ISTE Field Experience Journal: Assignment

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<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

ISTE Field Experience Journal


Over the course of this semester you will learn about the International Society for Technology in
Education (ISTE) and the ISTE Standards for Teachers and Students. Review the ISTE Standards and
begin to familiarize yourself with expectations for teaching and learning with technology. Read through
the journal template on the next page and begin investigating the topics. As we work through projects and
topics in this class, reflect on your current teaching practices and consider your current use of technology
and how your teaching practices expand to include what you are learning about in this course. Consider
how your ideas about technology integration align with the ISTE Standards. Observe other teachers and
talk with them about the ways they use technology.

Start responding to the questions now and continue to update and expand your responses over the next

1st draft
The first draft of your journal is due Sunday, June 18th. When complete post a link to this assignment
post in Google class in the comments section. Then review two of your peers journals. Use the comment
feature in Google Doc to provide feedback.

Final draft of the ISTE Journal will be due the last night of class.

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

2008 ISTE NETST Journal

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. Teachers use their knowledge of subject
matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:

a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness.

What have I learned that will help me promote, support and model creative and
innovative thinking and inventiveness? Cite specific resources, techniques, and

Response: What Ive learned that can help me promote, support, and model
creative and innovative thinking in my classroom, is that I can utilize the ISTE
website to craft technology based lessons. With educational technology software
such as chromebooks, cell phones, cameras, and audio recorders to can get my
students think beyond the traditional way of learning. With all of this technology I
can create curriculums that will not limit the learning experience for my students.
The very first thing that I plan on doing for the upcoming school year, is to
introduce my students to google classroom, and show them how to navigate the
site. On google classroom I will post upcoming projects/lessons, class assignment
powerpoint presentations, and learning level surveys. Students will utilize the
technology software that Ive mentioned in google classroom.

b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems

using digital tools and resources.

Give examples of how you can explore real-world issues and engage students in
solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. Describe specific
digital tools and resources for two real-world issues.

Response:To explore real-world issues, I will have my students to create two

visual journals. One journal will be based on the cause/effects that different
pollutions can have on society. For this visual journal students will use a digital
device such as a cell phone, camera, or pinhole camera (which I will show them
how to make) if they dont have a cell phone or camera. They will take photos
(minimum of 6 pictures) of pollutions that are found within their community. After
taking the photos, the students will do a write-up for each photo, explaining how
the image relates to pollution and how its affecting the society. Next, they will
upload the images to a chromebook and insert them into a powerpoint
presentation. There will be a modified version of this journal for tier 3 learners. For
the modified version, tier 3 learners will use google maps to find a city that is
affected by pollution, and they will collect images (based upon the city that they
selected) from online to insert into a powerpoint presentation. In the second
journal students will create a video documentary that will display the number of
fast food restaurants in their community. They will have to explain how the fast
food chains single out certain parts of their community, and how they can affect
ones health. For this journal students will use a video recorder such as a cell
phone (to use slide story app or the basic phone recorder), or any other recording

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

device. Once the video is recorded they will upload the video to google classroom.
For each journal students will be required to follow specific guidelines, and to use
digital tools such as a cell phone, camera, chromebook, or pinhole camera
(optional). When the journals are complete, the students will present them to class.

c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students
conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.

Which collaborative tools can you use to promote student reflection using reveal
and clarify students conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative
processes? Please list at least two tools, and describe how they achieve these

Response: Two collaborative tools that I could use would be chalk talk and pre-
assessment surveys. Both tools can be used to make me aware of the prior
knowledge of each student, and their level of learning: tier1/tier2/tier3.

d. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students,

colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.

How do you model collaborative knowledge instruction face-to-face when

engaging in learning with students, colleagues and others? Please give three

Response: Three ways that I model collaborative knowledge instruction face-to-

face when engaging in learning with students is by:
- Asking questions throughout a lesson or PowerPoint presentation, after
providing the students with knowledge of the topic.

- Having the students to take notes in their notebooks/sketchbooks as I do

class demos, or give powerpoint presentations.

- Giving students the opportunity to share their knowledge of a topic, by

allowing them to work collaboratively in a JigSaw Lesson.

How do you model collaborative knowledge instruction in virtual environments?

Response: I model collaborative knowledge instruction in virtual environments

- PowerPoint presentations: For introduction to the lesson, and need-to-
know information.
- TEd Talk videos: Based upon the topic of the lesson thats being given.
- YouTube videos: For artist documentaries, or historical events of specific
art eras.
- Images from the web: Of inspiration of reference for the students.

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. Teachers design,
develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary
tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes identified in the National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETSS).

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and
resources to promote student learning and creativity.

How could you adapt a learning experience incorporating digital tools and
resources to promote student learning and creativity for a student with visual

Response: For a student with visual impairment I could incorporate the List
Recorder (iOS), audio books, audio exam player, Braille keyboards, and Braille
notetakers. All of these tools can be downloaded to a cellular device, iPad, or
chromebook for FREE! These tools will allow visually impaired students to
participate in online research, class assessments, and organization of their notes.

How could you design a learning experience incorporating digital tools and
resources to promote student learning and creativity for a student who has
difficulty prioritizing during a project?

Response: For students that have a difficult time prioritizing during a project, I will
post the project objectives/standards, assignment reminders, rubrics, and step-by
step how to video recordings onto google classroom, so that whenever a student
falls off task or forgets specific guidelines to an assignment.

b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to

pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own
educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.

Which technologies do you think you will most effectively be able to use in your art

Response: The most effective technologies that I will be able to use in my

classroom are chromebooks, because the students will have access to Google
Classroom, and PowerPoint. They will also be able to download free audible
programs, and access the chromebook video recorder.

List two technologies with which you want to become more familiar to eventually
incorporate into your classroom.

Response: Two technologies that I want to become more familiar with, so that I
could eventually incorporate into my classroom would be Excel and SharePoint.

List five ways you can enable students to pursue their individual curiosities and
become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their
own learning, and assessing their own progress.

Response: Five ways that I can enable students to do the following things listed is

1. Having them to create a vision board for their goals and outcomes for the
2. Keep a notebook/sketchbook for to brainstorm their ideas, thoughts,
process of a project, and notes.

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

3. Complete surveys in Google Forms to examine their prior knowledge and

learning goals.
4. Create a time management graphic organizer for class. ( This will be done
during the second week of school.)
5. Participate in Chalk Talks as pre-assessments, before being introduced to
a lesson.

c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students diverse learning

styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.

List three learning styles and which digital tools or resources you could use to
facilitate learning for students with each style.

Response: Three learning styles that I could use to facilitate innovative learning
will be:

- Concept Mapping: With the chromebooks the students will use the
PowerPoint software to visually create a concept map to organize the
main points to a lesson, to make sense of their ideas by breaking them
down. They will also be allowed to use concept mapping to take class
- Audio Recorders: Students that are not good at note taking will be
allowed to use a tape recorder, or the audio recorder on their
chromebooks to voice record class lecture, and class demos.
- Hyperlinked PowerPoint Slides: I will create hyperlinked PowerPoint
presentations to engage and lead students to the key points and important
information that they will need to know about the topic of the lesson.

List three work strategies and the digital tools or resources you could use to
facilitate learning for students with each preferred strategy.


- Learning by Teaching: Once out of every week I will allow a different

student to re-teach a lesson to the class, based upon their gained
knowledge of the topic. They will present the lesson to the class through
PowerPoint slides, that will consist of video, images, recordings (optional),
and audio (optional).
- Reverse Instruction: With the knowledge that students gain during class
lectures and demos, they will be instructed to enhance that knowledge
through homework assignments. For some of the homework assignments
they will be asked to take pictures, do audio/video recordings. Students
that will not have access to these devices outside of class, will be asked to
collect images from magazines, and to keep a journal handy to place their
gathered thoughts and images.
- Show and Tell: At the end of each week students will participate in a
visual thought share. They will present either a short slide show, image, or
a page out of their journal to the class of what they learned over the
course of the week.

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

Scenario: two students must work together to complete a project. Student A is

great at visually organizing information, while student B is a strong writer. Which
digital tools and resources could you employ to help students work together to
complete their task?

Response: For each student to complete the task of their assignment, I could
have them to work on a collaborative presentation in PowerPoint. Student A could
insert images or upload them from their digital device such as a cell phone or
camera , and plug them into the PowerPoint. While student B could use the fonts,
formats, and table tool in PowerPoint to add character to the grammar portion of
the presentation.

d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments
aligned with content and technology.

What is the difference between formative and summative assessments? Please

provide descriptive examples.

Response: The difference between a formative and summative assessment is that

with a formative assessment the prior knowledge of the student is being assessed.
With summative assessments, students are assessed on the knowledge that they
gain from a lesson.

- Formative Assessment Example: Before Ms. Mary went over the lesson
with the students (which was based upon the fundamentals of
printmaking), she gave a pre-assessment to check the prior knowledge of
each student. She did this to see if they knew anything about the history
and purpose of printmaking.

- Summative Assessment Example: After the students learned about the

fundamentals of printmaking, Ms. Mary assigned the students an intaglio
woodcut print project. For this project students were assessed their
craftsmanship, concept, and completion of the project.

Give four examples of formative assessments aligned with content and technology

Response: Four Examples of Formative Assessments

1. 3 Things- Students will list three things that a fellow student may not
understand about a topic, by giving their response as a short answer in
Google Forms.

2. Venn Diagram- Students open a Venn Diagram that will be in PowerPoint

to compare and contrast the given topic.

3. Hand in, Pass out- Students will be given 10 minutes to respond to a few
questions in Google Form. When theyre complete they will submit their
responses to Google Classroom by hitting the turn-in button, and the
teacher will grade them in periodically throughout the class. At the end of
<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

class, the teacher will take an informal poll of how many students
answered questions correctly.

4. Visualize (Be the Illustrator)- Teacher will read a page from a text based
upon the history/story of a topic and the student will use the sketchpad on
their chromebooks to create a visualization (illustration) based upon the
given text.

Give four examples of summative assessments aligned with content and

technology standards.

Response: Four Examples of Summative Assessments

1. Selected Response Items- Students will be given the options of multiple

choice, true/false, and matching. They will complete the assessment in
Google Forms.

2. Short Answer- Students will complete short answer questions in the form
of fill in the blank and one to two sentence responses in Google

3. Extended Written Response- Students will do a written response to a

question in Google Docs, and submit it to Google Classroom.

4. Performance Assessment- Students will turn in a PowerPoint Presentation

assignment to Google Classroom w/ the provided rubric for the

e. standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

How will you use assessments to inform individual students of their progress? How
often will you inform them of their progress?

Response: To assess students on their individual progress, I will create a

spreadsheet in Excel for each student the spreadsheet will consist of the students
turned in assignments, assignments due, and missing assignments. The grades
will be provided along with the turned in assignments. Students will have access
to view their spreadsheet whenever they please. I will inform them to check their
spreadsheets at the end of every two weeks.

How will you use assessments and resulting data to inform your teaching? How
often will you assess your data?

Response: I will use assessments and resulting data to inform my teaching by

posting my results on a data wall in my classroom. I will chart the areas of
progression, and where progression needs to be made. I will assess my data after
the completion of re-teaching a lesson.

3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning. Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes
representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge

to new technologies and situations.

Describe a time when you had to transfer your current technical knowledge to a
new technical situation (examples: switching between Windows and OSX, different
text or image editing programs, migrating from a paper calendar to a digital
calendar, changing from a laptop to a netbook or smartphone). What challenges
did you encounter? How did you apply the knowledge you already possessed to
assist your adaption to the new technology?

Response: When I worked at RegionalOne Health hospital as a Security

Dispatcher I had to familiarize myself with the badge making software known as
Kantech. I learned how to take photos of the employees for the badges, how to
put access to specific areas onto the badges, and how to activate the badges for
use. This was all done using a computer, and badge printer. Another thing that ive
noticed when it comes to using technology, is that I'm better at gathering my
thoughts when I use a computer keyboard to type up a paper or take notes, vs.
when I have to write things down manually by hand. For some reason I always
have a hard time gathering my thoughts when I have to write them down.

b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital
tools and resources to support student success and innovation.

Describe a time when you used digital tools to support collaboration with peers.

Response: For my students to remember specific artist and art eras, I had them to
work with a partner to create a presentation in PowerPoint.

What modifications might you need to make to the way you collaborated above
when dealing with students under the age of 13?

Response: Modifications that I might make for the collaborative presentation, will
be to allow students to select the part of the presentation that they will feel most
comfortable doing. For example, if a student is good at collecting the artist
research, then I will have them to do that portion of the PowerPoint Presentation.

c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and

peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.

How will you effectively communicate ideas to students, parents, and peers using
digital media? Which media will you employ? Describe at least two formats for
each of the three audiences.

Response: I will effectively communicate my ideas to students, parents, and peers

using digital media by creating an online newsletter, using my gmail account. I will
use the newsletter to inform parents of upcoming assignments and to post images
and videos of what were working on in class. If a parent doesnt have an email, I
will set up a Parent/Teacher Conference to show them how to make on, or do so
at the open house. Heres the link on how to do it! Link: .

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

- I will communicate with my students through Google Classroom. I will post the
link to the newsletter to google classroom, so that the students will be aware that
their parents are watching them. I will also display reminders and assignments
onto Google Classroom, so that the students will remember and know whats due,
and whats to come.

- The newsletter will also be shared with the Principal and Administrators, so that
they will know what Im teaching to the students in class.

d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate,
analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.

How do I use emerging technologies to locate information?

Response: I use Google Drive to locate PowerPoint Presentations that were

shared with me by instructors. The reason why I reflect back to the PowerPoints is
to reflect upon helpful information that I could use to better my craft as an
educator. I also upload articles to my Google Drive. Many of the articles are
beneficial because I have some that discuss the pedagogies of education, I have
some that give me strategies on how to teach different learners, and I have some
articles that give me tips and ideas on effective lesson planning.

How do I use emerging technologies to analyze information?

Response: To analyze information Ive learned how to use the hyperlink tool when
creating PowerPoint presentations. The tools allows me to point out specific
details in my presentation that are important. I also use the highlighter tool in
Google Docs when Im writing a paper of typing down downs. When Im typing up
a draft for a paper or gathering my thoughts, I can always highlight the key points
that I would like to touch base on throughout the paper. For notes I highlight
sections that I would like to elaborate/brainstorm on.

How do I use emerging technologies to evaluate information?

Response: To evaluate information, I use Google Docs to create data charts to

stay on track with the growth and areas in need of improvement of my students.
For my own personal evaluations I keep my lesson plans in my Google Drive. I
revisit old lessons during planning to insert notes on how to improve it and to
highlight sections that were a success.

How do I use emerging technologies to use information to support your my


Response: To support my teaching I use PowerPoint to create presentations for

my lessons, I copy links to articles ( that are beneficial to my profession as an
educator) from the web and paste them to a Google Doc File.

4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility. Teachers understand local and
global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical
behavior in their professional practices. Teachers:

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

a. advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and
technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the
appropriate documentation of sources.

What is digital citizenship?

Response: Digital citizenship is the norms of appropriate, and responsible

behavior to keep in mind when using technology.

How do I already model respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the
appropriate documentation of sources?

Response: I model respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate
documentation of sources by citing and referencing information that I may want to
borrow to include in an APA paper that I may be writing, images from the web, or
information that I may want to add to a PowerPoint presentation. If I want to add a
song to a Presentation or video, I will cite the author and title of the song to give
credit and rights to the artist.

Where can I improve my advocacy of ethical use of digital information?

Response: I can improve my advocacy of ethical use of information by

familiarizing myself with the tools and benefits of the ISTE website.

b. address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies and
providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources.

Identify three different types of learners, and discuss a learner-centered strategy for
each that employs appropriate digital tools.

Response: Different Types of Learners

- Visual Learners: A digital learning strategy that I could use for visual learners is
to allow them to keep a digital device that they could take pictures with to add to
their visual journal. If they dont have a camera or cellphone they will be allowed to
cut images from magazines, or print them out from the web.

- Reading/Writing Learners: A digital learning strategy that I could use for

reading/writing learners is to provide them with free downloadable ebooks that
relate to the lesson topic. They will keep a writing journal, where they will
brainstorm their ideas and keep class notes.

- Auditory Learners: A digital learning strategy that I could use for auditory
learners is to allow them to keep an audio recorder such as a tape recorder, or
they will be able to use the one on their cell phone. They will keep an audio journal,
to share their ideas and thoughts for and assignment, and to take class notes.

What inequities are you aware of that lead to different learners failing to gain
access to appropriate digital tools?
Response: Im aware that if certain learners dont have access to the appropriate

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

digital tools for their learning experience that they will lack the motivation that they
need to stay on task, which is why I will speak with the principal to see if I could
purchase at least a dozen cheap digital tools ( within the school supply budget) to
lend to students that may not have them. If the principal isnt quite sure of the
purpose of the tools, then I will write a proposal and explain as to why theyre
much needed for my class.

c. promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to
the use of technology and information.

What is netiquette? Give two examples.

Response: Netiquette is the proper and correct way to use the internet for

Example One: Using the internet to keep in touch with other

professionals/colleagues within your network, and to share ideas is an example of
netiquette. A website considered for this purpose will be LinkedIn.

Example Two: Using the internet for branding your business as an artist by
creating a professional web page, or blog to advertise your skills, talents, and
possibly sell your work. Ex. Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Weebly.

Identify two other rules of etiquette that relate to the use of specific technologies
(i.e. cell phone use, text messages, voicemail messages, email messages, blog
posts, social networking sites, and so forth). How did you become aware of these

Response: Two more rules of Netiquette

1. Know Your Audience: Whenever using technology to communicate, you

must keep the age group of you audience in mind. Which is why its
important to remain professional, and to avoid any inappropriate language,
images, or bias comments. This is important because with your form of
communication being online anyone could be browsing/watching your
comments such as friends, family, co-workers, children, etc.

2. Have Respect for Others: When posting comments or screenshots from

someone elses page ask for their permission. Many times Ive seen that
people violate the privacy of others on social media sites by creating fake
pages, based off of photos that they screenshoted from the owners page.
Also, people have slaughtered a persons character by posting
inappropriate and disturbing comments for the world to see. Not
everything is anyones business because many people could care less,
and it just makes the perpetrator look heartless and cruel in the eyes of

d. develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with
colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and
collaboration tools.

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

Have you ever engaged someone from another culture using digital-age

Response: No, I havent yet had the chance to do so.

If not, how could you develop greater global awareness using digital age
communication and collaboration tools?

Response: However, a way that I could develop global awareness using digital
age communication and collaboration tools is by introducing my students to
Google Maps. With the use of Google Maps I will take my students on a journey to
other countries and place in the world, that are high-tech and filled with
technology. Through further research online, they will learn about the creators of
most technology, where the technology that they use today comes from, and how
it is made.

5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership. Teachers continuously improve their

professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and
professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and
resources. Teachers:

a. participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications

of technology to improve student learning.

Name two learning communities in which you participate which explore creative
applications of technology to improve student learning.

Response: Two learning communities that I participate in are NAEA and now ISTE.
NAEA have currently just had a webinar discussion that was based on the use of
technology and social media to document student outcomes. The discussion was
free and very helpful. Heres the link to the webcast:
Its absolutely free if youre an NAEA member so, register and watch to hear some
awesome and helpful information! Also by registering and listening, you will earn 1
Professional Learning Experience credit hour with a Certificate of Participation.

b. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in

shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership
and technology skills of others.

Describe a way you demonstrate a vision of technology infusion.

Response: A way that I demonstrate a vision of technology infusion is by

incorporating the use of technology in my classroom on a regular basis. For
example, I may have the students to use the chromebooks to do assignments in
google classroom at least three times out of the week. The assignments will
consist of short surveys, art related assignments, and collaboratives. However, I
will make sure that the assignments are not long and wont take up too...much of
the class time.

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

How do you participate in shared decision making and community building in your

Response: I participate in shared decision making and community building in my

community by meeting with the principle, two other teachers, two parents, and an
administrative leader once a week, during my planning period. In the meetings we
normally discuss ways that we may be able to improve the learning for the
students, and what the expectations of the parents are when its comes to their
childs education. The meetings last for 30 minutes and input of ideas, comments,
and feedback is required of all attendees.

How have you contributed to developing the leadership and technology skills of

Response: I havent been in the position to contribute to developing the

leadership and skills of others, but once Im faced with the challenge, Im pretty
sure that I will be well prepared. Taking this technology class has broadened my
ideas, and has helped me get better at using technology because Im not much of
a technology person. However, if I see that someone may be having a technical
issue I will be willing to jump in and help them out!

c. evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular

basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in
support of student learning.

How do you keep up with current research and professional practice on a regular

Response: I can keep up with current research and my professional practice by

speaking with other teachers such as the Science, American History, and Math
teachers about current assignments and lessons that theyre teaching to their
students. My reason for this will be to build a platform of learning for my students
that will reflect and relate to their others subjects. With the school that I work at
being the base for arts and tech, many of the teachers use technology and
software that I may not use in my class. So it would be good for me to learn about
their practice and the technology that they use in their class.

How do you regularly evaluate and reflect on this information?

Response: A way that I can evaluate and reflect on this information is by

utilizing/experimenting with it in my classroom, by applying it to my lessons.

d. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession

and of their school and community.

Name three ways you can you contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-
renewal of your profession, school and community.

Response: Three ways that I can contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-
renewal of my profession, school, and community:

<Tomica Lake, Summer 2017>

One: By revising old ideas in my curriculum to create more innovative lessons, I

can build a strong foundation to my teaching skills.
Two: Educating/advocating the school community about the importance of visual
arts, by putting work on display throughout the school along with the description
and purpose of each assignment. Digital work will be displayed on the television
monitors, to show the school community that visual arts can be creative, tech,
expandable, and innovative.

Three: Branch out to the community by creating posters and banners that are of
high-tech quality. The posters and banners will be digitally made, and done
collaboratively within the school community. The banners and posters will display
artwork made by the students, teachers, and leaders. The purpose of the banners
and posters will be to inform the community that art is the future, and that anyone
can have a hand in creating the future by being creative.


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