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Uric Acid and CCHD

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From the Academic Unit, Institute of Cardiology
Received July 6, 1960

Gout complicating cyanotic congenital heart disease is infrequently recognized. Its occurrence
in blood dyscrasias associated with hyperuricamia is well documented (Gliickmann, 1910; Weber,
1934; Barr et al., 1950; Hickling, 1953). In polycythemia rubra vera, gout occurs in 5 to 9 per cent
of patients (Tinney et al., 1945; Videbaek, 1950; Lawrence, 1955) and the complication has been
referred to in secondary polycythmmia (Gutman, 1953) and investigated in a man aged 50 with
severe cyanotic congenital heart disease (Yu et al., 1953). However, relatively few patients with
severe cyanotic heart disease and polycythemia extreme enough to lead to hyperuricemia survive
into adult life when the manifestations of gout are most common. The purpose of this paper is to
draw attention to the occurrence of gout with cyanotic congenital heart disease, for it may be over-
looked as a cause of arthritis in such patients.
Nine cases of gout complicating cyanotic congenital heart disease were seen in a period of five
years at two hospitals. Table 1 summarizes the findings. There were 8 men and 1 woman, a
similar sex incidence to hereditary gout in which 96 per cent of the affected patients are men (Kaegi,
1955). Eight patients had manifestations of gout before the age of 40, an earlier age incidence than
in hereditary gout. The administration of diuretics may precipitate gout (Wood, 1956) but this was
not a factor in these patients.
Tophi were present in 7 patients, 6 of whom had arthritis also. In 2 patients tophi were known
to precede the first attack of arthritis by one to two years. The joints involved and the radio-
graphic appearances were the same as in hereditary gout.
Cyanosis of at least ten years duration, polycythemia, and a raised hemoglobin were common
to all patients. The cardiac lesions were tetralogy of Fallot (4 cases), Ebstein's disease (2 cases),
infundibular stenosis and reversed interatrial shunt (1 case), transposition of the great vessels with
pulmonary hypertension (1 case), and pulmonary stenosis and single ventricle (1 case). In all
patients the leucocyte count was normal.
Serum uric acid and hemoglobin estimations were performed in 57 patients with cyanotic
congenital heart disease who had no manifestations of gout, for comparison with the findings in
gouty patients. Thirty-eight of these patients were between 16 and 52 years of age and 18 were
under 16. The results are shown in Fig. 1 and 2 and discussed below.
Patients with primary polycythaemia rubra vera have an increased uric acid production which
may lead to hyperuricaemia. When the elevation of the blood uric acid persists over a long period
of time, precipitation into joints may occur and lead to gout, which presents the same form as the
hereditary condition (Talbott, 1957). The same situation may be present with secondary poly-
cythemia although this is not associated with leucocytosis which therefore had not contributed to
Acute Between
Lesion {Hb.| Site
of a bdSite of First
attacks: attacks:
uric acid uric acid
joints Albu- Kidney
_ tophi < I1st attack diagnosis mg. per mg. per involved minuria histology
Q 9e c) < 100 mI. 100 ml.

1 34 M Infundibular 160 + Ears + 30 L. Ankle Rheumatoid 13-2 8-4 Knees + Congestion

stenosis arthritis
2 26 M Eisenmenger, 150 + Hands + 23 P.I.P. Gout 9*6 6-7 Metacarpal +
Transposition Ears Thumb phalangeal
of great Fingers Elbows
vessels Metatarsal
3 18 M Fallot 148 + L. Ear _ 16 R. Ankle ?Rheumatic - 6-4 L. Knee + Congestion
4 20 M Fallot 140 + R. Ear - .. .. .. .. 7-1 .. ++
5 46 M Ebstein's 146 + Ears + 35 P.I.P. Whitlow - 6-4 Metatarsal -
disease Fingers Forefinger phalangeal
6 40 F Ebstein's 135 - .. + 30 1st meta- Gout 59 54 .. - Slight arterial
disease tarsal narrowing
phalangeal from intimal
joint proliferation
7 69 M Transposition, 148 - .. + 55 L. Wrist Traumatic 12-5 7-6 Elbow + Arterial thick.
P.V.S., arthritis ? Shoulder ening as
Single found in
ventricle essential
8 46 M Pulmonary 158 + Ears + 36 Ist meta- Gout 11 5 8-0 P.I.P. +
atresia Finger tarsal Ankle
Elbow phalangeal Metacarpal
joint phalangeal
9 26 M Tricuspid 158 + Ears + 17 P.I.P. Whitlow 80 6-2 Thumb + + + Chronic diffuse
stenosis, Fingers Forefinger Dermatitis Wrist (hyaline glomerular
Fallot artefacta Ankles casts nephritis.
Metatarsal cellular Cortical lipid
phalangeal casts) deposits

P.T.P.-Proximal interphalangeal joint. P.V.S.-Pulmonary valve stenosis.

I 0U
170 0
loo, ~~~~~~0
160 0 o 0~~~~~~ 0
150 00 0

,&150 o
140 , 00
i4 140oo o
0 130
0 0 0 130
100 0 mAIF0
0* 0

2 0. o

110 110 0

100 o o males
* femqks males
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90
SERUM URIC ACID #% per ioomo 0 2 3 4

SERUM URIC ACID(mg.per ooml.)

5 6 7 9

FIG. 1.-Relationship of hemoglobin to serum uric acid FIG. 2.-Relationship of hvmoglobin to serum uric acid in
in patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease over 16
under 16 years of age. years of age.
uric acid production. Thus, in secondary polycythmmia, hyperuricemia and its complications may
be expected to occur less frequently than in polycythmnia rubra vera.
The incidence of gout in secondary polycythlmia is not known. The nine cases here reported
have been found in about 400 patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease, an incidence of
approximately 2 per cent which is five times the probable incidence of 0-2 to 0 5 per cent of the
general population. If only adult cyanotic patients were considered (that is over 16 years of age),
the incidence of gout would be much greater since all patients in the present series were adults and
the majority of the 400 cyanotic patients with congenital heart disease were infants or children.
This fact, as well as the uniform absence of a family history of gout make it unlikely that gout
occurring with cyanotic congenital heart disease is a chance association of two diseases.
The normal serum uric acid in men is 5 5-6 mg. per 100 ml. (Talbott, 1957) and 0.5 mg. less in
women (Smyth et al., 1948). Hyperurikmia was present during and between attacks of gout in
the nine patients. There are a number of factors that influence the development of a raised serum
uric acid in these patients.
The heemoglobin level was 130 per cent or more at the time of the first attack of gout in all the
patients. Cyanosis had been present for at least ten years in each and seven of them stated that
their colour had deepened 3 to 5 years before the appearance of gout. It is, therefore, likely that
the high hemoglobin levels were present over this period. It is known that in primary polycythemia
there is no correlation between the height of the hemoglobin and level of serum uric acid (Tinney
et al., 1945) and no correlation was found between these measurements in patients under 16 with
cyanotic congenital heart disease who did not have gout (Fig. 1). By contrast in the 57 patients
over 16, 10 of the 25 with hmmoglobin levels over 130 per cent had a raised serum uric acid (Fig. 2).
The remaining 31 patients with a lower hemoglobin showed no tendency to elevation of the serum
uric acid. It appears that there is a correlation between hvmoglobin and serum uric acid in certain
of the adult patients with secondary polycythlmia. None of these patients with hyperuricaemia
had any manifestations of gout but it is likely that if they survive, gout will develop in some of them.
Comparison of Fig. 1 and 2 show that the age of the patient with secondary polycythemia appears
to influence the development of hyperuricxmia. Only one patient under 16, a girl of 14 with
transposition of the great vessels and pulmonary stenosis, had a raised uric acid of 6*4 mg. per 100
ml., whereas ten of those over 16 had hyperuricemia. Gout was not seen below the age of 18, and
five patients were over 30 when the first signs appeared. In normal people studied from infancy to
adolescence, it has been shown that the serum uric acid increases with age (Hoeffel and Moriarty,
1924; Starkenstein, 1937). Patients with secondary polycythmmia who have no evidence of aberrant
uric acid metabolism which is found in primary gout (Yii et al., 1956), may behave as normal people
and show increase of the serum uric acid with age. It is likely that the initial levels of uric acid
are higher than in the normal person, owing to increased uric acid production from red cell formation.
In three of the four patients who had manifestations of gout before the age of 25 there was
evidence of primary renal disease, which may be a further factor influencing the development of
hyperuricemia. Cases 4 and 9 had 3 to 5 parts of albumen per 1000 ml. with hyaline and cellular
casts in the urine and Case 3 had acute nephritis when 12 years old. Histological examination of
the kidneys at necropsy in Cases 3 and 9 showed only congestion in the former and bilateral chronic
membranous glomerulo-nephritis with cortical lipid deposits in the latter. Kidneys examined at
autopsy in Cases 1, 6 and 7 were found to be normal, apart from minor arterial changes in Cases 6
and 7. In none was there evidence of gouty renal lesions. Case 9 was the only patient in whom
acute attacks of gout continued when the hemoglobin was below 130 per cent. Following a left
Blalock-Taussig anastomosis, cyanosis diminished and the hlmoglobin fell from 158 to 115 per
cent. Three years later gout recurred for the first time after operation when the haemoglobin was
115 per cent and serum uric acid 7-9 mg. per 100 ml. It is likely that the hyperuricxemia and gout
developed with a comparatively low hemoglobin because of impaied renal uric acid clearance.
The primary cardiac disease may have been associated with reduced renal blood flow providing a
further factor in precipitating hyperuricemia and gout.
The commonest cyanotic congenital heart disease associated with gout was the tetralogy of
Fallot which was present in four patients. It is the commonest congenital cyanotic heart disease to
be found in patients who survive to adult life, a fact that accounts for its frequency in this series.
Gout was found in only one patient with the Eisenmenger reaction. These patients do not usually
have a severe secondary polycythwmia except in terminal stages unless the associated lesion is
transposition of the great vessels (Case 2), and this may account for the infrequency of gout
complicating the condition.
Symptomatic treatment for gout in the cyanotic cardiac patients is the same as for the hereditary
condition. Acute attacks respond to colchicine. Benemid and salicylates may reduce the number
of attacks and the pain of chronic arthritis. Venesection was most beneficial in prolonging the
length of time between attacks but it should be undertaken with caution, as the polycythemia is
compensatory. In three patients the serum uric acid was reduced following venesection. The
mechanism for this is uncertain but it is presumed that the temporary reduction in uric acid contri-
butes to freedom from attacks. Surgical correction of the anatomical defect is the ideal treatment
but operation in these elderly polycythlmic congenital cyanotic patients carries a high mortality.
The diagnosis of the first attack of acute arthritis was frequently incorrect. This is understand-
able as gout in a patient below the age of 40 without any family history is rare. However, in view
of the possibility of longstanding hyperuricaemia
in adult patients with cyanotic congenital heart
disease, gout is a likely complication and should be remembered in differential diagnosis.
Gout complicating cyanotic congenital heart disease is described in 9 patients, 8 men and 1
woman. All were adults, the youngest being 18 and the oldest 69. Fallot's tetralogy was present
in 4 of the 9 patients. The incidence of gout in cyanotic congenital heart disease is greater than in
the general population. In all the patients studied, the haemoglobin
was over 130 per cent and the
serum uric acid more than 6 mg. per 100 ml. at the time of the first attack. The development of
gout is related to the degree of elevation of hemoglobin and to the age of the patient. The presence
of renal disease may be responsible for its occurrence particularly in patients under 25.
I am indebted to Dr. Charles Baker, Sir Russell Brock, Dr. Ralph Kauntze, and Dr. Paul Wood for allowing me
to include their cases and to Dr. E. Lawson McDonald for his helpful criticism. I wish to thank Dr. A. K. Missen
for the histological report on the kidneys of Case 9 and Dr. Reginald Hudson for the report in Case 7. I am particularly
grateful to the Department of Clinical Pathology, Guy's Hospital, and the Pathology Department, National Heart
Hospital, for himoglobin and serum uric acid estimations.
Barr, D. P., Reader, G. G., and Wheeler, C. H. (1950). Ann. intern. Med., 32, 6.
Glilckmann, S. (1910). Leukaemia and Gout. Inaugural Dissertation. Berlin, Blanke.
Gutman, A. B. (1953). Ann. intern. Med., 39, 1062.
Hickling, R. A. (1953). Lancet, 1, 57.
Hoeffel, G. N., and Moriarty, M. E. (1924). Amer. J. Dis. Child., 27, 64.
Kaegi, P. (1955). Schweiz. med. Wschr., 85, 698.
Lawrence, J. H. (1955). Polycytheemia. Grune and Stratton, New York and London.
Smyth, C. J., Cotterman, C. W., and Freyberg, R. H. (1948). J. clin. Invest., 27, 749.
Starkenstein, E. (1937). Arch. exp. Path. Pharmak., 187, 684.
Talbott, J. H. (1957). Gout. Grune and Stratton, New York and London.
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