up during the war, due
primarily to the necessities and circumstances created by the war,
it oit.her withdrew the former help or did not give additional help

1. Sir O.Tnneq: Acworhh Committee Report, V 7,

2, Tariff Board, Para_ VI.


which tho post-war conditions Natural protection

called for.

which was afforded to Indian industries by the elimination of

foreign competition ceased after the conation of hostilities. Under

the adverse post- war conditions and step-motherly treatment of the
state, the infant but essential industries which war had fostered
soon gave way before their foreign rivals. This vitally affected the
interests of the coal industry, which we shall have occasion to

discuss later.


In 1919, Mr. Treharne "Rees, a Mining Engineer was engaged

by the Government oO India to investigate and report on the con-
ditions of coal mining industry with a view to increase the efficiency

of the industry. He and Jharia

visited ihe coalfields of "Raniganj

and August of that year submitted his report on the best means
of securing greater economy in the production and consumption of
coal. Thereupon the Government of India appointed a Coalfields'
Committee in January 1920, under a resolution which indicated
that the Government of India had for some time under consider-
ation the question of devising means of reducing the large avoidable
waste of coal known to occur at the Raniganj and Jharia coalfields.
This was due mainly to difficult methods of extraction, resulting in

the total loss of a largeamount of coal, to inefficiency in the

generation and use of power, and to extravagant methods of coke
making. The Majority "Report advocated the necessity of State
control to exercise a controlling authority with powers designed to
ensure conservation and economic extraction. The Committee
stated, inter alia, that a steady and sufficient supply of wagons, with
the requisite facilities for moving them is the most urgent need of
the industry. Thus, adequate provision of Railway facilities for the
transport of coal was found to be the primary need of the industry.


Tho prices of coal had soared high. The average price f. o, r.

at themines, of the best quality of Bengal coal ("Dishavgarh) was

Rs. 8-12-10 per ton for 1920 compared with Rs. 5-1-4 per ton in

1 From the resolution -quoted by the* Geological Survey of India,

Vol. LVII, p. 97.

2, Coalfields Committee

1916. In view of the rising prices working costs of the railways

had and hence the Government of India thought of enhancing
the railway rates. This seemingly prompt action on the part of the
Government was due to the pressure of the railway companies.
The railways contented that in the post-war schemes of rehabili-

tation, and especially in view of the reorganisation of railway

equipment, the raising of the rates for the carriage of coal is one of
the most important issues. The existing rates were fixed some 15
years ago, when the working expenses were very much lower than
they are now. They were barely remunerative and at the present
time do not cover cost of carriage. Moreover, the absence of
shipping in the first instance and later the high cost of sea freights
has forced nearly the whole of the trans-Indian coal to rail, with
the result that nearly half the broad-gauge goods stock of the
.country is locked up in this traffic. The existing rates, therefore,
amount on the public for the benefit of one section of the
to a tax

trading community, and an enhancement of the rates to a figure,

which will give a fair return for the serv'ces rendered, seems
inevitable. This, in short, was the line of argument adopted by the
railwav companies in advocating an enhancement in coal rates. It
is companies wanted to raise their earnings,
clear that the railway
not by developing the traffic, but, by restricting it. In fact, as
adverted to above, the receipts of the railway companies had already
risen considerably during the war and would have risen still more
ifthe railways had provided adequate facilities. But instead of
endeavouring to increase their plant, the railway companies, in their
usual short-sighted policy, thought it advantageous to enhance the
rates as a preliminary to future reorganisation.

The Government of India yielded to the wishes of the railway

companies. The Railway Board in their Communique stated, It
is unanimously agreed amongst railway companies that the existing
rates for coal from Bengal coalfields are distinctly low and can bear
enhancement, and they accordingly propose to increase the freight
charges for this commodity by approximately 5 per cent, for long
distances varying to 1\ per cent, for short load traffic" . The
Communique clearly shows the pressure which was brought to bear
upon the Government. But the attitude of the Government

1. "Railway Board Letter No. 345/T/16 dated Simla, the 12th of November
COAL 175

towards this most important issue is indeed surprising and

unfortunate for the industry. Instead of the meek and submissive
attitude, as portrayed in their aforesaid communique, the Govern-
ment of India, in the interest of the national industry and the
general consumers, should have made the increase in rates
conditional on the provision of adequate transport facilities.

This would have been convenient to all the parties. Given

better transport facilities the traders would not have grudged the

proposed enhancement in rates. But, that was not to be. The

rates were raised from the first, April 1920, as summarised below :

Present and proposed rates

Present Scale Proposed Scale

Pie per Pie per
maund maund
per mile per mile
Up to 75 miles ... 0-14 Up to 100 miles ... 0*15
Plus from 76 miles to Plus from 101 . miles to
200 miles ... 0-12 700 miles ...0-125
Plus from 201 miles to Plus from 201 miles to
500 miles ... 006 700 miles ... 006
Plus from 501 miles Plus from 701 miles
upwards ... 0*05 upwards ... 005
The incidence on the movement of
of the increase in rate
traffic will be better understood when the actual rates are worked

out on the aforesaid basis. An attempt is made to portray the

precise nature of charges introduced by taking up a few concrete
instances as given below :

Rates per maund from Jharia

Mileage Station to Old rate New rate

Us* a. p. Rs. a. p.
469 Gawnpore 610 660
739 Delhi 7 15 860
978 Amritsar 9 10 10 3
1011 Lahore 9 15 10 8
1407 Karachi City 13 5 13 14
173 Howrah 340 380
164 Titaghur 320 360
Jt will be seen from the foregoing table that the distant consuming
markets had to bear a higher incidence. Thus, whereas markets
like Howrah and Titaghur had to pay an increase of only i as. per

maund, Delhi, Amrirsar and Lahore, etc. had to pay 9 as,

per maund. The burden of the increased rates is better realised
when it is remembered that these markets usually have to pay sub-
stantially high rates, due to their location, distant from the coalfields.
In fact, as can be seen from the foregoing statement, the indus-
tries at Amritsar and Lahore have to pay the railway freight, treble

of that j>aid by those in Calcutta. The capacity to bear the transport

charge of an article like coal, as discussed elsewhere, is strictly
limited. Doubtless, in the absence of a suitable substitute for coal in

India, especially in the up-country centres, railways can successfully

levy a tax upon the industries but this is detrimental to the

interests of the country.

Not being content with the increase in rates introduced in

April, 1920, the railway companies pressed for higher rates. It still

should not, however, be understood that the Government willingly

and readily granted these enhancements. A communique issued
after the increase in rates, referred to in the preceding paragraph,

states : The Government of India are most reluctant now that the
war is over to embark upon further schemes involving restrictions
on trade, but they are aware that the general trade of the country is
being gravely hampered by the difficulty of moving produce and
that many of the industries of India, especially the small industries,
have suffered severely from the difficulty of obtaining coaP. But
the Government is to be blamed for yielding to the dictations of the
railway companies, even though apparently against their will,
because the rates were increased a second time in 1921. After a
careful consideration," runs the letter of the Railway Board, the
Government of India have approved of the introduction of the

following revised scale for the carriage of public coal with effect
from the 1st April 1921 :

per mile
For the first 200 miles . 0*15
Plus for 201 to 300 miles ... 0'13
Plus for 301 to 700 ... 0*07
Plus for 701 miles and beyond ... 0*06 ,,

1. The Government of India Press Communique, dated, Simla, the

9th, July, 1920,
COAL 177


these enhanced rates the railways could not meet
Even with
the requirements of the trade and the complaints from traders
increased. In the development of the industry was throttled
for want of adequate railway facilities. This fact was admitted on
all hands. Mr. Peat says, Because of the lack of railway facilities
for the carriage of coal seven large Jute Mills, employing 40,000
workers had completely stopped on the 14th January 1921."

This inadequacy of railway facilities affected other industries

no less. The entire industrial system of India was starved. This
was admitted by Mr. Hindley, the Agent of the E. I. R., before the
Acworth Committee. He said, It is impossible to estimate the

loss to trade which would be brought about by the delay in

providing essential facilities, and the persistent failure to keep the
capacity of the lines up to the demands for transportation. The
position is already so bad that at times the railway has to restrict
and even to entirely close down the acceptance of goods traffic.
Only one-half of the demand for wagons for merchandise could be
met. For the past 26 years there has always been an inability to
provide transportation to the extent demanded, and the position is
getting worse day by day. At times, when the demands for coal
reach their maximum, the capacity available for ordinary goods is
considerably than
less required ; large quantities of merchandise
offered for transportation have frequently to be refused. Improved
facilities are necessary, not only on the E.I.R., but especially on the
adjoining lines and junctions.
Working under these difficulties it is but natural that the
expansion of the coal industry should receive a setback. For the
first time since the year 1882 the expansion in the coal mining
industry has been interrupted, the record production of 22 '6
million tons in 1919 falling by over 20 per cent, to 17-9 million
tons in 1920. This reduced production was due to the shortage
of 'railway wagons' for loading. Large stocks of coal had accumulat-
ed at the collieries in 1918 and 1919 due to lack of wagon supply,
and the loss which the colliery owners had incurred thereby was a

1. Mr. Peat, Chairman, Indian Jute Mill Association, Acworth Com-

mittee Report, Chapter, I, p. 10.
2. Report of Acworth Committee, Ch. II, p. 8.
3. Records of Geological Survey of India, Vol. LVII, p. 26,


sufficient warning to them to reduce their output. With the

cessation of the war, it is said, at a time when the various
collieries were in a condition to meet increased demands,
there were all the potentialities This slump in
of a slump.
coal trade, which paralysed the industry, was brought about

by shortage of wagon supply and the malady was aggravated

for want of proper diagnosis. The Tariff Board says, In 1919
and 1920, the E. I. and B. N. Railways despatched only 30 million
tons of coal though 37 million of tons had been raised in Bengal
Bihar and Orissa in these two years". Not only could the depression
be averted but even the pace of development could be maintained,
ifthe State had followed the right industrial policy. With adequate

protection to industries, old as well as new, which were started

during the war, and efficient and adequate wagon supply, both
and external markets for coal could be maintained. The

post-war in prices would have been neutralised

fall by efficient

working of the mines and elimination of waste.


The Government of India, however, thought otherwise. Instead
of providing for the deficiency in railway facilities, which had
restricted the output of coal and caused scarcity in the internal
markets, the Government of India placed an embargo on the export
of coal. This was a policy suicidal to the interests of the coal
industry, which lost a most opportune time for expansion. At this
time the demand for coal, both at home and abroad, was rising and the
were in a condition to meet this demand if only a prompt
and adequate wagon supply was forthcoming. In fact the exports of
Indian coal had risen from 75,000 tons in 1918 to 1,200,000 tons in
1920, when export restrictions were imposed to relieve the strain on
the railways. This rise in export was a happy augury for the
future development of the industry but was nipped in the bud by
the restrictions on the export trade. The embargo lost us our
foreign markets, which we have not been able to recover as yet.

1. Tariff Board, Para. 11.

2. Records of Geological Survey of India, LXV, p. 63.
3. The Indian coal export trade was cut off at a moment when it

reached its highest point, and it is the effect of this severe plight which
is still writ large on the present depressed state of the trade.

See Minute of Dissent, Keport of the Indian Coal Committee, P, 138,

COAL 179

Thus, it Is the shortage of wagon supply rather than of stocks

which was the root cause of the ban on coal trade and its

consequent decline.

The Majority Report of the Indian Coal Committee of 1925

referring the embargo on the export trade says, "The rapid

expansion in the demand for coal after the war resulted in a very
heavy strain on the capacity of the railways in 1919 and 1920. So
large a proportion of the wagon supply of the country was taken up
by coal traffic that trade in general was greatly hampered and many,
especially the smaller industries of India were suffering severely
from the difficulty of obtaining coal." It is obvious that as a large
proportion of wagons was being taken up by the coal trade to the
detriment of general commercial interests, and that even with this
supply the total requirements of coal trade were not met, it was all
the more necessary for the Government to increase the wagon
supply and afford thereby an adequate accommodation. Transport
facilites ought to have kept pace with the growing needs of trade

and industries. But this was not to be. The Coal trade was denied
all justice.


We have referred at length to the embargo on the export trade,

because it is a key to the subsequent post-war developments in the
Indian coal industry. The following statement summarises the
development of the industry till 1925 when the Coal Committee
submitted its report :

1. Indian Coal Committee, p. 7.

2. Compiled from the Supplement to the Indian Trade Journal, 1929, p. 27*

Coal mining shows signs of recovery, as the foregoing table

brings out. But the recovery has been very slow and unsteady, so
that the output of even 1925 lagged behind that reached in 1919.

ground. This has been attributed

It failed to recover in full the lost
to several causes reduction of the post-war demand in the earlier

part of the period unremunerative selling prices an acute shortage

; ;

of railway wagons for loading inadequacy of the labour supply


and decreased output per person the prolonged strike on the ;

the E. I. Railway during 1922 floods caused on the Jharia


coal-fields by an exceptionally heavy monsoon in 1922 fires caused ;

by the spontaneous combustion, necessitating the closing of mines

towards the end of the period and the importation of foreign coal

in increasing quantities The cumulative effects of these adverse

circumstances coupled with the world-wide depression in trade

explain the reduction of the coal output.

Export figures tell a very sad tale. In view of the crisis in

the coal trade, the Government of India in July 1920 stopped
the export of Indian coal, except under license. A little later
the preference given to bunker coal was also taken away. In
April 1922, all restrictions on the export of cargo or bunker coal by
was removed, but sending coal as cargo out of
sea to ports in India
British India was The embargo was entirely
removed from January 1st, 1923. The effects of embargo were
immediate and the exports were checked and dwindled to an
insignificance, amounting to 77 thousand tons in 1922. The export
markets in the absence of Indian coal took their coal requirements
from other countries. The Indian Coal Committee admitted that
the quality and price of the supplies obtained by these markets
from other sources, and especially from Africa, after the embargo
was imposed, proved so satisfactory that the pre-war relationships
has been reversed, and established business relationships are an
obstacle to the re-introduction of Indian coal even in a market like
Colombo, where it once held a commanding position It is no .

wonder then if Indian exports have been unable to regain their

former position the two most important markets, Ceylon and the

Straits Settlements were lost. After the removal of the embargo,

1. Records of the Geological Survey of India, Vol.*LYII, p. 26,

2, Reporkofthe Indian Coal Committee, p. 9,
COAL 181

the export trade has recovered to some extent. The

export figures of 1925 show a decided increase, but they are far
below the pre-war average. It has been rightly remarked that
Indian coal miners can adequately supply the home market and
keep up a flourishing export trade. There can be no doubt that a
healthy export trade may be a sure indication of satisfactory internal
conditions, betokening alike the existence of efficient transport
system, and the satisfaction of the demand of the-consumer first. It
is to be hoped that the removal of the restriction on the export

of coal, the grant of railway rebates, and the opening up of new

fields in India, will country to recover the position she
help this
formerly held in these important outside markets, during the near
future ."

The importsof foreign coal which had dwindled to insignifi-

cance during the war, from nearly 645 thousand tons in 1913 to
40 thousand tons in 1920, rose to more than a million tons in 1922.
This is a sad commentary on the Government policy. To have
prohibited export and at the same time to have arranged for the
coal supplies from the foreign market was a double wrong on the
Indian coal trade The coal industry lost its hold on foreign

markets, and the embargo fostered the penetration of foreign rivals

in her internal markets, which it is now finding difficult to oust out.
In port towns like Bombay, imports of foreign coal have
re-placed Bengal coal. The action which was taken as an adminis-
trative expediency, because the provision of increased railway
facilities, as an alternative to embargo, would have been com-

paratively difficult, and not a deliberate move to hinder the progress

of an indigenous industry, has wrought damages difficult to repair.
Thus, the embargo, transport difficulties in form of scarcity of
wagons and high rates, the rise in pit-head prices, and the quality
of Indian coal, all conspired to encourage foreign imports.

Under the stress of the shortage of wagons, the rise of prices

and consequent rise in the cost of operation of the railways, the
Government of India had effected an all-round general increase of
railway freight in 1922, which was continued till 1926. The

1. J. C. Brown, Records of Geological Survey of 'India, Vol. LVII, p. 29,

2, Vide, Minute of Dissent, Indian Coal Committee, p. 138.


rates prevailing during the period 1922-26 were generally high, as

will be seen from the following statement :

Comparative statement of Railway Freights

Kates per ton from Jharia Coal Fields
Pre-war Pott-war
(in 1907) (in 1922-26)
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
Cawnpore . 5 15 810
Delhi 7 15 10 10
Lahore 9 13 )3 2
Bombay 11 4 14 14
Karachi 12 10 16 15

High railway freight, coupled with the scarcity and irregularity

of wagon supply and higher raising costs of coal, restricted the
consumption of Indian coal and helped the imports of foreign coal.
The average pit-head value of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa coal had
risen from Rs. 4-5-0 to Rs. 7-10-0 in 1922 and Rs. 7-1-0 in 1924 1 .

The total consumption of coal local as well as imports has been

rising gradually, but the progress lagged far behind reasonable
expectations. Several causes have operated to restrict this growth,
of which the railway problem is very important. By 1924, the
production of Indian collieries had risen to nearly 212 lakhs of
tons, but could not be disposed of, due to causes already mentioned.
Thus, by 1924, the Indian coal mining industry manifested the
signs of over-production a formidable menace to its future.
Indian railways, on the one hand, had increased their freight
considerably, and on the other, they failed to supply sufficient
wagons of the right kind.
During the period under review the traffic in coal, coke, and
patent fuel carried and the earnings therefrom were as follows :

(Both tonnage and earnings in laks)

B.N. E. E. L R. Total on all Klya.

Year Tonnage. Earnings. Tonnage. Earnings. Tonnage. Earnings.
tons Rs. tons Rs. 1 tons Rs.
1920-21 37-7 127-3 111-7 447-7 218-6 821-4
1921-22 35-9 126-5 89-6 377-2 187-9 730-0
1922-23 38-5 140-0 102'6 471-5 203-7 853-0
1923-24* 38-6 125-0 106-1 480'4 198'5 822*3
1924-25* 44-1 125-0 120*8 554-4 228-5 916-5
Figures after 1923-24 are of traffic carried on Class I Railways only.

1. Geological Survey of India, Vol. LXIV, p. 35.

COAL 183

As the show, both tonnage and earnings received a

setback in 1921-22, but soon rose in 1922-23. Thereafter, there
has been a steady rise. Because of the rise both in tonnage and
earnings, after the general enhancement in rates, the railways
grudged to accede to any reduction in rates on the plea that the
rates in force were such as the traffic could bear. But the position
taken by the railways had very little justification as the subsequent
events proved. Whenever any plea for reduction of coal rates was
m$de out it was vehemently opposed but every reduction justified

itself. The increased coal traffic was due to rising internal demand
for coal,


Under these circumstances, an expert Committee, known as the
Indian Coal Committee, was appointed in September 1924, to
enquire and report (i) generally what measure can be taken by
Government, by the coal trade, by the railways and by the ports,
whether singly or in combination, to stimulate the export of
suitable coal from Calcutta to Indian and foreign ports, and (ii) in
particular, whether effective measures can be taken for the pooling
and grading of Indian coal for export and for bunkering and how
the costs of such measures should be met."

From the terms of reference of the Committee it is clear that

the Government of India having realised the gravity of the conditions
of export trade was anxious to remedy it. Accordingly, the Indian
Coal Committee made a full investigation into the whole subject of
export trade and issued their report in March 1925. Later in
September 1925, the Government of India referred to the Tariff
Board for investigation the question whether a protective duty
should be imposed on imported coal generally or coal imported
from any particular country or countries, and, if so, at what rates.
The recommendations of these two bodies had far-reaching effects
on the coal trade. But it is clear from the references of both the
enquiries that the Government of India, being pre-occupied with
the dangerous condition of the export trade, neglected the demands
of internal markets. As the statistics of the internal trade were
discontinued, we are unable to gauge accurately the internal
movements of coal, but the growing complaints of Indian traders
and industrialists against excessive railway rates and inadequate
supply of wagons bear an eloquent testimony to the unhealthy

state of affair. Needless to say that improvements in this branch

of our trade were equally necessary.
The most striking feature of the coal industry by the end of
1924 was the excess of available supply of coal as compared with
the demand, both internal as well as external. It will be recalled
that some very important foreign markets were lost while the
embargo was operating which could not be recaptured. Therefore,
even though the actual output was much below the figure of 1919,
the available supply could not be disposed of, and the surplus
stocks began to accumulate. Higher railway rates on the internal
traffic intensified this tendency.
This over-production, either actual or potential, led to severe
iepression in the coal industry, by the beginning of 1926, with
tieavy falls in the prices of coal and the closure of many mines.
A.fter a full investigation it was found that the quality and prices
)f Indian coal were at the root cause of this situation. The demand
:or Indian coal did not show proper response because both quality
md prices acted against it. If proper precautions were taken and
improvements effected, demand, both external and internal, was
jure to rise. The problem before the industry, therefore, was one
of price and quality.


As for the
improvement in quality, the Indian Coal Com-
mittee recommended that -a Grading Board should immediately
be established, which would grade collieries, which produce coal for
export and arrange for the issue of certificates for each consignment
of coal exported. The Committee indicated the general outlines on
which all Indian coals were to be classified, and it was suggested
that a grading should be published by the Grading Board, as

soon as possible, classifying the different collieries and seams on

this system. Those collieries included in the grading list were to
be eligible for the special concessions from the railways and from
the Calcutta Port Commissioners but only on certified coal. The
Coal Grading Board was, accordingly appointed in March 1926.
The Grading Board has rendered useful service to the collieries
and the consumers alike, for whereas the former have been able to
increase their sales, the latter are assured of a better and more

1. Records of the Geological Survey of India, 1925, p, 249,

COAL 185

uniform quality. In September 1929, the Board addressed the

various Chambers of Commerce inviting them to express their
views on the work performed by it during the past three years.
The replies received bear an eloquent testimony to the achievements
of the Board. The Board has done much to ensure confidence in
the shipments of Indian coal. The recovery of the reputation of
Indian coal, says Mr. Bray, has been a lengthy process, but there
can be no doubt that the supervision and the certification of the
cargoes by the Indian Coal Grading Board have been of the
greatest assistance to the industry, and the system, which now
seems to be very firmly established, has proved to be acceptable
both to the buyers and the consumers.

The was also properly attended

price disability of Indian coal
to and were made. Higher prices of
efforts in the right direction
Indian coal were due to inefficient production and the lack of
adequate and cheap transport facilities. Immediate and simul-
taneous improvements in both the directions was necessary, with
the close co-operation of colliery owners, railway authorities and
the Government. Raising costs could be reduced by the increased
use of mechanical appliances for coal cutting accompanied by
improved railway facilities, adequateenough to handle the
increased output and to avoid stocking and pilferage.

Before discussing railway rates on coal it would be fruitful to

analyse the problem before the industry in greater detail. This
problem presents peculiar difficulties to the colliery-owners,
railways and the consumers alike. Railways are confronted with
peculiar difficulties due to the wide seasonal fluctuations in the
wagon requirements of the Indian coal trade, congestion of the
collieries, and the low average output. Labour employed in the
coal-fields being primarily agricultural, the colliery raisings are the

1, A very large user of Bengal coal states that there has been marked
'improvement in the quality of the Bengal coal supplies since the Board
came into being." Burma.
"The shipment certificate and the supervision of your Board have
given satisfactory results." Singapore.
"The coal received from India is found to be highly satisfactory in
every way." Hongkong.
In the opinion of the Chamber your Board is fulfilling an important
function in a most efficient manner." Northern India.

highest between February and May, when the agricultural opera-

tions are at a stand still. As the storing and stocking of coal is
wasteful, it needs to be despatched immediately after it is raised*

The result is that the demand for wagons on the coalfields reaches
its maximum, at a time when the demand for wagons to move all
other traffic is at its heaviest. It is during the busy season that
inadequacy and irregulaiity of wagon supply is more acutely felt.
This is the most difficult problem that the railways, especially the
E. I. and B. N. Railways, have to solve.

This inadequacy in wagon supply affects the cost of production

of coal. Over-head costs can be reduced by the introduction of
mechanical coal cutters which increase the output and reduce the
cost per unit. But the wagon supply being inadequate and inter-

mittent, the collieries have to resort to wasteful stocking. This

uneconomic stocking has materially affected the output of the
colliery, with the result that the machines have not led to that
saving in overhead costs,which the companies concerned had
every right to expect. In short, a suitable and regular supply of
wagons is a primary necessity of the coal industry.


The evil, therefore, To procure enough
has to be removed.
new wagons to enable a full
supply to be given to the collieries
throughout the year would be uneconomic and it would raise ;

the freights unduly high. The shortage of wagon supply should

be removed partly by additions to the wagon stocks of the railways,
and partly by a better and more efficient utilisation of the existing
stock. should be admitted that the efficiency in wagon supply

has been increased by the introduction of the pooling system

since 1921. So also there has recently been a marked improve-
ment both as regards the wagon supply and other railway facilities,
and yetit must be noted that the railways are not in a
position at
present, especiallyduring the first half of the year when the
demand wagons all over India is heavy, to meet the wagon

requirements of the coal trade.


The improvement in the number of wagons and their speed
should be supplemented by the introduction of seasonal rates.

Events subsequent to the publication of the report of the Indian

COAL 187

Coal Committee have amply demonstrated that however efficient

wagon supply may be, it is bound to give way some time in the
busy season. The seasonal character of the demand for coal and
its greater intensity in the first half of the year makes a proper

adjustment and manipulation of the wagon supply as well as

demand all the more necessary. Mere manipulation of wagon
supply is not enough both must be manipulated. The Railways

in their own interest must remove this tension of seasonal traffic,

necessitating additional equipment which cannot be employed all
the year round. We concur with Mr. Banerjee that seasonal rate
should be tried so as to stimulate the demand for coal in the
slack season, when a large number of wagons lie idle throughout
the country. This will be beneficial to the shipper, carrier and
consumer alike.


Let us now review the freight position. The higher rates

introduced after the war, as adverted to above, had proved
excessive and the growth of trade was being restricted. This
gave complaints and repeated requests were made to the
rise to

authorities concerned to reduce the rates which were pressing

heavily upon the industry. The Associated Chamber of Com-
merce, for instance, adopted the following resolution on the 16th
December 1924: "In view of the
fact that the present high
rate of railway freighton coal has prejudicially affected the main-
tenance and development of industrial concerns in Northern India,
and those situated at a great distance from Bengal and Bihar
coalfields, this Association strongly urges the Government of
India to take immediate action substantially to reduce the railway

freighton coal carried over long distances." Similarly, the Hon.

Rai Bahadur Lala Ramsaran Das moved the following resolution
in the Council of State on the 15th September 1925: "This
Council recommends to the Governor General in Council that
special concession rates be granted by the different railway
Systems for railway freight on coal when booked in full wagon
loads at owner's risk (i) for long distance of 500 miles and over;

and (ii) during the slack season over various rilways." This
resolution, notwithstanding the opposition of the official benches,
was carried without being taken to a division, but it failed to
receive Government assent. Needless to mention that this high-

handed policy of the Government was subjected to vehement

criticism both from the platform and the press.


In due course, Sir Charles Innes, while introducing the
Railway Budget for 1926-27, announced that the railway freight
on public coal carried fo.. distances exceeding 400 miles would be
reduced to the level of rates in force for locomotive coal. This
meant a reduction of about 10 per cent. 1 The reduced rates were
put into force from 1st April and worked out as follows :



It behoves us nowexamine the effects of these reduced
rates on the movement of traffic so as to be able to understand the
attitude taken up by the authorities and the justification thereof.

Goal Traffic carried on Class I Railways

Total on all Class I
B. N. R. E. L R. Railways
Year Tonnage Earnings Tonnage Earnings Tonnage Earnings

be seen from the foregoing statement that both the

It will

railway tonnage and the receipts have maintained an upward

1. He said, "Our actual proposal is that on distances exceeding 400 miles,

the rates of freight for public coal should be reduced to the rate now
in force for locomotive coal. This means on long distance traffic, a
reduction of freight roughly amounting to 10 per cent."

Yide, Budget Speech, P. 9, 1926-27.

COAL 189

trend notwithstanding the higher rates. This fact was taken up

by the railway authorities as an indication of the reasonableness
of the rates charged. As discussed elsewhere, the increase in
traffic by itself does not offer full justification of the reasonableness
of the rates charged. In such cases the nature of the article
transported and the demand for it should be carefully scrutinised.
But the railway authorities frequently ignore this important
consideration. In the case of the commodities which are necessaries
of life and have an
inelastic demand, the railways can easily impose
a tax upon the commodity without affecting the movement of
traffic. Indian railways, being impervious to public opinion, have
never failed to exact their utmost from the community, whenever
they could get an opportunity. Here, we have the fact before us.
The public continued to consume coal and paid the tax, in spite of
the higher railway freight, because there was no other substitute
for coal available. Besides, with the development of industries,
the demand for mechanical power was increasing, and therefore,
even though the railway rates on coal were high, people could not
help using it. In those cases, however, where they could find
some suitable substitute they tried to do away with coal. For
instance, in the Bombay Cotton Mills, the substitution of electric
power for coal proceeded apace during this period. This
curtailment of the actual and potential demand for coal under the
Stress of high railway rates is often overlooked. But it becomes
more clear when we examine the traffic statistics after the reduction
of April 1926. It will be seen from the foregoing table that the
development in traffic was more rapid after the reduced rates were
put into force both the traffic and the earnings increased. The

grant of rebate on export coal further stimulated the traffic.
This prompt response of the traffic to much-needed reduction in
rates falsified the assumption of the Government that the rates

formerly quoted were such as the traffic could reasonably bear.

This obstructionist attitude of the authorities has failed to stand the
test of times more than once. It cannot be gainsaid that the

pursued by the railways has done

ultra- conservative rates policy

considerable harm to indigenous trade and industries.

1. On grade coal shipped under certificate from the Coal Grading Board,
a rebate of 37i per cent, on actual freight paid was granted, while on
coal non-graded and not covered by any certificate from the Coal

Grading Board the rebate was 25 per cent, of the actual freight paid.


But these reductions proved inadequate and the public demand
for further reductions increased. It was contended that the

reduction of 10 per cent, did not go far enough towards the

removal of the very considerable previous increases in freight.
The pithead price of coal was back to the pre-war level, and
therefore, keeping the railway freight at a figure substantially
higher than that of the pre-war rate was unjustified. In fact, the
railway rates were disproportionate and imposed a great handicap
on the industries, particularly because the industrial depression
had set in. The Associated Chambers of Commerce of India and
Ceylon unanimously carried the undermentioned resolution in its
annual general meeting in 1928 That in view of the importance

.of cheap coal in the industrial and economic life of the country
and in the interests of the Indian coal trade it is imperative
that there should be a substantial reduction in the present rates
of railway freight on coal and coke." They also demanded a
reduction of railway freight on fuel and oil and the resolution
ran as follows: That in view of the fact that liquid fuel,
Furnace and Diesel Oil are largely used in industrial concerns and
public utility undertakings equivalent with coal, it is reasonable
that railway freight on such oilshould be reduced correspondingly
with any reduction that may be made in the freight on coal and

The Railway Member introducing the budget for 1929-30
announced a further reduction in rates for long distance traffic to be
put into force from 1st June 1929. In this connection, it is
interesting to note his remarks on the traffic results after the re-
duction of rates in 1926. To quote him in extenso : the last
reduction in our coal rates was made in 1926, and the have results
been such encourage us to take another step in the same
as to
direction. On the E. I. R., the tonnage carried for distances over
400 miles was 31 per cent, more in 1927-28 than it was two years
earlier, and the earnings 33 per cent. more. It is a very significant
fact that the earnings on long distance public coal should show a

1. Vide, Annual Report.

2. Supra.
COAL 191

greater increase than the tonnage, notwithstanding the reduction in

charges, for it means that the average distance over which the coal
was hauled must have increased substantially." 1 This admission
of the Railway Member is significant, in as much as it clearly brings
out the true nature of the railway policy, which we have charac-
terised as ultra-conservative. Our railway policy lags far behind
the industrial requirements of the country. The Government of
India flouted the sober public opinion of the Upper House, which
had expressed itself in unequivocal terms by carrying the resolution
of Hon. Rai Bahadur Lala Ramsaran Das without being taken to a
division, and refused to give its assent. The Government confessed
its mistakes when later developments made it too self-evident to be

concealed. The increase in the earnings greater than the increase

in traffic, as referred to by the Railway Member, further proves the
Short-sighted policy adopted by the Government in not having
announced the reduction earlier as per resolution of the Council of
State referred to above.

The long distance traffic, as adverted to above, had shown

greater response to the reduction in rates, and therefore in 1929 the
concession in rates were confined to traffic carried for distances

exceeding 400 miles. The precise extent of the reductions made is

portrayed below :

The then existing scale of rates for coal, coke, and patent fuel
carried for distances exceeding 400 miles were :

Pie per maund

per mile
From 1 to 200 miles ... 0-15

Plus 201 to 500 ... 0-07

,, ,, 501 miles onwards ... 0-06

The reduced scale of rates for coal, coke and patent fuel
carried for distances exceeding 400 miles was :

1, Vide, Budget Speech, 1929-30.


On this new basis the rates from Jharia field work out as
follows :

Market to Old Rates. New Rates.

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

Cawnpore ... 750 6 10

Agra ... 880 7 12

Delhi ... 970 8 10

Bombay ... 13 12 12 6
Karachi ... 15 13 H
Ahmedabad ... 13 2 11 11

Lahore Cantonment ... 12 10 12

Amritsar ... 11 12 10 7
Madras ... 12 11 11 7

The reductions are substantial and have been gratefully

received by the public, especially the business community. The
traffic has also given response so that we find that the total tonnage
on all Class I Railways which was 254 -1 lakhs of tons in 1928-29

rose to 271 9 lakhs of tons in 1929-30, and the earnings therefrom

rose from Rs. 945-3 lakhs of Rupees to Rs. 951-6 lakhs.

But the community in general and the coal industry in

particular have not been able to reap in full the fruits of this most
desirable reduction in railway freight, due to the world wide
industrial depression which subsequently set in. Commencing
from 1929, it gathered momentum and its intensity increased. The
Indian coal industry, like other industries, has fallen a prey to this
trough of depression and is passing through the most troublesome
times. We do not propose to study the causes of the industrial
depression ;
itwould be enough for our purpose to note the general
features of the coal industry during the period and state the new
problem with which the industry is faced.


There are certain features peculiar to the coal industry which

have accentuated the difficulties, as we shall presently see. Prices
have steadily slipped back with the result that mines with seams
of anything below the first quality coal are finding it unprofitable
to work. Some of them have been actually closed down. This is
not all. Even coal mines producing the best qualities of coal, those
working on older methods, are somehow managing to remain in
existence those which are equipped with modern plant and
COAL 193

organisation are the only one which find it possible to pay

dividends, though dividends are getting less.

The present depression in coal industry is due to, firstly, the

steady increase of output from the railway-owned mines; secondly,
the increasing surplus output from many large company-owned
and selected mines, owing to the introduction of efficient
first class

coal cutting machines thirdly, general slackness of industries,


strikes and closing down of factories for long periods fourthly, :

application of electricity in mills and railways; and lastly, the

growing use of improved coal burning methods, leading to reduced
consumption of coal per unit in factories and railways.
As a consequence of the present depression, the upward and
downward coal traffic on the E. I. and B. N. Railways during 1929
and 1930 did not show the expected rise. The total output of
coal in India increased from 23-4 million tons in 1929 to 23' 7
million tons in 1930, but the increase in consumption could not
keep pace due to several causes noted above. Hence the Indian
Coal Industry to-day is suffering from over-production. This is
especially true of the Bengal coal- fields which have to face internal
as well as external competiton. Internal competition is due to lack
of organisation amongst the colliery owners of Bengal, and Bihar
and Orissa they compete amongst themselves and quote un-

remunerative prices. As regards the external competition, Natal

coal competes with Indian coal in India, and other coalfields
such as Singareni and 0. P. coal-fields compete with Bengal
coal in certain areas. The output of Singareni and C, P. Collieries

has increased appreciably in the recent years.

Bengal coal is being displaced in some of its most important

markets like Bombay and Ahmedabad. The consumers of coal
have found that to produce the best combustion results, it is
necessary to mix Bengal coal with C. P. coal half -to half, and this
practice has become a rule. C. P. coal being cheaper, this mixture
has led to considerable fuel economy in large industrial establish-
ments, especially in those which are distant from the Bengal
coalfields. It is obvious threfore that Ahmedabad is taking a large
quantity of coal from the C. P. collieries.

In short, the Indian coal industry is suffering from over-

production ; the symptoms of the disease were manifest as early
as 1925, but now it has become chronic. This serious situation is


due to internecine competition of the collieries, the inefficient and

unenterprising managing agents who have failed to utilise modern
methods of pushing their sales and neglected the needs of their
consumers, and the prevalence of uneconomic methods of extrac-
tion. All these factors have conspried to increase the intensity of
the depression and complicated the problem before the industry.


To add to the difficulties of the situation, the Government of
India decided to levy a surcharge of 15 per cent, on coal freights
with effect from January 1932. This most inopportune move
seems to have been dictated by purely revenue considerations, but
has affected the industry adversely. It may be pointed out that

the authorities have with one stroke neutralised the reductions both
"of 1926 and 1929, acceded to after strong public agitation, so that
today the freight position is not very dissimilar to that during
1922-25. This action of the Government must be deplored, more
so because it came at a time when the industries in general and
the coal industry in particular were in the grip of the most
serious depression the world has ever witnessed. The argu-
ments advanced by the Railway Member in support of the enhance-
ment in rates a de facto outrage on Indian trade and Indus-
tries are instructive. He argues, On the revenue side we have
endeavoured to alleviate our
by making certain

increases in rates and fares, where it seemed likely that

by this means additional income could be obtained. The

increases made have been only in connection with
coaching traffic, including passenger both parcel fares and
rates,but about six weeks ago a surcharge of 15 per cent, was
imposed on coal freight apart from shipments and bunker coal, and
this is by far the most important change in goods rates. I refer
especially to this increase, because I should have been most un-
willing to agree to it, had the financial position of the railways been

less serious than it is. I have long held the view that it is in the
interest of the railways to keep coal freights at the lowest level
commercially possible, because cheap coal is essential to industrial

development, and the industrial development means increased traffic

for the railways. But on this occasion circumstances left no alter-

native. It cannot be doubted that a higher charge, to the extent

imposed, could in fact be realised without diminishing traffic,

COAL 195

and even with the addition made, our coal freights still remain at a
very low level." The Railway Member admits that 'it is in the
interests of the railways tokeep coal freights at the lowest level
commercially possible; per contra, the policy pursued is a most
striking negation of the admission recorded. He seeks relief in
the old argument, exploded long since, that the traffic flows on and
therefore the rates are such as the traffic can bear, or in other words,
the rates are reasonable. The volume of traffic offers only a partial
justification of the rate schedule. We have discussed this issue at
length elsewhere, and therefore to avoid repetition it would be
sufficient for the present to note that there was no justification
for this sort of railway policy. On the contrary, the traffic
statistics from 1926-27 to 1929-30, referred to above, prove the
hollowness of this argument. It will bo recalled that the Govern-
ment had offered strong opposition to the public demand for
reduction in rates after 1922 on a similar plea and the subsequent
developments falsified the underlying assumption. A repetition of
the same mistaken policy and the unwillingness to learn from the
past experience, hardly leaves any doubt as to the nature of the
railway policy pursued and its effects on the development of our
trade and industry.
The figures of production for the last few years given below
clearly show that the condition of the coal industry grew from bad
to worse.

Production of Coal
Year. Tons.
1930 23,803,048
1931 21,716,435
1932 19,679,154
1933 20,153,387
1934 19,789,163

thus be seen that the output has steadily declined. But

It will

notwithstanding this fall in the output, the producers have failed to

realise what may be termed a fair selling price, as the pitsmouth

prices of all grades of coal have recorded a steep fall. For instance,
super Jharia coal prices have fallen from Es. 4-12-0 in 1932-33 to
Rs. 4-2-0 in 1933-34, and Rs. 3-0-0 in 1934-35. Prices of other varie-
ties have likewise declined and become unremunerative to the pro-
ducers. The critical condition of the industry has caused a great deal

1, Vide, Budget Speech, 1932-33, p. 5.


helm of the industry and the public alike.

of concern to those at the
Measures taken by the colliery-owners to meet this unprecedented
economic depression have included drastic reductions in the scale
of salaries and wages of all persons connected with the industry,
the stoppage of important developments, the whittling down to a
dangerous margin of safety of all measures required for the care and
maintenance of the mines and voluntary curtailment of output on
the part of some of the larger owners. Labourers have suffered
most from these attempts at economy and the wages now being
paid in the coalfields are below the economic minimum which can
enable them to live up to their average standard. Thus, there is no
scope for further economies in this direction. Many mines have
already succumbed and have been forced into liquidation, and many
others have a similar fate staring them. For instance, in 1924-25
there were 253 joint-stock companies engaged in the industry with
a paid-up capital of Rs. 12,63 lakhs, whereas in 1932-33, the number
of companies was reduced by 41, and the paid-up capital reduced
by Rs. 1,83 lakhs. To this must be added the loss in the capital
employed by private individuals and syndicates.
In view of the conditions protrayed in the preceding

paragraphs, it behoves us to examine the causes responsible for this

critical condition of the industry. The primary cause which can
help to explain the situation is the fall in the demand for coal.

Indian railways are by far the most important consumers of

coal. They have developed their own collieries, and though
the output of their collieries has been reduced to help the
private producers of coal, railways' demand for private coal has not
recorded an increase it was expected to. In 1931, railways took
6*6 million tons of coal, and in 1933 about 6' 7 million tons,

notwithstanding the restriction in the output of the railway-owned

collieries. This is partly due to the electrification schemes. The
Bombay Cotton Mill Industry, which is another important consumer
of coal, is now increasingly taking to oil and electricity. Apart
from the present danger of this tendency, it is a grave potential
threat to the future of the coal industry. To this should be added
another important danger. In Bombay, Indian coal has to meet
with the powerful competition of bounty-fed South African coal, a
Standing menace to our industry. The imports of South African
coal have increased recently, for whereas in 1932-33 the imports
were only about 13,516 tons, in 1933-34 they rose to about 34,740
COAL 197

tons. The total imports of coal have also increased from 34,800
tons in 1932-33 to 56,315 tons in 1933-34. Iron and brass foundries
consumed about 4-8 million tons of coal in 1931, but in 1933 they
took only about 4 million tons, apart from the usual expectations of
increase in demand. The demand for bunker coal has also fallen.

Similarly, jute mills, inland steamers, brick and tile manufacturers,

etc., also reduced their purchases during the aforesaid period. This
is not all. In the foreign markets our coal trade has suffered the
worst vicissitudes. Our
exports have declined from 515,117

tons in 1931-32, to 372,894 tons in 1933-34. Indian coal has

suffered most in Strait Settlements, Phillippine Islands and
Hongkong ;
the first two markets seem to be completely lost, for
whereas Strait Settlements took 23,431 tons in 1931-32, the demand
has fallen to 5,391 tons in 1933-34, and Phillippine Islands
reduced the demand from 37,007 tons to 6,242 tons during the same
period. Exports to Hongkong have fallen from 162,265 tons in
1931-32 to 99,286 tons in 1933-34.
The imposition of the surcharge of 15 per cent, on coal
freights, referred to above, is partly responsible for the present
plight of the industry. Bengal coal has suffered most in this
respect. Public opinion was decidedly against this pernicious
measure. The Government of India have fortunately reduced the
surcharge from 15 per cent, to 12^ per cent., subject to a maximum
of Re. 1 per ton irrespective of distance from 1st April 1934. This
half-hearted measure has satisfied nobody. The traffic carried has
recorded marked fluctuations as will be seen from the following
table :

Coal traffic carried on Class I Railways

(Tons and Es. in lakhs.)

Another important fact responsible for the present

plight of the coal industry is the prevalence of cut-throat competi-
tion amongst the producers, particularly those in
Bengal, ad
Bihar and Orissa. In their keen struggle for existence, many of

the smaller colliery owners are quoting prices much below the real
cost of production. In their attempt to push the cost of

production still lower, they are increasing their output and exploit-
ing only the upper seams of the mines. This method of working
the mines is obviously wasteful and against the true national
interests, because the most valuable seams are thus being per-

manently lost to the country. The present ruinous policy, therefore,

needs an immediate check.
The question next in importance is as to how the check should
be made to operate, for opinions differ regarding the method.
Efforts made by the coal producers in this direction may be noted.
After protracted and delicate negotiations the colliery owners in
Bengal and Bihar and Orissa formulated a scheme of compulsory
restriction of output, and placed it before the Government of India
for legislative sanction. The scheme was to remain in force for a
period of three years, and its operation restricted to collieries in
British India, in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa and the Central Provinces.
The total output was to be restricted by the control of wagon
supply, and assignments of quotas to individual collieries on the
basis of standard tonnage. The administration of the scheme was
Committee of nine, eight members being repre-
to be entrusted to a
sentatives of the coal trade with an independent chairman. The
decisions of the Committee were to be final and binding. The
Coal Grading Board Act, 1925, was proposed to be amended to
allow of all expenses in connection with the working of the
restriction scheme to be met from the funds at the disposal
of the Coal Grading Board.

The Government of India, however, did not think it advisable

to give legislative sanction to the scheme outlined above for obvious
reasons. Firstly, the costs for working the scheme were proposed
to be met from the funds at the disposal of the Coal Grading Board.
As the Board waa established with the primary object of stimulating
the exports of Indian coal, the Government of India were right in
pointing out that they could not ask the legislature to agree that
its funds should be diverted to an entirely different purpose in the

manner proposed." The Board has a very important and difficult

function to perform, more so at present bacause our exports
fallen heavily during the past two years. Therefore, every pie at
the disposal of the Board should essentially be ear-marked
promoting export
COAL 199

Another serious defect in the scheme was the lack of adequate

representation of the interests of the consumers in the proposed
constitution of the Committee, composed exclusively of represent-
atives of the coal industry, except for an official chairman. Besides,
the Committee thus constituted was to be invested with very wide
powers including the power to regulate production. Legislative
recognition to such a scheme would in effect have amounted to the
creation and continuance of a monopoly under the protection of the
state tobe worked primarily for private profit. The function of
the State is to control rather than create private monopolies.

The improvement in future of the industry will depend

essentially upon the collective action of the colliery owners.
Unhealthy competition is the greatest sore of the industry and this
can be successfully eliminated only by a concerted action of the
producers based on mutual understanding and good will. Fortu-
nately, the producers have their associations which will facilitate
common, action, if only the members could realise that
future progress apart, if they are to survive the strain of acute
economic depression, coupled with the mistaken attitude they have
hitherto taken, they should immediately clear up their misgivings
and resort to self-help. What miraculous cure of industrial ills
voluntary concerted action can provide may be easily seen from the
Success achieved by the Cement Marketing Co., of India.

Having harmonised the divergent interests, the right action to

take would bo to centralise the marketing of coal and entrust the
task to a distinct body composed of the representatives of colliery
owners. This institution should have full power in marketing the
output of the members in the way it thinks best, and quote prices
determined by the conditions in the market. Besides, it should
have working arrangements with the producers outside the group,
so as to eliminate unhealthy competition.

The success achieved by the Marketing Board, if properly

worked, would be a sufficiently strong inducement to other
colliery owners to give up their conservatism and apathy, and join
the board in their own self-interest. The board would thus
immediately gather strength and soon become a strong force in the
industry. Thus rationalised, the coal industry would rank amongst
one of the most efficient industries in the country.


This finishes our study of the Coal Industry in relation to

railway rates. Let us now summarise our suggestions for the
improvement of the industry.

(1) Internal re-organisation is the prime necessity of the

Indian coal industry and it should proceed on the
following lines :

(a) To form a Central Marketing Association on the line,

similar to that of the Cement Marketing Company of
India , which would eliminate interenecine competition,
improve the quality of coal raised, regulate over-
production, minimise the waste in transport costs, and
push on the sales with the aid of publicity.

(b) This Association should have as its members the

colliery-owners of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa as well as
of the Central Provinces. In short, it should be an all-
India Institution.

(c) Definite working arrangements should be made with

the collieries remaining outside the pool.

(2) The production of coal should also be rationalised.

Methods of extraction and the
should be improved
collieries which cannot be economically worked be closed

down, because the strength of an industry is measured by

its weakest unit.Bengal collieries should extract only
first class coal second class coal should be produced to a

very limited extent to supply those markets where it is

economically possible to do so.

(3) A more liberal rates policy should be pursued and the

surcharge be removed.
I. Refer to chapter on The Cement Industry."

The national importance of the Indian sugar industr}' has
been generally accepted. It has two aspects, agricultural and
industrial. India being primarily an agricultural country, the
cultivation of sugar holds a very prominent place in its economy.
It the most important and perhaps the only cash crop in the

sugar-cane belt, and is profitable both to the agriculturist and the

Government. In its industrial side, the Indian sugar industry holds
an unique position replete with potentialities, because India, while
one of the largest growers of cane, has also been till recently an
importer of about a million tons of white sugar. Besides, the
recent expansion in the sugar industry has placed it in the fore-
front of other Indian industries, so that to-day it ranks second
only to the cotton industry. A
critical study of its transport

problems therefore needs no apology.


Sugar traffic carried on different railways varies according to
the density of population in the areas served, economic conditions
of the people, the nature of their diet and the cultivation of
sugar-cane in the locality. The importance of the aforesaid
factors as determinants of sugar traffic will be seen from the state-

ment submitted below.

The figures represent lakhs,


The foregoing figures reveal some of the most striking features

of the sugar traffic on Indian railways. It will be seen that the
trafficis mainly carried by a few ef the more important lines,
which pass through thickly populated areas, where sugar-cane
is largely cultivated and sugar factories have been established.

Therefore the total tonnage hauled by the railways serving

these areas is by far the largest. A still more important tendency
revealed by these figures is about the nature of the traffic carried

by the different lines. It will be seen that whereas the N.W.,

G.I. P., E.I. and B. &N.W. depend mainly upon the traffic

originating on their own lines, the B.B. & C.I. has to depend upon
the traffic it gets from other lines. This fact is important as it

vitally affects the rates policy. Again, the traffic carried and the
earnings therefrom, as indicated in the table, show the importance
of the traffic to the line concerned.

We may therefore proceed to analyse the rates policy pursued

by these railways, the nature of the traffic carried and the effects
of the freight charged on the development of the sugar industry.
Before, however, we take up the study of the movement of sugar
traffic from the more important sugar factories to the premier
consuming markets, it is necessary to have a general but definite

idea of the basis of the rates charged. This method of approach

Avillenable us to have a comprehensive view of the rates policy,
affecting the entire industry in its varied aspects.


On the E.I.R., sugar traffic in general is charged at second class
railway risk, that being the accepted rate in the general classifi-
cation of goods, but when the traffic is booked from Howrah
(including other Calcutta stations) to E.I. Railway and via distant
601 miles and over, 1st class 0. R. rate is charged, subject to the
operation of the differential rule. The E.B.R, charges 2nd class
R. R. rate in general, but when the traffic is booked in wagon
loads, C/ 300, at O.K., the C/J schedule rate is charged. The basis
of the schedule is as follows :

1 to 150 miles ... '380 pie per maund per mile.

Plus 151 to 250 ... -333
251 to 500 ... -200
5C1 to 700 ... -130
Above 700 ... 100

In addition to the above schedule rates the terminal and tranship-

ment charges are levied, varying from 4 to 8 pies. The
S.I.R. charges 2nd class rate, R.R., the basis of charge being 0-42
pie per maund per mile, subject to additional transhipment and
terminal charge. The M. & S.M.R. charges 2nd class rate at R.R.
The B.N. & A.B. Railways charge similar rates on actual weight, no
special facilities being offered to traffic in bulk or over longer
distances. On the B. B. & C. I. Railway, 1st. class rate at 0. R. is

booked from Bombay, Agra Fort, Belanganj,

applicable, if traffic is

Cawnpore, Rawatpur, Muttra, Muttra Cantonment, and Delhi

Lahori Gate. The basis of charge of the 1st. class rate is 0.38 pie

per maund per mile. The N. W. R. charges 2nd. class rate at R. R.

on actual weight, but when the traffic is booked from Karachi for
distances over 750 miles, 1st class rate at 0. R. is charged. This
rate is subject to terminal and short distance charge. The B. &
N. W. R., in the absence of special rate, charges 2nd class rate at
R. R. But here it should be noted that the bulk of traffic is carried
at special rates in force over this line. We shall discuss these rates
in detail at a latter stage, but for the present, suffice it to note the
nature of the special rates and the concession granted as against the
class rates, as can be seen from the following rates :

Miles Station From Station To Class Rate Special Rate

per maund per maund
Rs. a, p. Rs. a. p.
251 Ghugli 099 074
230 Sardarnagar 091 072
431 Samastipur, Cawnpore 101 11 7
178 Basti 073 055
261 Padrauna 10 2 078
184 075 05 10

13 9
111 Basti 4 11 038
194 Padrauna 079 061
We thus find a striking change in the rates policy, distinct
from the policy pursued by the other railways. The B. & N. W. R.
quotes, rates lower than class rates even on shorter- hauls, .as for
instance, over a distance of 111 miles, from Basti to Barabanki. It

may be said that the B. & N. W. E. quotes special rates for

shorter distances because generally the journey over this railway is

not long, and especially the receiving stations referred to above

are junctions, from where the traffic is passed on to other railways.
To this it may be said that because the B. & N. W. has only short
leads or comparatively shorter leads, the justification for charging

higher rates is all the greater. But the B. & N. W. R. does not do
so* of the railway authorities is commendable in the
and the action
interests of both the shippers and the railway. The B. & N. W. R.
has the greater number of sugar factories on its lines, both in the
U. P. and Bihar, and it is to the advantage of the railway to foster
these concerns by giving cheap and efficient transport facilities.

These rates will be discussed later, but at this stage from the
review of the general basis of rates charged on sugar on the
different railways, it can be
without fear of contradiction, that
the B. & N. W. R. charges relatively lower rates even over shorter
distances. This statement can be further illustrated by comparing
the rates charged on the G. I. P. R., which charges 2nd. class rate
at R. R, on sugar, irrespective of the size of the consignment or
the distances traversed.


Jagree, which includes Molasses and Shukkur (ground or

powdered 2nd class R. R. in the
jagree, not sugar), is classed as
Indian Railways General Classification of Goods. This general
class rate has been adjusted by different railways to suit their
individual requirements. The E. I. R. charges 1st class rate when
the consignment is booked at 0. R. and C/L Schedule rate at 0. R.
when the traffic is booked to certain sugar works, in wagon loads,
the loading and unloading being done by the consignor and the
consignee. Molasses, when booked in tank wagons at 0. R., is also
charged C/L schedule rate. The basis of this C/L schedule is

as follows ;

1 to 100 miles..., 0^38 pie per maund per mile

Plus 101 to 300 0-220
301 to 600 0-13Q
Over 600 miles 0-110

The E. B. R. also charges the same C/L schedule rate at

a R. ; L. The S. I. R. levies C/G schedule rate at 0. R. ; L ; S/15,

L Vide, p. 386,

the basis of charge being as under :

1 to 300 miles 0*380 pie per maund per mile

Plus 301 to 400 0*300
401 to 500 0-200
501 to 600 0*125
601 to 700 0*115
Above 700 0*100 .,

The above rates are exclusive of a transhipment charge of one

pie per maund at each local junction involving a change of gauge,
a terminal charge of G pies per maund for each end ( viz. one anna
per forwarding and destination station ), and a short distance charge
of 3 pies per maund leviable in cases when booking for stations
within a distance of 75 miles.
The M. & S. M. Railway charges 2nd class rate at R. R. when
the consignment travels only for 150 miles or lower, but if the
distance traversed over 150 milos, C/G schedule rate, referred to

above is levied. But in addition to these rates terminal charge of

12 pies in local booking and 8 pies in through booking is charged.
A short distance charge of 3 pies is levied if traffic is booked
between stations with a distance of less than 75 miles.

On the B. N. R., on actual weight at R. R., 2nd class rate is

charged, subject to a terminal charge of 16 pies per maund in case
of local booking, and of 8 pies per maund in caso of through
booking, in addition, but when the same consignment is booked at
0. R., C/H schedule rate, lower than the class rate is levied, the
basis of which is shown below :

1 to 300 miles 0*380 pie per maund per mile.

Plus 301 to 700 0*130

Above 700 0*100 ,,

The following extra charges are to be added both in local and

through booking :

Up to 600 miles 8 pies per maund per mile.

601 miles and beyond 4 pies ,,

These rates are subject to differential rule as to distance.

Further, the Shalimar Special Terminal charge of 3 pies per maund
and Kalaghat (goods) and Cuttack Special Terminal charge of 2 pies
per maund are to be levied in addition in local booking only,

except where otherwise specified. Again, the C/H schedule rate


does not apply to jagree and molasses when booked from or to

station on the B. N. B., Asansol, Gomoh, Chandrapura, and via
Barkakana, to and from stations on the (i) E. I. R. between Naihati
and Howrah both inclusive, (ii) E. B. R, between Naihati and
Calcutta (Sealdah) both inclusive (including all stations south of
Naihati on the main line and branch lines.)

The B. B, & C. I. R. charges 1st class rate when the consignment

is booked at 0. R. and 2nd class rate when the consignment is
booked at R. R. On the N. W. R., jagree is charged at C/L schedule
rate at 0. R. referred to above. On the B. & N. W. R., in the
absence of special rates, this traffic is charged at 2nd class rate,
R. R., but there are a large number of special rates, and the bulk of
this traffic is carried at these special rates. The idea of the special
rates, lower than the class rates, can be had from the following
statement :

Miles Station Station Class Bate Special Kate

From To per maund per maund
Rs. a. p. Es. a. p.
363 Begu Sarai 13 8 062
387 Darbhanga 14 7 6 11
184 Ghughli Barabanki 075 049
111 Lakshmiganj 074 048
395 TaraSarai 14 10 070
430 Begu Sarai 101 10 7
454 Darbhanga I 11 079
251 Ghugli Cawnpore 090 5 11
248 Lakshmiganj 098 060
462 Tara Sarai 112 7 10

It & N. W. R. has made a

should however, be noted that the B.
distinctionbetween jagree and molasses in respect of rates quoted
thereon. The rates quoted on jagree have been adverted to above.
On molasses the C/D schedule rate, having a uniform basis of charge
of 25 pie per maund per mile, is levied. In addition to this
certain special rates are also in force as under :

Miles Station Station Class Pate Special Rate

From To per maund per maund
.Rs. a. p. . Rs. a. p.-
243 Balia 061 3 10
291 Barhaj Bazar 071 060
354 Basti Kathiawar West 085 059
271 Bhatni 068 4 10
328 Qhughli 7 10 055

In the case of class and scale rates the following additional

charges are also levied :

( i ) Terminal One anna per maund in local booking, and


6 pies per maund in through booking with foreign


(ii) Transhipment: 3 pies per maund at junctions

a break of gauge, e.g. Benares Cantonment, Barabanki, and
Mokameh Ghat.
(iii) Ferry Charges: 10 pies per maund where there is a
ferry, e.g. Mokameh Ghat.

The G. I. P. B. charges C/J schedule rate at 0. R., the basis of

charge being as under :

1 to 150 miles 380 pie per maund per mile.

Plus 151 to 250 0*333
251 to 500 0.200
501 to 700 0-130
Above 700 0-100

In addition to the rates thus arrived at the terminal, tranship-

ment and short distance charges are levied wherever due.


Before turning, however, to the analysis of the effects of rates
charged on the movement of sugar traffic, we must consider
the basis of rates charged on sugarcane on different railways, as
has been done in the case of sugar and jagree. The freight on
sugarcane is important in the case of sugar factories. The detailed
study of the railway freight with special reference to Indian sugar
factories will be undertaken at a later stage, but before such a study
is taken up, it is essential to review in brief, the basis of rates on
sugarcane which is the primary raw material of the central factories.

Sugarcane is classified as 1st class R. E. in the Indian Railways

General Classification of Goods, but the basis of actual rates levied
on different railways varies. On the E. I. Railway C/R schedule
rate is charged having the following basis ;

1 to 150 miles ,., ... 0*14 pie per maund per mile
Plus Over 150 0-11

These rates, however, do not apply in the following cases :

(a) Over the Hardwar-Dehra Railway.


(b) To, from and via Cawnpore (B. B, & C. I. R.), except when
booked from Rawatpur,

(c) From and via Allahabad city, for traffic from stations on
the Benares-Allahabad section of the B. & N. W. R. to

The B. B. & C. L
C/D schedule rate, having a
R. charges
uniform 0'25 pie per maund per mile, at 0. R.,
basis of charge of

applicable in through booking with foreign railways only, is

subject to a minimum charge of Rs. 20, Rs. 10, and Rs. 7, per
4r-wheeled Broad, Metre, and Narrow Gauge Wagons respectively.
Re. 0-6-6 per mile per 4-wheeled B. Gauge Wagon, plus Rs. 3
terminal charge, at 0. R.,is levied in local booking between

B. Gauge and from B. Gauge to M. Gauge stations only.

Re. 0-3-9 per mile per 4-wheeled M. Gauge Wagon up to 300
maunds carrying capacity of the wagon plus a terminal charge
of Rs. 2 per wagon, at 0. R., is charged in local booking between
M. Gauge stations and from M. Gauge stations to B. Gauge stations.
The N. W. R. charges C/J schedule rates on wagon loads,
having the following basis of charge :

1 to 150 miles 0-380 pie per maund per mile.

Plus 151 to 250 miles 0-333 ,,

251 to 50J 0-200

501 to 7CO , 0-130 ,,

Above 700 0-100 ,, ,,

The aforesaid rates for sugarcane in wagon loads are subject to

the following conditions :

(i) That the consignments are booked at 0. R. (under the

Risk Note Form B or H) ;
(ii) That loading and unloading are done by the owners,
(iii) And that minimum weight for charge is 300 maunds per
4-wheeled wagon.

In the case of consignments of sugarcane in wagon loads,

booked by or for the Agricultural Department, provided that
a certificate granted by a gazetted officer of the Agricultural
Department, to the effect that the sugarcane is intended for agricul-
tural purposes and not for consumption as food, is produced at the
time of booking, the minimum weight for charge will be 120
maunds instead of 300 maunds per 4-wheeled wagon.

On the B. & N. W. R., when the consignment is booked at 0. R. f

loading and unloading being done by the consignor and the

consignee, from any station to any station in local booking, except
in the case of booking to link stations, is charged at the following
vehicle miles rates :

Description of wagons Rate per mile Minimum Charge

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

Low sided truck fitted with cases 039 700

16 and 16 feet special cane wagon
open proof 026 500
4-Wheeled covered goods wagon 039 500
The other railways charge 1st class rates at R. R., as provided
in the Indian Railways General Classification of Goods referred to
above. This, in short, is the detailed data about the basis of railway
rates charged on sugar, jagree, molasses and cane.
This introduces us to the study of the incidence of railway
rates on the movement of traffic, and the extent to which the
internal and external competition is affected by the railway rates
policy. This question has been the centre of keen controversy in
the public as well as academic circles and has led to no less heated
debates in the Assembly. Obviously, therefore, the issue has come
to acquire a political colour, and its more important economic
significance is often ignored. Albeit the qiiestion can hardly be
completely divorced of the very nature of
its political associations,
railroad enterprise being opposed to any such severance. But it
can with advantage be studied in its purely economic bearings, the
welfare of both the shipper and the carrier being kept in view.
In any such enquiry the needs of the public should predominate,
and especially so in India, because the burden of the railway
development in this country has been shouldered by the tax-payer.
It has been pointed out that the imported sugar received special
rates right from the beginning of the present century. The credit
of -studying this scientific accuracy and precision
problem with
rests with Mr. Ghose, who analysed the rates policy in detail,
S. C.

and forcibly brought out the defects of the policy with suggestions
for its improvement. Therefore, before we take up the analysis of

1. Railroads are primarily public utilities and as such they of necessity

have to be worked in the interests of the public, and be subject to
popular control, exercised through responsible representatives.


the present rates, it behoves us to have a succinct survey of the

rates policy as it operated before the war.
The railway rates on sugar from the ports to the interior
were for the first time reduced during 1904, just a year before
the Calcutta and Bombay competition started. They were
further lowered in 1905. These low rates helped the heavy
imports of foreign sugar and thereby hastened the decay of the
indigenous white sugar industry. Mr. Ghose has rightly argued
that in view of the lower cost of production of the foreign
importers it was not a right move on the part of the railways to
have lowered the rates on the imported traffic, which could very
easily bear the ordinary rate. By charging lower rates on the
imported sugar, railways not merely reduced their earnings, but
also added to the profits of the foreign importers. The railway
authoritiesmay contend that but for the reduced rates they
would have lost the traffic. This viewpoint is untenable,
because the cost of production of the importers was sufficiently
low to bear higher railway rates, and even if it was not so low,
the fact that they urgently needed a market for their surplus
output of sugar, which was fast increasing as a result of large-
scale production and the integration of sugar industry in foreign
countries, Cuba and Java, they would have economised in
other directions and paid a higher railway freight. So also, the
importers would not have been able to shift thin burden to the
Indian consumers, because of the competition between the
importers. Besides, if the price of the imported sugar was raised it

would have seriously restricted the consumption of imported sugar

in competition with the indigenous sugar. Therefore, it is idle to
deny that the importers were in a position to bear higher railway
rates, and that the reduced rates quoted by the railways in fact
subsidised the imported sugar traffic. Mr. Ghose rightly contended
1. This section is based on Mr. S. C. Ghose's "Monograph on Indian
Railway Rates."
2. It is questionable, eays Mr. S. C. Ghose, whether this traffic ever
needed further subsidy in the way of cheap railway rates that were
quoted from the ports to the interior. Even if the rates for Java sugar
were maximum rates the railways would not have lost the traffic, but
the profits of the Java producers would have been Ices.

Vide, ''Monograph oa Indian Railway Rates.", p. 230.


that the burden of the rateswould have fallen upon the profits of the
importers, and the Indian railways would have thereby added to
their receipts. Thus, not only was the railway income lost, but
the position of the foreign industry in the Indian market was also
strengthened. This is a further instance of the penalty which
India has had to pay for company management of railways,
because the companies, being assured of their financial stability,
cared but little about the effects of their rates policy upon the

railway revenues and the development of indigenous trade and


The possible argument in support of the rates policy thus

pursued, is that the railways are able to quote relatively lower
rates for the imported traffic from the ports, which is said, as a
role, to be carried over long distances in full wagon loads, and
therefore it is cheaper for the railways to carry than the indigenous
sugar, which is carried over shorter distances in less than wagon
loads. A similar argument is used in support of the present railway
rates policy, which we shall presently examine. But as it was
advocated in the pre-war era, we shall have to study it in the
light of the conditions then prevailing. Mr. Ghose pointed out that
the claim for a lower cost of transport of the imported traffic,
which formed the basis of the whole argument, was more apparent
than real. He stated emphatically that the special rates for sugar,
from the ports of Bombay and were not for wagon loads,
but for actual weight, i. o. any weight however small or
carried in
however large. He observed that condition as to weight was
waived in many cases, in order to enable despatches in imported
sugar being made from the ports to small stations, which could
not afford a wagon load.
The further argument, which could be brought forth in
support of the prevailing railway policy, is that as the railways
got return load, after discharging the traffic carried from the
interior to the port, it was in the interest of both the shippers
and the carrier that the return traffic should be fostered with
the aid of special rates. This argument has apparently the support
of scientific principles of railway operation. But it should be
pointed out that this principle pre-supposes that the return load
would not be forthcoming unless the reduced rates were offered,
or in other words, that the traffic would be diverted to some
alternative transport agency, which does not seem likely in the

present case, looking at the nature of the traffic and the transport
facilities available. Indian imports being primarily of manu-
factured products, their ability to bear the transport charge is ipso
facto higher,and therefore, there is no necessity for offering lower
rates on the imported traffic which would come to the railways
automatically. It may be said that the higher railway freight
which the importers would pay might be shifted to the consumers,
and thus the burden of rates would ultimately fall upon the Indian
consumers of the imported manufactured products. This is
doubtless true, but only in the long run. This, however, should
not deter the Indian railways from levying the necessary transport
charges upon the imported traffic. The detailed discussion of this
issue isbeyond the purview of the present thesis, but it may be
pointed out that the railways can and should with adequate
higher transport charges on the imported traffic,
justification levy
wherever it can bear the charge, because this would bring adequate
revenue to the railways, and at the same time afford much needed
protection to the indigenous trade and industry against foreign
competition. In other words, in the case of imported traffic, the
ability to bear the transport charge must be requisitioned to the
maximum. This should be done particularly because the imported
traffic enjoys better railway facilities in numerous other ways,
as compared with the internal traffic besides, it is relatively high-

er in value, and competes with the Indian industries. These are

the most important considerations from the stand-point of pure
railway economics, and it is in the light of these facts that the
validity of particular rates has to be examined. In view of this,
the aforesaid railway argument falls flat ; the very basis of the
argument can be questioned.

It however, surprising to find the above argument receiving

apparent support at the hands of Mr. Ghose, for he says The ;

imported traffic helps the railways to fill up wagons, which would

otherwise return empty, and such traffic is thus carried practically
ata nominal cost and therefore at a large profit to the railway 1 ".
This support is, however, more apparent than real, as is evident
from his further discussion when he says that the imported traffic
did not need these low rates, and that the low rates were introduc-
ed merely on account of competition, as admitted even by the
1. Vide, The Monograph on Indian Railway Rates," p. 230

railway authorities themselves. For a clearer understanding of
the nature of the concession granted on the imported traffic, a
concrete case may be taken up. At the scale rate applicable on the
E. I, K., the charge on sugar from Howrah to Sutna for 615 miles

would have been Es. 0-12-0 per maund, but a special rate of
Rs. 0-8-11 was quoted for the same on actual weight, whereas if

locally produced sugar was carried to this station in wagon loads at

owner's risk from say 557 miles, the rate would be Rs. 0-9-10 per
maund. The concession, therefore, was substantial. It is obvious
that these reduced rates must have affected the receipts of the

railways because the traffic in white sugar was moving mostly from
the ports. Its effects on the Indian white sugar industry is

mostly shrouded in obscurity. Thanks are due to Sir Vithaldas

Thakersey, who, in his memorable speech in the Council, demon-
strated the serious handicaps under which the indigenous sugar

industry laboured in respect of railroad transport facilities, and the

invidious distinction in rate-making fostered by the railway
companies. He drew attention to the sugar rates to and from
Cawnpore. For instance, while the G. I. P. rate from Bombay to
Cawnpore, for 840 miles, was Rs. 0-13-8 on the imported traffic,
the rate from Cawnpore to Khandwa, on the same line for
486 miles only was Rs. 0-13-8 whereas at the same time the rate

from Bombay to Jubbulporo, for 616 miles, was Rs. 0-8-10 per
maund on the same line against Rs. 0-12-10 to Sohagpur, for
494 miles. Thus, the truth is that railway companies fostered
imported sugar traffic contrary to all rational principles of rate-

making. The policy was suicidal both to their own revenues and to
the indigenous industry. These are, in short, the striking features
of the rates policy as pursued in the pre-war era.


Having reviewed the broad features of the rates policy in the

past (pre-war), it is necessary to examine the incidence of current
rates on the movement of traffic from the ports to the centres of

consumption, and from the internal sugar factories to the more

important consuming markets. Therefore the geographical
1. Vide, The Monograph on Indian Railway Rates ", pp. 230-31.
2. Supra.
3. For detailed discussion of the rates position in the pre-war era, see
" "
Mr. Ghose's Monograph on Indian Railway Rates pp. 411-21.

divisions to be followed in the subsequent discussion will be

according to provinces and the ports serving them.

Let us start with the Calcutta port and study the movement of
imported sugar traffic. It may be pointed out that the hinterland

of this port extends from Assam on one side, to the Punjab and
the Central Provinces on the other. It serves as a gate for inward
and outward movements of merchandise of this vast territory.
The movement of traffic to and from Calcutta port shows that the
hinterland extends on the north- easb to Assam, to C. P. on
the south-west, the eastern parts of the Punjab and the
whole of the Gangetic plain comprising the Provinces of Bengal,
Bihar and Orissa and the U. P. The imports of the port, which are
So disproportionate to its exports, consists, mainly of cotton goods,
iron and steel, machinery, sugar and oil. For the present, we shall
be concerned primarily with the import trade in sugar.
Import statistics reveal interesting peculiarities. There has
been a steady growth of imports of sugar up to 1929-30, except for
the year 1927-28 when they received a slight set back. When the
figures of 1913-14 are compared with those of 1929-30, the increase
recorded comes out to be more than double, for, whereas in the
former year Calcutta imported 177,941 tons of sugar, in the latter
year imports rose to 368,969 tons. The value of imports, however,
shows a slightly different tone, due to fluctuations in the price
level. But after 1929-30 the imports have gradually dwindled, due
to the increase in the output of local sugar factories, under the
scheme of discriminating protection. This should not be taken to
mean that the imports have ceased, for even to-day, notwithstand-
ing the heavy protective import duty, the imports have some hold
on the markets in the vicinity of the ports. At the same time, it
cannot be denied that the growth in the output of internal sugar
factories has changed the nature of distribution and of the transport

problem. Therefore, in the pages that follow we shall review the

distribution of sugar traffic with special reference to railway rates,
and note thereafter the changes recently made in the rates
The Gangetic plains are linked to the Calcutta port by the
E. R,, which serves the more important parts of the fertile and

thickly populated territory, which has been rightly adjudged as the


richest in India, both agriculturally and industrially. The con-

sumption of sugar therefore, is by far the highest in this tract. Of

the total sugar thus consumed, the greater portion is that of the
indigenous sugar or jagree, because the United Provinces and
Bihar are the centres of sugarcane cultivation. Besides, it will
be remembered that the white sugar manufacture, both from
the cane and by refining gur on largo-scale in the modern sugar
factories, has come to be centralised in the U. P. and Bihar.
Therefore, so far as the consumption of white sugar in this tract is
concerned, indigenous white sugar competes with the imported
sugar in the local markets, as well as in the more important distant
centres, the area being limited by the cost of railway transport to
be determined presently. Doubtless the competitive capacity is

determined by varied factors of which railway transport cost is

only one, and therefore the following analysis of railway rates and
the competition inter se of imported and indigenous white sugar has
to be taken with this limitation. It will also be recollected,

that the analysis of the rates policy in respect of sugar traffic

is proposed to be limited to the more important railways, like the

E. L, G. I. P., B. B. & C. L, N. W., and B. & N. W. Railways, which
will give a fair idea of the general rates policy.

The city of Calcutta with its suburbs, which consume the
largest amount of white sugar, and the area of about 150 miles
in the vicinity, monopolised primarily by the imported sugar,

because of the cost of railway transport which works against the

indigenous white sugar. Indigenous white sugar can be imported
into Calcutta from the sugar factories in Bihar on the B. & N. W.R.
via Mokameli Ghat. From the Ganga Deshi Sugar Mill siding at
Buxar to Howrah, the E. I. R. quotes a special rate of Rs. 0-10-6
per maund at 0. R. which works out at -36 pie per maund per

mile, less than fir^t class rate. Therefore, in Calcutta and its
suburbs the imported sugar has the advantage of 10 annas per
maund over the indigenous sugar. But the Ganga Deshi Sugar
Mill in fact does not export to Calcutta, because it finds it

advantageous to sell in the vicinity of the factory, which is a sort of

1. This rate applies to sugar actually manufactured by the Company at

their factory.
2, 1st class rate works out at Rs 0-13-9 per maund.

protected market. The extent of protection which the factory

gets in the local market varies with the location of the market, its
distance from the port and from other local sugar factories. Im-
ported sugar has to pay second class rate, which works out to
Buxar at Rs. 0-15-1 per maund. Needless to repeat therefore, that
the Buxar Sugar Factory find^J it advantageous to sell its output in
the local markets. The sugar factories on the B. & N. W. R.,
which are more numerous and have a larger output, have to pay a
still higher freight to Calcutta.
It is well known that indigenous white sugar did not till

recently seriously compete with the imported sugar in the Calcutta

market, and if it was consumed there, the fact can be explained by
reasons other than purely economic, which do not concern us for
the moment. However, in order estimate the disadvantage
under which the Indian sugar factories labour in respect of railway
transport in the Calcutta market, it is necessary to find out the
ratesfrom the more important of these factories, which despatch
sugar to markets in Bengal and Bihar in the same direction. The
rates charged to these other markets will be studied later ; for the

present would be
it interesting to note the freight to OnHowrah.
the B. & N. W,R., on which most of the factories are situated, the
traffic moves via Mokameh Ghat, and thereafter it is transhipped

and carried by the E. I. R. to Howrah. Let us have a table

portraying the rates charged on the B. & N. W. R. for sugar traffic
via Mokarneh Ghat from the important sugar factories. That
would give us a clear idea as to the relative position of the different
factories, both in respect of the Calcutta market and other markets
in Bengal and Bihar via Mokameh Ghat.

Rates per maund via Mokameh Ghat

Factory Stations Rate Factory Stations Kate
From Rs. a. p. From Rs. a. p.

Basti 10 3 Savan 064

Sardarnagar 086 Tamkuhi Road 079
Gawribazar 082 Padrauna 084
Bhatni 074 Lakamiganj 10 8
Mairwa 069 Ghughli 095
Pachrukhi 062 Chakia 051
To these rates must be added the charge from Mokameh Ghat
to Howrah on the E. L R. which works out at Rs. 0-8-3 per

maund. 1 Thus, the E. I. R. share being added, the total freight

gives us a clear idea of the competitive field, not so much between
the imported and the indigenous factory sugar, as of the
of the Indian sugar factories inter se. This does not mean that
there is any competition between the Indian factories for the
Calcutta market. Nor should we be understood to imply that the
rate structure considerably helps any such internal competition.
These rates merely show the relative transport disadvantage of the
different factories. It will be seen from the table that of all, the
Champaran Sugar Factory at Chakia
most favourably located for

supplying the Calcutta market, because it has to pay only Rs. 0-5-1
per maund, which comes to Rs. 0-13-4 to Howrah, when the E. I. R.
share is added to it. Next comes the Bihar Sugar Works, Pachrukhi,
in the Saran district, which pays Rs. 0-6-4 to via Mokameh Ghat,
or Rs. C-14-5 per maund to Howrah. Third comes the New Savan
Sugar Factory, Savan, Chapra district, which pays Rs. 0-15-0 per
maund to Howrah. Other factories have to pay a very high freight
charge. The point to note is that with the development of the
production of white sugar within the country, by the erection of
new factories under the present scheme of protection, unless some
new sugar factories are established nearer Calcutta, the aforesaid
factories will be relatively in a better position to supply the
Calcutta market, which, needless to add, is most important for
white sugar in that part of the country. We do not forget that
this sort ofplanned distribution, which the aforesaid statement
implies, will be feasible only after the distribution of the total
sugar production of the country has been centralised. This is a
very important point which will be discussed at a later stage ;
suffice it to note for the present that the
supply of sugar to
Calcutta market should be carefully studied.

This much for the Calcutta market. The catering of the

Calcutta market by the Indian sugar factories isa problem of
immediate and immense importance ; we have attempted to
indicate the difficulties to be overcome, which, we may be permitted
to add, are not unsurmountable. The suggestions as to the method
in which the question should be tackled will follow later.

1. Vide, B. & N. W. R., Letter No. R/4/2/32 p. 1.

This is a'special rate lower than the class rate which is Rs. 0-10-6
per maund.

P 9fi

The North-east and Assam are served by the E. B.

of Bengal
and A. B. Railways. The Western parts of Bengal and Bihar served
by the E. I. R., consume indigenous as well as imported white
sugar. Here is a table showing the traffic carried by the
B. & N. W. R. from the sugar factories on its lines to via Mokameh
Ghat in 1930-31 :

Tonnage Tonnage
Factory Stations carried Factory Stations carried
Maunds Maunds
Bhatni 395 Ghughli 1,362
Mairwa 33 Marhowrah 1,404
Saran 174 Gudah Siding 3,986
Pachrukhi 84 Chakia 21,381
TamkohiRoad 874 Lohat Siding 8,910
Padrauna 102 Tarsari 4,286
Lakshmiganj 4,280 Minor Stations 8,391

The traffic from different stations varies with the distance and also
the freight charged. These traffic statistics substantiate the statement
about the relative position which the factories occupy in respect of
railway rates in supplying the Calcutta market, made in the
preceding section. For instance, the suggesion that the Champaran
Sugar Factory at Chakia is most advantageously located for
supplying the markets in question, is strikingly demonstrated by
the above statistics, the despatches amounting to 21,381 maunds.
A similar
advantage is enjoyed by this factory in respect of the
other markets in the same direction. This is not enough. We have
to analyse the position of imported and internal sugar in this part
of the country. This issue is somewhat complicated. In the
following table an attempt is made to present the position in
respect of some of the more important markets.

Rates per Maund on Sugar

Stations to
(Vuh Ghat) *
Rs a. Bs.
p. a. p.
Patna Junction ... ... 078 0126
Gaya ...... 8
10 10 11
Gomoh ... ... 12 073

Bhagalpur ... ... 082 9 11

Asansol ... ... 10 7 053
Nalhate ... ... 12 4 059
Burdwan ...... 12 10 030

These rates conclusively prove that Indian sugar factories,

being located at a distance from the Calcutta and the South-
western Bengal markets, have to pay higher railway rates,
which seriously impedes the sales of Indian factory sugar
in these markets. It will be seen that markets from Calcutta
to Gomoh, on the one side, and Naihati and further up to

Shahebganj, on the other, are more favourably situated for

imported sugar. In markets further up, like Bhagalpur, Gaya
and Patna, Indian factories have some sort of transport
protection. Thus, the conclusion we come to is that the
Bihar Sugar Factories, due to their location, will find it rather
difficult to supply the Calcutta market for some time to come

in competition with imported sugar, unless they either lower

their per unit cost of manufacture or succeed in getting
lower rates from the railway authorities or both. Another
expedient that they should try is to centralise the marketing
of sugar so as to eliminate unhealthy internal competition and
waste in transport costs. The area of about 200 miles round
about Calcutta has become a sort of protective belt in favour
of the imported sugar. In the market outside this belt
the transport advantage operates in favour of the indigenous


In the factory zone ', Indian sugar has obviously an advantage
due to the proximity of the consuming markets to the respective
factories and the greater distance per contra from the Calcutta
port. It is indeed difficult to precisely mark out the limits
of this zone, in the the requisite data, but in the
absence of
following pages an attempt will be made to understand the extent
of this zone, and the transport advantages possessed by the Indian
factories against the importers. To have a precise idea of the
transport position for our purpose, necessary to co-relate
it is

internal traffic and the rates charged thereon, with the rates
charged on the import traffic from Howrah. Therefore, of the

I, Similar is the situation about the supplies of cement from the Indian
Cement Factories to Calcutta market, but the problem of distribution
has been successfully solved by the industry.

See, the Cbaptar on Indian Cement Industry,


consuming markets detailed in the statement referred to above,

a few typical ones will be selected for further analysis. The

supply of sugar to Benares may be summarised in the following

statement :

Mileage Stations from despatched

Ks. a. p.
182 Basti ... 25 075
131 Sardarnagar ... 141 058
99 Bhatni ... 9,719 046
117 Mairwa ... 3,040 052
135 Pachrukhi ... 1,555 105
130 Savan ... 612 057
170 TamkuhiRoad ... 278 6 11
173 Lakshmlganj ... 321 072
225 Chakia ... 419 8 11
429 Howrah ... ... 15 8

It portrays a comparatively favourable position, the only

deficiency being the lack of statistics of the sugar traffic carried
from Howrah. Nevertheless, the statement givesus very interesting
conclusions. It provides us with a commentary of the present
general position and gives us a line of thought for the future.
Rates charged are in a way a good index of the volume of traffic,

but when coupled with the statistics of actual tonnage hauled,

unmistakably demonstrate the importance of the incidence of
rates on the movement of traffic and its potentialities of future

development. Rates are de facto regulators of traffic. The

illustrations to this apparently epigramatic statement are supplied

by the preceding table. As Bhatni has to pay only Rs. 0-4-6 per
maund, being only 99 miles from Benares, it supplies the largest
amount of sugar. Mairwa comes as a very bad second, partly
because it has to pay a slightly higher rate. As against the
imported sugar, the sugar factories at Sardarnagar, Bhatni, Mairwa
Pachrukhi and Savan have freight advantage of about 10 to 11
annas per maund.

The position of the Allahabad market may in brief be tabled

as under :

Rs. a. p.
Basti ... 1,761 090
Sardarnagar ... 4,335 075
Gauribazar ... 6,495
Bhatni ... 17,161
Mairwa ... 14,546
Savan ... 6,054 075
Pachrukhi ... 22,571 077
Tamkukhi Road ... 378
Padrauna ... 838 091
Lakshmiganj ... 1,750 089
Ghughli ... 2,352 8 10
Marhowrah ... 14,489
Chakia ... 7,126
Lohat Siding ... 1,366 Oil 3
Howrah ... ... 127
* These are
special rates at 0. R.

Next may be taken up Thomsonganj. The summary position

in respect of factory sugar trafficand the rates thereon is as
follows :

Station from
^faundl **ate per Maund

Rs. a. p.

Basti 1,945 068

Sardarnagar 1,000 074
Gauribazar 339 078
Bhatni 139 084
Mairwa 566 8 11
Paehrukhi 3,419 094
TarakuhiRoad 419 S 11
Padrauna 3,783 084
Lakshmiganj 395 7 11
Ghughli 1,071 080
Marhowrah 1,329 10 7
Chakia 1,275 12 5
Lohat Siding 1,448 '0 13 2
Tara Sarai 1,196 12 11
Howrah ... 162

Basti, as the foregoing statement indicates, has the greatest

advantage in respect of railway rates, and yet it is not able to make
use of this advantage in supplying the market in question. This is
probably due to the fact that the despatches from Basti are mostly
directed to Cawnpore and via Barabanki, via Anwarganj, etc. Be
that as it may, the despatches from Pachrukhi and Padrauna are

larger, although the railway Ireight paid is higher. This market is

also supplied by distant factory stations like Tara Sarai, Chakia,

Marhowrah, and Lohat Siding. Needless to say that it savours of
unhealthy internal competition for which rationalisation of distri-
bution is the only efficacious remedy. Above all, it will be noted
that the sugar factories have a freight advantage, which varies from
Es. 0-9-0 in the case of Lohat Siding to Bs. 0-15-6 in that of the
Basti, as against imported sugar.
Another important station that may be taken up is Bahraich.
The sugar supplies received from sugar factories and the railway
rates paid thereon as also the rate paid on imported sugar are sum-

marised in the table put in below :

Mileage Station from

Rate per maund

Rs. a.
93 Basti 601 043 p.

145 Sardarnagar 649 061

154 Gauribazar 1 065
176 Bhatni 139 072
193 Mairwa ... 079
212 Pachrukhi 180 085
196 Tamkuhi Road 522 10 7
206 Savan 153 083
176 Padrauna 4,355 072
163 Lakshmigauj 6,059 068
166 Ghughli 448 6 10
314 Chakia ... 13

In this case also, the indications of internal competition are

discernible, because the despatches of sugarfrom Basti, which
has the greatest transport advantage, amount only to about 601

maunds, whereas from Padrauna and Lakshmiganj about 4 and 6

thousand maunds of sugar are shipped. A further point of note
is a clear absence of shipments from Chakia, which shows that

the market is not profitable due to very high railway rates,

nearly treble of those from Basti. It follows therefore, that the
widest marketable area for the Indian sugar factories is about 400

miles. The above four illustrations, selected from the factory zone,
and the sugar traffic carried from the different sugar factories
demonstrate the transport advantage possessed by the internal sugar
factories, as against imported sugar, and the part indigenous factory
sugar plays in the supply of white sugar in this area. In the light
of the statistics adverted to above, it would be no exaggeration to
say that imported sugar does not find a market here, and if it does,
the market must be very restricted and specialised. It should be
noted that the 1st class rate on sugar quoted by the E. I. R. when
the consignment travels over more than 600 miles, adversely affects
the Indian white sugar industry by stimulating the penetration of
imported sugar at reduced rates. It has often been suggested that
the imported traffic does not need any such inducement in the form
of reduced rates, and therefore, to help the deficit budgets and
depleted railway finances these needless concessions must be the
first to be removed.
Before we close our review of the E. I. R. rates policy, it would
be interesting to examine a few more typical markets like Cawnpore
and Barabanki. These markets are important for several reasons.
Cawnpore is recognised as the central sugar mart of the country.
Being located in the centre of the United Provinces, which is also

the premier sugar producing province, it is not surprising if

Cawnpore has become the most important distributing centre
of the indigenous as well as imported white sugar. It will

1. Mr. Dale's evidence before the T.B., as the Manager of Savan Refining
Company, may be noted with interest in this connection. He says ;

"People who use sugar manufactured in India are not very keen on
buying imported sugar because they think there is animal charcoal in it.
They would rather buy gur, if the price of Indian made sugar goes up.
The imported sugar comes in generally when the mill sugar is over. Take
Savan or Pachruki for instance. While we have our sugar for sale there
isno Java sugar coming into Savan. We keep our prices at the Calcutta
rate plus freightand we sell as far as we can locally.
Vide T. B. Evidence, Vol. II, P. 119.
2. It can hardly bedoubted that the imported traffic in white sugar would
continue unabated even after the concessions in question are withdrawn.
Therefore the continuance of these needless concessions, in face of a
surcharge of 15 per cent, on coal freights, refute the contention of the
Railway Member advanced in support of his action, that "on this occasion
circumstances left no alternative."

Vide, Budget Speech of the Railway Member, 1932-33.


therefore be fruitful to examine the rates position of this centre.

The statement submitted below shows the supply of sugar from
some important sugar factories to Cawnpore and the rates charged

The point to note is, as has already been referred to, that the

freight advantage in the sale of their sugar, which the Indian

factories have as against the imported article, varies with the
distance between the factory and the consuming market and the ,

same conclusion is by the foregoing table,

further re-inforced
wherein, as in the case of the preceding ones, the quantity of sugar
despatched and the railway rates charged are related to one another.
There are otherfactories nearer Cawnpore, not included in the afore-
said table, which pay still lower rates. In fact the success of the
Refineries, inthe vicinity of Cawnpore and Allahabad, is in no
small measure due to the most extensive and reliable market that
they have, in these with the conseqiient advantage in

transport charges. The general belief seems to be that the sugar

factories supplying the Cawnpore market avail themselves to the
full extent of the advantage due to the freight paid by the imported
article from Howrah Cawnpore. But this is not so because
to ,

the factories at Cawnpore or in the immediate neighbourhood, like

the Unao Sugar Works at Unao, are unable to meet the total
demand, and the imports are pouring from the distant factories, as
has been shown in the preceding table. Besides, the traffic railed

1, Compare with the Indian Tariff Board Report on Sugar, 1931,

Para 65.

2, Refer to the List of modern sugar factories and refineries working

in India.
3, In this connection evidence of Mr. W. Sayer before the T. B. may he
read with interest. Vide, Evidence Vol. II, p, 318.

from these factories to more distant markets via Cawnpore is con-

siderable, and this obviously has to bear a higher freight, albeit, in
the absence of requisite data, no precise estimate of the total charge
can be attempted. In fact a good part of the total output of the
Bihar sugar factories is consumed in the important towns of the
United Provinces. In view of this, the general freight advantage
of the internal factories substantially limited.
is We, therefore,
agree with the finding of the Tariff Board that the freight advantage
possessed by the average sugar factory in the white sugar tract is
about four annas a maund.
We may refer to another centre, Barabanki, which is not
merely a good consuming market for Indian factory sugar, but, a
junction through which large sugar traffic passes from the factories
on the B. & N. W. R. to markets in the east of the Punjab and the
western parts of the United Provinces. In the following table
an attempt is made to co-relate the quantity shipped from the
different stations to and via Barabanki, and the railway rates


Tonnage t.o Tonnage iia Rate per maund
from Maunds

Basti 993
Sardarnagar 5,103
Gaunbazar 525
Bbatni 1,608
Mairwa 504
Savan 417
Pacbrukhi 1,207
Tdmkubi Road 4,837
Padrauna 5,736
Lakshmiganj 1,486
Gbugbli 1,085
Marhowrah 808
Cbakia 1,694
Lohat Siding 732
Tara Sarai 417

In order to arrive at a clear idea of the transport advantage

of the internal factories as against the imported sugar and the

1. See Tariff Board Evidence, Vol. I, p. Ill, and 117.

2. Refer T. B. Report, Para 65.
3. Note that the markets of the Begg Sutherland group of factories
extend up to the Eastern Punjab, Vide, T. B. Evidence, Vol. I, p. 104.


competition, it may be pointed out that even though Barabanki by

itself is not a market where imported sugar competes keenly,

partly because of the transport protection available to the indi-
genous article and partly due to other considerations which should
not detain us for the present, its importance lies much more upon
its being a transhipment station, through which heavy indigenous

sugar traffic passes to other more important consuming markets.

The point of note is that in the markets via Barabanki, distant
despatching stations like Lohat Siding and Chakia have perforce
to compete, notwithstanding the higher railway freight, because
their markets are limited in scope.
local When sugar goes
up to the western parts of the United Provinces, transport
protection against the imported sugar is increased, but the
distant factories cannot avail themselves of this advantage.
These are the which can be inferred from the above

statement. In the western parts of the United Provinces and

the Punjab, local factories or those in the vicinity have greater
advantage. To these markets, imported sugar has to pay Rs. 1-8-0
to Rs. 1-10-0 per maund by way of railway freight. Khandsari
sugar, likewise, gets this natural transport protection. Some idea of
the rates which Khandsari sugar has to pay can be had from the
following figures.

Kates per Maund to Caivnpore*

Miles Station from Rate
Rs. a. p.

1. Rosa Sugar Factory is an instance. The markets of the factory are

located within 200 miles from the factory so that the freights even to
most distant markets are not more than Rs. 0-8-0 per maund, whereas
the imported article has to pay from Rs. 1-6*0 to Rs. 1-12-0 per maund.
Therefore the cost of transport is no drawback to marketing of the
(Re. Letter from Messrs. Carew & Co., Ltd,, Rosa, dated 11-11-31).
See also Indian Tariff Board Evidence Vol. L, p. 165.

2. Vide, Government of the United Provinces' Reply to the T. B.

Questionnaire, Evidence, Vol. L, p. 307.


Thus, the survey of the hinterland of the Calcutta port

sufficiently emphasises the importance of internal sugar production
and of railway transport in the distribution of total sugar require-
ments. The transport position from Calcutta to Delhi, as will be
seen from the foregoing survey, varies from the standpoint of the
home industry, from one of positive disadvantage in the former
case, to that of very substantial advantage in the latter. The
average transport advantage is reduced considerably, because in
order to dispose of the total output, factories have to cater for
distant markets. The situation is further aggravated by the
overlapping of markets, and the consequent competition inter se of
the internal factories. This latter phase of our industry needs
a corrective, with the development of the productive capacity

of the factories, and the establishment of new ones, the problem

should assume serious proportions in the near future. In short, of
the total sugar imported from Calcutta a substantial portion has
hitherto been largely consumed in parts of Bengal and Orissa, as
adverted to above, where the Indian factory sugar found it
difficult to make its way. Further, due to inadequate output of our

factories, the consumption of indigenous sugar was seasonal.

With the rapid rise in the output in the recent years the problem
has changed.
During recent years, there have been striking changes in the
structure of the industry. The Sugar industry was offered
protection in 1931, and since then, within a couple of years, it has
undergone a metamorphosis, to the dismay of all those who had
been hitherto prone to regard Indian capital and enterprise as
proverbially shy and inefficient, and India from being an annual
importer of sugar valued at about 20 crores of rupees, will soon
have a surplus for export. Obviously, therefore, the nature of the
transport problem has changed. The distribution of sugar portrayed
in tha preceding pages no longer holds good in all its details to-day ;
whereas imports have declined, the output of internal factories has
substantially increased. Therefore, in most of the markets, where
imported sugar had a monopolistic hold till 1932-33, to-day
indigenous sugar has taken its place. The area within which
imported sugar competes with the indigenous sugar is thus limited
primarily to port towns and the districts in the vicinity. Besides, the
localisation of the sugar factories in certain partis of the country has

added to the complexities of the marketing problem. The gravity

of the situation has been realised alike by the sugar producers and
the railway authorities. Therefore it does not come as a surprise
to note a marked change in the rates policy, from one of deliberate

fostering of imports to that of promoting the growth of the

internal industry.

The E. I. R., realising the importance of the Calcutta market

for indigenous sugar, has offered reduced station-to-station rates for

sugar booked from more important sugar factories. This is a very

desirable change in the rates policy which has materially helped
the factories in capturing this important market. The nature of
the reduction can be seen from the following table :

Bates Per Maund to Howrah

Station from Rs. a. p. Station from Rate,

These are only a few of the more important stations from

which reduced rates are available. The reduction is in fact
substantial, and will help the movement of internal sugar traffic
to where the competition of imported sugar is still
very serious. But when it is recalled that the traffic moving
from Howrah to internal centres is heavy, resulting in
frequent shortage of wagons, the need for still lower rates on the
return journey becomes obvious. Reduced rates to Howrah would
attract better traffic from internal sugar factories and thus add to
the railway receipts. It is hoped that the railway authorities would
soon realise the necessity of a more forward policy in this direction
in their own interest. Besides, reduced station-to-station rates on
wagon loads should also be quoted to facilitate the movement of
sugar traffic in bulk.

Bombay is the next port of importance. It has an extensive
feeding area which adds to its prosperity, albeit of late Karachi and
Kathiawar ports have attracted a portion of its traffic. The more
important part of the hinterland includes Bombay Presidency
( excluding Sind ), C. P. and Berar, a part of the Nizam's Territory,

and Central India. The importance of this port as a distributor of

imported sugar can be easily gauged by the quantity and value of
imports. The quantity of imports has risen from 183,054 tons in
1926-27, to 215,594 tons in 1929-30. Since, then however, there
has been a steady decline both in quantity and value, due to the
increase in the number and output of local sugar factories.
We shall, therefore, proceed to study the transport of sugar as it
stood before the recent expansion commenced, and thereafter, point
out the changes subsequently effected in the rate structure. In
Studying the distribution of sugar, the markets may conveniently
be subdivided on the basis of railway lines serving them. In the
study of sugar traffic during the year 1932-33 and before, one
important point of note is that, unlike the Calcutta port, sugar
imported through the Bombay port does not meet any serious
competition with the internal sugar, except in the distant parts as
will be seen presently. This is due to the complete absence of
sugar factories in the presidency, with the single exception of the
Belapur Factory. This is due to causes other than the lack
of acreage under sugarcane, because the existing acreage can feed
several factories. The most important cause which accounts for
the present state of affairs is, in common with other provinces, that
the bulk of the sugarcane produced is turned into gur, for which
there has been a fair market in most years. Therefore in studying
the distribution of sugar these factors should constantly be kept
in view.
In the absence of statistics of sugar traffic carried from either

Bombay or Belapur on the G. I. P. to different consuming markets,

it is difficult make any precise estimate
to of the effects of railway
rates charged on the movement of traffic. Therefore, in this case
our discussion will be based mainly on the general tendencies which
1 See the Statement of the Government of Bombay to the T. B. and the
Statement of the Belapur Company to the T. B. Evidence Vol. I.
2. See the Statement of G "; T. B. Evidence Voh I, p. 293.
3, Ibid j p, 266.

we have been able to gather from our study. The Belapur factory,
be it noted, produces only 3 to 4 thousand tons of sugar annually ,

and therefore it can be safely said, in view of the huge imports of

foreign sugar noted above, that the competition, if any, is confined
to areas in the vicinity of the factory of about 150 miles. This
does not mean that the marketing area of the Belapur factory is
confined only within this area, but that, the imported sugar really
feels the competitive force within that area, due to railway rates
that the importer has to pay. In more distant markets the
consumption of Belapur sugar is not really competitive, but
it is due to the preference shown by the consumer for Indian

factory sugar. This is a most important fact in favour of the Indian

sugar, and it is this factor which explains the presence of Bihar and
U. P. sugar in the Bombay market. Preference based on patriotic
motives has further helped to extend the marketing area of the
Indian factories since 1930, and the consumers are willing to pay
substantially higher prices for the indigenous product.These are,
however, temporary factors, which cannot affect the more dominant
trends in production and marketing, based on economic grounds,
albeit they should be recorded.


Fortunately, the G. I. P., unlike some of its other compeers,
does not offer any needless and invidious concessions on the import
traffic, and levies a charge at a uniform mileage rate, 2nd class

railway risk, irrespective of the conditions of load, except to some

competitive markets, where adjusted class rates or special station-
to-station rates are quoted to meet mostly the port competi-
tion. This is the most welcome feature of the rates policy pursued
by this railway. In the light of this fact, the special 1st class rates
offeredby the E. I. R., on the import traffic carried over 600 miles
and more from Calcutta is certainly needless this is particularly so

because of the standing complaint of the Railways that the traffic

passing from Calcutta to upcountry is heavy and the equipment
1. Vide, T. B. Evidence Vol. I, p. u8.
2. The principal markets of the factory are extended over the under
mentioned area :

Nizam's Dominions, Indcre State, Ahmednagar district, Nasik

district, Pcona district, Southern Maratha countries, East and West

Khandesh, Nagpur, Bombiy, Karnatak.

Supra, p. 71.

insufficient. Let us, then, have a table portraying the rates charged
on the G. I. P. from Bombay to the more important consuming

centres. This will give us a clear idea as to the incidence of

rates charged, the extent of the marketing area and the nature of

internal as well as external competition.

Rates per maund on Sugar from Bombay

Miles Station to Station to

119 Poona Nagpur

283 Sholapur Itarsi
310 Shahabad Jubbulpore
443 Raichur Bhopal
117 NasikRoad Ujjain
162 Manmad Bina
218 Ahmednagar Kotah
204 Chalisgaon Jhansi
232 Pachora Cawnpore
261 Jalgaon Gwalior
276 Bhusaval Dholpur
353 Khandwa Agra
363 Akola Muttra
472 Wardha Delhi

This table contains only class rates because, as has been

referred to above, class rates are generally applicable on this
railway. Special rates which are quoted to some markets will
follow later. These rates have to be studied in parts. In Bombay
City, imported sugar holds a virtual monopoly, because the Belapur
factory has to pay Rs. 0-8-7 per maund by way of railway freight,
whereas the imported article has to pay almost nothing. In some
other markets like Nasik, Manmad, Chalisgaon, Pachore,
Bhusaval, etc., both imported and Belapur sugar is sold side by side,
because the latter has an advantage in railway freight.
To some more distant markets, however, special station-to-
station ratesare quoted from Bombay and therefore the freight
position works out as follows :

Station to


There are some very interesting trends of the rates policy and
how it affects our trade and industries. The contrast between the
class and special station-to-station rates from Bombay is interesting,

and much more so when it is noted that most of the class rates are
adjusted class rates. It will be seen that whereas to Agra, for
838 miles, the rate is Rs. 1-11-9 per maund, to Cawnpore for
almost the same distance Rs. 1-8-6 is charged. This most
obvious inconsistency is due to the competition of the E. I. R., or
in other words port competition. The E. I. R. charges Rs. 1-9-2
and Rs. 1-4-8 per maund from Howrah to Agra and Cawnpore
respectively. In order, therefore, to attract the traffic, passing
from Calcutta port to these markets, to Bombay port, these

apparently anomalous rates are quoted. These rates are further

reduced as will be seen in the second column of special station-to-
station rates. Again, the class rate from Bombay to Ujjain is
lower than the rate from Bombay to Nagpur even though the
distance is longer. This violation of the differential rule has been
averted in the station-to-station rates, but the fact that lower rates
are offered from the ports to some markets in order to meet the
port competition stands out prominently. The rate to Ujjain is
quoted to meet the competition of the B. B. & C. I. R., which finds
itmore economic to carry this traffic, Ujjain being only 466 miles
from Bombay on this line, as compared with 635 miles on the
G. I. P. R. Here, therefore, we have the instance of inter-railway

competition. Needless to say that as a result of this competition,

the penetration of imports is fostered and the internal traffic is
handicapped, as will be seen by comparing column two and three.
The Belapur Factory has to pay relatively higher freight. But
given the railway system as it is, most of these anomalies will
continue. A co-ordinated rates policy is the only remedy that can
be suggested.

be seen from the forgoing review that the sugar traffic

It will

distributed from Bombay on the G. I. P. R. meets only with

nominal competition in most of the markets, except in some distant
centres. In this connection, the part played by the inter-railway
competition has already been noted. Now we shall review the

competition of Indian factory sugar from and via Cawnpore. The


statement below gives a succinct survey'

Rates per maundjrom and via Cawnpore on the G. L P. R.

Miles Station to Rate, Miles Station to Rate,

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
Jhansi .056 15 10
Bhopal 11
11 8
Ujjain Juhhulpore
198 Gwalior 077 561 Nagpur 1 3 7
274 Agra 10 3 375 Itarsi 13 10
304 Muttra 089 233 Bina 8 10

This table lias to be read with the Bombay rate table. We

may, however, point out that of the rates contained in the foregoing
table, the rates from Cawnpore to Agra and Muttra are cheaper on
the B. B. & C. L, the distance being 258 and 219 miles respectively.
Again, the route to Agra is shortest on the E. I. R., the distance
being only 157 miles and therefore, the rate charged is Rs. 0-5-9
per maund at R. R. The rates contained in this statement have
been particularly selected to show the transport advantage which
Cawnpore has as a producer and distributor of sugar, and the
marketable area which it can with advantage have under the present
rates arrangement. Cawnpore sugar, as the statements given above
bring out, can successfully compete with the imported sugar and
can even go up to Nagpur. The protected area for the Cawnpore
sugar extends to about 400 miles in the south. This is, however,
true only of sugar manufactured in Cawnpore or in the immediate
neighbourhood, because sugar from other factories which passes via
Cawnpore has to pay higher freight. But let us not be understood
toimply that Cawnpore sugar seriously competes with the imported
sugar in the aforesaid area. In fact, Indian factory sugar, owing to
the limited output, competes with the imported sugar only in the
markets within about 200 miles of Cawnpore. Even this competi-
tion is only seasonal.

Thus, on the G. I. P., imported sugar meets nominal

competition from the Indian factory sugar in some parts of the
Deccan and in markets near Cawnpore, but taking the hinterland
of the port as a whole it exercises a monopolistic sway, because
the limited output of the indigenous sugar seriously handicaps its
competitive capacity. Besides, in Southern India the comparative
absence of sugar factories
is a great disadvantage. In fact, in the
totalarea surveyed above only one factory has been working,
though recently a few more have commenced production.

The G. I. co-operated with other railways in

P. E., has also

offering reduced station-to-station rates from the more important

sugar producing stations to Bombay, as will be seen from the
following table :

Stations Rate Stations Sate

Re. a. p. Rs. a. p.
Ballia 1 2 7 Muzaffarpur 1 4 2
Basil 4 Narkatiaganj 154
Bhatni 2 10 Pachrukhi 134
Captainganj 3 9 Padrauna 140
Chakia 4 7 Ramkola 13 11

Ohampatia 5 2 Samastipur 147

Gauribazar 3 1 Sardarnagar 133
Ghughli 3 11 Siswa Bazar 14

Harinagar 5 5 Walterganj 140

Lakshmiganj 1 3 JO Cawnpore 14

The foregoing table shows only some of the centres from which
the reduced rates are offered. The traffic from the factories in
Northern India, including Bihar, is routed via Allahabad city and
Naini, the share of the G. I. P. in the total charge being Re. 0-14-0
per maund. The E. I. R. share is 7 pies per maund, and the rest
being of the B. & N. W. Railway. The action of the G. I. P.
Railway is really commendable because, these reduced rates help
the indigenous sugar in competing with the imported sugar in
Bombay. The concession thus offered is very substantial, as will
be evidentif the class rates are taken into account, which operated

before the aforesaid concession was offered. The rate from

Cawnpore equally interesting and the help it offers to the

internal sugar industry becomes clear, when we note the rate from

Bombay to Cawnpore which is Rs. 1-6-5 per maund.

Reduction in rates on the G. I. P. is not confined to traffic

moving from the internal factories to ports, but station- to- station
rates are also offered to consuming centres other than Bombay.
For instance, from Cawnpore the following station-to- station rates
are offered :

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

Poona 132 Chalisgaon 162

Sholapur 1 9 11 Hisapur 160
Mamnad 148 Dhulia 14 11

Ahmednagar 1 6 3 Yeotmal 184


It has already been pointed out that in the Bombay Presidency

foreign sugar had a quasi-monopoly due to relative scarcity of

indigenous factories, though since 1933 some factories have been
built. The Belapur factory could cater only for a limited market.
Even to-day the local factories cannot meet the total demand and
therefore foreign sugar is imported. To replace these imports by
indigenous sugar, the railway authorities have offered reduced
rates from internal sugar factories to Bombay and other important
towns. This is a very desirable change in the rates policy.
It should further be noted that to the other ports as well, reduced
rates are offered to help the movement of internal sugar traffic.


On the B. B. & C. I., imported sugar meets with still less
competition. In fact, it would not be far from truth to say that
there is no competition at all, except when the imported sugar
goes to the United Provinces or the Punjab. This is so because there

is no sugar factory at all in the area served by this railway.

But it needs to be remembered in this case that most of the sugar

imported into Gujarat and other important markets upcountry
is obtained through the Kathiawar ports, which are more advantage-

ously located in supplying these markets than Bombay. The

class rates from Bombay to some important markets work out
as under :

Sugar imported from Bombay port does not fi.xid it advant-

ageous to go beyond Baroda, because the railway freight from
Kathiawar Ports to these areas is cheaper. It may be pointed
out that Belapur sugar also comes to Ahmedabad, Surat and Baroda,
the rates charged being Rs. 1-2-6, Rs. 0-13-6, and Rs. 1-0-4 per
maund respectively, but it cannot compete with the imported

sugar. This inability is due to higher railway rates charged from

Belapur to these markets. Obviously, therefore, the more important
markets are served by sugar imported from Kathiawar Ports.
Here too, from the perusal of B. B. & C. I. Railway Goods
Tariffs, it appears that, like the hinterland served by the G. I. P,,
the imported sugar is consumed largely in the area within about
500 miles of the port and in this area the competition of the

indigenous sugar is almost absent. Beyond this limit, sugar from

the U. P. comes in competition. In order to have a clear idea of
the relative transport position of the imported and indigenous
sugar in the competitive markets, an attempt is made in the table
submitted below to co-relate the two.
Stations to Rate from Rate from
Bombay Cawnpore
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
Rutlam 15 8 12 7

Ujjain 118 12 8

Marwar 112 12 8

Chitorgarh 1 10 3 13

Ajmer 143 10 3

Agra Fort 1 12 3 038

Muttra 1 12 5 014
This is an interesting comparison. The rates in the first
column are class rates, that is, for distances less than 600 miles,
2nd class rates are quoted at R. R. and for distances above 600
miles 1st class at 0. R. But in the the first column, the rates given
are station-to-station rates at 0. R. So the rates show that in
markets more distant from Bombay, like Agra and Muttra,
indigenous sugar has a considerable freight advantage. Besides, as
adverted to above, even for imported sugar to these markets,
Bombay not the natural port
is Calcutta can serve better. In

these cases the indigenous article has the advantage of about

Rs, 1-8-0 per maund. This augurs well for the indigenous
industry, for even though Indian sugar factories could not exploit
this transport advantage to the full, with the development of

productive capacity and addition in their numerical strength this

advantage will act as a good safeguard. In other markets like
Ajmer, Chitorgarh, Marwar, etc., too, indigenous sugar has trans-
port advantage; albeit less than that in the case of Agra or Muttra.
With the development of the Indian sugar industry, not only will
this advantage be better utilised, but it will also be increased if

new factories nearer to the consuming markets are established,

As the conditions gtand at present, all these figures conclusively
prove that Cawnpore sugar has transport advantage in its favour
in all these upcountry markets, although the precise extent of the

competition of the indigenous material is difficult to determine.

Understood with these limitations, due to insufficiency of traffic
the picture of the distribution of sugar depicted above

gives us a good idea of the railway rates as affecting the dis-

tribution and consumption of sugar.



Before we pass on
the distribution of sugar
to discuss
imported from Karachi may be interesting to note the extent of

increase in rates that has taken place since the war on the B. B.
& C. I. We have here a few rates which give a rough idea of
the extent of increase :

Eates per Maund from Bombay

Miles Station to 1014 1917 1932
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
165 Surat 043 051 073
246 Baroda 073 074 13 1

308 Ahmedabad ... 8 11 12 3

202 Broach 051 051 087
The increase in rates varies from station to station, for whereas
in the case of Surat the increase has been about 80 per cent., in
other cases it has been only about 50 per cent. This is not sur-
prising, because there have been similar increases in the case of
other industries as well. We have studied these increases in rates
as affecting the industries selected for the present study at their

proper places, and therefore there is hardly any necessity of

repeating them here. But it may be pointed out that the increase
of rates on the imported sugar is welcome in the interest of the
indigenous industry.

One important feature of the rates policy in the pre-war era,

which should not escape our attention, is that very low rates were
offered on the imported sugar to distant markets* Here are a few
rates in support of the above statement.

Rates per Maund from Bombay

Station to Kates in 1014
Actual Weight Wagon loads
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

Agra Fort 15 13 10

Fatehpur Sikri 15 5 14 3
Muttra Junction 15 13 10

HathrasCity 014 01210

14 6 13 7

These lower rates have fortunately been discontinued, and

to-day substantially higher rates are applicable on the imported
traffic. However, the blame for charging lower rates on the
imported traffic during the pre-war era does not rest on the B. B.
& C. I. alone, but it is shared by all the railways.


Having studied the hinterland of Calcutta and Bombay with
special reference to the distribution of imported sugar, we may
now pass on to review the imports of Karachi port, which has
been showing remarkable development in the recent years, and
promises to show further growth in future. Both its present
position and future potentialities, make the study of this port and
itshinterland interesting. Inland trade statistics show that the
hinterland of the port extends from Sind to the Punjab, Baluchistan
and Afghanistan. The exports from Karachi port to Bihar and
Orissa, the U. P. and Rajputana are very low, and the causes which
go to explain the situation are diverse. Bihar and Orissa are
naturally outside the hinterland proper of the port, the heavy
imports being primarily of coal traffic imported from Bihar. The
low exports of the U. P. are explained by the fact that occupying a
central position with railway connections, it is linked to all the
three ports, Calcutta, Bombay and Karachi. The movements of
traffic therefore, are divided between these ports, the substantial
part of the trade being directed to Calcutta and Bombay. Karachi
finds an outlet only for ihe parts on the extreme west, thanks to
the direct metre guage connection between Agra and Hyderabad
(Sind), via Kuchaman Road on the B. B. & C. I. and Jodhpur
Railways. As for Rajputana, we have already seen that the southern
parts find an easier access to Bombay, and therefore, only its
northern regions deal with Karachi. Therefore, the hinterland

proper of the port include Sind, the Punjab, Baluchistan, Afghani-

stan, the Northern parts of Rajputana and the Western districts of
U. P. We shall study the distribution of sugar to these parts only.


It has already been pointed out that the N. W. R. quotes

special station-to-station rates on long distance traffic from Karachi
to some consuming centres. In the absence of detailed statistics it

is difficult point out the importance of different consuming


markets, and the precise effect of railway rates on the movement of

traffic. It is, therefore, proposed to select a few of the more

important towns and the rates charged thereto. The special

station-to-station quoted at 0. R., from Karachi to some

important markets on the N. W. R., tabulated below, give an idea

in broad outline of the area over which imported sugar enjoys

special reduced rates.

Rates per Maund from Karachi, 1932

The markets depicted in the foregoing table are scattered over

a wide range of the hinterland, and consume white sugar in varying
quantities. In Baluchistan and the North Western Frontier
Provinces there are no sugar factories, and yet the nature of
competition inter se of imported and indigenous sugar in these
localities is essentially different. In Baluchistan imported sugar is
largely consumed, because the indigenous sugar does not enter there,
due, inter alia, to longer distance and consequent heavy transport
costs. In certain parts of the N. W. F. Province, sugar from
the Punjab and the western parts of the U. P. comes in competition
with the imported sugar, but the position of the latter is fairly secure
even in these markets. This is partly due to lower rates quoted
by the N. W. R. for distances over 750 miles, as we shall presently
point out. In the Punjab proper, however, the competition of
Indian factory sugar is of some p^oment. But it should be noted
that the production of factory sugar in the province proper is not
sufficiently- large, although there are seven sugar factories. The
result is that white sugar from the U. P. is imported in addition
to foreign sugar. Further, in the East Punjab and the western
parts of the U.P. imported foreign sugar from Karachi port meets
more severe competition, not merely with the Indian factory
sugar, but also with sugar imported from Calcutta port. This fact
is evident from the special station-to-station rates quoted from

Karachi to some more important markets like Saharanpur, Meernt,

Ghaziabad, Delhi etc., referred to in the preceding table. But in
these markets Indian factory sugar has a distinct transport

A critical analysis of the rates in the foregoing table may now

be attempted. One striking feature of the rates is that they are
lower than the 1st class rates available for traffic booked from
Karachi to markets located at a distance longer than 750 miles, as
can be seen from the following statement :

.. .

Rs. a. p. Rs.
1st Class
a. p.
c . ..


a. p.
1st Class
Rs. a. p.
Saharanpur 190 1 10 6 Delhi 18 198 1

AmbalaCity 1 8 9 1 11 2 Ghaziabad 182 9 1 11

Sirhincl 1 9 9 1 11 3 Meerut City 180 1 10 7
Ludhiana 1 <> 3 1 10 Muzaffarnagar 1 7 11 1 11
Patiala 1 S 7 1 10 3 Nabha ISO 19 9
The concession available is substantial, move so when it is

recalled that for traffic over distance lower than 750 miles, second
class rate is charged. Local sugar factories have therefore to pay
second class rates. Besides, these rates are not determined purely
by distance, for whereas to Ambala City, for a distance of 843
miles, Rs. 1-8-9 per mannd are charged, the rate to Sirhind, for
844 miles, is Rs. 1-9-9, though the difference is only of one mile.
The differential clause is however observed. But when we note the
rate to Khanna which is Rs. 1-10-2 per maund for 833 miles, we
find that the differential clause is not observed ; for the shorter
distance the higher rate is charged.

Further, the rates quoted to Delhi, Ghaziabad, Meerut City

and Muzaffarnagar are decidedly lower than those to other stations.
This is obviously due to competition from Calcutta port. Another

1. Vide, Letter of the Government of Punjab to the Tariff Board,

Evidence Vol. L, p. 378.


striking feature is that reduced station-to-station rates are not

available to some most important centres
of the like Peshawar
City, Lahore, Jullunder City and Amritsar.
Reduced station-to-station rates are quoted from Karachi to
important stations on the R. K. Railway, as will be seen from the
following table :

Bates per Maund from Karachi (in 1932)

Station to Rs. a. p. Station to Rs. a. p.

BareillyCity 1 7 10 Haldwani 1 9
Bhojeepura 1 7 11 Hargaon 170
Carewganj 179 Lakhimpur Kheri '172
Chandni Chawki 1 9 2 Pilibhifc 1 8 3

These rates are also due to port competition, but the relieving
feature in this case is that similar rates are also available for traffic
moving from these stations to Karachi.


The general level of rates may next be examined. We give
balow a comparative statemant showing the rates in 1917, and the
current ones, from Karachi to some more important consuming
markets 1 :

Miles Station to Rates in 1917. Rates in 1938.

Rs. a. p. Ra. a. p.
786 Amritsar 108 195
929 Multan 12 3 148
933 15 8 1 13 11
802 Jullunder City 111 1 9 11.
299 Sukkur 066 11
755 Lahore 1 1 10 183
897 Saharanpur 15 5 190
843 AmbalaCity 104 178
There are some apparent anomalies in the foregoing rates. It will
be seen that lower rates are quoted to Muzaffarnagar, Saharanpur
and Ambala City than the rate charged to Amritsar, even though
the distance is longer in the former cases. These disparities
prevailed even before the war and are being continued to this day.

But, as has been already noted, lower rates in question are quoted
to meet the port competition. A
striking fact to note is
still more
1. Rates for 1917 are taken from Mr. S. 0. Ghose'a Monograph <m
Indian Railway Rates, "
p. 417.


the increase in rates since the war. This increase is welcome so

far as the imported traffic is concerned. But a similar increase on

internal traffic is detrimental to the interests of the indigenous
industry. The white sugar industry needs encouragement at the

hands of the railways.

Since the recent expansion of the Indian sugar industry, the
policy of the N. W. R. towards the local industry has also changed.
Reduced station-to-station rates quoted on sugar from Karachi to
stations on the R. K. Railway have been discontinued since 1934.
This is a desirable change in the interests of the local factories,

particularly those situated in the U. P. Further, station-to-station

rates arequoted in co-operation with the E. I. R. from internal
producing centres to Karachi, as will be seen from the following
table :

Rates per Maund to Karachi (1934-36)

Station from Hate Share
N. W. E. I.

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

Buxar ... ... 140 12 080
Nairn ... ... 140 14 060
Sitapur City and ... 140 0140 000
Rosa ... ... 132 0140 052
Shahjahanpur ... 12G 0140 04G
Bareilly ... ... 108 14 028
These are only a few of the stations from which reduced rates
are available. Station-to-station rates are also available from
other important sugar factories. In the following table we give
rates from some of the more important centres.

]?atesper Maund to Karachi (1934-36)

Rs. a. p.
1 6 10
1 6 3
1 6 8
1 6 2
1 5 6
1 G G

These reduced rates have substantially helped the movement

of local sugar to Karachi and augur well for the future of the
industry. With the rapid expansion of the factory production, the
time is not far off when the local sugar manufacturers will have
to find markets for thoir surplus produce outside India, and it is

then that the significance of reduced rates to port towns will bo

increasingly realised.

The N. W. R. also quotes station-to-station rates from internal

centres to important towns like Hyderabad, Sukkur, Larkana,

Shikarpur, Quetta, Chaman, Dadu, Nawabshah, Amritear, etc.


The transport of white sugar, both imported and indi-


genous, has been surveyed with special reference to the three

most important ports of India, typical of the whole country, and
even though Madras and Rangoon have been left out, the con-
ditions already detailed give us a fairly good idea of the rates
policy with which we are primarily concerned for the present.
The transport facilities available to Indian white sugar factories,
especially those in Bihar and the U. P. in marketing their white
sugar, have been examined in detail and the nature and extent of
competition with imported sugar reviewed, particularly as it
existed during and before the year 1932-33. The co-relation
between the rates charged and the traffic carried has enabled us
to attempt some broad demarcation of the area, within which
Indian factories enjoy transport protection, apart from the fiscal
protection against the importers. It has been pointed out with
the aid of: statistics that Indian factories can compete with advan-
tage in Bihar, the U. P., and the Eastern Punjab, thanks to their
location, distant from the ports. This transport protection arising
from advantageous location could not be fully exploited by the
factories in the past, due with the result
to their inadequate output,
that their hold on the markets in the protected areas was at best
only seasonal. In other parts of the country, imported sugar, till
1932-33 held complete way, and more so in the port towns which
are by far the- most important consumers of white sugar in this
country. With the recent expansion in the number and output of
sugar factories, imports have dwindled due to the heavy protective
tariff, and the hold of the Indian factories over the internal market

has considerably increased; but in the port towns and markets in

the vicinity imports continue to compete even now.

The review of rates policy has brought to relief several


striking features. One fact which stands out and may be subjected
to strong comment is the policy of the E. I. R., in quoting lower

rates on traffic shipped from Fowrah to up-country over distances

of more than 600 miles, on actual weight. In addition, special
station-to-station rates are quoted to some markets both on actual

weight and wagon loads. This, as has been pointed out, is common
with the B. B. and C. I. and N. W. Railways as well, and therefore
this defect in rates policy is not peculiar to this line. But the
E. I. R. is more to blame because the moving from Howrah

to up-country centres is already very heavy, and complaints for

shortage of wagon supplies are common.
Besides, the imported
traffic in sugar does not need any such protection, and would
continue to flow in even after the concession in rates is withdrawn.
This means a needless loss in railway revenues. Fortunately,
however, the E. I. R. has since about 1934 withdrawn the reduced
station-to-station rates on actual weight hitherto available, for

traffic moving from Howrah. But station-to-station rates on wagon

loads are still available. These must also be discontinued.

(3) An inportant fact to note is the lack of a central marketing

organisation for sugar manufactured in factories which entails

considerable waste in transport costs, resultingfrom the overlapping

of the marketing area. This is, indeed, a very serious drawback in
the organisation of the Indian sugar industry and no reduction in

railway rates, however well-meant and far-reaching, would be able

to improve the condition of the industry, until marketing

arrangements are improved.




The wheat growing area in India embraces the whole of

Northern India down to the Gangetic delta and the greater part of
the Central plateau near the Ghats. The crop is not cultivated at all
in the Bombay Konkan, or in the Central districts on both sides of
the Bay of Bengal, while in Assam and in Burma wheat is of very
little importance. The wheat crop is however well-distributed ;

the North- West is a great wheat-growing tract nearly 70 per ;

cent, of the total crop of the country is harvested in the Punjab

and the United Provinces. During the last decade the acreage
under wheat in the more important wheat areas of the country
has been fairly constant, and the increase, if any, has been very
slight. In the Punjab, the area under wheat is about 11 million
acres. In the TJ. P. the area is about 7 million acres, and in

the C.P. and Berar, a little over 3 million acres. The total increase

in the acreage has been about 2 million acres during the last decade,
from 30 million acres in 1920 to 32 million acres in 1931.
This increase fades into insignificance when compared with the
increase in Canada from 18 million acres to 26 million acres, in

Argentina from 13 million acres to 17 million acres, and in

Australia from 9 million acres to 14 million acres, during the same

period. Another important feature to note about the acreage under

wheat is that the Punjab, the U.P. and the C.P. and Berar are the
most important wheat producing areas in the country. This is of
special interest for the study of transport, because it shows that if
wheat produced in these three provinces and its distribution is
studied, it would give a fair idea of the general distribution of
wheat in the country.
The production of wheat in the more important wheat pro-
ducing countries of the world has been multiplying fast, so that the
world to-day is from over-production of wheat relative to
the demand ; there has been both an absolute and relative increase
in the output* Therefore, it is natural to enquire of the part played

by India in this situation, because the annual Indian crop is larger


than that of either Canada, Argentina, or Australia. Production in

India, except in the year 1921 and 1928, when the harvests were
poor, has fluctuated during this decade within ten per cent., as can
be seen from the figures of wheat production.


In India, therefore, the increase in wheat production has been

almost insignificant. The contrast between India and other wheat
producing countries becomes still more vivid, when it is recollected
that the total production has increased in the United States from
833 million bushels in 1920, to 892 million bushels in 1931, in
Canada from 263 million bushels to 298 million bushels, in Argen-
tina from 156 million bushels to 218 million bushels, and in
Australia from 146 million bushels to 170 million bushels.
Besides, in India, apart from the variations in area and yield,
most of the wheat grown is consumed within the country and only
a very small part is available for export. Further, the exports
of Indian wheat during this decade have dwindled, due to

great demand within the country. The contribution of India,

therefore, in the acute world wide depression in wheat prices has
been, any, very humble because she has not appeared
if in the
world market with huge stocks for sale.


The price of Indian wheat is determined not by the quantity
produced in the country but by the world-production. In this
connection it is instructive to note the remark of Mr. Dutta in his
Enquiry on the Rise of Prices in India. He says, apart from
internal conditions affecting the supply, the exports are subject to
violent fluctuations arising out of the variations in the supply
in other countries. In one year the demand will be very large,
and, even if the Indian harvest is abundant, prices will rise ;

in the following year, the foreign demand may be largely

reduced owing to abundant supplies from Russia, and United
States, and other exporting countries, and, even if the harvest in
India is deficient, prices might fall. The European demand,
therefore, exercises a very important influence on the price of
Indian wheat". These remarks made by Mr. Dutta in 1915 are as

1. Vide Report.

true to-day as they were then. The tendency has gathered

increased force with the rapid development of efficient and
economic transport facilities, the machanisation in agriculture and
the consequent lower costs of production. The continuous economy
in the means of production, which is the marked characteristic of the
modern mass production, has considerably widened the marketing
area of the more important exporting countries, and therefore, it is
not surprising, if with the help of well-organised marketing
agencies they are able to capture even the most distant markets. It
has become a common sight and significant enough to note
Australian wheat being sold at Bombay, even though in India the
total acreage under wheat as well as its output is higher than

that of Australia. To-day, therefore, we may go a step further and

say that the foreign demand for, as well as supply of wheat
exercise a very important influence on the prices of Indian wheat.
This influence is exerted not merely on the export traffic, and thus
through the export traffic only indirectly on the internal traffic,
but the possibility and even the actual imports of foreign wheat
also regulate directly the course of wheat prices in this country.
The competition of the imported traffic within the country, however,
is limited by the railway freight from the port towns to the up-

country markets, and this forms a very strong barrier in normal

times, against the dumping of foreign surplus wheat.

The foregoing discussion leads us to the conclusion that

internal trade inwheat is more important to India. We therefore
proceed to examine the problem of transport of wheat and
the freight charged thereon. The marketing of wheat, as of other
cereals, in India, has its own peculiarities. They are due to the
nature of the wheat crop and the economic conditions of the


Let us examine these peculiarities seriatim. The Indian
wheat cropis harvested by the end of April and is immediately

brought to the market for sale. The time element between

harvesting and marketing is a very important factor in determin-
ing prices. But before dwelling on this point it is better to take
stock of the whole process. The small cultivators immediately
bring their crop to market for sale, leaving a small portion with
them for consumption. In some cases they sell their produce just

on the field, after harvesting, to the village grain merchant or the

money-lender. The cultivators who are a little better off, market
as a rule only a small portion of their produce, and that too because
of the land revenue demand and water and other taxes. In short,
the larger share of the wheat produced is on the market,
immediately after harvest. This fact is The
of great significance.
time when wheat produced in other important wheat producing
countries is put on the world market, happens to differ from the
Indian season, and the harvesting season in India synchronises
with the shortage of wheat stock on the world market. This
stimulates exports from India, because due to the shortage of wheat
supplies during this season, importers willingly pay a slightly
higher price. The period when there is least wheat available in
Europe is during the months of June, July and August and
therefore the prices then rule high, so that the importer instructs
his agents in India who are the exporters, to buy certain quantities
of wheat at certain prices, and it is this state of affairs that makes
the exporter in India so anxious to obtain his wheat in time to ship
it during the months of May, June and July in fact he obtains a

somewhat higher price for the May shipment than he does for the
June shipment, and again the June price is slightly higher than
July after that prices become more even. It was stated to the

Committee that as the exporter can afford to pay for the above
three months shipment, he can in turn afford and does pay a
higher price to the owner up-country in India for deliveries in
thesemonths "- 1 It is very doubtful as to whether the actual
producers of wheat get any share in these higher prices, except that
under economic pressure they are reluctantly made to part with
their produce.

Economic conditions of the primary producers of wheat are

such that they have scarcely any waiting capacity, and therefore
they have no opportunity for demanding a higher price for their
produce. Far from sharing in the higher prices, alluded to in the
preceding paragraph, the cultivators are forced to put their produce
on the market at a time when the market is glutted and
therefore low prices prevail. This is especially true of wheat crop
which is, being a money crop, cultivated primarily for defraying

From the extract

1. quoted by Mr. S. C. Ghose, Monograph on
Railway Bates," pp. 298-99.

taxes and other expenses. Between May and July prices of grains
in the local markets are generally low, and the chances of the
cultivators taking advantage of the higher prices offered by the

exporters are ipso facto nil.


This brings us to the examination of wheat traffic carried
by different railways. In the absence of detailed statistics of river
and rail-borne traffic, we have to make most of the statistics of
aggregate wheat traffic carried by the railways. The following are
the more important railways which carry wheat traffic :

Name Tonnage Earnings

(lakhs of Rs.)
N. W. Railway 1,245 134-5
E. I. Railway 38G 43*5
B. B. & C. I. Railway 277 32-2
G. I. P. Railway 217 25'1
B. N. Railway 80 9-6

Grand total 2,582 269-0

About 50 per cent, of the total wheat traffic is thus carried by

the N. W. Railway alone, because it serves the most important
wheat growing areas of the Punjab, and also carries the traffic from
some important tracts in the United Provinces. It also shares its
wheat traffic with the E. L, the G. I. P., and the B. B. and C. I.
Railways. The
greater portion of this traffic flows towards the
ports, partly for export and partly for local consumption. Flour
mills at these ports also consume an appreciable share of wheat
imported from up-country centres, part of which is exported in the
form of flour to foreign countries and part to upcountry markets.
The location of flour mills at the port towns or in their

vicinity, the transport of wheat from the up-country producing

centres to the ports, and the re-transport of wheat
from these centres
to upcountry markets sounds paradoxical. But this paradox is
easily explained. Prices of Indian wheat being determined by the
world market, irrespective of the nature of the season within the
country, the port towns have become very important centres of
wheat The prices ruling in the internal wheat 'Mundies' are

closely linked with the quotations of the port towns, and they in
turn are affected by the conditions of world trade. It would

1. Compiled from the Report of Railway Board : 1930-31 ; Vol. II. p. 164.


indeed be point out the extent to which the internal

difficult to

prices are influenced by the quotations in the port towns, but it

can be safely said that internal prices, port quotations, and the
prices ruling in theworld market are closely linked together, the
difference being only of the transport costs. Therefore, the prices
ruling in the internal markets during the harvesting season, are
generally lower than those either at the port or in the world market.
The advantage of these lower prices can be better availed of by the
flour mills centred near the wheat growing tracts like Amritsar,
Ambala, Delhi, Cawnpore, etc., and they have in respect of the
supplies of their raw materials a relative advantage over the mills at
the ports.

But with this must be reckoned several other factors no less

important. Port towns being more important collecting centres, a

better and regular supply of wheat is assured to the local mills at
even prices throughout the year. An adequate and a regular supply
of the raw materials, at steady prices, is a great asset to the industry,
and this is better assured to the mills at the ports than to those
at the upcountry centres. The prices at the internal centres are
undoubtedly lower from May to August, when the fresh supplies of
wheat are available, but thereafter, the prices take an upward trend.
This necessitates the storing of the wheat supplies by the mills,
adequate enough for the season, or else they have to resort to
hedging, the latter being more convenient in the port towns.
To these must be added better railway facilities to the ports.
Although the total freight to the ports is generally higher than that
enjoyed by the internal mills, this advantage is partly neutralised,
as we shall see at a later stage. Besides, the marketing facilities
are also different in the two cases.
Mills at the ports have a
considerable advantage in marketing. Firstly, the
greater part of
the total output of the mills is consumed in the town itself and its
suburbs ; secondly, flour can be easily exported to foreign countries
from the ports; and thirdly, due to economies resulting from a
large turn-over and higher prices realised in the local market, the
surplus can with the help of relatively cheap railway rates from
the ports, be profitably
despatched to the internal centres of

1. Sir James Wilson has made very interesting calculations on this point,
in hia Memorandum referred to by S. C. '
Ghose, "Monograph,* pp. 304-05.

The port towns constitute great 'Mundies' of wheat trade,

both for export and internal consumption. The N. W. Railway
serves primarily the Karachi port, although some wheat supplies
originating on its line are also despatched to Calcutta and Bombay.
Mr. Ghose found that of the total traffic on the N. W. Railway, of
about 351 lakhs of maunds, in 1911, about 306 lakhs of maunds
was booked to Karachi alone. 1 This shows the predominance of
Karachi in attracting supplies of wheat from the internal centres.
Similar statistics for the current year are not available, but the
aforesaid estimate can be safely taken to be true of the general
trend of traffic even at present.

Wheat in the Indian Railways, General Classification of Goods,
is classed grains and pulses, which includes Bajree, Barley,
Beans- parched, Black gram, Dhal, Gram, Jowari, Maize, Moong,
Mussoor, Mutt, Oats, Rice, Toor, Wheat, etc., at first class railway
risk. In actual practice, however, railways quote special schedule
rates. The N. W. Railway quotes C/B schedule for distances
less than 233 miles, the basis of charge being 0*333 pie per
maund per mile. On distance of 233 miles C/K telescopic
schedule rate is charged. This basis of charge is as follows :

Pie per maund

per mile
1 to 150 miles ... ... -380
Plus 151 to 250 miles ... ... -250
251 to 400 ... ... -125

,, above 400 miles ... ... *115

The E.Railway, similarly, charges over distances less than


101 miles C/B schedule rate, the basis of charge being 0*333

pie per maund per mile and for distances above 101 miles at

C/M telescopic schedule rate with the following basis :

Pie per maund

per mile
1 to 160 miles ... ... 0-380
Plus 151 to 250 ... ... 0-333
251 to 500 ... ... 0*200
,, 501 to 700 ... ... 0*130
above 700 miles ... ... O'lOO

1, Vide, "Monograph on Eailway Rates," p. 310.


The B. B. &
Railway charges the schedule rates similar
C. I.

to those on the G. I. These schedule rates constitute

P. Railway.
the basis of actual rates charged on the traffic. Therefore a
detailed analysis is essential for appraising the effect of railway
rates on the movement of traffic from the producing centres to
consuming markets.


The more important wheat despatching stations on the N. W.
R. and the rates per maund charged from them to Karachi during
the year 1932 are given below:
Mileage Station Rate Mileage Station Kate

This being a long distance traffic the rates per mile are lower
than those charged on the internal traffic. Here an interesting
question arises as to whether these rates help the flow of traffic
to ports, and thereby enable Indian wheat to regain the foreign
markets it has lost. Before the war, India was the most
important supplier to Great Britain more than 60 per cent, of

the annual exports were consigned to U. K. While the pre-war

average of exports to U. K. was 985, it fell to 76 in 1928-29.
This loss in trade is due to the competition from other important
wheat growing countries, like the United States, Canada, Argen-
tine, Australia and Russia. These important wheat growing
countries have increased their area under wheat crop their yield ;

per acre is and they have lowered their cost of produc-

tion by mechanisation of agriculture and improved
arrangements.* Marketing Pools of Wheat Growers, which have
1. Vide, Dutta's Report on the Rise of Prices in India," and Prof. C. N.
Vakil's Trade and Industry in Modern India."
2. Prof. Vakil's Trade and Industry in Modern India."
3. Vide Report of the Imperial Economic
Committee, Paras, 99-115.
4. Supra, Paras, 131-148.

been formed in the important wheat growing countries, are in a

stronger position in negotiating with the carriers and purchasers
alike. To these. measures should be added the state help which
these institutions get. In their zeal to improve the technique of
production and the yield, cultivation was pushed on, unmindful
of the demand, and the result was that demand could not keep

pace with this growth in production, and therefore, the world

wheat market began to suffer from over-production. In India,
however, improvements in the technique of production have been
very slow and therefore it is no wonder that she was unable to keep
her hold over the British market. To this relatively higher cost
of production in India should be added the increased demand for
interal consumption, although it has till recently been a very
minor cause. India's position, therefore, as an exporter of wheat
has weakened considerably.
In view of the conditions in the world market, Indian wheat
will find increasingly difficult in future to face the competition

in foreign markets. This is so because whereas in the foreign

countries the cost of production has already fallen considerably
and is still falling further, in India the situation
not very is

favourable to any such change. It is beyond the scope of the

present thesis to dwell upon other factors affecting the cost of
production. In the years immediately after the Great War rates
were raised, and these are being continued in spite of the steep
fall in prices. It need not be mentioned that the increase of
railway transport charge is a very important item in the selling
prices of a commodity like wheat, and more so when the length of
haul ranges from 500 to 800 miles, as will be seen from the
rates referred to in the preceding paragraph. It is needless to
emphasise that railway rates on wheat deserve serious consider-
ation at the hands of the railway authorities, because they un-

doubtedly restrict the flow of traffic. It may be contended on

behalf of the railways, that when the cost of production of wheat
in India has not been able to keep pace with that of the foreign
producers, even the railway rates were reduced, Indian wheat

would not be able stand foreign competition. This argument

has considerable truth and calls for further consideration.

Railway rates should be so framed as to help the growth of

and this can be only known by observing the effects of

rates on the flow of traffic. It is clear that since wheat prices


have fallen, the incidence of railway rates has become heavier.

Public opinion, however, does not look with disfavour at these
because they exercise a restrictive influence, a gainst the out-
ward flow of wheat traffic. There is a growing sense of public
opinion in favour of conserving India's food supplies for her own
people, and the railway rates seem to help this process. Without
entering into the controversy, it can be plausibly argued that these
high rates restrict the flow of wheat traffic both to the ports and
the internal consuming centres, particularly the latter. Wheat
being a necessity of life, having an inelastic demand, a higher
transport charge becomes a tax upon the community, with hardly
any substantial diminution in the volume of traffic. In the case
of traffic of this kind, if the reduced rates, attract a larger traffic,
with lessthan proportionate increase in total receipts they should
be maintained. The capacity to bear the transport charge is
strictly limited in the case of such articles. Similarly, the pos-
sibility of increase in the volume of traffic in response to re-

duction in rates is limited, except in the case of export traffic.

The task of the traffic manager is therefore extremely delicate
and difficult.
The incidence of the current rates on the flow of traffic may
be better understood by comparing them with the pre-war rates.
The statement submitted below shows the rates to Karachi in a
pre-war year, in a war-year and a recent year :

Eatea per maitnd

Distance Station 1912 2917 1932

a. p. a. p. a. p.

949 MeerutCity 81 99 11 7
934 Muzaffarnagar 7 10 10 11 4
898 Saharanpur 76 9 10 11 1

843 Ambala 81 10 3 12 7
806 Ludhiana 98 10 10 12 9
802 Jullunder City 10 4 11 3 12 9
788 Amritsar 10 6 11 6 12 7
755 Lahore 10 11 2 12 3
575 MultanCity 76 93 10 7
685 Lyallpur 93 10 5 11 8
299 Sukkur 46 6 10 7 10
721 Sargodha 99 10 10 12
711 StnglaHill 96 10 8 11 11
653 Qojra 89 10 1 11 4

727 Ferozepur 90 10 3 12

The foregoing rates throw good light on the nature of the rates

policy. Let us analyse the rates in 1912. Whereas the rate from
Meerut City was annas 8-1 for a distance of 949 miles, from
Amritsar annas 10-6 were charged for 788 miles. It appears, how-
ever, that lower rates were quoted from Meerut, Muzaffarnagar
and Saharanpur to meet the competition from the E. I. R. to
Calcutta. But when we push our analysis further, even the
local rates show a preferential tone. For instance, from Ambala,
for 843 miles, the rate was annas 8-1, from Ludhiana, for a
shorter distance of 806 miles the rate was annas 9-8, and from
Jullunder and Amritsar for still shorter hauls the rate was higher.
This was due to the competition of the E. I. R. These lower rates
on the competitive traffic helped the export of wheat, but the
result of this competition was that rates on non-competitive traffic
had to be raised, and thus, whereas the traffic from some centres
was given stimulus, that from others received a setback. This was
not in the interests of the community. Besides, the difference in
rates was appreciable, and therefore the consequences were more
mischievous. The rate, for instance, from Saharanpur for 898 miles
was annas 7-6, and from Amritsar for 788 miles, the rate was
annas 10-6, the difference being of as. 3 per maund irrespective of
the longer length of haul. Saharanpur, therefore, due to its location
on the junction of the E. I. and N. W. Railways was able to
procure this preferential treatment in relation to a centre like
Amritsar, notwithstanding the longer distance over which the
ti'affic had to travel, the distance to Karachi and Calcutta
898 and 938 miles respectively. Thus, even though Amritsar is
Located nearer to Karachi port it had to pay higher freight charge.
Here the N. W. R. might argue that if they had not quoted lower
rates from these competitive points, the traffic would have passed
on to the E. I. R. This additional traffic carried
at lower rates

tielped to lower the rates on the non-competitive points. This

brings out the evils of competition. Saharanpur being nearer to
Karachi than to Calcutta, the N. W. R. had every justification in
keeping the on its own line and preventing it from going to

the rival line, and if lower rates were quoted they had enough
justification. But from the nature of reduction offered, it becomes
clear that the competition between the two lines must have been
intense. Competition in itself is not bad, per contra, it is a motive
power of an economic society in its dynamic state; but when

carried too far, it creates unhealthy economic

conditions, by
diverting the distribution of trade and industries into artificial
channels, and checking thereby the growth of a sound and healthy
industrial system. It need hardly be gainsaid that the competition
was unhealthy, for while it gave an undue stimulus to a part of the

traffic, the rest received a serious setback,

The current rates have one most important relieving feature, in

as much as the unhealthy competition adverted to in the preceding

paragraph has been checked. For instance, the difference in the

rates charged from Saharanpur and Amritsar has been reduced
from as. 3 to as. 1-6. But, here again, is broached another question
of principle. Since both the N. W. and the E. I. Eailways are
State-owned and State-managed, it is questionable whether the
competition should be permitted to continue. Both these railways
form part of a single system, and therefore competition between
them should not be permitted. It should be the task of the
Railway Board to so regulate the movement of traffic at these
competitive points, as to eliminate this unhealthy competition, and
direct the flow of traffic to the line where the cost of transport is

relatively lower. This would eliminate the waste of transport

costs, which unregulated competition entails, and thereby afford a
much needed relief to the non-competitive traffic.
Secondly, the current rates are maintained at a comparatively
higher level than the pre-war rates, notwithstanding the fall in
prices. Wheat prices in India have fallen to the pre-war level, but
the level of rates which was fixed in 1921, the days of phenomenal
rise of prices, is being kept up to this day undisturbed. In
consequence, the incidence of railway freight has become heavier.


Further, the rates quoted in the preceding table are generally
for long distance traffic, and therefore relatively lower, because they
are based on the telescopic schedule. At the same time the distance
traversed is on a single system. But the internal traffic, in the
first place, does not move over such long distances, and secondly,
even when it moves over long distances, generally passes over

more than one line, and therefore, the incidence of freight charge
becomes still heavier. Let us illustrate the point. Suppose, for
instance, wheat from Jullunder, Ludhiana and Ambala is required
for local consumption at Cawnpore, Agra or Allahabad. Here the

traffichas to pass over more than one line and although the system
is the same, because all the railways concerned are State-owned and
State-managed, the telescopic rates levied are calculated not on the
basis of the total distance travelled, but on that of the individual
lines separately. The result is that the incidence of rates is raised
on the internal traffic.

The evil working the railway lines on an indi-

effects of
vidualistic basis, and the higher incidence of rates which the
internal traffic has to bear becomes still more conspicuous, when
the telescopic basis of rates is The
taken into consideration.
telescopic rates are higher per mile on a shorter length of haul.
Thus, for instance, the rate from Sukkur to Karachi, for 299 miles,
is as. 7-10, whereas from Ambala to Karachi, for 843 miles, the

rate is as. 12-7. The table submitted below shows the nature of
railway freight charged on local traffic in 1913 and 1932.

The increase in rates differs with the distance travelled ;

percentage increase is higher for lower distances. For instance,
the rate from Jaranwala to Ambala has been raised from as. 5-2 in
1913, to as 7-5 in the current year, the increase being of about 43
per cent. Similarly, from Sangla Hill, Okara and Khanna to Ambala,
the increase effected is about 46, 47 and 71 per cent respectively.
Thus, from Khanna to Ambala for a lower distance, the increase
has been about 70 per cent. Rates to other centres have also been
raised on a similar scale. The average increase seems to be about
50 per cent.

The incidence of increase in rates indicated in the preceding

paragraph is about the local traffic. When, however, through rates
are taken into consideration, the incidence becomes still heavier,
due to the higher charge per mile for a lower distance, and the
individualistic rating policy pursued by the railways.
should, however, be noted that in response to the general

pressure of public opinion, the railway authorities introduced

R. 33

reduced rates on wheat traffic, moving from the internal

centres to Karachi, on the N. W. an experimental measure,
R., as
during the year 1931-32. These rates were applicable for a distance
of 600 miles and over. From May 15th to June 19th 1931, C/P
schedule rates were quoted. A further reduction was thereafter
made, so that from June 20th to September 14th 1931, we find C/R
schedule rate in operation. The nature of the reduction can be
seen from the undermentioned table.

Hates per Maund per Mile to Karachi*

From the foregoing table it will be seen that the railway

authorities offered substantial reductions in rates with a view to

help the movement of wheat to Karachi, but the traffic booked

during the period concession rates were in force, showed no response
to the inducement offered. Per contra, the traffic booked was less
than that for the corresponding period of the preceding year and
the earnings received a serious set back. The volume of traffic fell
from 2 64 lakhs of tons to 2 61 lakhs of tons, and the earnings
from Rs. 5-18 lakhs to Rs. 31-31 lakhs. The concession was
therefore withdrawn.

The efforts of the N. W. R. in trying this experiment is indeed

commendable and one feels that the duration ought to have been
extended, as there was only a slight fall in the volume of traffic.
Looking to the peculiar economic conditions when the experiment
was tried, the results do not seem to be so disappointing. Besides,
the period during which the experiment was tried was rather
short. The response of traffic to the stimulus of reduced rates,
particularly when the demand for the article is inelastic, takes a
relatively long time.
There is a greater need for such an experiment in the direction
of stimulating internal traffic, which has to pay rates higher than

1. The information was supplied by the Agent N. W. Ely.


those paid by the port traffic. This would substantially help the
flour-milling industry.
Out of the total wheat traffic of about 4 lakhs of tons booked
on the E. I. R. in 1911, about 3-2 lakhs of tons were consigned to
Howrah and Khidderpore Docks 1 part for local consumption and

part for export. The greater portion of wheat received at Howrah

is consumed locally, while that at the Khiddepore Docks is

primarily meant for export. It should be noted at this stage that

wheat traffic on the E. I. R. comes mainly from the United
Provinces. A part of the traffic is carried by the B. N. W, R.
and transhipped to the E. I. R. at Mokameh Ghat. Before the
E. I. R. and the 0. R. R. were amalgamated, the former had to depend
for a fairly good portion of its wheat traffic on the latter. Thus,
both the 0. R. R. and B. N. W. R. were good feeders to the E. I. R.

for wheat traffic to Calcutta. Since the purchase of the railway

lines by the State, the 0. R. R. and the E. I. R. have worked as
one single system. This has helped the movement of wheat traffic
from the United provinces to Howrah considerably. The traffic
to-day gets telescopic rates on the total distance traversed, viz., from
Moradabad, Rai Bareli, Chandausi, etc., to Howrah. This
emphasises the oft repeated necessity of treating all the lines owned
and worked by the State, if not the entire railroad of the country,
as one system, in matters of rate-making for through traffic.


The rates per maund from some more important wheat

collecting centres on the E. I. R. to Howrah are as follows :

Mileage Station Rate Mileaye Station Rate

a. p. a. p.

283 Mokameh Jn. 510 864 Bulandshahar 1010

332 PatnaCity 6 5 889 Ghazibad 11
411 Buxar 7 1 429 Benares 7 2
292 Gaya 6 568 Rai Bareli 8 4
418 Moghal Serai 7 1 465 Jaunpur 7 C
512 Allahabad 7 11 550 Fyzabad 8 3
564 -

Khaga 8 4 678 Hardoi I) 3

633 Cawnpore 8 9 805 Chandausi 10 4
718 Etawah 9 7 818 Moradabad 10 5
818 Farukhabad 10 5 901 Meerut 11 2
804 Hathras 10 4 838 Saharanpur 11 5
802 Aligarh 9 6

These rates are based on the telescopic schedule already

referred to. The criticism to which these rates are subject is in
1. Vide, S, C. Ghose's Monograph," P. 315^

general similar to that of the N. W. R. adverted to above. The

difference in details will be noted presently.


On comparing the rates on the E. I. R. and those on the
N. W. R., the most striking conclusion which emerges is that the
level of charge on the latter is relatively higher. To illustrate the
statement, while the freight from Sangla Hill to Karachi, for 711
miles, is as. 11-4 on the N. W. R., the rate from Etawah to Howrah

on the E. I. R., for 718 miles, is as. 9-7, the difference between the
two being of as. 1-9 per maund in favour of the latter. This is a
substantial difference, especially when the traffic moves in bulk.

Again, while from Multan City to Karachi, for 575 miles, the
N. W. R. charges10-7 per maund, the E. I. R. charges only as.

8-4 from Khaga Howrah, for 564 miles, the difference being of
about as. 2-3 per maund. A similar difference in the incidence of
freight charged is maintained even for shorter distances. For
instance, the rate charged on the N. W. R. from Sukkur to Karachi,
for 299 miles, is as. 7-10, while the E. I. R, charges as. 6-0 from
Gaya to Howrah, for 292 miles.


necessary at this stage to recall the rates charged on the
It is

E. I. R. during the pre-war year, so as to get a definte idea of the

level of rates charged during the period and the increase effected in
the meantime. Thefrom some more important despatching
stations are given below. Mention should be made that in studying
the pre-war rates we have divided the rates on the E. I. R. into two
sub- divisions those charged from the despatching stations on the

E. R. proper, and those charged from the despatching stations


on the 0. R. R., because the two lines were worked separately then.
Despatching stations on the E. L E.
Distance Station Rates per Maund
1011 1917 103S
a. p. a, p. a. p.
219 Sahebganj 34 37 49
332 PatnaCity 48 4 11 66
411 Buxar 53 59 71
564 Khaga 53 6 10 84
633 Cawnpore 53 6 10 89
818 Farukhabad 6 10 8 10 10 5
8C4 Hathras 69 89 10 4
823 Aligarh 6 11 8 11 10 6
854 KhurjaCity 72 90 10 9
889 Ghaziabad Junction 75 93 11

were raised considerably during

It will be seen that the rates
and after the war. have been an all round increase
There seems to
of about 50 per cent. One point of minor importance that may be
noted is that the rates from Cawnpore and Khanga have been
better adjusted after the war on the basis of mileage. So also the
E. I. R. does not charge lower freight from the competitive points
as is the case with the N. W. R. This is presumably due to the
lower basis on which rates are fixed on the E. I. R. as compared
with those on the N. W. R.


We shall now consider the rates charged from the

despatching stations on the 0. R. R. section, where the competition

of the N. W. and the G. I. P. is felt. The rates quoted are as
follows :

Rates per maund to Calcutta

Distance Station 1911 1917 1932
a. p. a. p. a. p.
612 Barabanki 61 80 89
634 Beh ram ghat 61 80 8 11

667 Madhoganj 64 83 92
718 Shahjahanpur 68 87 97
762 Bareilly 6 11 87 10
835 Chandausi 73 93 10 4
881 Moradabad 76 94 10 5
568 RaiBareli 5 11 7 10 84
The basis of these rates from the competitive points is similar

to the rates from the non-competitive points, because the competitive

lines, both the N. W. and the G. I. P., have a higher basis of charge.
Therefore, the E. I. R. can easily attract traffic without having to
resort to the manipulation of rates.

Rates from the above stations to Karachi are submitted

below: ~
mi 1017 less
a. p. a. p. a* p.

Barabanki 10 7 12 2 12 11
10 9 12 4 13 3
10 12 7 13 10
10 13 1 14 1
10 H 10 11 13 3

Chandausi 10 2 12 1 13 3
Moradabad 10 9 11 11 13

Rai Bareily 10 12 7 13 1

It will be noticed that the N. W. R. is at a considerable

disadvantage in respect of this traffic. This is due to various causes.

Firstly, the distance from these

stations to Karachi port is a serious

handicap ; has to pass over more than one line

secondly, the traffic ;

and thirdly, the basis of charge on the N. W. R. is relatively

higher. It is also uneconomic for the N. W. R. to compete for this
traffic, and more so because both the lines are now under common
ownership. From the level of rates charged on the lines, it is clear
that they are essentially non-competitive.

Rates charged from some of these stations to Bombay port are

mentioned below :

1011 1917
a. p. a. a. p.
Barabanki 06 11 1 11 JO
Behramghat 97 10 11 Jl 10
Madhoganj 97 11 fi 12 6
'Shahjahanpur 9 11 116 13 11
RaiBareli 97 11 2 11 8

These special station-to-station rates quoted on the G. I. P. on

wagon loads, show the attempts made by the authorities to attiact

traffic to ports. One striking feature of the current rates is that the
increase when compared with the rates of 1917 has not been much.
But even the current rates are higher as compared with those
charged on the E. I. R., and therefore, if traffic from these stations
is attracted to Bombay the reasons can be traced to causes other
than of purely railway freight, viz., prices quoted at Bombay, sea

freight from Bombay to foreign ports, etc.


The E. I. R. draws its Howrah traffic from the B. N. W. R.
stations as already referred to. The current rates from some
important collecting centres to Howrah work out as follows :

Stations B. N. W. & /. Total

a. p. a, a. p.

Azamgsrh 40 38 78
Bfthraioh 57 3 10 95
Ballia 31 40 71
Balrampur 57 40 97
Ba*ti 45 41 86
Chauri Chaura 311 43 82
Chupra 22 43 65
Darbhanga 22 51 73
Ghazipur City 2 10
45 73
Gonda 311 90
Gorakhpur 43 40 S3
AtO. R.: W./400; L

This traffic is routed via Mokameh Ghat. Thus, the movement

of wheat traffic from the more important collecting centres to
Howrah on the E. I. R. has been noted. It will be seen that the
rates charged by the E. I. R. are lower than those of the N. W. R.
The traffic is directed mainly to Howrah. This traffic is not for
export alone but the greater portion is consumed locally. There
are a number of flour mills at Howrah and in the vicinity. There
are also flour mills in some
internal centres like Cawnpore, Agra,
Allahabad, Patna, These
etc.internal mills draw their supplies

primarily from the sorrounding wheat growing areas. Therefore,

these mills have to pay relatively lower rates on wheat purchased
in the harvesting season. But the price of local wheat being
determined by the world market quotations, it is general experience
that the internal prices keep up an upward tone> as compared with
the port quotations, just after the harvesting season is over.
This is a great handicap which neutralises the advantage of location
in the proximity of the sources of supply of wheat. These and
other causes have been adverted to, and need not therefore, be
repeated here. What is meant to convey is that the rates charged
on wheat supplies to the internal flour mills are
equally important.
The E.I.R.
quotes special station-to-station rates, lower than
the schedule rates, from the distant wheat growing centres to
important consuming markets. Thus, special rates quoted to Agra
from some of the more important wheat growing areas in the
Punjab via Ghaziabad are as follows :

Station Rate Station Rate,

a ? a. p.
Patiala 2 10 Lahore, Gurdaspur
Montgomery )
3 2 Gujranwala
> 31
Mandi Bahauddin J Shikarpur J

Ly/illpur 3 1
Singla Hill \
Ambala City \ ^ \\ Hatizabad i 32
Kajpura Junction J Gojra j

The foregoing are the reduced rates quoted by the E.I.R. on

its own line for through traffic from the stations referred to on the
N.W.R. Special rates are also quoted to Cawnpore, as will be seen

from the statement submitted below

Rates per Maiind to Cawnpore
Stations Rate Stations Ratt
a. ? a. p.
Ambala Cantt. 8 8 Khanna 9 7
Bsssi Pathanan 9 5 Jandiala ]2 4
Jullundur Cantt. 11 1 Jagraon 1011
Rupar 10 5 Ludhinna 10 2
Sirhirid 9 2

Similarly, reduced rates are quoted to other more important

consuming markets on its own line and to stations on the foreign
railways especially on the Eastern Bengal Railway.
we close this section, it is necessary to note that
the E.I.R. has offered reduced station-to-station rates from wheat-

growing tracts in the Punjab to Calcutta, since 1933.

Rates per Maund to Howrah

Station from Total Bate N. W. E. I.
Ra a. p.
Ks. a. p. Rs. a. p.

Kasur 104 063 0101

Lahore 104 06 10 096
Lyallpur 104 07 11 085
Montgomery 104 079 087
MultanCity 107 089 07 10

These are only a few of the more important stations from

which reduced station-to-station rates are available on wheat traffic
to Howrah. The traffic from these stations is routed via Sahanran-
pur. Delhi is another important junction for wheat traffic moving
from stations on the N.W.R. to Howrah. The number of stations
from which reduced rates are avilable and the uniformity of the
quotation is apt to be misunderstood by the lay public. That
reduced rates should be offered from the more important wheat
growing areas to the consuming markets has been accepted.
The rates quoted should be such as the traffic can bear. In other
words, the rates should be low enough to help the movement
of the traffic, and at the same time be remunerative to the carrier.
Viewed from this criterion, the aforesaid rates quoted by the N.W.
and E. I. Railways are in keeping with the principles of railroad
economics. They are sufficiently low to help the movement of
traffic, and do not seem to be unremunerative to the railways.
No doubt distance is an important factor in rate-making and
should constantly be kept in view by those responsible for making
the tariffs, but these rates have strictly observed the differential
rule. In long distance traffic, particularly in the case of low-
priced articles, the capacity of the article to bear the transport
charge is more important than the distance. No wonder, therefore,
that these rates have attracted a greater volume of traffic, which has
increased from about 39 thousand tons in 1931 to about 121
thousand tons in 1933. This phenomenal increase in traffic clearly

shows that the railways had hitherto failed to gauge the magnitude

of this and the necessity of fostering the same. This is a


striking illustration of the immense help which progressive and

sympathetic rates policy can render to Indian trade and industries,
and at the same time add to the railway receipts. As a matter of
fact entire railway tariffs need revision in the light of the funda-
mental principle of value of service rendered. Further, the
railway authorities should have well considered schemes, backed by
definite statistical data, for opening new avenues for traffic. The
co-operation of the business community in this direction would be
invaluable. One only despairs of the ultra-conservative policy
pursued by the Indian railways and their indifference to public


The basis of rates for grains and pulses on the G. I. P.
has already been noted, and therefore it is proposed to review
the actual rates affecting the movement of traffic from the more
important centres of production. The rates to Bombay from more
important wheat producing centres are as follows :

Distance Station
C75 Katni Marwara
654 Saugor
839 Cawnpore
520 Nagpur
472 Wardha
493 Hinganghat
616 Jubbulpore
702 Damoh
583 Gotegaon
From the foregoing table it will be seen that in some cases the
ratesquoted are station-to-station rates, and in others schedule rates.
This is so because from some stations, station-to-station rates, lower
than the schedule rates are quoted. It will be seen that the station-
to-station rates carry considerable concessions as compared with the
schedule Thus, for instance, the special rate quoted from

Cawnpore to Bombay is as. 10-8, whereas the schedule rate would

be Ee. 1-0-0. This quotation carries a concession of about 30 per
cent. Again the actual rate quoted from Nagpur to Bombay is
* These are schedule rates inclusive of short
distance and terminal

as. 8-5, whereas the schedule rate would be as. 12-11, Here, too
the special rate carries a concession of about 30 per cent. Similarly
the other station-to-station rates are also lower than the schedule
rates ; the extent of concession in individual cases varies. From
some important wheat despatching stations to Bombay, however,
station-to-station rates are not quoted and hence the schedule
rates are applicable as given above.


Of the important centres referred to in the preceding table,

six are denied special reduced station-to-station rates which are

enjoyed by the rest. The handicap, thus imposed, can be-adequately
gauged by a critical review of the actual rates. As has already been

noted, the traders are concerned more with the relative level of
rates than with the absolute one, and therefore these rates deserve
a detailed consideration. That "Bombay is a very important market
for wheat produced in the Central Provinces can hardly be gainsaid.
Mr. Ghose found that of the total wheat traffic of about 87 '5 lakhs

of maunds on the G. about 58 lakhs of maunds were consigned

I. P.,
to Bombay and from the detailed figures about the traffic of the

several despatching stations that he worked out, it is evident that

the stations referred to in the above statement are very important.
Harda, Timarni and Banapura are some of the most important wheat
despatching stations in the Central Provinces, on the G. I. P. main-
line. The extent of the disadvantage which the traffic from these
stations suffer becomes clear when the rates charged from other
stations are Thus, while the rate from Nagpur, for 520
miles, is as. 8-5, from Pipariya for 505 miles, it is as. 12-9, and from
Harda, for 417 miles as. 11-4. Here, again, it is interesting to note,
on the authority of the figures of traffic compiled by Mr. Ghose,
that Harda, Timarni, Banapura, Pipariya, and Lasalgaon are one
and all, better shippers than Nagpur. Why then this preference
in favour of Nagpur ?

preferential treatment is not merely

The in favour of Nagpur,

but is shared by all those stations which enjoy station-to-station

rates. Further, even amongst the stations which enjoy special
Station-to-station rates, the element of preference appears to have
crept in. For instance, the rate from Saugor, for 654 miles, is
1. Vide, Monograph on Railway Babes," pp. 318-19.
2. Vide, Monograph on Railway Rates," pp. 318-19.

s. 12-11, whereas from Cawnpore, for 839 miles, it is only 'as. 10-8,
,nd from Jubbulpore as. 9-0. Again, the rate from Damoh, for
02 miles, is as. 11-9, while Gotegaon has to pay as. 11-3 for
>83 miles, Even the Gotegaon rate appears to be preferential when
ompared with the rate charged from Kareli.
Let us then analyse the possible causes of this apparently
referential rating. The Cawnpore-Bombay rate seems to have
>een fixed inview of the Cawnpore- Howrah rate which is as. 8-9.
fyom Nagpur a lower rate is quoted because of the alter-
tative route on the B. N. R. to Calcutta. These lower rates
re, thus, due to port competition. This assumption is further
trengthened when the rates charged from Hinganghat and
Vardha are taken into account. The rates charged increase as the
istance between the Nagpur Junction and the despatching stations
ncreases, i.e., the rates change inversely with the probability
fcompetition from the B. N. R. Similarly, the rate quoted from
ubbulpore has been affected by the competition of the E. I. R. via
sTaini, and the B. N. R. rates charged from Saugor and Damoh are
ikewise affected by the competition of the alternative route on
tie B. N. R. and the E. I. R. From the aforesaid review, therefore,
b follows that the G. has quoted special station-to-station
I. P. R.

ates, lower than the schedule rates, only from the competitive
ioints. But this inter-railway competition places serious handicap
n the traffic from the non-competitive points.


It may be instructive at this stage of our enquiry to recollect
be rates prevailing before or during the war, with a view to know
/hether the apparent anomalies dealt with in the preceding para-
raph are of recent growth or the survivals of the old policy.
Tie position of rates from more important centres may be summed
ip as follows :

Rates p c.r maund to Bombay

km OM-J/ Rate i\/r*i*~* c// Iiote


The G. I. P., has effected a higher percentage increase in its

rates than the E. I. K. as can be seen by comparing the rates from

the more important centres on the respective lines. For instance,

the G. I. P. has raised its rates from Kareli, Pipariya, Timarni, and
Banapura by about 3 annas per maund, but the E. I. R. for a similar
distance from Khaga has raised the rates by annas 1-6 only. The
increase has been still higher from some stations on the G. I. P. e. g.

from Saugor and Gotegaon the increase in rates amounts to as. 3-4
and as. 3-6 respectively.

From the review of rates in 1917 and 1932 it is clear that the

G. I. P. has adjusted its rates from the competitive points accord-

ing to the rate quoted by the alternative route, distance for

distance. This is so in the case of the Cawnpore-Howrah rate.
The rate is quoted on the same basis and the difference in the
total rate is due to the distance traversed. This is so because the
G. I. P. has laid down a specific rule, that in local booking between
any two stations on the G. I. P., the rates obtainable by the

alternative foreign railway route are applied to the local route,

provided that the rates do not fall below the minimum. This
practice prevailed in 1911 and is being continued to this day, as

will be seen from the rates referred to in the foregoing statement.

The present policy in respect of rates from the Central Provinces
to Bombay ismerely a continuation of the policy pursued during
and before the war, with a few minor changes.

Of the minor changes introduced after the war, one which may
be noted is the adjustment of rates from Shahpura to Harda and

the neighbouring group of stations. In 1917, the rate from Harda

was higher than that charged from Timarni, Banapura, Pipariya,
Kareli, etc., although the distance from Harda is shorter. To avoid
this disparity in rates, it was suggested that instead of the lower
rates charged from stations situated at distances higher than that
from Harda, they should be charged a rate equal to that of Harda,
because the difference of one anna between this rate and the rate
on the alternative route from Jubbulpore to Eowrah via Naini, in
favour of the latter route, would not materially affect the direction
}, Vide, Ghose'a Monograph on Railway Rates," p. 321.

of traffic. These disparities have been removed, as will be seen
from the foregoing rates. Since 1934, station-to-station rates from
Kareli, Banapura group of stations have been totally discontinued.

There was some justification for the competition in rate-

making adverted to above, between the E. I. R. and G. T. P., before
and during the war, but there is no justification for the con-
tinuance of the same policy in the current traiffs, since both
the lines have come under common ownership and management.
This sort of competition results in waste and injustice to the ship-
pers. There seems to be practically no reason why two lines of
the same system should indulge in wasteful competition.
For instance, the distance between Jubbulpore and Howrah is

733 miles, and from Jubbulpore to Bombay it is 616 miles. It

is clear therefore, that Bombay has an advantage in respect of
mileage for Jubbulpore traffic. But distance is only one of
the several factors which determine the rate. Mileage, physical
features of the area to be traversed, conditions of carriage and
the availability of the return load, are the most important factors
which determine the rates charged. It is argued in favour of the
Calcutta traffic that lower operating costs coupled with the better
return loads, and more favourable physical features of the country
to be traversed, enable the E. I, R. to carry traffic more economi-

cally to Howrah than P. does to Bombay. This is,

the G. I.

indeed, a very important point, and it is difficult for us, with the

data at our disposal, to hazard any opinion, because before any

decision can be arrived at
it is necessary to study the detailed

Statisticsabout the working expenses and the traffic carried.

Such an analysis is more helpful in determining precisely the
absolute level of rates to be charged, which we do not propose
for the present to enquire into. The study of the relative level
of rates would be sufficient for the purpose in hand. The E. I. R,
quoted from Jubbulpore to Howrah, a rate of as. 8-0, 1917, for a
distance of 733 miles, which was calculated on the same basis as
the other rates. For example, from Etawah for 7^0 miles, the
rate charged was as. 8-0, and from Hathias for 806 miles, as. 8-9,
So also the scale rates on the E. I. R. for 700 and 750 miles
worked out as annas 8-6, and annas 8-10 respectively. Therefore,
the E. I. R. rate from Jubbulpore was not lower than the ordinary

1. Sec Ghose's Monograph/' p. 320

rate, was not quoted to divert the G. L P. traffic.

and as such it

The rate quoted by the G. I. P. from Jubbulpore to Bombay, per

contra, was lower than the schedule rate, and is still lower
relatively, and as such it is competitive, notwithstanding the
common ownership of both the lines. The policy, therefore, needs
a corrective ;
it should be re-shaped in the light of the post-war
developments. It is a relief to note that this defect has recently

been remedied, and the rate from Jubbulpore to Bombay has

been raised from Rs. 0-9-0 per maund to Es. 0-10-6. A similar
change needs to be made in other directions as well. The inter-

railway competition should be eliminated as far as possible, and

the watch- word of any scheme of re-organisation should be greater
efficiency and lower costs per unit.

Before we close the discussion of rates charged on the G. I. P.,

it has to be noted that the general level of current rates on this
raihvay is very high. This is partly due to the extravagance in
working expenditure. Of all the lines, the working expenses of
the G. I. P. have paid no heed to the changes in the economic

conditions of tho country, and have kept up an upward trend,

notwithstanding the fall in prices. This has adversely affected
the trade and industries of the localities served by the G. L P. and
the case of wheat trade adverted to above is an instance to the

point. That these rates an immediate reduction, so as to

call for

give a much needed relief to the wheat trade hardly needs any
emphasis. The consumers of wheat at Bombay and the shippers

up-country both need this relief.


The current rates on the B. B. & C. I. R. are based on a schedule
similar to that on the G. I. P., as has already been mentioned.
It isimportant to note that wheat traffic to Bombay is mainly
carried by the G. I. P. The greater share of the wheat traffic
hauled by the B. B. & C. L is carried to Karachi ; this railway
acts as a good feeder to the N. W. R. Besides, it also carries
traffic for internal Therefore,
consumption. wheat the total
traffic carried
by and the
the B. B.
earnings &
C. I.

thereform are as important as those of the G. L P. In what

follows, therefore, an attempt will be made to have a brief and
succinct review of the rates policy pursued by this railway in

respect of its wheat traffic.


Before the war, due in no small measure to the intense and
often cut-throat competition inter se of the different railway
system in the country, the B. B. & C. I. also quoted competitive
low rates to Bombay port from distant centres, to have a share in
the competitive traffic. But as will be shown presently, the
reduced rates offered by this railway were only such as compe-
tition warranted, and do not show a medly of disparities as in the
case of the G. I. P. This was presumably due to the greater powers
of regulation in respect of port traffic possessed by the Government
over the B. B. & C. I. under their contract The fact, however,

remains that the B. B. & I. C. rate schedules show a minimum of

disparities, as will be evident from the rates prevailing in 1914
and 1919 submitted below :

Rates per Maund to Bombay

Dwelling on the powers Mr. Gliose lemirks "In the case of Karachi, a

special provision has been made in the B. B. & C. I. R., Contract that the

Railway Board may at any time require the B. B. & C. I. R., to quote
over that railway sjstem such rates in respect of the conveyance of
passengers and goods to and from both the ports of Bombay and
Karachi as to secure the carriage of trade to and from such ports on
equal terms, and it is further provided that the Railway Board may
require the quotation of a rate from stations of consignment to
destination whether the route entirely over the undertaking, or

whether the route is only partly over the undertaking. The B. B. &
C. I. R., have also in respect of traflic originating on their metre gauge
system, to quote the same rate to Karachi via the J. B. R. and the
N. W. and to accept mileage division of rates and are not allowed to

charge block rates to Karachi, but this is the only instance where such a

position exists." Vide, "Monograph on Indian Railway Rates," p. 221.


As will be seen, the rates given above are not completely free
from disparities , but this does not refute the claim of relative
evenness. Before, however, the disparities are discussed it is

necessary to note the more striking features. Special station-to-

sfcation rates, quoted from some centres to Bombay in 1914,
were discontinued later. In place of these, schedule rates are
now applicable. This is a very important change in the rates
policy which helps to discourage the export of wheat. But it
should be noted that the aforesaid stations are not important for their
despatches of wheat and have been referred to primarily to show
the change in policy. The policy of encouraging the export of raw
materials by quoting reduced rates, which was the sine qua non of

railway policy in the pre-war period, has been considerably modified.

As will be seen from the foregoing table, reduced rates were quoted
even' from the relatively unimportant stations on the export of food
grains,seemingly under the belief that that the export traffic was
more but the experience has taught the truth of the
matter and the policy has been changed accordingly.
Another important feature of the rates policy which emerges
from the foregoing table is the internal competition of the railways,
which prevailed then and led to marked reductions in rates from
the competitive points. The port competition had become more
intense. Thus, it may be noted that while from Cawnpore to
Bombay, for 992 miles, they charged Es. 0-8-3 permaund, from
Ujjain Bombay, for 46G miles, the freight came to Rs. 0-7-2.

This was obviously due to competition from the E. I. R. to Calcutta

port. Again, from Delhi, for 8-18 miles, the freight was only
Rs. 0-7-2 per maund, because of the competition of both Karachi and
Calcutta ports. After the publication of the Acworth Committee
Report, which brought these most glaring drawbacks of the rates
policy into light, competition was regulated and improvements are
being made gradually to suit the requirements of the carriers as
well as the public.


We shall now briefly review the freight charged on the internal
traffic. In this case, however, pre-war rates are not available and
therefore we shall deal only with the current rates. Ahrnedabad,
1. The rate from Broach for a shorter distance is higher than that from

Baroda and Ajmer are the three most important wheat milling as
well as consuming centres on the B. B. & C. I. R., and their wheat
supply is drawn from the Punjab and the C. P., although there
are other areas as well which send wheat in some quantities.
Besides, these centres will best illustrate the characteristic features

of the rates policy as affecting the internal traffic. The table given
below shows the rates charged from the more important wheat
producing 'districts in the Punjab.

These rates are on through traffic passing over two railways,

the N. W. R. and the B. B. & C. I. R. As adverted to above, telescopic
schedule rates are quoted on wheat traffic on both the N. W. and
the B. B. & C. I. Railways, but the internal traffic does not get the
benefit of these telescopic schedule rates to the full extent, because
in calculating telescopic rates the total distance traversed is not
taken into consideration, but calculations are based on the distance
traversed on each railway separately. In through rating, Indian
railways treat themselves as separate entities both for internal and
external traffic. But internal traffic suffers more than the external,
because the ports are as a rule linked directly with internal centres,
and the exporter has the advantage of shipping the traffic from the
nearest port. Further, the exporter gets the advantage of port
competition from the competitive centres. Therefore, in the case
of export traffic, the disadvantage even where it exists is neutralised,
but the -internal traffic Let us take up
has to bear it in full.
The consignment des-
concrete instances from the foregoing table.
patched from Jullunder Cantonment to Ahmedabad travels up to
Hissar on the N. W. R., a distance of about 164 miles, and there-
after the B. B. & C. I. carries it to its destination over a distance of
about 577 miles. rates, the N. W. R. charges
In calculating the
Re. 0-4-10 on the basis of C/B schedule, which is applicable when
the consignment travels for distances less than 233 miles. Thus,

R. 3fi

even though the total distance traversed by the consignment is

741 miles, it does not get the benefit of telescopic schedule rates on
the total distance. The same is the case with other centres. The
de facto incidence of rates on the movement of internal traffic is

therefore higher than the telescopic rates.

Rates from the C. P. wheat producing centres work out

as follows :

Station from To
Baroda Oodhra Ahmedalad Nadiad
Rate Rate Rate Rate
Amraoti 13 4 14 7 15 14 3
Akola 11 10 13 1 13 6 12 9
Kagpur 102 115 1 1 10 111
Khandwa 10 1 090 10 10 10 4

These are similar to those discussed in the preceding


paragraph, excepting that the traffic originates on the G. I. P.

instead of the N. W. R. In this case also the through traffic does
not get the benefit of telescopic rates on the total distance traversed.
This finishes our study of railway rates on wheat.


In what has been said above, the attention was concentrated
on the discussion of the production and marketing of wheat, and
the part played by railway rates in facilitating its distribution. It
was noted in the course of the study that an appreciable part of
the total wheat supply put on the market is consumed by the
flour mills. It may be stated that in general these mills are
distributed throughout the country ; but they are better centralised
at the port towns, and a few other more important consuming and
distributing centres. The flour milling industry is an important
and an indispensable part of the quasi-agricultural industries in all
advanced countries especially in wheat growing countries it forms

an inseparable adjunct of the wheat trade. Doubtless, with the

rapid advance in the technique of production and the tendency
towards greater diffusion of the different processes, with a view to
get better efficiency and lower costs, the production of wheat
and milling have become more specialised, with the consequence

that certain countries take only to the one or the other. The flour
milling industry of the United Kingdom aptly illustrates this
economic tendency.

But in this connection it should not be overlooked that there
isan essential difference in the technique of the two processes ;

while the production of wheat is concerned primarily with the

is purely an industrial
agricultural technique, the milling industry
process. Dueno in
small measure to this essential difference in
the technique, and the modern tendency of preparing the raw
materials into finished products within the four corners of a
country, as a result of the growing spirit of nationalism and the
Suspicion of the States inter se, there is a move on the part of the
wheat growing countries to foster their milling industry with the
aid of tariff barriers. The result is that the wheat growing
countries wanting to sell their exportable surplus of wheat to
other countries, advocate free trade in wheat, but at the same time,
impose high duties on the imports of flour into their borders. It
should also be noted that they export only that portion of the total
output of wheat, which is not utilised within the country and is thus
an economic surplus. As a result of this change in modern commer-
cial policy, the tendency towards the increased diffusion of several

processes of production is being limited in scope. There have

been several other factors also operating in the same direction, of
which the present industrial depression in general and the agricul-
tural depression in particular are more prominent. Needless to
say that the flour milling industry has acquired increased
importance and concerted attempts are being made to develop it in

every State.

India, being one of the most important wheat growing

countries of the world, has not been immune from these formidable
world economic forces which have been moulding the agricultural
and commercial policy of natiotis, though the policy of the Govern-
ment of India has not come up to the expectations of the people.
While the useful work done by the various Provincial Departments
of Agriculture and at the Pusa Institute, now shifted to Delhi, aided
with the vast irrigation schemes, has doubtless rendered very
useful services to the Indian agriculture in general and the pro-
duction of wheat in particular, and have turned vast tracts of
u&cultivable land or those on which less valuable crops were
cultivated into fertile wheat fields, less susceptible to famine and

draught, the flour .milling industry has been totally neglected.

In fact it has often been asserted that the production of commercial
crops, like wheat and cotton, received early attention of the
Government, because the industries in the United Kingdom were
need of these raw materials. The question of exports of Indian
wheat to the United Kingdom was extensively investigated by
Mr. Wilson, the first Indian Finance Member, with special reference
to transport and the text of the Memorandum submitted by
him strikingly reveals the intentions of the Government of India.

Notwithstanding the indifference of the State, the flour mill

industry in India holds a recognised place. The railway rates
which the more important flour mill centres have to pay on their
supplies have already been studied, and therefore to make the study
complete it is proposed to have a brief review of the rates charged
on floftr from the more important centres to consuming markets.


In the Indian Railways General Classification of Goods, flour,
which includes attah, gram flour, maida, soojee, etc., is classified as
second class at railway risk, in contrast to grains and pulses which
are classed asfirst class at railway risk. Thus, railways seem to
have made a considerable difference between grains and flour in
respect of rates to be charged. In rate-making, differentiation
between grains and flour is doubtless essential, and helps in a
more equitable assignment of
transport charges according
to the ability to bear, which
higher in the case of flour. It

would, however, be idle to deny that the difference in value between

the two is not so great as to permit one being charged at first class
rate when the other is charged at second class. This however,
refers only to the general classification, and therefore does not
indicate the incidence of the rates charged in actual practice. In
order to have a proper appreciation of the railway rates on the
movement of flour traffic, a review of rates charged from the more
important distributing centres to the consuming markets is essential.

Schedule rates, lower than the second class rates, are quoted by
the more important railways. The N. W. R. quotes C/B schedule
1. Under the present classification of goods which contains ten classes, the

railway* perhaps could not do anything better.


rates on flour at owner's risk, having a uniform basis of -333 pie per
maund per mile, irrespective of the length of the journey, a rate
similar to that charged on grains for distance of less than 233 miles
on the same line. The E. I. R. charges C/M schedule rate, at
owner's risk. The G. I. P, and the B. B. & C. I. charge C/B/C/J
schedule rate at owner's risk, referred to above.
The B. N. R. charges C/H schedule rate at owner's risk, the
basis of charge being as follows :

Pie per maund

per mile
1 to 300 miles ... ... 0380
plus 301 to 700 ... ... 0-130
Above 700 ... ... (MOO

These schedule rates are applicable on the flour traffic

en masse. But special station-to-station rates, lower than these

schedule rates, are quoted from and to certain stations. A
preliminary survey of these rates is therefore, a necessary prelude
to the detailed discussion of the schedule rates. The N. W. R.
contains the undermentioned special rates to Karachi.
Rate per Rate per
Stations Maund Stations maund
a. p. a. p.

Delhi Lahori Gate

Agra Fort 1 \ n
U 7
Via Agra East Bank 10 7 Via Delhi Serai Rohilla /
J HathrasCity 10 9
12 4
Via Cawnpore 12 4*

The most striking feature of the above rates is that they are
quoted from the competitive points. No doubt the towns referred
to are important centres of flour milling industry, and as such
the reduced rates facilitate the movement of traffic to the ports,

*Plus a 'transhipment charge of two pies per maund, when traffic is booked
fronvG. I. P. R. stations and via.

1. For the basis of charge refer to the rates on wheat adverted to above.
On wagon loads, however, still lower rates are charged. C/B schedule
rate is quoted, at 0. R. for distances less than 233 miles, and for longer
distances C]K schedule, at 0. R.
2. These rates are applicable on wagon loads: C/300-B. G. C/200 M. G..

but the clear absence of other important centres, like Amritsar,

Ambala, Ferozepur, Lahore, Lyallpnr, Multan, etc., is disappoint-
ing and brings to relief the characteristic feature of the working
of Indian railway policy, which has been frequently noted during
the course of this study. The railways would argue that reduced
rates are quoted because of the alternative route available to this
traffic due to port competition. It is needless to reiterate that
port competition imposes a great deal of hardship upon the
industries located at the non-competitive points, and facilitates at
the same time, the export and import traffic, not unoften to the
detriment of the internal trade. It is not our intention to protest
against the foregoing reduced rates, because they are in fact
essential for the development of Indian flour milling industry,
but it should be emphasised that similar facilities should be
extended to other milling centres referred to above.

Station-to-station rates are also quoted for internal traffic

from some centres. We give below a few rates quoted on traffic

via Ghaziabad :

Hate per N W. R. E. I. R.
From To Maitnd
a. p. a. p. a. p.
Ambala City Cawnpore 8 11 39 62
,, Aligarh 65 3 11 26
Ferozepur Cawnpore 12 9 71 68
These rates are indeed very useful for the movement of
internal traffic, and therefore the necessity for the extension of
similar rates on a more liberal scale is urged in the interest of
trade and industries. Recently some changes have been made.
Station-to-station rates are now available from Patiala and Amritsar
to Cawnpore, but the rate from Ambala City to Cawnpore has
been raised from Rs. 0-8-11 to Rs. 0-9-9 per maund.

Station-to-station rates are also available on the G. I. P. from

a few more important centres. During and before 1932, reduced
rates were quoted from Bombay to more important stations
Madras, Bangalore, Mysore, Cawnpore, Agra, Bezwada, and

Nagpur, but they have been discontinued since then. Now

from more important centres
Btation-to-station rates are available

Cawnpore, New Delhi, Agra, to Bombay and other

like Allahabad,
more important consuming markets. This is a very desirable
change in the rates policy.

On the B. B. & noted above, station-to-station rates

0. I., as
are quoted to Karachi in conjunction with the N. W. R. Similar
facilities are given for traffic to Bombay as will be seen from the
rates given below :

Rates per Maund to Bombay^

Station. Kate. ^Station Rate.
a. p. a. p.
Agra 11 7 Bhatinda 14 3
New Delhi 11 7 Via Bhatinda 14
Hathras City 10 9 Goviana 14 4
Cawnpore 12 1 Kotkapura 14 6
Raman 14 6 Muktsar 14 11

Recently the rates from Agra, New Delhi, Hathras city and
Cawnpore have been raised. The freight from Agra has been raised
from Re. 0-11-1 to Re. 0-14-0 per maund. The rate from New
Delhi has been raised from Re. 0-11-7 to Re. 0-12-4. Similarly,
rates from Ilathras and Cawnpore have been raised to Re. 0-13-8
and Re. 0-14-4 respectively.


This brings us to the study of schedule rates. The Flour
Milling Industry being centred mainly at the port towns, it is
proposed to review mainly the schedule rates as quoted on the
traffic from the ports, though the traffic from other important
centres will not be ignored. The schedule rates applicable for
traffic in flour from Karachi to upcountry consuming markets are
the same as those on wheat, the difference being only as to the
conditions of carriage, for whereas the wheat traffic is allowed the
C/B and C/K schedule rates at railway risk, Hour is permitted the
same at owner's risk, on wagon loads. Therefore, to avoid
repetition we shall pass on to rates on internal traffic. Rates from
some important centres work out as follows :

The Current Rates for Flour

1. Rates are applicable only on load wagons.

2. These rates are on wagon loads : 0. R. CJ340,

These rates when compared with the pre-war rates show the
extent of increase that has taken place. The incidence has doubt-
less increased considerably, especially on the
traffic which passes

over more than one Of course the rates that we have collected

are for the local traffic only, but from the higher incidence of rates

per maund per mile, which the traffic for lower distance has to
bear, we can safely draw the conclusion as stated above. The
pre-war rates were as follows :

Rates per Maund (in force in 1913)

Station from To Ludhiana To SialJcot To Rawlpindi
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
Ambala Cantonment 016 043 057
Patiala 015 043 057
Lyallpur 038 024 03 10
Shahadara 023 018 032
Bhatinda 01 11 037 052

On a comparative review of the two foregoing statements of

rates, emerge some very useful and interesting conclusions about
the rates policy. The rates have been increased considerably.
For instance, the rate from Bhatinda to Sialkot has been raised from
as 3-7 to as. 6-1 the rate from Lyallapur to Rawalpindi is raised

from as. 3-10 to as. 6-6. It will be seen that other rates have also
recorded a similar increase, the precise percentage varying with
the distance traversed. Rates have been nearly doubled, except
for longer distances. These rates may have had enough justification
in 1919, or 1921, the prices had raisen to the peak 1 levels, but
at present these rates place a very heavy tax upon the people,

and further reduce the purchasing power of the agricultural

population which has already fallen substantially. Doubtless,
the import duty on wheat has come as a substantial relief to the
agriculturists, but the reduction of railway rates on wheat and flour
would further help to relieve the distress.

It has been remarked, and not without justification, that after the
close of the war, Indian railways were permitted to raise their rates
much above the level warranted by the situation, with the result
that railways, like the industries receiving more than necessary

1. Vide, the Evidence of C. A. H. Townsend, Director of

Punjab, Fiscal Com.; Evidence Vol. I., P. 90.

fiscal protection, have become lessand their working


expenses have risen steadily, even though prices have been falling.
The raising of rates has had an undesirable protective effect so that
to-day the railways are unwilling to lower their rates and strongly
any claim made out for their reduction. This faulty measure,
with feverish haste, when rehabilitation had become a
mania with the belligerent countries, of whom India was one, has
plunged the entire railway system of the country into the whirl-
pool of inefficiency, of which rising working expenses and falling
revenue receipts are the symptoms. At the initial stages, these
higher rates did in fact temporarily swell up the receipts, as they
synchronised with the rise in prices, but the curtain of delusion
was soon With a turn in the business activity, the burden
of railway rateswas felt, and as the industrial depression gathered
Strength, the complaints from the trade and industries became
more frequent. But the railways stuck to the old rates, with the
result traffic dwindled and with it the receipts. This is the
vicious circle which makes the task of re-organising our railway
policy at once essential and more difficult.

The foregoing review of schedule rates on the N. W. R. gives

us an adequate idea of the incidence of railway rates charged and
the extent of increase effected since the war. Similarly, the other
railways have also raised their rates and are reluctant to reduce
them now, so as to suit the present level of prices, partly because
theirworking expenses, instead of falling, have maintained an
upward trend. This affects adversely alike the cultivator and the
miller, more so because in other countries the technique of pro-
duction has been revolutionised, and the cost of transport consider-
ably lowered. Therefore, the necessity of reduction in rates
cannot be too strongly emphasised.

We may conclude that the necessity of reducing the rates on

the transport of wheat and wheat-flour is very great. The problem
needs to be tackled immediately but not from the viewpoint of
port traffic alone. Port no doubt important, since port
traffic is

towns are by consumers of wheat, but the internal

far the largest
traffic is equally important, and therefore the railway rates policy

should be so regulated as to develop both kinds of traffic, and

not one at the expense of the other, as the railways have been
prone to do.


(i) The current railway on wheat in comparison with

those of the pre-war year are considerably higher, and the differ-
ence becomes still more glaring, when the relative level of prices
is taken into consideration.

(ii) The internal traffic has to bear a still higher freight,

because in calculating telescopic schedule rates on through traffic
railways do not take into account the total distance traversed by the
consignment the distance traversed on different railways
; is taken

(iii) Facilities for flour traffic are insufficient. Station-to-

be quoted on wheat from the more important
station rates should
wheat producing areas to the flour mills and on flour to the more

important consuming markets.

(iv) The aim of railway rates policy should be to provide

more efficient and economic transport facilities for internal as well
as port traffic :and both must receive an equal treatment at the
hands of railway administrations.

In chapter we shall study the organisation of paper

industry in India with special reference to railroad transport. We

shall divide this study into two parts. The first part will contain
a review of conditions before the grant of protection, and in the
second part the present condition of the industry will be analysed.
The study of railway rates as affecting the development of paper
industry in this country is instructive because railway rates play an
important part alike in production and marketing. Raw materials
like rags and grass are collected from distant centres with the
result that the cost of transport forms a substantial part of the
total cost. Again, the paper mills being largely localised in Bengal,
railroad transport plays a prominent part in marketing the finished

product. In view of these peculiar features of the industry, it

would be no exaggeration to say that railway freight charges
regulate the competitive capacity of the mills. It is significant to
note that the demand for paper in India is more varied and larger
than the productive capacity of the local mills, necessitating
heavy imports of foreign paper. These foreign imports moving
from ports to distant consuming markets have, likewise, to pay
substantial railway freight. The aggregate railway freight thus
paid by the local mills raises their cost of production and any

economy in this direction would be welcome to the parties con-

cerned. The internal competition of local mills has further helped
to raise the incidence of railway freights. To this must be added
the competition of imported paper moving from the nearest port to
the consuming centres. This is not all. The local mills compete
inter se in acquiring their supplies of raw materials, particularly
for articles like grass and rags, and in doing so pay higher railway
The importance of a flourishing paper industry in the life of a
nation need hardly be stressed. The necessity of a well-organised
paper industry is still greater in the case of a relatively backward
country like India which is passing through a period of transition*

Be noted that in every civilised country paper is an article of


regular consumption and a necessity of life. It would not be far

from truth to say that in modern times the consumption of paper
in a country, satisfying the varying needs of the society, indicates
the extent and growth of civilisation. Taking this as the criterion,
we find that India lags far behind other countries, her
of paper being only half a
pound per head of population per year,
whereas in even the most backward countries of Europe the
consumption is ten pounds per head. Rightly has Mr. Gladstone
remarked that the consumption of paper is the measure of a
people's culture. It is clear, therefore, that the Indian paper
industry has a bright future, if efficiently organised and properly
conducted. With the spread of education the demand for paper is
bound to increase, and in the steady growth of the reading and
writing public in India, we may trace a reasonable assurance
for the development of Indian paper industry.


The Titaghur Paper Mills Company was floated in 1882, and
commenced manufacture of paper with three machines in 1884.
The Kankinara Paper Mill, started by the Imperial Paper Mills
Company about the year 1894, was taken over by the Titaghur
Paper Mills Company in 1903. Since then both the mills, one at
Titaghur and the other at Kankinara, on the E. B. K., are worked
by the same Company. By 1915, the capacity of the mills had
increased to about 17 to 18 thousand tons of pulp, for internal
consumption, and about 20 thousand tons of paper every year.
The paper manufactured by the mills is of different varieties 1 and ,

the total output has fluctuated from year to year, except during the
war, when it steadily rose from about 17 thousand tons to about
23 thousand tons.
The industry far from making any progress has barely
maintained itself. This unfavourable position of the industry

1. The approximate percentage is white printings 60 per cent writings


20 per cent ; and Brown Badamis and News about 30 per cent.
These are, however, only general figures and hence subject to alteration
according to the demand of the market.
Vide T. B, Report on Paper Industry, Evidence Vol. I, p. 241.

2, Ibid,, p, 241.

is due abnormal conditions created by the War and the slump

to the
that followed thereafter. The output of paper increased during the
War, due to the exclusion of foreign competition and the protection
afforded thereby, but received a very serious setback just after
the protective influence of the war had disappeared. The sudden
fall in the output from 23 thousand tons to 19 thousand is due to

the competition of the imported paper, which began to pour in after

the treaty of Versailles was signed. The competition soon became
more serious and the output further declined to 15,750 tons in
1921-22. Needless to say, therefore, that foreign competition
operated to the detriment of the Indian paper mills.

Foreign competition became serious in the Indian market,

partly because certain varieties of paper were not manufactured at
all, especially the very superior and inferior varieties and of the

varieties of paper manufactured by the mills, primarily of medium

quality, the prices were relatively higher as compared with those of
the imported paper. Specialisation is a very important factor in
reducing the cost of manufacture, but the Indian mills have not
been able to realise it. 1
The primary raw materials which the Titaghur Mills use are
sabai grass, imported wood pulp, rags, and waste paper. When
worked to the full capacity, the mills would consume about 30,000
tons of sabai grass annually, about 6,000 tons of imported wood
pulp and 4,000 tons of rags and waste paper, the precise ratio of
each varying with the quality or the grade of paper manufactured.
Of the primary raw materials used by the mills, sabai grass has
been the most important indigenous raw material, and the supplies
aredrawn from Sahebgunj, Rewa, Nepal and U. P. in the propor-

1. "We are unable to manufacture a large variety in order to meet com-

petition offered by the importers, and owing to there being insufficient

number of mills in the country to admit of specialisation in qualities
and inter-dealing on British system while as a whole catering for
allkinds in demand, Specialisation tends to reduce cost of manufacture,
and this will, no doubt, be naturally evolved if the industry be
encouraged. The Indian manufacturer is certainly at a disadvantage
while conditions compel individual mills to manufacture so many
different kinds and the remedy can only come with the expansion of

the industry. Also the Government Departments require large number

of the different kinds," Tariff Board Report on Paper Industry, Vo. I,


Be it noted that in every civilised country paper is an article of

regular consumption and a necessity of life. It would not be far

from truth to say that in modern times the consumption of paper
in a country, satisfying the varying needs of the society, indicates
the extent and growth of civilisation. Taking this as the criterion,
we find that India lags far behind other countries, her consumption
of paper being only half a pound per head of population per year,
whereas in even the most backward countries of Europe the
consumption is ten pounds per head. Rightly has Mr. Gladstone
remarked that the consumption of paper is the measure of a
people's culture. It is clear, therefore, that the Indian paper

industry has a bright future, if efficiently organised and properly

conducted. With the spread of education the demand for paper is

bound to increase, and in the steady growth of the reading and

writing public in India, we may trace a reasonable assurance
for the development of Indian paper industry.


The Titaghur Paper Mills Company was floated in 1882, and
commenced manufacture of paper with three machines in 1884.
The Kankinara Paper Mill, started by the Imperial Paper Mills
Company about the year 1894, was taken over by the Titaghur
Paper Mills Company in 1903. Since then both the mills, one at
Titaghur and the other at Kankinara, on the E. B. K., are worked
by the same Company. By 1915, the capacity of the mills had
increased to about 17 to 18 thousand tons of pulp, for internal
consumption, and about 20 thousand tons of paper every year.
The paper manufactured by the mills is of different varieties 1 and ,

the total output has fluctuated from year to year, except during the
war, when it steadily rose from about 17 thousand tons to about
23 thousand tons.
The industry far from making any progress has barely
maintained itself. This unfavourable position of the industry

1. The approximate percentage is white printings 50 per cent writings


20 per cent and Brown Badamis and News about 30 per cent.

These are, however, only general figures and hence subject to alteration
according to the demand of the market.
Vide T. B, Report on Paper Industry, Evidence Vol. I, p. 241,
2, Ibid,, p, 241.

is due abnormal conditions created by the War and the slump

to the
that followed thereafter. The output of paper increased during the
War, due to the exclusion of foreign competition and the protection
afforded thereby, but received a very serious setback just after
the protective influence of the war had disappeared. The sudden
fall in the output from 23 thousand tons to 19 thousand is due to

the competition of the imported paper, which began to pour in after

the treaty of Versailles was signed. The competition soon became
more serious and the output further declined to 15,750 tons in
1921-22. Needless to say, therefore, that foreign competition
operated to the detriment of the Indian paper mills.

Foreign competition became serious in the Indian market,

partly because certain varieties of paper were not manufactured at
all, especially the very superior and inferior varieties and of the

varieties of paper manufactured by the mills, primarily of medium

quality, the prices were relatively higher as compared with those of
the imported paper. Specialisation is a very important factor in
reducing the cost of manufacture, but the Indian mills have not
been able to realise it. 1
The primary raw materials which the Titaghur Mills use are
sabai grass, imported wood pulp, rags, and waste paper. When
worked to the full capacity, the mills would consume about 30,000
tons of sabai grass annually, about 6,000 tons of imported wood
pulp and 4,000 tons of rags and waste paper, the precise ratio of
each varying with the quality or the grade of paper manufactured.
Of the primary raw materials used by the mills, sabai grass has
been the most important indigenous raw material, and the supplies
are drawn from Sahebgunj, Rewa, Nepal and U. P. in the propor-

1. "We are unable to manufacture a large variety in order to meet com-

petition offered by the importers, and owing to there being insufficient

number of mills in the country to admit of specialisation in qualities
and inter-dealing on British system while as a whole catering for
all kinds in demand. Specialisation tends to reduce cost of manufacture,
and this will, no doubt, be naturally evolved if the industry be

encouraged. The Indian manufacturer iscertainly at a disadvantage

while conditions compel individual mills to manufacture so many

different kindsand the remedy can only come with the expansion of
the industry. Also the Government Departments require large number
of the different kinds," Tariff Board Report on Paper Industry, Vo. I,


tions given below 1 :

Area Approximate Supply Field Area Mileage to Mills

(Lacs of Maunds) (Miles)
Western Circle 2 20 900
Nepal 3 30 550
Sahebgunj 4 18 212
Thesupplies of grass are cut and collected tinder contract, and
transported from the fields to the factory with the help of camels
and bullock carts. The freight by road from field to the des-
patching station is Rs. 15-4-0 per ton, and from the despatching
station to the mill on rail the freight comes to about Rs. 13-8-0 per
ton. Besides, a fixed amount of royalty has to be paid irrespective
of the quantity of grass raised from the Western and Eastern
Circles and Nepal. The
royalty of the Sahebgunj area is paid by
the contractor who works the fields and supplies grass to the
mills. In view of the reduced consumption of grass, the royalty
which was a formed a very substantial part of the
fixed amount,
total costs incurred
by but with the working of the
the mills ,

mills to full capacity the incidence of royalty was expected to be

reduced considerably Of the other primary raw materials, rags

and waste paper were collected from the important centres within
the country and the wood pulp was imported.
The auxiliary raw materials used by the mills and their
approximate annual consumption was as under :

Materials Quantity Materials Quantity

cwts. cwts.
Acid 1,032 China Clay 53,994
Alkali 65,285 Lime 96,334
Alum 27,425 Salt 37,590
Rosin 8,211 Dyes 452

1. Ibid, p. 243.
2. Ibid, p. 243.
3. The royalty is paid on the following scale :

Rupees per annum

Western Circle ... 1,77,5CO Govt. royalty and Salami
Nepal ... 80,000 Nepal Durbar
Eastern Circle ... 10,251 To Government
Ibid, p. 243.
4. For the season 1922-23, the incidence of royalty was :

Western Circle 2,463 tons (i full-working) Rs. 63-15. per ton.

Nepal 4,255 toi s (i full-working) Rs. 20-7-6. per ton.
Sahebgunj 7,637 tons (| full-working) Rs. 3-6-0. per ton.
6. The incidence with full capacity :

Western Circle Re 14-3-1 ; (per ton). Nepal Rs, 8-0-0. per ton.
6, Ibid. p. 246.

Most of these materials were also purchased locally.

Coal of different grades was purchased from the Bihar and

Orissa coal-fields, the actual price charged varyingfrom Rs. 10
to Rs. 14 per ton, according to quality f. o. r. mills. In this case
the railway freight was about Rs. 4 per ton.


The Bengal Paper Mill Company's factory, situated at Ranigunj,
started working in 1891, and manufactures paper of different
varieties Printing, Writings, Blottings, Unbleached and coloured,

Badamis, Browns etc., and the aggregate annual output varied

from about 5,280 tons in 1909 to about 6,565 tons in 1923. In

other words, the output of the mill has been fairly steady,
notwithstanding the abnormal conditions created by the Great War,
which affected the output of the Titaghur Mills appreciably. The
mills have felt the necessity of specialisation in production, but,
have not been able to put it into force due to the nature of the
demand .

The primary raw materials used by the mills are grass, jute,
rags, hemp, waste paper and imported pulp. Of these raw
1. Ibid. p. 247.
2. The average proportion of the different varieties was as follows :

Per cent. Per cent.

Printing 34*77 Writings 381

Unbleached 27*06 Blottings 0-20
Badamis 18*38 Antiques 019
Browns 10-46 Colours 0*17
Azures 4-96
Vide Evidence Vol. I. p. 114.
3. Of. In order to meet the requirements of various users, particularly
Government, it is necessary to make above classes of paper, although
it is highly desirable to make as few kinds as possible. The objection
to several varieties is increased cost of production and decreased outturn.
Although from import returns, figures indicate the possibility of
mills restricting their varieties of paper, in practice, it is found that
all big paper dealers in indigenous papers require various kinds."
Ibid. p. 114.
4. The average quantity of the various raw materials used by the mills
has been as follows :

Grass ... ... 6,500 Tons.

Pulp ... ... 2,500
Bags, Jute etc ... 1,250
Waate Papers ... 1,051
Vide Supra.

materials, grass and wood pulp are by far the most important and
constitute about 75 per cent, of the total supply of raw materials
required. So far as wood pulp is concerned, railway rates are not
important, because imported from foreign
it is countries, and rail

transport is necessary only from Howrah to the site of the mills, a

distance of about 123 miles. In the case of other raw materials
railway rates are more important, because they are collected from
more important centres within the country and carried by railways
over longer distances. Grass is collected from Chota Nagpur and
the United Provinces. The Nagpur area includes Singbhum and
Porahat, Bonai, Gangpur, Nagra, and Kali-Hati. The actual quanti-
ties of grass collected from all the areas in a pre-war and a post-

war year are given in a table submitted below so as to show the

relative importance of different areas :

1013-14 1922-28 1923-24

Maunds Maunds Maunds
Nagpur 99,286 99,400 81,670
Ramnagar not worked 82,637 50,165
Landsdowne ,, 46,555 Nil
Sahebgimj 50,293 19,851
Nepalgunj 59,686 29,277
Pirpainti 4,506 Nil
Bariarpur 9,300

The auxiliary raw materials are partly imported and partly

collected from the internal centres of production. Many of the
auxiliary raw materials are manufactured within the country, and
with the improvement in the efficiency of local factories the
demand of the mills will be met more fully from local materials.
Of these articles,dyes are likely to be imported for some time to
come in future, while the manufacture of other articles is being
increasingly improved. The supplies of coal are available in the
vicinity of the mills, and therefore railway freight is a negligible


The mill is situated on the bank of the river Hooghly at
Hazinagar near Naihati, on the Eastern Bengal Railway, about
30 miles from Calcutta. This is the first Indian Paper. Mill which
endeavoured to manufacture paper from bamboo, and succeeded
after spending very large amounts on experimental work for nearly

1. Ibid, p. 134.

three years. The mill commenced working in April 1922, with a

capacity for 200 tons of paper per month, and its output during
1923 and 1924 was 1793 and 2,435 tons respectively. The paper
turned out is of different varieties white printings and writings,

blotting,unbleached and toned printings (Superior Badami) antique

laids and antique woves, azur laid and coloured printings. 1

Bamboo is the primary raw material used by the mills, and

the supplies are drawn mainly from the Chittagong Hill Tracts,
at a distance of about 470 miles. The bamboos are cut on the
contract basis, and thereafter floated down in rafts to the Com-
pany's crushing and bailing plant at Jaitpura, which is about 14
miles upstream off Chittagong on the Karanfuli River. After
crushing and bailing, the bales are transported by boats to the
Chittagong Jetties, whence they follow the usual combined route
to the mill at Naihati. The distance covered by rafting is 119
miles, by boating and steamer 134 miles and by rail 217 miles.
The average cost per ton of bamboo delivered at the mills is Rs. 50,
which would be substantially reduced after the expansion of the
plant. The cost of reserve bamboo, it is added, varies according to
the quantity extracted which may increase or reduce overhead
charges. Moreover, the development of the reserve in order to
work up to the quantity required necessitates abnornal expendituret
which would not give a fair idea for criticism or comparison.
Although there is a plenty of bamboo available, the organisation of
collection on a large scale can only be done at a great cost to the
pioneer. It is clear, therefore, that the mills have to incur

relatively higher costs, because it is a pioneer in the field of paper

manufacture from bamboo, and that these costs do not convey to
us a fair idea of the cost in future.

1 . The average proportion of each variety is given below :

Per cent.
White Printings ... . 38-14
"Writings 24-64
Blottinga 1.92
Unbleached, etc. 772
Antiques 5-27
Azure Laid 0.28
Coloured 0.47
Badami, etc. 21-46
Ibid, p. 468.
2. Ibid, pp, 469-70.


The raw materials used are Sulphur, Magnesia,

chief auxiliary

Bleaching Powder, Kosin, Alum, China Clay, Dyes, Wires, 1st

Press Felts, Jacket Conch, Dryer Felts, and Stores. Some of these
materials are purchased in India while others are imported from
abroad. Magnesium bisulphate is manufactured in the mill itself
from sulphur and magnesia. Railway freight on these articles to
the mills not a substantial item in the cost of production.
is Coal
is brought by rail from the Bengal coalfields at a distance of
150 miles.


The Upper India Couper Paper Mills Company was registered
in 1879 the works, situated in Lucknow on the left bank of the

river Gomti, commenced work in 1882. The different grades of

paper made are White Printings, Cream-Laids, Government Water-
'marked Paper, Azure Laid, Cream Wove, Badamis, Browns,
Unbleached Printings, Coloured Papers, Antiques, White Cartridge
and Manilla, etc. Of the total production about 50 per cent are

Badamis and Brown, about 30 per cent whites, and 20 per cent
The primary raw
materials used by the mills are rags, hemp,
and waste paper. According to the present rate of
jute, sabai grass
output the average annual consumption of different raw materials
is sabai grass 1,125 tons, rags 1,110 tons ; hemp 637 tons, jute 555
tons, and waste paper about 210 tons. These primary raw materials
are drawn from the United Provinces, the Punjab, Rajputana, the
Central Provinces, the Nepal Gunj Forests, the Kheri Forests, and
the Dehra Dun Forests, the distance to be traversed varying from
10 500 miles. Contractors are employed to collect the raw

materials, and they deliver them to the mills at Badshahnagar

Railway Station. The average cost per ton delivered at the mills
is given below :

1. Ibid, p. 472.
2. Ibid, pp. 34-35.
3. Ibid. p. 36.

The raw materials are mostly imported from

England some of them like lime and rosin are purchased from

Katni, Murwara and Bhawli respectively. Coal is imported from

Bengal as well as from the Pench Valley in C. P., according to the
quality required. Freight on coal is an important item because the
distance is great.


The Deccan Paper Mills Company was formed in 1885 and the
Mill, which is situated at Mundhwa adjoining the Hadapsar Railway
Station, about 5 miles from Poona, commenced manufacture by the
end of 1887, having a capacity of about 1,700 tons per year. The
Mill manufactures various kinds of paper such as ledge and azure
laid, superior and ordinary white writings, and printings, coloured
papers, badami printings, white and brown cartridge, and
wrappings. Of the total output the percentage of different grades
in the pre-war period was azure laid, writing wove, and cream

laid 51 per cent ; white printing 31 per cent; coloured printing 4

per cent ; white cartridge and badami 3 per cent; brown 11 per cent.
Since 1914 the proportion has been : azure laid and cream laid 15

per cent; white printing 34 per cent; badami printing 39 per cent;
coloured printing 2 per cent; brown 10 per cent. Thus, there has
been a remarkable change in the production of the different grades
of paper. The change is obviously due to the nature of the demand
and the foreign competition. Badamis are seemingly more in
demand and therefore the output has been raised from 3 per cent,
to 39 per cent. But the most important fact to be noted in this case
is that the progress of the mill has not been steady and its aggregate

output has fluctuated considerably from year to year.

The output
of the mills went on steadily increasing in the pre-war years, with
the exception of the year 1911-12, but since 1914-15 the manu-
facture received a serious setback and has continually declined, so
much so that the mill ceased to work in March 1924. After some
time the mill was re-opened and the manufacture commenced as
will be seen at a later stage. The Company reiterated the argument
advanced by the other paper mills that one of the serious disadvantages
under which they worked is the lack of specialisation in production

1. Vide, Report of the Tariff Board, 1925, p. 3,

which paper turned out.
raises the cost of This is the standing
grievance of all the Indian paper mills, and can only be remedied
with the increase in the output of the individual mills and the
establishment of new ones.

The primary raw materials used by the mills are rags, imported
pulp, gunny, hemp, old ropes and waste paper the precise ;

proportion of each varies according to the total output and the

quality of the paper manufactured. Rags, after sorting, dusting
and cutting, yield on an average GO per cent, of bleached paper.
On the average, therefore, one ton of rags produces about half a ton
of white paper. The collection of raw materials is entrusted to the
contractors. It may be noted that rags are collected from important
centres in the Bombay Presidency, but a large share is contributed
by Bombay City proper. Of the auxiliary raw materials, Rosin,
French chalk and Ochres are purchased within the country, while
caustic, bleach, alumina sulphate, and China clay are imported
from abroad. Coal is obtained from the Central Provinces and
Bengal. In the pre-war period only Bengal coal was used, and as
in 1913-14 the pits mouth cost of coal was about Rs. 6 per ton,
railway freight amounted to Rs. 11-1-0, Since the War both
C. P. and Bengal coal is used, the former costs about Rs. 13-0-0

per ton at pitsmouth, plus Rs. 9-7-0 per ton as railway freight
and thelatter costs Rs. 11-8-0 per ton pitsmouth, plus Rs. 16-13-0 as
railway rates.

These are the most important paper mills which we need

discuss here, because even though there are some other minor mills,
like those at Bombay and Rajahmundri, the general conclusions
will be equally applicable to them. Besides, the information

1. Cf. "We manufacture a larger variety of paper than a single

manufacturer in Western countries commonly does because the
prevailing conditions do not lend themselves to the economic
manufacture of a standard grade of news printings, and the market for
the better grades demands a large amount of ppecialisation. In having
tomake different grades and we are at a disadvantage in as-
much as the constant change over from one quality to another entails a
certain loss of materials, restricts production, involves a large percentage
of Broke and Retree ', and the product cannot be expected to come up
quite to the standard of those who have specialised in their own
particular line."
T. B. Report on Paper Industry. Evidence Vol. I, p. 661.

2, Ibid. p. 665,

available about the organisation of these minor mills is very



It is clear from the foregoing study that the Indian mills have
to carry their raw materials over long distances and that in most
cases railway transport is the only means of conveyance available.
We have pointed out at an earlier stage that the cost of railroad
transport higher than that of water transport, which imposes a

still more serious burden on the Indian paper mills as compared

with their rivals in the Western countries. In view of these
two-fold difficulties, it is necessary to examine in detail the
position of the raw materials, with special reference to transport

The mill should be located within a reasonable distance of the

raw materials lest the cost of transport should become uneconomic.
We propose to examine the location of the more important mills
and the sources of their raw materials in the light of this criterion.
Let us start with the Titaghur Mills. Sabai grass, which is the most
important raw material, is drawn from the Western Circle area and
Sahebgunj. The distance from the Western Circle area to the mills
is about 900 miles and from Sahebgunj about 200 miles, which

clearly brings out that the former area more costly, since the

railway freight is more than treble than that from the Sahebgunj
area. The variations in railway freight paid by the mills can be
seen from the statement given below :

Early Late
Areas 1913-14 1920 1022 1924 1924
Western Circle ... Nil 8 1 10 11 9 11 8 1

Nepal ... 5 10 085

10 1 11 10 7
Ramjeedas(B.N.R. 024 037 034 038 028

It can-hardly be doubted that the Western Circle areas are very

costly because railway freight is high, in view of the longer

1. Notwithstanding frequent enquiries from the Agents of these minor

millswe could get no information at all.
2. Vide, Ibid, p. 307.
3. In the beginning of the year 1924 rates were higher but they were
subsequently reduced.

distance. The mill authorities themselves have realised this fact

because they say that these areas "have proved expensive holdings
but with full working, we hope to get grass at economic
tip to date,
rates. These areas will not be worked at their cheapest until a pulp
mill is erected near the grass fields andthe freight on the
raw materials saved ..." Thus, it was realised that the transport
of grass from Western Circle areas was not commercially profit-
able, and as the mills, depended for their supplies of raw materials
on these no great expansion in the output would be possible
in future. These areas were acquired by the Company in 1920 ,

and a royalty of about Rs. 1,77,500 per year has to be paid for the
same. It seems that the Company acquired this area, because
during the War production had received a marked stimulus, and
therefore competition among the mills for Sabai grass, which was
thp most important raw material known then, increased. Besides,
the price of imported pulp had risen considerably. The radius
was therefore enlarged to have an adequate supply of raw mate-
rials assured. The mills had increased their consumption of grass
from 17,283 tons in 1914 to 21,400 tons in 1923-24 and that of
wood pulp had actually declined from 6,952 tons to 3,964 tons
during the same period. Sabai grass was being increasingly
utilised and therefore the mills had to get their supplies from
Western Circle areas. That was, however, an abnormal period.
The continuance of the same cost can have little justification
to-day, with the return to more stable economic conditions, and
much less so in future. Above all, it may be said that the mills
drawing the supplies of their raw materials from such distant areas

1. For manufacturing 10,000 tons of wood pulp about 24,000 tons of

grass is necessary as submitted by Sir W. Carey and would be collected
as follows :


Saharanpur Division ... 13,000

Landsdowne Division ... 5,500
Kalagarh Division ... 3,500
Ramnagar Division ... 2,000

Total ... 24,000

Ibid, p. 333.
2. Ibid, p. 244.
3. Ibid, p. 330.
4. Ibid, p. 320.

have no future. There are, however, other grass fields, besides the
Western Circle areas, which are nearer the mills, and the output
extracted from them is as follows:

Maunds per year.

1. Sahebgunj ... ... ... 450,000
2. Nepal ... ... ... 460,000
3. Eastern Circle of Gonda and Bahraich ... 80,000
4. Ramnagar and Beltiah Forest ... 70,000
5. Rewa ... ... ... 35,000
6. Hazaribagh ... ... ... 15,000

Of the above forests, excepting Sahebgunj and Nepal, the

other areas had not been worked to their full capacity, because
the requirements of the mills did not permit further exploitation.
But one feels that if the mills had in these fields potentialities
claimed by the contractor, they would not have gone in quest of
grass to a distance of 900 miles and paid heavy royalty. Rightly
Professor Kale remarked, "Taken by itself, the supply may be
unlimited, but as an economic proposition, supply means supply
you are able to bring down
at a particular price, so that, unless
the cost of raw material a great deal, you cannot say that the
supply of the raw material is unlimited". In short, Sabai grass
can be economically utilised by the mills only to a limited extent
and that the future development of the industry cannot be based
on this raw material.
Sabai grass is likewise the most important raw material of
the Bengal Paper Mills Company, its annual consumption being
6,500 tons, as against about 2,500 tons of wood pulp, and a similar
amount of rags, jute and waste paper. Eamnagar field, which
supplies a very substantial proportion of grass required by the
mills, is at a distance of about 700 miles and railway freight comes
to about Rs. 13-13-1 per ton, as against Rs. 9-0-0 per ton from
It is indeed doubtful to say that an industry
Nagpur fields .

which gets its raw materials from a distance of 700 miles on

railroads has any advantage and would in future be able to

develop. Besides, in this particular case, with the development

of different mills, the demand for Sabai grass would increase,and
as the supplies are not available nearer at hand, the radius from

1. Ibid, p. 337-38.

2. Ibid, p. 134.

which this raw material would be drawn is also bound to expand.

The increase in demand, without a, pari passu increase in supply, is

sure to intensify the internal competition of the mills, and there-
by give rise to further complications. A similar situation, but on
a smaller scale, arose during the War, and the mills extended
their radius with the result that internal competition increased.
From what has been adverted to above, and from the evidence
tendered by Mr. Carr on behalf of the Bengal Paper Mills Company,
it does not geem to be fully established that an adequate supply
of Sabai grass would be forthcoming at a reasonable price, if the
output of the millsis increased. It is doubtful whether the cost of

this primary raw material would not go up, even if the manufac-
ture was confined to its present limits. In short, the quantity of
Sabai grass that can be made commercially available is restricted.
The Upper India Couper Mills use Sabai grass and rags in
almost equal quantities in addition to jute, hemp and waste paper.
Rags and the raw materials other than Sabai grass are collected from
the more important towns like Cawnpore, Hathras, Muttra, Aligarh,
Delhi, Meerut, Ambala, Khurja, Muzaffarnagar, Bulandshahar,
Ferozabad, Ghaziabad, Benares, Allahabad, etc. These materials
are collected by the agents. But the supply of rags and hemp,
even though cheaper than grass, cannot be relied upon since the
sources are scattered over a very wide area. Mr. Nabi-Ulla was
right in saying that the supply was precarious. Therefore, the
future expansion of the mill cannot be based on rags and hemp
as the primary raw materials, although they will continue to

aid production.

Sabai grass is drawn from the Forests of Nepalgunj, Kheri,

and Dehra Dun. The Nepalgunj and Kheri Forests are about
200 miles from Lucknow, while the Sahebgunj Forests about 400
miles. It will, therefore, be seen that the Nepalgunj and Kheri
Forests are nearer and more profitable to work. In fact, the mills
for long drew their supplies only from the Nepalgunj forests, but
the internal competition which grew up later drove them out of
that forest, and they had per force to fall back on the Kheri and
Dehru Dun Forests. We have already pointed out while
the organisation of the Bengal Mills and the sources of their raw
materials, that, with the increase in their output during the war

1. Ibid, p. 83~

and the rise in the price of wood

pulp, the mills extended their
radius of supply, and went as far as Western Circle areas at a
distance of 900 miles, and paid large sums as royalty to keep up
an adequate supply of raw materials assured to them. These
distant regions are proving uneconomic holdings to the Bengal
mills. Besides, as the mills are going on working further into
the fields, the cost of transport is rising and has its obvious
reflex effects on the total cost. At the initial stages the mills got
the necessary supply just at the bottom of the hill, but now they
have go higher and higher and the cost of transport is therefore

rising. In short, the supply of grass and the railway freight

thereon does not augur well for the future of the mill it cannot ;

be a sound basis of future expansion. This is the condition of

mills using sabai grass as the primary raw material.
The Indian Paper Pulp Company, per contra, utilises bamboo
as its primary raw material. It has already been pointed out that

the progress of this mill is being anxiously watched because

bamboo, according to the expert opinion on the subject, is a
more economic and reliable raw material for the manufacture of
paper. Therefore, it is interesting as well as instructive to have an
analysis of bamboo supplies with special reference to transport
costs. It will be recalled that the Campany has a lease of a large

bamboo area in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, at a distance of about

470 miles from the site of the mill, from which it draws the
bamboo from year to year. The capacity of
requisite tonnage of
the mill 200 tons a month, or 2,400 tons a year, and taking

approximately 2| tons of bamboo as requisite for one ton of

unbleached pulp, we find that in all about 5,400 tons of bamboo
would be required. As regards the cost per ton of bamboo
delivered at the mills, figures submitted by Mr. Muir, the Managing
Director, may be noted :

The Cost per ton of Bamboo during 192S-24*

Cutting ... ... .. 15
Rafting to Jaitpura 280
Crushing and Despatch 900
Boating to Jetty 284
Landing Charges 240
Railway Freight to Naihati 870
Siding Charge 1 9

Total ... 39 13 1

1. Ibid, p. 499,

In addition to the foregoing, other expenses of about

Rs. 15-11-0 are incurred , so that the total costs amount to about
Rs. 55-8-0 per ton.


The Tariff Board pointed out that the cost of sabai grass under
favourable circumstances might range from Rs. 50 to Rs. 55 a ton,
and in unfavourable seasons would be higher. Paper manufactur-
ed from such a costly raw material cannot compete with the
imported paper, because the better part of the Indian demand is
for cheap paper. Paper made from grass, therefore, starts the race
under an initial handicap and a very serious one. a As adverted
to above, this high cost of sabai grass is due to the internal com-
petition the mills were scrambling for grass, and the demand

had outrun the economic radius from which grass could be

collected. When an Indian paper maker, in order to assure
himself of adequate supplies of grass, has to resort to fields from
500 miles to 900 miles away from the factory, thereby adding
Rs. 25 a ton to the cost of paper on account of railway freight,
and still view of the intense internal competition, he is
more in

willing to incur large expense by way of royalty and rent which

adds another Rs. 25 a ton to the cost of paper, it cannot be said
that an adequate supply at economic price is available. In fact,
the paper mills in India which use sabai grass are at a disadvantage
in competition with the imported paper. Thus, even though India

possesses supplies of sabai grass in plenty, they cannot be counted

as a natural advantage. As Prof. Kale says, It is not abundance in
general that is of importance, it is abundance in a given place and
in relation to other factors that counts."

The utilisation of bamboo as a raw material for the manu-

facture of paper in India augurs well for the future of the
industry. In fact, if it were not for the discovery of bamboo as

a material for paper making, the Indian paper industry would have
been relegated to an insignificant position. Thanks to the labours
of Messrs. Sindall and Raitt, Indian has become a pioneer in a most
important branch of paper making. Though, paper made from

1. Vide, Tariff Board Report, Para 66.

2. Ibid, Para 102.
3. Vide, Economics of Protection in India," P. 66.

bamboo is not so strong as that made from sabai grass, still it is as

Strong as, and possibly stronger than the paper made from wood
pnlp. There is another consideration in favour of bamboo as
against wood Bamboo has an advantage over wood in
or grass.
the fact that the growth of trees is slow, and therefore there is no
assurance of continuous supply, whereas bamboo can be reproduced
almost every year. Bamboo has superiority over grass in the fact
that very difficult to separate impurities from grass, which might
it is

creep into the finished paper, whereas there is no such fear in the
case of bamboo. In view of this, bamboo is expected to prove a
cheaper raw material for paper manufacture than sabai grass. The
present cost of bamboo, which is slightly above Rs. 55 a ton is
expected to fall substantially in future with a better and fuller
working of the mill. The
Board found that as the annual
extraction of bamboo from the Kasalong reserve was comparatively
small the cost of extraction was high. Even so the cost delivered
at Naihati in 1923-24: was lower by about Rs. 5 a ton than the averge
cost of grass delivered at either the Ranigunj or the Titaghur mills
in that year. Therefore, the Board held that given time and
perseverance, the Company will succeed in bringing down the
cost substantially. Thus, bamboo offers good prospects for future
development, and there is good ground for hoping that the paper
industry based on bamboo will ultimately be able to do away with


With the grant of protection, the Indian paper industry has

entered on an entirely new phase. The most striking feature
of the industry during this period has been the steady progress of
the paper mills and the increase in the consumption of paper. Of
course there has been no material change in the number of the

mills, but their capacity as well as the actual output has increased
appreciably. There has been no change in the equipment of the
factories of the Titaghur Mills Company and the Bengal Paper
Mills Company, in as much as they still have four machines each,
as they had in 1925, although there have been some minor changes
in the technique. Similarly, the Upper India Couper Paper Mills
Company has continued its operations with two machines without

1, Vide, Tariff Board Report, 1925, Para. 37,


making any fresh additions. The Indian Paper Pulp Company's

mill at Naihati and the Deccan Paper Mills Company's mill at
Poona have now added one machine each. There are other minor
mills but information about them is not available. The Tariff Board
in 1925, estimated the capacity of five important mills with 16
machines to be 33,000 tons a year and according to the estimate of

the second report in 1931, which is the latest available, the capacity
has risen to 45,000 tons a year an increase of about 12,600 tons, due

mainly to the installation of additional machines at Naihati and

Poona and to the starting of a new mill at Rajahmundry. The
details of the inrease in the output of the more important mills, as
given by the Tariff Board, are very interesting. The production of
printing and writing paper has increased steadily and substantially.
The increase in the output of badami paper has barely maintained
itself. The Titaghur Paper Mills Company specialise in the pro-
duction of printing and writing paper, and badami paper is
manufactured only to a limited extent. They have practically
ceased the production of wrappers. The Bengal Paper Mill
Company specialise in the manufacture of printing, paper and the
other varieties are only subsidiary. It may, however, be noted
that the Bengal Paper Mills lead the other mills in the output of
wrappers, because thereby they are better able to utilise their
raw materials and waste is eliminated. They have an elaborate
system of strainers and filters which enables them to collect all the
refuse which is packed with the grass as it arrives at the mill, and
this material, which would otherwise be thrown out as waste, is
utilised for the manufacture of wrappers. The Indian Paper Pulp
Company produces primarily printing and writing paper and
the Upper India Couper Mills concentrate on printing and badami.
Thus, there has been a substantial increase in the output of
the mills.
In the meantime, the demand for paper has also increased
considerably. Of this increase in demand, the Indian Paper Mills
have been able to capture only a part, with the result that the
imports of paper have kept up a steady upward trend.
We shall now discuss the present position of rates on different
raw materials, and thereafter review the freight on paper, both

1. Vide, T, B. Report 1931, Para 10.

2. Ibid, Para, 11.

imported and local manufactures, so as to have a more compre-

hensive study of the present position of railway transport charges
as affecting the paper industry.


1. Grass
Grass is classified as 1st. class railway risk in the General
Classification of Goods . But special schedule rates, lower than
the class rates, are quoted at owner's risk on different railways.
The Assam Bengal Railway quotes C/Q schedule rate at 0. R. on
wagon loads (W/100), the basis of charge being as follows :

Pie per maund

per mile.
1 to 100 miles ... ... 0*200
Plus 101 to 200 ... ... 0*170
201 to 600 ... ... 0*140
Above 600 ... ... 0*100

The Bengal and North Western Railway charges C/D schedule

rate, at 0. R. in wagon loads (W/100), on a uniform basis of
0*250 pie per maund per mile. The Eastern Bengal Railway has
a similar basis of charge. The B. N. Railway charges BN/Z
schedule, at 0, R. at wagon loads (WR/300), subject to a minimum
charge of Rs. 30 per wagon. According to the BN/Z schedule
for the first and up to 250 miles the charge is levied at the rate of
Re. 0-4-0 per four-wheeled wagon per mile, and Re. 0-3-0 for
extra distances above 250 miles, to be added to the charge of 250
miles. The E. I. Railway quotes C/L schedule rate, at 0, R, on
wagon loads (W/150), with the basis of charge given below:

Pie per maund

per mile.
1 to 100 miles ... ... 0*380
Plus 101 to 300 ... ... 0-220
301 to 600 ,, 0*130
Above 600 ... ... 0*110

On the N. W. Railway, when grass is carried at 0. R. in wagon

loads, L/T, L/V, and L/W schedule rates are charged, according to

I. Vide, Indian Railways General Classification of Goods, P. 341.


the conditions of carriage. According to L/T Schedule the basis

may be conveniently tabulated as follows :
Per 4-wheeled wagon
per mile.
Rs. a. p.
1 to 100 miles ... ... 036
Plus 101 to 200 ... ... 029
Above 200 ... ... 020
The basis of L/V schedule is as follows :

Per ^-wheeled wagon

per mile.

Us. a. p.
1 to 100 miles ... ... 043
Plus 101 to 200 ... ... 033
Above 200 ... ... 026
The L/W schedule has a slightly higher basis of charge.
Per 4'Wheeled wagon
per mile.
Rs. as. p.
1 to 100 miles ... ... 060
Plus 101 to 200 ... ... 040
Above 200 ... ... 030
The R. & K. Railway charges C/B schedule rate, at 0. R. on
wagon loads (W/120), on a uniform basis of 0'333 pie per maund
per mile.

2. Rags
Next to grass another important raw material used by the
Indian paper mills is rags which we shall presently study. Rags are
classified as 1st. class railway risk in the General Classification of
Goods. Some railways, however, quote lower rates when the
traffic is booked at owner's risk in wagon loads. The B. B, & 0. 1.
Railway quotes C/B and C/J schedule rates when traffic is booked
in wagon loads (W/200 B. G., W/120 M. G., or N. G.) at 0. R., the
former schedule rate being applicable in case the traffic is carried
for distances less than 300 milea and the latter for distances of
300 miles and over. The C/B schedule has a uniform basis of
charge of 0-333 pie per maund per mile. The basis of C/J

schedule is tabulated below :

Pie per maund

per mile
1 to 150 miles 0-380
Plus 151 to 250 0-333
250 to 500 0*200
501 to 700 0*130
Above 700 0-100
Here it should be pointed out that as the C/J schedule is

applicable only to distances of 300 miles and over, the rates for
distances of less than 300 miles as contained in this schedule do not

apply. The B. B. & C. I. Railway authorities have, therefore,

prepared a separate table of these two schedules known as

C/B/CJ schedule. The B. N. Railway quotes C/R schedule rate

with the basis of charge as follows :

Pie per maund

per mile.
1 150 miles
to ... ... 0*140
Plus Above 150 ... ... 0-110

The E. Railway quoted the same C/R schedule rate. The


G. I. P. Railway quotes C/0 schedule rate the basis of charge ;

is given below :

Pie per maund

per mile.
} to 75 miles ... ... 0.300
Plus 76 to 400 ... ... 0*170
Above 400 ... ... 0-100

The N. W. Railway quotes C/L schedule rate, having the following

basis of charge :

Pie per maund ptr milt

1 to 100 miles ... ... ... 0'380
plus 101 to 300 0-220
301 to 600 0-130
Above 600 0-110

Grass and rags are the two most important raw materials
by the paper mills. Imported pulp is also largely
largely utilised
used by the mills, and this tendency has received a stimulus since
the last few years, due to a fall in the price of pulp. Wood pulp is

classed as first class railway risk in the General Classification of

Goods, without any exceptions on the different railways. Bamboo
is also utilised, but railway transport is not so important in this case,

because water transport is largely used. Besides, as adverted to

above, the railways concerned have quoted special station-to-station
rates to the mills whenever requested. Further, bamboo traffic for

paper mills important only on some railways, and therefore it is


needless to recount the basis of rates quoted on all the more

important railways here. This finishes our review of the basis of
rates quoted by the different railways on the raw materials used by
the paper mills. We shall now proceed to examine the actual rates
paid by the different mills on the raw materials they use.


Before we proceed to analyse the actual rates paid by the
different mills on their raw materials, it is necessary to know their
relative importance from the standpoint of quantitative
consumption. The utilisation of bamboo as a raw material for the
manufacture of paper, which was almost insignificant in 1924-25,
has steadily increased under the stimulus of protection. The
Titaghur Paper Mills Company manufactured about 1,841 tons of
paper in 1930-31 from bamboo. By now the consumption must
have increased still more. The consumption of grass has remained
steady between 1924-25 and 1930-31, and from the trend of
production it is clear that grass offers little prospect for expansion.
The consumption of other raw materials, like rags, hemp, etc., has
alsoremained almost steady. The use of wood pulp is increasing
due and its exemption from duty, as the
to a steep fall in price,
Board has pointed out. This, in short, is the situation as to the
raw materials consumed by the Titaghur Company's Mills.
The E. I. R. quotes special rates on grass traffic coming to the

Titaghur and Kankinara Paper Mills. We give below the special

station-to-station rates on grass '(dry) quoted by the E. I. R. to
Naihati, for traffic to the aforesaid mills :

1. The imposition of protective duty on paper while wood pulp is
admitted duty free has naturally acted as a stimulus to an extended use
of imported pulp.
Vide, T. B, Report, 1931. Para. 16.

It will be seen that the railway freight from the Western Circle
area is very heavy, and therefore it is not surprising if the

consumption of grass has not shown a proportionate increase. It

has already been shown that this area is not within the economic
limit of the Bengal mills, the distance being about 900 miles
from the mills. A relatively higher incidence of railway freight
from these stations is due to the longer distance over which
the has to pass, rather than to the higher level of the freight

charge, because the rates adverted to above are special rates, lower
than the ordinary rates, applicable only on the traffic passing to
the mills. Rates from the Sahebganj area are lower because of the
distance which is about 200 miles only.

Since 1934, however, the rates have been raised from some
stations. For instance, the rate from Soneh Road has 'been raised
from Rs. 75 to Rs. 83. The higher incidence of rates will be seen
from the following table :

Station from R&tei per Wagon


Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

Via Ghaziabad 75 83
Soneh Road ... 75 83
Najibabad ... 74 81
Gajroula 71 78
Babrala 70 77
Chandauai .., 63 75

The utilisation raw material is obviously uneconomic,

of grass, as a
in face of the growing popularity of bamboo and wood pulp. The
rise in the cost of transport makes it still more uneconomic.

This change in the rates policy is an indication that the paper

mills should draw their supplies of grass from areas in their

vicinity.Therefore, in so far as these rates help to check the

unhealthy competition for grass from the Western Circle, they
lielpthe industry.

rates policy may also be noted.

Another change in the The
B. I.R. quoted station-to-station rates on grass from some more
important stations in the vicinity of the mills on wagon loads
ilone, as will be seen from the foregoing table. But now reduced
rates are available on actual weight per maunci. The relative

position will be seen from the following table :

Station from

Hazaribagh Road
Mirza Ohowki

Grass pressed when booked to Titaghur and Kankinara mills is

charged at the following rates :

The traffic is routed via Mokameh Ghat, and the rates have been
kept specially low to stimulate traffic moving to the mills. The
lower level of rates becomes still more clear when it is recalled that
the traffic has to pass over two railway systems, the B & N. W. K.
and E. L R.

On traffic in rags passing via Naihati to Titaghur and

Kankinara Mills the E. L R. does not quote any station-to-station
rates, and therefore the C/R schedule rate is applicable. We
tabulate below the rates based on this schedule from some more

important towns via Naihati with a view to point out the incidence
of freight on the traffic moving to these mills.

1. In minimum consignments of three B. and N. W. Railway 4-wheeled

wagons or multiples thereof, such 4-wheeled wagons subject to weight
for charge of 120 maunds each wagon.

Vide, Goods Tariff, E, I, R, Part I, p. 337.


Rates per Maund via Naihati

This statement shows the nature of railway freight charged on

the transport of rags consumed by the Titaghur and Kankinara
mills. It is not, however, claimed that the aforesaid mills do

actually draw their supplies of rags from

all these markets. But,
as the Titaghur Mills Company deposed before the Tariff Board, in
1925, that they collected rags from more important towns, within
the country, the foregoing table gives a fairly good idea of the
marketing area and the freight charged. It will be noted that the

freight per maund per mile would work out to be a little higher in
the case of rags than in that of grass. This is due to the fact that
the rates on rags noted above are on actual weight, while those
on grass are applicable for wagon loads only. Further, it seems
that since rags are collected from scattered sources and in small
lots even were offered on wagon
if special station-to- station rates

loads the mills would not be able to avail themselves of the

concession. Grass fields are more or less centralised, and even
though the mills have to bring grass from fields located at a
distance of more than 900 miles, the average freight paid per
maund may be lower for grass than for rags. This shows that from
the standpoint of railway freight, the collection of grass, which has
been subjected to very severe criticism, is perhaps less costly than
that of rags. In fact, while the transport of grass has been studied
bo some been completely neglected. This is very
extent, rags have
unfortunate. No one who
has a fair knowledge of the Indian
paper industry can deny that rags constitute to this day one of the
most important raw materials of paper manufacture in this country.
With the exception of bamboo, which is yet in its experimental
stage, if grass occupies the first rank amongst the primary raw
naterials, rags are next in importance. That the railways should
encourage the movement of traffic in rags cannot be denied*

Railways have quoted schedule rates, lower thaifthe class rates, as

adverted to abo^e, and hence they are free from any charge that the
interested parties may endeavour to advance against them. The
difficulties that exist can be partly reduced by improving the
system of collection. Besides, it should be noted that there are
two most important markets, Calcutta and Bombay, which supply
the mills with rags and waste paper, and the freight works out to
about Re. 0-1-5 and Rs. 1-0-9 per maund respectively. We shall
next examine the railway freight on raw materials consumed by the
Bengal Paper Mills Company's factory at Ranigunj.
The Bengal Paper Mills bring their grass supplies from the
Eastern Circle areas, United Provinces and the Central Provinces, as
noted'elsewhere. The railways carrying this traffic have co-operated
and have quoted special station-to-station rates from the more
important areas. The statement given below shows the station-to-
station rates quoted by the E. I. R. in co-operation with the
B. & N. W. R., and N. W. R.

Bates on grass (dry) Ranigunj, B. P. Mill Siding


Rate per maund Rate per maund

From (Wagon Load) From (Wagon Load)
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
Babrala 5 11 Bagaho 046
Chandausi 059 Bahraich 5 10
Gajraula 6 1 Barhni 053
Via Ghaziab-id 065 Harinagar 044
Hazaribagh Road 020 Jarwa 056
Garwha Road 028 Kawapur 056
Jawalapur 068 Mankapur 054
Katdwara 066 Mihinpurwa 062
Via Lucknow 042 Murtiha 063
Mirza Chowki 021 Nepalgunj Road 062
Via Mokameh Ghat 021 Nantanwa 6 1

Nagina 063 Nishanagar 064

Via Naini 037 Pachperwa 054
Najibabad 064 Shohratgunj 054
Sahebgunj 021 Tulsipur 066
Uflka Bazar 050
In this table we have
included the Western Circle areas also
because the railways allow special rates even from these
Stations, although the mill does not draw its supplies from that
due to longer distance and consequent higher
freight charge.
But the fact that the railways quote low Btationto-station rates
Bhows that in the event of scarcity of grass in the fields near

the mill can with ease draw its grass supplies from that area instead
of stopping work. This is indeed a good facility. Another import-
ant feature of the foregoing table is that in respect of railway
transport facilities, especially in the areas referred to therein, the
Ranigunj Mill is in a position almost similar to that of the Titaghur
and Kankinara Mills. But, here it may be noted, as we shall show
in detail later, that the Ranigunj Mill draws its grass supplies from

Nagpur fields, which are decidedly more suitable in matters of

railway freight than the Western Circle areas.
Rates from some important fields, via Asansol, for Sabai grass
carried to Ranigunj Bengal Paper Mill Siding, work out as follows t

Station from Rate Station from Eate

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
Annupur 66 Jenapur 61
Birainghpur 74 Pendra Road 62
ChandiaRoad 77 Talcher 70
Jaithari 65 Umaria 76

To these rates must be added the freight from Asansol to Ranigunj

Bengal Paper Mill Siding which is 11 pies per maund. be
It will
seen that the freight charge is substantially high, and the mill
cannot be said to have any natural advantage in respect of grass
from these fields. It is in the interest of the mills to get their grass
from the fields nearer to the sites.
The E. R. quotes station-to-station rates lower than the

schedule rates ontraffic in rags passing to the Bengal Paper Mill

Siding from the under- mentioned important stations :

Rs. a. p.

Cawnpore ... ... 054

Allahabad ... ... 043
Aligarh 071
Unao Mills ... ... 054
Similar reduced rates are available for unserviceable ropes and
cuttings from some important centres as tabulated below :
Rs. a. p.

1. These rates are per wagon.

2. W/200 ; L.
3* These rates are available in wagon loads W/300 ; and the loading and

unloading to be done by the consignor and consignee respectively,



Let us next take up the Upper India Couper Paper Mill, having
grass and rags as its primaiy raw materials. The utilisation of
bamboo is unknown to this mill. The use of wood pulp has been
taken up only very recently because of the fall in price. The
consumption of grass has not shown any increase, although there
have been wide fluctuations in the quantity consumed from year to
year. The use of wood pulp has gradually increased. The con-

sumption of other raw remained fairly

materials, like rags, has
constant, about 74% of the total paper being manufactured from
these materials, as against about 15% from grass, and 11% from
wood pulp.

The E. I. R. quotes special rates on grass as well as rags. The

station-to-station ratesquoted on grass from some more important
despatching stations are given below :

It willbe seen that the Couper Mill is more favourably located in

respect of its grass supplies than either the Titaghur or Ranigunj
Mill. Even as regards the Western Circle areas, it commands a
better location than that of the other mills. The only serious
disadvantage under which it labours is its low annual output.
This has far-reaching effects. Due to lower output, its demand for
the raw materials is less, and therefore
has to collect or purchase

on a smaller scale. On the contrary, the Titaghur Paper Mills

Company, with its two mills, having a larger output, comes to the
market in a stronger position, and makes purchases on a larger-
scale, and neutralises thereby the advantage of location which the

Couper Mill possesses. In fact, the Titaghur Mills Company drove

out the Couper Mill from the Nepalgunj grass area, as noted
elsewhere, due mainly to its stronger position and the consequent
better purchasing power that it commands. All this shows that

1. These rates are quoted via Lucknow for traffic to Badshanagar and are
on wagon loads.

the freight advantage which the Couper Mill possesses, as revealed

by the foregoing statement, should not be pressed too far. This
fact has a further significance. It shows that even if the railways
offer special transport facilities they may
by quoting reduced rates,
not be able to develop traffic, due to deficiencies in organisation of
the industry or in other spheres. In other words, the reduction in
transport costs by itself cannot help the development of the
industry ; there should be an all-round efficiency. Transport cost
constitutes only a part of the total cost of production.

Rags are collected from the more important towns in the

United Provinces, the Punjab and the Central Provinces. The
statement given below shows rates from some important collecting
centres :

Rates per maund

Freight on rags is also cheaper as compared with that of the

other mills due primarily to its location. It commands a central
position in catering for the important towns noted above. This
advantage of location becomes still more important in marketing
paper, particularly in competition with the foreign imports, as will
be shown later. In short, from the standpoint of railway transport
the location of the mill is favourable, but it cannot be too strongly
emphasised that its lower annual output is a very serious handicap,
which neutralises much of its transport advantage in competition
with the other mills.


We shall now examine the freight paid by the Deccan Paper
Mills Company, on the raw materials consumed by the Reay Paper
( These are station-to-statiou rates. )

Mills, near the Hadapsar Railway Station. It has already been

stated that rags constitute by far the most important part of the
raw materials used by the mill, and therefore, we tabulate below a
few rates from important towns on the G. L P. Railway to show the
nature of freight which the mills have to pay.

Rates per Maund via Poona

Miles Station from Rate Miles Station from Rate

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

The rates are subject to the minimum charge of Rs. 10/- per
4- wheeled wagon There are siding charges which are levied
in addition to the above rates. Further, the charge from Poona to

Hadapsar has to be added. Bombay, which is the most important

centre supplying rags to the mill, has not been included in
the above table because the G. I. P. Railway quotes special station-
wagon from Bombay to Hadapsar.
to-station rate of Rs. 45/- per
The capacity of the
wagon 16 tons, but, we are informed that it
can hold only about 11 tons of the material But even at this .

loading capacity the concession offered is in fact substantial.

Bombay is the only station from which station- to- station rates are

quoted to the mills. In this respect the G. I. P. Railway presents a

great contrast as compared with the E. I. Railway. As adverted to
above, the E. I. Railway quotes reduced station-to station rates from
important collecting centres to the mills on its lines, but the G. I. P.
does not do so. Again, the relative level of rates on the G. I. P. is
higher than on the E. I. R. For instance, whereas the freight from
Mirzapur to Lucknow, for 181 miles is Re. 0-2-3 per
Couper Mills via
maund, from
thatNasik Road, via Poona is Re. 0-3-4 for 172 miles.
Thus, the charge for a lower distance is about 50 per cent higher.
This higher charge is partly due to the hilly nature of the
country to be traversed, but the fact remains that the G. I. P.
charges higher rates. This is a very serious handicap for the
development of the mill. Since the mill has to pay about 50 per
1. Information was kindly supplied by the Deccan Paper Mills Company,

cent higher freight than the other mills on important primary


raw material, obvious that the area from which it can draw its
it is

supplies is considerably restricted. This limits the output of the

mill and raises the cost of production. To remove this handicap,
it may be suggested that the G. I. P. should
quote station-to-station
rates, lower than the schedule rates, from the more important
towns on its own lines and on the B. B. & C. I. R.

In addition to rags and gunny pieces, the mill also uses waste
paper which is Bombay and Madras, The value of
brought from
the material varies from Rs. 15 to Rs, 80 per ton f.o.r. Bombay.
The railway freight from Bombay to Hadapsar station is Re. 0-4 11
per maund, which amounts to Rs. 8-6-0 per ton. The freight from
Madras to Hadapsar is Rs. 1-0-9 per maund in wagon load
minimum weight being charged at 300 maunds
consignments, the
per wagon. Wood pulp is imported and the railway freight from
Bombay to Hadapsar is Re. 0-4-11 per maund on actual weight.
There are no wagon load rates. Coal is brought from C. P. and
Bengal. Railway freight from C. P. collieries is Rs. 7-10-0 per
ton and from Bengal collieries it comes to Rs. 13-14-0 per ton.
Chemicals and stores are purchased from Bombay and the railway
rates to Hadapsar work out as follows .

Articles Hate per maund

Rs. a. p.
Sulphate of Aluminia, Rosin, China Clay
& Farina ... ... ... 4 11
Caustic Soda, Bleaching Powder, and Soda
Ash ... ... ... 054
Silicate of Soda and Formalin ... ... 11 8
Anniline Colours ... ... 045
Engineering Stores ... ... 4 11

Beforewe close the study of railway freight on raw materials

paid by the Indian paper mills, something needs to be said about
the rates on bamboo, which is consumed primarily by the Indian
Paper Pulp Company's mill at Naihati, and of late by the mills of
the Titaghur Paper Mills Company. In the year 1930-31,
Titaghur and Kankinara Mills manufactured about 1,842 tons of
paper from bamboo. The A.B. and E.B. Railways quote combined
from more important stations.
station-to-station rates to these mills
In addition there are reduced seasonal rates quoted by the railways
which are very useful to the mills. This, in short, is the position
R. 40

of railway rates on the raw materials consumed by the mills. We

shall next examine the rates on paper.


In the foregoing pages we have outlined in detail the present
position of the industry and total consumption of paper in the
country. Thereafter, the internal production, or, the output of
individual mills has been studied with special reference to railway
transport. It now remains for us to examine the freight paid on

marketing the output of the different mills, and on the imports of

paper from foreign countries, so as to understand the relative
position of the indigenous industry and the imports in matters of
railroad transport facilities. This line of treatment is necessary,
because the Indian mills have complained of preferential rates on
the import traffic. The Titaghur Paper Mills Company complaining
against this sort of unfair discrimination submitted It will :

hardly be credited, but it is a fact that, as late as 1913, there was

an enormous discrimination in favour of the importer. Railway
rateson paper from Howrah are considerably lower than from the
mills in the neighbourhood of Calcutta, while when despatching
paper to Cawnpore, Delhi or Lahore, the mills had to pay no less
than 60 per cent more freight per maund per mile than did the
Bombay and Karachi importer. As an example of this unjust
discrimination, we may quote rates to Jubbulpore, which are,
from Bombay, Re. 0-9-6 and from Naihati Rs. 1-3-0 per maund :

the distance from Naihati is 16 per cent greater than from Bombay
and the freight charge 100 per cent."
is On being asked by the
President to give further information, Mr. Carr of Messrs. Balmer
Laurie & Company, Managing Agents of the Bengal Paper Mill
Company, gave the details of railway freight to Lahore, as paid
the importer and by the Ranignnj While the rate from

Ranigunj to Lahore for about 1,200 miles was Rs. 60 per ton, that
from Karachi to Lahore for about 725 miles was Rs. 26-10-0. 8
This was the condition then. The task set before us to find out as
to how far this preferential treatment is the constituent element
of the railway rates policy as pursued at present. shall also We
study the marketing conditions and endeavour to point out the
incidence of railway rates on the movement of traffic.

1. Vide, Indian Fiscal Commission, Evidence Vol, II, p. 391.

2. Ibid, p. 395.

The Titaghur Paper Mills Company sells its output through-

out India, including Burma. The approximate quantity of paper
sold in different markets, as submitted by Sir W. Carey in his oral
evidence before the Board,, is as follows :

Per cent

Delhi and the Punjab 10

Calcutta 23
Bombay 6
South India 5
Burma 6
United Provinces 2
General Mofussil 11
Government and Railway (including Provincial
Governments) 38

These are the averages for a certain number of years. It will

be seen that Calcutta is by far the most important market, consum-

ing as it does about 23 per cent, of the total output of the Titaghur
and Kankinara Mills. The importancemarket is of the Calcutta
The Calcutta market
equally great to other Bengal mills as well.
and the purchases made by the Government and Railways together
account for more than 60 per cent, of the total annual production
of the Company. Next in importance is the Punjab area, with
Delhi as its Consumption in the towns near
distributing centre.
Calcutta is Bombay consumes about 6 per cent
about 11 per cent.
of the aggregate production. Burma and South India each
consume about 5 per cent. The United Provinces ranks last,
because the Upper India Couper Mills are more advantageously
located in supplying this area.

A critical study of the tariffs of the Indian railways reveals

that special provision has been made in matters of railway rates
for traffic from internal mills, and that there is no room for the
old suspicion of preferential treatment, adverted to above, which
popular opinion still seems to foster. Lower rates in wagon
loads are quoted from the mills to more important consuming
markets, This is especially true of the railways which serve the
mills. To take up the Titaghur Company's mills, we find that the

1. Indian Tariff Board on Paper, 1925 : Evidence Vol. I, p. 249.

2. Ibid, p. 3GO.
3. These rates are applicable only on traffic booked by the Naihati, Tita-
ghur and Kankinara Paper Mills,

E. I. R. quotes special station-to-station rates via Naihati to more

important centres as tabulated below :

Rates per Ufatind from and Via Naihati^

Mileage Station to Actual iceiyht Wagon load

Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
245 Bhagalpur and Via 3 10 032
273 Gaya 060 050
410 Benares Cantonment 072 061
493 Allahabad and Via 075 062
612 Cawupore 092 078
Moradabad 12 1 10 I

769 Agra City 11 7 098

804 Aligarh 12 1 10 1
882 MeerutCity 13 3 11 1
883 Delhi 13 3 11 1
919 Saharanpur and via 14 3 11 11

It will be seen that on wagon load consignments freight

concession is in fact substantial, and helps the manufacturers

in marketing their output, especially in competition with the

imported which does not get the benefit of reduced rates.

Of course there are a few reduced rates quoted on imported traffic

to centres like Delhi, Agra, Meerut City and Saharanpur, etc,,
but the fact remains that the rates are favourable to internal
traffic. Let us compare these special station-to-station rates quoted
from and via Naihati on paper manufactured by the mills with
the class rates charged on imported paper from Howrah, We
Bhagalpur market. The rate from and
shall take the case of the
via Naihati is Re. 0-3-10 on actual weight and Re. 0-3-2 on wagon

loads, whereas from Howrah the charge is Re. 0-9-10. Similarly,

to Gaya the local rate is Re. 0-6-0 on actual weight and Re. 0-5-0
on wagon loads, while the importer has to pay Re. 0-10-11. Even
making an allowance for the distance, it is clear that the internal
1. These rates ara applicable only on traffic booked by the Naihati,
Titaghur and Kankinara Paper Mills.
2. The reduced rates quoted from Howrah are:

traffic has a clear advantage over the importer. The same is the
case with the long distance traffic. Even in those centres where
the imported traffic gets the advantage of port competition, in-
ternal traffic has a relative advantage. For instance, to centres
like Agra, Dehli, Meerut and Saharanpur the importers pay
Rs, 1-9-8, Rs. 1-9-0, Rs. 1-10-2, and Rs. 1-10-10 respectively
but the local manufacturers booking from and via Naihati have to
pay very low charges, as will be seen from the foregoing table.
It seems, however, that these reductions in rates offered

on the transport of paper manufactured by the the local mills

do not affect the selling prices. As Sir W. Carey said In
paper freight is to some extent or rather to a much less extent, a
consideration because of comparatively small bulk." . Prices

in the market are regulated by the imports and therefore an

equalisation of prices in the ports as well as upcountry markets
has been effected. No is some difference in prices,
doubt, there
but it is
inconsiderable, and freight cannot be said to play an
important part therein. If the Indian mills do not realise higher
prices in the upcountry markets the phenomenon is not difficult
to explain it is due to foreign competition.
With all these
weaknesses in the organisation of the Indian paper industry, it
should not be forgotten that the concessions in railway rates
granted to local mills are appreciable and facilitate the marketing
of paper.
The E. I. R. has raised the rates since 1934, both on actual
weight and in wagon loads, as will be seen from the following
table :

Rates per Maund via Naihati for traffic

from Titagliur Mills

1, Vide, Tariff Board, Evidence, Vol. I. p. 351.


This change in the rates policy is probably due to the fact thai
with the reduced rates hitherto available, traffic did not increase
because as pointed out by Sir W. Carey, railway rates do not affecl
the prevailing price level which is determined by foreigr
competition. If so, the railway authorities will get better receipts
without any adverse effect on the industry.

Other local mills enjoy similar concession rates which are nol
available to the importer. The Bengal Paper Mill Company'*

factory at Ranigunj gets reduced rates both on actual weight and

on wagon loads as may be seen from the statement submitted
below 1 :

Actual Wagon Actual Wagon

Station to weight load Station to weight load
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p
Delhi 11 10 9 1(
> 032
3 10 Saharanpur 12 9
11 10
9 1(

Monghyr J MeerutCity
Cawnpore 078 065 Jubbulpore 092 7 *

Allahabad 5 11 4 11 Bombay nil 1 4 {

When we compare the rates paid by the Eanigunj Mill and the

importer and also the rates paid by the Naihati and Titaghur grouf
of mills, the most obvious conclusion which emerges is that the
Ranigunj Mill has a freight advantage in the nearer as well as up-
country markets over all others, excepting the Upper India Coupei
Mills, as we shall point out later. Thus, for instance, to market*
nearer Calcutta like Gaya, freight from and via Naihati is Re, 0-6-0
from Howrah Re. 0-10-11, and from Ranigunj Re. 0-3-10 pei
maund on actual weight. To Cawnpore, rates from and vis
Naihati are Re. 0-9-2, from Howrah Re. 1-6-9 and from Ranigun;
Re, 0-7-8 per maund. To Delhi, likewise, Ranigunj Mill has ar
advantage because freight from and via Naihati is Re. 0-13-3, froir
Howrah Rs. 1-9-0 and from Ranigunj Re. 0-11-10. It does nol
come as a surprise to note, therefore, that whereas Titaghui

Company's mills are hardly able to sell about 23 per cent, of theii
output in these areas, the Ranigunj mill disposes of more thati
40 per cent. No doubt the total quantity sold by the Titaghui
Company's mills in these areas is greater than that of the Ranigunj
Mills, but what we intend to emphasise is that the freighl
concession granted by the railways facilitates the marketing of th

paper of the local mill.


In this case also the rates have been raised since 1934, as will
be seen from the following table :

Rates for Ranigunj B. P. M. Siding

Station to Actual weight Wagon loads
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

Agra 12 5
Angarh 12 10 10
Allahabad 086 7 1

Baroilly 12 10
Cawnpore 10 1 8 5
Delhi 13 11 11 7
Farukhabad 12 8 10 7
Gaya 5 9 2
Luoknow 9 11 8 3
Meerut City 13 11 11 7
Moradabad 12 8 10 7
Patna 10 4 10

Station-to-station rates are also available for traffic to markets like

Bombay, Poona, Jubbulpore, etc. To Bombay and Poona, the rate
is Rs. 1-0-4, and Rs. 1-6-6, per maund respectively on wagon
loads. The concession offered by these rates becomes apparent
when we compare them with the rate from Howrah to Bombay on
the imported traffic, which works out at Rs. 1-10-3 per maund on
wagon loads and Rs. 1-14-5 per maund on actual weight.
The India Couper Mill does not get the railway
the form of reduced rates on the despatches
transport facilities in
of paper in actual weight as enjoyed by the Bengal Paper Mills,
adverted to above. The reduced rates are available only on wagon
load consignments, unlike the Bengal Paper Mills which enjoy
concession rates both on wagon load consignments and on actual
weight. However, before discussing the effects of this most obvious
discrimination by the E. I. R. on the movement of traffic from the
mill, it is necessary that the reduced rates granted on wagon load

consignments be noted.

Mileage Station to Kate Mileage Station to Pate

Ra. a. p. Rs. a. p.
203 Agra City 044 303 Delhi 059
238 Aligarh 4 10 286 Meerut City 056
125 Allahabad 032 203 Moradabad 044
130 Via Naini 033 330 Patna Junction 060
187 Benares Cantt 041 336 Patna City
6 1
466 Bhagalpore 074 ... Rampur
325 Gaya 060 322 Saharanpur 5 11

It is interesting to compare these rates with those quoted from

the Bengal Paper Mill centres, e. g. from and via Naihati. The
rate quoted from Naihati to Bhagalpur for 245 miles is Re. 0-3-10

per maund on actual weight and Re. 0-3-2 on wagon load consign-
ments but via Lucknow to Aligarh for 238 miles the rate quoted

is Re. 0-4-10 on wagon loads. Thus, the reduced rates available to

the Upper India Couper Mill on wagon load consignments are
higher than the rates quoted to the Bengal Mills on actual weight
consignments. This sort of discrimination is undesirable as it

seriously handicaps the marketing facilities of the Couper Mill.

Besides, it needs to be pointed out that the reduced rates quoted on

the wagon load consignments from Badshahnagar are utilised only
to a limited extent, since the larger part of its despatches are in

consignments of smaller size, and therefore, if these reduced rates

were available without any conditions as to the size of the consign-
ment it would do yeomen service to the mill.
Since 1934, a new scale of rates has come into force, as will be
seen from the following table :

Pates per maund on Paper

Via Lucknow to

Actual weight Wagon loads

0. B. 0. R.
Benares Cantonment 052 044
Bhagalpur 096 7 11
Cawnpore ... 020
Delhi 077 064
Farukhabad 060 050
Gaya 076 063
Hatbras 5 10 4 10
Meerut City 6 11 059
Moradabad 056 047
Patna City 078 065
Rampur 052 044
Saharanpur 076 063
Aligarh 061 051
Allahabad 041 035
One important feature to note in this connection is that hitherto
were available for traffic moving from this
station-to-station rates
mill only on wagon loads. But now reduced rates are also quoted
on actual weight, though the general level of rates has been raised.
In short, there has been a very remarkable change in the rates
policy of the E, I. R., as demonstrated by the recent changes in the

rate structure ; rates on traffic moving from local mills have been
raised. This has restricted the facility of lower rates hitherto
available to the local mills.Imported traffic has also been affected
by change in policy, for reduced station-to-station rates, which
were available for traffic moving from Howrah both on actual
weight and in wagon loads, are now available only on wagon loads,
the former concession having been withdrawn. Further, the
rates on wagon loads have been raised, as will be seen from the
following table :

Rates per Maund from Howrah to:

Former rate Present rate

flelhi ... 101 1 8 11
Meerut City ... 100 1 10 2
Saliaranpur ... 104 1 10 10

Thus, so far as the relative level of rates is concerned the local

mill manufacturers have no cause to feel uneasy,

The Reay Paper Mills at Hadapsar are served by the G. I. P.

Railway. There are some special station-to-station rates quoted by
the railway, but they cannot be compared with the facilities given
by the E. I. R. to the Bengal Paper Mills. This affects the market-
ing arrangements of the Reay Mills, especially because it has to meet
the competition of the imports. It has neither the advantage of
reduced rates enjoyed by the Bengal Mills nor the protection from
foreign competition which the Couper Mill enjoys. We give
below the freight paid by the Reay Paper Mills to more important
markets :

Station to Hate Station to

R.3. a. p.

Bombay 054 Ajmer

Delhi 101 Ludhiana
Cawnpore 1 1 10 Allahabad
G wall or 1 Kotah
Nasik 070 Ahmedabad
Jalgaon 11 2 Baroda

Yeotmal 1 3 11 Surat
Jubbulpore 176 Rajkot
Nagpur 143 Sholapur

Bombay is the most important market, and here the importer

has a clear advantage in as much as he has to pay nothing by way
of railway freight. From the foregoing statement it will be seen
that markets in Southern India are advantageous to the mills,


since the freightfrom the port to the markets is higher than that
from the mill. But in these markets the demand is limited
to small quantities and is for various kinds of paper. In the
centres in Upper India, like Cawnpore, the Couper Mill and
the Bengal Mills have an advantage in the form of lower freight.
The same is the case with the markets in the Punjab. This leads
us to the conclusion that the Reay Mills have to^ sell a greater
part of their output in markets where they have no freight

From the foregoing discussion it will be seen that the railway

rates are on the whole favourable to the local mills, and the
popular criticism of rates policy is no longer The

special station-to- station rateswhich the railways quoted on

the import traffic in pre-war years, denying similar facilities to the
local mills, have fortunately become things of the past. Per contra,
the rates position to-day is just the reverse. While the local Mills
are quoted special station-to- station rates to more important -
consuming centres, both on actual weight and on wagon load
consignments, the imported traffic gets the concession only to
a few markets and that too due to port competition. This has
helped the mills considerably in marketing their output and gives
a substantial protection against the competition of the importer.
Thus, the railway rates policy supplements the policy of
discriminating protection. We should not, however, be understood
to convey that the present policy is perfect in all aspects and that
it needs no corrective. Far from it. There are many defects
which need to be removed as adverted to above. In short,
we appreciate the attitude taken up by the railway authorities,
especially the E. I. R. and hope that they would with courage
pursue the policy, making the necessary improvements so as
to encourage the development of our trade and industries.
Besides, they should pursue a similar policy in respect of other
industries as well.

The manufacturers on their part should make the best use

by improving their technique of production and
of these facilities
marketing arrangements. For the present we are not concerned
with the technique of production, but it needs to be pointed
out that an undue reliance upon the raw materials, which are
costly and have a very limited scope for development, raises

the cost of production and neutralises the effects of the protective

tariff and the sympathetic rates policy. Thus, the scramble for
sabai grass, with its concomitants of high transport costs and

royalty, should be removed by mutual agreements between the

manufacturers to the advantage of all concerned. The competition
inter se of the local mills, both in respect of the purchase of
raw materials and the marketing of the finished products, should be
put a stop to. This would mean a substantial economy in general
costs, particularly of railway transport waste would
; be
eliminated. We shall now briefly summarise our conclusions.

1. The per capita consumption of paper in comparison with
other countries of the world is deplorably low and if Gladstone's

dictum that 'the consumption of paper is the measure of a


people's culture is correct, India requires a highly developed and

specialised paper mill industry.

2. But the study of the organisation of the Indian paper mills

reveals that they supply only a part of the demand for paper and
the deficiency is made good by imports from foreign countries.
Besides, as the Indian Tariff Board recorded, even with the
development of the paper industry, India would not be able
to become self-sufficient and a part of the supply will have

to be imported.

3. Production of paper is centralised in Bengal and therefore

the cost of railway transport, both on the collection of raw
materials and the marketing of the finished product, is a very
serious handicap, which raises the cost of production to a level

appreciably higher than that in other countries.

4. Thanks to the railway rates policy as pursued at present
this natural handicap is being minimised.
5. 'But the manufacturers on their part should improve their
marketing arrangements, and the spirit of mutual mistrust and
jealousy should be replaced by one of co-operation and co-
ordination ; the watch- word for the future needs to be efficiency
and economy.
In the foregoing pages, a theoretical and analytical survey of
the railway rates policy as affecting the trade and industries of
this country has been presented. Separate chapters have been
devoted to the study of rates in relation to selected trades, and the
main conclusions brought out by the analysis have been summaris-
ed at the end of each of them. In this chapter an attempt will
be made to state the broad conclusions based on this detailed study.

The most striking feature of the railway rates policy as dis-
cussed in the preceding pages is the individualistic policy pursued
by the Indian railways. Doubtless, it is difficult to visualise the
damage caused by the policy to the industrial development of this
country. Much less will it be possible to assess precisely the
harm done to individual industries. However, in the body of
the book we have endeavoured broad outline, how
to point out in
concerned with numerous illustrations
this policy affects the trades
in support of our remarks. The detailed data which we have
collected unmistakably demonstrate the injurious effects of such
a policy, and call for an urgent enquiry. Such a policy might
have had some justification when the Indian railways were owned
and managed by Companies, and the Government of India could
not exercise adequate control over their rates policy but the ;

continuance of the same policy now that the nationalisation of

Indian railways has been accepted both in theory and practice is
hardly defensible. As has been frequently observed in the course of
the present study, even those lines which are directly managed by
the Railway Board are treated in matters of rate making as separate
systems, and in through booking a consignment cannot avail of the
telescopic rates on the total distance traversed, if it travels over
more than one railway. It will be recalled that a distinguished
one of the great Indian railways deposed before the
official of

Indian Tariff Board in their enquiry on salt industry, that the

railways had built up their rating structure on the basis of separate
organisations, and therefore they were reluctant to depart from

the same as that would necessitate the revision of the entire

rate structure. This conservative policy adversely affects in-
ternal as well as foreign trade, but more so the former, because
while the ports are linked with the internal centres by direct
lines of usually the same system, the internal traffic as a rule
has to pass over more than one railway. We have analysed
the working of this policy in considerable detail, and have come
to the conclusion that the need for an early revision of such a

policy of rate making is paramount in the public interest.


Another important feature of the rates policy as revealed by
our analysis is the competition between the different railways for
traffic to and from the ports, which results in the lowering of the

rates on competitive traffic, and thereby subsidises the export of

raw materials and the import of finished products, to the detri-
ment of local industries. The local manufacturers pay relatively
higher railway freights both on raw materials collected from
internal producing centres, and in marketing their finished pro-
ducts in local consuming markets. This is not all. In market-
ing their finished products they find that whereas they have to
pay higher freight per unit, their foreign rivals conveniently
push their products from the nearest port at substantially
reduced rates. The railway freight charged on this competitive
port traffic is similar to that quoted by the railway authorities
to utilise the unused capacity of their plant which would
otherwise run to waste. Indian manufacturers are thus made to
subsidise their foreign competitors. This feature of our railway
policy adversely affects the utilisation of the raw materials pro-
duced within the country by internal factories, because it helps
the import of foreign materials in our market. For instance,
if the cotton mills at Ahmedabad or Nagpur wish to utilise
the Punjab-American cotton, they have to pay higher railway
freight per mile, and therefore prefer to import foreign cotton
through Bombay at reduced rates. Further, this very cotton,
which the local mills find costly due to
railway freight, the
Japanese exporters conveniently export at reduced rates
available from the cotton growing tracts in the Punjab to
Karachi port. No wonder therefore, if as a result of this pernicious
rates policy, our cotton growers have to depend upon the

Japanese export houses. The same is the case with our other raw
materials. This excessive dependence upon foreign demand for
our raw materials is a very serious weakness in our body- economic,
more growing economic nationalism. The
so to-day in the face of

Japanese threat of the boycott of Indian cotton which enabled

Japan to exact onerous terms from the Government of India,

under the Indo- Japanese agreement is only one of the several danger
signals which should make us alert to safeguard our interests.
Exchange control, quota gygtem, clearing agreements, bilateral
treaties and such other restrictions have already affected the
demand for our raw materials. Besides, in view of the growing
tendency for national self-sufficiency under which agriculture, in
countries hitherto importing our raw materials, is being protected
and subsidised, in future the foreign demand for our raw materials
is apt to fall. Raw materials, if produced, will have to be largely
consumed within the country. India is to-day primarily an
agricultural country, and in future too, if she wants to have stable

and flourishing manufacturing industries, agriculture will continue

to hold the premier rank. It is therefore imperative that our

railway rates policy should be radically revised and made to serve

adequately the national interests.
Another most conspicuous evil of this internecine port com-

petition in matters of rate making which fosters the penetration

of imports needs sufficient emphasis. Such a rates policy attempts
to mainpulate the localisation of industries as has been pointed out
in the foregoing pages. Indeed, to a student of railway economics
it comes as a surprise to note that the railways owned and directly
managed by the should in serving the ports continue to
indulge in this dangerous competition and seriously jeopardise the
true interests of the country. But the study of Indian railway
rates policy reveals a series of surprises of which this is only
one. This defect in the rates policy would automatically be re-
moved, if the railways under direct state management were to be
worked as one single system in fixing the rates, because in that
case others would follow suit.

Defects in the construction of railways in this country have
an adverse effect on the maintenance and growth of internal trade
and industries, because Indian railways, from their very inception

were planned and constructed to meet other more pressing

military and political needs. Dwelling upon the political interests
which the development of a net- work of railroads would promote,
Lord Dalhousie wrote, It cannot be necessary for me to

insist upon the importance of a speedy and wide introduction

of railway communication throughout the length and breadth of
India. A single glance cast upon the map recalling to mind the
vast extent of the Empire we hold, the various classes and interests
it includes, the wide distances which separate the several points at
which hostile attacks may at any time be expected, the perpetual
risk of such hostility appearing in quarters where it is least

expected, tho expenditure of time, of money and of life that are

involved .in even the ordinary routine of military movements, would
convince the urgency of Speedy communication." He had realised
that the New India which he had created, knitting together the
disconnected and distant areas resulting in an extensive territorial
homogeneity, by his forward policy of conquest and annexation,
could be made safe, only if the collective resources of all the parts
could be made available for the protection of each. As the
President of the Railway Board in England, he had gathered in-
valuable experience of transport agencies, and therefore he could
realise the fiction of controlling India mainly from the sea-
board, and also the strategic superiority which a net-work of
railway lines, connecting different inland strategic positions with
each other and with the ports, would impart to a country like
India. No wonder, therefore, if even a casual observer can locate
the defects of our railroad construction. The main ports are well
served, being linked with the internal markets on broad guage, but
the lines connecting the internal centres of production and con-
sumption are generally numerous and involve a break of gauge.
How this most striking feature of our railroad system coupled
with their individualism in matters of rating has helped to curtail
the marketing area of internal industries has been explained in
detail in the preceding chapters. For instance, the Ahmedabad
mills have to pay relatively higher rates per mile while, catering
for markets in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and the U. P. than the

competing imports, because the consignment has to travel over more

than one railway system, and there is usually the break of gauge
involving transhipment charges, delay, etc. Thus, lack of uni-
formity in gauge operates as a very serious handicap in the growth

of our internal trade and industries, and therefore it iB essential

that this defect should be immediately made good by moulding the

rates policy on proper lines.


Another glaring defect is the absence of an active and alert
central authority to regulate am 1 control the railway rates policy in
the public interest. The Railway Board as at present constituted
has failed to meet the requirements of the business community.
This is due to the spirit of ultra-conservatism which pervades the
entire bureaucratic system of this country, of which the railways
are an essential part, and makes them averse
any change from the

status quo. The reluctance of our railway authorities to modify the

present rating structure built upon the basis of separate organis-

ations, notwithstanding the repeated recommendations of several
Commissions and Committees, is an outstanding example of their
lack of adaptability and contemptuous disregard of public opinion.
The railway rates policy, indifferent to public opinion, can easily
frustrate a well-meant protectionist policy. In matters of rate
making it is essential that a free, dispassionate and progressive
mind should be applied ; specially because rate making is essen-
tially an art and not a science. A railroad tariff, well adapted
to the growing needs of a dynamic society, is the product of a
long process of evolution, the result of a series of changes and
alterations. The primary task of the railway authorities is to
closely scrutinise the effects of railway rates on the growth of
traffic with the aid of detailed traffic statistics, and in the light
of the experience gathered therefrom, to make prompt revisions
in the tariffsfrom time to time, so as to keep them abreast of the
changes in the economic and industrial structure of the areas served.
In view of this, the present Railway Board, to be useful to the

country, should be made more responsible to public opinion and its

personnel revised so as to infuse a new life and a more progressive
element in it. It is essential that the Controlling Authority, by
whatever name may it be known
in future, should be sufficiently
alert and responsive to public opinion. What is needed is that
in matters of policy the Controlling Authority should have purely
Indian interests in view; it should act with greater responsibility
and effectiveness, because it is only then that the deep rooted

suspicion in the public mind will be removed, and the railway


system enabled to render the most efficient and economic service

to the people at the lowest cost.

The prevalence of numerous preferential rates is another most
glaring defect of our rates policy. It is due to the lack of effective

regulation of rates policy on right lines. Therefore, to-day it is no

secret to those interested in railway matters that the state has failed
to make adequate provision for protecting the Indian industries
and uneconomic discrimination in rate making.
against unfair
The Indian business community has been pressing upon the
state since long, the need for making legislative provision to secure

an adequate guarantee of just and reasonable rates. The Railway

Rates Advisory Committee, appointed in 1926, has done useful
service to the commercial community but it has failed to go
far enough. The Committee is essentially a compromise, a half
way measure, and as such its powers and functions are subject to
serious limitations. The members do not possess the powers of a
judicial body, and the fact that the Government may or may not
accept the recommendation of the Committee after all the trouble
taken and expense incurred in investigating a case, has failed to
engender confidence in commercial circles. Above all, the onus
of proof is laid on the complainant which undermines the utility
of this institution. What is needed is that the Rates Advisory
Committee should be turned into a Statutory Tribunal. The
experience of the working of the Committee gives added force
to this demand. The new Rates Tribunal should be constituted on
the lines contemplated by the Acworth Committee to solve the
anomalies of rate making in India.


These defects reveal the magnitude of the task that awaits an
attempt at reform. The scheme of reconstruction should be broad-
based and elastic. It should be comprehensive enough to cope
with the variety of problems and the diversity of conditions. So
also it should be sufficiently elastic to adapt itself to the varying

requirements of our industries from time to time. An active

and energetic management of the railway rates policy calculated
to foster a more rapid economic development of the country,
is necessary. A national rates policy should be a true supplement

K, 42

of the scheme of discriminating protection. The placid con-

tentment which breeds conservatism, and encourages a passive
policy to serve only the demand that offers itself should be re-
placed by a more aggressive policy. That the railroads not only
carry but
traffic create one, is a very familiar truth to the student
of transport economics. There is nothing novel or startling about
it. In almost all the industrially advanced countries, railways are
being worked on these lines. In Germany, railway rates are
carefully regulated to serve alike the local industries and agricul-
ture. German railways assist the export trade by preferential
tariffs carefully framed to enable the home manufacturer to
enter foreign markets on favourable terms, and augment the
restrictive influence of import duties on import traffic. In short,
German railways in matters of rate making are inspired neither by
the rule of supply and demand nor by the necessities of competition,
but by the need to protect national industries against foreign
competition to aid the development of national seaports, and to
permit the inflow of essential merchandise at a low price. The
railway rates policy is formulated and worked so as to supplement
the fiscal policy of the country. Similarly, the American railroads
have moulded their rates policy so as to bring about the widest
development of markets and the greatest possible range of trade.
This should serve as an object lesson for Indian railways. Our
railway rates policy should be an important and effective link
in the general economic policy of the country. The Railway
Authority of the future should deal with the railways as one co-

ordinated national industry, and make suitable and timely changes

economic progress of the country,
to help the if it is to justify its

independent and exalted position.

( The letter n after a figure denotes footnote ).

Acworth Committee Report, 171, Cost of service principle: Cost, an

172n, 177. impracticable basis of railway
Acworth, Sir William, In, 2n, 6-7, charges 17-18; cost apparently the

21n, 24n. most equitable basis of railway

Associated Chamber of Commerce, 190. freights, 15; cost basis difficult to

Bengal Paper Mill Company, 187-88, lay, 16-17; imortance of cost basis,

295-96, 308-9, 318-19. 20; perfect competition essential,

Capital, 125n.
Carey, Sir W., 294n, 317. Cotton: railways as carriers of raw

Cement industry: Bundi Portland cotton, 39-40; rates on the B. B. &

Cement Company, 128-29; Cement C. I. Railway, 45-47; rates on the

Marketing Company of India, 146; G. I. P. Railway, 40-45; rates on

C. P, group of factories, 124-25;
the N. W. Railway, 47-50; raw
from reorganis- cotton classification, 37-39; rates to
efficiency resulting

ation, 156-57; evolution of cement Ahmedabad, 57-60; rates to Cawn-

industry 122-23; Gwalior Cement pore, 79-81; rates to Nagpur, 73-75;
rates to Sholapur, 64-65.
Company 129-30; marketing of

cement, 132-43; organisation of Cotton Mills: Ahmedabad mills:

the industry, 123-32; Punjab Port- organisation, 56-57; rates on mill

land Cement Company, 130; rail- stores, 60-61; rates on piece-goods,

way tariffs analysed, 142-56; remedy 62-64; rates on raw cotton to

proposed by the Tariff Board, Ahmedabad, 57-60. Bombay mills:

143-45; Shahabad Cement Com- organisation, 51; rates on piece-

pany, 130-31; Sone Valley Portland goods from Bombay, 52-56. Cawn-
Cement Company, 131-32. pore mills: "organisation 79; rates
Cement Marketing Company of on mill stores, 82; rates on piece-
146. goods, 82-83; rates on raw cotton,
Coal-fields Committee Report, 79-81. Nagpur mills: organisation,
173. 72; rates on mill stores, 76; lates
Coal industry: embargo on coal, 178;
on.piece-goods 76-79; rates on raw
further reductions in rates in 1929, cotton, 76-79: Sholapur % mills:

190; importance of coal transport, organisation, 64; rates on mill

160-61; inadequate railroad trans- stores, 66; rates on piece-goods,

port facilities, 170, 177; Indian 67-72; rates on raw cotton,
Coal Grading Board 184; introduc- 64-65
tion of seasonal rates, 186; reduction Dale, Mr., 223n.
in rates in 1926, 188; surcharge Deccan Paper" Mills Company, 291-92
on coal freight, 194. 31M3; 221-22,

Decreasing Costs, 3, paper, 314-22; rates on raw materi-

Dutta's Report, 246, 252n. als, 304-13; steady progress of the
Edgeworth, Prof: 23. industry, 299-300. Structure of the
Fixed charges, 2. industry hefore 1925: Bengal Paper
Geological Survey of India, I73n, Mill Company, 287-88; Deccan
177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 184. Paper Mills, 291-93; Indian Paper
Ghose, S. C., 41, 43, 162, 163, 165, Pulp Company, 288-90; Titaghur
169,210, 212,213,241, 248, 250, Paper Mills, 184-87; transport
251, 259, 266, 269, 271n. costs of primary raw materials,
Bindley, Mr., 177. 293-99.
Imperial Economic Committee Report, Pearse, A. S., 73n.
252n. Peat, Mr., 177.
Indian Coal Committee, 178n, 179, Pigou, Professor A. C., 7n, 11, 12n,
180, 181, 183. 13, 19n, 3n.
Indian Coal Grading Board, 184. Pirn, W. M., 11711.
Inaian. Fiscal Commission, 4, 90n, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 3n,
280n, 314n. 7n, 17n, 23n. 24n.
Indian Industrial Commission, 93n. Railway Act, (British), 1921, 35n.
Indian Munition Board, 123n. Railway Board Report, 170n, 171, 249.
Indian Paper Pulp Company, 288-90, Ramsarandas Lala, Rai Bahadur, 187.
297. Reasonableness of rates charged:
Indian Trade Journal, 179. criteria on American roilroads,
Industrial Survey of Agra District, 33-34; criteria on British railroads,
117n. 34-35, determination of reasonable
Industrial Survey of Mirzapur Dis- rates 30-33.

trict, 118n. Ripley, Professor., 2n, 3n, 8, 15,

Increasing returns, 19n, 21n.
Innes, Sir Charles, 172, 188n. Sayer, W., 224n.
Johnson and Von Metre, 18n. Shrinivaean, Mr. 3 In, 34n.
Joint costs: Classical illustrations of Special rates: their theoretical

joint costs, 5; Professor. Ac worth's aspects, 3-5.

views, 6 -7;. Professor Pigou's views, Sugar industry: Basis of railway

11; Professor Ripley's views 8; rates, 202-204: basis of rates on

Professor Taussig's views 6. jqgree and molasses, 204-209; Bom-
Kale, Professor V. G., 298. bay port traffic and rates charged,

Marriott, Mr., In. 229-38; current rates to and from

Marshall, Professor., 8n, lln. Calcutta port, 214-19; hinterland
Mill, J. S., 5n, 7-8. of Karachi port and rates charged,
Nabi-Ulla, Mr. 296. 238-43; rates in the pre-war period,
Operating expenses, 2. 210-13; rates charged to markets
Paper Industry: Importance of the in the factory zone, 219-23.

industry, 183-84. Present position Sukkur Barrage, 48.

of the industry: basis railway rates Tariff Board (Indian): 53, 55n, 66,
on raw materials, 301-303; rates on 67n, 123u, 124n, 126n. 133, 134n,

135n, 136n, 137n, 138n, 139n, 142n, 245; railway classification, 251;
144n, 145n, 148n, 156, 158n, 160n, rates on the B. B. & C. I. Railway,
161n, 172, 178, 223n, 224n, 225, 270-74; rates on the E. I. Railway,
226, 229n, 230n, 240n, 284n, 259-65; rates on the G. I. P.

285n, 286n, 287n, 289n, 290, 291, Railway, 265-70; rates on the

292n, 294n, 295, 296, 297 298, N. W. Railway, 252-59; railway

299, 300, 304, 315, 317. traffic, 249.

Tata, J. N. 72. Wilson, Sir James, 250.

Taussig, Professor F. W: joint Woollen industry: Bangalore Woollen
costs in railroad industry, 6; Mills: rates on auxiliary raw materi-

pioneer regions and joint costs, 12; als, 113-14; rates on piece-goods,
16; 31. 114-16. Baroda Mill: rates on
Titaghur Paper Mills Company: auxiliary raw materials, 104 rates

184-87; 293-95; 304-308; 315-17. on finished products, 105-106; rates

Townsend, C. A.
II., 280n. on primary raw materials, 101-104.
Treharne Rees, 173. Bombay Woollen Mills: rates on
Upper India Couper Mills: 290-91; piece-goods, 107-109; rates on wool,
296-97; 310-11; 319-20. 107: Cawnpore Woollen mills: rates
Vakil, Professor. C. N. 252n. on auxiliary raw materals, 93-94;
Value of service principle: Ability to rates on blankets 95-97; rates on
bear tlie transport charge, 24; its
piece-goods, 95; rates on wool,
importance in rate making, 22-23; 00-93. Cottage manufactures,
limitations of the value of service 116-19. Dhariwal Woollen Mills:
principle 28-30; value as a supple- rateson auxiliary raw materials,
ment to the cost basis 23-24; wide 99-100; rates on piece-goods, 100;
discretionary latitude, 25. rates on wool, 97-99; Thana
Wheat: Flour-milling industry, Woollen Mills: rates on blankets,

274-81; marketing peculiarities of 111-12; rates on piece-goods

wheat, 247; production of wheat, 109-11.

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