Univac 1969
Univac 1969
Univac 1969
versatile, ~ ~ n - s t t p . ~ p
tape and disc system
with concurrency
and communi~i~tions
Processing power 3 to 4 times as powerful as competitive systems
New!. UNIVAC@ .
8411 Disc Subsystem.. removable direct access storage
an insight into
This combination of disc and tape offers a with three disc drives
distinct advantage in the processing of many = Two selector channels
applications. Insurance, pension, order entry, A partial list of applications includes inquiry
- .. billing and accounts receivable, savings and systems, remote transaction processingand data
engineering design and personnel statis- collection from remote terminals. Consider a
omprise a few of the possible applications. large department store chain with thousands of
road flexibility of disc stored programs can receipts collected at the end of each working
beyours at low cost in the UNIVAC9400 System.
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day. The UNIVAC disdtape communications sys-
tem can collect this data from remote terminals
at each department store and effectively update
the general inventory, while providing schedules
for the replenishment of goods to each of the
stores in the field. In addition, the multiprogram-
ming capabilitjes of the UNIVAC9400 System
permit the communication applications to oper-
ate concurrently with batch programs initiated
at the system site.
9300-versatile, next-step-up tape and disc system with concurrency and communications