Faith-Filled Models From The Old Testament: Elisha, The Prophet
Faith-Filled Models From The Old Testament: Elisha, The Prophet
Faith-Filled Models From The Old Testament: Elisha, The Prophet
to heaven, he asked his most faithful of fire and horses of fire that
student, Elisha, what he could do for him. separated Elijah and Elisha. Elijah
then went up by a whirlwind into
heaven.And Elisha saw it.2
2 Kings 2:1112, paraphrased
Would you like for me
to do something for you before God answered Elishas request,
God takes me away? and the Bible tells us that Elisha
performed twice as many miracles
as did Elijah.
2 Kings 2:910, paraphrased
the Prophet
Two miracles were for a Shunammite You are a man of God
woman and her family. They provided who travels through here often.
Elisha with food and a place to stay We would like to offer you a room
when he passed through their town. to stay in whenever you visit.
She even prepared a room for Elisha to
stay in whenever he was in the area.
S&S link: Christian Life and Faith: Spiritual Insight and Awareness: Miracles-1a
Authored by Evan Kallen. Illustrations by Y.M. Design by Stefan Merour.
Published by My Wonder Studio. Copyright 2017 by The Family International