Use Case Diagrams

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The key takeaways are that use case diagrams are used to specify system requirements and functionality from the perspective of actors. Major elements include actors, use cases, subjects, and relationships between them.

The major elements of a UML use case diagram are actors, use cases, subjects, and relationships like include and extend.

The including relationship is used to decompose a use case into smaller units, while the extending relationship allows adding optional or alternative flows. This helps make behaviors more modular and manageable.

Use Case Diagrams

(System) Use case diagrams are used to specify:

(external) requirements, required usages of a system under design or analysis (subject) -
to capture what the system is supposed to do;
the functionality offered by a subject what the system can do;
requirements the specified subject poses on its environment - by defining how
environment should interact with the subject so that it will be able to perform its services.
Major elements of the UML use case diagram are shown on the picture below.

Major elements of UML use case diagram - actor, use case, subject,
include and extend relationships.

Relationships between Actors

We can define abstract or concrete actors and specialize them
using generalization relationship.
Generalization between actors is rendered as a solid directed line with a large arrowhead
(same as for generalization between classes).

Web Client actor is abstract superclass for Administrator, Editor and Customer

UML Association
Between Actor and Use Case
Each use case represents a unit of useful functionality that subjects provide to actors.
An association between an actor and a use case indicates that the actor and the use case
somehow interact or communicate with each other.
Only binary associations are allowed between actors and use cases.
An actor could be associated to one or several use cases.

Customer actor is associated with two use cases -

Browse Items and Place Order.
A use case may have one or several associated actors.

Manage Account use case is associated with

Customer and Bank actors.
If there are several actors associated to the same use case, it may not be obvious from use
case diagram which actor initiates the use case, i.e. is a "primary actor". (In non-standard
UML, primary actors are those using system services, and supporting actors are actors
providing services to the system.)
Multiplicity of Association Ends
UML allows the use of multiplicity at one or both ends of an association between the actor
and the use case.
Multiplicity of a Use Case
When an actor has an association to a use case with a multiplicity that is greater than one at
the use case end, it means that a given actor can be involved inmultiple use cases of that

Bank actor is involved in multiple Transfer Funds use cases.

UML 2.x specifications including UML 2.5 allow any reasonable interpretation of this kind of
interaction of a given actor with multiple use cases, and intentionally keep it undefined.
For example, use case multiplicity could mean that an actor interacts with multiple use
in parallel (concurrently), or
at different points in time (overlapping), or
mutually exclusive (sequentially, random, etc).
Multiplicity of an Actor
Required actor may be explicitly denoted using multiplicity 1 or greater. UML 2.5 also allows
actor to be optional. Multiplicity 0..1 of actor means that the actor may or may not participate in
any of their associated use cases.

Checkout use case requires Customer actor, hence
the 1 multiplicity of Customer. The use case may not need
Credit Payment Service (for example, if payment is in cash),
thus the 0..1 multiplicity.
When a use case has an association to an actor with a multiplicity that is greater than one at
the actor end, it means that more than one actor instance is involved in the use case.

Two or more Player actors are involved

in the Play Game use case.
Each Player participates in one Play Game.
UML 2.x specifications including UML 2.5 allow any reasonable interpretation of this kind of
interaction of multiple actors with a use case, and intentionally keep it undefined.
For instance, multiplicity of actor could mean that interaction of a particular use case with
several separate actor instances might be:
simultaneous (concurrent) interaction, or
overlapping interaction, at different points in time, or
mutually exclusive (sequential, random, etc.) interaction

Abstract Use Case

All UML 2.x specifications including UML 2.5 do not mention, define or explain abstract use
cases. UML 1.x specification mentioned that "the name of an abstract use case may be shown
in italics" but since UML 2.0 this sentence was removed from UML specifications without any
One reason that the sentence was removed could be that because use case is a classifier,
and any classifier could be abstract (with the name shown in italics), it is obvious that it should
be applicable to the use cases as well.
On the other hand, as the sentence was removed and UML 2.5 does not mention abstract
use cases at all and does not provide even a single example of abstract use cases, it could
mean that they expect all use cases to be concrete, not abstract. In this case, it would be
reasonable to have this situation explained explicitly in UML specification.
Assuming use case could be abstract and applying appropriate definition for
the classifier, abstract use case is use case which does not have complete declaration
(is incomplete) and ("typically", as UML specification says) can not be instantiated. An
abstract use case is intended to be used by other use cases, e.g., as a target
of generalization relationship. I hope that "the name of an abstract use case may be shown in
italics" is still applicable in UML 2.5, as it was specified in UML 1.x.
Web User Authentication use case is abstract use case
specialized by Login, Remember Me and Single Sign-On use cases.
When UML 2.4 specification describes include relationship between use cases, they explain
that "what is left in a base use case is usually not complete", but for some reason avoiding to
call it abstract use case. Generally, it should mean that including use case is always abstract.

Bank ATM Transaction use case becomes abstract use case

as a result of including Customer Authentication use case.
Though UML specification avoids doing it, it is quite common to find sources that define
including use cases as abstract use cases or essential use cases. While we may assume
that including use cases are always abstract, included use case could probably be either
abstract or concrete. Amazingly, there are some sources - that I can't agree with - providing
exactly opposite explanation that including (base) use cases are "usually concrete", while
included ("addition") use cases are "usually abstract".
To add even more to the confusion, yet other sources define abstract use cases as use cases
described at the abstract level (business use cases, sometimes called essential use cases) as
opposed to the system use cases.
Relationships between Use Cases
Use cases could be organized using following relationships:
Generalization Between Use Cases
Generalization between use cases is similar to generalization between classes child use
case inherits properties and behavior of the parent use case and may override the behavior of
the parent.
Generalization is shown as a solid directed line with a large hollow triangle arrowhead, the
same as for generalization between classifiers, directed from the more specific use case to
the general use case.

Web User Authentication use case is abstract use case
specialized by Login, Remember Me and Single Sign-On use cases.
Association Between Use Cases
Use cases can only be involved in binary associations.
Two use cases specifying the same subject cannot be associated since each of them
individually describes a complete usage of the system.
Use Case Extend
Extend is a directed relationship that specifies how and when the behavior defined in usually
supplementary (optional) extending use case can be inserted into the behavior defined in
the extended use case.
Extended use case is meaningful on its own, it is independent of the extending use
case. Extending use case typically defines optional behavior that is not necessarily
meaningful by itself. The extend relationship is owned by the extending use case. The same
extending use case can extend more than one use case, and extending use case may itself be
The extension takes place at one or more extension points defined in the extended use
Extend relationship is shown as a dashed line with an open arrowhead directed from
the extending use case to the extended (base) use case. The arrow is labeled with the
keyword extend.

Registration use case is complete and meaningful on its own.

It could be extended with optional Get Help On Registration use case.
The condition of the extend relationship as well as the references to the extension
points are optionally shown in a comment note attached to the corresponding extend

Registration use case is conditionally extended by Get Help On Registration

use case in extension point Registration Help.

Use Case Include
Use case include is a directed relationship between two use cases which is used to show
that behavior of the included use case (the addition) is inserted into the behavior of
the including (the base) use case.
The include relationship could be used:
to simplify large use case by splitting it into several use cases,
to extract common parts of the behaviors of two or more use cases.
A large use case could have some behaviors which might be detached into distinct smaller use
cases to be included back into the base use case using the UMLinclude relationship. The
purpose of this action is modularization of behaviors, making them more manageable.

Use case B is extracted from larger use case A into a separate use case.

Use cases B and C are extracted from larger use case A into separate use cases.
When two or more use cases have some common behavior, this common part could be
extracted into a separate use case to be included back by the use cases with the
UML include relationship.

Use case C is extracted from use cases A and B to be reused by both use cases using UML
include relationship.
Execution of the included use case is analogous to a subroutine call or macro command in
programming. All of the behavior of the included use case is executed at a single location in
the including use case before execution of the including use case is resumed.
Note, while UML 2.x defines extension points for the extend relationship, there are no
"inclusion points" to specify location or condition of inclusion for theinclude.
Including use case depends on the addition of the included use case, which is required and not
optional. It means that including use case is not complete by itself, and so it would make
sense to refer to the including use cases as abstract use cases. Neither of UML
2.x specifications up to the UML 2.5 even mentions abstract use cases. A number of other
UML sources define abstract use case as including use case, while in fact it has to be the
other way around: including use case is abstract use case. See discussion of the definition
of abstract use cases.
Include relationship between use cases is shown by a dashed arrow with an open arrowhead
from the including (base) use case to the included (common part) use case. The arrow is
labeled with the keyword include.

Checkout use case includes several use cases - Scan Item,

Calculate Total and Tax, and Payment
Large and complex Checkout use case has several use cases extracted, each smaller use
case describing some logical unit of behavior. Note, that including Checkout use case
becomes incomplete by itself and requires included use cases to be complete.

Deposit Funds and Withdraw Cash use cases

include Customer Authentication use case.

Use case Specification

Identifier (A unique identifier for this use case, e.g. UC10)
Description (A couple of sentences or a paragraph describing the basic idea of the use case)
Goal (The business goal of the initiating actor)
Preconditions (List the state(s) the system can be in before this use case starts)
Assumptions (Optional, List all assumptions that have been made)
Frequency (Approximately how often this use case is realized, e.g., once a week, 500 times a
day, etc.)
Basic Course (Describe the normal processing path, aka, the Happy Path)
1. Use case begins when
3. Use case ends when

Alternate Course A: Description of the alternate course

Condition: Indicate what happened
A.6 List the steps
Post conditions (List the state(s) the system can be in when this use case ends)
Actors (List of actors that participate in the use case)
Included Use Cases (Optional, List of use cases that this use case includes)
Extended Use Case (Optional, The use case, if any, that this use case extends)

List any "to dos", concerns to be addressed, important decisions made during the
development of this use case,

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