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Arcari et al.

International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology (2016) 2016:15

DOI 10.1186/s13633-016-0033-7

RESEARCH Open Access

Body mass index in girls with idiopathic

central precocious puberty during and after
treatment with GnRH analogues
A. J. Arcari*, M. G. Gryngarten, A. V. Freire, M. G. Ballerini, M. G. Ropelato, I. Bergad and M. E. Escobar

Background: In girls with Idiopathic Central Precocious Puberty (ICPP) concern has been raised by the potential
impact of GnRH-analogues (GnRHa) treatment on body weight. We evaluated the effect of GnRHa on Body Mass
Index (BMI) in girls with ICPP according to weight status at diagnosis.
Methods: One hundred seventeen ICPP girls were divided according to pretreatment weight status in: normal
weight (NW), overweight (OW) and obese (OB). BMI at one and two years of treatment was assessed. BMI-SDS of
60 patients who reached adult height (AH) was compared to that of 33 ICPP untreated girls.
Results: NW girls significantly increased their baseline BMI-SDS at 1 and 2 years of treatment. OW girls only had a
significant increment at one year of treatment while OB girls showed no BMI-SDS change. Patients evaluated at
AH (at least four years after GnRHa withdrawal) showed a significant decrease on BMI compared to baseline and
a significantly lower BMI than the untreated group.
Conclusion: In ICPP girls the BMI increase under GnRHa was inversely related to the pretreatment weight status.
In the long term follow-up, no detrimental effect of GnRHa on body weight was observed. BMI-SDS was lower in
treated than in untreated girls.
Keywords: Central Precocious Puberty, BMI, GnRH analogues

Background others have found no influence of GnRHa treatment on

Central Precocious Puberty (CPP) results from the pre- weight status [813] or even some decrease in BMI
mature activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian under therapy [1416]. It has been demonstrated that
axis. In girls, it is defined as the onset of secondary sex- girls with CPP are prone to developing obesity (8). A
ual development before the age of 8 with further pro- few reports have analyzed the influence of GnRHa on
gression, accompanied by increased growth velocity and body weight according to BMI status at onset of treat-
bone age acceleration usually leading to adult height ment. However, in some of these studies follow-up was
impairment. limited to a period under treatment or to a short time
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) after withdrawal [1719], whereas studies with a long-
are the treatment of choice in CPP and their effective- term follow-up did not categorize patients according to
ness on adult height (AH) improvement has been widely pre-treatment BMI status [20, 21].
recognized. However, concern has been raised by the po- The aim of the present study was to evaluate the im-
tential impact of this treatment on body weight. While pact of GnRHa therapy on BMI in girls with Idiopathic
some studies have reported association between GnRHa CPP (ICPP) according to weight status at diagnosis up
treatment and Body Mass Index (BMI) increase [17], to adult height (AH). The subgroup of patients who
achieved AH was compared to a control group of un-
* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] treated ICPP girls.
Centro de Investigaciones Endocrinolgicas Dr. Csar Bergad (CEDIE),
CONICET FEI Divisin de Endocrinologa, Hospital de Nios Ricardo
Gutirrez, Gallo 1330, C1425EFD Buenos Aires, Argentina

2016 The Author(s). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Arcari et al. International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology (2016) 2016:15 Page 2 of 7

Patients and methods girls in the whole group at treatment start vs the percent-
Patients age of NW, OW and OB girls in those who reached AH.
This retrospective study was done reviewing the clinical The comparison between patients and control girls who
charts of 117 girls with ICPP referred to the Division of reached AH was done using Mann Whitney test. P < 0.05
Endocrinology of the Hospital de Nios Ricardo Gutirrez was considered statistically significant. Data is expressed
(Buenos Aires, Argentina) from 1985 to 2010. All patients as mean SD.
were treated for at least two years with intramuscular
depot GnRHa (Triptorelin acetate), at a dose of 100120
ug/kg, every 28 days for 2.8 0.2 years; no patient received Results
additional medications. A total of 117 girls with ICPP were studied. At treat-
Inclusion criteria: patients with diagnosis of ICPP ac- ment start all patients had breast development Grade
cording to the following criteria: (1) onset of breast de- II-III (Tanner) and three of them have had menarche.
velopment before 8 years of chronological age (CA), (2) CA was 7.6 1.3 years, BA 9.6 0.16 years, height SDS
height velocity above the 97 centile for age and bone age 1.71 0.08. The uterine length was 37.2 0.7 mm.
(BA) advancement by at least one year over CA, (3) pu- Before treatment, BMI in the whole group was 18.5
bertal LH response to GnRH ( 6 mUI/ml), (4) uterine 2.4 (SDS 1.1 1). BMI distribution by groups showed:
length to 35 mm. Exclusion criteria: organic central 48 % girls NW, 37 % OW and 15 % OB. No significant
precocious puberty, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and difference in chronological age was observed among
any other underlying condition or medication that might groups, p: ns (Table 1).
affect body weight. The whole cohort of patients significantly increased
Patients were divided into three groups according to their baseline BMI-SDS (1.1 1) at year one (1.35 0.95,
weight status at start of therapy: normal weight (NW); p < 0.001) and year two (1.26 0.1 p < 0.01) of treatment.
overweight (OW) and obese (OB). BMI at the end of When changes in BMI were analyzed according to the
first and second year of GnRH treatment was assessed. initial weight status, NW patients showed a significant
No specific life style intervention was recommended to increase in BMI-SDS from 0.3 0.7 to 0.7 0.8 at one
any patient. At the time of reaching AH, auxological pa- year of treatment and 0.6 0.8 at two years (p < 0.001).
rameters in 60 patients were compared to those of a In OW girls a significant increase was only observed
control group of 33 girls with ICPP who had not re- between baseline (1.5 0.2) and one year of treatment
ceived treatment (age of menarche 9.5 0.3). (1.7 0.5) (p < 0.05). OB girls showed no BMI-SDS
changes during treatment (baseline 2.4 0.3, year one
Methods 2.4 0.4 and year two 2.3 0.6) (Fig. 1).
Clinical and auxological features were assessed as fol- A subset of 60 girls were followed up to AH [160.4
lows: pubertal stage according to Marshall and Tanner 0.7 cm (SDS 0.01 0.14)], which was achieved at 4.4
criteria [22]; height in cm measured by a Harpenden 0.4 years after GnRHa withdrawal. BMI composition at
stadiometer; weight using a calibrated scale; bone age beginning of treatment of the group of girls who
according to Greulich and Pyle [23]. attained AH was not different from that of the whole
Weight status was determined as BMI and it was group (NW 47 % vs 48 %, OW 33 % vs 37 %, OB 20 %
expressed as BMI-SDS using the software Auxology ver- vs 15 % respectively, p = ns). All girls in the AH group
sion 1.0 b 17 Copyright 2003 Pfizer. Overweight was de- showed a significant decrease on BMI-SDS at the moment
fined as BMI > 85th centile and obesity as BMI > 95th of reaching AH (0.5 1.1) compared to BMI-SDS at start
centile according to Cole criteria [24]. (1.0 1.1), p < 0.001. A similar pattern was observed when
AH was defined when two successive height measure- the BMI status was analyzed in each subgroup (Table 2)
ments six months apart were equal or less than 0.5 cm, (Fig. 2). The BMI-SDS of the 60 treated patients who
and/or when BA was equal or greater than 15 years. This reached adult height was 0.5 1.1, significantly lower
study fulfilled the requirements defined by the Ethical
Committee of Hospital de Nios Ricardo Gutirrez for Table 1 Auxological characteristics of the whole group at start
retrospective studies. Reference number CEI 11.053. of treatment
Statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Age (years) BMI at start BMI-SDS at
Prism version 5.00 for Windows (GraphPad Software, (kg/m2) start
San Diego, CA). Changes on BMI were analyzed by All patients (n = 117) 7.6 1.3 18.5 2.4 1.1 1
ANOVA for repeated measurements. Post hoc Tukeys Normal Weight (n = 56) 7.53 1.3 16.5 1.3 0.3 0.7
multiple comparison test was performed when differ- Overweight (n = 43) 7.33 1.5 19.3 4.7 1.5 0.3
ences were detected by ANOVA. Chi square test was
Obese (n = 18) 7.74 0.8 22.4 1.2 2.4 0.3
used to compare the percentage of NW, OW and OB
Arcari et al. International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology (2016) 2016:15 Page 3 of 7

All patients
under treatment
A 4

*** **



At start 1 year 2 years

*** p<0.001 vs at start

** p<0.01 vs at start

B 4
Normal weight

3 *** ***

At start 1 year 2 years

***p<0.001 vs at start
***p<0.001 vs at start

C 4

3 *

At start 1 year 2 years

*p <0.05 vs at start

D Obese


At start 1 year 2 year

p: ns
Fig. 1 BMI evolution of patients with ICPP during treatment with GnRHa. a All, b Normal weight, c Overweight, d Obese
Arcari et al. International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology (2016) 2016:15 Page 4 of 7

All patients
who reached AH
A n=60



At start 1 year 2 years At AH

***p<0.001vs at start, 1y and 2 y

B Normal weight
4 a ***



At start 1 year 2 years At AH

***p<0.001vs at start, 1y, 2y

a p<0.05 vs start

C Overweight


At start 1 year 2 years At AH

***p<0.001 vs at start, 1y and 2y

D **


At start 1 year 2 years At AH

**p<0.01 vs at start, 1y and 2y

Fig. 2 BMI evolution during treatment in 60 patients at the time of reaching Adult Height. a All, b Normal weight, c Overweight, d Obese
Arcari et al. International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology (2016) 2016:15 Page 5 of 7

Table 2 Auxological characteristics in girls who reached adult Table 3 Evolution of BMI category during follow-up in each
height (AH) subgroup
BMI at start (SDS) BMI at AH (SDS) At start At Adult Height (N of patients)
All patients (n = 60) 1.0 1.1 0.5 1.1 NW n = 28 NW 27
Normal Weight (n = 28) 0.25 0.8 0.19 0.7 OW 1
Overweight (n = 20) 1.4 0.2 0.7 0.7 b,c OB 0
Obese (n = 12) 2.4 0.4 1.57 1.1 a OW n = 20 NW 14
ANOVA a < 0.0001 vs NW, b 0.001 vs NW, c 0.03 vs OB. Unpaired t Test start vs OW 5
at AH: All patients p 0.004, NW p 0.07, OW p 0.0004, OB p 0.03
OB 1
than the BMI-SDS of the untreated control group, 1.3 OB n = 12 NW 4
1.00 (p = 0.0004) (Fig. 3). OW 4
The evolution of the weight status from start to AH in
OB 4
each category is shown in Table 3.

Discussion one, while no changes were observed in OB girls along

The present study evaluates the long-term effect of a the treatment.
monthly depot GnRHa therapy on BMI in a large cohort The inconsistency in the results about the effect of
of 117 girls with ICPP from a single endocrine pediatric GnRHa on body weight found in the literature could be re-
center in relation to weight status at diagnosis, along lated to differences in the studied populations, i.e., mixed
treatment and at AH in a subset of 60 patients. early and precocious puberty, idiopathic and organic CPP,
Girls with ICPP at the moment of diagnosis usually and/or comparison with heterogeneous control groups.
have a high prevalence of overweight and obesity [17 While some authors found no changes in body weight
19, 25], although if early puberty is the cause or the con- on ICPP patients under GnRHa [813], few studies cate-
sequence of the increased body fat remains unclear. In gorized patients according to pretreatment BMI to
agreement with the literature, before treatment our pa- analyze the effect of treatment. Some reports showed
tients had an elevated proportion of overweight and that OW/OB girls at baseline remained unchanged or
obesity, 37 and 15 % respectively, these rates are higher increased at the end of treatment, without any reference
than those of average Argentinian girls of the same age, to NW patients [27, 28].
20.8 and 5.4 % [26]. Lee et al. studied a group of girls with CPP (including
The impact of GnRHa treatment on body weight in 3 with organic CPP) during 18 months on treatment
our patients was clearly related to the pretreatment con- with GnRHa, and showed a significant BMI increase in
dition. Although the whole cohort of ICPP patients the whole group, higher although not significant, in NW
showed a BMI increase along treatment, the negative than in OW patients [18].
effect of the GnRHa seemed to decrease as the pretreat- Wolters et al. evaluated a mixed group of girls with early
ment weight was higher. Girls in the NW subgroup or precocious puberty treated with GnRHa during one
showed an increase of BMI at one and two years of year according to pretreatment weight status and com-
treatment while OW girls had a higher BMI only at year pared the OW subgroup to an OW untreated control
group. In agreement with our study, their whole popula-
tion of girls with CPP had a significant BMI increase along
treatment, as well as the NW subset patients, whereas
OW girls showed no changes in BMI while the OW con-
trol group showed a BMI increase [17].
Colmenares et al. analyzed 37 girls with ICPP and 34
girls with early puberty under GnRHa treatment, com-
pared to a heterogeneous control group of untreated
girls (3 with CPP who refused treatment, 2 with slowly
progressive CPP and 20 with early slowly progressive pu-
berty). In this study 72.9 % of the girls with ICPP were
OW or OB, a percentage significantly higher than that
of OW/OB girls with early puberty (35.3 %). The entire
group of treated ICPP girls showed no changes in BMI
at one and two years of treatment, whereas an increase
Fig. 3 BMI at adult height treated vs. untreated patients
at year three was observed compared to the control
Arcari et al. International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology (2016) 2016:15 Page 6 of 7

group. However, no individual analysis was performed in overweight ICPP girls. Although no specific prescription
relation to the weight status at baseline [19]. on life style was given to our patients, it is not possible
The few reports evaluating body weight status in ICPP to rule out that the fact that OW/OB girls did not in-
patients after GnRHa treatment showed return to pre- crease their BMI under treatment could have been re-
treatment values [27] or no differences in BMI when lated to a family concern about weight gain leading to
compared to untreated control girls [20, 29]. Lazar et al. changes in dietary or physical activity.
analyzed the evolution of a large cohort of CPP treated Although in the present study, we did not systematically
patients at the third to fifth decades of life and found analyze the metabolic profile of our patients, Colmenares
that although the BMI was increased at start and during et al. found no differences for glucose and lipids at base-
early treatment, it normalized thereafter [30]. None of the line and during follow-up among treated children [19].
studies with a long-term follow-up analyzed BMI in rela-
tion to the weight status at the beginning of treatment. Conclusions
Our subgroup of 60 patients evaluated at least four years In conclusion, in our study, although a moderate in-
after GnRHa withdrawal, when they had reached AH, crease in BMI was observed throughout the first and
showed a significant decrease in BMI compared to pre- second year on GnRHa treatment, mainly in NW girls,
treatment BMI. The same pattern was observed when BMI such increase did not lead to further obesity since a sig-
status was analyzed for each subgroup. Approximately 2/3 nificant improvement on BMI was observed when girls
of OW and 2/3 of OB patients showed a decrease in achieved adult height. Furthermore, the fact that treated
weight status, whereas only 1 /28 NW girls had become girls had a lower BMI than untreated girls at adult
OW at AH. Furthermore, this subgroup with a long-term height allowed us to rule out a long-term detrimental ef-
follow-up had a significantly lower BMI than the control fect of GnRHa treatment on body mass in girls with
group of untreated CPP girls, both compared at AH. Central Precocious Puberty. Further studies analyzing
Categorizing our patients according to their weight changes in body composition are desired.
status at start, along and after treatment allowed us to
observe that only NW girls increased their BMI during
AH, adult height; BA, bone age; BMI, Body Mass Index; CA, chronological age;
treatment, while OW and OB girls did not, despite no CPP, Central Precocious Puberty; GnRHa, GnRH-analogues; ICPP, Idiopathic
changes in dietary habits or exercise were prescribed. Central Precocious Puberty; NW, normal weight; OB, obese; OW, overweight
Wolters et al. found a similar BMI behavior in CPP
treated patients. The BMI of their OW girls (authors did Not applicable.
not categorize between OW and OB) remained stable
while a control group of untreated girls showed a signifi- Funding
This research has no sources of funding.
cant BMI increase during follow-up, and they suggested
a positive effect of GnRHa on weight status in OW Availability of data and materials
children [17]. We did not have a control group of Data will not be shared unless Editor-in-Chief or reviewers require it.
untreated patients evaluated as from the moment of
Authors contributions
diagnosis, but the comparison between our treated CPP All authors made substantial contributions to the conception and design of
girls with our group of untreated patients at AH status this data. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
showed a significantly lower BMI among treated girls,
Authors information
thus seeming to confirm Wolterss suggestion. All authors work at the Endocrinology Division of Hospital de Nios Ricardo
A limitation in our study was that we were able to Gutirrez.
analyze the body composition as a marker of nutritional
status only on a small group of girls. There are a few re- Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
ports evaluating the changes in body composition in CPP
under GnRHa treatment. Van der Sluis et al. observed an Consent for publication
increase of fat mass (estimated by DEXA) during treat- Not applicable.
ment and a normalization after withdrawal. Chiocca et al.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
analyzed a cohort of CPP girls after GnRHa treatment at This study fulfilled the requirements defined by the Ethical Committee of
near final height and found no changes in BMI but an in- Hospital de Nios Ricardo Gutirrez for retrospective studies. The reference
number is CEI 11.053.
crease of total fat mass compared to a control group. Both
authors suggested that the body fat accumulation was re- Received: 18 May 2016 Accepted: 26 July 2016
lated to the estrogen depletion produced by GnRHa, as a
menopausal effect [5, 14].
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hormone analogues: different impact on body weight in normal-weight We accept pre-submission inquiries
and overweight children. Horm Res Paediatr. 2012;78(56):30411. Our selector tool helps you to find the most relevant journal
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19. Colmenares A, Gunczler P, Lanes R. Higher prevalence of obesity and
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