Ayurveda in Daily Life

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Ayurveda in daily life

Ayurveda is all about balance. A healthy mind leads to a healthy body; what you think affects
how you physically feel; what you eat and drink has an effect on your mind. Ayurveda in
daily life is based on Dinacharya, Din: day, Acharya: behaviour. In order to keep your doshas
(biological energies of the body and mind) balanced, and your agni (digestion and
metabolism) in proper order, each individual is prescribed a daily routine aligned with
natures cycles. When followed correctly, it will enable you to make the most of your life by
strengthening immunity and purifying the body of wastes.

Here are 11 ways to introduce Ayurveda into your daily life:

1. Arising

Since our bodies are naturally tuned-in to the rising and setting of the sun, the ideal time to
wake up is at dawn. This allows the cells in your system to soak up the tempered rays of the
sun and get charged for the day ahead. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water helps to flush out
any toxins that may have accumulated in your body overnight.

2. Natural Urges

The Vata dosha rules the last portion of the night and is involved in the process of
elimination. For the body to function properly, sunrise is the best time to get rid of your
bodys physical waste. Proper elimination also helps to remove Kapha dosha that occurs
naturally while you sleep. Defecation is ideal once or twice a day. If you notice any changes
that indicate poor digestion during this process, fasting is a good way to correct the
imbalance. Try to avoid suppressing any physical urge for elimination as this can lead to
discomfort, and in some cases, even disease.

3. Cleanliness

Many diseases and imbalances start with an infection, so thoroughly cleansing your body
daily purifies your sense organs and is the first step to living a healthy life. Brush your teeth
after every meal, and clean your tongue it is a breeding ground for bacteria. Occasionally,
gargle with salt water with a pinch of turmeric to keep your gums, mouth and throat healthy.
Saliva is known to be very good for the eyes, so start by holding lukewarm water in your
mouth and then washing your eyes with it. Keep your nails and hair well-maintained, and
always wear clean clothes. Being clean can make a big difference in how you feel about

4. Exercise

There are two types of exercise: Active and Passive. While both are helpful, it is the
combination of the two that will keep you healthy and strong both mentally and
Active exercises include running, swimming, yoga or just about anything that raises your
heart rate and causes you to sweat. Passive exercise is a massage that can help in blood
circulation and waste disposal. When done regularly, exercise will reduce anxiety, increase
your stamina and allow your body to be more resistant to disease. Exercise depends on age
and even body type. Those with a dominant Kapha can handle more intense exercise routines,
while Pitta works well with moderate exercise. If you have a dominant Vata, yoga works best
for you.

5. Massage

A regular self-massage works wonders for everyone, and can be supplemented with
professional attention on occasion. It makes your skin supple and controls Vata by reducing
its cold, dry, light, rough and erratic qualities, and also enhances blood circulation,
encourages quicker removal of metabolic waste and relaxes the body. Use an herbal oil and
follow the direction of your natural hair growth keeping the pressure comfortable. Massage
your scalp at least once a week, and if youre pressed for time, just massage the soles of your
6. Meditation

Meditation is ideal to calm and discipline the mind. It eliminates daily stress and strain and
works best when done straight after a bath when your body is thoroughly cleansed.
Meditation is critical in satisfying the minds hunger and when done correctly, it can even be
nourishing for the body. It helps to control desire and is the key to longevity and immortality.
The simplest and healthiest way to meditate involves the sun and its golden color, which is
nourishing and productive for your body and mind. This practice acts as the first line of
defense against the destabilizing influences of an external environment and will improve the
condition of your total health.

7. Clothing and Perfume

The material you wear should always be light and airy, and as far as possible, made from
natural fibers such as cotton, wool, linen or silk. In Ayurvedic philosophy, one should always
wear clean clothes and never share, unless it is clothes that belong to a saint. Energy is
brought into the body through the crown of the head and exits through the soles of the feet.
This extracts abnormal heat from the body and the polluted energy collects in your footwear.
Avoid sharing shoes with other people, as far as possible walk barefoot, and try not to take
shoes into your home. Wooden sandals are preferable and a healthier option as opposed to
animal skin and rubber.
Using natural scents, essential oils, or perfumes brings freshness, charm, and joy. It gives
vitality to the body and improves self-esteem.

Vatas prefer sweet, heavy and acidic scents like basil or amber.
Pittas like cooling, sweet scents like khus, sandalwood or jasmine.
Kaphas prefer spicy, sharp, bitter and warming scents like frankincense or musk.

8. Employment

Our jobs take up approximately one-third of our lives and success or failure in our work
affects self-confidence and self-worth. Keeping this in mind, it is best to match your nature of
work with your prakriti as far as possible.

Vata people love work that requires sudden bursts of intense energy. But it also tends to
exhaust them. To balance this, they should opt for jobs that give them a routine, and are
somewhat repetitive. They need a soothing home and work environment to smooth out their
rough edges. They need adequate rest, especially in the afternoon, and should avoid places
where the air is exceptionally cool and dry, e.g. temperature-controlled warehouses and mills.
Their ideal job will have enough excitement to hold their interest, and sufficient routine to
avoid imbalances.

Pitta people are very practical, making good administrators; however, they are not very
original in their thinking. By nature, they are aggressive and self-promoting and see most
things as a contest that has to be won. Insisting on being in the forefront of all activity, they
take on as much work as possible, which demands for their bodies to function perfectly at all
times. They do not take delays and obstacles in their plans well, and have to work hard to be
fair and keep their professional and private lives separate. They should avoid work that is
physically irritating or involves heat, such as welding or metal casting. They should ideally
have sufficient challenges to keep them occupied without the stress of severe competition.
Kapha people make great administrators due to their stability and balance. They must make a
conscious effort to bring in change and variety to their otherwise routine lives. They should
ensure that even though their work might not be physically active, their leisure time should
be. They are slow to get going in the morning, and competition is good for them even though
they might find it a little stressful.

9. Choice of Pet

Often an extension of their owners personality, pets should ideally be chosen so as to have a
therapeutic effect on your doshic imbalances.
Vatas get along famously with dogs. A canine's loveable, sloppy open-heartedness is
reassuring and stabilizing for their cold, fearful, fickle nature. Some do well with small, furry
high-strung animals like guinea pigs that arouse the maternal instincts in the owners.
Pittas are cat people. With strongly held opinions on most subjects, the feline presents
continuous challenges with its limber movements.
Kaphas prefer birds. The light chirpiness helps to offset some of this dosha's natural heavy
weight. For some, large dogs prove beneficial as the canine encourages them to exercise.

10. Choice of Partner

Ayurvedic wisdom suggests that like types make better mates because of similar mental
processes, attitudes and sexual inclinations. Unfortunately, two people of similar dispositions
are likely to have the same imbalances too. Choosing the right partner who will stimulate,
and inspire you to evolve into a better individual becomes very important.

11. Sleep

A state of physical inertia with mental relaxation, sleep promotes proper growth of the self.
Night is the natural time to sleep and naps during the day should not exceed 15 minutes,
except for those who are very young, old, weak, intoxicated, diseased, exhausted or
traumatized. Avoid having a big meal just before going to bed.
Sleeping on the right side is the most relaxing. On the left, it is most digestive and increases
interest in food, sleep and sex. Sleeping on your back indirectly and on the stomach directly
encourages disease. Sleeping with the crown of the head facing east and feet to the west
promotes the best meditative sleep.
Washing your hands, feet and face just before bed to improve the quality of your sleep. Six to
eight hours of sleep per night is essential for the optimal functioning of your body. Practicing
yoga is ideal as it leads you into a state of complete physical relaxation with retention of
mental alertness and awareness.

Disclaimer: Always consult a professional before making any changes that might affect you
physically or mentally. Never exert yourself to the point of exhaustion, and dont exercise
during any illness, just after a meal, and without rhythmic breathing.


Given that the term prakriti denotes both body constitution and nature, it is only expected
that with the changing seasons of nature there will be corresponding effects on the bhutas
(elements) and thereby the doshas of the constitution. Cold, dry weather for instance
enhances Vata, hot humid climate increases Pitta, while cold, wet weather aggravates Kapha.
To avoid such continued aggravation leading to imbalance of the doshas, Ayurveda prescribes
a seasonal routine to preserve the doshic balance as the seasons change. For each season there
is a unique diet (ahar), a distinct mode of living (vihara), and routine living (karya). These
keep your doshas in a state of equilibrium and help you cope with the stresses and strains of
changing seasons.
In Ayurvedic literature, the year is divided into six ritus (seasons): Varsha (monsoon) Sharada
(autumn) Hemanta (winter) Shishira (late winter) Grishma (summer) Vasanta (spring)

The effects of these ritus on the three doshas, and the suggested lifestyle for each is indicated

Monsoon :
Digestive power weakens and bodily Vata is aggravated.

Be moderate in your diet.

Eat more astringent, bitter and pungent foods along with wheat and rice.

Never forget to boil and cool your water. If possible, add a little honey.

Go for oil massages and regular baths.

Do not indulge in daytime sleeping.

Avoid being out in the sun for extended periods of time.

Avoid excessive physical exercise.

Do not indulgence in excessive sex.

Winter :
Eat hot, oily, sour and salty food along with rice. Drink plenty of cows milk and sugarcane

Drink warm water and it will improve your lifespan.

Avoid light food to pacify Vata.

Dont expose yourself to cold.

Go for an invigorating oil massage followed by a tepid water bath.

Cover your body with adequate, warm wraps.

Indulge in intense sexual pleasure.

Spring :
Kapha that has already accumulated is liquefied by the heat and disturbs your digestive

Avoid heavy, oily, sour or sweet food and drinks that may aggravate Kapha.

Eat barley, wheat, rice and bitter vegetables.

Exercise intensely, and go for regular massages.

Cut down on smoking.

Avoid daytime napping.

Summer :
Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

Avoid food with pungent, acidic and salty tastes.

Eat sweet, cold and oily foods. Meat is also good for you.

Avoid excessive physical exercises and excessive sex.

Avoid sunlight and harmful UV rays.

Enjoy cool breezes and the fragrance of flowers.

Try to take a short nap during the day.

Autumn :
Enjoy food that is astringent, bitter or sweet.

Have lots of rice, barley, and wheat, along with curds, cabbage, cheese and milk.

Avoid meat and plain yogurt.

This is the right time to go through cleansing, detox and bloodletting treatments.
(for detail see Panchakarma)

Avoid excessive sunbathing.

Do not expose yourself to easterly winds.

Read more about the seasonal clock here.

This Calendar Can Tell You When You're Going to Get Spots
Your skin has a 'monthly' cycle, and we've broken it down for yo

We're all familiar with hormonal breakouts (a.k.a period spots), a visible sign of our PMS, but
did you consider that waves of greasy skin or random dryness could be linked to your
menstrual cycle too?

Your skin can change depending on what stage you're at in the 28-day cycle, from greasy and
acne prone to dry and normal, so you should treat your skin accordingly.

Dr Terry Loong is a top skin doctor who reckons that understanding your monthly 'Skin
Cycle' is the key to working with your skin, rather than against it, and making better choices
about what products you use and how effective they will be. "The Skin Cycle is all about
being in tune with your body and can help minimise breakouts, sensitivity and dryness and
maximise skin repair," she says.
As diagrammed in the excellent new Beauty Book by the natural beauty experts at Neal's
Yard Remedies there's an easy way to identify the rhythms of your skin. See the stages they
identify below with top skincare tips from Dr Terry:


At day 1 (the first day of your period) you're probably already in the acne-prone arena. This is
when you need to be extra diligent with your cleansing routine, remembering to remove dirt
and sebum when you take your makeup off at night and in the morning, and avoiding greasy
foods. Work up a sweat (as long as you wash your face afterwards!) and up your intake of
these greens which stimulate and support detoxification to help unclog pores which when
blocked, could become spots.

Top tips:
Double-cleanse at night and use an oil-fighting cleanser with salicylic acid.

Increase exfoliation to 2-3 times per week or more and stimulate cell turnover by using products
that remove dead skin cells and brighten skin.

Clay face masks are great at this time for clearing out impurities.

Have extractions and clarifying facials.


By day 5 of your period your skin can become dull, dry and flaky. Gentle exfoliation and moisture-
retaining skincare will help protect and repair the skin's barrier, and be sure to hydrate it from the
inside-out. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy fats, like oily fish, seeds and avocado.

Top tips:
Choose calming, soothing ingredients and avoid active facials and potent products. Look for anti-
inflammatory properties like green tea and aloe vera.

Use a vitamin C serum to restore a healthy glow without irritation.

Treat your skin to a creamy hydrating face mask to prevent dehydration.


For the middle part of your cycle your complexion should be at its clearest so embrace it with
minimal makeup. At first you'll start to get your glow back and blood circulation increases so
ingredients are absorbed much better during this time. To keep your skin happy and harmonious and
to ward off PMS keep your stress levels low. As well as getting sufficient sleep, exercise and
meditation is a perfect prescription for this. Try daily yoga which combines the two.
Top tips:
Exfoliation is ideal at the start of this stage use a scrub or exfoliator 1-2 times per week.

Now's a good time to use an anti-ageing mask and maximise your skin's rejuvenation powers with
an antioxidant serum.

Originally appeared on cosmopolitan.co.uk

How to Plan Skin Care around Menstrual Cycle

July 15, 2015

Hormonal cycles influence a womans body over time. The skin, the largest organ of the
body, changes greatly as a woman passes through the major phases of the lifecycle puberty,
pregnancy and menopause. Yet the skin also changes in response to daily fluctuations within
the menstrual cycle.
The Monthly Rhythm of Female Hormones and Skin Care

There are two types of female hormone: estrogen and progesterone.


Slows the rate of hair growth.

Keeps the skin metabolically active.

Increases the action of the enzyme hyaluronidase, which produces hyaluronic acid.

Increases the rate of cell turnover in the basal layer of the epidermis.

Keeps sebaceous secretion thin and less fatty.

Reduces the size and activity of the sebaceous glands.


Encourages the production and secretion of sebum.

Encourages the production of melanin, the pigment in dark spots and suntan.

Thickens the corneal layer of the epidermis and lowers skin resistance to acne.

A month (about 28 days) can be divided into three menstrual cycles according to the levels of
these hormones secreted day by day: the menstrual phase, follicular phase, and luteal phase.

A womans skin care should ideally change according to the hormonal changes phase by

Days 1-6: Menstrual Phase and Skin Care

All sex hormones are at a low level during your period. Skin will be sensitive and at its driest.
It may also look dull, and dark circles may look more intense.

Products to use:

Facial oils massage of the oils into the skin is especially important to promote circulation.

Regenerative resurfacing and gentle exfoliation treatments especially those containing fruit

Intense moisturizers especially those with additional natural humectants like tamarind
seed extract. These should also be massaged into the skin.

Products containing lightening and brightening ingredients like liquorice root extract,
pumpkin seed oil, turmeric.

Skin care advice:

The skin becomes very sensitive during menstruation. Avoid changing cosmetics or trying out
new types of skin care. Use cosmetics you are accustomed and stay away from anything that
can irritate the skin. Be sure to moisturize thoroughly.

Use a steam towel to enhance circulation and skin metabolism.

Focus on moisturizing care. Fully replenish the skin with moisture and oil.
Days 7-15: Follicular Phase and Skin Care

As estrogen levels begin to rise, the hormones attaches to cell receptors in the skin and
promotes the production of glycosaminoglycans like hyaluronic acid in the skin, which
allows the skin to keep hydrated by attracting water molecules and upholds the skin structure.
Estrogen also ensures the sebum remains thin, lightly lubricating your skin.

Estrogen has also been linked to higher Vitamin A concentrations in the bloodstream, but
lower than usual vitamins B6, B12 and C, although more scientific research needs to be
completed in this area. Skin will usually look its best at this time of the month.

Products to use:

Nourishing moisturizers and fluids.

Facial oils with high Vitamin C content like rosehip oil or pumpkin seed oil.

Foaming cleansers twice daily.

Skin care advice:

If you have sensitive skin, use facial cleanser and soap to wash away impurities (double facial
cleansing), moisturize the skin with ample lotion and emulsion (double moisturizing), and
protect the skin from UV.

This is a good time for active skin care. Liven up your skin care routine at home with skin
masks and self-massages.

This is the best time to try out new cosmetics or switch from the cosmetics you usually use.

Days 16-28: Luteal Phase and Skin Care

Estrogen levels fall after ovulation and progesterone levels start to rise and peak.
Progesterone leads to a number of factors contributing to acne-prone skin: these include the
skin having a higher than normal bacterial cell count, the skins pores are compressed, there
is more sebum produced but it is not thinned and so can block the pores and also feeds the

The skin is irritable so it needs to be protected but not overwhelmed with products.
Progesterone also interferes with estrogen cell receptors so stops the low levels of estrogen
from having an effect on the skin. There are good levels of B vitamins and Vitamin C around
this time.

Products to use:

Fruit enzyme regenerative peels to help unclog pores and resurface any toxins within the

Products containing Vitamin A or its various forms.

Light moisturizers or fluids, and use plenty of SPF fluids since your skin is at its weakest.

Acne sprays these lower the bacterial count and stop the pores from becoming congested
and inflamed. You can make your own in a 30ml spray bottle: 25ml distilled water, add 15
drops tea tree oil, keep refrigerated and use twice daily after cleansing. Sprays containing
salicylic acid and glycolic acid are OK, but they are drying so be careful not to over dry the
skin as it will start producing even more sebum in response.

Skin care advice:

The skin becomes very sensitive in the luteal phase. Avoid changing cosmetics and or trying
out new types of skin care. Use cosmetics you are accustomed to and products with gentle

Wash and cleanse the face thoroughly, and replenish moisture and oil.

Protect your skin from UV even more vigilantly than normal.

If you are prone to acne, use care strategies to prevent pimples from the very beginning of
the luteal phase.


Your hormones are constantly affecting your skin, and how they do it is directly related to
your age. Understanding the relationship between your menstrual cycle and your skin can
help you deal with both the changes over the course of the month and the changes throughout
your life.

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