Precast Concrete Panel Systems For Full-Depth Pavement Repairs - Field Trials

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Precast Concrete Panel Systems for

Full-Depth Pavement Repairs

Field Trials

Ofce of Infrastructure
Ofce of Pavement Technology
Washington, DC 20590

This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information ex-
change. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this document. This report does not
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The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers names appear in this report
only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.

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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in
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Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date

Precast Concrete Panel Systems for Full-Depth Pavement February 2007

Repairs: Field Trials
6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.

Neeraj Buch, Ph.D.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Michigan State University 11. Contract or Grant No.

3546 Engineering Building BAA DTFH61-03-R-00003

East Lansing MI 48824-1226
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Office of Pavement Technology Final Report

Federal Highway Administration March 2003 March 2006
U.S. Department of Transportation 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
15. Supplementary Notes

Performed under the Concrete Pavement Technology Program. Contracting Officers Technical
Representative: Sam Tyson, Office of Pavement Technology, Federal Highway Administration
16. Abstract

The use of precast slabs as an alternative to conventional cast-in-place repairs may be an effective
means of reducing construction time, thereby minimizing user delay and travel costs while obtaining a
long-lasting, durable repair. This report summarizes the 3-year study, Field Trials of Concrete Pave-
ment Product and Process TechnologyPrecast Concrete System for Rapid Repairs, in which precast
slabs were used for joint repair and slab replacement on in-service Michigan and Colorado highways.
Cast-in-place, full-depth patches were installed as controls. The report contains a summary of the rele-
vant literature; summaries of the field trials and their findings regarding efficiency and durability; rec-
ommendations for precast panel installation; a sample distress documentation report; a presentation of
construction guidelines; and a sample special provision specification developed as part of the study.
Recommendations for consecutive slab repairs are to reduce slab length; use a slab thickness of 200 mm
or greater; use dowels to connect precast panels to existing panels for joint flexibility and load transfer;
maximize proximity of repair sections when planning and encourage multitasking during panel installa-
tion to reduce construction time. For isolated repairs it is recommended that four dowel bars be placed
in the wheel path and provide an expansion cap at one end of the dowel bar to accommodate slab
movement due to environmental loading and prevent closing of the joint.

17. Key Word 18. Distribution Statement

precast concrete panels, concrete pavement reha- No restrictions. This document is available to the
bilitation, concrete pavement distresses public through the National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
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List of Figures............................................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................................v

Chapter 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................1
Objectives .................................................................................................................................1
Organization of the Report .......................................................................................................2

Chapter 2. Summary of the Literature Review...........................................................................3

Chapter 3. Michigan Field Study .................................................................................................7

Site Selection ............................................................................................................................7
Precast Panel Mixture Design and Fabrication Details ...........................................................7
Construction Sequence ...........................................................................................................11
Construction Productivity.......................................................................................................18
Repair Effectiveness of the Precast Panels.............................................................................21
Recommendations for Precast Panel Installation ...................................................................36

Chapter 4. Colorado Field Study................................................................................................37

Site Selection ..........................................................................................................................37
Precast Panel Mixture Design and Fabrication Details .........................................................38
Construction Sequence ...........................................................................................................39
Construction Productivity.......................................................................................................44
Repair Effectiveness of the Precast Panels.............................................................................48
Recommendations for Precast Panel Installation ...................................................................53

A. Example of Field Data Sheet .............................................................................................55
B. Construction Guidelines Presentation................................................................................59
C. Sample Specification for Precast Full-Depth Concrete Pavement Repair .........................69


List of Figures

Figure 1. Structural details of the doweled precast panel ................................................................9

Figure 2. Fabrication of the doweled precast panels......................................................................10
Figure 3. Typical distresses............................................................................................................11
Figure 4. Sawcutting of slab boundaries and slab removal. ..........................................................13
Figure 5. Initial cleaning and preparation of the base....................................................................13
Figure 6. Preparation of the load transfer slots. .............................................................................14
Figure 7. Schematic cross section of the dowel assembly. ............................................................15
Figure 8. Precast panel installation and stabilization using high-density polyurethane foam. ......16
Figure 9. Flowable fill operation and dowel slot backfilling.........................................................17
Figure 10. Relative distances of patches along the I-675 project. .................................................19
Figure 11. Construction timeline for panel 5. ................................................................................19
Figure 12. Relative distances of patches along the M-25 project ..................................................20
Figure 13. Construction timeline for patches 2 and 3....................................................................21
Figure 14. Falling-weight deflectometer test locations to evaluate panel effectiveness................21
Figure 15. Average load transfer efficiencies and deflection ratios for the I-675 test site. ...........23
Figure 16. Average load transfer efficiencies and deflection ratios for the M-25 test site............28
Figure 17. Structural response of panels 4 and 9 ...........................................................................34
Figure 18. Line sketch illustrating the possible dowel skew and uneven joint opening................35
Figure 19. Results of the finite element analysis. ..........................................................................35
Figure 20. Structural details of the precast panel...........................................................................38
Figure 21. Examples of distresses..................................................................................................39
Figure 22. Slab demolition process................................................................................................41
Figure 23. Base preparation activities............................................................................................41
Figure 24. Panel placement process...............................................................................................42
Figure 25. Fiberglass stitches.........................................................................................................43
Figure 26. Completed cluster of panels. ........................................................................................44
Figure 27. Relationship between average elapsed time per panel and the number of panels........47
Figure 28. Illustration of improvement in operators comfort level. .............................................47
Figure 29. Illustration of advantages of incorporating concurrent activities. ................................48
Figure 30. Falling-weight deflectometer testing pattern................................................................48
Figure 31. Average midslab deflections as a function of slab thickness. ......................................49
Figure 32. Average edge deflections as a function of slab thickness. ...........................................50
Figure 33. Average joint deflections (approach) as a function of slab thickness. .........................50
Figure 34. Average joint deflections (leave) as a function of slab thickness. ...............................51
Figure 35. Typical crack patterns...................................................................................................52

List of Tables

Table 1. Summary of Literature Reviewed......................................................................................3

Table 2. Summary of Precast Panel Test Sites ................................................................................7
Table 3. Portland Cement Concrete Mixture Designs for the Precast Panels..................................7
Table 4. Fresh and Hardened Property Results for the Portland Cement Concrete Mixture...........8
Table 5. Typical Construction Time, Labor, and Equipment Needs .............................................18
Table 6. Summary of Approach and Leave Joint Load Transfer Efficiencies...............................24
Table 7. Summary of Panel Performance, I-675 (Survey Date: 9/14/05)......................................24
Table 8. Summary of Approach and Leave Joint Load Transfer Efficiencies...............................29
Table 9. Summary of Panel Performance, M-25 (Survey Date: 9/14/05) .....................................30
Table 10. Panel Location Summary Along the I-25 Corridor .......................................................37
Table 11. Portland Cement Concrete Mixture Designs for the Precast Panels..............................38
Table 12. Compressive Strength of Concrete From the Mead and Loveland Sites.......................39
Table 13. Mechanical Properties of the Fiberglass Stitch..............................................................43
Table 14. Equipment Used for Panel Installation ..........................................................................45
Table 15. Approximate Installation Time for Patches (hours:minutes).........................................46



The traditional practice of rehabilitating concrete pavements is an excellent way to extend the
remaining service life of the overall pavement network. In most instances, this method of paving
has satisfied the requirements of the specifying agency. However, the luxury of prolonged lane
closures is an option whose time is long gone. Increasing traffic volumes and sensitivity to user
delays and costs have required pavement construction and rehabilitation to be put on a fast
track as much as possible. The objective of fast-track paving is to minimize the time a roadway
is out of service (Federal Highway Administration [FHWA] 1994). The resulting pavement can
be opened to traffic (both construction and public) after adequate strength has been achieved.
Fast-tracking has resulted in the use of chloride accelerators in combination with increased
cement content to accommodate the short traffic opening times. These modified mixtures are
susceptible to durability problems.

Precast structural elements have long been used successfully in the building and bridge industry.
The authors of this study investigated the feasibility of doweled precast panels as an alternative
full-depth repair strategy. The use of doweled precast panels provides an attractive alternative
that can potentially address construction time, short-term and long-term concrete durability, and
performance issues. The precast panels can be fabricated by using conventional concrete paving
mixture designs (without the need for setting- or strength-accelerating admixtures) and cured
under controlled conditions if necessary at a precast plant. Such factory made concrete is less
susceptible to construction and material variability.


The objectives of this study were as follows:

1. Review the literature and document the known practices.
2. Conceptualize various construction alternatives as they relate to precast
concrete patches.
3. Identify potential preventative maintenance projects along in-service concrete
pavements in Colorado and Michigan, and install precast concrete patches.
For the purposes of comparison control, cast-in-place full-depth patches were
also installed.
4. Investigate the effectiveness and efficiency of precast patches through the
development of maintenance performance guidelines.
5. Recommend strategies for monitoring the newly installed precast patches.
6. Produce step-by-step guidelines for the construction of precast concrete

The completion of these objectives is to assist in evaluating the feasibility of precast panels as an
alternative to conventional full-depth repair of jointed concrete pavements.


This final report, which consists of four chapters, summarizes the findings of the 3-year study.
Chapter 2 provides a summary of the literature concerning precast concrete pavements, and
Chapters 3 and 4 summarize the Michigan and Colorado field studies, respectively. A sample
distress documentation report is presented in Appendix A, a presentation of construction
guidelines is presented in Appendix B, and a sample special provision specification developed as
part of the study is presented in Appendix C.

A number of published reports and papers were collected that pertain to the use of precast slabs
as pavement repair alternatives since the early 1970s. The summary of the reviewed literature is
presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Summary of Reviewed Literature

Location of
Source Construction Summary of Findings

Bull 1988 A series of laboratory tests on precast concrete slabs was

conducted in the United Kingdom to develop a computer design
program to study the impact of slab thickness, steel
reinforcement, and subbase and subgrade characteristics on the
performance of precast slabs.

Correa and Wong The design and construction practices of full-depth repair were
2003 summarized. Full-depth patches are a repair alternative for the
following distresses in jointed concrete pavements: low severity
(or more severe) blowup, corner break, medium-severity (or more
severe) D-cracking, deterioration adjacent to existing repair, joint
deterioration, spalling, reactive aggregate, transverse cracking,
and high-severity longitudinal cracking. For a standard lane width
of 3.6 m (12 ft), the length of the full-depth patch and the
remainder are recommended not to be shorter than 1.8 m (6 ft) to
provide stability and prevent longitudinal cracking. The length of
the patch should also not exceed the length of the existing slab.
The use of three dowel bars along each wheelpath was generally
found sufficient; however, the use of four or five dowel bars
along each wheelpath is recommended for interstate highways.
The dowel diameter of 38 mm (1.5 in.) was found to be most cost

Grimsley and Interstate in an urban A precast slab was used to replace the entire distressed slab,
Morris 1975 area in central Florida 3.7 m (12 ft) wide, 6.1 m (20 ft) long, and 200 mm (8 in.) thick.
After removal of the existing slab, the precast slab was placed
approximately 13 mm (0.5 in.) lower than regular surrounding
elevation. The precast slab was slab-jacked to appropriate
elevation. The construction caused 8 hours of nighttime traffic
closure (10 p.m. to 6 a.m.).

Hachiya et al. Taxiway at the Sendai The construction project was to replace distressed slabs at the
2001 Airport, Japan Sendai Airport taxiway with a series of pretensioned slabs
connected at transverse joints through the application of
posttensioning. Each slab was 10 m (33 ft) long, 2.5 m (8 ft)
wide, and 240 mm (9.5 in.) thick. An appropriate posttensioning
force was applied to prevent joint opening due to typical negative
temperature gradients at the construction site. The entire
construction process from removal of distressed slab to
interconnection of slabs through posttensioning was completed
within 10 nighttime hours, from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Location of
Source Construction Summary of Findings

Lane and Highway 427, Toronto, The trial project investigated the efficacy of three precast
Kazmierowski Canada concrete full-depth repair methods along Highway 427 in
2005 Toronto. The methods were the Fort Miller Super SlabTM
continuous method, the Fort Miller Super SlabTM intermittent
method, and the Michigan method. Based on the initial structural
evaluation, it was concluded that all joints met the minimum 70%
load transfer efficiency requirement. The precast repairs were
similar in both ride and appearance to fast-track repairs along the
same section of the highway. For acceptable elevation matching it
was recommended that the proper preparation of the base layer is
very essential.

Merritt, Frontage road along The study was to demonstrate a construction method to replace
McCullough, and northbound I-35 near the entire distressed portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement
Burns 2003 Georgetown, Texas system through the use of a prestressed (both pretensioning and
posttensioning) system. A series of 200-mm (8-in.) pretensioned
precast slabs of varying sizes (pretensioning strands were in the
traffic direction) were attached together through continuous shear
key. When all pretensioned slabs were positioned, posttensioning
strands in the transverse direction were stretched to tighten the
slab together and then the posttensioning ducts were grouted. The
reduction of the time delay of traffic is the main benefit of the
proposed construction method.

Meyer and Eastbound of IH-30 The construction was to repair 200-mm (8-in.) continuously
McCullough near Mt. Pleasant, reinforced concrete pavements with the use of precast slabs,
1983 Texas 3.7 m by 3.7 m (12 ft by 12 ft) and 1.8 m by 1.8 m (6 ft by 6 ft).
Polymer methyl-methacrylate was also used in the concrete. The
construction process consisted of four steps: destroying the failed
slab, removing the failed slab, installing and aligning the
precast slab using a wooden frame and a crane, and connecting
steel using welding and U-bolts. It was found that the connection
of steel may not be necessary if the polymer is used in the
concrete. The plan was to evaluate long-term performance of the

Overacker 1974 Niagara Section of the Existing pavements that exhibited high-severity fatigue cracking
New York State were replaced with pretensioned precast slabs with slab sizes
Thruway, New York varying from 3.7 m by 6.1 m by 225 mm (12 ft by 20 ft by 9 in.)
to 4.0 m by 9.1 m by 225 mm (13 ft by 30 ft by 9 in.). The
construction work was only allowed from 6:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.
and from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to avoid traffic congestion during
commuter hours. The construction process consisted of three
steps: the distressed roadway was sawed and removed, the precast
slabs were installed, and the repair areas were overlaid with
asphalt concrete.


Location of
Source Construction Summary of Findings

Sharma 1990 I-90 between STH 30 Eight different construction variations were used to repair
and USH 18 in Dane distressed joints. One repair method used precast slabs. The
County, Wisconsin precast patch was 1.8 m (6 ft) wide and 8.5 in. (216 mm) thick
and was without any load transfer device. A leveling bed of
13 mm (0.5 in.) of portland cement mortar grout was laid before
the precast slab was placed. As compared with sections with load
transfer devices, the precast section and other sections without
load transfer devices were found to fault more in 5 years.

Simonsen 1971 M-59 about 2.5 miles Four distressed joints were replaced with precast slabs, 3.4 m
east of I-96 in (11 ft) long, 1.8 m (6 ft) wide, and 200 mm (8 in.) thick. Dowel
Livingston County, bars were used as a load transfer device for two of the slabs,
Michigan while epoxy mortar and filler were used in the other two slabs.
The construction process consisted of three steps: sawing
distressed joints with the use of a propelled saw; removing failed
slabs with the use of an air hammer, a crane, and a truck; and
installing precast slabs with the use of a drill frame and four
screw jacks. The lane closure times were about 3.5 and 2.5 hours
for doweled and undoweled sections, respectively. It was found
that partial-depth sawing and breaking up the slab with a
pavement breaker resulted in undercutting and cracking of the
existing slab. The plan was to construct more precast slabs along
I-75 US-23 near Flint in Genesee County, Michigan.

Simonsen 1972 I-75US-23 west of the This was phase II of the M-59 project. A similar technique was
Flint in Genesee used to repair 24 lane joints with precast slabs. Unlike the M-59
County, Michigan project, this project experienced high traffic volumes where the
traffic disruption period was required to be short. All the repairs
were 3 m (10 ft) long and 3.7 m (12 ft) wide with varying
thicknesses. A crew of seven completed the construction in
2 days. The average times for the entire process from the removal
of the distressed slabs to the installation of the precast slabs were
2.5 and 4.25 hours for undoweled and doweled sections,
respectively. The problem of traffic control was encountered as
no work was permitted for several periods of time. The plan was
to evaluate the performance of the repairs under high-volume

Speir et al. 2001 La Guardia Airport, A feasibility study was conducted to provide preliminary design
New York details for two precast PCC slab construction options and an
asphalt concrete approach. The precast options were
conventional plain jointed panels in two sizes (3.8 m by 3.8 m
[12.5 ft by 12.5 ft] and 7.6 m by 7.6 m [25 ft by 25 ft]) and slab
thicknesses ranging from 30.5 to 40.6 cm (12 in. to 16 in.).
posttensioning of multiple slab panels to provide an effective
slab size of 7.6 m by 7.6 m (25 ft by 25 ft).
The initial cost of the asphalt concrete option was found to be the
lowest among the three construction approaches. However, based
on a 40-year life cycle cost comparison, both precast approaches
were found to be more cost effective.

Location of
Source Construction Summary of Findings

Tyson 1976 Culpeper, Richmond, Four full-depth pavement repair procedures were investigated,
and Fredericksburg, including rehabilitation by stress relief, cast-in-place restoration,
Virginia precast replacement, and cast-in-place replacement. Elimination
of curing time and potentially better concrete quality were
emphasized as two major advantages of the precast procedure
over the cast-in-place procedure. The main processes for the
precast replacement procedure included precast slab fabrication,
pavement removal, and precast slab installation. Since no dowel
bars were used, the deflection test using the Benkelman beam was
conducted. The results indicated that the precast slabs performed
satisfactorily and had about three times smaller deflections than
adjacent slabs. Three months after the construction, a precast slab
was lifted to investigate the condition of the interface between the
underlying mortar and the slab, which was found to be unbonded.
It was recommended that the bedding mortar should have a slump
exceeding 200 mm (8 in.) to provide uniform seating.


The test sections for the Michigan field study are located along I-675 in Zilwaukee and M-25 in
Port Austin. For the existing portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement, cross section structural
details, traffic, and number of panels installed are summarized in Table 2. The site was selected
in concert with the Michigan Department of Transportation's (MDOTs) Bay and Cass City
Transportation Service Center (TSC) personnel.

Table 2. Summary of Precast Panel Test Sites

Annual Average No. of
Route Joint Pavement Daily Traffic Panels
Project Designation Spacing Thickness Base Type (commercial) Installed
I-675 Principal arterial 21.6 m Dense-graded 10,400 (5%) 8*
(71 ft) 225 mm select base
(9 in.)
M-25 Minor arterial 30.2 m 9004,000 (311%) 12
(99 ft)
*Nine panels were installed; however, panel 1 is a conventional full-depth repair, and panels 29 are precast


The precast PCC panels were fabricated by the contractor and transported to the project site. The
typical PCC mixture design for this study is summarized in Table 3.

Table 3. Portland Cement Concrete Mixture Designs for the Precast Panels
Mix Ingredients Design
Cement 312 kg/m (526 lbs/yd3)
Water 127 kg/m3 (212 lbs/yd3)
Fine aggregate 810 kg/m3 (1,366 lbs/yd3)
Coarse aggregate 10,908 kg/m3 (1,838 lbs/yd3)
Air-entraining agents 0.59 ml/kg (0.9 fl oz/cwt)

The contractor was responsible for documenting the fresh and hardened concrete properties.
Typical PCC concrete properties are summarized in Table 4. The average 28-day compressive
strength based on 18 specimens was 30 MPa (4,300 lbf/in2).

All panels were 1.8 m (6 ft) long, 3.7 m (12 ft) wide, and 250 mm (10 in.) thick. The precast
panels were fitted with three dowel bars 38 mm (1.5 in.) in diameter, 450 mm (18 in.) long, and
spaced at 300 mm (12 in.) on center along each wheelpath. Perimeter steel was included
(#16 [#5] bars) to resist handling and transportation stresses. Steel mesh (10 mm [0.375 in.] in

diameter placed at 150-mm [6-in.] intervals and held together with 6-mm [0.25-in.] ties) was
placed at the panel mid depth to resist the potential of early-age cracking. The panels were wet-
cured for 7 days using wet burlap covers. The 20 precast panels were stockpiled at the ready-mix
concrete suppliers yard. Eight panels were installed at the I-675 site, and 12 were installed at the
M-25 site. The typical structural details are illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 2 summarizes the sequence of the fabrication process followed by the contractor. The
standard hardware for lifting the slabs is visible in the figure. Figure 2 also illustrates the location
and placement of dowel bars and temperature steel.

Table 4. Fresh and Hardened Property Results for the Portland Cement Concrete Mixture
Test data from June 3, 2003.
Time of Air Slump Conc Temp Air Temp Flex. Str.
Specimen ID Age
Concrete casting (%) (in) (0F (0F) (psi)
A 43 hrs 533
B 43 hrs 544
3:10 PM 6.5 2 72 67

Test data from June 6, 2003.

Time of Air Slump Conc Temp Air Temp Flex. Str.
Specimen ID 0 0 Age
Concrete casting (%) (in) F ( F) (psi)
A 66 hrs 644
B 66 hrs 688
3:15 PM 7 2.75 72 75

Test data from June 10, 2003.

Time of Air Slump Conc Temp Air Temp Flex. Str.
Specimen ID 0 0 Age
Concrete casting (%) (in) F ( F) (psi)
A 48 hrs 644
B 48 hrs 622
8:55 AM 7 2.75 73 62

Test data from June 12, 2003

Time of Air Slump Conc Temp Air Temp Flex. Str.
Specimen ID Age
Concrete casting (%) (in) (0F (0F) (psi)
A 93 hrs 800
B 93 hrs 733
12:50 PM 6.5 3 73 65

Figure 1. Structural details of the doweled precast panel.

a) Reinforcement and dowel bar placement in the formwork.

b) Concrete placement for precast panels. c) Texturing of fresh concrete.

d) Curing of precast slabs.

Figure 2. Fabrication of the doweled precast panels.


Prior to the removal of the candidate panels, a distress survey was conducted in accordance with
the protocol laid out in the LTPP distress identification manual (FHWA 2003). Typical distresses
observed during the survey included mid-panel transverse cracks with associated spalling and
deteriorated joints with spalling and asphalt patch deterioration. Examples of the typical
distresses are shown in Figure 3. During the field visit the distress information was recorded on a
distress documentation form (a sample form is presented in Appendix A).

a) Deteriorated joint with cold patch with spalling. b) Medium-severity transverse crack.

c) High-severity transverse crack. d) Deteriorated joint with spalling.

Figure 3. Typical distresses.

The sequence of operations for offsite activities and onsite activities for the Michigan field study
are listed below:

Offsite Activities
1. Fabrication of the precast panels.
2. Storage of the fabricated precast panels.

Onsite Activities
1. Documentation of distresses.
2. Identifying and marking of the repair boundary.

3. Sawcutting panel boundaries and slab removal.
4. Initial cleaning of the exposed base.
5. Jackhammering of the dowel slots.
6. Air cleaning and sandblasting of the dowel slots.
7. Final cleaning and grade adjustment of the base.
8. Placement of the leveling fill.*
9. Installation of the precast panel.
10. Adjustment of panel elevation with respect to the adjacent panels.
11. Backfilling of the dowel slots.
12. Sealing of joints.
*Step 8 of the construction process does not exist if the precast panel grade
adjustment is done using high-density polyurethane (HDP) foam. In that case,
after final cleaning and grade adjustment of the base, the precast panel is placed
and portholes for injecting the HDP are drilled. The slab elevation adjustment is
achieved by injecting the HDP foam.

Descriptions of the activities listed above are presented in the following section of the report.
(The types of distresses addressed by the repair strategy and the panel fabrication process,
illustrated in Figure 2, are presented above and will not be discussed further).

Sawcutting Panel Boundaries and Removal

The candidate repair sections were identified and marked by the MDOT personnel (Bay City and
Cass City TSC). The slab boundaries were outlined by the contractor and sawcut. The limits of
the pavement area to be removed were sawed in the transverse direction. Following the
sawcutting operation, the lift hooks were inserted and the distressed slabs were removed using a
front-end loader. During this process, the outlines for the dowel slots in the adjacent panels were
also cut. This concrete was later carved out using pneumatic jackhammers. Figure 4 illustrates
the slab sawing and removal process.

a) Sawcutting the existing slab. b) The existing slab after sawcutting.

c) Removing the existing slab.

Figure 4. Sawcutting of slab boundaries and slab removal.

Initial Base Preparation

For all the panels the aggregate base was excavated 3850 mm (1.52 in.) below the bottom of
the existing slab to accommodate the thicker, 250-mm (10-in.) precast panel. At this point all
concrete debris from the slab removal operation was removed. Dewatering of the base was not
required at any of the project sites. Figure 5 illustrates the base preparation activity.

Figure 5. Initial cleaning and preparation of the base.

Preparation of Load Transfer Slots

As shown in Figure 6, there are three dowel bars in each wheelpath. The dowel slot cutting and
preparation include initial grooving to the required depth with a concrete saw; jackhammering of
the concrete to carve out the dowel slot; air cleaning of dowel slot to remove debris and any
loose concrete pieces; and sandblasting of the dowel slots. The dowel slots were approximately
100 mm (4 in.) wide and 133 mm (5.25 in.) deep (base of the slot cut). Figure 6 illustrates the
slot cutting and preparation process.

a) Jackhammering of dowel slots. b) Debris removal from dowel slots.

c) Sandblasting of dowel slots. d) Completed dowel slots.

Figure 6. Preparation of the load transfer slots.

The dowel slots were placed at 300 mm (12 in.) on center. The slots are 375 mm (15 in.) from
the nearest longitudinal edge (shoulder or centerline). Figure 7 shows a schematic cross section
of the dowel assembly.

Existing pavement Jackhammered and 1-in. dowel bar
sandblasted dowel slot Precast slab

5~6 in. 4 in.

9 in.
10 in.

Dense graded Flowable fill

aggregate base 18 in. or HDP

Figure 7. Schematic cross section of the dowel assembly.

Final Grading and Installation of the Precast Panel

This part of the installation process can be achieved by two different methods: slab grade adjustment
using HDP foam or slab grade adjustment using flowable fill.

Elevation Adjustment Using High-Density Polyurethane Foam

Once the dowel slots were prepared and a final cleaning and grading of the base prepared the
surface for receiving the precast panels, the precast panels were transported from the flat-bed
truck to the excavation using a front-end loader. The HDP foam method of slab stabilization was
used for 6 panels along the I-675 site and 10 panels along the M-25 site. Approximately 46
holes (16 mm [0.625 in.] in diameter) were drilled per panel to inject the foam. The polyurethane
foam is made from two liquid chemicals that combine under heat to form a strong, lightweight,
foam-like substance. The chemical reaction between the two materials causes the foam to expand
and fill the voids. According to the manufacturers specification, the HDP foam sets in
approximately 15 minutes (approximately 90 percent of full compressive strength), and the
precast panel is ready to carry load. For the purpose of slab stabilization, the foam density is
about 64 kg/m3 (4 lbs/ft3) with a compressive strength range of 414 to 1,000 kPa (60 to
145 lbf/in2).

Once the slab elevations were verified and deemed acceptable, the dowel slots were grouted and
the joints were sealed. Figure 8 illustrates the slab installation process.

a) Panel installation. b) Panel installation and alignment.

c) Drilling of injection portholes. d) Stabilized slab.

Figure 8. Precast panel installation and stabilization using high-density polyurethane foam.

Elevation Adjustment Using Flowable Fill

Two precast panels were stabilized at each of the test sites using flowable fill. The excavation
was 3850 mm (1.52 in.) below the bottom of the existing slab to accommodate the thicker
250-mm (10-in.) precast panel. The flowable fill was transported to the project site in a ready-
mix concrete truck and discharged directly into the excavation. Figure 9 illustrates the flowable
placement and the backfilling of the dowel slots. The fill was leveled to a depth of 250 mm
(10 in.) from the surface of the existing slab. The flowable fill mixture design includes
1,020.6 kg (2,250 lb) of sand, 56.7 kg (125 lb) of cement, 136.1 kg (300 lb) of water, and 118 ml
(4 fl oz) of air entraining admixture. The average 28-day compressive strength ranged from 1.0 to
1.2 MPa (150175 lbf/in2). Once the slab elevations were verified and deemed acceptable, the
dowel slots were grouted and the joints were sealed.

After the slab was installed and leveled, the dowel slots were backfilled and transverse joints
were sealed.

a) Placing of flowable fill. b) Leveling of flowable fill.

c) Back filling of dowel slots.

d) Back-filled dowel slots. e) Completed panel.

Figure 9. Flowable fill operation and dowel slot backfilling.


The construction productivity metrics include the documentation of time to complete the
installation of one panel, list of possible concurrent activities, various equipment used for the
installation of the panels, and panel installation crew size. The detailed panel installation
activities include the following:
Slab (existing) demolitionA1.
o Sawcutting of the repair boundaries.
o Sawcutting of dowel slot outlines in the adjacent panels.
o Removal of distresses panel.
Initial cleaning of the exposed base layerA2.
o Removal of debris.
o Dewatering (if needed).
Cutting (jackhammering) of dowel slots to specification depthA3.
Final cleaning and cleaning of the exposed baseA4.
Air cleaning and sandblasting of the dowel slotsA5.
Placement of the precast panel and final alignmentA6.
Drill holes for the high-density polyurethane foam and inject foam to stabilize and level the
Grout dowel slots and lift hook holesA8.
Seal joints and open to trafficA9.

Typical individual times, labor requirements, and equipment needed to execute the activities
listed above are summarized in Table 5. Based on the proximity of the candidate panels to each
other, construction activities A2A7 can be performed somewhat concurrently, resulting in
increased productivity.

Table 5. Typical Construction Time, Labor, and Equipment Needs

Activity Time,
Code minutes Recommended Equipment (labor needs)
A1 60 Concrete saw (1), front-end loader (1 operator)
A2 5 Nothing specific (2)
A3 20 Pneumatic jackhammers (2)
A4 15 Plate compactor (1)
A5 21 Sandblasting equipment (2)
A6 20 Front-end loader (1 operator, 3 additional to guide the alignment)
A7 25 Drills and high-density polyurethane injection equipment (2)
A8 26 Grout mixer (2)

Construction ActivitiesI-675

For the I-675 project, all nine panels were installed in 1 day under the same traffic control due to
the close proximity of the panels. Figure 10 illustrates the relative location of the precast panels.
Figure 11 illustrates the timeline (typical) for the installation of panel 5.

Conventional full- Stabilized using

depth repair flowable fill

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

189 7 1664 3 67 162 231 269 478 571 9

Figure 10. Relative distances of patches along the I-675 project.

Figure 11. Construction timeline for panel 5.

The total time required to install the panel was less than 120 minutes. The two most time-
consuming activities were the preparation of the dowel slots and adjustment of the panel
elevation with respect to the existing concrete pavement. The dowel slot-cutting time can be
shortened by reducing the dimensions of the slots.

Patch 1 in this project had to be converted to a conventional cast-in-place, full-depth repair

because the pavement at this location was superelevated and the precast panel dimensions were
such that the resulting joint openings would have been unacceptable. In the future, such issues
can be resolved if the contractor makes exact measurements of the panels to be replaced. This
measurement data can then be used during the manufacturing of the panels. Therefore, this panel
will serve as the control. The performance of the precast panels (2 through 9) will be compared
with that of panel 1. Also, panels 5 and 6 were stabilized using flowable fill, whereas as the other
precast panels were stabilized using the HDP foam. The impact of these two methods of slab
stabilization on panel performance will be monitored and evaluated over the next 2 years as part
of this study.

Construction ActivitiesM-25

At the M-25 project site, 12 precast panels were installed over a period of 3 days. Contributing to
the longer installation time were the distances between some of the panels and the construction
interruptions due to rain. Figure 12 illustrates the relative location of the precast panels.

Stabilized using flowable fill

Figure 12. Relative distances of patches along the M-25 project.

Figure 13 illustrates the contruction timeline for panels 2 and 3. Due to the close proximity of
these panels, some of the construction activities overlap. Panels 2 and 3 were stabilized using
flowable fill, and the remaining panels were stabilized using HDP foam.

Figure 13. Construction timeline for patches 2 and 3.


The repair effectiveness of the panels was determined by conducting distress surveys and falling-
weight deflectometer (FWD) tests according to the protocol illustrated in Figure 14. Test
locations 1 through 8 allowed for the computation of load transfer efficiency (LTE) across the
approach and leave joints. The LTE was computed using the following equation, where LTE:
LTE (% ) = 100

5 6 7 8
Traffic direction
Inner wheel path

Mid slab
Leave joint
Approach joint

1 2 3 4

Outer wheel path

Figure 14. Falling-weight deflectometer test locations to evaluate panel effectiveness.

Field evaluations of the precast panels were conducted in October 2003, May 2004, October
2004, and May 2005.

Field Evaluation Results

I-675 Test Site

The FWD results are presented in Figure 15, in charts (a) through (c). The dashed lines in the
charts represent the minimum LTE threshold of 70 percent and a deflection ratio threshold of 3
for doweled joints. On average, the approach and leave LTEs are in excess of 70 percent (the
average LTEs range from 61 percent to 90 percent) as shown in Figure 15 (a) and (b) and in
Table 6. Figure 15 (c) represents the relative deflections (peak) of the joint with respect to the
mid-slab deflection (peak). The approach joint deflection ratios range from 1.2 to 2.1, whereas,
the leave joint ratios range from 1.3 to 2.3, indicating an acceptable support under the panel.

Table 7 displays and summarizes the condition of the precast panels as of September 2005. The
performance evaluation was conducted by MDOT. Panel 2 exhibited premature cracking along
the leave joint; the remaining seven panels exhibited acceptable behavior at the time of the last
performance evaluation.

For panel 2, the average before-leave joint LTE (%) ranges from 63 to 75 whereas the after-leave
joint LTE (%) ranges from 68 to 91. The type of distress observed in panel 2 looks like failure at
the end of the dowels due to thermal movement of the pavement. The hot pour joint sealant is
pushed up in the joint, indicating the pavement closing up on the leave side of the joint. Uniform
restraint was not provided in the reservoir opening between the dowels, which may have resulted
in high bearing stresses at the dowel ends. Another reason for this premature joint failure could
be that the dowels along the leave joint were horizontally skewed as a result of the installation.
This skewing could have resulted in locking of the joint and impeding joint movement under
environmental and traffic loads.

Average LTE (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Patch ID

OWP Leave (BJT) OWP Leave (AJT)

IWP Leave (BJT) IWP Leave (AJT)

(a) Leave slab loading.

Average LTE (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Patch ID

OWP Approach (BJT) OWP Approach (AJT)

IWP Approach (BJT) IWP Approach (AJT)

(b) Approach slab loading.

Deflection Ratio

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Patch ID

OWP Approach (AJT) OWP Leave (BJT)

IWP Approach (AJT) IWP Leave (BJT)

(c) Deflection ratio.

Figure 15. Average load transfer efficiencies and deflection ratios for the I-675 test site.

Table 6. Summary of Approach and Leave Joint Load Transfer Efficiencies (LTEs), I-675
Average Approach Average Leave
Panel Number Joint LTE (%) Joint LTE (%)
1 89.1 81.6
2 74.5 74.7
3 78.6 74.4
4 78.0 82.0
5 72.0 80.5
6 72.0 61.3
7 78.6 78.0
8 83.4 72.5
9 84.3 77.0

Table 7. Summary of Panel Performance, I-675 (Survey Date: 9/14/05)

Precast Panel ID Performance Description

There is no evidence of distress. The average LTE

ranges from 81% to 89%, and the deflection ratios
are less than 2.5.

Panel 1

Table 7. Summary of Panel Performance, I-675 (Survey Date: 9/14/05) (continued)
Precast Panel ID Performance Description

Panel cracking observed in the vicinity of the dowel

bars. The average joint LTE is 74.5%, and the
deflection ratios are less than 2.

Panel 2

Panel in good condition. Some spalling was

observed along the joint. The average joint LTE
ranges between 75% and 78%, and the deflection
ratios are less than 2.

Panel 3

The panel is in good condition. The average joint

LTE ranges between 78% to 82%, and the deflection
ratios are less than 2.

Panel 4

Table 7. Summary of Panel Performance, I-675 (Survey Date: 9/14/05) (continued)
Precast Panel ID Performance Description

The panel is in good condition. The average joint

LTE ranges between 73% to 80%, and the
deflection ratios are less than 2. The panel was
stabilized using flowable fill.

Panel 5

Panel is in acceptable condition. Some spalling of

the dowel slot back-fill was observed. The average
joint LTE ranges between 61% and 70%, and the
deflection ratios are less than 2. The panel was
stabilized using flowable fill.

Panel 6

The panel is in good condition. A high spot was

observed at the leading edge of the repair. The
average joint LTE 78%, and the deflection ratios
are less than 2.

Panel 7

Table 7. Summary of Panel Performance, I-675 (Survey Date: 9/14/05) (continued)
Precast Panel ID Performance Description

The panel is in good condition. The average joint

LTE ranges from 73% to 80%, and the deflection
ratios are less than 2.

Panel 8

The panel is in good condition. A high spot was

observed at one end of the repair. The average joint
LTE ranges from 77% to 84%, and the deflection
ratios are less than 2.

Panel 9

M-25 Test Site

The FWD results are presented in Figure 16 (a) through (c). The dashed lines represent the
minimum LTE threshold of 70 percent and a deflection ratio threshold of 3 for doweled joints.
On average, the approach and leave LTEs are in excess of 70 percent (the average LTEs range
from 72 percent to 90 percent) as shown in Figure 16 (a) and (b) and Table 8. Figure 16 (c)
represents the relative deflections (peak) of the joint with respect to the mid-slab deflection
(peak). The approach joint deflection ratios range from 1.2 to 2.3, whereas the leave joint ratios
range from 1.0 to 3.0, indicating an acceptable support under the panel.


Average LTE (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Patch ID

OWP Leave (BJT) OWP Leave (AJT)

IWP Leave (BJT) IWP Leave (AJT)

(a) Leave slab loading.


Average LTE (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Patch ID

OWP Approach (BJT) OWP Approach (AJT)

IWP Approach (BJT) IWP Approach (AJT)

(b) Approach slab loading.

Deflection Ratio

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Patch ID

OWP Approach (AJT) OWP Leave (BJT)

IWP Approach (AJT) IWP Leave (BJT)

(c) Deflection ratio.

Figure 16. Average load transfer efficiencies and deflection ratios for the M-25 test site.

Table 8. Summary of Approach and Leave Joint Load Transfer Efficiencies (LTE)
Panel Average Approach Average Leave
Number Joint LTE (%) Joint LTE (%)
1 85.0 82.0
2 90.2 88.3
3 88.0 82.2
4 78.5 73.8
5 87.8 82.4
6 87.9 87.9
7 87.5 85.8
8 86.9 87.8
9 89.1 72.6
10 84.6 89.7
11 89.4 90.3
12 88.0 62.0

Table 9 summarizes (by way of photographs) the condition of the precast panels in September
2005. The performance evaluation was conducted by MDOT. Of the 12 panels, 10 exhibited
acceptable to good behavior at the time of the last performance evaluation.

Figure 17 summarizes the structural response of the leave and approach joints for panels 4 and 9.
It is evident that for both panels there was a significant drop in leave joint efficiencies from
October 2003 and May 2004. The plot also shows that there is also a significant loss in relative
support along the distressed joint during the same time frame. During the summer of 2004 the
thumb area of Michigan experienced a series of 32 oC (90 oF) days that may have resulted in
abnormal expansion of the pavement slabs. Such expansion could have resulted in a joint
blowout. A possible contributor to joint blowout is horizontal misalignment of dowel bars. If
such misalignment occurred during installation of the panels, the joint may not have been
flexible enough to accommodate slab expansion caused by the high ambient temperatures. Figure
18 illustrates how dowel misalignment could reduce joint flexibility.

The finite element model EverFE (Davids 2003) was used to approximate the effects of
horizontal skew and high ambient temperatures on the tensile stresses on the precast concrete
panel and vertical shear stresses in the dowel bars. Three variables were included in this limited
Dowel horizontal skew angles: - 0, 3, 6, and 10 degrees.
Temperature differential (maximum ambientconstruction): -37 oC (-35 oF) and
16 oC (60 oF).
Axial friction force: - 0, 45, 445, 4,448, 44,482 kN (- 0, 10,000, 100,000,
1,000,000, 10,000,000 lbf).
Figure 19 summarizes the findings of the analysis.

Table 9. Summary of Panel Performance, M-25 (Survey Date: 9/14/05)
Precast Panel ID Performance Description

The panel is in good condition. The average joint LTE

ranges from 82% to 85% and the deflection ratios are
less than 2.

Panel 1

The panel is in good condition. The average joint LTE

ranges from 88% to 92% and the deflection ratios are
less than 2. The panel was stabilized using flowable

Panel 2

The panel is in good condition. The average joint LTE

ranges from 82% to 88% and the deflection ratios are
less than 2. The panel was stabilized using flowable

Panel 3

Table 9. Summary of Panel Performance, M-25 (Survey Date: 9/14/05) (continued)
Precast Panel ID Performance Description

The repair is severely deteriorated. The cracking along

the dowels was first observed during the summer of
2004. The cracking was observed along the approach
and leave joint of the panel. The average joint LTE
ranges from 73% to 78% and the deflection ratios are
less than 2.

Panel 4

The panel is in good condition. The average joint LTE

ranges from 82% to 88% and the deflection ratios are
less than 2.

Panel 5

The panel is in good condition. The average joint LTE

is 88% and the deflection ratios are less than 2.5.

Panel 6

Table 9. Summary of Panel Performance, M-25 (Survey Date: 9/14/05) (continued)
Precast Panel ID Performance Description

The panel is broken in one corner most probably due

to snowplow damage, as there was a high spot along
the approach joint. The average joint LTE ranges from
86% to 88% and the deflection ratios are less than 2.

Panel 7

The panel is in good condition. The average joint LTE

is 87% and the deflection ratios are less than 2.

Panel 8

The repair is deteriorated. The cracking along the

dowels was first observed during the summer of 2004.
The cracking is along the leave joint of the panel. The
average joint LTE ranges from 72% (leave joint of the
panel) to 89% and the deflection ratios are
approaching 3 along the leave joint of the panel.

Panel 9

Table 9. Summary of Panel Performance, M-25 (Survey Date: 9/14/05) (continued)
Precast Panel ID Performance Description

The panel is in good condition. The average joint LTE

ranges from 85% to 90% and the deflection ratios are
less than 2.5.

Panel 10

The panel is in good condition. The average joint LTE

is 90% and the deflection ratios are less than 2.

Panel 11

The panel is in acceptable condition. Trailing edge

(leave joint of the panel) broken in the old concrete.
The average joint LTE ranges from 62% (leave joint)
to 88% and the deflection ratios are less than 2.5.
However, the deflection ratio at the broken edge is
approaching 3.

Panel 12

100.0 4.00


75.0 3.00

Deflection Ratio

50.0 2.00


25.0 1.00


0.0 0.00
October 2003 May 2004 October 2004
FWD Testing Date

LTE-Panel 4 LTE-Panel 9 LTE-Others

DR-Panel 4 DR-Panel 9 DR-Others

(a) Leave Joint

100.0 4.00


75.0 3.00

Deflection Ratio

50.0 2.00


25.0 1.00


0.0 0.00
October 2003 May 2004 October 2004
FWD Testing Date

LTE-Panel 4 LTE-Panel 9 LTE-Others

DR-Panel 4 DR-Panel 9 DR-Others

(b) Approach Joint

Figure 17. Structural response of panels 4 and 9.

Horizontal skew
in dowels

Uneven joint
Pre-cast Panel opening

Figure 18. Line sketch illustrating the possible dowel skew and uneven joint opening.


Max. Princ. Stress., psi






0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Axial Friction, kips

0-deg, T=35 3-deg, T=35 6-deg, T=35 10-deg, T=35

0-deg, T=60 3-deg, T=60 6-deg, T=60 10-deg, T=60

(a) Effect of temperature differential on concrete tensile stresses.



Max. Shear, kips





0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Axial Friction, kips

0-deg 3-deg 6-deg 10-deg

0-deg, T=60 3-deg, T=60 6-deg, T=60 10-deg, T=60

(b) Effect of horizontal dowel skewness on dowel vertical shear force.

Figure 19. Results of the finite element analysis.


Based on the experience of the Michigan field trials, the following practices are recommended
for future precast panel installations for full-depth repair of jointed concrete pavements:
1. Provide an expansion cap at one end of the dowel bar to accommodate slab
movement due to environmental loading and to prevent closing of the joint.
2. Provide expansion material along the joint to accommodate joint movement due
to thermal expansion and contraction.
3. Diamond grinding of the panel, especially the joints, is recommended to remove
high spots. These high spots have a potential to break off as a result of
snowplowing operations.
4. The width of the dowel slot should be kept as small as possible to accommodate
the dowel bar. This will reduce construction time and also reduce the potential for
dowel skewing in the horizontal plane.
5. Care needs to be given to sawing the existing concrete for the outline of the patch.
The saw cuts should be perpendicular to the centerline to avoid skewing the patch
when it is placed (which leads to problems with the dowel bars locking in the
6. To reduce construction time, multitasking during the installation process should
be encouraged whenever possible. Construction and installation time can be
positively impacted if the repair locations are close to each other, allowing for the
installation of multiple panels under one traffic control setup.


Along the I-25 corridor north of Denver, 143 concrete slabs were replaced at 18 separate
locations between Mead and Loveland (mileposts 244 to 270). The candidate sections were
selected by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) maintenance crews. Due to
large volumes of traffic, single-lane closures were permitted for construction for an 8-hour
period between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Additionally, the construction areas were required to be open
to unimpeded traffic during the higher volume times. Table 10 summarizes the locations of the
143 panels along I-25 between Mead and Loveland.

Table 10. Panel Location Summary Along the I-25 Corridor

Location Milepost and No. of Panels Panel Thickness,
Location No. (Direction) Installed mm (in.)
Mead 1 244.41 (NB) 12 185 (7.25)
2 244.83 (SB) 8 160 (6.25)
3 244.90 (SB) 10 185 (7.25)
4 244.96 (SB) 2 185 (7.25)
5 245.19 (SB) 4 160 (6.25)
6 245.45 (NB) 3 185 (7.25)
7 245.46 (NB) 3 185 (7.25)
8 247.46 (SB) 4 160 (6.25)
9 247.68 (NB) 13 160 (6.25)
10 249.41 (SB) 4 160 (6.25)
Loveland 1 256.41 (SB) 13 140 (5.5)
2 256.49 (SB) 8 160 (6.25)
3 257.46 (SB) 16 160 (6.25)
4 257.99 (SB) 15 160 (6.25)
5 258.02 (NB) 5 160 (6.25)
6 258.12 (NB) 5 160 (6.25)
7 258.14 (SB) 14 140 (5.5)
8 269.84 (NB) 5 Cast-in-place
Added work 258.72 (SB) 13 160 (6.25)

The average annual average daily traffic (AADT) and percentage of trucks along the
construction corridor were 45,886 and 14 percent respectively based on year 2002 data. The
contractor was responsible for making all the measurements prior to the fabrication of the panels.
The measurements were made along the four sides and diagonals to account for any joint
skewing. Multiple pavement cores were extracted at each location to determine variations in
thickness from end to end as well as near the shoulder and centerline. The dimensional
information was used in customizing the precast panel fabrication.


The precast PCC panels were fabricated by the contractor and transported to the project site. The
typical structural details of the precast panels are illustrated in Figure 20. The tie bar slots, which
were formed during the panel fabrication process, were placed at 0.91 m (3 ft) on center. The
panel also consists of #4 or #5 steel depending on the panel thickness. The panel lengths were
variable so as to match the contraction joint spacing. The typical PCC mixture designs for this
study are summarized in Table 11, and the compressive strength data for the Mead and Loveland
sites are summarized in Table 12.

Varies 12 -20





#4 @ 1 -2 for 6 thick panels

Pick up point #5 @ 1 -0 for 7 thick panels

Figure 20. Structural details of the precast panel.

Table 11. Portland Cement Concrete Mixture Designs for the Precast Panels
Mix Ingredients Design, lbs/yd3
Cement 390.4 kg/m3 (658 lbs/yd3)
Water 128.7 kg/m3 (217 lbs/yd3)
Fine aggregate 811.6 kg/m3 (1,368 lbs/yd3)
Coarse aggregate 933.8 kg/m3 (1,574 lbs/yd3)
Air-entraining admixture 38.7 ml/m3 (1.0 fl.oz/yd3)
Water-reducing admixture 8.158 kg/m3 (220 oz/yd3)
High-range water reducer 1.854 kg/m3 (50 oz/yd3)
Nonchloride accelerator 10.753 kg/m3 (290 oz/yd3)

Table 12. Compressive Strength of Concrete From the Mead and Loveland Sites
Average Compressive Strength Data, MPa (lbf/in2)
Location <24 hours 7 days 28 days
1 (Loveland) 19.3 (2,805) 28.5 (4,135)
3 (Loveland) 20.4 (2,960) 29.2 (4,240) 35.6 (5,160)
7 (Loveland) 18.4 (2,665) 29.4 (4,265)
1 (Mead) 24.7 (3,585) 32.4 (4,705) 37.9 (5,490)
3 (Mead) 24.9 (3,615) 29.4 (4,270) 35.2 (5,100)
7 (Mead) 21.4 (3,105) 35.1 (5,085) 43.0 (6,240)
9 (Mead, slabs 13) 20.9 (3,025) 34.2 (4,965) 40.3 (5,840)
9 (Mead, slabs 46) 23.9 (3,450) 38.2 (5,545) 46.2 (6,700)
9 (Mead, slabs 79) 23.4 (3,395) 37.6 (5,450) 42.5 (6,170)


Prior to the removal of the candidate panels a distress survey was conducted. Typical distresses
observed during the survey included midpanel transverse cracks with associated spalling; joint
sealant damage, spalling, and asphalt patch deterioration; and corner cracking. Some examples of
distresses are shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21. Examples of distresses.

The sequences of operation for offsite and onsite activities in the Colorado field study are listed

Offsite Activities
1. Fabrication of the precast panels.
2. Storage of the fabricated precast panels.

Onsite Activities
The onsite activities were divided into four construction operations:
1. Slab removal and base preparation:
a. Sawcutting of panel boundaries.
b. Demolition of distressed panels.
c. Removal of the distressed panels.
d. Cleaning of the exposed base.
e. Heat-lancing the exposed concrete faces to remove traces of moisture.
2. Precast panel placement and alignment:
a. Transporting precast panels from the storage yard.
b. Placement of the precast panels into the prepared excavation.
3. Precast panel elevation adjustment:
a. Drilling of injection portholes.
b. Injection of HDP foam to adjust slab elevation.
c. Filling of voids (if any) with HDP foam to ensure uniform support under the panel.
4. Joint preparation:
a. Sawcutting of tie slots in the existing end panels to match with the slots in the precast
b. Removal of all extra foam that surfaced during the slab stabilization and void filling
c. Air-cleaning and sandblasting all tie slots to ensure good bonding.
d. Heat lance the tie slots to remove all traces of moisture.
e. Insert the fiberglass tie bars.
f. Backfill tie slots with prewashed dried aggregate.
g. Apply the polyurethane joint bonding material.
h. Seal injection ports using nonshrink grout.

The steps in a typical precast panel installation process in the field include are described below.

Slab Demolition and Removal

The perimeter of each of the distressed panel was sawcut. Additional transverse cuts were made
to expedite the panel-breaking operation. The initial breaking of the concrete was done using a
standard backhoe fitted with a jackhammer. An additional track-hoe was used to excavate and
remove the demolished concrete. Figure 22 illustrates the slab demolition and removal process.

Base Cleaning and Preparation

The exposed base was swept and cleaned using compressed air. In addtion to the cleaning, the
base and joint edges were dried (to remove any traces of moisture) using a hot-air lance. A
secondary effect of using the hot-air lance was to expedite the curing of the slab-jacking foam.
Figure 23 illustrates the base preparation activities.

a) Slab demolition b) Removal of debris

Figure 22. Slab demolition process.

Figure 23. Base preparation activities.

Panel Placement and Alignment

Panel Placement

The panels were brought to the site on a flatbed truck and lowered into the excavation using a
133-kN (30-kip), truck-mounted crane. Figure 24 illustrates the panel placement process.

a) Panel moved from flatbed truck.

b) Panel lowered into excavation. c) Alignment of panel.

Figure 24. Panel placement process.

Panel Alignment

The precast panel elevations prior to jacking ranged from 0 to 75 mm (03 in.) below the passing
lane or shoulder. A two-part polymer (486 Star) was mixed and simultaneously injected through
the portholes 16 mm (0.625 in.) diameter to lift the precast panel. The polyurethane foam has a
free-rise density of 48.151.3 kg/m3 (3.03.2 lbs/ft3), with a minimum compressive strength of
6.89 kPa (40 lbf/in2) (ASTM 1621). According to the manufacturer specification the foam is
expected to reach 90 percent of full compressive strength within 15 minutes. Dial indicators were
mounted on the panel surface to monitor the change in the slab elevation relative to the adjacent
pavement. The panel jacking commenced by lifting at the two corners on one side of the panel,
followed by lifting of the slab at the other end, until the elevation was matched with the existing
roadway. In addition, the foam also served to fill in voids under the panel after the slab jacking
was completed. Uniform support under the panel is essential for good long-term performance.

Joint Stitching and Bonding

A good bonding surface was obtained by removing all the excess foam from the joint faces and
formed stitch slots. This was accomplished by using a pavement saw to cut the foam on both
sides of the construction joints. The joint faces were then sandblasted to ensure clean bonding
surfaces. In addition to this the surfaces were hot-air-lanced to remove all traces of moisture.
Stitch slots were saw cut in the existing approach and departure slabs. The entire sawcutting was
done in the absence of water to prevent reaction with the slab-jacking foam and joint-bonding
material (URETEK 600).

The fiberglass stitches were placed into the 19-mm (0.75-in.) slot using two guide wire spacers,
one at each end. The fiberglass ties are 0.9 m long, 127 mm wide, and 6 mm thick (36 in. long, 5
in. wide, and 0.25 in. thick). A picture of the tie bar is shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25. Fiberglass stitches.

Table 13 summarizes the mechanical properties of the fiberglass stitches. This information was
obtained from URETEK USA. The mechanical properties characterization was conducted by
Wiss Janney and Elstner Associates, Inc.

Table 13. Mechanical Properties of the Fiberglass Stitch

Test Property Measured Data
Ultimate load 9.689 kg (21,360 lb)
Relative joint displacement (at ultimate load) (0.17 in. [0.01 in. at 8,000 lb])
Load at first softening 5.669 kg (12,500 lb)
Ultimate average stiffness 56,925.842 kg (125,500 lb/in.)

Dried aggregate (36 mm [0.1250.25 in.]) was used to backfill the stitch slots, and polyurethane
foam was applied to bind the aggregates together.

The contractor also recommended that expansion joints be placed at intervals of 13.718.3 m
(4560 ft). The expansion joints were 19 mm (0.75 in.) wide and stitched together using the
fiberglass ties. The joint consisted of a backer rod placed vertically at the longitudinal joint and
stitches to isolate the polyurethane foam. The joint was then filled to approximately 50 mm
(2 in.) from the top of the pavement with ground rubber, followed by a 13 mm (0.5 in.) bead of
self-leveling silicone joint sealant.

The injection ports were sealed using a nonshrink grout. The procedure included drilling out
leftover jacking foam; cleaning the surface of the concrete for proper adhesion; and placing the
grout. Figure 26 illustrates a cluster of completed panels.

Figure 26. Completed cluster of panels.


The construction productivity metrics include documentation of the following:

Time to complete the installation of one cluster of panels.
List of possible concurrent activities.
Panel installation equipment used.
Panel installation crew size.

Table 14 lists the equipment needed to successfully install the precast panels. The approximate
construction completion time for all the panel clusters is provided in Table 15.

Table 14. Equipment Used for Panel Installation
Equipment Type Application in the Installation Process
Ingersoll L6 light plant Work area lighting during night closures
CAT 416 back-hoe with jackhammer Initial break up of concrete to be removed
CAT 325B track-hoe Excavation of concrete to be removed
Two haul trucks Haul concrete debris
Ingersoll 185 compressor To remove debris from work area. Clean joints and stitch slots
Two pavement saws To cut stitch slots in adjacent pavement slabs
Sandblasting equipment To prepare joints and stitch slots
Hot-air lance To prepare joints prior to bonding
Propane weed burner To dry and heat aggregates used in the joint bonding operation
Portable concrete mixture For aggregate mixing. Also used for mixing cement mortar for backfilling

Figure 27 shows the relationship between average elapsed time (start to finish) per panel (within
a cluster) and number of panels in a given cluster. From this plot it can be surmised that as the
cluster size increases the installation productivity improves. Figure 28 highlights the contractors
improving comfort level (in terms of production efficiency) with project progression. During the
initial stages of the project the contractor was installing clusters with only one to two precast
panels over a 9-hour construction window. After day 20, the production rate increased to four to
eight precast panels per cluster. The increased productivity was a result of multitasking activities.
Specific changes in the mode of operation made by the contractor included reduction in panel
demolition time for the entire cluster of slabs; concurrence in the panel demolition, base
preparation activity, and installation of new panels; and providing an additional applicator for
joint bonding operations. The advantages of incorporating concurrent activities in the
construction regime are illustrated in Figure 29. As the percentage (based on overall time per
panel) of multitasking increases, the number of panels that can be installed within the allowable
construction window increases.

Table 15. Approximate Installation Time for Patches (hours:minutes)
Day Location/Panel No. Number of Panels Panel Excavation Panel Placement Panel Jacking Joint-Stitch Prep. Joint Bonding
13 M6, 1~3 3 1:39 1:12 1:27 1:29 1:15
14 M7, 1~3 3 1:42 0:49 1:38 1:55 1:18
15 M3, 18~16 3 1:02 0:23 1:59 1:40 1:05
16 M3, 11~10 2 1:49 0:08 0:40 1:35 1:10
17 M9, 1~4 4 1:18 0:37 0:53 2:20 2:38
18 M9, 5~8 4 1:26 0:25 1:15 1:31 1:39
19 M9, 9~13 5 1:32 0:19 1:18 0:53 3:12
20 M3, 15~12 4 1:31 0:21 0:54 2:28 2:22
21 M2, 8~5 4 1:06 1:12 2:34 N/A 2:29
22 M4, 20~19 2 1:02 0:11 N/A N/A N/A
22 M3, 9 1 N/A N/A 0:20 N/A N/A
23 Night of saw cutting only
24 M5, 24~21 4 1:31 0:25 N/A N/A 2:30
25 M2, 4~1 4 1:20 0:57 1:47 N/A 2:14
26 M1, 9~12 4 1:38 0:28 N/A 3:02 2:20
27 M1, 5~8 4 1:36 0:19 1:42 N/A 1:26
28 M1, 1~4 4 1:38 0:45 N/A N/A 1:10
29 L5, 1~5 5 1:28 0:32 1:43 N/A 1:55
30 L6, 1~5 5 1:34 0:39 1:20 N/A 2:35
31 M10, 1~4 4 2:19 N/A N/A N/A N/A
32 M8, 1~4 4 1:50 0:38 1:41 N/A 2:21
33 L4, 10~14 6 N/A 0:51 1:58 N/A 2:15
34 L4, 9~2 8 N/A 2:00 2:35 N/A 2:25
35 L4, 1 1 0:37 0:10 N/A N/A N/A
35 L3 4 N/A N/A 3:30 N/A N/A
36 L3, 5~10 6 2:03 0:44 1:56 N/A 2:20
37 L3, 11~16 6 N/A N/A 2:03 N/A 1:40
38 L2, 1~8 8 2:15 1:30 N/A N/A 2:10
39 Surface grinding and repairs only
40 Surface grinding and repairs only
41 L7, 1~7 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
42 L7, 8~14 6 N/A N/A 3:57 N/A 3:12
43 L1, 1~6 6 N/A N/A 3:03 N/A N/A
44 L1, 7~13 7 N/A 1:00 N/A N/A N/A
50 L7, 14 1 N/A 0:05 N/A N/A 0:33
51 E.P., 1~5 5 1:40 0:39 1:15 N/A 2:38
52 E.P., 6~9 4 N/A 0:41 1:13 N/A 1:03
53 E.P., 10~13 4 2:02 0:48 1:15 N/A 1:04

Average elapsed time per panel, min. 300

n=2 "n" indicates number of replicates



n=1 n=2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of Panels in a cluster

Figure 27. Relationship between average elapsed time per panel and the number of panels.


Average elapsed time per panel, min.





0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Operation day

1-panel operation 2-panel operation 3-panel operation 4-panel operation

5-panel operation 6-panel operation 7-panel operation 8-panel operation

Figure 28. Illustration of improvement in operators comfort level.

6% 9%


91% 80%

Day 16, 2-Panel Operation, 172 min./panel Day 15, 3-Panel Operation, 135 min./panel Day 17, 4-Panel Operation, 103 min./panel
One-Activitity Multi-tasking No-Activity

Figure 29. Illustration of advantages of incorporating concurrent activities.


One cycle of performance evaluation has been conducted at the Colorado sites since the
inception of the project. The performance evaluation consisted of falling-weight deflectometer
(FWD) testing and documenting the initiation (if any) of distresses. During June 2004, 81 precast
panels along I-25 between Loveland and Mead were tested. Testing was conducted between
9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Data from positions 1 and 3 were collected to monitor joint deflection. Position
2 deflection data were used to monitor edge support, whereas deflection data from position 4
provided information about midpanel support. The FWD testing and distress surveys were done
concurrently. The FWD testing pattern is summarized in Figure 30.

Test pattern repeated on

all panels Precast slab
Existing pavement Traffic Lane Existing pavement

1 2 3 Wheel path ~ 36


Figure 30. Falling-weight deflectometer testing pattern.

Performance Evaluation at I-25 Test Site

Figure 31 illustrates the peak (midslab) average deflections measured at location 4 for 81 panels.
The thickness ranges from 140 to 184 mm (5.5 to 7.25 in.). The peak (average) deflections range
from 0.14 to 0.30 mm (5.6 to 12.1 mils). On average the thinner panel sections experience higher
deflections than thicker panels. Figure 32 illustrates the peak (edge) average deflections
measured at location 2 on the precast panels. The relationship between the deflection magnitude
and slab thickness is similar to the one observed in Figure 31. Figures 33 and 34 illustrate the
peak joint deflections. The error bars indicate the scatter in the measured deflection data. This
scatter can be attributed to the possible variability in support under the panel in the vicinity of the
joint. Based on the data presented in Figures 31 through 33, the following observations can be
On average, the peak deflections at the joints for thinner slabs are higher than the thicker
slab joint deflections.
Irrespective of slab thickness, joints between the precast panels and the existing slab
(approach or departure) deflect less than the joint between two new precast panels.
The deflection data scatter (as seen in the error plots) is more for joints between two new
precast panels than for joints between the existing slab and the precast panel. It is
premature to speculate on the reasons for this differential behavior.

"n" indicates number of tested panels
Average midslab deflection, mils



n = 14 n = 22
n = 45

5.5" 6.25" 7.25"

Figure 31. Average midslab deflections as a function of slab thickness.

"n" indicates number of tested panels
Average edge deflection, mils



n = 14 n = 22
n = 45

5.5" 6.25" 7.25"

Figure 32. Average edge deflections as a function of slab thickness.

20 "n" indicates number of tested

panels and existing slabs
Ex. slab next to new panel
New panel next to ex. slab
Average deflection, mils

New panel next to new panel


n=1 n=1 n=13 n=7 n=7 n=38 n=3 n=3 n=19

5.5" 6.25" 7.25"

Figure 33. Average joint deflections (approach) as a function of slab thickness.

20 "n" indicates number of tested
panels and existing slabs
Ex. slab next to new panel
New panel next to ex. slab
Average deflection, mils

New panel next to new panel


n=1 n=1 n=13 n=7 n=7 n=38 n=3 n=3 n=19

5.5" 6.25" 7.25"

Figure 34. Average joint deflections (leave) as a function of slab thickness.

Multiple performance evaluation surveys were conducted by CDOT personnel. The panel
distresses as classified by the CDOT inspectors are as follows:
TYPE I: Corner or tab of panel has a full-depth crack, however, the slab is still stable and
on grade.
TYPE II: Corner or tab of panel has a full-depth crack, and is experiencing minimal
vertical movement under load.
TYPE III: Corner or tab of panel has one or more working cracks and is experiencing
vertical movement under load.

The distribution of distress as reported by CDOT is as follows:

1. 85 percent (23 out of 27) of the panels that are 140 mm (5.5 in.) thick have at least one
tab that has failed or exhibits some level of distress.
2. 24 percent (23 out of 97) of the panels that are 160 mm (6.25 in.) thick have at least one
tab that has failed or exhibits some level of distress.
3. 3 percent (1 out of 30) of the panels that are 185 mm (7.25 in.) thick have at least one tab
that has failed or exhibits some level of distress.

The majority of these cracks were in the vicinity of the fiberglass stitches. A typical crack pattern
is illustrated in Figure 35.

Cracking with associated spalling

Fiberglass stitch



Figure 35. Typical crack patterns.

The possible reasons for this premature failure include nonuniform support in the vicinity of the
stitches resulting in tensile stresses at the top fibers of the panel; inadequate slab thickness to
carry the axle loads; and longer effective slab lengths due to joint ties.


Based on this experience the following recommendations are suggested for future precast panel
installations for full-depth repair of jointed concrete pavements:
1. Reduce the slab length.
2. Slab thicknesses less than 200 mm (8 in.) should not be used.
3. The precast panel should be connected to the existing panels through dowels to ensure
joint flexibility and load transfer.
4. Whenever possible, multi-tasking during the installation process should be encouraged to
reduce construction time. Construction and installation time can be positively impacted if
the repair locations are in close proximity of each other, allowing for the installation of
multiple panels under one traffic control setup.

Example of Field Data Sheet
Pre-cast Concrete Panel System for Full Depth Pavement Repairs

Field Data Sheets

Date: ________________


*Be sure to include mileposts or exit numbers


Cross-section details:

Slab thickness: ________________________

Base thickness and type: ________________________
Subbase thickness and type: ________________________
Subgrade type: ________________________

Pavement Type: JPCP or JRCP

Joint spacing: ___________________________

Shoulder type and width: ___________________________
AADT: ___________________________
%Commercial: ___________________________


Patch ID #: _____________________________________________________

Location: _____________________________________________________

*Record the extent and severity of the distress. Photograph ALL representative

Example distress types: Transverse and longitudinal cracking, spalling, faulting,

ASR, D-Cracking, corner cracks, pop-out, sealant damage, asphalt patches.

Construction Guidelines Presentation
Slide 1 This presentation is intended to provide
Precast Concrete Panel System guidance on the installation of precast
for Full Depth Pavement concrete panels as a full-depth repair
Repairs-Construction Guidelines alternative.

Federal Highway

Slide 2 The project was sponsored by the Federal

Acknowledgements Highway Administration under the Concrete
Pavement Technology Program Task 7.
Additional financial assistance was provided
The project team would like to acknowledge by the Michigan Department of Transportation,
the financial support of the Federal Highway which also provided the project sites along
Administration and the Michigan Department M-25 and I-675.
of Transportation.

Slide 3 The traditional practice of rehabilitating

Why use Fast Track Repairs? existing concrete pavements is an excellent
method to extend the remaining service life of
the overall network. However, increasing
traffic volumes and sensitivity to user delays
and costs have required pavement
construction and rehabilitation to be put on a
fast track as much as possible.

Slide 4 Potential Advantages of

Structural precast concrete elements have
Precast Panels been successfully used in the building and
bridge industry. Precast concrete elements are
9Minimize curling of the slab.
constructed under controlled curing conditions,
9Improved material properties.
resulting in improved short- and long-term
9Reduce traffic delays and user
durability properties. Since the panels are
9Improve construction uniformity.
cured under controlled conditions the
mechanical properties of the resulting
concrete are not compromised. Since multiple
slabs are fabricated at the same time, this
leads to uniformity of construction.

Slide 5 Typical Candidate
Typical distresses include (a) deteriorated
Distresses joints with asphalt cold patch (b) medium
severity mid panel cracking with associated
spalling, (c) high severity transverse cracking,
(a) (b)
and (d) deteriorated joint (sealant damage)
with associated spalling.

(c) (d)

Slide 6 Precast Panel Structural

Three 1.25 diameter dowels (10 thick slab)
Cluster of dowel bars or 1.5 diameter dowels (12 thick slab) are
1.25 or 1.5 in dia.,
spaced @ 12 on center Lift Hook placed at 12 on center along the wheel path.
This placement is very similar to dowel bar
retrofit construction. The mid panel
temperature steel is optional. The temperature
Precast Panel Existing 12
#5 epoxy
Slab steel consists of 3/8 steel bars placed at 6 on
Coated bar
center held together by ties. The panels
are 6 feet long and 12 feet wide.

Slide 7 Construction Sequence using

The construction process includes a variety of
HDP foam (typical) operations.
9 Offsite activities
Casting of the panels (precast or ready mix
Storage of fabricated precast panels.
9 Onsite activities
Documentation of distresses
Type, extent and severity levels
Slab (existing) demolition
Saw cutting of the repair boundaries
Saw cutting of dowel slot outlines in the existing panel
Removal of distressed panel

Slide 8 Construction Sequence

9Onsite activities, contd.
Initial cleaning of the base layer
Removal of debris
Dewatering (if needed)
Cutting (jack hammering) of dowel slots
to specification depth.
Final cleaning and grading of base layer.
Cleaning (pneumatic) and sand blasting
of dowel slots.

Slide 9 Construction Sequence
9 Onsite activities, contd.
Check base grade and elevation.
Transport precast panel to the repair site and
check initial panel alignment and elevation.
Conduct final adjustments.
Final placement of panel
Drill holes for the injection of HDP foam.
Inject HDP foam to stabilize and level the panel.
Grout dowel slots and lift hook holes.
Seal joints and open to traffic.

Slide 10 Fabrication of Precast Panels-

The precast panels can be fabricated at either
Offsite Activity a precast plant or a ready-mix concrete yard.
A series of slab forms are fabricated with the
appropriate joint and panel reinforcement.

Placement of panel steel Completed mold for

and dowel bars precast panels

Slide 11 Fabrication of Precast Panels-

It is recommended that fresh concrete
Offsite Activity property tests be performed. The mechanical
property tests should include flexural and
compressive strength tests.

Placement of fresh concrete Completed precast panel

Slide 12 Fabrication of Precast Panels-

It is recommended that the completed panels
Offsite Activity be textured and cured.

Surface texturing Concrete curing

Slide 13 Standard concrete paving mixture designs are
Typical PCC Mixture Design suitable for precast concrete fabrication.
Cement (type I): 500-650 lbs*
Water: 200-250 lbs
Coarse Agg: 1500-2000 lbs
Fine Agg: 1200-1400 lbs
Admixtures: AEA, WRA (if needed)
Target 28-day fc: 4000-6000 psi
Target slump: 1-3

*All weights are for 1 yd3 of concrete.

Slide 14 Installation of Precast Panels-

The slab removal boundaries are outlined and
On site activities saw cut. The limits of the pavement area to be
removed are sawed in the transverse

Saw-cutting of panel boundaries and dowel slots

Slide 15 Installation of Precast Panels-

Following the saw cutting operation, the lift
On site activities hooks are inserted and the distressed slabs
are removed using a front-end loader. During
this process, the outline for the dowel slots in
the adjacent panels is also cut.

Removal of distressed panel

Slide 16 Installation of Precast Panels-

It is recommended that the base be excavated
On site activities 1.5-2 below the bottom of the existing slab to
accommodate the precast panel. The base
should be cleaned and dewatered (if

Initial cleaning and grading of base course

Slide 17 Installation of Precast Panels-
The dowel slot cutting and preparation
On site activities includes (i) initial grooving to the required
depth with a concrete saw; (ii) jack hammering
of the concrete to carve out the dowel slot.

Jack hammering of dowel slots

Slide 18 Installation of Precast Panels-

The dowel slot preparation also includes (i) air
On site activities cleaning of dowel slot to remove debris and
any loose concrete pieces; and (ii) sand
blasting of the dowel slots. The dowel slots are
approximately 4 wide and 5.25 deep (base of
the slot cut).

Sandblasting of dowel slots

Slide 19 Installation of Precast Panels-

On site activities Precast
Existing Panel
Pavement Dowel slot Dowel bar


Flowable fill or HDP

Graded aggregate base

Schematic cross-section of the dowel assembly

Slide 20 Installation of Precast Panels-

The precast panels are transported from the
On site activities flat-bed truck to the excavation using a front-
end loader.

Placement of precast panel

Slide 21 Installation of Precast Panels-
A series (approximately 46 holes/panel) of
On site activities holes (5/8 in diameter) are drilled to inject the
foam. The polyurethane foam is made from
two liquid chemicals that combine under heat
to form a strong, lightweight, foam-like
substance. The chemical reaction between the
two materials causes the foam to expand and
fill the voids. According to the manufacturers
specification, the HDP foam sets in
approximately 15 minutes (approximately 90%
Elevation adjustment of precast panel using HDP foam
of full compressive strength), and the precast
panel is ready to carry load. For the purpose
of slab stabilization, the foam density is about
4 lbs/ft3 with a compressive strength range of
60 psi to 145 psi.
Slide 22 Installation of Precast Panels-
On site activities
The characteristics of the HDP foam are:
Setting time is approximately 15 minutes
to achieve 90% of full compressive
The foam density is about 4 lbs/ft3
The compressive strength ranges from
60-145 psi.
The injection port hole diameter is 5/8

Slide 23 Installation of Precast Panels-

Once the slab elevations are verified and
On site activities deemed acceptable, the dowel slots are
grouted and the joints are sealed.

Backfilling of dowel slots

Slide 24 Installation of Precast Panels-

On site activities

Completed precast panel

Slide 25 Construction Activity
Typical Timeline
Activity Description
A1 Slab demolition
Saw cutting of repair boundaries
Saw cutting of dowel outlines
Removal of distressed panel

A2 Initial cleaning of the exposed base layer

Removal debris
Dewatering (if needed)

A3 Cutting (jack hammering) of dowel slots

Saw cutting of repair boundaries
Saw cutting of dowel outlines
Removal of distressed panel

A4 Final cleaning and grading of the exposed base layer

Slide 26 Construction Activity

Typical Timeline, contd
Activity Description
A5 Air cleaning and sand blasting of dowel slots

A6 Transport, placement and alignment of precast panels

A7 Drill port holes and inject foam to support and align the
A8 Grout dowel slots, seal joints and open to traffic

Slide 27 Typical Timeline (I-675)-

Example Gantt Chart illustrating time taken to
Example complete installation of one panel.

Slide 28 Typical Timeline (M-25)-

Example Gantt Chart illustrating time to
Example complete the installation of two panels
(multitasking and overlapping of activities).

Slide 29 Construction Activity
Typical Timeline
Activity Time, Recommended Equipment
Code minutes (labor needs)
Concrete saw (1), front end loader (1
A1 60
A2 5 Nothing specific (2)
A3 20 Two Pnuematic jackhammers (2)
A4 15 Plate compactor (1)
A5 21 Sand blasting equipment (2)
Front end loader (1 operator), 3
A6 20
additional to guide the alignment
Drills and HDP injection equipment
A7 25
A8 26 Grout mixer (2)

Slide 30
Repair Effectiveness
9Measure joint widths along transverse
and longitudinal joints.
9Determine panel deflections using the
falling deflectometer (FWD)

Slide 31 Repair Effectiveness-

Photograph of a falling weight deflectometer
Structural (FWD).

Slide 32 Recommended FWD Test Load positions of the FWD to determine

Pattern structural effectiveness.
Approach Joint

5 6 7 8

Existing Existing
Slab Mid Slab Slab

1 2 3 4

1 = Approach OWP (BJT); 2 = Approach OWP (AJT) Leave Joint

3 = Leave OWP (BJT); 4 = Leave OWP (AJT)
5 = Approach IWP (BJT); 6 = Approach IWP (AJT)
7 = Leave IWP (BJT); 8 = Leave IWP (AJT)
9 = Edge

Slide 33 Repair Effectiveness-
9Data from locations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
and 8 can be used to determine
approach and leave load transfer
efficiencies (LTEs) along the wheel
paths. Unloaded side deflection

LTE (%) = 100
Loaded side deflection

Slide 34 Repair Effectiveness-

9Peak deflections from locations 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 can be compared with
the peak deflection at location 9. This
comparison gives information about
the uniformity (or lack of it) of

Sample Specification for Precast Full-Depth Concrete Pavement Repair


C&T:VTB 1 of 4 C&T:APPR:TH:JFS:12-19-02

a. Description. The work consists of fabricating and installing precast full-depth concrete pavement
repairs at locations shown on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer. All work shall be according to the
Standard Specifications for Construction and this special provision.

b. Materials. The concrete used in the fabrication of the precast panels shall be MDOT Grade P1
according to the Standard Specifications for Construction. The Engineer will provide the concrete mix
proportions based on the contractors materials selection.

The fabrication of the precast panels shall be done according to the special details included in this
special provision.

Prior to stripping the forms, the precast panels shall have a minimum flexural strength of 500 psi. The
precast panels shall have a 7 day continuous wet cure commencing immediately after final finishing with
all exposed surfaces covered. The precast panels shall have a minimum cure of 14 days prior to

The Contractor shall supply test data (slump, air voids, unit weight) for the fresh concrete, and flexural
and compressive strengths for the hardened concrete after 7, 14, and 28 days (if applicable).

Concrete patching materials used to backfill the slots shall be selected from the Qualified Products
List for Prepackaged Hydraulic Fast-Set Patching included in the Materials Source Guide. The patching
material shall be extended with aggregate, up to the maximum amount specified in the Qualified Products
List. If a curing compound is recommended by the manufacturer of the patching material, it shall be in
accordance with subsection 903.05 of the Standard Specifications for Construction.

The leveling material shall be a flowable fill. The Engineer will provide the mix design.

The aggregate used in the patching materials shall be a dry, clean, crushed 26A gradation
conforming to subsection 902.03 of the Standard Specifications for Construction, or equivalent as
approved by the Engineer.

c. Construction. All the saw cutting on the existing concrete pavement shall be done in accordance
with paragraph six of Section 603.03.B.1.b of the Standard Specifications for Construction. The
Contractor is responsible for insuring that the precast patch and dowels will properly align with the
removal area and the dowel bar slots.

The slots for the dowel bars shall be cut using a diamond-bladed saw machine. The machine shall be
capable of cutting a minimum of three slots simultaneously that are centered over the edge of the repair.
Three slots will be made in each wheel path. The bottom of the slots shall be have a minimum flat
distance of 10 inches into the existing concrete pavement.

Any loose concrete shall be vacuumed or removed from the slots and all surfaces shall be dry,
abrasive blast cleaned. Any exposed steel shall be blast cleaned to remove any rust or laitance.
Immediately prior to placement of the patching material, the slots shall be final cleaned with moisture-free,
oil-free compressed air having a minimum pressure of 90 psi.

The slot walls and bottom must be dry before placement of the patching material, unless otherwise
recommended by the manufacturer.

The patching material shall be mixed with a portable or mobile mixer. The patching material shall be
extended, by weight of the cement, with 26A aggregate up to a maximum extension rate as specified in
the Qualified Products List, and placed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The patching
material shall then be consolidated using a hand-held vibrator if recommended by the manufacturer. The
surface of each dowel-bar patch shall be finished flush with the surrounding concrete and cured
according to manufacturer's recommendations, even if diamond-grinding of the concrete surface is to
occur afterward.

The Engineer reserves the right to sample the patching material and conduct compressive strength
testing to verify that the mixture is meeting the requirements stated below.

Age of sample Minimum Compressive Strength (psi)

2 hrs. 2000
4 hrs. 2500
28 days 4500

The area where the precast patch is to be placed shall be excavated to a minimum of 12 inches
below the top of the existing concrete pavement and shall be free of all debris and standing water.

The existing granular base material shall be moistened just prior to the placement of the flowable fill
to prevent absorption of mix water into the underlying granular base material.

Flowable fill shall be placed in the excavated pavement area and leveled to the appropriate depth
below the top of the existing pavement to allow the precast panel to be placed level with the top of the
existing concrete pavement.

The width of the transverse joints between the precast panel and the existing pavement shall be
equal on both sides of the precast panel with a width of 3/4 inch 1/4 inch.

The smoothness of the roadway after placement of the precast pavement patches shall meet the
straightedge requirements in paragraph three of subsection 603.03.B.8 of the Standard Specifications for

Joint sealing shall be done in according to requirements specified for resealing transverse and
longitudinal pavement joints described in Section 603.03 of the Standard Specifications for Construction.

Patching of the lift holes shall be done using the same material used to back fill the dowel bars.

d. Opening to Traffic. Vehicular traffic shall not be permitted on the panel area until the prepackaged
hydraulic fast set material used to fill the dowel bar retrofit slots has attained the proper curing time and
compressive strength as specified by the product manufacturer.

e. Measurement and Payment.

Contract Item (Pay Item) Pay Unit

Precast Pavement Patch, 10 inch.................................................................................Each

Measurement for Precast Pavement Patch,10 inch is based on each in-place precast patch.

Payment for Precast Pavement Patch,10 inch includes all labor, equipment, and materials required
to remove, and dispose of the existing concrete in the patch area, cut and clean the dowel bar slots,
repair spalls, place the flowable fill, cast the precast patch, transport and install the precast patch, backfill
the dowel bar slots and lift holes with a concrete patching material, sealing the joints, and cure the backfill

ASTM International. Oct 1, 2004. ASTM D 1621 REV A: Standard Test Method for Compressive
Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

Bull, J. W. 1988. The Use of Precast Concrete Raft Units for Roads. Highways, vol. 56, no.
1936, London, England, U.K., April, pp. 3536.

Correa, A. L., and B. Wong. 2003. Concrete pavement rehabilitation guide for full-depth
repairs. Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-RC Atlanta 1/10-03 (5M), August.

Davids, Bill. 2003. EverFE Theory Manual. University of Maine, Orono.

FHWA. 1994. Accelerated Rigid Paving Techniques, State-of-the-Art Report, Special Project
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