Brochure General RINA Consulting Long

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Engineering Your Vision

RINA Consulting Short Profile

With a history going back 150 years, the RINA Group is a global corporation that
provides engineering and consultancy services, as well as testing, inspection
and certification.

RINA Consulting is the engineering consultancy division of the RINA Group,

the result of the integration of a number of internationally respected RINA
companies including RINA Consulting, Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Edif ERA (ERA
Technology), G.E.T., Logmarin Advisors, OST Energy, Polaris, SC Sembenelli
Consulting and Seatech. RINA Consulting brings together a rich heritage of
engineering consultancy expertise into one unique organisation.

Working alongside Clients, as a trusted technical partner, RINA Consulting

provides a wide range of traditional and innovative services to critical industry
sectors, including oil & gas, power, renewables, space & defence, transport &
infrastructure sectors.

Our 1,700 talented professionals give us the depth of experience across

engineering disciplines to support Clients at each phase of their project
from initial concepts and design, through to operation, maintenance and
decommissioning. We are committed to providing services that are of the highest
quality for our Clients, creating added value for their business through our
technical advice and support - managing risk, operating safely, in a sustainable
way and optimising performance.

Oil & Gas

Globally, the energy industry is in a period of flux. Changing balance of supply
and demand are transforming the industrys approach for both short and long
term planning. RINA Consultings Oil & Gas team is ready to meet these new
challenges. We recognize that the strategic goals of optimized energy and
material consumption, respect for the environment, sustainable business, safe
operations, asset integrity and efficient production are critical to success in
todays market. Our services are tailored to this end, helping Clients attain their
goals through custom-made engineering solutions.


Wise investments require prompt, far-sighted decisions to exploit opportunities,

to drive down costs and to enhance safety, accessibility, duration and
performance of assets: that is when major companies rely on our teams skills
and experience. Our direct, hands-on experience in concept selection, design,
construction management and Operations & Maintenance engineering ensures
Clients of sound, cost effective solutions.


RINA Consultings involvement spans the life of Oil & Gas projects. During the initial
phases we perform market studies, concept selection and economic/technical
feasibility assessments. When the best solution has been identified we provide
the necessary site surveys, environmental assessments and FEED engineering
to progress towards the investment decision. RINA Consultings Safety and Loss
Prevention group is active in this phase, identifying project risks and developing
effective mitigation measures. Our Project Management Consulting (PMC)
team supports Clients from tender through construction and commissioning,
providing skilled construction managers and discipline leads for a successful
project. Efficiency of the final operation is ensured by proper attention during
engineering to technical training, Risk Based Inspection and Reliability Centered
Maintenance. We continue to follow the Clients assets throughout the life of the
facility, providing O&M audits, Asset Integrity Management and Life Extension
Oil & Gas OIL & GAS

Geoscience input is required for all man-made structures. RINA Consulting offers expertise in Engineering Safety,
We perform all site characterisation required to design the Occupational Health, Risk Analysis, Process Safety/Loss
engineered facilities and mitigate project risks with cost Prevention, Asset Protection and HSE Management. We
effective remedial measures. Through our services of developed these skills over a 30 year history in the Oil
site investigations, geohazard assessments, geotechnical & Gas, Chemical and Petrochemical industries, nurturing
engineering and metocean studies, we quantify the site an experienced staff with a strong reputation for problem
environment: the earth on which the facility will be founded, solving and exceptional responsiveness. Our portfolio
the sea or air with which the structure will interact, and covers virtually all types of offshore and onshore assets
external environmental events which may affect the from projects around the world. Our know-how helps
project (earthquakes, landslides, floods, windstorms, projects achieve optimal performance, minimise risks and
faults, tsunami etc.). maintain a safe workplace.


Continuously evolving engineering challenges require Flawless development of a project from Concept Selection
cutting-edge solutions. We provide realistic and reliable to Feasibility, FEED and Detailed Design requires strong
modelling to support decision making, identify criticalities expertise in the initial phase to correctly address key
and implement mitigation. Advanced FEM structural decisions. RINA Consulting is well acquainted with complex
analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics, shiphandling Oil & Gas projects; we have the multi-faceted expertise
simulations, logistic studies and economic-financial to arrive at sound, cost effective concept solutions. We
modelling can optimise design and operations. We carry this expertise forward to support Clients through
perform these analyses using state of the art methods the entire design process, commencing with the initial
and software, such as SACS, ISYMOST, NSO, OPTIMOOR, project idea, developing the basic design, specifications
MOSES, ORCAFLEX, AQWA, POWERSIM, MATLAB, and tender documents in FEED, and carrying through to
NAVAL++, ANSYS, LS-DYNA, STAR-CCM+. final detailed design.


Project Management and Control are key factors to Operability assurance is the link between a complex RINA Consultings Asset Integrity Management services A well-trained staff is key for an efficient facility. We have
achieve project success. During tendering phase, we facility design and its operational performance. It guarantee the ability of an asset to perform its required been meeting Clients training needs for more than 50
support our Clients translating their priorities into project refers to all the activities that ensure an asset is ready function effectively while protecting health, safety and the years. Our expertise covers exploration (geosciences
requirements and contractor evaluation. During design for transition from the EPC contractor to the owner. environment through the whole lifecycle. Our engineers and drilling) and production (upstream and midstream
phase, reviews by our team of engineers ensure compliant Services range from preparation of operation manuals target obtaining the maximum results from facilities: facilities to refining and petrochemicals). Moving beyond
and timely progress. During Construction, we make sure to criticality assessments and formal Maintenance & from mechanical integrity plans and inspection surveys the traditional classroom, we provide distance learning
that contractors work according to quality, safety and Inspection programmes. Risk-based studies (RBI/RCM), to operation audits, advanced data analysis, fitness and eTutoring, blended learning and Operator Training
environment standards, within cost and time constraints set computerised maintenance management systems, and for service & residual life assessments. In addition Simulator (OTS) in 3D environments. Whether you are
by the contract. Our team of Project Managers, Planners, spare parts management systems optimise OPEX. Our to well-maintained assets, we have direct experience staffing a new plant, developing competence assurance
Field Engineers and Supervisors can cover requirements experienced and qualified personnel deliver a safely with rehabilitation of degraded plants, structures, and or implementing nationalisation programmes, you can
arising in any geographic area or stage of a project. prepared plant ready to achieve a successful start-up. pipelines. count on RINA Consulting.

Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution

The energy market is a complex mix of engineering infrastructure, operators,
tariffs and consumers. Efficient power generation, network stability and a reliable
energy supply are shared goals throughout the sector. RINA Consulting supports
Clients through feasibility studies, design, operational excellence and cost-
effective asset management; all crucial to sustainable and profitable operations.
Our services help ensure effective generation integration, prevention of
unplanned outages and prioritisation of repair and replacement decisions, all
intended to maximise operational availability and minimise potential financial
penalties for loss of supply, poor environmental performance or safety issues.


Despite increasing pressure on energy conservation, efficiency improvements,

and the use of renewable energy, the appetite for power will continue to grow
as the world population increases and developing markets need additional
energy. This will require additional generating capacity with more demanding
environmental requirements, driving cleaner power production and the search
for innovative ways to generate, store, and transport that power. We support
our Clients worldwide, providing expertise throughout the project life cycle on
all types of generation plant: conventional thermal, cogeneration and district
heating, nuclear, renewables and hydropower. RINA Consulting has long-standing
experience in assisting owners, EPC contractors, project developers, banks and
investors; from concept development to construction management and plant
commissioning. We provide qualified services for the operability assurance of the
plant, ensuring that the whole installation is designed and constructed with the
participation of suitably qualified and experienced operating and maintenance


For a holistic view of how your assets individual elements interact, you need one
consultancy with comprehensive knowledge of how the systems and domains
work individually and together. The collaborative work of our technical specialists
ensures all bases are covered and best practice is applied. This approach
means our Clients benefit from an optimised performance in terms of availability
and reliability without compromising operational safety. With extensive global
experience of power transmission, distribution and utilisation projects across
many industry sectors, RINA Consulting provides a high quality, independent and
confidential, one-stop service covering low to extra high voltage power systems.
Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution G., T. & D.

Power systems are typically analysed in the time or Incorrect protection settings can result in spurious
frequency domain. We undertake Power Flow, Fault tripping during normal load conditions, or failure to
Level, Stability, Load Shedding, System Restart, Voltage trip when a fault occurs. Inadequate discrimination can
fluctuation, Flicker (ENA ER P28) and Harmonic Studies result in unnecessary disconnection of supply to loads.
(ENA ER G5/4-1). Our consultants have comprehensive RINA Consulting can identify optimum protection settings
experience in Protection Studies for transmission (UK to ensure that our Clients personnel and electrical
National Grid TP141 authorised), distribution and network are suitably protected, and supply availability is
industrial networks. Software packages used for these maximised. Furthermore, RINA Consulting can support
studies include DIGsILENT, IPSA+, EMPT/ATP, PTW Clients in using short circuit study results to selectively
CAPTOR, AutoCAD, ETAP, PSS/e,NEPLAN and ERACS coordinate time current characteristics of electrical
(power analysis software developed by RINA Consulting). protective devices.


RINA Consulting provides earthing and lightning protection The challenge for offshore wind energy transmission and
consultancy, we are able to provide independent technical operation includes the offshore wind grid technologies,
advice from routine assessments and designs through to low-voltage-ride-through and the dynamic voltage
high-level policy and research and development. Our supporting. At RINA Consulting we assist our Clients by
technical reports, provided by RINA Consultings excellent providing planning procedures, ampacity calculation of
and highly skilled team of consultants and engineers, are medium and high-voltage submarine cables connecting
accepted by major electricity transmission and distribution offshore wind farms, and the grid interconnections
companies throughout the world and provide our Clients studies. RINA Consulting has extensive experience at all
with confidence that their electrical installation complies stages of project development, from site identification and
with the applicable national and international standards cable route planning through to installation support and
and best safety practice. services for decommissioning.

Our power systems consultants undertake the design of We have over 30 years experience in the design of
overhead lines, including tower design, route, insulator Power Generation Plants, from the revamping of smaller We provide support in the planning, design and grid We support Clients in the management and control of
and surge arrestor selection plus SVC design. We also units to the development of large integrated grassroot connection of conventional plants, photovoltaic, wind, tidal power projects. Our services aim to meet the project needs
provide studies including sub-synchronous resonance complexes. We have been involved in over 300 power and wave energy systems. We ensure a smooth process in a timely and efficient manner, considering technical,
and insulation-coordination. Our consultants have in- projects worldwide, with an installed capacity greater than and risk mitigation through electrical feasibility studies, economic, financial and environmental aspects. Our
depth knowledge of network and substation design 60 GW. Our teams promote efficiency in design and reduce on-site measurements, consultancy on international grid project control services support Clients during the complex
from 11 kV to 400 kV. Our services range from the initial costs and delays resulting from more traditional design codes and compliance assessments. We analyse both management of the construction phase. Our offer includes:
conceptual design, to completion of the project. We can approaches. We work from base level to detailed design steady-state and dynamic power system performance, Architect Engineering, Owner Engineering, Procurement
outline the initial design to detailed design and manage and shop drawings, using advanced 3D design software achieving effective integration of renewable generation. We Coordination, Construction Management, Transportation
the entire project through to specification, bid evaluation, (Intergraph Smartplant 3D, AVEVA PDMS, etc.) integrated have completed harmonic studies on numerous renewable and Installation Supervision, Testing and Commissioning
construction, testing, commissioning and final acceptance. with common calculation tools (GT Strudl, Caesar II, etc.). projects and worked on generation projects of all sizes. Management, Health and Safety Management.

Renewables & Sustainability

One of our traditional core businesses is engineering consultancy, design and
management services in the environmental field. We enable our Clients to increase
environmental awareness, to ensure compliance with local and international
laws, regulations and standards, to achieve their sustainable business goals and
to improve the social and economic context of their businesses. We can prepare
master plans for fostering economic development and ensuring compliance with
environmental and social standards. We help our Clients to ensure the technical
and financial sustainability of their businesses under various schemes, such as
project and corporate finance.


Our team of scientists, engineers, chemists, ecologists, biologists, geologists,

hydro geologists, planners, environmental and social specialists provides
effective services worldwide to both public organisations and the private sector.
We are familiar with the environmental and social best practices and we have
been able to successfully provide our services to Clients, both developers and
financial institutions, in the oil and gas, mining, infrastructure, power generation
and industry markets.


At RINA Consulting, we know that efficiently managing resources is a key driver

for success in a wide range of sectors. Therefore we have developed a resource
efficiency methodology to optimise our Clients use of multiple resources (energy,
raw materials, water, by-products, wastes, wastewater, recyclables, etc.). Our
multidisciplinary specialists are able to assist our Clients in the continuous
improvement of products, processes and organization, and to help them drive
cost reduction, limit their environmental footprint and increase their profitability.


Our consulting services include all technical, financial and regulatory aspects of
the development of renewable energy projects. We bring world-class expertise
in the latest generation technologies wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, biomass.
Thanks to a deep understanding of greenhouse gas reduction technologies and
processes and to a direct involvement in resilience and disaster risk management
programs, our offer also includes climate change mitigation and adaptation
Renewables & Sustainability SUSTAINABILITY

RINA Consulting supports project developers in concept We are specialised in the evaluation, assessment,
identification, site selection and routing. We advise on the mitigation, and monitoring of environmental, health,
need for EIA / ESIA / SEA, planning issues and legislative safety and social risks of complex projects worldwide. We
requirements, draft ESIA reports and other technical can provide comprehensive environmental and social due
studies for environmental authorisations (integrated diligence and monitoring reports, ensuring a projects
pollution prevention and control permits, atmospheric compliance with key international standards and industry
emission permits, water discharge permits, landscape best practices. We also perform environmental and health
permits, implication studies, etc.) and we support Clients in risk analyses at contaminated sites, site contaminant fate
the post-application period. Furthermore, we can facilitate and transport modelling, and health impact assessments,
the permitting process and public consultation, supporting to evaluate the potential effects of contamination and to
the implementation of EIA suggested measures. define the need for remediation measures.


Through our resource efficiency methodology we support Working in partnership with governments and donor
our clients Clients in achieving an optimal and efficient use agencies, RINA Consulting provides innovative advice and
of resources. We identify resource consumption levels, practical solutions in complex and highly indeterminate
perform energy and water efficiency studies, propose environments. We offer a multidisciplinary approach
technically and financially viable solutions for optimising that covers all aspects of sustainable infrastructure
resource consumption and mitigating operational and development. We provide knowledge, experience and
commercial risks. We are specialised in preparing market technical assistance for the expansion of the private
demand studies and managing sustainable energy business sector and increasing collective wealth in
financing facilities, as well as in developing sustainable / developing and transitional economies. Capacity building
low carbon plans for private and public sector initiatives is integral to our work, ensuring the achievement of long
in rural, urban and industrial areas. term goals.

Experience has shown that plant performance is variable. We provide expert technical input across the project
Whether the asset is operating as expected or is showing lifecycle to inform decision-making by our Clients. This Effective data analysis is critical in helping Clients maximise At the heart of our work is the independent identification,
issues, we help our Clients to keep it performing in a safe, includes technical and commercial assessment of pre- available information to understand achievable revenue evaluation, mitigation and management of project risk.
reliable and durable way to increase financial gains. Our construction projects and portfolios, detailed commercial streams or minimise overall cost and risk. We tailor our Our experience in project engineering design specification,
team of engineers will monitor your plant 24/7/365, and technical advice to secure and enhance, or critically solutions in accordance with each Clients financial, plant & equipment procurement and construction
perform detailed technical data analyses, and follow up appraise the value of assets in construction or operation, engineering, or management demands, offering services management, allows us to guide our Clients through
diligently on any issues to ensure maximum returns for assistance in the establishment or review of all relevant ranging from a simple feasibility analysis, to finance-grade critical decisions from initial feasibility to operation. In
the entire operational life of your project. Our services project documentation and comprehensive analysis of estimates including a detailed breakdown of losses and support of initial project development, acting as Owners
are tailored to suit every Clients requirements and site all high-impact risks and appropriate mitigation options. uncertainties (P50, P90, etc.) enabling optimal technical Engineer or Lenders Technical Advisor, or in support of
conditions, and we offer a full suite of services to support We also assist owners and lenders in achieving project design and component specifications, to NPV and IRR project acquisition or sale, our services ensure long term
owners in day-to-day operation. financial close or financial investment decisions. forecasting along with senior debt requirements. benefits for our Clients, while achieving short-term goals.

Materials, Technology & Innovation

With over 300 consultants and engineers, more than 20 laboratories, pilot
lines and full scale testing facilities Materials, Technology & Innovation (MTI)
offers powerful capabilities to any company looking to develop new materials
and processes, apply innovative manufacturing techniques and embrace future
technologies. We are proud to improve the performance of our Clients assets
in all environments, providing a rapid response to their needs and keeping time
to market minimal.


Our mission is to be the partner of choice for any project in which materials
and technologies play a critical role. Leveraging our extensive know-how in the
field of materials, technologies and innovation, we create value for our Clients
throughout the entire life cycle of projects, from R&D to asset management. MTI
is a key player in the technological transfer from research projects to the best
innovative solutions for the Industry, giving our Clients a competitive edge.


We offer R&D projects and consulting services to support companies in the

process of product development, starting from the strategic evaluation of the
technical scenario, to product design, process upscale and market uptake, taking
into consideration smart manufacturing technologies (additive manufacturing).
Thanks to multidisciplinary teams and deep knowledge of applications across
all sectors we create value for our Clients by cross-fertilising ideas between
different markets. MTIs Innovation and New Product Development services
cover the entire product and service life cycle from ideation to end-of-life or
failure investigation , unlocking engineering productivity and driving value across
production and the supply chain.


To maximise the availability and safety of large, high-value assets, our Clients
know they must invest in asset design, integrity and reliability assessments at
each stage of the assets lifecycle. Asset owners and operators rely on the
technical information we provide to make informed asset management decisions,
optimising the economics of Capex and Opex in terms of maintenance, repair or
replacement strategies.
Materials, Technology & Innovation INNOVATION

Working together with our Clients as a trusted partner, we With our highly skilled consultants and engineers we
start each project by defining the drivers that are moving support our Clients in transforming an idea into an
a company to innovate. From there, we support our Clients engineering concept by means of functional analysis,
in order to identify and analyse all potential evolution quality function deployment (QFD), preliminary design,
opportunities, giving them the required information to material selection and rendering. The product design is
make a strategic decision. At RINA Consulting we consider then optimised through FEM and CFD analyses, discrete-
technology development, IPR, market and business model element modelling and virtual testing. We use Life Cycle
aspects, allowing our Clients to understand the technical Thinking instruments to support our Clients in strategic
and economic feasibility of their innovation project and decisions through the assessment of economic and
their positioning with respect to the main (current or environmental impacts, paving the way for Design for
future) competitors. Environment and product certifications.


Our spectrum of mechanical and electrical engineering Thanks to a comprehensive knowledge of materials and
knowledge and experience enables us to offer a broad extensive laboratory capabilities, ranging from nanoscale
range of Fitness For Service technical services from on- to full scale, our specialists can provide a broad range
site field support and defect assessments to complex of material selection services for specific technological
finite element simulations to support any condition applications. We help our Clients to identify operating
assessment programme. Our experience extends over envelopes, addressing enhanced safety even in severe
the past 30 years which has enabled us to develop a conditions and also focusing on cost saving. We conduct
deep understanding of industry-specific issues and life- testing to qualify materials and provide experimental
limiting damage mechanisms and enables us to provide evidence of resistance against damage mechanisms,
the impartial advice valued by our Clients across all including those related to operation in very severe
industry sectors. environments and extreme loading conditions.

Our renowned engineers provide a wide range of Our excellence in fracture mechanics, fatigue, stress
performance assessment services to Clients from all analysis, material performance, mechanical testing and In todays global market, innovation is the key factor for We provide a systematic, phased approach to condition
industry sectors, including full scale testing, type approval non-destructive inspection enables us to offer ECA services competitiveness. Thanks to our multidisciplinary approach, assessment, tailored to each Clients needs from the
testing, and electrical, mechanical and materials testing, at the highest levels. Our Clients can attain significant cost we can support Clients during the entire innovation initial asset life management strategy, reviews of plant
in accordance with international industry standards or savings and enhanced safety in construction by gaining process, from concept design to industrial application. design, operation and maintenance, through to effective
specific Client requirements. We also provide independent a better awareness of the effect of actual imperfections. With over 20 state-of-the-art laboratories and pilot plants inspection planning, Fitness For Service, remaining
design verification of products and third-party witnessing Analyses are performed in compliance with recognised we are able to reproduce complete industrial cycles and life assessments, and strategies for future asset
of manufacturing processes, Factory Acceptance Testing procedures such asBS7910, API579 and R6 as well as our experts can implement innovative solutions directly management. Equipment failure requires a quick and
and commissioning activities. Our expertise includes special procedures. We also provide component specific in our Clients plants. For that reason, over the last 50 expert response. Our team is adept at gathering forensic
the assessment of electrical, electronic, mechanical, input data for these studies through testing and stress years, major market leaders have chosen RINA Consulting evidence and establishing the root cause of a failure
metallurgical, ceramic and polymeric materials. analysis. as strategic partner for their competitiveness. with clear advice to prevent similar events in the future.

Space & Defence

Delivering complex programmes is challenging at the best of times, but in an
environment where safety, reliability and availability are critical, these add to the
task. At the same time, organisations require cost effectiveness in programme
development and deployment as well as operational efficiencies. Digital
technologies are integral in both current and future development programmes,
but bring their own increasingly complex risks in the fast-paced world of cyber
security. With a lengthy history of working directly with government defence
ministries, space agencies and prime contractors, we have an extensive range
of capabilities to support programmes through their entire life-cycle. From
defining specifications and conceptual design through to design, development,
installation, integration and training we provide the right skills set to deliver the


With a track record as a trusted partner, we provide Clients with support through
their entire project life-cycle, providing independent and confidential advice and
support. Our teams can react quickly to changing requirements, with an agile
approach to project management.


Many of our team members have worked directly in the defence and space
sectors, so understand the culture and complexities of the sector. With over 150
core consultants from safety, system, security and software engineers to training
practitioners, we also have access to the additional pool of expertise in the wider
RINA Group. All our consultants have the appropriate security clearances.


As a leading provider of engineering and consultancy services with a broad

portfolio, we have extensive experience across the supply chain, working directly
for governments, space agencies, prime contractors, equipment manufacturers,
suppliers and SMEs.
Space & Defence DEFENCE

Complex engineering programmes require our systems Dependency on the reliability of IT infrastructures, systems
and software engineering team to work collaboratively and software are fundamental to any organisation. Our
with client-based teams as well as other third parties. software engineering services cover the entire project
RINA Consulting has extensive practical experience in lifecycle in accordance with ISO/IEC 12207, EN 50128,
system design, development and testing by participating MIL-STD-2167A, MIL-STD-498, ECSS E40-B and DO-178B
in and managing multiple hardware, software and engineering standards. As an independent organisation,
integration programmes. Our systems engineering we provide verification and validation as well as product
approach is derived from ISO 15288, IEC 1220 and the assurance and software reliability services. Our software
INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, and combined services include computer-aided engineering tools,
with a commonsensical and pragmatic approach to meet embedded systems, modelling and simulation, product
our clients requirements. assurance and software reliability.


RINA Consulting provides bespoke electromagnetic Specialising in project management, mobilisation, control
compatibility (EMC) work packages and assessments. and delivery, RINA Consulting helps Clients manage
Giving reassurance that critical assets, systems and risk and deliver on time and within budget. Our broad
installations will operate reliably, safely and without experience includes complete turnkey solutions for
interfering with each other or with systems and services SMEs, helping prime contractors mobilise teams to
operating in the neighbouring environment. Within the deliver multi-million euro programmes and meeting short
space and defence sectors, our EMC consultants are term transient requirements. RINA Consultings core
specialists in whole aircraft EMC certification testing and team has extensive experience gained from all levels in
assessments in support of airworthiness. Furthermore industry and military backgrounds, allowing us to guide
they specialise in the EMC analysis, mitigation and business change and transformation, leading to business
qualification for land and naval platforms. efficiencies for our Clients.

Complex projects in the space and defence sectors are Technological systems need to be robust to ensure In todays workplace, our Clients often work in challenging
costly to design and deliver. It is crucial to have a clear information is secure and protected from cyberattacks. environments, where operational performance, risk and Effectively applying Integrated Logistic Support (ILS)
understanding of potential costs at an early stage in a Our consultants are knowledgeable practitioners with safety are critically dependent upon having the right management and analysis can help establish a successful
programme, so that operations can be optimised, risk real world experience of leading safety critical operations, people, with the right skills, in the right place, at the right support solution. We help Clients understand the issues
managed and informed decisions can be made. Our with cross-disciplinary expertise as well as systems time. RINA Consulting offers training consultancy services and risks to implement programmes that deliver a fully
modelling and simulation services help organisations to engineering skills. We have experience in providing safety that specialise in the rigorous analysis of organisational integrated approach across a range of disciplines,
understand and assess the future outcomes of plans, advice across a spectrum of high-risk technologies, in the training requirements and the development of bespoke ensuring that the supporting infrastructure and services
from identification and quantification of through-life air, land and maritime domains. Our security engineering training solutions in safety-critical environments. This are considered at the earliest stages of a development
risks, supporting budget forecasts, option trade-offs services include information security, physical security, approach provides Clients with the tools to make good programme. We assist in re-negotiations or extensions of
or the down-selection of affordable and sustainable security risk management, vessel traffic and homeland investment decisions about what training is required for support contracts, providing advice on improvements and
capabilities. security system engineering. their organisation. ensuring a win-win relationship for operator and supplier.

Transport & Infrastructure

With passion, innovation and commitment we strive to make communities
more connected, safe and comfortable, supporting the global industry with a
comprehensive, creative, dependable and efficient delivery.


Multidisciplinary skill sets, valuable know-how, one team

Modern, efficient infrastructures and transport facilities are the backbone of our
cities and industries, supporting countries in their economic, sustainable and
social growth. RINA Consultings multidisciplinary and creative teams help Clients
realise their state-of-the-art projects, meeting specific targets and project needs
with technical excellence and robust project management skills. A strong local
presence allows us to constantly be in touch with our Clients.


Serving industries and people for an environmentally

friendly community

We work hard every day to go beyond the expectations of our Clients in planning
and designing efficient and sustainable infrastructures. We aim to provide people
with comfortable and healthy living and work spaces, optimised and green
transportation of goods, and safe and reliable mobility services.


Comprehensive, creative, dependable and efficient

services with Client orientation

Thanks to our participation in several international research and development

programmes, we are able to use the most advanced technologies and materials.
We deliver our services to public authorities, financial institutions and private
companies throughout the life cycle of their infrastructure projects. Our services
include: master plans, market and traffic analysis, concept design and feasibility
studies, logistics optimisations, site characterisation studies, permitting,
environmental impact assessment, energy efficiency, multidisciplinary basic
and detailed design, systems engineering and integration, specialised technical
advisory, project management, construction supervision, health and safety, risk
and security, structural monitoring and integrity management, operation and
maintenance, and decommissioning.
Transport & Infrastructure INFRASTRUCTURE

The main challenge of making our living environment Mass transit is the most sustainable and efficient
more sustainable can only be met with a strong effort in transport mode at urban level. Since the 90s RINA
reinforcing smart mobility in which railway infrastructure Consulting has been delivering specialised consulting
plays a significant role. RINA Consulting offers its strong services to contribute to the most innovative mass
expertise to meet this challenge, providing cutting edge transit systems as, for example, driverless metro. We
services through the whole life cycle of a project: from support our Clients in all the design phases with services
concept to operation of conventional and high speed combining different technical skills, always proposing
lines to regeneration of existing ones. Our excellent team the most appropriate solutions in terms of costs, time,
combines a worldwide experience in the most outstanding safety and technology. During testing, commissioning
projects with strong commitment and a problem solving and operation we put our expert teams in place to meet
approach to support our Clients in realising their projects. our Clients requirements.


We have a long experience in the field of dams and Road and Highway infrastructure influence the economic
hydraulic works, having been involved in the most growth and wellbeing of countries, guaranteeing the
significant projects worldwide, related to zoned earth/rock strategic links in multimodal networks across regions.
dams and hydroelectric power plants. Thanks to strong We offer the full scope of engineering and advisory
creative and technical skills we are able to identify the services necessary to plan and develop new networks,
most suitable solutions in various project stages, offering: as well as to upgrade existing ones, from the planning
feasibility and sustainability studies, detailed design, phase through construction to the operational stage. Our
construction supervision and contract management services include traffic studies, safety and risk analysis,
services. Broad experience in harsh environments and an feasibility studies, design, H&S management, construction
open-minded approach to critical issues are at the basis supervision and smart monitoring systems for bridges,
of our successful projects. viaducts, tunnels etc.


The built environment is a key aspect of everyday life Over 80% of world trade is carried by sea. Ports, the heart Infrastructure is a key driver to achieve economic and the greatest opportunities to influence the success of
for billions of people: our aim is to contribute to the of logistic supply chains, have always played a key role social growth, optimising the movement of people, any project and add value. Our RINA Consulting team
improvement of their quality of life, which we can influence in promoting economic growth. We have been providing commodities and goods around the globe. Cities and works closely with Clients, providing broad expertise and
at different scales: regional, city, district and building level. services to port projects for decades and today we offer their mobility, ports, transport networks (railways, roads, competences, a deep local and global understanding and
Through our multidisciplinary approach, we provide a the full scope of engineering and advisory services to highways, shipping), distribution of goods and supply creativeness, together with state-of-the-art technological
comprehensive understanding of a sites constraints and plan and develop ports and associated handling and chains for mines and industries require comprehensive skills, required to plan for a sustainable future. RINA
opportunities and work closely with urban and landscape connecting infrastructures. We deal with single captive and rigorously multidisciplinary efforts, coordinated with Consulting provides a wide range of services, including
designers to develop masterplans and create a resilient terminals, large multimodal hubs, ferry and cruise a strong logistic approach and foresight, in order to cope strategic, market and commercial analyses, land use
infrastructure framework. At a smaller scale, our design terminals and leisure marinas. We are a renowned leader with targets that will change during a fairly long project and master planning, feasibility studies, performance
team develops both new and existing buildings that are in marine logistic and transshipment and have extensive life. Decisions made at the planning and feasibility stage assessments, cost-benefit and multi criteria analyses, and
innovative, safe, efficient, sustainable and durable. experience in maritime surveillance and port security. set the path for the following project stages: offering assistance during bidding processes.
RINA Consulting S.p.A.
[email protected]

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