A Brief Overview of Cellular

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International Journal of Contemporary Dental and Medical Reviews (2015), Article ID 010415, 5 Pages


A brief overview of cellular and molecular mechanisms of

Seyed Hadi Hosseini1, Mozhgan Kazemian1, Sajedeh Ghorbanzadeh2
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, 2Department of Endodontics,
Dental School of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Correspondence Abstract
Dr.Mozhgan Kazemian, Department of Oral Osteointegration is one of the most studied issues and is considered as one of the most
and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry,
evaluated cases in implantology. It is important for implantologists to have an in-depth
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences,
understanding of what exist in the bone-implant interface. It is a treatment plan that is
Mashhad, Iran. Tel: +98-51-38832300, Fax:+98-
51-38829500. E-mail:[email protected]
compatible with standards and provides a better clinical forecast. The present study is a
comprehensive review from all that have been conducted regarding various aspects of
Received 04 April 2015; osteointegration.
Accepted 06 May 2015
Keywords: Bone-implant interface, dental implant, integrin, osseointegration
doi: 10.15713/ins.ijcdmr.70

How to cite the article:

Seyed Hadi Hosseini, Mozhgan Kazemian,
Sajedeh Ghorbanzadeh, A brief overview
of cellular and molecular mechanisms of
osseointegration, Int J Contemp Dent Med
Rev, vol.2015, Article ID: 010415, 2015.

Introduction desired living bone and the surface of an implant that carries
graft. In 1981, Albrektsson interpreted this term as a direction in
Collins (1954), Southam and Selwyn (1970) refuted the claim
the light microscopic level that establishes a connection between
that bone-implant connection does not contain any fibrous
the living bone and the implant.[5] And in 1986, Steinemann
layer formation and within several decades of development,
described it as a bone connection with resistance to shear and
the layer has existed around the implant and its integration has
tensile strength.[6] In 1990, Brnemark proposed a modified
decreased with the bone.[1,2] Professor Brnemark et al. during
definition - A feasibly stable structural and functional symbiosis
1950s-1960s, while working on microcirculation of bone and
in a symbolic method among distinguished biological tissues
lesion treatment via microscope, discovered the osteointegration
with remodeling and strictly controlled synthetic compositions
process accidentally and brought new lights in implantology
through better medical choices for patients that increased their and it is obvious that the last special clinical function is provided
performance quality and general health. What seemed significant before the recoiling mechanism begins.
in this unexpected finding was bone adhesion to titanium with no
fibrous layer formation, which was inseparable without fraction.[3] The Bone
It was Professor Brnemark who used the term
osteointegration for the first time and since then; the term is used Osteointegration is a developing process that indicates the
to explain the process of bone-titanium connection. Although formation procedure, role, and restoration adoption that, due
in the past, introduced other terms such as osteointegration to osteoplastic and bone osteoplastic activity, is known as a
and osteointegration, it also recommends the term osseous coupling agent as well.[7-10]
integration.[4] In this article, however, we used the term Osteoblasts have mesenchymal origins that are under the
osteointegration. influence of topical growth factors such as fibroblast growth
Originally, osteointegration was defined by Brnemark in factors (FGFs), bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), and
1985 as a structural and functional connection between the Wnt proteins, which require transcription from Runx2 and

Osseointegration of bone implants Hosseini, et al.

Astrix transcription factors.[11] Moreover, osteoblasts direct the transporters of cell surface receptors that mediate between the
osteoclasts activity by the secretion of osteoprotegerin, which physical binding of cell to the outside of matrix to broadcast
is a RANK trap that inhibits the reabsorption of osteoblast messages from outside in and vice versa.[28,29] They have
bone.[12,13] and subunits with cells, expressing various combinations of
Osteoclasts are bone absorbing cells and work in connection integrins.[30] Canonical cohesion of integrin is based on cell
with osteoblasts, while osteocytes are new cells that are being molecule compositions participating in a messaging-based
trapped inside the new bone matrix. They make a connection cohesion[31,32] and binding ECM to the actomyosin of cell
with other bone cells through protruding the cell membrane in cytoskeleton.[33] These structures are moving and based on the
tunnels, which is called canaliculi. The role of these network cells cell, could be bonded, detached, dispersed, and recovered.[33,34]
is relatively unknown and however, they play a significant part in Filopodia is an actin-rich cell appendage that, along the cell,
bone absorption[14] and the sense of mechanical loading.[15] causes cohesion on rough surfaces.[35] Surface structures scan
Although epithelial bone cells mostly cover the static bone the filopodia layer and stabilize the cell in line with the receiving
surface, yet their function is somehow unknown, and there are signals from cavities with micro and sub-micrometer structures,
doubts regarding their region.[16] acting as an appropriate setting during the route finding phase.
A desirable support will shape with certain points along the
Bone-implant interface events filopodia as well as the tip of these points. These tips that become
wide and branch outward will convert the sticky structures
As soon as the implant is placed in the prepared space, within
that are known as footpads. Cell expansion interfaces with
a limited time as long as nanoseconds, the layer of water
cell membrane appendages in footpads or with the bulge of a
molecules form in its surrounding, which is considerably under
cytoplasmic disk, which means that it is similar to a lamella or
the influence of implant surface.[17] This layer facilitates protein lamellipodium between sticky filopodia.[36-38] On the other hand,
and other molecule absorptions within the implant surface.[18,19] cells stick to the flat surface through canonical cohesion. When
In the second stage, within 30 s to several hours after the implant, this surface is scanned, filopodia receives negative signals, which
the surface will be coated with a layer comprised of intercellular go back to the cell body. The process leads to developed stress
matrix proteins. Its structure, inclination, and composition fibers that impose the stress along the cell body and by increasing
depend on the surface type. These proteins initially come the cells connection to the surrounding, they will become
from blood and interstitial fluid in wound location and then smoother.[35]
derive from cell activity in the area around the prosthesis.[20] During the first day of implant placement, it is the water
In the third stage, cells interaction with the implant surface molecules and platelet absorption that secretes the growth
occurs via a protein layer, which is initiated by cell adhesion, factors. Moreover, messaging and provoking osteoblasts to stick
migration, and dierentiation that lasts for several hours or in cell level becomes possible through the aid of fibronectin
days.[21] This phase is finely adjusted with extracellular matrix that is interfacing with canonical cohesion.[39] Pluripotent
(ECM) proteins, cell surface binding and cytoskeleton proteins, mesenchymal cells are the first to migrate along the implant
chemical characteristics, binding topography, and chemical ion level. They do not deliver osteoblasts.[40] The ability of these
release.[22] cells to distinguish active osteoblasts depends on topical oxygen
ECM carries information that could be decoded by cells tension, food availability, and local regulatory growth factors; all
and cohesive structures, as well as cell shape, organizing of which depend on the angiogenesis of implant position and
cytoskeleton, mobility and polarity of the cell, gene expression, the physiology of transplant.[41] Migration of these cells is also
proliferation, and survival. The process includes collagen Type I, contingent to the decrease of oxygen concentration gradient
proteoglycans, and nano collagen proteins.[23-25] toward the center of wound that is due to local ischemia and
In fact, ECM is a data transmitting method included necrosis. Local ischemia and necrosis are the result of circulation
in a number of proteins, such as collagen I, fibronectin, stop and lack of oxygen for osteoblasts due to the breakage of
thrombospondin, osteonectin, osteopontin, osteoadrin, and capillaries. Although neutrophils are the most abundant cells
bone sialoprotein (BSP), as well as specific plasma proteins to reach their peaks (maximum) within 24-48 h, yet later on
like 2HS glycoprotein,[20] which mostly acts like cell adhesion macrophages become dominant. Both of these cells are involved
interfaces and some as messengers with cell to cell/cell to protein in forming clots and tissue necrosis.
interaction.[26] Moreover, protein serums like albumin are During the third day, related osteoblast transcription factors
absent which indicates selective agglomeration/sedimentation of Runx2 and Op are activated by the cells around the implant.
of molecules in the interface. Molecules that contain Arg- By the 4th day, the created necrotic bone within the surgery is
Gly-ASP or RGD sequence contribute to cell adhesion and reabsorbed and a certain interface zone is formed. In the 5th day,
mineral binding. This RGD sequence is present in a number of some evidences are observable from the new bone formation and
ECM proteins such as fibrin, collagen, fibronectin, vitronectin, the presence of alkaline phosphatase activity, which indicates the
osteopontin, and BSP.[27] beginning of mineralization and matrix remodeling.[42] By the
Cellular connection is a complicated process and forms by end of first week, the cohesion of bone matrix on the surface
integrin, focal adhesion, and filopodia. Integrins are membrane of implant could be recognized easily, ECM becomes engaged

Hosseini, et al. Osseointegration of bone implants

in the surface and bone cavities reach to 35.8 7.2% implant process is recognized as new bone formation. In distance bone
connection ratio. Up to the 16th day, the implant surface becomes regeneration, the new bone is formed on the surface of implant
fully and abundantly coated with a mixture of mineralized tissues, while the implant is covered by the surrounding bone. It is
osteoid, and dense matrix.[43] expected that this procedure occurs in cortical bone healing.[45]
On the 28th day, which is the end of 4th week, the main bone The initial bones are formed woven, which have osteoid in their
establishes a complete binding along the implant surface and matrix. At the end of 12th week, the new bone that is formed at
also in the neck, collagen fibers, and osteoblasts create a volume the implant surface will be uniformed with a body connection of
of tissue layer adjacent to the implant; while collagen fibers mature lamellar bone with titanium surface.[43]
incline toward themselves becoming parallel to the implant
surface and cells, ECM proteins, and mineralized bone tissue
appear in direct relationship with the implant and bone to Conclusion
reach the size of 46.3 17.7% in implant ratio.[44] According Osteointegration is a fairly complicated process and the aspects
to Davies;[45] Puleo and Nanci,[20] ossification occurs in two of micro and micro molecule bone-implant interface are the
directions, from implant surface toward the bone and from matters of controversy. However, through the use of conducted
the bone toward the implant surface, which is known as bone tests and studies of many authors, we can claim that the
regeneration and distance bone regeneration [Figures 1 and 2]. treatment patterns in cortical and trabecular bones are dierent.
In the process of bone regeneration within the contact area, the
Cortical healing depends on the remodeling of haversian, while
bone gets shaped 30% faster. In this mode, prior to the formation
trabecular healing is based on osteoconduction phenomenon
of bone matrix, the implant surface clone with bone cells, and the
(bone growth on the surface) and the formation of new bone.
identical mesenchyme, which was created during the remodeling
Bone formation in the position of bone lesion takes
place due to coupling mechanism and according to frost, the
mechanism of formation and reabsorption should be existing.
The biomechanical milieu in position failure immediately aects
cartilage and bone development.
Once the position of implant placement is prepared, a lesion
is made and the phase of bone-implant healing is performed by
a method similar to healing in the case of a broken bone, since
both operations start with penetration in an intact skeletal
position, an immune response, a new angiogenesis, and use
skeletal progenitor cells. Nevertheless, some skeletal progenitor
cells will dierentiate into chondrocytes in cases of bone failure,
while the others will change into osteoblasts that are followed by
ossification inside the cartilage. Around an implant, all skeletal
progenitor cells that change into osteoblast are followed with
intra-membranous ossification. The other contradiction in
implant healing is that the osteointegration process is extremely
Figure 1: Distance osteogenesis under the influence of implant surface, chemical composition,
and implant biomechanics.[46,47]
Hence, as soon as the implant is located, platelet density
takes place.[45] These platelets secrete the growth factors, such
as platelet-derived growth factor-BB, insulin-like growth factor
(IGF, IGF-2), FGFs (a-FGF, b-FGF), transitional growth
factor beta, BMPs, vasoactive factors of serotonin and histamine
[Figure 3]. These factors are more dierentiated, proliferated,
and bound to osteoblasts with titanium level [Figure 4] and form
a new matrix [Figure 5]. The development is managed by the
transcription factor protein core binding-factor-alpha.[48]
There are ample evidences to prove the direct relationship
between osteointegration and superficial topography. It is
verified that the rough surface made osteointegration binding
better, resulting in filopodia, as well as a four layer increase in
cbcfa1.[48] We also surmise that, an increase in the surface is
not a definitive factor for regulating cell growth in the bone-
Figure 2: Contact osteogenesis implant interface. Consequently, implant surface topography

Osseointegration of bone implants Hosseini, et al.

satellite-like rough surface cells.[35] Therefore, the bone matrix

in the bone-implant interface is formed during the bone growth
on the surface [osteoconduction], simulating ossification
(osteoinduction), bone regeneration (osteogenesis), and bone
progress (osteopromotion).[26]
Bone growth in the surface refers to the orientation of
formed bone activity to the position or specific surface, like
hydroxyapatite coating, which is retained as a framework for
making cell connection and growth. Stimulation of ossification
includes applying mesenchymal stem cells that will be converted
to osteoblasts. Implant surfaces are not stimulating. Bone
regeneration is related to the stimulation of proliferation of
bone progenitor cells and the stimulation of the biosynthetic
activity of osteoblasts. As the fourth modification, although bone
progress is relatively a new term, is related to the formation of
bone in topical bone positions through using techniques that are
Figure 3: Secretion of growth factors from platelets related to membrane barriers, and is only utilized in promoting
clinical cells.
There are many unanswered questions; however, there is
no field of study in implantology that thoroughly investigates
osteointegration. The current results and future research
projects represent better understanding and a finer transparent
image of what is happening in the bone-implant interface,
which subsequently provides the required information for
implantologists. These findings, after understanding the
physiological and biological needs of bone, can supply the
patients with the best possible medical treatments.

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