Opening Prayer Completion

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Opening Prayer

By Reesa T. Azarraga

Let us all remember that we are in the most Holy presence of God.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.

Completers: His loving kindness endures forever.

Heavenly Father, in your loving providence you have chosen us to be

signs of faith in the midst of this world. Kindle a deep spirit of faith
among us gathered here to celebrate our completion. With gratitude in
our hearts, we offer you our sacrifice of praise. With humility, we offer
you all our achievements and laurels. May they inspire us to consecrate
more our lives to the Lasallian mission of giving human and Christian
education with the service of the poor as a priority, in order to
evangelize and catechize. May we remain faithful Lasallians in our
thoughts, in our words and in our actions wherever we may be.


May we live our faith,

May we live to serve

and may we live in communion in mission all the days of our lives

St. John Baptist De La Sallepray for us!

Live Jesus in our hearts..forever!

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