IJREI - Fabrication and Analysis of Spring Testing Machine
IJREI - Fabrication and Analysis of Spring Testing Machine
IJREI - Fabrication and Analysis of Spring Testing Machine
The helical spring is the most common element that has been used in automobile industries. In this work the spring constant
and deflection of the spring at different loads have been calculated. A closed coil helical spring is used for calculating tension
and open coil helical spring is used for compression. The component used for the fabrication of the spring testing machine
are frame, hydraulic, spring weighing machine, open coiled and closed coiled helical spring etc. In this machine the combined
testing of both tension and compression can be done. The data obtained from the machine the compared with the manually
calculated data and all the result obtained are in good agreement. 2016 ijrei.com. All rights reserved
Key words: Helical Tension spring, Deflection, Spring Constant, Loads
1. Introduction
The appropriate equations determining the effectiveness of components is variable amplitude and multi axial. In this
dynamic stress reduction in resonant conditions as a study a general methodology for life prediction of
function of coating parameters were derived. It was proved elastomeric components under these typical loading
that rubber coating will not perform in satisfactory manner conditions was developed and illustrated for a passenger
due to its low modulus of elasticity in shear. It was also vehicle cradle mount. Crack initiation life prediction was
demonstrated that about resonance areas of increased performed using different damage criteria. The
stresses are wider and wider along with the successive methodology was validated with component testing under
resonances and achieve significant values even at large different loading conditions including constant and variable
distances from the resonance frequencies [1]. Long-term amplitude in-phase and out-of-phase axialtorsion
fatigue tests on shot peened helical compression springs experiments. The optimum method for crack initiation life
were conducted by means of a special spring fatigue testing prediction for complex multiaxial variable amplitude
machine at 40 Hz. Test springs were made of three different loading was found to be a critical plane approach based on
spring materials oil hardened and tempered SiCr- and maximum normal strain plane and damage quantification by
SiCrV-alloyed valve spring steel and stainless-steel. With a cracking energy density on that plane. Rain flow cycle
special test strategy in a test run, up to 500 springs with a counting method and Miners linear damage rule were used
wire diameter of d = 3.0 mm or 900 springs with d = 1.6 mm for predicting fatigue life under variable amplitude loadings
were tested simultaneously at different stress levels. Based [3]. Very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) properties of newly
on fatigue investigations of springs with d = 3.0 mm up to a developed clean spring steel were experimentally examined
number of cycles N = 109 an analysis was done after the test under rotating bending and axial loading. As a result, this
was continued to N = 1.5x109 and their results were steel represents the duplex SN property only for surface-
compared. The influence of different shot peening induced failure under rotating bending, whereas it represents
conditions were investigated in springs with d = 1.6 mm. the single SN property for surface-induced failure and
Fractured test springs were examined under optical interior inhomogeneous micro structure induced failure
microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and by under axial loading. The surface morphology of the interior
means of metallographic micro sections in order to analyze inhomogeneous microstructure with distinct plastic
the fracture behavior and the failure mechanisms [2]. deformation is much rougher than that of the ambient
Elastomeric components have wide usage in many matrix, which means the stress concentration resulted from
industries. The typical service loading for most of these the strain inconsistency between the micro structural in
homogeneity as soft phase and the ambient matrix as hard control and the tension control. Experimental results show
phase plays a key role in causing interior crack initiation [4]. that the tension control system is well-qualified with high
A 3D geometric modelling of a twin helical spring and its control precision [8].An adjustable-stiffness actuator
finite element analysis to study the spring mechanical composed of two antagonistic non-linear springs is
behavior under tensile axial loading. The spiraled shape proposed in this paper. The elastic device consists of two
graphic design is achieved through the use of Computer pairs of leaf springs working in bending conditions under
Aided Design (CAD) tools, of which a finite element model large displacements. Owing to this geometric non-linearity,
is generated. Thus, a 3D 18-dof pentaedric elements are the global stiffness of the actuator can be adjusted by
employed to discrete the complex wired-shape of the modifying the shape of the leaf springs. A mathematical
spring, allowing the analysis of the mechanical response of model has been developed in order to predict the mechanical
the twin spiraled helical spring under an axial load. The behavior of our proposal. The non-linear differential
study provides a clear match between the evolution of the equation derived from the model is solved, obtaining large
theoretical and the numerical tensile and compression stiffness variations [9]. The characterization of vibration-
normal stresses, being of sinusoidal behavior. On the other fatigue strength is one of the key parts of mechanical design.
hand, the minimum stress level is located in the center of the It is closely related to structural dynamics, which is
filament cross section [5]. The paper gives an overview of generally studied in the frequency domain, particularly
the present state of research on fatigue strength and failure when working with vibratory loads. Fatigue-life estimation
mechanisms at very high number of cycles (Nf > 107). in the frequency domain can therefore prove advantageous
Testing facilities are listed. A classification of materials with respect to a time-domain estimation, especially when
with typical SN curves and influencing factors like taking into consideration the significant performance gains
notches, residual stresses and environment are given. it offers, regarding numerical computations. Several
Different failure mechanisms which occur especially in the frequency-domain methods for a vibration-fatigue-life
VHCF-region like subsurface failure are explained. There estimation have been developed based on numerically
micro structural in homogeneities and statistical conditions simulated signals. This research focuses on a comparison of
play an important role. A double SN curve is suggested to different frequency-domain methods with respect to real
describe fatigue behavior considering different failure experiments that are typical in structural dynamics and the
mechanisms. Investigated materials are different metals automotive industry. The methods researched are:
with body-centered cubic lattice like low- or high strength WirschingLight, the a0.75 method, the experimental
steels and quenched and tempered steels but also materials comparison researches the resistance to close-modes, to
with a face-centered cubic lattice like aluminum alloys and increased background noise, to the influence of spectral
copper [6]. Ever since high-strength steels were found to fail width, and multi-vibration-mode influences. Additionally,
below the traditional fatigue limit when loaded with more typical vibration profiles in the automotive industry are also
than 108 cycles, the investigation of metals and alloys very researched. For the experiment an electro-dynamic shaker
high cycle fatigue properties has received increased with a vibration controller was used. The reference-life
attention. A lot of research was invested in developing estimation is the rain flow- counting method with the
methods and machinery to reduce testing times. This PalmgrenMiner summation rule [10]. High strength steel
overview outlines the principles and testing procedures of grade 51CrV4 in thermo-mechanical treated condition is
very high cycle fatigue tests and reports findings in the areas used as bending parabolic spring of heavy vehicles. Several
of crack formation, non-propagating small cracks, long investigations show that fatigue threshold for very high
crack propagation and thresholds. Furthermore, cycle fatigue depends on inclusions size and material
superimposed and variable amplitude loading as well as hardness. In order to determine allowed size of inclusions in
frequency effects are reported [7]. A stranded wire helical springs steel the Murakami's and Chapetti's model have
spring (SWHS) is a unique cylindrically helical spring, been used. The stress loading limit regarding to inclusion
which is reeled by a strand that is formed of 216 wires. In size and applied stress has been determine for loading ratio
this paper, a parametric modelling method and the R=-1 in form of S-N curves. Experimental results and
corresponding 3D model of a closed-end SWHS are prediction of S-N curve by model for given size of inclusion
presented based on the forming principle of the spring. By and R ratio show very good agreement. Pre-stressing and
utilizing a PC + PLC based model as the motion control shot-penning cause higher compress stress magnitude and
system, a prototype machine tool is designed and consequently change of loading ratio to more negative value
constructed, which improves the manufacturing of the and additionally extended life time of spring [11]. A spring
SWHS. Via the commercial CAD package Pro/Engineering, is basically an elastic body whose purpose is to detect or
numerical simulation is carried out to test the validity of the distort under loading conditions and consequently store
parametric modeling method and the performance of the energy and release it slowly or rapidly depending on the
machine tool. The scheme of the tension control system is particular application. In 1932, Lucien Lacoste invented the
analyzed and the control mechanism is set up, which have zero-length spring. A zero length spring has a physical
achieved the constant tension of each wire. A human length equal to its stretched length. Its force is proportional
machine interface is also proposed to achieve the motion to its entire length, not just the stretched length and is
Rahul et al/ International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI), vol 1, issue 1 (May-2017), 34-39
therefore constant over the range of flexures in which the by a specific failure mode known as lateral wire buckling
spring is elastic [12]. Springs are usually made from alloys occurring in the tensile armor layers of flexible pipes. The
of steel. Extension and compression springs are literally on tensile armor is usually constituted by two layers of initially
opposite sides of the spring spectrum. Extension springs are helically wound steel wires with opposite lay directions.
used primarily to hold two components together, while During pipe laying in ultra-deep waters, a flexible pipe
compression springs are best for keeping components from experiences repeated bending cycles and longitudinal
meeting one another. Both employ a coil design for compression [18]. An automotive suspension system is
elasticity and strength, but they work under two different designed to provide both safety and comfort for the vehicle
principles of elastic potential energy. Torsion spring provide occupants. In this study, finite element models were
torque around the axis of the helix, rather than a force in line developed to optimize the material and geometry of the
with the axis of the helix, as in compression and extension composite elliptical spring based on the spring rate, log life
springs [13]. Hookes law of elasticity is an approximation and shear stress parameters. The influence of the ellipticity
which state that the amount by which a material body is ratio on the performance of woven rovingwrapped
deformed (strain) is linearly related to the force causing the composite elliptical springs was investigated both
deformation (stress). The materials for which Hookes law experimentally and numerically. The study demonstrated
is a useful approximation are known as linear- elastic or that composite elliptical springs can be used for light and
Hookean materials. For systems that obey Hookes law, heavy trucks with substantial weight reduction. The results
the extension, x produced is proportional to the load [14]. showed that the ellipticity ratio significantly influenced the
There are three basic principles in spring design: The design parameters. Composite elliptic springs with
heavier the wire, the stronger the spring, the smaller the coil, ellipticity ratios of a/b = 2 had the optimum spring
the stronger the spring and the more active the coils, the less parameters [19]. Long-term fatigue tests on shot penned
load you will have to apply in order to get it to move a helical compression springs were conducted by means of a
certain distance [15]. Hydraulic refers to pressurized fluid, special spring fatigue testing machine at 40 Hz. Test springs
which can be oil, water or other liquids. It employs these to were made of three different spring materials oil hardened
transmit energy from an energy generating source to areas and tempered SiCr and SiCrV-alloyed valve spring steel and
where it is needed. In general, any application that requires stainless steel. With a special test strategy in a test run, up
a large force to be applied smoothly by small linear or rotary to 500 springs with a wire diameter of d = 3.0 mm or 900
displacement unit (actuator) needs hydraulic and powered springs with d = 1.6 mm were tested simultaneously at
fluid technology. Pump converts mechanical energy into different stress levels. Based on fatigue investigations of
hydraulic energy [16]. The pseudo elastic response of shape springs with d = 3.0 mm up to a number of cycles N = 10 9
memory alloy (SMA) helical springs under axial force is an analysis was done after the test was continued to N =
studied both analytically and numerically. In the analytical 1.5x109 and their results were compared. The influence of
solution two different approximations are considered. In the different shot peening conditions were investigated in
first approximation, both the curvature and pitch effects are springs with d = 1.6 mm. Fractured test springs were
assumed to be negligible. This is the case for helical springs examined under optical microscope, scanning electron
with large ratios of mean coil radius to the cross sectional microscope (SEM) and by means of metallographic micro
radius (spring index) and small pitch angles. Using this sections in order to analyze the fracture behavior and the
assumption, analysis of the helical spring is reduced to that failure mechanisms. The paper includes a comparison of the
of the pure torsion of a straight bar with circular cross results of the different spring sizes, materials, number of
section. A three dimensional phenomenological cycles and shot peening conditions and outlines further
macroscopic constitutive model for polycrystalline SMAs is investigations in the VHCF-region [20, 21]. A pioneering
reduced to the one-dimensional pure shear case and a theory for the description of the maximum bending and
closed-form solution for torsional response of SMA bars in shear stresses on spring coils. He was the first to realize that
loading and unloading is obtained. In the next step, the the standard formulas for deflection and force exerted by
curvature effect is included and the SMA helical spring is springs were inaccurate because the stress distribution in the
analyzed using the exact solution presented for torsion of spring, due to pure torsion, did not have a linear relationship
curved SMA bars [17]. This paper is a discussion about with the distance from the wire axis to the spring fiber. The
automotive suspension coil springs, their fundamental stress so called Ro-ever effect indicates that additional stresses
distribution, materials characteristic, manufacturing and appear due to the curvature, coil pitch angle and wire cross
common failures. An in depth discussion on the parameters section, and a stress correction factor must be applied [22].
influencing the quality of coil springs is also presented. A stress correction factor to take into account those
Following the trend of the auto industry to continuously additional stresses using torsion theory and carried out tests
achieve weight reduction, coil springs are not exempt. A that were in good agreement with the values theoretically
consequence of the weight reduction effort is the need to predicted[23]. A new correction factor that included the
employ spring materials with significantly larger stresses displacement of the actual center of rotation of the fibers
compared to similar designs decades ago. Utilizing a higher from the geometrical center of the cross section, carrying
strength of steel possesses both advantages and motivated out tests to confirm his predictions [24]. Control to the
Rahul et al/ International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI), vol 1, issue 1 (May-2017), 34-39
2. Problem Description
In this work the spring constant and deflection of the spring
at different loads have been calculated. A closed coil helical
spring is used for calculating tension and open coil helical
spring is used for compression. The component used for the (b)
fabrication of the spring testing machine are frame, Figure 1. (a) Machine before completion, (b) Machine after
hydraulic, spring weighing machine, open coiled and closed completion.
coiled helical spring etc. The combined testing of both 3. Result and Discussion
tension and compression can be done as shown in figure 1
The deflection and spring constant due to compression is
shown in table 1.Similarly, the deflection and spring
constant due to tension is shown in table 2. Further,
combined effect due to compression and tension is shown in
table 3.
Table 1:- Deflection and spring constant of helical compression
(N) Deflection Deflection
Spring Spring
(mm) Average (mm) Average
Constant Constant
Value Value
(N/mm) (N/mm)
Compress Compress
ion ion
98.1 4.92 19.93 4.8 20.43
Rahul et al/ International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI), vol 1, issue 1 (May-2017), 34-39
Table 2:- Deflection and spring constant for helical tension spring the graph plotted for the manually calculated values of the
helical tension and compression spring, whereas (b) shows
Manually Calculated Data Experimental Data the experimental values.
Deflec Deflect 3.1 Combined Testing of spring
Load tion Spring ion Spring
(N) Averag Averag
(mm) Constant (mm) Constant
e Value e Value In the combined testing, both tension and compression
(N/mm) (N/mm)
Tensio Tensio springs were used simultaneously in the machine for
n n testing as shown in figure 1. The tension spring was fixed
98.1 0.95 103.26 0.89 121.11 in the upper part and the compression spring was fixed in
1.90 103.26 1.78 110.22 the lower part and different results were obtained by
applying different loads at different levels as shown in table
294.3 2.68 109.81 2.45 120.12
104.17 112.53 3.
392.4 3.81 102.99 3.55 110.53
4.77 102.83 4.53 108.27 Table 3:- Combined testing
588.6 5.72 102.90 5.61 104.91
Experimental Data
Similar loads were applied in all three categories at different (Combined testing)
levels. The minimum and the maximum loads applied for
testing is 98.1N and 588.6N respectively. The minimum and
the maximum deflection given by the machine due to Deflection Spring Constant
compression are 4.8mm and 28.91mm respectively and for (mm) (N/mm)
tension these are 0.89mm and 5.61mm respectively.
Tens Compres Tensio Averag Compr Average
ion sion n e Value ession Value
98.1 0.87 4.71 112.75 20.82
196.2 1.75 9.50 112.11 20.65
294.3 2.44 14.75 120.61 19.95
392.4 3.52 19.12 111.47 20.52
490.5 4.52 24.41 108.51 20.09
588.5 5.58 28.86 105.46 20.53 20.42