Nursing Experience of 850 Cases On Centralized Cataract Surgery in CDPF Eyesight Recovery Project

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Nursing Experience of 850 Cases on Centralized

Cataract Surgery in CDPF Eyesight Recovery Project
Yueqing Miao*
Department of ophthalmology, Rudong Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital, Nantong, Jiangsu 226400, China

ABSTRACT Objective: To explore and summarize the nursing experience of concen- KEYWORDS
trated cataract surgery in CDPF eyesight recovery project. Method: Retrospective anal- Cataract surgery
ysis of the nursing experience in 850 cases of CDPF cataract patients admitted to the CDPF
hospital for surgery from June 2008 to July 2014. Results: Through planned, organized Eyesight recovery
education of related knowledge, all patients showed stable emotion and good attitude.
They could greatly cooperate in the surgery and master postoperative self-care methods.
With fewer complications, their visual acuity was improved to a certain degree. They
all reached the standards of blindness exclusion. Conclusion: Organized arrangements,
centralized health education, perfect preoperative examination, rational sequencing,
careful check and meticulous care were the successful basis of centralized cataract sur-
gery in CDPF eyesight recovery project, which guaranteed a smooth surgery without
errors or accidents.

1. Introduction1 tients of eyesight recovery project admitted in the ophthal-

Millions of Poor Cataract Patients Eyesight Recovery Proj- mology ward, including 415 male cases and 435 female
ect is jointly led by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Fi- cases. Their ages were 5590 years old. Phacoemulsifica-
nance and the China CDPF. It is a major public health ser- tion and intraocular lens implantation are performed.
vice project listed in the national health reform, designed to Their preoperative visual acuity was generally 0.3 or less.
help poor cataract patients receive eyesight recovery surgery, All of them were performed monocular surgery. CDPF or-
solve their problem of blindness due to illness and reduce ganized physical examination, centralized admission and
the burden of their medical treatment [1]. Our hospital has centralized operation.
been designated by the County CDPF to carry out Pha-
coemulsification combined with intraocular lens implanta- 2.2. Methods
tion since the beginning of 2008. Nearly one thousand cases Before surgery, all patients were checked blood glucose,
of cataract blind patients had been cured. This study summa- blood pressure, visual acuity, intraocular pressure, fundus
rizes the nursing experience about 850 cases of CDPF cataract and were performed phacoemulsification and intraocular
surgery patients from June 2008 to July 2014 as follows. lens implantation. Intraoperative and postoperative eye
condition and visual acuity were recorded in details. The
2. Materials and methods visual acuity of the following 1 week, 1 month and 36
2.1. General data months was followed up. Nurse the patients according
From June 2008 to July 2014, there were 850 CDPF pa- to cataract care specification strictly, and strengthen care
combined with the cataract perioperative standardizing
Copyright 2014 Yueqing Miao processes made by ophthalmology department. It Included
doi: 10.18686/jn.v3i1.2 out-patient screening, grasping surgical indications strictly,
Received: May 20, 2014; Accepted: July 17, 2014; Published online: Sep- screening and checking again on admission and before the
tember 6, 2014
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative operation, perioperative care, postoperative medication,
Commons Attribution Unported License ( observation and prevention of complications, medication
licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and re- guide and follow-up after discharge.
production in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
*Corresponding author: Department of ophthalmology, Rudong Tra-
ditional Chinese Medical Hospital, Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Nantong 3. Results
226400, China. E-mail: [email protected] According to the visual impairment criterion by World

Journal of Nursing Volume 3 | December 2014 | 5

Health Organization in 1973, the corrected visual acuity of tates surgery and postoperative recovery. After admission
the better eyesight in both eyes >0.3 was a normal or near- the nurses should finish the following points:
normal vision; vision <0.05 was blind; 0.05 < vision < 0.3 (1) Nurses should have a comprehensive knowledge of
was a low vision. All patients recovered in schedule and in-patient history and make a good preoperative examina-
reached blindness exclusion standards. 95% (807 cases) tion, including: three regular tests, liver and kidney func-
corrected visual acuity reached 0.3 or more, higher than tion, blood sugar, whole chest radiograph, electrocardio-
disability standards. gram. Grasp their indications of surgery strictly. For the
patients with hypertension, diabetes, poor cardiac func-
4. Nursing experience tion, psychological stress, they should be given appropriate
4.1. Pre-operative nursing treatment to be a stable condition to receive surgery. As
It mainly contained psychological care and health educa- concentrated surgery had more patients, nurses should pay
tion. As centralized surgery, patients admitted to hospital special attention to them and mark their special conditions
often amounted to 3040 people in one or two days, which on the surgery list. At the same time, A-ultrasound and B-
increased a lot of pressure to care work. Although nurses ultrasound check should be made to understand the situa-
canceled rest in whole, it still appeared to be short in full tion of fundus oculi and axis oculi, calculate IOLs degree,
attendance. Most patients were the aged, their mental ca- in order to select the appropriate crystals.
pacity and ability to understand were poor. They were easy (2) Preoperative visit was made 1 day before surgery to
to be nervous and excited, or even induced cardiovascular determine the operation sequence, distribute operational
and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, nurses needed to plates and check whether the patients name, bed number,
improve the mental capacity of patients and stabilize their plate was consistent with operation order sheet. At the
emotion. At the beginning of admittance nurses should same time make a good explanation to the patient warmly
have an initiative cordial conversation with the patient to and kindly. Elderly patients were generally suffering from
promote health knowledge, introduce admission notice, hearing loss, poor comprehension and slow response. The
observe and analyze the psychological condition of the preoperative visit needed meticulous and targeted psycho-
patient, and understand the patients emotional reactions. logical counseling to improve the sense of trust to doctors
However, due to a larger number of patients admitted to and nurses and reduce their psychological stress.
hospital in one time, it was sometimes difficult to accom- (3) Before surgery, patients should maintain a normal
plish the mission one by one. Several or even dozens of daily life, avoid cold, keep the stable state of mind to avoid
people were concentrated to make collective health edu- fluctuations in blood pressure and blood glucose because
cation first, and then nurses separately communicated of excitement [4].
with individual cases. It not only reduced the workload of (4) 3 days before surgery, drop antibiotic eyedrops to
nurses, but also improves the efficiency of health education control local focus of eye infection. For patients with clear
and ensures the quality of health education [2]. Explain to eye infection, it is inappropriate to surgery.
patients about surgical methods, such as surface anesthe- (5) Keep urine and stool unobstructed before surgery.
sia using, short surgery time, small incision, less pain and For patients suffering from constipation, stiparolytic medi-
faster postoperative recovery. cine or enema surgery can be used repeatedly to prevent
By this way, patients eliminated the psychological pres- eye congestion caused by postoperative constipation.
sure, reduced their fear of surgery, increased their trust (6) Train patients to gaze fixed light repeatedly before
and rely on nurses. It played an important role on smooth surgery, and make the correct eye movements according to
operation and postoperative recovery. Bandwagon effect the requirements in order to cooperate with smooth opera-
should be properly used in the group event, because fol- tion.
lowing the majority enabled individuals to achieve psycho-
logical balance. When individuals realized that they were 4.2. Intraoperative Care
inconsistent with the majority of people, they tended to (1) Call the number according to preoperative surgical
be in anxiety and tension, difficult to adapt to the external plates, check whether the patients name, bed number, plate
environment. The behavior of following the majority could was consistent with operation order sheet and get ready
alleviate or eliminate such uncomfortable emotion. It to enter the operating room. (2) Check the patients name
helped the individuals be accepted by the majority, which and the affected eye, mark on skin with methylene blue
met the need of personal safety and communication. The above the affected eye. After the correct checking by nurse
positive effects of bandwagon effect promoted the forma- and patients, arrange patients to enter the surgical wait-
tion of collective education [3]. ing area. (3) Drop tropicamide compound into the affected
Patients and their families fully understood the benefits, eye. After full mydriasis, drop oxybuprocaine eye drops as
effects and possible complications of surgery. It made pa- polydocanol. Rinse the conjunctival sac with 0.25% povi-
tients have sufficient psychological preparation and accept done iodine diluted. At the same time inform the surgical
psychological support and help from nurses, which facili- procedures and intraoperative precautions, comfort the

6 | Volume 3 | December 2014 Yueqing Miao

nervous patient, and arrange the patient to enter the op- In cataract centralized eyesight recovery project, its typi-
eration room. (4) Assist the patient supine on the operat- cal features are the quantity of surgery patients is more, but
ing table, check the patients bed number, name, affected their length of stay in hospital is shorter. Therefore, the tra-
eye, IOLs degree again. (5) Closely observe the in-patient ditional care model is not enough to meet the need of such
blood pressure, heart rate, pulse, respiration, etc. In case of a centralized admission-surgery-discharge flow, and it asks
change, take emergency measures to ensure the safety of for more strict requirements to care. We take the model of
operation. (6) Monocular dressing after surgery, and escort collective health education, combined with comprehensive,
patients to the ward by someone. standardized care during perioperative period, so it is or-
ganized, busy but not chaotic during the period of cataract
4.3. Postoperative Care centralized eyesight recovery surgery, which ensures the
(1) General care: Patients were in supine or semi-recum- safety and quality of care work. (1) Ward nurses are lim-
bent position. Nurses observed the changes in vital signs of ited, so nursing work is in high intensity. It is the key for
patients. Strengthen the observation of the local conditions achieving high-quality care level to strengthen the train-
of the affected eye. In case of persistent eye pain or bleed- ing of eye care basic theory and skills and to improve the
ing, report to the doctors immediately. Following the doc- overall quality of the nursing staff. Not only pay attention
tor orders, nurses gave oral antibiotics to prevent postoper- to every aspect of quality, such as the admission care, assis-
ative infection on that day after surgery. On the second day tance check, surgical transport, preoperative and postop-
after surgery, eye drops were used until the inflammation erative care, but also protect the care safety of each patient.
subsided. Keep the eye clean. Gently pull the lower eyelid (2) It is the key for improving the efficiency and safety of
when drip eyedrops and check local conditions of the af- operation to establish a convenient and reasonable medi-
fected eye at the same time [5]. cal care process and have someone responsible for every
(2) Psychological care: comfort and encourage the pa- aspect. Our department strengthens care management
tient cordially, inform the postoperative precautions and and arranges all-level nurses reasonably with a clear divi-
methods beneficial to the surgery eye recovery, and give a sion of labor. With solidarity and cooperation, someone
written Notice to patients, in order to relief their ideologi- is responsible for each stage from patient admission, pre-
cal burden to cooperate with treatment actively. operative and postoperative care and discharge guidance,
(3) Life care: the patient was told to have appropriate so that the care quality of all aspects have been protected.
bed rest and to avoid excessive head movement. Keep ap- (3) Avoid the occurrence of infections, especially cross-
propriate warm to avoid cold, coughing or sneezing. Stop infection. Strict aseptic technique practice is another key
laughing loudly. Carefully avoid hitting surgery eye as ac- point in care management [8]. (4) The establishment of
tivities. Diet should be light and digestible, avoid alcohol follow-up files, regular follow-up telephones and urg-
and spicy food, have more fresh fruit and vegetables, and ing patients re-check, improve patients compliance with
keep the stool smooth. re-check, which ensure the middle-term and long-term
(4) Discharge guidance: patient was asked to notice eye complications of patients receive treatment in time and
health and use clean towels to wash face. Do not rub the develop good habits of eye protection by patients them-
eye and drip the eye drops in time. The correct eye drops selves.
way was taught to patients. Avoid heavy physical exertion In recent years, we have created a team combined with
bend within three months. Keep the stool smooth. Reex- medical treatment and nursing as a whole since cataract
amine regularly as doctors ordered. In case of eye pain, project of CDPF eyesight recovery project was carried out.
tearing, redness, visual acuity decreased, foreign body sen- A good, cooperative, high quality and rich in medical and
sation, patients should seek for medical advice immediate- nursing experience team serves as the basis to ensure the
ly. Within two weeks after discharge, understand patients success of centralized cataract-eyesight-recovery surgery
recovery by telephone follow-ups. with high quality in primary hospital.

5. Discussion References
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