1st Case Study (Mark Jean)
1st Case Study (Mark Jean)
1st Case Study (Mark Jean)
Name : Mark Jane XXX
Age : 22 years old
Sex : Female
Address : Purok 11, Barangay Batomelong, GSC
Birthday : August 27, 1992
Birthplace : Barangay Batomelong, GSC
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Baptist
Educational Attainment : 3rd Year High School
Occupation : None
Family Monthly Income : P7, 000
Client, Mark Jean is financially incapable to apply Phil Health (PHIC) membership
due to their financial resources.
A. Client
Mark Jean is 22 years old. She is the second child of Mr. Danilo and Mrs. Morita
Lumbo. She can be described as a tall woman with long hair and brown complexion.
When Mark Jean was in third year high school she decided to stop schooling because
she is no more interested to study due to family problem. In year 2011, her cousin
encourage her to work in Manila as cashier in a fruit stand earning an estimated monthly
income of P5, 000. She send money to her parents with a total amount of P2, 000 per
month. When Mark Jean went back here in Gensan she met Rogene who is presently her
live-in partner. They live together for more than a year, before she got pregnant and
blessed with one child namely; Rigene. Presently she is nine (9) months pregnant.
B. Family
Mark Jean and her live-in partner is currently staying with her parents for they are not
yet ready to live on their own. Her mother is a plain housewife while her father works as a
farm laborer with an irregular monthly income of P1, 500 which serves as their source of
income. Mark Jean has two siblings who were in school namely; Nikka which is enrolled
in grade 10, while the other one is Danilo who is enrolled in grade 5.
Mark Jean and her live-in partner have already started constructing their own house
made up of light materials which is located beside her parents house. She is presently
depending to the income of her live-in partner who works as a construction worker
earning an estimated monthly income of P7, 000 in irregular basis, which is insufficient to
support the needs of the family.
C. Community
Mark Jean is presently living at Purok 11, Barangay Batomelong, General Santos City
where most of the residents are Blaan and the source of income is through farming. The
houses are made up of light materials and mostly old. The physical surrounding is clean.
The residents were friendly, religious, and show respect to each other. Community is also
away from bad influence to children.
Client, Mark Jean is financially incapable to apply Phil Health (PHIC) membership
due to their financial resources.
Mark Jean and her live-in partner have strong determination by GODs grace that
they can survive with their present economic situation. She expressed that even how hard
life is, they need to strive just to raise their children. Since Mark Jean already had a family
she needs support from the government.
Having enrollment on Phil Health would be a great help for the medical needs of the
family. If Mark Jean cannot find intervention, probably they will be in distressed situation
in case of medication.
Goal: To assist client to avail Phil Health (PHIC) for the medical needs of the family
Objectives: To be able to apply for FRAME membership and to avail benefits of Family
Needs/ Problem Objectives Activities Time Person Output/ Outcome
Frame Involved
Financially To assist Conduct intake/ May OJT, Gathered
incapable to apply client for interview with 13, Area information
Phil Health (PHIC) FRAME client 2015 Social about client
membership membership Advice client May Worker, Client was able
to submit 13, Client to submit
needed 2015 needed
requirements requirements
Conduct May Client was
orientation 13, oriented and
regarding 2015 able to
FRAME understand
Program FRAME
program, its
benefits and
Immerse May Client had
client to 13, already SET G,
newly 2015 nearest to her
organized residence
SET G as
new member
To help client Conduct May OJT, Client was
avail Family interview 19, Client interviewed,
Card Program for the 2015 and able to
application apply/ avail for
of Family Family Card
Conduct May OJT, Gathered
home 19, Client information
visitation 2015 regarding
clients present
Advice May OJT, Client was able
client to pay 19, Area to pay FRAME
for FRAME 2015 Social membership,
membership Worker, and
as well as Client contribution for
for the the benefits of
contribution Family Card
of benefits (P380)
of Family
Card to their
treasurer Area
Advice client May Social Client was
to attend 29, Worker, informed to
Family Card 2015 Client attend Family
orientation Card
and its orientation, and
benefits shows
willingness to
Based on the assessment and data gathered by the undersigned, Mark Jean is
therefore recommended to avail CLEAN Gensan Family Card.
I recommend that the client must have a constant monitoring of their monthly
meeting and savings to maintain clients active participation as a member of FRAME SET
G, I hereby recommend that the CSWDO will continue to conduct activities in re-creating
Christ centered communities by restoring and strengthening relationship among
individuals and families.
Noted by: