Paper Pratham 20thapr

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Introduction to Pratham, IIT Bombays Student

Satellite Project
Saptarshi Bandyopadhyay1, Jhonny Jha, Deepika Thakur, Sanyam Mulay, Haripriya, Ameya Damle, Prashant
Sachdeva, Jaideep Joshi, Vaibhav Unhelkar, Yashovardhan Chati, Mayank Chaturvedi, Niranjan Parab, Manas
Rachh, Shashank Tamaskar, Mallesh Bommanahal, Ashish Goel, Kartavya Neema, Subhasis Das, Vishnu
Sresht, Ramnath Pai, Ankit Chiplunkar

Student, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India.
[email protected]

Abstract 'Pratham', the first satellite under the Indian into orbit and then measure Total Electron Count of the
Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) Student Ionosphere. The project also involves students from other
Satellite Project. The mission statement of Pratham is to universities who can build ground stations to receive
provide a learning opportunity to students of the institute, beacon signal and even measure TEC over their ground
empowering them with the skills to design and develop the
station. The mission statement is discussed in detail in
Satellite and finally launch it into orbit with the help of Indian
Space Research Organization (ISRO) to measure Total Section II.
Electron Count (TEC) of the Ionosphere. This paper provides The challenge to build a Student Satellite was taken up
a brief overview of the various Sub-Systems involved in the by a handful of students in July 2007. The Department of
Project, the structure and working of the Team and the
Aerospace Engineering supported the project after the
various Design Phases completed since the inception of the
Project in July 2007. The project also actively involves feasibility of the concept was proved. The project is truly
students from other universities by helping them make inter-disciplinary with the student team comprising
ground stations and through the virtual laboratory. students from departments like Electrical, Mechanical,
Chemical, Civil, Engineering Physics, etc. in addition to
Aerospace. The team has managed continuity when senior
Keywords Student Satellite, Total Electron Count, students pass out by recruiting new students. Faculty
Ionosphere, System Engineering, Pratham, members from Aerospace, Electrical, Mechanical and
Computer Science have extended support through
mentoring and reviewing. The Team Structure and the
I. INTRODUCTION working of the Pratham Team are discussed in detail in
The IIT Bombay Student Satellite Project is a Section III.
landmark project taken up by the students of IIT Bombay. The project completed Requirements Capture in May
It was envisaged that this project would increase the 2008, Conceptual Design Phase in August 2008 and
awareness and contribution to the Space Science and Preliminary Design Phase in December 2009. At various
Technology field from the institute. Moreover, future stages in its evolution, work was reviewed at IIT Bombay
satellites could be used as test-beds for new technology and also at ISAC. Currently, the project is in its Detailed
being developed within the institute and for space Design Phase and the Qualification Model is being
qualification of Indian technologies. 'Pratham' is the first fabricated. The Timeline of the project is discussed in
satellite under this project. This is entirely a student detail in Section III. The various Sub-Systems of Pratham
initiative with mentorship provided by ISRO scientists and that form the backbone of the Satellite Project are all
IIT Bombay faculty. Some of the details about Pratham discussed in detail in Section IV. The interaction of
are: Pratham Team with students from other universities in
India and abroad is discussed in Section V.
Weight: ~10 kgs
Size: 260X260X260mm (excluding monopoles and During the project much emphasis has been given to
solar panels) documenting detailed descriptions of the methodology and
Payload: Measuring Total Electron Count the results of the work done. All the documents referred to
Orbit: 10:30 polar sun-synchronous, 817km altitude in this paper and the minutes of Prathams review meetings
Downlink at 2 frequencies (145.98 and 437.455 MHz) are available at Prathams website:
Uplink used as kill switch (437.455 MHz)
4 months mission life The Satellite is a 26 cm cube, hence it has six
Launch Vehicle Interface: IBL230V2 from VSSC sides. The names of the sides are as follows:
The mission statement of Pratham is to provide a Nadir Side: This is the bottom plane of the satellite. The
learning opportunity to students of the institute, Launch Vehicle Interface (LVI) is attached to the lower
empowering them with the skills to develop the Satellite
surface of this side.
through various phases of Design, Analysis, Fabrication
and Testing till the Flight Model is made, have it launched

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Zenith Side: This is the top plane of the satellite. It is
opposite the Nadir Side.
Sun Side: Since the satellite will be in a Polar Sun-
synchronous orbit, this side will always face the sun. Sun
Antisun Side: This side never faces the sun. It is opposite
the Sun Side.
Leading Side: The normal to this side, pointing away from
the center of the satellite, points along the direction of the
velocity vector of the satellite in orbit.
Figure 1: Structure of Pratham Team
Lagging Side: The normal to this side, pointing away from
the center of the satellite, points opposite to the direction of At any time, there are about 20 to 30 students working
the velocity vector of the satellite in orbit. It is opposite to on Pratham. In order to facilitate the working of the team,
there is a very structured process of reviewing the work
the Leading Side.
done by the team. Every week, the team conducts a
meeting to review the progress of each of the Sub-Systems.
II. MISSION STATEMENT When substantial work has been done by the sub-systems,
The IIT Bombay Student Satellite Project presents a they approach their respective faculty mentors for a review
wonderful learning experience to the students of working and discussion on future work. Similarly, the ISAC
on a real life multi-disciplinary complex system. Learning scientists are approached when they visit IIT Bombay or
enhancement through CDIO (Conceiving Designing when the need is felt to visit them at ISAC, to clarify some
Implementing Operating) has been one of the major crucial issues. Finally each of the design phases end with a
objectives of this project. The Mission Statement of rigorous review at IIT Bombay by the Faculty Mentors
Pratham is: followed by a review by the team of engineers at ISAC
headed by Mr. D.V.A. Raghav Murthy. The list of Faculty
1. Acquiring knowledge in the field of Satellite and Mentors from IIT Bombay is given in Appendix 1.
Space Technology.
The various Design Phases that have been completed
2. Have the Satellite entirely designed by the student till date are shown in Fig 2. During the month of April
body of IIT Bombay. 2008, the Requirements Capture Phase of the project was
3. Have the satellite launched, Measure TEC of the finished. Total Electron Count was chosen to be the
Ionosphere above IITB. payload of the satellite and the requirements on the other
sub-systems were found. Next, the Conceptual Design
4. Involve students from other universities in our Satellite Phase was finished in August 2008, with reviews at IIT
project. Bombay and at ISAC. The concepts behind the design of
Since a lot of importance has been given to learning, it is each of these Sub-systems were frozen in this review. After
duly represented in the success criterion for the project. extensive work, the Preliminary Design Review was
conducted in April 2009 at IIT Bombay followed by an
extensive review at ISAC in December 2009. The designs
Description Mission Success of all the Sub-Systems were frozen and the go ahead was
Flight Model ready 85% given for fabrication of the Qualification Model. During
Beacon Signal received 90% the month of May 2010, the Detailed Design Review is
TEC measurements at IITB 95% proposed to be held, where the Qualification Model of the
Satellite functional for 4 months 100% Satellite shall be presented. If the project remains on
III. WORKING OF THE PRATHAM TEAM schedule, the satellite shall be launched in December 2010.

The Pratham team is structured in a multi-tier fashion Fig 2 also shows that change in the team size as the
shown below. At the grass-root level are the Sub-systems project progresses. Initially only a handful of students were
and all students involved with Pratham are associated to involved in the proof of concept to IIT Bombay. During the
one or more Sub-systems. The 7 Sub-Systems, namely first selection phase in October 2007, around 20 students
Payload, Communication and Ground Station, Attitude were chosen from the institute through a selection process
Determination and Control, Power, On Board Computer, consisting of a quiz and then a presentation. With every
Structures and Thermals work independently of each other. passing year, some of the old students have left and new
The Integration and Quality Sub-Systems interact with all students have been added to carry the project forward. This
the other Sub-Systems to make sure the Project is going on has been facilitated by a strong Continuity Plan comprising
in the right track and all Sub-Systems are working in sync of documentation of all design phases, minutes during
and as per standards. The Public Relations Sub-System has reviews and combined working of juniors and seniors. The
the job of publicity, maintaining website, etc. on behalf of list of all students who have contributed substantially to the
the team. Pratham Project is given in Appendix 2.

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B. Communication and Ground Station Subsystem
The primary goal of the Communication and Ground
Station subsystem is to establish a communication link
between the Pratham satellite and the ground station at IIT
Bombay and measure the plane of polarization of the
signals. Onboard the satellite, all the components of the
Communication Sub-system is placed on the Antisun Side;
with the exception of the uplink circuit which is placed on
the Lagging Side. There are 3 pre-deployed monopole
antennas, 2 of which are used for transmitting linearly
Figure 2: Timeline polarized signals with a polarization purity of greater than
99.9% (30dB). The monopoles are mounted away from the
IV. SUB-SYSTEMS OF PRATHAM Nadir Side to obtain the desired radiation pattern. There is
a low bit rate Beacon at 145.98 MHz frequency
Each of the 7 subsystems within the Pratham Team
transmitting throughout the world in OOK modulation.
(Payload, Communication and Ground Station, Attitude
There is also a high bit rate (1.2kbps) 437.455 MHz
Determination and Control, On Board Computer, Power,
CC1020 circuit for downlink of data only above India.
Structures and Thermals) has predefined responsibilities.
The job of the Integration Subsystem, headed by the The frequency allocation process necessitated the need
System Engineer, is to give the critical parameters to these for satellite control in orbit using the Ground station, as per
subsystems. They are also in charge of designing the IARU regulations, if the satellite starts transmitting in a
structure of the Satellite and fitting all the other stray band. Thus, after deliberations with the frequency
components of the Satellite and making it flight worthy. coordinators at IARU it was decided to have an uplink in
There is also a Quality Subsystem for the Quality the UHF band which would serve as the kill switch for the
Assurance of the entire project, as the satellite must have a satellite incase the satellite starts transmitting at a non-
probability of failure of less than 2% during its mission allocated frequency. The uplink circuit onboard uses
life. another CC1020 along with a LNA to increase the SNR of
the uplink signal. It was decided to have the uplink as an
A. Payload Subsystem
autonomous unit, with a separate microcontroller for
The goal of the Payload Subsystem is to measure the programming of the receiver and decoding of signals, so
Total Electron Count (TEC) of ionosphere above Mumbai that any failure of OBC does not hamper the functioning of
with 0.1 TEC units accuracy. If similar data is available the unit.
from other ground stations across the country, a TEC map
At the ground station at IIT Bombay, 2 crossed yagi
of the country will be made. The TEC data could be used
antennas and 2 single yagi antennas, mounted on a rotor,
for Ionospheric Tomography if the ground stations are on
track the satellite to receive data and measure the plane of
the same longitude.
polarization of the two signals from the satellite. The
A linearly polarized radio wave passing through an ground station at IIT Bombay is setup at the terrace of the
ionized medium with a magnetic field in the direction of main building of Aerospace Department.
propagation undergoes a rotation in the plane of
C. Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem
polarization. This effect is called Faraday rotation. The
relation between the rotation angle and the TEC is given by The goal of the Attitude Determination and Control
subsystem is to stabilize the satellite after its jettisoned
from the launch vehicle during launch. It has to then
maintain 3 axis attitude stabilization of the satellite.
where N = electron density, B = magnetic field of earth, Onboard the satellite, there are 6 sunsensors (on all sides),
= angle between the radio wave and line of sight, = 1 magnetometer (on Lagging Side), 1 GPS (on Zenith Side)
angle of rotation and f = frequency of the wave. Onboard for attitude and position sensing. There are 3
the Satellite, two parallel monopoles transmit linearly magnetorquers mounted along 3 different axes (on Zenith,
polarized waves at two different frequencies (145.98 MHz Leading and Sun Sides) for attitude control. There is also a
and 437.455 MHz). The planes of polarization of the sunsensor board mounted on the Zenith Side where all the
signals from the satellite, which have passed through the analog wires from the sunsensors converge, and the
ionosphere, can be measured by crossed yagi antennae at information is converted into digital signals by Multiplexer
the ground station. Measuring the difference between the and Analog to Digital Converter and then sent to the On
planes of polarization for the two frequencies removes the Board Computer.
need for measuring the attitude of the satellite precisely. The aim of the subsystem is to determine the position
The goal of measuring TEC upto 0.1 TECU accuracy of the satellite in space within 1km accuracy as required by
places severe constraints on the parallelism of the the payloads subsystem. It also has to determine the
monopoles, the polarization purity of the monopoles and attitude of the body frame of the satellite with respect to
the least count of the detector at the ground station. orbit frame with a 2-3 deg error in all 3 Euler angles. Then,
it has to control the satellite such that the body frame
coincides with the orbit frame with an accuracy of 10 deg
in all 3 Euler angles.

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During the phase when the satellite is just ejected into Power subsystem is responsible to manage power from
orbit, called the detumbling phase, a B dot controller is the solar panels and battery and distribute it to the various
used. When the rates are within a small range, the nominal subsystems. In case of low power it intimates the OBC
control linear law is switched on. A deterministic algorithm microcontroller and switches off the subsystems in the
is used for finding the attitude of the satellite. The following order, when the threshold voltages are reached:
simulation result of the attitude control law is shown in Fig
3. The control strategy is tested extensively by Monte Monopole 2 (Downlink at 437.455 MHz)
Carlo simulations and On Board Computer in Loop All control sensors and magnetorquer
Simulations (OILS). OBC circuit
Beacon circuit (145.98 MHz)
Power circuit
It is the only subsystem that remains on during the
launch and switches on other subsystems once the
separation from launch vehicle is detected by the SNAP
circuit. It switches on the other subsystems in following
Power circuit
OBC circuit
Beacon circuit (145.98 MHz)
All control sensors and magnetorquer
Monopole 2 (Downlink at 437.455 MHz)
Figure 3: Variation of Attitude with Time from Launch to Nominal Mode
It also collects health monitoring data from loads and
D. On Board Computer Subsystem switches off loads in case they draw excessive current.
The On Board Computer subsystem comprises of one F. Structures Subsystem
circuit board with dimension 12.8 x 12.8 cm mounted on
the leading side of the satellite and it interfaces with all The satellite structure is a cube with 6 panels of 3mm
sensors, actuators, power, SNAP and communication thickness joined using helicoil inserts and bolts such that
boards and has two Atmega 128 microcontrollers. It is the each panel is joined to its adjacent panel at 4 points. Thus
only place onboard the satellite where all the computations each panel has 16 points at which it is connected to some
are carried out. other panel. The Nadir Side is interfaced with the LVI
using 8 M6 inserts. The structure is made by milling out
Before flight, the OBC is required to conduct preflight the panels from blocks of Al 6061 T6 with a minimum
checks of all subsystems. While in flight, the OBC tolerance of 100 microns for all dimensions. The structure
performs all tasks in a cyclic manner, repeating very task will be anodized after fabrication and then assembled.
within a fixed frame time of 2 seconds. The OBC collects
health monitoring data of various components in the The aim of the Structures subsystem is to validate the
system and stores it, to be transmitted later when the Satellite will be able to withstand the loads during launch.
satellite is over India. This Health Monitoring Data (or All the components should be safe and working after the
HM data) consists of Attitude data, Position data, data launch. The Satellite structure should also be able to
regarding various loads as seen by the Power sub-system, withstand the thermal loads arising in the orbit. Hence, the
and the associated timestamps. It executes the control law satellite is modeled using Ansys and the launch loads are
by taking inputs from the sensors and controlling the applied to it. Some of the results of these simulations are
actuators. It interfaces with the power microcontroller and shown below.
acquires satellite health data. In case the power subsystem
indicates inability to supply power, OBC must take
appropriate shut down measures. During downlinking of
data, the OBC must perform the control law execution and
data downlink simultaneously.
E. Power Subsystem
Power System efficiently provides power to all sub- Figure 4: Mode1- Anti-sun side Figure 5: Displacement plot under
systems at the required voltage levels. The power system breathing static loading
comprises of one circuit board with the microcontroller,
battery protection circuit, voltage regulators, current G. Thermals Subsystem
distribution switches, etc. which interfaces with all the The Thermals subsystem aims to maintain a cycle of
onboard systems. The power circuit board with dimensions temperature within the satellite within the narrow range
of 12.8 x 12.8 cm is mounted on the Sun Side. For power (00C to 400C) which lies around the normal terrestrial
generation, there are solar panels on 4 sides of the satellite temperatures, minimize spatial gradients of temperature,
(Zenith, Leading, Lagging and Sun Sides). The battery and dissipate excess heat generated by components and
the battery box are mounted on the Nadir Side. maintain sensitive components within their specified
functional ranges of temperature. The thermals subsystem
essentially uses passive methods to maintain temperatures
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in the required ranges and dissipate localized heat 2. Integration and testing phase
generated by circuits. The only active part in the thermals 3. Pre-flight Checks (Checkout tests)
subsystem is the heater used as a redundancy measure for 4. Launch
maintaining the battery temperature. The satellite structure 5. Detumbling: When that angular rates are above 0.1
is used as a heat sink to dissipate heat generated by circuits degree per second.
and monopoles. The solar panel is made on aluminium 6. Nominal Operation without downlink: Rates are less
substrate and isolated from the structure by 3mm thermal than 0.1 deg per second and the satellite is not over
washers. LE tapes behind the solar panel and on the any ground station (India and France). Only the
satellite surface ensure thermal control inside the Satellite. Beacon is transmitting.
H. Integration Subsystem 7. Nominal Operation with downlink: Rates are lower
than 0.1 degree per second but the satellite is over a
The Integration subsystem, lead by the System ground station and is transmitting at 437.455 MHz
Engineer, has the job of bringing all the subsystems also.
together to make a complete system. Some of the tasks of 8. Safe Mode: when the battery voltage is very low for
this subsystem include: operation; Power subsystem starts switching off loads
in a pre-programmed sequence.
1) Defining the System and Sub-System Requirements
9. Emergency mode: When a load draws excess current it
The V-model is a graphical representation of the is switched off and the situation is reported to the
systems development lifecycle. It summarizes the main OBC. The Power micro-controller periodically tries to
steps to be taken from the initial conceptual design of the power up the defective load.
system to the final validation of the system. The figure
below shows the V-model followed by Pratham Satellite. 3) Wires, Connectors and Routing of Wires
Pratham uses space grade MicroD 9pin and 15pin,
Right angle Horizontal, Board-to-wire-type PCB mounting
connectors. The Wire Routing Process is described below.
Stage 1: Conceptual - The number of wires going from
one board to another along with their tentative path is
sketched. This stage plays a major role in making the
internal configuration layout.
Stage 2: 2-Dimensional model is made, using the
Figure 6: V Model Engineering Drawings of panels. Detailed path of the wires
are decided along with the location of the harnesses.
The Mission Statement and the Environment (space, Thumb rule of radius of curvature at any bend to be greater
launch vehicle, etc.) give rise to System Requirements. than 6 times the diameter of the bundle is followed.
These System Requirements are handed down to the
Stage 3: 3-Dimensional model is made using a true to
individual Subsystems. The Subsystems also interact with
scale wooden model the final length of wires was
each other to give Subsystem Requirements. Finally from
calculated. In addition the curvatures to be given to bundles
all these requirements come the Critical Parameters which
when routing from one face to another is also maintained
the individual Sub-Systems have to design and satisfy.
as per the thumb rule.
Similarly, the critical parameters are tested by the
Subsystems in Level 1 testing. 2-3 Subsystems get together 4) Integration Sequence
and do Level 2 testing where the interaction between these
For Mechanical Integration of a complexly connected
Subsystems is checked. The final Satellite level testing is
system it is very necessary to decide a sequence of
done in Level 3 testing like vibration testing, etc.
integration activities so as to avoid complications relating
Level 2 Testing: OILS (On-board computer In-Loop to accessibility at later stages. Integration Sequence for
Simulation), as the name suggests is a setup for simulating Pratham will be written in utmost detail starting from the
the on-board computer with inputs similar to those that it first panel and ending with the last screws to be turned.
may experience in the satellite. It is part of the second level
testing and will help identify bugs and shortcomings of the 5) Configuration Layout
hardware and software of the On-Board Computer. In
short, the objective is as follows: To setup an arrangement
to do hardware in loop simulation of the onboard computer
with the exact inputs and outputs it is supposed to receive
in space, and thus verify its performance.
2) Defining the Operational Sequence
It is an essential part of a good design methodology to
document the entire life of the system/product, in order to
cover all possible scenarios that the system may face. For
Pratham we have divided its life into the following stages Figure 7: Internal Configuration Layout
1. Manufacture and Transport phase

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Subsystem Apportioned Reliability

Communication 0.9980
Power 0.9950
Controls 0.9990
On Board Computer 0.9950
Thermal 0.9995
Structure and Mechanisms 1.0000
Integration 0.9990
Figure 8: External Configuration Layout V. OTHER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS

6) Maintaining Weight Budget Students in Pratham have strongly felt that it is

their duty to spread the knowledge and experience that they
have gained while working on the project, to the students
all over the country. This has not only benefited other
Component Mass(kg)
students in other universities by bringing them closer to
Zenith 0.67 space science and technology, but the students belonging to
Nadir 1.22 Pratham have also learnt a lot from this process.
Anti-Sun Side 0.65
A. National Ground Station Workshops
Sun Side 0.63
Leading 0.65 The aim of Pratham was to educate students in the
Lagging 0.64 field of space technology and fallout of this was the social
goal. The social goal aimed at conducting workshops for
LVI(FE ring only) 0.7
students from other universities, making them acquainted
Battery Box 0.04 with the basics of satellite communications and guiding
Battery Pack 0.3 them to build their own Amateur Ground station. The
Monopole1 0.0162 Communication and Ground station Subsystem has also
Monopole2 0.0162 designed low cost (<Rs25,000) ground stations to measure
Monopole3 0.0162 TEC for students from other universities. There already
Monopole holder 0.01
have been 2 national workshops and around 8 other
universities from across the nation have attended them
Monopole holder 0.01
along with professionals from the field. Currently 4 out of
Monopole holder 0.01 the 8 universities have completed design and
Solar Panel(Zenith) 0.3 characterization of the antennae and are in the process of
Solar Panel(Leading) 0.35 designing the ground station circuitry. The list of
Solar Panel (Lagging) 0.35 universities that were involved with the project:
Solar Panel(Sun Side) 0.35 Thapar University, Patiala
Torquer1 0.21 Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai
Torquer2 0.21 Faculty of Engineering Technology, Saveetha
Torquer3 0.21 University, Chennai
Total 7.5586 Atharva Engineering College, Mumbai
BVCOE, Navi Mumbai
Estimated combined mass of connectors, screws, helicoils, BIT Mesra, Extension centre Jaipur
coatings, paints, RTV = 2kg (upper limit) GGTIM, Bhopal
I. Quality Subsystem Jiwaji University, Gwalior
Quality Assurance refers to planned and B. Collaboration with IPGP, France
systematic production processes that provide confidence in Pratham Team entered in collaboration with
a product's suitability for its intended purpose. The Quality Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France; according
subsystem is responsible for maintaining the quality to which Pratham shall switch on both the onboard
standards within the Satellite project. A goal has been set to transmitters over IPGP, France. In return, IPGP shall share
keep the probability of failure during the mission life of the TEC data collected over France and store Pratham
Pratham to less than 2%. Accordingly electrical QA are Satellites TEC data at their TEC data storage facility.
carried out for all the subsystems. The weightage given to IPGP shall also help Pratham team in designing the
each of the subsystems and the final calculated values are payload and processing Pratham Satellites TEC data.
shown in the table below. Mechanical QA is more difficult
to handle since it is always assumed to be ~1, i.e. there is C. Virtual Labs Experiment
no scope for any failure. Hence there are large safety In an attempt to spread the learning produced in the project
factors in all our designs. As a part of QA, a clean room of to an even larger audience, Pratham Team has decided to
1000,000 class has been built for the fabrication and web-enable some of its simulations to make a Virtual
storage of the satellite and its components. Laboratory. The thermals section of the Virtual Laboratory

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is already working on Prathams website. This endeavor is VIII. APPENDICES
supported by Center for Distance Engineering Education
A. List of Faculty Mentors
Programme (CDEEP), IIT Bombay and Ministry of Human
Resource and Development (MHRD).
Name of Faculty Mentor Department
VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Prof K. Sudhakar Aerospace
We wish to thank the Department of Aerospace Prof P. M. Mujumdar Aerospace
Engineering and all the Faculty Mentors of IIT Bombay for
their support and guidance in this project. We wish to thank Prof H. Arya Aerospace
Mr. D.V.A. Raghav Murthy and his team of engineers from Prof H. B. Hablani Aerospace
ISAC and Mr. Jaykumar from VSSC for their support. We Prof S. P. Bhat Aerospace
would like to thank Dr. B.N. Suresh for reviewing our
progress during his visits to IIT Bombay. Finally we would Prof K. Chatterjee Electrical
like to thank Prof. K. Sudhakar, Prof. P.M. Mujumdar, Prof B. G. Fernandes Electrical
Prof. H. Arya and Prof. H. Hablani for their continued
Prof K. N. Iyer Mechanical
support and encouragement for the project.
Prof Madhu N. Belur Electrical
[1] Requirements Capture Report
Prof Krithi Ramamritham Computer Science
[2] Conceptual Design Review Report for Payload Sub-
Prof R. K. Pant Aerospace
Prof K. K. Isaac Mechanical
[3] Conceptual Design Review Report for Communication
and Ground Station Sub-System Prof U. N. Gaitonde Mechanical

[4] Conceptual Design Review Report for Attitude Prof R. K. Shevgaonkar Electrical
Determination and Controls Sub-System Prof R. N. Banavar Systems and Control
[5] Conceptual Design Review Report for Power Sub- Prof D. K. Sharma Electrical
System Prof R. P. Shimpi Aerospace
[6] Conceptual Design Review Report for On Board Prof Girish Kumar Electrical
Computer Sub-System
Prof Kavi Arya Computer Science
[7] Conceptual Design Review Report for Structure Sub-
Prof B Bandyopadhyay Systems and Control
[8] Conceptual Design Review Report for Thermal Sub-
System B. List of Students who have contributed to Pratham
[9] Conceptual Design Review Report for System Engineer Name of Subsystem Contribution to Pratham
[10] Preliminary Design Review Report for Payload Sub- Student
System Saptarshi Project Manager Founding member of the
Bandyopad and System project, has been responsible
[11] Preliminary Design Review Report for hyay Engineer for the integration and
Communication and Ground Station Sub-System mechanical design of the
[12] Preliminary Design Review Report for Attitude satellite along with
contribution in Controls,
Determination and Controls Sub-System
Payload and Social goal
[13] Preliminary Design Review Report for Power Sub- Shashank Controls Head Founding member of the
System Tamaskar and Project project, has been responsible
[14] Preliminary Design Review Report for On Board Manager for the initial development of
the control law and Kalman
Computer Sub-System
[15] Preliminary Design Review Report for Structures Sub- Ashish Goel Former head of Developed the TEC payload
System Payload and tomography algorithm
[16] Preliminary Design Review Report for Thermals Sub- Kartavya Former head of Developed the initial layout of
System Neema Communication the Onboard circuitry and
and design of Groundstation
[17] Preliminary Design Review Report for Mechanisms Groundstation antennae
Sub-System Subsystem
[18] Preliminary Design Review Report for System Jhonny Jha Present Project Developed the Onboard
Engineering and Integration Sub-System Manager and Communication circuitry and
Communication designed the Groundstation at
[19] Preliminary Design Review Report for Quality Sub- and IITB and other universities

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Groundstation Chiplunkar Structures and Harmoic analysis of
Subsystem qualification model of satellite
Head structure
Mallesh Former Core Developed the control law in Hussain Member of Developed and designed the
Bommanah Group Member its initial form Manasawala Communication flight models of PCB for
al and Member of telemetry, beacon and Uplink
Nikunj Member of Developed the code for
Sanyam Core Group Developed the weight and Bhagat Communication telemetry circuit and beacon
Mulay Member for power budget and Operational circuit to be used by the OBC
System sequence for the satellite
Engineering Siddharth M Former Member Developed code for onboard
of beacon
Deepika Core group Conducted the National Communication
Thakur member for workshops as part of social
Communication goal and designed the IITB Viraj Former Member Developed the real time
Groundstation Deshpande of tracking mechanism for the
Communication Groundstation
Prashant Present head of Developed the software for the
Sachdeva OBC Team OBC and designed the setup Yashovardh Core Group Developed the control law and
for OILS an Chati Member for conducted robustness analysis
Controls using Monte Carlo
Vishnu Former Head of Developed the concepts Simulations
Sresht OBC Team behind the OBC
Vaibhav Core Group Developed the control law and
Pratik Former member Developed the atmel board for Unhelkar Member for conducted robustness analysis
Chaudhari of OBC Team OBC Controls using Monte Carlo
Simulations, also responsible
Ameya Former Head of Developed the Power and for sensor characterisation
Damle Power and OBC hardware and was
Quality Team responsible for quality Amol Former Member Tested the Amplifiers and
assurance measures Patwardhan of LNA and designed the
Communication onboard circuitry
Jaideep Present Head of Developed the deterministic
Joshi Controls control law and the Kalman Sanket Member of Developed wire routing
filter Diwale Integration team models and designed the
qualification model of the
Haripriya Core Group Developed the design and satellite
Member configuration layout of the
satellite Mihir Patel Member of Developed wire routing
Integration team models and designed the
Manas Present head of Developed the thermal qualification model of the
Rachh thermals simulations of the satellite and satellite
is responsible for the thermal
design; created an online LAB Nithin Member of Developed models for thermal
using the simulation codes as Mannil Thermal simulations
part of social goal subsystem
Niranjan Former Head of Developed simulation models Sachin Member of Developed inhouse code for
Parab Structures of satellite in ANSYS and Thermal thermal simulation of the
conducted preliminary subsystem satellite body
vibration testing of the satellite
Harshit Member of Developing setup for OILS
Subhasis Former head of Developed the Matlab codes to Mittal OBC Subsystem
Das Payload be used for TEC computation
Pranay Jain Member of Developing setup for OILS
Mayank Head of Designed and modelled the OBC Subsystem
Chaturvedi Mechanisms qulaification model of the
and Integration satellite alongwith the Snap Chiraag Member of Development and design of
mechanism Juvekar OBC Subsystem Power and OBC PCB's

Mehul Former head of Developed the initial design of Ajinkya Member of Developed mechanism for
Tikekar Power the Power board and initiated Bapat Communication monopole holder and tracking
subsystem and Quality assurance measures of satellites
Member of for other subsystems Mayank Member of Developed mechanism for
Quality Team Vibhuti Jha Communication monopole holder and tracking
Ramnath Former Core Conducted Random, Modal of satellites
Pai Group Member and Harmoic analysis of Narendra Former member Developed and designed the
preliminary satellite structure Shriradkar of Power initial Power board
and conducted preliminary
vibration testing of Varun Jog Former Member Finalised polarization
Engineering model of Payload measuring circuitry at the
Ankit Head of Conducted Random, Modal

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