Communicate Their Awareness: Toys Child's Words

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PLAY THERAPHY rule such as football, chess etc.

They can accept others opinion and

start to socialize with others.
Children communicate their
awareness of what is happening
through their play. Play Therapy Technique
Toys are viewed as childs words
a) Toys & Materials
and play as childs language.
Dolls give an unthreatened
Providing children with means of
situations to child.
expressing their inner thoughts.
Through dolls playing,
Emotionally significant experiences
therapist get information on
can be expressed more
their thought, feeling and
comfortably and safely.
The use of toys enables children to
b) Setting Limits
transfer anxiety, fears, fantasies
Facilitate child to learn self-
and guilt.
responsibility and self-
The changing of what may be
unmanageable in reality to
Has minimal limits.
manageable situations through
Messiness is accepted,
symbolic representations, which
exploration is encouraged,
provide children opportunities for
and neatness is not
learning to cope.
Example: you would like to

Stages in Playing. pour paint on floor, but the

floor is not for pouring paint
Toddler stage (0-2 years): uses
on, the pan on the table is
senses to play. Example : inserts
the place.
objects to his mouth/ copy other
c) Sand Playing
behavior that is always see such as
Children are free to play
waving hands, the uses of spoon.
with sand.
Childhood stage (2-7 years): they
Throughout the play,
started to imagine and plan their
children decide what they
activity by using their minds.
will do, what figure that will
Example: drama, role play, socio
be used.
Through the observation of
Late childhood stage (7-11
them playing with the sand,
years): started to play things with
therapist get the info on their
feeling, thoughts and

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