French 3 Curriculum Guide-2

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Pasco County Schools

World Languages Curriculum Guide for French 3

Standards: 1 Interpretive Listening, 2 Interpretive Reading, 3 Interpersonal communication, 4 Presentational Speaking,
5 Presentational Writing, 6 Culture, 7 Connections, 8 Comparisons, and 9 Communities
Performance Level: Intermediate/high
The purpose of quarter one is to strengthen and deepen students listening, reading and interpersonal communication skills through the study of
the target culture in authentic contextual settings with both, and familiar and unfamiliar topics to increase students comprehension in the target
****Hover over the number to see the benchmark statement*****
French 3 - Quarter 1
Focus Benchmarks Embedded Benchmarks Ongoing Benchmarks
1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 5.1, 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 3.3, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 5.6, 5.7, 4.4, 4.5, 5.4, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 6.3, 4.6, 9.2
6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 8.1, 8.2, 9.1 5.5, 7.2, 8.3

Grammar/ Structures Vocabulary/ Themes Resources

Unit 1: Goculture: Resources listed below were selected to help reinforce and deepen
student knowledge for this quarter. Refer to the bottom of this
-Reflexive verbs Rennes
document for additional resources/technology that may be used any
-tout, tous, toute, toutes - Larchitecture time.
-The verbs sappeler and se lever - Les ftes et festivals
-The reflexive verbs in the pass - La musique Bien Dit, Level 2
compos - Les arts Chapters 5 & 6
-The imperative with reflexive verbs pp. 156-191
-Reflexive verbs with infinitives Unit 1 Vocabulary:
-Morning routine
-Daily routine
Unit 2: The reflexive verbs in the pass compos
-The pass compos and the imparfait Unit 1 Culture:
-Adverb placement -Typical French teens day
-The comparative with adjectives and -The mtro in Rennes
nouns -La faance de Quimper
-The superlative with adjectives - pied, vlo ou en bus?
-Irregular comparatives and superlatives -Le franais et les produits de beaut Bien Dit, Level 2
-Le goter pp. 182-227
Unit 2 Vocabulary:
-Childhood activities
-Country life

Unit 2 Culture:
-Childrens games
-Comic books
- la ferme
-Living in the country versus the city
-Summer camps

French 3 Quarter 1 Can Do Statements

I can:
Use reflexive verbs to talk about my routine and ask about others routines orally and in writing.
Express my impatience to others.
Tell others when I do things.
Make recommendations to others.
Correctly use all forms of tout with gender and number agreement.
Use the reflexive verbs sappeler and se lever with appropriate spelling changes.
Use reflexive verbs in the pass compos to talk about past events orally and in writing.
Give affirmative and negative commands using reflexive verbs.
Use reflexive verbs with infinitives.
Initiate, maintain and end a conversation about your childhood.
Sustain a conversation about a past event.
Investigate life in the city versus the country in the target culture through a variety of media.
Use the imparfait to tell how things were or what used to happen repeatedly.
Determine whether to use the pass compos or the imparfait in context.
Determine where to place the adverb in a sentence orally and in writing.
Use comparative expressions to compare things and people.
Use the superlative with adjectives to describe things and people.
Describe people and things using irregular superlatives.
French 3 - Quarter 2
Performance Level: Intermediate/high
The purpose of quarter two is to further develop skills students have acquired in order to establish connections using main ideas and details
between oral and written language within different cultures and communities.
****Hover over the number to see the benchmark statement*****
Focus Benchmarks Embedded Benchmarks Ongoing Benchmarks
4.3, 5.2, 5.3, 7.1 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 3.3, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 5.6, 5.7, 4.4, 4.5, 5.4, 4.6, 9.2, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 6.3, 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5,
5.5, 7.2, 8.3 6.1, 6.2, 3.8, 5.1, 6.1, 6.4, 8.1, 8.2, 9.1

Grammar/ Structures Vocabulary/ Themes Resources

Unit 1: Goculture: Resources listed below were selected to help reinforce and deepen
student knowledge for this quarter. Refer to the bottom of this document
-The pass compos and the imparfait Dakar
for additional resources/technology that may be used any time.
-tre en train de - Les arts
-Verbs with tre or avoir in the pass - La mode
Bien Dit, Level 2
compos - Le ftes et festivals
Chapters 7 & 8
- The future - Le cinma
-The future of irregular verbs pp. 232-267
-The verb courir Unit 1 Vocabulary:
-Nature, animals, and activities
Bien Dit, Level 2
Unit 2: Unit 1 Culture: pp. 268-303
-The subjunctive of regular verbs -Camping
-The subjunctive of irregular verbs -Nautical sports Parts of the body:
-Expressions with the subjunctive -Le parc national de la -Langue de Barbarie Song - Alouette
-The conditional
-Si clauses Unit 2 Vocabulary:
-The conditional to make polite requests -Parts of the body
-Injuries and illnesses
-Improving ones health

Unit 2 Culture:
- Health care
- Lawal
- Malade en France
- Fitness
- Senegalese foods

French 3 Quarter 2 Can Do Statements

I can:
Describe personal experiences and interests with clarity in the pass compos and the imparfait.
Describe the circumstances of a past event. (ex. en train de, au moment o, etc.)
Tell what I will do in the future.
Use expressions to inquire about what will happen.
Talk about what is happening at a particular moment. (using tre en train de)
Use the irregular verb courir in context.
Ask others how they feel and tell how I feel.
Describe my symptoms and give advice to others.
Complain about health issues.
Express sympathy for others.
Use the subjunctive mood orally and in writing.
Use the conditional to talk about what would happen.
Use si clauses to say what someone would do if things were different.

French 3 - Quarter 3
Performance Level: Advance/Low
The purpose of quarter three is to develop skills in authentic contextual settings, with both familiar and unfamiliar topics, in order to increase
students comprehension in the target language while further extending relationships in order for them to deepen their knowledge of the language
and culture.
****Hover over the number to see the benchmark statement*****
Focus Benchmarks Embedded Benchmarks Ongoing Benchmarks
1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 6.1, 6.2, 5.1, 8.1, 9.1 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.4 2.1

Grammar/ Structures Vocabulary/ Themes Resources

Unit 1: Goculture: Resources listed below were selected to help reinforce and deepen student
knowledge for this quarter. Refer to the bottom of this document for additional
-The relative pronouns qui, que, and Nice
resources/technology that may be used any time.
dont -Les arts
-Present participles -Les ftes et festivals
Bien Dit, Level 2
-Cest and Il/Elle est -Larchitecture
Chapters 9 &10
-Interrogative pronouns -La gastronomie
pp. 308-343
-Demonstrative pronouns
-Comparatives and superlatives Unit 1 Vocabulary:
Pronouns QUI, QUE:
-Movies and books
Unit 2: -Television shows and music
-Object pronouns
Pronouns LEQUEL, DONT:
-The conditional Unit 1 Culture:
-Si clauses - Movies
-The subjunctive - TVA French tax
-The pass compos and the - Le Festival de Cannes
imparfait - Le tlvision en France
-tre en train de - La tlvision
Bien Dit, Level 2
- Gnration Tl
pp. 344-379
Unit 2 Vocabulary:
-Making preparations for vacation

Unit 2 Culture:
- Tourism
- Paid vacation
- Le tourisme Nice
- En vacances!
- Les franais et le tourisme
- School holidays
- Vacation schedules
- En sortant de lcole

French 3 Quarter 3 Can Do Statements

I can:
Sustain a lengthy conversation about a favorite movie or book.
Ask for clarifying information and respond with clarifying information.
Ask about and give information about preferences.
Give recommendations or advise against something.
Use the relative pronouns qui, que and dont to describe something or someone I have already mentioned.
Proficiently use regular and some irregular present participles orally and in writing.
Distinguish between the uses of cest and il/elle est.
Use interrogative pronouns to ask questions that refer back to someone or something already named.
Use demonstrative pronouns to refer back to someone or something already named.
Use comparative and superlative expressions to describe and compare things and people.
Ask about someones vacation and tell about my own.
Express necessity.
Ask others about what has already been done.
Avoid repetition using object pronouns.
Use the conditional to talk about what would happen.
Use si clauses to say what someone would do if things were different.
Use the subjunctive mood orally and in writing.
Describe personal experiences and interests with clarity in the pass compos and the imparfait.
Talk about what is happening at a particular moment. (using tre en train de)

French 3 - Quarter 4
Performance Level: Advance/Low
The purpose of quarter four is to develop oral and written skills in the target language to establish connections using main ideas and details
between oral and written language within different cultures and communities.
****Hover over the number to see the benchmark statement*****
Focus Benchmarks Embedded Benchmarks Ongoing Benchmarks
4.3, 5.2, 5.3, 7.1 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.4 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 8.1, 9.1

Grammar/ Structures Vocabulary/ Themes Resources*

Unit 1: Goculture: Resources listed below were selected to help reinforce and deepen
student knowledge for this quarter. Refer to the bottom of this document
- Regular verbs in the present La France
for additional resources/technology that may be used any time.
-irregular verbs in the present -Lhistoire
-Verbs followed by the infinitive Dit, Level 3
-The pass compos Chapters 1 & 2Bien
-The pass compos and the imparfait Unit 1 Vocabulary: pp. 4-41
Reflexive verbs in the pass compos -Back-to-school activities and classes
-After-school activities
-What you did summer: activities, things, and
Unit 2:
-The future Unit 1 Culture:
-Feminine forms of nouns - Professional studies
-The verb conduire - Le bac
-The future perfect - Chevaux de polo Bien Dit, Level 3
-The present participle - Les moniteurs pp. 42-79
-Conditionnel de politesse - Vacation
- Festivals in France

Unit 2 Vocabulary:
-Professions and services
-Telephone and formal letter vocabulary

Unit 2 Culture:
- Three parts of the French economy
- The French work year
- Designer Olfactif
- Curriculum Vitae
- Finding a job
- Unions & strikes in France
- Le Petit Prince

French 3 Quarter 4 Can Do Statements

I can:
Express my preferences and ask others about their preferences.
Ask about others plans and talk about my own.
Tell when and how often I did something.
Describe a place in the past tense orally and in writing.
Use verbs ending in -er, -re and -ir in the present tense.
Use verbs such as vouloir, pouvoir and devoir followed by an infinitive.
Describe events in the past using correctly the pass compos with avoir or tre.
Describe personal experiences and interests with clarity in the pass compos and the imparfait.
Use reflexive verbs in the pass compos to talk about past events orally and in writing.
Ask others about future plans.
Make polite requests to others.
Exchange basic information over a phone call.
Compose a formally written letter
Tell what others and I will do in the future.
Use masculine and feminine forms of common nouns.
Use the future perfect or le futur antrieur to indicate a future action that indicates another future action.
Correctly use the present participles of common verbs.
Use soft, polite statements with the conditionnel de politesse.

Additional recommended resources to help reinforce and deepen student knowledge - A French site that focuses on Science news - Leveled news articles and video links from the Bien Dit publisher - A resource of childrens books in various languages. - well-known childrens stories translated into French and spoken by a native speaker - You can design, write and even print your own books. There is a fee for downloading and printing, but the creation and viewing
is free.

iMovie - Have students create skits or use it as a quick demonstration of learning. Students can use audio and subtitles to demonstrate their speaking
and writing. - Games to practice verb conjugations and grammar/vocabulary themes. Many languages are available. - Flashcard and review games available for grammar and vocabulary. Many available that are specific to particular textbooks. - Create and give quizzes in reali time through the app. Students get immediate feedback and teachers get a detailed data report
after all students have finished. - 3 months for free. A site used for formative assessment to track understanding of multiple questions. Your computer scans
the students answer sheet to provide immediate feedback. - An app used for formative assessment to track understanding. Have students hold up their answer cards and your iPad/phone
registers their responses. - Have students respond and blog in real time during class. Set up a class and then you have your newsreel for that day. - A free site that allows you to take videos and embed comprehension checks throughout the video. Students cant move forward in
the video until they have answered the question. Great for flipping your lessons. - A free site that allows you to easily put all of your resources on a topic in one spot: documents, photos, website links, videos, etc.

QuickVoice - A free app that lets students record their voices for the teacher to review with speaking assessments, or the teacher records his or own
own voice as a model for students. - A free site that allows students to comment or write in the target language and add them to a virtual bulletin board designed for that
class or topic.

duolingo - An app that allows students to practice the language in a fun way, on their own time. - Practice and perfect your French with free online lessons, study tips, practice ideas,
tests, common mistakes and difficulties, and much more. - This link includes many resources on the same page like poems, readings, comics and much more. - University of Texas link for French resources and Language Learning. - Teach and learn French with TV5.

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