For And: Viterbi Decoding Satellite Space Communication
For And: Viterbi Decoding Satellite Space Communication
For And: Viterbi Decoding Satellite Space Communication
835 1971
under laboratory conditions is repeatably within a few c21 I. L. Lebow and P. G.McHugh, A sequential decoding
technique andits realization inthe Lincolnexperimental
tenths of a decibel of predictionsbasedontheoryand terminal, IEEE Trans. ,Commun. Technol., vol. COM-15,
simulation. On realchannels,thefragmentaryresults Aug. 1967, pp. 477-491.
131 I. M. Jacobs, Sequential decoding for efficient communi-
available to date regularly show the same order of gain, cationfromdeep space, I E E E Trans. Commun. Technol.,
albeit without the same sort of repeatability. These re- VO~ COM-15,
. Aug. 1967, pp. 492-501.
141 C.R.Cahn, Binary decoding extended to nonbinary de-
sults confirm that a sequential decoder of modest com- modulation of phase shift keying, IEEE Trans. Commun.
plexity can provide of the order of 5-dB effective power Technol., vol. COM-17, Oct. 1969, pp. 583-588.
151 G. D. Forney,Jr.,and R. M. Langelier, liA high-speed
gain at data rates to 5 Mbit/s and that above threshold sequential decoder for satellite communications, Conf. Rec.,
very low error probabilities can be achieved. 1969 IEEE I n t . Conj. Communications, Boulder, Colo., June
1968. OD. 39/9-17.
[61 G. D: -Forney, Jr., Use of a se uential decoder to analyze
convolutlonal code structure, I j E E Trans. Inform.Theory
ACKNOWLEDGMENT (Comrresp.), vol, IT-16, Nov. 1970, pp. 793-795.
Wearegratefultothepersonnel of the U. S. Army [71 R. ,G. Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Con~muni-
catzo?~. New York: Wiley, 1968, pp. 263-273.
Communication Agency who supportedthis 181 D. Quagliato, Advanced coding technlques for
work: R.M.Langelier, without whose initial enthusiasm communications, U. S. Army Elect.ron. Command, Ft.
Monmouth, N. J., CADPLRep. 167. Sept. 1970.
the work would never have begun; D. L. LaBanca, who
providedcontinuity of support;and T. F. Page, R.. J. G. David Forney, Jr. (S59-M61), for a photograph and biography
Stark, R. C. Gibson, and G. R.. Ash, who were by turns please see page 781 of this issue.
responsiblefor the progress of theprogram.Thedata
suppliedbythesegentlemenandby D. Quagliato of Edward K. Bower was born in Columbia,
Mo., on July 8, 1943. He attended the Uni-
the U. S. ArmyElectronicsCommandarealsograte- versity of Missouri, Columbia, from which
fullyacknowledged.Wealsowish tocite s. H. Loui he received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees
of Codexforhisindefatigableassistanceinthe con- in electrical engineering in 1964, 1965, and
1968, respectively. While a graduate student,
struction of the prototype. he held an NSF Cooperative %ollowship and
a NASA traineeship. His area of specializa-
tion was coding theory.
REFERENCES Since graduation, he has been employed by
[11 K. L.Jordan,Jr.,The performance of sequential decoding the Codex Corporation, Newton, Mass. As a
conjunction with efficient modulation, IEEE Trans. Senior Member of the Technical Staff, he has been active in the
Commun. Technol., vol. COM-14, June 1966, pp. 283-297. development of coding and modulation devices.
Abstract-Convolutional coding and Viterbi decoding, along with madebetween Viterbi and sequentialdecodinginterms of suit-
binary phase-shift keyed modulation, is presented as anefficient ability to various system requirements.
system for reliablecommunication on power limitedsatelliteand
spacechannels.Performanceresults,obtainedtheoreticallyand I. INTRODUCTION
through computer simulation, are given for optimum short constraint
length codes forarange of codeconstraintlengths and code HE SATELLITE and space communication chan-
rates. System efficiency is compared for hard receiver quantiza- nels are likely candidates for the cost-effective use
tion and 4 and 8 level soft quantization. The effects on performance of coding to improve communicationefficiency. The
of varying of certainparametersrelevanttodecodercomplexity
and cost is examined. Quantitative performance degradation due to
imperfect carrier phasecoherence is evaluatedand compared to usually be accurately modeled by Gaussian noise which
that of an uncoded system. As an example of decoder performance iswhite enough t o beessentiallyindependentfrom
versus complexity,arecentlyimplementedZ-Mbit/sconstraint one bit time interval to the next, and, particularly on the
length 7 Viterbi decoder isdiscussed. Finallya comparison is spacechannelbutalsoinmanyinstances on satellite
channels, sufficient bandwidthisavailabletopermit
Paper approved by the Communication Theory Committee of moderatebandwidthexpansion.Two effective decoding
theJEEECommunication Technology Groupfor publication algorithms for independent noise (memoryless) channels
without oral presentation.This work was supported in partby
NASA Ames Research Center under Contract NAS2-6024. Manu- have been developed and refined, namely sequential and
script received June 10, 1971. Viterbi decoding of convolutional codes. These theoretical
Theauthors are with theLinkabitCorporation,San Diego,
Calif. accomplishments, combinedwith
needsandtheavailability of low-costcomplexdigital 180 binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) is more efficient
integrated circuits, make possible practical and powerful than binary frequency shift keying (BFSK). For a de-
high-speed decoders for satellite and space communica- siredbit error rate of an Eb,/NOof 9.6dBisre-
tion. quiredusingBPSK(antipodal)modulation,whereas,
Communication from a distant and isolated object in 12.6 dB is required with BFSK (orthogonal) modulation.
space to a ground-based station presents certain system Quadraphase-shift keying (QPSK) is often used t o con-
problems which are not nearly as critical in earth-based serve bandwith. Under the assumption of perfect phase
communication systems. The most obvious among these coherence, QPSK has the same performance as BPSK.
is the high cost of space-platform power. It is desirable I n designing a communication system t o operate a t a
to designasystemwhichisas efficient aspracticalin specified data rate, the improvement in efficiency tobe
ordertominimizethespacecraftweightnecessaryto realized using coding must be weighed against the rela-
generate power. tivecosts.Potentialalternativesincludeincreasingthe
The nlodulatedsignalpower a t agroundstation re- transmitted power,increasingthetransmittingantenna
ceiver front end P depends upon the transmitted power, gain,and/orthereceivingantennaarea,andaccepting
the transmitting and receiving antenna gains, and prop- a higher proba.bility of bit error. In many applications, a
agationpath losses. Primarilydue to thermalactivity minimum P , isrequiredandthcincrementalcostper
at the receiverfrontend,widebandnoiseisaddedto decibelincreasein P / N , is now greater(oftenmuch
the received signal, resulting in a received signal power- greater)thanthecost of reducingtheneeded Eb/No
to-noise ratio ( P I N , , ) ,where N,, is the single-sided noise throughcoding.Soft dccision Viterbiandharddecision
spectral density. The noise is usually accurately modeled sequential clecoding can provide a relatively inexpensive
as beingbothwhite and Gaussian. Other perturbations 4-6-dB improvement in
required Eb/No (at a bit
caused by uncertainty in carrier phase at the demodulator error rate), even a t multimegahit data rates. Sequential
and inaccuracies in receiver AGC are treated in Sections decoding is extensively discussed in [ 5 ] . I n Section VII,
IV andV. we compare these techniques. SectionsI1 and 111 examine
The efficiency of acommunicationsystemisusefully variousaspects of Viterbidecoding andpresentcurves
measured by the received energy per bit to noise ratio permitting system tradeoffs. I n Section VI, a particular
(E,/N,,) required to achieve a specified system bit error implementation of a Viterbi decoder is discussed to pro-
rate. The E b / N o is expressable in terms of the modulat- videonebenchmarkforcost-complexitydiscussions.
ing signal power by the relationship Inthe discussion that follows, we assume thatthe
channel is power limited rather than bandwidth limited.
E ,-- -.-
- P 1 Thisassumptionisrealisticformanypresentdayand
NnNn R future systems; however, the trend, especially in satel-
where R is theinformationrate inbits per second. lite repeaters, is to larger P;/N,, without a proportional
Alternatively, (1) can be written as increaseinavailablebandwidth. For thisreason, we
will limit consideration to codes which involve a band-
(2) widthexpansion of 3 or less; that is, we assume that
from 1 to 3 binarysymbolscan be transmittedover
The payoff forusingmodulation and/orcodingtech- thechannelforeachbit of informationcommunicated
niques which reduce the Eb/lVo required for a given bit witllout appreciable intersymbol interference.
and/or a decrease in necessary received PJN,,. 11. SYSTEM
As apoint of reference, it istraditionaltocompare A . Convolutional Encoder
the efficiency of modulation-coding schemes with that of
ahypotheticalsystemoperating a t channelcapacity. Fig. 1 shows a generalbinary-inputbinary-output
Channel capacity for an infinite bandwidth white Gaus- convolutional coder. The encoder consists of a k K stage
siannoisechannelwithaveragepower P is [ l ] binaryshiftregisterandmod-2adders.Each of the
mod-2 adders is connected to certain of the shift register
stages.Thepattern of connections specifies the code.
bit/s. Information bits
c- = 2- register k bits a t a time. After each k bit shift, the out-
From (1),when R = C,, puts of the mod-2addersaresampledsequentially
yielding the code symbols. These code symbols are then
usedby the modulator to specify the waveforms to be
sent over the channel. Sincev code symbols are generated
Thus,the lowerbound on achievable E b / N o isabout for each set of k information bits, the code rate RN is
-1.6 dB. k J v information bits per code symbol, where k < v. The
Without coding, required E b / N o can be minimized by constraint length of the code is K , since that is the num-
selecting an efficient modulation technique. For example, ber of k bit shifts over which a single information bit can
would outputthe code symbols 11. Codesymbolsgen- when nj is a zero-n1ean unit variance Gaussian random
erated are shown adjacent to the trellis branches. As an variable. Each n j is independent of all others.
example, the input data sequence101 generates the
- a - T o f:tcilitate digitalproccssingbythedecoder,the
codesymbolsequence 111000 . . Furtherinterpreta- continuous r j must be quantized. The simplest quantiza-
tions of the encoder state diagram and a discussion of tion is a hard decision with 0 output if r j is greater than
[(goodconvolutional codes is presented in [3]. zero and 1 output otherwise. Here, the received data are
represented by onlyonebitper code symbol.Without
B . h4odulation coding, the matched filter sampler hard quantizer is an
The binary symbols output by tllc encoder are used to optimumreceiver.
modulatean RF carriersinusoid.Here we restrictour Whencodingisused,hardquantization of the re-
attentiontothecase of 180 BPSK modulation.Each ceived data usually entailsa loss of about 2 dB in
code symbolresults in thetransmission of apulse of E,/N, compared withinfinitely finequantization [4],
carrier a t either of two 180separated
phases. A [5j. Much of this loss can be recouped hy quantizing ri
squence of code symbolsproducesauniformlyspaced to 4 or 8 levels instead of merely 2. Adding additional
sequence of biphnse pulscs. The signal component of the lcvcls of quantization necessitates a 2- or 3-bit represen-
receivedwaveform thushastheform tation of each rj. Fig. 3(a) and ( b ) shows two quantiza-
tion schemes with 4 and 8 levels, respectively. Here the
~(t= ) d2EB p ( t - ~ T COS J (2Tfct ~ +/ 2e) + quantization level thresholdsarespacedevenly.The
spacing is 1.0 for 4 levels and 0.5 for 8 levels. Uniform
= d5E COS (zTff.t +
e) -xip(t - ~ T J . (5) quantization threshold spacings of 1.0and 0.5 canbe
Here xi is + I deperlding on whether the ith code symbol be very close tooptimumfor 4- and 8-level quantiza-
@ 00 @ 00 @ 00 @ 00 @
0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 2. (a) K = 3, RN = 1/2 convolutional encoder. (b) Code trellis diagram.
review the algorithm and elaborate on those features and technique is limited to relatively short constraint length
parameters which bear on decoder performance and com- codes duetothe exponentialdependence of decoder
plexity on satellite and spacc communication channels. operations per bit decoded on K . Fortunately, as will be
Referring to the code trellisdiagram of Fig. 2(b), a shown, excellent decoder performance is possible with
brute-force maximum likelihood decoder would calculate good short constraint length codes.
the likelihood of the received data forcodesymbol se-
quences on all paths through the trellis. The path with B . Path M e m o ~ y
thelargest likelihoodwould then be selected,andthe
Inorder to maketheViterbialgorithm a practical
information bits corresponding to that path would form decoding technique, certain refinements on the basic al-
the decoder output. Unfortunately, the number of paths gorithmaredesirable.First of all,periodicallyforcing
for a n L bit information sequence is 2l); thus, this brute the encoder into a known state by using preset sequences
forcedecodingquickly becomes impracticalas L in- multiplexed into the data stream is neither operationally
creases. desirablenornecessary. It canbe shown [ 2 ] , [9] that
With Viterbi decoding, it is possihle to greatly reduce with high probability, the 2 k ( R - 1 )decoder selected paths
the effort required for masirnurn likelihood decoding by will not be mutually disjoint very far back from the pre-
takingadvantage of the specialstructure of the code sent decoding depth.All of the 2 k ( K - 1 paths ) tend to have
trellis. Referring to Fig. 2 ( h ) , it is clear that the trellis a common stem which eventuallybranches off tothe
assumesa fixed periodicstructureaftertrellisdepth 3 variousstates.Thissuggests that if the decoder stores
(in general, I<) is reached. After this point, each of the enough of the past information bit history of each of the
4 statescan be enteredfromeither of twopreceding 2J'(K-1)paths,thentheoldestbits on allpaths will be
states. At depth 3, for instance, there are 8 code paths, identical. If a fixed amount of pathhistorystorageis
2 enteringeachstate.For example., state 00 a t level 3
provided, the decodercan outputthe oldest bit on an
hasthetwopathsentering it corresponding tothein- arbitrary path eachtime it steps oneleveldeeper into
formationsequences 000 and 100. These paths are said thetrellis.Theamount of pathstoragerequired u is
to have diverged at state 00, depth 0 andremerged a t equal to the number of states, 2k(K-1)multiplied by the
state 00, depth 3. Paths remerge after2[ingeneral length of theinformationbitpathhistory per state h ,
k ( l ( - I ) ] consecutiveidenticalinformationbits. A
Viterbidecodercalculatesthe likelihood of each of the = h2k'K-l).
2k pathsenteringa given stateandeliminatesfrom
furtherconsiderationallbutthemostlikelypath that Since the path memoryrepresentsasignificantportion
leads to that state. This is done for each of the 27G'K-1) of the total cost of aViterbidecoder, it isdesirable to
states at a given trellis depth; after each decoding opera- minimize the required path history length h. One refine-
tiononlyone pathremainsleadingtoeachstate.The ment which allows for a smaller value of h is to use the
decoder then proceeds one level deeper into the trellis and oldest bit on the most likely of the 2k(K-1) paths as the
repeats the process. decoder output, rather than the oldest bit on an arbitrary
For the K = 3 code trellis of Fig. 2 ( b ) , there are 8 path. It has been demonstrated theoretically [2] and
paths at depth 3. Decoding at depth 3 eliminates 1 path through simulation 191 that a value of h of 4 or 5 times
entering each state. The result is t h a t 4 paths are left. the code constraint length is sufficient for negligible
Going on to depth 4, the decoder is again faced with 8 degradation from optimum decoder performance. Simula-
paths.Decodingagaineliminates 4 of these paths, and tionresults showing performancedegradationincurred
so on. Note that in eliminating the less likely paths en- with smaller path history lengths are presented and dis-
tering each state, the Viterbi decoder will not reject any cussed in Section IV.
path which would have been selected by the brute force
maximum likelihood decoder. C. State and Branch Metric Quantization
The decoder as described thus far never actually de- The path comparisonsmadeforpathsenteringeach
cides upon one most likely pat.h. It always retains a set staterequirethecalculation of the likelihood of each
of 2 k ' K - 1 )paths after each decoding step. Each retained path involvedfortheparticular received information.
path is the most likely path to have entered a given en- Since the channel is memoryless, thepath likelihood
coder state. One way of selectingasinglemostlikely function is the product of the likelihoods of the individual
path is to periodicallyforce the encoderintoaprear- code symbols [3]
ranged state by inputting a I< - k bit fixed information
sequence to the encoder after each set of L information P(r*/x') = p(r,*/xi')
bits. The decoder can then select that path leading to the 1
known encoder state as its (1 bit) output. where r* = (r1*, r2*, . . . , ri*, . .) is the vector of quan-
The great advantage of the Viterbimaximumlikeli- tizedreceiveroutputsand X' = (x1', x2', * . , xi1, * . e )
= x
log p(r,*/ziz) A x miz
(1 1)
where M 2 is the metric of the lth path and miz is the SYMBOL
I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
metric of the jth code symbol on the Zth path. With this
type of additive metric, when a path is extended by one Fig. 4. Integer code symbol metrics for %level receiver quanti-
branch, the metric of the new path is the sum of the new zation.
branch symbol metrics and the old path metric. To facili-
tate this calculation, the path metric for the best path IV. SIMULATION
leading to each state must be stored by the decoder as a
state metric. This is an addition to the path information A . Tradeoffs Between Bit Error Probability and Eb/NO
bit history storage required. for Rate 1 / 2 Codes
Viterbi decoder operation can then be summarized as Viterbihasderivedtightupperboundstobiterror
follows, taking the K = 3 case of Fig. 2 as an example. probability for Viterbi decoding based on the convolu-
1) Themetricforthe 2 pathsenteringstate 00 are tional code transferfunction [ 3 ] . Theseboundsare
calculated by adding the previous state metrics of states particularly tight for the white Gaussian noise channel
00 and 01 to the branch metrics of the upper and lower for error probabilities less than
about This bound
branches entering state 00, respectively. has been numerically evaluated over a range of E b / N o
2) The largest of the two new path nletrics is stored for a variety of codes. Theupperboundispresented
as the new state metric for state 00. The new path his- along with some of the 8-level receiver quantized simu-
tory for state 00 is the path history of the state on the lationresultsforcomparison.Theupperbound'also
winningpathaugmentedbya 0 or 1 dependingon providesperformance data at very-low bit error rates,
whether state 00 or 01 was on the winning path. where simulation results are not available due to exces-
3) This add-compare-select(ACS,) operationisper- sivecomputertimerequired. I n comparingtheupper
formed for the paths entering each of the other 3 states. bounds to the simulation results, it is important to keep
4) Theoldestbit on thepathwiththelargest new inmindthattheupperboundwasderivedforanin-
path metric forms the decoder output. finitely finely quantized receiver output.
Since the code symbol metrics must be represented in The convolutional codes used in the simulations were
digital form in the decoder, the effects of metric quan- foundthroughexhaustivecomputersearch [9], [ l o ] .
tization come into question. Simulation has shown that The search criterion was maximization of the minimum
decoder performance is
insensitive to
symbol freedistancefora givencode constraintlength [3].
metric quantization. In fact,use of the integers as symbol Where two codes had the same minimum free distance,
metrics instead of log likelihoods results in a negligible the number of codewords a t t h a t distance and the higher
performance degradation with 2-, 4-, or 8-level receiver order free distances were used for code selection. Simula-
quantization [7], [SI. Fig. 4 shows such a set of metrics tionshaveconsistentlyshownthatthefreedistance
for the %level quantized channel. Use of these symbol criterionyields codes withtheminimumerrorprob-
nletricsimplies thatsymbolmetricsas well as the re- ability.Theprincipalresults of thesimulationsand
ceived symbols themselves may be represented by 1, 2, code transferfunctionboundsareshowninFigs. 5, 6,
or 3 bitsfor 2-, 4-, and%levelreceiverquantization, and 7. All of these figuresshow biterrorrateversus
respectively. E h / N , , for Viterbi decoders using optimum rate 1/2 con-
volutional codes. In all cases, the decoder path history
D.Unknown Starting State lengthwas 32 bits. In all simulation runs, at least 25
error events contributed to the compiled statistics.
It has been assumed thus far that a Viterbi decoder
hasknowledge of the encoder starting state beforede-
codingbegins. Thus, inFig. 2 ( b ) , the starting state is B . Performance Depending on Quantization, Path
assumed to be 00. A known starting state may be opera- History, and Receiver Automatic Gain Control
tionallyundesirablesince i t requiresthatthe decoder ThesimulationresultsinFigs. 5 and 6 are for soft
knowwhentransmission commences. In reality, it has (%level) receiver quantization. Equally spaced demodu-
beenfoundthroughsimulation thataViterbi decoder lationthresholdsare used as showninFig. 3 ( b ) . This
may start decoding at any arbitrary point in a transmis- choice of %level quantizer thresholds is within a broad
sion, if all state metrics are initially reset to zero. The range of nearoptimunlvalues,as willbeshownpre-
first 3-4 constraint lengths worth of data output by the sently.Thetransferfunctionboundisforinfinitely
decoderwill be more or less unreliablebecause of the finely quantized received data, although tight bounds for
unknownencoderstartingstate.However,afterabout any degree of quantization can be obtained. Allowing for
4 constraintlengths,thestatemetricswithhighprob- the 0.20-0.25 dB loss usuallyassociatedwith&level
abilityhavevaluesindependent of thestartingvalues receiverquantizationcomparedwithinfinitequantiza-
and steady-state reliable operation results. tion, the transfer function bound curves are in excellent
10-2 I
1 .' I I
l -
:: \
10-5 I I I I I I I I 1
4 5 6 7
EblNo in d b
3 4 5 6 7
%/No in db
length 32 paths is essentially identical to that of an in- Fig. 9. Performmcecomparison of Viterbidecoding using rate
finite path decoder. Even for a path length of only 16, 1/2, K = 5 code with 8-, 16-, and 32-bit path lengths and 2- and
%level quantization,
thereisonlyasmalldegradationinperformance. As
previously mentioned, other simulations have shown that
a path length of 4-5 constraint lengths is sufficient for
other constraint lengths as well.
Codedsystems thatmake use of receiver outputs
quantized to more than two levels require an analog-to-
digitalconverter at the modemmatchedfilter.output,
with thresholds that depend on correct measurement of
the noise variance. Since the level settings are effectively
controlled by the automatic gain control (AGC) circuitry
in the modem, it is of interest to investigate the sensi-
tivity of decoder performance to an inaccurate or drift-
ing AGC signal. Fig. 10 shows the decoder performance
variation as a function of A-D converter level threshold
spacing. I n all cases, the thresholds are uniformly spaced.
Thesesimulationsusethe K = 5 rate 1/2 codewith
E , / N , , = 3.5 dB. It is evident that Viterbi decoding per-
formance is quite insensitive to wide variations in AGC
gain. In fact, performance is essentially constant over a 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
range of spacingfrom 0.5 to 0.7. This allowsfora
variation in AGC gain of better than t 2 0 percent with Quantizer Threshold Spacing
no significant performance degradation.
Fig. 10. Viterbidecoderbiterrorrateperformanceasfunction
of quantizerthreshold level spacing; K 5, rate 1/2, Ea/No =
C. Performance of Codes of Other Rates 3.5 dB, 8-level quantization with equally spaced thresholds.
The preceding simulation results have concentrated on
Viterbidecoding of rate 1/2 convolutional codes. The
3 4 5 6 7
E IN n
i db (signal energy t o noise ratio)
b o
Thusfarithas been assumdthatcarrierphaseis
kuownexactly at the receiver. I n realsystemsthisis
3 4 5 6 7 8
usually not the case. Oscillator instabilities and uncom-
C b l l u i n db
pensateddopplershiftsnecessitate closedloop carrier
phasetracking atthe receiver.Since thecarrier loop
Fig. 14. Biterrorprobability bound forrate 112, K = 5 , and
tracksanoisyreceivedsignal,thephasereferenceit rate 2/3, K = 3 code.
provides for demodulation will not be perfect.
An inaccurate carrier phase reference at the demodu-
written formally as
lator will degradesystemperformance. Inparticular a
constanterror + inthedemodulatorphase willcause
the signal component of the matched filter output to
suppressed by the factor cos + (see [4, ch. 7 1 ) .
be P, = f(?)
for a given code, receiver quantization, and Viterbi de-
coder.Since thecarrierphase is beingtrackedinthe
presence of noise the phase error + will vary with time.
The effect of an imperfect carrier phase reference on To simplify analysis, assume that the data rate is large
performanceisalwaysworsefor coded than uncoded compared to the carrier loop bandwidth so that the phase
systems: This is because coded systems are characterized errordoesnotvarysignificantlyduringperhaps 20-30
bysteepererrorprobabilityversus E,/N,, curvesthan information. bit times. Viterbi decoder output errors are
uncodedsystems. An imperfectcarrierphasereference typically several bits in length and are very rarely longer
causes an apparent loss in received energy-to-noise ratio. than 10-20 bitswhentheoveralldecoderbiterror
Since the coded curve is steeper, the loss in Eb/No de- probability is less than Therefore,the
grades error probability to a greater extent. Furthermore, is assumed to be constant over the length of almost any
unless care is taken in the design of the phase-tracking decodererror.Thisbeingthecase,thebiterrorprob-
loop,thephaseerrormightbehigher for the coded ability for a constant phase error +, can be written as
system than for an uncoded system, sipce loop perform-
ancemaydependupon E8/1V,,, whichissignificantly
smaller for coded than uncoded systems.
For convolutional coding with phase coherent demodu-
lation and Viterbi decoding, exact analytical expressions from (12) and (13j. Thisresultusesthefactthat re-
for bit error rate P, vcrsus Eb/lVO are not attainable. The ceived signalenergyisdegraded by cos2 +, If + is a
simulation results of the preceding section, however, de- randomvariablewithdistribution p (+) , the resulting
fine arelationshipbetween P, and E b / N O thatcan be error probability averaged on + is
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Eb/No in d b
Fig. 15. Performance curves for rate 1/2; K = 7 Viterbi decoder with 8-level quantization as a function of carrier phase
tracking loop signal-to-noise ratio a.
efficiency by 4-6 dB, a t a. biterrorrate of lo+. The [121 J . K. Omura,On the Viterhi decoding algorithm, ZEEE
Trans. Inform. Theory (Corresp.), vol. IT-15, Jan. 1969,
successful implementation of 2-Mbit/s constraint-length-7 pp. 177-179.
Viterbi decoders effectively demonstrates that the tech-
niqueis well beyond thestage of being a theoretical
curiosity. In fact, a major effort has heen under u7ay for Jerrold A. Heller (M68) was bornin New
thepast 2-3 yearswiththeaim of modifyingand York, N. Y., on June 30, 1941. He received
adapting the algorithm for minimum complexity imple- theB.E.E. degree in 1963 from Syracuse
University,Syracuse, N. Y., andthe M.S.
mentation without sacrificing performance significantly. andPh.D. degrees in electrical engineering
I n addition, Viterbi decoding has been shown to de- from theMassachusettsInstitute of Tech-
grade gracefully in the prescncc of advcrse channel or nology, Cambridge, in 1964 and 1967, re-
spectively. During his firstyear at M.I.T.
receiverconditions. Inparticular,theerrorprobability he was a National Science Fonndation
does not change precipitously with E b / N o as is the case Fellow.
withcodingtechniques that uselonger codes and/or I n 1965 he joined theM.I.T. Research
Laboratory of Electronics where he was a Xerox Fellow for the
requirevariabledecoding effort,such as sequential de- following two years. He held summer positions in 1962 at the Bell
coding. This ensures that performance degradation due TelephoneLaboratories,New York,N. Y . , and in 1963 atthe
IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N. Y., where he worked
to an imperfect phase or bit timing reference, or a slight on the logical design of digital systems. From 1967 to 1969 he was
correlation between noise samples, will be minimal. Re- with the Communications Research Section of the Jet Propulsion
quirements on AGC accuracy, even : for soft decisions, Laboratory,Pasadena, Calif., where his workcentered on the
application of coding to deep-space communication. He is presently
were shown to be quite loose. Director of TechnicalOperations for theLinkabitCorporation,
Finally the results presented here should provide the San Diego, Calif. Currently, his work is concerned with coding for
communication engineer with the information necessary space, IF, and communication satellite channels.
Dr. Heller is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Et,a Kappa Nu, and
to evaluate the applicability of Viterbi decoding to space Sigma Xi.
and satellite communication systems with a wide range
of requirements and constraints.
REFERENCES Irwin Mark Jacobs (S55-M60) was born in
New Bedford,Mass., on October 18, 1933.
111 C . E . Shannon,Communication is the presence of noise, He received the B.E.E. degree from Cornell
Proc. IRE, vol, 37, Jan. 1949, pp. 10-21. University, Ithaca, N. Y., in 1956, and the
121 Codex Corp.,FinalRep. Codingsystem design for ad- S.M. and Sc.D. degrees from the Massachu-
vancedsolar missions,? Contract NAS 2-3637, NASA Ames settsInstitute of Technology,Cambridge,
Res. Cent., M0ffet.t Field, Calif. in 1957 and 1959, respectively. He was the
[31 A. J. Viterbi,ConvolutioEal codes and their performance recipient of a McMullin RegionalScholar-
in communicationsystems, this issue, pp. 751-772. shipand a GeneralElectricTeachers Con-
141 J. M. Wozencraft and I . M . Jacobs, Pritbciples of CowLmu- ference Scholarship a t Cornell and par-
7aication Engitreering. New York : Wiley, 1965.
[51 I. M. Jacobs. Sequential decoding for efficient communi- ticipated
the engineering cooperative
cation from deepspace, I E E E Trans. Commun. Technol., program in association with the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory,
val. COM-15, Aug. 1967, pp. 492-501. Buffalo, N. Y. In graduateschool, he was a General Electric Fellow
[SI A. J. Viterbi, Error bounds for convolutional codes and an and an Industrial Fellow of Electronics.
asymptoticallyoptimum decoding algorithm. IEEE T ~ t n s . I n 1959, he was appointed Assistant Professor of Electrical
Inform. Theory, vol. IT-13, Apr. 1967, pp. 260-269. Engineering at M.I.T. and was a Member of the staff of the Re-
171 J. A. Heller, Short constraint lengthconvolutional codes, search Laboratory of Electronics. He was promoted to Associate
Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst.Technol., Space Pro-
grams Summary 37-54, vol. 111, Oct./Nov.. 1968, pp. 171- Professor in 1964. On leave from M.I.T., he spent the academic
year 1964-1965 as a NASA ResidentResearch Fellow at the Jet
181 -. Improved performance of short, constraint,
length Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., and was concerned
convolutionalcodes, Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. principally with coding for deep-space communications. I n 1966,
Technol.,Space ProgramsSummary 37-56, vol. 111, Fcb./ he accepted anappointment as Associat,e Professor of Applied
Mar. 1969. pp. 83-84. Physics and Information Science at the University of California,
[91 Linkabit Corp., Final Rep., Coding systems study for high San Diego. I n 1970 he was promoted to full Professor. I n 1968 he
telemetry links, Contract NAS2-6024, NASA cofounded Linkabit Corporation, of which he is now President.
Ames Res.Ctr.Rep. CR-114278, MoffettField,Calif. He is presentlyonleave from the University of Californiaand
[lo] J. P. Odenwalder, Optimum decoding of convolutional devoting full time t,o Linkabit Corporation. He is currently working
codes, Ph.D. dissertation, Syst. Sei. Dep., Univ. Californla,
Los Angeles, 1970. in the area of information and computer science.
1111 A. J . Viterbi, Principles of Coherent Communicnlion. New Dr. Jacobs is a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa
York : McGraw-Hill, 1966. Nu, Tau Beta Pi, and the Association for Computing Machinery.