Chapter 14 (Oral Presentation)

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Oral presentation

Usually organizations (and instructors in classes) require about a 20-minute oral presentation of
the research project, followed by a question and answer session. The oral presentation calls for
considerable planning. Imagine a study that spanned several months having to be presented in 20
minutes to a live audience! Those who have not read the report at all, or at best only superficially,
have to be convinced that the recommendations made therein will indeed prove to be beneficial to
the organization. All this will have to be effectively accomplished in the matter of a few minutes.

The challenge is to present the important aspects of the study so as to hold the interest of the
audience, while still providing statistical and quantitative information, which may drive many to
ennui/bored. Different stimuli (overheads, slides, charts, pictorial and tabular depiction, etc.) have to
be creatively provided to the audience to consistently sustain their interest throughout the
presentation. To make all this possible, time and effort have to be expended in planning,
organizing, and rehearsing the presentation.

Slides, overheads, charts, graphs, handouts - all in large, bold print, and preferably in multiple colors
- help the presenter to sustain the interest of the audience. They also help the presenter discuss and
explain the research project coherently, without reading from prepared notes.

Factors irrelevant to the written report, such as dress, mannerisms, gestures, voice modulation, and
the like, take on added importance in oral presentations. Speaking audibly, clearly, without
distracting mannerisms, and at the right speed for the audience to comprehend is vital for holding
their attention. Varying the length of the sentences, establishing eye contact, tone variations, voice
modulation, and the rate of flow of information make all the difference to audience receptivity. Use
of 3 x 5 cards for orderly presentation helps smooth transitions during the presentation. Thus, the
contents of the presentation and the style of delivery should both be planned in detail.

Deciding on the content

Because a lot of material has to be covered in perhaps a 20-minute presentation, it becomes
necessary to decide on the points to focus on and the importance to be given to each.
Remembering that the listener absorbs only a small proportion of all that he or she has heard, it is
important to determine what the presenter would like the listener to walk away with, and then
organize the presentation accordingly.

Obviously, the problem investigated, the results found, the conclusions drawn, the
recommendations made, and the ways in which they can be implemented are of vital interest to
organizational members, and need to be emphasized during the presentation. The design aspects
of the study, details of the sample, data collection methods, details of data analysis, and the like, can
be mentioned in passing to be picked up at the question and answer session by interested members.

However, depending on the type of audience, it may become necessary to put more stress on the
data analytic aspects. For example, if the presentation is being made to a group of statisticians in
the company, or in a research methods class, the data analyses and results will receive more time
than if the project is being presented to a group of managers whose main interest lies in the solution
to the problem and implementation of the recommendations. Thus, the time and attention devoted
to the various components of the study will require adjustment, depending on the audience.
Visual aids
Graphs, charts, and tables help to drive home the points one wishes to make much faster and more
effectively, true to the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words. Visual aids provide a
captivating sensory stimulus that sustains the attention of the audience. Modern PowerPoint
technology makes it possible for color graphics to be produced on personal computers and projected
onto a screen. Slides, transparencies, flip charts, the chalkboard, and handout materials also help the
audience to easily follow the points of the speaker's focus. The selection of specific visual modes of
presentation will depend, among other things, on the size of the room, the availability of a good
screen for projection, and the cost constraints of developing sophisticated visuals. All visuals
should be produced with an eye on easy visibility from the far end of the presentation hall. Large,
easily readable visuals that are properly labeled in big size bold letters help the audience to focus on
the presentation. Visuals that present side-by-side comparisons of the existing and would-be state
of affairs via graphs or pie charts drive home the points made much more forcefully than
elaborate and laborious verbal explanations.

Integrated multimedia presentations using PowerPoint, CD-ROMs, and other visuals are quite
common in this technological age. Digital whiteboards facilitate digital storage of intricate diagrams
that can be used in conjunction with electronic projective systems to serve as electronic flipcharts.
When planning a presentation using PowerPoint or integrated multimedia, it is important to
ensure before the presentation starts that the related equipment is properly hooked up and
tested so that the presentation can go smoothly without interruptions.

The presenter
An effective presentation is also a function of how "unstressed" the presenter is. The speaker should
establish eye contact with the audience, speak audibly and understandably, and be sensitive to
the nonverbal reactions of the audience. Strict adherence to the time frame and concentration on
the points of interest to the audience are critical aspects of presentation. A display of extreme
nervousness throughout the presentation, stumbling for words, fumbling with the notes or
audiovisuals, speaking inaudibly and/or with distracting mannerisms, straying away from the main
focus of the study, and exceeding the time limit all detract from effectiveness. One should also not
minimize the importance of the impression created on the audience by dress, posture, bearing,
and the confidence with which one carries oneself. Such simple things as covering the materials on
the visuals until they need to be exhibited, and voice modulation, help to focus the attention of
the audience on the discussion.

The presentation
The opening remarks set the stage for riveting the attention of the audience. Certain aspects such
as the problem investigated, the findings, the conclusions drawn, the recommendations made and
their implementation are, as previously mentioned, important aspects of the presentation. The
speaker should drive home these points at least three times - once in the beginning, again when
each of these areas is covered, and finally, while summarizing and bringing the presentation to a

Handling questions
Concentrated and continuous research on the research topic over a considerable period of time
indisputably makes the presenter more knowledgeable about the project than anyone else in the
audience. Hence, it is not difficult to handle questions from the members with confidence and poise.
It is important to be nondefensive when questions are posed that seemingly find fault with some
aspect of the research. Openness to suggestions also helps, as the audience might, at times, come
up with some excellent ideas or recommendations that the researcher might not have thought of.
Such ideas must always be acknowledged graciously. If a question or a suggestion from a member in
the audience happens to be flawed, it is best addressed in anonjudgmental fashion.

The question and answer session, when handled well, leaves the audience with a sense of
involvement and satisfaction. Questioning should be encouraged and responded to with care. This
interactive question and answer session offers an exciting experience both to the audience and to
the presenter.

As may be readily seen, a 20-minute presentation and a short question and answer session
thereafter do call for substantial planning, anticipation of audience concerns, psychological
preparedness, and good impression management skills.

Reporting has to be done in an honest and straightforward manner. It is unethical to fail to report
findings that are unpalatable to the sponsors or that reflect poorly on management. As suggested
earlier, it is possible to be tactful in presenting such findings without withholding or distorting
information to please the sponsors. Internal researchers, in particular, will have to find ways of
presenting unpopular information in a tactful manner. It is also important to state the limitations of
the study - and practically every study has some limitation - so that the audience is not misled.

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