Developing Design Process Management in BIM Based Project Involving Infrastructure and Construction Engineering

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Pietari Pellinen

Developing design process management in

BIM based project involving infrastructure and
construction engineering
Pietari Pellinen

Developing design process management in

BIM based project involving infrastructure
and construction engineering

Thesis 4/2016

Finnish Transport Agency

Helsinki 2016
Online publication pdf (

ISSN 2343-1741
ISBN 978-952-317-227-2

Finnish Transport Agency

P.O. Box 33
Tel. +358 (0)295 34 3000

Pietari Pellinen: Developing design process management in BIM based project involving
infrastructure and construction engineering. Finnish Transport Agency, Project Management.
Helsinki 2016. Thesis 4/2016. 100 pages and 4 appendices. ISSN 2343-1741, ISBN 978-952-

Keywords: BIM, Design Management, Collaboration, Co-operation, Process


BIM has been acknowledged as a beneficial tool for the design work in construction
projects. The use of the tool has caused changes in co-operation practices and they
are still developing. The meaning of the thesis was to find out the current processes of
BIM collaboration and to further develop them from the perspective of design

The use of BIM in large-scale projects, involving infrastructure engineering and

construction engineering, is a subject that has not been researched to any great
extent. This is why the thesis focuses on that framework.

The theory of the thesis consists of BIM guidelines and project management features
of lean construction, concurrent engineering, project alliancing, integrated project
delivery and knotworking.

Empirical data was gathered from a case project, the City Rail Loop in Helsinki.
Empirical data includes interviews, project meeting analytics and common data area

In combination of theory and empirical data, new processes for collaboration between
design disciplines were developed in the thesis. In addition to new processes, a list of
suggestions for BIM based design projects was developed.

Pietari Pellinen: Suunnitteluprosessin hallinnan kehittminen BIM pohjaisessa hankkeessa,

joka sislt infra- ja talonrakennusta. Opinnytety 4/2016. Liikennevirasto, hanke-
hallintaosasto. Helsinki 2016. 100 sivua ja 4 liitett. ISSN 2343-1741, ISBN 978-952-317-227-2.

Avainsanat: BIM, suunnittelun hallinta, yhteisty, yhteistoiminta, prosessi


BIM on tiedostettu hydylliseksi tykaluksi kytettvksi rakennusprojektien suunnit-

telussa. Tykalun kyttminen on aiheuttanut muutoksia yhteistykytnniss ja ne
kehittyvt edelleen. Tmn diplomityn tarkoitus oli tutkia nykyisi kytntj ja
miten niit voitaisiin edelleen kehitt.

BIMin kytt suurissa rakennusprojekteissa, joissa on infrastruktuurisuunnittelua ja

talonrakennussuunnittelua, ei aikaisemmin ollut tutkittu paljon. Tmn takia diplomi-
ty keskittyy thn viitekehykseen.

Diplomityn teoriaosuus koostuu BIM-ohjeista ja projektin hallinnan nkkulmasta

ksiteltyn teorioista: lean construction, concurrent engineering, projekti allianssi,
integrated project delivery ja solmutyskentely.

Empiirinen data diplomityhn on kertty Pisararata hankkeesta. Empiiriseen dataan

sisltyy haastatteluja, projekti palaverien analysointi ja projektipankki datan

Teoriaosuuden ja empiirisen datan yhdistelmn diplomityss on kehitetty uusi

prosessi suunnittelualojen vliseen yhteistyhn rakennusprojektissa. Uuden
prosessin lisksi diplomityss on mys muodostettu listaus ohjeista BIM-pohjaisille

Pietari Pellinen: Utvecklande av processledning i BIM-baserade projekt som innehller

infrastruktur- och byggnadsplanering. Trafikverket, projekthantering. Helsingfors 2016.
Lrdomsprov 4/2016. 100 sidor och 4 bilagor. ISSN 2343-1741, ISBN 978-952-317-227-2.

BIM har konstaterats vara ett nyttigt verktyg nr byggprojekt planeras. Verktyget har
medfrt frndringar i samarbetspraxisen, som utvecklas kontinuerligt. Avsikten med
detta diplomarbete r att underska den nuvarande praxisen och hur denna kunde
utvecklas ytterligare.

Det finns inte mycket tidigare forskning om anvndningen av BIM i stora byggprojekt
som innehller infrastruktur- och husbyggnadsplanering. Drfr har den referens-
ramen anvnts i detta diplomarbete.

Teoridelen i diplomarbetet bestr av BIM-instruktioner och teorier som behandlats ur

projektledningssynvinkel: lean construction, concurrent engineering, projektallians,
integrated project delivery och knotworking.

Empiriska data fr diplomarbetet har samlats in frn Centrumslingan-projektet och

dessa omfattar intervjuer, analyser av projektmten samt av data i projektbanken.

I diplomarbetet har man kombinerat teoridelen och empiriska data fr att utveckla en
ny process fr samarbete mellan planeringsbranscherna i olika byggprojekt. Utver
den nya processen innehller diplomarbetet ocks en lista ver instruktioner som kan
anvndas i BIM-baserade planeringsprojekt.

Establishing BIM as a design tool causes changes in project processes and in co-
operation between designers. BIM has become the standard tool for large projects.
The processes and co-operation methods are not fully efficient and there is room for

This thesis has been made to map current used design processes and co-operation.
The goal of the thesis was to further develop co-operation processes between
designers in a project. This thesis is made by Pietari Pellinen from Aalto University.
Research was done by following project meetings and interviewing personnel in City
Rail Loop project. Results of the empirical data were combined with the findings from
literature study to produce new more efficient co-operation processes. In addition to
these processes, a list of suggestions was developed for BIM project participants.

Procurer for this thesis was the head of information modeling development Tiina
Perttula from Finnish Transport Agency. Other members of the thesis steering group
were Perttu Valtonen from Sweco PM, Tarja Mkelinen from VTT and Vishal Singh
from Aalto University.

Helsinki, March 2016

Finnish Transport Agency

Project Management

ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................................................9

1 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................10
1.1 Backround ......................................................................................................................10
1.2 Case Project: City Rail Loop ....................................................................................... 11
1.3 Goals of the Masters Thesis ...................................................................................... 14
1.4 Research Questions ..................................................................................................... 14
1.5 Structure of the Masters Thesis ................................................................................ 15
1.6 Research Framework and process ............................................................................. 15

2 THEORY AND DESCRIPTION OF PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE................................ 17

2.1 BIM Project Planning and Execution ........................................................................ 17
2.1.1 Collaboration and information management............................................ 20
2.1.2 Other best practices in BIM processes ...................................................... 26
2.1.3 Summary of BIM execution and planning .................................................. 27
2.2 Lean construction ........................................................................................................ 30
2.3 Co-operation management methods ....................................................................... 39
2.3.1 Concurrent engineering ................................................................................ 39
2.3.2 Project Alliancing ........................................................................................... 43
2.3.3 Integrated Project Delivery .......................................................................... 49
2.3.4 Knotworking .....................................................................................................52
2.4 Summary of theory research ..................................................................................... 54

3 RESEARCH METHODS ................................................................................................57

3.1 Interviews...................................................................................................................... 58
3.2 Co-operation analytics ............................................................................................... 59
3.3 Analytics........................................................................................................................ 59

4 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYTICS.................................................................... 60

4.1 Interviews...................................................................................................................... 60
4.1.1 Results of the interviews ............................................................................... 60
4.2 Project meetings analytics .........................................................................................74
4.3 Common data area analytics ..................................................................................... 78

5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................... 84

5.1 Suggested processes to produce compatible models .......................................... 84
5.2 Suggested development for design management ................................................. 88
5.2.1 Learnings from the case project .................................................................. 89
5.2.2 Development suggestions based on the case project ............................. 90

6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ................................................................................ 92

6.1 Meaning of the thesis ................................................................................................. 92
6.2 Achieved results and their use .................................................................................. 93
6.3 Achieved new findings ................................................................................................ 93
6.4 Valuating the results ................................................................................................... 94
6.5 Suggestions of possible new research directions ................................................. 94

REFERENCES............................................................................................................................. 95

Common data area analytics tables and examples of original data
Appendix 1 Dependencies matrix
Appendix 2 Dependency matrix without source information engineering and match
Appendix 3 Example1 of original data, downloads
Appendix 4 Example2 of original data, uploads


AEC industry Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry

BEP BIM Execution Plan
BIM Building information model
CE Concurrent Engineering
CRL City Rail Loop
DSM Design Structure Matrix
FTA Finnish Transport Agency
HPAC Heating, plumbing and air-conditioning
IPD Integrated Project Delivery
Lean Production development philosophy
Lean construction Application of Lean to construction industry
LOD Level of Development
LOI Level of Information
LPS Last Planner System
Mass-model Rough architecture model with the placement of
building masses
PA Project Alliance
TOC Target Outrun Cost
TPS Toyota Production System The base of Lean
VDC Virtual Design and Construction
VSM Value Stream Mapping

Common data area = Project data bank


1 Introduction

1.1 Backround
Modern construction projects are often challenged by delays and other time-related
uncertainties. Delays are often caused by poor communication, ambiguous
requirements, and regular misunderstandings in the industry (Forbes and Ahmed
2011, Cremona 2011). Collaboration problems are commonly identified as one of the
main factors affecting the low productivity and ineffectiveness in construction
industry. Due to an increasing complexity of the projects, establishing more
integrated approaches is required in construction design (Codinhoto and Formoso

Applying building information modeling to a design process is a growing trend in the

field of construction. The advantages of BIM have been noticed especially in large
multimillion design projects. In these large design projects, especially involving many
different design fields that use different software, the use of BIM and the changes it
will make to the design processes is an area that has not been researched much
before. These new processes are now developing as BIM is for the first time
implemented in this large scale to a project that has such many different design

Learning new design processes from the project City Rail Loop, ordered by Finnish
Transport Agency and city of Helsinki, was a fruitful opportunity. City Rail Loop is a
project where these new BIM practices were for the first time demanded at this kind of
project at this large scale. It was realized that developing these new practices will
demand resources and decision were made to prepare for this. This fruitful
opportunity was the reason to select City Rail Loop as the case project for this thesis.
Inside the project there were also three separate design groups that were individually
solving these new problems. Following these groups was hoped to give comparable
solutions to problems of BIM based design.

The Finnish transport agency had realized the advantages of BIM in the information
transfer aspect and in the aspect of achieving better design. Decisions were made to
demand BIM based design and development of process from the designers.

This Masters Thesis started from the need to document these new developed
practices in the case project as well as to develop them further. The masters thesis
was made to take these developed practices to next projects that will also be
produced in BIM based design.

1.2 Case Project: City Rail Loop

Case project was selected under research for several reasons. One of the reasons is
that BIM is implemented in to a real project for the first time at this scale in Finland to
both building and infrastructure engineering simultaneously. This was hoped to give
insight on how to solve new challenges and take advantage of opportunities that
implementation would develop. Third reason for selecting this case project is that
there were three separate design groups involved in the project. Their approach to
problem solving and to BIM processes were known to be slightly different.
Comparison of these different approaches was wished to give good results in
improving design management processes.

City Rail Loop is a planned urban railway line for commuter trains under the Helsinki
city center. The loop-shaped railway starts in Pasila and runs in a tunnel via Tl,
Helsinki city center, Hakaniemi and back to Pasila.

Figure 1 City Rail Loop Infographic

The public transport system must be able to accommodate a continuously growing

number of passengers. At present there are nearly 1.4 million inhabitants in the
Helsinki region. This number is expected to increase by 40,000 this decade and by
more than 400,000 during the next few decades.

Picture 1 Screenshot of the City Rail Loop model (Finnish Transport Agency 2015)

The City Rail Loop will enable efficient railway traffic in a large area. As a result of the
new railway section, rail capacity can be freed up on the now too congested stretch
between Helsinki and Pasila, allowing trains to run at more frequent intervals.

The City Rail Loop will make the city center more accessible with trains running
directly to Tl and Hakaniemi. It will also improve the connections to the Olympic
Stadium, the Helsinki Ice Hall and the Opera and draw more customers to the
businesses in the area. (Finnish Transport Agency)

Picture 2 Total model of the City Rail Loop (Finnish Transport Agency 2015)

The case project involves infrastructural construction, housing construction in the

station parts and it is mainly situated underground. The projects cost estimation is
close to 1 billion euros. The project involves 15 different design disciplines with a
rough division, 300 designers and 100 other consultants and officials..

In this project there was a decision made to design the project in building information
modeling environment by FTA and city of Helsinki. FTA and city of Helsinki decided to
make City Rail Loop a project where BIM based design practices are developed (City
Rail Loop Project Plan). City Rail Loop developed a BIM strategy together with the
designers to achieve these goals that were set to project and minimize the risks that
relate to the use of modeling in the project.

Picture 3 Example of detailed modeling in City Rail Loop (Finnish Transport

Agency 2015)

City Rail Loop BIM strategy was produced to gather all the goals for modeling and
purposes of use for the models. Strategy points the ways to achieve these gathered
goals. Strategy is a way to communicate these goals and ways to achieve them to all
the different parties involved in the project. (City Rail Loop BIM Strategy)

To achieve the goals developed in the City Rail Loop BIM Strategy describes:

requirements for different parties

resources needed for modeling
roles and responsibilities
information to be produced that supports decision making
information to be produced that supports that works as a upkeep document in
the operation and maintenance phase
how service provider can assist on reaching the set goals
how it works as a part of preparation of offerings

As a result of the strategy the project formed an information model development

group that shares developed practices in different procurements. The group also
brainstorms new ways of working and the best practices to be used in this project.

Picture 4 Cross-section of the City Rail Loop model (Finnish Transport Agency

This project will serve as a source of data for this masters thesis.

1.3 Goals of the Masters Thesis

In this masters thesis the goals are to study what are the current good design
management practices and processes that are used. This includes researching the
collaboration methods and processes that are used in the case project and in
literature. Through analyzing literature, following project meetings and doing inter-
views the goal is to define opportunities for further improvement.

1.4 Research Questions

The goals of the masters thesis result in following research questions:

What is the current BIM process and how could the current BIM processes be
What is done well in the current BIM design process?
What should be the BIM process to produce models and information
efficiently and compatibly?

Answers for the first questions are found from the literature research as well as from
the empirical section of this thesis. The researched theories give sight on the current
process of BIM design in theory. Also following the meetings and doing interviews will
tell how the process is executed now in this case project. In the research question,
BIM processes mean both information and work-flow processes.

The following question concerning the current BIM process is hoped to be answered
through the interviews. The answers for this question are the result of the inter-
viewees experience of case project and other projects.

The third question will be answered through empirical data and all new techniques
introduced in the theory.

1.5 Structure of the Masters Thesis

This masters thesis consists of four main parts. They are theory research, collecting
and analyzing empirical data, findings and conclusions.

In theory/literature research the latest theories and models for co-operation design
methods are studied. In analytics of empirical data following meetings, gathering
interviews and other empirical data are presented. In findings the results of these two
parts are combined. In conclusions the results of this masters thesis are presented
and evaluated.

1.6 Research Framework and process

The research of the case project was done during the end of the preliminary design
phase. This is why the research framework is also mainly around preliminary design
phase. From the empirical data and theory there also rises research that refers to a
wider framework. There subjects cover also design in more detail design phases.

Figure 2 Research in the case project timeline

Research process was a bit different from a traditional process of a masters thesis.
Usually a masters thesis starts with a literature research. In this thesis due to the
case projects schedule, the empirical data was collected first. The empirical data was
collected in the end of the preliminary design phase. This was done because it was
hoped to give results to improve the design process of the construction design phase.
It was also a time when the projects teams were collaborating to produce compatible
models. This was found to be beneficial for the thesis. The research process of this
thesis can be seen in the figure below.

Figure 3 The research process


2 Theory and description of previous

Literature research is required in the masters thesis. This literature research
investigates BIM guidelines, BIM standards, Lean construction and knotworking. BIM
guidelines and standards were selected based on their language. All the revised
guidelines are written in English. These selected guidelines were researched on their
approach to BIM processes: planning and execution. Guidelines and standards were
selected for review to find if they contain new information for BIM processes in
comparison to previous knowledge in the case project. Guidelines also give insight on
the BIM implementation to a project. Guidelines and standards outside Finland were
also researched to see if they would give more precise instructions for the processes
than the Finnish guidelines.

Other aspect of the literature research is the general process literature. These include
Lean construction and knotworking. They are general process development tools to
help problem solving in the project as well as to increase workflow and decrease
waste in the process. They were selected because they are the latest process
development tools introduced to the construction industry.

2.1 BIM Project Planning and Execution

This part of theory research studies different guidelines and standards for BIM
processes. It researches the implementation of BIM in the project and the process of
using it in design.

In the researched guidelines and standards the process for BIM implementation and
design is quite similar. The chapter is written in the form of this process. Different
guidelines are referred based on which guideline gives the best and the most accurate
descriptions of each phase of BIM based design process. The process starts from
execution planning and continues to the co-operation and sharing the information in
the design phase. The chapter covers the subjects that need to be planned in the project
in order for it to be successful in each phase. This is the essence of the guidelines and

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process focused on the development, use

and transfer of a digital information model of a building project to improve the
design, construction and operations of a project or portfolio of facilities. (Messner, et
al. 2011)

First phase in implementing BIM to projects design is to develop an execution plan.

Guides Messner et al. (2011), the VA BIM Guide (2010), AEC (UK) BIM Technology
Protocol (2015) and Singapore BIM Guide (2013) state that to implement BIM, the
project team must perform detailed and extensive planning. This BIM execution
planning (BEP) should be performed at an early stage of a project. The plan should
include opportunities, responsibilities and documentation of the process.

Guide by Messner et al. (2011) provides a procedure with following steps:

1. Identify high value BIM uses during project planning, design, construction
and operational phases
2. Design the BIM execution process by creating process maps
3. Define the BIM deliverables in the form of information exchanges
4. Develop the infrastructure in the form of contracts, communication
procedures, technology and quality control to support the implementation

Figure 4 BIM Project Execution Planning Procedure (Messner et al. 2011)

In addition to BIM Project Planning Guide (2011), AEC (UK) BIM Technology Protocol
(2015) lists the following things to be included in the BIM execution planning:

Goals and Uses: Define the projects BIM goals, uses and aspirations along
with the workflows required to deliver them.
Standards: The BIM standard used in the project and any deviation from that
Software Platform: Defines BIM software to be utilized and how
interoperability issues will be addressed.
Stakeholders: Identifies project leadership and additional stakeholders and
their roles and responsibilities.
Meetings: Defines the BIM meeting frequency and attendees.
Project Deliverable: Defines the project deliverable and the format in which it
is delivered and exchanged.
Project Characteristics: Number of buildings, size, location etc. Division of
the work and schedule.
Shared Coordinates: Defines the common coordinate system for all BIM data.
Details modifications to imported DWG/DGN coordinates.
Data Segregation: Addressing model organizational structures where
relevant to enable multi-discipline, multi-user access and project phasing as
well as ownership of project BIM data.

Checking/Validation: Defines the checking/validation process of drawings

and BIM data.
Data Exchange: Defines the communication protocols along with the
frequency and form of data exchange.
Project Review Dates: Sets out key dates for reviews of the BIM which all
teams buy in to (both internal to the company and externally with the full
design team).

Project must be reviewed according to the BEP. These reviews must take place
regularly. This ensures that models fulfill quality requirements, project achieves
goals, workflow is maintained and BEP is being followed and developed. (AEC UK BIM
Technology Protocol)

Richards et al (2013) divide the execution plan to two separate phases: pre-contract
and post contract. Reason for separation is that some of the content has to be agreed
with the contracted designers and engineers. Content of the pre-contract execution
plan is:
Project information
Employers information requirements
Project implementation plan
Project goals for collaboration and information modelling
Major project milestones
Project information model (PIM) delivery strategy

Content of the post contract execution plan is:

Project information
Employers information requirements
Planning and documentation
Standard method and procedure
IT solutions

PAS 1192-2:2013 also emphasizes making a document of employers information

requirements (EIR) before continuing to the phase of developing BIM execution plan.
This includes collaborative working requirements and definition of information
exchange. EIR is formed on the base of project execution plan.

Next stage in the BIM process is creating the models and sharing of the information
according to the execution plan. Individual designers first produce their models
according to the minimum standard of modelling requirements. These requirements
need to be decided in the execution plan. These models are then validated and quality
checked for the use of other designers. After validation the revision is frozen and
released. Validation is a process to make sure that models are fit for cooperation
between disciplines. (Singapore BIM Guide 2013)

An alternative process for publishing combined models is demonstrated in a masters

thesis by Jaakko Kinnari (2013). In this process the suggested format is IFC and the
process of publishing is as is shown in the figure below.

Figure 5 Process of publishing models (Kinnari 2013)

Models are rapidly changing through the project. A system for following these
different revisions must be adapted to the process. Changes should be tracked and
documented. This is especially important when models are created by several people.
This is a task that the BIM coordinator of each discipline is responsible for.
(Singapore BIM Guide 2013)

2.1.1 Collaboration and information management

Produced models are needed by other disciplines to be used as a reference to their

own design. Sharing of models should be done on regular intervals. Other cooperation
exists also in the project. This needed cooperation should be mapped. This mapping
should show interactions between different disciplines. Different software solutions
are available to effectively collaborate. Problems in the collaboration should be
recorded and communicated to project parties. These collaboration methods should
then be changed accordingly. (Singapore BIM Guide 2013)

Table 1 Example of BIM project collaboration map in design phase (Singapore

BIM Guide 2013)

Other means of collaboration management is provided in the British standard BS

1192:2007. It notes that the projects should follow standard processes that are then
tuned project-by-project. This is the case especially when processes are those that
describe the production of design. These include co-ordination of the project model
files and production of drawings and models. These processes should be agreed on
the early phases of the project by relevant parties of the project.

Standard BS 1192:2007 and PAS 1192-2:2013 describes a common data area (CDA)
that should be conducted for the sharing of information. The standard divides it to
four parts: work in progress (WIP), shared, published documentation and archive.

Work in progress section is for the use of in-design team. It consists of different
drafts, concepts and versions. Each file in WIP should be work and responsibility of a
single design team. Versions are evolving in WIP area and they should be tracked with
filename index.

Shared data includes information that is needed for coordination and cooperation.
Here is where the ongoing design development happens. Shared environment can be
separated to include project team are and client area. A file is moved to shared area
when its classification is changed to fit for cooperation. To achieve this classification
file must be checked by authorized person of the design team. The standard suggests
this person to be the lead designer. These procedures prevent working with
adversarial documents. It is also important to download models and files just once to
shared area. Duplications of information can cause problems. Duplicate layers or
parts in different models should be removed before uploaded to shared area. For
example structural and architecture models could include duplicate parts in the work
in progress area. New files or versions should also be tracked with a revision
indicator. (BS 1192:2007)

Published documents are information that for example fit the requirements of
tendering, costing, manufacturing, construction. These requirements set milestones
for published document publishing. They are determined in the schedule of the
project. When shared documents meet these requirements they need to be authorized
by the client. After client approval they can be shared and stored in the published
document section. (BS 1192:2007)

Archive provides classification for knowledge of project history. Archive can also
include every other kind of information that is not related to previously mentioned
information. Material can include legal material, history of information transfers,
operation and maintenance information. (BS 1192:2007)

BS 1192:2007 also recommends using file classification system. A simple code is

attached to the file to classify the file and give information about the content and its
readiness. Different classifications are needed for file to switch from directory to
another. For example file classified as B could mean ready for shearing. B then tells
that the document fulfills the set list of requirements to get its classification. One
useful classification is needed for quick information requests. These means that the
document could be transferred to published documentation but the classification tells
that it only fulfills this quick information request. For example it is not ready to meet
the construction document classifications.

Figure 6 Common Data Area (BS 1192:2007)

Other terms classification needed for information is the status of file. This should
implicate the suitability of information to defined purposes. Classification is also
needed for the designers. This refers on giving a role and a definition of the role for
each member of the project team. Member of the team should be a part of at least one
role. (BS 1192:2007) PAS 1192-2:2013 gives an example of status code definitions as
shown in the table below.

Table 2 Status term codes in the CDE as in PAS 1192-2:2013

Under these kind of status definitions it can be defined by discipline the collaborative
needs for each element produced. These kind of definitions help to prioritize the
design and to achieve better quality of the collaborative models. (Singapore BIM
Guide 2013) Below is given an example of simple table to make these definitions.

Table 3 Example of how to simply define the parametric needs of each model
element by discipline

BS 1192:2007, PAS 1192-2:2013 and other guidelines also emphasize the importance
of standardized naming practices. Files and folders naming should be consistent and
based on a national standard and extended with project specific naming standards.
Same goes with the naming of spaces and layers.

Grids and origin should be agreed on between the project team members on an early
phase of a project. (PAS 1192-2:2013 and BS 1192:2007)

Nevertheless, the building information is more than just the visual model as described
in the British standard PAS 1192-2:2013. It actually involves all documentation, non-
graphical data and the graphical model. The amount of this information increases as
the project forwards. This is why the planning of information delivery and formats
needs to be taken in to consideration in the project. This is what the actual
collaboration in the project is.

An important area of information is also volumes. Project should provide a strategy to

communicate volumes to team members. This enables concurrent working with
models. Volumes can be based on structure of cores and HVAC systems. These are
important parts of the design. Clashes are not allowed for volume objects. Volumes
are the responsibility of the designer. (PAS 1192-2:2013)

In addition to previous classifications for shared documents the accuracy of models

in each stage of the design should be planned (AIA Document E203 2013). This kind
of classification is needed because as the components and systems in design
progress, the level of detail is not simply looking at the model. It is easy for the author
to know it but it is also easy for others to misinterpret it. Risk is that a measure in the
model is referred as exact when the author has just given an approximation. (LOD
Specification 2015)

This kind of specification for Level of Development (LOD) is given in the document
LOD Specification 2015. LOD compiles of six clearly interpreted categories:

LOD100: Symbols in the model can show an existence of a component.

Symbol doesnt indicate the size, shape or precise location. Every part of
LOD100 must be considered as approximate data. LOD100 is not a geometric
presentation of a structure.

LOD200: Model Elements are modeled as generalized systems or assemblies

with approximate quantities, size, shape, location, and orientation. Non-
geometric information may also be attached to Model Elements. LOD200
indicates a generic placeholder. They can be recognized as the component or
system they represent. They also could be just volumes or space reservation.
Every piece of LOD200 information is approximate.

LOD300: Model Elements are modeled as specific assemblies accurate in

terms of quantity, size, shape, location, and orientation. Non-geometric
information may also be attached to Model Elements. All these mentioned
elements can be measured from the model without using notes or dimension

LOD350: In addition to LOD300 the needed coordination parts for the element
are also presented. These parts include supports and connections.

LOD400: Model Elements are modeled as specific assemblies that are

accurate in terms of size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation with
complete fabrication, assembly, and detailing information. Nongeometric
information may also be attached to Model Elements. LOD400 accuracy fulfills
the needs for fabrication of the specific element.

LOD500: Model Elements are modeled as constructed assemblies actual and

accurate in terms of size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation. Non-
geometric information may also be attached to modeled elements.

Level of development classifications have many development phases also between

them. This is why they should be considered as minimum requirements. LOD
specifications are cumulative. This means that if an element fulfills the requirements
of LOD300 it must also fulfill the requirements in LOD100 and LOD200. LOD levels
vary from project to project and that is why they should be defined again in each
project. LOD Specification 2015 gives a listing of suggested detailed specifications
for each building element. (LOD Specification 2015)

Below is given an example of LOD specification for a single model element from LOD
specification 2015:
Table 4 Example of accurate LOD definitions for a single model element

LOD classification can be connected to the BIM elements in a simple listing called
model element table. In the table the LOD level is defined for each element in each
phase of the design. In this table the author (MEA) of each element as the LOD level
are defined for each design phase. An example can be found below. It should be noted
that is only defined the minimum content requirements and the actual models can be
modelled at greater detail. (AIA E203 2008)

Table 5 Example of model element table (AIA E203 2008)

2.1.2 Other best practices in BIM processes

Here are collected other best practices that are not noted previously in this chapter.

AEC (UK) BIM technology protocol lists these best practices to be used in the model
producing process:

It is imperative for smooth information exchange that clear guidelines are

developed for internal and external collaborative working which maintain the
integrity of electronic data. This is equally important for employers decision
points, suppliers information exchange and the iterative model exchange of
design data between these more formal deliveries.
Identify clear ownership of model elements through the life of the project.
Sub-divide models between disciplines and within single disciplines to avoid
file sizes becoming too big or slow to operate within the agreed project
volume strategy.
Understand and clearly document what is to be modelled and to what Level of
Detail (LOD). Do not over model.
Define clearly the data (Level of Information (LOI)) to be incorporated into
the BIM relevant to the stage.
Together, the LOD and LOI help to better communicate the expectations of
BIM content and clarify the Level of Definition at any point in the design and
construction process. Level of Definition = LOD + LOI
Avoid disconnect between the main 3D model and 2D views or output.
Revisions to the project should be made at source (i.e. in the model) to
rather than editing the 2D to ensure the integrity of the model and
coordination between the BIM and its output.
Outstanding warnings shall be reviewed regularly and important issues
Where drawings are a product of the BIM, traditional drawing conventions
still apply.

2.1.3 Summary of BIM execution and planning

Previous chapter covered the BIM execution and planning. The researched guidelines
and standards were good in giving answers for what needs to be planned in BIM
based project for the implementing to be successful. The referred material was also
good at giving lists of things to be taken into consideration.

All of the guidelines were good on the level what is needed to be planned. They didnt
refer to good examples and they were written in very general level. There would have
been a need for more accurate process descriptions. The description of how to share
models and information was in a high level. On the other hand guidelines for model
accuracy on each phase of the project were missing. This kind of definitions would be
really useful for the users of guidelines.

Many of the existing guidelines cover well housing building but only few cover
infrastructure modeling. So there is a need to develop BIM guidelines for
infrastructure engineering and the BIM collaboration between infrastructure and
housing engineering.

The referred guidelines have differences in comparison to Finnish guidelines. For

example the Finnish guidelines (YIV 2012) leave the BIM process open and the
referred guidelines cover these matters in changing accuracy. For example the
referred British guidelines give quite exact process description but leave open how
that process can be achieved. The Finnish on the other hand gives possibilities on
what can be done with BIM and leaves the process for the projects to decide.

The guidelines model producing process can be summarized to follow the figure

Figure 7 Model producing process according to the researched guidelines

All the guidelines suggest this kind of process for producing models. They might
differentiate in details.

Guidelines had their differences. Some were more specific on certain matters than
others. In the following part there are gathered short reviews on each of the referred

National Guidelines for Modelling Australia 2009

Australian national guidelines were not in very specific level. In this guideline there
were mainly gathered possible uses for BIM in projects. It could be a good starting
guideline for someone, who has just started working with BIM issues. Higher level
BIM professionals would need a more specific guideline for managing the design
process. It is a bit outdated to be used as a only guideline for current projects.

Level of Development Specification 2015 (BIM Forum)

This guideline offers the best guideline to refer for LOD specification. The need for
LOD is explained well. Guideline also provides hands on tables for each construction
element LOD specification. This provides a very good starting point for any project to
develop LOD specifications. Guideline didnt present an example for different LODs in
different project phases. Guideline covered only housing engineering. LOD guideline
for infrastructure engineering BIM elements would be needed.

Georgia Tech BIM Requirements & Guidelines for Architects, Engineers and
Contractors 2011
This is a good basic guideline. Best parts of it are the required deliverables in each
design phase, which can be used a base for any project. It also provides good process
charts on how to validate models in each phase of the project.

AEC (UK) BIM Technology Protocol 2.1

This guideline is one of the best guidelines in implementing BIM. This is a must read
for anyone co-operating with BIM or managing BIM processes. It provides complete
listings for co-operation, sharing and other BIM requirements in a project.
Represented BIM processes can be used in infrastructure engineering.

Singapore BIM Guide 2013

Guideline gives a good framework for BIM collaboration and information production.
It also gives a very god listing for defining the collaborative needs for each building

BIM Best Practices Project Report University of British Columbia 2011

This paper researches BIM practices from case studies. Guidelines researched in this
paper are already quite outdated. Possible uses of BIM and other BIM practices
through case studies are a good source of BIM information. Evaluation of each case
project with areas of benefits, challenges and lessons learned is a good read.

British Standard 1192:2007

Headline of this standard is Collaborative production of architectural, engineering
and construction information Code of practice. This standards is good to refer in
model sharing practices. It covers a classification system for deliverable information
and a process for collaboration.

PAS 1192-2:2013
Headline of this guideline is Specification for information management for the
capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modelling.
This guideline is extremely good in the viewpoint that it recognizes the need of all
model related information co-operation. In BIM other deliverables are also needed
and this guideline provides well explained processes on how to do just that.

VA BIM Guide 2010

This is an general level guide. It doesnt go to a great level of detail.

BIM Project Execution Planning Guide 2.1 2011

This is a extensive guide for implementation and performing project execution plan.
This guide is recommended referring material for BIM projects. It gives good outlines
for information exchanges and identifying BIM goals and uses. It also defines how to
create a supporting infrastructure and how to implement BIM to a project.

Pre/Post Contract-Award Building Information Modelling (BIM) Execution Plan

These guidelines go through the needed content for BIM execution plan in narrow
level. Mostly things needed to be included in the plan are gone through on a headline
level with short descriptions.

In short the best guidelines to cover following topics were:

General guidelines:
National Guidelines for Modelling Australia 2009
Georgia Tech BIM Requirements & Guidelines for Architects, Engineers and
Contractors 2011
VA BIM Guide 2010
Singapore BIM Guide 2013

Information sharing and collaboration:

British Standard 1192:2007
PAS 1192-2:2013
Singapore BIM Guide 2013

Model Accuracy:
Level of Development Specification 2015

Execution planning
BIM Project Execution Planning Guide 2.1 2011
Pre/Post Contract-Award Building Information Modelling (BIM) Execution
Plan (BEP)

This chapter provided insight to specific BIM guidelines and what they have to offer
to support design management. Next chapters revise other kind of methods for
developing and managing processes.

2.2 Lean construction

Last part of the theory described guidelines to avoid practical problems in the BIM
producing process. Guidelines give solutions for everyday project information transfer
and sharing practices. Next chapters focus more on the management side of the design
process. Lean, integrated project delivery, concurrent engineering and knotworking are
systems and philosophies to better manage the design and to create value for customer.

Definition of LEAN
There is considerable confusion regarding what is meant by lean, lean construction
and lean design in the extant literature, with many competing definitions and
interpretations. Typically definitions are implicit vague, interpretative and/or based
on references that eventually lead back to popular management literature. Mostly
word lean is used to systems that are inspired by the original lean rather than being
straight copies of the original one. (Jorgensen, Emmit 2009). This is why in this
thesis Lean is defined as a general definition as follows.

Lean is production development philosophy that is based on the Toyota Product

Development System. It emphasizes maximizing flow efficiency and resource
efficiency and how both of them could be achieved. (Modig, hlstrom 2013) In their
book Modig and hlstrom describe that main principles in achieving these goals are
minimizing waste in the process and adding value for the customer. The seven wastes
defined in Lean is shown in the picture below. This Lean cannot be applied straight
from manufacturing industry to the construction industry due to the basic differences
in their production. This has led to the development of a concept and theory of Lean

Figure 8 Key Lean principles and seven wastes of Lean


Definition of Lean construction

Lean construction refers to the application and adaptation of the underlying
concepts and principles of the Toyota Production System (TPS) to construction. As in
the TPS, the focus in lean construction is on reduction of waste, increase of value to
the customer, and continuous improvement. While many of the principles and tools of
the TPS are applicable as such in construction, there are also principles and tools in
lean construction that are different from those of the TPS. (Sacks, et al. 2009)

Lean construction differs from TPS. The wastes mentioned earlier have been defined
to better comprehend with construction industry in Lean construction as follows
(Howell 2014):
1. Oversupply

2. Down-time/delays.

3. Delivery scheduling delays and inadequacies.

4. Waste inherent in physical construction (also related to estimation).

5. Storage on site.

6. Inadequate site planning

7. Re-work and quality

Last Planner
Last Planner was chosen in this thesis under more accurate research due to its wide use
in the industry. There have been good results achieved with the use of Last Planner. The
process of last planner is mainly described here as it was executed in the case
Cathedral Hill Hospital project. This was done because the process is really well
presented through figures in the paper of Hamzeh, Ballard and Tommelein (2009). This
was found uselful for this thesis.

To prevent wastes mentioned previously Last Planner production control system was
developed in the USA during 1990s. It is a system that focuses on short period
planning and management in the construction site. The central concept is to increase
work flow and map dependencies between tasks. One part in Last Planner is preparing
planning four to six weeks ahead. Its purpose is to make sure all the conditions and
resources needed to start a task are fulfilled. The system follows the number of
planned and finished tasks and their relation. If task is not fulfilled the purposes are
examined. These purposes and analyzing them give sight in developing the
construction process and preventing of these purposes. (Koskela, Koskenvesa 2003)

Figure 9 Last Planner System (Ennova)

The Last Planner system of production control can be characterized in terms of the
principles that guide thinking and action, the functions it enables to be performed,
and the methods or tools used to apply those principles and perform those functions.
(Ballard et al. 2009) These principles, functions, methods and tools are shown below.


Plan in greater detail as you get closer doing the work

Produce plans collaboratively with those who will do the work
Reveal and remove constraints on planned tasks as a team
Make and secure reliable promises
Learn from breakdowns

Collaborative planning
Making ready: constraints idenfication and removal, task breakdown,
operations design

Methods and tools:

Reverse phase scheduling aka pull planning, visalization with stickies-on-a-
Constraints analysis; constraint logs; risk registers
Task hierarchy: phase(process(operation/steps
First run studies
Daily huddles
Reliable promising
Metrics: percent plan complete, tasks made ready, tasks anticipated
5 Whys analysis

Adaptation and comparing the use of traditional production planning system and Last
Planner system had been widely researched. Implementing Last Planner to production
planning gave good results in increasing the amount of planned assignments
completed. Research done in USA, Chile, Brazil and Denmark showed a 1070 %
increase in productivity when Last Planner was used in construction projects. When
system was implemented to Finnish construction projects the results were also good.
Implementing the system gave an average of 16 % rise in completed weekly
assignments. (Koskela, Koskenvesa 2003)

Last Planner in design

Last Planner was designed for construction sites but adapting the system to the
design process has also been researched. The nature of construction design is
iterative and managing is this process is often executed by the push method
mentioned earlier. Applying Last Planner with modifications to meet the needs of
design process tries to take this managing of schedule to pull method and make
workflow from iterative to continuous method. (Hamzeh et al. 2009)

These iterations that are being made in the design process can be value adding or
wasteful. Foreseeing which iterations have negative impacts and which dont is very
difficult. Design process comprises complex tasks that entail reciprocal
interdependencies and require sharing of incomplete information. (Ballard et al.
2009) One feature of design process is also high variability that affects managing
workflow. In his paper Ballard et al. (2009) highlight three main factors that
distinguish production control during design: (1) greater uncertainty of ends and
means reducing the ability to foresee the sequence of future tasks, (2) the impact of
increasing execution speed of design tasks on removing constraints and making tasks
ready for execution, and (3) interdependencies between design tasks that increase
work complexity and the planning functions. To reduce the effect of these factors Last
Planner advocates the principles mentioned in the listing above.

In their paper Hamzeh, Ballard and Tommelein (2009) research implementing the
Last Planner to design process. In the case project Last Planner integration was well
planned and executed. The road map for applying last planner was the first thing to
do. Key element for implementing the new management system was training the
designers in the use of Last Planner. Then the project team produced the process map
for the planning process. The process is shown below.

Figure 10 Process Map Depicting the Planning Process at CHH (Ballard et al.

The planning starts from Master Schedule where all the key milestones are identified.
These milestones are then aligned. Activities to reach these milestones are then
identified. The resources and time needed to perform these activities is researched.
As a result of these identifications the reverse phase scheduling can be done. From
the results of scheduling it is checked if they still match with the milestones. If they
are not matching then the milestones or activities are modified. As a result of this
process cluster specific phase schedule is produced. Next phase in the case projects
process map is to produce integrated project delivery teams phase schedule. This part
may not be compatible with other projects not using IPD.

After these schedules the management is taken to a more precise level. Lookahead
Plan is produced by selecting the items that from previous plans fall for this time
period. Tasks are identified and analyzed. Task analyzes include identifying
responsibilities, steps, sequence, resources and duration. Constraints and first run
studies needed for completing task are identified. After these tasks are analyzed the
result is six week lookahead plan. From the lookahead plan the planning is taken to
more specific level when the weekly work plan is made.

In the weekly work plan the last weeks plan is reviewed. The measurement tools of the
Last Planner are now implemented and analyzed. Planned percent complete (PPC)
tool is measured and the root causes for not completing the tasks planned are
analyzed. From these analyzes the project team learns and can improve their planning
in the future.

Information flow
Planning the schedule and the process is not enough to have a good management
over the project. Many different planning meetings are held inside the project. Project
parties also need to design the flow of information inside the project and between
different meetings. In CHH project they had developed a visual process chart to show
the necessary information flows between clusters and different cyclical meetings.
This visualization is shown in a figure below.

Figure 11 Information Flow Model for Planning Process at CHH

Integration in Finland
Last Planner implementation has also been tried in Finland. In their paper Kerosuo et
al. (2012) research the subject from viewpoint of Finnish construction design projects.
They followed he meetings that the design groups held during the design process and
compared the method used before and last planner method. Their one finding was
that before LP the design team was lacking a controlled and systematic listing of
different design tasks and problems that possibly impede the design. There was a lack
of routine to handle these problems. Implementing LP resulted in changes in
collaboration practices inside the design group. One of the changes was that the
meetings moved from formal meetings towards meetings with emerging agenda.

Interaction of lean and BIM

In the paper of Mki et al. (2013) were also comparison the traditional method with LP
approach in BIM based design project. Adapting Last Planner system to the design
processes of a Finnish construction design project had advantages compared to the
systems that were used before. Using Last Planner increased collaboration and
change of information between designers. Last Planner increased the amount of
completion of tasks that were agreed on. Most of the designers found Last Planner
beneficial in their work.

Interaction of BIM and lean has been researched by Sack et al. (2009). They made a
literature review of BIM and lean properties supporting and impeding each other.
Although lean and BIM are two separate issues they found out that there are possible
synergy possibilities. Researchs finding was also that the three lean organizational
viewpoints have all been researched individually in AEC industry but not as a whole.
When researching synergies, research group created a matrix of BIM and lean
practices supporting and impeding each other. The matrix and tables can be found
from the appendix.

Value Stream mapping (VSM)

Last planner is not the only tool researched under lean construction. Other tools
developed from TPS used in AEC industry are value stream mapping, A3-problem
solving technique and 5 x why- method. Value stream mapping is a tool to analyze a
process and the parts of it that are actually adding value. Value stream mapping
visualizes the process and then defines the parts that are value adding for the product
in the process. This value adding time is compared to the time of the whole process.
When they are compared, it results in knowledge on efficiency of the process. From
VSM it is easy to interpret the bottlenecks and wastes in the process. First current-
state map is produced and analyzed. Second future-state map is planned. Method has
been tested in construction in Yu et al. (2009) and Rosenbaum et al. (2014) which
resulted in decreased total duration. Research in applying the system to construction
design was not found.

Figure 12 Example of value stream mapping (Yu et al. 2009)


A3 Problem solving
A3 problem solving report is a visual, A3 size template for systematic problem
solving. It establishes a basic outline for user to successful resolution. It is used for
solving everyday issues in our daily work life. (Sobek & Jimmerson 2006)

The outline is as follows:

1. Issue statement: a descriptive title for the report.

2. Background to the problem: relevant information to connect the issue with the
broader organizational and historical context. Identify the problem.

3. Current Condition: an iconic diagram that describes how the process currently
works, with the main problem labeled and data describing the extent of the
problem. If possible, go and see problem process first hand.

4. Cause Analysis: chain of cause-and-effects leading to the root of the problem. 5

x why root cause analysis may be applied. The apparent direct cause is rarely the
root cause.

5. Target Condition: proposed countermeasure(s) to the root cause(s), an iconic

diagram that describes how the new process will work with the proposed
countermeasure(s) implemented, and predicted performance.

6. Implementation plan: the actions required to realize the target condition, who
will take each action, and when.
7. Follow-up plan: how and when the user will verify that the target condition was
realized and that the predicted results were achieved. Obtain approval from
appropriate authority.

8. Results: the actual results of implementation.


Picture 5 Example of A3 template (Jimmerson et al 2005)

This kind of systematic way of problem solving makes sure that all steps required for
solution are taken. It is important to facilitate the schedule and the persons
responsible for the actions to achieve things done. The heart of this system is to truly
analyze the root cause instead of the symptoms. (Sobek & Jimmerson 2006)

5 x Why Root Cause Analysis

5 x why is a part of Toyota Production System. Toyotas famous engineer Taiichi
Ohno developed this simple system. When production faced problems, people tended
to blame each other for them. His favorite tool for solving these problems was 5whys
analysis. (Benjamin & Muthaiyah 2010)

Here is Ohnos infamous example of the use of 5whys:

Question 1: Why did the robot stop?

Answer: The circuit is overloaded, causing a fuse to blow.

Question 2: Why is the circuit overloaded?

Answer: There was insufficient lubrication on the bearings, so they locked up.

Question 3: Why was there insufficient lubrication on the bearings?

Answer: The oil pump on the robot is not circulating sufficient oil.

Question 4: Why is the pump not circulating sufficient oil?

Answer: The pump intake is clogged with metal shavings.


Question 5: Why is the intake clogged with metal shavings?

Answer: Because there is no filter on the pump.

This zero cost analysis can bring easy way of finding the root of problems rather than
the symptoms. (Benjamin & Muthaiyah 2010)

Integrated design and construction + lean practices

Implementing lean to a construction design process does not come without
difficulties. To tackle these difficulties Jorgensen and Emmitt (2009) in their paper
list following issues to be important in achieving good results:

Value specification
Active client, user and stakeholder involvement
Decision and decision process transparency
Transparency regarding value and waste consequences of design decisions
Management of design iteration processes
Collaborative design with contractor and supplier involvement
Commitment from project participants (including suppliers)
Project team learning

2.3 Co-operation management methods

In this chapter four methods for collaborating working and their design management
are introduced. These methods were selected under revision because they are known
to be used and tested in the construction industry.

2.3.1 Concurrent engineering

Concurrent engineering is production management philosophy that arises from the

manufacturing industry. Because of achieving faster product development times
there, it has raised interest also in the AEC industry. The key idea behind concurrent
engineering is to use overlapping processes and shortening completion times instead
of using sequential processes. (Bogus et al 2005)

So the number one feature in concurrent engineering is shortening of design schedule.

This chapter revises what are the key factors for one to be able to shorten design time.
This means understanding the nature of tasks at hand and the information flows
between tasks. Understanding these requires understanding of task related concepts:
dependencies, evolution, sensitivity, rework probability, upstream and downstream

Starting and completing a task requires certain information. Weather the source of
information is from completing or partly completing another task determines the
dependency between these two tasks. If a downstream activity requires information
from upstream activity, they can be called dependent. Tasks can be categorized to
four dependency classes depending on the required information exchange between
them. This determines how they can be overlapped. Categories are dependent
activities, semi-independent activities, independent activities and interdependent
activities. (Bogus et al 2005)

Figure 13 Four types of activity relationships (Prasad 1997)

Independent activities are the only ones that can be overlapped without a risk.
Overlapping dependent activities increase risk of delay. Preliminary information
exchange between tasks in the beginning of tasks can reduce the risk. (Bogus et al

When overlapping tasks, the sensitivity between them must also be taken into
consideration. Sensitivity is a concept which determines how changes in information
affect the tasks. The amount of rework needed is the measure for sensitivity. (Bogus
et al 2005)

Example: A and B are overlapped. B receives information from task A. This affects the B
and changes and rework is required. In this case A and B had sensitivity between them.

Evolution describes the rate at which design information is generated from the start
of an activity through the completion of the activity. (Bogus et al 2005)

Figure 14 Fast and slow evolution (Bogus et al 2005)

Evolution and sensitivity characteristics of tasks are used to identify overlapping

possibilities. Optimum conditions for overlapping are achieved when dependent tasks
have a low sensitivity and a fast evolution. (Bogus et al 2005)

In their paper Bogus et al. (2006) introduce strategies for overlapping design
activities. Strategies vary by the cholesterics shown above. Using these strategies
project managers can reduce overall project delivery time. These strategies either
speed up the evolution of a task or reduce the sensitivity.

Strategies for speeding up evolution:

Early freezing of design criteria

Early freezing of design criteria allows early release of information for downstream
tasks. Strategy requires early commitment for the design criteria. This reduces
uncertainty of information to downstream activities. Freezing strategy might lead to a
situation where the design solution is not optimized. Worst case scenario is that
selected criteria cannot be established and amount of rework increases.

Early release of preliminary information

Early release of preliminary information from upstream activity allows the
downstream activity to start before upstream task is complete. Too early release
increases the risk of changes in the preliminary information which can lead to
increased amount of rework.

In prototyping a working model of current best knowledge is gathered to be presented
for downstream activities. This promotes communication among project designers.
Prototyping can be used with complex systems and when there are many pieces of
information to be relied to downstream activities. Prototyping allows the downstream
activity to begin when the model is complete, but when the design is not complete
and accurate.

No iteration No optimization
In a slow evolving activity limiting iteration and optimization speeds up the evolution.
There can be set time limitations or a limitation for number of iterations. When time is
up or the times of iteration are used the best solution achieved by then is used for
further development. This strategy is basically just setting time limits for design. It
includes the same risk as early freezing of design criteria which is that non optimized
solution might add costs further in the project. Over optimization on the other hand
might also lead to increased cost. For example if designer over optimizes rebar
amounts, it might lead to more complex system that increases overall costs.

Using standardized products, components and design solutions speeds up the
evolution of an upstream activity and allows faster information exchange to
downstream. Solutions should the kinds which are used repetitively in projects. Risk
lays in non-optimizing the design solution. Strategy also includes a positive risk of
decreasing costs. Standardization may eliminate sub-optimal solutions and increase
the contractibility of the design.

Strategies for decreasing sensitivity:

In overdesign strategy designers make rough, conservative estimates that allow the
downstream activities begin before the upstream activity is complete or even begun.
Conservative estimates are given on size or strength of project components.

Set-based design
Set-based design is a design strategy to decrease the sensitivity of downstream
information. In this strategy a set of design solutions are developed simultaneously.
As design progresses the optimum solution is narrowed down. To reduce rework the
design team must commit to the first set of solutions. Consequence of this strategy is
increased design costs if compared to developing a single conservative solution.

In decomposition strategy the upstream activity is divided to smaller packages. This
might create faster evolution. Decomposition should be used when other strategies
cannot be applied. Objective of the strategy is to create new activities that can be re-
evaluated and overlapped using other preciously mentioned strategies.

These strategies can be used to reduce delivery times. Combining different strategies
is also possible. To reduce risk of rework strategies should be applied activities with
matching characteristics. In figure below strategies are put to framework of their
usability in different activity characteristics.

Figure 15 Use of overlapping strategies with different activity characteristics

(Bogus et al. 2006)

2.3.2 Project Alliancing

This chapter gives a general description of what is usually meant by project alliancing
(PA). PAs history starts from the beginning of 1990s oil industry projects in UK. After
achieving good results there it was then used for the same purpose in Australia. First
construction project delivered with PA was in 1997.(Lahdenper 2009.) From there it
has spread around the world.

PA has established a stable position as form of project delivery in construction projects

around the world, including Finland. Alliance is usually modified to match the
application countrys legislation on public procurement. This is why alliances might
differ country by country. This is why in this thesis the general essentials and principles
are researched.

Definitions for project alliance:

1. A project alliance is where an owner (or owners) and one or more service
providers (designer, constructor, supplier, etc.) work as an integrated team to
deliver a specific project under a contractual framework where their
commercial interests are aligned with actual project outcomes. (Ross 2003)

2. Project alliance is a project delivery method based on a joint contract

between the key actors to a project whereby the parties assume joint
responsibility for the design and construction of the project to be
implemented through a joint organization, and where the actors share both
positive and negative risks related to the project and observe the principles of
information accessibility in pursuing close cooperation. (Lahdenper 2009)

Essential part and the key idea of project alliancing is risk and reward sharing among
participants. They share the risk management and outcomes of the project together.
This provides the foundation for alliancing and to which all other characteristics pin
to: collaboration, making best-for-project decisions and innovation. Goal of these
essentials is to achieve value for money to the owner. (National Guide to Alliancing

Figure 16 Phases of project alliance (Pellinen 2012)

Success factors for Alliancing are according to the Australian National Guide to
Alliancing (2015):

Integrated, Collaborative Team

Team includes members from owner and non-owner side of the project personnel. The
team works under the alliance values and established project culture.

Project Solution
Project solution includes the design, construction methods and project delivery

Commercial Arrangements / Commercial Framework

The arrangement reflects the project solution. Risk and reward sharing directs the
project participant behavior to desired direction to achieve the project goals.

Target Outrun Cost (TOC)

TOC is the estimated actual costs of all assets in the project. It reflects the project
solution and commercial arrangements.

Figure 8 Alliance success dynamics (National Guide to Alliancing 2015)

Key features/values of Alliancing are (National Guideline to Alliancing 2015) also

called as the soft elements of alliance (Lahdenper 2009):

Risk and Opportunity Sharing

Encourages effective collaboration. Owners may hold on to some risks to gain
maximum value for money. Traditionally the risks of the construction phase have
been 100 % allocated to contractor. Now owner and the designers also share the risk
of construction phase and vice versa to the development phase.

Commitment to no disputes
This is a mechanism that prevents quarrelling and juxtaposition in projects.
Disagreements of course arise inside the project but they are solved in the projects
own disagreement mechanism rather than in court.

Best-for-project decision making

This kind of method is applied because in some cases the participants self-interests
might collide with the projects benefits. In alliance this is avoided by tiding the
participants together by rewarding them by the success of the project. In case of
alliance owner trades-off some of the traditional decision making rights for the
collaborative decision making.

No fault-No blame culture

Rather than blaming for failure or poor performance the project team focuses on
solving the problem and its consequences.

Goof faith and integrity

The requirement to act in good faith is generally limited to the performance of the
collective obligations and responsibilities of the alliance. It is nevertheless a vital
element to achieve concurrent risk sharing.

Open book arrangement makes it possible for all participants to actually see all the
costs in the project. It is required to maintain integrity in the project.

Joint Management/Alliance organization

Descriptions referred from National Alliance Guidelines (2015) and supplemented with
more accurate descriptions when needed from Lahdenper (2009).

The organization in alliance comprises of both owner and non-owner personnel


Figure 18 Alliance organization (Lahdenper 2009 and National Alliance

Guidelines 2015)

Alliance Leadership Team (ALT)

All the participants provide their best resources for the ALT. Members must have
decision making capability inside their own organizations.

Creates team spirit and operational vision and maintains them
Creates principles of organization and sets goals for project organization
Approves alliance and operational and cost goals Evaluates and accepts
alliances action plan and procedures
Appoints and authorizes alliances project manager
Appoints and accepts members of PMG
Assists in the maintenance of interest group relationships
Seeks out best resources of participating organizations
Monitors outcome and corrects direction as necessary Defines and solves
differences in views between participants

Alliance Manager (AM)

This person is selected by the ALT to lead the alliance. The AM reports to the ALT and
is responsible for the delivery of the project. Typically this person is a highly
experienced project manager from a NOP and chairs the AMT. AM is the chairs the
project management team.

Project Management Team

Project management team comprises of at least one member of each contracting
partner. They are full time participants in the project. Members of the team can
change according the needs of the project at each phase. Goal for the group is to
make unanimous decisions. If not achieved alliance manager uses his authority to
push the project forward without consensus.


Responsible for delivery of agreed structure/system

Approves and authorizes rest of project organization
Manages project implementation on operative level
Provides effective (work) supervision for rest of project organization
Monitors, forecasts and reports on implementation to ALT
Undertakes necessary corrective measures

Project Organization
The task of project organization is to execute the project. Double roles are not
allowed. Each member has a clear responsibility for certain project section and tasks.


Responsible for practical implementation and achieving of result

Has a clear scope of liability by actors with respect to outcome
Made up of actors appointed with interest of project in mind
Operates as a united team forgetting the views of the background

This is the typical Alliancing organization. In addition to that, there might be a need
for sub consultants. If the project realizes the need for some extra experience that
cannot be found inside the project personnel, other consultants are hired to support
the project.

Organization is an important factor for alliance to succeed. But what really ties the
participants together is the commercial model of alliance.

With the commercial model of alliance (also called alliance compensation model)
the participants are tied together to achieve common goals. Basic idea is that based
on the open book principle where everyone wins or everyone loses based on the
success of the project. The main part of this model is the Target Outrun Cost (TOC).
(Lahdenper 2009, National Alliance Guidelines 2015, Love et al 2010)

Target Outrun Cost is result of project design and the estimated costs that have been
counted with the transparency principle. TOC consists of estimated project costs,
corporate overhead costs, marginal profit of participants and project-specific
overhead costs. TOC is formed in collaboration and alliance participants are
committed in reaching it. Their profits from the project are tied in achieving it. Other
meters for the success of the project can be included in the commercial model. This
kind of profit tiding Key Result Areas (KRA) could be safety, schedule or
environmental issues. (Love et al 2010)

Figure 9 Alliance Commercial Model (Love et al 2010)

Alliance commercial model is formed of three limbs: project costs, fee and risk/reward
performance incentive payment. (Love et al 2010)

Project costs
In alliance the owner commits in compensating all direct project costs that fall on
NOPs. This is the risk of the owner and this is why the alliance must be based on
mutual trust.

In alliance project NOPs are responsible for the success of the project with their fee.
In short if the project fails, no profit is made by the participants. The fee is
compensated if the project results in normal performance.

NOPs receive a penalty or bonus based on the performance in non-cost related
measures. This part of the model varies project by project.

2.3.3 Integrated Project Delivery

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is a new kind of contracting form for construction
projects. IPD is used to describe significantly different contracting forms. This is why
IPD lacks a uniform definition in the construction industry. Although there can be found
uniform characteristics of it in many sources. (Kent and Beckerick-Gerber 2010). These
characteristics are researched in this chapter. Integrated Project Delivery hasnt been
found possible to be applied as it is to Finland by local construction industry. This is why
in this chapter I will concentrate on the key principles and catalysts for IPD that still
could be beneficial for developing the current design management processes.
Nevertheless, Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide (AIA 2007) defines IPD as follows:

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is a project delivery approach that integrates

people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that collaboratively
harnesses the talents and insights of all participants to optimize project results,
increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency through all phases
of design, fabrication, and construction.

IPD tries to solve a problem of a construction industry. The problem of traditional

processes has been that the self-interest of project participants clashes with the
projects goals and lacks innovation. This might also lead to rise in costs and time
consumption. IPD tackles the problem by introducing a model of mutual
responsibility. (Thomsen et al 2009) Realization of IPD is that effort in design phase
will result in cost and time savings in the execution phase. (AIA 2007)

The guide (AIA 2007) claims that the IPD principles are compatible with every form of
project delivery.

In the heart of IPD are new kind of contracts that bond all project members to mutual
goals and their success. In a nutshell, if the project fails, all participants lose money
and if the project succeeds, everyone wins. (AIA 2007). With other words project
members share the risks of the project with the owner or client. (Zhang and Li 2014)
This is achieved through open environment of information sharing in the project. (AIA

For IPD to be successful all the parties must follow the following key principles (AIA

Mutual respect and trust

Understanding the importance of collaboration and committing to work as team in the
best interest of the project.

Mutual benefit and reward

Incentives in the project are tied to achieving project goals.

Collaborative innovation and decision making

Free exchange of ideas stimulates innovation. Key decisions are evaluated by the
project team.

Early involvement of key participants

Key participants are involved in the project as early as practical. Having the best
knowledge at the beginning of the project is beneficial. At the early stage of the
project the decisions made have the most impact. The new idea here is for contractor
to also contribute to the design in larger scale.

Early goal definition

Project goals are developed early, agreed upon and respected by all participants.

Intensified planning
IPD approach recognizes that effort put to planning will increase efficiency and result
in cost savings in execution phase.

Open communication
Team performance is based on honest and open communication. Responsibilities are
clearly defined and culture of problem solving is established instead of blaming
culture. Disagreements are perceived and solved as they occur.

Appropriate technology
Cutting edge technology is used to support the goals of the project. Open and
transparent data structures with the technology supporting it are essential.

Organization and leadership

Roles are clearly defined project-by-project bases. Leadership is taken by the team
member with most competence regard to specific work and services. Competence is
supported by the knowledge of the whole project team.

IPD mimics and has its roots in project alliancing as it can be seen from the key
principles of IPD presented above. IPD also uses similar idea of risk/reward shearing
between participants. (Lahdenper 2012 and Zhang & Li 2014) IPD in addition
emphasizes the early involvement of designer and contractor. IPD takes contractor
involvement further than Alliancing. In IPD all sub consultants and subcontractors are
counted as key participants who are involved in the process of developing the project
as well as managing it. This depends on the project needs. (Aschraft 2011)

Being developed at 21st century IPD also emphasizes some newer characteristics
compared to Alliancing. These include co-location and BIM. (Aschraft 2011).

Kenig et al. (2011) call these newer characteristics as catalysts for IPD. They include
in these catalysts: multi-party agreement, building information modeling, lean design
& construction and co-location of the team. Below is explained how these work as a

Multi-Party Agreement
Including all the key project participants under one contract, same set of rules and
behavior supports IPD projects.


Collaborative decision making is fundamental for IPD. BIM supports this and also in
other means of collaborative project delivery. The key is the integration of
information that BIM makes possible. BIM also adds value for owner in the facility
management phase. Previously owners might have faced information loss at the end
of construction phase. BIM can work as a way to conserve this required information
for facility management.

The key for successful BIM implementation in IPD is to use one shared BIM instead of
several separate ones.

IPD and lean both strive for the same outcome of adding more value for owner. Early
adaptation of both principles will lead to more successful outcomes.

The basic idea of co-location is that it raises the amount of communication between
project participants. This leads to better ideas, solutions and innovations. Co-location
office encourages members to face-to-face communication. (Thompson & Ozbek

Co-location rises to its full potential in large projects. Smaller projects can benefit
from shorter periods of co-location, say 2-3 days a week. (Thompson & Ozbek 2012)

In co-location office each cluster is producing visual material on their schedule, costs
and BIM for other to be observed. (Thompson & Ozbek 2012)

Not all members of the project needs to be situated at the co-location office. The key
personnel, people working full time for the project and at least one representative of
each participating company should be present. (Thompson & Ozbek 2012)

Co-location removes the constraints of the different company cultures in a project

and lets the project to develop a new culture of working best for project. Co-location
participants also increase their knowledge on the design work of other principles. A
good way of yet increasing the amount of braking barriers between designers is to
relocate the designers inside the office on frequent periods. This method forces the
office members to interact with new project team members. (Thompson & Ozbek

Co-location makes the information exchanges easier. In this environment it is always

possible for someone to question anyone. This possibility cuts the middleman that
used to be the representative in design meetings for that specific discipline. The one
that requires some information say for a design solution can ask that question
frequently from the person with the best knowledge on the matter. (Thompson &
Ozbek 2012)

2.3.4 Knotworking

Integrated project delivery and Big Room collaboration have been methods that have
been developed along with introduction of BIM to ensure collaboration inside
construction project. They apply well to large scale projects where the whole resources
of a design team can be directed to a single project. The implementation of these
methods to Finnish projects is challenging due to small project size. Because of this,
knotworking has been developed to deal with the collaboration issues. (Kerosuo et al.
2013). Knotworking can also be called as agile co-working sprint. (Lavikka et al. 2013)
This chapter revises research papers covering the subject and represent the process.

The concept of knotworking was created in the research and development of health
care conducted in the Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning
(CRADLE) at the University of Helsinki. After its initiation it has been adopted to
various projects internationally in educational and social sciences. (Kerosuo et al.

Kerosuo in her paper BIM-based collaboration across organizational and disciplinary

boundaries through knotworking (2015) defines knotworking as follows: Knotworking
is introduced as a new idea and an emerging practice for enhancing collaboration
across organizational and team boundaries in BIM-based building projects.
Knotworking refers to co-located knots that are organized on a temporary basis to
solve a specific task, a problem or an open question requiring multi-disciplinary
expertise in a building project.

Another definition in a paper Knotworking - A novel BIM-based collaboration practice

in building design projects (Kerosuo et al. 2013) defines knotworking as follows:
Knotworking represents a distributed collaborative expertise in pursuit of a task that
is organized among designers from different design disciplines. Construction
processes involve phases and tasks that cannot be solved in one organization only, as
integration of expert knowledge from various sources is needed. Through
knotworking, groups of people, tasks and tools are set to work intensively for a short
period of time to solve a problem or accomplish a task.

Basic characteristics of knotworking are identifying a knot in the process and

gathering the right people to solve it. Task usually requires problem solving and
expertise of different disciplines. Solution might be complex. It is not a same thing as
having a meeting. (Kerosuo et al. 2013) In comparison to normal meetings
knotworking sessions unclear issues are not left to solve between meetings, but
rather in the session. (Korpela 2015)

Figure 20 Knotworking process

The planning of knotworking starts from defining the phases of the project where
knotworking is needed. In the planning it should also be selected the personnel with
the expertise and capability of decision making to solve the occurred challenges.
These participants should also have problem solving ability and openness to others
ideas. (Korpela 2015). Kerosuo et al. (2013) also suggest based on their research that
client immobility should be required in knotworking sessions. This eases the decision
making in the sessions.

Preparing the agile co-working sprint must be done carefully to achieve good results.
In preparation sessions the goals of the knot must be defined. Other issues to be
prepared are added customer value, working methods and an action plan supporting
of achieving the goals and added customer value. In addition to these, also practical
issues should be discussed. These include the compatibility issues of different design
software and supplies of other technology that supports the co-operation. In the
preparation meetings the homework for participants should also be decided. (Lavikka
et al. 2013, Kerosuo 2015)

The actual knotworking sessions are then executed according to the action-plan. The
sessions, researched in the papers Lavikka et al. (2013) and Kerosuo (2015), started
with info section. In this part the participants were to motivate, inform of goals and
share the action plan. The agile co-working sessions were then divided to co-working
and individual work sessions. During co-working the new produced information were
shared and discussed.

After the knotworking session has come to conclusion and achieved the results it is
important to communicate the results. Results should be communicated to all the
project personnel. Further implementation of results to the design must be applied if
they have not been applied already at the session. (Lavikka et al. 2013)

Outcomes of using knotworking are described in the research papers mentioned

before in this chapter. Knotworking increased the understanding of each others work
between participants. The speed of information exchange was raised due to co-
location. Participants found an advantage in commitment to the goals that were set
together. They also believed that the designers are more committed to the design
solutions made during the session. The visual results achieved were found to be
beneficial for customer decision making. (Lavikka et al. 2013)

In the paper of Korpela (2015) the view point of client was researched. The research
noted that knotworking was beneficial in transforming the needs of client to the
design team. During the knot the designers could ask clarifying questions from the
client as work progressed. Client also became more aware of clients own needs
during the process. In total knotworking worked well as a collaboration method in
papers case project. Using the expertise of all parties to improve the design solution
was achieved.

All the research papers investigated in this thesis agreed on that knotworking works
as a good new BIM collaboration method.

2.4 Summary of theory research

This second part of the thesis covered the subjects related to developing design
management from different approaches. The different subjects covered the
development of design management from detail level of BIM format issues to whole
philosophy of process improvement.

Following text is meant to summarize how these researched methods can be applied
to improve design management in projects. Summary also covers the key points of
each subject. The figures give insight on how these different subjects relate to the
construction process.

The researched guidelines gave a lot of hands on, practical suggestions and
requirements for BIM design management. Following the guidelines in a project,
makes BIM design possible. They can be considered as a minimum level of
management needed in a project. Guidelines varied a lot on the level of detail. Their
appliance to infrastructure engineering was found to be poor in some cases as they
focus more on housing engineering. The guidelines for collaboration and information
exchange on the other hand apply to both.

Following picture describes how the different guidelines differ in their coverage in
relation to the whole construction process. Contents of the guidelines differ from
covering the whole BIM process of the project to detailed level of matters in small
parts of the process. The guidelines that cover the whole construction process might
not go into as much of a detail as the guidelines that cover just a certain part of the
process. For example general guideline as Singapore BIM Guideline tries to cover the
whole process where PAS and BS standards only cover a specific area of the process.

Figure 10 Guideline coverage in relation to the construction process


The figure shows that not a single guideline can be used to fully manage the BIM
process. Understanding of the process is needed in the detail level and this requires
referring to specific guidelines.

Alliance and IPD project deliveries approach was different from BIM guidelines. The
key elements of these methods were the contractual/financial tiding and early
involvement of key parties in the project. Having all the possible expertise at the
beginning of the project, where the decisions with largest effects, sound like a great
idea. In according to these elements one of the key element for these methods were
the best for the project ideology. Contractual tiding forces the parties to work for the
project rather than their self-interests.

Figure 22 Alliance and IPD are project delivery methods for the whole construction

Knotworking was a method that can be applied to certain problem or design phase
where intense information exchange is needed. Because of this it can be applied to be
a part of any design process. Following picture helps to

Figure 23 Knotworking can be applied to certain identified, critical parts of the


Lean on the other hand can be described as a philosophy of constant development.

When lean is seen this way, it cant be considered as a project based design
management. The framework of lean covers everything done in ones business. Of
course methods and techniques from TPS have been applied to develop processes in
construction industry as well. This was defined as Lean construction. Applying these
TPS techniques might be a good starting point for one to start managing

Figure 24 Lean philosophy and lean construction framework


3 Research methods
Research methods in this thesis consist of four different methods. They include
interviews of project personnel, design management and BIM process literature
research, the case projects meeting analytics and common data area analytics. These
methods were selected to support the goal of the thesis and to find answers to
research questions.


Figure 11 Research methods

Research in this thesis was done based on the case project. The case project provided
a fruitful opportunity to research the BIM based processes in action. This provided
more realistic view and data to support research. In the case project design was done
in three separate design groups. These groups had a different approach in the design
processes and the use of BIM.

Wide use of BIM was required by the client in the project. It was interesting
opportunity to see the difficulties and opportunities that this decision results.
Especially the solutions to these problems are interesting and beneficial in the view
point of future projects. In the case project the thesis was able to access all the
project data and documents.

The timing of the research in the project was in the end of preliminary phase of the
design process. Following the meetings and interviews were done just before the
deadline for returning the preliminary drawings and models for the client.

3.1 Interviews
Interviews were selected as a research method to gather opinions of BIM design
management issues from the experts of the field. The interviewed people were the key
personnel working with modelling in the case project. These people hold the key
knowledge of improving the process because they are involved in the project and
modelling daily in their work. Selected interviewees have years of experience in
construction projects and in construction design.

In this thesis there were 12 interviews conducted altogether. They were selected from
different design disciplines to raise understanding on the overall picture and the way
of modelling in different disciplines. This was also hoped to give solutions in ways of
co-operation between different design fields and project parties.

Table 6 List of interviewed case project personnel

1. ArchitectureBIMcordinator
2. StructuralengineeringBIMcoordinator
3. HVACBIMcoordinators
4. StructuraldesignBIMcoordinator
5. ElectricalengineeringBIMcoordinator
6. Railroadengineering(2persons)
7. RockengineeringBIMcoordinator
8. ArchitectureBIMcoordinator
9. ArchitectureBIMcoordinator
10. Projectcoordinator,CityofHelsinki
11. Projectmanageroftheprojectbank/cloudserviceprovider
12. Geotechnicalengineer
13. Structuralengineer

Interviews have these seven goals:

What is interviewees role in the project

How different disciplines use BIM

What are the technical difficulties in the use of BIM

How their work is related to work of others

What are the main dependencies between disciplines

What was well executed in the case project

What improvements should be done in future projects


3.2 Co-operation analytics

Co-operation in the case project is analyzed by following the projects meetings.

Project meetings are the forum for co-operation between different design disciplines.
This is why they were selected as a part of research methods in this thesis. Following
the meetings also provided good overall view of the project at the beginning. This
helped to start the research and select the people to be interviewed.

In this thesis there were few different types of meetings that were followed:

Meetings to combine produced models

Design groups weekly design meetings
Design meeting with designers and clients
BIM usage development team meetings
Clients BIM development group meetings

The goal of following projects was to understand the design process in the case
project. Also the use of the BIM was followed in the meetings. Different roles in the
meetings were tracked and the process of problem solving.

3.3 Analytics
Analytics were selected on the basis of available data. From the available data it was
then selected which would support the goals of the thesis.

During the theory research there were papers found researching the dependencies in
the design processes (Senescu et al. 2012). It was decided with the instructors to use
the available common data area log data to map these dependencies in this case
project. The goal was to use design structure matrix techniques to improve the
existing process.

4 Data collection and analytics

These following analytics have been a result of thinking process:
Which data is easily accessible?
Which data is analyzable?
Which data is valid?
Recommendations from instructor

4.1 Interviews
In interviews it was 12 interviews conducted to 14 people. The interviewees were the
BIM coordinators of the City Rail Loop case project and other personnel working with
modelling in the case project.

Interview questions were prepared before interviews to support the goals of the thesis
and to get an overall picture of the project modelling process. Questions were the
framework for the interviews but discussions in the interview situations might have
expanded to cover also other subjects. After two first interviews the questions were
modified to cover the important subjects related to the thesis. These new questions
were raised in the first two interviews. The questions were as follows:

What is your role and responsibility in this project?

How does your design principle use modelling as a tool?
What has been the BIM process in your design discipline?
What kind of roles does this BIM process include?
What is the process to produce compatible models?
What problems or difficulties has the BIM process had?
How could the BIM design process be improved?
What kind of references is needed for your discipline from other disciplines?
What reference information is needed by other disciplines from your
What is the process in the situation of design changes?
In what kind of accuracy should modelling be done in each phase of the

To the interviewees that were not BIM coordinators or designers the set of questions
were different. They were asked about the processes of the project and their use of the

4.1.1 Results of the interviews

The results of the interviews are here collected together from different interviews
under specific topics.

First part handles the status of how the designers in different disciplines use BIM and
how disciplines are related to each other in the design process. The first topics that
describe the use of BIM and the need for information by discipline are:
Use of BIM as a tool by discipline
Role of the BIM coordinator by discipline
Main needs of information by discipline

The second part describes learnings in the use of BIM in the case project. The
following topics describe the interviewees opinions on the design and modeling
processes and development suggestions for future:
Modeling accuracy
Good practices, BIM benefits and good co-operation methods
Development suggestions

Figure 12 Structure of the interview results

The last part of this section describes the results of interviewing the project
coordinator of the city side. In this interview he was asked about his opinions on BIM
and the needs of modeling from the perspective of the Helsinki city. This part is called
BIM from the perspective of city authorities.

Use of BIM as a tool by discipline


The interviewees were asked how their design discipline uses BIM as a design tool.
The answers varied. This was also found to be one of the problems in BIM based
projects. Below are the answers given by specific disciplines:

Structural engineering
1. BIM and especially Tekla Structures has been the main design tool for a long
time already. Engineers produce the model as the design works progresses.
Models from other disciplines are used as a reference.

2. Due to changes in the design solutions the modelling hasnt been as optimal
as it should. Sometimes it has been done backwards: first design with CAD
tools and then modelling. The order should be that first modelling and then
the drawings from the model. Models have been the main source of
referencing the work of other disciplines. At this preliminary phase of the
project the model accuracy has been kept at a low level. This means that the
geometry and the need for space have been the main requirements for the

Electrical engineering
Electrical engineering uses Navisworks as their modelling tool. The design is done
straight to model as it is faster for the designer.

HPAC engineering
HPAC engineering does their design work in the modeling environment. Comment
given by the interviewee considering the benefits of BIM was: How a project this
complex has before been able to design without modeling.

Geotechnical engineering
First the reference models are produced from the existing structures and foundations
underground in the area of the station. In the beginning of this project the drawings
were mainly produced from CAD software. Lot of drawings were required from the
side of developer. But now at the end of preliminary phase of design the design work
can be done completely based on modelling. This is because now all the models of the
disciplines are in the accuracy that makes co-operation possible. References from
other disciplines are models. Also the co-operation with the Helsinki authorities has
gone well with models.

Rock engineering
Designers are drawing in 2D. BIM coordinator models everything from these
drawings. Minimum requirement in this project for rock engineering is to produce 3D
dwg format. Rock engineering produces standard drawing- in sections that
architecture models to cooperation uses. The goal has been to produce 2D and 3D
models at the same time but there have been some delays.

1. In the beginning drafting was done with CAD software and the modelling was
a bit late compared to the design solutions. At the end of preliminary phase of
the project modelling goes hand in hand with the 2D drawings. At this
moment where all the disciplines have their models on a good condition the
design work can be done modelling based. There have been some delays in
modelling work still due to railroad engineering being behind other
disciplines in accuracy of the design.

2. After creating the spaces program the modelling work has been done well. All
the design has been done model based. References used from other
disciplines are mainly in modelling format.

3. BIM is the main design tool. Some sketches have been made in 2D but when
ready they have been immediately moved to the model. References used from
other disciplines are mainly in modelling format.

Railroad engineering
The software in the modelling sense works differently than the software of other
disciplines. In railroad engineering software series of drawing-in section are created.
Software then connects these to be continuous model. The model is parametrical and
updates itself when changes occur. Software that are used are Citicad, Microstation,
Autocad and in the track geometry Bentley Railtrack. The formats produced are 3D
dfx and land xml. IFC cant be produced.

Table 6 Summary of use of BIM as a tool by discipline

Designstraight Problemswith Problemswith

Referencing inmodel global producing
frommodels environment coordinates compatiblemodels
Strcuturalengineering Yes Yes
Electricalengineering Yes Yes Yes
HPACengineering Yes Yes Yes
Geotechnicalengineering Yes Partly
Rockengineering Yes
Architecture Yes Yes
Railroadengineering Yes Yes Yes

Role of the BIM coordinator by discipline

The role of the BIM coordinator in the project differed in different disciplines. This
was quite a lot related on how the discipline was using modelling as a tool. Some of
the BIM coordinators were focusing only on larger scale BIM coordinating of the
discipline. Below is a list of different BIM coordinator roles in the City Rail Loop
project sorted by discipline. If there has been multiple interviewees from same
discipline the different answers have been indicated with numbering. The most
important role of the BIM coordinators is the one of architectures. Architecture has
the responsibility for coordinating the whole design of their area and at the same time
the responsibility for coordinating the model producing.

Structural engineering
Managing modelling of the discipline, checking and validating the models to meet the
quality requirements, coordinating schedule and resources of the modelling: who
does what in what phase and in what accuracy. BIM coordinators tasks also include
designing and modeling.

Electrical engineering
Task of BIM coordinator in electrical engineering is more a role of a messenger. The
task is to be a communicator between the BIM development group and the designers.
Electrical engineering does almost all of their design work in BIM environment and
project managers task is to coordinate the modeling and design.

HPAC engineering
HPAC disciplines BIM coordinator works also as a designer. Tasks do not include
responsibility of the model content. For example designers themselves are
responsible for combining models inside their own discipline and between different
disciplines. Tasks and responsibilities include being the messenger between
designers and the BIM development group. HAPC BIM coordinator works as a
modelling support for the designers. Responsibility is to coordinate and inform the
designers on the use or resources.

Geotechnical engineering
BIM coordinator is one of the designers but is responsible for the quality and content
of the model.

Rock engineering
Participates the BIM development group and informs the discipline on the modelling
matters. Everything that is modelling related goes through the BIM coordinator. Also
does all the modelling in the project in the rock engineering discipline.

1. Helping and supporting the architects on modeling related issues. Main
modeling work is done by the architects. Role of support and technical help
was great in the beginning of the project. BIM coordinator works as a central
coordinator between all the BIM coordinators in the design area. BIM
coordinator is responsible for combining all the models. Combines the
models and checks them for clashes and coordinates the clash checking of
other disciplines.

2. BIM coordinator is responsible for and coordinates the model producing of all
the disciplines in the design area. Developing cooperation with other BIM
coordinators in

3. Responsibility of BIM coordinator is coordinating the model producing of the

project area. Task is to follow model producing and quality of models
produced by all of the involved disciplines. BIM coordinator is one of the
architectural designers. Produces model together with other architects. He
also works as a support person in technical questions for other architects.
Responsibility is also to work as a part of the BIM development group in the
project and communicate the handled issues between the group and

Railroad engineering
Interviewee was BIM coordinator at the beginning of the project but has now moved
aside from this role. In the beginning the role was to figure out the naming practices
and the cooperation with the infrastructure software and the software used by other

Table 7 Summary of the role of the BIM coordinator by discipline

Participates Participates Doesallthe Checksmodel Organizes developement BIMsupportfor Combining
design modeling modeling compatibility modeling group designers allmodels
Strcuturalengineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Electricalengineering Yes
HPACengineering Yes
Geotechnicalengineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rockengineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Architecture Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Railroadengineering Yes Yes Yes

Main needs of referencing information by discipline

In this section the interviewees were asked what and from whom are their needs of
information to advance their own design.

Structural engineering
1. Main need for information to structural engineering comes from the
architecture. Architecture includes the needs of HPAC engineering.
Referencing information is also needed from the railroad engineering, HPAC
engineering and from rock engineering.

2. Main referencing communication happens with architecture. There are a lot of

shared interfaces with geotechnical engineering. Railroad engineering was
important at the beginning but the significance has dropped as project has
progressed. Also the information from existing structures and future
structures is very important for structural engineering. This knowledge is
handled by architecture.

Electrical engineering
Railroad engineering and the track geometry is a key need of information for
electrical engineering. The other main information need comes from the spacing need
of architectures. From these comes the need for electrical engineering requirements.
From architecture also the amount of possible electrical distribution places is needed
and it also affects the need for electrical need of space. In the future also the
communication with structural engineering becomes important. With structural
engineering the important thing is the points where electrical engineering goes
through structures.

HPAC engineering
Main need for referencing information comes from architecture. Other main key
information is the connections to systems outside the project. Important is the
placing of connections.

Geotechnical engineering

Architectural design is the main source of information. Other important sources for
information are the existing structures underground and interfaces with structural

Rock engineering
Key information to rock engineering comes from architecture and railroad
engineering. Other equally important information is existing underground structures
and the quality of the rock. Quality information comes from drilling.

1. At the beginning the most important sources of information were from the
railroad engineering and rock engineering. Vital information were also the
space needs of electrical and HVAC engineering. All existing structures also
affect the design greatly.

2. At the beginning of the conceptual design the co-operation between railroad

engineering architecture and rock engineering is extremely important. When
project progresses all design disciplines become important for architecture.
Architecture also communicates with the city planners and other authorities.

3. Architecture in this project was at the beginning mainly interested in the

railroad design and rock engineering. Also all the existing structures are very
important. From other disciplines the main information that is needed is the
space need. This becomes especially important with electrical and HVAC

Railroad engineering
Architecture and bridge engineering are the main interfaces for railroad engineering.
Communication with HVAC and electrical engineering is needed with the device
placing. Other needed sources of information are fire technique, rock engineering and
the knowledge of existing structures.

In the following table these needs for information exchange that raised from the
interviews have been collected together. On the left are the disciplines that require
information and on the top the disciplines that they require information from.
Table 7 Information needs according to interviews

From the table we can see the significance of architecture to other disciplines. This is
not surprising for the reason architecture has the overall responsibility for
coordinating the design. Other main sources for needed information are railroad
engineering and the information about existing structures. It can be said that these
three disciplines and their co-operation with other disciplines are the most important
design disciplines for the success of the project. It is risky for the project success if
these disciplines start performing as a bottle neck for other disciplines.

From the table and interviews it can be concluded that architecture and structural
engineering design are the most sensitive for design delays of others.

All of the design disciplines are connected to each other. Still not all show or tell
straight relation for the need of source information. This is because this information
is communicated through the architecture, which takes all disciplines in

Modeling accuracy

Interviewees were asked on how the modeling accuracy should develop and what
opinions they had in relation of the subject. Answers were quite unanimous.

The general opinion was that the model should match the accuracy of the drawings at
all times. The models should include the latest design solution at the exact same
accuracy. Models and design should also progress at the same level between
disciplines. This point is understandable especially because the models were the
main tool and the most useful way for communicating design information between

The general opinion was also that the model accuracy should be as low as possible
but be able to pass on the required information. Models should follow the set
minimum requirements in the project.

It was agreed that this cant be the case in interfaces between disciplines. Accuracy of
interfaces is something that cannot be set according to standard. Interface accuracy
must be defined by case by case. It was also noted that the accuracy should be high in
parts of the model that affect the scaling of critical design solutions.

An example of these interfaces needing very accurate level of modeling is the one
between the architecture model of the station and the railroad track. In general it
could be said that accuracy must be increased in a case of an interface if there is a
risk of rework when the interface is detailed later.

In the phase of preliminary design the main communicated matter is the need for
space and geometry. This information is critical to be received in model format due to
3D nature of the design. Related to this the general opinion was that the modeling
should start already at the very beginning of the project. This should be done even if
there is a risk of rework in modeling. Experience in this project shows that starting
modeling later in the project caused changes in the design that would have been
obvious if modelled at the beginning.

Another point made by the interviewees was that communicating the level of accuracy
is a high priority for the project to be successful. It is also critically important to know
the exact accuracy of source information.

Good practices, BIM benefits and good co-operation


In this section learnings from the projects are gathered together. Following matters
were found beneficial in the case project. I have summarized the learnings here as
they were not that controversy.

All the interviewees saw the decision to use and develop BIM practices in this
project as a very positive subject. In interviews no one mentioned that the project
suffered from the use of BIM. The opposite was certainly true. Some of the
interviewees actually commented: how could a project this complex be even
delivered without BIM. There were also comments that indicated that the use of BIM
in other projects had also grown due to good experiences and evolved know-how in
this project.

The greatest benefits from the use of BIM were seen as its use as tool for
communicating information between disciplines. As the project involved such many
disciplines, BIM worked as a great visual tool to quickly understand work and design
solutions of other disciplines. Designers used BIM to reference other disciplines in
order to progress their own design.

Clash checking and confirming compatible design solutions could be quickly seen
from the models. Conceiving the design was much easier from models. The case
project consists of complex underground tunnels and multiple levels. Visualizing the
geometry from 2D drawings would have been hard, if not near impossible. At least it
would have required huge amount of expertise in understanding on drawings made by
other disciplines.

BIM was also used in design meetings. Model was visualized to screens. The part of
the design that was under conversation was shown on the screens and all the meeting
participants could be sure of the subject under discussion.

To further help co-operation between disciplines, it was seen as an extremely good

decision to use IFC formats.

BIM has also been extremely good tool in confirming the quality of the design,
functionality and constructability. Quality comes from the checking that design
solutions are compatible. To confirm functionality the project has used different
simulations for the models. Constructability and relation to existing structures and
buildings have been easily seen from models. In BIM environment it has been also
possible to model the different construction phases and temporary space
requirements needed used in construction phase.

Implementation of BIM in the project also raised praises. It was seen as a good that
the practices and processes have been developed together with the designers in the
project. As an example naming practices had to be developed for the project. It wasnt
as intuitive because project involved such a many different parties from infrastructure
and housing construction. This was done successfully together with the project

Project formed a group for BIM development. They have meetings approximately
once a month. Interviewees opinion was that this had been a great decision. The
group consists of BIM coordinators in the project. The forming of the group greatly
helped with implementation of BIM to the project. In the group participants could
share and solve the technical problems together with other experts. It was also seen
as a good way of sharing best practices and processes.

Strategy of combining models frequently was seen as a good technique. Especially

model based co-operation meetings with two disciplines were seen successful. There
the two disciplines will run their models on two screens side by side and go through
the whole design to produce compatible material.

As a model publishing technique the project used freezing of the models at certain
periods of time. This was seen as a good process of co-operation by several

To speed up the design, designers used the strategy of using standardized solutions
where it was possible.

BIM communication with the city authorities was mentioned as co-operation

method that had been successful in the case project. Knowledge of BIM matters at the
city side got praises. Zoning officials had also access to the common data area and
they could actively comment on the design solutions. Collaborating with zoning

officials went smoothly because their commenting was sometimes even directive
instead of just commenting on published design solutions. By giving their opinions
and requirements on design solutions at an early phase of design expedited the
design process.

Development suggestions

Interviewees gave several development suggestions for existing processes and

working methods with BIM. They vary from the level of larger picture development to
quite detail, but still important matters. Here the results of interviews under this topic
have been gathered under a framework of process, people and technology.

Process related development suggestions

Project members themselves in the case project have developed the BIM related
practices and processes. This was seen as a good thing in the interviews. By doing it
this way it increases commitment to set practices. But it was also seen as a very time
consuming matter. It caused delays because the design work already started when the
process was still developed. Suggestion was that the processes should be developed
before the starting of design. This doesnt exclude the opportunity to reevaluate and
develop the existing process, but there should be a starting point.

During interviews the interviewees also analyzed other reasons for delays in the
process. In their opinion the largest delay causing issue was that the design and
modeling wasnt progressing at same accuracy with every discipline. Finger was
pointed to client design supervisors as well as to colleagues. Interviewees saw the
latency of needed referring information to cause delays in their own design process.
Suggested solution for this was that these dependencies need to be recognized and
informed better. Even a workshop for dependency mapping was suggested.

In addition to disciplines not designing in same accuracy, faults were also found in
the accuracy of model compared to the drawings. This was a problem of disciplines
that produce models after the design has been completed in 2D rather than making
the required drawings from the models. The quality of produced models for co-
operation had some critique. For example levels were not matching and fixed cubes
to help the transforming to different coordinates were missing. Models that were
meant for co-operation also had quality issues in the sense of their content. Some
interviewees felt that they contained too detailed information and unrelated material.

Reference model creating had some issues that concerned some of the interviewees.
There were cases were the reference model was created by separate referrers. In this
kind of case different disciplines might be using different references in quality. It also
causes overlapping work that could be done once not several by different people.
Reference model user must be sure to use the latest versions. Malfunctions in this
matter might just be a matter of carelessness. Nevertheless it has a great risk of

Information transfer was criticized also in general. Information on decisions

considering certain disciplines didnt reach them on time. So there should more
accurate recognition on decision making in meetings. Decision makers should
consider more accurately, who are affected by the decision.

Troubling for some project members was the sharing through the common data area.
They were afraid of the risk that unfinished material would be used as a reference;
even it might not fulfill the co-operation requirements. This can be counted as a same
problem as the case of BIM reports. Models were lacking and standardized
classification system.

Maybe this is why some project members suggested increase in the amount of smaller
group co-operation meetings. This meant meetings that would take place with only
involving two of the disciplines. Some of the interviewees also wished courage to try
new kind of co-operation methods, such as big-room working.

People related development suggestions

Under this headline the development issues were mainly knowledge related. Some of
the interviewees had a perception that the BIM know-how might not be in demanded
level with some of the project key participants. Many designers claimed that BIM
expertise could be at higher level among design supervisor and among client.

Lack of knowledge was also found in understanding the design of other disciplines. It
was hoped awareness of understanding their design requirements and reference
demands could be raised. Co-operation skills of some parties in the project were
criticized. Interviewees were guessing that this is cause of many participants rarely
being involved in such a large multidiscipline project. Especially co-operation
between traditional housing and infrastructure players was emphasized.

Few of the people interviewed found juxtapositions among project personnel. In ideal
situation the project members of course work according to for the best of the project
principle. In juxtaposition cases this doesnt come true. An example of this was
contractor-designer juxtaposition that has long roots in construction business. People
wished to get rid of these kinds of unnecessary matters.

Technology related development suggestions

The greatest matters receiving negative feedback in these developed practices were
subjects of defining origins and coordinates for models. Due to lack of some modeling
software to be able to use global coordinates, project members had to develop a local
coordinate system together with it. First this defining went wrong because the
solution resulted in that the model objects were on the negative side of the
coordinates. These caused problems with some software that cannot comprehend
with negative coordinates. It was interviewees wish that origin and coordinate

defining would be done early on the project to avoid latency in the design process.
Also transferring and importing models from global to local coordinates was seen as a
matter that slows down the process and increases risks of errors.

Another technology related subject receiving negative feedback was the use of IFC. It
was commented that it was the only reasonable co-operation format existing at this
time, but it has its limitations. Exporting IFC format from different software doesnt
come without problems. There might be loss of information and other problems
during this exporting. IFC is format designed for the housing sector of construction.
This is why there were problems transferring format from infrastructure formats to

Interviewees had discerned that information provided by the pure model is not
enough. Project had delivered a BIM report document alongside the models. This
document was meant to describe the content and accuracy of the model and changes
in the revisions. Updating this document on time was lacking consistency, even
though it is a significant for the success of collaboration. Comments in the interviews
also indicated that the document was also lacking uniform standards. Variations in
the quality of the document could be perceived.

Other problems causing technical issues were:

Mixed 2D and 3D techniques

Size of the models
Laser scanning accuracy

BIM from the perspective of city authorities

The interviewee was working as a project manager from the side of city. Interviewees
role at this phase of project was to analyze the design from the perspective of city
zoning. The most interesting part of the design for city authorities was the projects
interphases between existing and planned parts in the city. Tasks of project manager
also included preparing needed material for decision makers of city of Helsinki.

In the case project the city authorities had also access to the common shared data
area. They could follow the design solution progress in real time. This way authority
could comment and direct the design actively and without latency.

Models provide a good way to conceive the ensemble of the design. They also give
insight in how the design should be presented in the zoning documents.

Interviewee had used models to reference to check clashes to existing zoning.

Screenshots from models had been beneficial for preparing decision making material
for city authorities. Although, his opinion was that models can be hard to understand
for lay decision makers without professional knowledge of construction. Most useful
material for lay decision makers has been the traditional 2D drawings.

Models have provided in this project most of the needed information for the city
authorities. Only in some cases the referring had to use 2D drawings to perceive more
accurate results.

Models have had some technical issues. There have been some cases where models
have required format or other transformations to be useful for authority referring.
Another technical issue was with the commenting tools of models. Full benefits from
the model commenting tools of models werent achieved due to data protection issues
of the city. Interviewees' opinion was that in the future the dialog inside the model
could be a beneficial tool for communicating between authorities and project

The most challenging part of the project from the city viewpoint has been the
underground construction. Helsinki has a lot of underground structures. Models have
provided an efficient tool for studying this underground world.

This project has shown that co-operation with city authorities can be done through
models. The next step in development for the city would be to develop the model
requirements for zoning and other authority needs.

Interviews gave great amount of insight in the current uses and benefits for using BIM
in projects. Possibilities of BIM had been implemented very well in this case project.
Room for development especially in the co-operation was also found.

The results of interviews were probably the most valuable part of this thesis. This is
because the interviewees all were professionals in the everyday use of modeling.

Next section will provide more process emphasized approach for the co-operation in
the case project.

4.2 Project meetings analytics

The goal of this analytics was to form insight in how BIM is used among designers
and what kind of co-operation and processes are related to that.

Three different groups were followed for analytics during this thesis. They included
the co-operation meetings of three different design groups. Design groups here are
referred as A, B and C. They do not refer to the group naming in the actual case
project to preserve anonymity.

Meetings that were participated for analytics:

Design group A co-operation meetings x 3

Design group B co-operation meetings x 4
Design group C co-operation meetings x 4

Meetings were followed during at the end of preliminary design phase of the project.

Other meetings were also participated including BIM development group, clients BIM
development group and other design meetings to clarify thesis writers overall picture
on the project.

Found model co-operation processes:

Figure 13 Group A co-operation process

Group A repeats this process every two weeks. Architecture BIM coordinator gathers
and combines the models into a single model. The actual inspection work is done in
the co-operation meeting, where the largest clashes are observed visually. BIM
coordinator does this inspection work between these meetings. Results of this
inspecting are communicated in the meeting. Models are in freeze state when they
are sent to the BIM coordinator.

In the co-operation/collaboration meeting representatives from all necessary design

disciplines are present. The representatives should be designers with an overall view
over the area inside their discipline. Found clashes may result in new kind of design
solutions and this is why representatives in the meeting need to have design

Combined model is run on the screen in the meeting room. Inspection takes place
discipline by discipline. For example first architecture model is compared to
structural engineering and then to HVAC.

For an outside observer, the time between combining models and actual meeting
seemed too tight. There should have been time to inspect the model properly before
the meeting to get maximum benefit from the meeting.

Figure 14 Group B co-operation process

Group B took a heavier approach in achieving compatible models compared to group

A. The presented process took place when the group members agreed on that the
model accuracy of each discipline has achieved a level where this kind of clash
checking was reasonable.

During the preliminary phase of design group B kept co-operation meetings between
two disciplines. In these meetings the models were run on two screens side by side
and compared to each other in order to find clashes and make them compatible.

When the model accuracy of all disciplines had reached a point where the process
could begin, first the models were put in freeze state and sent to architecture BIM
coordinator. BIM coordinator combined models and shared the result to disciplines.
Disciplines had a week to inspect the models and make a list of errors in the models.
These lists of errors were then presented in the co-operation meeting and then
discussed when necessary. In the meeting not only errors were presented to the group
but also the areas where models were compatible were shown. This was a good thing,
because it clarifies for the participants that there is no need to further inspections in
that area.

After the co-operation meeting design group fixed the presented problems in the
models. After that the models were combined weekly and inspected by the BIM

During the whole preliminary phase group B also was freezing models weekly. They
were inspected by the BIM coordinator and the results were presented in the weekly
design meeting.

Figure 15 Group C co-operation process

Group C had smaller co-operation meetings every two weeks or more rarely when
necessary. There two or more disciplines were present to cover clash detection

They covered compatibility issues in their weekly design meeting. Before the meeting
BIM coordinator received models, combined and inspected them.

The result is that all three groups had selected different methods for their co-
operation with models. Two of them handled model clashes and compatibility issues
as a natural part of their weekly design meeting. This is continuous method and the
right people are aware of these issues because of that.

Group A was lacking efficiency in the meetings because the inspection wasnt
properly gone through before the meeting but in the actual meeting. In group B: s
process it was good that all the disciplines were harnessed for the inspection work.
This produced a compatible design efficiently compared to the other two processes.

Picture 6 Picture from co-operation/collaboration meeting


Picture above has been taken from a co-operation meeting. There it can be seen that
BIM coordinator goes through the model inspection results using model commenting


All the three design groups had a different approach on producing compatible

The best results were achieved in the most heavy co-operation process where all the
disciplines were included in the checking of the models. This is a good way for final
combination of models for example in the end of certain design phase. But it is too
heavy to be used constantly throughout the design.

As in the results of the interviews also in this analyze the smaller meetings between
design disciplines were greatly beneficial. More accurate results can be achieved
without wasting the time of other disciplines that can happen in larger meetings.
Need for larger information sharing and co-operation nevertheless exists.

These points are taken into consideration when suggesting a co-operation process for
producing compatible models in conclusions section of this thesis.

Next chapter analyzes the common data area to study the dependencies between
design disciplines.

4.3 Common data area analytics

From the log of the common data area, also called project data bank, I will analyze
what has been information flows in this project. The inspiration for this analyze is the
method developed by Reid Robert Senescu et al (2012).

The common data area or sheared data bank that was used in the case project was
VDC Stream by Viasys VDC Oy. Beneficial feature of the program was that it collects
time stamps on each action made in the system. This feature provided the possibility
to do the analytics for dependencies.

Designers of the case project were encouraged to use common data area as their
main source for information exchange. This increases the reliability of the analytics.

Collected data:

Who has produced material and when

Who has downloaded material and when -> indicates the need for information
Which parties are the biggest users of the project bank

Data parameter requirements:

Separation of data by different design groups
Separation of data through personnel

Results of analytics: information dependencies in the design process as a parameter

of time.

Use of result: improvements to the existing process: when and what kind of meetings
and information exchanges are required.

This analytics method does not include the other information exchange in the project:
meetings, e-mails etc. But as the paper Generating a Network of Information
Dependencies Automatically (2012 Senescu, Head, Steinert, Fischer) shows, the
information exchange through the project bank correlates with the other information
exchange in the project.

Project bank data includes upload data of 40000 rows and 270000 rows of data of
different actions. In project bank there are 276 different downloaders from 39
different companies. The total results of analyze and examples of analyzed data can
be found from the appendix section of this thesis.

Analytics was done to find out the dependencies between different groups in the
project. This was done comparing the project bank data downloads and uploads. From
the data it was researched which design field uploaded and downloaded a file based
on their e-mail address. Matrix was formed comparing which design field had
downloaded data produced by a different design field. In the first column of the
matrix are the uploaders of files to the project bank and on the first row the
downloaders. Extracting only downloads from the original data reduced the amount of
downloads to 63000 files.

First common data area log data was converted to excel. Matching downloads with
uploaded files was done by comparing the file name. Dependencies between design
groups were found out through the users e-mail address. Downloaded file was
connected with an upload file and the matrix was formed comparing amount of
downloads between these companies.

Table 8 Part of the dependencies matrix


From this data we can quickly see that the DSM Matrix tools cannot be applied to find
out in which order the design should be done. It can also be seen that dependencies
do occur between most of the design fields. Even DSM cannot be applied; there are
several conclusions that can be made from this data.

First conclusion is that all the design fields are extremely dependent on each other.
Large scale co-operation is definitely needed among design fields. It can also be seen
that the most downloaded files at this phase of the project are the source information
gathered before the start of the design. It emphasizes together with the interviews
that the source information was really well produced in this project as well as it was
greatly usable and great data for the design phase.

It can be seen that the most important design fields from the viewpoint of the project
are the most active ones in the data. Notification can be made from the use of
combined models. All the files produced by Architecture BIM responsible are highly
downloaded. The main files that they have produced are the local combined models of
the stations. Conclusion is that the combined local models have been highly
successful and useful for the design of this project. This conclusion is also supported
by the interviews.

In the listing below are the most downloaded design fields in this project:

1. Initial data engineering

2. Rock and geo engineering 1 and structural engineering 1

3. Rock Engineering 2 and 3

4. Geo Engineering 2 and 3

5. Architect 3

6. Railway Engineering

7. Structural Engineering 1

8. BIM Responsible Architect 2

9. Structural Engineering 2

10. Architect 1

From the resulting matrix it can be seen that the original data has not been
completely satisfactory and complete. The amount of downloads not matching with
uploads is almost ten percent of the whole data. Also not all data exchange has been
through project bank. There has been exchange of data and information through
meetings, e-mail and phone calls also. But I think the size of the data still is still valid
to make the previous conclusions made above. The mistakes result from the shaping
of the original data. Downloaded files and uploaded files were not comparable at first.
They had to be modified in excel. The download data was in format of one single line
of text. They were separated with excel functions and this caused some errors with
naming of the files. The modifications made to make them comparable were no
completely satisfactory.

Analytics was also made without source information engineering as it was so

dominant over the other dependencies. In this analyze the files with no match were
also excluded. From this table we can take slight conclusions on what are the most
significant design fields in this particular project. The table also shows the largest
dependencies. Cells with light red are cells that had information exchange over
average of 67 file downloads. Cells with deep red are top 30 dependencies.

From this table we can also see the advantages of using a single project bank with
open data for everyone. It is obvious that there has been information exchange over
design team borders. For example structural engineering 2 is number one in
downloads from rock, geo and structural engineering 1.

Table 9 Part of dependencies matrix without source information engineering and

files without matches

When the amount of file exchange is researched we can find the key design teams in
this project. Dependencies between them are shown below.

Table 8 Dependencies of the design fields with the most file exchange in the

From the second analyze it can be also seen that the most downloaded design fields
accumulate quickly in the percentage of total downloads. From the figure below it can
be seen that the three most downloaded design fields already total 50% of the total
downloads. This refers to their importance. This importance further means, from the
perspective of the design process, that they are the critical in the success of the
project. Analyze indicates that their involvement and their documents are the most
critical in the view point of other design fields being able to do their work properly.

Figure 16 Percentage accumulation of total documents produced by the order of

largest document producers

From the same original project bank data it was also made a research of latencies in
the process. In a matrix it was compared average latencies between design fields.
This was done by comparing the upload time of a file and the download time of that
specific file. From these it was collected an average time that it took from some
design field to produce a file to when some other design field had downloaded it.

It is hard to make any conclusions from this data because it is impossible to look to
certain files. It would be important to know the files significance and type of the
document as well as the content to be able to make conclusions on how much there
really are latencies in the process. For example the source information was produced
before the design and these should show great latencies as they actually do show in
the matrix collecting the averages. Also the upload data shows only the first time that
a single file was produced, not the upload time of the different revisions of that file.


Table 9 Example of Average Latency Matrix

The project bank data was also sorted with a listing of researched design teams and
commissions. This was done by matching the names of downloaders and uploaders
with a list that has them connected with the commission. This analyzes shows similar
conclusions as the previous ones. This analyze can also be more affected to errors
due to differences in their real name and e-mail address.

Table 10 Dependencies sorted by commissions under research

Overall analyzes on the dependencies are interesting. When they are compared with
the dependencies announced by the interviewees, many differences can be found.
Project bank data shows much more dependencies between design fields than the
interviewees reported in the interviews. This shows lack of designers understanding
fully the actual dependencies in the project. This suggests that defining dependencies
in order to organize and timetabling planning is an area that should be improved.

5 Results and discussion

In this part of the thesis results from the analytics and theory study are gathered
together. A suggested process to produce compatible models and suggestions to
further develop BIM based design management are formed based on these results.

5.1 Suggested processes to produce

compatible models
One of the goals for the masters thesis was to create a process that would efficiently
produce compatible models and that way produce better quality in design. As a result
there can be seen a three different processes to suit different situations in the process
to achieve compatible models.

Firstly, the three different design groups studied in the thesis had seen a need for
continuous updating and combining process for the models. Their approaches
differed slightly, achieving different results. BIM coordinators of each discipline
together with the architecture BIM coordinator had this process as their
responsibility. Main responsibility for coordinating the process was with architecture
BIM coordinator.

Suggested three processes are:

Continuous co-operation process

Bottle neck discipline co-operation
Final integration of models

Continuous co-operation process

Suggested continuous co-operation process is a result of putting together the best
parts of already used processes in the case project. This combination compounded
with findings from the BIM guidelines.

Figure 30 Suggested process for continuous model producing of compatible


Continuous co-operation is a cycle that repeats itself. Timeline for repetition should
tight enough for the design to be able to use the latest material. Suggested cycle is
one or two weeks depending on the design intensity.

Cycle starts from forming a compatible discipline model. Discipline BIM coordinator
gathers the models that the discipline has produced and compiles them together.
Clash checking is performed to the model.

Elements in the model are produced in agreed LOD level. Designer of the model is
responsible for producing elements accordingly. BIM coordinator performs checking
of elements for LOD level.

Status of the model is checked to match the agreed specifications. Status as well as
LOD progresses as the design develop, according to the BIM execution plan and
design requirements. For model to be referable it needs to fulfill the requirements for
status ready for co-operation.

Ready for co-operation status definition must be defined together with other
designers in the project. To get the status the model must meet the referring
requirements set by the needs of using disciplines. The main information that needs
to be communicated between disciplines is geometry, volume/size, orientation and
location. These matters must be in a level of detail that they are possible to refer in

certain phase of the design. Status qualification also includes the agreed model
format for referring.

Due to the current state of the modelling softwares and capabilities of computer
hardware, co-operation models shouldnt have any extra information than is needed.
Simple models, that include only material that is needed by other disciplines, are the
most usable ones.

Revision history of the model needs to be followed as well. Model report document
includes the information of LOD levels, status of the model and revision history of the
model. This is a very important part of co-operation. The document needs to have a
uniform template and content throughout the project. Model report document should
be easily and quickly readable.

After freezing the discipline model it is ready to be shred for referring. Sharing of
individual discipline models can in some cases be useful.

Second part of the process is forming a total compatible model. Architecture BIM
coordinator gathers all combined discipline models to a single model. Clash checking
is performed.

Clash checking results are presented in co-operation meeting. In co-operation

meeting the solutions for clashes are formed. This requires expertise and discipline
representative must be able to solve complex clash checking related problems. Co-
operation meeting is advisable to be part of a regular type of design meeting. This
way efficiency increases in the process because the movement of designers reduces.

After the meeting the total model is shared. Information of the clashes must be
informed to the right personnel. Commenting tools in the software were found as a
useful way to communicate clashes in the case project.

Presented process was the first of three model compiling processes. Next suggested
process is bottle neck discipline co-operation process.

Bottle neck discipline co-operation process

Analytics section of the thesis provided information on the dependencies between
disciplines. From this data it can be seen that some disciplines are more referred than
others. This means that their success in their quality of the models and their
capability to stay in schedule is critical. The whole success of the process depends on
those disciplines. These factors make them bottle neck disciplines. Suggested
process tries support the success of these bottle necks.

Analytics showed that almost all disciplines relay on the design made by all other
disciplines. The disciplines that did not have dependency between them were
referring each other through some other models. For example almost all disciplines
referred architecture modelling which takes into consideration all other disciplines.

Suggested process begins with the co-operation of the most critical design
disciplines and then flows towards the ones, which based on their dependencies, also
need co-operation.

Idea behind this process is from the existing processes. These kind of smaller
meetings between only two or three disciplines was found very beneficial and value
adding for the project in interviews.

Suggested process is as follows:

Figure 31 Suggestion for 'bottle neck' discipline process

In the figure shows the co-operation meetings that are needed based on the analytics.
In the case project these kinds of meetings were held. The agenda of these meetings
is to check two models side by side on two screens and visually inspect them for
clashes. In these meetings more accurate results were achieved than in the suggested
continuous process.

Thesis suggestion is to further develop this agenda of these meetings. Rather than
just inspecting the models in the meetings the solutions could be also worked
immediately. Framework for this can be borrowed from knotworking.

Developing design in suggested order can reduce rework in the design process. It also
might progress the design faster. Third point for using this process is that by this way
the understanding of other disciplines and their way of seeing the design is expected
to rise.

Suggested process is advisable to be adapted at an early phase of an design.

This was the second suggested process. In addition to these presented processes a
third process to finalize the design in introduced.

Final integration of models

Continuous process for producing compatible models might not give the most
accurate and final result. By this I mean that especially in the first design phases the
automated clash checking cant be applied for checking the model. Instead of doing
that, visual checking needs to be done for the model. If only BIM coordinators are
checking the model, it will take a long time. This is why the designer resources should
be also taken into checking the models.

One of the design groups in the case project was using this process, when finalizing
the design at the end of the set design phase. This process can be used when design
is moving to a more accurate level. For example, design is switching from conceptual
design to construction design.

The used process was as follows:

Figure 17 Suggested process for final integration of models

This process increases the resources for checking the model. This process cant be
applied to be a continuous process in a project because it is too heavy.

Suggested processes have been now presented. Analyzes section now moves on to
present other findings of the thesis.

5.2 Suggested development for design

This section gives development suggestions for design management in the reference
of current state in the case project. Section is divided to categories: technology,
process and people. First part covers the learnings from the case project that can be
applied to other projects and second part covers the subjects that in the case project
needed development. Second part also gives solutions for these case project
development suggestions that were found under the research of the thesis.

5.2.1 Learnings from the case project

Described learnings are a result of analytics done in this thesis. They represent the
things that were executed well in the case project and from which other projects can

Initial data collecting was performed extremely well in the case project. Based on
analytics it was received the highest level of referring in the project. It was also
executed in 3D model formats.

2D drawings and 3D models should progress in the same level of detail. Design
accuracy in models can be greater than in the drawings. Otherwise the full benefits of
BIM are lost.

Combining models frequently results in better quality design.

Restraining standardized design solutions early in the design accelerated the

progress of overall design.

Producing BIM execution plan with the participating designers resulted in practices
that everyone in the project can commit to.

Main needs of information exchange between disciplines are spatial matters. These
include geometry, quantity, size, shape, location, and orientation of structures.

When producing models for co-operation, the level of detail should be as low as
possible. If the models include only the parameters that are needed for referring the
usability of models stays high.

BIM know how among city authorities made the communication and working with
them more efficient.


In the case project the client chose to demand BIM based design. The decision was
done even it was known the processes and practices related to that are not at
optimum level. Even this being the case, it has proven to be a beneficial decision. The
benefits of using BIM based design in a complex project have been unquestionable.
Demanding BIM design in the case projects has increased the amount of BIM usage in
participating companies in their other projects.

Frequent clash checking and visualizing design in 3D has been proved in the case
project to add value. Visualizing design has caused such design changes that would
have not been noticed from 2D drawings. Managing and understanding the truly
complex design solution has been much easier especially because the project is under
ground level.

IFC model format currently, even with its limitations, as a best format to collaborate
in construction design projects.


BIM practices are still developing as new tools and possibilities arise. This still causes
many practical problems in the daily work of designers. In the case project this was
realized. To solve these problems that arises from the daily work in the project, in the
case project they had formed a BIM development group. In this group the BIM
experts of the project had a forum to discuss and solve BIM related problems. They
could also spread found good practices to other design groups through this forum. It
would be advisable to any project this scale to from this kind of forum.

5.2.2 Development suggestions based on the case project

Following listing covers subjects that the project had underperformed in according to
analytics. These matters are suggested to be developed in future of the case project
as well as in all future projects.


Communicating and the level of accuracy were found problematic in the case
project. It was hard to rely on information when the referrer couldnt be sure if it is
accurate or approximation.

Solution: Applying LOD system and status qualification to the process.

Delayed referring information caused latency in the design process.

Solution: Mapping dependencies between design tasks. Using characteristics of the

Last Planner system provides a systematic way of doing this. Another solution is to
define requirements for referred information. Singapore BIM Guideline had great
content on how to create these requirements.

In the case project in some cases the referred material was formatted to be usable
for them by different users. This includes the risk of separate disciplines referring to
incompatible material.

Solution: The needs for referred material are defined. Creator of the original model
creates also the co-operated model formats.


Using BIM as tool in some disciplines were on a low level. This caused latency in
producing good quality models and producing them on time.
Solution: client Procures BIM based design. In the case project it could have been
seen to raise the BIM know how and its use a design tools among all project
participants. Another solution comes from the development of software. Especially tin
the infrastructure engineering side the tools need to improve more to fulfill designers


The technology related issues that needed development, according to the case
project, are matters that have to wait for the software companies to develop their
products better.

Other matters

Construction industry as a whole needs to develop better BIM guidelines for

infrastructure engineering.

6 Summary and conclusion

Original purpose of the thesis was to research BIM based design process empirically
and to find ways to develop the current state of design processes. This was done
through theory research and empirical research.

In the theory part the most useful data was found from the BIM guidelines. In the
building industry their level of detail matches the current state of BIM design well.
They give good advice in implementing BIM to ones project. Guidelines also gave
information on how to organize design processes in BIM based projects. The results
of the thesis were based on the processes given in the guidelines. The processes in
the guidelines didnt completely fulfill the needs of effective progress of design work.
In addition to these empirical data was needed to modify these processes.

In the empirical part of the thesis project meetings were followed and interviews were
conducted. These gave insight to useful practices that were used in the case project.
They resulted in s developed process model to compatibly produce models and
progress design work efficiently.

6.1 Meaning of the thesis

Meaning of the thesis was to develop a process that efficiently produces compatible
models. Also its meaning was to develop suggestions for future projects based on the
learnings from analytics of the case project.

As the research questions of this thesis imply, the goal was to get insight on the
current status of BIM based design work and what is the current used processes of
doing BIM based design. The thesis was able to describe the current used processes
that were used in the case project.

One meaning was to find out what is done well in the current design work. Interviews
gave great insight to this from the personnel that are working with BIM on daily basis.
From the interviews the thesis was able to gather a list of suggestions to take into
consideration in future projects.

Based on the theory research and the analytics of the thesis, a process for developing
design compatibly was developed. This was one of the goals for the thesis as
presented in the research questions.

Overall, thesis provided answers to all set research questions.

The only area of the thesis that was unable to fulfill its purpose was the analytics of
common data area. Meaning was to develop a design process based on the
dependencies between design disciplines. The dependencies turned out to be too
complex to be able to apply DSM method. Analytics of the common data area still
gave some interesting information of the dependencies between disciplines.

6.2 Achieved results and their use

The thesis achieved four results:

continuous co-operation process

bottle neck discipline co-operation process
process for final integration
a list of suggestions for BIM based design projects.

Usefulness of the results varies. Some may be used in all BIM based projects, while
others in projects similar to the case project.

Continuous co-operation process and process for final integration can be and should
be used in every BIM based design project. They are based on the guideline research
and the used processes in the case project. These are most useful in a BIM project
involving many different disciplines and designers.

Bottle neck discipline co-operation process can be used in similar projects as the
case project. It is based on the disciplines that are involved in the case project and it
is a solution for a specific case. Similar mapping of bottle neck disciplines should be
done in every project and then form a process on how to deal with these bottle necks.

Development suggestions listed in the thesis can be applied to any BIM based
project. They are in very general form even though they give solutions to specific
problems. A good read for a BIM project planner could also be the results of
interviews in this thesis. They raise a lot of practical issues that the designers face in
every day work with BIM

Some results were also discovered outside what was planned. These include the
results in the interviews. The interviews result shows the benefits of using BIM as a
tool in design at some extent. Results also give insight on some of the problems that
still are related to BIM based design.

6.3 Achieved new findings

All the processes developed in this thesis are new findings. They give solutions for the
current state of BIM based designing. The processes are based on the ones in the
guidelines but then modified with the practical experiences.

Thesis shows that a design project can be executed with BIM tools. It even suggests
that there are benefits for using BIM in a large scale projects like the project case.
Using BIM as a tool for a design still requires management and new kind of practices.

So the achieved new findings in this thesis were:

continuous co-operation process
bottle neck discipline co-operation process
process for final integration
a list of suggestions for BIM based design projects.
BIM benefits
current state practical problems in BIM based design and co-operation
current state of practices of using BIM

6.4 Valuating the results

Achieved results in thesis are solutions for the current state of the design done in
projects. They improve the efficiency of the design process. By using these achieved
results the management of design is clear and more easily executed.

As said, results provide solutions for the current state. This means that when the BIM
tools develop the results of this thesis will become outdated.

In the current state of the design these kind of suggested model updating cycles are
needed in the design process. This is a cause of one not being able to design in real
time due to compatibility issues of the software. Hopefully in the future the programs
will communicate better with each other and make the real time designing possible.
At this stage where these model updating cycles are not needed the results of the
thesis will be outdated.

Maybe in the future, the practices for level of detail and for the status of models have
been standardized. At this point they will not need as much attention as the results of
the thesis suggest. Hopefully these matters are developed in an industry level and
they dont need to be completely re-planned in each project.

The thesis will not bring a new revolution to the construction industry. But the
presented results will ease the co-operation between design disciplines that are
working together in BIM based design projects.

Results are not also something final. They need to be implemented to the everyday
work of designers and to be developed further.

6.5 Suggestions of possible new research

Based on the thesis, BIM guidelines for infrastructure engineering are behind the
ones of building engineering. BIM guidelines for infrastructure engineering would
need more development and better accuracy. BIM co-operation in projects that
include both of these were not handled in the guidelines. These need to be developed.

As time passes by, results of the thesis will outdate. New process for compatible
model producing should then be developed.


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Appendix 1

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1.Sourceinformationengineering 9682 166 891 862 137 221 305 996 102 139 289 202 235 298 211 45 509 23 76 54 7 2 15 71 11 16 66 3 5 9 9 1 17 4 1 6 15686
2.Rockandgeoengineering1andstructuralengineering1 556 2804 516 1128 1093 169 94 205 756 124 448 177 447 6 175 20 45 16 14 20 2 167 8 20 1 14 49 27 27 1 18 7 2 2 9158
3.RockEngineering2and3 484 834 779 138 1089 474 513 215 702 81 113 91 4 65 61 230 15 55 216 124 50 11 7 6 1 11 150 12 5 1 6537
#N/A 639 829 418 725 539 249 387 183 251 279 298 219 198 51 76 45 13 109 73 34 25 48 50 44 27 31 33 21 10 7 5 9 21 6 8 1 5961
4.GeoEngineering2and3 560 1317 344 363 135 744 382 215 447 16 33 13 78 32 101 2 1 191 54 32 42 2 2 1 19 22 1 6 41 1 5197
5.Architect3 117 814 618 156 316 466 83 243 23 318 145 206 53 46 23 60 168 25 4 20 25 77 5 1 14 17 66 24 1 40 1 18 13 1 4207
6.TrackEngineering 68 350 373 436 150 245 299 107 167 240 257 99 141 83 81 82 28 47 158 1 1 13 8 16 13 11 8 2 2 50 6 3 1 5 1 3552
7.StructuralEngineering1 90 484 163 210 214 20 275 291 98 26 173 61 6 32 1 2 8 2 39 25 11 19 18 1 18 1 4 1 2293
8.BIMResponsibleArchitect2 136 133 8 32 154 107 38 77 20 175 45 76 8 13 13 57 5 78 6 93 6 6 1 145 17 12 10 4 47 11 1 1 2 1537
9.StructuralEngineering2 60 269 202 73 143 82 13 55 4 18 11 5 191 1 40 1 2 1 102 1 1 34 1 5 12 1 6 1334
10.Architect1 11 145 30 166 158 1 28 2 7 216 68 86 70 38 3 19 20 39 2 16 6 3 1 11 4 12 1 3 1 14 1181
11.DeveloperandProjectManagementConsultant 188 48 53 52 16 79 108 44 13 38 7 95 25 23 1 32 1 17 26 4 2 28 16 30 33 4 2 2 6 1 7 6 1 1008
12.ProjectBankServiceProviderandBIMConsulting 83 82 78 117 128 20 43 34 25 24 7 52 38 13 15 2 3 10 91 7 8 8 16 4 4 3 2 1 918
13.StreetandTrafficPlanning 49 243 10 8 60 52 19 2 135 13 45 3 1 4 1 8 2 1 11 23 14 1 705
14.Architect2 52 110 19 19 94 47 32 15 20 85 15 72 7 4 3 14 19 2 20 6 1 9 15 17 2 699
15.HelsinkiCityPlanningDepartment 214 1 37 3 26 2 75 35 2 3 175 1 11 1 8 3 2 6 2 607
16.HVAC,WaterandElectrical1Engineering 22 13 48 43 40 1 54 1 77 6 37 2 4 23 10 1 1 10 14 1 2 2 1 15 7 435
17.BIMResponsibleArchitect1 4 37 9 77 27 4 6 106 4 20 4 3 16 6 13 1 12 1 1 22 1 374
18.AcousticsEngineering 56 30 64 11 52 39 48 1 24 6 1 9 4 1 1 2 6 5 360
19.ElectricTrackEngineering 9 20 62 27 18 13 20 4 2 19 9 3 17 1 12 8 11 37 1 3 2 12 5 19 334
20.FireSafetyEngineering 14 11 33 9 26 6 23 2 2 59 9 30 17 4 5 39 4 3 7 5 8 8 324
21.ElectricalEngineering2andAutomationEngineering 33 62 50 11 20 3 20 1 1 4 2 39 3 5 4 4 2 5 2 1 272
22.BIMResponsibleStructuralEngineering2 20 25 29 11 16 14 8 11 12 20 15 7 3 15 4 210
23.RailwaySafetyPlanning 106 12 2 9 3 3 2 4 1 2 6 1 3 23 3 2 182
24.ProjectManagementSubConsultant 5 3 10 17 1 13 4 5 3 5 1 9 3 1 3 83
25.CommunicationsConsultant 10 4 2 13 51 80
26.TrafficPlanning 8 14 4 10 1 4 2 4 1 1 3 52
27.GroundWaterConsultant 4 7 2 6 9 6 3 8 1 1 1 1 49
28.ElectricalandAutomationEngineering 10 8 8 26
29.RadioNetworkPlanning 16 2 5 2 25
#NAME? 2 1 1 2 1 7
30.FinnishTransportAgency 2 2 1 2 7
GrandTotal 13268 8860 4837 4739 4636 3041 2851 2803 2711 2090 2076 1600 1341 1131 835 776 647 614 588 523 475 434 297 296 253 244 241 225 176 175 167 147 85 76 36 30 28 27 12 8 1 63400

Appendix 2

Dependency matrix without source information engineering and match errors


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2.Rockandgeoengineering1andstructuralengineering1,BIMresponsibleArchitect3 556 2804 516 1128 1093 169 94 205 124 448 177 447 6 175 20 45 16 14 20 2 167 8 20 1 14 49 27 27 1 18 7 2 2 9158 9158 21,94% 1
3.RockEngineering2and3 484 834 779 138 1089 474 513 215 81 113 91 4 65 61 230 15 55 216 124 50 11 7 6 1 11 150 12 5 1 6537 15695 37,60% 2
4.GeoEngineering2and3 560 1317 344 363 135 744 382 215 16 33 13 78 32 101 2 1 191 54 32 42 2 2 1 19 22 1 6 41 1 5197 20892 50,05% 3
5.Architect3 117 814 618 156 316 466 83 243 318 145 206 53 46 23 60 168 25 4 20 25 77 5 1 14 17 66 24 1 40 1 18 13 1 4207 25099 60,12% 4
6.TrackEngineering 68 350 373 436 150 245 299 107 240 257 99 141 83 81 82 28 47 158 1 1 13 8 16 13 11 8 2 2 50 6 3 1 5 1 3552 28651 68,63% 5
7.StructuralEngineering1 90 484 163 210 214 20 275 291 26 173 61 6 32 1 2 8 2 39 25 11 19 18 1 18 1 4 1 2293 30944 74,12% 6
8.BIMResponsibleArchitect2 136 133 8 32 154 107 38 77 175 45 76 8 13 13 57 5 78 6 93 6 6 1 145 17 12 10 4 47 11 1 1 2 1537 32481 77,81% 7
9.StructuralEngineering2 60 269 202 73 143 82 13 55 18 11 5 191 1 40 1 2 1 102 1 1 34 1 5 12 1 6 1334 33815 81,00% 8
10.Architect1 11 145 30 166 158 1 28 2 216 68 86 70 38 3 19 20 39 2 16 6 3 1 11 4 12 1 3 1 14 1181 34996 83,83% 9
11.DeveloperandPojectManagementConsultant 188 48 53 52 16 79 108 44 38 7 95 25 23 1 32 1 17 26 4 2 28 16 30 33 4 2 2 6 1 7 6 1 1008 36004 86,25% 10
12.ProjectBankServiceProviderandBIMConsulting 83 82 78 117 128 20 43 34 24 7 52 38 13 15 2 3 10 91 7 8 8 16 4 4 3 2 1 918 36922 88,44% 11
13.StreetandTrafficPlanning 49 243 10 8 60 52 19 135 13 45 3 1 4 1 8 2 1 11 23 14 1 705 37627 90,13% 12
14.Architect1 52 110 19 19 94 47 32 15 85 15 72 7 4 3 14 19 2 20 6 1 9 15 17 2 699 38326 91,81% 13
15.HelsinkiCityPlanningDepartment 214 1 37 3 26 2 75 2 3 175 1 11 1 8 3 2 6 2 607 38933 93,26% 14
16.HVAC,WaterandElectrical1Engineering 22 13 48 43 40 1 54 1 77 6 37 2 4 23 10 1 1 10 14 1 2 2 1 15 7 435 39368 94,30% 15
17.BIMResponsibleArchitect1 4 37 9 77 27 4 6 106 4 20 4 3 16 6 13 1 12 1 1 22 1 374 39742 95,20% 16
18.AcousticsEngineering 56 30 64 11 52 39 48 1 6 1 9 4 1 1 2 6 5 360 40102 96,06% 17
19.ElectricTrackEngineering 9 20 62 27 18 13 20 4 19 9 3 17 1 12 8 11 37 1 3 2 12 5 19 334 40436 96,86% 18
20.FireSafetyEngineering 14 11 33 9 26 6 23 2 59 9 30 17 4 5 39 4 3 7 5 8 8 324 40760 97,64% 19
21.ElectricalEngineering2andAutomationEngineering 33 62 50 11 20 20 1 1 4 2 39 3 5 4 4 2 5 2 1 272 41032 98,29% 20
22.BIMResponsibleStructuralEngineering2 20 25 29 11 16 14 8 11 12 20 15 7 3 15 4 210 41242 98,79% 21
23.RailwaySafetyPlanning 106 12 2 9 3 3 2 4 1 2 6 1 3 23 3 2 182 41424 99,23% 22
24.ProjectManagementSubConsultant 5 3 10 17 1 13 4 5 3 5 1 9 3 1 3 83 41507 99,43% 23
25.CommunicationsConsultant 10 4 2 13 51 80 41587 99,62% 24
26.TrafficPlanning 8 14 4 10 1 4 2 4 1 1 3 52 41639 99,74% 25
27.GroundWaterConsultant 4 7 2 6 9 6 3 1 1 1 1 49 41688 99,86% 26
28.ElectricalandAutomationEngineering 10 8 8 26 41714 99,92% 27
29.RadioNetworkPlanning 16 2 5 2 25 41739 99,98% 28
30.FinnishTransportAgency 2 2 1 2 7 41746 100,00% 29
GrandTotal 13268 8860 4837 4739 4636 3041 2851 2803 2090 2076 1600 1341 1131 835 776 647 614 588 523 475 434 297 296 253 244 241 225 176 175 167 147 85 76 36 30 28 27 12 8 1 41746
Appendix 3

Example1 of original data, downloads

Appendix 4

Example2 of original data, uploads

ISBN 978-952-317-227-2
ISSN 2343-1741

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