G Is For Googol PDF
G Is For Googol PDF
G Is For Googol PDF
A Guide for Teachers
Based on the book
G is for Googol: A Math Alphabet Book
by David M. Schwartz
Illustrated by Marissa Moss
The NCTM guidelines report that nearly 3/4 of the U.S. fourth graders report
liking math. They find it practical and believe that what they are learning is impor-
tant. Our challenge is to help them maintain that positive outlook, all the while
increasing their level of achievement. Lets get phobes and philes alike clammering
for a googol more fun ways to learn math.
C is for CubitTime for a Change
Cubits, digits, palms, hands, PROCEDURE:
heads, pacesquantifying ones Ask students to choose a way to measure time that has some personal
world used to be a pretty personal value or meaning. Brainstorm possibilities, i.e., the time it takes to
prerogative. In the exact science brush teeth (our example), time it takes to walk to school, time is
and bustle of our modern world takes to do a page of math excercises.
lets make measuring time an up- This activity will be easiest if these new time units are equivalent to
close-and-personal experience minutes between 1 and 60. To add difficulty, have students choose a
unit shorter than 1 minute or longer than 1 hour.
once again!
Ask students to create a name for their unit of time (i.e., brushets).
Ask students to time their activity (rounded to the nearest minute)
with stopwatches and timers, express their unit in minutes, and
calculate the fraction of their unit equal to 1 minute (1 brushet2
Awareness of the value of standard units of
minutes; 1 minute.5 brushets).
measure through the creation, application, and
Ask students to design a clock face on a paper plate with markings
comparison of unique time measuring units.
for their unit of measurement. How many of their units equal 1
hour? How will they mark their clock? Cut a hole in the center of
NCTM STANDARD for Measurement each plate that fits the clockworks assembly.
(Grades 35): Have students develop a schedule of their school day using their
Understand the need for measuring with own time units. Choose 5 or 6 student clock faces to use in class the
standard units following day. Use a different clock face each hour of the school day
Carry out simple unit conversions and measure time in the various units. Hold a discussion at the end
of the day about the effectiveness of the new units of time and the
(Grades 68): value of standard units.
Understand relationships among units and
convert from one unit to another within the
brushets clock face
same system
Time unit activity: 60 minutes
Schedule activity: throughout 1 day
Take a look at the great Web sites about the history
and measurement of time listed on the
Yahooligans directory:
paper plates
Ask students to invent a tool to measure 1 unit of their time. They
a clockworks assembly
might get ideas by researching how time has been measured through-
pencils, crayons, markers
out history. For example, an hourglass might inspire student to meas-
ure time by dripping liquid, marbles, beads, etc., from one container
to another. Students would refine their choice of containers, size of
hole, etc., to make a reliable timing tool.
P is for ProbabilityA Chance the Meteorologist is Wrong
Whether they are right or wrong, PROCEDURE:
we blame meteorologists whenever Make available to students at least 2 sources of daily temperature
the weather isnt to our liking. How predictions and weather information. Have students work with
well do they do their jobs? Make it partners to gather daily data from one source.
Set up a chart for gathering and organizing the following information:
your students job to find out.
1. Prediction from source of temperature high and low
2. Actual high and low temperature
3. Calculations of difference between the predicted and actual
PURPOSE: temperatures
To collect and study predictions about daily
4. Weather notes: precipitation, wind, weather front movement
temperatures from a variety of sources and use
At the end of the week, chart the differences and compare the
that information to make predictions.
accuracy of the different sources. Which was most accurate overall?
Was any source more accurate with high or low temps? Note and
NCTM STANDARD for Data Analysis discuss any other patterns in the accuracy of the predictions.
and Probability (Grades 35): Review the concepts and vocabulary of probability to help guide
Formulate questions that can be addressed with your discussion. What is the probability of a given source being
data and collect, organize, and display relevant accurate for one or both temperature predictions? What is the
data to answer them probability of their predictions being within 1 degree? Within
Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions 2 degrees? To calculate as a percentage: # days the source was
that are based on data accurate / # of total days recorded. If the newspaper was accurate
Understand and apply basic concepts of for the high temperature within 1 degree on 2 days out of 7:
probability 2 / 7 .29, or 29% accuracy.
Ask students to write a report of their findings and share with
TIME : the class.
Introduction: 20 minutes Send the student reports to the newspaper or any of the other
Daily data collection: 10-15 minutes/day for 1 week original sources.
Reports and discussion: 20 minutes
(Grades 68):
Examine the congruence, similarity, and line or
rotational symmetry of objects using transfor-
Describe sizes, positions, and orientations of
shapes under informal transformations such as
flips, turns, slides, and scaling
60 minutes
Learn about tessellations by reading the section Students use the paper tile created above to make a pattern out of
T is for Tessellate or check out Tessellations heavier cardboard. Students create nine copies of the tile using the
(www.tessellations.com), Tessellation Tutorials cardboard pattern. Check to make sure they all fit together. They
by Suzanne Alejandre (forum.swarthmore.edu/ can make each tile attractive and distinct with color and artistic
sum95/suzanne/tess.intro.html), and World of flourishes, using paints, crayons, markers, etc.
Escher (www.WorldOfEscher.com) Ask students to put the colored tiles together in a tessellating pattern
and mount them on heavy paper. They can give their creations a
Become familiar with basic terminology: trans-
title. Display and enjoy!
formations (slide, flip, turn), tile (the repeated
Dicuss: How is this activity related to math? Where have you used
this kind of math before? When and how could tessellations be used
MATERIALS: in the world outside mathematics? Go back through the steps of the
activity using the vocabulary of tessellation transformations (slide,
paper and cardboard
flip, turn).
safety scissors and tape
coloring supplies (crayons, markers, paints) EXTENSION ACTIVITIES:
If your school has the resources, you might want Learn more about tessellations and how they have been used to make
to try these computer programs for further both practical and artistic creations. Look for information on tessella-
practice: Tessellation Exploration (Tom tions, M.C. Escher, and Islamic art. Check out books, encyclopedias,
Snyder), TesselMania Deluxe (MECC), Web sites, computer programs, or even your math book!
Geometers Sketchpad (Key Curriculum Press).
W is for When are we ever gonna to use this stuff, anyway?Music, Maestro!
To gather a variety of sheet music samples, use
books, students own sheet music, and the music
resources in your school. Also check the Web
sites of Online Math Applications (tqjunior.
thinkquest.org/4116/Music/music.htm) and
Historical American Sheet Music (odyssey.lib.
sheet music samples (one sample on an EXTENSION ACTIVITIES:
overhead transparency) Find out more about how some of these musical measurements actually
overhead projector determine the type of music. Invite the music teacher or a guest speaker
chalk or dry-erase board to go into more detail. Or invite a musician to your classroom to play
metronome (to determine tempo beats per and demonstrate how math is part of music making.
paper and pencils
X is for xALGEBRA: The Math of the Unknown
If X is for x, what does David PROCEDURE:
equal? We all celebrate our unique- At each stage of this lesson, students write their predictions on the
ness and know our names are spe- left side of the lined paper. Use the right side to record the outcome.
cial to us. Find out how much your Give each letter of the alphabet a numerical value beginning with the
name is worth, and how you can number 1. Write the value of each letter next to the corresponding
increase its value. alphabet card on the chalkboard.
Students find the number that matches each letter of their first
name and write equations for each letter on a scratch pad.
PURPOSE: D4, A1, V22, I9, D4 for David
Students predict, explore, and practice the M13, A1, R18, I9, S19, S19, A1 for Marissa
variables, equations, and patterns that change Students record predictions, then add the numbers corresponding to
the value of their own names when the letters their names to find the total value.
are matched with different numbers. DAVIDx
Write the total on the scratch pad.
NCTM STANDARDS for 41229440 (for David)
Algebra (Grades 35): 1311891919180 (for Marissa)
Describe, extend, and make generalizations Discuss who had the highest and lowest totals? Why? What are the
about numeric patterns patterns of letters that account for the high and low totals?
Represent the idea of a variable as an unknown Match numbers to the letters of the alphabet in a different pattern,
quantity using a letter reversing the order of the numbers as matched to the letters. Change
Analyze change in various contexts their value on the board. A26, B25, C24, etc. Ask students
to predict then recalculate the total value of their name. Discuss the
(Grades 68): changes. Are their names worth more or less? Why?
Develop an initial conceptual understanding D23, A26, V5, I18, D23 (for David)
of the different uses of variables 23265182395
Relate and compare different forms of repre
sentation for a relationship M14, A26, R9, I18, S8, S8, A26 (for Marissa)
TIME : Have students work with a partner to find the name of a famous
Basic lesson: 30 minutes (allow more time for person whose name has the highest value, using one or both of the
additional patterns and practice) methods listed.
Make alphabet cardsone letter on each card EXTENSION ACTIVITY:
with magnet or sticky tack on the back Discuss how the activities above involved
some kind of pattern in the matching of
MATERIALS: numbers to letters. If there is no pattern
lined paper with a line down the middle (random matching), then the numbers
(for predictions) and pencils assigned to letters can be used as a code that
alphabet cards (see above) is difficult to solve. Have students research
chalk or dry-erase board codes and their uses. Groups of students can
scratch pads invent their own codes, to be exchanged and
solved by their classmates.
L is for Light-YearThe Long View of Space
Starsso close on a dark moonless MATERIALS:
night and yet sooo far! As new Books about mythology and the legends of stars and constellations.
technology gives us an ever better Web sites such as The Constellations and their Stars (www.astro.
view of our universe, new stars are wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/ constellations.html) or the NASA
still being discovered. Your turn! Imagine the Universe site (imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/
homepage.html). To find light-year distances try (www.dibon-
PURPOSE: smith.com/constel.htm), click on the desired constellation,
To invent a new star and create a detailed star then, for a detailed star chart, click keyword stars or Bayer
map to locate and define stars within an existing stars. Another good Web site is The Dome of the Sky (einstein.
constellation. stcloudstate.edu/Dome).
Posterboard, markers, crayons, scissors, colored pencils, and glue
for star map.
NCTM STANDARDS for Measurement,
Geometry & Representation
(Grades 35): PROCEDURE:
Select and apply the appropriate unit for Ask students to research a constellation of their choice, discovering
measuring the attributes of length (distance) the origin of the constellations name and the myths surrounding it.
Draw a 2-dimensional representation of a Have them create a star map labeling the major stars in this
3-dimensional object constellation.
Create and use representations to organize,
record, and communicate mathematical ideas
(Grades 68):
Recognize and apply geometric ideas and
relationships in areas outside the mathemat-
ics classroom, such as art, science, and
everyday life
Use geometric models to represent and
explain numerical relationships
Research: 60 minutes
Ask students to invent a new star for their constellation, placing it
New star lesson: 60 minutes
in a position that improves the definitive shape of the constellation.
Presentations: across 1 week
(Sometimes constellations dont look much like the character they
are supposed to represent.)
ADVANCE PREPARATION: Ask students to name their star and invent a story of how it got its
Review the meaning and value of the light-year
name and how it was discovered.
unit:186,282 miles/second speed of light;
Have students create a chart for their constellation, listing each of
5,878,512,843,200 (approx. 6 trillion)
the major stars. See diagram on the next page for what to include.
miles in a light-year
The travel time column can be included for extra credit. Students
Research how stars and constellations were
include their new star on the chart, estimating the distance of their
first named, discovered, and measured
new star from earth in light-years by averaging the distances of the
other stars in the same constellation.
Ask students to calculate the travel time to their star. Begin by
using the speed of 1 mile/sec (10 times faster than a jet airplane).
The formula: Travel time in years # of light years 186,282 miles
Older students can go into more detail in their charts with descriptions
of the constellation and the star itself: what kind of star, its origin and
life cycle, detailed measurements of distance, temperature, and a more
sophisticated model.