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The manual covers how to use the DELFTship marine software interface and provides information about project settings, hull modeling, and other features.

The manual covers how to use the DELFTship interface and navigate around the software, set up projects, model hulls, and other program functions and tools.

The manual states that no parts of the work may be reproduced or distributed without written permission from the publisher and that it assumes no liability for errors, damages, or commercial losses related to use of the content.

DELFTship manual

User manual
by DELFTship marine software
DELFTship manual
2017 DELFTship marine software

All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the publisher.

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective
owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document
or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be
liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly
by this document.

Printed: January 2017 in Hoofddorp.


Table of Contents
Part I The DELFTship interface 1
1.1 DELFTship
main window 2
1.2 Zooming,
panning and rotating 3
1.3 Selecting
objects 4
1.4 Manipulating
geometry 4
1.5 Manually
modifying points 6
1.6 Viewport
menu 7

Part II Project settings and program preferences 11

2.1 Project
settings 12
2.2 Program
preferences 14

Part III Hull modeling 16

3.1 Background
to surface modeling 17
3.2 DELFTship
coordinate system 20
3.3 Organizing
your model with layers 22
3.4 Working
with background images 24
3.5 Control
curves and fairing 28
3.6 File
group 29
.......................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.6.1 New Project
.......................................................................................................................................................... 32
3.6.2 File import
.......................................................................................................................................................... 37
3.6.3 File Export
3.7 Top
menu ribbon and tabs 39
3.7.1 Home tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
......................................................................................................................................................... Project menu 39
......................................................................................................................................................... 39 Edit menu Layer.........................................................................................................................................................
menu 40 Point.........................................................................................................................................................
menu 41 Edge.........................................................................................................................................................
menu 42 Curve.........................................................................................................................................................
menu 45 Face.........................................................................................................................................................
menu 45 Hull .........................................................................................................................................................
display menu 46 Tank.........................................................................................................................................................
display menu 49
......................................................................................................................................................... Window menu 49
3.7.2 Tools tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 49
......................................................................................................................................................... 50 Layers
......................................................................................................................................................... Project tools menu 50 Intersections ......................................................................................................................................... 52 Linesplan ......................................................................................................................................... 53 Unfold /.........................................................................................................................................
Plate development 55
......................................................................................................................................................... Modeling tools menu 57
......................................................................................................................................................... Transform menu 58
......................................................................................................................................................... Markers menu 60
......................................................................................................................................................... 3D primitives menu 62
3.7.3 Calculations and extensions tab 63
......................................................................................................................................................... Hydrostatics menu 63
.......................................................................................................................................................... 63
3.7.4 Settings tab

2017 DELFTship marine software

......................................................................................................................................................... 65 Translations
3.7.5 System tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 66

Part IV Hydrostatic calculations 68

4.1 Design
hydrostatics 69
4.2 Hydrostatics
............................................................................................................................................................................. 69
4.3 Resistance
............................................................................................................................................................................. 70

Part V Report viewer 71

Index 73

2017 DELFTship marine software

The DELFTship interface


2017 DELFTship marine software

Part I The DELFTship interface
1.1 DELFTship main window

Main w in d o w

The ribbon menu

There are 5 main tabs on the ribbon interface, accessible through the tabbed buttons at the top. By default the
' Home ' ribbon is displayed. Other tabs are: ' Tools ', ' Calculations and extensions' and 'Settings ' . The leftmost tab
displaying the DELFTship logo is the ' Application' Ribbon . Above the ribbon, basic file functions are offered. If
you want to maximize your screen, the ribbon can be minimized by clicking the 'Collapse Ribbon ' button in the
top right corner:

Quick access toolbar

Opening saving, importing and exporting of DELFTship models can be done via this rapid-access menu,
which is further described in the paragraph on the File group.

Home Tab
The Home tab contains menus with general commands for selecting, editing, display etc.

Tools Tab
The tools tab contains menus with a variety of hull modeling tools.

Calculations and extensions Tab

The calculations tab contains a variety of calculation commands. In addition it gives access to specific
extensions of DELFTship. Availability of extensions depends on your licenses.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Settings Tab
The settings tab gives access to various system settings as well as information about the version and licenses
of your DELFTship installation and an update button.

At the top right corner you'll find the help button: , clicking this button opens this help file. Most menu groups
will also have context sensitive help available. Pressing the F1 function key while hovering over a function will
display the help section related to that particular menu group (context).

Viewport area
By default the viewport area will show a perspective, front, right and top view of your model. You can fully
customize this layout through the viewport drop-down menu.

Status bar
The bottom bar contains the status bar, which displays selected technical meta information:
First the size of the 'undo' memory, then information on the amount of entities in your model, the currently active
layer and the curvature scale and the total length of the currently selected edge(s).

1.2 Zooming, panning and rotating

After starting a new model DELFTship by default adds 4 windows. Each window has a different view on the 3D
model. The area of the window in which the model is drawn is called a viewport. These viewports also appear in
other windows, for example when viewing plate developments. Zooming and panning works the same in all
viewports used throughout the program.

Zooming can be done in the following ways:
Use the zoom-all button from the viewport menu to zoom to the extents of the model, or use the Alt+E
By dragging a window around the area to be magnified.
Press Alt+I (zoom in) or Alt+O (zoom out)
By using the scroll wheel of your mouse

Panning (moving the model in screen space) is done by holding the right mouse button down and dragging the
image .

2017 DELFTship marine software

If the viewport displays a perspective view, two scroll bars will be visible located on the bottom and to the right
of the view port. These scroll bars can be used to rotate and tilt the model in order to see it from different
angles. An easier way to rotate the model is to keep the middle mouse button (or mouse wheel) pressed while
dragging the mouse.
This option is not available for the orthogonal 2D views (e.g. front, aft, top, ...)

1.3 Selecting objects

Selecting objects
Almost any visible object in the hull modeling windows can be selected by clicking on it with the mouse. Clicking
it again (or hitting Esc) will then deselect it. Selected objects are highlighted in yellow- although this color can be
changed in the Program Preferences.
For some objects there are methods to extend the selection:
Points. If a point is selected, clicking on another point will select this new point- and the previous point
will be deselected. To select multiple points hold down the CTRL-key while selecting additional points.
Edges. If the CTRL key is pressed while an edge is clicked, the program tries to trace the entire edge- until
a irregular point or an edge with a different crease-property is encountered . This helps to select an entire
row of edges (edge loop), like the sheerline or a hard chine.
Faces. Faces can be CTRL-selected: all the faces belonging to the same layer and connected to the
selected one are also selected or deselected. Faces that are isolated from the selected face because they
are totally surrounded by crease edges are not included.

Select all
With this command (available by pressing the shortcut Ctrl-A) all visible objects are automatically selected.

Selecting groups
Drag the mouse while holding the CTRL key to select all objects within the dragged window. When CTRL-
dragging from left to right a green rectangle is drawn, and only elements that are completely inside this
rectangle are selected. Dragging from right to left draws a red rectangle, and all elements that are partly or
completely inside this rectangle are selected.

Deselect all
Use this option to deselect all selected items simultaneously. Pressing the Esc-key has the same result.

1.4 Manipulating geometry

Control points
One of the most important features when it comes to surface modeling is the ability to move individual (or
groups of) control points. In order to do this, the control net must be visible (see Display menu). Select multiple
points by holding down the CTRL key while selecting, or drag-to-select (See Selecting objects).

2017 DELFTship marine software

When moving a control point so that the edge it is on is a near the straight line between neighboring control
points, the edge will light up green. Releasing the point then will snap it to that straight line. If you do not want
this, un-check the 'Snap to line' box in the point control window.
It may be useful to increase the control point size: if set to small, selection may be difficult.

Move vs Extrude
While in many ways similar, there is a fundamental difference between moving and extruding:
Moving (part of) a face will adjust surrounding control points. The entire face, and connected faces, will be
affected by a move. Extruding a face will create crease edges around the selected area before moving it.
Effectively, new faces and edges are inserted to keep the extruded face connected.

Edges- Move, Extrude

M o ving an edge is very similar to moving a point: when an edge is moved, all points on that edge are moved
at the same time, and all connected edges are adjusted accordingly. Simply select an edge, click and drag to
E xtr ud ing an edge is done by holding down the shift key while moving it. Note that only boundary edges can
be extruded. See the Edge menu chapter for more information.

M o ve d e d g e E xt r u d e d e d g e

Faces- Move, Extrude, Copy

M o ving a face is essentially a move of multiple points (but the control net does not need to be visible). Simply
select the face, click and drag to move.
E xtr ud ing a face moves the surface and inserts crease edges around it (see image below). Hold the SHIFT key
when moving a face to extrude, see Face menu.
Co p ying a face creates a new, disconnected face. Hold the CTRL + SHIFT keys down when moving a face to

M o ve d f a ce E xt r u d e d f a ce C o p i e d f a ce

2017 DELFTship marine software

Note that the 3D view can be very disorienting when manipulating geometry.
Copying and extruding geometry always ends with a confirmation dialogue
with the three coordinates of the action. Always check the direction of any
Moving a face does not show this dialogue, so confirm the three dimensions
of any move to make sure the face sits where it is supposed to.
For hints on selecting points, edges or faces see Selecting objects.
When it is difficult to select individual control points it may help to increase
the control point size.
While dragging, all visible geometrical information is updated in real-time.
This includes intersection curves, control curves, flow lines and tanks.
Especially when the precision of the model is set to a high level this can
become slow. If that happens use a lower precision or turn off the display of
some of these objects.

1.5 Manually modifying points

If a point is selected, the control point window opens to display all the information for that point, including the
position of the point in 3D space. These properties can be altered by changing the values in the appropriate
fields ( or clicking the < and > buttons next to the fields to move a single increment) or by using the cur s o r
keys . The selected point moves in the direction of the arrow key that was pressed. how much it moves, or the
incremental distance , can be set in the control point window. More information on the grid used can be
found in the coordinate system paragraph.

Co n tro l p o in t w in do w

To assist accurate operation, or to limit unwanted movement when using a mouse to move points, the following
options are available :

X -a xis . Point movement is restricted to the direction of the X-axis.

Y-a xis . Point movement is restricted to the direction of the Y-axis.

Z-a xis . Point movement is restricted to the direction of the X-axis.

YZ-p la ne. Point movement is restricted to the YZ-plane.

2017 DELFTship marine software

X Z-p la ne. Point movement is restricted to the XZ-plane.

X Y-p la ne. Point movement is restricted to the XY-plane.

Auto 2D. Depending on the viewing angle the nearest orthogonal plane is chosen, and then point
movement is restricted to this plane. For example if a model is viewed from forward to aft, the program
will select the YZ-plane as the appropriate plane. In that case only the Y and Z coordinate of the control
point will be updated if the point is dragged with the mouse.

3D. Movement of a control point is not restricted. When moving a point all three coordinates will be
updated. This setting is only useful in a perspective view.

1.6 Viewport menu

All DELFTship viewports that contain 3D elements have a drop-down menu with view controls. These controls
may not always be enabled- in some cases certain functions will have no meaning in the active context. All
possible viewport menu buttons are described in this paragraph. The drop-down menu can be activated (or
opened) by moving the mouse to the very top of the viewpane canvas. It will auto-hide when the mouse pointer
leaves its area.

V i e w p o r t me n u


Print the viewport

Saves the current viewport as an image


Zoom All (Alt-E)

Adjust zoom level to fit model into the window

Zoom in (Alt-I)
Zoom in on the model (increase magnification)

Zoom out (Alt-O)

Zoom out from the model (decrease magnification)

2017 DELFTship marine software


Perspective (Alt-P)

Switch to perspective view. In this view the model can be freely rotated using side bars or the middle
button (or scroll wheel) of your mouse.

Front (Alt-F)

Switch to a body plan view, looking to the bow of the vessel.

Aft (Alt-A)

Switch to a body plan view, looking to the stern of the vessel

Left (Alt-L)

Switch to a profile view, looking to the port side of the vessel

Right (Alt-R)

Switch to a profile view, looking to the starboard side of the vessel

Top (Alt-T)

Switch to a plan view, looking at the deck of the vessel

Bottom (Alt-B)

Switch to a plan view, looking at the bottom of the vessel

Shading options

Most shading options are implemented to assist in fairing, or at least to make irregularities in a surface
more visible. In most types of shading some kind of reflection plays a role; consider it similar to holding
your model to the light in order to find irregular patches in the surface. Exceptions to his are zebra,
developable and curvature shading. In these modes coloration or patterns are applied to levels of
curvature. Rendering of shaded shapes is done real time, so any modifications made are reflected

Wire frame (Alt-W).

Only the points, lines and edges are drawn. Any objects, such as tanks for example, are drawn using
line representations.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Smooth (Alt-S).
The surfaces are drawn in a solid color, lines and curves are drawn on top of the surfaces. Submerged
areas of surfaces can optionally be displayed using a different color (see Preferences)

Developable (Alt-D).
The surfaces are shaded, developable areas in green and not developable ones in red. More about
developable surfaces can be found in the 'plate developments' paragraph.

Curvature (Alt-C).
Used to check the fairness of a surface. The model is drawn using a range of colors, based on the
discrete Gaussian curvature in each point of the subdivided surface. Most surfaces are curved in two
directions, called the principal curvature directions. The Gaussian curvature is the product of these two
principal curvatures. For the sign of the Gaussian curvature there are 3 possibilities :
1. Negative Gaussian curvature. One of the curvature components must be positive while the
other is negative, meaning that the surface is curved in opposite directions. The area
surrounding the point is concave and resembles the shape of a saddle. Areas with negative
Gaussian curvature are colored blue.
2. Zero Gaussian curvature. At least one of the two principal curvatures is zero, so the surface
is either completely flat or curved in only one direction. In both cases the surface is
developable (This is a very important property of developable surfaces). These areas are
colored green.
3. Positive Gaussian curvature. The curvature in both directions can be positive or negative, but
must have the same sign. These areas are convex and colored red.

Zebra (Alt-Z).
Another option to check the model for fairness. Regions with a constant light-reflection intensity are
shaded in bands. This is similar to the way the human eye detects unfair spots on a surface since the
shininess and shadows vary in those areas. If the edges of the zebra stripes are curved smoothly then
the surface is smooth in these areas. At knuckle lines they vary abruptly.

Sphere map (Alt-H).

Reflective shading using an image called "environment map". This image is projected onto the model to
simulate reflections from the environment. These reflections are used to visualize unfair areas of the
surface. The drop down menu to the right of this button gives access to several maps that can be used
for shading.

Miscellaneous options

Clip (Alt-Q)
Sometimes it is useful to look inside the model- that is, see a slice of it. This can be particularly useful
when viewing tanks or hull geometry that is partly obscured by other parts of the design. Select Clip to
clip ('slice') the model at distances defined in the Clipping volume window (directly below)

2017 DELFTship marine software

Clipping volume
The clipping volume button is enabled when the Clip function is
selected. Use this function to specify where the model should
be clipped (aft, front, right, left, bottom and top) . Distances are
given from the model origin.

Coordinate axes (Alt-X)

Draws the coordinate system (colored X-Y-Z planes) in the

A cl i p p e d h u l l
Pin or Unpin (Alt-N)
The far right of the menu holds a pin button. Pin the menu bar for permanent access- unpin to enable

2017 DELFTship marine software

Project settings and program preferences



2017 DELFTship marine software

Part II Project settings and program preferences
DELFTship distinguishes 'program preferences ' and 'project settings' .
Program related preferences are located on the Settings tab while project settings can be found on the Home
'Preferences' control application specific properties of DELFTship such as background color, 'project settings'
only affects your current project like project name. Poject settings are saved with the model.

2.1 Project settings

The 'Home' tab contains the ' Project settings ' button. In the project settings window you can modify various
settings specific to the currently open project. Its content depends largely on the installed extensions.

The first tab page is used to enter general project information such as:
Pr o ject na me o r d es cr ip tio n
Na me o f the d es ig ner
Pr o ject co mment. This can be any (brief) descriptive text for your design. The 'Notes' tab contains
more space for detailed comments
The na me o f the p er s o n who cr ea ted the file
Rep o r t hea d er a nd fo o ter text
The typ e o f units us ed fo r this p r o ject. This can either be imperial or metric units.

When changing the unit format the entire model will be scaled to the new format. When switching from
meters to feet for example all dimensions are divided by 0.3048.

The s ha d e und er wa ter Defines the color used to render submerged surface areas of the model.
Ro ta te la r g e ima g es . Rotates wide images 90 degrees so these images better fit to the page.

The 'Notes' tab offers a place for project notes in free but unformatted text.

Main particulars
The tab sheet to enter the main particulars contains the following fields:
Leng th - The project length is used to calculate the vessels trim, (see definition) but also in the hydrostatic
calculations to determine coefficients such as the block coefficient. The project length can have various
interpretations and therefore has to be specified manually.
For ships the project length generally corresponds to the length between the perpendiculars.
For boats and yachts most often the length at the waterline is used.

Bea m - For boats and yachts the beam is measured to the outside of the shell plating, for merchant ships
one uses the moulded beam. The moulded beam is measured to the inside of the shell plating. When the
moulded beam is used the extra volume of the shell can be accounted for in the hydrostatic calculations
by entering the mean shell thickness.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Dr a ft - The draft is always measured from the base plane which is the horizontal plane through the
origin. Just as for the beam a distinction can be made between the moulded draft and the draft above the
bottom of the keel (draft BoK). The draft BoK is obtained by adding the shell thickness of the bottom to
the moulded draft. The thickness of the bottom is also referred to as the keel plate thickness.
M id -s hip lo ca tio n - The default location of the mid-ship is halfway the aft and the forward
perpendicular. The location can be changed by unchecking the " Default at 0.5*L " box next to the input field
and entering the non-standard value.
Heig ht b a s e p la ne - Reserved for future use.
Aft p er p end icula r - The aft perpendicular is located at the origin at x=0.0. The location of the forward
perpendicular is found by adding the project length. Reserved for future use.
Lo ng itud ina l r efer ence p o int - Occasionally the hydrostatic and tank calculations use a different
longitudinal datum or reference point. The following points can be used:
o Aft perpendicular
o Forward perpendicular
o Mid ship location (default)
Changing this setting does not effect the model's geometry, only the way in which longitudinal dimensions
are calculated and displayed.
Tr a ns ver s e r efer ence - DELFTship standard is PS positive, SB negative, but this can be changed here.
Dr a ft ma r ks - The grid at the bottom is used to define draft marks. Draft marks are usually welded and
painted onto the hull on various locations.
To add a new draft mark click on the grid once to make it active and then press the < Ins > key on your
keyboard. Similarly the < Del > key is used to remove the selected draft mark.
Draft marks have the following properties:
Des cr ip tio n - The description of a draft mark, for example " Aft mark " or " Transom mark ".
Lo ca tio n - The longitudinal location of the draft mark along the hull, measured from the
longitudinal reference point, generally the aft perpendicular.
Us e - Switch to enable or disable a draft mark. A disabled draft mark is ignored by the
Vis ib le - If enabled the draft mark will be rendered on the hull.
Symmetr ic - Draft marks are normally symmetrical, that is they are visible on both sides of the
hull. If this property is disabled the draft mark will be forced to the center line, which can be
used to pace a mark on the center of the transom.
Heig ht keel a b o ve b a s e - Intended for ships with a design trim, such as small fishing vessels.
The height of the keel above the base is the distance from the keel line to the base line which
can be positive or negative. Positive values are encountered when the keel line is located above
the base plane. This distance is subtracted from the moulded draft before the keel plate
thickness is added.
K eel p la te thicknes s - The thickness of the bottom plating at the selected location. This
thickness is added to the moulded draft to obtain the actual draft.
M in/M a x - These values indicate the height above the base plane where the draft mark starts
and the height where it ends.

2017 DELFTship marine software

This tab page contains all hydrostatics related settings, such as:
Rela tive wa ter d ens ity - This is the density of the surrounding water relative to the density of fresh
water, which is 1.000. The relative density of sea water for example is 1.025.
Shell thicknes s - Commercial vessels are usually modeled to the inside of the shell plating. The mean
shell thickness is multiplied with the wetted surface area to calculate the submerged volume of the shell,
which is added to the moulded volume to calculate the total displaced volume.
M ea n s hell thicknes s - When 'use mean shell thickness' is selected in the 'shell thickness' field, here you
can set the value you want to use for the calculations.
Ap p end a g e co efficient - This is a multiplication factor commonly used to compensate for appendages
of the vessel which not have been modeled but contribute to the displacement, such as a rudder or
propeller. The default value for the appendage coefficient is 1.000. The default value to compensate for
rudder and propeller is ranges from 1.005 to 1.010 depending on the size and number of appendages.
Co efficients b a s ed o n - Hydrostatic coefficients such as the block coefficient and prismatic coefficient
can be calculated according to two different methods. The first is by using the dimensions for length and
beam as specified on the project page, which is the preferred way for large ships. The second method
uses the actual length and beam of the submerged body. This method is more appropriate for yachts and
small boats. If the second method is selected, the submerged length and beam will vary with the draft.

The program cannot verify if the specified length and beam are correct. If
incorrect values have been specified on the main dimensions tab page, the
calculated coefficients mentioned above will also be incorrect!

Dis a b le s ur fa ce check - Each time hydrostatic properties need to be calculated, the program checks if
the direction of the surface normals of faces is consistent, correcting the direction if necessary. In some
rare cases it is possible that the surface normals point in the wrong direction once this check has
completed. In that case the hydrostatic values will be incorrect, even to the point of negative volume and
displacement. If this happens it is recommended to first disable the automatic surface check and then to
manually correct the surface normals by inverting the corresponding faces. When in doubt, always visually
check the direction of surface normals by selecting one or more control faces. It is important to realize
that the program fails to calculate hydrostatic properties if one or more leak points become submerged.
See also the paragraph on leak points.
Dis p la y hyd r o s ta tic fea tur es - allows to enable or disable the real time display of certain hydrostatic
properties of the model

2.2 Program preferences

The Preferences button opens a detailed settings window. The actual appearance of this window differs
depending on which extensions are installed with the main program: generally each extension has its own
tab page. 'Reset' can be used to revert to the default settings. Please note that the professional edition has
significantly more options and properties than the free edition. Always available are:

Modify various general settings of the program, such as:
Reopen last used project on startup - Loads the project which was open the last time the program
was shut down.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Cleanup recently opened files list - Searches the list for files that do not exist and removes these from
the list.
The language used by the program. Language files are located in the sub folder delftship\languages
of the program folder and only languages defined in this folder will be shown. A special tool is
available from to create new translation files or to modify existing files.
Automatic Updates - controls the frequency with which DELFTship checks for updates
Maximum size of undo memory
Automatically hide viewport buttons
Control point size - larger points are easier to select
Viewport background mode - select a gradient or solid color as a background
Viewport background color
Selected items color

Define the visual aspects of model related entities.

Select which hydrostatic properties should be displayed in the hydrostatics report, or modify the order of
appearance by dragging the various properties in the list. Selected items will appear in the report in the order
of this list. The reporting options in the Professional edition is far more complete than the free edition allowing
inclusion of many more items.

General report settings

Modify the default font type and size used in the reports throughout the program.

Restore Defaults
If you want to restore the program preferences to their defaults, there are two options available. If you can
still normally access the program window, the preferences window has a " Reset " button that will restore
defaults. If for some reason the DELFTship window can not be accessed (for instance a display option with
multiple monitors that has gone wrong) you can start DELFTship while holding the SHIFT key. The program
will then start in safe mode and it all program preferences will be restored to their defaults.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Hull modeling



2017 DELFTship marine software

Part III Hull modeling
3.1 Background to surface modeling

Surface modeling
DELFTship uses a technique called surface modeling to completely define the
outer shape of a ship. This technique involves sculpting the hull as if it were
a very thin and flexible piece of cloth by pulling and shifting so called control
points. Modeling is not limited to the hull alone: decks, superstructures,
masts, keels and rudders can be modeled this way too. The biggest
advantage of surface modeling is that the model can be completely and
accurately described using only a few points. The illustration on the right
shows an example of a developable tug that was created with only 54
points. Unlike most other programs, DELFTship uses subdivision surfaces for
this task. Compared to other types of surface definition, subdivision surfaces
give the designer more flexibility in designing any desired shape. In order to S u r f a ce mo d e l i n g
maximise the benefits of this technique it is important to have a basic
understanding of some of its underlying principles.

Subdivision surfaces

A subdivision surface is a special type of spline-surface. Conventional

modeling programs work with parametric spline surfaces like B-Spline
surfaces or NURB surfaces. These surfaces are completely defined by a set
of control points. These are the points which the user can modify to control
the shape of the surface. Any point on the surface can be directly calculated
from these control points using a set of parametric formulas. The drawback
of these parametric surfaces is that they always require a topologically
rectangular grid of points . This grid almost always follows the shape of a
hull, so it does not look like a true rectangular grid. But it always has say N
points in the longitudinal direction and M points in the vertical direction Pa r a me t r i c s p l i n e s u r f a ce
where both N and M might be any number equal to or larger than 2.
In the 'parametric spline' illustration N =4 and M =4 and the total number of
control points equals 4*4=16. Using parametric spline surfaces it is not
possible to insert a single new point in the control grid. To maintain the
rectangular topology an entire row of points have to be inserted as
demonstrated in the 2nd illustration 'Inserting a row or column'. This results
in more control points than actually needed or desired, and more control
points means more work to the designer. Very complex shapes cannot be
modeled using a single surface. But when using multiple surfaces the
designer is challenged with the difficult task of aligning these surfaces at
their boundaries. It is often desirable to maintain a smooth transition along In s e r t i n g a r o w o r co l u mn
these boundaries. Each time one of these surfaces is modified, the adjacent surface has to be modified manually
to maintain this smooth transition.
To overcome these problems DELFTship makes use of subdivision surfaces . Subdivision surfaces also use
control points as a modeling handle, just like NURBS or B-Splines and they share the same mathematical
background. The main difference however is that the formulas are no longer restricted to a rectangular grid of
points. The downside is that points on the surface can no longer be directly calculated. Instead the original set of
points (called the control mesh) is refined and smoothed in a number of steps. Each step is called a subdivision
step, hence the name subdivision surfaces. Before explaining in detail how subdivision actually works it is

2017 DELFTship marine software

important to know something about the internal geometry of subdivision surfaces. The surfaces are build from
the following three components:

Points form the basis of the surface. In fact most of the modeling is done by
moving points to different locations since this changes the shape of the
surface. Additionally, new points may be inserted or existing points can be
removed. There are two different types of points:
'Or d ina r y p o ints ' - These are all points that are not corner points. It Po i n t s , E d g e s a n d F a ce s f o r mi n g
is important to realize that these points have a certain offset to the a s u r f a ce
resulting surface. This deviation is larger in surface areas with high curvature. It becomes smaller when
more points and edges are inserted.
'Co r ner p o ints ' - These are very specific points, usually connected to 2 or more crease-edges. Just like
a crease-edge can be used to specify that two faces have to be connected in a discontinuous way, corner
points may be used to do so with two adjacent edges. Corner points are the only type of points actually
located on the hull surface. Points where 3 or more crease-edges meet are automatically set to corner
points by the program. Corner points are displayed in blue.

All points are connected with lines which are called edges in subdivision surface terminology. Edges also be
divided into two different categories:
'Bo und a r y ed g es ' - These are edges which are located, as the name suggests, on the boundary of the
surface. A boundary edge is characterized by the fact that it has always only 1 face attached to it.
Examples of boundary edges are the sheer line (if the ship is not fitted with a deck) or the center line of
the ship. The center line, or profile, is in fact a special case. When defining the hull only its port side is
created. So all edges on the center plane are boundary edges as they have only one face connected to it.
In reality the ship is symmetric, and when performing calculations DELFTship creates a virtual symmetric
ship by mirroring the model in the center plane.
'Inter na l ed g es ' - These are all other edges away from the boundary of the surface, and they must
always be shared by 2 adjacent faces. Internal edges are drawn as dark gray lines. The two faces
connected to an edge are joined smoothly along their shared edge.
'Cr ea s e ed g es ' - It is possible to mark an edge as a crease-edge . When doing so, the two faces are
joined in a tangent-discontinuous way. In other words, crease-edges are used to define knuckle lines. A
boundary edge is in fact a specific case of a crease edge since there is no second face to make a smooth

A face is a little piece of the entire surface (sometimes called a 'patch') that is completely surrounded by edges
and is usually defined with 4 points. In some areas it is desirable to have less (or even more) points, but
generally the best results are obtained when most of the faces consist of 4 points. Faces are divided by edges
where the type of edge determines how the faces should be connected to each other.

Stations, buttocks, waterlines and diagonals can be added to the model via the Intersections button (Project
tools menu on the Tools tab)

2017 DELFTship marine software

Subdivision explained
Now the basics of the underlying geometry should be clear, let's continue
with the process of transforming the control mesh into the final hull surface.
The illustration to the right shows the process of one subdivision step:
I. To the left the original control mesh of a beveled cube is visible. The
first step in the subdivision process is refining the mesh. This is done O n e S u b d i vi s i o n S t e p
by inserting a new point in the middle of each edge (called an edge-point).
II. New points are also inserted at the center of each face (called a face-point) which has more than three
points. For faces with three points each new edge-point is connected with the new point of the previous
edge, thus creating 4 new triangles. All other faces are subdivided by connecting all surrounding edge-
points to the face-point. This results in a refined mesh which still has the same shape as the original.
III. Finally all the points in the surface are shifted to a new location in such a way that the refined surface is
smoothed. This is called averaging in subdivision terms.

When this process of subdividing is repeated a number of times a very fine and smooth mesh is the result. The
illustration below shows the same beveled cube after a number of subdivision steps.

O r i g i n a l co n t r o l me s h a n d r e s u l t i n g s u b d i vi s i o n a f t e r 1, 2 a n d 4 s u b d i vi s i o n s t e p s

The illustration below shows the same control mesh, but this time a number of edges have been marked as
crease-edges (red lines). The result is a sharp knuckle line going around the cube. It is clearly visible that the
faces on both sides of the crease-edges are no longer joined in a smoothly.

Th e e f f e ct o f cr e a s e e d g e s o n a s u r f a ce

2017 DELFTship marine software

Guidelines to subdivision modeling
In theory almost any control mesh is valid, however when designing ships
the fairness of the resulting surface is of the utmost importance. In this
paragraph some guidelines are given to assist you in obtaining the best
Use a regular grid whenever possible. A grid is considered regular if
all faces consist of four points, and all points are connected to four
R e g u l a r Po i n t s
edges and faces. A point on a boundary edge is considered regular if
it has 3 edges and two faces connected to it. Of course this is not always possible. Triangular faces may
be used as a means to reduce the number of points in an area. 5-sided faces, or 5 different 4-sided faces
can be used to increase the number of points.
Always have two faces connected to all edges other than boundary edges. If more than two faces are
connected to an edge, that specific edge will be drawn thicker and in a light green color. This must be
avoided for the hydrostatic model as it breaks the hydrostatic calculations. Once they become submerged,
hydrostatics will no longer be calculated. Boundary edges are allowed for cosmetic purposes, so make
sure you put these faces in an other layer that is not included in the hydrostatics.
Ensure that the normals of all the faces point outward (in the direction of the water). This is of crucial importance
since DELFTship calculates hydrostatics by integrating the enclosed volume a t the b a ck of the faces. If the
normal of a face points inward, the volume o uts id e the hull would be added to the total volume. By using the
actual surface for hydrostatic calculations instead of a number of stations, a higher accuracy is obtained
compared to the conventional method of using cross sections. This is especially true if the model has a heeling
angle and/or trim, or is fitted with a superstructure. DELFTship can also check the direction of normals
automatically, it's the command 'Check model' in the main menu tab 'Tools' . Automatic checking can be disabled
in the project settings dialog.

3.2 DELFTship coordinate system

DELFTship uses the coordinate system as displayed in illustration on
the right. The aft perpendicular is always located at the origin of the
coordinate system. The axes have the following directions with
respect to the ship model:
The X axis corresponds to the longitudinal direction of the
ship. D E LF Ts h i p co o r d i n a t e s ys t e m
The Y axis is oriented transversely. Positive values are located on port side. (this van be changed in
program preferences)
The Z axis is oriented vertically and points upward.

Use the "show axes" button in the viewport menu to show the axes with your model.

Reference, perpendiculars and baseline

Positive values for heeling angles are also to port side, so for negative values the ship heels to starboard side.
Illustration below shows the key r efer ence lines . The most important are:
The aft perpendicular which is located at the origin (x=0.0).

2017 DELFTship marine software

The forward perpendicular. The location is specified by the user in the project settings and must be a a
value greater than zero since the aft perpendicular is located at the origin. The length of the ship is
defined as the distance between the two perpendiculars.
The base line. The base line corresponds with the horizontal plane through the origin (z=0.0). All molded
drafts are measured with respect to this baseline.

R e f e r e n ce l i n e s
Draft is defined as in the illustration on the right:
draft aft : The distance measured along the aft perpendicular
from the base plane to the intersection of the water plane
with the center plane.
draft forward : The distance measured along the forward D r a f t me a s u r e d w h e n h e e l e d
perpendicular from the base plane to the intersection of the water plane with the center plane.
(Average) draft : The average of both drafts =0.5* (TAft+TForward )

These definitions are valid both in upright and heeled conditions. Note that in the event of large heeling angles
and small values for the displacement this can lead to negative values for the draft as can be seen on the
illustration to the right. The intersection of the water plane and the center plane is located below the base plane
resulting in a negative value for the draft.

Trim is defined as the difference in draft at both perpendiculars.
Trim =Tforward-TAft

If the draft aft is greater than the draft forward the trim will be negative. So negative trim values indicate the ship
is trimmed by the stern, while for positive trim values the ship is trimmed by the bow.

D e f i n i t i o n o f Tr i m

Finally all values for the various hydrostatic properties are measured with respect to the the ships main axis with
the ship in upright position. Illustrations below show a ship with trim and a ship heeled to port side. Rather than
heeling the ship the water plane is heeled instead. All dimensions are given perpendicular to the 3 main planes
that pass through the origin.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Lo n g i t u d i n a l e n ve r t i ca l me a s u r e me n t s f o r a t r i mme d s h i p

Tr a n s ve r s e a n d ve r t i ca l
me a s u r e me n t s f o r a h e e l d
sh ip

Both illustrations show the presentation of the location of the center of buoyancy in 3D space as an example.
This presentation will be consistently used throughout the program.

3.3 Organizing your model with layers

General layer information

The hull created with DELFTship consists of only 1 mathematical surface, even if the model contains multiple
isolated layers or faces. When modeling it is often desirable to divide the model into different parts with
different properties, for example the color. Therefore layers have been implemented into the program. A layer is
a container that groups faces with the same properties together.
There must always be at least one layer in your model, and one layer will always
be active. When a new element is added to the model it will be assigned to the
active layer. You can see which layer is active in the layer toolbar at the top of the
screen. This contains a drop-down list of all layers, and it displays the name of
active layer. You can modify which layer is active when no faces are selected by
simply selecting another layer from the drop down list in your toolbar. Selecting
Act i ve l a ye r
a face will show the layer containing that particular face (but this is not the active
layer). Please note that when faces from more than one layer are selected, this field will be blank- it is no longer
certain which layer name to show.
In the event that faces have been selected there are two possibilities:
1. All selected faces belong to the same layer. In that case the name of that layer is shown, even if it is not
the active layer.
2. The selected faces belong to different layers. No layer name is shown in the toolbar at all, it will be blank.
By selecting a layer from the list with layers while faces are selected, all the selected faces will be moved from
their current layer to the newly selected layer.

The layer dialog

Clicking the "Edit" button in the layer panel brings up the window where you can view and modify the layers. The
following layer properties can be modified:

2017 DELFTship marine software

La ye r p r o p e r t i e s w i n d o w
Des cr ip tio n - The layer name displayed in the leftmost column is used to show which layer is active or
selected. DELFTship does not require the layer name to be unique, however it is recommended to keep
names unique and to not use spaces: some CAD programs (such as AutoCAD) do not allow spaces in the
name of a layer or duplicate names. Exporting to such a program can cause problems if layers with
identical names are used.
Visible - Set the corresponding layer visible or invisible: click on the check box to turn the layer on or off.
Points or edges from the control net belonging to invisible layers are also hidden, which makes
manipulation of complex models easier by showing only relevant elements. (the top ribbon has options to
show all and invert selection for visibility)
Symmetric - The free version of DELFTship does only support asymmetrical layers that do no t contribute
the hydrostatic calculations. The professional version allows for asymmetrical layers provided that those
layers are completely (physically) separated from any symmetrical layers in your model.
Color - The layer color is used for drawing the model. It is also used in the lines plan and for plate
developments. The color of a layer can be modified by clicking the small button displayed in the color
rectangle. A window is opened in which a new color can be chosen.
Transparency - Sometimes it is nice to shade certain surfaces such as windows (partially) transparent. The
amount of transparency can be modified by editing the value: the transparency can range from 0 (totally
solid) to 255 (invisible). Note that transparent shading might consume a lot of memory and significantly
slow down the shading process. Since normal Z-buffer shading or plain alpha blending produces strange
artifacts, the only way to do this properly is by keeping track of all surfaces covering a particular pixel on
the screen and then drawing all these surfaces from the back to the front. This process uses extra memory
and CPU time.
Hydrostatics - DELFTship uses the faces of the subdivision mesh for hydrostatic calculations. It calculates
the volume enclosed by these faces. Sometimes the surface contains faces that should not be included in
the hydrostatic calculations. This is particularly the case if the faces of a layer do no t form an enclosed
volume, but only a bounded surface, such as a sail. If a sail were to be included in the calculations,
DELFTship would calculate the volume aft of the sail (if it is submerged) as a volume. Since this volume
extends to infinity (there is no backside surface present) it would produce an error. So specific layers can
be excluded from the calculations. See also paragraph for more information concerning leak points. Since
asymmetrical layers are not allowed in hydrostatic surfaces (unless completely separated from any
symmetrical layer) the "Symmetrical" field will be disabled when Hydrostatics is selected.
Intersections - This property tells the program if a layer should be included when intersection curves are
calculated. For complex models it is often convenient to display stations, buttocks, waterlines and
diagonals of the hull only, and not for the deck, superstructure etc. This setting has no influence on the

2017 DELFTship marine software

Developable - Developable hulls are of particular interest to shipbuilders since they can be build from
flat plates which are only bend in one direction.
Most hulls are not developable since the surface is
curved in two directions (called compound
curvature). Developable layers can be shaded
differently. Developable areas of these layers are
colored green while areas which are not
developable are colored red. This is a convenient
way to visually check if a hull is indeed
developable. Illustration on the right shows an
example of a developable tug. It can immediately
be seen by the green color that almost the entire
hull is developable. Just a few very small spots in D e ve l o p a b l e a r e a s
the topside and a larger area in front at the bottom are colored red. Those very small spots are mostly
numeric errors (DELFTship uses a very small tolerance). The larger red bottom area however is not
developable from a mathematical point of view. Developable hulls are often made of sheet material
(plywood, steel). In reality layers that are almost developable can perfectly be build using plywood,
whereas the same hull build of metal requires forming the metal to get it into shape. Developable layers
can be unfolded (or developed) by the program onto a flat plane for building purposes. This will be
explained in the 'Tools' tab under 'project tools'.
Loading conditions - If this option is enabled the layer will be drawn in the loading conditions extension
and the inclined hydrostatics extension. By excluding some layers you can have a better view on the
model. This setting will not affect hydrostatic calculations.
Lines plan - Sometimes a layer contains items you don't want to be seen in the lines plan. Be aware
though that the scale of items in the lines plan is also determined by the intersection curves. If a layer
would contain a sail, and the intersection curves property is checked, intersection curves of this sail would
still be calculated and seen in the lines plan, even if the sail as a surface is not being drawn. Therefore it is
recommended if you want to hide layers from this view to also disable calculating intersection curves from
those layers.
Density - The relative density (compared to fresh water) of the material for a particular layer, for example
7.8 for steel.
Thickness - The thickness of the surface. This value is only used for weight calculations, so stations for
example are not corrected for the shell thickness of the hull. By combining the surface area, thickness and
density the approximate weight can be calculated. This weight is displayed in the design hydrostatics
report together with the center of gravity for each layer.
The up and down arrows in the ribbon can be used to move a selected layer up or down in the list. Developable
layers will appear in the same order in the window with developed panels as displayed in this list. The toolbar
also contains a number of buttons that can be used to quickly make all layers visible, or only the layers that are
included in the calculation of hydrostatics or to invert the visibility of all layers. The 'Properties' section shows
surface, weight and selected properties of the selected layer.
In the layer dialog you can use Ctrl-C to copy all the properties of the selected layer. By pressing Ctrl-V these
properties can be quickly copied to another layer.

3.4 Working with background images

Edit background images

2017 DELFTship marine software

DELFTship has the ability to display raster images with your model. This functionality is particularly convenient if
you have a scan of an existing lines plan on paper and want to recreate the lines in DELFTship. You can load and
manage background images through the 'Edit Background images' command in the 'Markers menu' under the
In the example image below, three images have been imported to recreate a sloop from drawings:

E xa mp l e o f i ma g e s a s d e s i g n s u p p o r t

Most of the modifications made to an image will be made visible (as a preview) in the hull modeling viewports.
This chapter starts detailing all the controls available in the background image window, followed by a
description on how to prepare and add a background image.

Commands in the Background images window

Use this option to import a file containing one or more background images that was exported from another
DELFTship project. The file contains both the images and all settings applied to these images such as scale
origin, transparency etc.

If you want to backup your background image settings or use the current set of background images for an other
project, with this command you can export the images including settings as a .dbi file.

A browser will pop-up to select an image (.jpg, .jpeg, .bmp or .png). After loading you can assign it to the
correct view (profile, plan, body) and edit other settings.

A print dialog opens, allowing you to print the currently selected image

Image select
Use to select the image to display and edit. Click the lock to prevent moving and resizing of that background
image in your project. Click the light bulb to toggle visibility of the selected image.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Save to File
Exports the selected background image to a file.

Name field
Enter the name of the selected background image. Default is the opened file name.

Set to Hull , Wind silhouette , or both .
Hull type images are shown in the regular hull modeling interface, allowing for easier re-creation of a paper
based design.
A wind silhouette image will not be displayed in the normal hull modeling interface, but it will appear in the wind
silhouettes window.
If the type is set to both , the image will appear in both windows.

Select how this image should be displayed (according to the coordinate system page):
Profile - sets the image on the X-Z , or the center plane
Body plan - Sets the image on the Z-Y plane
plan - Sets the image on the X-Y, or the base plane

Remove the background image. This can also be done by selecting the image in a viewport and then press the
Delete key.

Same scale
Force the scale factors in both directions to the same value- useful if you have accidentally changed the aspect
ratio when scaling the background to your model.

Change the size of the image. You will be able to change the amount of pixels in height and width. Scaling will
only be done proportionally (maintaining aspect ratio) so if you change both, the value for the smallest overall
scale will be used.

The Blend control can be used to fade the image in the background by setting the image transparent (note: this
is not the same as the Transparency options discussed below). Valid values range from 0 (completely
transparent) to 255 (completely opaque) and can be directly entered into the field, or modified using the arrow
buttons. There are two sets of buttons; one (the smaller, inner button) changes in single steps, the larger (outer)
button changes in increments of 10.

Click this button to 'remove' the background of the loaded image, essentially making it transparent. Normally the
color of the background to be made transparent is white, but other colors can be selected

2017 DELFTship marine software

The Color control can be used to select the color to be made transparent. Alternatively, you can move the
mouse over the image, and when the mouse pointer changes to a color-pick pointer, you can select color from
the image.

Setting the transparency of the background can have fuzzy results: there is not always a sharp border between
background and drawing color. Especially in compressed jpegs there some grading can occur (artifacts): what
once was a purely black-and-white image can contain many shades of almost black and almost white. To correct
this fuzzyness you can set the tolerance levels to a value between 1 and 255 where 1 is the most tolerant. Higher
values will make more of the background transparent, which sometimes cleans up finer details (text, thin lines).
Too high a value may make the entire image transparent. To assist in finding an optimum setting the images
displayed in the hull module viewports and the image in the active window are updated real-time, reflecting the
current settings.

Color override
The Color override checkbox will set all remaining, non-transparent pixels to the same color- sometimes this will
enhance the image, but it can blur finer lines where fuzziness occurred.

Procedure of adding a background image

Preparing images
.jpg, .jpeg, .bmp files can be used as background images in DELFTship. Editing of images within DELFTship is
limited to position and proportional/non-proportional scaling so you will want to prepare the image with an
image editor before you load it into DELFTship. The most likely editing would probably be cutting out the piece
of the image you want for a certain view (body, plan, profile) and rotating it so that the waterline is 100% level. It
is recommended to avoid graded backgrounds if you want to use the automatic transparency option in

Positioning and setting scale

A loaded image is, essentially, a surface with
texture mapping. This means the image is
selectable, can be dragged to a different position
and can be stretched in the hull modeling
Selecting - Selecting a background image
can be done by clicking somewhere on the
background image. If you have set a
transparency background (see under managing/editing images), selection can only be done when your
mouse pointer is exactly on a visible pixel of the image. You can see if the image is selected when you see
the image has the standard color of a selected entity in DELFTship and also 8 control points along the
boundary edges are visible.
M o ving witho ut s ca ling /s tr etching - Moving without scaling can easily done by putting your mouse
pointer on a pixel of the image or the center control point (not the boundary control points) and drag it
to the position you want.
Setting the o r ig in - With the above mentioned moving procedure the origin of the image can be
positioned exactly on the origin of the DELFTship model (0,0,0).

2017 DELFTship marine software

Str etching a nd keep ing the o r ig ina l p r o p o r tio n (S1) - When you drag one of the corner control
points you will stretch the background image while keeping the proportion.
Str etching witho ut keep ing p r o p o r tio n (S2) - When you select and drag one of the boundary
middle control points you will stretch the image and you will lose the original proportion. (Restoring the
aspect ratio can be done with the 'same scale' button in the edit background images window.
Setting exa ct s ca le - In addition to the mentioned stretching options you can 'right click' on the image
(after selecting the image) at a position that the coordinates are known for and then you can enter those
coordinates. The image will be scaled accordingly with the origin (0,0,0) as base point. For example when
the origin is situated at the baseline/keel line at the aft perpendicular. In a profile view, when 'right
clicking' your mouse pointer in the image exactly on the intersection of a known waterline high above the
baseline at a known frame position near the forward perpendicular, you can enter the coordinates
belonging to that waterline and frame. The background image will be scaled accordingly.
M o d ifying a n exis ting ima g e - After an image has been added to DELFTship, it can be modified in
the exact same way newly added images are: Simply click on the 'Edit background images' button and
select the image you want to modify in the 'images' drop down list.

3.5 Control curves and fairing

For increased control over the shape of the surface, control curves can be added to the model. These control
curves are assigned to edges, and after each subdivision step the new edge-points are not only inserted into the
surface but also into the curve. This ensures that the control curves are always exactly embedded in the surface.
If the display of curvature plots is enabled from the display menu, selected control curves will be drawn including
their curvature plot. This curvature plot is updated in real-time if one of the control points of the curve is moved
making it an excellent fairing tool. If the curvature plot is interpreted and used correctly it is possible to produce
a perfectly fair surface provided the surface contains no irregular points. Bumps or dents in the surface that are
normally too small to be seen on screen with the naked eye are easily identified. Control curves are especially
useful for fairing knuckle lines on the hull such as the deck line, profile, and chines but they can also be used for
fairing internal edges.

What is curvature ? The curvature of a curve can be defined as follows:

the rate of change (at a point) of the angle between a curve and a
tangent to the curve

Curvature is a measure for how strongly a curve changes in a point. In shipbuilding it is important that fair lines
are produced where the curvature changes gradually along that curve.
The illustration on the right shows a control curve in the aft part of a
container ship. The left part of the image shows the control curve (in
blue), to the right it is selected (yellow) and its curvature plot is
shown (fuchsia). The straight parts of the curve have zero curvature.
If you travel along the curve from the bottom to the deck, first the
curve starts bending to the left. In this area the curvature is positive.
At a height of about 2.5 meters the curve starts bending to the
right, here curvature becomes negative. A little bit further along the
curve it bends to the left again, so the curvature becomes positive.
So how is this information translated into the curvature plot? At
regular intervals on the curve the curvature is calculated and drawn
C o n t r o l cu r ve w i t h cu r va t u r e p l o t
as a line, perpendicular to the curve. The length of this line segment
is proportional to the curvature in that point. If the curvature is negative the line is drawn on the opposite site of

2017 DELFTship marine software

the curve. While the absolute value of the curvature in a point is generally not relevant, the way it changes along
the curve is: it is a measure of the fairness of the curve. Abrupt changes in the curvature plot are, as a rule, not
desired- it should vary as smoothly as possible. Especially with small boats and yachts, a change of the sign of
the curvature (as seen in the second image), is highly undesirable.
The next illustration to the right shows an example of a control
curve from a sailing yacht. The upper part of the image shows a
poorly faired curve. We see a change of the curvature sign in an
area where it should not occur, followed by a sudden peak. The
lower half of the image shows the same control curve after being
faired using the automatic fairing tool for curves. The curvature now
changes gradually and the curve is very smooth.
For high accuracy, the scale of these curves can be changed-
zooming in as the fairing gets better. The curvature scale in use is
shown in the status bar, at the bottom of the screen. C o n t r o l e cu r ve o f a s a i l i n g ya ch t

Control curve controls are available on the "Home" tab, in the "Hull display" section.

Remember that the curvature at the first and the last point of the curve is
always zero. The curve has unclamped end conditions that correspond with a
natural wooden spline batten that has no moment forced upon its ends. This
can be seen by the way the curvature plot coincides with the end points of the

Control curves are easier to fair if the points are spaced more or less evenly
along the curve and are regular whenever possible. The fewer points a curve
has, the easier it is to produce a good running smooth curve.

3.6 File group

The quick access toolbar is the set of buttons to the left above the ribbon:
This group of buttons allows for creating, opening, saving, importing and exporting of projects, and to close
DELFTship. A list of recent files is available in the System tab

Opens the new project window to start with a blank project, or load a template.

Opens your file browser to open an existing DELFTship project file (Ctrl+O)
Clicking the pull-down arrow next to the open button shows import options, and a list of recent projects.


2017 DELFTship marine software

Import a file (different file type as DELFTship .fbm).

Save file without prompting for the file name (CTRL+S). Clicking the little drop-down arrow opens the File Export
menu. This menu has the following options:

Save As and Export

Save file with prompting for a file name (Shift+Ctrl+S)

The Export option allows to export (parts of) your model to file. See the screen shot to the right for an
overview of available formats, or open the File Export page for more details.

3.6.1 New Project

Starting a new project

Because starting a new project can be challenging DELFTship
offers some default templates to start with. It is very uncommon
to start with a completely empty screen- it is much easier to start
with a shape that resembles the design idea and work towards
the ultimate design plan. With this in mind the New Project
dialogue offers a number of templates to choose from, as well as
access to our hull forms database. Templates can be customized
to a great detail, database models can be scaled to a specific Ne w p r o j e ct w i n d o w
length, beam and draft.

The new project window

The " New Project " button in the Quick access toolbar or the System tab opens a window where details for the
new project can be configured.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Parent hull
The parent hull menu group offers a choice of template and public domain
designs. These can be used as a starting point for a new project. Standard
available are available are Yacht and Planing hull. Fishing vessel and Multi
purpose are available in the Pro version
The aft ship and fore ship fields are only available for the multi purpose
Te mp l a t e s
hull template: These fields add variations to the hull form by allowing the
combination of several predefined fore and aft ship configurations.
Available options are:

Aft s hip Fo r e s hip

Gondola Conventional
Pram Vertical stem
Conventional stem with knuckle
Slender bulb
Full bulb

Control points
Control points play an important role in building the model- see more information on control points in the
paragraph on surface modeling (In this context control points are simply referred to as points)
Adding more points a finer mesh is created, which gives more control over the shape. This is at the expense
of ease of modification: more points implies more work when the shape is to be modified. For most cases it is
recommended to use the default setting, and use the subdivide control net function when a finer grid
becomes necessary. Because the subdivide function multiplies all points of the model, it can be advisable to
insert more control points at this stage when a significant difference in detail between fore and aft ship is

Specify the main design dimensions (length, beam, draft). The Units field sets the units to be used for this
project. Please note that, while units can be converted at any time in the general tab of the project settings
window, this is not simply changing Meters to Feet (Metric to Imperial) but a conversion: the model will be
scaled (e.g. when switching from meters to feet all dimensions are divided by 0.3048).

Specify whether DELFTship should add control curves, Stations, buttocks or waterlines to the new project.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Online model database
The DELFTship user community
has made a large number of
models available to the public.
These models can be used as a
starting point for a new project. When using a
database model it can be scaled to fit your
design particulars (length, beam, draft) but the
number of control points can not be altered.

Ne w p r o j e ct f r o m d a t a b a s e

3.6.2 File import

Here you will find a number of file types that can be imported and the conditions if they apply.
Please note that the professional edition of DELFTship also supports IGES and AYacht files.

When importing a hard chined hull, ruled surfaces are fitted between two successive chines. The coordinates of
each chine are read from an input file with the extension .txt . The input file has the same format as described in
the paragraph about importing surface, except for the fact that the type of curves in the file is restricted to
longitudinal curves only.
Once the data points of each chine have been read from the file curves will be fitted to those points in such a
way that the chines from the DELFTship hull match these curves. The number of control points is the same for
each chine and can be specified by the user. The original curves are also added to the model as markers as a
reference. The file chines import demo.txt contains a more elaborate demo. It can be found in the
DELFTship\ships sub folder. The chines must be ordered from the bottom up with coordinates going from aft to
At least three curves must be in the file, representing:
1. The keel line
2. At least one chine
3. The deck- or sheer line.
Control curves are added to the crease edges corresponding to each chine to make it easier to fair the chines.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Use this feature to import 3D curves from a text file. DELFTship will fit a lofted surface through these curves. This
is a good way to import round bottomed hulls. The curves may have any number
of points, and the number of points might differ from curve to curve. Usually the
curves run from the bottom of the hull upwards, however longitudinal curves are
allowed too, as long as all the curves have the same orientation and run in the
same direction. It is important that the curves do not overlap each other.
After opening the data file you will be prompted to specify the number of points
in longitudinal direction (number of columns) and in vertical direction (number
of rows) the imported hull must have. Then a B-Spline surface is fitted through
these points so that the new surface interpolates the original points. Hu ll def in ed w ith
t r a n s ve r s e cu r ve s
The format used for the file is as follows:
The file must start with a line containing only a 0 (zero) or a 1. A zero indicates units are in meters, a one
in feet.
Each curve is defined by a sequence of X,Y and Z coordinates separated by at least 1 space.
After the last coordinate of each curve there should be an empty line.
The last line in the file should be ' EOF ' in capitals.
An extensive sample file can be found in the the DELFTship\ships sub folder and is named Round hull import
demo.txt . When importing such a text file DELFTship assumes the following:
X-coordinates are longitudinal. Positive Y coordinates correspond with the port side of the ship. The base
lies at z=0.0 and the aft perpendicular at x=0.0 (see coordinate system).
All curves must be singular: 2 curves at the same location leads to errors. Whenever 2 curves exist at the
same location, for example if the hull is fitted with a bulbous bow, these curves must be combined into a
single curve by connecting the segments with a line lying on the center plane. These segments can later be

Carlson .hul file

Import files created with Carlson Hulls shareware program (available from only the hull geometry will be imported; information about the rig will
be ignored. When importing a file, you may specify if the intermediate bulkheads, as specified in Hulls, should
also be imported. If not only 5 points on each subsequent chine are imported. Although the actual points in
DELFTship are located outside the hull, the points as read from the .hul file will be exactly on the hull surface.
This can easily be checked: the original chines from the file are imported and added to the model as markers.
Control curves are added to the crease edges corresponding to each chine, which should coincide with the

Carene XYZ file

This option can be used to import a text file generated by the Carene program (available from The text file contains the coordinates of the chines
describing the hull. These chines will be imported into DELFTship and a spline is fitted so that the chine in
DELFTship lies exactly on that of Carene. The original chine as defined in the XYZ file is added as a marker. This
way the imported model can be checked visually. Control curves will be added to the crease edges
corresponding to each chine.

2017 DELFTship marine software

This imports a previously saved part from a file with all related settings such as layer settings etc. For more
info regarding parts see this link.

FEF files
This is an older and deprecated exchange format.

Imports a mesh from VRML 1.0 files. For information regarding the VRML format please see: When a VRML file is imported only the boundary-edges are set as crease-
edges. All other crease-edges should be manually after import.

Note: The only information imported from a VRML file are indexed face sets.

Used to import .geo files generated with PolyCad by Marcus Bole. (Freeware from Information currently imported from the file includes either
generalized Bspline surfaces or surfaces generated with the Shiplines or Yachtlines option. Contours are also

Used to import a set of 3D coordinates from a text file. The program will add these as control points. Please
note that only points are added, no edges or faces are created in between these points.

Marker curves
Import 2D or 3D marker curves which function as reference curves. For more information see the following

Table of offsets
The following is a description of the file format that is used for importing a table of offsets. The file should be an
ASCII text file with the extension .txt . The file content should adhere to the following standards:
The first line contains the number of waterlines.
The second line the number of stations
The third line indicates whether data describing the deck line at each station is present (1) or not (0).
The fourth line indicates whether data describing the contour line at each station is present (1) or not (0).
The fifth line indicates whether data describing the aft contour at each waterline is present (1) or not (0).
The sixth line indicates whether data describing the forward contour at each waterline is present (1) or not (0).
The seventh line indicates whether data describing the flat of bottom at each station is present (1) or not (0).
The next three lines describe the length, beam and draft of the ship as used in the project settings

2017 DELFTship marine software

In f o r ma t i o n s t o r e d i n t h e f i l e h e a d e r

Th i s l i n e r e p r e s e n t s t h e h e i g h t s o f e a ch o f t h e 11 w a t e r l i n e s

D i s t a n ce o f a f t co n t o u r p o i n t s t o o r i g i n o n e a ch w a t e r l i n e

D i s t a n ce o f e a ch o f t h e 20 s t a t i o n s o r d e r e d f r o m a f t t o f r o n t

2017 DELFTship marine software

D i s t a n ce o f f o r w a r d co n t o u r p o i n t s t o o r i g i n o n e a ch w a t e r l i n e

Act u a l o f f s e t s d a t a . Th e i n t e r s e ct i o n o f e a ch co l u mn a n d r o w
g i ve s t h e b e a m o n t h a t w a t e r l i n e a n d s t a t i o n . Th e b o t t o m r i g h t
va l u e i n t h e g r e e n r e ct a n g l e i n d i ca t e s t h a t o n s t a t i o n 11. 400 a n d
w a t e r l i n e 1. 600 t h e b e a m i s 0. 178.

D a t a d e s cr i b i n g t h e d e ck l i n e h e i g h t (l e f t co l u mn ) a n d b e a m
(r i g h t co l u mn ) me a s u r e d o n e a ch s t a t i o n .

Th e l a s t co l u mn r e p r e s e n t s t h e h e i g h t o f t h e co n t o u r l i n e o n
e a ch s t a t i o n .

2017 DELFTship marine software

Michlet waves
Michlet is an free CFD program (available from ). The program can be
used to give an accurate prediction of frictional and residual resistance. It is based on Mitchell's theory and is
best suited for ships with a large length/beam ratio (7 or higher) and low block coefficient. However Leo
Lazauskas, the author of Michlet, reported that even ships with a L/B ratio of 5 and up may be used, although
this reduces accuracy. Michlet also predicts the wave elevations of the far field (the waves behind the vessel).
For more information regarding the use of Michlet and its input values the user is referred to to Michlet

3.6.3 File Export

This chapter describes the file types DELFTship can export, and any conditions that may apply.
Please note that the professional edition of DELFTship supports additional formats: IGES curves, IGES surfaces,
Mastership DXF, FEF and CFD meshes.

This option saves the coordinates of all the control points from the model to a textile. This text file can be read
directly into for example Rhino. Note that only the control points are exported; other information like the actual
surface geometry is ignored.

Calculates and saves offsets to a file as described in the paragraph about importing a table of offsets. This
option is only enabled if the model contains stations and waterlines.

DXF Curves (2D)

The intersection curves (except diagonals) can be exported to a 2D DXF file. A dialog allows to specify the
directory where the files should be saved.

Exports stations in the model either to Archimedes single body (.app file) or to ArchimedesMB, which is the
multi-body version of Archimedes ( .hll file). This option is only enabled if stations are added to the model.

Exports all available stations to a GHS file. GHS is a widely accepted format and can be imported by most
hydrostatic programs that perform calculations based on a body plan.

Exports all stations for processing in Octopus ( Octopus is a
strip-theory program which is used to calculate motions of vessels in waves.

Exports the coordinates from all calculated stations to a text file, including knuckle point information.

2017 DELFTship marine software

DXF 3D curves
All visible intersection curves such as stations, buttocks, waterlines, diagonals and crease edges are exported to
an AutoCad DXF file as 3D polylines. Control curves will also be exported. Only information visible in the view
ports is exported.

It is possible to save a selection of the model as a part to a so called part file. You can do this by selecting the
desired faces manually, or by selecting layers in the layer selection dialog. Next to the geometry the
corresponding layer information will be saved. This way any re-usable component (e.g. a keel) can be saved to
file and imported in another design.

DXF mesh
The same algorithm as described in the paragraph about exporting IGES surfaces is used to assemble small
polygonal meshes into larger sets. These meshes are exported as DXF polymeshes. Single faces that cannot be
converted to meshes are exported as 3D faces. 3D faces are small three or four sided surfaces used in AutoCad.
Only visible layers will be exported. If the view port shows both halves of the ship, both are exported

Wavefront file (obj)

Visible parts of the surface are exported to an .obj file as specified at .
Color information is not included.

The STL format (stereo lithography) is mainly used for manufacturing purposes, but sometimes also for
exchanging data with other CAD programs. All visible parts of the surfaces are exported as a large collection of
small triangles. DELFTship exports both ASCII and binary STL files.

Michlet is an free CFD program (available at ) and can be used to get a
more accurate prediction of frictional and residual resistance. It is based on Mitchell's theory and is best suited
for ships with a large length/beam ratio (7 or higher) and low block coefficient. However Leo Lazauskas, the
author of Michlet, reported that even ships with a L/B ratio of 5 and up may be used, although this reduces
accuracy. Michlet also predicts the wave elevations of the far field (the waves behind the vessel). For more
information regarding the use of Michlet and its input values the user is referred to to Michlet manual.
There are currently 3 ways of exporting a hull to Michlet:
Mono hull . This is the default option for sending mono hulls.
Mono hull as catamaran . This option is intended for designing catamarans. The usual way to do this is first
design the hull as a mono hull, with it's center plane still on the XZ plane through the origin. You can send the
hull to Michlet as a multi hull with a specified distance between the two center planes of each individual hull.
Michlet can be used to optimize this distance by varying it as the interference of the two hulls shows up in the
wave pattern (and in the resistance curves).
Catamaran . If you have a design consisting of two hulls, again the distance must be specified. however in this
case it must be the actual distance between the center planes of the hulls otherwise DELFTship cannot calculate
correct offsets of the hulls.

2017 DELFTship marine software

If you want to use Michlet it is important to realize that each individual hull in Michlet must be symmetrical with
respect to its own center plane. In other words, it cannot handle asymmetrical hulls.

Background images
Saves all background images, including scale settings etc. to a native DELFTship background image file for use in
other projects. See also 'working with background images'

3.7 Top menu ribbon and tabs

3.7.1 Home tab

H o me Ta b

Next to access to the project settings, this tab contains menus with editing and viewing commands. The
ribbon is subdivided in menu groups (Project, Edit, Layer, etc), which will be outlined in this chapter. Note that
availability of many functions is conditional on the current status of the viewport (which objects are selected)
and the project (what elements are present). Project menu

Project settings
Modify the project settings and main particulars.

Use this drop-down to select the precision you want used for display (rendering) and calculations of your model.
This control has an impact on both accuracy and speed of operations. If a large and complex model becomes
sluggish it can be useful to set the precision to a lower setting, until a higher precision is required. Edit menu

Undo previous editing actions. DELFTship stores all actions into memory. Please note that this information is not
stored on file: when DELFTship is shut down the undo data is permanently lost.

Redo a action that has been undone with the undo command.

Use this to delete items that have been selected. The program first deletes all selected faces, then the edges and
finally the selected points. Any unlocked points or edges that remain unused after this process are deleted also.

2017 DELFTship marine software

If a point is deleted all attached faces and edges are deleted too. If an edge is
deleted, any attached faces will also be deleted. For removing a point without
deleting the connected faces and edges, use 'point collapse' command. For
removing an edge without deleting the attached faces using the ' edge collapse'

Not only items from the surface geometry but also markers, control curves,
flow lines and tanks can be deleted this way. Layer menu

Opens the layer window (Ctrl-L).

Adds a new layer and names it "LayerX", where X is an increment. Note that this increment does not necessarily
reflect the currently available number of layers- it is the number of layers that has, at one point, been added to
the project. This is to prevent duplicate naming.

Create new layers by extracting faces from the current layer. Specifically, this function extracts groups of faces
which are completely surrounded by crease edges. Each group of faces is subsequently assigned to a new layer.
If no faces are selected, every visible layer will be processed, otherwise only the selected faces. DELFTship tries
to save as much of the present layer information as possible. If a set of faces is extracted, and they already
belong to the same layer then this layer is left undisturbed. Auto grouping is only enabled if the display of
interior edges is switched on.

Removes empty layers.

Active layer
You can modify which layer is active when no faces are selected by selecting another layer from this drop down
list: Changing this field with faces selected will add the selected faces to the selected layer. If a face is selected,
this field will show the layer it belongs to. Not that this is not the active layer: the currently active layer is shown
in the status bar. When faces from more than one layer are selected, this field will show "Multiple layers".
In the event that faces have been selected there are two possibilities:
1. All selected faces belong to the same layer. In that case the name of that layer is shown, even if it is not
the active layer.
2. The selected faces belong to different layers. No layer name is shown in the toolbar at all, it will be blank.
By selecting a layer from the list with layers while faces are selected, all the selected faces will be moved from
their current layer to the newly selected layer.

2017 DELFTship marine software

40 Point menu

Please note that all point operations depend on the control net: (see the Hull display menu)- if the
control net is hidden, there are not points or edges to operate on.

Adds a new point located at the origin (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) which is automatically selected. The control point window
for that point will open automatically. Adding new points is only enabled if the control net is visible.

Plane (intersection)
This is a convenient way to insert a range of points at a certain ordinate location: the plane intersection
intersects all visible edges with a plane. It inserts control points on each intersecting edge and splits faces
with multiple points by inserting edges. There is also an option to add a control curve to the newly created
edges.The type of plane (vertical, horizontal or transverse) and the offset can be specified in the dialog.

All selected points will be locked. Locked points appear dark gray on your screen and cannot be modified.
This option is enabled if at least one unlocked point is selected.

If multiple points are selected, these can be aligned on a single straight line. This is done by projecting all the
selected points on the line that goes through the first and last selected point. They are projected on the line
rather than uniformly distributed to keep the displacement of the points minimal. Additionally you can choose
to only modify certain coordinates of the points. For example: when you have selected multiple control points
forming the outer edge of a transom you should only adjust the X-coordinate in order to put all the points in
the same plane seen from the profile view. The shape of the transom, as seen from the back, will remain

Intersect (layers)
Use this option to find the intersecting curve of two layers. This option is disabled in the menu if the model
has only one layer. All the edges of the first layer are checked for an intersection with the faces of the second
layer. If an intersection exists, the intersection point is inserted on the edge. All inserted points are connected
with new edges which form the intersecting curve of the two layers. Note that only the first layer is affected by
this operation, the second layer is unmodified. Note that points are only inserted in edges , no t in faces.
Intersecting layers can be useful to find the intersection of the hull with a keel or rudder.

Unlock points
Unlocks selected points if they are locked. This option is only enabled if at least one locked point has been


2017 DELFTship marine software

Removes selected points without deleting the surrounding
geometry. A point can only be collapsed if it is attached to exactly
two edges. The point is removed, and the two edges are replaced
by a single edge. If a point is attached to more than 2 edges, the
other edges need to be removed first, possibly by collapsing these
edges. Collapsing a point is illustrated in the image on the right.
Note that the point that is to be collapsed is irregular since it has
two faces and two edges connected to it. By collapsing the point
the number of points of the two attached faces is reduced to 4 and
the control net is made more regular, making it easier to produce
a fair hull surface.

Copy (coordinates)
If multiple control points have been selected you can copy selected R e mo vi n g a p o i n t w i t h ' co l l a p s e '
values from the first selected point to all the other points. This way
you can quickly assign all selected points the same X, Y or Z coordinate.

Unlock all
All locked points in the model will be unlocked, selecting them is not necessary.

Extract (points from marker)

When a marker curve has been imported, this function will extract all points from the currently selected
markers and add those as control points to the subdivision surface. Please note that these control points can
not be connected automatically to edges or faces. Edge menu

Extrude edge
The most common (and preferred) way to create new surfaces is by extruding edges. Selected edges are
copied in the specified extrusion direction and new faces are created between each old and new edge. Since an
edge has a maximum of two faces attached, only boundary edges are allowed to be extruded. (Boundary edges
are defined by hydrostatic enabled layers - if an edge is bounded by a face in layer that has hydrostatics
disabled in the layer settings, the edge will be treated as boundary. Please be aware that enabling hydrostatics
again for the bounding layer will result in errors in your model). The new faces are assigned to the active layer.
An edge can also be extruded using the mouse: Select the edge(s) and hold down the SHIFT key- then drag the
edge in the direction it should be extruded. When releasing the mouse button, a dialog will allow you to fine
tune the direction and offset of the extrusion

2017 DELFTship marine software

The illustration to the right shows how a deck is added by extruding the
sheer-line. The three stages of the process are:
1. Select the boundary edges that you want to extrude. Then choose
the edit => edge => extrude option from the main menu. A window
will appear requesting direction of the extrusion. In the example the
extrusion direction is (0.0, -2.25, 0.02) meaning that a copy of all
selected edges will be created and moved 0.0 units in longitudinal
direction, -2.25 units in the transverse direction and 0.02 units
2. The extrusion command creates new faces between each original
edge and its copy. These new faces will be assigned to the active
3. After moving the newly created edges to the center line (optionally,
use the align function)- the deck is finished.

Extrude curved
Sometimes it is required to create a deck with a deck-camber. This can be done by using the 'extrude
curved'. Select the sheer line and then click Extrude curved. You will be asked to enter a number of faces and a
percentage. The amount of faces is used to create the deck and will define the curvature (1 face will result in a
flat deck resulting in a knuckle at the center line, a number higher than 1 will create curvature). The percentage is
the height of the deck related to the beam of the ship.

Edge split
Selected edges are split by inserting a new point in the middle. After
the operation all newly created points are selected. This is a convenient way
to insert new edges. Multiple edges can be selected and split. All selected
points belonging to the same face may then be split by inserting a new
edge. The image to the right shows two selected edges before and after the
split. Note that this way a face consisting of 6 points is created, resulting in
an irregular mesh. The two selected points should be connected, splitting
the face in two regular faces. This ensures a more regular grid and a
smoother surface. Splitting an edge in curved surface may flatten the
surface in that area. If you don't want the curvature to change, consider
using the advanced edge split command.
Please note that this example leaves us with two irregular faces: those In s e r t i n g p o i n t s o n a n e d g e
bordering the split face to the aft and front: those faces now have 5 points, which to difficulties.

Edge split advanced

Advanced differs from the regular edge split in that it tries to maintain the current shape and curvature by
modifying the coordinates of the adjacent points.

Edge collapse
Collapsing an edge removes the edge and combines the two attached faces into a single face. Since edge
collapsing requires two faces it can only be applied to internal edges. Using the 'edge collapse' command can
locally change the shape of your surface.
It can be necessary to collapse all edges of a certain type- when all visible edges are selected, the collapse edge
function will ask for a selection ('Crease only', 'Regular only' or 'All edges')

2017 DELFTship marine software

Edge remove
This command is similar to the edge collapse command above, except after collapsing the edge, it alters
the coordinates of adjacent control points in order to minimize shape changes of the surface..

New edge
A face can be divided into two new faces by inserting an edge. To do
this at least two points have to be selected. Both points must share the same
face, and no edge is allowed to already exist between the selected points.
To ensure a fair surface it is recommended to extend inserted edges as
those seen on illustration 'inserting an edge' to a crease or boundary edge
if possible.

Set crease
Setting selected edges as crease-edges allows you to add knuckle lines
to the hull. The crease property of boundary edges cannot be changed,
since they are natural crease edges. The illustration below shows how a hard
chine is created. To the left the model without the hard chine is visible. To
the right the yacht with the new knuckle line is displayed. Below is a second In s e r t i n g a n e d g e
image showing the lines plan of the yacht after the crease edges have been
set. In this specific example the knuckle line runs over the full length of the hull but this is not necessary: knuckle
lines may run freely over the surface.

C r e a t i n g k n u ck l e l i n e s / cr e a s e e d g e s

Li n e s p l a n o f a h u l l w i t h cr e a s e e d g e s s e t

2017 DELFTship marine software

44 Curve menu

About Curves
Control curves are a tool for fairing- for more information on control curves see the paragraph on control
curves and fairing.

First select a number of connected edges. (Automatically select an entire connected edge by holding down
the control key when clicking on an edge) Then click the add button to create and assign a control curve to these
edges. Only one curve can be assigned to each edge. If the new curve is not shown on the screen, make sure
that control curves are made visible in your display settings.

Convert (to marker)

This option is only enabled if at least one control curve is selected. It converts the control curves into a
marker curve for future reference or export. See also the paragraph about markers for more information on this
subject. Face menu

As described in the paragraph Background to surface modeling, faces are the surfaces that close the space
between edges- they are the ultimately visible part of your model when shaded.

Creates a new face between selected points. These points have to be selected in the correct order
(normally clockwise or counter clockwise) to create a regular face.

Flip normal
This option can be used to manually flip the
direction of normals of selected faces to the other
side in case the automatic surface check has failed.
All surface normals should point outwards, in the
direction of the water. The normals of a face can
be visualized by selecting the specific face,
provided that you have selected the wire frame (no M a n u a l l y i n ve r t i n g t h e d i r e ct i o n o f f a ce n o r ma l s
rendering) from the Shade menu and the mesh is made visible in the hull display settings. Each displayed normal
is calculated as the average normal in a point of the refined subdivision mesh. This average is calculated from all
faces surrounding that point. Along the boundary of an edge sharing two faces with opposite normal directions,
this may seem a bit peculiar as can be seen on the left side of the illustration. The normals along these
boundaries look as if they are projected on the surface. The right side of the illustration shows the normals after
the face has been inverted and the normals face the right direction.

Extrude a face: move the face in a given (orthogonal) direction while leaving it connected to its
neighboring faces
Faces can also be extruded using the mouse: Select the face and hold down the SHIFT key- then drag in the
direction it should be extruded. While dragging the outline of the face will be shown. This may differ from the
size and shape of the selected face depending on the control net.

2017 DELFTship marine software

When releasing the mouse button, a dialog will allow you to fine tune the direction and offset of the extrusion.
After extrusion, all bordering edges will be made crease-edges.

Fill a selected and closed loop of edges with new faces Hull display menu

The hull display menu has controls that allow you to switch specific rendering elements and tools on or off. Most
of this is functional: without the control net enabled points can not be manipulated, without the surface mesh
normals will not show.

Control net
Show or hide the control net.
The control net is the combination of all points and edges that form the
initial subdivision mesh. These are the entities that can be manipulated by
the user to shape the surface. Elements from disabled layers will not
appear. That way the interface can be kept clean by showing only the
points or edges of interest.

Both sides Co n tro l n et

Displays both sides of the symmetrical model.
Since most surfaces will be symmetrical with respect to the center plane, only the port side of the hull is
modeled. This symmetry not only applie to the surface but also to the intersection curves, flow-lines, control
curves etc. Symmetrical elements are mirrored by the software to reduce the modeling time. With less
information on the screen it is easier to select a point, edge or face. Enable the 'Both sides' option to display the
entire model.

Mesh (Interior edges)

Show or hide interior edges.
The interior edges are the edges of the subdivided surface. With higher
precision settings, more edges are shown. Interior edges are drawn in
the color of the layer they are assigned to. You can select a face by
clicking on one of the interior edges of that face. Since the mesh is the
surface, it can not be shown in a shaded view- it will only show on a wire

Stations In t e r i o r e d g e s

Use this button to toggle the display of stations. If no stations have been added to the model the option is
disabled in the menus. Stations can be added to the model from the Intersections dialogue.

Use this button to toggle the display of buttocks. If no buttocks have been added to the model the option
is disabled in the menus. Buttocks can be added to the model from the Intersections dialogue.

Use this button to toggle the display of waterlines. If no waterlines have been added to the model the
option is disabled in the menus. Waterlines can be added to the model from the Intersections dialogue.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Use this button to toggle the display of diagonals. If no diagonals have been added to the model the
option is disabled in the menus. Diagonals can be added to the model from the Intersections dialogue.

Control curves
Show or hide control curves.
Control curves are curves that are assigned to edges of the control net and are used to fair the surface.
The visibility of these control curves does not depend on the visibility of the control net. In fact, selecting and
manipulating control curves is often easier if the control net is not visible. Points and edges assigned to a
control curve become visible when a control curve is selected, all other points will remain hidden.

This option enables or disables the visibility of the curvature plot of control curves and certain intersection
curves. To include an intersection curve in this plot, make sure it is checked in the intersection dialog.

Increase scale
Increase the scale of the curvature plots (F10). The current curvature scale value is shown on the status bar,
at the bottom of your screen.

Decrease scale
Decrease the scale of the curvature plots (F9). The current curvature scale value is shown on the status bar,
at the bottom of your screen.

Real-time hydrostatics
DELFTship provides the option to plot some key hydrostatic values
in the wire-frame of your model for the design draft.
These are:
Displacement and center of buoyancy
Center of flotation H yd r o s t a t i c f e a t u r e s

Lateral area and center of effort

Transverse metacentric height
Curve of sectional areas. Contrary to the other values this curve is only plotted in the left, right or perspective
view of the hull.
These values can only be displayed if the model is sufficiently consistent to calculate the hydrostatics: if the
model contains leak points below the water plane no values will be calculated or displayed. The values are
updated in real-time when the model is being modified. You can specify which data should be shown in the
project settings window.

Show grid
If intersection curves are added to the model it is possible to
display a grid marking the location of these intersection curves. It is
visible in wire-frame and shaded mode. Next to each line its distance to G r i d o f s t a t i o n s , b u t t o ck s a n d
the origin is printed, and the baseline, center line and design waterline w aterlin es
are also indicated. The grid is visible in all views except for the perspective view. This grid is displayed
regardless of the display settings of the intersection curves. The same grid is also visible in the lines plan.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Leak points
The Leak points function will hide all regular control points, showing only points that are considered leak
by the program. This enables easier identification of points restraining the hydrostatic calculations. For more
information about leak points, see check model.

Display flow lines

Show of hide flow lines. The flow lines displayed by DELFTship are calculated through analysis of the
surface geometry only and have nothing to do with CFD. This is a huge simplification since hull speed, pressure
and waves are excluded from the calculation. Despite this simplification the flow lines show a remarkable
resemblance with those calculated with CFD programs but keep in mind that the only purpose of this function is
to give the designer an impression of how the water will approximately flow. Real CFD calculations will be much
more accurate and reliable.

To add a flow lines keep the alt-button pressed and click on a point below the
waterline (profile, plan or body plan view only). This point is used as the origin
of the flow-line. From there the flow is traced as far as possible to the stern
until it crosses the design waterline.

Flow lines are only traced along surfaces that belong to a layer that is used
for hydrostatic calculations - generally the shell of the hull. (enable
hydrostatics in layer settings). The image above shows some flow lines at
the bow of a hull with a bulb fitted. The background image shows the
results obtained from a CFD calculation. The small black lines represent the
direction of the flow as calculated with CFD, the blue curves are the flow
F low lin es
lines calculated by DELFTship. Flow lines can be selected and deleted like
any other geometry.

Surface areas where flow-lines are converging are high pressure areas, where
they diverge are low-pressure areas.

If this option is switched on, normals of faces that have been selected are displayed. These normals are
drawn as thin white lines, pointing either inward or outward from the hull. This display option is disabled if the
display of interior edges is toggled 'off', and only works if the wire-frame is displayed. A normal is drawn at
each interior point of the subdivision surface so with a higher precision more surface normals are drawn.

Display markers
Markers are curves that are added to the model as a reference. For example the body plan of an existing
design could be imported as markers. Stations could then be added to the DELFTship model at the same
location as the markers. Points can be dragged until the stations and the markers are exactly on top of each
other. In that case the DELFTship hull matches the hull from the existing design. For more information about
markers please see the 'Tools tab'/ 'Markers' menu .

Marker points
Sometimes markers contain so many points that displaying these points obscures the marker or even the
model. Sometimes the shape of the markers is interesting, not the points used to model the markers. In those
cases the marker points can be hidden. Note that this option is only enabled in the menus if the display of
markers is set to true.

2017 DELFTship marine software

48 Tank display menu

Display tanks
Enables/disables the drawing of tanks. If the model contains tanks and a number of modifications to the hull
have to be performed it is better to turn off the displaying of tanks: all tanks are rebuilt after each hull
modification which can be time consuming.

Transparent shading
Switch between solid or transparent shading of tanks.

Show sounding pipes

Display sounding pipes of tanks (only enabled if the model contains tanks and the display of tanks is enabled /
tanks are visible).

Tank labels
Display the names of tanks in the model. Window menu

New window
Open a new window- the view point can be chosen with the view button group (front/aft, left/right,
top/bottom and Perspective)

Tile all open windows horizontally or vertically, depending on the number of open windows. Use this function
to restore the viewports if resizing or moving to another monitor confused the viewport sizes

Cascade all open windows

3.7.2 Tools tab

Tools tab
The tools tab gives access to a variety of modeling tools.

2017 DELFTship marine software

49 Layers

Opens the layer window (Ctrl-L).

Adds a new layer and names it "LayerX", where X is an increment. Note that this increment does not necessarily
reflect the currently available number of layers- it is the number of layers that has, at one point, been added to
the project. This is to prevent duplicate naming.

Create new layers by extracting faces from the current layer. Specifically, this function extracts groups of faces
which are completely surrounded by crease edges. Each group of faces is subsequently assigned to a new layer.
If no faces are selected, every visible layer will be processed, otherwise only the selected faces. DELFTship tries
to save as much of the present layer information as possible. If a set of faces is extracted, and they already
belong to the same layer then this layer is left undisturbed. Auto grouping is only enabled if the display of
interior edges is switched on.

Removes empty layers.

Active layer
You can modify which layer is active when no faces are selected by selecting another layer from this drop down
list: Changing this field with faces selected will add the selected faces to the selected layer. If a face is selected,
this field will show the layer it belongs to. Not that this is not the active layer: the currently active layer is shown
in the status bar. When faces from more than one layer are selected, this field will show "Multiple layers".
In the event that faces have been selected there are two possibilities:
1. All selected faces belong to the same layer. In that case the name of that layer is shown, even if it is not
the active layer.
2. The selected faces belong to different layers. No layer name is shown in the toolbar at all, it will be blank.
By selecting a layer from the list with layers while faces are selected, all the selected faces will be moved from
their current layer to the newly selected layer. Project tools menu

Check model
DELFTship can check the model for inconsistencies and it will correct most of them automatically. This check is
also automatically silently performed each time hydrostatics are calculated, unless automatic checking is disabled
in the project settings.
First the entire surface is checked for disjoint segments. Then each segment is checked for a consistent direction
of the face normals. If inconsistencies are found, those faces will be adjusted. Next the lowest point of each
isolated surface segment is identified. For conventional ships this usually is the bottom. If this is indeed a point

2017 DELFTship marine software

on the bottom then the average normal of this point should point down in order to face the water. Under this
assumption all faces are modified so that the direction of their normal corresponds to the direction of the
normal of this particular point. In some rare cases this might cause the normals to point in the wrong direction.
In that case it is recommended to manually flip the normals to the correct side (see 'Face menu' under the ' Home
tab ') and to disable automatic checking of the surface. This test also identifies edges with more than two faces
attached. Lastly a list of leak points is provided; a point is considered leak if the following 2 criteria are met:
The point is not located on the center plane, meaning that the y-coordinate of the point >0.0001.
The point is situated on a boundary edge (An edge with only 1 face attached to it). Faces that belong to a
layer that is not included in the hydrostatic calculations are not taken into account in this test., see also the
note below.

For hydrostatic calculations, an edge is a boundary edge if one of the

connected faces is excluded from hydrostatic calculations. This could be the
case for a ship with a closed deck, where the deck is not included in the
hydrostatics calculations. In that case DELFTship keeps calculating until the deck
line is submerged. Windows and other none watertight surfaces could be
treated similarly.

It is important to realize that leak points are not necessarily leak in the sense
that they will always make water. A leak point in DELFTship is a point that is
potentially leak and only becomes actually leak if submerged. So the presence
of leak points does not always have to pose a problem, as long as they are not

If more then 10 leak points are found, only the first 10 are displayed. The points are shown sorted in ascending
height above the base plane. Leak points will be rendered a bright green in the view ports, but this color can be
configured in the preferences - hullform menu.
Finally a dialog containing the corrected items and possibly remaining errors is opened.

Opens the intersection curves window

Lines plan
Opens the lines plan window.

Unfold / Plate developments

Opens the Unfold window

2017 DELFTship marine software

Keel and rudder wizard
The keel and rudder wizard helps to quickly define a keel or rudder with a
predefined planform. You can select the desired wing section from a list of
standard NACA sections. The keel or rudder is show in 3D along with it basic
properties such as aspect ratio, volume, center of buoyancy etc. The lift/drag
tab shows an estimate for the lift and drag curves. Once the keel or rudder is
complete it can be exported in two ways send or save. Using the send
button it is inserted at the current DELFTship model at the origin, using the
save as part button saves it to a file as a DELFTship part. Parts can be
imported in other designs. Ke e l a n d r u d d e r w i za r d

CFD Meshes
Opens the CFD meshes window Intersections

In the intersection window stations, buttocks, waterlines and diagonals can be

added to the model. Intersection curves are calculated from the surface
model, so only their location needs to be specified. Diagonals by default are
created using an angle of 45 degrees to the center plane but this angle can
be adjusted in the intersections window.
When the model is modified the intersection curves are recalculated and
updated. The select buttons in the intersections window switch between the
different types of intersections. You can an intersection by selecting the Add
button in the select menu. A window is displayed asking for the location of
the intersection. It is also possible to add a range of intersections by
pressing the range option. In that case the location of the first and last In t e r s e ct i o n s w i n d o w
intersection are requested as well as the spacing between the successive
intersection curves. If an intersection with a surface has been found it will be added to the model. The
intersection curves appear in ascending order of location starting in the origin.
To delete a single intersection, select it and press the delete key on your keyboard.
All intersections in a group (e.g. buttocks ) can be deleted by selecting that group and pressing the delete all
button on the toolbar.
The Markers button converts all the intersections from the current group into markers.
the Accept button submits the changes and closes the window. To drop changes, click the cancel button: this will
ignore the changes made and return to DELFTship.
The check box displayed to the right of each intersection indicates if the
curvature plot of that specific intersection curve must be plotted (for more
information about curvature plotting, see paragraph about 'control curves'
in the 'curve menu'). Due to the limited size of computer screens it is almost
impossible to determine if a curve is perfectly fair. To overcome this a
curvature plot can be drawn. A curvature plot is created by calculating and
plotting the curvature in many points along the curve (the pink line). Since
the curvature can be both positive and negative, the plot can be drawn on
both sides of the curve (see illustration on the right). Where the plot
coincides with the curve the curvature is zero. In contrast, at knuckle points
the curvature is infinitely high. The higher the absolute value of the curvature, C u r va t u r e p l o t o f a b u t t o ck

2017 DELFTship marine software

the further away from the curve the curvature plot is drawn. Smooth curves
are characterized by curvature plots with no unexpected humps or hollows. The scale of the curvature plot can
be decreased by pressing the F9 key and increased by pressing the F10 key. Make sure that the curvature plot is
switched on in the hull display settings. Linesplan

DELFTship can create and display the complete formatted lines plan of the ship. The Lines plan button gives
access to the lines plan dialog, where the lines plan can be configured in detail:

File menu

Prints the lines plan to scale to a printer or a plotter.

Save to DXF
Save the lines plan as a DXF file. (to save as an image, see the Viewport menu)


The Layout menu contains a control with a choice of views or layouts of the plan. Scroll the
small window, or click the arrow to open a larger select window, showing the options side by

Layer Settings

The layer settings button provides access to the layer settings window, where you can set layer properties
such as visibility and color.

Black and white

The lines plan can also be drawn in black & white by clicking on the appropriate button in the toolbar. Using
fill colors and lighting options is not possible in black & white mode.

Color fill
Fill the image with the colors as defined in the layer window (and the preferences for submerged surfaces
color) Use the Lights option to show curvature.

Use lighting effects to show curvatures by adding shading and highlights.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Li n e s p l a n , n o f i l l Li n e s p l a n , f i l l a n d l i g h t s


Mirror plan view

Add the normally hidden symmetrical half. This option is only enabled if diagonals are not drawn to the


Show or hide stations


Show or hide buttocks


Show or hide the water lines


Show or hide diagonals

Only if the model contains no diagonals, the plan view might optionally be mirrored so that both sides are

3D View
Show (or hide) a 3D rendering of the hull in the center of the lines plan.

2017 DELFTship marine software

54 Unfold / Plate development

All layers that are marked as developable in the layer properties window can be
unfolded into flat plates (a process also called developing or flattening). If the
model contains no developable layers then this feature will be disabled in the
Because it is not always clear which surfaces may be developable, DELFTship
assists with the Developable option in the shading menu. Green areas are D e ve l o p a b l e s h a d i n g
considered developable, red areas less so. The extent to which surfaces are developbable depends greatly on
the materials used- or more precisely, on the elasticity of the materials used. For this reason the developability is
only an indication. Please not that although the 'developable' shading gives an indication to the developability of
a surface, setting the developability option in the containing layers is a manual action.
Note that the algorithm used for unfolding is only valid for truly developable surfaces. A surface is considered
developable if it is curved in at most one direction . Surfaces with compound curvature will also be flattened, but
the resulting surface will not be correct because stretching or compression of some areas of the surface is
required to obtain the correct shape. Take, for example, a sphere: its surface cannot be flattened without
stretching or compressing certain areas, unless cuts are made in the surface: a sphere is not a developable
During the unfolding process the program will flatten all selected layers for both sides of the ship and a window
is opened showing the resulting plate developments. It is best to assign each strake, or part of the hull, to a
different layer. If a layer consists of multiple isolated parts, each part will again have its own unfolding:

D e ve l o p a b l e s u r f a ce p l a t e s s u r f a ce s t r e s s vi e w

2017 DELFTship marine software

The unfold window
There are many possible lay out variations- the Unfold window allows you to tweak display variables as well as
export, save or print the results.
The unfolded panels can be moved by dragging them with the
mouse. Buttons on the toolbar at the top of the window can be used
to rotate the currently selected plate. . Zooming and panning is done
exactly as in the normal DELFTship interface.

Prints the plate developments to scale to a printer or a plotter.

Save to DXF -
Save the plate developments as a DXF file. (to save as an image, see
the Viewport menu)
th e u n fold w in dow

Save to text
Save to a text file

Rotate the selected part in the indicated direction to better fit a plate layout

Several display options are available to fine tune the result:

Fill the parts with the assigned layer color

Show Submerged Area

Renders the submerged area with the color specified in the preferences.

Interior edges
Displays the interior edges- only available when Show stress is disabled.

Show stress
Display the calculated stresses in the surface due to curvature: Once the plates have been unfolded to 2D,
DELFTship compares the length of the unfolded interior edges to the length of these edges in 3D. If this length is
smaller then the edges are compressed (drawn in blue). If the unfolded edges are longer then these edges are
stretched (drawn in red).

Show Dimensions
Show or hide the part dimensions

2017 DELFTship marine software

Part name
Label the parts with the layer names.

Visibility of stations, buttocks, water lines and diagonals can be toggled on or off for display on the flattened

Grid spacing
There are also two input fields to adapt the X and Y grid spacing. The grid can be turned on and off from the
toolbar using the Show Dimensions button. Each intersection of a grid line and an unfolded panel has a number
displayed next to it indicating the coordinate of that intersection.
If two panels border the center plane of the hull, are completely flat and belong to the same layer (such as for
example a flat transom or bottom) then these 2 panels will be merged into one larger panel.
In the layers menu in the right bottom pane, the visibility of layers can be toggled on or off. Select the layer
either by clicking on the name, or by clicking on the part in the main view: the corresponding layer will be

Judging correctness of the unfolded surfaces

Stress and distortion
In the Properties box in the right hand pane, come crucial information about the
development of the selected plate is shown (Select a plate by clicking on it). The
calculated values include maximum values for edge and face stress, and difference in
area (that is, the difference in surface area between the 3D shape and the flattened
one). These values are color coded to indicate suitability of plate development for the
selected surface. Please note that this indication does not consider the chosen
Pr o p e r t i e s o f p l a t e s
construction materials.
Also shown are the dimensions of the plate and the rotation currently applied to the plate.
Generally, surfaces that are truly developable have zero Gaussian curvature, meaning that unfolded the edge
and face stresses will also be zero. Surfaces that are not exactly developable can in most cases still be unfolded
but might have significant edge or face stress since the surface was curved in two directions. It is very important
to check these stress values if you actually want to use the unfolded plates for construction purposes!

The free version of DELFTship does not support printing or exporting the
unfolded plates. Modeling tools menu

Offset surface
The offset function creates new surfaces from existing ones. It will ask which layer to offset and an offset
distance, and then creates a new surface from all surfaces in the selected layer by offsetting the specified
amount perpendicular to the existing surfaces, in the direction of the normals. If the amount is negative, the
offset direction is opposite the normals. Beware that prior to offsetting the surfaces, the model is checked, and
normals are repaired. This option can be disabled in hydrostatics tab of project settings.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Subdivide control net
If a model needs more control points, for instance for more
detailed modeling, the control net can be sub divided
(quadrupling the number of surfaces). Please note that this is a
global action, increasing the number of points in the entire model.
This option can be particularly useful in combination with the
automatic fairing function.

Move to base C o n t r o l n e t b e f o r e a n d a f t e r s u b d i vi d i n g
In DELFTship the draft is always measured from the baseline. If the lower point of the hull does not coincide with
Z=0.0, this command simply moves the model to the correct vertical position. In order to do this, the lowest
point of all layers included in hydrostatics is calculated and the model is moved vertically so that this lowest
point will be on the baseline. Note that surfaces not included in the hydrostatic calculation can still be located
below the baseline.

Remove SB side
Sometimes after importing a hull the geometry, both sides of the ship are present while DELFTship only needs
the port side. This option removes all faces from the model that are completely on the starboard side.

Unused points
Remove all points from the model that have no edge or faces connected to it.

Disable crease edges

Disables all crease edges in the visible layer. This function needs the control net to be visible. Transform menu

The operations move , rotate and scale work on an actual selection of points . If nothing is selected, a window is
presented in which entire layers can be selected. If the checkbox at the bottom of this dialog is checked (include
points that are shared with unselected layers) then a point is selected automatically if at least one attached face
belongs to a selected layer. If the checkbox is not checked, then a point is selected only if all the faces around it
belong to selected layer(s). If all the points of the model are selected (all layers), then not only is the hull scaled,
but all other information such as main particulars, intersection curves, tanks and critical points too. More about
selecting object can be found in the selecting objects paragraph. Unlike moving control points with the mouse,
this option can move a selection of objects.

Moves (part of) the model. Works on the selection as described above.

Rotates (part of) the model. Works on the selection as described above.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Scales (part of) the model. Works on the selection as described above.

Unlike the previous transformation commands, mirroring is based on selected faces
only- not points. Selection works the same as before: either manually select faces, or if
no faces were selected, the layer select dialog is shown. The mirror plane can be either
transverse (YZ plane), horizontal (XY plane) or vertical (XZ plane). The distance of the
mirror plane to the origin can be specified in the distance field. Tick the checkbox at the
bottom to connect the mirrored points to the original points lying on the mirror plane.

Lackenby M i r r o r f a ce s

DELFTship has the ability to automatically adjust some hull form parameters in order to obtain desired
characteristics. You can use two different types of transformation:
Displacement - The hull form transformation method developed by Lackenby is used to transform the hull
to match a desired displacement or longitudinal center of buoyancy while maintaining fairness of your
design. This is done by shifting control points in the longitudinal direction. The overall length of the
design will be different after the transformation.
Midship coefficient transformation adjusts the shape of the hull so that a specified midship coefficient is
met. Note that after this transformation the displacement is also altered. If both the midship coefficient
and the displacement need to be modified it is advised to adjust the midship first before transforming the
hull to the desired displacement or center of buoyancy. The midship coefficient transformation may result
in a distorted deck line.
This method opens a window where transformation details can be specified (see the Transformation details
The first row of controls allow to select the desired method
(displacement or midship), and the maximum amount of iterations
allowed. If the desired specifications are not attained within this
number of iteration, an error message is displayed. Some cases
warrant a higher iteration setting: when a design has a high prismatic
coefficient in the aft ship, such as planing motor craft, or when the
midship location is far from the usual place at 0.5*Length, the default
15 iterations may not be enough.
The checkbox to redraw after each iteration can be un-checked if
Tr a n s f o r ma t i o n d e t a i l s w i n d o w
iterations are getting too slow. When the box is unchecked only the
final result (if attained) is shown, both in the preview window and in the DELFTship viewports.

The transform button will execute the transformation. If the results are OK, they can be accepted into the
model by clicking Accept. Cancel will discard all changes and close the window.
The input fields to the left are divided in 3 columns. The left column shows the current values as calculated from
the model. The middle column allows to set the desired values. Depending on which transformation method is
selected some input fields can be disabled. The right column shows the difference between the current and
desired values. The left and right column are updated after each iteration so the progress can be monitored.
Below these calculated prismatic coefficients and maximum displacements are shown.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Finally all layers of the model are shown. The transformation is only applied to selected (checked) layers. As the
transformation consists of shifting control points longitudinally, the locations of for example a keel, centerboard
or cabin are also likely to change. By excluding layers from the transformation they remain unchanged,
potentially leading to a distorted or unfair model.
Hull display, before and after: the main viewport of the transformation window shows the body plan of the
original hull displayed in black. If the transformation was successful then the transformed body plan is displayed
in red lines on top of the original body plan to visualize the difference between the original and transformed
Below the hull the original sectional area curve and design waterline are displayed in black, the new sectional
area curve and design waterline are displayed in red. The dark gray dashed line is the location of the midship
section as defined by the user in the project settings. It is important to know that in contrast to the hydrostatics
calculated elsewhere in the program here it is calculated using ordinates , and not surface panels . This can cause
a slight difference between the displacement shown here and calculated elsewhere. A total of 82 ordinates is
used to calculate the sectional area curve and hydrostatics, 41 for the aft ship and 41 for the fore ship. Markers menu

Markers are points that can be added to the model as a reference: the offsets of another design can be
imported as markers to serve as a blueprint for a new model. After importing marker points intersection curves
can be specified in DELFTship at the same location as the offset data. If the intersection curves coincide with the
markers both models are exactly the same. Another use for markers is to visually check the differences between
two versions of a design. If you convert all stations to markers before modifying the model then the difference
between the markers and updated stations will reflect the modifications made to the design.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Import markers
DELFTship can read the following file formats and convert the data into markers:
Autocad DXF files (*.dxf). All types of lines and curves are imported as
IGES files (*.igs, *.iges). The following entities are imported as markers:
NURB curves (entity 126)
DELFTship marker files (*.mrk). This native file format is supplied to exchange
markers between different (versions of) designs.
Text files (*.txt). If you need a different way to import markers you can specify
the data yourself in a text file. The file should meet the following format:
The first line of the file must either be a 0 (zero) or a 1. A zero indicates
that all coordinates are in meters while a one indicates that the
coordinates are in feet.
Each curve is defined by a sequence of X,Y and Z coordinates
separated by at least 1 space.
Optionally add the word KNUCKLE after the z coordinate to introduce
a knuckle point in the curve.
The end of a curve is indicated by an empty line after the last
coordinate. e xa mp l e o f D E F LTs h i p
ma r k e r t xt f i l e
The last line in the file should be 'EOF'. The following is an example of a
file containing 3 longitudinal curves.

Export markers
All available marker curves are exported to a file in the native file format of DELFTship. This file has the extension
.mrk and can be imported into other designs.

Delete markers
This deletes all markers from the model. This option is disabled if there are no markers added to the model.

When a marker curve is split after import, but the separate curves share their end/starting point, they can be
joined using the weld function. This will do two things: it will joint the two segments into one, and it will remove
the knuckle that was the result of the split.

Fit surface
If multiple marker curves approach the surface you want to create (see below: Move markers on how to
accomplish this) a surface can be added. This surface ill run approximately through the curves. Select all the
markers (in order!) and click the Fit surface button. It helps to not select too many points here, since the resulting
surface may still need tweaking.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Move markers
In some cases it can be useful to reposition marker curves in 3D. For example a 2D marker curves file containing
stations could be placed along the hull to check accuracy and
enhance understanding of the design. Click (select) a marker curve to
display the marker curve details window. This window shows the
number of curves selected, the minimum and maximum coordinates
of the curves (the 'bounding box'), the number of marker points
involved and the total length of the selected curves.
It also contains two editable fields, Distance and Step. The Distance
field can be used to offset the selected curve(s) the specified amount.
The curves will be moved in a direction perpendicular to the plane of
the curve (so frames will be moved along the X-axis). Not that if the M a r k e r cu r ve d e t a i l s w i n d o w
orientation of the intersecting plane cannot be determined, this field will be disabled. This will happen for 3D
curves and for straight lines.
If multiple curves are selected, the Step field can be used to specify an increment with which subsequent curve is
moved relative to the first one. This can be specifically useful in the case of frames- supposing the frame
distance is a constant 0.6 meters, the shape of the hull can be re-created by selecting the curves in the desired
order(back to front, since the increment is added to each next offset) and enter the distance and step values.
The image to the left could be the result.

Edit background images

DELFTship has the ability to display images on the background of your model. This functionality
is particularly convenient if you have a scan of the original lines plan and want to recreate the
lines in DELFTship. You can load images in the orthogonal planes/views (profile, plan or body M a r k e r cu r ve s
plan view). See more in the paragraph 'Working with background images'. mo ve d t o s h o w
h u ll sh ape 3D primitives menu

Add box
Use this option to add a box shaped volume to your model, for example to represent a superstructure or as a
starting point for a new hull. The box can be added to either the currently active layer or to a new layer. Boxes
are often used for on-deck structures.

Add cylinder
Add a cylinder or a cone to the model. You can specify the start point, endpoint, radius at start, radius at end
and number of points in the pop-up. The resulting cylinder will have the specified radius- the actual control
points may be located outside of the cylinder. Optionally the cylinder can be added to the currently active layer
or to a new layer. The minimum number of points that can be used to form the cylindrical shape is 4, however 6
or more is recommended. A common use for cylinders is to model bow thruster tunnels

Add sphere
Adds a sphere with set center point, diameter and number of faces. The minimum number of faces required for
a sphere is 4, but 6 or more is recommended. Spheres can be used as decorations (radar domes) or tanks.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Tip: Select two control points to have DELFTship suggest begin and end points
for the shape:
Cylinder: Start and Endpoints
Box: Corner points
Sphere: Center and Radius

3.7.3 Calculations and extensions tab

' C a l cu l a t i o n s a n d e xt e n s i o n s ' Ta b

The 'Calculations and extensions' tab gives access to DELFTship main calculation and extension tools. The
image above may differ from what you see depending on the installed extensions - Extensions (and related
commands) are not part of the basic Hull modeling module. More information can be found on the
DELFTship website. Hydrostatics menu

Design hydrostatics
Calculate hydrostatics for the design condition and create a report.

Calculate hydrostatics for a range of input data.

Calculate the hull resistance.

3.7.4 Settings tab

The Settings tab contains application specific settings- use these to influence behavior of DELFTship: here you
can open the detailed Preferences window, apply themes (via the Appearance group), enlarge the menu items
for use with a touch screen (the Touch mode), check your registration status and program version, manually
check for updates and access the DELFTship backup folder. This backup folder contains some preference files
and a lock file for your currently open project.
The Criteria library gives access to the stability criteria window. This option is not available in the free edition.

2017 DELFTship marine software


Criteria Library
The Criteria library gives access to the stability criteria window. This option is not available in the free edition.

The Preferences button opens a detailed program preferences window. The actual appearance of this
window differs depending on which extensions are installed with the main program: generally each
extension has its own tab page. 'Reset' can be used to revert to the default settings


Touch Mode
Make DELFTship easier to use with a touch-screen by enlarging the menus and buttons.

A number of skins are available in a scroll menu. These skins can be selected to change the look and feel of
DELFTship. They have no effect on functionality.


Activate your software. Read more about this topic in the 'Registering your software' chapter

Check online for updates to DELFTship and installed extensions. A dialog will show whether updates are found,
and the progress of the update.

Edit Languages
Help us by translating DELFTship to your own language! If Microsoft Translator supports your language, you
can use it for a crude first translation. Then you can check (and correct) the translation section by section.
You can also load a translation for your use in this window. See for details the Translations page.

Import license
If you received your DELFTship license via email, this button can import the license file. Please see the more
details in the chapter on registering your software.

Open backup folder

This button opens the system folder where DELFTship stores license info, backup data and many program
settings. Please only modify files in this folder when instructed to do so.

2017 DELFTship marine software

About DELFTship
Shows information about your version, build number etc. Translations

Translate DELFTship
While DELFTship offers translations (
files ) that were made available by the community, your language might not be there.
If you want to help us translate DELFTship, we would welcome your input! This interface is made available
to help you do just that- and if Microsoft Translator supports your language, it will even do a rough
automated translation.
This process requires two DLLs (libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll) that we are not allowed to ship with our
software, so if you want to use this functionality, please get them at . Locate
the latest version of OpenSSL for Windows and download the ZIP file. Inside this ZIP you will find the two
missing DLLs- copy these to your DELFTship program folder and you are set to go.

When you open the

translations window and you
are running the standard
English, you will be asked if
you want to create a new
translation. If you answer
'yes' the next window
prompts for a language.
Choose the desired language
Tr a n s l a t e D E LF Ts h i p
from the list. If your language
is not in this list, send us a message- we'll add it. Choose 'No' if you want to open an existing language
file for editing.

The original (that is, not yet translated) text in the 'Translated Line' column is highlighted making it easier
to recognize lines that have not yet been translated. Automatically translated lines are highlighted in
orange- they may need attention: automatic translation is still far from reliable. To 'accept' a translation,
select the field and press 'Enter'. When you press Enter DELFTship will check if this exact phrase occurs in
more places, and automatically translates those, too.
When you are done, click 'Save' to store your work. Clicking 'Accept' will ask you f you want to load the
selected language.

Create a new translation (language). Choose the language from the drop down box.

Load an existing translation (see above for the download location)

Save your current translation work

2017 DELFTship marine software

The list of languages apparently supported by Microsoft Translator- select the language you are creating a
translation for. If your language is not in this list, type it manually

The section(usually window) of DELFTship currently shown

Progress indicator- this box shows the percentage of text that you have changed and submitted.

Search for text in the current translation

Translate Line
Use the Microsoft Translator to translate the currently active line

Translate Section
Use the Microsoft Translator to translate the currently selected section

Translate All
Use the Microsoft Translator to translate the entire language file

The edit pane

The mail portion of this window shows the actual texts to be translated- and the identifier of that text. The
identifier can be useful to see what kind of text is represented, like a hint or a caption. The original line shows
the text in the original English you are translating from. Finally, the translated line is where you can add your
translation (or where the Microsoft Translator did). These lines are color coded:
Orange : Lines that were automatically translated, and not yet confirmed
Red : Outdated (or not yet translated) lines
White : Text that was entered or approved

3.7.5 System tab

The left most tab on the Ribbon is the System tab, which allows easy access to recent files and project

2017 DELFTship marine software

The left pane of the system tab shows file and project functions:
Start an empty ' New project'
Simple ' Load' and ' Save' buttons (note that import, export and
Save As are not located here: please refer to the file group
for those operations).
the Register button starts the activation / deactivation process
The ' Preferences' button opens the Program Preferences
window where interface details and extensions can be
The ' Open backup folder' button opens the system folder
where DELFTship stores license info, backup data and many
program settings. Please only modify files in this folder when
instructed to do so. S ys t e m t a b : F i l e o p e r a t i o n s

The 'Exit' button will close DELFTship. If you have not yet saved your work a dialog will offer the choice to
quit (losing progress) or cancel.
The right side pane shows all recent projects, with a thumbnail of the hull-form and project details, such as last
saved date, file version and the number of critical points, tanks, wind silhouettes and loading conditions, if
appropriate. If this is not the case it may be that the file is last saved with an earlier version of DELFTship. Open
the file and save it to upgrade to the latest version. A dialog will appear to ask for conformation- click "yes" to
save as the new file format, or "no" to save as the old format. While it is generally advised to use the latest file
version, it is possible that new file versions can not be opened with older versions of DELFTship.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Hydrostatic calculations



2017 DELFTship marine software

Part IV Hydrostatic calculations
4.1 Design hydrostatics
Create an elaborate design hydrostatics report based on
level trim and design-draft condition. The design draft is
specified in the project settings. How coefficients are
configured and calculated is explained in the project settings
In addition to the common hydrostatic properties the report
includes the total surface area and center of gravity for each
layer. These layer properties are calculated for the entire
ship (i.e. both sides).
If your model contains stations the sectional area curve is
S e ct i o n a l a r e a cu r ve
also plotted.
If imperial units are used, the displacement is given in long tons (1 long ton = 2240 lbs).

4.2 Hydrostatics
Calculate hydrostatic properties of your hull. The image to the right shows
the hydrostatics window where the range of drafts and trims to be used for
the calculations can be specified.
Values can be specified either as a list or as a logical range.

Range A range is an uninterrupted list, defined by a start value, an end

value and an interval. The range is then created by repeatedly adding the
interval to the start value until the end value is reached (or exceeded). A
range is quick and simple to define but not very flexible.

List Elements in a list can be edited manually- so a list is not necessary a

logical uninterrupted range between values. Lists are manually entered and maintained, but very flexible.

Switching between List and Range

Once entered, DELFTship will remember both the List and the Range settings s you can
switch between them freely. When there is no list defined, a list can be generated by
first creating a Range and then selecting 'List' from the drop down. So, if you want to
generate a list make sure you emptied any existing list before creating the Range.
Switching back to List generates a list based on the specified range. This allows you to
add or remove elements to a range, giving greater flexibility. Draf t an d trim edit
w in dow
The free version of DELFTship can only calculate one trim value at a time. For a full list
of additional functionality in DELFTship Pro, see the DELFTship site. Upgrade to professional to calculate a range
of trims.

Click the calculate button to start generating the report. If the calculation takes too long or you want to

interrupt the process for any reason, click the Abort button:

2017 DELFTship marine software

4.3 Resistance
DELFTship currently contains several methods to predict the resistance of a model. The resistance module is
created so all data relevant to the different prediction methods only needs to be specified once. Most hull form
parameters are extracted automatically from the model, while it remains possible to enter those parameters
The first tab page contains a list with the methods that are
available, tick the box of those that should be included in the
calculations. For easy comparison the graphs representing the
results of each selected method are drawn in one window.
The report button shows the numerical results from the
calculations for the selected prediction methods in a single
The 'Hull and Appendages' tabs give access to relevant
properties that should be included in the calculations. Either
R e s i s t a n ce w i n d o w
get the data from the model, or modify manually to
investigate the impact of different scenarios.

Calculation methods
Delft s er ies - The Delft series resistance calculation is a method that is intended for fin-keeled yachts.
From version 3.2 and up the results are based on a the publication from 1998. It's a statistical method
based upon a whole series of models that are tested over the years in the towing tank of the Delft
University of Technology. The software does not restrict the calculations to use only models that that are
in the same range as those of the tested models. Results of models that are outside the range however
can be very inaccurate with sometimes even negative results for the residual resistance.
J o hn Winter s (K a p er ) - The KAPER resistance method is intended for canoes and kayaks. It was
originally developed by John Winters, a naval architect now specializing in designing canoes and kayaks.
(See It is based on statistical data obtained by model tests. His
method is later extended by Matt Broze to higher speed/length ratios and to incorporate more variables
into the equations. This extended version is available in the form of an Excel spreadsheet from However while implementing this method in
DELFTship two serious discontinuities showed up in the curve of residual resistance. These consist of a
sudden drop in resistance of about 10% at speed/length ratios of 1.4 and 1.6 and are the result of a
correction implemented by Matt. After careful consideration the decision was made to only allow
calculations up to a speed/length ratio of 1.4 in order not to give the user a false sense of accuracy.
The range of valid parameters for the KAPER method is:
Prismatic coefficient 0.48-0.64
Submerged transom ratio 0.0-0.04
None of the other variables other than the waterline entrance angle is allowed to be zero. The center of
buoyancy used in the Kaper method is measured from the bow and made dimensionless by dividing the
distance by the waterline length.

2017 DELFTship marine software

Report viewer


2017 DELFTship marine software

Part V Report viewer
When DELFTship generates a report, it will be displayed in a report viewer window. This window contains
standard browsing and save / export functionalities.
The window is divided in a top ribbon, a document navigator and
a graphic viewport.
The top ribbon contains buttons for report actions, such as export,
print, navigate and zoom functions. While export to PDF is
available for all versions of DELFTship, exporting to Excel and
Word are only available in DELFTship Pro. The " Display
Bookmarks " button toggles visibility of the document navigator.
The navigator shows the document outline, if available. Not all
reports have an outline, so the availability of this outline depends
on the type of report.
The graphic viewport is where the actual report is shown. Navigate
to next, previous, first and last pages using the Page menu group
in the ribbon. The ribbon also contains zoom options.
R e p o r t vi e w e r

2017 DELFTship marine software

Index Net
Control curves 47
Control net 4, 17, 46
A Subdivide 57
Add Control point
Box 62 Add 41
Curve 45 Align 41
Cylinder 62 Auto 2D 6
Edge 42 Collapse 41
Face 45 Coordinate system 6
Layer 40, 50 Copy 41
Sphere 62 Corner point 17
Aft Extract from marker 41
Perpendicular 20 Fair 41
Appearance Incremental distance 6
Themes 14 Intersect layer 41
Touch mode 14 Lock 41
Appendage coefficient 12 Move 4, 6
Automatic Size 14
Model checking 50 Snap to straight edge 4
Surface check 12 Unlock 41
Coordinate system 20

B Copy Face
Crease edge
Background image Create new surfaces 42
Editing 24
Moving without scaling 24 Library 63
Selecting 24
Critical point
Set the origin 24 Extract 57
Backup folder 14, 63 Cross curves 63
Base Curvature
Line 20 Decrease scale 46
Beam Gaussian 55
Moulded 12 Increase scel 46
Bending moment Plot 50
Envelopes 12
Add 45
C Control
Calculations and extensions tab 63
Fair 28, 45
Check model
Automatic 50 Curves of form 69
Close hole 45
Control point 41
Damage permeability 12
Edge 41, 42
Damage stability
Consistent direction of the face normals 50 Damage permeability 12
Constant Design hydrostatics 63, 69
Displacement 12
Displacement 58
FSC 12
2017 DELFTship marine software

Draft Mouse 42
BoK 12
Marks 12
Moulded 12, 20 F
Draft Marks 13 Face
Draft readings 63 Add 45
Drag Close 45
Edge 4 Extrude 45
Face 4 Extrude with mouse 45
Point 4 Flip 45
DXF files 60 Stress 55
Automatic 28, 41
E Control curve 28
Edge Control point 41
Advanced split 42 Manual 28, 41
Boundary 17 Fairness 17
Collapse 42 File 29
Crease 17, 42 Export 29, 37
Extrude 42 Import 29, 32
Extrude with the mouse 42 Load 29
Interior 46 Load last save project 14
Internal 17 Menu 29
Knuckle 17 New 29
New 42 Recent projects 29
Remove 42 Save 29
Split 42 Save as 29
Stress 55 Version info 66
Edit File Export 29
Undo 39 Flip normal 45
Elasticity 12 Flow line 46
Export Footer 12
Archimedes 37 Frame
AutoCad DXF 37 Numbers 49
Coordinates 37 Spacing 49
DXF 37
DXF 3D curves 37
GHS 37 G
IGES curves 37 Gaussian curvature 55
IGES surfaces 37 Graphical user interface 2
Mastership DXF 37 Grid 46
Octopus 37 Regular 17
Part 37 GZ
Stations 37 Calculation 12
STL 37 Curve 12
Wavefront file (obj) 37
External tank
Curved 42 Hard chine 42
Edge 4, 42 Header 12
Face 4, 45 Heel 12
Home tab 39
2017 DELFTship marine software
Hydrostatics 22, 50, 63 Leak points 46
Cross curves 63 License
Curves of form 69 Import 63
Design 69 Linesplan
Design hydrostatics 63 Plot 53
Enable wave 69 Longitudinal reference point 12
Hydrostatic tables 63
Inclined 63
Mean shell thickness 12 M
Delete 60
I Details 60
IGES files 60 Export 60
Import Fit surface 60
Coordinates 32 Import 60
Fef files 32 Move 60
IGES 32 Weld 60
License 63 Mean shell thickness 12
Marker curves 32 Mesh 46
Part 32 Mirror 58
STL 32 Model database 30
Table of offsets 32 Move 58
Text files 32 Edge 4
Inclined hydrostatics 63 Face 4
Incremental distance 6 Point 4
Inertia 12
Interface 2
Interior edges 46 N
Interrogate surface 57 New project
Intersection curves 52 Model database 30
Intersections 22 Online model database 30
Buttocks 52 Template 30
Diagonals 52 Normal
Stations 52 Flip 45
Waterlines 52 NURB curves 60

Keel and rudder wizard 50 Online model database 30
KN sin phi 63
Knuckle line 17, 42
Pan 3
L Part
Lackenby transformation 58 Export 37
Layer 50 Import 32
Active 22, 40, 50 Perpendicular
Add 40, 50 Aft 20
Edit 40, 50 Forward 20
Group 40, 50 Pin
Intersect 41 Pin down 7
Transparency 22 Unpin 7

2017 DELFTship marine software

Viewport buttons 7
Plate developments S
Plot 55 Safe mode 14
Point Scale 58
Control 17 Selection
Corner point 17 All 4
Leak 46, 50 Background image 24
Precision 39 Delete 39
Program Deselect 4
Appearance 14, 63 Shading
Import license 63 Curvature 7
Preferences 12, 14 Developable 7
Register 63 Smooth 7
Start in safe mode 14 Sphere mapping 7
Theme 14 Wireframe 7
Updates 63 Zebra stripes 7
Project Skeleton 49
Check model 50 Sliding cargo 12
New Project 30 Stability
Precision 39 Criteria 12
Settings 12, 39 Limits 12
Templates 30 Subdivide controlnet 57
Project Settings 12 Subdivision surface
Background 17
Crease 17
R Edge 17
Readout points 12 Face 17
Reference 20 Point 17
Regular grid 17 Surface
Relative water density 12 Check 12
Remove Develop 55
SB side 57 Interrogate 57
Unused points 57 Mesh 46
Report Normals 50
Create PDF document 72 Unfold 55
Open in Excel 72 System tab 66
Open in Word 72
Save 72
Resistance T
Calculations 63 Tab
Delft series 70 Calculations and extension 2
Kaper 70 Calculations and extensions 63
Ribbon File 2
Calculations and extensions tab 2 Home 2, 39
File tab 2 System 66
Home tab 2 Tools 2, 49
Tools tab 2 Tank
Rotate 3, 58 Frame spacing 49
Labels 49
Liquids in tanks 12
Skeleton 49
2017 DELFTship marine software
Tank Height 12, 69
Sounding pipe 49 Length 69
Transparent shading 49 Settings 12
Themes 14 Trough 12
Tools tab 49 Window
Touch mode 14 Cascade 49
Touch screen 14 New 49
Transform 58 Restore 49
Hull form 58 Tile 49
Lackenby 58 View 49
Mid ship coefficient 58
Mirror 58
Move 58 Z
Move to base 57 Zoom 3
Rotate 58 Extents 7
Scale 58 In 7
Transparency 22 Out 7

Units 12
Updates 63

Aft 7
Bottom 7
Clip 7
Front 7
Left 7
Pan 3
Perspective 7
Right 7
Rotate 3
Top 7
Zoom 3
Automatically hide buttons 7, 14
Background color 14
Buttons 7
Clipping 7
Menu 7
Options 7
Pin 7
Restore 49

Watertight bulkhead 12
Animation 63

2017 DELFTship marine software


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