E-Learning: Library Perspective

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Murtala Aminu1, Mustapha Abubakar jumare2

Abdulhamid Tahir Hamid3
Department of library and information science, NIMS University Jaipur
Department of Engineering and Technology , Sunrise University Alwar

The power of E help learning by anytime, form anywhere and anyone in just mouse click E-learning:
Learning environment which is uses information and communication technology (ICT)as a flat form for
teaching and learning activities. Generally, libraries are provided free services but some special services need
to be learned through exchange of information via i.c.t which help towards its growth and development. In E-
learning effort, libraries need to be serve through electronic/online media for users satisfactory services in
basis of cost, place, time etc., because only satisfied users come back again and again and dissatisfied users will
find someone suppliers of information to meet their information need. The concept of e-learning of library
serves is still not fully understood by many librarians. To conscious practice learning librarians have to be
convinced that e-learning is good for libraries. They should be aware that e-learning definitely improves and
increases the effectiveness of libraries. Each library needs to identify the primary target learnings and the
composition of needs that that it would like to serve as its key constituency. E-learning will be a successful
teaching model for libraries. E-learning recently studies modulated that the use of e-learning system in
university context increases productivity and allows learners to accomplish their tasks in more effective
waysThe benefits of e-Learning are almost too numerous to count you can cover the material you have time, go
over it as often as you need, all without traveling to the classroom.
Keywords: learning, electronic, library users, e-learning

1. To understand the term E-learning and its use for library services
2. To realize the benefit of e-learning both for a library as well as its users
3. To know classification, activities, organizing and setting up e-learning

Technology enhance learning a goal to provide socio-technical innovation, the advancements of computer
technology during the past few decades have drastically brought many changes in the way information is
organized, stored, retrieved and accessed. This technology in computer in information processing has brought
several and services to the scene. With these hugged advancements in e-learning broad brand connectivity make
easy to information resources in the era of I.C.T the readers are getting more chances to produce their reading
capacities with the support of electronic resourcesto e-learning. With this development of the internet reader

find a new platform to approach the various types of ready resources, internet in nowadays, is a significant
attribute of e-learning are also another important assets of e-learning.


E-learning was first to called internet-based training then based web based training. Today you will still find
these terms as being used, along with variation of e-learning, eLearning. There are many term used to describe
learning that is delivered online, through the internet, ranging from distance education to computerized
electronic learning, online learning, internet learning and many others. Long before the internet was lunched,
distance courses were being offered to provide students with education on a particular subjects or skills. In the
1840s Isaac pitman taught his pupils shorthand via correspondence. This form the symbolic writing was
designed to improve writing speed and was popular amongst secretaries, journalist and other individual who did
a great deal of note taking or writing.
In 2009, 44% of the post-secondary students in the USA were taking some or all of their course online, which
was projected to raise to 80% by 2014. Although a large proportion of profit high education institutions now
offer online classes only about half of the private nonprofit school do so private institutions, now many become
more involved with online presentations as the cost decreased properly trained staff must also be hired to work
with students online these staff members need to understand the content area, and also be high trained in the use
of the computer and internet. Online education is rapidly increasing and online doctoral programs have even
developed at learning research universities.

E-learning recently studies modulated that the use of e-learning system in university context increases
productivity and allows learners to accomplish their tasks in more effective ways. E-learning can simply be seen
Learning environment which is uses information and communication technology (ICT) as a flat form for
teaching and learning activities.
Learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom
or degree delivered completely online.
The use of electronic media (computers, tables or phones) to educate or train learners.


The growth in e-learning or online learning, in which education is delivered and supported through computer
networks such as internet, has posed new challenges for library services. E-learning and traditional learners now
have access to a universe of digital information through the information superhighways.
Historically, librarians have sought to provide services to distance learners that are equivalent to those who
available to on-campus learners (slade and kascus, 1998) and this aspiration is grounded in the philosophical
frameworks of the Canadia Library Asoociatons Guidelines for library support of distance and distributed
learning in Canada (2000).

There has been an explosion in publication as librarians consider ways to support learners in a networked
environment (slade, 2000). What do an e-learners need from librarians? Suggestion advocating change in
librarians roles in support of distance learning in information age appear throughout the literature. Librarians
must assert themselves as key players in the learning process thereby change their roles from information
providers to information educators (Dempsey and cooper, 1998): they have become providers of technical
support. (Hulshof, 1999): and they have been transformed from information gatekeepers to information
In responding to the needs to provide eLearning support. Librarians have worked immensely sa translating what
they do in a traditional library into virtual or digital environment while customizing their services, and resources
for e-learners. Traditionally, libraries offer circulation services, inter library loans, information desk, reference
desk and library instruction. To serve learners connected to their institutional library primarily through a
computer network, librarians are providing remote access to, and electronic delivery of, library resources and
using communication technologies to deliver electronic reference service and instruction support.


In spite of books and articles on the e-learning of library and information services. The concept of e-learning is
not fully understood by many librarians. In order to appreciate e-learning of library knowledge of what library
learning entails would be useful. In essence learning encompasses the following: -
Know the purpose of the library
Create awareness among the learners on the existence and availability of resources and services.
To determine the resources and services within the limit of available resources.
Know enough about library customers to establish meaningful and mutually beneficial relationship with
Understand the changing relationship between the library and its immediate and broader environment.
Assess and monitor the information needs of library customers periodically.
Evaluate products and services periodically.
A library is process where research is taking place at various process with the aim of achieving users need and
satisfaction. Establishing interaction with users build up greater understanding of users information needs.
Deliberate action to increase the visibility of the library and its services constant awareness among users. Which
in turn strengthen greater use of the library. Finally, they should be aware that e-learning definitely increases
and improves the effectiveness of libraries.


The benefits of e-Learning are almost too numerous to count you can cover the material you have time, go over
it as often as you need, all without traveling to the classroom. In most courses, you must keep up with the
scheduled course work. Courses are instructors led and follow the same semester schedule as traditional courses.
ELearning has transformed the hands cape of learning and development.
Faster delivery cycle tin: - the study was indicating the eLearning reduces many learning time by at least
25%to 60% when we compared to traditional learning this is cuts down on the training time because no

travel time, learners can foes on elements of programmed, it gives learners an attribute to set their own
space, rather than pace of the group.
Lower cost: - the learning reduces training time as well as cost effective saving in terms of course reduces,
spending on travel and accommodation with the risks of life path. There is speed and case in which
eLearning is delivered.
Much up dated easily: - e-learning are easily to keep up to date. Hence, updated resources are simply up
loaded through computer application base but still cheaper and easily than reprinting manual and retraining
Allow high level of interactive: - the learners can meet training needs because no one gets to sit in the back
row and not pay attention to the materials and they will never move forward.
Personalized learning every learner is strong and unique by providing the users ability to use branching
scenarios and additional support base on learners confidence level.


The e-learning technologies may be classified into the following.
Visual learning is a platform for managing and delivering learning. A platform is a software framework,
including system architecture, operating systems and programming language. V.L.E are platforms specially
adapted for learning. But many time go by other names examples, learning management system, learning,
content management system and virtual classroom. A learners management system is a system for manipulating
information about learners. A learning content manage system is a system for organizing the learner V.L. Es
can also include some of the technologies classified under the remain headings.
Specialist software: -is a catch all for technologies that dont quite fit in the other four categories, and as such
it is always expanding. It includes simulations, games, study and revision tools, three dimensional panoramic
imaging software or avatar and anything else that enhances the e-learning experience.
Authority tools: - anyone who is familiar with a computer programming language can use it to create web
page and anything on them; authority tool enable anyone who doesnt have program skills to do the same. In e-
learning authority tools enable users to create learning content from scratch, typically in a simple template
where authors can view the output, while the input it, exactly as it appears to learners. Authority tools often
enable authors to create learning objects which may be stored, retrieved, and reused. In other courses or
aggregation of learning content.
Collaborative tools: - this is enable learners to interact with other learners and work together on issue of
common interest. Example includes wikis, blogs, discussion forum, live chart and virtual class room wikis are
web page where learners can share the development of content and discuss its progress. Blogs are like online
diaries or logs, where the bloggers write and publishes his or her thoughts and subscribers to the blogs can post
comments or questions. Discussion forums allows multiple users to start discussion topics or threads and reply
to threads started by others, this allow learner to hold multisided online discussion about topics of common

Assessment tools: - technologies range from simple tools for setting and marking quizzes to more complex
software for analyzing the styles of a pieces of writing they are especially good at handling objectives testing
method of like multiple choice questions.


The following sequential activities to perform step by step for organizing e-learning
The first step-answer question
1. What is the objective of the e-learning?
2. What resources do I have?
3. Who are my students and what I want them to achieve?
4. How to organize an e-learnings?
9.1 What is the objective?

Why do I want to have an e-learning?

What are my expectations from the e-learning?
Can my teaching be improved by opening an e-learning?
What parts of my current teaching I may amend, replace or
innovate by implementing an e-
9.2 What resources do I have?
Technical requirements: platform (availability, technical
support, ease of use,); computer at work/home? Internet access?
Time: Do I have enough time (in the preoperational period /
during the course of teaching)?
Existing materials: Do I already have digital learning
Human resources: roles required to deliver e-course?
(Professor, assistant, etc.); how many people I can count
on? Are they digitally competent?
9.3 . Who are my students and what I want them To

Target group: How many students do I have? Who are my students? (Experience of studying, experience of
e-learning, digital competences, etc.). What students expect? What is their environment?
Learning outcomes: What are the learning outcomes for the course? What competencies should be
Specifics areas: What is the complexity and difficulty of the
content? Are the learning outcomes knowledge or skills oriented?

9.4 How will I organize my e-learning? (1)

What types of content will be offered? In what digital format
Which teaching methods to achieve the learning outcomes?
Presentation of materials (lecture materials, references, videos, multimedia, links...)
Interactive methods (self-assessmentquiz?) Collaborative methods (group work, peer review, etc.)
What types of activities to support learning?
Homework - individual (thematic, weekly, periodically)
More complex tasks - problem-solving - individual / group
Term papers
Discussions on the forums - the rules!
Feedback - individual / group / all student
9.5. How will I organize my e-learning?

What will be assessed in an e-course? How will the final grade be structured? What are the criteria for the
assessment of activities (feedback)? Self-assessment tests? Test items database?
Quality control
Students evaluation of e-Course and teachers? Continuous evaluation / periodic / final?
The second step PLAN! ssss
Plan of content
How to organize content? (thematic/timeline)

What kind of teaching materials will be offered/?
In what format? (Presentations, text materials, eBooks,
E-book MM materials) The type and quantity of supplementary
(Additional literature, video, simulation ...)
Plan of activities
What kinds of activities will be offered to students?
What will be the obligations?
Which rules will be applied? Criteria for the evaluation of students activities?
Organization of assessment? /
In the early days it received a bad press, as many people thought bring computers into class room would remove
that human elements that some of learners need, but as time has progressed technology has developed, and now and
we embrace smartphones and tables in the classroom and office, as well as using a wreath of interactive designed
that make distance learning not only engaging for the users, but valuable as a lesson delivery. The libraries
canapply classic learning principles to attract and better serve new generations users. Although libraries no longer
have a monopoly on information source, libraries do offer value added service.

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