Post Graduate Diploma IN Bakery Science and Technology

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HISAR 125 001

PGDBST-01 Dr. Alka Sharma



1.1.1. ORIGIN


After studying this unit you should be able to:
Classify wheat and describe its characteristics and uses.
Explain the structure of wheat.
Know the chemical composition of wheat grain.
Understand the factors affecting grain size.
Describe the factors responsible for wheat hardness/softness.

1.1.1. ORIGIN
Wheat was one of the first of the grains domesticated by humans. Its cultivation began in
the Neolithic period. Bread wheat is known to have been grown in the Nile valley by
5000 BC, and its apparently later cultivation in other regions (e.g., the Indus and
Euphrates valleys by 4000 BC, China by 2500 BC, and England by 2000 BC) indicates
that it spread from Mediterranean centers of domestication. The civilizations of West
Asia and of the European peoples have been largely based on wheat. Since agriculture
began, wheat has been the chief source of bread for Europe and the Middle East. It was
introduced into Mexico by the Spaniards about 1520 AD and into Virginia by English
colonists early in the 17th century.
Wheat is cultivated for food since prehistoric times by the peoples of the temperate zones
and now the most important grain crop of those regions. The great wheat-producing
countries of the world are the United States, China, and Russia, India, W Europe, Canada,
Argentina, and Australia. High-yield wheat, one of the grains resulting from the Green
Revolution, requires optimal growth conditions, e.g., adequate irrigation and high
concentrations of fertilizer.


Wheat is a member of the family Poaceae (formerly Gramineae). It makes up the genus
Triticum. It is a tall, annual plant attaining an average height of 1.2 m (4 ft). The leaves,
which resemble those of other grasses, appear early and are followed by slender stalks
terminating in spikes, or so-called ears, of grain.

Species of wheat are classified according to the number of chromosomes found in the
vegetative cell. There are over 20 species of wheat, differing in their basic number of
chromosomes (diplo-, tetra-, and hexaploid), and several thousand varieties. The most
economically significant species are the ordinary wheat Triticum aestivum subsp. vulgare
(hexaploid) and the hard wheat Triticum durum (tetraploid).

Triticum aestivum: the classes belonging to this species are hard red winter, hard red
spring, soft red winter, soft and hard white. Kernel hardness in protein content vary
widely within this species. Common wheat may be winter or spring growing habit and
may have either red or white kernels. Its flour is superior to that of all other species for
the production of leavened bread. Climatic and soil conditions also have a marked
influence on the suitability of common wheat for specific types of flour.
Triticum compactum (club wheat): Both winter and spring varieties are grown. The
kernels have a soft texture and low protein content and is not well suited for bread flour
but is excellent for certain types of cakes and pastries flour.
Triticum durum: It has spring growing habit. Principle production among this variety is
of amber (white) varieties. The kernels are hard in texture and high in protein content.
Most of this crop is used for the production of semolina or durum flour for the pasta
productions because the qualities of durum gluten make it particularly desirable for this

The global area of wheat cultivation covers a total of about 240 x 106 ha, and
approximately 90% of that is occupied by Triticum aestivum which has the greatest
number of crop-yielding varieties of starchy grains. There are numerous varieties of
Triticum durum cultivated in continental climate zones and covering approximately 10%
of the total area.

Major wheat producers in world (FAO, 1999)

Avg. Yield,
Area Harvested, ha Production, Mt
World 212,254,522 585,466,595 2.76
China 28,855,019 113,880,088 3.95
India 27,398,000 70,778,496 2.58
USA 21,781,000 62,569,000 2.87
Russian Federation 19,755,200 30,995,150 1.57
Australia 12,338,000 25,012,000 2.03
Canada 10,366,700 26,900,000 2.59
Kazakhstan 8,736,300 11,241,900 1.29
Turkey 8,650,000 16,500,000 1.91
Pakistan 8,229,900 17,857,600 2.17
Argentina 6,072,000 15,100,000 2.49
Ukraine 5,931,600 13,585,300 2.29
France 5,115,195 37,050,000 7.24
Iran, Islamic Rep of 4,739,058 8,673,197 1.83
Morocco 2,690,600 2,153,540 0.80
Germany 2,609,444 19,615,366 7.52
Poland 2,582,969 9,051,339 3.50
Spain 2,422,400 5,083,800 2.10
Italy 2,387,266 7,742,782 3.24
Afghanistan 2,027,000 2,499,000 1.23
United Kingdom 1,847,000 14,870,000 8.05

The wheat grain or the wheat kernel is one seeded fruit, called caryopsis. A wheat kernel
is about 5-8 mm in length and 2.5-4.5 mm in width. The wheat kernel has a longitudinal
crease that extends almost to the center of the kernel. The existence of the crease makes
much of handling of the grain more difficult. It has been suggested that one way to
improve wheat would be to eliminate the longitudinal crease. The wheat kernel is
somewhat thicker toward the end where the embryo is located. At the opposite end hairs
of brush are located.
The dorsal side of the wheat grain can be oval, ovate, or elliptical, with a cluster of long
or short brush hairs at the apex, and the oval or circular embryo at the bottom. The dorsal
profile can be ridged or smooth, the ventral part of the profile having a prominent radicle.
The ventral side has a deep groove or crease along the entire longitudinal axis. The shape
of the groove is a characteristic feature of some species and varieties.
The grain coat is made up of the fruit and seed coat, adhering directly to the aleurone
layers of translucent cells, strongly lignified, elongated in shape and encrusted with
mineral substances and of a layer of perpendicular and tubular cells. The seed coat
consists of a compact cell layer and pigment strand, providing the grain with its
characteristic coloring.
The aleurone layer made up of large thick walled cells filled with functional proteins and
nutritional components, encloses the endosperm, and disappears around the embryo.
The endosperm consists of large, thin-walled cells, filled mainly with starch and protein.
In the subaleurone area, especially on the dorsal side of the grain, the dominant cells are
elongated in the direction of the endosperm center. Cells within the endosperm are less
regular in shape. Starch grains are enclosed in the thin layer of adherent protein and
located within a protein matrix which fills the individual cells of the endosperm to
varying degrees. The highest content of protein is observed in the cells of the
subaleurone layer of the endosperm. The closer to the center of the grain, the lower the
protein content.

There can be numerous factors including genetic, production, and agronomic practices
responsible for causing variation in grain size. Grain pinching is due to environmental
and crop-management stresses, although some varieties show a greater tendency than
others to produce pinched grain. Screenings are grains that are so small, pinched or
cracked that they pass through a standard sieve and lead to reduced price. The following
factors are known to affect grain size, pinching and screenings but there is much that we
do not know.
Immaturity at harvest may result in shriveled and green kernels, thus reduces the size of
kernel, yield and quality of the flour produce.
Carbohydrate supply: A major factor in determining average seed size is the supply of
carbohydrate available to fill the number of grains set. When more grains are set, there is
less carbohydrate to fill each grain, so average size is reduced. Even when there is
adequate soil water during grain filling there is usually some reduction in grain size.
Drought during grain filling leads to a greater reduction in average grain size and an
increase in screenings.
Most wheat varieties released over the past few decades have relatively small grains.
When grain number is increased with nitrogen fertiliser, the average grain weight is
decreased and the chance of screenings is increased.
Haying-off: The process of haying off is when excessive nitrogen leads to decreased
yield with an increase in the percentage of pinched grain. It was widely believed that the
main reason was insufficient soil water after flowering to fill the grain, because soil water
had been depleted to produce extra vegetation. Recent research suggests that lack of soil
water after flowering is probably a secondary cause of haying off. The main reason is that
high-N status leads to reduced soluble carbohydrate stored in the stems at the time of
flowering and so less reserves for grain filling.
Variation within the ear: There is variation in grain size within the ear even in good
growing conditions. Typically the outside grains within a spikelet are smaller than those
closer to the centre. There is also some variation along the length of the ear, with grains
near the top being smaller than the others, but the vertical variation is not as great as the

sideways variation. The reduced size in both the tip and side spikelets is probably due to
the poorer 'plumbing' to grains that are furthest from the base of the ear. The screenings
are mostly the 3rd or 4th grains on the spikelet.
High temperature: High temperature in the days before flowering leads to a reduced cell
number in the ovules, and hence a reduced potential grain size. High temperatures after
flowering also lead to reduced grain size. Generally high temperatures reduce the
duration of grain filling and hence average grain size.
Loss of leaf area: Leaf diseases such as yellow leaf spot have been a major cause of small
Improperly adjusted threshing equipment may further reduce the kernel size by breaking
them, leading to a yield loss to the mills. Rapid artificial drying may cause minor fissures
in grain, which result in excessive breakage during subsequent handling.


Broadly speaking, grain size is positively co-related with the endosperm content and
negatively with protein content of the wheat kernel.
A balanced source sink relationship determines translocation of photosynthates
from leaves and stems reserves to grain. Deposition of photosynthate also determine the
grain size. There exists genetic variability in wheat for post anthesis, translocation of
photosynthates, per day accumulation of photosynthates and duration of grain
development. This leads to variation in grain quality.
Grain size determines the wheat quality especially protein quality. In case of poor
endosperm development, although grain protein content (%) increases due to relatively
higher membrane proteins, but overall protein quality for end use purpose reduces.
Appropriate development of endosperm and embryo is therefore important. Gluten
content of the protein including glutenin and gliadin determines end use quality in wheat.



Three main branches of microscopy- light, scanning electron and transmission electron
microscopy are successfully used to study the structure and composition of wheat and
wheat-based products. The objectives of the studies vary from gaining fundamental
information on the accumulation of cellular constituents in the developing wheat grain
to providing information which can improve our understanding of differences in
processing ability or overall quality of wheat and wheat-based products. Microscopical
observations should always be linked to other technological, chemical or physical data.
Light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have the
advantage that many staining techniques have been developed to assist recognition of
constituents and provide data on chemical composition. However, these techniques
generally require the use of solvents during sample preparation and these can give rise
to artifacts (swelling, shrinking or leaching of soluble material). Few specific stains are
available for use in scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and constituents are generally
identified by their shape or location. The advantage of SEM is that, in some cases,
sample preparation artifacts can be minimized.

Light Microscopy (LM)

The main stages in the preparation of samples for examination by LM are fixation,
embedding, sectioning and staining, The aims of fixation are to preserve samples from
attack by enzymes or microorganisms, render some constituents insoluble, and
strengthen the sample to improve structural integrity during sectioning. The most
commonly used fixative is aqueous, buffered glutaraldehyde but specialized fixatives
have been developed for specific applications (e.g. fixation of lipid-rich samples).
Baked samples, which have been heat-fixed, may not require chemical fixation.
Embedding is used to provide additional support during sectioning, and commonly used
embedding media are water and aqueous gums for cryostat microtomy, synthetic resins
or special waxes. Resins are generally used where thinner sections are required and are
cut using glass knives. Cryostat microtomy and sectioning of wax-embedded samples
are carried out using steel knives. Sections, supported on glass slides, are then usually
stained prior to mounting and examination.

The stains commonly used for examination with transmitted bright-field illumination
are listed in Table 1 together with their substrates. Fluorescence microscopy has been
widely used and may rely on auto fluorescence or application of fluorescent dyes. The
use of fluorescent dyes coupled to specific antibodies or lectins is rapidly expanding
and several are listed in Table 2. Other coupled antibody techniques have developed
whereby coloured reaction products are produced. Polarized light can be used to study
the extent of starch gelatinization or to provide detail of cell wall structure.
Table 1. List of stains commonly used for bright-field microscopy of wheat and wheat
Substrate Stain Comments
Starch Periodic acid-Schiff Covalent, irreversible; may require
(PAS) reaction aldehyde blockade if aldehyde fixed

Iodine or potassium iodide Temporary stain only. Amylose

stained blueblack; amylopectin stained

Protein Fast green, Ponceau 2R and other anionic Ionic, reversible Intensity influence by
dyes pH and differentiation

Coupled antibody or lectin stains Potentially more specific for selected

Lipid Sudan IV or oil red O in 70% ethanol Temporary stain only; intensity
influence by differentiation

Cell walls Toluidine blue O Metachromatic stain. Lignified wall

stained green: testa stained purple
other cellulosic walls stained blue

Zinc-chlor-iodide Temporary stain only; Lignified

Yeast Methylene blue, pH 4.6 Yeast stained blue: gluten unstained
owing to low pH

Table 2. List of stains and conditions commonly used for fluorescent microscopy of
wheat and wheat products
Substrate Stain Comments
Starch Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) More sensitive than bright-
reaction field PAS for thin sections
Protein Acid fuchsin More sensitive than bright-
field stain for thin sections
Coupled antibody or lectin Potentially more specific
Lipid Aqueous phosphine 3R As aqueous solution, lipid
distribution less likely to be
altered compared to Sudan
Cell Walls Autofluorescence Walls containing lignin or
phenolic acids autofluoresce
Coupled lectin Specific for selected

Scanning Electron Microscopy

The scanning electron microscope has a greater depth of focus than the light
microscope and therefore it is not necessary to section samples prior to examination.
Samples are normally coated with a thin layer of an electrically conduction material,
usually gold, platinum or carbon, prior to examination. Samples of dry wheat (<12%
moisture) or similar products only require air-drying over a desiccant prior to coating.
Samples, which contain more moisture, may be rapidly frozen prior to dehydration
using freeze-drying or critical point drying. The development of cold stages in SEM has
obviated the need for drying and this technique, together with freeze-etching, has been
successfully used to examine those cereal foods in which moisture is high and forms an
integral part of the structure.

Transmission Electron Microscopy
Samples for TEM require fixation and thin sectioning. Initial fixation is usually with
glutaraldehyde followed by fixation with osmium tetroxide. The fixed tissue blocks are
rinsed, dehydrated and embedded with a resin prior to sectioning. Heavy metal salts are
used to stain the sections and enhance contrast; more recently, antibody staining has been
developed whereby the antigenic sites are located at TEM level by the presence of colloidal
gold particles, which are coupled to the antibodies.

Image Analysis and Other Quantitative Techniques

The value of all the above work has been enhanced by the application of stereology
techniques and, more recently, by automatic image analysis. Microspectro-fluorimetry
has been used to study composition of bran layers and to relate this information to the
quantification of bran components in flour streams.


Proteins attract special attention because they are basic factors of wheat quality and the
most important component in humans diet.
Essential amino acids, as lysine, methionine, arginine, histidine, leucine, tryptophan etc.
are produced only in plant cells, but they are of great importance for nutrition of animals
and humans who are not capable of synthesizing these amino acids. Simple proteins are
building materials in human body, but as storage materials they can be found in plant
seeds. Glutelin is build of essential amino acids and it can be found in wheat, maize etc.
Prolamins of wheat i.e. gliadins lack essential amino acids in their molecule. Compound
proteins in their molecule except simple protein consists and prosthetic group a non-
protein moiety, as glycoproteins, lipoproteins, cromoproteins and nucleoproteins, which
are of great significance.
Osborn's classification of protein is based on their solubility and it is widely accepted and
later complemented, because each of the four fractions: albumin (soluble in water),
globulin (soluble in neutral salts), prolamin (soluble in alcohol) and glutenin (soluble in

dilute bases) is a mixture of heterogeneous proteins. Glutenin and gliadin form a
compound called gluten, which is important in dough and is 10-15% in wheat grain.
Storage proteins in endosperm of wheat grain represent over 80% of the whole quantity
of proteins in grain. Approximately 50% of storage proteins are soluble in 70% ethanol
on normal temperature and they are classified as gliadins, whereas proteins not soluble in
ethanol are classified as glutenins.


Alpha-amylase enzyme is present in the embryo or germ of sound wheat kernels, when
germination begins the embryo and layers surrounding the starchy endosperm produce
the enzyme at an accelerating rate. A severely sprout-damaged kernel contains many
thousands of times the amounts of enzyme present in kernels that are in the early stages
of germination. Because of this, a wheat sample containing very low levels of severely
sprouted kernels may exhibit higher amylase activity. Alpha-amylase converts starch into
sugars, and breaks down the starch granules in wheat flour when mixed with water to
make bread dough.
The action of alpha-amylase affects many bread making properties of flour made from
sprout-damaged wheat. The sprout-damaged flour holds less water when mixed and the
dough absorbs less water during baking. The baker must use more flour to make the same
number of loaves of bread, an important cost factor. The enzyme also affects gas
retention, dough handling and bread texture. Too much alpha-amylase activity causes
wet, sticky dough that is hard to handle in a commercial bakery. The loaf may have large
open holes and the crumb texture is gummy. The gummy bread is difficult to slice and
builds up on slicer blades. The loaves are often deformed, hard to package and
unattractive to customers. For these reasons, many buyers place strict limits on the
amylase activity in wheat they buy. The internationally accepted measure of alpha-
amylase activity is known as the Falling Number.
Falling Number: The Falling Number (FN) is the internationally standardized and most
popular method for determining amylase levels in wheat. The method is based on the
enzyme's ability to break down starch and liquefy a warm, thickening mixture of ground
wheat or flour. The greater the enzyme activity, the faster the viscous solution is thinned.

The FN instrument records the time in seconds required to warm and stir the mixture 60
seconds-and the time it takes a plunger to fall through the thickening mixture. The more
enzyme activity, the faster the mixture liquefies or thins, and shorter the time it takes the
plunger to drop a measured distance. Falling Number readings range from the minimum
60 seconds for a very damaged sample to over 400 seconds for a very sound sample. The
minimum FN generally accepted is 250 seconds. The relationship between FN and
sprout-damaged kernels is unpredictable.


Hardness is arguably one of the most important factors in assessing the quality of wheat.
It is a characteristic often used in milling industry to classify wheat according to
desirability of their milling and bread making properties. Wheat hardness has no
universally accepted definition but the term has come to several different meanings such
Hard wheat is one that can be milled to produce flour with high levels of starch damage
desirable for bread production, and that grinds to give relatively angular particles that
flow easily and are easy to handle.
Hardness is defined as a mechanical property of the individual wheat grain or resistance
to deformation or crush.
Hardness is controlled by a single major gene located on the short arm of chromosome
The importance of wheat grain hardness lies in the fact that it determines the end use of
the wheat that is the suitability of the flour milled from that wheat for various purposes. It
affects the force required to fracture the grain, manner of fracture, resultant size of
fragments, and sifting behavior of the flour. The following table represents the end use
of grain according to its hardness related to protein content.

Classification of wheat grain and their end use

Type of Wheat Protein (%) Uses

T. aestivum 14-16 Bread
T. durum 12-14 Pasta products
T. compactum 7-12 Biscuits

Theories of hardness
Starch granule-protein matrix adhesion:
Hardness in wheat is related to the degree of adhesion between starch and protein. It may
be the water-soluble protein concentrated at the starch protein interface, which is
responsible for the adhesion of starch and protein. Soft wheat starch contains water
soluble protein (friabilin) located on the surface of the starch granule. A protein band of
apparent molecular weight of 15 kDa inhibits starch protein adhesion and produces a soft
texture. Starch granules are more easily separated from their protein matrix in soft wheat
endosperm and that hard wheat starch granules have generally high protein adhering than
soft wheat starch.
Porosity of endosperm or continuity of protein matrix:
An alternative theory is that wheat endosperm hardness causes the porosity of
endosperm. Voids in porous material can concentrate stress and cause a reduction in
mechanical strength. In some cases such pores may be associated with interfaces of
planes of weakness between particle and matrix in particulate composite materials. Such
porosity is also being observed in wheat endosperm and proposed as a mechanism in
determining its hardness. Vitreous hard kernels had higher density than soft kernels and
that low density was attributed to the presence of air spaces or voids within the
endosperm. The degree of compactness of protein matrix also affect hardness as hard
wheat has a continuous protein matrix which physically entraps the starch granules (result
in difficult separation of starch from protein) than that of soft wheat containing many air
Effect of Hardness on Conditioning:
1. Rate of movement of moisture into grain (is rapid in soft, mealy grains)
2. Moisture level tolerance with regard to flour yield (is more in hard grains)
Effect of hardness in milling:

1. Cleanliness of separation of endosperm from bran (bran clean up is better in hard
2. Moisture level tolerance (is more in hard wheat)
3. Reduction of endosperm (is better in hard variety)
4. Sieving behavior of flour (is better in hard variety)


The main morphological components of the grain are the bran, endosperm and wheat
embryo/germ. The outermost layer bran layer (epidermis and hypodermis ) together
constitute the outer pericarp. Adjacent to the outer pericarp is the inner pericarp
composed of several compressed cell layers (formerly the parenchyma cells of the
pericarp ), a single layer of cross cells and tube cells. The latter do not form a continuous
layer and are only recognizable in the mid-dorsal region of mature kernels. The next
layer inwards is the seed coat or testa and it is this layer that is strongly pigmented in red
wheat. Tightly bound to the internal surface of the seed coat is the nucellar layer. All the
preceding tissues are derived from maternal tissue, but the aleurone and endosperm are
formed after fertilization and contain genetic material derived from both parents.
Although the aleurone layer is anatomically a part of the endosperm, the miller regards
the aleurone as the innermost layer of the bran. The majority of mineral matter located in
bran is found in the aleurone layer, which also contains one third of the grains thiamin
content. In wheat there is a single layer of aleurone cells which surrounds all of the
starchy endosperm except for that adjacent to the scutellum. The aleurone cells can vary
in thickness from 30-70 m within a single kernel and have thick (6-8 m), double
layered cellulosic walls. The cytoplasm of the cells contain many small (3-4 m), round
aleurone granules surrounded by lipid droplets. The aleurone granules are proteineous
and rich in basic amino acids. Each granule contains two types of inclusions ; type one
contains phytin and type two contains protein, carbohydrate and bound nicotinic acid
,which is largely unavailable for human nutrition. The phytin granules are main source of
mineral matter in the aleurone and hence the degree of aleurone (or bran ) contamination
of flour is frequently evaluated by an ash analysis. The wheat germ is composed of two
components, the embryo and scutelum, the outline of the germ can be detected under the

modified bran layers of the dorsal surface at the proximal end of the grain. The scutelum
is adjacent to the endosperm and contains the remaining two thirds of the grains thiamin
content. At the distal end of the grain are a number of hair ( trichomes ) which form a
large part of the dust created during grain handling.

The main constituents of endosperm cells are starch granules and proteins, but small
lipid droplets can be seen associated with the protein. The subaleurone cells are last to be
initiated during grain filling and tend to be smaller then the other endosperm cells (60 m
in dia and 20-60 m radially) and have thicker cell walls (8 m). Below these cells are

prismatic cells which are longer radially (150-200 m). The central endosperm cells are
first to be formed and are considerably larger (150 m in dia) and have thinner walls (2
m). The protein content of subaleurone cells is greater then in central endosperm, and
in high protein kernels the main constituent of these cells is protein, with a few
intermediate sized (10-15 m) starch granules located at the periphery of the cell. The
starch granule in wheat are frequently classified into two size groups: large, elliptically
shaped A granules (30-40 m in dia) and small, round B granules (<10 m in dia) which
are form later in grain filling process.


The chemical composition of wheat grain and of its anatomical parts is determined by
genetic and ecological factors and by the physical and chemical effects acting on the
grain during its storage and processing.
The primary quantitative component of wheat is starch. Apart from starch the grain and
especially the grain coat, the aleurone layer and the embryo, contain other carbohydrates,
such as cellulose, hemicelluloses (pentosans), and sugars. Pentosans although their
content is low (2-3%) are important owing to their water absorbing capacity i.e. 10 times
their mass. In combination with other hemicelluloses they form the basic structure of
endosperm cell walls. The following tables give an overview of different chemical
components of whole wheat grain and its different fractions.

Chemical composition of wheat kernel parts (% Dry-Weight Basis)

Chemical Whole grain Grain coat with Embryo Endosperm
components endosperm

Proteins % 10-12 23-33 36-42 9-14

Carbohydrates %
Starch 60-70 0 0 78-84
Sugars 3.0-6.0 3.0-5.0 22-28 3.0-4.0
Pentosans 6.0-9.5 30-40 9-11 2.5-3.0
Cellulose 2.5-3.3 12-20 3-5 0.13-0.18

Fats 2.0-2.5 7.0-8.5 12-16 0.5-0.7

Minerals 1.4-2.3 9-11 5-6 0.3-0.5

Chemical Composition (%) of Endosperm, Bran and Germ (on 14% moisture basis)
Components Whole Endosperm Germ Aleurone Bran
Protein 8.2-12.1 5.8-16.2 24.3-31.1 18.4-24.3 2.85-7.60
Ash 1.8 0.5-0.8 3.65-9.47 11.1-17.2 1.7-5.1
Fiber 9.0 1.4 8.6 43.0 17.1-73.3
Lipids 1.8 1.6-2.2 5.05-18.8 6.0-9.89 0.0-1.03
Starch 59.2 63.4-72.6 0.0 0.0 0.0

Wheat is the most important grain crop of temperate regions. It is member of family
Poaceae and most significant species are Triticum aestivum subsp. vulgare which
constitutes 90% of whole production and used mainly for bread .Remaining production is
of T. durum and. T. compactum used for production of pasta; cakes and pastries
respectively. Morphologically, wheat grain can be divided into 3 parts i.e. bran,
endosperm and germ. Bran is removed during milling. Chemically, whole wheat grain
consists of starch (60-70%), protein (10-12%) and minerals (1.4-2.3%), pentosans (6.0-
9.5%), cellulose (2.5-3.3%), sugars and fats. Pentosans although their content is low (2-
3% in endosperm) are important owing to their water absorbing capacity. Proteins of
wheat are classified into albumin, globulin, prolamin and glutenin as per their solubility.
Alpha amylase enzyme is present in embryo or germ of sound wheat kernels and it is a
critical component for various properties of dough and flour. It affects bread making
property, gas retention, dough handling and bread texture. It can be determined by falling

no. instrument. Other important factor that influences bread making property is hardness
that is genetically controlled and is related to the degree of adhesion between starch and

Wheat: monocot, and its fruit, the grain/kernel, one seeded.
Microscopy: a technique used for viewing magnified images.
SEM: Scanning electron microscopy.
Endosperm: inner part of wheat mainly composed of starch and protein.
Germ: small portion of cereal grain rich in fat, protein and some vitamins.
Bran: outer layer encasing interior endosperm and germ of cereal grain.
Aleurone: layer of large cells under the bran coat and outside the endosperm
of cereal grain.
Gluten: a combination of two proteins, gliadin and glutenin, found in the
endosperm of wheat grain.
Glutenin: an alcohol insoluble protein fraction of wheat gluten.
Gliadin: an alcohol soluble protein fraction of wheat gluten.
Friabilin:a water soluble protein located on the surface of the starch granule.
E.A.A.: dietary essential amino acids, like lysine, methionine.
Scutellum: area surrounding embryo of cereal grain.
Pericarp: consists of 2 to 4 layers next to the outer husk and outside the testa,
of low digestibility, removed during milling, major constituent of bran.
Pentosans: a complex carbohydrate yields five carbon sugars i.e. pentoses on
Amylase: a starch digesting enzyme.


1.10.1. Give an account of the origin of wheat.
1.10.2. How can we classify wheat? Describe characteristics and uses of each class.
1.10.3. Elaborate the structure and composition of wheat grain.
1.10.4. What are various factors affecting grain size? Discuss.

1.10.5. Describe the factors responsible for wheat hardness/softness.


1. Norman, N.P and Joseph, H.H. (1997) Food Science, Fifth edition, CBS
Publication, New Delhi.
2. Sivasankar, B. (2002) Food Processing and Preservation, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Salunkhe, D. and Despande, S.S. (2001) Foods of Plant origin: Production,
Technology & Human Nutrition, An AVI Publications, New York.
4. Samuel, A.M. (1996) The Chemistry and Technology of Cereal as Food and Feed,
CBS Publishers & Distribution, New Delhi.
5. Pomeranz, Y. (1998) Wheat: Chemistry and Technology, Vol. I, 3rd Ed., Am.
Assoc. Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA.
6. Eliasson, A.C. and Larsson, K. (1993) Cereals in Breadmaking, Marcel Dekker,
Inc. New York.
7. Hoseney, R.C. (1986) Principles of Cereal Science and Technology, Am. Assoc.
Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA.
8. Pomeranz, Y. (1976) Advances in Cereal Science and Technology, Am. Assoc.
Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA.







HISAR 125 001

PGDBST- 01 B.S.Khatkar




This unit provides information related to various classes of wheat.

Botanical, physical and chemical characteristics of wheat quality are
elaborated in this unit.


The criteria of wheat quality are at least as varied as its uses. Wheat
that is suitable for one product may not have properties suitable for another
product. The wheat generally found suitable for bread making has been
reported to be unsuitable for biscuit production. Incompatible use of wheat
may cause production losses and inferior quality of end product. The
functional parts of wheat kernel also have different uses; for example germ is
used as a diet supplement or extraction of tocopherols (vitamin E), bran is
used as feed for animals and endosperm for flour.

Several classes of wheat like durum, hard and soft are established by
the different grain quality standard institutes around the world. The qualities
of the different classes fit them for specific end uses (i.e. durum wheat is used
for pasta products, hard wheat is used for bread production, whereas soft
wheat is generally preferred for cookies, biscuits, cakes, etc). The differences
between wheat of these classes are generally based on industrial application
oriented, as apposed to the differences within classes due to variety, or with
in varieties due to environmental conditions. A number of the classes also
share common characteristics and uses.



Three species of wheat are grown in the world. (i) Triticum aestivum
(ii) Triticum compactum and (iii) Triticum durum. The grains of these three

species differ considerably in quality characteristics and the differences are

reflected in the uses made of their milled products.

1. Triticum aestivum

A wide range of wheat quality characteristics is available in T.

aestivum. Kernel hardness and protein content vary widely within this
species. And outstanding characteristic of this species, from the standpoint of
economic value, is that its flour is superior to that of all other species for the
production of leavened bread products.

2. Club Wheat (T. Compactum)

This wheat is grown mainly in U.S.A. and Canada. Both winter and
spring varieties are grown there. The kernels of club wheat have a soft texture
and low protein content. Club wheat is not well suited for bread flour but is
excellent for certain type of cake and pastry flours, where low protein content
and weaker glutens are required.

3. Durum wheat (T. durum)

Kernels of this type of wheat are generally very hard in texture and
rather high in protein content. Most of the durum wheat crop is used for the
production of semolina or durum flour for pasta products because the
qualities of durum gluten make it particularly desirable for this use but it is
less suitable for bread making. Durum wheat class is preferred for pasta
products mainly because of the following reasons:

a) Durum wheat has double concentration of xanthophyll (yellow

pigment) as compared to bread wheat and thus it gives bright and
yellow colour of semolina.

b) The semolina of durum wheat resists disintegration when cooked and

gives firm texture and good mechanical strength of pasta products.

c) Durum wheat contains gliadin 45 subunit, which confers good

cooking quality in pasta products.

d) Mineral composition of durum wheat is one and a half times greater

than the bread wheat particularly for calcium, phosphorous and
magnesium. These minerals play significant role in improving the
cooking quality of pasta products.


Wheat varieties vary in their morphological parameters such as

colour, shape, texture, width and the crease of the grain. These characteristics
have some influence on the economic value and processing quality of wheat
varieties. Thousands of wheat varieties are grown in the world and new
varieties are usually bred with a specific purpose in mind. Varieties in T.
aestivum wheat vary in quality characteristics having high protein content to
low protein contents. High protein flour is used for bread and fermented
products, whereas low protein flour is used for softer products such as
biscuit, cake and cookies. The low-protein wheat of triticum compactum
varieties are used primarily in cake and cookie production, and triticum
durum varieties provide a substantial portion of the wheat to produce flour or
semolina for pasta. Varietal differences in grain quality are great among the
common wheats, less so among the durum wheats, relatively small among the
club wheats.


Test weight or weight per unit volume is most widely used and
simplest criteria of wheat quality. Test weight usually determines the
plumpness of the grain. It is basically a rough measure of density of grain in

terms of weight per unit volume i.e. the weight (lb) per volume bushel. In the
United States, test weight is expressed in terms of pounds per bushel,
whereas other countries using metric systems, it is expressed in kilogram per
hectoliter. The hectoliter weight (hL), indicating the weight in kg/hL (100 L).

Kernel shape and uniformity of kernel size are important factors

affecting test weight, in as much as the influence the manner in which the
kernels orient themselves in a container. The other important factors
influencing test weight is the density of the weight. Density, in turn, is
determined by the biological structure of the grain and its chemical
composition including moisture contents. Weight per unit is an important
datum in all wheat grading systems primarily because it gives a rough index
of flour yield. Immature, badly shriveled, drought or disease affected wheat
usually has a low test weight and gives correspondingly poor yield of flour.


Kernel weight usually expressed in grams per 1,000 kernels is a

function of kernel size or kernel density. Kernel weight is considered superior
in predicting the milling quality of grains as compared to test weight. In as
much as large, dense wheat kernels normally have a higher ration of
endosperm to non-endosperm components than do smaller and less dense
kernels. It is considered that wheat varieties which are giving higher kernel
weight give higher flour yield as compared to those having lower kernel
weight. The electronic counter is used for thousand grain weight in grams.
The general range of kernel weight is between 30-45 grams for bread wheat,
where as in case of durum wheat it is between 35-55 grams. The advantage of
kernel weight (1000 grain weight) is that the weight can be expressed on a
desired moisture basis.


Wheat varieties vary widely in size and shape of their kernel. This
variation is seen even within the varieties. The variation in wheat generally
depends upon many internal and external factors which are associated with
the grain during its growth and maturing stages. Kernel size is closely related
to kernel weight and would be expected to have an effect on flour yield. The
size distribution of kernels in a wheat sample can be determined using a stack
of sieves. The theoretical flour yield can be determined by the total value of
multiplying the percentage of above each sieve by a factor. The factor can be
calculated using multiple regression analyses for a mill. Wheat kernels are
usually classified into three categories based on visual observation and
thousand kernel weight, as small (< 32.0g), medium (32.0-38.0g) and bold
(>38.0g), whereas on the basis of shape they are classed as round, ovate,
oblong (broader on both sides) and elliptical (elongated and bulged in the
center). The shape of the wheat grain has great influence on the milling
quality of the grain.


Wheat grain is generally classified into two-category (a) hard and (b)
soft. Kernel hardness is a relative term, which is related to the disintegration of
the endosperm during its separation from bran and germ. Hard grains when
reduced to flour, there endosperm is cracked along the aleurone line and
therefore yield more flour. On the other hand, most of the part of aleurone layer
in soft wheat remains attached with endosperm that induces inconsistency in the
flow of the flour while milling.

Hardness of wheat kernel relates to milling performance of wheat

varieties. After milling, flour particles from the soft wheat will be fluffy and
smaller size distribution, hard wheat breaks into larger particles. The flow
characteristic of soft wheat flour is poor, whereas hard wheat flour will have

good flow properties. A hard wheat requires more grinding force and thus
produces flour with high starch damage suitable for breadmaking. On the other
hand, soft wheat needs lesser grinding force and hence produces flour with
lesser starch damage.

Wheat hardness is defined as a mechanical property of the individual

wheat kernel or its resistance to crushing/grinding. Grain hardness may also be
linked to genetic make of a wheat variety. It has been reported that a single gene
located at short arm of chromosome 5D controls grain hardness. The presence
or absence of an anti-sticky protein is said to responsible for hardness or
softness of wheat grains. This protein is defined as friablin which has 15K
molecular weight. This protein is found present in soft wheat, whereas it is
either found absent or if occurs the concentration of this protein remains very
low in hard wheat. The friabilin occurs on the surface of starch granules and
prevent bonding between starch and protein molecules. Thus, its presence
makes a grain texture softer due to weak bonding of protein and starch

Several methods like pearling resistance, grinding resistance, particle

size index, compression testing, penetrometer testing, near infrared refraction
(NIR), singlekernel characterization system (SKCS) have been used to
measure the hardness of the grain. None of these methods gives a direct
measure of physical hardness of wheat grain but they give average property that
may be correlated indirectly with hardness of grains. The SKCS gives a idea of
kernel hardness by recording the force deformation characteristics during
crushing of grain. The instrument test 300g wheat grains in 3-5 minutes. It
weighs individual grain, measure its diameter, crushes each grain to determine
its moisture content by conductivity and records the force deformation profile of
grain during crushing.



There is as yet no international consensus on how to combine physical

quality traits to derive a milling index. The relative importance of these
parameters in relation to milling yield potential of a wheat variety can be
assessed by determining correlation coefficients of these individual parameters
with flour yield. A significant positive correlation between kernel width and
total flour yield is found in hard wheat variety but not in case of soft wheat
variety. On the other hand, soft wheat variety demonstrates significant negative
correlation with test weight, whereas hard wheat shows extremely weak
negative correlation with test weight.

The following equation models can predict the flour yield of wheat

Flour yield (Hard wheat) = 36.2 0.30 TKW + 17.4 KW 0.26 TW

Flour yield (Soft wheat) = 113.0 + 0.15 KL 0.68 TW

Where, TKW = 1000-kernel weight; KW = kernel width; TW = test

weight and KL = kernel length. These parameters can easily be measured in any
laboratory. The above equations provide a correlation coefficient of r = 0.72 and
0.56 between measured and predicted flour yields for hard and soft wheat,
respectively as shown in Figure 2.1.
- 10 -

Figure 2.1 Correlation between measured and predicted flour yield.

Predicted flour yield (%)
R = 0.72


50.0 60.0 70.0

Measured flour yeild (%)



Moisture content is one of the most important parameter in judging

the quality of wheat. Moisture content has direct economic importance
because it is inversely related to the amount of dry matter in wheat. Moisture
content has more significant effect on the keeping quality of the wheat. Dry,
sound wheat can be kept for years if properly stored, but wet wheat may
deteriorate dramatically within a few days. Moisture content is usually the
principal factor governing the keeping quality of wheat. Near the critical
moisture level, small differences in moisture content results in relatively large
- 11 -

differences in keeping quality. At the time of harvest the moisture content of

the grain ranges between 8-13 percent depending upon the climatic
conditions. Different methods are used to determine the moisture content of
the grain like Air oven method, Karl Fischer method, electric moisture
method meter, etc. If the grains are not stored properly during rainy season
the moisture content of the grain may rises as result of which certain bio-
chemical changes occurs within the grain resulting in the deterioration of the
quality of the grain.


The protein content of the wheat ranges from about 6% up to 18%

depending upon variety, class and environmental conditions during growth.
Flour containing at least 10% protein is usually preferred for the production
of yeast leavened bread. To produce such flours, the wheat must contain at
least 11% protein because about 1.0% of wheat protein is lost to the feed
fractions when the wheat is milled in flour. Wheat grain with protein content
of 8-10% is suitable for the biscuits flour productions. The quantity of protein
present in flour is considered important in dough making. Cookies require a
softer type of flour, which provides for structure building and leavening. The
quantity of gluten in flour influences the flour strength. Stronger the flour,
harder the cookies and less the spread with more puffing in the center.
Standard cookies flour is generally a soft flour having protein content
between 7.0 to 8.0 percent.
Table 2.1 shows the appropriate protein usually required of flour for
different use. Different methods like Kjeldahl, NIR etc are used for
determining the protein quantity in the wheat grains.
- 12 -

Table 2.1 Protein requirement of different wheat products

Wheat protein content (%) Type of wheat End product

13.0 and above Durum Macaroni products

11.5-13.0 Hard Pan bread

10.0-11.0 Hard Crackers

8.0-10.0 Soft Biscuits, pies and cookies


The quality of protein plays significant role on the functionality of

the wheat flour. The quality of the wheat protein have been recognized as
factors having a decisive effect on the physico-chemical properties of wheat
flour dough and consequently, on its handling properties and baking
potential. Since these relative functions of wheat proteins have been
attributed primarily to gluten forming proteins, protein quality determination
in wheat or wheat flour is very often supplemented by a qualitative
estimation of gluten. Different types of chemical tests are used to define the
quality of the gluten proteins like SDS sedimentation volume, baking test of
gluten, Pelshenke test etc.

Test baking method is generally adopted to assess the baking quality

of wheat flour. However, it is time consuming and expensive. For this reason,
several research groups have been searching for reliable alternative. Baking
quality of wheat can be assessed directly on gluten samples. Moreover,
conducting direct test on gluten also gives reliable differentiation among
industrial quality of wheat varieties. The procedure is described as follows.
To separate gluten from other constituents, the wheat flour is mixed with
water. The native proteins of flour interact to form a chewing gum type of
- 13 -

wet mass, which is called wet gluten. The wet gluten can be washed out using
potable water. The wet gluten is dried to form a free flowing light coloured
powder. Depending upon the variety, it has been noticed that wide variation
in the quality of extracted gluten occurs. Baking tests is conducted directly on
the wet gluten samples in order to assess the quality of gluten. Ten grams of
wet gluten is taken and volumes of the gluten dough are measured. The
gluten balls are baked for 20 min at 220 C. Volume of the baked gluten can
be determined immediately after baking. Photographs of two baked gluten
samples are compared in Figure 2.2. The left sample picks up water rapidly
and performs well in baking test, while the right one represents gluten that
picks up water and agglomerates slowly and performs poorly in baking test.

Figure 2.2. Photographs of good (left) poor (right) quality baked glutens.

The glutens performing the best in the baking test (i.e. those glutens
resulting above 125 cm3 baked volume) all agglomerate well and develop
into uniform ball easily when extracted from flour dough with water.
Generally, gluten that agglomerate well and develop into a smooth uniform
- 14 -

ball during the washing cycle yields higher wet gluten and performs well in
baking test.

Using stepwise multi-linear regression analysis, the different

experimental parameters are fitted into a model predicting the baking quality
of gluten. The statistical analysis leads to the following model:

Gluten quality = 43.7 + 22.0 WG, where WG = wet gluten content (%). Here,
gluten quality is expressed as baked volume of wet gluten. The equation
parameter wet gluten (WG) can easily be estimated in any wheat-processing
laboratory. The equation will give fairly good assessment of baking quality of
gluten and wheat. The model does not have any requirement of sophisticated
equipment or expensive ingredient. The test is rapid and will take only 10
minutes to predict and explain variability in the industrial potential of
commercial wheat.

Highly important quality attribute of flour is its level of diastatic or

amylolytic activity. Diastatic enzymes comprise alpha-amylase and beta-
amylase. These enzyme acts upon damaged starch to produce sugars, which
serve as food for yeast cells for proper gas generation during, bulk
fermentation and proofing. Normally Indian wheat flours contain sufficient
amount of beta-amylase but lack in alpha-amylase. However, sprouting of
wheat increases alpha-amylase in the flour. The alpha-amylase exerts a major
effect on both dough properties and final bread characteristics. Proper
supplementation of flour with -amylase results in a bread with improved
crust color, finer grain and increased volume. Excessive malting of the flour,
on the other hand, tends to decrease water absorption, impart stickiness to the
dough, bring about a slackening of the dough, reduce loaf volume and
produce inferior grain and texture in the baked product.
- 15 -

Many baking experts are of the opinion that the level of diastatic
activity of a flour is perhaps as important to its baking performance as its
protein, moisture and ash content. In recognition of this fact, several methods
of measuring this activity are in use in milling and baking laboratories.
Traditionally, these methods are of three types, namely (1) the determination
of maltose production under specified conditions, (2) measurement of gassing
power developed in a small sample of fermenting dough, and (3)
measurement of viscosity changes by the amylograph in a flour slurry
subjected to uniform heating. A relatively new technique, the "Falling
Number" test, is more frequently used recently. It provides a quick means for
determining possible sprout damage in wheat. The method is based on the
ability of -amylase to liquefy gelatinized starch. As a suspension of flour or
starch is heated, the individual starch granules swell by taking up water and
cause the suspension to thicken and become more viscous. In the swollen or
gelatinized state, the starch cells become susceptible to attack by -amylase,
which splits up the long molecular chains of the starch. The reduction of the
swollen gelatinized starch granules into dextrins and maltose causes a drop in
the viscosity of the starch suspension. The rate and extent to which the
viscosity of the heated suspension is reduced is a measure of the -amylase
activity. In the falling number method, the level of enzyme action is defined
as "the time in seconds required stirring and allowing the stirrer to fall a
measured distance through the hot aqueous flour gel undergoing


Wheat usually contains 1.4 to 2.0 % ash on 14% moisture basis. Ash
colour is closely related to the colour influencing components such as bran of
flour. The bran, outer covering and aleurone layer have higher ash content
than endosperm in wheat. Small or shriveled kernels have more bran on a
- 16 -

percentage basis. Ash content reflects the quantity of mineral matter present
in the flour. Higher bran contamination in flour indicates higher ash content.
Milled products, which contain higher levels of ash content, are darker in
colour. Thus, the primary objective of milling is to thoroughly separate
endosperm from bran and germ. The efficiently of separation can be judged
by several indirect methods based on measuring any constituent that is more
concentrated in bran and germ. Since the mineral content of the bran is about
20 times that of the endosperm, the ash test fundamentally indicates the
purity of flour or thoroughness of separation of bran and germ from rest of
the wheat kernel. The ash test assumed greater importance in the milling
trade than any other test for the control of milling operations. There are many
factors which influence flour ash like environmental factors including rainfall
and temperature, genetic make up of wheat variety and milling conditions
such as tempering and grinding.


Wheat classes and varieties are influenced by botanical, physical and

chemical characteristics. Wheats are broadly classified into durum, hard and
soft wheats. Different class of wheat is used for different end product. For
example, durum wheat is used for pasta products; hard wheat is used for
bread production, whereas soft wheat is generally preferred for cookies,
biscuits, cakes, etc. The differences between wheat of these classes are
generally based on industrial application oriented, as apposed to the
differences within classes due to variety, or with in varieties due to
environmental conditions. A number of the classes also share common
characteristics and uses.
- 17 -


Test weight : It measures of density of grain. It is expressed in

kilogram per hectoliter. The hectoliter weight (hL), indicating the
weight in kg/hL (100 L).

Kernel weight : It is usually expressed in grams per 1,000 kernels, and

it is a function of kernel size or kernel density

Diastatic enzymes : These enzymes act upon damaged starch to

produce sugars, which serve as food for yeast cells for proper gas
generation during, bulk fermentation and proofing.

Kernel hardness : It is a relative term. Hard wheat requires more

grinding force and thus produces flour with high starch damage suitable for
bread making. On the other hand, soft wheat needs lesser grinding force and
hence produces flour with lesser starch damage.

Ash content : It reflects the quantity of mineral matter present in the flour.


1. Define wheat quality. Classify wheat species and indicate their


2. What are the major differences among wheat species?

3. Why durum wheat is preferred for pasta products.

4. Discuss physical grain characteristics that influence wheat quality.

5. Explain basis of wheat variety hardness/softness. How grain hardness

can be determined?

6. What is the importance of moisture content of wheat grain with

respect to storage and processing?
- 18 -

7. Explain the significance of protein quantity and quality in bakery


8. What is the importance of alpha-amylase in bakery products? How we

measure the activity/conc. of alpha-amylase in wheat grain and flour?

9. Ash content is considered an index of flour quality. Justify the



1. Kent, N.L. and Evers, A.D. (1994) Technology of cereals. 4th

Edition, Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford.

2. Pomeranz, Y. (1989) Wheat is Unique. AACC Inc. St. Paul MN.


3. Bushuk (2000) Wheat Production, Properties & Quality. AACC Inc.

St. Paul MN. USA.

4. Pomeranz, Y. (1976) Advances in Cereal Science and Technology,

Am. Assoc. Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA.
5. Hoseney, R.C. (1986) Principles of Cereal Science and Technology,
Am. Assoc. Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA.
6. Samuel, A.M. (1996) The Chemistry and Technology of Cereal as
Food and Feed, CBS Publishers & Distribution, New Delhi.
7. AACC 1983. Approved methods of Analysis. 8th edn, American
Association of Cereal Chemists. St. Paul, MN
8. Heyne EG (1987). Wheat and wheat improvement. American Society
of Agronomy. Haworth Press Inc, Canada

PGDBST- 01 B.S.Khatkar


3.3.7 SIZING


Thorough study of this unit will enable the reader to understand:

Aims of flour milling
The milling process
Milling by-products


It is important to preserve the quality and economic value of wheat

grain as it moves from the field into storage bins at the mill site. Proper
storage conditions are important to avoid damage to grains from insects and
moisture or other adverse storage conditions. Moisture and temperature are
two main factors that influence the quality of grains during storage.

In areas where wheat is harvested at high moisture content, it should

be carefully dried to moisture content below 12.5%, a level regarded as safe
for storage. Wheat exposed to high temperature and high relative humidity is
not desirable. In some dry areas wheat arrives at the mill with 8-9% moisture
content and water can be added to the wheat after cleaning to raise its
moisture to a desirable level of 12.5%. By adding moisture to the wheat
before storage, the miller can subsequently reduce the tempering time of dry
wheat in the mill. The insect growth and spoilage are related to the moisture
content and temperature of the stored wheat. Timely measures should be
taken to control the moisture and temperature of the wheat by aerating
storage bins. Plant inspection, good housekeeping, fumigation, and other
measures such as heat treatment of the facility can control infestation in the
flourmill. Measures should also be taken to prevent harbor of material in
dead corners where insects could propagate.

Prior to storage of grains in bins, it is important to take some

measures to kill all kinds of insects in the bins. Heating of facilities may be
used for a long enough period to kill all insects. A temperature range of 50-
55 C in all parts of the mill for duration of 10-12 hours is sufficient to
destroy all insect life.

Pre cleaning of wheat at the mill should be done before storage in the
mill bins or silos. Magnets, large-capacity sieve cleaners, and strong
aspiration remove large chaff, dust and metals from wheat grains. Pre
cleaning removes contaminants from wheat to allow its longer storage, more
efficient usage of storage space, and subsequently better and uninterrupted
flow from the bins. The exhaust system including ducts, suction fans, and air
filters or dust collectors should be kept clean and in good conditions to avoid
loss of material and dust explosions.


The primary aim to wheat flour milling is twofold: (1) to separate

bran and germ of the wheat kernel from the endosperm and (2) to grind the
separated endosperm into suitable particle size of flour. The efficiency of mill
relates to clean separation of bran and germ from endosperm. The objective
of miller always remains to deliver flour of consistent quality. The quality of
flour should not vary from batch to batch. The term extraction rate is used
indicate the flour yield from a given quantity of wheat. An extraction rate of
100% indicates that 100% of the wheat grain is delivered as flour. This is also
referred to as whole-wheat meal. However, commercial grade flour generally
has 70% extraction rate, which is refereed to as straight-grade flour.



The flour-milling process consists of numerous stages including

receiving of wheat, cleaning, blending, storage, tempering/conditioning,
breaking, sieving, purification and reduction. General process outline of
roller flour milling of wheat is presented in Figure 3.1. The efficiency of
milling process depends upon type of wheat, milling equipments used and
skill and experience of the miller. The milling system consists of two types of
rolls, break rolls and reduction rolls. The break rolls are fluted and reduction
roll surfaces are smooth. These rolls have different functions in milling. The
break rolls open the wheat grains from the its crease and scrape endosperm.
The reduction rolls reduce or grind the large endosperm particles into flour.
The rolls have diameters ranging from 180 to 350mm and up to 1500 mm in
length. The rolls rotate at different speeds. The ratio of the speeds is called
the differential. The break rolls rotate at about 650 rpm, while reduction rolls
rotate at about 500 rpm. Differentials speed range from 2.5:1 to 1.5:1 in the
break and reduction rolls, respectively. With higher differential, there is a
larger shear effect between the rolls, while with lower differential,
compression is more significant.
















Proper cleaning of the wheat prior to milling ensures that bacteria,

mold, undesired seeds, infested kernels, shrunken and broken kernels, and
other foreign materials do not contaminate the mill products or damage the
equipment. Cleaning carried out based on the following differences between
sound grains and unwanted materials: size and dimension, shape, specific,
gravity, different surface friction, magnetic properties, friability under
impact. Shrunken kernels have higher ratio of bran to endosperm than sound
kernels and hence cause reduction in flour extraction. Exposed endosperm of
broken kernels would affect significantly the tempering water distribution in
the wheat and cause a deterioration of milling quality.

Magnets or metal-removing equipment separate foreign materials that

could damage equipment or generate a spark in fast moving and precisely
designed equipment. Sparks in a confined space with dusty concentration
could cause a dust explosion. Initially, the foreign material is removed by a
series of screens of selected apertures that remove matter either smaller or
larger in size than the wheat kernels.

Gravity separators remove impurities similar to wheat in size but

different in specific gravity. Adjusted air currents are drawn through a layer
of wheat moving on a tilted screen. Stones or other materials heavier than
wheat are segregated and remain closer to the screen. The lighter wheat floats
down the screen, while the heavier stones climb the vibrating screen to the
outlet. Following the gravity separators, machines such as the disc separator
remove impurities that are similar in size but different in shape from the
whole-wheat kernels. The disc separator utilizes a series of rotating discs
with indentations or pockets on both sides to effect separation. The discs
rotate within the machine and raise those kernels that fit into the pockets. The
picked-up particles are dropped into channels between the discs. Pocket
configurations depend on the size and shape of the seeds and grain to be
separated. The bulk of the wheat is controlled with a gate at the outlet end of
the machine. The efficiency of separation is also controlled with a gate at the
outlet end of the machine. The efficiency of separation is also controlled by
the option to divert picked-up particles into a screw conveyor that can return
them to the head end of the machine.

Another machine using the principle of shape differences is the

Indentation cylinder. This device has a lower capacity and is less efficient
than the disc separator. Particles are picked up by indentations in a rotating
metal cylinder and dropped into a collection trough. The disc separator or the
indentions cylinder pockets sizes can be selected from manufacturer catalogs
to separate shorter particles from the bulk of wheat or the wheat kernels from
longer kernels, such as those of barley and oats.

Dry scouring of the wheat removes any dirt adhering to the kernel. In
the scorer a rotor bounces the wheat against the wall of the machine, which
may be of a perforated sheet metal, a steel wire woven screen, or an emery


Tempering refers to the process of adjustment of the moisture level of

wheat grains before milling. The primary aim of tempering is to mellow
endosperm and toughen bran. Bran that absorbs proper amounts of moisture
becomes elastic and will not disintegrate during grinding to contaminate the
flour with fine particles. Mellow endosperm breaks off the bran during
grinding, and less power is required to reduce large pure particles to flour. On
the other hand, an excessive moisture level softens the wheat endosperm to a
degree where it does not have the resistance to break down to sharp particles
that is important for efficient sieving and separation from the bran. Another
objective of wheat tempering is to equalize the hardness of the different
kernels in the wheat mix before processing.

The difference between the term tempering and conditioning relates to

the temperature at which wheat is treated with water. If the process is carried
out at room temperature, then it requires 18-72 hours for moisture
equilibrium and it is called tempering. If the process is carried out at elevated
temperature, then it takes 8-18 hours for water equilibrium in the grain and
the same process is known as conditioning. The efficiency of
tempering/conditioning depends upon (1) initial moisture content of grains
(2) temperature and time of the process (3) moisture distribution in the grain
and (4) grain hardness. Moisture pick-up by wheat through capillary action
increases slightly and linearly with increasing water temperature. Water
penetration and optimal distribution in the wheat kernel is also a function of
wheat size and shape. Water penetrates at different rates into small, medium,
and large kernels of hard wheat. Three factors affect the rate and level of
water penetration into the kernel: temperature, amount of water and time.

The ideal temperature for general tempering conditions is about 25C.

Higher temperatures will increase the rate of water penetration into the
kernel. Temperatures above 50C will change the endosperm starch and
protein characteristics. The wheat delivered to the grinding stages should
have the right moisture content and preferably a temperature of about 25C.
The bran of cold wheat below 15C will fracture excessively in the breaks
and result in higher ash in the flour. At optimum moisture and temperature, a
drastic increase in flour yield and quality can be achieved. During the milling
process, about 2% of the total moisture in the mill materials evaporate.
Accordingly, the amount of water added to the wheat should be adjusted
based on the raw wheat moisture and environmental conditions in the mill. In
general hard wheats are tempered to 16.0-17.0% moisture contents, whereas
soft wheats are tempered at 14.5-15.5%. The average tempering times are 36,
10 and 6 hours for hard, soft, and durum wheats, respectively.


The initial grinding stages in the milling process are named breaks.
The breaks are used in the grinding steps of the milling process to separate
the bran, germ, and endosperm from each other. The success or failure is
measured in the level of achieving, as efficiently as possible, complete
separation between the kernel parts. Between corrugated rolls there always
exists a small gap, which is absent in smooth reduction rolls. In the
conventional milling of hard and durum wheats, the objective is to produce
minimal amounts of flour in the breaks but a maximum of clean endosperm
chunks. However, with soft wheat, because of the softer, less dense
endosperm, the percentage of flour extracted from the breaks in conventional
milling is higher than that from hard and durum wheats.

The corrugations on the roll surface are grooves with front and back
angles. The corrugations are cut in a spiral with relation to the roll axis
ranging in the order of 4-16%. The inclination would be expressed in inches
per foot or in percent per roll length. The number of corrugations on the first
break rolls would be about 4/cm. In later stages there is a gradual increase in
the number of corrugations per inch (smaller corrugations) on the roll

The objective of break rolls is to open the kernel. The shape and depth
of the first break roll corrugations should be such that the kernels fits into it.
Optimum results in the first break are achieved when the kernels are opened
exactly at the crease by the fast-moving roll. The second break rolls and the
subsequent break rolls scrape the endosperm from the bran. As the bran
flakes get smaller toward the final breaking stages and the endosperm layer
attached to it becomes thinner, gradually smaller corrugations or a larger
number of corrugations per inch of roll surface are used.


The mixed or heterogeneous material is sieved by sieving machine

called a plansifter, which encloses up to 8 compartments each having up to
26 sieve frames. In the plansifter, particles of the grounded material are
separated according to size. The sieves in a plansifter section are divided into
groups. At the top of the section, there are usually coarser sieves separating
the larger material that flows out of the plansifter through a side channel. The
material passing through the sieve is either transferred out of the machine or
directed down to finer-aperture sieve, a hard rubber balls or cotton pads
bounce on sieve to keep the sieve clean.


Purifier machine is one in which air currents are drawn from one to
three layers of sieves while sieves are in reciprocating motion. The material
that is separated using purifier is composed of particles of the same size range
but having different densities. The purifiers main purpose is to separate
particles into fractions of pure endosperm, a mixture of particles to which
bran is attached, and bran particles. This is achieved by using sieves and air
currents. The purifiers classify the material into several fractions according to
size, shape, and specific gravity. The heavier endosperm particles move
closer to the sieve surface while the material with more bran floats on top. At
the head end of the purifier the purest and most dense endosperm particles
pass through the sieves. Materials with more bran attached pass to sizing rolls
through the coarser sieves.

3.3.7 SIZING

The objective of the sizing is to reduce the particle size and separate
the attached bran fraction from the endosperm. Material from the sizing
stages can be diverted to purifiers, to middlings for final reduction, or to flour
as a final product. However, the miller tries to refrain from severe grinding in
the sizing stage to avoid production of flour that may be contaminated by the
presence of bran. Some millers use corrugated rolls on sizing stages, while
others use smooth rolls. Smooth rolls have advantage of delicate effect and
produce lower-ash flour than corrugated ones. When corrugated rolls are used
in sizings stages, the corrugation features are adjusted to the particle size and
the bran adhering to them.


Coarse and fine pure endosperm particles from breaks, purifiers and
sizing in the mill are reduced to flour particles using reduction or smooth
rolls. The speed differential between reduction rolls is kept in the range of
1.15:1-1.8:1, i.e., much lower than in breaks or other corrugated rolls (2.5:1).
The low differential causes higher pressure and lower shear forces between
the rolls. High pressure is exerted on the material in the reduction stages.
However, the pressure should be optimized for each reduction stage. The
reduction system may affect the quality of the end product as high
compression and shear forces are applied. The adhesion between the starch
granules and the protein matrix of the endosperm cells is stronger in hard
wheat than in soft wheat. Therefore, flours from soft wheat disintegrate easier
in milling and produce finer flours than those of hard wheats. Millers adjust
roll settings to produce flours of coarser granulation from weaker wheats and
finer granulation from stronger wheats to achieve optimum results in baking.

The starch is damaged in the process of producing flour of finer

granulation from hard wheats. The starch damage is lesser in the case of soft
wheat due less severity of grinding. Starch damaged by milling absorbs five
times more water during the dough process and is more susceptible to
enzyme attack. Damaged starch of flour for bread making should be in the
range of 7-8%.


Flours obtained from different streams differ in physical appearance,

chemical analysis, or baking properties. Flour streams includes streams from
break and reduction rolls. The flour streams are composed of varying
amounts of different parts of the wheat grain. Combination of all streams
gives a straight-grade flour. It is possible to combine flour streams in

different ratios to produce simultaneously two or more final flours that differ
in colour, ash content, protein content, dough-handling properties, and bread
baking characteristics.

Flour streams from the head end middlings, primary sizings, and in
some cases that of second and third breaks originate from the centre of the
wheat kernel. The blend of these flour streams is called patent flour. Patent
flour is about 75% of the total flour, is the whitest, and contains the lowest
relative amount of ash (0.38-0.42%). Other flour streams are distinguished
from the former by higher ash and protein contents, darker colour, and
inferior baking qualities. These flour streams can be combined to make up
first-clear flour. First-clear flour is about 20% of the total flour and
contains about 0.75% ash. Second-clear flour, made up the rest of the
streams, is 3% of total flour and contains up to 1.2% ash. Blending part or all
of the first clear into the patent flour makes the bakers patent.

Flour extraction rate refers to the proportion of the wheat recovered as

flour by the process of milling. It may be expressed as a percentage of either
the raw material used or the products obtained. Thus, flour extraction rate
may be calculated in at least the following different ways.

1. Based on uncleaned wheat as received

Weight of flour 100

Weight of uncleaned wheat

2. Based on clean dry wheat

Weight of flour 100

Weight of clean dry wheat

Table 3.1 Chemical composition of flour with respect to extraction rate

Extraction rate (%)

Constituents (%) 70 80 100

Protein 8-10 8.5-11 9-13

Starch 70-75 70-73 65-70

Ash 0.40-0.45 0.60-0.70 2.0-2.5

Lipids 1.0-1.5 1.5-2.0 2.0-2.5


The major mill machines essential to separating wheat grain into

flour, bran and germ include the roller mill, the sifter, and the purifier, which
are described below.


A modern roller mill consists of two pairs of cast-iron rolls mounted

in a heavy cast-iron frame. These rolls have diameter of 225mm (9 in.) or
250mm (10 in.), and lengths of 61 to 125 cm. Each pair is driven separately
and having separate feeding and adjustment mechanisms. Thus, a roller
flourmill essentially is two pairs of rolls in one frame. The upper roll of a pair

is carried in fixed bearings, but pivot arms, which may be adjusted to vary the
distance between the rolls, support the lower roll. Adjustment of the gap
between rolls gives different degrees of grinding. Cleaning brushes are
mounted in the frame to remove any material that adheres to the surface of
the break rolls. Steel scrapers or hard strips are used instead of brushes in the
case of reduction rolls. The rolls rotate in opposite directions at differential
speed. The lower roll moves at lower speed than the upper roller, thus
shearing action is produced on the grains. The break rolls have flutes or
corrugations along the length of the roll, whereas reduction rolls have smooth

3.5.2 SIFTER

It consists of several sieves, rotating in a horizontal plane. The sieves

are arranged in sections and each section accommodating as many as 30
layers of sieves. The sifter may have up to sections. The sieves of a sifter
fitted with cloth for coarse separations and nylon or silk mesh for finer
separations of flour and middling. The operation of a sifter is simple.
Material enters the top of the machine. The rotary motion of the sieves directs
the finer, heavier particles to work their way down through the layer of
ground material, leaving the coarser, lighter particles on the surface of the
layer. The process of grading the material by size is repeated as it flows
through the machine with each classification having its own outlet. Regular
inspection and cleaning of sieves must be done for better operations. This is
needed because the sieve apertures can be clogged with floury or fibrous
particles after prolonged operation, reducing the efficiency of the machine.


It consists of a frame of 2m length with a slight downward slope. The

frame carries a number of sieves, usually four per frame, that is clothed with

progressively coarser material from head to tail end. The compartment above
the sieves is connected to an air trunk. The sieve bottom is kept open to the
atmosphere. Air currents are drawn through the total area. Valves, set in
sections of the compartment and the main air trunk, allow adjustments to be
made to the air volume passing through the machine. A drive oscillates the
frame longitudinally. This motion agitates and stratifies the stock on the sieve
into layers, the heavier endosperm particles moving closest to the sieve
surface. The combination of oscillation and slope of the sieve causes the
stock to travel slowly along its length.


The by-products of flour milling include bran, wheat germ, and the
"clean-out" of the cleaning house. These products represent about 25% of the
original grain and thus they are of considerable economic significance to the
miller. Impurities of the cleaning house are called "screenings. This is
processing into animal feeds. The fine and coarse bran is separated and used
for animal feed and are also used to fortify bakery and other food products to
enhance the fibre contents.

Wheat germ, which constitutes 2-3% of the whole wheat kernel, is

used as food and pharmaceuticals. Wheat germ is therefore a valuable,
although minor, milling by-product. Its recovery is poor in mills having no
special equipment for germ recovery. Mills with sophisticated germ recovery
systems can yield as high as 1.5-2.0% germ recovery. Wheat germ can be
separated in mills on the basis of size and specific gravity differences with
flour particles.


The difference in hardness of endosperm texture between soft

and hard wheat is the main reason for differences in their milling procedures.
Soft wheat is milled to fluffy flour mainly for the manufacture of biscuit,
cookies and cakes. Soft wheat kernels are wider and have a lower specific
weight than hard wheat kernels. Accordingly, cleaning machinery must be
adjusted to the physical characteristics for efficient separation of unwanted
materials. The endosperm structure of soft wheat is softer and open, allowing
water to penetrate at a faster rate through the capillary spaces in the
endosperm. Therefore, tempering moisture and time required in soft wheat is
lesser than hard wheat.

Endosperm of soft and hard wheats fractures differently during the

milling process. Soft wheat endosperm is amorphous and crumbles into
smaller particles, whereas hard wheat is more crystalline and breaks into
large chunks of endosperm while. The soft wheat endosperm requires less
grinding force during the milling and thus produces finer flour particles with
lower levels of starch damage compared to hard wheat. In soft wheat mill
there is requirement of larger sifter area than the hard wheat mill. This is
required mainly to overcome difficulties in sieving of fine flours.


Durum wheat is milled into a granular product known as semolina for

pasta production. For durum wheat milling tempering is done in two or more
stages keeping the tempering time short (4-5 hours) as in case of durum
wheat it is not required to mellow or soften the endosperm but to toughen the
bran only. Nearly 2% water is added 20min prior to milling for improving
toughening effect of bran that help in producing clean semolina with
minimum of bran contamination. Durum wheat milling is different from hard

or soft wheat flour milling as to achieve maximum extraction of granular

endosperm, more break and corrugated sizing stages are used. The number of
purifiers used in semolina milling is significantly higher than in conventional
flour milling. In durum milling the miller sends materials to purifiers with
much narrower particle size ranges than in flour milling to differentiate more
sharply between the different characteristics of materials based on size,
shape, and specific gravity.


Wheat milling is considered complex due to presence of central crease in the

grain. Roller flour mills are recommended to separate the wheat fractions
such as endosperm, bran and germ. The efficiency of milling process depends
upon type of wheat, milling equipments used and skill and experience of the
miller. The roller flour milling system consists of two types of rolls, break
rolls and reduction rolls. The break rolls are fluted and reduction roll surfaces
are smooth. These rolls have different functions in milling. The break rolls
open the wheat grains from its crease and scrape endosperm. The reduction
rolls reduce or grind the large endosperm particles into flour. The flour
milling process consists of numerous stages including receiving of wheat,
cleaning, blending, storage, tempering/conditioning, breaking, sieving,
purification and reduction.


Tempering : It refers to the process of adjustment of the moisture level of

wheat grains before milling. This is carried out at room temperature. It
requires 18-72 hours for grains to attain moisture equilibrium.

Conditioning : If tempering is carried out at elevated temperature, then it

takes 8-18 hours for water equilibrium in the grain and the same process is
known as conditioning.

Purifier : It is a machine in which air currents are drawn from one to

three layers of sieves while sieves are in reciprocating motion. The material
that is separated using purifier is composed of particles of the same size range
but having different densities.

Sizing : The objective of the sizing is to reduce the particle size and
separate the attached bran fraction from the endosperm.

Flour streams : The flour streams are composed of varying amounts of

different parts of the wheat grain. Combination of all streams givesstraight-
grade flour.

Flour extraction rate: It refers to the proportion of the wheat recovered as

flour by the process of milling. It may be expressed as a percentage of either
the raw material used or the products obtained.


1. Why wheat is milled into flour and other milled products?

2. Why different wheats require different milling procedures?

3. Describe general procedure of wheat milling.

4. Explain major functions of tempering. Differentiate between tempering and

conditioning of wheat.

5. What do you understand by the term extraction rate? How it influences the
composition of wheat flour?

6. Which are the millings-by products? Give a brief account of milling-by


7. Discuss in brief the milling of soft and durum wheat milling.


1. Pomeranz, Y. (1998) Wheat: Chemistry and Technology, Vol. I, 3rd Ed., Am.
Assoc. Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA.

2. Pomeranz, Y. (1989) Wheat is Unique. AACC Inc. St. Paul MN. USA

3. Reddy, Y.S. (2000) Extraction Techniques for Food Processing. Daya

Publishing House, New Delhi.

4. Heyne EG 1987. Wheat and wheat improvement. American Society of

Agronomy. Haworth Press Inc, Canada
5. Hoseney, R.C. (1986) Principles of Cereal Science and Technology, Am.
Assoc. Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA.
6. Dobraszczyk BJ, Dendy DAV (2001). Cereal and Cereal Products: Chemistry
and Technology. Aspen Publisher, Inc Maryland
7. Bushuk W, Rasper V (1994) Wheat: Production, Composition and
Utilization. Blackie Acad and Professional, Glasgow

PGDBST- 01 B.S.Khatkar
















Thorough study of this unit will enable the reader to understand:

Air classification of flour stream
Milling machine automation
Experimental milling
Model predicting milling yield of wheat varieties


Air classification process was developed in USA in 1960 to classify

flour mixture by means of air currents. In air classifier, the finer particles of
flour are carried along the air current, whereas larger particles of higher
weight are collected along the periphery of the classifier. It is a physical
separation of flour into fractions of higher protein and starch contents. The
separation is achieved based on particle size and density. Air classification of
flours is used where there is a demand for extremely precise specification of
granulation and protein content of flour. Flour with uniform particle size has
the advantage of uniform baking. In general, soft wheat millers use about
35% more air classifiers. Air classification technique makes flour suitable for
different purposes. Same flour can be made suitable by this technique for
biscuit, cake and bread.

Commercial flour particle granulation is between 0-150. Flour with

smaller particle in the range of 1-17 contains a high percentage of protein.
On the other hand, flour with particle size range of 17-40 will usually be
higher in starch content and lower in protein content. It is not practical to
separate particles of less than 73 with conventional sieves.

Accordingly, particles are segregated by air using differences in

particle shape, specific gravity, and size. Classifying flours to a granulation
of between 17 and 40 will produce very low protein flour that can be used
for special cake mixes. The fine fractions in the range below 17 are blended
with flours to increase protein levels. To increase the efficiency of the air-
classifying system, millers use pin mills to disintegrate chunks of endosperm
larger than 40 micrometer in order to release the starch granules that are
embedded in the protein matrix.


Conventional tempering generally fails to provide adequately uniform

mixing of grain and water. Thus, it becomes difficult to add more than 3%
water in one step, as excess surface moisture then interfered with the flow of
grain through the hopper outlet. Moreover, as moisture distribution itself is
not uniform, a longer-than-necessary tempering time is required to ensure
both adequate moisture penetration within kernels and adequate moisture
uniformity among kernels.

To improve moisture penetration and to reduce tempering time some

developments have taken place recently, which are explained below. An
instrument called Intensive Dampener is used recently in mills to ensure
both adequate moisture penetration and adequate moisture uniformity. This
causes vigorous mixing action with provision for steam addition. This system
has been widely accepted, and temper times have been reduced substantially.
The effectiveness of the new tempering equipment has been greatly increased
by the introduction of on-line automatic moisture control equipment such as
moisture sensor. With microcomputer, it gives a continuous indication of the
instantaneous moisture content of the wheat as it flows past a sensor located
in a special chute. Microwave energy is specifically absorbed by water in the

grain, and the surviving microwave signal is sent to the microprocessor as a

measure of the quantity of water present. Bulk density of the grain is
similarly measured with transmitted -rays. The microcomputer continuously
calculates the percentage of moisture in the grain, with automatic
compensation for grain density and temperature. This permits accurate
moisture measurement and positive feedback control during the tempering
process. The microcomputer processes the receives signals from the chute
sensor, then displays and compares the grain moisture level with the preset
target. Correcting signals are sent to the operator panel, where transducers
convert electrical signals to pneumatic control signals. The moisture of the
wheat entering the tempering mixer is measured and ensures consistency in
the moisture content of the wheat being sent to the tempering bins.


In recent years milling operations have been automated and

computerized. These developments have been induced for precise and simple
monitoring of plant operation, flour yields, and for rapid generation of
production reports. These measurements are achieved largely through the use
of microprocessor-based controllers/sensors. These systems perform the
following important functions.

1) flour extraction monitoring, correcting if there is any deviation from


2) displaying the status of production

3) generating daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reports on production

4) setting audiovisual alarms to warn of emergencies


5) monitoring digital and analog sensors placed at critical points in the


6) activating start-up sequences for equipment in the mill and

7) controlling the flow of additives to flour

The full potential of such systems has not yet been fully utilized.
Many millers have already installed, or are planning to install, such yield-
management systems in economically developed countries. In developing
countries like India such automated systems are still a distant dream. It may
take some more time to adopt and take advantage of these systems.


Experimental or laboratory wheat milling is a general term referring

to milling procedures conducted on small scale under strict control.
Experimental milling data is found useful in the evaluation of lines from
wheat breeding programs, prediction of the end-use quality of commercial
samples, and research investigations. Many commercial flourmills use
experimental milling to monitor mill performance and to obtain advance
information on the properties of incoming wheat shipments.

For an effective experimental milling program accuracy and

reproducibility of results is important. The first step in ensuring accuracy and
reproducibility is minimizing sources of error, thereby reducing experimental
error sufficiently to detect significant differences. In experimental milling,
the major sources of error originate from incorrect sampling, inappropriate
tempering, uncontrolled variation in ambient conditions, condition of
equipment, and inadequate standardization of procedures. A homogeneous
sample, representative of the whole, is essential if the experimental milling
results are to be significant.

Tempering has a substantial effect on the experimental milling results.

There is strong correlation of tempering moisture with flour properties such
as flour yield, colour and ash content. As the tempering moisture increases,
the flour yield decreases, ash content decreases and flour color improves.
Hard wheat offers more tolerance to added water than soft wheat.

Several factors affect tempering time. Kernel hardness is considered

the most significant factor, as tempering time may range from 6 hr to more
than 24 hr depending up on hardness of grain. Thus, it is advisable that the
miller should determine the hardness of the wheat grain by an appropriate
test, such as the particle size index or pearling index. Grain protein content
and initial moisture content also affect tempering time. Temperature is
another significant variable. As temperature increases, the rate of moisture
penetration increases and tempering time reduces. These factors must be
controlled to for reproducible tempering of grains.

The need for reproducible tempering is understood and it is taken care

by most wheat scientists, but the effect of ambient temperature and relative
humidity on experimental milling performance is often overlooked. It is
shown that flour yield, granulation, moisture, ash, maltose value, and baking
quality are all affected by mill room environment. Relative humidity has a
greater effect on milling results than temperature changes. When relative
humidity declines, durum wheat semolina quality i.e. ash and color
deteriorates, leading to spaghetti that is duller and darker. Thus, control of
relative humidity is essential to obtaining precisely reproducible results in
experimental milling. If the mill room environment cannot be controlled,
relative results can be obtained only if a standard reference sample is milled
on the same day under the same environment conditions as the test sample.

Coming to the equipment, the major factors affecting consistency of

results include roll-grinding conditions; wheat feed rate, and equipment
maintenance. Incorrect or poorly controlled roll grinding can influence flour
properties enormously. For instance, reduction roll grinding conditions affect
hard wheat flour ash, flour color, and starch damage. Similarly, heavy
grinding in the break system adversely affects ash content and colour of all
flour streams. Grinding condition influences the extent of starch damage.
Heavy grinding causes excessive damage to starch, whereas insufficient
grinding results in lower than required starch damage. Variations in starch
damage affect physical dough properties, baking properties, and
susceptibility of flour to the effects of -amylase.

A gradual increase in the grinding roll temperature occurs in the

Buhler laboratory mill during the first several hours of operation. During
extended milling operation, the mill warms that leads to increase in the
extraction rate and a corresponding increase may be observed in flour ash and
flour color. The rolls expand as they warm during milling, thereby increasing
the grinding action, which, in turn, increases the production of damaged
starch and alters the physical dough properties and baking performance of the
flour. On the other hand, the opposite effect of warming on Brabender
Quadrumat laboratory mills is reported. Performance of mill equipment
such as sifters as well as grinding rolls is also affected by the feed rate of
wheat to the mill. Efficiency of grinding and sifting decreases as feed rate
increases. In an automatic mill, as feed rate increases, sifting efficiency
decreases, resulting in movement of flour farther down the mill. Flour
extraction declines and starch damage increases due to regrinding of unsifted
flour. Soft wheats should be fed into the mill more slowly than hard wheats
because soft wheats sift less readily than hard wheats. This suggests that feed
rate should be adjusted each time a different class of wheat is milled.

Finally, reliable results of experimental milling can be achieved only

if all equipment is maintained well. A strict maintenance program is required
to avoid malfunctioning and unnecessary breakdown of milling equipments.
Care must be taken to ensure proper rolls alignment. Bearings, belts, and
drives should also be kept in good working order, and those roll surfaces are
kept in good condition. Sieves must be inspected and cleaned regularly. In
addition, standard control samples should be milled each day to provide a
regular test of mill performance and laboratory analyses.


In the preceding paragraphs precision and accuracy of milling

operations and equipments have been addressed. In this section experimental
milling will be discussed from laboratory mills to large-scale pilot mills.
Experimental milling is practiced to assess milling quality of wheat.
In any milling operation, the first and foremost unit operation is cleaning of
wheat grains. Cleaning devices, such as the dockage tester, which removes
foreign material and damaged wheat kernels, is widely used. In the absence
of such equipment, wheat samples can be cleaned using a series of sieves of
sizes appropriate to retain sound wheat kernels but to reject foreign material
and damaged wheat kernels. It is also advised to use an experimental scourer
for removing surface dirt and insect-damaged kernels from cleaned wheat. A
number of equipment has been suggested to facilitate rapid, uniform
tempering of wheat samples for experimental milling. Equipment includes
rotating tubs or drums, a rotary shaker and a wheat washer. Several methods
have been suggested to reduce tempering time for experimental milling.
Tempering time can be reduced from overnight to two to three hours if a
wetting agent is added to the tempering water, with no apparent effect on
flour extraction or flour quality. More recently, it has been reported that total
tempering time for hard and soft wheats can be reduced to 30 min by using a

15-min preliminary temper, a prebreak grinding pass, and a 15-min final


Experimental milling equipment is available commercially in

numerous shapes and sizes. Some of them are described next. A number of
laboratories milling procedures have been described for use primarily for
plant breeding programs. The most commonly used commercially available
laboratory mills is the Brabender Quadrumat Junior and Senior mills. The
Brabender Quadrumat Junior mill is an automatic compact unit that makes
three grinding passes using four 3-inches diameter rolls. The mill produces
low-and high-ash flours and bran from as little as 100g of wheat. The
Brabender Quadrumat Senior mill has two four-roll units, one for break
passes and one for reduction passes. The Brabender Quadrumat Junior mill
provides a reliable method of producing flour of sufficiently good quality for
large-scale wheat quality testing programs.

Commercially available equipment is often modified to achieve the

desired combination of small sample size, reliability, and sample throughput
for early-generation wheat screening. Buhler laboratory mill can be adjusted
to give reliable milling quality data for 100g samples. Similarly, the
Brabender Quadrumat Junior mill is modified to allow an estimate of soft
wheat milling quality for 20g samples.

Automatic laboratory mills provide reliable results, even when used

by relatively inexperienced operators. The most commonly used continuous
experimental mills are the previously described Brabender Quadrumat Junior
experimental mill and the Buhler laboratory mill.

The modern version of Buhler laboratory mill use pneumatic

conveyors. The Buhler laboratory mill has a simple flow comprising only
three breaks and three reductions. The three-break passages are built on one

roll pair and the three reduction passes are built on a second roll pair. The
reduction rolls may be either smooth or corrugated. The capacity of the mill
is generally more than 100 g/min. Buhler laboratory mill can produce a
straight-grade flour comparable in quality to commercial flour. The flour
extraction rate of the Buhler laboratory mill is generally less than of
commercial extraction rates. Laboratory mills should be adjusted so as
commercial flour extraction rates should be achieved to correctly evaluate the
commercial potential of wheat. With minor modifications to the Buhler mill
it is possible to achieve commercial flour extraction rates.

Manual mills consist of at least one roll stand and sifter. Feed is added
manually. These mills have the advantage of flexibility, but they require
skilled operators to achieve consistent results. Batch mill roll gaps and speeds
are adjustable, but better precision of milling results can be achieved by using
several roll stands with fixed settings. Sieving is generally performed on a
multisieve laboratory box sifter. Sieves are removed and changed as the
milling progresses. Purifiers are usually not used in experimental flour

There are several advantages to using a batch system for experimental

milling. First, the miller has an opportunity to examine the distribution and
visual quality of stock throughout the millflow, thereby gaining considerable
insight into wheat milling properties. Next, a batch milling system allows the
miller to vary the milling procedure according to the quantity and quality of
flour required and the nature of the wheat, by adjusting roll settings.
Furthermore, batch mill roll stands are valuable research tools for examining
the influence of grinding conditions on wheat milling performance and flour
quality. Finally, batch mills are also particularly useful for durum wheat
semolina milling. The experimental mills described here provide valuable
milling information, but they cannot satisfactorily simulate commercial

milling. Therefore, pilot scale mills have been designed to bridge this gap.
Ideally, pilot mills retain sufficient flexibility to permit large-scale
experimentation with a variety of commercial millflows, thereby providing a
vehicle for testing experimental results obtained with small-scale laboratory


It is important to analyze and interpret the data obtained on

experimental laboratory mills for meaningful application of the milling
results. Interpretation of milling data is useful to find solution to a simple or
complex problem. Experimental milling results are useful in assessing
milling quality of wheat varieties. Some of the approaches that have been
used to evaluate experimental milling data are described in this section.

Several factors besides flour extraction rate determine the milling

value of wheat. For example, the lower the flour ash and the brighter the flour
color, the more desirable is the wheat for milling. Following formula is used
for calculating wheat-milling value on the basis of straight-grade flour ash:

Milling rating = % extraction (ash 100)

In the United Kingdom, where flour colour is an important measure of flour

quality, the following formula is used for assessing milling value of wheat:

Milling value = % extraction Kent-Jones flour color

Cumulative ash curves are also widely used for assessing comparative
milling quality of different wheats. Cumulative ash curves are generated, as
in commercial milling, by arranging millstreams in ascending order of ash on
a constant moisture basis and tabulating cumulative ash and cumulative
extraction for each successive millstream. Wheats that exhibit the lowest

initial flour ash and the slowest rate of ash increase with increasing flour
extraction are preferred because they produce the highest proportion of patent

The behaviour of wheat during milling and stock distribution is also

linked to wheat milling performance. A high yield of break flour and fine
flour particle size is associated with better cake and cookie quality for soft
wheats. The ease with which endosperm can be separated from bran flakes, is
widely known as the "milling separation index", is also associated with soft
wheat milling quality. Cleanliness, wheat moisture, more tolerance to
tempering water and feed rate are also important factors that have a direct
bearing on the milling value of wheat.


The following equation models can predict the flour yield of wheat


Flour yield (Hard wheat) = 36.2 0.30 TKW + 17.4 KW 0.26 TW

Flour yield (Soft wheat) = 113.0 + 0.15 KL 0.68 TW

Where, TKW = 1000-kernel weight; KW = kernel width; TW = test weight

and KL = kernel length. These parameters can easily be measured in any

laboratory. The above equations provide a correlation coefficient of r =

0.72 and 0.56 between measured and predicted flour yields for hard and

soft wheat, respectively as shown in Figure 4.1.


7 0 .0

Predicted flour yield (%)

R = 0.72

6 0 .0

5 0 .0
5 0 .0 6 0 .0 7 0 .0

M e as ure d flo ur ye ild (% )

Figure 3. Correlation between measured and predicted flour yield


Experimental or laboratory wheat milling is a general term referring

to milling procedures conducted on small scale under strict control.
Experimental milling data is found useful in the evaluation of lines from
wheat breeding programs, prediction of the end-use quality of commercial
samples, and research investigations. Many commercial flourmills use
experimental milling to monitor mill performance and to obtain advance
information on the properties of incoming wheat shipments. Experimental
milling equipment is available commercially in numerous shapes and sizes.
The most commonly used commercially available laboratory mills is the
Brabender Quadrumat Junior and Senior mills. In recent years milling
operations have been automated and computerized. These developments have
been induced for precise and simple monitoring of plant operation, flour
yields, and for rapid generation of production reports. These measurements
are achieved largely through the use of microprocessor-based


Air classification: It is a physical separation of flour into fractions of

higher protein and starch contents. The separation is achieved based on
particle size and density.

Experimental wheat milling: It is a general term referring to milling

procedures conducted on small scale under strict control.

Tempering : It refers to the process of adjustment of the moisture level of

wheat grains before milling. This is carried out at room temperature. It
requires 18-72 hours for grains to attain moisture equilibrium.

Milling rating: A formula is used for calculating wheat-milling value on the

basis of straight-grade flour ash: Milling rating = % extraction (ash 100)

Milling separation index: The ease with which endosperm can be

separated from bran, is widely known as the "milling separation index".


1. What is the advantage of air classification technique in wheat milling?

2. Discuss advances that have been made in tempering of wheat grains.

3. How automation of milling machinery helps in improving milling operation?

4. Discuss the automation of milling machinery.


5. What precautions should be taken prior to and during experimental milling?

6. Why experimental milling is practiced?

7. Describe the procedure of experimental milling and also give a brief account
of laboratory mills commonly used in research laboratories for assessing
milling potential of wheat varieties.

8. How milling results are interpreted for the purpose of evaluating the milling
quality of wheats?


1. Pomeranz, Y. (1998) Wheat: Chemistry and Technology, Vol. I, 3rd Ed., Am.
Assoc. Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA.

2. Pomeranz, Y. (1989) Wheat is Unique. AACC Inc. St. Paul MN. USA
3. Hoseney, R.C. (1986) Principles of Cereal Science and Technology, Am.
Assoc. Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA.
4. Bushuk W, Rasper V (1994) Wheat: Production, Composition and
Utilization. Blackie Acad and Professional, Glasgow
5. Pomeranz, Y. (1976) Advances in Cereal Science and Technology, Am.
Assoc. Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA
6. Samuel, A.M. (1996) The Chemistry and Technology of Cereal as Food and
Feed, CBS Publishers & Distribution, New Delhi.
7. Heyne EG (1987). Wheat and wheat improvement. American Society of
Agronomy. Haworth Press Inc, Canada
8. Dobraszczyk BJ, Dendy DAV (2001). Cereal and Cereal Products: Chemistry
and Technology. Aspen Publisher, Inc Maryland

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