The Size of Combustor

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Cavity Flame Holder

The geometry of our simulation case is designed based on the data from Numerical
Investigation of a Supersonic Cavity Flameholder, David M. Peterson et al.
Reference length = step height = !

Reference velocity = inlet speed of sound (! = 1) = ! = !"

The Original Design of the Combustor
The freestream stagnation temperature ! is 589 K. Thus the inlet static temperature ! (K) can
be calculated using equation obtained from [2]
! 1 ! 1.4 1 !
=1+ ! = 589/ 1 + 2 = 326.9 K
! 2 2
The approximate inlet speed of sound in dry (0% humidity) air can be calculated from
!" = 331.3 + 0.606 ! /
where ! is the static temperature in degrees Celsius which is 54 C. Thus
!" = 331.3 + 0.606 54 / = 364 /
The inlet velocity is taken as 727 m/s, then the inlet Mach number M may be calculated from
= = =2
!" 364
The reference kinematic viscosity ! is 18.32 10!! ! / based on the inlet static temperature.
The cavity has a reference step height (! ) of 0.0165 m, thus the reference Reynolds number can
be obtained from
! ! 364 0.0165
! = = = 327838
! 18.32 10!!

If the step height = ! and the inlet kinematic viscosity = ! , then the inlet Reynolds
number based on step height can be calculated as
727 0.0165
= = = 654776
18.32 10!!
It is important to note that the inlet Reynolds number is exactly 2 times as much as reference
Reynolds number.
The injector has a diameter of 0.001913 m and the fuel flow rate is given in standard liters per
minute, which is 56 SLPM. Since 1 SLPM = 6.9 10!! ! /, the velocity of the fuel through the

injector !" is

56 6.9 10!!
!" = = 134.4 /
0.001913! /4

The ratio of inlet velocity to the injector velocity !" can be obtained as 5.4. Note that this
ratio (5.4) will be used for the rest of our calculation.
The New Design of the Combustor
Now, if we try to use ! = 12644.15 (Re = 25288.3), but keep M = 2 and ! = 0.0165 m, it will
not work no matter how we vary the velocity or temperature. Therefore, the only way to maintain
M = 2 and use ! = 12644.15 is to reduce the reference step height ! or increase the static
temperature. According to the previous calculation, the sound speed in air increases as an
increase in static temperature. If we choose the static temperature as 800 K and maintain M as 2,
both the inlet speed of sound and the inlet velocity will be raised to 650.5 m/s and1301 m/s
respectively. The reference kinematic viscosity becomes 8.49 10!! ! /, from there, the new
reference step height can be computed as
! ! 12644.15 8.49 10!!
! = = = 0.00165
! 650.5

25288.3 8.49 10!!
= = = 0.00165
since we take = 2 ! , = ! , and = 2 ! , as a result, = ! . Note that the ratio of
new step height to old step height is exactly 0.1, which is what we prefer.
The new injector diameter is also reduced with the same ratio as that of the new to old step
height. This can be calculated as

= = 1.913 10!!

The ratio of channel inlet velocity to injector velocity is 5.4. Thus the new injector velocity is
241 m/s. In addition, we want to keep the ratio of old to new channel inlet flow rate and the ratio
of old to new injector fuel flow rate the same. The old channel height and depth are 0.0508 m
and 0.066 m. Applying the same calculation as above to the channel height and the depth
respectively, the new channel height and depth are then become 0.00508 m and 0.0066 m. Thus
the old and new fuel flow rates are

!"# = !" !"# = 6.915 10!! ! /

!"# = !" !"# = 6.915 10!! ! /
In order to validate our calculation, we compare the ratio of old to new injector flow rate with
that of old to new channel inlet flow rate.
6.915 10!! ! /
= = = 100
6.915 10!! ! /
4.362! /
= = = 100
0.04362! /
The ratio of old to new injector flow rate equals that of old to new channel flow rate.


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