PTU Grade System

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Er. E.S. Johal _:- PUNJAB

Deputy Registrar
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Rer No J-r-cl-D t f z-..- Dated-)d3)+-

Principal / Director
All affiliated College / Institutes

Subject : lmplementation of Grading System.


As approved by the 44h Academic Council, the grading system is to be implemented from session 2014-
15 onwards. This scheme is applicable from academic session 2014-15 for new batches of admission

The credit based scheme is available at University website (,in). This is for your information,
record and further necessary action at your end.

Yours sincerely

Deputy Registrar

Copy to : , 1 PS to VC for the kind information of the Vice-Chancellor.

2. Dean (Academics)
3. Controller of Examinations
4. Registrar

"Prcpelling Punjab to a prospercus Knowledge Society'

Punjab Technical University Jalandhar

Kapurthala Campus : Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway,Post Bag No. 01, Kapurthah. Tele/Fax 01822662570
Website : wu, e-mait ' [email protected]
The committee took the agenda of designing the policies of Grading System for the constituent

institutes of Punjab Technical University and made the following recommendations:

l. The academic performance ofeach student in each subiect will be evaluated as per levels
outlined in table I .

Table I : Structure ofgrading academic performance

S. No. Grade Qualitative Meaning Grade points
o Outstanding l0
2 A Excellent 9
5 B+ Very good 8

B Good 7

5 c Average D

6 D Marginal 4
7 F Failed
8 I Incomplete
9 E Detained

Description ofGrades:
o "O" Grade stands for outstanding achievement. The D grade stands for marginal
performance. It is the minimum passing grade in any subject.
o "1" grade denotes incomplete performance. It may be awarded to a student if he/she does
not appear in end semester examination due to some extraordinary circumstances.
. "E" grade is awarded if student is detained i.e., attendance in theory clasVlaboratory is

fess than 7 5%o and the student will have to repat the course as and when offered.
2. Clearly for each subject, corresponding to earned letter grade, particular grade points are
associated in table l. The Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated by taking the number
ofgrade points a student earned in a given period of time divided by the total number of
subjects taken. However all the subjects do not have the same weightage. The weight
assigned to each subject is called credits. Following procedure shall be used to assign
credits for each component ofteachins:

Table 2: Credits for components ofteaching

S. No. Teaching component Credit(s)

I Lecture 0l credit for 0l lecture hour per week
2 Tutorial 0l credit for 0l tutorial hour oer week
3 Practical 0l credit for 02 practical hour per week.
Three/four Laboratory hours per week shall
be assigned two credits. Five/six Laboratory
hours per week shall be assigned three credits.
Seven/eight Laboratory hours per week shall

be assigned four credits.

i Seminar 01 credit for 0l practical/study hour per week
5 Project 0l credit for 0l practicaVstudy hour per week
6 Dissertation 0l 0l practicaVstudy hour per week
credit for
7 Industrial Trainine Equivalent to one semester though
comprehensive evaluation mechanism has to
be framed and followed with soirit

The performance of a student will be evaluated in terms of two indices, viz., semester grade
performance average (SGPA) and cumulative grade point average (cGpA) for the completed
semesters at any point in time.
semester Grade Performance Average (sGpA): The performance of a student in a particular
semester will be measured by semester grade point average (SGpA), which is a weighted
average of the grades secured in all the subjects/teaching components taken in a semester and
scaled to a maximum 10.

Let the grade points associated with the letter grades awarded to a student in assigned subjects
are g1,92,&,&,gs and the corresponding credits are wt,w2,\,w4,w5, the SGpA will be

calculated as

wtgt +w282 +w393 +w494 +rt'585

SGpA =

In general, it can be written as

scpe= *-
where w; is credit of ith subject, g; is grade point of ie subject and m is number ofsubjects in one

For instance, suppose a student is registered for one S-credit course, four 4-credit course and one
3-credit course during a semester i.e., a total 24-credits. If he secures o, A, B+, B, c &D grades
respectively in these courses, his SGpA can be calculated as follows:

SGpA =
SGPA will be calculated up to one decimal place only.

cumulative Grade Point Average (cGpA): The cumulative grade point average (cGpA)
indicates the overall academic performance of a student in all the subjects registered
upto and
including the latest completed semester. It is computed in the same manner as the sGpA,
considering all the subjects (say n), and is given by

> w.a
The grades ofany and all repeated subjects shall be included in the official transcrips.
once a student repeats and passes a course in which he/she had failed earlier, the earlier
fail grade
do not enter into the computation of CGPA.
3. The performance of
student in each subject shall be evaluated through continuous
assessment examinations/testvquizzes etc as per table 3. An academic calendar
notifu the schedule ofcontinuous assessment.
Table 3: Continuous Assessment Criterion
Examination (Theory) Syllabus to be Time allotted Weightage Remarks
covered i[ the for the (Marks)
examinatiotr examitration
Midterm Sessional Test (MSli- Upto 33% 1.5 Hour 240/0 Best two tests shall be
Midterm Sessional Tes(MSl - Il 33 o/o to 66 o/o 1.5 Hour considered and in any
Midterm Sessional Test (MSI - III 660/o to l00o/o 1.5 Hour case no special test will be
QuizzeV6roup discussion / Class As per discretion conducted for defaulters.
As per t6%
discussion/ attendancey' seminars / ofteacher MST-|, II, III and quizzes
discretion of
projectv case studies etc. etc constitute intemal.
End Semester Examination 100% Syllabus 3 Hours 60% Checking of answa sheets
and display to the
satisfaction of students
should complet within
one week ofend semester
examinations. This
component is called
1000/" Marks may be rounded off

Practical _l to ngalest mteger

Daily evaluation of practical 600/o lntemal
reaords/Assignment/Viva Voce
Final Praaical Performance + 100% Syllabus 3 Hours 400/0 Extemal
Viva Voce
1000/0 Mark may be rounded off
to nearest integer

o No claim for revision of marks whatsoever shall be entertained, after the students
shown evaluated answer scripts to their satisfaction. Before final declaration
of results.
moderation of marks can be done ifrequired through an appropriate committee.

The marks computed out of 100 shall be used to find grade and grade points for each
subject/component. Finally grade points ofall subjects shall be used to compute sGpA and then

4. AII evaluations of different components of a subject shall be done in marks for each
student. The marks obtained in theory/practical/ subjects or other teaching
shall be scaled to t00 (40 intemal+60 extemal) up to next integer value. Finally the
grades will be assigned to each student in each subject as per following guiderines:
(a) Absolute grading will be used for crass having less than 30 (<30) students. The
criterion is outlined in table 4.

Table 4: Absolute grading criterion

Sr. No. Marks Grade Grade
I >90 & <:100 o l0
2 >80 & <90 A 9
3 >70&<80 B+ 8
4 >60 &<70 B 7
5 >50 & <60 c 6
6 >40 & <50 D 4
7 <40 F

The grade boundaries as indicated above may be marginally adjusted.

(b) Relative grading will

be used for a class having 30 or more (>=30) students as
statistical distributions are suitable for samples having 30 or more number of
elements. The criterion is outlined in table 5.

Table 5: Relative grading criterion

Sr. No. Marks Grade Grade
I ) P+l .5o o l0
2 ) p+1.0o <p+1.5o A 9
3 >p+0.5o <lr+1.0o B+ 8
4 2 tt-0.5o <p+0.5o B 7
5 > pr- l .0o <p-0.5o c o
6 > p- I .5o <p- I .0o D /
8 <p- l .5o F

trr is mean and o is standard deviation ofmarks obtained in the class

The grade boundaries as indicated above may be marginally adjusted.

Lower and higher outliers can be separated before for calculations.

5. It is compulsory to appear in the end semester examination (external), failing which
he/she will be awarded "F" grade in that subject. It is also compulsory to secure atleast
20%o marks in end semester examination ofeach subject. Ifa student secures less than
20%o marks he/she will be awarded "F" grade in that subject.
6. A student who secures "F" grade will have an option to appear in end semester
examination i.e. external component. His/her internal marks will be freezed and he/she
will be given grade as per mean and standard deviation of his/her original class
without modification in grades of other students. In case, absolute grading is
applicable then fixed thresholds will be used as per table 4. Moreover he/she will also
have to option to re-register in that subject, whenever it is offered next time.

7. Every teaching staff member handling a class will take attendance till the last
instructional day in the semester. The statement of the attendance with marks in MST
should be displayed on the notice board and submitted to the department within one
week of MST. The next day after the last instructional day, a statement of shortage of
attendance i.e. detainee student list may be submitted to the department.
8. A student who has an attendance lower than 7 5o/o in a subject, whatever may be the
reason for the shortfall in attendance, will not be permitted to sit for the end semester
examination in the subject. His4rer enrolment in the subject shall be treated as
cancelled. He/She will be awarded E grade for the subject. ln order to earn credits for
this subject, the student will have to re-register for the subject, when it is offered next
time. The department will not make any adjustment in time table for such students. In
case a student is detained in the elective course, atleast one chance in one year has to

be given to the student by making appropriate arangements for holding the classes.

9. Condone in attendance may be permitted only by honorable vice chancellor in

extraordinary c ircumstances.
10. "1" grade (Incomplete) would be awarded to the student who has not appeared in the
end semester examination due to a justified reasons in extraordinary circumstances. I
grade shall be awarded to the student only after approval from honorable vice
chancellor. In case a student get "l" grade, he will have option to appear only in end
semester examination. His/her internal marks will be freezed and he/she will be given
grade as per mean and standard deviation ofhis/her original class without modification

in grades of other students. ln case, absolute grading is applicable then fixed

thresholds will be used as per table 4.

I 1. There are no grade points for "E" grades, so they are not considered for

SGPA and CGPA. However for calculating total number of credits, all the subjects
allotted in the semester(s) are considered for calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
12. SGPA and CGPA shall be calculated up to one decimal place, after rounding offthe
second decimal to the nearest first place integer decimal i.e. 0.05 is to be increased to

0.1 . CGPA should be computed after every semester.

13. It is the discretion ofthe teacher to not give "O" grade to any student ifstudent has not

gone through all the necessary teaching components ofthe subject.

14. D grade shall not be awarded for percentage of marks less than 35o/o even in relative
grading. Still further, no student having 40oZ or more marks will be awarded failing
grade "F" i.e. any student having 40o% or more marks will get atleast "D" grade.

15. A student can apply for improvement in grade ofany subject in which he/she has got

"D" grade. He/she will be allowed to appear only in end semester examination and
will be evaluated as per performance of his original class. In any case grade of other
students ofhis/her original class shall not change. The student can improve to the most

in two theory subjects and maximum grade can be up to "A" grade.

16. A minimum of40% ofthe total credits ofthe two semesters in each year are required
to be earned for entering in the next year of the course, failing which student will not
be allowed to register in 3'd, 5ft or 7s semester as per applicability.

17. The conversion of SGPA or CGPA to Percent scorewill be carried out by

multiplication of respective SGPA or CGPA by a factor of 10. The equivalence
between important percentages in absolute marks system and CGPA is as follows:
Percentage 40 50 60 70 80 90 95

CGPA of6 is equivalent to 60 percent for first division.

18. An honors degree will be conferred at CGPA of 8.0 or above provided student should
not have obtained even a single "F" in any subject during whole duration of the

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