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Energy-Efficient High-Voltage Switch

Based on Parallel Connection of IGBT and IGCT

Andrei Blinov1, Dmitri Vinnikov1, Volodymyr Ivakhno2
Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), 2Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute (Ukraine)
[email protected]

Abstract- This paper presents an analysis of a hybrid high- semiconductors. Comparing parameters of two 4.5 kV class
voltage switch based on the parallel connection of IGBT and press-pack semiconductors: T0900EA45A-Westcode
IGCT. The proposed configuration allows combining the
advantages of both semiconductors, resulting in substantially (Table 1 [7]) and 5SHY35L4512-ABB (Table 2 [8]), it could
reduced power losses. Such energy efficient switches could be be observed that the on-state voltage UT of IGCT is lower
used in high-power systems where decreased cooling system than the corresponding parameter UCE(sat) of IGBT. The turn-
requirements are a major concern. The operation principle of on behaviour is similar for both devices, while turn-off
the switch is described and simulated and power dissipation is behaviour of IGCT is distinctly slower, which results in
estimated at different operation conditions.
greatly increased losses during turn-off (Fig. 1).
I. INTRODUCTION The idea is based on the integration of positive properties
of gate-commutated thyristors in terms of low turn-on and on-
High power densities together with a high functionality are state power losses as well as high surge current capability and
the key aspects of modern power electronics. Further IGBTs with their relatively low losses during turn-off. This
requirements are decreased volume and weight of the power may allow creating high-voltage and high-current energy-
systems as well as low cost. In order to fulfil these demands efficient switches with increased switching frequency, which
high switching frequencies of the semiconductors are could be advantageous in high-power (>500 KVA) industrial
necessary. Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are the and railway traction systems.
major representatives in present days medium- and high TABLE I
voltage electronics. In terms of blocking voltages (up to CHARACTERISTIC VALUES OF 900 A 4500 V IGBT (T0900EA45A)
6.5 kV) these devices have reached a level which can satisfy Parameter Symbol Value
the majority of needs. The major advantages of IGBTs are Collector-emitter voltage UCE 4500 V
easy driving and snubberless operation [1]. On the other Permanent DC voltage UDC 2800 V
Collector-emitter saturation voltage (IC=900 A) UCE(sat) 4.7 V
hand, the switching behaviour of low voltage class IGBTs
Turn-on delay time td(on) 1.6 s
(<1 kV) is generally slower in comparison to MOSFETs, and Rise time tr 2.3 s
high voltage class IGBTs (>3.3 kV) generally have higher Critical rate of rise of diode current dIt/dtcr 2000 A/s
conduction losses than GTO and IGCTs. In order to improve Turn-off delay time td(off) 1.2 s
Fall time tf 1.2 s
the performance of IGBTs, different approaches and methods
Turn-off energy (IC=900 A) Eoff 2.6 J
were introduced and developed. For instance, at lower
voltages, increased performance was achieved by a parallel TABLE II
IGBT-MOSFET-combination as shown in [2]. The hybrid
Parameter Symbol Value
integration of a unipolar and a bipolar power semiconductor Peak off-state voltage UDRM 4500 V
in parallel allowed combining of their advantages whilst Permanent DC voltage UDC 2800 V
avoiding their disadvantages [3]. However, these positive On-state voltage (IT=900 A) UT 1.15 V
results were observed only for certain applications and Turn-on delay time td(on) 3.5s
Rise time tr 1 s
operation parameters. Critical rate of rise of current dIt/dtcr 1000 A/s
Similarly, for high power applications the performance of Turn-off delay time td(off) 11 s
high-power switches could be increased by a parallel Turn-off energy (IT=900 A) Eoff 6-8 J
connection of IGBT and IGCT switches [4-6]. This paper will
focus on 4.5 kV class switches, since both IGBT and IGCT II. OPERATION PRINCIPLE
type semiconductors in press-pack type housings are
commercially available, allowing easy connection of these The structure of the proposed hybrid switch (HS)
devices in series by special cooling systems. The rated configuration is presented in Fig. 2. The HS consists of a
permanent DC voltage for both semiconductor devices is parallel connected asymmetrical press-pack IGCT and press-
generally 2.8 kV. Using two- or three-level topologies, if pack IGBT with an integrated freewheeling diode (FWD).
necessary, this is sufficient to cope with the requirements of In the following analysis the HS is assumed to be operated
many traction and industrial applications with voltage ratings in voltage - source inverter (VSI) circuits. The test circuit
of 2.0-5.6 kV without the need of series connection of several shown in Fig. 3 represents the main events that could occur in

360 978-1-4244-8807-0/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE

4 7 12 1.4 ton
3.5 6 1.2
10 Control
3 I SA
5 1
2.5 t
4 0.8
2 6
3 0.6 U SB SB
2 0.4
1 t
1 2 0.2

0 0 0 0
350 580 810 1040 1270 1500
Switch Current (A)
350 580 810 1040 1270 1500
Switch Current (A)
Fig. 1. Side-by side comparison ofT0900EA45A IGBT and 5SHY35L4512 I SB
IGCT on-state voltages and turn-off energies vs. current

U HS UCE(sat)


t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t
Fig. 4. Generalised operation principle and switching waveforms of the
proposed HS
Fig. 2. Proposed hybrid switch configuration
The generalised HS operation principle is shown in Fig. 4
and the following time intervals during the operation period
can be distinguished:
t0 the beginning of each switching period of PWM. The
thyristor SA of the HS is turned on by the control
signal, applying full load current. During this time the
transistor of the HS is turned off.
t0-t1 freewheeling diode reverse-recovery process, duration
and behaviour are dependent on the diode type and
t1-t2 thyristor is conducting with low losses. The voltage
across the HS determined by the voltage drop across
the thyristor UT.
t2 the turn-off control impulse is applied to the thyristor
and simultaneously the turn-on impulse is applied to
Fig. 3. Configuration of the commutation circuit
the transistor SB of the HS.
t2-t3 as the turn-on behaviour of the IGBT is faster than the
VSI topologies and includes the clamp circuit, hybrid switch,
turn-off transient of the IGCT, the thyristor turn-off
D1 (representing FWD of the opposite HS) and inductive
process occurs when the transistor is already in the on-
load. The inductances LCL and LD represent the stray
state. The load current is distributed between both
inductance of the clamp and the stray inductance between the
IGCT and IGBT housings, respectively. The values of these
t3 the SA returns to the blocking state, the full load
inductances should be minimized in order to meet the
current is applied to the transistor SB. Hence, the turn-
specified SOA of the devices. The clamp circuit typically
off transient of the thyristor occurs when the voltage is
used in IGCT applications limits the surge reverse-recovery
limited to the voltage drop UCE(sat) across the
current of the turning-off freewheeling diodes and generally
conducting transistor SB of the HS. Moreover, during
consists of a dI/dt limiting inductor Li, a clamp capacitor CCL,
the current transfer to the transistor the voltage across
a clamping diode DCL and a resistor RS. In the case of a
its terminals is limited to the voltage drop across the
failure, the clamp inductance limits the short circuit current as
SA during the on-state. The required duration of the

transistor on-state should not be shorter than the turn- The simulations confirm the estimated behaviour of the
off transient of the thyristor. proposed switch configuration. At turn-on the HS operates
t4 the turn-off of the HS occurs by applying negative gate like an IGCT with the dI/dt clamp (Fig. 7). The on-state
voltage to the transistor after the thyristor returns to voltage of the HS is equal to the voltage drop across the
the blocking state. The turn off transient of the HV thyristor during its conducting period (Fig. 8). During turn-
IGBTs is generally 27 s. After the transistor is off of the HS the transistor is turned on for a short period; the
switched off, the voltage across HS and all its turning-off thyristor current is then transferred to the
components become equal to the supply voltage. transistor, which is closed right after the thyristor current
becomes zero. The turn-off dynamics of the HS are greatly
III. SIMULATION MODEL increased, while the excellent on-state characteristics of IGCT
A. Simulation circuit remain (Fig. 9) and all the elements are operated within the
To simulate the HS operation the commutation circuit SOA.
shown in Fig. 3 was modelled in PSpice software using IV. GENERALISED LOSS EVALUATION
idealised switch models. The same diode model was used in
the topology for simplicity and the following simulation The power loss estimation is one of the key points, crucial
parameters were assumed: the input voltage is 2800 V, the for the circuit mechanical structure and the cooling system
maximum load current is 750. The values of the circuits design. The aim is to compare the power losses and
passive components are determined according to [9]. performance of the proposed switch configuration with
transistor- and thyristor-only counterparts at similar operation
B. Control algorithm parameters. In the comparison, a variable switched current of
Active states are generated using two-phase shifted triangle 350A < I < 900A and UDC=2800 V is assumed. The total
waveform generators operating with constant frequency and losses Ptot are calculated as the sum of conduction, turn-on
duty cycle and two comparators. Additional logic elements
and turn-off losses at maximum junction temperature (125C)
ensure that the SB is turned on right at the instant the turn-off
using the datasheet values of the devices.
of SA occurs (Fig. 5).
In real conditions the minimal and maximal duty cycle of the SA(control)

HS could be limited by a number of factors, such as IGCT 1

gate driver limitations or behaviour of the clamp circuit and a 0
turn-off snubber (if used). The minimal off-state time toff(min) 1325 1327 1329 1331 1333 1335 1337 1339

should be maintained to stay within the safe operating area 3500 1800

(SOA) of the circuits components. The minimal on-state 3000 U (HS) 1600

time ton(min) of the HS is generally not limited since during an I (SA)


operation with duty cycles near zero, only the transistor of the 2500

HS could be used. The example of SOA control flowchart is 2000 1000

U (V)

I (A)
shown in Fig. 6. 1500 800


0 0
1325 1327 1329 1331 1333 1335 1337 1339
Time (us)
U (HS) I (SB) I (SA)

Fig. 7. Simulated turn-on behaviour of HS at I=750 A, UDC=2800 V

Fig. 5. Control algorithm of the HS 10 800

8 I (SA)
U (V)

I (A)

5 400

U (HS)

0 0
390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490
Time (us)
U (HS) I (SB) I (SA)

Fig. 6. Generalised SOA control flowchart of HS Fig. 8. Simulated conduction behaviour of HS at I=750 A, UDC=2800 V

In the simulations of losses, the minimum IGBT switching Using Eq. (1) the IGBT and IGCT currents could be
losses with a very small gate resistances of RGon=4 and obtained by
RGoff=2.5 are assumed. In real industrial converters the 1
I SB = I (2)
IGBT gate units are adjusted to generate the desired dI/dt and 1+ kI
dU/dt to avoid large voltage and current spikes during kI
I SA = I (3)
transients. However, the use of the gate resistor to control the 1+ kI
dI/dt results in substantially higher switching losses in According to simulations, the considered IGCT is showing
IGBT [10]. If a dI/dt limiting turn-on snubber is used with better dynamics for currents above 650 A, whereas the IGBT
both IGBT and IGCT devices, the turn-on losses would be is performing better at lower currents (Fig. 10). The proposed
similar [11]. On the other hand, the turn-off losses of the switch configuration is estimated to provide 2.32.8 times
device may increase slightly [12]. increased switching frequency in comparison to single hard
The turn-off losses of the IGCT were excluded in the switched IGBT or IGCT with dI/dt clamp circuit exhibiting
simulations; however, according to the test results presented the same power dissipation of 3 kW. Assuming the same
in the previous papers [13], the turn-off losses may not be switching frequency in the range of 2501050 Hz and
completely removed due to several factors. Firstly, for a large switch current of 750 A the IGBT performs better than IGCT
area device, such as the IGCT, a significant output at frequencies above 450 Hz, whereas the HS provides
capacitance must be charged in order to establish the substantial (1.92 times) decrease in power losses in
depletion region to support voltage. Another factor is the free comparison to single semiconductors (Fig. 11). Fig. 12 shows
carriers which had not recombined being swept from the average losses of all considered switch solutions operating in
junction. Nevertheless, an 89% reduction in turn-off losses the studied circuit with the wide range of duty cycles. The
was reported in [14]. In real conditions, the power losses of IGBT performs better than IGCT up to D=0.85. Again, the
industrial applications could be distinctly higher than the HS shows substantially (1.82.2 times) reduced power
simulated values. dissipation in comparison to single semiconductors.
After the turn-on of the IGBT, the current distribution Unlike in the case of the typical parallel connection of
between conducting IGBT and IGCT is mainly influenced by identical semiconductors, in the proposed HS both switches
different characteristics of the semiconductors, temperature are conducting full input current during the operation, thus
differences and asymmetrically distributed stray inductances the current rating of both semiconductors must be sufficient.
in the circuit [15][16] Assuming both semiconductors in On the other hand, the overall power dissipation is decreased
conducting state, the current sharing inside the HS neglecting in comparison with single switches allowing one to increase
cell resistances and inductances can be calculated by the switching frequency or reduce cooling system
requirements. Moreover, if one of the semiconductors fails,
I SA U CE ( sat ) ( I ) the other one can still continue to operate independently
kI = = (1)
I SB U T (I ) unless sufficient cooling is applied.
The economical feasibility of the HS implementation
SB(control) greatly depends on the application and its operation
conditions. The comparison of semiconductor prices of
discussed switch configurations is shown in Fig. 13. It should
480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 be mentioned, that semiconductor price is only a part of the
1 overall power electronic system. The prices of the passive
0 components greatly vary for different applications and are not
480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 considered in this paper.
SA(control) 3000

4500 1200
Switching frequency (Hz)

U (HS)

3000 I (SA) I (SB) 800

I (A)

U (V)

2000 1000

1500 400
500 0
900 790 680 570 460 350
0 0
Switch Current (A)
480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570
Time (us)
U (HS) I (SB) I (SA) Fig. 10. Switch switching frequency vs. current for different semiconductor
configurations corresponding to 3 kW total power dissipation at
Fig. 9. Simulated turn-off behaviour of HS at I=750 A, UDC=2800 V UDC=2800 V, D=0.5

6000 according to test results as well as investigation of the
benefits it could provide in modern converter topologies.
Average losses (W)

This research work has been supported by Estonian
Ministry of Education and Research (Project SF0140016s11),
2000 Estonian Science Foundation (Grants 7425, ETF8020) and
Estonian Archimedes Foundation (project Doctoral school of
energy and geotechnology II).
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