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21 Useful Charts For Service Tax

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10th Edition

21 Useful Charts for

SERVICE TAX June, 2015

CA. Amish Khandhar, Ahmedabad

CA. Rashmin Vaja, Ahmedabad


Copyright :
CA. Amish Khandhar, Ahmedabad
Price : ` 100/-

Published By :
KMS Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd.
3rd Floor, Devpath Complex, B/h. Lal Bunglow, Off C. G. Road, Ahmedabad - 380 006.
Tel. : 079-2646 1526, 6631 5450/51/52/53

First Edition : March, 2006

Tenth Edition : June, 2015

Type Setting : Vaishali Printers, Ahmedabad (M) 96240 69110

Printed by : Plus Offset, Ahmedabad

Disclaimer :
All efforts have been made to avoid errors or omissions in this book. However, errors may happen. Neither the
publishers, nor the authors or sellers will be responsible for any damage or loss of action to any one, of any kind, in any
No part of this book may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any form or by any means without the written
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All disputes are subject to Ahmedabad Jurisdiction only.

Note from Publisher :

With multiple laws and complex compliance requirements, one has to keep referring to several publications and web
sites. This book is an attempt to bring several areas of legal compliance at a single place in a very simple and easy
We are sure our readers will benefit from this useful compilation.
We welcome your comments at [email protected]

Statistics of Tax Revenue in India (Rs. in Crores)

Source : www.indiabudget.nic.in

Revenue 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Gross Tax Revenue 8,89,176 10,36,234 11,38,734 12,51,391 14,49,491
Corporation Tax 3,22,816 3,56,326 3,94,678 4,26,079 4,70,628
Income Tax 1,70,342 2,01,486 2,42,857 2,78,599 3,27,367
Customs 1,49,328 1,65,346 1,72,085 1,88,713 2,08,336
Central Excise 1,45,608 1,76,535 1,70,197 1,85,480 2,29,809
Service Tax 97,509 1,32,601 1,54,778 1,68,132 2,09,774

1. Rate of Service Tax ...........................................................4

2. Rate of Interest................................................................4

3. Works Contract Rate .........................................................5

4. Basic Exemption limit ........................................................5

5. Change in Special Rates of Service Tax ....................................6

6. Due dates for Returns ........................................................6

7. Service Tax Payment Dates..................................................7

8. Service Tax Forms ............................................................7

9. Table of Abatements..........................................................8

10. Complete Reverse Charge Mechanism...................................10

11. Partial Reverse Charge Mechanism.......................................11

12. Applicability of Partial Reverse Charge Mechanism ...................11

13. Point of Taxation Rules, 2011 (PoTR) ....................................12

14. Penalties......................................................................13

15. Offences and Penalties .....................................................14

16. Pre-Deposit for Filling Appeal .............................................14

17. Place of Provision of Services Rules, 2012 (PoPR) .....................15

18. Flow Chart Showing Availment of CENVAT Credit ......................17

19. Filing Fees for Appeal to Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT).................17

20. Eligibility of CENVAT Credit of INPUT Services..........................18

21. 120 Services with Effective Dates ........................................20

1 Rates of Service Tax

Period Rate of Tax

01-07-1994 to 13-05-2003 5%
14-05-2003 to 09-09-2004 8%
10-09-2004 to 17-04-2006 10.20% (ST+EC )

18-04-2006 to 10-05-2007 12.24% (ST+EC )

11-05-2007 to 23-02-2009 12.36% (ST+EC+ SHE C)

24-02-2009 to 31-03-2012 10.30% (ST+EC+ SHE C)
01-04-2012 to 31-05-2015 12.36% (ST+EC+ SHE C)
01-06-2015 onwards 14% (ST)

EC = Education Cess
SHEC = Secondary and Higher Education Cess

2 Rates of Interest

Period Rate of Interest

01-07-1994 to 15-07-2001 1.5% p.m. and part thereof
16-07-2001 to 15-08-2002 24% p.a.
16-08-2002 to 09-09-2004 15% p.a.
10-09-2004 to 31-03-2011 13% p.a.
01-04-2011 to 30-09-2014 18% p.a.
15% p.a.
(for assessees having turnover upto Rs.60 Lakhs)

01-10-2014 onwards* 18% p.a. Delay for first 6 months

24% p.a. Delay from 7th month to 12 months

30% p.a. Delay for the period beyond 1 year

* 3% concession in interest rate for assessees having turnover upto Rs.60 Lakhs

3 Works Contract Rate

Period Rate of Tax

01-06-2007 to 28-02-2008 2.06%

01-03-2008 to 31-03-2012 4.12%
01-04-2012 to 30-06-2012 4.944%
01-07-2012 to 01-10-2014 to 01-06-2015
30-09-2014 30-05-2015 Onwards

1) On Service Portion in execution of 12.36% 12.36% 14%

Works Contract (Total Amount less
value of Goods involved)
2) On Total Amount - if
a) Original Works 4.944% 4.944% 5.60%
b) Maintenance/Repair/Reconditioning 8.652%
of any goods
8.652% 9.80%
c) Maintenance/Repair/Completion & 7.416%
finishing services of immovable property

4 Basic Exemption Limit

Period Basic Exemption Limit

01-07-1994 to 31-03-2005 No Limit
01-04-2005 to 31-03-2007 Rs. 4 Lakhs
01-04-2007 to 31-03-2008 Rs. 8 Lakhs
01-04-2008 onwards Rs. 10 Lakhs
Note : Basic Exemption Limit is not available to :
(i) Services provided by a person under Brand name or Trade name of another person
(ii) Service receiver is liable to pay Service Tax by Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM)

5 Change in Special Rates of Service Tax (w.e.f. 01-06-2015)

Sr. Nature of New Rate

No. Services
1. Life insurance 3.5% of gross amount of premium charged from Policy holder in
1st year.
1.75% of gross amount of premium charged from Policy holder in
subsequent years.
2. Sale or Gross amount of Service Tax liability
purchase of currency exchanged
foreign currency upto Rs. 1,00,000/- Rs. 35/- or 0.14% of amount of currency
exchanged whichever is higher
Exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- Rs. 140/- and 0.07% on amount of
to Rs. 10,00,000/- currency exchanged between
Rs. 1,00,000/- to Rs.10,00,000/-
Exceeding Rs. 770/- and 0.014% on currency
Rs.10,00,000/- exchanged exceeding Rs. 10,00,000/-
OR Rs. 7000/- whichever is lower.
3. Distributor or Guaranteed prize pay out is more than 80%-Rs.8,200/- per payout
selling agent of of Rs. 10 Lacs or part thereof.
lotteries Guaranteed prize pay out less than 80%-Rs. 12,800/- per payout
of Rs. 10 Lacs or part thereof.
4. Air travel agent Domestic booking - 0.7% of basic fare
service International booking - 1.4% of basic fare

6 Due Date for Return filing

For the Half Year To be Filed by

1st April to 30th September 25th October
1st October to 31st March 25th April
Revision of Service Tax Return
ST-3 can be revised and submitted again within 90 days from the date of filing of original return.

Due Date for Return filing for Input Service Distributor (ISD)

For the Half Year To be Filed by

1st April to 30th September 31st October
1st October to 31st March 30th April

7 Service Tax Payment Dates

Non Body Corporate

Quarter Due Date
1st April to 30th June 6th July
1st July to 30th September 6th October
1st October to 31st December 6th January
1st January to 31st March 31st March

Body Corporate
Month Due Date Month Due Date Month Due Date
April 6th May Aug. 6th Sept. Dec. 6th Jan.
May 6th June Sept. 6th Oct. Jan. 6th Feb.
June 6th July Oct. 6th Nov. Feb. 6th March
July 6th Aug. Nov. 6th Dec. March 31st March
* E-Payment will be considered valid up to 8.00 pm of the respective day.
Note : E-Payment of Service Tax is mandatory for ALL assessees w.e.f. 01-10-2014.

8 Service Tax Forms

Sr. When and

Liability Time Period Form
No. by whom
1. Service Tax At the time within 30 days from the date of ST-1
Registration of starting starting of business or reaching
of business Rs.9 Lacs taxable T/O or
commencement of new levy
2. Service Tax To be issued within 2 working days from the date ST-2
Registration Certificate Online of application
3. Service Tax Return Half Yearly 25th October & 25th April ST-3
4. Appeal to Commissioner Assessee within 2 months from the date of ST-4
of Central Excise receipt of order
5. Appeal to CESTAT Assessee within 3 months from the date of ST-5
receipt of order
6. Cross Objections Assessee / within 45 days from the date of ST-6
Department receipt of order
7. Appeal to CESTAT Department within 4 months from the date of ST-7
receipt of order

9 Table of Abatements : Service Tax (01-04-2015 to 31-05-2015)

Sr. No.
of Noti. Name of the Service Abatement

1. Financial leasing including Hire Purchase 90% 1.236%

2&3 Transport of goods / passengers by Rail 70% # 3.708%
4. Bundled service by way of supply of food or any drink, in a premises 30% * 8.652%
(including hotel, convention center, club, pandal, shamiana or any other place,
specially arranged for organizing a function) together with renting of such premises
5. Transport of Passengers by Air [w.e.f. 01-04-2015]
(i) Economy Class 60% ** 4.944%
(ii) Other than Economy Class 40% ** 7.416%
6. Renting of hotels, inns, guest houses, clubs, campsites or other 40% ** 7.416%
commercial places meant for residential or lodging purposes
7. Services of GTA in relation to transportation of goods. [w.e.f. 01-04-2015] 70% # 3.708%
9. Renting of a Motor cab [w.e.f. 01-10-2014] 60% @ 4.944%
9A. (i) Transport of passengers by a Contract Carriage [w.e.f.11-07-2014] 60% # 4.944%
(ii) Transport of passengers by a radio taxi [w.e.f. 01-10-2014] 60% # 4.944%
10. Transport of goods in a Vessel [w.e.f. 01-04-2015] 70% # 3.708%
11. Services by a tour operator in relation to,-
(i) Packaged Tour 75% $ 3.09%
(ii) Only arranging, booking, accommodation 90% $ 1.236%
(iii) Services other than services specified in (i) & (ii) above 60% $ 4.944%
12. (i) For High end Residential unit having carpet area more than 2000 70% ^ 3.708%
sq.ft. OR where the amount charged is Rs.1 crore or more
(ii) Construction of other than High end Residential unit 75% ^ 3.09%
(iii) Construction of Commercial Complex / Building / Civil Structure 70% ^ 3.708%
Service portion in the execution of Works Contract
Value) Rules, 2006

a) Original Works
(Determination of

60% ^ 4.944%
b) (i) Maintenance/Repair/Reconditioning etc. of any goods
Service Tax

30% ^ 8.652%
(ii) Maintenance/Repair/Completion & Finishing service in relation to 30% ^ 8.652%
Immovable property [w.e.f. 01-10-2014]
Service portion in an activity wherein food or any drink is
a) supplied at a Restaurant 60% * 4.944%
b) supplied in Outdoor Catering 40% * 7.416%
* CENVAT credit on any goods classifiable under Chapters 1 to 22 (food articles) of the Central Excise Tariff Act has not been availed.
**CENVAT credit on inputs and capital goods has not been availed.
# CENVAT credit on inputs, capital goods and input services has not been availed.
^ CENVAT credit on inputs used for providing the taxable service has not been availed.
@ CENVAT credit on inputs, capital goods, input services has not been availed. [CENVAT credit of input service of Renting of Motor cab
can be availed by service provider in similar line of business subject to a max. of 40% of the service tax of the value of service received].
$ CENVAT credit on inputs, capital goods, input services has not been availed.. [CENVAT credit of input service of Tour Operator can
be availed. by service provider in similar line of business].
Note : To avail abatement in Entry No. 12, value of land must be included in the amount charged.

Table of Abatements : Service Tax (w.e.f. 01-06-2015)

Sr. No.
of Noti. Name of the Service Abatement

1. Financial leasing including Hire Purchase 90% 1.40%

2&3 Transport of goods / passengers by Rail 70% # 4.20%
4. Bundled service by way of supply of food or any drink, in a premises 30% * 9.80%
(including hotel, convention center, club, pandal, shamiana or any other place,
specially arranged for organizing a function) together with renting of such premises
5. Transport of Passengers by Air [w.e.f. 01-04-2015]
(i) Economy Class 60% ** 5.60%
(ii) Other than Economy Class 40% ** 8.40%
6. Renting of hotels, inns, guest houses, clubs, campsites or other 40% ** 8.40%
commercial places meant for residential or lodging purposes
7. Services of GTA in relation to transportation of goods. [w.e.f. 01-04-2015] 70% # 4.20%
9. Renting of a Motor cab [w.e.f. 01-10-2014] 60% @ 5.60%
9A. (i) Transport of passengers by a Contract Carriage [w.e.f.11-07-2014] 60% # 5.60%
(ii) Transport of passengers by a radio taxi [w.e.f. 01-10-2014] 60% # 5.60%
10. Transport of goods in a Vessel [w.e.f. 01-04-2015] 70% # 4.20%
11. Services by a tour operator in relation to,-
(i) Packaged Tour 75% $ 3.50%
(ii) Only arranging, booking, accommodation 90% $ 1.40%
(iii) Services other than services specified in (i) & (ii) above 60% $ 5.60%
12. (i) For High end Residential unit having carpet area more than 2000 70% ^ 4.20%
sq.ft. OR where the amount charged is Rs.1 crore or more
(ii) Construction of other than High end Residential unit 75% ^ 3.50%
(iii) Construction of Commercial Complex / Building / Civil Structure 70% ^ 4.20%
Service portion in the execution of Works Contract
Value) Rules, 2006

a) Original Works
(Determination of

60% ^ 5.60%
b) (i) Maintenance/Repair/Reconditioning etc. of any goods
Service Tax

30% ^ 9.80%
(ii) Maintenance/Repair/Completion & Finishing service in relation to 30% ^ 9.80%
Immovable property [w.e.f. 01-10-2014]
Service portion in an activity wherein food or any drink is
a) supplied at a Restaurant 60% * 5.60%
b) supplied in Outdoor Catering 40% * 8.40%
* CENVAT credit on any goods classifiable under Chapters 1 to 22 (food articles) of the Central Excise Tariff Act has not been availed.
**CENVAT credit on inputs and capital goods has not been availed.
# CENVAT credit on inputs, capital goods and input services has not been availed.
^ CENVAT credit on inputs used for providing the taxable service has not been availed.
@ CENVAT credit on inputs, capital goods, input services has not been availed. [CENVAT credit of input service of Renting of Motor cab
can be availed by service provider in similar line of business subject to a max. of 40% of the service tax of the value of service received].
$ CENVAT credit on inputs, capital goods, input services has not been availed.. [CENVAT credit of input service of Tour Operator can
be availed. by service provider in similar line of business].
Note : To avail abatement in Entry No. 12, value of land must be included in the amount charged.

10 Complete Reverse Charge Mechanism

Service Tax Service Tax

Sr. Payable by Payable by
Description of a Service
No. Service Service
Provider Receiver
1. Insurance Agent Service to any person carrying on Insurance NIL 100%
2. Goods Transport Agency Service NIL 100%
3. Sponsorship Service to any body corporate or partnership firm NIL 100%
located in taxable territory
4. Arbitral Tribunal Service to any business entity NIL 100%
5. Services of Individual Advocate or a Firm of Advocates to any NIL 100%
business entity
6. Services by Government or local authority by way of support NIL 100%
[w.e.f. date to be notified] services to any business entity
7. Services by any person who is located in a non-taxable territory NIL 100%
and received by any person located in the taxable territory
8. Services by Director to a Company / [Body Corporate] NIL 100%
(other than employee-employer relationship)
9. Services by a Recovery Agent to a Banking Company / Financial NIL 100%
Institution / NBFC [w.e.f. 11-07-2014]
10. Services provided or agreed to be provided by a mutual fund NIL 100%
agent or distributor, to a mutual fund or asset management
company [w.e.f. 01-04-2015]
11. Service provided or agreed to be provided by a selling or NIL 100%
marketing agent of lottery tickets to a lottery distributor or
selling agent [w.e.f. 01-04-2015]
12. Any Service provided or agreed to be provided by a person NIL 100%
involving an aggregator in any manner [w.e.f. 01-03-2015]
13. Supply of Manpower Service [w.e.f. 01-04-2015]* NIL 100%
14. Security Service [w.e.f. 01-04-2015]* NIL 100%
* The service provider should be an Individual / HUF / Partnership Firm / AOP/LLP; and service recipient should be a body corporate.

11 Partial Reverse Charge Mechanism (w.e.f. 01-07-2012)

Service Tax Service Tax

Sr. Payable by Payable by
Description of a Service Notes
No. Service Service
Provider Receiver

1. (a) Renting of a Motor Vehicle designed to carry NIL 100%

passengers (where abatement is availed) 1&2
(b) Renting of a Motor Vehicle designed to carry
passengers (where abatement is not availed)
[w.e.f. 01-07-2012 to 30-09-2014] 60% 40%
[w.e.f. 01-10-2014 onwards] 50% 50%
2. Supply of Manpower Service 1 25% 75%
[w.e.f. 01-07-2012 to 31-03-2015]
3. Works Contract Service 1 50% 50%
4. Security Services 1 25% 75%
[w.e.f. 07-08-2012 to 31-03-2015]
1. (a) The service provider should be an Individual / HUF / Partnership Firm / AOP/LLP; and
(b) The service recipient should be a body corporate.
2. In case of services of renting of a motor vehicle, the service recipient should be any person who is not engaged in
similar line of business.

12 Applicability of Partial Reverse Charge Mechanism

(w.e.f. 01-07-2012)

Service Provider Service Receiver

Category of
Particulars Non - Body Body Non - Body Body
Corporate Corporate Corporate Corporate
Service Non - Body
Provider Corporate
Service Non - Body
Receiver Corporate
Non - Body Corporate = Individual / Firm / Trust / AOP / BOI / Society / LLP

13 Point of Taxation Rules, 2011

Determination of Point of Taxation

Sr. Service Invoice Payment Point of
No. Completed on Issued on Received on Taxation
1. 01-07-2012 10-07-2012 10-08-2012 10-07-2012
2. 01-07-2012 10-08-2012 10-09-2012 01-07-2012
3. 01-07-2012 05-06-2012 10-08-2012 05-06-2012
4. 01-07-2012 05-06-2012 05-05-2012 05-05-2012
5. 01-07-2012 05-06-2012 10-06-2012 05-06-2012

Determination of Date of Payment

Sr. Date of entry Date of credit Date of
No. in Books of in Bank Payment as Remarks
Accounts Accounts per PoTR 2011
1. 01-07-2012 10-07-2012 01-07-2012 Date of entry or Date of credit in
bank, whichever is earlier

2. 31-03-2012 05-04-2012 31-03-2012 Change in rate of tax between two

dates & Credit in bank is within 4
working days of change in rate

3. 31-03-2012 06-04-2012 06-04-2012 Change in rate of tax between two

dates & Credit in bank after four
working days of change in rate

Determination of Point of Taxation in case of Reverse Charge Mechanism

(i.e., when service recipient is liable to pay tax) [w.e.f. 01-10-2014]
Sr. Service Invoice Payment Point of
No. Completed on Issued on made on Taxation
1. 30-09-2014 01-10-2014 30-11-2014 30-11-2014 Invoice date : on or after 01-10-2014
Payment within
3 months
2. 30-09-2014 01-10-2014 31-03-2015 01-01-2015 Yes Date of Payment
Date following
period of 3 months

3. 30-07-2014 31-08-2014 31-10-2014 31-10-2014 Invoice date : before 01-10-2014

Payment within
6 months
4. 30-07-2014 31-08-2014 30-04-2015 31-08-2014 Yes Date of Payment
No Date of invoice

14 Penalties

Section Nature of default Amount of penalty

70 Fees for late filing of Return.
- Delay upto 15 days Rs. 500
- Delay of more than 15 and upto 30 days Rs. 1000
- Delay of more than 30 days Rs. 1000 + Rs. 100 for each day but
not exceeding Rs. 20,000
76 Failure to pay service tax [prior to 14-05-2015 ] 1% of the tax p.m. or Rs. 100 per day
limited to 50% of tax
76 Failure to pay service tax [w.e.f. 14-05-2015] Max. 10% of Service Tax Amt.
Nil if Service Tax + Interest paid
within 30 days of Service of SCN
25% of penalty if Service Tax
+ Interest + Penalty paid within
30 days of receipt of order
77(1)(a) Penalty for default in obtaining Service Tax Registration Upto Rs. 10,000
77(1)(b) Failure to keep, maintain or retain books of Upto Rs. 10,000
account and other documents required
77(1)(c) Assessee fails to : Upto Rs. 10,000 or Rs. 200 per
(i) furnish information called by an officer; or day till failure, whichever is
(ii) produce documents called for by a Central higher.
Excise Officer; or
(iii) appear before the Central Excise Officer,
when issued with a summon for appearance to give
evidence or to produce a document in an inquiry.
77(1)(d) Assessee fails to pay service tax electronically Upto Rs. 10,000
77(1)(e) Assessee issues invoice in accordance with Upto Rs. 10,000
provisions of the Act or rules made thereunder,
with incorrect or incomplete details or fails to
account for an invoice in his books of account
77(2) Penalty for contravention of any provision for Not exceeding Rs. 10,000
which no penalty is provided
78 Penalty for suppressing value of taxable Service 100% of Service Tax Amt.
[prior to 14-05-2015 ]
78 Penalty for suppressing value of taxable Service 100% of Service Tax Amt.
[w.e.f. 14-05-2015] 15% of Service Tax Amt. if Service
Tax + Interest + Penalty paid within
30 days of Service of SCN
25% of Service Tax Amt. if Service
Tax + Interest + Penalty paid within
30 days of receipt of order
78A Penalty on director, manager, secretary or any other Upto Rs. 1,00,000
officer of a company for specified contravention
[w.e.f. 10-05-2013]
Note : Section 73(4A) is deleted w.e.f. 14-05-2015.
15 Offences and Penalties (changes w.e.f. 10-05-2013)

Nature of Offence Occurrence of Offence Quantum of Offence Penalty

Knowingly evades payment of Service Tax or wrong First Time offence More than Rs.50 Lacs Imprisonment
availment of CENVAT, maintain false books etc . up to 3 years

Knowingly evades payment of Service Tax or wrong Second and subsequent Any Amount Imprisonment
availment of CENVAT, maintain false books etc. up to 3 years

Collects Service Tax but does not pay within First Time offence More than Rs.50 Lacs Imprisonment
6 months up to 7 years

Any other offence First time and Any amount Imprisonment

subsequent time up to 1 year

Wrong availment of CENVAT Credit Second and subsequent Any Amount Imprisonment
up to 7 years

Section 91: If Commissioner of Central Excise (CCE) has reason to believe that any person has committed offence and where the
amount exceeds Rs. 50 Lakhs, then CCE may authorize any officer not below the rank of Superintendent to arrest such person.

16 Pre-Deposit for Filing Appeal (w.e.f. 06-08-2014)

Show Cause Notice (SCN) is for demand upto ` 50 Lacs

Mandatory Pre-Deposit *
Sr. Filing of Appeal
No. Duty or (Duty + Penalty) Only Penalty

1. For filing of Appeal before 7.5% of the Duty demanded 7.5% of the Penalty
Commissioner (Appeals)

2. For filing of Appeal before Additional 2.5% of the Additional 2.5%

Tribunal (CESTAT) Duty demanded of the Penalty

Show Cause Notice (SCN) is for demand of more than ` 50 Lacs

Mandatory Pre-Deposit *
Sr. Filing of Appeal
No. Duty or (Duty + Penalty) Only Penalty

1. At the time of SCN reply

before Commissioner NIL NIL

2. For filing of Appeal before 7.5% of the Duty demanded 7.5% of the Penalty
Tribunal (CESTAT)

* Mandatory pre-deposit shall not exceed Rs.10 crores.

* Not Applicable to stay applications & appeals filed before any appellate authority prior to 06-08-2014.

17 Place of Provision of Services Rules, 2012
(w.e.f. 01-07-2012)

Rule No. Particulars Place of Provision

Rule : 3 General Rule Location of Service Recipient

General Rule
If location of Service Recipient not Location of Service Provider

Rule : 4 If goods required to be made Location where service is

Performance physically available, by the service actually performed
Based Services receiver to the service provider

If services are provided from a remote Location of the Goods

location by electronic means

S e r v i c e i n r e s p e c t o f g o o d s Location of service receiver

temporarily imported into india for
repairs and exported without being put
to any use [w.e.f. 01-10-2014]

Service requires Physical Presence of Location where service is

the service receiver or a person acting actually performed
on behalf of the service receiver

Rule : 5 For e.g. services provided by experts Location of such immovable

Services related and estate agents, provision of hotel property
to Immovable accommodation by a hotel, inn, guest
Property house, club or campsite, grant of
rights to use immovable property,
architects or interior decorators, etc.

Rule : 6 For e.g. conventions, conferences, Location shall be the place

Services related e x h i b i t i o n s , f a i r s , s e m i n a r s , where the event is held
to Events workshops, weddings, sports and
cultural events etc

Rule : 7 Services provided at more than one Location in the taxable

Services provided Location territory where greatest
at more than one This Rule is applicable only to proportion of service is
location services referred in Rule 4, 5 and 6 provided

Rule : 8 Both service provider and service Location of Recipient of

Provider and receiver are located in taxable territory Service
recipient are
located in Taxable

Rule No. Particulars Place of Provision

Rule : 9 i) Banking Company, Location of Service Provider

Specified Services Financial Institution,
NBFC - To account holders
ii) Online information,
DB Access, Data Retrieval
iii) Intermediary Services*
iv) Hiring means of transport upto
one month including yachts, but
excludes aircrafts & vessels
[w.e.f. 01-10-2014]

Rule : 10 Other than by way of Mail and Courier Place of destination of Goods
Goods Transport
Service Goods Transport Agency Location of person liable to
pay Tax

Rule : 11 Passenger Transportation Location where Passenger

Passenger embarks the conveyance for
Transport Service continuous journey

Rule : 12 Intended to be wholly or substantially First scheduled Point of

Service provided consumed while on board Departure of the conveyance
on board a

Rule : 13 To prevent double taxation or non- -----

Power to notify taxation, Cent. Govt. may notify any
description / description of service or circumstance
circumstances in which place of provision shall be the
place of effective use of employment
of a service

Rule : 14 If Place of provision of service is Rule that occurs later

Order of determinable in more than one rule amongst the rules shall apply
Application of

* "intermediary" means a broker, an agent or any other person, by whatever name called, who
arranges or facilitates a provision of a service (hereinafter called the 'main' service) or a supply of
goods, between two or more persons, but does not include a person who provides the main service or
supplies the goods on his account. [w.e.f.01-10-2014]

18 Flow Chart Showing Availment of CENVAT credit
(w.e.f. 01-03-2015)

CENVAT Credit on
Input Service Invoices

Avail CENVAT Credit when Invoice is received

Date of availment after 1 year CENVAT Credit lapses

from the date of Invoice YES
and can never be taken


CENVAT Credit can be availed

Payment is done to vendor CENVAT Credit

within 90 Days of Date of Invoice YES
availed remains valid


CENVAT Credit availed has to be reversed

CENVAT Credit can be availed

Payment is done to vendor
NO again on the date of payment
within 1 year from the date of Invoice
any time in future


CENVAT Credit can be availed

again on the date of payment

19 Filing Fees for Appeal to Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT)

Service Tax, Interest and Penalty involved Filing Fees

Rs. 5,00,000 or less Rs. 1,000
Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 50,00,000 Rs. 5,000
In excess of Rs. 50,00,000 Rs.10,000

20 Eligibility of CENVAT Credit of INPUT SERVICES

Eligibility Eligibility for

Sr. Nature of Input Services for Service Notes
Manufacturer Provider

1. Service used for providing an output service. N.A. Yes -

2. Service used directly or indirectly in relation to Yes N.A. -
manufacture of Final Product.
3. Service used directly or indirectly for clearance of Yes N.A. -
Final Product upto the Place of Removal.
4. Service used in relation to modernization, renovation Yes N.A. -
or repairs of a factory and office relating to such
5. Service used in relation to modernization, renovation N.A. Yes -
or repairs of a premises of output service provider
and office relating to such premises.
6. Service used in relation to advertisement or sales Yes Yes -
promotion or market research.
7. Service used in relation to storage upto the place of Yes N.A. -
8. Service used in relation to procurement of inputs. Yes Yes -
9. Service used in relation to accounting, auditing, Yes Yes -
financing or recruitment and quality control,
coaching and training.
10. Services in relation to computer networking, credit Yes Yes -
rating, share registry, business exhibition and
11. Service used in relation to inward transportation of Yes Yes -
inputs or capital goods and outward transportation
upto the place of removal.
12. Legal services Yes Yes -
13. Service portion in execution of a Works Contract. No No 1
14. Construction Service No No 1
15. General Insurance, Servicing, Maintenance and Yes Yes 2
Repair of Motor Vehicle if Motor Vehicle is Capital
16. General Insurance, Servicing, Maintenance and No No 3
Repair of Motor Vehicle if Motor Vehicle is not Capital
17. Renting of Motor Vehicle if Motor Vehicle is Capital Yes Yes 2
18. Renting of Motor Vehicle if Motor Vehicle is not No No -
Capital Goods
19. Services which are primarily for personal use or No No 4
consumption of any employee.

Eligibility of CENVAT Credit of INPUT SERVICES (Contd....)
Notes :

1. Cenvat credit of above input services (Sr. No. 13 & 14) are available, if it is used for
a) Construction Services
b) Works Contract services
2. Cenvat Credit of the above input service (Sr. No. 15 & 17) are available for the
following output services subject to the condition that Motor Vehicle is registered in the
name of Output Service Provider .
2A. Output Services, for which Motor Vehicle designed for transportation of goods is a
capital Good (*):
a) Service of Renting of such motor vehicle
b) Service of transportation of inputs and capital goods used for providing an output
c) Service of courier agency
2B. Output Services, for which Motor Vehicle designed to carry passengers is a capital
Good (*):
a) Service of Renting of such motor vehicle.
b) Service of transportation of passengers.
c) Service of imparting motor driving skills.
* Motor Vehicle must be registered in the name of Output Service provider.
3. Cenvat credit of the above specified service (Sr. No. 16) is available even if the Motor
Vehicle is not Capital Goods as the definition of Capital Goods, when the above
services used by:
a) A Manufacturer of a Motor Vehicle in respect of Motor Vehicle manufactured by
such person ; or
b) An insurance company in respect of a motor vehicle insured or reinsured by such
4. Services covered :
a) Outdoor Catering
b) Beauty treatment
c) Health Service
d) Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery
e) Membership of club
f) Health and fitness centre
g) Life Insurance
h) Health Insurance
i) Travel benefits extended to employee on vacation

21 120 Services with Effective Dates

Sub- Accounting Codes

Sr. Category of Service Effective
No. Date Tax Interest
1 Advertising Agency e 01-11-1996 00440013 00440016
2 Air Travel Agent l 01-07-1997 00440032 00440033
3 Airport Services zzm 10-09-2004 00440258 00440259
4 Architect Services p 16-10-1998 00440072 00440073
5 Asset Management Services zzzzc 01-06-2007 00440018 00440019
6 ATM Operations, Maintenance or Management zzzk 01-05-2006 00440346 00440347
7 Auctioneer's Services zzzr 01-05-2006 00440370 00440371
8 Authorised Service Station zo - 00440181 00440182
Motor Car / Two Wheeler 16-07-2001
Light Motor Vehicle 01-07-2003
9 Banking & other Financial Services zm 16-07-2001 00440173 00440174
10 Forex Broking zzk -
11 Beauty Parlour Services zq 16-08-2002 00440209 00440210
12 Broadcasting Services zk 16-07-2001 00440165 00440166
13 Business Auxiliary Services zzb 01-07-2003 00440225 00440226
14 Business Exhibition Services zzo 10-09-2004 00440254 00440255
15 Business Support Services zzzq 01-05-2006 00440366 00440367
16 Cable Operator Services zs 16-08-2002 00440217 00440218
17 Cargo Handling Services zr 16-08-2002 00440189 00440190
18 Cleaning Activity Services zzzd 16-06-2005 00440318 00440319
19 Clearing & Forwarding Services j 16-07-1997 00440045 00440046
20 Club or Association Services zzze 16-06-2005 00440322 00440323
21 Commercial or Industrial Construction zzq 10-09-2004 00440290 00440291
22 Commercial Training & Coaching Centre zzc 01-07-2003 00440229 00440230
23 Construction of Residential Complex zzzh 16-06-2005 00440334 00440335
24 Consulting Engineer Services g 07-07-1997 00440057 00440058
25 Convention Services zc 16-07-2001 00440133 00440134
26 Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery zzzzk 01-09-2009 00440460 00440463
27 Courier Services f 01-11-1996 00440014 00440018
28 Credit Rating Agency x 16-10-1998 00440088 00440089
29 Credit Card & Debit Card related Service zzzw 01-05-2006 00440394 00440395

Sub- Accounting Codes
Sr. Category of Service Effective
No. Date Tax Interest
30 Custom House Agency h 15-06-1997 00440026 00440027
31 Design Service zzzzd 01-06-2007 00440422 00440423
32 Development & Supply of Content Services zzzzb 01-06-2007 00440414 00440415
33 Dredging Services zzzb 16-06-2005 00440310 00440311
34 Dry Cleaning Services zt 16-08-2002 00440221 00440222
35 Erection, Commissioning & Installation Services zzd 01-07-2003 00440233 00440234
36 Event Management Services zu 16-08-2002 00440197 00440198
37 Fashion Designing Services zv 16-08-2002 00440213 00440214
38 Forward Contract Services zzy 10-09-2004 00440282 00440283
39 Franchise Services zze 01-07-2003 00440237 00440238
40 Games of Chance (including lottery) zzzzn 01-07-2010 00440596 00440597
41 General Insurance Services d 01-07-1994 00440005 00440006
42 Goods Transport by Road zzp 01-01-2005 00440262 00440263
43 Health Club & Fitness Centre zw 16-08-2002 00440205 00440206
44 Health Services by Hospitals or Medical zzzzo 01-07-2010 00440598 00440599
45 Information Technology Software zzzze 16-05-2008 00440452 00440050
46 Insurance Auxiliary Services - zl 16-07-2001 00440169 00440170
General Insurance Services
47 Insurance Auxiliary Services - zy 16-08-2002 00440185 00440186
Life Insurance Services
48 Intellectual Property Services zzr 10-09-2004 00440278 00440279
49 Interior Decorator Services q 16-10-1998 00440076 00440077
50 International Air Travel Service zzzo 01-05-2006 00440362 00440363
51 Internet Cafe zzf 01-07-2003 00440241 00440242
52 Internet Telephony Services zzzu 01-05-2006 00440382 00440383
53 Investment Management Services Provided zzzzf 16-05-2008 00440430 00440431
Under ULIP
54 Legal Consultancy Services zzzzm 01-09-2009 00440480 00440483
55 Life Insurance Services zx 10-09-2004 00440185 00440186
56 Mailing List Compilation and Mailing zzzg 16-06-2005 00440330 00440331
57 Maintenance of Medical Records zzzzp 01-07-2010 00440601 00440602
58 Management Consultant Services r 16-10-1998 00440116 00440117
59 Management, Maintenance and Repair Services zzg 01-07-2003 00440245 00440246

Sub- Accounting Codes
Sr. Category of Service Effective
No. Date Tax Interest
60 Mandap Keeper m 01-07-1997 00440035 00440036
61 Manpower Recruitment Agency / Supply k 07-07-1997 00440060 00440061
62 Market Research Agency y 16-10-1998 00440112 00440113
63 Mining Services zzzy 01-06-2007 00440402 00440403
64 Online Information & database Retrieval Services zh 16-07-2001 00440153 00440154
65 Opinion Poll Services zzs 10-09-2004 00440274 00440275
66 Outdoor Catering Services zzt 10-09-2004 00440051 00440052
67 Packaging Activities zzzf 16-06-2005 00440326 00440327
68 Pandal or Shamiana Services zzw 10-09-2004 00440054 00440055
69 Photogaphy Services zb 16-07-2001 00440129 00440130
70 Port Services - Major Ports zn 16-07-2001 00440177 00440178
71 Port Services - Other Ports zzl 01-07-2003 00440177 00440178
72 Practising Chartered Accountant s 16-10-1998 00440092 00440093
73 Practising Company Secretary u 16-10-1998 00440100 00440101
74 Practising Cost Accountant t 16-10-1998 00440096 00440097
75 Promoting a brand of goods, Services, zzzzq 01-07-2010 00440604 00440605
Events, ect.
76 Public Relation Services zzzs 01-05-2006 00440374 00440375
77 Rail Travel Agent zz 16-08-2002 00440201 00440202
78 Real Estate Agent v 16-10-1998 00440104 00440105
79 Recovery Agent Service zzzl 01-05-2006 00440350 00440351
80 Registrar to an Issue zzzi 01-05-2006 00440338 00440339
81 Rent - A - Cab Scheme Operator o 16-07-1997 00440048 00440049
82 Renting of Immovable Property zzzz 01-06-2007 00440406 00440407
83 Scientific and Technical Consultancy za 16-07-2001 00440125 00440126
84 Security Agency / Detective w 16-10-1998 00440108 00440109
85 Services of Permitting Commercial use or zzzzr 01-07-2010 00440607 00440608
Exploitation of any Event
86 Services provided by Air-conditioned restaurants zzzzv 01-05-2011 00441067 00441068
87 Services Provided by Electricity Exchanges zzzzs 01-07-2010 00440610 00440611
88 Cinematographic films and Sound recording zzzzt 01-07-2010 00440613 00440614
89 Services related to Preferential location or zzzzu 01-07-2010 00440616 00440617
Development of Complexes
90 Share Transfer Agent Service zzzj 01-05-2006 00440342 00440343

Sub- Accounting Codes
Sr. Category of Service Effective
No. Date Tax Interest
91 Ship Management Services zzzt 01-05-2006 00440378 00440379
92 Short-term accommodation zzzzw 01-05-2011 00441070 00441071
93 Site Formation Services zzza 16-06-2005 00440306 00440307
94 Sound Recording Services zj 16-07-2001 00440161 00440162
95 Space or Time Selling Services forAdvertisements zzzm 01-05-2006 00440354 00440355
96 Sponsorship Services zzzn 01-05-2006 00440358 00440359
97 Steamer Agent i 15-06-1997 00440029 00440030
98 Stock Broker a 01-07-1994 00440008 00440009
99 Stock Exchange zzzzg 16-05-2008 00440434 00440435
100 Commodity Exchange zzzzh 16-05-2008 00440438 00440439
101 Processing & Clearing House Services zzzzi 16-05-2008 00440442 00440443
102 Storage & Warehousing Services zza 16-08-2002 00440193 00440194
103 Supply of Tangible Goods for Use Services zzzzj 16-05-2008 00440445 00440447
104 Survey & Exploration of Minerals Services zzv 10-09-2004 00440270 00440271
105 Survey and Mapmaking Services zzzc 16-06-2005 00440314 00440315
106 Technical Inspection and Certification zzi 01-07-2003 00440249 00440250
107 Technical Testing & Analysis Services zzh 01-07-2003 00440249 00440250
108 Telecommunication Services zzzx 01-06-2007 00440398 00440399
109 Television & Radio Programme Services zzu 10-09-2004 00440286 00440287
110 Tour operator n 01-09-1997 00440063 00440064
111 Transport of Coastal Goods; and transported zzzzl 01-09-2009 00440470 00440473
through Inland Water & National Waterways
112 Transport of Goods by Air Services zzn 10-09-2004 00440266 00440267
113 Transport of Goods in Containers by Rail zzzp 01-05-2006 00440390 00440391
Services including Government Railways
114 Transport of goods through Pipeline / Conduit zzz 16-06-2005 00440302 00440303
115 Transport of Persons by Cruise Ship Services zzzv 01-05-2006 00440386 00440387
116 Travel Agents (Other than Air & Rail) zzx 10-09-2004 00440294 00440295
117 Under Writer Services z 16-10-1998 00440084 00440085
118 Video Tape Production Services zi 16-07-2001 00440157 00440158
119 Works Contract Services zzzza 01-06-2007 00440410 00440411
120 Other taxable services - 01-07-2012 00441480 00441481
(Services other than 119 listed above)
Primary Education Cess (EC) 00440298 00440299
Secondary & Higher Education Cess (SHEC) 00440426 00440427


Indirect Taxation Consultancy

Service Tax
- Opinion Regarding Applicability
- Filing of Returns
- Preventive Matters
- DGCEI Raid Matters
- Service Tax Audit
Excise & Customs

Goods & Service Tax (GST)

Impact Analysis of GST
Due Diligence Compliances & Representational Services
Sector Specific Structuring Income Tax
ROC Matters including LLPs
Management Consultancy Services
Solutions to Core Management Problems Audit and Assurance Services
Financial Advisory System Audit
Business Valuation Due Diligence Audit
Management Assurance & Risk Review Internal Audit
Family/ Business Arbitration Compliance Review Report
Management Transition/ Trust Office Forensic Audit
Fraud and Investigation Audit
Inbound/ Outbound Investments
Setup of 100% Indian Subsidiary of a International Taxation
Foreign Corporation Compliance with Transfer Pricing regulations
Setting up of Overseas Subsidiary of Indian Filing of Ex-Patriate Returns
Corporation DTAA related services


3rd Floor, Devpath Complex, Behind Lal Bungalow, Off C. G. Road, Ahmedabad - 380 006.
Ph: +91 - 79 - 2646 1526, 6631 5450/51/52/53 Web : www.kmsindia.in


2nd Floor, Plot No. 261, Sector - 1A, Gandhidham, Kutchh.
Phone : (02836) 230 066

In Association with BATGACH - Branches at

Bangalore, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Trivandrum

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