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DEGREE OF (fbouJrdot(rY (r/ ^(UAsUUZAJ lauAJt

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Instructor in Charge.



1 97758
Table of Contents

Chapter I Specifications

Art. Page

1 - General Description 1

2 - Design 1

3 - Material 2

4 - Hoisting Mechanism 2

5 - Brake 2

6 - Racking Mechanism 2

7 - Trolley 3

8 - Block 3

9 - General 3

Chapter II Frame work

10- Analysis of Forces 4

11- Jib Calculations 5

12- Stresses in the Jib 5

13- Brace Calculations 7

14- Mast Calculations 9

Chapter III Block

15- Hook 11

16- Size of Hoisting chain 12

17- Diameter of Sheaves \ 12

18- size of Block Pin 18


Table of Contents
Art Page

iy bicie .piates 13

bWl V61 14-

21 Hoisting Chain Check 15

iroiiey lb

ivacKing MecnanxsiL lb

24 Selection of Racking chain 21

uxiapuer v winon

<iO no


Of rroportions ox liears <34

QP, oUctl OXllg

OQ ijespaucn nraKo <cb

20 Frames 28

onapuer vi Miscellaneous
OX rinti e s


22 Liesign oi worn, uear cU

24 - Motors 20
Table of Contents


I Assembly

II Diagrams and Polygons

III Details of Frame

IV Details of Block

V Details of Trolley

VI Details of Winch

VII Details of Dispatch Brake

VIII Detail 3 of Frame Fittings

IX Details of Bushing

X Gears and Gear Case



Chapter 1


1. General Description- The type of crane designed is

known as the single under braced jib and is to fulfill the

following specifications:

Power - Electric

Capacity - Maximum hoisting load, six tons.

Dimensions - Height of mast from top of foundation to

bottom of roof truss, twenty one feet,

Length of jib from center of mast to extreme end,

eighteen feet.

2. Design- The frame of this crane is to be composed of

structural shapes with gusset plate connections. The mast

members to be bolted at top and bottom to heavy head castings;

these castings to be fitted with forged steel pins properly

centered and machined

The top pin is to be connected with the top bearing

casting which is to be designed for attachment to ceiling or

truss of building.

The bottom pin is to turn in a heavy foundation bearing:

the bottom of the pin resting on an anti-friction washer.

The tfib end casting is to be fitted with a suitable

idler sheave and attachment for securing the end of the hoist

chain or wire rope.

Factor of Safety: This crane will be proportioned so

that the factor of safety will bo in no case less than five (5)

when the crane is operated at its full capacity. This factor

1b based on the ultimate strength of the material used.

3.- Material- The frame and miscellaneous structural material

will be made of medium steel to conform to the specifications

adopted by The Association of American Manufacturers. All

iron castings will be of tough gray metal, free from injurious

cold shuts or blow-holes.

4. Hoisting-Mechanism- The hoisting mechanism is to con-

sist of a self-contained winch attached to, but practically

independent of the crane frame. This winch is to be operated

by a variable speed motor.

Shaft bearings throughout to be babbited and

provided with suitable provisions for lubrication.

The drum is to be machine turned and grooved

and of ample size to take without overlapping the effective

length of the hoisting chain.

5. Brake- A despatch brake is to be supplied as a part of

the hoisting mechanism designed for retaining the load at any

position, or permitting it to be lo^^ered rapidly under brake

control at the will of the operator.

6. Racking Mechanism- The gearing for racking the trolley

is to consist of two sprocket chain sheaves carrying a sprocket

chain of uniform pitch, attached to the trolley and around on

idler sheave at the end of the jib for pulling the trolley in

either direction. This chain shall have provision for taking

up slack and be operated by a motor.

7. Trolley- The frame is to be supported by four

flanged chilled wheels which travel on the upper flanges of

the channels forming the jib. The trolley is to be fitted

with extra large idler sheaves having turned grooves to insure

smooth running of the hoisting chain. The trolley and block

sheaves are to be bushed with bronze bushing,

8. Block- The block is to be of neat design having a

heavy forged hook with head designed to turn on hardened steel

ball bearings or bronze washer. The sheave of the block is to

be of large diameter having turned grooves.

9. General- The crane throughout is to be designed in

a high grade manner, all details being in harmony with the use

of cut gearing etc., adapting the crane for service with high

speed power at any time without replacing the gearing.


Chapter II

Frame Work.

10. Analysis of Forces- The forces acting in the various

members of the crane were determined by the graphical method

as follows:- Fig. 1 shows the crane indicated by the center

lines of its members, and Fig. 2 the force polygon. The full

lines indicate the forces on the members, when the trolley is

at the maximum radius, and the dash lines when midway between

the points M and Nj letting AB represent the load, then BC and

AD represent the horizontal pressures upon the top and bottom

bearings respectively; 3 E th*e compression in the brace, and

AF the force in the mast between the points N and L.

The results of the force polygon are:

Table 1

Member Position of Load

Max Radius Midway M&N

AB 12000 12000

BG AD 9440 3440

BE 21760 7840

AF 4560 5120

11. Jib Calculation- The maximum bending moment in the

jib with the load midway between M and N is 12000 x 12 = 36000

ft. lbs. With the load at the maximum radius, the maximum

bending moment is 12000 x 4.5 = 54000 ft. lbs. so this bending

moment will be used in selecting a channel. Since the load is

divided equally betweon two channels, each channel must be

selected for a bending moment of 54000 -J- 2 = 27000 ft. lbs.

From a table of bending moments on page 109 in Cambria a

C 41 - 12" - 30 lb. channel is selected which is rated to take

a 28020 ft. lb. bending moment with a fibre stress of 12500

lbs. per square inch.

12. Stresses in the Jib- (a) Load midway between the

points M and N.

Fig. 3 (a) shows the forces acting upon the jib,

and Fig. 2 (b) the horizontal and vertical components of these

forces, w represents the total weight of the jib, and W* that

of the brace. Combining these known weights with the loads

on the trolley and hoisting rope, R and T, the reactions of

the mast and brace upon the jib may be determined.

R T and R T are the horizontal and vertioal components of

f f
g o
these reactions.

Taking moments about the point P, we get

S 2
R Pr Wr QZ T Pt - W'r - w(4L -5r g )
^= 7T~
~~ ~~8~~ =
~n 1-.

4 E

The above equation is only approximate.

With the load Q at the point p the jib is in tension

at the bo t ton. and in compression at the top due to the moment

M. Beside these stresses the jib has a compression uniformly

distributed over the cross-section. This stress has a value.

" T| (2)


The resultant maximum compressive stress in the jib

is then given by the following equation.

Q _ T
S = Mc , _n 1' (?)
2 1 2 A

in which A represents the area and 1 the section modulus of

the cross-section of each member.

Substituting the numerical values of the different

quantities in (l) and (2), we have the value of

M = 479040 in. lb.
S = 8787 pounds per square inch,

(b) Load at the maximum radius.

Fig. 2(c) shows all the forces acting upon the jib,

and Fig. 2(d) the horizontal and vertical components of these

forces. Proceeding as before r t

and T f
, the reactions of the

mast and brace upon the jib may be obtained; also their

horizontal and vertical components. Taking moments about the

point M, the bending moment in the jib is

M ' = QM - + *|? (4)


The part of the jib to the right of the point M

will be in compression at the bottom and in tension at the

top, due to the moment M*. In addition to these stresses

there is a compression uniformly distributed over the cross-

section, given by the following expression:

Compressive stress - Q (5)


Between the points M and N the jib has a tensile

stress equal to R{, uniformly distributed over its cross-


The resultant maximum compressive stress in the

jib is

er f _ M 'o , Q. . (6)
2 I 2nA

Substituting the numerical values of the different

terms in (4) and (6), the results are:

M' = 624860 in. lb.
S* = 11616 + 170 = 11786 lbs. per square inch.

12. Brace Calculations- The brace usually having

considerable length must be considered as a long column and

designed as such. Since it is rigidly attached at its ends,

it would be classed as a "fixed ended column" or "square

ended column". In computing the safe load that it will carry

Gordon's formula is used. (see Cambria Hand Book). The brace

being composed of two parts not laced or bound together at

any point throughout their length, each member must be de-

signed to carry half the total thrust. This thrust is a


maximum when the load is at the maximum radius, and is re-

presented as T' in Fig. 2(c).

The brace is also subjected to a bending moment due

to its own weight, but this is ordinarily small and is

generally neglected.

Since the value of T 1

is 14080 pounds and is equally

divided between the two channels, each channel must be de-

signed for a load of 14080 or 7040 pounds. Using a factor

of safety of 5 each channel is treated as a "square ended

column" having a load of 7040 x 5 = 25200 pounds.

Gordon* s formula for "square ended columns" is

p 50000
(12I,)2 (?)
26000 r !J

in which P = ultimate strength in pounds per square inch,

L = length in feet, and r = radius of gyration in inches.

From the table of properties of standard channels

in Cambria Hand Book a C 25 - 8" - 11.25 lb. channel with a

radius of gyration =0.62 is chosen as having the proper


Substituting in Gordon's formula the values of

the various terms

144 x (18.416 9 ) = 11,327 lbs. per Sq. in.
26000 x (1.62)2

Since the cross-section of the channel is 2.25 square inches,

the load the channel will carry is 2.25 x 11227 or 27980 lbs.,

so this section is sel-ected, since the actual load is less

than the allowable.

14. Mast Calculations- (a) Load at maximum Radius.

Neglecting the weights of the members, the

external forces acting upon the mast are shown in Fig. 4(a),

and their vertical and horizontal components in Fig. 4(b).

For this loading the maat must be designed as a beam strong

enough to resist the bending moment and thrust coming upon

it. The maximum moment is on a section immediately above

the line of action of Rj and its value is

Mt - He - 9L f (8)

Substituting numerical values in (8),

Mi - 25760 ft, lbs.

Since the bending moment is equally divided between

two channels, each must be designed for one half the bending

moment or 25760 - 17880 ft. lbs.

Above the line of action R t
throughout the distance

f the mast is in compression having a value

p= a ^,-i^oo = ?000 (9)

n 4

Using a fibre stress S = 12500 and M = 17880,

I _ 17R80 the minimum section modulus that can
c ~ 12500 = 1 - 424
be used. From the table of properties of channels, Cambria,
a section C 41 - 12 - 20.50# is selected for symmetry and

economy of material.

The maximum compressive stress will then be given

by the following expression:

Substituting proper values in (10)

q 35760 3000 - 10466.4 lb./Sq. in.

^1-2x1.75 2x6.03

(b) Load near the mast.

With the load in this position the mast must be

designed as a column to resist. the thrust coming upon it.

Pig. 4(c) represents the" external forces coming upon the mast,

and Fig. 4(d), the horizontal and vertical components of

these forces neglecting the weight of the members.

Between the points K and N, the mast is subject

to a compression equal to

td _&_-fRo
n 2
_ 12000 + 6000 - 9 00 OD

Below K and down to the point L, the compression

13 B
The resultant bending moment- at the top is small

for this loading andusually is not considered in the design.

A column designed for the load P* would not resist

the bending moment when the load is at the maximum radius.

With the C 41 - 12" - 20.50# channel as chosen,

the stress with the load near the mast is 9000 = 745 lbs./sq. in.

Chapter III


15. Hook- The hook was designed froic formulae

given in Kent's pocket Book, page 907 under the caption

"Proportions of HookB" . A hook of 6 tons capacity was de-

signed and the following dimensions as indicated by the

figure 164 in the book calculated.

A = 2
B = 2

D = .5 X 6tl.25 = 4.25 = 4 T
4 7"
E = .64 x 6 + 1.60 = 5.44 - 5 16

F = .33 x 6 + .85 = 2.83 " 2

G ~ .75 x 4.25 * S.18' 3 S"

H = 1.08 x 2.5 = 2.70 = 2 JJ"

T 1 TT -y O C = <2 <^Q = ** il

J = 1.20 x 2.5 = 3.00 = 3"

K = 1.13 X 2.5 = 2.82 = 2 j|f

L.= 1.05 x 2.5 = 2.62 = 2
M = .50 x 2.5 = 1.25 = 1
N = .85 x 2 - .16 = 1.54 = 1 jj

= .363 x 6 + .66 = 2.84 = 2 y|"

Q s ,64 x 6 + 1.60 = 5.44 = 5 ^

U = .866 x 2.5 = 2.17 = 2

16. Size of Hoisting Chain- In aa much as the

maximum load to be hoisted by the crane is 6 tons and the

block is supported by 4 chains, each chain is assumed to be

under a working load of

2000 x 6 - 3000 lbs.


Newhall Chain Forge and Iron Co. B.B.B.

Crane chain is selected and from a table given in Goodenough and

Leutwiler's Mechanics of Machinery, P 37, a chain size g.,

pitch |i" width of link 1 I" , length of link 1

J , average

weight per foot 1 ~ lbs. proof test 4500 lbs., approximate

breaking load 9000 lbs., and average safe working load

3000 lbs. is chosen.

17. Diameter of Sheaves- The diameter of sheaves

in current practice is usually not less that 30 times the

diameter of the chain. In order to keep the length of the

trolley as small as possible, consistant with good practice,

the pitch diameter of the sheave was made 12 inches which

gives a ratio of sheave diameter to chain diamter of 12/2f 32.

The remainder of the sheave was proportioned in a substantial

manner to produce symmetry.

18. Size of Block Pin- The block pin must be de-

signed to resist bending and shearing for which a bending

Btress of 16000 lbs/sq. in. and a shearing stress of 10000

lb./sq. in. are assumed.


The pin with its loads comes under the classification

of a beam supported at both ends with two symmetrical loads

for which the maximum bending moment is ^ ifa and the

maximum shear W,
Where W= total load in lbs. = 12000

a= distance load to support = 1.81 in.


Max. Bending Moment = 12000 x 1.81 10860 in,


_ 10860 _ 0.68 (12)

c S 16000

d = 1

Owing to the fact that cold rolled shafting comes

M 7"
in - sizes a 1 5- pin will be used which gives under maximum
8 o
load a stress of 10860 _ , on ,, .
16480 lbs
07659 ~ *

The shearing value of this pin is area times shearing

stress or 2.9482 x 10000 = 29483 lbs. while the maximum

Bhear coming upon the pin is I f= 12000 = 6000 lbs.

2 ~2

19. Side Plates- The side plates are designed for

a crushing stress of 20000 lb./sq. in. The thickness of the

plate was determined from the bearing value which is

equivalent to

D x S x t (12)


D= diameter of pin in inches

S~ crushing stress


t= thickness in inches

L= load in lbs.

Using a factor of safety of 5 and substituting

numerical values

t= L x 5 (I 4 )
D x S

t= 6000 x 5 = 0.8" call Z."

1.875 x 20000 .

Consequently to save material and reduce cost of

with a
crane the plates were made of I" material reinforced

strip -'thick.

20. Swivel- The swivel is designed with a bronze

ring. By considering the swivel, as a beam supported at

both ends with a single concentrated load at the middle,

Fig. 5 the maximum bending moment is

M = P L (15)

Since =12000 and L=8 _

L O H 4
we find M=24750 in. lb. ^

From "Strength of materials" we

1 get for the section in question,

-1 1
M _ bd2
S ~ T2 <

16 >

5" Assuming b=5", we find

ns . 5

21. Hoisting Chain Check- Assigning a value of 0.95

for the efficiency of a pulley including shaft friction, the

efficiency of the mechanism of pulleys to where the chain

winds onto the drum is, since five pulleys are used is
(0.95) or 0.774.

With the maximum load on the hook the force in the

chain leading onto the drum is 2000 _ kqjq i^ b This is a


.774 " *

little higher than the average safe working stress for a ^

chain but not enough to justify the use of a larger chain.



Chapter IV


22. Trolley- The trolley was designed mainly by

engineering judgment guided by builders photographs

Ample strength is provided and the various component parts de-

signed with the ease of manufacture and assembling in mind.

For the axles. the load was assumed to be similar to

a beam supported at both ends with two symmetrical loads,

so the maximum bending moment was

M = | Wa ( 17 )

where T7 = total load assumed 7000 lbs. per axle

a = distance from support to load, taken as

6.5 inches.

Assuming S = 16000 and substituting

JL _ I _ . 5 x 7000 x 6.5 _ 1#42

S 16000
This requires a diameter d = 2 but Me axle was
made 2 j|. The shearing value of this axle is Area x shearing

Stress or 4.9087 x 10000 = 49087 lbs. and as the maximum

shear is I if, or I x 7800 = 2500 lbs. the axle is of ample

2 2

22. Racking Mechanism- The racking mechanism con-

sists essentially of two chains, one on each side of the

trolley, passing over idler sheaves and two corresponding


sprockets the latter actuated by a worm gear and motor.

The force required to move the trolley iniist be

sufficient to overcome the following resistances:

(aj Journal friction of the trolley wheels.

(b) Rolling friction of the trolley wheels.

(cj Flange friction of the trolley wheels.

(d) Difference in load chain or rope tensions.

(e) Tension in the racking chain.


Let Q = total load on trolley = 12000 lbs.

B = weight of block = 100 lbs.

W = weight of trolley = 700 lbs.

R = radius of trolley wheel

r radius of trolley ax}.e

Y = coefficient of journal friction (0.08 to 0.1)

c = coefficient of rolling friction (0.02 to 0.02")


A- Journal friction of the trolley axles

Fig-. 6

pig. 6 ahows diagramrcatically the arrangement of

the hoisting and racking chain. From our theory of "Rope

Stiffness, we have,

T = k T
2 f

T-z = k T = k 2T t
T 4 = k t 3 = k^Tf
T = k T = k T T
5 4
T = k Tr = k 5 Ti


B+Q= T^h- Tnc + Ty, + Tc = kT t (l+k+k 2 + K )


a k 4 (QH-B) (k- 1) (19)
(k4 - l)

The moment of friction upon the trolley axles

= ur \|t?+ (T + T,+ T + W) 2 rg-

p 4
J J: - +p^(T 5 + t 3 + t 4 + w) (so)


= ur 2 where 2 represents the bracket quantity.

force P 1
This moment must equal that due to the external

from which it follows that

p1 R

Substituting numerical values and assuming k = 1.05

we have
(12000-1-100) (1.05 - L)
1.05 (1.054 - 1)

T 2 = 1.05 x 2685 = 2820 lbs.

T, = 1.05 x 2685 = 2960 lbs.

1.05 3 x 2685 = 3110 lbs.

= 1.0 4 x 2685 = 3270 lbs.
T 6 = 1.05 x 2685 = 3430 lbs.

g = 6761+ 7487 = 14,248

Substituting the value of 2, p, R and r in (21)

P, = 356 lbs.

b- Rolling friction of the trolley wheels- From

the theory of rolling friction we have for the force P ? re-

quired to overcome this resistance the following:

Pg = (Q+ W + B) (22)

Making the numerical substitutions

p .0$ x (12000 + 700 +100) - 6 4 lbs

*2 - 4

c- Flange friction of the trolley wheel s-

Aocording to Ernst's Hebezeuge, the flange friction

may be taken as approximately 2% of the total load coming upon

the ^trolley wheels. Galling this resistance we have

p, = 0.02 (Q+W + B) (23)

Substituting we have

P^ = 0.02 ( 12000 -+ 700 + 100) = 256. lbs.

d- Difference in load chain or rope tensions.

The difference in tensions depends upon Tg and T and calling

this difference P^ we have

P 4 = T 6 - Tt (24)

Substituting we have

p = 3420 - 26B5 = 745 lbs.


e- Tension in the racking chain- This resistance

is small and may be neglected ordinarily. If the racking

chain is heavy the tension due to its own weight may be obtained

by the use of the following formula:

o W LS (25)

in which w represents the weight per foot of racking chain;

L, the span in feet and h, the sag in feet.

f- The force required for racking the trolley:

The force P required for racking the trolley is equal to the

Bum of the various resistances given above, or

P = P,+ P p + P ? + P 4 + S (26)

Substituting the known values of the different P's

P = 356.2+64 + 245+745 = 1210 lbs.

24. Selection of racking chain- The type of chain

decided upon for use is the Hef frey-Mey-Obern link chain.

Since there are two chains used on the trolley each chain will

be uder a working stress of 1210 or 605 lbs.

Consulting a Jeffrey chain catalogue we select a chain listed

Chactor #52 and having allowable working stress of 600 lbs.


Chapter V.


25. Hoisting Drum- For use on the hoi a ting drum the

"saw-buck" type of grooving was adapted. Using a pitch line

diameter of 22" and an approximate length of chain to be wound

up as 64 ft., the least number of grooves required, adding

2 extra turns, is

3 + il) a 3 + 11 a 14 grooves.

For the saw-buck grooving, allowing ~' clearance be-

8 _
tween wraps, a g- chain requires the grooves to be 1 - center
to center, which makes the least length of drum required as

14 x 1 ^
= 16 ^long.
The proportions of the drum were made in accordance

vith current practice as ddapted by the leading crane builders.

26. Design of gearing- The gearing ratios and

diagramatic arrangement are shown in the accompanying diagram.

Since the force on the chain leading

onto the drum is 2430 lbs. and the

pitch line diameter of the drum is

22", the torque required on the
Fig-. 7
motor pinion is

2420 x i| x | x ^ = 69.8 ft. lbs.

Taking a motor pinion of 6" diameter the value of the

force W exertod on the tooth face is

69.8 x 11 = 279.2 lbs. call it 280 lbs.

Using cut teeth and a diametral pitch of 5, the

number of teeth is 20, the circular pitch 0.6282 and the value

of Y from chart in "Machine Design Notea" is 0.102.

Assuming the maximum speed to be 1178. '/mln. the value of

the stress s as obtained from chart is 2700 lbs. Taking the

face of the pinion as 1~ and substituting in Lewis formula

W = S p* f y (27)

we have

W = 2700 x 0.623 x 1.75 x 0.102 = 300 lbs.

which will be satisfactory.

The intermediate pinion being 5" pitch diameter, the

pitch line speed will be

1178 x = 194'/ min.

Assuming a diametrical pitch of 3 and a 4 face, the

circular pitch is 1.0472, the number of teeth 15 and y,

the strength factor, 0.076 from the chart. The stress as

obtained from the chart is S = 6000 lbs.

The value of the force W exerted on the tooth face

required = 280 x ~= 1680 lbs.

Substituting in formula we have

W = 6000 x 1.0472 x 4 x 0.076 = 1670 lbs.

The gears to mosh with the pinions are always

stronger than the pinion and obviates the necessity of

calculating them.

To sum up the gears the following table, Table II

is added.
Table II
Gear Dia. P I

Motor pinion 6 O 1
Intermediate 30 5 1 C 1
Intermediate pinion 5 3 4 C 1

Drum Gear 45 4 C 1

27. Proportions of gears- The proportions of the

intermediate gear are as follows.

Thickness of rim = p* =

0-gggg. = .314" call 3"

2 8

Thickness of reinforcing rib = p '


3 * g- 6S8Z = .418" call 1"

\[ 30 T (28)
h .

Where N = mimber of arms = 6

T = torque = 2^0 x 15

S = allowable stress = 1000

Substituting in the above formula we have

h - \ 20 x 280 x 15 = 2.4" call it 2 l"

\| 6 x 1000

1 = 2 I - ll'
2 2 4

The drum gear dimensions are calculated in a simila

manner and the following results are obtained.

n = 6

S = 2000


h = 4"

& - 2"
thickness of nrc =
thickness of reinforcing rib =

28. Shafting- Since in raising and lowering the

load, the position of the chain varies from one end of the

drum to the other, the maximum bending moment will be when

the chain is at the center of the drum., on this basis the

17 15 1 L6 drum shaft will be classified as
i T
a beam supported at both ends

with two symmetrical loads as

Fig. 9
shown in Fig. 9. For this style

of loading the maximum bending moment

M = - Wa (29)

W = total load in lbs. = 3430

a = distance from load to support = 4 n

Substituting we have

Max. B.M = 3430^x 4 = emQ ^ ^

Neglecting friction the shaft also has a twisting

moment of

3430 x 11 = 37720 in. lbs.

By Guest's Law, M e = ]jT ? + M2 (30)



T = twisting moment

M = bending moment

We have

o '
M e = (37730) + (6860) = 38348 in. lbs.

Assuming S = 10000 we have

T _ Me - 38348
c~ " s~ ioooo
_ ,
~ 3#84 M Ui;
from which d = 3 ~

The intermediate shaft is subjected to a twisting

1670 x 2.5 = 4175 in. lbs.

The maximum bending moment is w L due to loading

being that of a cantilever beam where

W = total load in lbs. = 1670

L = distance from load to support = 4"

Substituting these values we have

Max B.M = 1670 x 4 = 6680 in lbs.

Using Guests Law, M Q = 7880 in Lb.

Assuming s = 10000, we find D = 2"

29. Despatch Brake- The absorbed energy is made up

of the following parts: (1) The work done by the live load;

(2) the kinetic energy of the rotating parts.

The work done by the live load in a unit of time is

2 therefore in coming to re
Q V and its kinetic energy E= Q.V :

2 Q

in t secondg the live load requires an expenditure of

W-t-E, ft. lb. of work (22)


W = Q V T (22)

Q = live load on hoisting drum

V = linear velocity of drum in ft. per sec.

t = number of seconds brake is applied.

Substituting known values in above equation we get

E, =_2420 x 1.6* x 1.63 = 141 ft# lbs<

2 x 32.2

Allowing the number of seconds the brake is applied

to be 5

W = 2420 x 1.62 x 5 = 27800 ft. lbs.

E + W = 141+ 27800 = 27941 ft. lbs.

Allowing 5fo for inertia of moving parts we have for

the energy to be absorbed.

1.05 (E, + W) = 1.05 x 27941 = 29238 ft. lbs. call

it 30000 ft. lbs.

Using the rule experience has shown that 1 sq. in.

of friction surface for each 200 or 250 foot pounds of energy

absorbed, we require in this case 20000/200 or 150 square

inches of friction surface.

To provide this area of friction surface three fibre

and two steel discs are used having rubbing surfaces of discs

equal to the area contained between circles of four and eight

inch diameters, so the total friction surface supplied =

5 (50.26 - 12.56) = 188 sq. in.


Frames- The frames are designed with a view of


easy manufacture and with bearings placed at a 45 angle.

The pressures on the bearing surface in pounds per square inch

of bearing are within the limits of common usage.


Chapter VI


31. Pintles- The pintles are designed for a bearing

T pressure of 600 lbs. per so. in. of

i9 ay
projected area and must also be strong

enough to resist the cross bending and

Fig. 10
shear that come upon them.

The projected area d x L = ~ - 15.8 sq. in.


l 1
Assuming a pin 3 x 4
2 2
d, = d - 1 3^=3"
2 2
Treating the pin as a cantilever beam, Fig. 10,

we find the stress

S = Mc ~ 21300 = 7800 lb. per sq. in.

2,7 I
The bottom pintle must also resist the vertical load'

coming upon it, hence the area of the collar should be made

large enough so as to keep the crushing stress of the casting

at a rather low limit. For the proportions assumed above,

this crushing stress is found to be 2020 lb. per sq. in.

which is safe.

32. Riveting- For the size of main frame members

used in the design. practice in structural iron work is to make

all field rivets , hence that size will be used. The

shearing value of this rivet in single shear is 2651 lbs.

For the jib and mast, we use force r[ = 14080 which

gives the minimum number of rivets required as 2.

Likewise for the jib and brace and mast and brace we

use the forces T{= 14080 and = 16560 which gives 2 and

4 rivets required respectively.

More rivets than called for by the above will be

used to fill out the joint and also to allow for 50$ in-

crease in number of rivets on account of field riveting.

32. Design of Worm Gear- Using a bronze gear of


4.78" pitch diameter and a circular pitch of we have since

we assume the speed to be 20 ft. per min.

S = 11600 lbs.

f = 2"

N = 20 teeth

y = .088

p' = 0.75

W = 1265 lbs. required

Applying the Lewis formula

W = 11600 x 0.75 x 2 x .088 = 1520 lbs.

The worm will be 2

inch diameter outside and made

integral with the shaft, which is

in diameter.

24. Motors- The motorc selected are those of the

Northern Electrical Manufacturing Co., Madison, Wis. designed

specially for use on cranes.


Since the motor torque required on the hoist is 69.6

ft. lb., by consulting the characteristic curves of the

motors, a 10 H P -"S M frame motor is selected.

For the racking mechanism the horse power required

from the motor, basing the efficiency of the worm and gear

at 45^, is 1.62 so a 1 - HP- "P" frame motor is selected.


Bill of Material.

Cast Iron

No. Name of piece No. Wanted Plate

1 pintle Casting 2 VIII

2 pintle Bearing 2 VIII

Side Frame 2 VI

4 Drum 1 VI

5 Brake Casing 1 VII

6 Hand Wheel 1 VII

7 niso Flanpe 1 VII

8 Trolley wheel 4 V

9 Trolley Axle Bearing 2 V

10 Oil Pocket 4 V

11 Sheave 6 IV

12 Ratchet Wheel 1 IX

13 Bearing Cap 1 IX

14 Bearing Cap 1 IX

15 Motor Pinion 1 IX

16 Intermediate Gear 1 X

17 Drum Gear 1 X

18 Gear Case 1 X

19 Gear Case Cover 1 X

X 1

Q+ sal

tin Woiyfl of P1 Pi ft No "iVant

LAX & U Afi
7 v
-4 Plate

<J X O X (J CX XJ X CI v< v3 uuoBO Plat a III

no Ti Vi A. Mn Qt nuci^At Plat,

DX dl/O 0C i.lcXo 1/ Ul-XCJCJO u X A. CXi u >-/ 2 III

O Y>r*i Pt Q Pal" III

1 X

L/i LUX. oXXclX u 1 IX

07 ctDTo oTta t. Shaft, 1 IX

vj o Tn+Q r^rr "i otq ^Vi n ft 1


0Q 1 IX

1 IX

U i. -L
Q J d w w T">o1
I L/WX tu 4 IV


UJ.L. Uoolr
flL/ vj IV 11 HI 11 1 X on
'Pynyin'l Vjl 1 IVV

w a X*x 1
X w

p TV

1 Ul Pin
of* x XII 1 TV

\J X / TfOl 1 ATT \Tl p v

01 R
V/IO QViftntrA P1 n 1 VV

4 vV

0P0 UXX l UOAo O l/U vol 4 v

021 Steel Di3C 2 vi i

022 Ti a Rat* X V

w t> t_. iiW UU 1 Xj X VX

024 J *i v-/ uUl XX X CfcOO 1


025 ^haf* t Pol Tar* 1


026 Stop Block 4 VIII


Steel (cont)

No. Name of Piece No. Wanted Plate

027 Idler Pin 1 VIII

028 End Plate 1 VIII

029 Take-up Arm 4 VIII

020 Eye bolt 2 VIII

0S1 Idler Collar 2 VIII

022 End Plate Fastening 2 VIII

Brace %
& V111

024 Braoe 1 VIII

025 Pinion Collar 1 VIII

026 Pintle Pin 2 VIII



No. Name of Piece No. Wanted Plate

001 Pintle Bushing 2 VIII

022 Sheave Bushing 6 IX

003 BraVe Bushing 1 IX

004 Trolley Axle Bushing 4 IX

005 Swivel Ring 1 IX

006 Worn: Gear 1 X

007 Thrust Collar 2 X


Wr ought Iron.

No. Name of Piece No. Wanted Plate

W 1 Take-up Collar 2 IX

W 2 Chain Anchor 1 VI


No. Name of Piece No. wanted Plate

p 1 Fibre Disc. 3 VII


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