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The document discusses strategies and technologies for ensuring business continuity and disaster recovery for mission-critical SAP HANA implementations. It focuses on solutions from Fujitsu, NetApp, and SAP that combine servers, storage, software, and services.

The document discusses factors like growing reliance on critical systems, considerations for high availability and disaster resilience that correlate strategic and technical aspects of operations.

The document discusses high-availability and disaster recovery topologies like redundant hardware, data replication between sites, and backup/restore functionality.

White paper

Safeguarding Business Continuity on

Critical SAP HANA Systems

Ongoing collaboration by Fujitsu, NetApp, and SAP has produced synergies among the
companies offerings that combine as groundbreaking infrastructure solutions for business-
critical and mission-critical SAP HANA implementations. Businesses of all types and sizes stand
to benefit with cost-effective, reliable, powerful mechanisms that drive insight and profitability.

Introduction 2
1 A Growing Reliance on Critical Systems 2
2 Design Considerations for Business Continuity 3
3 Topologies for Resilient SAP HANA Implementations 3
3.1 High-Availability Topologies 3
3.2 Disaster Recovery Topologies 4
4 Hardware, Software, and Services for SAP HANA Business
Continuity 5
4.1 Fujitsu Servers Tailored to Various Business Needs 5
4.2 NetApp Storage for Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery 5
4.3 Automation and Enhancements from SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 6
4.4 Consulting and Integration Services Drive SAP HANA
into the Fabric of the Business 6
5 Architecture for Backup and Recovery, High Availability,
and Disaster Resilience 6
5.1 Storage and Tool-Based Methods for Backup and
Recovery 6
5.2 Two-Site Deployment Options for Disaster Recovery 7
5.3 Summary of Primary SAP HANA Approaches to
Business Continuity 8
6 Fujitsu Integrated System PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes:
An All-Embracing Concept 8
Conclusion 9

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Introduction failure would result in the halting of the business as a whole. Note
that a single type of system might be mission-critical at one company
Having moved beyond the initial phase of simply making sense of
but business-critical at another.
massive data through efforts to build value from it, businesses now
depend on big data analytics as a fundamental driver of profitability. Competitive efficiencies such as supply-chain optimization have
Pricing, supply chains, and a multitude of other operational and helped drive the growing prevalence of business-critical systems in
strategic factors require real-time or near-real-time insights derived particular. Analytics based on real-time supply, demand, and other
from emerging and/or stored data. SAP HANA is purpose-built for such such factors have become instrumental to core operations, and an SAP
analysis, with an in-memory engine that taps into data wherever it Sales Scenario Guide identifies analytics as business-critical and
resides, instantaneously running the computations that fine-tune becoming more so every day.1 Indeed, in a recent survey by Accenture
business operations for optimal efficiency and success. and General Electric, 80 to 90 percent of respondents report that big
data analytics are one of their companies top three priorities.2
As the value of these operations has become woven into the fabric of
business, the systems that underlie them have become more critical Adding to the proliferation of these business-critical systems, they are
to the business as a whole. In response to that progression, Fujitsu, increasingly being driven by business units, rather than IT. In fact,
NetApp, and SAP have collaborated to build resilient, efficient, Gartner has posited that 90 percent of all technology spending will be
powerful solutions to safeguard business continuity that depends on done outside of IT by 2020.3 PricewaterhouseCoopers chief
real-time analytics based on SAP HANA implementations. technologist Chris Curran recently said, Were moving into a world
where IT doesnt run IT anymore. IT is going to be consultative in a way
This paper investigates the theory, technology, and architecture to
that helps organizations make good decisions.4
enable business-critical and mission-critical SAP HANA infrastructure
based on building blocks from Fujitsu, NetApp, and SAP. It consists of In this context, business-critical systems are being established on the
the following main sections: basis of corporate data stores to drive competitive value in areas such
as the following:
 A Growing Reliance on Critical Systems examines some of the
business transitions that are making critical SAP HANA  Real-time analysis and decision making
implementations instrumental to more organizations.  Precise marketing
 Design Considerations for Business Continuity correlates strategic  Operational efficiency
aspects of technical and business operations in the context of high  Innovative business models
availability and disaster resilience.
 Customer experience enhancement
 Topologies for Resilient SAP HANA Implementations relates
various design approaches for SAP HANA business continuity to the Driving value toward these goals, SAP is the decided leader in BI and
fulfillment of business and technology goals. analytics, with a 21.3 percent market share as of 2013, the latest year
 Hardware, Software, and Services for SAP HANA Business for which data is available from Gartner.5 This figure is far above that
Continuity explores building blocks used in business-critical of any competitor, all of whom had shares below 14 percent. One
and mission-critical SAP HANA implementations. insight into how those data operations will be handled comes in SAP
 Architecture for Backup and Recovery, High Availability, and Supervisory Board Chair Hasso Plattners 2013 letter to shareholders:
Disaster Resilience investigates deployment and architectural SAP HANA is the most successful product in SAPs history. This
options for the development of critical SAP HANA infrastructure. technology is the basis of all SAP applications in the future.6
 Fujitsu Integrated System PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes: Fujitsu and NetApp present a compelling vision for this everything on
An All-Embracing Concept describes how FlexFrame Orchestrator SAP HANA future, which is represented in Figure 1. Fujitsu and
automates operations and incorporates SAP HANA into NetApp are SAP Global Partners, the highest level of such partnership
management and disaster-recovery processes. granted by SAP. Solutions based on engineering from all three
companies offer an excellent basis for customers to safeguard their
1 A Growing Reliance on Critical Systems
critical systems based on SAP applications and databases.
The growing reliance on data-rich, demanding applications means
that mission-critical and business-critical systems are proliferating and 2 Design Considerations for Business Continuity
becoming larger, with greater requirements in terms of throughput,
processing, and storage than ever before. At the same time, Analytics are
26% SAP HANAis the
Big Data &
commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware has become more capable, business-critical and Analytics CAGR2 basis of all SAP
becoming more so applications in
with advanced reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) features every day. the future.
that make it better suited to critical usages. - SAP Sales Scenario Guide1
21% - Hasso Plattner6
SAP Market
Share in
Business-critical systems are those such as business intelligence (BI) BI & Analytics5
and analytics, where failure would result in substantial disruption and Figure 1. Business-critical analytics on SAP HANA.
financial loss. Mission-critical systems, on the other hand, are
functions, such as an e-commerce companys web presence, whose

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Companies must plan for both routine problems and unforeseeable The optimum distance between the primary site and the recovery site
crises. The former could be as simple as a memory error or as is also vital to disaster recovery planning. The distance between the
significant as a server failure. The latter can include fires, natural sites must be sufficient to prevent a single event such as a fire or
disasters, or malicious intrusions. Protecting business continuity is natural disaster from affecting both. If the distance is too great,
crucial to the relationship between IT and the rest of the business. however, it may place limitations on the bandwidth available between
The process must begin with proper definition of the service-level the recovery site and the primary site, which could have a negative
agreement (SLA) that governs the response requirements for high impact on the business. All these factors, of course, must also be
availability and disaster recovery (disaster resilience) to avoid considered in the context of cost.
unacceptable consequences to the business.
In disaster-recovery planning specifically for SAP HANA systems, it is
Two of the foundational concepts that drive business-continuity important to consider the impacts of real-time SLA requirements. In
planning are Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time the case of application failover, sufficient bandwidth must be provided
Objective (RTO), which are depicted in Figure 2. between the SAP HANA database and the application layer (for
example, NetWeaver AppServer). The start-up time requirements for
In the timeline, RPO defines the amount of data that is lost between
SAP HANA can also be significant: typical throughputs over 10 Gigabit
the time of the failure event back to the latest recoverable data state.
Ethernet are on the order of 50100 gigabytes per minute or 1020
latest initiation completion minutes loading time for a terabyte (TB) of memory.
recoverable of recovery of recovery
process process Proper continuity planning is vital from a business perspective, in
order to protect near-term profitability as well as longer-term public
time reputation. It can also play a significant role in regulatory compliance,
where proper planning can be vital to satisfying audit requirements.
RPO decision RTO The full scope of this process must adequately consider both the
financial and liability costs of business interruptions and potential
Figure 2. Business-continuity process timeline. data loss, as well as less tangible impacts on user and customer

3 Topologies for Resilient SAP HANA Implementations

RTO is the period of time required after the recovery process is
initiated to resume normal operation of all systems affected by the Standard architectural approaches have been established to support
failure. Note that a decision gap is also shown, corresponding to the high availability and disaster recovery for SAP HANA implementations,
amount of time required to determine that the recovery process is including single-node and multiple-node methods. Content may be
needed and to initiate it. replicated to memory, disk, or central storage; in some cases,
This timeline also illuminates key differences between high availability mechanisms may be based on redundant server hardware that is held
and disaster recovery, two aspects of business-continuity planning. on standby, to be brought online in the event of a failure. This range
High availability refers to the automatic recovery of data and of flexible but standardized approaches offers businesses the choice
resumption of normal operations after an isolated failure at a single among topologies based on best practices to meet specific needs.
site. In this case, both RPO and the decision gap should be zero (or
nearly so, and RTO should be fast (on the order of minutes). No data 3.1 High-Availability Topologies
loss should occur.
Standard methods of configuring failover for high availability are
Disaster recovery, on the other hand, involves manually initiated illustrated in Figure 3. In the single-node case shown on the left side
recovery from multiple concurrent failures, which could involve the of the figure, the persistence layer and data are held in the primary
catastrophic loss of an entire data center or even multiple sites. SAP HANA servers memory. SAP HANA system replication is used to
Disaster recovery typically occurs at a remote site from where the mirror the memory state from the primary SAP HANA server to the
failure occurred and consists of an integrated set of processes that
secondary one at the application level, providing redundancy in
may involve data loss. RPO and RTO may extend into hours or even
real time, so that if the primary server fails, the secondary one
days, and the decision gap may be significant, as a decision by
can take over.
business management is mandatory to initiate the disaster recovery
process. If table preloading is turned off, the data replicated from the primary
server can simply be written to disk on the secondary server, rather
Note that the decision gap is distinct from RTO in this casethe total
recovery time from the failure event until the disaster recovery goal is than being pre-loaded into memory. In that case, the data would
equal to the decision gap plus RTO. This factor must be appropriately need to be loaded from disk into memory as part of the process of
accounted for in the SLA. In addition, the completion of the recovery bringing the secondary server online during failover. While that
process is defined as reaching a set of predetermined goals according approach requires more time for the failover to be completed, it frees
to the SLA, rather than necessarily restoring full normal operation. up memory on the secondary server, allowing the system to be used
Other key performance indicators to be accounted for in the SLA for other purposes (for example, development and test) when it is not
include disaster-recovery bandwidth to be provided, as well as actively filling in for the primary. A similar approach can be taken
performance and response times associated with key business using storage replication, which is discussed in more detail later in
systems. this paper.

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Single Node with System Replication Multiple Nodes with Standby Server

(Primary) (Secondary) (Online) (Online) (Online) (Offline Standby)











Central Storage
Data Center 1 Data Center 1
Figure 3. Application-level high-availability topologies.

The multi-node topology for high availability that is shown on the Similar to the single-node high-availability approach described above,
right side of Figure 3 supports scenarios where SAP HANA table preloading can be turned off, so that data is written to disk on
implementations are set up to span multiple physical servers. Here, the secondary server, rather than being preloaded into memory. The
all of the SAP HANA servers are connected to central storage through topology can be configured for synchronous operation (though with
network switches, including an offline standby server that is held in some distance limitations between the sites), which prevents data
reserve to cover for any of the main servers in the event of a failure. loss. Asynchronous operation can support longer distances, but there
Note that this approach is only intended to address the failure of a is some potential for data loss during failover from the primary server
single server. On its own, this topology does not provide redundancy to the secondary one.
to parts of the infrastructure other than the servers themselves, so
In the topology illustrated on the right side of Figure 4, the data
that failure of a central part of the topology could result in an outage
required for a restart of the SAP HANA system (which may consist of a
that covers the entire installation.
single node or multiple nodes) is stored to NetApp storage. The data is
mirrored across the two sites through any of several storage-based
3.2 Disaster Recovery Topologies replication mechanisms from NetApp, such as MetroCluster or
Some representative topologies for multi-site disaster recovery are SnapMirror. This replication can be configured to occur synchronously
illustrated in Figure 4. The single-node case that is illustrated on the or asynchronously, according to the business needs of the customer,
left side of the figure is similar to the single-node high-availability the distance between the sites, the throughput available between the
topology described above, except that rather than being co-located in sites, and so on.
the same data center, the primary and secondary servers are located SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications helps automate
at separate geographic locations. The same system replication system replication and failover at the OS level, using resource agents
mechanism is used over a wide-area link as was used over a local-area that enable the high-availability and disaster-recovery topologies
one in the co-located case. described in this section using SAP HANA clusters. The relevant
mechanisms from both NetApp and SUSE are described in more detail
later in this paper.

Single Node with System Replication Single or Multiple Nodes with Storage-Based Replication
(Primary) (Secondary) Servers Servers
Memory Two Disks

Memory Two Disks


Memory Two Disks

Memory Two Disks



Two Disks

Two Disks



Two Disks

Two Disks

NetApp Storage NetApp Storage

Data Center 1 Data Center 2 Data Center 1 Data Center 2
Figure 4. Application-level and storage-based disaster-recovery topologies.

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4 Hardware, Software, and Services for SAP HANA Business 4.2 NetApp Storage for Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery
As described above, the data-management fabric provided by NetApp
The ongoing collaborations among Fujitsu, NetApp, SAP, and SUSE allows storage-based replication of SAP HANA data sets across either
have created an interconnected set of synergies that deliver business short or long distances. NetApp also provides technologies that
value by safeguarding business continuity in implementations such as enhance those capabilities by addressing the traditional challenges
those based on SAP HANA. Hardware and software features play associated with cloning data.
separate but complementary roles in providing high availability and
Conventional copy utilities were not designed to handle the extremely
disaster resilience that protect the business in both ordinary and
large production data sets used in SAP HANA implementations. In fact,
extraordinary operational circumstances.
because of the high cost of moving and maintaining many copies of
production data, companies often rely on static, stale copies of data,
4.1 Fujitsu Servers Tailored to Various Business Needs which can dramatically reduce the effectiveness of the disaster-
As the foundation for business-critical and mission-critical recovery solution.
infrastructure, Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY and PRIMEQUEST, shown in As an alternative to making resource-intensive full physical copies,
Figure 5, protect business continuity while helping ensure low cost NetApp Snapshot technology can reduce the time required to create
and complexity in the data center. Built on a foundation of open a database backup from a matter of weeks or days to minutes,
standards and based on the Intel Xeon processor E7 v2 product independent of the size of the data set. Moreover, the use of Snapshot
family, these systems provide a range of options to meet the varying backups has no impact on production systems, allowing them to be
needs of critical applications across SAP HANA implementations. made even during periods of peak activity. Typical usage scenarios
may create Snapshot backups several times per day, which can be
carried efficiently, delivering business benefits that include the
 More comprehensive backup operations associated with more
frequent recoverable data states that can be created and stored
using a far lower amount of resources.
Figure 5. Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY and PRIMEQUEST for  Enhanced performance, because resources on production systems
business-critical and mission-critical implementations. that would otherwise be consumed by large-scale data copies can
be applied to more useful work.
The Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY RX 4770 M1 is a quad-socket, 4U rack-  Dramatically accelerated restore and recovery, reducing downtime
mount system for business-critical implementations, supporting up to by eliminating time-intensive transport and load requirements
6 TB of memory. This offering incorporates built-in redundancy and associated with large data sets.
hot-pluggable components to help reduce the potential for unplanned
outages. RAS features include Advanced ECC, memory scrubbing, and Using copies of production data created with FlexClone technology
other resiliency capabilities that operate at the processor, firmware, (essentially a writeable Snapshot), development and operations
and software levels to diagnose, contain, and recover from otherwise- teams can test the disaster-recovery system on an ongoing basis,
fatal errors. without involvement from the storage team. The lightweight nature of
the data backups allows the test environment to be set up and broken
Another set of options for critical SAP HANA deployments, Fujitsu
down quickly, reducing the effort and time requirements for such
Server PRIMEQUEST systems offer a range of options, with multiple
testing. The frequent testing helps increase the confidence of the
system boards and different levels of RAS features. The Fujitsu Server
broader business in ITs ability to carry out effective disaster-recovery
PRIMEQUEST 2800B supports up to four system boards with two
operations if needed.
processors each and a total of 12 TB RAM. Fail-safe operation for
business-critical implementation is enhanced with capabilities such The lightweight backup and recovery operations enabled by the
as memory mirroring, multiple system-interconnect routes, and Fujitsu and NetApp approach enables benefits that go far beyond
redundant fans, PCI Express components, Ethernet ports, hard drives, efficiencies in the disaster-recovery environment itself. Rather than
and more. having the associated server hardware stand idle on a day-to-day
Enhanced with features for further protection of business continuity, basis, it can be used to support ongoing development, test, and QA
the Fujitsu Server PRIMEQUEST 2800E (with four two-way system operations. Organizations effectively obtain the infrastructure to
boards) and 2400E (with two two-way boards) target mission-critical support those activities free of charge when they implement disaster
implementations, including those based on SAP HANA. These systems recovery for SAP HANA.
allow partitions to span multiple system boards, enabling service to
The NetApp Solution for SAP HANA tailored data center integration
continue even in the event of a full board failure. In addition, Dynamic
(TDI) provides a compelling range of certified options for disaster
Reconfiguration helps recover from failures on system boards or I/O
recovery solutions. The breadth of TDI certification gives IT
units without system stoppage.
organizations a wealth of choices among pre-validated, high-capacity,
This range of server options from Fujitsu enables businesses to build high-performance storage components, allowing tight integration of
interoperable, standards-based infrastructure that is tailored to the SAP HANA into existing data center environments.
needs of specific solutions. Working together, these building blocks
help provide fail-safe operation for business-critical and mission-
critical SAP HANA implementations.

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4.3 Automation and Enhancements from SUSE Linux In the design and pre-implementation phase, Fujitsu experts meet
Enterprise Server with business and technical teams within the customer organization
to identify opportunities and challenges to be addressed by the
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications, which is endorsed
project. Based on the outcome of that fact-finding effort, specifications
by SAP as the OS of choice for SAP HANA implementations, automates
system replication and the initiation of disaster-recovery operations. and designs for the implementation are created and refined,
Capabilities built into the OS enable failure detection and automated according to best practices established through extensive prior
responses according to pre-established rules and business logic. It also experience with similar efforts. Detailed planning for the migration to
simplifies the process of switching the environment back from the new environment, including change management and
disaster-recovery mode to normal operating status when the event contingency planning, is established to map the transition.
underlying disaster-recovery initiation is resolved. In the build and implementation phase, the entire solution is staged
SUSE Linux HA Cluster is a standard cluster implementation that has at one of the Fujitsu Staging Center facilities, where the solution is
been validated for use with SAP HANA implementations, with the installed, configured, and extensively tested, according to the
addition of two resource agents that enable and automate SAP HANA specifications developed during the design phase. After the solution
system replication (SAPHanaSR). The first of these is SAPHanaTopology, has been successfully verified and tested, it is shipped in a
which runs on every node in the cluster and analyzes the status of the preinstalled, preconfigured state to the customer site. Upon arrival,
environment on an ongoing basis. This topology agent monitors all the SAP HANA systems are put into service by Fujitsu engineers,
system replication data flows, including the roles of individual nodes testing verifies correct integration with existing infrastructure, and
and the statuses and configurations of all individual transfers. final fine-tuning is carried out to ensure fully optimized operation.
The other resource agent packaged with SAPHanaSR is SAPHana, In the operational phase, Fujitsu remains closely involved with go
which is configured as a master/slave resource that assumes live support to ensure smooth operation in production. Customer-
responsibility for the SAP HANA database instances. (The master specific training materials and services are provided to administrators
governs the database instances running in primary mode, while the and end users within the customer organization to help maximize
slave takes charge of the database instances running in secondary
return on investment. Fujitsu also coordinates ongoing support and
mode.) This cluster agent responds to guidance from the topology
integration of new offerings, features, and capabilities from providers
agent, automatically restarting databases or taking other corrective
of solution building blocks, including NetApp, SAP, and SUSE.
action, according to configurations that are established using the
SAPHanaSR Hawk Wizard that is provided for that purpose.
5 Architecture for Backup and Recovery, High Availability, and
Fujitsu worked closely with SUSE during the development of Disaster Resilience
SAPHanaSR, including validating it for use with SAP HANA systems
based on Fujitsu hardware. As such, Fujitsu has substantial expertise 5.1 Storage and Tool-Based Methods for Backup and Recovery
with the technology, adding value to customer implementations,
As described previously, Snapshots is a storage-level technology that
where SUSE SAPHanaSR offers the following benefits for SAP HANA
allows for the near-instantaneous creation of read-only images of
production data, without additional overhead to the production
 Reduced complexity, including a simplified, wizard-based systems. Snapshot images can be integrated with SAP HANA Studio to
configuration that enables disaster-recovery operations to be provide full, application-consistent backups that can be used for point-
automated. in-time recovery. Replication mechanisms allow replication at the
 Lower risk, enabled by a constant monitoring view of the SAP HANA storage level from one storage system to another, physically separate
topology as the basis for intelligent component and site selection one, using either NetApp SnapVault or SnapMirror.
for failover.
 NetApp SnapVault allows for the retention of a configurable
 Greater reliability, based on shorter takeover times and monitoring
number of multiple snapshots for use in backup; separate retention
of system replication status to increase data consistency.
policies can be specified on primary and secondary storage,
Ongoing SUSE development for additional topologies is underway, allowing longer retention policies on (typically less expensive)
including in areas such as multi-node and chain topologies, as well as secondary storage than on primary storage, for example.
support for remote development and test functionality.  NetApp SnapMirror creates an incremental snapshot on a regular
schedule for use in disaster-recovery operations, which it uses to
4.4 Consulting and Integration Services Drive SAP HANA into the update the previous snapshot, which is mirrored from primary to
Fabric of the Business secondary storage.
Implementations of large-scale environments such as SAP HANA are For both SnapVault and SnapMirror, only the changed data is
necessarily customer-specific, meaning that the ideal solution for any replicated from primary to secondary storage, reducing load on the
given customer is always a unique one. To that end, Fujitsu has storage systems and the network link between primary and secondary
developed extensive expertise, processes, and facilities to optimize storage. In all but the initial backup snapshot, SnapVault stores only
solutions for specific customer needs. The Fujitsu Business Solutions the changed blocks at the destination, which significantly speeds up
Group brings together diverse expertise that spans business and database backup and reduces backup volumes drastically when
technical considerations to create a comprehensive, multi-faceted compared to more conventional, server-based backup methods, which
approach that helps ensure project success. As part of each SAP HANA currently only support full backups of the SAP HANA database.
customer project, Fujitsu offers three solution phases: Design, build, SnapMirror stores a complete, incrementally updated copy of the SAP
and operate. HANA database.

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Because backup operations are decoupled from the SAP HANA servers, When disaster recovery is initiated, the following actions are taken:
impacts on production are avoided. Backups can also be copied from 1. Development and test servers are shut down.
the secondary system to archival storage for long-term retention. Snap 2. The mirroring relationship between the sites is broken.
Creator manages snapshots at the application layer, ensures database
3. Servers are pointed to the latest snapshot on the production mirror.
consistency among snapshots, and manages retention of snapshots
on both primary and secondary storage. 4. SAP HANA is started.
This failover process requires roughly 30 minutes to complete, not
5.2 Two-Site Deployment Options for Disaster Recovery including SAP HANA start-up time.7 Because the data replication is
asynchronous, the data is only as fresh as the latest snapshot and
Two-site disaster-recovery topologies can be deployed for SAP HANA in
some data loss is possible. In cases where the customer requirement
either asynchronous or synchronous mode. With asynchronous
is to have an assured RPO of zero (guaranteed zero data loss),
mirroring, as described earlier in this paper, storage-based replication
of data from the production environment can be made to a remote synchronous mirroring of data can be used, as illustrated in Figure 7.
recovery site using snapshot copies, as illustrated in Figure 6. In this This approach uses MetroCluster to mirror data synchronously across
topology, the hardware at the disaster-recovery site can be used both sites that are up to 200 kilometers apart.
for disaster-recovery testing and to operate a general-purpose
operational development and test environment, delivering value from
the disaster-recovery hardware, rather than requiring it to stand idle
during normal operating conditions.


NetApp NetApp
Storage Asynchronous Storage

Production Source Production Mirror

Dev/Test Storage

Data Center 1 (Primary) Data Center 2 (Secondary)

Figure 6. Disaster recovery for SAP HANA with asynchronous storage-based mirroring.


Up to 200 Km

Source A MetroCluster Mirror A

Mirror B Source B

Figure 7. Disaster recovery for SAP HANA with asynchronous storage-based mirroring.

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5.3 Summary of Primary SAP HANA Approaches to Business agility. The challenge of meeting all these goals requires an over-
Continuity arching mechanism to automate operations while integrating SAP
HANA fully into management and disaster recovery processes.
The primary approaches to business continuity architecture described
in this paper are summarized in Figure 8. As noted previously, The Fujitsu Integrated System PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes provides
synchronous approaches are generally better suited to high- that all-embracing solution. It leverages advancements based on the
availability usages than asynchronous ones are, with the chief well-proven FlexFrame for SAP solution, which was created through a
differentiator in terms of KPI being an RPO of zero. Further, joint development initiative with NetApp and SAP that began more
synchronous system-replication in memory (with table preloading than 10 years ago. The Fujitsu FlexFrame Orchestrator software, a core
turned on) is better suited to high-availability scenarios than the component of PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes, enables the quick setup
of intelligent, efficient infrastructures for SAP applications and SAP
equivalent approach where data is written directly to disk instead
HANA, including built-in high availability and simple implementation
of to memory (table preloading turned off).
and management of mission-critical readiness. All of the software
needed to run SAP HANA instances, including the server OS and all
Method Usable for Primary KPIs SAP software, is stored on NetApp storage devices that are typically
clustered together using MetroCluster technology. The OS images
HA DR RPO RTO include FlexFrame agents that are part of the FlexFrame Orchestrator
software and enable management of the environment, spinning up
MultiNode Standby 0 and shutting down SAP HANA instances as needed on any suitable
physical or virtual server.
System Replication 5-15
(synchronous, in-memory) 0 By decoupling SAP HANA instances from the hardware they run on,
System Replication
this approach eliminates the need to size individual servers to
(synchronous) 0 accommodate maximum potential peak requirements. Instead, the
need for headroom capacity is shared among all servers in the
System Replication 5-15
(asynchronous) seconds environment, increasing efficiency in the use of server assets and
reducing hardware spend. The FlexFrame Orchestrator software
Storage Replication 10-60
0 identifies the optimal choice of server hardware for a given SAP HANA
(synchronous) minutes
instance at start-up, dynamically sizing and load balancing the
Storage Replication seconds 15-75 environment.
(asynchronous) to hours minutes
The underlying virtualization technology is an example of the
2x backup many
Backup / Recovery paradigm SAP refers to as adaptive computing. The virtualization
interval* hours**
layer is situated above the OS level, decoupling instances of SAP HANA
Figure 8. Summary of primary SAP HANA disaster recovery and high- and other SAP applications from the OS, allowing them to be
availability concepts. dynamically reassigned among physical and virtual servers as needed.
Thus, from a management standpoint, SAP HANA is treated as any
other database, more fully integrating it into the environment as a
* RPO for backup and recovery can be reduced by retaining system whole. This application-level virtualization can be combined with
logs at the disaster-recovery site. other mechanisms such as hypervisor-based virtual machines to
** RTO of backup and recovery can be reduced to a couple of enhance flexibility in overall architecture and management.
minutes using Snapshot backups. A single environment can also span multiple sites that are 100
kilometers or more apart. Because normal day-to-day operations
For disaster-recovery scenarios, system replication approaches offer involve dynamically assigning applications to servers across the
shorter typical RTO than storage replication. On the other hand, using environment according to availability and capacity, disaster recovery is
asynchronous storage replication as the basis for disaster recovery essentially transparent. In the event of the failure of one or more
architecture offers compelling business advantages. The ability to use servers, or even an entire site, the FlexFrame Orchestrator software
the disaster recovery servers for disaster recovery testing as well as for continues to have access to other resources, allowing production
operational development and test environments provides outstanding systems to continue operation without invocation of any special DR
business value from the capital cost and operating expense associated process. In sum, PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes delivers benefits
with the disaster recovery hardware. Moreover, the ability to test the within SAP HANA environments that include the following:
disaster recovery solution on an ongoing basis with little overhead helps
 Increased business productivity enabled by rapid provisioning of
build ITs credibility, better aligning it with the rest of the business.
new applications and services
 Improved profit margins due to cost effectiveness gained through
6 Fujitsu Integrated System PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes: accelerated development, test, and integration times and better
An All-Embracing Concept physical resource utilization
As discussed in this paper, approaches to ensuring resilience for  Dramatic simplification of resource management and business
business-critical and mission-critical SAP applications and databases continuity planning and operations
range from advanced server, storage, and OS features to two-site
 Automated and integrated HA/DR concepts for the entire SAP
disaster recovery topologies. However, measures to increase the
landscape, including SAP HANA and the innovative SAP S/4HANA
availability of a platform may conflict with other operational goals,
software suite
such as simplifying the infrastructure, reducing costs, and increasing

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White paper SAP HANA Safeguarding Business Continuity

As the management backbone of the SAP HANA environment,

PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes integrates latest-generation
technologies from NetApp, SUSE, and SAP. This simplifies customer
efforts to implement new capabilities, providing a source of automatic
innovation for customers on an ongoing basis.
The pretested and preinstalled combination of servers, storage,
network connectivity, and software rounded out by industrialized
services helps ensure a seamless and secure high-quality
implementation and operation and a quick path to business value.

Comprehensive SAP HANA solutions from Fujitsu, NetApp, and SAP can
For more information, visit
accelerate and improve mission-critical and business-critical solutions
and processes. Comprehensive technology and expertise built through www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/
years of ongoing collaboration among these first-tier providers help
customers improve their agility by transforming operations through
innovation. and
The recently completed Fujitsu KISS Report on SAP Projects8 reveals
that while the majority of companies see potential in further
exploiting the value of SAP solutions, doing so can be a demanding
task for managers. The comprehensive, individualized approach to
solutions design that is led by Fujitsu includes both IT and business
decision makers within customer organizations early in the process,
rigorously identifying and addressing the challenges and opportunities
associated with every implementation.
Every design and implementation builds on a history of more than
four decades of collaboration between Fujitsu and SAP, as well as
more than 10 years of work on PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes by
Fujitsu, NetApp, and SAP. The consulting and integration expertise
built through those years of working together, and hundreds of SAP
HANA implementations, uniquely positions customers to transform
the SAP landscape in their organizations, tapping into data wherever
it resides to build business value, while meeting the high-availability
and disaster recovery needs of their business-critical and mission-
critical systems. This on-ramp to continuing innovation from Fujitsu,
NetApp, and SAP also helps customers grow the solution to meet
changing needs, using the best that the industry has to offer.

Source: https://websmp102.sap-ag.de/~sapidp/011000358700000434802013E/assets/SAP_Analytics_Sales_Scenario_Guide.pdf.
Source: http://www.accenture.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/PDF/Accenture-Industrial-Internet-Changing-Competitive-Landscape-Industries.pdf.
Source: http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2208015.
Source: http://www.informationweek.com/strategic-cio/digital-business/how-cios-can-help-cmos-take-technology-leadership/d/d-id/1316233.
Source: http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2723717.
Source: http://www.sap.com/bin/sapcom/en_us/downloadasset.2014-04-apr-01-01.sap-2013-annual-report-pdf.html.

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