Energy Policy: Hui-Kuan Tseng, Jy S. Wu, Xiaoshuai Liu
Energy Policy: Hui-Kuan Tseng, Jy S. Wu, Xiaoshuai Liu
Energy Policy
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Article history: This paper compares the economic and environmental benets of electric and hybrid electric vehicles
Received 9 July 2012 with that of conventional vehicles. Without tax credits, only the hybrids without plug-in incur lifetime
Accepted 6 June 2013 total costs equivalent to a conventional vehicle whereas the consumer affordability for all other vehicles
Available online 12 July 2013
is less encouraging and depends on changes in gasoline prices. With the provision of federal tax
Keywords: incentives, the lifetime total cost for all electric vehicle types that are driven for 120,000 miles over 12
Electric hybrid vehicles years was found to be generally affordable with no more than 5% higher in lifetime total cost than a
Lifecycle cost analysis conventional vehicle, except the hybrid electric plug-in equipped with a 35-mile electric driving range.
Environmental economics Results of sensitivity analysis reveal that a greater lifetime driven mileage would promote further overall
cost savings even at a greenhouse gas abatement cost as low as $42 per ton. Our study has demonstrated
the importance of an energy policy that includes tax credits to address the inadequacy of cost
differentials and consumer affordability. The environmental benets provided by the electric and hybrid
electric vehicles should satisfy consumers' interest in protecting the environment, reducing the
dependence on imported fossil fuels, and switching from traditional to alternative fuel vehicles.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction home and public electric charging stations nationwide. Such electric
chargers are necessary in order to achieve the stated US goal of putting
Fossil fuel reserves are estimated to last for only another 35 years; 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015.
that is to be depleted by the year 2045 (Shaee and Topal, 2009). Annual sales of electric-hybrid vehicles have grown from 1% of
Other estimates suggest that the conventional crude-oil production total sales in 2004 to 4.4% in 2011 in the United States. These
could be terminated by 2090 in the US, and the world's oil production vehicles did not, however, include the possibility of charging the
will be close to exhaustion by 2100 (Edwards, 1997). The US electric-hybrid vehicles by plugging in the vehicle to an external
transportation sector currently consumes 14 million barrels of crude electric outlet. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles only became avail-
oil per day, which amounts to 70% of the total domestic fuel able in the US automobile market in 2010 with sales of less than
consumption (US EIA, 2012). Electric vehicles are one possible method 400 cars; however, plug-ins were so popular that by 2011 more
to lengthen the available oil reserves. To that end and to lessen the than 17,700 were sold. Federal tax incentives have also played a
reliance of the US on oil imports, the US Secretary of Energy has role in improving consumer affordability, which is essential to
announced initiatives intended to subsidize the installation of both build a sustainable road transport system for the next 510 years.
Nonetheless, the economic feasibility and environmental impact of
a large-scale deployment of electric vehicles remains problematic.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 704 687 1240. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the economic
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.S. Wu). and environmental benets of electric-hybrids as compared to
0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
442 H.K. Tseng et al. / Energy Policy 61 (2013) 441447
conventional cars. This paper emphasizes an analysis of the impact cost must be carefully assessed to avoid overestimates of the life-
that tax incentives have upon consumer affordability for the next cycle cost for conventional ICEs. Constestabile et al. (2011) con-
510 years. A life-cycle cost analysis is used to determine the ducted a review of alternative fuel vehicles in terms of energy use,
lifetime total costs of ownership, energy consumption, and emis- GHG emissions, energy security, and environmental and economic
sion abatement. Relevant cost data for energy consumption, implications, and also a study to analyze the impact of different
environmental damage due to air emissions, and non-operating approaches and assumptions for alternative fuels and vehicles.
expenditures are obtained from the most currently published data The study employs a lifetime vehicle mileage of 109,000 miles
sources. Specically, the study attempts to answer the following (175,420 km) and a scrappage age of 13.2 years, as well as includes
three questions: projections for the year of 2030 by which time it is assumed that
all technologies would be fully developed and mass produced. The
What are the economic prospects for electric/hybrid vehicles in authors concluded that driving patterns and building different
the next 510 years? vehicle segments ought to be considered in the total-cost-
What is the impact of uncertainty in the lifetime costs that ownership analysis. Without these considerations, cost compar-
result from uctuations in energy prices? isons of alternative options are similar within the margin of error.
What are the environmental benets for electric vehicles? Previous studies tend to use different datasets and criteria,
making their results not likely to be comparable particularly for
assessing the consumer affordability of electric-hybrid vehicles.
There is a need to re-evaluate the lifetime cost analyses performed
2. Background by previous researchers (e.g. Lave and Maclean, 2002; Ogden et al.,
2004) as new energy policies and consumer awareness emerge.
Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are Our research intends to ll such an information gap by performing
more environmentally friendly transportation means with low the lifetime cost analysis using a consistent and reliable dataset
tailpipe emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHGs). that is available to the public. We also include tax incentives and
When compared to conventional internal combustion engines variability in driving patterns to determine the consumer afford-
(ICEs), EVs are rated by higher energy conversion efciency and ability of electric and electric-hybrid vehicles.
better running performance, but can be limited by short driving
range, long recharge time, high battery cost, and heavier curb
weights. Capital costs for battery electric powertrains are more 3. Data and methodology
costly than the conventional ICE powertrain. The battery cost was
predicted to drop signicantly by 2030 as battery technology 3.1. Vehicle types
improves (Offer et al., 2010). In comparison to HEVs, EVs may be
more advantageous provided the required electrical charge can be Our study includes representative electric vehicles of the 2012
obtained from renewable energy sources or with on-board elec- models: the Ford Focus Electric (EV), the Toyota Camry Hybrid LE
tricity generating operations (Granovskii et al., 2006). (HEV), the Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid with 15-mile electric
The plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) are very similar to driving range (PHEV15), and the Chevy Volt Plug-in Hybrid with
the regular HEVs and include an internal battery pack to be 35-mile electric driving range (PHEV35). The 2012 Toyota Camry
plugged into an electrical outlet for extending traveling mileage LE is the chosen conventional vehicle (CV) used for comparison
and, at the same, decrease GHG emission. PHEVs are believed to be purposes.
the competitive electric-car technology in the multipurpose vehi- The Ford Focus Electric is powered by a lithium-ion battery that
cle eld (Bento, 2010). PHEVs are competitive when driving longer can be fully charged with a 240-V charging station in less than
distances on electricity and/or if the cost of batteries are reduced 12 h. The Toyota Camry Hybrid LE includes a 2.5-liter 4-cylinder
signicantly (Oscar et al., 2010). A single overnight charge that engine, a 105-kW electric motor, and a 245-V battery pack of
provides 80% of the total driving miles using a domestic power nickelmetal hybrid modules. The Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid
supply requires the least effort to upgrade the electricity network. (PHEV15) is a parallel-hybrid powertrain design with a 1.8-liter 4-
Hybrid electric vehicles, such as the 2001 Toyota Prius, was cylinder engine, and it uses a 4.4-kWh lithium-ion battery pack
shown to be less cost-effective in improving fuel economy or that can be fully charged in three hours from a household 110-V
lowering emissions unless the gasoline price increased to a real outlet or half of its normal charging time using a 220-V plug.
price of about $3.60 per gallon (Lave and Maclean, 2002). The Chevy Volt (PHEV35) includes a 16-kWh liquid-cooled
In addition, the societal cost for abating tailpipe emissions ought lithium-ion battery pack and a 1.4-liter/84-HP in-line 4-cylinder
to be 14 times greater than conventional values, or the cost of internal-combustion range extender that takes over when battery
abating GHG exceeded $217 per ton. This 2002 analysis, which power is at a low level. The battery pack takes a longer time
assumed a driving distance of 250,000 km (155,000 miles) spread- (1012 h) to be replenished using a standard 110-V outlet, but the
ing uniformly over 14 years, apparently exaggerated the pollution charging time can be reduced to 34 h using a 240-V dedicated
abatement costs in order to break even between fuel savings and unit. The Volt can be operated in normal, sport, and mountain
the price premium. As a result, the consumer market for HEVs has driving modes. The Toyota Camry LE runs on a 2.5-liter 4-cylinder
not been observed to greatly improve when the gasoline price was engine with a fuel efciency of 26 mpg-city and 35 mpg-highway.
$3.60 per gallon in 2012. Table 1 summarizes the specic features and characteristics of
Ogden et al. (2004) incorporated environmental and oil inse- each vehicle type. All of these vehicles can be classied as compact
curity externalities to demonstrate that vehicles equipped with family cars based on their curb weights, ranging from 3165 to 3781
advanced internal combustion engines or adopting hybrid electric pounds (14361715 kg). Conventional and electric hybrid cars
options could be lower in life-cycle cost than conventional ICEs for without plug-in are generally priced at $22,500 for CV and
driving at 12,000 miles/year over 10 years. The insecurity cost was $25,900 for HEV. Electric hybrid cars with plug-in are listed at
valued at $0.35$1.05 per gallon of gasoline-equivalent, based on $32,000 with shorter driving distance on electric mode (PHEV15)
military expenditures needed for retaining access to the Persian and about $40,000 with an extended driving range (PHEV35).
Gulf oil resources. As the current energy policy is calling for Electric cars (EVs) running solely on battery are priced around
diversication of oil-importing sources, this so-called insecurity $39,000. With federal tax credits, the owner prices for PHEV15,
H.-K. Tseng et al. / Energy Policy 61 (2013) 441447 443
Table 1 (c) The PHEV15 requires 5.4 kWh per charge cycle (120 V
Features and prices for selected vehicle typesa. 15 amps 3 h) or a fuel economy of 2.78 miles per kWh
(15 miles per charge C 5.4 kWh). A daily charge is required
Vehicle Curb Retail After tax Fuel Driving Tank Horse for the rst 15 miles and the remaining 12 miles would run on
type weight price. creditb, efciency,c range volume power
(lbs) 2012$ 2012$ (mpg/ (miles) (gal) (HP)
gasoline. The lifetime mileage for the vehicle running on
mpge) electric mode is then 65,700 miles (15 miles/day 365 days/
year 12 years) and the associated energy consumption is
CV 3190 22,500 22,500 30 532 17 178 65,700 milesC2.78 miles/kWh or 23,652 kWh. Lifetime gaso-
HEV 3417 25,900 25,900 41 697 17 200
line consumption is calculated as (120,00065,700)
PHEV15 3165 32,000 29,500 50/87 530 10.6 134
PHEV35 3781 39,995 32,495 37/94 375 9.3 149 C50 miles/gal 1086 gal.
EV 3624 39,200 31,700 100 100 0 123 (d) The PHEV35 is charged once every other day. Similar calcula-
tions for PHEV35 yield a fuel economy of 2.71 miles per kWh,
Sale prices are in 2012 dollars and specications were obtained from and a lifetime energy consumption of 28,251 kWh and
manufacturer's website on May 01, 2012.
Federal tax credits are $2,500 (PHEV15) and $7500 (PHEV35 and EV).
1172 gal of gasoline.
mpg miles per gallon, mpge miles per gallon equivalent; combined mile-
age is based on 45% highway and 55% city driving. After determining the lifetime energy consumptions, we then
calculate the lifetime energy costs using the unit energy cost
indexes provided by Offer et al. (2011). The optimistic and mid-
Table 2 range prices for gasoline and electricity are $3.00$4.50 per gallon
Non-operating cost (in 2010 dollars)a. and $0.10$0.24 per kWh, respectively. The pessimistic prices are
$6.00 per gallon for gasoline and $0.37 per kWh for electricity. The
Vehicle type Maintenance Home charging station Total
nationwide average price for gasoline is currently at $3.68 per
CV 4380 0 4380 gallon, and electric power is $0.13 per kWh. The price range
HEV 3962 0 3962 denoted optimistic and mid-range adequately represents the
PHEV15 3235 1200 4435 current energy costs for gasoline and electricity, which can be
PHEV35 3235 2400 5635
EV 2332 2400 4732
viewed as the current or immediate future energy cost scenarios.
The pessimistic price is viewed as the future cost scenario for the
Assuming zero ination rate between 2010 and 2012 dollars. next 510 years.
The lifetime energy cost for the different classes of vehicles is
PHEV35, and EV can be reduced to around $30,000. No federal tax presented in Table 3. Lifetime energy costs are found by multi-
credit is available for CV and HEV. plying the energy consumptions calculated above by the respec-
As a baseline scenario, the lifetime mileage for each vehicle tive unit energy cost index. Consequently, we can combine the
type is assumed to be 120,000 miles (193,120 km), or 10,000 miles vehicle prices (Table 1), non-operating costs (Table 2) and the
(16,090 km) per year for 12 years, or 27 miles (43 km) per day. lifetime energy consumption costs (Table 3) to derive the lifetime
The US Federal Highway Administration posted the age-weighted consumer ownership costs as summarized in Table 4. Table 4 also
annual driving mileage of 13,476 miles (21,688 km) per driver includes a cost ratio to compare alternative fuel vehicles with
(760015,300 miles per driver) in 2011. The average age of cars respect to conventional vehicles. Alternative fuel vehicles are more
on US roads was up from 10.6 years in 2010 to 10.8 years in 2011. cost attractive than conventional vehicles if this ratio is less
Ogden et al. (2004) employed a lifetime mileage of 120,000 miles than one.
(193,120 km) over 10 years. We follow Ogden's criterion of
120,000 miles (193,120 km) because the use of electric-hybrid 3.3. Societal and environmental cost
vehicles may be limited by its current battery capacity.
However, we also increase the lifetime mileage to 150,000 miles The lifetime emission cost of a car includes three major emission
(241,400 km) to determine if cost estimates are sensitive to these sources including (1) upstream production of car components and
assumptions. Under the baseline scenario, the non-operating cost disposal, (2) tailpipe exhaust, and (3) upstream energy production.
for scheduled maintenance can be derived from Michalek et al. The sum of these three categories of emission costs is also referred
(2011), as summarized in Table 2. to as the lifetime societal and environmental cost.
The US Department of Energy (2010) initiated the full-cycle
3.2. Energy consumption and cost analysis for energy use and GHG emission. The Department funded
the Argonne National Laboratory to develop a computer model for
This paper makes the following assumptions to estimate the Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions and Energy Use in Trans-
lifetime energy consumption for vehicle operation and the asso- portation (GREET). The model considers the efciency of upstream
ciated costs. These assumptions are comparable to criteria con- processes for differing fuel cycles including a gasoline vehicle that
sidered by other researchers. uses its fuel on-board and an electric vehicle that burns its fuel off-
board. The GREET model can be used to estimate emission factors
(a) Under the baseline scenario, the lifetime energy consumptions associated with upstream production of vehicle components;
for the CV and HEV can be obtained by dividing 120,000 miles
by their respective fuel efciency, resulting in 4000 gal (CV) Table 3
and 2927 gal of gasoline (HEV) consumptions. Lifetime energy consumption cost (2012 dollars).
(b) Power consumption for the EV is 25.2 kWh per charge cycle
Vehicle type Optimistic Mid-range Pessimistic
(240 V 20 A 3.5 h). With a driving range of 100 miles per
charge, a fully charged EV can sustain a daily driving of 27 miles CV 12,000 18,000 24,000
for three consecutive days before recharge. For practical purpose, HEV 8780 13,171 17,561
the battery needs to be charged once every 3rd day. Over a 12- PHEV15 5623 10,563 15,267
PHEV35 6340 12,053 17,483
year period, the lifetime energy consumption is 25.2 kWh 365 EV 3679 8830 13,613
days/yrC3 days 12 years36,792 kWh.
444 H.K. Tseng et al. / Energy Policy 61 (2013) 441447
Table 4
Lifetime customer ownership cost (2012 dollars).
Vehicle type Optimistic Mid-range Pessimistic Cost ratio Optimistic Mid-range Pessimistic
Ownership costs inside parenthesis are after federal tax credits.
Table 10
Lifetime total cost (ownership+emission) (2012 dollars).
Lifetime total costs inside parenthesis are after federal tax credits.
CV 13 87
1.05 HEV 11 89
PHEV15 50 50
1.00 PHEV35 53 47
EV 61 39
0 50 100 150 200 250
The EV is about 1819% higher but can be as low as 16% as the
GHG Abatement Cost, $/ton
gasoline price increases to $6.00 per gallon. Interestingly, with
federal tax credits, the lifetime total cost for all vehicles is
Fig. 1. Sensitivity of Lifetime Total Cost versus GHG Abatement Cost generally affordable with no more than 5% higher than a CV, with
(120,000 miles, 12 years, with tax credits).
the exception of PHEV35 which remains around 1112% higher.
Results of the sensitivity analysis reveal that, under the current
vehicle and battery features and the available tax credits, a greater
1.20 lifetime driven mileage would promote further overall cost savings
Cost Ratio Relative to CV
1.15 for EV, HEV, and PHEV15 even at a GHG abatement cost that
1.10 is as low as $42 per ton. The cost savings continue to improve as
1.05 the GHG abatement cost increases. Under the scenario of
1.00 120,000 miles, the PHEV35 would not be competitive with CVs
for all ranges of the GHG abatement cost. The PHEV15 starts to be
competitive with CVs at a cost break of about $70/ton GHG. Under
the scenario of 150,000 miles, the PHEV35 starts to be compatible
with CVs at a break point of about $125/ton GHG.
0 50 100 150 200 250
GHG Abatement Cost, $/ton
6. Conclusion
Fig. 2. Sensitivity of Lifetime Total Cost versus GHG Abatement Cost
(150,000 miles, 10 years, with tax credits).
A life-cycle cost analysis has been conducted to determine the
economic and environmental implications of building a sustainable
emission only accounts for 1113% of the total cost. In contrast, the transport system for the next 510 years. This system is expected to
PHEVs and EVs exhibit a signicant cost proportions for the energy serve as the stepping stone leading to a gradual switching from
source emission implying that although these vehicles are less traditional to alternative fuel sources and/or an improvement in fuel
polluting the environment while operating on roads, they may efciency and performance over gasoline/diesel fueled automobiles.
cause a great concern from their energy source emissions depend- The analysis was based on comparing representative 2012 vehicle
ing on how the required energy is being generated. Overall, when types (conventional, hybrid with and without plug-in, and electric)
compared to CVs, the lifetime emission costs for HEVs are 911% using the market price information, and the latest published cost
lower (Table 9). The lifetime emission costs for EVs and PHEVs are data for energy consumption and emission mitigation. Results of our
generally 2227% lower (optimistic), 220% higher (mid-range), analysis are substantiated by the use of an open-source and highly
and 2859% higher (pessimistic). reliable database from the US government sponsored research.
The life-cycle cost analysis without tax credits indicates that Our study has revealed the importance of tax credits to address
HEVs and CVs have an equivalent lifetime total cost, which differs the inadequacy of cost differentials. Without tax credits, only the
by about 17% (Table 10). The PHEV15 is about 56% higher than a HEVs have lifetime total costs equivalent to a CV differing by about
CV under the optimistic/mid-range scenario, but as the gas price 17%. The consumer affordability for other alternative fuel vehicles
goes up to $6.00 per gallon, the cost differentials could be reduced is less encouraging and depends on changes in gasoline prices.
to around 3% higher. The PHEV35 is about 2428% higher but With tax credits, electric and hybrid electric vehicles could be
would reduce to 25% as the gas price goes up to $6.00 per gallon. affordable and attain similar lifetime total costs as compared to
H.-K. Tseng et al. / Energy Policy 61 (2013) 441447 447
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