This document discusses selecting the optimal voltage for an alternative energy system. It notes that higher voltages are more efficient as they require less current to transmit the same amount of power. Common standards are 12V and 24V. Small systems typically use 12V due to appliance availability, while larger systems often find 24V more cost effective due to smaller wiring needs. Higher voltages also allow powering larger motors and extending wiring distances. The document concludes the selected voltage should optimize costs while maintaining safety and reliability.
This document discusses selecting the optimal voltage for an alternative energy system. It notes that higher voltages are more efficient as they require less current to transmit the same amount of power. Common standards are 12V and 24V. Small systems typically use 12V due to appliance availability, while larger systems often find 24V more cost effective due to smaller wiring needs. Higher voltages also allow powering larger motors and extending wiring distances. The document concludes the selected voltage should optimize costs while maintaining safety and reliability.
This document discusses selecting the optimal voltage for an alternative energy system. It notes that higher voltages are more efficient as they require less current to transmit the same amount of power. Common standards are 12V and 24V. Small systems typically use 12V due to appliance availability, while larger systems often find 24V more cost effective due to smaller wiring needs. Higher voltages also allow powering larger motors and extending wiring distances. The document concludes the selected voltage should optimize costs while maintaining safety and reliability.
This document discusses selecting the optimal voltage for an alternative energy system. It notes that higher voltages are more efficient as they require less current to transmit the same amount of power. Common standards are 12V and 24V. Small systems typically use 12V due to appliance availability, while larger systems often find 24V more cost effective due to smaller wiring needs. Higher voltages also allow powering larger motors and extending wiring distances. The document concludes the selected voltage should optimize costs while maintaining safety and reliability.
all in 12 volts, because the lower volt- Selecting the right PV voltage age motors are less efficient and require costly, over-sized wire, breakers dollar! Efficiencies also tend to and switches. increase with higher voltage/lower We do not go to 48 volts very often, By Windy Dankoff current. To see an extreme example of because we cannot get DC lights, relative wire sizes, look under the refrigerators, and well pumps at that T he independent home power sys- tem is based on storage batteries and hood of your car and see the big wire that goes from the battery to the voltage. Most PV dealers and users agree that DC power still has its place direct current (DC electric power. starter. A typical circular saw requires for running the specialized, super-effi- Batteries are low voltage modules that as much power as your starter, but cient DC appliances made specifically may be assembled in 6, 12, 24-volt or look at the little wire it uses! The saw for independent power. Direct use of higher configurations. Voltage is the uses 120 volts, and requires 1/10 the DC in well-engineered appliances electrical pressure at which the sys- wire size to carry the current. reduces both energy consumption and tem operates, and part of the batterys The common voltage standards for inverter requirements. job is to maintain this pressure at a independent-powered homes are 12 We are maintaining 12 and 24 volts fairly constant level. Thus, a 12-volt volts and 24 volts. Your choice of as our DC home standard because it is battery maintains a working voltage standard is based on these factors: safer and less costly to use than higher within the range of about 11 to 14.5 1. Overall system size: Small, cabin- DC voltages. (1) Less battery cells are voltsa standard. A 12-volt appli- size systems standardize on 12 volts, required (they are 2 volts each) with ance will run properly within this which offers the widest choice of less connections between them. (2) range of electrical pressure. small DC appliances and small High DC voltage from batteries (120 While the voltage remains fairly inverters. Medium to large homes volts) poses a serious shock hazard constant, the current (measured in generally cost less to set up on (twice that of 120 volt AC). (3) High amps) varies according to the power 24 volts, for the reasons below. DC voltage poses more fire hazard (it required by the appliance. As more 2. Inverter size: Inverter require- causes much bigger sparks) than AC lights are turned on in your house, ments beyond 2,000 watts or so indi- power at the same voltage. Low volt- more current is drawn from your bat- cate 24 volts, for lower cost per watt age virtually eliminates these hazards. teries. A large bulb draws more cur- and higher efficiency. 120 volt DC is used in industrial rent than a small one. Some appli- 3. DC well pump or other large power systems, but generally not in ances draw different amounts of cur- motors: Motors above HP often homes. Our use of high-efficiency rent at different times; a circular saw necessitate the use of 24 volts, appliances and our elimination of draws more current cutting 2 wood whether they are DC motors or AC electric heating devices keeps power than wood, because the motor run by inverter. Large motors are consumption low, so wire sizes in our works harder. more efficient at higher voltages. High DC homes need not be 5 or 10 times Twelve volts is the most common current is required to start most oversized for low voltage! standard for alternative energy homes motors, so both wire and inverter need A system dedicated to one special- only because it is already a conven- to be oversized. So the potential ized purpose need not conform to the tional standardfor vehicles! As we savings are especially great in going common 12 or 24-volt standard. When progress to higher voltages, less cur- to higher voltage for motor circuits. a solar system is designed only to rent (amps) is required to deliver the 4. Wiring distances: Long wire power a well pump (with a motor same amount of power (watts/horse- runs from PV (photovoltaics, or solar range of to 1 HP) we may go to 60 power). Wire, switches, and other cells) or (especially) wind or hydro or 120 volts DC if that optimizes inline components are sized according generators, to a DC well pump, or to economy and efficiency. to the current they carry; the voltage other buildings, can be very costly at Remember, the final product of your has little bearing on their sizing. low voltage/high current. The longer energy system is not voltsits light, Therefore, a 24-volt home electric the distance, the larger the wire must water, communication, mechanical system is less costly to wireit be to reduce losses. So cutting the cur- energy, etc. The voltage selected requires half the wire size, and less rent in half by using twice the voltage should be that which produces these labor to install. Control systems and can cut your wire cost by nearly 75%. ends at the lowest overall cost, with a inverters contain components that the 5. Plans for future growth: If any high degree of safety and reliability. current must pass through, so they too of the above indicate a requirement can be smaller and less expensive in a for 24 volts in the future, set up for it higher voltage system. from the start so you wont be left To confirm this for yourself, com- with obsolete equipment (such as elec- pare prices of 12 and 24-volt charge tronics) on a 24-volt system. High controllers and inverters. The 24 volt quality 24-volt lights are nearly as models handle far more watts per common as 12. Many large DC