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A detailed investigation of the Pterocarpus clade (Leguminosae: Dalbergieae):
 with radially symmetrical
owers is nested within thepapilionoid-
Bente B. Klitgård
, Félix Forest
, Thomas J. Booth
, C. Haris Saslis-Lagoudakis
Herbarium, Library, Art and Archives, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, TW93AE, United Kingdom
 Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, TW93DS, United Kingdom
Macroevolution and Macroecology Group, Research School of Biology, Australian National University, Canberra, 0200, Australia
a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o
Available online 28 August 2013Edited by JC Manning
Radially symmetric
The pantropical genus
 (Leguminosae: Dalbergieae) with papilionoid
owers, and allied gen-era in the Pterocarpus clade were sampled for the
ve molecular markers ITS2,
, as part of our ongoing systematic studies in the clade. For wider analyses of the Pterocarpusclade the remaining 14 members of this clade were also sampled for
. Phylogenetic analyses wereperformed under the maximum likelihood criterion (ML) and Bayesian criteria. In the
ve-marker anal-ysis of the core Pterocarpus clade (including 106 accessions) two robustly supported clades were re-solved. The
rst clade includes
, and
. The second includes all species of 
 with radially symmetric
owers, and
 is placedas sister to the several
 species from South America, while
 is resolved within theclade containing the African and Asian species of 
. The wider sampled
 data set includes199 accessions.
 are recovered as sister to the remaining Pterocarpus clade.
 is strongly supported as sister to the rest of the members of the clade, and
 is also here resolved in a separate lineage from the remaining
 accessions. Weused the phylogenies to investigate patterns of 
oral evolvability in the Pterocarpus clade, which includefour genera with actinomorphic
owers (
 Acosmium s.s.
). Our results re-inforce the hypothesis that
ower evolvability is high in early-branching legume lineages, and that actino-morphy has evolved independently four times in the Pterocarpus clade. In light of our results, thetaxonomic status of the monospeci
c genus
 Etaballia dubia
 Benth. was revisited, and the species is synon-ymized as belonging to
, under the name
 Pterocarpus dubius
 Spreng., published in 1827, buthiding in synonymy for nearly two centuries.Crown Copyright © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of SAAB. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The decrease in costs and increase in methodological ef 
ciencyin molecular techniques in the past decade have resulted in an ex-plosion in molecular phylogenetic research in general, includingstudies focused on the legume family. Among
owering plant fam-ilies, Leguminosae encompasses one of the widest ranges in geo-graphic distribution, habitat preference, habit type, leaf,
owerand fruit morphology, thus the family serves as an excellentmodel for evolutionary studies [e.g. Dalbergioids (Lavin et al.,2001),
(Lewis et al., 2012)]. Phylogenetic studies within the Leguminosaehave not only contributed to a much better understanding of rela-tionships among legume genera, but they have also sometimeshighlighted cases where a recircumscription of the generic and/ortribal concepts was necessary [e.g. Dalbergioids (Lavin et al.,2001),
(Lewis et al., 2012)]. Similarly, these studies have often required arethink of widely accepted views about habitat preference and mor-phological evolvability (e.g. Cardoso et al., 2012a,b,c; Lavin et al.,2001; McMahon and Hufford, 2004; Pennington et al., 2000;
 Corresponding author. Tel.: + 44(0)2083325257.
E-mail address:
 B.Klitgaard@kew.org (B.B. Klitgård).0254-6299/$
 see front matter. Crown Copyright © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of SAAB. All rights reserved.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2013.07.006
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
South African Journal of Botany
 journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/sajb
rst drew attention to 23 papilionoid genera with radially sym-metric
owers, representing nine reversals from zygomorphy to ac-tinomorphy in their phylogenetic analyses of early-divergingpapilionoids. This number increased to twelve with the additionalthree discovered subsequently by Lavin et al. (2001) within the rel-atively early-branching Dalbergioid clade. These taxa were thoughtto be
 by authors of earlier legume classi
cations (e.g.Polhill, 1981, 1994; Yakovlev, 1975), but showed to be scatteredamong early-branching papilionoid lineages including mainly gen-era with
less primitive
owers (Lavin et al., 2001;Pennington et al., 2000, 2001). Those authors also noted that de-spite apparent multiple origins of actinomorphic
owers in theselineages, the non-papilionoid
ower morphologies do not occur inmore derived lineages of the Papilionoideae. Explaining this phylo-genetic pattern in the distribution of actinomorphic
owers,Pennington and co-authors (2000) suggested that in groups wherepapilionoid
owers have become more canalized (e.g. a zygomor-phic corolla with fusion of petals and stamens, often seen in themore derived legume taxa such as
 spp., and
 spp.), it is more dif 
cult to revert to a non-papilionoid
ower morphology. Furthermore, zygomorphy might be conservedin late-branching lineages, as it has been a key innovation associat-ed with high diversi
cation rates in various lineages (e.g. Arroyo,1981; Citerne et al., 2010; Endress, 1999, 2001; Sargent, 2004). Re-cently, this evolutionary pattern of repeated reversal from zygo- toactinomorphy has proven even more widespread among theearly-branching papilionoids (Boatwright et al., 2008; Cardoso etal., 2012a, 2012b, 2013).Since Bronn ex De Candolle (1825) coined the tribe nameDalbergieae it has taken several shapes and guises until Lavin etal.'s (2001) groundbreaking paper united 44 genera, previouslythought to belong to
ve different tribes, in one monophyleticgroup. They called this expanded group the
Dalbergioid clade
,and subdivided it into three well-supported subclades: theAdesmia, Pterocarpus, and Dalbergia clades. This paper alsoformed the basis for the circumscription of the Dalbergieae(Klitgård and Lavin, 2005) in Legumes of the World (Lewis et al., 2005). Since 2005, three new genera have been added to thegroup, increasing the number of genera assigned to the Dalbergieaeto a current total of 47 members.
 Harms was reinstat-ed and placed in the Dalbergia clade (Lewis et al., 2012), while thePterocarpus clade acquired two new additions: the monospeci
Maraniona lavinii
 C.E. Hughes, G.P. Lewis, Daza & Reynel., a new dis-covery from the interandean valleys of Peru (Hughes et al., 2004),and
 (three spp.) joining the Pterocarpusclade segregated from the other members of 
 which areplaced in the Bowdichia clade of the Genistioids under the new ge-neric names
 (Cardoso et al.,2012a). In the Pterocarpus clade a number of genera have beenthe focus of recent species level phylogenetic studies:
 (Cardoso et al., 2012a), which have improved the resolu-tion of the core Pterocarpus clade. Nevertheless, infrageneric rela-tionships within the wider Pterocarpus clade are still notwell-resolved.
 Benth. is a monospeci
c legume tree genus, restrictedto periodically inundated humid tropical rainforests of Brazil, theGuianas, and Venezuela, and has recently also been recorded fromPando in the Bolivian Amazon (voucher
 Klitgård et al. 1394
2). Largely due to its unusual morphology with unifoliolateleaves, radially symmetric
owers and samaroid fruits,
has had a turbulent taxonomic history, since Bentham (1840a)
rst published
 Etaballia guianensis
 Benth. [=
E. dubia
 (Kunth)Rudd] as a member of the Bauhinieae,
allied to [the genus]
. In Genera Plantarum (Bentham, 1865),
 wasplaced in synonymy under
 Forst., a Southeast Asianmonospeci
c genus also with unifoliolate leaves and radially sym-metric
owers, but with drupaceous fruits, and placed as
 in tribe Dalbergieae. Subsequently, most authors havegiven
 independent generic status in the tribe Dalbergieae(Dalla Torre and Harms, 1900
1907; Ducke, 1949; Funch andSantos, 1997; Klitgård and Lavin, 2005; Lavin et al., 2001; Polhill,1981), while some have placed it elsewhere in the legume family:intermediate between subfamilies Mimosoideae and Papilionoideae(Kuhlmann, 1949); in a
primitive position
 in tribe Sophoreae orCadieae (Hutchinson, 1964
 in synonymy under
; Polhill,1994; Yakovlev, 1975); and between subfamilies Caesalpinioideae andPapilionoideae (Barroso et al., 1984). Some authors have commentedon the resemblance of the fruits of 
 Etaballia dubia
 to those of thetwo amphiatlantic species,
 Pterocarpus of 
 Jacq. [e.g. Kunth,1824
 when publishing
 Hecastaphyllum dubia
 Kunth (=
E. dubia
);Rudd, 1970], and
 P. santalinoides
 DC. (Rojo, 1972), which share asamaroid (sometimes appearing drupaceous) fruit with a narrowwing encircling 1/3 to 2/3 of the circumference of the seed chamber(Fig. 2).Another member of the Pterocarpus clade which has had acomplex taxonomic history is
 Ducke, currentlyconsisting of 
ve species distributed in the Amazonian regions of the Guianas, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, and Panama (Klitgård andLavin, 2005; Rudd, 1981). In 1925 Ducke segregated
 Benth. (Bentham, 1840b) [synonymous with
Pterocarpus kuhlmannii
 Ducke (Ducke, 1922)] from
,published the genus
 and based it on the typespecies
 Paramachaerium schomburgkii
 (Benth.) Ducke. In 1935he added
 Ducke [=
 Ducke (Ducke, 1922)]. To-date three additional
Fig. 1.
 Pterocarpus dubius
 Spreng. (=
 Etaballia dubia
 (Kunth) Rudd [as
 Etaballia guianensis
 Benth.]), plates
rst published in Hooker's Icones (1842).129
B.B. Klitgård et al. / South African Journal of Botany 89 (2013) 128
species have been added:
 Paramachaerium gruberi
 Brizicky(Brizicky, 1960),
 P. krukovii
 Rudd and
 P. schunkei
 Rudd (Rudd,1981). It is therefore evident that there has been a close connec-tion between
 already from itsinception. Although Lavin et al. (2001) resolved
as closely related to
, its exact systematic position hasremained unclear.Here we present an updated phylogeny of the Pterocarpusclade with higher resolution for some critical nodes, and a taxo-nomic evaluation of the monospeci
c genus
. The pres-ent study investigates intrageneric relationships and patterns of 
oral evolvability in the Pterocarpus clade of the tribeDalbergieae, which currently includes four genera with actino-morphic
owers (
 Acosmium s.s.
).Our results further reinforce the hypothesis that
owerevolvability is high in early-branching legume lineages, and thatactinomorphyhasevolvedindependentlyfourtimesinthePterocarpusclade.
2. Material and methods
 2.1. Taxon sampling 
We included all
 species as in our previous phyloge-netic study (Saslis-Lagoudakis et al., 2011), as well as eight moreaccessions of American
 species belonging to the
P. rohrii
 complex, currently under study by Mans
eld-Williams &Hawkins at Reading University, and Klitgård & Saslis-Lagoudakisat RBG, Kew. For
, we included theaccessions available from a previous study (Lavin et al., 2001)and extended the sampling by including three additional samplesfrom both genera. Outgroup selection was based on previous
Pterocarpus of 
B.V. Rabelo et al. 2071
 (K)]. D. Fruits of 
 Pterocarpus santalinoides
D. Zappi et al. 1100
Fig. 3.
 Synopsis of the phylogenetic tree recovered from the maximum likelihood (ML)analysis, using all DNA markers (nrITS2,
). Numbersabove branches show bootstrap percentages (BP). Branches with BP
 50 werecollapsed.130
 B.B. Klitgård et al. / South African Journal of Botany 89 (2013) 128
phylogenetic studies of the
 clade (Hughes et al., 2004;Lavin et al., 2001; Pirie et al., 2009; Saslis-Lagoudakis et al., 2008,2011), ensuring that exemplar sequences from all major lineageswithin the clade were represented.
, recently identi
edas a member of the clade (Cardoso et al., 2012a), was also includ-ed. Our sampling includes
ve additional accessions for
and one for
 was used as outgroup taxon,representing the
 clade. Voucher informa-tion is shown in Appendix 1. Additionally, we collated all
 se-quences that are publicly available in GenBank for the
clade from previous studies, and added our newly generated
sequences to that dataset in order to produce a phylogenetic treewith wider and denser sampling across the clade. Exemplar speciesfrom the
 clades were also included, and
 were used as outgroup taxa. Taxon samplingfor this analysis is shown in Appendix 2.
 2.2. Molecular methods and phylogenetic analyses
Total DNA was extracted from 0.2 to 0.3 g of leaf and/or
owertissue from herbarium or silica gel dried material using a modi
ca-tion of the Doyle and Doyle method (Csiba and Powell, 2006; Doyleand Doyle, 1987). DNA was puri
ed using QIAquick PCR columns(Qiagen, Crawley, West Sussex, UK) following the manufacturer'sprotocol.Five DNA markers were ampli
ed, one nuclear (internal tran-scribed spacer 2, ITS2) and four plastid (
 intergenic spacer,the barcoding fragment of 
, the
rst half of 
, and the
Clade A
P. santalinus P. michelianus P. ternatus P. erinaceus P. zehntnerii P. amphymenium P. violaceus Maraniona lavinii P. lucens antunesii P. indicus Etaballia dubia P. angolensis P. indicus P. rohrii P. mildbraedii mildbraedii P. santalinoides P. santalinoides P. reticulatus P. lucens lucens P. rohrii P. hayesii P. tessmannii P. rotundifolius polyanthus P. violaceus angustifolius Paramachaerium schomburgkii P. marsupium P. soyauxii P. tinctorius chrysothrix Maraniona lavinii P. floribundus P. rohrii P. brenanii Etaballia dubia P. dalbergioides P. cf. erinaceus P. rotundifolius rotundifolius P. lucens lucens Maraniona lavinii Pterocarpus acapulcensis P. officinalis officinalis P. amphymenium P. tinctorius P. tinctorius odoratus P. osun Tipuana tipu Ramorinoa P. rohrii P. tinctorius chrysothrix Centrolobium P. lucens lucens P. monophyllus P. santalinoides P. soyauxii P. officinalis gilletii Paramachaerium schomburgkii P. tinctorius albopubescens P. floribundus P. angolensis P. rotundifolius polyanthus martinii P. indicus P. amphymenium P. amazonum P. rohrii P. santalinus P. santalinoides P. brenanii P. macrocarpus P. rotundifolius polyanthus martinii P. santalinoides P. tinctorius P. marsupium Maraniona lavinii Maraniona lavinii P. amazonum Maraniona lavinii P. erinaceus Etaballia dubia P. magnicarpus P. amphymenium Tipuana tipu Inocarpus fagifer P. steinbachianus P. villosus Paramachaerium ormosoides Etaballia dubia P. mildbreadii usambarensis P. tinctorius holtzii P. hayesii P. reticulatus P. marsupium P. steinbachianus P. santalinus Pterocarpus acapulcensis P. officinalis officinalis Paramachaerium schomburgkii P. reticulatus 
Clade B
Pterocarpus Paramachaerium Etaballia Pterocarpus acapulcensis 
Fig. 4.
 Phylogenetic tree recovered from the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis, using all DNA markers (nrITS2,
). Numbers above branches showbootstrap percentages (BP) and those below branches show posterior probabilities (PP) from a Bayesian analysis of the same dataset. Only values above 50 (BP) and 0.90 (PP) areshown. Branches with both BP
 50 and PP
 0.90 were collapsed.131
B.B. Klitgård et al. / South African Journal of Botany 89 (2013) 128

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