Energy 21st Century

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Energy for the 21st Century

New Horizons in Environmental and energy Law

Series Editors: Kurt Deketelaere, Professor of Law, University of Leuven, Belgium and
University of Dundee, Scotland and Zen Makuch, Reader in Law, Barrister, Imperial
College, London, UK

Environmental law including the pressing considerations of energy law and climate
change is an increasingly important area of legal research and practice. Given the
growing interdependence of global society and the significant steps being made
towards environmental protection and energy efficiency, there are few people
untouched by environmental and energy lawmaking processes.
At the same time, environmental and energy law is at a crossroads. The command
and control methodology that evolved in the 1960s and 1970s for air, land and water
protection may have reached the limit of its environmental protection achievements.
New life needs to be injected into our environmental protection regimes perhaps
through the concept of sustainability in its environmental, economic and social forms.
The same goes for energy policy and law, where liberalisation, environmental protec-
tion and security of supply are at the centre of attention. This important series seeks
to press forward the boundaries of environmental and energy law through innovative
research into environmental and energy law, doctrine and case law. Adopting a wide
interpretation of environmental and energy law, it includes contributions from both
leading and emerging international scholars.
Titles in the series include:

Conservation, Biodiversity and International Law

Alexander Gillespie
Comparative Ocean Governance
Place-Based Protections in an Era of Climate Change
Robin Kundis Craig
Environmental Governance of the Great Seas
Law and Effect
Joseph F.C. DiMento and Alexis Jaclyn Hickman
Conservation on the High Seas
Harmonizing International Regimes for the Sustainable Use of Living Resources
Simone Borg
Global Environmental Governance
Law and Regulation for the 21st Century
Louis Kotz
Climate Law in EU Member States
Towards National Legislation for Climate Protection
Edited by Marjan Peeters, Mark Stallworthy and Javier de Cendra de Larragn
International Law and Freshwater
The Multiple Challenges
Edited by Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Christina Leb and Mara Tignino
Genetic Resources, Equity and International Law
Camena Guneratne
Energy for the 21st Century
Opportunities and Challenges for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Susan L. Sakmar
Energy for the 21st
Opportunities and Challenges for Liquefied
Natural Gas (LNG)

Susan L. Sakmar
University of Houston Law Center and University of
SanFrancisco School of Law, USA


Edward Elgar
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA
Susan L. Sakmar 2013

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Published by
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
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A catalogue record for this book

is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Control Number: 2012951741

This book is available electronically in the

Law Subject Collection, E-ISBN 978 1 78100 588 0

ISBN 978 1 84980 421 9

Typeset by Servis Filmsetting Ltd, Stockport, Cheshire

List of figures vi
List of tables ix
List of appendices x
Preface and acknowledgments xi
List of abbreviations xiii
List of abbreviations for quantities xvi
Natural gas quick conversions xvii
Natural gas conversions table xviii

Introduction 1

1 The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 4

2 The LNG value chain 32
3 The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 55
4 Global LNG supply 92
5 Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 116
6 The globalization of LNG: the evolution of LNG trade,
pricing and contracts 138
7 Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 172
8 Global LNG mega projects and players Qatar and
Australia 204
9 New players and projects Russia, Peru, Yemen, and Papua
New Guinea 242
10 The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 282
11 The impact of shale gas on global gas markets and the
prospects for US and Canadian LNG exports 325
12 Emerging issues in the LNG industry 360

Conclusion: the future looks bright for LNG as a fuel for the
21st century 410

Appendices 412
Glossary 463
Index 469

1.1 World natural gas consumption by region, 19802010 5
1.2 World natural gas consumption by region, 19802010 6
1.3 World primary natural gas demand by scenario 18
1.4 Gas demand grows mostly in non-OECD countries, mostly
in Asia 19
1.5 World primary natural gas demand by sector 19
1.6 World primary energy demand by fuel in the GAS
Scenario 23
1.7 Increase in natural gas consumption in the GAS Scenario,
201035 25
1.8 World primary energy demand by fuel and scenario 26
1.9 CO2 emissions in the GAS Scenario relative to the New
Policies Scenario, 2035 28
2.1 LNG value chain 33
2.2 LNG carrier types: membrane design and Moss sphere
design 39
2.3 Conventional and Q-Max LNG tanker size comparison 45
2.4 Example LNG import/regasification terminal process 47
2.5 Integrated project structure 51
2.6 Project company (merchant) structure 52
2.7 Tolling structure 53
3.1 Japans LNG import terminals 61
3.2 South Koreas LNG import terminals 66
3.3 Chinas LNG import terminals 69
3.4 Indias natural gas infrastructure and LNG terminals 71
3.5 LNG terminals in Europe 75
3.6 Existing and proposed North American LNG import
terminals 2006 86
3.7 Existing North American LNG import terminals 2011 89
3.8 33 potential North American LNG export sites 90
4.1 Future global LNG production capacities 96
4.2 Map of Malaysia 100
4.3 Top five Asia-Pacific proven natural gas reserve holders
2010 101

Figures vii

4.4 Map of the Snhvit LNG project location 103

4.5 Northern Sea Route and Northwest Passage 103
4.6 Natural gas production, consumption, and exports in
Egypt, 20002010 107
4.7 Map of Egypt 109
4.8 Egypts LNG exports 2010 110
4.9 Suez Canal and SUMED Pipeline 111
5.1 Factors driving global LNG demand 118
5.2 Latin American liquefaction and regasification plants 123
6.1 World inter-regional natural gas trade by type 141
6.2 Inter-regional natural gas net trade flows between major
regions in the New Policies Scenario 143
6.3 Projected LNG liquefaction capacity by country 144
6.4 Globalization of gas markets 145
6.5 International gas prices, 19942011 149
6.6 Global spot natural gas and crude oil prices with average
monthly LNG prices in Japan, Jan. 2010March 2012 151
6.7 US natural gas consumption, production, and net imports,
19742010 153
6.8 US re-exports of LNG, Dec. 2009March 2011 157
6.9 Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction sale and purchase
agreements 165
6.10 Major LNG trade movements, 2001 167
6.11 Major LNG trade movements, 2011 168
6.12 Evolution of LNG markets 170
7.1 Greenhouse gas emissions from major LNG projects 187
8.1 World natural gas reserves by country, Jan. 1 2011 205
8.2 Qatars North Field 206
8.3 Dolphin Gas Project map 217
8.4 Gas-to-liquids (GTL) process 218
8.5 Australian and world LNG export capacity 221
8.6 Australias existing and committed LNG plants 224
8.7 Economic breakdown for standard LNG tanker cargo 225
8.8 Overview of the Gorgon project 228
8.9 Gorgon CO2 injection 229
8.10 Benchmarked greenhouse gas efficiency 231
8.11 Gorgon greenhouse gas emissions efficiency improvements 232
9.1 Top proven natural gas reserve holders, 2010 244
9.2 Volumes of gas flared, 2008 245
9.3 Sakhalin Island 248
9.4 Shtokman field location map 256
9.5 Peru LNG project 261
viii Energy for the 21st century

9.6 Map of Yemen 265

9.7 PNG LNG project overview map 270
9.8 Phases of development for PNG LNG 271
9.9 Environmental and Social Management Plan 273
10.1 Hydraulic fracturing for shale development 287
10.2 Typical shale fracturing fluid makeup and chemicals 288
10.3 US natural gas production, 19902035 290
10.4 Map of US shale basins 291
10.5 Map of Canadas shale gas plays 295
10.6 Worldwide unconventional gas resources in place 297
10.7 Unconventional gas activities in Europe 299
10.8 Worldwide shale basins 301
11.1 UK/US price spread volatility, Jan. 2006July 2011 330
11.2 Cheniere commercial structure for LNG exports 331
11.3 Cheniere US LNG exports delivered costs to Europe 332
11.4 North American natural gas prices 349
12.1 Cheniere/Sabine Pass Liquefaction arbitrage opportunity 363
12.2 Cheniere/Sabine Pass Liquefaction commercial structure 364
12.3 Contracted capacity at Chenieres Sabine Pass
Liquefaction 368
12.4 Estimated liquefaction project costs for global LNG
projects 383
12.5 Uncontracted LNG capacity 2015 and beyond 384
12.6 Wildcard factors and shale spreads 385
12.7 Panama Canal main trade routes 388
12.8 Panama Canal lock and LNG vessel size 389
12.9 US LNG exporters opportunity cost of supply to
Latin America and the Caribbean 391
12.10Length of Shell Prelude compared with heights of major
structures worldwide 394
1.1 Natural gas import price assumptions by scenario 27
2.1 Liquefaction capacity by country, 2011 38
4.1 Worldwide natural gas proved reserves select countries 93
4.2 LNG production capacity added 201011 94
4.3 LNG production capacity added 201117 95
5.1 Gas fields under development in Iraq 135
6.1 Re-exports of LNG cargoes, 2011 156
7.1 Life-cycle emissions of coal power plants and LNG 185
7.2 Life stages of fuel for GHG emissions assessment 191
7.3 Example scenarios of Australianglobal emissions
relationship for LNG 192
8.1 Qatargas and RasGas LNG projects 208
8.2 Japans receiving terminals for Qatargas imports 210
8.3 Emerging Australian LNG projects 235
9.1 Sakhalin project summary 253
10.1 Canadas gas in place resources 295
10.2 Canadas estimated marketable gas resources 296
10.3 Country listing of technically recoverable shale gas
resources 302
11.1 Worlds top ten natural gas producers, 200511 327
11.2 Shale spreads 329
12.1 Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction project milestones 369
12.2 Study-by-study comparison of the average price impact
from US LNG exports, 201535 375
12.3 Typical economics of an LNG truck in the US in the
absence of tax credits and subsidies 406

A Worldwide liquefaction plants 412
B LNG carrier fleet 424
C Worldwide LNG regasification terminals 442
D Companies with major holdings in LNG and other notable
projects by company 458
E North American LNG import/export terminals
proposed/potential 460
F Applications received by DOE/FE to export domestically
produced LNG from the lower-48 states 461

Preface and acknowledgments
This book was written out of a desire to learn as much as possible about
one of the fastest-growing segments of the energy industry liquefied
natural gas (LNG). When I began my research, massive LNG export
projects were underway in the tiny country of Qatar, the US was running
out of natural gas and was widely expected to become one of the worlds
largest importers of LNG, the global financial crisis had not yet hit
markets, and shale gas was not on anyones radar. What a difference a few
years make!
Qatar is now the worlds largest LNG exporter, having reached its
production capacity goal of 77 million tonnes per annum (MTPA). The
US is no longer going to be the worlds largest LNG importer but instead
may become one of the worlds largest LNG exporters thanks to the shale
gas revolution that has swept through that country. While the financial
crisis seems to ebb and flow, the interest in natural gas and LNG remains
persistent with more and more countries turning to LNG to meet growing
energy demand with cleaner burning fuels.
While it is impossible to be an expert on all of the issues involving the
complex LNG industry, my goal in writing this book was to identify as
many as possible of the key opportunities and challenges for LNG in
the coming years with the hope that the book would serve as a useful
reference for others interested in learning more about the dynamic LNG
I am very grateful to the many experts in the LNG industry that lent
me not only their wisdom and knowledge but also their enthusiastic
support for the book. This includes Mr Warren True, LNG Editor,
Oil & Gas Journal, Mr Albert Nahas, VP International Government
Affairs, Cheniere Energy Inc., Mr Steven Miles, Partner, Baker Botts, Mr
David Wochner, Partner, Sutherland, Mr Jay Copan, Executive Director,
LNG17 and Senior Advisor, American Gas Association, and many others
whom I have met over the years at various LNG related events.
I also thank the numerous organizations that gave me permission to use
their materials for this book, including the International Energy Agency
(IEA), EA Gibson, Zeus Intelligence, ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, BP,
Charles River Associates, Poten & Partners Inc., and others.

xii Energy for the 21st century

I would especially like to thank The CWC Group and, in particular,

Tracy Clark, Jenny OMahony, and Tanya Crossick for allowing me to
attend their excellent energy conferences including CWCs World LNG
Summit, CWCs World LNG Series, and CWCs World Shale Gas. I also
thank Gavin Sutcliffe from DMG Events for allowing me access to the
annual Gastech Conference and Exhibition, which is a highlight in the
global gas industry.
I also thank the University of Houston Law Center and the law firm
of Andrews Kurth for inviting me to serve as a Visiting Law Professor,
Andrews Kurth Energy Law Scholar for 20122013 and for providing
the opportunity to teach a law course focused on Global Gas Markets. I
especially thank Professor Jacqueline L. Weaver, A.A. White Professor
of Law, University of Houston Law Center, for her support and interest
in the book and my academic pursuits in general. I also extend my appre-
ciation to Professor Ronald D. Ripple, Director, Centre for Research
in Energy and Minerals Economics at Curtin Business School, Perth,
Australia for his insights and assistance in reviewing the book.
I also extend my appreciation to the University of San Francisco School
of Law and Dean Jeffrey S. Brand and Associate Dean Ronald Micon
for supporting my academic pursuits in general and for allowing me the
privilege to teach at USF as an adjunct law professor for many years.
I also extend my sincere appreciation to my editors and colleagues at
Edward Elgar including Tara Gorvine, Rebecca Hastie, Alison Hornbeck,
Sheila Milne, and others for their patience and support while I kept
extending deadlines to write about key emerging issues such as shale gas
and North American LNG exports.
Most importantly, I thank my friends and family for their support and
encouragement and for listening to more than they ever wanted to know
about natural gas markets and LNG. And finally, I dedicate this book to
my two sons, Owen and Dallas, who patiently waited for me to finish what
they refer to as the most anticipated LNG book of the decade!

Susan L. Sakmar
Visiting Assistant Professor
Andrews Kurth Energy Law Scholar
University of Houston Law Center
API American Petroleum Institute
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
BREE Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics
CAAGR compound average annual growth rate
CAFE corporate average fuel economy (standards in the
CAPEX capital expenditures
CBM coal bed methane
CCS carbon capture and storage
CCT clean coal technologies
CH4 methane
CHP combined heat and power (generation)
CNG compressed natural gas
CO carbon monoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
CO2-eq carbon-dioxide equivalent
COP Conference of the Parties
CSG coal seam gas
CTG coal-to-gas
CTL coal-to-liquids
DOE Department of Energy (United States)
DOI Department of the Interior (United States)
DOT Department of Transportation (United States)
E&P exploration and production
EC European Commission
EGR enhanced gas recovery
EIA Energy Information Administration (United States)
EITs economies in transition: Russia, Former Soviet
Union (FSU) and East & Central Europe (ECE)
EOR enhanced oil recovery
EPA Environmental Protection Agency (United States)
ERU emission reduction units
EU European Union

xiv Energy for the 21st century

EU ETS European Union Emissions Trading System

EUA European Union allowances
Eurostat Eurostat is the statistical office of the European
EV electric vehicle
FDI foreign direct investment
FEED front-end engineering and design
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (United
FID final investment decision
FIT feed-in tariff
FOB free-on-board
FSU Former Soviet Union
FTA free trade agreement
FYP Five-Year Plan (China)
G8 group of eight industrialized nations Canada,
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United
Kingdom and the United States
G20 group of 20 finance ministers and central bank
governors. The group is made up of all G8 members,
plus Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, India,
Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,
South Korea and Turkey. The European Union is
the twentieth member
GCCSI Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute
GDP gross domestic product
GHG greenhouse gases
GIIGNL Groupe Internationale des Importateures de Gaz
Nature 1 Liqufi (The International Group of
Liquefied Natural Gas Importers)
GTL gas-to-liquids
H2 hydrogen
HDV heavy-duty vehicle
HH Henry Hub
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IEA International Energy Agency
IGU International Gas Union
IOC international oil company
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPO initial public offering
IPR intellectual property rights
IRENA The International Renewable Energy Agency
Abbreviations xv

IRR internal rates of return

JCC Japan Customs-cleared Crude
JODI Joint Organisations Data Initiative
(IEA database)
kWe kilowatt electrical capacity
LDC least-developed country
LDV light-duty vehicle
LNG liquefied natural gas
LPG liquefied petroleum gas
M&A mergers and acquisitions
MENA Middle East and North Africa
NBP national balancing point
NEM National Energy Market
NGL natural gas liquid
NGO non-governmental organization
NGV natural gas vehicle
NIMBY not in my back yard
NOC national oil company
NOx nitrogen oxides
NWS North West Shelf (Australia)
NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange
OCGT open-cycle gas turbine
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
PCC pulverized coal combustion
PM particulate matter
PSA production-sharing agreement
R&D research and development
RE renewable energy (renewables)
RES renewable energy sources
RET(s) renewable energy technology(ies)
ROW rest of the world
SNG synthetic natural gas
SO2 sulfur dioxide
SWF sovereign wealth funds
Synfuel synthetic fuel
Syngas synthetic gas
UAE United Arab Emirates
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
xvi Energy for the 21st century

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change
US AID United States Agency for International
USGS United States Geological Survey
VOC volatile organic compound
WEC World Energy Council
WEO World Energy Outlook (IEA publication)
WTI West Texas Intermediate (crude oil category)
WTO World Trade Organization
WTW well-to-wheel


bbl barrel
bbl/d barrels per day
bcf or Bcf billion cubic feet
bcf/d billion cubic feet per day
bcm billion cubic meters
bcm/y billion cubic meters per year
bcma billion cubic meters per annum
cm cubic meter
Gj gigajoule
mb/d million barrels per day
mcm thousand cubic meters
MMBtu million British thermal units
mmcm or MMcm million cubic meters
MMt million tonnes
MMt/y million tonnes per year
MMtpa million tonnes per annum
Mt or MT million tonnes
Mta or MTA million tonnes per annum
Mtoe million tonnes oil equivalent
Mtpa or MTPA million tonnes per annum
Pj petajoule
Tcf trillion cubic feet
tcm trillion cubic meters
Tj terajoule
Abbreviations xvii


This book will generally use the measurements provided in the cited
source, which unfortunately may result in some inconsistency through-
out. For the readers convenience, the following is provided to make the
necessary conversions:

1 million tonnes (liquid) 5 48.7 Bcf (gas)

1 tonne (LNG) (liquid) 5 53.57 MMBtu (gas)*
1 cf (gas) 5 0.0283 cubic meters (gas)
1 cf (gas) 5 0.000045 cubic meters (liquid)
1 Bcf (gas) 5 45,000 m3 (LNG)
1 cubic meter (m3) 5 35.315 cubic feet (cf)
Typical tanker holds 2.8 Bcf of gas 5 126,000 cubic meters of liquid
1 million tonnes (LNG) 5 48.7 Bcf**(gas) 5 1.379 billion m3/year (gas)
1 million tonnes per year (mtpa) (LNG) 5 48.7 Bcf/year**(gas) 5 1.379
billion m3/year (gas)

* Assumes a natural gas heating value of 1,100 Btu/cf

** Assumes a specific gravity of LNG at .45

Under approximations for gas conversions

From To mmcm bcm tcm mmcf bcf Mt LNG GJ TJ PJ MMBtu

mmcm Multi- 1 0.001 1.00 3106 35.31 3.53 3102 7.35E-04 38800 38.80 3.88 3102 36775
ply by:
Bcm 1000 1 1.00 3103 35313 35.31 0.735 3.88 3107 38800 38.80 3.68 3107
Tcm 1.00 3106 1000 1 3.53 3107 35313 735 3.88 31010 3.88 3107 38800 3.68 31010
mmcf 0.028 2.83 3105 2.83 3108 1 1.00 3103 2.08 3105 1099 1 1.10 3103 1041
Bcf 28.32 0.028 2.83 3105 1000 1 0.021 1.10 3106 1099 1.099 1.04 3106
Mt LNG 1361 1.361 1.36 3103 48045 48.04 1 5.28 3107 52787 52.79 5.00 3107
GJ 2.58 3105 2.58 3108 2.58 31011 9.10 3104 9.10 3107 1.89 3108 1 1.00 3103 1.00 3106 0.948
TJ 0.026 2.58 3105 2.58 3108 0.910 9.10 3104 1.89 3105 1000 1 1.00 3103 948

PJ 25.77 0.026 2.58 3105 910 0.910 0.019 1.00 3106 1000 1 9.48 3105
MMBtu 2.72 3105 2.72 3108 2.72 31011 9.60 3104 9.60 3107 2.00 3108 1.055 1.06 3103 1.06 3106 1

1. To convert 10 Mt of LNG into million cubic meters, multiply by 1361
10Mt LNG = 13610 million cubic meters of gas
2. 1 million cubic meters = 106 3 1.0 cubic meter (m3)
3. 1 billion cubic meters = 109 3 1.0 cubic meter (m3)
4. 1 trillion cubic meters = 1012 3 1.0 cubic meter (m3)
5. 1 gigajoule = 109 3 1.0 joule (J)
6. 1 terajoule = 1012 3 1.0 joule (J)
7. 1 petajoule = 1015 3 1.0 joule (J)
8. 1 British thermal unit = 1055 joules (J)
9. 1 tonne = 103 3 1.0 kilogram (kg) = 2205 pounds (lbs)

Source: Australian Government, Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (BREE), Gas Market Report July 2012,
Policy makers around the globe continue to grapple with issues related
to energy security, energy affordability, and an expected increase in
demand for all energy sources. At the same time, concerns about global
climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions remain in focus
as the world struggles to define the path to a sustainable energy future.
Regarding it as an abundant, affordable, and clean-burning fuel, many
countries around the world are increasingly looking to natural gas to
play a key role in powering the future. The prospects for natural gas are
so promising that the International Energy Agency (IEA) has suggested
that the 21st century could be the Golden Age of Gas with demand for
natural gas projected to increase by more than 50 percent from 2010 levels
and account for over 25 percent of the worlds energy supply mix by 2035.
Along with the increased demand for natural gas comes a corresponding
increase in international trade in natural gas, with most of the increased
trade expected to be in the form of liquefied natural gas or LNG. LNG is
natural gas that has been cooled to approximately 161 C, at which point
it condenses to a liquid that can then be shipped via LNG tanker anywhere
in the world. Since the majority of natural gas reserves are located away
from key demand markets, LNG offers an important solution for the
global gas markets in terms of moving natural gas to markets where it is
most needed.
In recent years, the significant increase in interregional LNG trade has
led many to question whether the gas markets were globalizing and
whether LNG would someday trade as a global commodity. Though this
issue will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, the general consensus
that seems to have emerged is that while LNG markets are globalizing
in terms of the increase in trade and the number of countries now involved
in LNG trade, LNG is still not likely to become a global commodity
anytime soon for lack of a single pricing structure. Nonetheless, there is
widespread recognition that LNG is the glue linking global gas markets
and, indeed, the Golden Age of Gas would not be possible without LNG.
Energy for the 21st Century explores the growing role of LNG as the
glue linking global gas markets and identifies the key opportunities and
challenges for the LNG industry in the context of a number of competing

2 Energy for the 21st century

drivers, including economic development, energy security, and climate

change. Going forward, the pace and scale of demand growth for all
forms of energy, including natural gas and LNG, ultimately will rest on
the climate and energy policies adopted by countries, the global economic
recovery, and industry investment. Perhaps the most difficult to predict is
global energy policy since decisions about energy policy are inextricably
linked to economic, environmental and national security policy, and have
significant consequences in all three areas.
Though the pace and scale of the global economic recovery remain
uncertain as this book goes to print with energy policies in a state of flux
in most regions around the world, this book takes the long-term view that,
over time, demand for natural gas and LNG will continue to increase as
more countries look to meet rising demand for energy with lower emission
fuels. Accordingly, it seems likely that LNG will play an increasingly large
role in the worlds energy future.
While there are countless opportunities for LNG in markets around the
world, there are also numerous challenges that must be confronted by the
industry going forward. This book explores both the opportunities and
the challenges for LNG in the current contextual reality wherein energy
law and policy are increasingly intersecting with environmental law and
geopolitics. The book navigates the myriad of legal, policy, and environ-
mental issues facing the LNG industry and provides the reader with a
thorough understanding of the critical issues:

the role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century (Chapter 1)
the entire LNG value chain, including a discussion of the lique-
faction process, LNG shipping, the regasification process, and
the complicated world of natural gas and LNG measurements
the evolution of LNG markets including the history of LNG and
an overview of the three major LNG markets the Asia-Pacific
LNG market, the European LNG market, and the North American/
Atlantic Basin LNG market (Chapter 3)
a description and overview of key LNG supply projects around the
world (Chapter 4)
the primary markets driving LNG demand around the world
(Chapter 5)
the increased globalization of LNG markets and whether LNG
could someday trade as a global commodity (Chapter 6)
the numerous safety and environmental issues that have been raised
in the context of constructing LNG projects as well as the environ-
mental sustainability of LNG as a fuel for the future (Chapter 7)
Introduction 3

an overview of current LNG mega projects around the world

(Chapter 8)
a discussion of the new LNG players and LNG projects around the
world (Chapter 9)
an in-depth analysis of the shale gas revolution (Chapter 10)
the potential impact of shale gas on global gas markets including the
prospects for North American LNG exports (Chapter 11)
an overview of some of the key emerging issues in the LNG indus-
try including whether North America will become a major LNG
exporter, the potential impact of the Panama Canal expansion
project on LNG trade, the growing role of floating LNG (FLNG),
the potential influence of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum
(GECF) to act as a Gas OPEC, and the emergence of LNG as a
shipping and vehicle fuel to aid in emission reduction efforts around
the world (Chapter 12).

Accessible and non-technical in nature, this timely book will serve as an

essential reference for practitioners, government officials, energy profes-
sionals, academics and anyone interested in 21st-century energy solutions.
1.The role of natural gas and LNG in
the 21st century

As the world entered the 21st century, policy makers around the globe
were grappling with issues related to energy security, energy poverty,
and an expected increase in future demand for all energy sources. At the
same time, concerns about climate change and reducing greenhouse gas
emissions emerged as primary issues to be addressed in the search for a
sustainable energy future.
Regarding it as a clean-burning fuel, many business and policy leaders
began to look to natural gas to meet growing energy demand using more
environmentally sustainable fuels. As will be discussed in detail in Section
1.5, an important aspect of the increased role of natural gas is the growing
importance of LNG, which offers a critical solution for global gas markets
in terms of moving natural gas from where it is found to key demand
markets. During the first decade of the 21st century, natural gas demand
increased significantly, as did LNGs share in worldwide natural gas trade.1
For example, according to the United States Energy Information
Administration (US EIA), global natural gas consumption doubled
between 1980 and 2010, rising from 53 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) to 113 Tcf.
North America consumed 29 Tcf of natural gas, which accounted for
more than 25 percent of the worlds natural gas consumption (although
the region had the slowest regional growth rate of 29 percent). The Middle
East had the highest growth rate, increasing more than ten-fold from 1.3
Tcf in 1980 to 13.2 Tcf in 2010. (See Figure 1.1.)

1As will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 3, there is often a tendency to

discuss natural gas and LNG as two separate fuels but this is a bit misleading, so
at the outset it is important to note that LNG is not a fuel but merely a means of
delivering natural gas. Nonetheless, natural gas and LNG are sometimes referred
to separately since much of the debate about the role of natural gas has been
focused on natural gas in general without a distinction being made as to whether
it is piped gas or LNG. This book starts with a discussion of natural gas in general
and then focuses in particular on LNG.

trillion cubic feet
Former Soviet
Europe Union
North America
21 21

Middle East
2010 13

Central & South
trillion cubic feet
North America
30 Former Soviet Union
20 Europe
15 Asia
10 Middle East
5 Central & South America
0 Africa
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Source: US EIA, Today in Energy, April 12, 2012,

Figure 1.1 World natural gas consumption by region, 19802010

6 Energy for the 21st century

trillion cubic feet


100 26% North America

80 4% Central & South America

18% Europe
60 31%
3% 20% 19% Former Soviet Union
40 43% 18%
2% 22% 12% Middle East
20 21% 34% 3% Africa
25% 5% 2% 17% Asia
1% 2% 2% 11%
0 4% 7%
1980 1990 2000 2010

Note: Percents on graph represent that regions share of global dry natural gas
consumption in that year. Percents do not sum to 100% for each year because the graph
does not include Oceania, which only accounted for 1% of global consumption each year.

Source: US EIA, Today in Energy, April 12, 2012,


Figure 1.2 World natural gas consumption by region, 19802010

According to the US EIA, Asia had the second-highest growth rate,

increasing more than eight-fold from 2.2 Tcf to 19.2 Tcf over the three
decades. By 2010, Asian natural gas demand approached the level of
Europe and the Former Soviet Union.2 (See Figure 1.2.)
As noted by the US EIA, unlike in the crude oil markets, trends in
regional natural gas consumption and production are more similar
because of the historically limited role played by inter-continental move-
ments of natural gas. In more recent years, however, inter-regional trade
in natural gas via LNG has increased significantly with global LNG ship-
ments increasing 58 percent from 6.7 Tcf to 10.5 Tcf between 2005 and
2010. Between 2009 and 2010, global LNG shipments were up 23 percent.3
Despite the growth in natural gas consumption, natural gas as a fuel for
the future has received mixed reviews in the global marketplace, especially

2According to the US EIA, future growth in each region will depend on eco-

nomic growth rates, natural gas production trends, differences in natural gas prices
across regions, and future energy and environmental policies.
3 US EIA, Today in Energy, April 12, 2012,

ergy/detail.cfm?id55810, citing BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2011

The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 7

as concerns about global climate change grew in the mid-2000s. Some

environmental groups view natural gas as yet another fossil fuel with its
own set of environmental and emissions considerations. Other groups and
policy makers have taken the view that, at the least, natural gas could be
a bridge fuel to a renewable energy future. Not surprisingly, the energy
industry has embraced natural gas as a foundation fuel for the 21st
During the first decade of the 21st century, these divergent views tended
to influence whether or not natural gas and LNG were perceived as a fuel
for the future. As new technologies are developed and governments and
industry seek new opportunities for natural gas and LNG, these debates
are likely to continue throughout the 21st century. Despite the often diver-
gent views about natural gas and LNG, however, as the world enters the
second decade of the 21st century, natural gas and LNG seem poised to
assume a far greater role in the energy supply mix for many reasons that
will be discussed throughout this book.



As the world entered the 21st century, the role of natural gas in the energy
supply mix was anything but clear. As concerns about climate change grew
in the early to mid-2000s, there were a number of competing views regard-
ing the role of natural gas coming from the industry, environmentalists,
and a large group in the middle.

1.2.1 The Benefits of Natural Gas

Not surprisingly, the worldwide energy industry has embraced natural

gas as a foundation fuel for the 21st century.4 In support of its view,
the natural gas industry has focused on the many benefits of natural gas
and has set forth a coordinated view that highlights natural gas as a clean,
affordable, reliable, efficient and abundant source of energy.5

4The American Gas Association (AGA) refers to natural gas as Americas

foundation fuel. According to the AGA, Natural gas is clean, domestic,

abundant and efficient, making it the perfect foundation fuel to help strengthen
Americas economic recovery, meet our environmental challenges and improve
our overall national security by reducing our dependence on foreign energy
sources. AGA 2012 Policy Handbook,
5International Gas Union (IGU), Advocacy Messages for the Natural Gas
8 Energy for the 21st century

Natural gas is clean Natural gas produces less emissions than any other
fossil fuel and the most advanced combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT)
power plants emit almost 50 percent less CO2 than coal-fired power plants.

Natural gas is affordable Natural gas power plants have a capital cost of
less than half of the cost of coal, one-third of the cost of nuclear, and one-
fifth of the cost of onshore wind.

Natural gas is reliable In contrast to renewable technologies that in some

cases may take decades of research, natural gas is readily available now
from a variety of sources. Natural gas is also a reliable back-up power
source for intermittent energy sources such as wind and solar which
facilitates the phase-in of renewables.

Natural gas is efficient Modern gas-fired power plants are 40 percent

more efficient than coal-fired power plants and require less construction
time than coal or nuclear power plants.

Natural gas is abundant Global production of natural gas is expected to

increase in the coming decade with growing supplies coming from both con-
ventional and unconventional resources such as shale gas. The impact of
shale gas on global gas markets is discussed in detail in Chapters 10 and 11.

1.2.2 From Big Oil to Big Gas?

In addition to more focused efforts to highlight the benefits of natural

gas to the public, many of the worlds largest international oil companies
(IOCs) are increasingly focusing their core businesses on natural gas.6 For
example, in December 2009 ExxonMobil (Exxon) announced plans to buy
XTO Energy (XTO) in an all-stock transaction worth about $41 billion
(including debt of $10 billion), which would make Exxon the worlds
largest natural gas company in terms of gas reserves.7 Exxons interest in

Sector, Nov. 2010,

IGU%20Presentation.pptx/view. Similarly, the Canadian Gas Association has
advocated that Natural gas is smart energy. Abundantly available, clean and
affordable, natural gas is a safe and reliable energy choice for buildings and com-
munities, power generation, and transportation. Canadian Gas Association,
6 Beyond the Black Stuff, Big Oil is Being Forced to Rethink its Future, The

Economist, Feb. 4, 2010,

7 ExxonMobil to Boost Unconventional Focus by Acquiring XTO, Oil & GasJ.,
The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 9

XTO was driven primarily by XTOs strong unconventional gas resource

base and its technical expertise in extracting shale gas through hydraulic
fracturing technology.8
The Exxon/XTO merger was seen by many in the oil and gas industry
as a show of confidence in the future of shale gas and many praised the
deal as a boost for natural gas to play a greater role in supplying the world
with abundant, affordable, and cleaner-burning energy. At the same time,
however, the merger also focused more scrutiny on the potential environ-
mental impacts of US shale gas development.9 Despite the intense scrutiny
of the deal, including a US Congressional Hearing, the XOM/XTO merger
closed on June 25, 2010.10
Royal Dutch Shell PLC (Shell) is also betting big on natural gas with
plans to make gas roughly half of its total production by 2012.11 Shell also
believes that natural gas, and LNG especially, will play critical roles in
meeting global energy demand to 2050, during which time the world must
reduce greenhouse gas emissions by half.12
Another example of Big Oils shift to Big Gas occurred in February 2009

Dec. 21, 2009, at 31; see Natural Gas Helps Exxon and Shell Lift Profits, N.Y.
Times, July 30, 2010, at B4.
8Some industry experts have opined that Exxons rush to natural gas is being

driven largely by declining oil reserves and a shrinking access to oil fields around
the world due to geopolitical reasons. Russell Gold and Angel Gonzalez, Exxon
Struggles to Find New Oil, Wall St. J., Feb. 6, 2011.
9The ExxonMobil-XTO Merger: Impact on U.S. Energy Markets: Hearing

Before the Subcomm. on Energy and Envt of the H. Comm. on Energy and
Commerce, 111th Cong. 53 (2010), available at
gov/Press_111/20100120/transcript_01202010_ee.pdf; Tom Doggett, Exxon-XTO
Merger Draws Scrutiny from Congress, Reuters, Jan. 20, 2010, available at http://; see also Russell Gold, Exxon
Can Stop Deal if Drilling Method Is Restricted, Wall St. J., Dec. 17, 2009, at B3.
10 ExxonMobil Announces Completion of All-Stock Transaction for XTO,

Business Wire, June 25, 2010, available at

sId52010062; XTO Energy Inc., Agreement and Plan of Merger, Dated as
of Dec. 13, 2009Dec. 15, 2009, art. I, IX, available at
11 Nick Snow, Half of Shells Production Will be Gas by 2012, CEO Says,

Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 9, 2009,

12Warren R. True, Gastech: Shell Sees Critical Roles for Gas, LNG, Oil

& Gas Journal, Apr. 11, 2011, available at

10 Energy for the 21st century

when Woodside Petroleum, a leading Australian oil and gas company,

unveiled a new corporate logo designed to place a greater emphasis on the
future of its liquefied natural gas business. It was just the fourth version of
Woodsides logo in the 55-year history of the company, and the first sub-
stantial change in 32 years. According to the company, the changed logo,
composed of three ellipses coming together to form a W and symbolize
a flame, better acknowledges Woodsides emergence as a global leader
in LNG and the expectation that natural gas will dominate Woodsides
production portfolio going forward.13
The role of natural gas as an accessible, relatively inexpensive, environ-
mentally friendly and widespread natural source of energy was outlined
in a report issued in December 2010 by the European Gas Advocacy
Forum. The Gas Advocacy Forum is an informal group of players from
the European gas industry and includes Centrica, Eni, E.ON Ruhrgas,
Gazprom Export, GDF SUEZ, Qatar Petroleum, Shell and Statoil.
According to the report, Europe can reach its climate targets of reducing
CO2 emissions by 80 percent (compared to 1990 levels) by 2050 in a faster
and more cost-efficient way if natural gas plays a significant part in the
energy mix going forward. If Europe were to switch from coal to gas now,
the reduction target can be met at a savings of 400450 billion Euros if
one compares it to the European Climate Foundation roadmap launched
earlier this year. Additional cost savings for the period 203050 would
most likely also be achieved because natural gas in power generation
requires lower investments.14
The universal support for natural gas by major energy companies is sig-
nificant since any transformation in the energy sector is almost impossible
without such support. This is primarily because most energy companies,
whether multinational or national (for example, controlled by the state) are
vertically integrated. This means they actively participate along the entire
supply chain, from locating the natural reserves to drilling and extracting
the reserves, transporting the products around the world, and then refining

13Woodside Media Release, New Look for Woodside, Feb. 4, 2009, http://www.
14 Jorn Madslien and Damian Kahya, Coal-to-Gas Power Shift to Cut Energy

Costs, BBC News, Dec. 10, 2010,;

Gas Paves the Way for European Energy Savings, Natural Gas for Europe, http:// aves-t he-w ay-f or-e uropean-e nergy-s avings.
htm; The Future Role of Natural Gas, A Position Paper by the European Gas
Advocacy Forum,
The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 11

and distributing the final products to end users.15 So, for example, it would
be extremely difficult, absent perhaps significant government interven-
tion, to significantly expand the use of natural gas vehicles without the
support of major energy companies to help provide the huge infrastructure
investments that are needed in terms of refueling stations.

1.2.3 Natural Gas is Still a Fossil Fuel

In a world concerned about climate change and greenhouse gas emissions,

some critics of natural gas have taken the view that natural gas is yet another
fossil fuel that should not play a major role in the worlds future energy mix.
Critics of natural gas argue that increasing dependence on yet another fossil
fuel does not move the world towards a real renewable energy future. These
critics point out that natural gas is still a fossil fuel that has some of the same
negatives as coal and oil. For example, unlike renewables, natural gas is a
fuel resource that we may eventually exhaust. These same critics point out
that the recent increase in unconventional shale gas production would not
be occurring but for the fact that the US has already exhausted its conven-
tional gas resources. In addition, shale gas drilling comes with its own set of
potential environmental risks including potential water contamination and
increased greenhouse gas emissions (see Chapter 10).
In terms of emissions, while burning natural gas releases less CO2 than
coal, there are still methane emissions to consider with natural gas produc-
tion.16 The main fear of natural gas critics seems to be that the potential
dependence on another fossil fuel, even though cleaner burning, could
doom the world to another few decades of fossil fuel reliance at the
cost of making serious inroads in clean energy deployment.17

1.2.4 Natural Gas is a Bridge Fuel

Some prominent groups have taken the view that, at the very least, natural
gas could be a bridge fuel to a renewable energy future. This view

15 ExxonMobil is one of the best-known vertically integrated energy compan

ies. See ExxonMobil, 2010 Financial and Operating Review, http://www.exxon-
16 Phil Radford, Natural Gas Fails the Sniff Test, Greenpeace, June 27, 2011,
17 Brian Merchant, Incoming: A Glut of Natural Gas is Green Nonsense,, June 9, 2011,

12 Energy for the 21st century

acknowledges that the abundance of natural gas, particularly US shale

gas, creates an opportunity to utilize more natural gas to displace coal or
oil, thereby significantly reducing CO2 emissions.18 Thus, so long as appro-
priate low-carbon policies are in place, such as a cap-and-trade system or
a carbon tax, natural gas can play an important role as a bridge fuel to a
renewable energy future. In the absence of low-carbon policies, however,
there is a risk that reliance on natural gas will increase overall energy
consumption and displace nuclear or other renewable energy sources for
power generation, which ultimately would increase CO2 emissions.19

1.2.5 Natural Gas is Better than Coal ... But ...

Other prominent groups have focused their attention on the potential for
natural gas to displace coal for power generation. In 2010, researchers at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) released the results of
a two-year study that analyzed the increased use of natural gas in the US
as a short-term substitute for replacing aging coal-fired power plants. The
report acknowledged that US energy and climate policy was in a state of
flux and cautioned that while natural gas is often touted as a bridge
to the future, continuing effort is needed to ensure that the bridge has
a landing point such as the expansion of nuclear power or coal power
generation using carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology to reduce
emissions in the long term. Thus, while the report found that natural gas
is less carbon intensive than coal or oil, when one considers the emissions
reduction levels required by 2050, the emissions from natural gas start to
represent an emissions problem.20
More recently, and in the context of opposition to US LNG exports
(seeChapter 12), it appears that some environmental groups are gearing up

18The US based Center for American Progress offers this summary of natural

gas as a bridge fuel: Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel it produces less than
half as much carbon pollution as coal. Recent technology advancements make
affordable the development of unconventional natural gas resources. This creates
an unprecedented opportunity to use gas as a bridge fuel to a 21st-century energy
economy that relies on efficiency, renewable sources, and low-carbon fossil fuels
such as natural gas. John D. Podesta and Timothy E. Wirth, Natural Gas, A
Bridge Fuel for the 21st Century, Center for American Progress, Aug. 10, 2009,
19Stephen P.A. Brown, Alan J. Krupnick, and Margaret A. Wallis, Natural

Gas: A Bridge to a Low-Carbon Future? Resources for the Future/NEPI, Dec.

2009, Issue Brief 09-11,
20 The Future of Natural Gas, MIT Energy Initiative (MITE),

The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 13

to ensure that as coal-fired power plants are retired, they are not replaced
with natural gas power plants. For example, the Sierra Club recently
announced that it is launching a new Beyond Gas campaign that repre-
sents a significant expansion of the groups ongoing efforts against other
major fossil fuels and is modeled after the decade-old Beyond Coal
campaign that sought to phase out coal-fired power plants. According to
the Sierra Club, it will seek to prevent new gas plants from being built
wherever we can.21



In the midst of the debate over the role of natural gas in the future energy
supply mix, the global economic crisis hit and between 2008 and 2009,
demand for all forms of energy dropped. Demand for natural gas in par-
ticular plummeted. At the same time, however, an enormous expansion
of gas supply was underway in terms of unconventional or shale gas and
LNG. Also in flux was the outcome of climate change negotiations and
commitments and their potential impact on world energy markets. All of
these issues created unprecedented uncertainty in world energy markets in
the late 2000s.
In its World Energy Outlook 2009, the International Energy Agency
(IEA) noted that the challenges were urgent and daunting and that how
governments rise to the challenge will have far-reaching consequences
for energy markets.22 In particular, the IEA noted the upcoming climate
change talks to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, December 718, 2009
(COP15) and questioned whether leaders would agree to a successor treaty
to the Kyoto Protocol that would put the world on a sustainable energy
In terms of demand for natural gas, the IEA noted that, under any
scenario, worldwide demand for natural gas was projected to grow in light
of constraints under which low-carbon technologies can be deployed. The
pace of that demand growth, however, hinges critically on the strength of

21Amy Harder, War Over Natural Gas About to Escalate, National

Journal, May 3, 2012,

22IEA WEO-2009 at p.41.
14 Energy for the 21st century

climate policy action.23 Over the long term, the IEA projected that more
stringent policy actions might favor efficiency and low-carbon technolo-
gies, thereby reducing natural gas demand.
As the world became mired in economic problems towards the end of
2009, it became increasingly unlikely that world leaders would reach an
agreement on a successor treaty to Kyoto at COP15. Ultimately, and
just prior to the COP15 conference in Denmark, it was announced that
President Obama and other world leaders have decided to put off the dif-
ficult task of reaching a climate change agreement ... agreeing instead to
make it the mission of the Copenhagen conference to reach a less specific
politically binding agreement that would punt the most difficult issues
into the future.24
The result of COP15 was a political accord known as the Copenhagen
Accord25 which was negotiated by only a subset of the parties, including
the US and China. Since this was not negotiated within the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)26 process, it
was only noted by the COP, which left unclear which governments
supported the Accord and the legal and operational significance of the
Accord.27 Needless to say, leading into 2010, global energy markets were
in a state of flux with energy and climate change policy in most countries



By early 2010, the world appeared to be emerging from the worst of the
economic crisis and demand for energy resumed its pre-recession upward
trajectory.28 Also starting in 2010 was the growing recognition that regard-

23IEA WEO-2009 at p.48.

24 Helen Cooper, Leaders Will Delay Deal on Climate Change, NY Times,
Nov.14, 2009,
25The Copenhagen Accord is available on the UNFCCC website at http://
26There is a wealth of information and publications about climate change and

the climate change conferences and a detailed discussion is beyond the scope of this
book. Information on the UNFCCC and the status of climate change discussions
can be found at
27 Jacob Werksmen, Associating with the Copenhagen Accord: What Does

It Mean?, World Resources Institute, March 25, 2010,

28As of the date this book goes to print, the economic outlook for the coming
The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 15

less of the divergent views about natural gas, it would play a greater role
in the worlds future energy mix for a variety of reasons including demand
growth, environmental benefits over other fossil fuels, and energy security.
Another reason for the growing importance of natural gas was that in the
face of continuing global economic challenges, with most governments
facing huge budget deficits, it seemed unlikely that governments, industry
and the private sector would make the trillions of dollars investment
needed for renewables. According to the IEA, approximately $18 trillion
(in year 2009 dollars) of additional spending is needed on low-carbon
energy technologies.29
In November 2010, the IEA issued its annual World Energy Outlook
(IEA WEO-2010), which explicitly highlighted the increased role that
natural gas would play in the 21st century. In the WEO-2010, the IEA
raised the question Are we entering the golden age of gas? and noted
that while this may be an exaggeration, natural gas was certainly set to
play a central role in meeting the worlds energy needs for at least the next
two-and-a-half decades.30
In the WEO-2010, the IEA acknowledged at the outset that while the
pace of the global economic recovery was key to energy prospects in
the near term, it is how governments respond to the twin challenges of
climate change and energy security that will shape the future of energy
in the longer term.31 The IEA went on to present several policy scenarios
that differed according to the level of commitment to these challenges.32
The Current Policies Scenario assumes that no policy commitments
to meet climate change goals are acted upon. The New Policies Scenario
takes account of the broad policy commitments and plans that have been
announced by countries around the world, including national pledges to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and phase out fossil energy subsidies, and
assumes that governments will actually implement the policies and meas-
ures to meet the set goals. The 450 Scenario, which was first presented in
the IEA WEO-2008, sets out an energy pathway consistent with the goal
of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to around 450 parts per million of

years remains uncertain, amid fears of a double-dip recession and burgeoning gov-
ernment deficits. Despite this uncertainty, history has shown that while economic
forces may lead to ups and downs in terms of energy demand, over the long term,
future energy demand is projected to grow and, along with it, the role of natural
gas and LNG in the global energy mix. This book takes this long-term view.
29IEA WEO-2010 at pp.379416.
30IEA WEO-2010 at pp.17980.
31IEA WEO-2010 at pp.45, 789.
32IEA WEO-2010 at p.79.
16 Energy for the 21st century

CO2 equivalent (ppm CO2-eq) in order to limit global temperature increase

to 2C.33 For purposes of this discussion, the focus will be on the New
Policies Scenario, which was considered to be the most likely scenario.
The IEA WEO-2010 New Policies Scenario encompassed several
themes, which are discussed in detail below: world energy demand
increases significantly in the coming decades under any scenario; natural
gas will play a central role in meeting energy demand; power generation
drives demand growth; energy poverty; natural gas for transportation; and
climate change emissions targets and the impact on the energy sector.34

1.4.1 World Energy Demand Grows under Any Scenario

In the New Policies Scenario, the IEA assumed that world economic
growth averages 3.2 percent per year between 2008 and 2035 with non-
OECD countries showing the highest growth.35 World primary energy
demand increases by 36 percent between 2008 and 2035, or 1.5 percent
per year on average, with non-OECD countries accounting for 93 percent
of the projected increase in world primary energy demand, reflecting
growth of economic activity, industrial production, population36 and
In particular, the IEA noted that it is hard to overstate the growing
importance of China in global energy markets.38 In 2009, China overtook
the United States to become the worlds largest energy user. Between 2000
and 2008, Chinas energy consumption was more than four times greater
than the prior decade and contributed to 36 percent of the growth in
global energy use. Even greater growth is projected in the coming decades
given that Chinas per capita energy consumption level remains low com-
pared to the OECD average and that China, with 1.3 billion people, is the

33The IEA devoted much of the discussion in the WEO-2010 to the 450

Scenario, since, in the years prior, policy leaders had expressed willingness to
try to reduce emissions sufficiently to limit the global increase in temperature to
2C. Since that scenario seems unlikely, a detailed discussion of it is beyond the
scope of this book. See IEA, Latest Information, Prospect of Limiting the Global
Increase in Temperature to 2 is Getting Bleaker, May 30, 2011,
34IEA WEO-2010 at pp.6062.
35IEA WEO-2010 at p.68.
36The IEA notes that population growth is an important driver of energy

use. World population is projected to grow by 0.9% per year on average, from an
estimated 6.8 billion in 2008 to 8.5 billion in 2035. IEA WEO-2010 at p.64.
37IEA WEO-2010 at pp.814.
38IEA WEO-2010 at p.47.
The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 17

worlds most populous nation. By 2035, China accounts for 22 percent of

world energy demand, up from 17 percent today.39
As a result of Chinas importance, global energy projections remain
highly sensitive to the key variables that drive energy demand in China,
including prospects for economic growth and developments in energy
policy. This is a critical factor that will come up again in the IEAs Golden
Age of Gas Report, which is discussed in detail below in Section 1.5.
India is the second largest contributor to the increase in global energy
demand to 2035, accounting for 18 percent of the rise. Outside of Asia,
the Middle East experiences the fastest rate of increase at 2 percent per
year. In terms of OECD countries, energy demand growth rises slowly to
2035 with the US projected to be the second-largest energy consumer with
China the first and India a distant third.40

1.4.2Natural Gas Will Play a Central Role in Meeting Energy Demand

to 2035

In terms of gas demand and trends, the IEA WEO-2010 New Policies
Scenario highlighted the fact that natural gas is set to play a key role in
meeting the worlds growing energy needs over the next 25 years.41 Under
each of the three policy scenarios, natural gas is the only fossil fuel for
which demand is higher in 2035 than in 2008, although it grows at different
rates depending on the scenario (Figure 1.3). In the New Policies Scenario,
demand reaches 4.5 trillion cubic metres (tcm) in 2035 an increase of 1.4
tcm, or 44 percent over 2008 and an average rate of increase of 1.4 percent
per year.42
Non-OECD countries are the key drivers of demand growth and
account for almost 80 percent of the growth in gas demand to 2035, pri-
marily because non-OECD economies and population grow much faster
and therefore require more energy use. Chinas demand grows the fastest
at an average rate of almost 6 percent per year and accounts for more than
one-fifth of the increase in global demand to 2035.43 The potential for
Chinese gas demand to grow even faster depending on whether coal use is
restricted for environmental reasons led the IEA to note that China could
lead us into a golden age for gas.44

39IEA WEO-2010 at p.87.

40IEA WEO-2010 at pp.848.
41IEA WEO-2010 at p.180.
42IEA WEO-2010 at p.180.
43IEA WEO-2010 at pp.18081.
44IEA WEO-2010 at p.49.
18 Energy for the 21st century




2,000 Current Policies Scenario

New Policies Scenario
450 Scenario
1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2035

Source: IEA WEO-2010 OECD/IEA 2010, Figure 5.1, p.180

Figure 1.3 World primary natural gas demand by scenario

Although growth in gas demand is the highest in China, somewhat surpris-

ingly demand growth for natural gas in the Middle East increases almost
as much as projected in China, primarily driven by the power sector.45
India is also a key source of demand growth for natural gas.46 Growth in
gas demand in OECD countries is considerably slower than in the non-
OECD countries, although the US and Europe remain two of the largest
users of natural gas through 2035.47 (See Figure 1.4.)

1.4.3 Power Generation Drives Demand Growth

In the New Policies Scenario, power generation is the main driver of

natural gas demand growth in most regions to 2035 and accounts for
almost half of the incremental growth in demand (Figure 1.5). The IEA
noted that demand for electricity is expected to grow more strongly than
any other final form of energy, growing by 2.2 percent per year between
2008 and 2035 with more than 80 percent of the demand growth occur-
ring in non-OECD countries. In China alone, electricity demand triples
between 2008 and 2035 and over the next 15 years China is projected to
add generating capacity equivalent to the current total installed capacity
of the United States.48

45IEA WEO-2010 at p.182.

46IEA WEO-2010 at p.182.
47IEA WEO-2010 at p.183.
48IEA WEO-2010 at pp.1834.
The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 19

North America Europe Pacific EE/Eurasia

5,000 Asia Middle East Africa Latin America

2000 2008 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035

Source: IEA Medium-Term Oil and Gas Markets 2010 OECD/IEA 2010

Figure 1.4Gas demand grows mostly in non-OECD countries, mostly in


Power generation 2035



Non-energy use


0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000


Note: * Includes other energy sector, transport and agriculture.

Source: IEA WEO-2010, OECD/IEA 2010, Figure 5.2, p.184

Figure 1.5 World primary natural gas demand by sector

The world is undergoing a period of profound change in the way electricity

is generated as governments shift to low-carbon technologies and fuels to
enhance energy security and curb emissions of CO2. Even assuming slowly
rising gas prices, combined-cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) are expected
20 Energy for the 21st century

to be the main choice for new power plants in many regions for several
reasons. In non-OECD countries, electricity demand is rising rapidly and
natural gas fired power plants are easier, less costly and quicker to build
than other forms of power generation plants. In OECD countries, natural
gas fired power is competitive with coal due to proposed CO2 prices and
policies, which are assumed to be implemented.49
Natural gas demand for power generation is lower for those countries
with more support for renewables. The use of renewables, including hydro,
wind, solar, geothermal, modern biomass and marine energy, triples over
the period to 2035 and its share in total primary energy demand increases
from 7 percent to 14 percent. Nuclear power increases from 6 percent in
2008 to 8 percent in 2035. The IEA cautioned, however, that the future
of renewables hinges critically on strong government support and that
the need for such support will increase if natural gas prices are lower
than assumed since low natural gas prices will displace more expensive
The IEA noted that government support for renewables could be justi-
fied by the long-term economic, energy-security and environmental ben-
efits renewables can bring but cautioned that attention needs to be given
to the cost-effectiveness of support mechanisms.

1.4.4 Energy Poverty

The IEA WEO-2010 also recognized the concept of energy poverty,

which is an emerging issue making its way through policy circles that rec-
ognizes that, despite the projected increase in energy use around the world,
many households in the developing world still lack access to modern
energy services. The numbers are quite striking: the IEA estimates that 1.4
billion people over 20 percent of the global population still lack access
to electricity and some 2.7 billion people still rely on traditional uses of
biomass for cooking. The IEA notes in the New Policies Scenario that
energy poverty continues to 2030 and that substantial progress is needed
on improving access to energy in the coming decades.50

1.4.5 Natural Gas for Transportation

In the New Policies Scenario, natural gas used in the transportation

sector accounts for just 4 percent of additional demand during 200835.

49IEA WEO-2010 at pp.1834.

50IEA WEO-2010 at pp.23871.
The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 21

Nearly all new gas consumption from natural gas used in vehicles is from
compressed natural gas (CNG). Non-OECD Asia, Latin America and
North America are responsible for the majority of the increase in demand.
The greatest potential may be in North America due to low natural gas
prices driven by increased production of shale gas. The scope of demand
for natural gas in the transportation sector depends on the future market
penetration of natural gas vehicles (NGVs), which today comprise a very
small share of the world car fleet (less than 1 percent) and face significant
infrastructure hurdles. The greatest potential seems to be with heavy-duty
vehicles that are primarily used in fleets and thus face less infrastructure

1.4.6Climate Change Emissions Targets and the Impact on the Energy


Under the Copenhagen Accord, countries made commitments to reduce

their greenhouse gas emissions with the ultimate goal of limiting the global
temperature increase to 2 C. In the WEO-2010, the IEA noted at the
outset of its discussion of climate change and the energy sector that the
commitments announced under the Copenhagen Accord collectively fall
short of what would be required to put the world on a path to achieving
the 2 C goal.
Under the New Policies Scenario, the IEA assumes that countries act
upon the commitments in a cautious manner, which has some impact, but
that rising demand for fossil fuels continues to drive up energy-related
CO2 emissions through 2035. Such a trend makes it all but impossible to
achieve the 2 C goal, as the required reductions in emissions after 2020
would be too steep.52 Nonetheless, the emissions under the New Policies
Scenario are a notable improvement from the Current Policies (that is, no
action) Scenario, where emissions grow at 1.4 percent per year versus 0.7
percent per year under the New Policies Scenario.
Under the New Policies Scenario emission trends are in line with sta-
bilizing the concentration of greenhouse gases at just over 650 parts per
million (ppm) or CO2-eq, resulting in a likely temperature rise of more
than 3.5 C in the long term.53 In order to have a reasonable chance of
achieving the 2 C goal, much more vigorous action is needed.
According to climate change experts, in order to achieve this goal, the

51IEA WEO-2010 at p.186.

52IEA WEO-2010 at pp.957.
53IEA WEO-2010 at p.97.
22 Energy for the 21st century

concentration of greenhouse gases would need to be stabilized at a level no

higher than 450 ppm CO2-eq.54 The IEAs 450 Scenario describes how the
energy sector could evolve to meet this target. Under this scenario, much
more ambitious targets than those announced under the Copenhagen
Accord are assumed, as is more rapid implementation of the removal of
fossil fuel subsidies as agreed by the G-20. These actions bring about a
faster transformation of the global energy sector and a correspondingly
faster slowdown in global CO2 emissions. Under the 450 Scenario, oil
demand peaks before 2020 at 88 mb/d, coal demand peaks before 2020,
and natural gas demand peaks before the end of the 2020s. Renewables
and nuclear double their current combined share to 38 percent in 2035.
Under the 450 Scenario, additional spending on low-carbon energy tech-
nologies (business investment and consumer spending) amounts to $18
trillion (in year 2009 dollars).55


In early 2011, several significant events transpired which called into ques-
tion some of the key assumptions in the WEO-2010. As a result of the
potential cumulative impact of these events, on June 6, 2011, the IEA
released a Special Report titled Are We Entering a Golden Age of Gas?
(IEA Golden Age Report), which presents a new natural gas focused
scenario (GAS Scenario).56
The GAS Scenario takes the IEAs WEO-2010 New Policies Scenario
as the starting point but incorporates recent assumptions about policy,
prices and other drivers that affect gas demand and supply prospects
over the coming decades.57 Under the new GAS Scenario, global use of
natural gas rises by more than 50 percent from 2010 levels with global

54IEA WEO-2010 at p.97.

55IEA WEO-2010 at pp.379416. In Chapters 1315 of the WEO-2010, the
IEA sets out in detail the climate change goals under the Copenhagen Accord
as well as the IEAs 450 Scenario on what is required to achieve those goals and
the implications for the energy sector. A detailed discussion of those chapters is
beyond the scope of this book, which focuses on the role of natural gas and LNG,
but readers interested in climate change and energy are urged to review those
chapters for more detail.
56IEA World Energy Outlook 2011, Special Report, Are We Entering a Golden

Age of Gas?, June 6, 2011,

GoldenAgeofGasReport.pdf (hereinafter IEA Golden Age Report).
57IEA Golden Age Report at p.14.
The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 23


4,000 Oil
3,000 Coal

1,000 Hydro

1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2035

Source: IEA Golden Age Report, OECD/IEA 2011, Fig. 1.1, p.19

Figure 1.6 World primary energy demand by fuel in the GAS Scenario

gas demand increasing nearly 2 percent per year.58 Natural gas sees the
strongest demand growth of all energy sources in the GAS Scenario and
overtakes coal before 2030 (see Figure 1.6). By 2035, natural gas comprises
25 percent of the worlds fuel mix.59
As in the IEA WEO-2010, the GAS Scenario highlights that the largest
sector for gas demand continues to be power generation, which along with
the industry sector experiences the largest increase compared to the New
Policies Scenario.60 At the outset, the IEA noted that since the IEA WEO-
2010 was issued, more recent developments had created considerable
opportunities for greater future use of natural gas globally, depending on
the interaction between economic and environmental factors and various
policy interventions in the market. The report analyzes the key factors that
could result in a more prominent role for natural gas in the global energy
mix as well as the implications for other fuels, energy security and climate
In the Golden Age Report, the IEA indicated that several factors arose
in early 2011 that point to a future in which natural gas plays a greater role
in the global energy mix. These factors, which will be addressed in detail
below, include: (1) increased demand from China as set forth in Chinas
12th Five-Year Plan; (2) lower growth of nuclear power as a result of the

58IEA Golden Age Report at p.19.

59IEA Golden Age Report at p.19.
60IEA Golden Age Report at p.23.
24 Energy for the 21st century

March 2011 nuclear crisis at Japans Fukushima Daiichi power plant;

(3) more planned use of natural gas in transportation; and (4) continued
increase of availability of gas, mainly through increased shale gas produc-
tion, which lowers average gas prices.
The Report strikes a cautious note about the role of natural gas to meet
climate change targets and notes that although natural gas is the cleanest-
burning fossil fuel, an expansion of natural gas is not enough on its own
to put the world on the agreed path of limited carbon emissions consistent
with a temperature rise of no more than 2 C.

1.5.1 Demand Drivers in the Golden Age of Gas

(1) Increased demand from China Chinas 12th Five-Year Plan

One of the key policy drivers noted in the GAS Scenario was Chinas
recently announced (March 2011) 12th Five-Year Plan (FYP) for 201115,
which outlines a path for a more sustainable energy future, focused on
energy efficiency and the use of cleaner energy sources to mitigate environ-
mental impacts.61 Given its enormous demand for energy, China is the most
important country in shaping future energy markets and thus energy policy
in China matters and can affect the trajectory of global gas demand.62
Chinas 12th FYP sets out targets for Chinas primary energy mix and
has a strong focus on natural gas, which is targeted to comprise an 8.3
percent share in the primary energy mix in 2015 (260 bcm annually) up
from 85 bcm consumed in 2008 (3.8 percent of energy use). This is a sig-
nificant upward revision from the IEA WEO-2010 New Policies Scenario,
in which Chinas demand was projected to reach 170 bcm in 2015.63 China
is encouraging natural gas in all sectors but the near-term priority is in
power generation.
Other key growth regions noted in the IEAs Golden Age Report
include the Middle East North Africa (MENA) Region, which sees an
increase in gas demand from 300 bcm to 630 bcm by 2035. Demand for
natural gas in India and Latin America also sees significant growth.
As shown in Figure 1.7, non-OECD countries account for 80 percent of
demand growth to 2035, with China alone making up nearly 30 percent of
global growth in demand for natural gas. By 2034, China will use as much
natural gas as the EU.64

61IEA Golden Age Report at p.15.

62IEA Golden Age Report at p.14.
63IEA Golden Age Report at p.14.
64 N. Tanaka & J. Corben, IEA Presentation to the Center for Strategic and
The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 25


OECD total

Middle East


Latin America



Rest of the world

0 100 200 300 400 500 600


Source: IEA CSIS, OECD/IEA 2011

Figure 1.7Increase in natural gas consumption in the GAS Scenario,


(2) Lower growth of nuclear power Japans Fukushima Daiichi crisis

Another key event relevant to the IEAs GAS Scenario was the March
2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan.65 As
a result of that incident, many countries around the world are re-thinking,
and in some cases, suspending, their nuclear programs.66 Thus, the IEAs
GAS Scenario assumes that there will be lower global nuclear power gen-
eration capacity than projected in the WEO-2010 New Policies Scenario
(see Figure 1.8).67

International Studies (CSIS), June 8, 2011, available at

ments/110608_EnergyIEAGas.pdf (IEA CSIS, OECD/IEA 2011).
65On March 11, 2011, Japanese authorities informed the International Atomic

Energy Agency (IAEA) that an earthquake and tsunami had struck Japan, result-
ing in damage to Japans Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Flooding
caused by the tsunami disabled diesel generators intended to provide back-up
electricity to the plants cooling system and Japanese officials declared a nuclear
emergency situation. IAEA, Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log, March 11,
66 For example, on May 30, 2011, Germany announced that it would phase

out all of its nuclear power plants by 2022. The announcement followed mass
anti-nuclear protests in Germany in response to Japans nuclear crisis. BBC News
Europe, Germany: Nuclear Power Plants to Close by 2022, May 30, 2011, http://
67IEA GAS Scenario at p.20.
26 Energy for the 21st century

2035 New Policies
Scenario, WEO-2010
2035 GAS Scenario




Oil Gas Coal Renewables Nuclear

Source: IEA Golden Age Report, OECD/IEA 2011, Fig. 1.2, p.20

Figure 1.8 World primary energy demand by fuel and scenario

This lost nuclear power generation will most likely be replaced by gas-fired
power generation, leading to an increase in natural gas demand.68 As will
be discussed in more detail in Chapter 3, Japans nuclear crisis has rever-
berated through the LNG markets, as Japan has had to import record
amounts of LNG to make up for the nuclear power lost in the wake of
the crisis. Japans imports of LNG for April 2011 were 23 percent higher
than for April 2010 and many analysts assume this elevated demand will
continue through 201112. Analysts also assume that Japans increased
use will absorb any excess supply of LNG and may possibly even lead to
a global LNG shortage, which will drive up LNG prices in other markets,
most notably Europe.69

68The IEA has cautioned that Germanys moratorium on nuclear power gen-

eration adds around 25 million metric tons a year to the countrys carbon dioxide
emissions, which will have to be offset elsewhere by replacing coal-fired power
with cleaner gas-burning plants. James Herron, IEA Warns on Impact of German
Nuclear Halt, Wall. St. J., May 27, 2011,
69 James Herron, Japan LNG Imports Surge, Supporting Global Prices,

MarketWatch, May 17, 2011,

imports-surge-supporting-global-prices-2011-05-17. See also Japan LNG Imports
The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 27

Table 1.1Natural gas import price assumptions by scenario (in year 2009
dollars per MBtu)

Gas Scenario New Policies Scenario,

2009 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
United 4.1 5.6 6.1 6.4 7.0 8.0 7.0 8.1 9.1 9.9 10.4
Europe 7.4 9.0 9.5 9.7 10.1 10.9 10.6 11.6 12.3 12.9 13.3
Japan 9.4 11.5 11.7 11.9 12.3 12.9 12.2 13.4 14.2 14.9 15.3

Source: IEA Golden Age Report, p.17

(3) Natural gas in transportation

While no new events or policies are introduced in the GAS Scenario,
the IEA nonetheless assumes that governments in some countries will
encourage the greater use of natural gas vehicles than in the New Policies
Scenario. The New Policies Scenario projected around 30 million NGVs
by 2035, and the GAS Scenario projects around 70 million.70 For a more
detailed discussion about the possible role of LNG in transportation, see
Chapter 12.

(4) Price and supply of natural gas

In the GAS Scenario, the IEA noted that price is a key determinant
of the level of future global gas demand.71 The price assumptions for
natural gas in the GAS Scenario are markedly different from those in the
New Policies Scenario (see Table 1.1). In the GAS Scenario, the rate of
increase slows around the middle of the Outlook period (202025) before
accelerating again as it approaches 2035. The price path set out by the
IEA reflects expectations of demand and supply but primarily represents
a more optimistic assumption relating to increases in future gas supply,
largely driven by availability of unconventional shale gas at relatively low

to Increase After Quake Hits Energy Infrastructure, LNG World News, March 12,
hits-energy-infrastructure/; Japanese Utilities Prepare to Step Up LNG Imports to
Meet Summer Electricity Demand, IHS Global Insight, June 10, 2011, http://www.
70GAS Scenario at p.16.
71IEA Golden Age Report at p.17.
28 Energy for the 21st century

Increase due to:
Higher energy demand
36.0 Less nuclear
Less renewables
35.5 Reduction due to:
Substitution of coal and

oil by gas


Policies Scenario Scenario

Source: IEA Golden Age Report, OECD/IEA 2011, Fig. 1.16, p.38

Figure 1.9CO2 emissions in the GAS Scenario relative to the New

Policies Scenario, 2035

1.5.2 Climate Change and the Role of Natural Gas in the GAS Scenario

At the UN climate change talks in Cancun 2010, global leaders agreed

to a target of limiting temperature increase to 2 C. For this goal to be
achieved, the long-term concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmos-
phere must be limited to around 450 parts per million of CO2-equivalent
which is only a 5 percent increase compared to an estimated 430 parts per
million in 2000.72
In the GAS Scenario, the IEA notes that natural gas is the cleanest-
burning fossil fuel and thus has emission and environmental benefits when
compared to other fossil fuels, especially coal.73 In the GAS Scenario,
energy-related CO2 emissions follow a similar path to that in the WEO-
2010 and reach 35.3 gigatonnes (Gt) in 2035, which is just 160 million
tonnes (Mt) lower than emissions in the New Policies Scenario in that year
(see Figure 1.9).74
In the Golden Age Report, the IEA notes the competing interac-
tions between natural gas emissions benefits, prices and renewables.
While low natural gas prices encourage displacement of more carbon

72IEA, Latest Information, Prospect of Limiting the Global Increase in

Temperature to 2 is Getting Bleaker, May 30, 2011,

73IEA Golden Age Report at p.9.
74IEA Golden Age Report at p.37.
The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 29

intensive fuels such as coal and oil, in the absence of a global cap on
CO2 emissions low natural gas prices may also displace more expensive
low-carbon fuels such as nuclear and renewables.75 As a result, the IEA
specifically notes that an increased share of natural gas in the global
energy mix is not enough on its own to put the world on a carbon
emissions path consistent with an average global temperature rise of no
more than 2 C. To meet this target, there needs to be a greater shift to
low-carbon energy sources, increased efficiency, and new technologies
such as CCS.
The GAS Scenario assumes that governments will continue to provide
regulatory and financial support for renewables (the WEO-2010 estimated
$57 billion of support for renewables and biofuels) but notes that lower
gas prices may put pressure on some governments to review their policies
and level of support.76 Thus, it remains to be seen whether there will be
any net benefit from an increase in natural gas use over other more carbon
intensive fuels such as coal and oil.

1.5.3 Are We Entering a Golden Age of Natural Gas?

The above sections highlight the competing interactions at work as

natural gas struggles to find its role in the future energy supply mix. On
the one hand, natural gas is a clean-burning, flexible fuel that can be
used extensively in power generation and other sectors to help reduce
emissions by displacing other fuels, such as coal and oil. Natural gas
resources are abundant and the prospects of global shale gas develop-
ment imply that the world will be well supplied with natural gas in the
21st century.
On the other hand, the emissions benefits of natural gas, on their own,
will not be enough to meet global climate change goals, especially if low
natural gas prices lead to displacement of other cleaner fuels such as
nuclear and renewables. After weighing these factors and recognizing that
there are many uncertainties that may tip the scales, the IEA noted in the
GAS Scenario that with natural gas demand expected to rise by more
than 50% and account for over 25% of the world demand in 2035, the
Golden Age of Natural Gas is upon us.77

75IEA Golden Age Report at p.37.

76IEA Golden Age Report at p.18.
77IEA Golden Age Report at p.9. The IEA noted that the rise in natural gas

demand of more than 50%, accounting for 25% of world energy demand by 2035,
was surely a prospect to designate the Golden Age of Gas. Ibid.
30 Energy for the 21st century



The Golden Age of Gas would not be possible were it not for liquefied
natural gas LNG. Most natural gas is consumed in the same region in
which it is produced due to the costs and impracticalities of transporting
natural gas via pipeline over long distances. LNG is natural gas that has
been cooled to approximately 161 C, at which point it condenses to
a liquid that occupies approximately 1/600th of the volume of natural
gas, thereby allowing it to be shipped via LNG tanker or stored.78 Of
primary significance is the fact that LNG provides a sea-borne solu-
tion to the impracticality of serving distant natural gas markets via
pipeline or for exploiting otherwise stranded gas reserves.79 Since the
majority of the worlds natural gas reserves are located far away from
key demand markets, LNG offers an important solution for the global
gas markets in terms of moving natural gas to markets where it is most
Between 2002 and 2007, global LNG trade expanded by around 50
percent, followed by almost no growth in 200809 due to upstream issues
in producing countries and the fall in demand due to the global economic
recession.80 Trade in LNG resumed its upward trajectory in 2010 as
the global economy showed signs it was coming out of the recession.
According to recent IEA projections, international trade in natural gas
is set to grow significantly in the coming decades, with more than half
of that growth in the form of LNG.81 The significant increase in LNG
trade, particularly between the historically distinct regions, has led many
to question in recent years whether the gas markets are globalizing.82
While this issue will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, the general
consensus that seems to have emerged is that while the gas markets are
globalizing, they are not yet globalized since approximately two-thirds

78The LNG value chain is a complicated series of interactions that will be

discussed in detail in Chapter 3.

79 Foss, Michelle Michot (2007), Introduction to LNG, Centre for Energy

Economics, University of Texas at Austin, pp.78, available at, www.beg.utexas.

edu/energyecon/lng. Natural gas resources are considered stranded when they
are located far from any market. Transportation of LNG by ship is one method to
bring this stranded gas to market.
80IEA Medium-Term Oil and Gas Markets 2010 (MTOGM 2010) at pp.158,

81IEA WEO-2010 at p.192.
82IEA MTOGM 2010 at pp.158, 168.
The role of natural gas and LNG in the 21st century 31

of global gas is still consumed in the country where it is produced and also
because there is not yet a single pricing structure for LNG.83 Nonetheless,
there is widespread recognition that LNG is the glue linking global gas

83IEA MTOGM 2010 at p.15860.

84IEA MTOGM 2010 at p.158.
2.The LNG value chain

The intense interest and growth in LNG trade over the past decade war-
rants a brief discussion of the entire LNG value or supply chain since the
LNG boom has affected every aspect of the business. In the past decade,
the pressure on the LNG industry to successfully navigate the numerous
operational, commercial and environmental issues related to the LNG
value chain has been incredibly intense. On the construction end, there
was intense pressure on the industry to construct new LNG infrastructure
to meet rising demand.
The demand for new liquefaction and regasification facilities led to con-
straints in engineering services and bottlenecks of delivery of certain equip-
ment such as cryogenic storage. The intense demand affected the cost and
schedule of construction and operations and many in the industry com-
plained of skyrocketing costs and equipment delays. Nonetheless, during
this time period, liquefaction capacity witnessed significant growth, as did
the number of receiving terminals in construction, expansion projects and
As demand for LNG grew, so too did the number of players seeking to
enter the fast-growing LNG market. The growth led to a more competitive
global LNG market, which in turn drove companies to seek cost savings
and efficiencies along the entire value chain.
The LNG value chain comprises a complex set of activities, all of which
are capital intensive and require specialized knowledge in order to execute
successfully.1 The LNG value chain begins with the drilling and produc-
tion of natural gas from subsurface gas reservoirs usually offshore. The
natural gas is then piped from the offshore platform to an onshore treat-

1According to ExxonMobil, to implement the LNG value chain successfully,

there must be unwavering focus on: strong partnerships; long-term vision; tech-
nological innovation; extraordinary fiscal investments, safety and environmental
leadership; significant experience in developing and operating each link of the
value chain; technical discipline; project execution and operational excellence; and
detailed knowledge of the market. ExxonMobil, LNG Fueling the Future, http://

The LNG value chain 33

Liquefaction plant Shipping Import terminal

Gas treatment
Raw Storage LNG Sea transport LNG Storage Regasification Sales
gas of
feed gas

Condensate LPG/ethane

Source: GIIGNL, Information Paper 2 The LNG Process Chain

Figure 2.1 LNG value chain

ment plant, which removes impurities and liquids. The next step is LNG
liquefaction, where the natural gas is condensed into a liquid at atmos-
pheric pressure by cooling it to 162 C (260 F). After liquefaction, the
LNG is transported on special LNG carriers (ships) to the regasification
terminal, where it is warmed back to its gaseous state and fed into natural
gas pipelines for ultimate distribution to consumers. (See Figure 2.1.) The
three main stages of the LNG value chain liquefaction, shipping and
regasification are discussed in more detail below.


Extracting the natural gas from the ground is the first step in the LNG
value chain. The gas supply that comes from the production field is called
feed gas and the feed gas is first sent to the onshore processing plant2
for treatment prior to liquefaction. It is important to note that raw natural
gas has to be purified before it is suitable for use by consumers. While the
natural gas used by consumers is almost entirely methane, natural gas is
associated with a variety of other compounds and gases such as ethane,
propane, butane,3 carbon dioxide, and sulfur, as well as oil, water, and

2The processing plant is considered part of the overall liquefaction process.

Ethane, propane, butane, and others are referred to as natural gas liquids
(NGLs) and these NGLs are typically collected as valuable products in their
own right. Bob Shively, John Ferrare, and Belinda Petty, Understanding Todays
Global LNG Business, Energy Dynamics Publications (
at pp.256. Natural gas is referred to as wet when hydrocarbons other than
methane are present, dry when it is almost pure methane, and sour when it con-
tains significant amounts of hydrogen sulphide. IEA, Natural Gas,
34 Energy for the 21st century

other substances. All of these must be removed prior to the liquefac-

tion process.4 Because the composition of natural gas can vary widely
depending on the gas field, pipeline companies and LNG buyers typically
specify allowable ranges of components and heating values. In particular,
the specifications for higher heating value (HHV) and gas interchange-
ability vary significantly worldwide, as do the LNG characteristics from
worldwide sources.5
Historically, LNG product specifications were not major plant design
issues since plant designs were based on long-term contracts with specified
buyers so there was little need for flexibility in the plant designs. This situ-
ation has changed in recent years as LNG trade has become more global,
with owners of liquefaction plant often targeting more than one market.
Moreover, the growing spot market for LNG provides more opportunities
for buyers and sellers who have the ability to be flexible on product speci-
fications. As a result, various technical solutions have been developed for
conditioning LNG on liquefaction and receiving ends. For example, LPG
extraction is a common method for adjusting LNG HHV downward on
both the receiving and liquefaction ends. Nitrogen injection is also used in
existing terminals to reduce HHV.6

2.2.1 Liquefaction Technology/Processes

Once the impurities and liquids are removed, the natural gas is ready to
be liquefied at the liquefaction plant the heart of the LNG project
and the largest single investment in the LNG value/process chain.7

4Groupe International Des Importateurs De Gaz Naturel Liqufi (the

International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers) (GIIGNL), Information

Paper No. 2 The LNG Process Chain, available at
5 For a table of LNG characteristics worldwide, see GIIGNL, The LNG

Industry 2011, at p.12,

6David Coyle, Felix F. de la Vega, Charles Durr, Natural Gas Specification

Challenges in the LNG Industry (Jan. 2007), KBR, Liquefied Natural Gas
(LNG) Publications,
Natural-Gas-Specification-Challenges-in-the-LNG-Industry.pdf. KBR has led
the study, design and construction of many of the worlds LNG facilities since
1976 and has also achieved many LNG firsts along the way including the first fully
modular LNG plant design in Western Australia, the first liquefaction train, and
the first large-scale gas turbine plant.
7Michael D. Tusiani & Gordon Shearer, LNG: A Nontechnical Guide 71

(PennWell 2007). In the later part of the 20th century, the estimated cost to build a
large liquefaction plant of around 8 Mtpa was approximately $1.52.0 billion. Costs
began to escalate in the mid- to late 2000s due to the rising cost of materials and
limited number of EPC contractors. Ibid. at 80. As discussed in detail in Chapters 11
The LNG value chain 35

At the liquefaction plant, the natural gas is condensed into a liquid at

atmospheric pressure by cooling it to 162 C (260 F). In its liquefied
form, LNG takes up about 1/600th of the space of the gaseous form, which
makes it more feasible to transport and store natural gas.8
Liquefaction plants are typically set up as a number of parallel process-
ing units, called trains. Each train is a complete stand-alone processing unit
but typically there are multiple trains built side by side. The capacity of
each train is determined by the size of the equipment used to drive the com-
pressors needed for the liquefaction process. Over the past decade, the size
of train capacities has significantly increased from 1 MMt/y (1.4Bcm/y)
capacity in the early plants (Libya, Algeria, Alaska and Brunei) to almost
8 MMt/y (more than 11 Bcm/y) in the new projects in Qatar.9
The main equipment in the liquefaction process consists of heat
exchangers and compressors driven by steam or gas turbines. While there
are a number of proprietary processes, the basic cooling and liquefaction
principles of each process are the same, with the heat exchangers being one
of the most significant processes. In this process, a cold liquid refrigerant
is passed through cooling coils. The natural gas is then flowed over the
cooled coils, resulting in the cooling of the natural gas. As the natural gas
temperature gradually cools to 162 C (260 F), it becomes a liquid.10
Another important technology in the liquefaction process is the drive

and 12, Chenieres total expected costs (before financing) to build the first phase of
its proposed LNG export facilities, which includes two liquefaction trains capable
of producing 9.0 Mtpa, is $4.55.0 billion. The total contract price of the engineer-
ing, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract with Bechtel is $3.9 billion.
Cheniere Energy Partners, Press Release, Cheniere Partners Enters into Lump Sum
Turnkey Contract with Bechtel (Nov. 14, 2011), available at http://phx.corporate-ir.
8Liquefaction also permits the storage of natural gas for use during high

demand periods in areas where underground storage facilities are not feasible and
plays an important role in markets where peakshaving occurs. Peakshaving
is used by utility companies that typically liquefy natural gas when it is abundant
and available at off-peak prices and later, during peak demand periods, the
stored LNG is converted back to its gaseous state for use. Michelle Michot Foss,
Introduction to LNG, Centre for Energy Economics, University of Texas at Austin
(2007) at pp.78, available at
9Michael D. Tusiani and Gordon Shearer, LNG: A Nontechnical Guide

71 (PennWell 2007).
10 Bob Shively, John Ferrare, and Belinda Petty, Understanding Todays

Global LNG Business, Energy Dynamics Publications (

at p.27. There is some slight variance in terms of the temperature when the natural
gas becomes a liquid and some references use 163 C. See Tusiani and Shearer at
71. Some organizations, such as the IEA, use 161 C. This book generally uses
161 C or 162 C depending on what the original sources uses.
36 Energy for the 21st century

train for the compressor that pressurizes the refrigerant. Most of the early
liquefaction plants were built using steam turbines but since the late 1980s
most LNG facilities have been constructed using gas turbines.11
Compressor sizing, layout, and liquefaction process are dependent on
the specific design for the facility. The two main liquefaction processes
used worldwide are the APCI MCR (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Multi-Component Refrigerant) process and the ConocoPhillips Optimized
Cascade process. The processes differ by the type of refrigerant used and
the design of the cooling stages. Since each process is proprietary, the
decision to use one or the other ties the LNG plant owner to a specific
technology license for the life of the plant.12
Over 80 percent of the liquefaction plants worldwide use the APCI
MCR process, which uses pre-cooling with propane followed by final
cooling with the proprietary refrigerant.13 For Qatars massive LNG
projects, ExxonMobil and Qatar Petroleum first used a variation called
the APCI AP-X process at the two-train 15.6 MMtpa Qatargas II project.
The same design was repeated for all the 7.8 MMtpa mega trains used in
The Snohvit LNG plant in Norway uses a new process developed by
Linde/Statoil called the Mixed Fluid Cascade (MFC) process, comprising
three refrigeration cycles in a series. The novel project design also uses
electrically driven compressors and seawater for cooling. Another feature
is that carbon dioxide present in the feed gas is removed and re-injected
The Sakhalin project in Russia is using the Shell Dual Mixed
Refrigerant (DMR) process. This novel process uses two mixed refrig-
erant cycles in series and the process is air-cooled for process and
environmental reasons. The Shell DMR process can be used in a range
of temperature environments and was particularly suited to Sakhalins
sub-arctic environment.16
After the liquefaction process, the LNG is then stored at subzero tem-
peratures in insulated tanks until it is loaded onto LNG carriers ready to
be shipped to the designated destination.

11Shively et al., Understanding Todays Global LNG Business at p.27.

14International Gas Union (IGU) World LNG Report 2010, at p.18, avail-

able at
16Ibid. at p.19.
The LNG value chain 37

2.2.2 Global LNG Liquefaction Plants and Capacity

During the past decade, the pace of growth in the global LNG industry
has been remarkable in terms of the liquefaction capacity added world-
wide. LNG liquefaction capacity during this time frame has almost
doubled with new liquefaction capacity added at an average annual rate of
10 percent during 20062010 compared to an average of 5 percent during
As of the end of 2011, there were 25 liquefaction facilities in operation
in 18 countries around the world.18 In terms of LNG capacity, at the end
of 2011, there were 95 liquefaction trains in operation with total global
liquefaction capacity of 278.7 MMtpa, compared to 171.4 MMtpa at the
end of 2005.19 Appendix A provides a listing of all LNG liquefaction
terminals worldwide, including those under construction, approved and in
the permitting stage.
In terms of liquefaction capacity by country, since 2005, five countries
have commissioned new LNG plants Equatorial Guinea, Norway, Peru,
Russia and Yemen. Another seven countries expanded existing liquefaction
capacity: Australia, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman and Qatar.
Historically, Indonesia was the largest LNG producer but in recent
years Qatar has been the driving force behind liquefaction capacity
growth. Over the next decade, Australias liquefaction capacity is set to
grow significantly and the majority of the remaining LNG projects under
construction are located in Australia.20

Once the natural gas is liquefied, it is ready to be transported via special-
ized LNG ships/carriers to the regasification facility. LNG carriers are
double-hulled ships specially designed to contain the LNG cargo at or
near atmospheric pressure at a cryogenic temperature of approximately
162 C (259 F).21

17Ibid. at p.14.
18IGU World LNG Report 2011 at p.20.
19Ibid. p.22.
21LNG can also be transported via special double-skinned tank trucks where
the liquefaction plant is close to the regasification facility. LNG is regularly
transported by tank truck in several countries including Australia, Belgium,
Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, the UK and
38 Energy for the 21st century

Table 2.1 Liquefaction capacity by country, 2011

Country MMtpa
Qatar 77.0
Indonesia 34.1
Malaysia 25.0
Nigeria 21.9
Australia 19.9
Algeria 18.4
Trinidad 15.5
Egypt 12.2
Oman 10.8
Russia 9.6
Brunei 7.2
Yemen 6.7
UAE 5.8
Norway 4.5
Peru 4.5
Equatorial Guinea 3.7
US 1.3
Libya 0.7
Total capacity 278.7

Source: IGU World LNG Report 2011

LNG shipping and carriers play a critical role in the value chain since
shipping is often the only option to connect producers of LNG with
buyers or consumers of LNG. For example, Qatar, the biggest LNG sup-
plier, is about 5,000 miles away from Japan, the largest consumer of LNG.
This distance makes shipping Qatari LNG to Japan the only viable option.
While there is often discussion of pipeline gas competing with LNG (gas
on gas competition), in reality, both sources usually serve different
purposes with LNG often being the only viable option. For example, one
expert has opined that all of the planned pipeline projects into Europe
combined would not be enough to meet anticipated demand, making the
importation of LNG into Europe a necessity.22 Moreover, constructing

the US. See GIIGNL, Information Paper No. 2 The LNG Process Chain, at
22Moming Zhou and Alistar Holloway, LNG-Tanker Rates Doubling as

Ship Glut Erodes, Bloomberg, Feb. 16, 2011,

The LNG value chain 39

Source: GIIGNL, Information Paper No. 3 LNG Ships

Figure 2.2LNG carrier types: membrane design (top) and Moss sphere
design (bottom)

pipelines between sovereign countries is often fraught with geopolitical

tensions, making LNG often the better solution.
LNG carriers blend conventional ship design with specialized materi-
als and advanced systems for handling cryogenic cargos. There are two
typesof LNG carriers the membrane design and the Moss sphere design,
which is easily identified by its spherical tanks (Figure 2.2).23 Most recently
built tankers are membrane design since, unlike the earlier-designed
domed Moss LNG tankers, the newer low-elevation membrane ships can

23GIIGNL, Information Paper No. 3 LNG Ships, available at www.giignl.

40 Energy for the 21st century

pass under most bridges, making more ports accessible.24 In addition, the
newer membrane ships are being built to meet the highest international
standards with sophisticated onboard monitoring and control features for
safely receiving, transporting and discharging the LNG.
In compliance with guidelines from the International Gas Codes (IGC),
the containment tanks on LNG ships have layers of insulation that isolate
the LNG cargo from the hull by ensuring that there is a minimum distance
from the sides and bottom of the hull. The insulation system serves to
isolate the cargo in the event of grounding or collision and also limits
the amount of LNG that boils off or evaporates during the voyage. On
many LNG vessels, the boil-off gas is used to supplement fuel during the
In addition to various design regulations, there are stringent interna-
tional regulations governing the construction and operation of LNG car-
riers at sea and at port. The International Maritime Organization (IMO)
is the United Nations agency responsible for adopting and updating
international treaties (conventions) for shipping safety and security. The
IMO has adopted approximately 40 conventions and protocols including
the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships
Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IMO Gas Code) and the International
Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code.26
In recent years, the IMO has been working on new guidelines to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from ships with the aim of building a binding
international regime for adoption.27 This is discussed in more detail in
Chapter 12.

24 Frank Baker, Crest of the Wave (BP Publication),

two_wave.pdf. For example, three of BPs current LNG fleet the British
Trader,British Innovator and British Merchant are all dual membrane type LNG
25GIIGNL, Information Paper No. 2 The LNG Process Chain, at p.3.
27 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD),

Review of Maritime Transport 2008,

asp?intItemID54658&lang51. Published since 1968, the Review of Maritime
Transport is one of UNCTADs flagship publications reporting on the worldwide
evolution of shipping, ports, and transportation related to the trade of liquid bulk,
dry bulk and container ships.
The LNG value chain 41

2.3.1 Ship Registration and Flag States

Shipping is one of the most significant industries in the world and is vital
to the global economy since more than 80 percent of international trade
in goods is carried by sea.28 The ownership and subsequent management
chain of any ship often comprise many countries and nationalities, with
the economic and physical life of a ship spent moving between many dif-
ferent jurisdictions. As such, another important aspect of LNG shipping
pertains to ship registration.
The registration of ships is a time-honored practice that historically was
a means of controlling ships entitled to carry cargoes within the maritime
empires of Europe. Today, registration confers nationality on a ship and
brings it within the jurisdiction of the law of the flag State.29 The flag
state establishes rules and requirements for ships that fly its flag and also
has the primary responsibility for ensuring that registered flag state vessels
meet all national and international laws and regulations.
Since the 1980s, open registries have represented more than 50 percent
of the world shipping markets. Established after World War II to eliminate
barriers to free trade, open registry offers registration to shipowners from
all nationalities and provides political neutrality. One of the largest open
registries in the world is the Marshall Islands Registry, which is administered
by International Registries, Inc. (IRI), through a legislatively endorsed joint
venture with the Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands.30
The Republic of the Marshall Islands maintains a comprehensive legislative
and regulatory framework that ensures the Registrys full compliance with
international conventions and the regulations of the IMO.31
The Marshall Islands ship registry is the third-largest open registry in
the world, surpassing the 70 million gross ton mark in the first half of
2011.32 Vessel types include oil tankers, bulk carriers, mobile offshore

28 UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport 2010,

29International Registries, Inc. (IRI), Corporate Brochure, available at www.
30The Republic of the Marshall Islands is located midway between Hawaii

and the Philippines and is the easternmost island group in Micronesia. The
Republic of the Marshall Islands gained its independence in 1986 after ending
a UNUS Trusteeship Agreement by signing a Compact of Free Association
(Compact) with the United States. Under the Compact, the Republic of the
Marshall Islands is fully sovereign in domestic and foreign affairs, but gives
responsibility for its defense to the US.
31IRI, Corporate Brochure, available at
32According to UNCTAD, the largest flag of registration country continues
42 Energy for the 21st century

drilling units (MODUs), container ships, passenger vessels and yachts.33

According to UNCTAD, in 2008 the Marshall Islands recorded double-
digit growth (114.9 percent) in terms of the dead weight tonnage (dwt)
of ships registered under their flag.34 Some of this growth was no doubt
attributable to the registration of the new LNG vessels built to transport
LNG from the massive Qatar LNG projects. For example, in April 2008,
the Marshall Islands Registry announced that eight Japanese-owned LNG
vessels for Qatar would register with the Marshall Islands with the AL
AAMRIYA, a 135,100 gross ton gas carrier being built by the Daewoo
Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co., registering that month.35 In
total, 40 Qatar LNG vessels will join the Marshall Islands Registry over
the four years between 2008 and 2012.36

2.3.2 Recent Developments and Expansion of the Global LNG Fleet

The year 2009 was a major milestone for the LNG shipping industry with
several significant events occurring. The first was the celebration of the

to be Panama with 274 million dwt (dead weight tonnage), followed by Liberia
(124 dwt) and the Marshall Islands (68 dwt). UNCTAD, Review of Maritime
Transport 2009, Chapter 2, available at
33IRI, Corporate Brochure,
34 UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport 2009, Chapter 2, http://www.
35According to UNCTAD, shipyards in Korea, and to a lesser extent,

China and Japan, build most LNG carriers. UNCTAD, Review of Maritime
Transport 2010, The worlds
three largest shipyards, Hyundai Heavy Industries, Co., Daewoo Shipbuilding
& Marine Engineering Co. and Samsung Heavy Industries, are located in
South Korea. Kyunghee Park, Korea Shipyards LNG Skill Beats China Bulk
Focus Freight, Businessweek, Sept. 30, 2011,
news/2011-0 9-3 0/korea-s hipyards-l ng-s kill-b eats-c hina-b ulk-f ocus-f reight.
html. In 2008, it was announced that South Koreas three major shipbuild-
ers, Hyundai, Samsung and Daewoo, would construct the massive $16B
order to build 54 new ships for Qatar. Most of the new ships were the
new, larger LNG carriers 31 Q-Flex category 14 are Q-Max and 9 con-
ventional carriers. John Pratap, South Korea Building 54 Ships for Qatar,
Gulf Times, Feb. 24, 2008,
36The Marshall Islands Registry, Press Release, Japanese-Owned Qatar LNG

Vessels to Register with The Marshall Islands, April 8, 2008, available at http://www.
The LNG value chain 43

50th anniversary of the worlds first LNG shipment, which took place
on January 28, 1959, when the Methane Pioneer carried LNG from Lake
Charles in the United States to Canvey Island in the United Kingdom,
thereby demonstrating that LNG cargoes could be transported over long
distances by ship. Also in 2009 was the celebration of the 40th anniversary
of the Moss design and the 150th anniversary of the Suez Canal.37
The LNG shipping industry has also experienced major milestones in
terms of the expansion of the global LNG fleet. In the past decade, the
global LNG fleet expanded rapidly from 195 ships at the end of 2005
to 360 LNG ships at the end of 2010 with a combined capacity of 53
MMcm. A record number of LNG vessels (47) were delivered in 2008,
most of which went to Qatar. Appendix B provides a current listing of the
worldwide LNG carrier fleet compiled by EA Gibson.38
In more recent years, the global expansion of the LNG fleet exceeded
the global LNG trade, a situation exacerbated by the global recession in
200809. This resulted in significant overcapacity of LNG shipping capac-
ity. As demand recovered in 2010, the overcapacity narrowed and it is
expected to narrow in the future. An increase in inter-regional trade is also
expected to lead to higher utilization of the additional shipping capacity.
As this book goes to print, it appears in fact that the LNG shipping glut
that persisted between 2008 and 2011 is disappearing due to the rise in
global LNG demand, especially from China and India and also emerging
from Latin America and the Middle East.39
Some experts predict that by 2020 another 100 LNG ships will be
needed and that by 2035 the global LNG fleet has to double in order to
meet expected demand.40 It remains to be seen whether the industry will

37GIIGNL, The LNG Industry in 2009.

38EA Gibson is recognized as one of the worlds leading shipbrokers and
also compiles ship and charter information databases, as well as in-depth market
analysis, research and consultancy. EA Gibson publishes an annual Gas Carrier
Register, which contains details of all ocean-going gas carriers, as well as new-
building vessels on order with a liquefied gas carrying capacity of 1,000 cubic
meters and above. The publication contains the following sections: vessels by
owner, name and size, pressure LPG, pressurized/refrigerated LPG, fully refrig-
erated LPG, ethylene, LNG, Ice Class, former vessel names, and orderbook by
LPG and LNG. More information on EA Gibsons 2012 Annual Tanker & Gas
Registers is a vailable at
39Moming Zhou and Alistar Holloway, LNG-Tanker Rates Doubling as

Ship Glut Erodes, Bloomberg, Feb. 16, 2011,

44 Energy for the 21st century

meet this challenge and one reason is the significant expense in building
LNG carriers. The current cost of an LNG ship is approximately $210
million, compared with $99 million for a supertanker.41
As this book goes to print, orders for new LNG carriers in 2011 will
expand LNG shipping capacity to 380 billion cubic meters (13.4 trillion
cubic feet) by 2015 from 300 billion cubic meters today. According to
data from Clarkson Research Services Ltd., 24 LNG tankers have been
ordered at shipbuilders in South Korea and China in 2011 and there are
44 ships contracted and 362 LNG carriers in service.42
In addition to the increase in the sheer number of LNG carriers, the
actual size of LNG carriers has also increased significantly in the past
decade. For example, the new LNG mega ships that were designed for
Qatar the Q-Flex and the Q-Max are significantly larger than con-
ventional LNG carriers (Figure 2.3). A majority of the worlds LNG
terminals can accommodate vessels with LNG carrying capacity over
155,000 cm and a growing number of terminals are upgrading facilities to
accommodate larger ships.
Despite the recent trend in building larger-capacity LNG carriers, the
size of LNG carriers in the global LNG fleet varies significantly. In 2010,
the global LNG fleet averaged 146,686 cm of capacity per carrier. The
smallest vessels (typically 18,00040,000 cm) are used primarily to trans-
port LNG from Southeast Asia to smaller terminals in Japan. There are
even smaller carriers (7,500 cm and below) that are used in domestic and
coastal areas, thereby facilitating delivery of LNG to remote areas.

2.3.3 The Future of LNG Shipping and New Technology

In June 2011, Sovcomflot (SCF Group) announced that it had ordered

two ultramodern ice-class LNG carriers, to be used by Gazprom Global
LNG Limited (GGLNG) for LNG transportation. GGLNG, a subsidi-
ary of Gazprom, confirmed that the SCF Group will operate the two new
LNG carriers on a long-term time charter, for a minimum of 15 years,
and that construction will take place at the STX Offshore & Shipbuilding
shipyard, South Korea, with assistance from the Russian Shipbuilding
Corporation. Delivery of the first vessel is expected during the fourth

42Michelle Wiese Bockmann, LNG Tanker-Fleet Surge Risks Worker

Shortage, Recruiter Says, Bloomberg Businessweek, June 20, 2011, http://www.
recruiter-says.html. Clarkson Research Services Ltd., a unit of Clarkson Plc, is the
worlds largest shipbroker. Ibid.
The LNG value chain 45

Conventional LNG tanker 918 feet long (280 m)

Q-Max LNG tanker 1,131 feet long (345 m)

A Q-Max ship is longer than three football fields stacked end

to end 1,080 feet (329 m). (One NFL football field including
end zones is 360 feet long.)

Conventional LNGC Q-Max LNGC tanker

Cargo capacity 145,000 m3 Cargo capacity 250,000 m3
Breadth 44 m Breadth 55 m
Depth 26 m Depth 27 m
Draft 11.5 m Draft 12 m

Source: Graphic courtesy of ExxonMobil Corporation

Figure 2.3 Conventional and Q-Max LNG tanker size comparison

quarter of 2013 while the second vessel will follow during the second
quarter of 2014.43
The proposed new ships have the potential to revolutionize the
delivery of LNG from extremely harsh environments and are expected to
offeryear-round gas exports from Russias first LNG project Sakhalin-2.44


The third major step in the LNG value chain is regasification, in which
the LNG is returned to its original gaseous form at the LNG import or
regasification terminal. Once returned to its gaseous state, the natural

43Ship Management International, Sovcomflot Orders Two Ultra-Modern

LNG Carriers, June 6, 2011, available at http://www.shipmanagementinter
46 Energy for the 21st century

gas is then injected into the domestic pipeline grid for delivery to
Regasification usually occurs at an onshore import terminal that
includes docking facilities for the LNG carrier, one or more cryogenic
storage tanks to hold the LNG until regasification capacity is available,
and a regasification plant.46 In some cases, LNG is regasified offshore and
then transferred onshore via undersea pipelines.
Typically, after an initial feasibility study, an engineering firm is hired to
perform detailed FEED (front-end engineering and design) work to deter-
mine a design for the LNG terminal that meets the desired requirements
and provides sufficient detail for regulatory review and approval.47 While
there are different designs of LNG import terminals, the basic process and
major equipment are about the same. As depicted in Figure 2.4, the major
equipment components of an LNG import and regasification terminal are:
unloading arms; cryogenic pipelines; storage tanks; low pressure pumps,
boil-off gas compressors and recondensers; high pressure pumps; and

2.4.1 The Regasification Process

The majority of LNG shipped today is unloaded at onshore LNG import

terminals. In order to unload the LNG cargo, the carrier is parked and
moored at a berth alongside the LNG import terminal, which means the
water in the berth must be deep enough to accommodate the size of the
LNG carrier and usually requires a depth of 40 feet or more. For this
reason, the location of the import terminal is a critical factor so that the
maximum types of ship sizes can access the terminal.
Once the LNG ship is moored at the import terminal, unloading opera-
tions use articulated arms to transfer the LNG cargo safely from the ship
to the terminal. The arms serve as the connection between the ships piping
connection (manifold system) and the terminal. The unloading arms are
gradually chilled to 162 C (259 F) prior to commencing unloading
operations and the unloading arms are specifically designed to withstand
the expansion and contraction that results from changes in temperature.
Since there is a risk during the unloading process that the ship may move
and cause the potential extension and rupture of the unloading arms, a

45GIIGNL, Information Paper No. 2 The LNG Process Chain, at p.4. Since

natural gas is odorless, odorization of the regasified natural gas is required in

many regions and countries before the natural gas can be distributed to consumers.
46Shively et al. at p.49.
47Tusiani and Shearer at p.167.
Natural gas network
LNG network
gas return

Submerged BOG.
LP pumps Boil-off gas recondenser


vaporizer Fuel Open rack
LNG carrier gas vaporizer



HP pumps
Metering Odorization
From sea
To sea

Source: GIIGNL, Information Paper 2 The LNG Process Chain

Figure 2.4 Example LNG import/regasification terminal process

48 Energy for the 21st century

power emergency release coupler (PERC) is fitted into most arm instal-
lations. In addition, there are other safety and emergency procedures and
equipment that allow for the rapid disconnection of the unloading arms
and the emergency shutdown of cargo transfer.48
Once the LNG cargo is unloaded, the LNG is transferred via cryogenic
pipelines to insulated storage tanks (cryogenic storage tanks) specifically
built to hold LNG. Import terminals must have specialized, full contain-
ment cryogenic storage tanks that are capable of holding a minimum of
one shipload of LNG. Typical storage tanks range in size from 55,000 to
180,000 m3 but in recent years economies of scale have resulted in larger
tanks being built, with tank sizes of 200,000 m3 now becoming more
The storage tanks represent the largest single piece of equipment needed
for an onshore import terminal and also represent a significant portion of
the capital costs of the terminal. For example, a 160,000-m3 full contain-
ment storage tank is estimated to cost $100 million or more. If a facility
is being constructed to handle 145,000 m3 ships, then three storage tanks
may be required, for a total cost of up to $500 million.50

2.4.2 Regasification and Vaporizers

The LNG that is stored in the tanks is ultimately sent to vaporizers that
warm and regasify the LNG back into its original gaseous state. The
main types of vaporizers used in the industry are open rack vaporizers,
submerged combustion vaporizers, and ambient air vaporizers.51
Open rack vaporizers derive the heat necessary to vaporize the LNG
from seawater. The water is first filtered to remove impurities then run
over panels of tubes containing LNG and then gathered in a trough under-
neath before being discharged back into the sea. The LNG is heated and
vaporized as it passes through the tubes that are specifically designed to
optimize heat exchange.52
Submerged combustion vaporizers burn natural gas produced by the
import terminal and then pass the hot gases into a water bath containing
the tubular heat exchanger that contains the flowing LNG.53
Ambient air vaporizers use ambient air, either a natural draft mode or

48GIIGNL, Information Paper No. 2 The LNG Process Chain, at pp.45.

49Shively et al. at p.50.
50Ibid. at p.55.
51GIIGNL, Information Paper No. 2 The LNG Process Chain, at p.6.
The LNG value chain 49

a forced draft mode, to vaporize the LNG. The advantage of these vapor-
izers is that they have the least environmental impact of any design since
there is not air or water discharge. The disadvantage is that they require
large sites and are more suitable for service in warm climates.54

2.4.3 Global Regasification Terminals and Capacity

Over the past decade, the number of markets turning to LNG to meet
natural gas demand has grown dramatically, as evidenced by the more
than doubling of the number of countries with LNG receiving capacity
between 2000 and 2010. In just five years (200610), 30 terminals started
operation, bringing the total number of LNG import terminals to 83 as
of the end of 2010. Ten of these terminals are floating terminals, nine of
which use floating regasification vessels and one of which is a gravity-
based structure.55 Appendix C provides a listing of the worldwide existing
and planned LNG regasification terminals.
Since 2005, South America and the Middle East have emerged as new LNG
importers with the following five countries, along with Canada, entering the
list of LNG importers: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Kuwait, and the UAE.
The worlds other 17 LNG importing countries are Belgium, China, the
Dominican Republic, France, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Portugal,
Puerto Rico, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, the UK and the US.56
According to the IGU, the global annual send-out capacity of the
worlds regasification terminals has increased 70 percent since 2005, for a
total capacity of 572 MMtpa at the end of 2010. An additional 110 MMtpa
is under construction and is due online in 2015. Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Sweden and Thailand currently have
their first regasification facilities under construction and these countries
are expected to join the ranks of LNG importers by 2015, bringing the
total number to 30.57
In addition to the 30 countries with existing or under-construction
LNG regasification terminals, at least 11 countries in Europe, 7 in South
American and the Caribbean, 5 in South and Southeast Asia, 4 in MENA
and 2 in Africa are studying or planning LNG imports to meet domestic
gas needs going forward.58

54Tusiani and Shearer at p.179.

55IGU World LNG Report 2010.
50 Energy for the 21st century

2.4.4 Receiving Terminals by Country and Region

Due to a lack of indigenous natural resources, Japan has the most receiv-
ing terminals in the world with 28 terminals in operation at the end of
2010. Japan is followed by the US with ten terminals at the end of 2010
(an eleventh terminal, Golden Pass, came online in 2011). In terms of
regasification capacity, Japan has more than one-third of the total global
regasification capacity (31.5 percent), followed by the US (19 percent),
Korea (14.6 percent), Spain (6.8 percent), the UK (5.8 percent), with the
rest dispersed among numerous other countries.
As of the end of 2010, East Asia, which includes the traditional major
LNG importers of Japan, Korea and Taiwan, as well as fast-growing
China, held the majority of the worlds regasification capacity, at 51
percent or 280 MMtpa. While East Asia historically held the majority of
regasification capacity throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, significant
regasification capacity was added in the US in the early to mid-2000s,
which altered the historic breakdown. Europe also saw regasification
capacity increase since the mid-2000s and the next projected increases
are expected to come from the emergence of LNG importing countries in
South Asia, South America and the Middle East.59
According to the IGU, at the end of 2011 there were 89 regasification
terminals around the world with a total regasification capacity of 608

2.4.5 LNG Storage

In terms of LNG storage capacity (the combined capacity of the LNG

storage tanks), the top five countries claim 78 percent of the global LNG
storage capacity: Japan and Korea account for 54 percent, followed by the
US (11.6 percent), Spain (6.8 percent) and the UK (5.5 percent).


A primary decision to make when developing an LNG project is how to

structure the project since this decision will in turn affect the risk profile

60IGU World LNG Report 2011 at p.35.
61This section is adapted from the following article: Thomas E. Holmberg,
Comparison of Project Structures in an LNG Liquefaction Plant, Oil & Gas
Financial Journal, March 2012,
The LNG value chain 51

Supply chain PSC
agreements LNG sales


Source: Holmberg, Oil & Gas Financial Journal, March 2012

Figure 2.5 Integrated project structure

of the project, financing, and the contractual relationships between the

project sponsors. There are various project structures for LNG liquefac-
tion projects and the precise structure will depend on a number of factors
such as the identity of the participants throughout the value chain, the
tax and legal regimes, risk, and financing. While there is not a standard
structure, there are several basic structures that exist: an integrated project
model, a project company or merchant model, and a tolling model.
In an integrated model (Figure 2.5), the participants share a unity
of interest in the LNG value chain from the production of natural gas
through the liquefaction of the LNG. One or more of the investors owns
the rights to the natural gas reserves and the production of the reserves is
pursuant to a production sharing contract (PSC) or similar agreement.
The parties to the PSC build the infrastructure to monetize the gas reserves
and each PSC contractor holds an interest in the LNG plant in proportion
to its ownership of the rest of the project. If the PSC contracts have the
capital to construct the project, then an integrated structure may offer
many benefits such as the alignment of interests between the parties and
the ability to share costs across the entire LNG value chain, which may
also have various tax and accounting benefits.
Under a company or merchant model (Figure 2.6), the company that
owns the LNG facility does not have an interest in the upstream assets
and instead purchases natural gas as feedstock for the plant, processes
it into LNG, and then sells the LNG to one or more buyers on a CIF,
FOB, or DAP.62 There are many variations of the project company

62In a cost, insurance and freight or CIF sale, the seller delivers the goods

to the buyer on board the vessel and risk of loss passes from the seller to the buyer
52 Energy for the 21st century


Supply chain
Gas sales
agreements Project Co.
(LNG plant)

LNG sales


Source: Holmberg, Oil & Gas Financial Journal, March 2012

Figure 2.6 Project company (merchant) structure

model, including one where a governmental entity may own the LNG
facility (directly or through the state-owned national oil company) while
an operating company owned by the upstream PSC contractors operates
the facility.
Under a tolling model (Figure 2.7), the company that owns the LNG
liquefaction facility does not take title to the gas and receives a fee to
process the natural gas into LNG for the buyer. A principal benefit of
this model is that it minimizes the market risk to the facility owner by
providing for predictable payments of the tolling fee. A second fee (for
example, a commodity charge) may also be assessed per unit of natural
gas processed.

on board the vessel. The seller is responsible for the costs and freight to bring
the vessel to the port of destination and is also responsible for insurance to cover
buyers risk of loss to the goods. In a free on board or FOB sale, the buyer is
responsible for providing LNG shipping, and title and risk of loss pass from the
seller to the buyer as the LNG is loaded onto the LNG ship from the liquefaction
facility. In a delivered at place or DAP sale, the seller is responsible, at its own
expense, for providing shipping for the LNG, the title to and risk of loss of which
transfer from the seller to the buyer as the LNG is unloaded from the LNG ship
to the receiving terminal. Thomas E. Holmberg, Comparison of Project Structures
in an LNG Liquefaction Plant, Oil & Gas Financial Journal, March 2012, www.
The LNG value chain 53


Supply chain
Tolling fee
agreements Toll Co.
(LNG plant)

LNG sales

LNG Buyers

Source: Holmberg, Oil & Gas Financial Journal, March 2012

Figure 2.7 Tolling structure



The units of measurement in the LNG industry are complex and vary
according to whether used to measure natural gas in its gaseous form or
its liquid form. To add to the complexity, since LNG is a global business,
both English and metric units are used depending on the location.
LNG is usually measured in metric tons when it is in a liquefied form
and in cubic feet or cubic meters when converted back to a gaseous state.
Annual capacities are often stated in terms of million tonnes per annum
or year with a variety of abbreviations used mtpa, MMtpa, MMt/y, or
million t/yr.
To make it even more confusing, tanker capacities may be stated in
cubic meters of liquid and recall that when liquefied the volume is reduced
by a factor of 610. A typical tanker holds between 120,000 and 145,000m3,
which is equivalent to 2.7 to 3.2 Bcf (76.5 million to 90.6 million m3) of
gas or 55,400 to 65,700 tonnes of LNG. In terms of comparing what this
means from a practical standpoint, one average size LNG tanker holds
enough natural gas to serve approximately 5 percent of the United States,

63Shively et al., Understanding Todays Global LNG Business. This

section is adapted from an excellent discussion of natural gas and LNG measure-
ments found in the book at pp.56. The book also discusses energy content, which
has been omitted from this discussion.
54 Energy for the 21st century

30 percent of the United Kingdoms or 40 percent of Japans average daily

consumption of natural gas.

2.6.1 The IEA and Whats in a bcm?64

Since many of the references in this book come from the International
Energy Agency (IEA), it is important to note that the IEA uses billion
cubic metres (bcm). According to the IEA, a bcm of natural gas is a com-
monly used measure of gas production and trade, but what a bcm rep-
resents depends on how it is measured and how much energy it contains.
The IEA standard is to report gas volume as actual physical volumes,
measured at 15 C and at atmospheric pressure. This means that a bcm of
Russian gas, in terms of energy content, can have a different value from a
bcm of gas from another country. Since this is a difficult process, the IEAs
approach is to keep the underlying balances for each country on an energy
basis (rather than a volume basis) and to maintain a database of the differ-
ent energy content of gas imports, exports, production and consumption
for each country.

64IEA WEO-2011 at p.304.

The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions

3.The evolution of LNG markets and

primary demand regions
3.1A Brief History of LNG

The rapid growth of and intense interest in LNG over the past decade
might lead some to believe that LNG is a newly discovered fuel. In fact,
LNG is not a new fuel at all; it is merely a means of delivering an old
fuel natural gas.1 For decades, natural gas was viewed as an unwanted
byproduct of drilling for oil.2 Whereas oil was relatively easy to store,
load, and transport, transporting natural gas presented a significant tech-
nical challenge that would take decades to solve. The challenge of course is
that natural gas has to be chilled through a process known as liquefaction
before it can be turned into a liquid that can be transported.
Natural gas liquefaction dates back to the 19th century when British
chemist and physicist Michael Faraday experimented with liquefying
different types of gases, including methane/natural gas. German engineer
Karl von Linde facilitated advances in gas liquefaction on an industrial
scale when he invented a heat exchanger and later the first practical com-
pressor refrigerator machine. However, it was not until 1914 that Godfrey
Cabot registered the first US patent for transporting liquefied natural
gas on a barge, although there is no material proof that this was actually

1Warren R. True, What LNG Was, Isnt, and Is, Oil & Gas Journal, Sept.

19, 2011, Vol. 109, Issue 38 (LNG is only the means of storing and moving the
fuel, which is natural gas),
2Many years ago, when oil companies drilled for oil and found natural gas,

their efforts were deemed a failure and the natural gas often had to be reinjected,
flared, or left for another day. Fred Bosselman et al., Energy, Economics and
the Environment 526 (2nd edn, 2006). In fact, oil wildcatters used to joke, The
bad news is we didnt hit oil, the good news is we didnt find gas. Vapour Trails:
Oil Companies Dash for Gas, The Economist, July 1, 2010, http://www.economist.
3 Nevertheless, the company that he founded, Godfrey L. Cabot, Inc., later

became the Cabot Corporation, whose subsidiary, Cabot LNG, ultimately built

56 Energy for the 21st century

It would take over two decades before the first commercial LNG
peakshaving plant was built in West Virginia in 1939. In 1941, a second
peakshaving facility was built in Cleveland, Ohio, by the East Ohio Gas
Company. This facility was subsequently expanded to add a larger storage
tank but, owing to metal shortages during World War II, the storage
tank was constructed of steel instead of stainless steel alloys, which could
withstand very cold temperatures without fracturing. In 1944, the tank
ruptured causing natural gas to leak into the sewer system, and then into
peoples homes where it ignited and ultimately killed 128 people. This
incident effectively put LNG development on hold for another decade.4
In the 1950s and 1960s, the Union Stock Yards of Chicago was facing
escalating electricity rates and began to explore the possibility of liquefy-
ing natural gas in Louisiana and barging it up the Mississippi River to
Chicago. At the same time, the British Gas Council was also looking into
ways to transport natural gas. The Union Stock Yards and the British Gas
Council, along with Continental Oil Company, eventually joined forces to
convert an old World War II dry bulk carrier into the worlds first LNG
carrier the Methane Pioneer.5
In January 1959, the Methane Pioneer set sail from Lake Charles,
Louisiana, with a cargo of LNG destined for Canvey Island, UK. This
first ever USUK shipment of LNG demonstrated that large quantities
of LNG could be transported safely across the ocean and opened up the
possibility of transporting large volumes of natural gas from otherwise
stranded fields to distant destinations based on consumer demand.6 The
Methane Pioneer subsequently carried seven additional LNG cargoes to
Canvey Island.7
In the early 1960s, a major discovery of natural gas in Algeria led Great
Britain to sign the first LNG contract with Algeria in 1961, thus estab-
lishing the first commercial-scale LNG chain with a liquefaction plant

the first US LNG import terminal (Everett) in Boston in 1971. Stream Repsol, The
History of LNG,
4Michael D. Tusiani and Gordon Shearer, LNG: A Nontechnical Guide

(Pennwell, 2007) at p.14.

5Tusiani and Shearer, LNG: A Nontechnical Guide at p.14.
6Michelle Michot Foss, Introduction to LNG, Centre for Energy Economics,

University of Texas at Austin (2007), pp.78, available at

energyecon/lng. Natural gas reserves are considered stranded where there is no
significant market where the reserves are located or where pipeline options are
limited. Ibid. at p.12.
The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 57

at Arzew, Algeria and a receiving terminal in the UK.8 In 1962, the

French signed a similar deal to buy LNG from Algeria.9
After the concept was shown to work in the United Kingdom, addi-
tional LNG liquefaction plants and import terminals were built in both
the Atlantic and Pacific regions.10 During the 1960s and 1970s, liquefac-
tion facilities were built in countries that had natural gas to export, includ-
ing Abu Dhabi, UAE, Brunei, Libya, Indonesia, and Algeria. In addition,
the first, and to date, the only liquefaction terminal in the United States
was built in Kenai, Alaska.
Alaskas Kenai LNG plant began LNG deliveries to Japans Tokyo
Gas and Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) in 1969. In 1972, Brunei
became Asias first producer, bringing on stream an LNG plant at Lumut
that now has a capacity of 6.5 mtpa and supplies Korea as well as Japan.
Libyas plant at Marsa el Brega began deliveries to Spain in 1970 and also
began supplying LNG to Italy. In the 1970s, import terminals were also
constructed in a number of countries including Japan, Korea, Taiwan,
Belgium, Italy, France, Spain, and the United States.
In 1972, US imports from Algeria were approved with Bostons
Distrigas committing to buy 50 million standard cubic feet per day
(mmscfd) from the Skikda Algeria plant over a 20-year period. In 1979,
the first LNG contract expired when the 15-year contract between Algeria
and the UK came to an end. Deliveries from Algeria to the UK continued
into the 1980s but were eventually terminated.
In 1979, the US market was shaken by disputes over pricing between the
US buyers and Algerias Sonatrach, which eventually resulted in the ter-
mination of the LNG contracts. As a result of the termination of various
contracts, six LNG carriers were retired (three of which were subsequently
scrapped) and two of the USs four LNG terminals were mothballed.
During the 1980s, most of the world experienced an oversupply of natural
gas and only two export projects (in Australia and Malaysia) were added
during that decade.11 However, demand for LNG in Asia continued to
rise and Malaysia entered the LNG market in 1983, followed by Australia
in 1989.
By the early 1990s, demand for natural gas had picked up, especially in
the Western hemisphere, which led to a rebirth of LNG projects targeting
those markets. A number of LNG projects went online in the late 1990s

8Tusiani and Shearer at pp.1415.

9Sempra LNG, History of LNG,
10Michelle Michot Foss, Introduction to LNG.
11Tusiani and Shearer at p.14.
58 Energy for the 21st century

to serve new demand. Qatar became the second Middle Eastern LNG
producer with the delivery of its first cargo of LNG from the Qatargas
LNG plant in January 1997. Several other plants also came online in the
late 1990s including: Trinidad, April 1999; Ras Laffan, Qatar, May 1999;
and Nigeria in October 1999. In April 2000, Oman commenced produc-
tion with a plant of design capacity of 6.6 mtpa delivering its first cargo
to Korea.
As the LNG markets evolved over the decades, they tended to develop
in regional isolation from one another, primarily due to the high cost of
natural gas transportation. Historically, two distinct LNG trade regions
developed the Asia-Pacific region and the Atlantic Basin region, which
included North America, South America and most of Europe.12 Until
Qatar began to export LNG to both regions in the mid-1990s, the two
regions were largely separate, with unique suppliers, pricing arrange-
ments, project structures, and terms. As will be discussed in detail in
Chapter 6, the increase in inter-regional trade in more recent years, as well
as the development of a more active spot market, has tended to blur the
distinction between the two main regions.
For purposes of this book, the regional markets will be analyzed as the
Asia-Pacific region (Section 3.2), the European region (Section 3.3), and
the North American/Atlantic Basin region (Section 3.4), which includes
North America, South America and Latin America.

3.2The Asia-Pacific Region

The Asia-Pacific region has historically been the largest market for LNG.
Japan is the worlds largest LNG importer, followed by South Korea and
Taiwan. These three countries have few indigenous resources and rely
almost exclusively on LNG for their natural gas supply. China and India
have recently emerged as LNG importers and could become significant
buyers of LNG over time. Smaller, niche markets are also developing as
other countries such as Thailand, Singapore, Chile and Pakistan look to
become LNG importers (see Chapter 5).

12The Atlantic Basin LNG region historically was defined to include export-

ing countries such as Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar and Trinidad
and importing countries such as the US, Mexico, Spain, France, Italy, Turkey,
Greece, Portugal, the UK and Belgium. Ken Snodgrass, Shell Gas & Power
International, Presentation to the 23rd World Gas Conference, Amsterdam, 2006:
Atlantic Basin LNG: Diverse Drivers that Require Diversified Marketing, http://
The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 59

3.2.1 Japan The Worlds Largest LNG Importer

Todays global LNG industry was really founded in the 1970s based on
a now 40-plus-year relationship between Japan and Kenai, Alaska.13 The
development of LNG technology coincided with the discovery of major
natural gas reserves in the Cook Inlet Area of Alaska in the late 1950s and
early 1960s. The lack of local demand for the gas led Phillips Petroleum
(now ConocoPhillips) and Marathon to consider international LNG
projects as a means of securing a home for the newly discovered natural
gas. At the same time, Japan was beginning to consider LNG as a means
to secure significant energy supplies to compensate for its almost total lack
of indigenous energy resources.14 Phillips and Marathon drew up plans for
an LNG project that included a liquefaction plant and deepwater docking
and loading facilities in Kenai, Alaska, and a receiving and regasification
plant in Japan. Two new LNG tankers were also commissioned to ship the
LNG from the new Kenai LNG plant to Japan.15
In 1967, Phillips and Marathon signed an agreement with Tokyo
Electric and Tokyo Gas to supply LNG to Japan and received authoriza-
tion from the US regulatory agency to export LNG to Japan.16 The first
LNG tanker docked in Japan two years later, in November 1969, and
marked the first LNG export from the Western Hemisphere and the first
LNG imported into Asia.

13Amy Burnett, The Kenai LNG Plant Celebrates 40 Years, Spirit Magazine, http://
16Authorization to export LNG to Japan was originally granted to Phillips

Petroleum Company (Phillips) and Marathon by the Federal Power Commission in

1967. See Phillips Alaska Natural Gas Corporation and Marathon Oil Company,
37 FPC 777 (April 19, 1967). Phillips and Marathon were specifically authorized to
export LNG from the State of Alaska to supply Tokyo Electric Power Company
Inc. (Tokyo Electric) and Tokyo Gas Company Limited (Tokyo Gas) for a 15-
year period terminating on May 31, 1984. The order also authorized Phillips and
Marathon to construct proposed liquefaction and marine terminal facilities in the
Cook Inlet Basin near Kenai, Alaska, necessary to support the export of LNG
to Japan. The long-term export authorization was subsequently amended and
extended numerous times. See DOE/ERA Opinion and Order No. 49 (1 ERA
70, 116, December 14, 1982) (extended export authority); DOE/ERA Opinion
and Order No.49-A (1 ERA 70,127, April 3, 1986) (transferred authorization
from Phillips Petroleum Company to Phillips 66 Natural Gas Company); DOE/
ERA Opinion and Order No. 206 (1 ERA 70,128, November 16, 1987) (amended
pricing formula).
60 Energy for the 21st century

At the time, the Kenai LNG plant was only the second LNG plant
in the world and the project was the largest undertaking in Phillips
history, completed in 1969 at a cost of $200 million.17 Kenai LNG also
resulted in the development of significant LNG technology namely the
ConocoPhillips Optimized Cascade process. When Bechtel Corporation
built the Kenai LNG liquefaction plant in 1969, ConocoPhillips decided
to retain the rights to the new and advanced Optimized Cascade process
for use in future LNG projects, which has served the company well in
the years since.18 Over the next four decades, Kenai LNG would ship
more than 1,300 LNG cargoes to Japan,19 successfully filling two 20-year
Today, Japan is the largest importer of LNG in the world. In 2002,
Japan imported 2.6 Tcf (54.6 million tonnes) of LNG21 and by 2010,
Japans LNG imports had grown to 70 million tonnes.22 With very
limited domestic gas production and no pipeline imports, Japans LNG
imports account for approximately 35 percent of the global trade in
LNG.23 Japan imports LNG primarily under long-term contracts from

17Amy Burnett, The Kenai LNG Plant Celebrates 40 Years, Spirit Magazine.
18Ibid. Since the Kenai LNG project, ConocoPhillips has licensed the
technology for the Optimized Cascade process in ten LNG plants worldwide,
representing almost half of the grassroots LNG projects.
20The most recent application for Kenai LNG exports was granted in June

2008 by DOE/FE Order No. 2500. In that Order, the Department of Energys
Office of Fossil Energy (DOE/FE) authorized the export of LNG from Kenai
LNG in Alaska to Japan and/or one or more countries on either side of the Pacific
Rim after considering the domestic needs for the gas as well as the policy of pro-
moting free trade. DOE authorized the export of up to 99 Trillion British thermal
units (TBtus) of liquefied natural gas (LNG) (the equivalent of 98.1 Billion cubic
feet (Bcf) of natural gas), to Japan and/or one or more countries on either side of
the Pacific Rim ... pursuant to transactions that have terms of no longer than two
years. Th[e] authorization [was] effective for a two-year term beginning on April 1,
2009, and extending through March 31, 2011.
21 Energy Information Administration (EIA), The Global Liquefied Natural

Gas Market: Status and Outlook, December 2003,

22 Kwok W. Wan, IEA Forecasts Japan LNG Worst-case, Petroleum

Economist, Sept. 28, 2011,

23 Poten & Partners, 20152035 LNG Market Assessment Outlook for the

Kitimat LNG Terminal, Prepared for KM LNG Operating General Partnership,

Oct. 2010,
The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 61


Under contruction

Nihonkai Niigata

Sakai LNG Jyoetsu/Naoetsu Sendai

Himeji Shin Minato

Kawagoe Sodegaura
Hatsukaichi Futtsu
Japan Higashi-Ogishima
Yanai Negishi
Tobata Ohigishima
Fukuoka Sodeshi
Kitakyushu Sakaide Chita LNG Terminal/Midorihima
Senboku I & II
Nagasaki Wakayama Yokkaichi

Ohita LNG


Source: Poten & Partners

Figure 3.1 Japans LNG import terminals

Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Qatar, Brunei, Abu Dhabi, Oman and

the US.24 Other shipments come from various Atlantic Basin exporters on
a spot and short-term contract basis. Japan has 28 existing LNG import
terminals, with one currently under construction and seven planned to
commence construction by 2018 (Figure 3.1). Existing send-out capacity is
approximately 25 bcf/d.25
In 2009, seven electric utilities, Tokyo Electric Power Company
(TEPCO), Chubu Electric Power, Kansai Electric Power, Tohoku Electric
Power, Kyushu Electric Power, Chugoku Electric Power and Shikoku

pdf?nodeid5656825&vernum50 (hereinafter Poten & Partners Kitimat Market

24While today Kenai LNG shipments to Japan represent only about 1% of

the total LNG imported by Japan, back in 1969 the tiny Kenai LNG facility was
Japans only supplier.
25 Poten & Partners Kitimat Market Assessment.
62 Energy for the 21st century

Electric Power, accounted for approximately 65 percent of Japanese

LNG. City gas distribution companies also buy LNG and Tokyo Gas,
Osaka Gas and Toho Gas are the largest city utilities.26
In the coming years, Japans LNG demand is projected to expand
gradually, driven primarily by power generation and switching from oil
to natural gas use in the industrial sector. Overall LNG demand is pro-
jected to reach 72 MMt/y in 2015, 77 MMt/y in 2020, 82 MMt/y in 2025
and 85 MMt/y in 2030. This translates into a compound annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 1.4% between 2010 and 2020 and 1% between 2020 and
At the end of 2009, Japans long-term LNG contract volumes were
around 67 MMt/y. According to Poten & Partners, comparing projected
LNG demand with existing contract volumes indicates a supply gap of
as much as 9 MMt/y by 2015, 27 MMt/y by 2020, and 51 MMt/y by
2025, assuming existing contracts are not renewed. Only one quarter of
Japanese contracts are expected to be renewed (equivalent to about 3
MMt/y), largely because of declining feed gas supplies in Indonesia and
elsewhere. Japan is likely to be short of supply for each year until 2035
without new contracts. The shortage of supply is projected to reach 65
MMt/y by 2030 if existing contracts are not renewed and no additional
ones are signed.28
Japanese LNG buyers are aware of the potential of a supply tight
market starting in around 2013 and are now seeking additional supplies
to fill the gap. Driven by security of supply concerns, Japan will be active
in securing reliable LNG supplies from Asia-Pacific and the Middle East
over the coming years and may also occasionally source supplies from the
Atlantic Basin on a spot to short-term contract basis.29
Having experienced volatile prices and fluctuating end use demand in
the past several years typified by the shift from a buyers market in the
early 2000s to a sellers market in 2006 and then back to a buyers market
in 2010 traditional Asian buyers are now seeking greater volume flex-
ibility in new contracts beyond traditional take-or-pay obligations (for
example, through downward quantity tolerance (DQT) of up to 10 percent
per year and equity LNG volumes) to accommodate fluctuations in base
load demand.30
With very limited domestic natural gas reserves or other energy

The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 63

resources, Japan will remain reliant on LNG imports and will always
place a premium on security of supply. While economic growth is one key
driver of LNG growth, in Japan, perhaps the more important driver is the
operation and development of existing and future nuclear power plants.31
The reason for this is that the share of nuclear and LNG in Japans total
electricity generation mix are roughly the same 30 percent. Thus, LNG
demand for power generation can suddenly increase if there is a nuclear
power facility shutdown, as demonstrated by two separate incidents in
recent years.
In July 2007, TEPCOs Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear facility, with a
total 8.2GW of capacity, was shut down due to an earthquake in northeast
Japan.32 As a result, TEPCO had to increase imports of LNG to record
amounts of approximately 21.4 million tons, exceeding the record 19.2
million tons purchased in fiscal 2003, when all 17 of its reactors were shut
down after TEPCO admitted hiding nuclear faults for a decade.33
On March 11, 2011, Japanese authorities informed the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that an earthquake and tsunami had
struck Japan, resulting in damage to Japans Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
power plant. Flooding caused by the tsunami disabled diesel generators
intended to provide back-up electricity to the plants cooling system and
Japanese officials declared a nuclear emergency situation.34
As a result of the Fukushima Daiichi twin disasters, Japan had to import
record amounts of LNG in 2011. In September 2011, the IEA indicated
that Japan is likely to import an additional 11 billion cubic metres (bcm) of
gas (8.4 million tonnes of LNG) in 2011 to offset the loss of nuclear power
generation. The IEA also projected that Japans LNG demand could
increase by nearly a third in 2012 if the country fails to restart any nuclear
reactors and that Japan could struggle to secure enough LNG. The worst
case is that Japan might need an additional 30 billion cm (22.8 million
tonnes) of LNG with Qatar as a potential supplier, although it is unclear
whether Qatar can supply this additional amount.35

32Megumi Yamanaka, Tokyo Electric Plans Record LNG Imports After

Quake Shuts Plant, Bloomberg, Oct. 24, 2007,

34IAEA, Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log, March 11, 2011, http://
35 Kwok W. Wan, IEA Forecasts Japan LNG Worst-case, Petroleum

Economist, Sept. 28, 2011,

64 Energy for the 21st century

According to the IEA, Japans historical suppliers such as Qatar,

Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as Russia, are working to make additional
cargoes available for Japan. Neighboring countries including Taiwan
and Korea have offered LNG cargoes based on time swaps.36 Additional
cargoes could come from other markets such as Europe depending on
shipping availability and cost.37 However, the increased demand for LNG
coming from Japan has already impacted the daily rates of LNG tankers,
which have increased from $40,000 in the summer of 2010 to $60,000 in the
winter of 2010/11 and jumping to $80,000 in April 2011.38
While it is unclear at the time this book goes to print how long Japans
extra demand for LNG will be sustained and what the impact will be on
global LNG markets, some experts have extended their projections of
Japans increased demand out to 2020.39

3.2.2 South Korea

Like Japan, South Korea has very limited domestic natural gas production
and thus relies heavily on LNG imports for its natural gas needs. South
Korea began importing LNG in 1986 and has maintained its position as
the worlds second-largest LNG import market ever since.40
Koreas natural gas market is highly seasonal, with winter peaks driven
by space heating requirements, especially during periods of particularly
cold weather. Large seasonal swings have led to a high dependence on
spot market purchases and medium-term contracts to meet peak winter
needs in the past. In order to manage this issue of seasonality, Kogas
has conducted an aggressive terminal upgrade program to boost storage

36IEA Medium-Term Oil & Gas Markets (MTOGM) 2011, http://www.iea.

37It is also possible that the Kenai LNG plant might offer additional cargoes

to Japan, although the plan to mothball that facility remains unchanged. Eileen
Moustakis and Edward McAllister, Conoco Says Kenai LNG Plant to Operate
into October, Reuters, Aug. 9, 2011,
38IEA MTOGM 2011.
39 Pat Roberts, CWC Dynamic Insights Report, World LNG Series Asia

Pacific Summit, October 2011. The CWC Group organizes numerous quality gas
and LNG events that involve the industrys leading players to address the key
issues facing the global energy sector (
The CWCs Dynamic Insights Report provides the latest insights from key players
in the global gas industry and is written by industry experts. http://www.thecwc-
40 Poten & Partners Kitimat Market Assessment.
The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 65

capacity at its three existing import terminals. As of 2009, three terminals

have 46 storage tanks with total capacity of 2.79 MMt.41
State-owned Korea Gas (KOGAS)42 imports over 95 percent of the
LNG in Korea. KOGAS is the worlds largest corporate buyer of LNG
and South Koreas sole natural gas wholesaler, supplying South Koreas
city gas users (63 percent) and power companies (37).43 KOGAS operates
three LNG import terminals at Pyeongtaek, Incheon, and Tongyeong,
with a fourth under construction at Samchuk (Figure 3.2).
Korean steelmaker Posco and power generator K-Power started
LNG imports in 2005 and 2006, respectively, having secured supply con-
tracts with Tangguh LNG (Indonesia). Posco constructed the first and
only private import terminal at Gwangyang in the south of the country
and it shares capacity at the terminal with K-Power.44
Korean imports represent over 13 percent of the global trade, with LNG
sourced from Qatar, Malaysia, Oman, Indonesia, Brunei, Australia, Abu
Dhabi, Yemen, and Russia on a long-term basis and from Atlantic Basin
exporters on a spot and short-term contract basis.
Due to the global financial crisis, in 2009 Koreas LNG imports fell by 12
percent45 but in 2010 LNG demand increased from 33 bcm to 44 bcm, driven
by heating demand and growth in power generation. In December 2010, the
Korean government released its long-term supply/demand forecast project-
ing 3.5 percent growth over the 200813 period.46 To meet the expected
growth in LNG demand in the near term, KOGAS entered into short-term
deals with Tangguh LNG in 2010 for 1.2 bcm (14 cargoes) through 2012;
with Repsol for 1.9 bcm (21 cargoes) for 15 months from January 2011; and
with GDF Suez to purchase 3.4 bcm (41 cargoes) from its global portfolio
from the fourth quarter of 2010 until the end of 2013. KOGAS is also in
negotiations with Russia to increase LNG supplies to Korea.47
In the longer term, overall LNG demand is projected to reach 34 MMt/y

42 Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) was incorporated by the Korean gov-

ernment in 1983 and has since grown to become the worlds largest LNG importer.
KOGAS is the nations sole LNG provider and currently operates three LNG
terminals and a nationwide pipeline network spanning over 2,739 km. KOGAS
imports LNG from around the world and supplies it to power generation plants,
gas utility companies and city gas companies throughout South Korea. KOGAS,
Who We Are,
43 Poten & Partners Kitimat Market Assessment.
66 Energy for the 21st century



GS Caltex



Under construction

Source: Poten & Partners

Figure 3.2 South Koreas LNG import terminals

in 2015, 41 MMt/y in 2020, 45 MMt/y in 2025 and 49 MMt/y in 2030.

South Koreas total long-term contract volume as of 2009 was 27 MMt/y
and over the long term Korea will need to secure more long-term supply.
Although Korea will receive additional LNG volumes from the new Gorgon,
Wheatstone and Gladstone LNG projects in Australia starting in around
2015, Korea still needs to secure more long-term supply. According to some
experts, the potential shortfall Korea is facing could be quite serious as
much as 10 MMt/y by 2015, 16 MMt/y by 2020, and 29 MMt/y by 2025
(assuming existing contracts will not be renewed). Like Japan, Korea is likely
to be short of supply every year until 2035 without new contracts.48

The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 67

Although the primary driver for LNG demand in South Korea is

economic growth, two other factors stand out nuclear power plant
development and the possibility of Russian pipeline gas imports.49 In
terms of nuclear power plant development, nuclear currently comprises
approximately 12 percent of Koreas primary energy consumption and
this share is expected to grow to 28 percent by 2030. It is unclear at this
time whether Korea will revisit its planned energy mix in light of the
Japanese Fukishima disaster and whether this will result in an increase in
LNG in Koreas energy supply mix.50
As in the case of Japan, with limited domestic natural gas reserves
and other energy resources, Koreas reliance on LNG will remain
and a premium will always be placed on security of supply. Of the
traditional Asia-Pacific importers, Korea has the highest growth rate
and also the strongest seasonal fluctuations due to high winter heating

3.2.3 Taiwan

As with Japan and South Korea, Taiwan has limited domestic natural gas
production with no pipeline imports, and therefore relies almost exclu-
sively on LNG imports for power generation and city gas supplies. Taiwan
began importing LNG in 1990 and by 2009 was the seventh largest LNG
market, consuming 8.8 MMt of LNG or around 5 percent of the global
LNG trade. Due to its lack of indigenous energy resources, Taiwan, like
Japan and South Korea, is expected to continue to rely on LNG for energy
security reasons.52
Taiwan imports LNG primarily from Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar,
Oman and Australia under long-term contracts and some spot shipments
and from Atlantic Basin exporters on a spot and short-term contract
basis. State-owned Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC) is the sole
importer of LNG in Taiwan and controls all aspects of natural gas supply
in the country, including exploration and production (E&P), imports,
domestic pipeline transportation and gas wholesaling. CPC operates two
existing LNG import terminals at Yung-An (1990) and Taichung (2009).
The two terminals have a combined send-out capacity of 1.7 bcf/d. CPCs
customers consist of city gas companies and power companies. Taiwan

50 Pat Roberts, CWC Dynamic Insights Report, World LNG Series Asia

Pacific Summit, October 2011.

51 Poten & Partners Kitimat Market Assessment.
68 Energy for the 21st century

Power Company (Taipower) is the main end-user of CPC-sourced

With 5 percent GDP growth projected in the medium term and an
expected increase in gas for power, Taiwans LNG demand is projected
to grow steadily. Overall LNG demand is projected to reach 12 MMt/y
in 2015, 15 MMt/y in 2020, 17 MMt/y in 2025 and 18 MMt/y in 2030.
Power generation accounts for over 80 percent of LNG use in Taiwan but
Taiwan is also considering adding additional nuclear capacity.54
A shortfall in Taiwans LNG supply portfolio started to emerge in
2004 and, as a result, Taiwan has relied on spot and short-term cargoes
as necessary to fill the gap. This imbalance is projected to continue
into the future with insufficient long-term contract volumes to fill the
projected shortfall. Taiwans total existing long-term contracted volume
was 6.8 MMt/y in 2009 but additional term volumes from Papua New
Guinea starting in approximately 2015 will partially help address the
According to some estimates, Taiwan needs much more LNG supply
with the projected supply/demand gap being as much as 6.5 MMt/y
by 2015 and 10 MMt/y by 2020, and remaining at that level until 2025
(assuming existing contracts are renewed). As with other traditional Asian
markets, Taiwan is likely to be short of supply for each year until 2035
without new term contracts.56

3.2.4 China

Historically, China has been far less reliant on gas imports than other
Asian countries and, unlike Japan, Korea or Taiwan, China has large
domestic fossil fuel reserves particularly coal, which supplies a large
share of its energy and electricity needs, in addition to significant reserves
of oil and gas.57 Nonetheless, China started importing LNG in 2006 and
as of 2011 has four LNG terminals with a total regasification capacity
of approximately 21 bcm.58 The existing LNG terminals are located in
the eastern coastal region of China in Guangdong, Fujian and Shanghai,
where rapid economic growth is underpinned by strong increases in energy
consumption (Figure 3.3). This region lacks significant indigenous energy

58IEA MTOGM 2011.
The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 69

Tangshan Hebei

Ordos Basin Dalian

Tianjin FSRU
Pipeline I
Sichuan Basin Wuhaogou
Puguang Pinghu Gas Field
Gas Field

Pipeline II
LNG Terminals Shenzhen Fujian Expansion
Under construction Guangdong Dapeng
Planned Guangzhou
Guangdong Dapeng Expansion

Source: Poten & Partners

Figure 3.3 Chinas LNG import terminals

resources and therefore relies heavily on imports of energy from other

parts of China and overseas.59
In recent years, China has been rapidly expanding its portfolio of LNG
regasification terminals and LNG import contracts, as well as expanding
pipeline imports. This reflects the governments concerns that energy
shortages could stifle the countrys economic development and potentially
trigger domestic unrest.60 In 2011, China imported approximately 13.1
mtpa of LNG, representing the worlds second highest growth rate (36.1
percent) in LNG demand.61 In the coming decades, Chinas demand for
LNG is expected to increase even more significantly, with some experts
predicting that Chinas demand will surge five-fold to 44 mtpa by 2020.

59 Poten & Partners Kitimat Market Assessment.

61GIIGNL, The LNG Industry 2011.
70 Energy for the 21st century

These bullish forecasts are in line with forecasts from Chinas state-owned
China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), which estimates demand
for LNG imports could reach 30 mtpa by 2015, largely driven by a surge
in LNG-fueled vehicles and the development of LNG storage facilities.62
Additionally, many of the LNG mega projects in Australia (Chapter 8)
are underpinned by the expected demand spike in China and India, some
even predicting that demand in China and India could increase six-fold by

3.2.5 India

Due in part to lower than expected domestic production, India experi-

enced Asias fastest growth rate in LNG demand (137.4 percent over
2010), closely followed by China (136.1 percent). Like those of China,
Indias natural gas imports are expected to increase significantly in the
coming years. India currently does not have pipelines capable of importing
natural gas from outside the region but India does have two LNG import/
regasification facilities with a total capacity of 20 bcm.64
Petronet LNG Limited set up the countrys first LNG import terminal
at Dahej, Gujarat, in 2004 with an expansion in 2009 (see Appendix C).65
The Hazira LNG Terminal and Port is partnered by Shell Gas B.V. and
Total Gaz Electricit Holdings France and entered into service in April
2005 (see Appendix C). The Hazira LNG terminal operates and supplies
LNG to a large number of customers in different industrial segments
ranging from power and fertilizer to ceramic, steel, small and medium
industries. According to Shell, LNG has proved to be a cheaper, clean

62 Fayen Wong, Chinas LNG Demand to Surge Five-Fold by End of Decade

GDF, Reuters, Oct. 26, 2011,

63Stephen Bell, Woodside Tips LNG Demand Spike in China and India, The

Australian, October 26, 2011,

energy/woodside-t ips-l ng-d emand-s pike-i n-c hina-a nd-i ndia/story-e 6frg9df-
1226177328349. WOODSIDE Petroleum chief executive Peter Coleman said
today demand for liquefied natural gas in China and India may rise six-fold by
64IEA MTOGM 2011.
65 Petronet LNG was formed as a Joint Venture by the Government of

India to import LNG and set up LNG terminals in the country. Petronet LNG
also involves Indias leading oil and natural gas industry players including GAIL
(India) Limited (GAIL), Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Indian
Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
(BPCL). Petronet LNG,
The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 71

Kabul Existing gas pipeline

Pipeline planned/under const.
Nangal Gas production area
Existing LNG import terminal

New Delhi NEPAL LNG import terminal under const.

Planned LNG import terminal
Bhopal Calcutta
Pipavav Hazira
Mumbai (Bombay)
Ratnagiri (Dabhol)
Hyderabad Kakinada Yangon
Krishna-Godavari THAILAND
Indian Ocean Bangkok
New Mangalore Chennai (Madras) CAMBODIA
Phnum Penh

Indian Ocean

Source: IEA MTOGM 2010, Gas Supp. p.88

Figure 3.4 Indias natural gas infrastructure and LNG terminals

and efficient replacement to liquid fuels being deployed by many indus-

tries for their power requirements.66
India does not have enough import capacity to meet expected future
demand and is currently expanding both pipeline capacity and LNG regasi-
fication capacity (Figure 3.4). Two LNG terminals are under construction
in India.67 Petronet is in the process of building a terminal at Kochi, Kerala,
that will have a capacity of 5 MMTPA.68 In addition, Indian oil is build-
ing a 5 million tonnes per year LNG terminal at Ennore in southern India,
which is expected to come online by 2014.69 New LNG import projects
in India are challenged by how much the biggest consumers power and
fertilizer sectors are willing for pay for imported LNG since the Indian
government currently has price controls on what these two sectors can
charge consumers. While many expect the price controls to be removed or

66Shell, Hazira LNG,

67IEA MTOGM 2011.
68 Petronet LNG,
69 Indian Oil in Talks with BG, Others to Secure LNG Supplies, Reuters,

March 28, 2012, il-l ng-

72 Energy for the 21st century

modified, the ability to pay market prices for LNG has been limited since
the costs often cannot be passed on to the consumer.70

3.2.6 Supplying the Asia-Pacific Region

Large amounts of incremental LNG supply are needed to feed growing

Asian demand and new export projects may need to be developed in
order to keep pace with the expected increase in consumption.71 There is
currently a significant number of competing LNG supply projects being
planned in Australia that target the Asia-Pacific market, but only about
30 percent are likely to be completed within the needed time period due
to economic, political, and engineering, procurement and construction
(EPC) cost constraints.72
Some experts have projected that the Asia-Pacific regions need for new
export capacity would start in 2014 and grow to reach 47 MMt in 2020,
85 MMt in 2025, and 130 MMt in 2035. These projects are beyond the
more than 35 MMt/y of Asian-bound capacity currently under construc-
tion in Australia, Papua New Guinea and the Middle East.73 As a result,
some of the Asian buyers may be looking to LNG export projects being
planned in Canada and the US (discussed in detail in Chapters 11 and 12).
At least one expert has opined that the Canadian Kitimat LNG project
(KM LNG) is a natural choice to provide additional supply to the Asian
markets to cover part of the emerging supply gap due to Canadas prox-
imity to the Asia-Pacific market, the large resource base, and Canadas
political stability and regulatory certainty.74

3.2.7 Contracts and Pricing in Asia-Pacific

The Asian LNG market is predominantly based on long-term supply con-

tracts. In 2009, more than 95 percent of total LNG deliveries were under
such long-term contracts. Long-term contracts are the norm in order to
address both buyer concerns with security of supply risks, and sellers
insistence on firm commercial arrangements to underpin construction

70Ibid. Other major LNG buyers in India, such as petrochemical plants

and refineries, can afford to pay more for LNG and these customers are paying
an average of $1315 per mmBtu and sometimes as much as $16 per mmBtu for
imported LNG. Ibid.
71 Poten & Partners Kitimat Market Assessment.
The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 73

and operation of LNG liquefaction facility economics, including financ-

ing arrangements. Unlike in the Atlantic basin, there are no liquid gas
markets to provide a ready fall-back market for buyers or sellers in the
Asia-Pacific region.

3.3 The European LNG Market

In 1964, Algeria began delivering LNG to the UK, thus establishing

Europe as the worlds first LNG market. Deliveries to France, Spain and
Italy followed shortly after. The discovery of natural gas in the North Sea
in the late 1960s allowed the United Kingdom to cease LNG imports until
relatively recently when declines of North Sea reserves necessitated the
resumption of LNG imports into the UK. Other European countries, such
as Turkey, Greece and Portugal, began importing LNG in the 1990s and
early 2000s.
The growth of LNG in Europe has been more gradual than that in
Asia-Pacific primarily because LNG has had to compete with pipeline gas,
both domestically produced and imported from Russia. Currently, there
are eight European countries that import LNG the UK, France, Spain,
Italy, Belgium, Turkey, Greece and Portugal. Historically, only Spain and
Portugal have received more than 50 percent of their total gas supply from
LNG imports.75
In 2008, LNG accounted for 10.4 percent of Europes natural gas
supply. Domestic production from Norway, the UK, the Netherlands,
Germany and Italy provided over half of Europes supply. Pipeline
imports from North Africa, Algeria and Libya into Spain and Italy
accounted for 8.5 percent of Europes supply. However, the main source
of European imports of natural gas is the former Soviet Union, which
supplies about 30 percent of Europes natural gas needs. Most of the gas
comes from Russia but Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and others are also
The role of LNG in Europes energy supply mix is expected to grow in
the coming decades due primarily to increased concerns about security
of supply and declining domestic production.77 In particular, the UK is
increasingly looking to LNG to supply its energy needs,78 and in 2011 the

75Andy Flower, LNG in Europe, LNG Industry, Winter 2009, at pp.1015,
76Andy Flower, LNG in Europe, LNG Industry, Winter 2009.
78IEA MTOGM 2011.
74 Energy for the 21st century

UK overtook Spain as the worlds third-largest LNG importer behind

Japan and South Korea.79
In terms of energy security, according to the IEA, about 80 percent of
Russian exports to Europe transit through Ukraine, which at times has
caused significant problems for Europe.80 For example, in January 2009,
a dispute arose between Russia and Ukraine over the prices Ukraine pays
for natural gas imports. While the dispute did not involve Russias other
European customers, it led to supply disruptions throughout Europe
as gas supplies that transit through Ukraine were interrupted until the
dispute was resolved. This was the third such RussianUkraine dispute
since 2005 and arguably the worst ever since it occurred during the middle
of an unusually cold winter in Europe.81 For these reasons, diversifying
supply is of particular importance for Europe, with LNG potentially
playing a key role.
According to Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE), as of 2010 there are
20 existing LNG terminals in Europe and six expansions under construc-
tion.82 There are six new LNG terminals committed or under construc-
tion and another 32 LNG terminals are under study or planned.83 (See
The following subsections present an overview of the European LNG
market, country by country.

79In 2011, the UK imported a record 19.6 million metric tons of LNG, up 32%

from 14.8 million in 2010. Spanish LNG imports fell by about 18% to 17.4 million
tons, while French imports rose 16% to 11.6 million tons. Dinakar Sethuraman,
U.K. Overtaking Spain to Become Worlds Third-Biggest LNG Buyer, Bloomberg,
Jan. 4, 2012,
80IEA WEO-2006,
81Andy Flower, LNG in Europe, LNG Industry, Winter 2009 at pp.1015.
82Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) was established on March 10, 2005, as

a non-profit organization representing 70 member companies from 25 countries

and includes gathering operators of gas infrastructures across Europe including
transmission pipelines, storage facilities and LNG terminals. GIE is the umbrella
organization for its three subdivisions: GTE (Gas Transmission Europe) repre-
senting the Transmission System Operators, GSE (Gas Storage Europe) represent-
ing the Storage System Operators, and GLE (Gas LNG Europe) representing the
LNG Terminal Operators. GIE,
83GLE (Gas LNG Europe), LNG Terminals in Europe, GLE presentation

to CEERLNG Workshop Session I, 6/09/2011.

The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 75

20 6
Existing Expansions
LNG under New commited or
Terminals construction construction

6 Dockside
New LNG Terminals facility
commited or under Small scale

32 LNG
under study/


Source: Gas Infrastructure Europe

Figure 3.5 LNG terminals in Europe

3.3.1 Spain

Spain has historically been Europes largest LNG importer and the third
largest importer worldwide after Japan and Korea. Spains 2008 LNG
imports were 22.1 million tonnes, representing just over 50 percent of the
total for Europe. Spain relies on LNG to meet 73 percent of its natural
gas demand, making it the European country most dependent on LNG.
The primary reason for Spains dependence on LNG is due to geography
since the Pyrenees Mountains are a barrier to the construction of pipelines
connecting Spain to the European gas grid. There are only two small pipe-
lines connecting Spain to Europe one linking Spain to France and one
used to carry gas contracted by Spanish gas company, Gas Natural, from
Norway. There is also the Pedro Duran Farrell pipeline, which passes
through Morocco and across the Straits of Gibraltar and allows Spain to
import gas from Algeria. Due to the lack of pipeline gas, Spain has more
LNG terminals than any other country in Europe and as of 2009 six facili-
ties were in operation with a seventh, the El Musel terminal in the north of
the country, under construction.84

84Andy Flower, LNG in Europe, LNG Industry, Winter 2009, at pp.1015.

76 Energy for the 21st century

3.3.2 The United Kingdom (UK)

As the worlds first LNG importer, the UK began receiving LNG imports
from Algeria in 1964. However, less than a year after LNG imports
began, significant reserves of natural gas were discovered in the North
Sea, which resulted in the country becoming self-sufficient in natural
gas. LNG imports dwindled and ceased when the original contract with
Algeria expired in the early 1980s. More recently, declines in North Sea
gas production have led to the UK once again turning to LNG imports.85
The UK currently has four LNG receiving terminals in operation with
capacity being expanded. Two terminals were commissioned at Milford
Haven in southwest Wales in 2009.86 The South Hook Terminal, a part
of the Qatargas 2 integrated value chain, is the largest LNG regasification
terminal in Europe.87
According to the IEA, LNG imports into the UK jumped by 85 percent
in 2010, to 18.8 bcm. The primary reason for the large increase was the
UKs taking of many Qatari cargoes throughout 2010 that would other
wise have gone to the US but for the shale gas revolution underway in
the US (see Chapter 10). Since the UKs NBP prices were higher than
HH prices in 2010, many producers, such as Qatar, sought buyers in the
UK. Qatar in particular used the UKs South Hook import terminal as a
strategic outlet for the LNG from its mega-trains.88
The UKs Dragon LNG terminal also received a cargo from Qatar for
the first time in August 2010. Notably, the Isle of Grain terminal received
a cargo re-exported from Chenieres Sabine Pass LNG import terminal
the first US cargo since the historic Methane Pioneers delivery to the
UKs Canvey Island over 50 years ago. In early 2011, Centrica reached
an agreement with Qatargas to supply 3.3 bcm (2.4 mtpa) of LNG for
three years to the Isle of Grain terminal. Given the UKs increase in LNG
imports, it now appears that the UK is set to play an important role as an
intake point of LNG to Continental Europe.89 In fact, according to pre-
liminary data, in 2011 the UK overtook Spain as the worlds third-largest
LNG importer behind Japan and South Korea.90

87Southhook LNG,
88IEA MTOGM 2011.
90See note 79. The IGUs most recent LNG report confirms that in 2011 the

UK was the worlds third-largest LNG importer with imports of 18.6 mtpa. Spain
The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 77

3.3.3 France

France has historically been Europes second-largest market for LNG and
imported 9.5 million tonnes of LNG in 2008. France is well connected to
Europes pipeline grid and also has capacity to expand pipeline imports
of natural gas.91 The French gas market is dominated by GDF Suez,
which is 35 percent state owned and has the largest gas transport network
in Europe. Over 75 percent of GDF Suezs natural gas requirements are
covered over the next decade by long-term contracts.92
France currently has three LNG terminals in operation. Fos-Tonkin
located on the Mediterranean Sea and Montoir de Bretagne on the
Atlantic Ocean are both owned by Elengy, a subsidiary of GDF Suez
created in early 2009. The third terminal, Fos-Cavaou, received a test
cargo in October 2009 and started commercial operations in April 2010.
As of 2010, the following three new terminals were under consideration,
with FID expected sometime in 2010, with projected start-up dates of 2013,
2014, and 2015 respectively: Le Havre-Antifer (9 bcm project sponsored
by Gaz de Normandie (73 percent) and Compagnie Industrielle Maritime
(27 percent)); Dunkerque (1013 bcm project sponsored by EDF, the
Port of Dunkerque and possibly Total); and Fos-sur-Mer (8bcm project
undertaken by Shell and Vopack).93
Although France is Europes second-largest market for LNG, the
share of natural gas used in France is actually relatively low (15 percent)
compared to Europes average of 25 percent. Frances lower use of natural
gas is primarily due to the large use of nuclear for power generation in

3.3.4 Italy

Italy is Europes third-largest natural gas user, behind the UK and

Germany, with ENI as the dominant gas company in Italy. Natural gas
demand in Italy has more than doubled in the past 25 years and represents
approximately 40 percent of Italys total energy demand.95 After nuclear
energy was rejected in the late 1980s, natural gas became the primary fuel

was the worlds fourth-largest importer with imports of 17.1 mtpa. IGU World
LNG Report 2011 at p.11.
91Andy Flower, LNG in Europe, LNG Industry, Winter 2009, at pp.1015.
92IEA MTOGM 2010.
78 Energy for the 21st century

for power generation in Italy and accounted for over 54 percent of the
power output in 2008.96
Italys LNG imports tripled in 2010 to 9 bcm, with LNG entering
through two LNG terminals, Panigaglia LNG and Adriatic LNG. The
Adriatic LNG terminal commenced operations in 2009 and in 2010 it
received 7 bcm of LNG, primarily from Qatar. Like South Hook in the
UK, the Adriatic LNG terminal appears to be one of the LNG terminals
used by Qatar as an outlet for its LNG production.97
In addition to the two LNG terminals, Italy has five pipelines through
which imported gas enters the country. In recent years, Italy has been
faced with winter gas shortages due to the lack of import and storage
capacity. In order to meet expected increased demand and improve energy
security, a number of projects have been planned since the early 2000s.
To date, however, Italy has made limited progress in expanding its LNG,
pipeline and storage infrastructure.98

3.3.5 Belgium

The Zeebrugge terminal in Belgium was built to receive LNG for the
countrys main gas company, Distrigas. However, a long-term contract
between Distrigas and Algeria was not renewed and expired in 2006. Since
then, the Zeebrugge terminal has primarily been used to import LNG
from Qatar under a long-term contract between Distrigas and RasGas.
In recent years, the terminal has also received spot cargoes from Egypt,
Nigeria, Norway, Trinidad and Tobago, and Malaysia.99 The Zeebrugge
LNG terminal is a gateway to supply LNG into Northwestern Europe and
is operated by Fluxys, an independent operator of both the natural gas
transmission grid and storage infrastructure in Belgium. Zeebrugge is also
a hub where any LNG can be redelivered for consumption on the Belgian
market, or traded on the Zeebrugge Hub for onward transmission to
supply other end consumer markets in any direction including the UK, the
Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, France and Southern Europe.100
About 1,200 LNG carriers have docked at the Zeebrugge terminal since
it was commissioned in 1987. A fourth storage tank and additional send-
out capacity were added to the terminal in 200408 and this enhancement

97IEA MTOGM 2011.
98IEA MTOGM 2010.
99Andy Flower, LNG in Europe, LNG Industry, Winter 2009, at pp.1015.
100Zeebrugge LNG Terminal,

The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 79

doubled the terminals throughput capacity to 9 billion cubic metres

of natural gas per year, allowing reception of 110 ships per year instead
of 66 ships per year previously. An additional enhancement is under
consideration pending a review of demand interest.101

3.3.6 The Netherlands Rotterdam

In 2005, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie and Royal Vopak decided to jointly

develop Gate (Gas Access To Europe) terminal, the first independent
LNG import terminal in the Netherlands. Construction began in 2008,
and in June and July 2011 Gate terminal received three LNG cargoes,
which were used for commissioning and testing.102 The long-awaited Gate
LNG terminal opened in September 2011103 and received its first commer-
cial LNG cargo on September 1, 2011, when the Q-Max LNG carrier Bu
Samra arrived from Qatar.104
The terminal will have an initial annual throughput capacity of 12
billion cubic meters per year (bcma) and can be increased to 16 bcma in the
future. Five European energy companies (DONG Energy from Denmark,
EconGas from Austria, E.ON Ruhrgas from Germany, RWE Supply &
Trading from Switzerland and Eneco from the Netherlands) have signed
long-term throughput agreements with Gate terminal.105 Gate LNG ter-
minal will be another LNG hub in Europe similar to the Zeebrugge Hub
in Belgium.106

3.3.7 Turkey

Turkey began importing LNG in 1994 to reduce its dependence on pipe-

line imports primarily from Russia but also from Iran and Azerbaijian.

102Gate Terminal Press Release, Sept. 1, 2011, First Commercial LNG

Cargo at Gate Terminal,

103LNG World News, The Netherlands: Queen to Open Gate LNG Terminal

September 23, Sept. 2, 2011,

queen-to-open-gate-lng-terminal-september-23/ (noting that Her Majesty Queen
Beatrix of the Netherlands will open Gate terminal, located on the Maasvlakte in
Rotterdam, on 23 September 2011).
104Gate Terminal Press Release, Sept. 1, 2011, First Commercial LNG

Cargo at Gate Terminal,

106IEA MTOGM 2011.
80 Energy for the 21st century

Turkey has two LNG terminals in operation. The Marmara Eregelisi

terminal near Istanbul is owned and operated by the countrys main gas
company, Botas. The second terminal, the Aliaga terminal near Izmir, was
built by an entrepreneur and sat idle for several years after its completion
but was activated in December 2006 to import cargoes for Botas. In 2009,
the terminals operator, Egegaz,107 imported two cargoes from Qatar.108

3.3.8 Portugal and Greece

Portugal and Greece each have one LNG terminal and both were built
to diversify natural gas supply from pipeline imports from Algeria and
Russia. Portugals main LNG supplier is Nigeria and Greece receives most
of its LNG from Algeria.109

3.3.9 Emerging European Importers

In addition to the traditional European LNG importers, a number of

other European countries are also considering building import termi-
nals including Poland, Croatia, Albania, Cyprus, Germany, Bulgaria,
Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden and Eire.110
Polskie LNG111 recently received an award of over 200 million Euros
towards the construction of a new terminal at winoujcie in northwest
Poland. The terminal is a major energy project for the Polish government
and offers Poland the opportunity to diversify its gas supply and improve
the countrys energy security. Like much of Europe, Poland is heavily
dependent on Russian imports. Construction of the terminal began in
March 2011 and it is expected to begin operations in July 2014.112

107 Egegez,

108Andy Flower, LNG in Europe, LNG Industry, Winter 2009, at pp.1015.
111 Polskie LNG was established in 2007 by Polish Gas and Oil Company

PGNiG (PGNiG SA). Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (GAZ-

SYSTEM S.A.), a company owned by the State Treasury and responsible for the
security of natural gas supplies via transmission networks, became the owner of
Polskie LNG. GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will supervise the construction of the LNG
terminal and the Polish Oil and Gas Company, PGNiG, is responsible for the
supply and transport of LNG to the terminal in winoujcie. Polskie LNG, http://
112The News.Pl, News from Poland, European Commission Backs

Polands LNG Terminal, Oct. 7, 2011,

The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 81

3.4North American/Atlantic Basin LNG


3.4.1 North America the US, Canada and Mexico

In North America, the United States, Canada and Mexico have strong
pipeline connections and exports to these countries are typically regarded
as part of an integrated supply mix. With large supplies of natural gas and
an extensive pipeline system connecting the US, Canada, and Mexico,
North America has historically been able to supply almost all of its natural
gas requirements from indigenous sources.
During the supply-constrained 1970s, however, the United States began
importing LNG from Algeria. Four LNG import terminals were built in
the US between 1971 and 1980: Lake Charles, LA, Everett, MA, Elba
Island, GA, and Cove Point, Md. The US received a peak volume of 253
billion cubic feet (BCF) of LNG in 1979 (which represented 1.3 percent of
US gas demand), after which LNG imports in the United States declined
for a number of reasons. The first was deregulation, which led to an
increase in North American domestic natural gas production. Another
reason was price disputes with Algeria, then the sole LNG exporter to the
United States. As a result, the LNG terminals at Elba Island and Cove
Point were mothballed in 1980 and those at Lake Charles and Everett
suffered from very low utilization.113

3.4.2 The Late 1990s Bring Renewed Interest in LNG in the US

In 1999, the first Atlantic Basin LNG liquefaction plant came online in
Trinidad and Tobago. This event, combined with increasing US natural
gas demand, particularly for electric power generation, and increasing
natural gas prices, resulted in renewed interest in LNG for the American
In the early 2000s, Trinidad and Tobago provided a full 66 percent of the
USs LNG imports. According to the EIA, in 2002 the US imported 151
Bcf (3.2 million tons) from Trinidad and Tobago. In addition to imports
from Trinidad and Tobago and Algeria, the US also received LNG cargoes
from Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman, and Qatar.115


115 US EIA Report no. 0637, The Global Liquefied Natural Gas Market: Status

and Outlook, Dec. 2003,

82 Energy for the 21st century

As a result of increased demand, the two mothballed US LNG import

terminals were reactivated, Elba Island in 2001 and Dominion Cove Point
in 2003. In 2003, there were four LNG import terminals in the continental
United States with a total send-out capacity of about 1.2 Tcf (26.0 million
tons) per year and an estimated baseload capacity of 880 Bcf (18.5 million
tons) per year. The four terminals were:116

Cove Point, MD Cove Point received final permission to re-open from

the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in July 2003. Dominion, the
terminal owner, began commercial operations in August and had received
18 Bcf (0.4 million tons) as of the end of September 2003, all from Trinidad
and Tobago.

Elba Island, GA This terminal is the smallest US terminal and was

reactivated in 2001. It received ten cargoes in 2002 and as of the end of
September 2003 it had received 41 Bcf (0.9 million tons) from 18 ship-
ments, all originating in Trinidad and Tobago.

Everett, MA This terminal is owned by Distrigas, which completed an

expansion in early 2003 to serve a nearby power plant. As of September
2003, Everett had received 52 shipments carrying 117 Bcf (2.5 million
tons), all from Trinidad and Tobago.

Lake Charles, LA This facility is owned by Southern Union and in 2003

operated above baseload capacity, having received 186 Bcf (3.9 million
tons) from 81 cargoes through September 2003. Shipments to Lake
Charles came from Trinidad and Tobago, Algeria, Malaysia, Nigeria,
Oman, and Qatar.

At the time, all four terminals had either completed an expansion or were
planning to expand their regasification capacity to meet rising demand.
In addition, there were at least two dozen proposals to build new LNG
regasification terminals in North America over the next several years.
The EIAs Annual Energy Outlook 2004 (AEO2004) projected that four
new LNG regasification terminals would be constructed on the Atlantic
and Gulf Coasts from 2007 through 2010 to meet an expected 58 percent
increase in LNG imports that was projected for that time-frame.117

The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 83

3.4.3The Early 2000s the US is Expected to Become a Large LNG


Based on EIA long-term forecasts in the early 2000s, US natural gas

consumption was projected to increase from 22.5 Tcf in 2002 to 26.2 Tcf
in 2010 and 31.4 Tcf by 2025. Domestic gas production was expected to
increase more slowly than consumption over the forecast period, rising
from 19.0 Tcf in 2002 to 20.5 Tcf in 2010 and 24.0 Tcf by 2025. The differ-
ence between consumption and production was to be made up by imports,
which were projected to rise from net imports of 3.5 Tcf in 2002 to 7.2 Tcf
by 2025.118
Nearly all the increase in net US natural gas imports from 2002 to 2010
was expected to come from LNG, with an almost 2 Tcf (42 million ton)
increase expected over 2002 levels. Net US LNG imports were expected
to rise from 5 percent of net US natural gas imports in 2002 to 39 percent
in 2010.119 Net pipeline imports from Canada were expected to reach 3.7
Tcf in 2010, and then decline as Canadian fields matured and Canadian
demand increased. It was projected that LNG would become the largest
source of net US imports by 2015, as Canadian imports declined. Mexico,
currently a net importer of US natural gas, was expected to remain so
throughout the period, mainly to supply industry located on the United
StatesMexican border. Exports to Mexico were forecast to decline after
2005 as terminals in Baja California, Mexico, came online to supply both
the US and the Mexican markets.
While forecasts varied, many analysts expected LNG to account for
12% to 21% of total U.S. gas supply by 2025, up from approximately
3% in 2005.120 If these forecasts proved correct, the US would become
increasingly dependent on LNG imports to supplement decreasing North
American natural gas production. Moreover, the US would also need
to significantly increase its natural gas infrastructure to support the
additional imports, including building more LNG import terminals and
adding more pipelines.121
Policy makers and US government officials began to encourage greater
imports of LNG and the related infrastructure that would be needed to
handle additional LNG imports. For example, in April 2005, US President

120 Paul W. Parfomak, Cong. Research Serv., Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in

U.S. Energy Policy: Infrastructure and Market Issues, Jan. 31, 2006, http://www.
84 Energy for the 21st century

Bush stated, One of the great sources of energy for the future is lique-
fied natural gas ... We need more terminals to receive liquefied natural
In June 2005, Department of Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman com-
mented, LNG seems to offer a solution to ... the growing demand for
natural gas that we will see all around the globe.123 In November 2005,
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan testified before Congress that
severe reaction of natural gas prices to the production setbacks that have
occurred in the Gulf highlights again the need to ... import large quantities
of far cheaper, liquefied natural gas (LNG) from other parts of the world.124
The US Congress, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the
Department of Energy, and other US federal agencies also began to
promote greater LNG supplies by changing regulations, clarifying
regulatory authorities, and streamlining the approval process for new
LNG import terminals.125 For example, the Energy Policy Act of 2005
(P.L. 109-58) included various incentives for domestic natural gas produc-
ers (Title III, Subtitle E). The act also amended Section 3 of the Natural
Gas Act of 1938, granting the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) explicit and exclusive authority to approve onshore LNG
terminal siting applications (Sec. 311c) among other provisions.126
Federal officials and Members of Congress debated the merits and risks
of increased US LNG imports. Some questioned the implications of such
a policy, drawing analogies with the consequences of US dependency on
foreign oil and citing potential instability among foreign LNG suppli-
ers.127 Others expressed concern about LNG safety and vulnerability to

122Ibid., citing President George W. Bush, Press conference dated April 29,

123Ibid., citing Samuel Bodman, US Energy Secretary, Remarks to the USEA/

Center for LNG Conference, National Press Club, Washington, DC, June 16, 2005.
124Ibid., citing Alan Greenspan, Chairman, US Federal Reserve Board,

Testimony Before the Joint Economic Committee, US Congress. Nov. 3, 2005.

127 Hon. Peter Domenici, U.S. Must Build LNG Ports to Avoid Spiraling

Natural Gas Prices, Sen. Domenici Says, Press Release, Feb. 15, 2005; Hon. John
E. Peterson, Remarks at the Hearing of the House Resources Committee, Energy
and Mineral Resources Subcommittee on U.S. Energy and Mineral Needs,
Security and Policy, March 16, 2005.
128 Hon. Edward Markey, Democratic Reaction to the 9/11 Commissions

Final Report and its Security Recommendations for Preventing Further Attacks,
Press conference, Dec. 5, 2005.
The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 85

Meanwhile, in the marketplace, a race was on to build LNG terminals,

with LNG developers proposing over 30 new terminals throughout North
America (Figure 3.6).
While federal actions sought to facilitate greater LNG imports, public
concerns about the safety and siting of proposed terminals began to mount.
Choosing acceptable sites for new LNG terminals would prove to be extremely
difficult and controversial in the US.129 Many developers sought to build ter-
minals near major consuming markets such as California and the Northeast
(Figure 3.6) in order to reduce delivery costs to these major markets.
Community opposition to proposed LNG projects in these markets,
however, was particularly intense. For example, in California, several pro-
posed LNG terminals were ultimately blocked due to community opposi-
tion, including a proposed terminal in Northern Californias Humboldt
Bay,130 Sound Energy Solutions proposed terminal in Long Beach,
California,131 and BHP Billitons proposed floating LNG facility off the
coast of Malibu, California.132
Proposed LNG terminals on the East Coast of the United States did not
fare much better and in April 2008 the New York Secretary of State rejected
a proposal by Broadwater Energy to construct a floating storage and regasi-
fication unit for imported LNG in Long Island Sound.133 The proposed facil-
ity had been approved by FERC subject to more than 80 mitigation meas-
ures to enhance safety and security and minimize environmental impacts.134

129 For a summary of the controversy surrounding proposed LNG terminals

in the US, see Virginia L. Thorndike, LNG: A Level-Headed Look at the

Liquefied Natural Gas Controversy (2007).
130Sierra Club, Liquefied Natural Gas Threatens Californias Coastal

Communities, available at

131 California Energy Commission, Liquefied Natural Gas Projects, Long Beach

LNG Facility,; see Letter from

FERC suspending review of project due to Board of Harbor Commissioners declining
to enter into a lease with SES for the LNG site,
132Sierra Club, Huge Victory Against Offshore LNG Terminal, available at
133 New York Secretary of State Determines Broadwaters LNG Facility Not

Consistent with the Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program, New York
Dept. of State Press Release, Apr. 10, 2008, available at http://www.dos.state.
134 FERC Approves Broadwater LNG Project Subject to Safety, Environmental

Measures, FERC News Release, March 20, 2008, available at

news/news-releases/2008/2008-1/03-20-08-C-1.asp. FERCs review of the project
took 38 months and 25,000 staff hours and produced a final environmental impact
statement (EIS) exceeding 2,200 pages. Ibid.
A. Everett, MA: 1.035 Bcfd (Tractebel DOMAC)
B. Cove point, MD: 1.0 Bcfd (Dominion Cove point LNG)
C. Elba Island, GA: 0.68 Bcfd (El Paso Southern LNG)
D. Lake Charles, LA: 1.2 Bcfd (Southern Union Trunkline LNG)
E. Gulf of Mexico: 0.5 Bcfd (Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge Excelerate Energy)
1. Lake Charles, LA: 0.6 Bcfd (Southern Union Trunkline LNG)
2. Hackberry, LA: 1.5 Bcfd, (Sempra Energy)
3. Bahamas: 0.84 Bcfd, (AES Ocean Express)*
4. Bahamas: 0.83 Bcfd, (Calypso Tractebel)*
5. Freeport, TX: 1.5 Bcfd, (Cheniere/Freeport LNG Dev.)
6. Sabine, LA: 2.6 Bcfd (Cheniere LNG)
7. Elba Island, GA: 0.54 Bcfd (El Paso Southern LNG)
8. Corpus Christi, TX: 2.6 Bcfd, (Cheniere LNG)
9. Corpus Christi, TX: 1.0 Bcfd (Vista Del Sol ExxonMobil)
10. Fall River, MA: 0,8 Bcfd, (Weaverss Cove Energy/Hess LNG)
16 11. Sabine, TX: 1.0 Bcfd (Golden Pass ExxonMobil)
12. Corpus Christi, TX: 1.0 Bcfd (Ingleside Energy Occidental Energy Ventures)
13. Port Pelican: 1.6 Bcfd, (Chevron Texaco)
38 14. Louisiana Offshore: 1.0 Bcfd (Gulf Landing Shell)
10 15. St. John, NB: 1.0 Bcfd, (Canaport Irving Oil)
25 16. Point Tupper, NS: 1.0 Bcf/d (Bear Head LNG Anadarko)
17. Altamira, Tamulipas: 0.7 Bcfd, (Shell/Total/Mitsui)
B 24 18. Baja California, MX: 1.0 Bcfd, (Sempra)
19. Baja California Offshore: 1.4 Bcfd, (Chevron Texaco)

20. Long Beach, CA: 0.7 Bcfd, (Mitsubishi/ConocoPhillips Sound Energy Solutions
33 21. Longan Township, NJ: 1.2 Bcfd (Crown Landing LNG BP)
20 22. Bahamas: 0.5 Bcfd, (Seafarer El Paso/FPL)
34 C 7 23. Port Arthur, TX: 1.5 Bcfd (Sempra)
19 24. Cove Point, MD: 0.8 Bcfd (Dominion)
18 22
6,3 29 D 2 26 25. LI Sound, NY: 1.0 Bcfd (BroadWater Energy TransCanada/Shell)
5,3 28 3 4 26. Pascagoula, MS: 1.0 Bcfd (Gulf LNG Energy LLC)
8 1123 1 36 27. Bradwood, OR: 1.0 Bcfd (Northern Star LNG Northern Star Natural Gas LLC)
9 35 28. Pascagoula, MS: 1.3 Bcfd (Casotte Landing Chevron Texaco)
12 E 14
30 37 29. Cameron, LA: 3.3 Bcfd (Creole Trail LNG Cheniere LNG)
13 30. Port Lavaca, TX: 1.0 Bcfd (Calhoun LNG Gulf Coast LNG Partners)
17 US Jurisdiction 31. Freeport, TX: 2.5 Bcfd (Cheniere/Freeport LNG Dev. Expansion)
32. Sabine, LA: 1.4 Bcfd (Cheniere LNG Expansion)
FERC 33. California Offshore: 1.5 Bcfd (Cabrillo Port BHP Billiton)
US Coast Guard 34. So. California Offshore: 0.5 Bcfd (Crystal Energy)
As of January 4, 2006 35. Louisiana Offshore: 1.0 Bcfd (Main Pass McMoRan Exp.)
36. Gulf of Mexico: 1.0 Bcfd (Compess Port ConocoPhillips)
* US pipeline approved; LNG terminal pending in Bahamas 37. Gulf of Mexico: 1.5 Bcfd (Beacon Port Clean Energy Terminal ConocoPhillips)
38. Offshore Boston, MA: 0.4 Bcfd (Neptune LNG Tractebel)
39. Offshore Boston, MA: 0.8 Bcfd (Northeast Gateway Excelerate Energy)

Source: FERC, Office of Energy Projects

Figure 3.6Existing and proposed North American LNG import terminals 2006
The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 87

At one point, leading energy expert Daniel Yergin predicted that, due
to environmental concerns in some regions of the United States, import
terminals would probably need to be built in neighboring countries such
as Mexico and Canada to supply the United States.135 Mr Yergins pre-
dictions were correct and to date the only West Coast terminal to have
been built is Sempras LNG import terminal, Energia Costa Azul, located
in Baja California, Mexico (at the border of Southern California and
Opposition to LNG terminals was not just limited to the West and
East Coasts. For example, in Alabama, a state assumed to be friendly to
energy infrastructure, community groups effectively blocked two onshore
terminal proposals and called for LNG import terminals to be built only
Moreover, US opposition to LNG import terminals did not seem to
dissipate over time, as evidenced by the long-standing opposition to Hess
LNGs proposed Weavers Cove terminal, a proposed East Coast LNG
terminal at the north end of Fall River in Massachusetts. In June 2011,
Hess LNG announced they were abandoning their plans to develop the
controversial LNG terminal in Weavers Cove, claiming that changing
economics due to the significant increase in shale gas production was the
reason for their decision to withdraw applications for the facility proposed
back in 2003. Environmental groups had long opposed the facility and
were supported by a host of public officials and federal and state lawmak-
ers, some of whom had worked to pass laws complicating the ability of
LNG tankers to reach Mount Hope Bay. While Hess said the opposition
played no role in the decision to abandon the project, environmentalists
hailed the decision, stating that the project was never appropriate for
Narragansett Bay, so its official demise is long overdue.138
In addition to public opposition, in some cases state and local agencies
were at odds with federal agencies over LNG terminal siting approval. For
example, Delawares environmental secretary blocked the development

135Daniel Yergin and Michael Stoppard, The Next Prize, Foreign Affairs,

Vol. 82, No. 6 (2003) at pp.109111.

136 Sempra Energys New Baja California LNG Terminal Ready for Commercial

Operations, May 15, 2008,, available at

137Ibid., citing Editorial, Move ExxonMobils LNG Plant Offshore, Mobile

Register, Nov. 30, 2003.

138 Chris Barrett, Hess Abandons Weavers Cove LNG Project, Providence

Business News, published online June 13, 2011,

88 Energy for the 21st century

of an LNG terminal on the DelawareNew Jersey border after ruling

that part of the terminal would extend into Delawares waters and violate
Delawares Coastal Zone Act.139 In 2004, the California Public Utilities
Commission (CPUC) sued FERC in federal court over FERCs assertion
of sole jurisdiction over the siting of the Sound Energy Solutions (SES)
LNG terminal in Long Beach. The CPUC later dropped its suit, however,
after the passage of P.L. 109-58 mooted its arguments. In January 2005,
Massachusetts and Rhode Island filed petitions in federal court to reverse
FERCs approval of an LNG import terminal to be sited in Fall River,
Despite the controversy over terminal siting in the US, a number of new
terminals ultimately did get built in the US. In 2005, an offshore facility,
Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge, was added in the Gulf of Mexico to allow
for additional imports. Another offshore facility, Northeast Gateway,
was opened offshore from Boston. Several terminals were added in the
Gulf of Mexico including Chenieres Sabine Pass import terminal, which
is discussed in detail in Chapters 11 and 12. However, the map of exist-
ing North American LNG import terminals (Figure 3.7) stands in stark
contrast to the map of existing and proposed terminals shown above in
Figure 3.6!
As it turns out, however, the US did not end up needing all of the
proposed LNG import terminals anyway. By 2008, shortly after many
of the new terminals came online, the dynamic LNG market had shifted,
with very little LNG coming to the US as sellers sought higher-paying
markets elsewhere. Many of the new US LNG import terminals remained
underutilized. In an amazing turn of events, largely driven by US shale
gas production, almost all US LNG import terminals are now looking to
add liquefaction capability so they can export LNG as well. While this
dramatic shift is discussed in detail in Chapters 1012, the map of possible
US LNG export sites (Figure 3.8) is somewhat ironically reminiscent of
the maps of proposed import terminals in the early 2000s.
A little more irony can be found further north in Alaska where, on
February 10, 2011, ConocoPhillips and Marathon Oil Corp. announced
that the only existing LNG export terminal Kenai LNG would be
closed due to market changes that precluded the company from secur-
ing the sales and supply agreements needed to keep the plant operating

139Ibid., citing A. Fifield, Del. Hands BP a Setback on Pier, Philadelphia

Enquirer, Feb. 4, 2005.

140Ibid., citing Rhode Island, Massachusetts Officials Ask Court to Block

Weavers Cove LNG Project, Natural Gas Intelligence. Jan. 30, 2006.
A. Everett, MA: 1.035 Bcfd (GDF SUEZ DOMAC)
B. Cove Point, MD: 1.8 Bcfd (Dominion Cove Point LNG)
C. Elba Island, GA: 1.6 Bcfd (El Paso Southern LNG)
D. Lake Charles, LA: 2.1 Bcfd (Southern Union Trunkline LNG)
E. Gulf of Mexico: 0.5 Bcfd, (Excelerate Energy Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge)
F. Offshore Boston: 0.8 Bcfd, (Excelerate Energy Northeast Gateway
L G. Freeport, TX: 1.5 Bcfd, (Cheniere/Freeport LNG Dev.)*
J H. Sabine, LA: 4.0 Bcfd (Cheniere/Sabine Pass LNG)*
A F I. Hackberry, LA: 1.8 Bcfd (Sempra Cameron LNG)*
J. Offshore Boston, MA: 0.4 Bcfd (GDF SUEZ Neptune LNG)
B K. Sabine Pass, TX: 2.0 Bcfd (ExxonMobil Golden Pass) (Phase I & II)
L. Saint John, NB: 1.0 Bcfd, (Repsol/Fort Reliance Canaport LNG)
C M. Altamira, Tamulipas: 0.7 Bcfd, (Shell/Total/Mitsui Altamira LNG)

N N. Baja California, MX: 1.0 Bcfd, (Sempra Energia Costa AZul)
G KI *Authorized to re-export delivered LNG

M US Jurisdiction
As of September 26, 2011

Note: There is an existing import terminal in Peuelas, PR. It does not appear on this map since it can not serve or affect deliveries in the Lower
48 U.S. states.

Source: FERC, Office of Energy Projects,

Figure 3.7 Existing North American LNG import terminals 2011

Muskwa-Otter Park,
Lower Evie-Klua 33 Potential North American LNG Export
1 Prudhoe Bay Beaa
River Muskwa-
2 Valdez Otter Park Sites Relative to Shale Gas Basins
3 Nikiski 4 Source: May 2011 EIA North Americam Shale Plays Map, Zeus Analysis
8 Colorado
Frederick Horton
Niobrara* Bakken Utica Brook Blut
9 33 Rankings of potential
Cody *** LNG export sites
10 Heath**
Hillard-Baxter- Mowry Export permits received
Mancos-Niobrara Antrim
Niobrara* Export permits filed
Devonian (Ohio) Announced export plan
Monterey- 32 Marcellus Existing regas w/space
Hemosa Excello- New
Temblor Utica
Mulky Proposed terminal

Pierre- Woodford Fayette ville Current shale plays
Niebrara Chattanooga
Monterey Bend Stacked plays
Avalon Floyd- Conasauga Shallowest/youngest
11 Neal 31
Barnett Intermediate depth/age
12 Woodford Tuscaloosa Deepest/oldest
Mixed shale & chalk play
Eagle Haynesville- Mixed shale & limestone play
Eagle Ford Ford Bossier Mixed shale & tight dolostone-
La Caslta siltstone-sandstone play
19 Prospective shale plays
Eagle Ford,
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Basins
Pimlenta Pimlenta,
Tamaullpaa 17
18 N
16 15 Maltrata 0 200 400 600 800

Source: Zeus Intelligence

Figure 3.8 33 potential North American LNG export sites

The evolution of LNG markets and primary demand regions 91

beyond April or May 2011.141 Spokespeople for the companies explained

that current market conditions and declines in production rates of natural
gas drilling in Alaskas Cook Inlet made exports from Kenai LNG unfea-
sible and simply not economically viable.142 Interestingly, the possibility
of using the Kenai terminal to import LNG is also being explored to
meet the local demand for natural gas.143 The closure of the iconic Kenai
plant marks a watershed of sorts since Kenai was the first dedicated LNG
export terminal in North America and has been in operation for more
than 40 years, supplying the worlds largest LNG importer Japan.144

141Warren R. True, Alaska LNG Plant to Close after 40 Years, Oil&Gas

Journal, Feb. 10, 2011,

html. Also, and with not a little [more] irony, the announcement of the Kenai
plant closing exactly coincided with another announcement, from Canadas
National Energy Board, that it would hold hearings next month on an application
to build a new LNG plant in North America at Kitimat, BC. Ibid.
142Isabel Ordonez, Conoco to Stop LNG exports from Kenai Plant in Alaska,

Feb. 10, 2011, According

to one analyst, the closure of Kenai LNG shows that the small facility didnt have
the economy of scale to compete with a growing number of large suppliers in
Asia and that although natural gas in the U.S. is now abundant its still more
expensive to produce than in other areas of the world [and that] we cannot really
be competitive selling LNG from the U.S. Ibid., quoting Oppenheimer & Co.
analyst Fadel Gheit.
143Isabel Ordonez, Conoco to Stop LNG Exports from Kenai Plant in Alaska,

Feb. 10, 2011, available at

144Another interesting fact about Kenai LNG is that Kenai supplied the con-

ditioning cargoes to the Russian Sakhalin LNG Project. Confirming email from
Sakhalin LNG on file with author. On April 10, 2000 (DOE/FE Order No. 1580),
DOE/FE granted ConocoPhillips and Marathon blanket authorization to export
the equivalent of 10 Bcf of natural gas from the Kenai LNG facility to interna-
tional markets over a two-year period beginning on the date of the first export.
Kenai LNG sent the commissioning cargoes to Sakhalin pursuant to this Order.
4.Global LNG supply
4.1Overview of Natural Gas Resources
and Global LNG Supply

Although worldwide natural gas resources are sufficient to meet projected

increases in demand,1 it should be noted that almost half of the worlds
proved natural gas reserves are found in just three countries: Russia, Iran
and Qatar (Table 4.1).2
With the worlds largest proved natural gas reserves, the Middle East
and Africa are expected to account for 72 percent of the increase in natural
gas exports by 2030, mainly to supply Europe and North America,3
although Australia is also emerging as a key LNG exporter (see Chapter 8)
and also potentially the US and Canada (see Chapters 11 and 12).
Recent analysis of supply expectations predicted that global LNG
supply would rise 44 percent from 2007 to 2010 but would be backend
loaded due to project delays. LNG supply was expected to rise from 22.3
bcf/d in 2007 to 32.2 bcf/d by 2010 but project delays in Norway, Nigeria,
and Qatar shifted the expected supply growth to later years with only
approximately 1 bcf/d incremental supplies added in 2008 and 3 bcf/d in
2009. As discussed in detail below, the expected first wave of LNG even-
tually hit between 2009 and mid-2011 with an anticipated second wave
of LNG capacity due to come on-stream starting in 2014.

1 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2012 (World proved natural gas

reserves at end-2011 were sufficient to meet 63.6 years of production).

2According to BP, the Middle East still holds the worlds largest proved

reserves of 38.4%. The full chart of the worlds proved natural gas reserves is avail-
able at According to BP, proved reserves of natural gas are
generally taken to be those quantities that geological and engineering information
indicates with reasonable certainty can be recovered in the future from known
reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions. The reserves-to-
production (R/P) ratio is determined by taking the reserves remaining at the end
of any year and dividing by the production for that year. The resulting ratio is
the length of time that those remaining reserves would last if production were to
continue at that rate.
3IEA WEO-2006.

Global LNG supply 93

Table 4.1 Worldwide natural gas proved reserves select countries

Country at end 2010 Trillion at end 2011 Share of R/P

Trillion cubic cubic Trillion total (%) ratio
meters feet cubic meters
US 8.2 299.8 8.5 4.1 13.0
Canada 1.8 70.0 2.0 1.0 12.4
Mexico 0.3 12.5 0.4 0.2 6.7
Total North America 10.3 382.3 10.8 5.2 12.5
Russian Federation 44.4 1575.0 44.6 21.4 73.5
Turkmenistan 13.4 858.8 24.3 11.7 *
Total Europe and 68.0 2778.8 78.7 37.8 75.9
Bahrain 0.2 12.3 0.3 0.2 26.8
Iran 33.1 1168.6 33.1 15.9 *
Iraq 3.2 126.7 3.6 1.7 *
Qatar 25.0 884.5 25.0 12.0 *
Saudi Arabia 8.0 287.8 8.2 3.9 82.1
Total Middle East 79.4 2826.3 80.0 38.4 *
Algeria 4.5 159.1 4.5 2.2 57.7
Egypt 2.2 77.3 2.2 1.1 35.7
Nigeria 5.1 180.5 5.1 2.5 *
Total Africa 14.5 513.2 14.5 7.0 71.7
Australia 3.7 132.8 3.8 1.8 83.6
China 2.9 107.7 3.1 1.5 29.8
Indonesia 3.0 104.7 3.0 1.4 39.2
Malaysia 2.4 86.0 2.4 1.2 39.4
Total Asia-Pacific 16.5 592.5 16.8 8.0 35.0
Total World 196.1 7360.9 208.4 100.0 63.6
of which: OECD 18.1 660.2 18.7 9.0 16.0
Non-OECD 178.0 6700.7 189.7 91.0 90.0
European Union 2.3 64.4 1.8 0.9 11.8
Former Soviet Union 63.5 2638.5 74.7 35.8 96.3

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2012

4.2Overview of Current LNG Supply: The

First Wave

The Pacific area including the Middle East has historically been
the largest LNG producing region in the world, although the ranking
of suppliers has shifted in recent years. In 2002, Indonesia was the
largest LNG exporter, followed by Algeria and Trinidad. In the early
94 Energy for the 21st century

Table 4.2 LNG production capacity added 201011

Country Project Capacity (bcm) Online date

Qatar Qatargas III Train 6 10.6 Feb. 2010
Qatar Rasgas III Train 7 10.6 Nov. 2010
Yemen Yemen LNG Train 2 4.6 Apr. 2010
Malaysia Malaysia LNG Dua (II) 2.0 Apr. 2010
Peru Peru LNG 6.1 June 2010
Norway Nordic LNG 0.4 Nov. 2010
Qatar Qatargas IV Train 7 10.6 Feb. 2011
Total 44.9

Source: IEA MTOGM 2011

2000s, several new LNG projects were started in anticipation of rising

demand. The first wave of LNG production to hit the market resulted
in over 100 bcm of LNG production capacity added between early 2009
and mid-2011. In 2009 alone, three mega-trains in Qatar, Sakhalin
II, Tangguh, Indonesia and Yemen LNG Train 1 were completed
and added significantly to global LNG production capacity. In 2010,
another 34 bcm of new LNG production capacity was added. (See
According to the IEA, total global liquefaction capacity stood at 373
bcm as of mid-2011, compared to 268 bcm as of the end of 2008. The rapid
expansion of LNG capacity in recent years stands in stark contrast to the
limited LNG production capacity added between 2005 and 2008, which
averaged only 18 bcm/y.4

4.3Overview of Future LNG Supply: The

Second Wave

Based on ten LNG projects that are under construction, are close to
completion, or have reached a final investment decision (FID) recently,
a second wave of LNG production capacity is on the way in the next
few years. According to the IEA, these new projects will add 85 bcm of
new LNG capacity so that total liquefaction capacity will be at least 458
bcm by 2017. Angola LNG is the first LNG project in Angola and will
be completed by early 2012, with capacity of 7.1 bcm. Two projects in

4IEA Medium-Term Oil and Gas Markets (MTOGM) 2011.

Global LNG supply 95

Table 4.3 LNG production capacity added 201117

Country Project Capacity Major Online date

(bcm) stakeholders
Australia Pluto LNG 6.5 Woodside, Aug. 2011
Kansai Electric,
Tokyo Gas
Angola Angola LNG 7.1 Chevron, Q1 2012
Sonangol, Eni,
Total, BP
Algeria Gassi Touil LNG 6.4 Sonatrach 2013
Algeria Skikda new train 6.1 Sonatrach 2013
Australia Gorgon LNG 6.8 (20.4) Chevron, Shell, 2014 (2015)
Exxon Mobil
Papua PNG LNG 9.0 Exxon Mobil, Oil 2014
New Guinea Search
Australia Queensland Curtis 11.6 BG, CNOOC, 2014
LNG Tokyo Gas
Indonesia Donggi Senoro 2.7 Mitsubishi, 2014
LNG Pertamina,
Australia Gladstone LNG 10.6 Santos, Petronas, 2015
Total, Kogas
Australia Prelude LNG 4.9 Shell 2017
Total 85.3

Source: IEA MTOGM 2011

Algeria are expected to be completed by 2013 and bring a total capacity

of 12.5 bcm.5
Approximately 59 bcm of capacity is expected to be added globally over
201417 if all projects are completed on time. While half of the first wave of
LNG came from Qatar (63 bcm), Australia dominates the second wave with
80 percent of the production capacity coming from Australia. The Gorgon
mega project in Australia has three trains with 6.8 bcm (5 mtpa) each with a
targeted completion date of 201415 for all three trains. Papua New Guinea
(PNG LNG), Queensland Curtis LNG (QCLNG) and Donggi Senoro
LNG are also expected to be completed in 2014. The Gladstone LNG and
Gorgon projects have an expected completion date of 2015. If all of these
projects are completed as planned, the global LNG production capacity
will increase significantly in the coming years. (See Table 4.3.)

5Ibid. at p.242.
96 Energy for the 21st century







2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 201620

Qatar Australia Algeria Nigeria Other Africa Americas

Other ME Indonesia Other Asia Europe Russia

Source: IEA MTOGM 2011, OECD/IEA2011, p.243

Figure 4.1 Future global LNG production capacities

The trend from 2014 onwards represents the start of the second wave
of LNG production capacity additions. Based on currently proposed
projects, global LNG production capacity is expected to reach 540 bcm by
2020 (Figure 4.1).

4.4 Challenges for New Projects

While there are many challenges involved in any large infrastructure

project, the main challenges for new LNG projects involve cost and
environmental issues. Project costs for new LNG projects vary depend-
ing on numerous factors including the design of the plant, environmental
conditions of the project site, the location and technical or regulatory chal-
lenges of the particular location, availability of skilled labor, and length of
construction. The timing of the project development is also an important
factor and economies of scale do not always help to reduce project cost.6

6Ibid. at p.244.
Global LNG supply 97

Among the LNG projects recently completed, Sakhalin II in Russia had

the highest cost of construction per tonne of annual LNG production, at
over $2,000/tonne. Construction costs of Yemen LNG, Peru LNG and
Qatargas IV were approximately $1,000/tonne. Projects currently under
construction, including Pluto, Gorgon and PNG LNG, all have much
higher costs ranging from $1,700 to $2,900/tonne. In addition, there are
numerous environmental and technical challenges that vary project by
project (see Chapters 79).

4.5Qatar The Worlds Largest LNG


Today, the tiny Persian Gulf country of Qatar is by far the largest LNG
exporter in the world with a combined capacity of 105 bcm (77 mtpa) of
LNG, or 28 percent of global liquefaction capacity.7 As of January 2011,
Qatars proven natural gas reserves stood at approximately 896 trillion
cubic feet (Tcf).8 Qatar holds almost 14 percent of total world natural
gas reserves and has the worlds third-largest reserves behind Russia
and Iran.9 The majority of Qatars natural gas is located in the massive
offshore North Field, which occupies an area roughly equivalent to Qatar
itself. The North Field is part of the worlds largest non-associated natural
gas field and is a geological extension of Irans South Pars field, which
holds an additional 450 Tcf of recoverable natural gas reserves. In 2010,
preliminary estimates from Qatar National Bank indicated that the oil and
gas sectors accounted for over half of Qatars 2010 GDP.10
As discussed in detail in Chapter 8, Qatars LNG production comes
from two LNG production projects at Ras Laffan Qatargas and
RasGas. Each project has seven LNG production trains with varying
capacities. Although each train has different owners, the primary owner
of all trains is Qatar Petroleum, the Qatari national oil company.11 With
the largest production capacity and a huge LNG tanker fleet, Qatar has

7IEA MTOGM 2011.

EIA, Country Analysis Briefs, Qatar,
cfm?fips5QA, citing Oil&Gas Journal.
9The IEA has noted that although worldwide natural gas resources are suffi-

cient to meet projected increases in demand to 2030, more than half of the resources
are found in just three countries: Russia, Iran and Qatar (IEA WEO-2006).
10 EIA, Country Analysis Briefs, Qatar,

11IEA MTOGM 2011, at p.185.
98 Energy for the 21st century

become a significant swing producer and is able to deliver LNG to all

regions of the world.

4.6Australia The Next Qatar?

In recent years, Australia has emerged as the next Qatar in terms of

expected LNG supply. By 2016, Australias LNG production capacity
could reach 75.8 bcm/y (55.7 mtpa), which would make it the second-
largest LNG exporter after Qatar. Australias projects are discussed in
detail below in Chapter 8.

4.7The Newest LNG Exporters Russia,

Yemen, Peru, Angola and Papua New

In recent years, three new countries have emerged as LNG exporters

Russia, Yemen and Peru. Chapter 9 has a detailed discussion of the LNG
projects in these countries. Angola and Papua New Guinea are expected to
start LNG exports by 2012 and 2014, respectively.12 A detailed discussion
of the LNG project in Papua New Guinea is provided in Chapter 9.


Indonesia has long been an important LNG producer, exporting its first
cargo in 1977, and until being overtaken by Qatar was the largest LNG
producer in the world. Indonesia has two LNG export terminals, Arun
and Bontang, both of which are owned by Pertamina, the state oil and gas
company. The Arun plants are aging and exports are declining and could
cease altogether in 2014. As a result, the Bontang terminals are playing an
increasingly important role in meeting long-term commitments to existing
buyers and are developing new fields.13
In recent years, Indonesia took FID for the 2.7 bcm Donggi Senoro
LNG project, which is set to come online in 2014. However, Indonesias
future as a reliable energy supplier is a bit uncertain as a policy dispute has

13IEA MTOGM 2011, at p.190.
Global LNG supply 99

raged over how much gas production should be reserved to meet increas-
ing domestic demand.14


Malaysia has a long history as a reliable and stable LNG supplier. Of

particular note is the fact that Malaysia is strategically located along one
of the most important routes for the seaborne energy trade the Strait of
Malacca which links the Indian and Pacific Oceans15 (see Figure 4.2).
Malaysias national oil and gas company, Petroliam Nasional Berhad
(Petronas), holds exclusive ownership rights to all oil and gas exploration
and production projects in Malaysia and is the single largest contributor
of Malaysian government revenues. Since Malaysias oil fields are matur-
ing, the government is focused on enhancing output from existing fields
and from new offshore developments of both oil and gas.16
In 2010, Malaysia was the worlds tenth-largest holder of natural gas
reserves. According to the Oil and Gas Journal, Malaysia held 83 tril-
lion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven natural gas reserves as of January 2010
(Figure4.3) with most of the countrys natural gas reserves found in the
eastern areas, predominantly offshore Sarawak.17
Malaysia also has one of the most extensive natural gas pipeline net-
works in Asia. The Peninsular Gas Utilization (PGU) project, which was
completed in 1998, significantly expanded the natural gas transmission
infrastructure on Peninsular Malaysia. The PGU system spans more than
880 miles and has the capacity to transport 2 billion cubic feet per day
(Bcf/d) of natural gas.18
A number of pipelines link Sarawaks offshore gas fields to the Bintulu
facility. In addition, Petronas is building the 310-mile SabahSarawak
Gas Pipeline between Kimanis, Sabah, and Bintulu, Sarawak, to transport
gas from Sabahs offshore fields, such as Kota Kinabalu, to Bintulu for
liquefaction and export. Some of the gas will be used for downstream
projects in Sabah. This pipeline is expected to be completed by March

15 EIA Country Analysis Brief, Malaysia, last updated, Dec. 2010, http://
Kota Gumung
Pulau Kinabalu Kinabalu
Pinang Kuala South China Sea Sandakan
Terengganu Palau Labuan Sabah
George Taiping
Town BRUNEI Lahad Datu Pulau
Ipoh Tawai Sebatik
Strait of (INDONESIA) NATUNA Pulau Bunyu

Malacca Bintulu
Klang Seremban
Port Dickson Sibu Sarawak Celebes
Melaka Jahor Sea
Bahru Kuching Bonneo
0 200 km
0 200 ml

Source: US EIA

Figure 4.2 Map of Malaysia

Global LNG supply 101






0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Trillion cubic feet

Source: US EIA

Figure 4.3 Top five Asia-Pacific proven natural gas reserve holders 2010

The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) is promoting the

development of a trans-ASEAN gas pipeline system (TACP) aimed at
linking 80 percent of ASEANs major gas production and consumption
centers. Because of Malaysias extensive natural gas infrastructure and
its location, the country is a natural candidate to serve as a hub in the
ongoing TACP project.20
In 2009, Malaysia was the second-largest exporter of LNG in the world
after Qatar, and exported over 1 Tcf of LNG, which accounted for 12
percent of total world LNG exports. Malaysias LNG exports primarily
went to Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. LNG from Malaysia is trans-
ported by the Malaysia International Shipping Corporation (MISC),
which owns and operates 27 LNG tankers, the single largest LNG tanker
fleet in the world by volume of LNG carried. MISC is 62 percent owned
by Petronas.21
The Bintulu LNG complex on Sarawak is the main hub for Malaysias
natural gas industry. Petronas owns majority interests in Malaysias three
LNG processing plants, all located at Bintulu, which are supplied by the
offshore natural gas fields at Sarawak. The Bintulu facility is the largest
LNG complex in the world, with eight production trains and a total
liquefaction capacity of 1.1 Tcf per year.22

102 Energy for the 21st century

Construction began on Malaysias newest terminal, the Sabah Oil and

Gas Terminal (SOGT), in February 2007 and is expected to be completed
by 2012. It will have handling capacity of 300,000 barrels of crude and 1
billion cubic feet of natural gas per day and will primarily serve Malaysias
export markets. The SabahSarawak Gas Pipeline project is part of this

4.10The Worlds Northernmost LNG

Facility HAmmerfest LNG, the
Snhvit Project, Norway

The Snhvit LNG project is the first offshore development in the Barents
Sea and the worlds northernmost LNG facility. Located outside of
Hammerfest in Northern Norway, the Hammerfest LNG terminal is also
Europes first LNG export facility. (See Figure 4.4.)
The gas field for the project is called Snow White Snhvit in
Norwegian (in Norway, energy projects are named after mythical
characters). The field lies 340 miles north of the Arctic Circle in an area
long considered out of reach for energy development due to the Barents
Seas shifting ice packs and hostile conditions, including powerful waves
and extreme cold. Although no energy company knew how to operate
in such a harsh environment, soaring global demand and high prices in
the early to mid-2000s led to energy companies going to the ends of
the earth to find new supplies.23 The Snhvit LNG project was one of
those ends of the earth projects undertaken mainly to supply natural
gas to the eastern states of the United States. At the time, Dominion
had even expanded its Cove Point, Maryland LNG import terminal to
accommodate the Arctic gas to come from Snhvit. While the United
States no longer expects to become a major LNG importer, Snhvit
remains a pioneering project that opens up LNG trade in Arctic waters.
This may be increasingly relevant as the warming Arctic opens up
more trade routes, including the Northern Sea Route and the famed
Northwest Passage.24

23 Jad Mouawad, A Quest for Energy in the Globes Remote Places, The New

York Times, Oct. 9, 2007,

24Thomas Hilsen, Hammerfest LNG set sails for Japan via Arctic route, The

Barents Observer, Nov. 6, 2012,

lng-set-sails-japan-arctic-route-06-11, noting that with rapid melting sea ice,
Hammerfest LNG is located at the entrance gate for a possible new shipping route
near the top of the globe to the energy hungry markets in Asia.
Global LNG supply 103






Source: Snhvit LNG

Figure 4.4 Map of the Snhvit LNG project location

Source: Climate Action Programme,

Figure 4.5 Northern Sea Route and Northwest Passage

According to benchmark data compiled for Chevrons Gorgon project

in Australia (see Chapters 7 and 8), Snhvit has the potential to be the
most greenhouse gas efficient LNG plant in the world. This is in part due
to the cold environment where Snhvit is located since a lower ambient
104 Energy for the 21st century

temperature results in both the gas turbines and the LNG process working
more efficiently. In addition, and as with the Gorgon project, the Snhvit
development is based around a subsea gas production system which will
significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the subsurface injection
of reservoir CO2.25
The Snhvit LNG project came on-stream in 2007 with a production
capacity of approximately 4.3 mtpa.26 According to Statoil, at full capac-
ity on Snhvit, 700,000 tonnes of CO2 will be stored per year, which equals
the emission volume from 280,000 cars.27

4.11Trinidad and Tobago

Although the islands of the Caribbean Basin are predominantly net

energy importers, Trinidad and Tobago is the exception and is a
major exporter of LNG. In fact, the first new LNG plant built for
the AtlanticBasinLNG trade in more than 20 years was the Trinidad
Atlantic LNG plant, operated by partners BP, BG, GDF Suez, and
The Atlantic LNG Company operates four LNG trains at Point Fortin,
on the southwestern coast of Trinidad. The first LNG train was completed
in March 1999, with subsequent trains completed in 2002, 2003 and 2006.
The four trains have capacity to produce a combined 14.8 million metric
tons (Mmt) of LNG per year (775 Bcf of regasified natural gas). Atlantic
LNG and the government of Trinidad and Tobago have indicated that
there may be fifth and sixth trains, although currently there are no firm
plans to pursue these projects.29
Trinidad and Tobago is the largest supplier of LNG to the United
States, and the fifth-largest exporter in the world after Qatar, Malaysia,
Indonesia, and Algeria. Trinidad and Tobago exported 236 Bcf of natural
gas to the United States in 2009, about 50 percent of total US LNG net

25 Chevron Australia, Gorgon, Draft Environmental Impact Statement/

Environmental Review and Management Programme for the Gorgon

26Snhvit LNG,

27Statoil, Carbon Storage Started on Snhvit,

28 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Trinidad and Tobago (last updated March

Global LNG supply 105

imports, but only 1 percent of total US natural gas supply. However, US

LNG imports from Trinidad and Tobago in 2009 were almost half the
amount received in 2005, due to the general decline in US LNGimports
resulting from increased US shale gas production.30

4.12Abu Dhabi and Oman

Despite significant natural gas reserves, Middle Eastern countries (outside

of Qatar) are not likely to add significant LNG export capacity, owing
to growing domestic gas requirements. Abu Dhabis Das Island plant,
which has exported LNG since 1977, and Omans Qalhat LNG, which has
recently completed a third LNG train, are probably reaching the limits of
their LNG capacities.


Algeria has long been one of the worlds largest LNG exporters and is
also a major pipeline supplier of natural gas to Western Europe via Spain
and Italy. In 1964, the worlds first commercial LNG plant, the Arzew
LNG plant in Algeria, came online and began deliveries to the United
Kingdom under a 15-year contract. Algerias Skikda plant came online
in 1972. In 2004, an explosion and fire destroyed several of the trains
at Skikda, which created an immediate need to replace lost natural
gas export capacity. Sonatrach contracted with KBR to design a new
LNG plant, which is supposed to offer more innovations and greater
Algeria currently supplies about 20 bcm of LNG and over 30 bcm of
pipeline gas exports to global gas markets. There are two trains under con-
struction in Algeria that are expected to be completed by 2013; however,
it is unclear whether these trains will add additional capacity or replace
older plants.32

31 Kamel Bouzid, Pamela Roche, and David A. Coyle, Skikda LNG Train

Rebuild Project in Algeria Offers More Innovations, LNG Journal, July/August

2010, pp.359.
32IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.191.
106 Energy for the 21st century


Although Libya has been exporting LNG since 1970, its plant at Marsa el
Brega has been producing only a nominal amount of LNG (see Appendix A)
and no plans have been announced for expansion of Libyas LNG capacity.

4.15 Nigeria

The Nigerian LNG (NLNG) project at Bonny Island has been con-
stantly expanded since it began commercial operation in 1999 and is a
joint venture of Shell, Total, Eni, and the Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (NNPC) (see Appendix A). Nigerian LNG currently has six
trains in operation with an overall capacity of approximately 22 mtpa of
LNG33 and plans are currently underway to build Train 7, which will lift
the total production capacity to over 30 mtpa of LNG.34
In 2009, Nigerias LNG exports plummeted as a result of political
unrest and sabotage. The situation improved in 2010 and LNG exports
came back to 2008 levels although two trains remain shut down. However,
a power supply problem in December 2010 reduced LNG production
significantly. Nigeria has several LNG projects under consideration,
including Brass LNG, Olokola LNG and Nigeria LNG Train 7. Although
there is great potential for Nigeria to become an even larger LNG sup-
plier, progress has been slow on recent projects due to the lack of a stable
financial and tax regime and political uncertainty. At this point, it seems
unlikely that any new projects will start producing before 2016.35

4.16 Egypt

After Algeria, Egypt is the second-largest natural gas producer in

Africa. Egypts natural gas sector has expanded rapidly in recent years,
with natural gas production more than tripling from 646 Bcf in 2000
to 2.2 Tcf in 2010. Natural gas consumption in Egypt has also been
growing, with 2010 consumption of over 1.6 Tcf.36 Egypts natural gas

33 Bonny Island,, http://www.hydrocarbons-
34 Nigerian LNG Limited,
35IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.191.
36 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Egypt (last updated July 2012), http://www.
Global LNG supply 107

2,000 Consumption
Billion cubic feet




2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: US EIA

Figure 4.6Natural gas production, consumption, and exports in Egypt,


production is expected to continue to grow to satisfy growing domes-

tic demand and export commitments through the Arab Gas Pipeline
and LNG exports. Accordingly, Egypt is expected to continue to be
an important natural gas provider to Europe and the Mediterranean
region, although exports are starting to compete with rising domestic
demand.37 (See Figure 4.6.)
In terms of Egypts LNG capacity, two new LNG projects (a total of
three trains) have come online during the past few years SEGAS Damietta
LNG Train 1 (Damietta LNG) and Egyptian LNG Trains 1 and 2 in
Idku (Egyptian LNG).38 The Spanish Egyptian Gas Company (SEGAS)
LNG39 complex in Damietta, Egypt, is situated on the Mediterranean
coast 60 km west of Port Said (Figure 4.7). The project came on-stream
during the final quarter of 2004 to export LNG to the Spanish market.
This LNG project was the first facility of its type in Egypt and is one of

38 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Egypt (update from Feb. 2011), http://www.
39The operating company, SEGAS, is controlled by Union Fenosa Gas in

conjunction with ENI of Italy (80%) and two state-owned Egyptian companies
Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS 10%) and Egyptian
General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC 10%). Union Fenosa Gas is owned in
a 50/50 partnership by Union Fenosa of Spain and Eni of Italy. Hydrocarbons-, SEGAS Liquefied Natural Gas Complex, Damietta, http://www.
108 Energy for the 21st century

the worlds largest capacity single-train facilities, producing 5.5 million

t/yr (7.5 billion m per year) of LNG.40
The project sponsors for the Egyptian LNG project (two 3.6 MTA
trains) are BG Group,41 Petronas, and Gas de France. The Egyptian
LNG facilities are located at the Idku LNG Port, which is on Egypts
Mediterranean coast approximately 50 km east of Alexandria
(Figure4.7).The Idku LNG port is the largest specialized LNG export
facility in Egyptand is capable of accommodating large LNG vessels up
to 160,000 m.42
Egyptian LNG began deliveries in late 2005 to supply LNG to France,
the United States, and Italy. The Idku site has sufficient space for an
additional four LNG trains and expansion plans have been considered
over the years.43
The combined LNG export capacity of Egypt is close to 600 Bcf per
year with plans to expand in the near future pending export policy changes
and legislation. In 2009, LNG exports were approximately 450 Bcf, with
the largest recipient being the United States, which imported around 160
Bcf, representing 35 percent of Egyptian LNG exports for the year and
also 35 percent of US LNG imports.44
In 2010, half of Egypts LNG exports were sent to Europe, which
imported about 180 Bcf. Over half of this amount went to Spain (110 Bcf).
The US was the second largest importer of Egyptian LNG and imported
just over 71 Bcf in 2011. Other importers included Korea (36 Bcf), Japan
(21 Bcf), and Chile (18 Bcf). (See Figure 4.8.)

41According to its website, BG Group has played a leading role in the devel-

opment of Egypts natural gas industry and is responsible for around a third of all
gas produced in Egypt. The Groups activities in Egypt span the gas chain from
exploration, through development and production, to LNG. BG Group, Egypt,
42 Egyptian LNG,
43The Egyptian LNG Company owns both the Egyptian LNG site

and common facilities. Its sister company, Egyptian Operating Company

forNaturalGas Liquefaction Projects (Opco) (BG Group 35.5%), undertakes
the operation of all trains. El Beheira Natural Gas Liquefaction Company
(Train 1 Co.) (BG Group 35.5%) owns Train 1 and the Idku Natural Gas
Liquefaction Company (Train 2 Co.) (BG Group 38%) owns Train 2. BG
Group, Egypt,
44 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Egypt (update from Feb. 2011), http://www. In 2010, LNG exports fell to about 354 Bcf due to

increased domestic demand for natural gas. EIA Country Analysis Brief, Egypt
(last updated July 2012).
Global LNG supply 109

West Bank
Mediterranean Sea
Gaza Strip
Damietta Dead
Alexandria Port Said Sea
h Suez
Matru Tant
Al Jizah Suez
Siwah Ban Suwayf
Al Minya
Al Sharm
Ghardaqah ash
Asyu Shaykh


Al Kha Sea


Lake b
0 100 200 km Nasser
0 100 200 ml


Source: US EIA

Figure 4.7 Map of Egypt

In addition to exporting LNG, Egypt exports gas through the Arab

Gas Pipeline (AGP) to Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, with further additions
being planned. The ArishAshkelon pipeline addition, which branches
away from the AGP in the Sinai Peninsula and connects to Ashkelon,
Israel, began operations in 2008. In recent years, domestic pressure over
contracts, pricing for exports to Israel, and technical problems have
caused interruptions in exports to Israel.45
In addition to oil and gas production, Egypt plays an important role
in international energy markets through the operation of the Suez Canal

45 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Egypt (update from Feb. 2011), http://www.
110 Energy for the 21st century

Chile 51%


10% US

Note: Europe: Spain (60%), France, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, UK, and Greece
Other: Taiwan, Mexico, India and China

Source: US EIA

Figure 4.8 Egypts LNG exports 2010

and the SuezMediterranean (SUMED) Pipeline, two key routes for the
export of Persian Gulf oil and LNG46 (Figure 4.9).
The Suez Canal connects the Red Sea and the Gulf of Suez with the
Mediterranean Sea, spanning 120 miles. In 2011, 17,799 ships transited
through the Suez Canal, of which 20 percent were petroleum tankers and
6 percent were LNG tankers.47 With a width of only 1,000 feet at its nar-
rowest point, the Suez Canal is unable to handle the VLCC (very large
crude carrier) and ULCC (ultra large crude carrier) class crude oil tankers.
The Suez Canal Authority is continuing enhancement and enlargement
projects on the canal, and extended the depth to 66 ft in 2010 to allow over
60 percent of all tankers to use the canal.48
The 200-mile long SUMED Pipeline, or SuezMediterranean Pipeline,

46In addition, fees collected from operation of these two transit points are a

significant source of revenue for the Egyptian government. EIA Country Analysis
Briefs, Egypt (last updated July 2012),
48 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Egypt (update from Feb. 2011), http://www.
Global LNG supply 111


SU ipel
M ine


Nile SEA

Sources: US EIA; Oil Capital Ltd.

Figure 4.9 Suez Canal and SUMED Pipeline

provides an alternative to the Suez Canal for those cargoes too large to
transit the canal (laden VLCCs and larger). The pipeline has a capacity
of 2.3 million bbl/d and flows north from Ain Sukhna on the Red Sea
coast to Sidi Kerir on the Mediterranean. The SUMED is owned by Arab
Petroleum Pipeline Co., a joint venture between the Egyptian General
Petroleum Corporation (EGPC), Saudi Aramco, Abu Dhabis National
Oil Company (ADNOC), and Kuwaiti companies.49
According to the US EIA and the IEA, closure of the Suez Canal
and the SUMED Pipeline would divert ships around the southern tip of
Africa, the Cape of Good Hope, adding approximately 6,000 miles to
transit, increasing both costs and shipping time. Shipping around Africa
would add 15 days of transit to Europe and 810 days to the United
According to the IEA, the political unrest of 2011 that toppled the

49 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Egypt (last updated July 2012), http://www.
112 Energy for the 21st century

Mubarek regime had minimal impact on the operation of the Egyptian

LNG Idku plant and the Damietta LNG plant. Nonetheless, Egyptian
LNG exports were down in 2011 due to growing domestic demand and
relatively low LNG plant utilization rates.51


According to the EIA, Angola had 10.9 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural
gas reserves as of January 1, 2011 a significant increase from the 2007
estimated reserves of 2 Tcf. Natural gas production in Angola is tied
directly to oil production and is often vented or flared, with limited
volumes consumed domestically. In 2009, Angolas gross natural gas
production was approximately 357 billion cubic feet (Bcf). Of this, 244 Bcf
(67 percent) was vented or flared, 81 Bcf (23 percent) was re-injected to
aid in oil recovery and only 24 Bcf (7 percent) was marketed for domestic
Developments are underway to capture and market this natural gas
for domestic electricity generation and to export most of it in the form of
LNG. Chevron and state-owned Sonangol, together with other sharehold-
ers including Total, BP and Eni, are building the countrys first LNG plant
near Soyo in northern Angola. The plant is expected to be operational by
early 2012.53
The natural gas will come from several offshore fields and, according
to the partners, the project will process 1.1 billion cubic feet of associ-
ated gas per day and will eventually produce 5.2 million tons per year
of LNG and process up to 125 million cubic feet per day of gas for the
domestic market.54 Initially, the LNG was to be directed to the Gulf LNG
regasification plant in Pascagoula, Mississippi, where Sonangol holds a 20
percent share. However, given the current natural gas market conditions
in the United States (surplus production and lower prices), Angolan LNG
exports will likely be destined for Asian and European markets where
prices are higher.55

51IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.191.

52EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Angola (last updated Aug. 2011), http://
54Angola LNG,
55 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Angola.
Global LNG supply 113

4.18 Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guineas natural gas production has grown rapidly over the
past decade but is currently starting to level off. According to the US EIA,
Equatorial Guinea had 1.3 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven natural gas
reserves as of January 1, 2011, with the majority of the reserves located
offshore Bioko Island. From 2001 to 2009, natural gas production
increased rapidly from 1 billion cubic feet (Bcf) to 232 Bcf as new projects
came online. Domestic consumption over the same period went from 1 to
55 Bcf, increasing alongside of production until 2007, when the comple-
tion of the Punta Europa liquefied natural gas facility on Bioko Island
allowed for greater exports.56
Most of Equatorial Guineas natural gas production is exported in the
form of LNG. In May 2007, Marathon Oil Corporation and its partners
completed Train 1 of the $1.4 billion Punta Europa LNG facility on Bioko
Island. In 2009, Equatorial Guinea exported approximately 153 Bcf of
LNG, almost all of which went to Asia, mainly Japan (41 percent), South
Korea (36 percent) and Taiwan (16 percent). Smaller volumes that year
also went to India, China, France and Portugal. Initial LNG exports were
destined for the United States and in 2007 the US imported close to 18 Bcf
of LNG from Equatorial Guinea. However, since then, growing Asian
demand and weak US demand have shifted the dynamics of Equatorial
Guineas LNG markets. Plans for a second LNG train are underway with
an estimated start-up date of 2016.57

4.19 Cameroon
According to the IEA, GDF Suez is currently considering investing in
a 4.8 bcm LNG plant near Kribi in Cameroon.58 In June 2010, Foster
Wheeler AG announced that it had been awarded the contract by GDZ
Suez to carry out the pre-front-end engineering design (pre-FEED) for
the development of the onshore LNG plant and the offshore gas gather-
ing infrastructure. According to the announcement, the Cameroon LNG
project59 seeks to establish a national gas transportation network linking
Cameroons offshore gas resources with the state-sanctioned onshore

56 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Equatorial Guinea (last updated Jan. 2011),
58IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.254.
59 Cameroon LNG,
114 Energy for the 21st century

site near Kribi on the southern coastline of Cameroon. Foster Wheeler is

working with GDF Suez and GDF Suezs partner, Cameroons Socit
Nationale des Hydrocarbures (SNH).60
The Cameroon LNG project involves a single-train onshore LNG plant
with a production capacity of up to 3.5 million tonnes per annum. The
project also includes an upstream gas gathering system and subsea pipe-
line tie-ins to offshore production facilities. For the pre-FEED contract,
Foster Wheeler will develop the preliminary design basis for the lique-
faction facility, gas gathering and treatment facilities and LNG export
facilities, and will prepare capital cost estimates and other documentation.
The pre-FEED contract is scheduled to be completed in early 2011.61 The
IEA has a projected start date for Cameroon LNG of 2016.62

4.20East Africa An Emerging LNG


In 2012, several companies announced significant finds of natural gas off

the East Coast of Africa that could make East Africa a potential LNG
exporter in the coming decades. In May 2012, Italian oil company ENI
announced it had discovered a vast new gas field at its exploration block in
Mozambique. Separately, Anadarko Petroleum announced another find
off the coast of Mozambique. In addition, BG Group and Ophir Energy
announced in May 2012 that they had made a big find at the Mzia well in
Tanzanian waters.63
Eni has estimated that, with the latest discovery made in Mozambique,
its block could potentially hold up to 52 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas.
Anadarko estimates its reserves off the coast of Mozambique are also
about 50 tcf. Finds off Tanzania might be 20 tcf, with the US Geological
Survey estimating that gas fields off the coast of Kenya, Tanzania and
Mozambique might contain 253 tcf of gas.64

60LNG World News, Foster Wheeler Awarded Contract by GDF Suez for

Cameroon LNG Project, Posted on June 28, 2010,

62IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.254.
63Sarah Young, Huge Finds Make East Africa the Next Big Gas Source,

Reuters, May 16, 2012,

64Tom Bergin, East Africa to Join World Gas Giants, Reuters, May 21, 2012,
Global LNG supply 115

Since around 10 trillion cubic feet would be enough to meet an entire

years gas consumption by France, Germany, Britain and Italy, the size
of the recent discoveries plus the potential reserves should justify the bil-
lions of dollars it will cost to build LNG export facilities. At the time of
writing, interest and enthusiasm are mounting on East Africas potential
to become a major LNG player in the coming decades, although it remains
to be seen whether this materializes.65

65Ibid., We can help vault Mozambique into being one of the worlds three

largest LNG exporters, citing Anadarko CEO Jim Hackett. See also Eastern El
Dorado?, The Economist, April 7, 2012, noting that At long last east Africa is
beginning to realize its energy potential.
5.Global LNG demand and emerging
demand markets

Until about the late 1990s, LNG was a niche industry operating mostly in
the Asia-Pacific region. As the world entered the 21st century, however,
global demand for LNG surged in a perfect storm created by the
industrial and commercial boom around the world that resulted in an
ever-growing appetite for all energy resources.
Between 2000 and 2008, the LNG industry entered a period of rapid
growth with huge increases in supply coming from a growing number of
LNG producing countries. The number of LNG exporting countries grew
from 8 in 1996 to 15 at the beginning of 2008. The number of importing
countries also grew, with the United States expected to become one of the
largest LNG importers. To supply the growing number of LNG importing
and exporting countries, more players entered the LNG business and, as
indicated by the list in Appendix D, today there are quite a few companies
involved in the LNG business.
Between 2008 and 2009, the world endured the worst recession since the
Second World War1 with demand for all energy dropping significantly,
including global natural gas demand, which dropped 2 percent, the biggest
drop since the 1970s.2 As a result of weak demand due to the recession,
the wave of new LNG supply coming from recently completed projects,
and the unexpected surge in production of US shale gas, in 2009 there was
a sizable oversupply of LNG, with everyone in the natural gas industry
wondering how long the gas glut would last.3
In 2010, as global economies appeared to be emerging from the reces-
sion, global natural gas demand resumed its long-term upward trajectory
with the IEA projecting that natural gas will be the only fossil fuel for
which demand is higher in 2035 than in 2008.4 Most of the growth in gas

1IEA WEO-2010 at p.67.

2Ibid. at p.179.

Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 117

trade takes the form of LNG, with trade in LNG being expected to double
between 2008 and 2035.5 In its WEO-2010, the IEA predicted that the gas
glut would last into 2011 before starting to decline, with the excess supply
disappearing only by 2020.6
However, in early 2011, another perfect storm occurred in the
global LNG markets in the form of the unfortunate disaster at Japans
Fukushima nuclear plant, which led to Japan significantly increasing LNG
imports to make up for lost nuclear power. As a result of Japans nuclear
disaster, some countries that were considering increasing nuclear power
have indicated they will most likely switch from nuclear to natural gas to
replace, or supplement, their remaining nuclear fleet. Another unforeseen
event in the perfect storm of 2011 was the unrest in the Middle East,
which included the disruption of natural gas supplies from Libya.7
As discussed in detail in Chapter 1, this perfect storm of conditions
has led the IEA to predict that the coming decade may well be the Golden
Age of Gas, with the gas glut now expected to disappear much quicker
and most likely by 2015.8 While the ultimate wildcard for all natural gas
demand is the pace and strength of the global economic recovery,9 the IEA
nonetheless remains optimistic about the longer-term strength of LNG
markets with recent data suggesting that LNG demand remains strong.
Global gas demand reached an estimated 3,284 bcm in 2010, up almost
7.4 percent from its 2009 level, one of the highest growth rates recorded
over the past 40 years. As the first wave of new LNG was brought online,
global LNG trade increased by 25 percent in 2010, reaching 299 bcm, the
largest percentage increase ever noted. Global LNG trade now represents
9 percent of global gas demand.10
Growth in LNG demand is expected to continue over 201116 as most
regions of the world are expected to increase their use of natural gas and
import more LNG for a variety of reasons including economic growth,
environmental policies and fuel switching (Figure 5.1).

7IEA Medium-Term Oil and Gas Markets (MTOGM) 2011 at p.157, http://
9As this book goes to print, the outlook for the global economy is anything

but clear with concerns about another global economic recession mounting. Be
Afraid, The Economist, Oct. 1, 2011 (suggesting that unless political leaders act
more boldly, the world economy is likely to slip into a global recession. This article
also comments that the real reason to be afraid is that [a]t a time of enormous
problems, the politicians seem Lilliputian).
10IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.142.
118 Energy for the 21st century


International Growth in
pipeline emerging
supply economies

Domestic drivers


Source: Larry Persily, Demand and LNG Production Growth, Competition,

Pricing are the Variables, February 27, 2012, Alaska Natural Gas Transportation
Projects, Office of the Federal Coordinator,

Figure 5.1 Factors driving global LNG demand

As discussed in detail in Chapter 3, the Asia-Pacific region is currently

the largest demand market for LNG and is expected to remain so going
forward, accounting for an estimated 60 percent of the total global LNG
imports. Europe is expected to account for approximately 29 percent of
the LNG market going forward.
According to analysis by the Office of the Federal Coordinator for
Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects (OFC), one of the key topics
of discussion amongst LNG experts is whether the increased demand will
cause the historically distinct LNG markets to converge at some point.11

11The Office of the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas

Transportation Projects (OFC) was established by the US Congress in 2004 to

Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 119

For the moment, the consensus seems to be that the markets are too dis-
tinct to converge anytime soon since the price of gas in Asia and most of
Europe is still priced against the cost of substitute fuels in the region. Over
time, and in light of the prospects of North American LNG exports (see
Chapter 10), this could change.
Despite the dominance of the Asia-Pacific and European markets in
terms of LNG demand, a number of other regions, such as Southeast Asia,
Latin America and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region,
are also emerging as LNG importers. While their share of LNG imports is
expected to remain small (4 percent of total LNG imports), the develop-
ment of additional demand markets is an interesting and important trend
that is worthy of discussion and is the focus of this chapter.



While demand from the three traditional Asia-Pacific LNG importers,

Japan, Korea and Taiwan, is poised to grow in the coming years, demand
from the countries in Southeast Asia is also growing fast (6 percent a year
on average) and reached 160 bcm in 2009.12 Due primarily to growing
demand, more countries in this region are considering building LNG
regasification terminals and new LNG importers are emerging including
Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.
In 2004, Thailands national oil and gas company, PTT Public Company
Limited, established the PTT LNG Company Limited (PTTLNG) in
order to build and operate Thailands, and Southeast Asias, first LNG
receiving/regasification terminal, Map Ta Phut LNG terminal.13 Map Ta
Phut is a deepwater port on Thailands south coast (220 km southeast of
Bangkok) and is becoming one of the most important industrial areas in
the country.14

expedite and coordinate federal permitting and construction of a pipeline and

enhance transparency and predictability of the federal regulatory system to deliver
natural gas from the Arctic to American markets. The OFC coordinates with over
20 federal agencies, the Canadian federal government, the State of Alaska (which
leases all the known natural gas reserves and owns portions of the right of way),
tribal governments and other stakeholders. Alaska Natural Gas Transportation
Projects Office of the Federal Coordinator,
12IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.262.
14 Map Ta Phut LNG Regasification Terminal, Thailand, hydrocarbons-,
120 Energy for the 21st century

Construction on the $880 million, 5 mmpta/6.8 bcm/y Map Ta Phut

LNG terminal began in 2008, the same year that Thailands PTT entered
into a contract with Qatar securing 1 mmpta/1.4 bcm/y of LNG for 15
years, while also pursuing other supply sources under both long-term con-
tracts and spot market purchases. In June 2011, the Map Ta Phut LNG
terminal received its first commissioning cargo.15 PTT has also indicated
that it is considering an additional $400 million investment to double the
capacity of the terminal to 10 million tonnes by 2016.16
Singapore is also building a 4.8 bcm/y LNG receiving terminal, which
will be operational by 2013 and has capacity to expand to 8.2 bcm/y in the
future. To supply the terminal, Singapore has entered into a 20-year agree-
ment to purchase 4.1 bcm of LNG from Queensland Curtis LNG, BGs
CBM to LNG project starting in 2015. Singapore is in negotiations with
other suppliers as well, such as Qatar and Indonesia.17
Interestingly, even Malaysia, a historic LNG exporter, is also construct-
ing an LNG regasification terminal. PETRONAS, the national oil and gas
company of Malaysia, is developing Malaysias first LNG regasification
terminal in Melaka, which is due for completion in July 2012. The new
terminal will facilitate the importation of LNG by PETRONAS and third
parties and ensure security of gas supply for the nation in the future.18
Other Southeast Asian countries, such as Vietnam, are also looking to
LNG to meet growing demand for energy, especially in the power sector.
PetroVietnam Gas (PV Gas) was considering building an onshore LNG
terminal but ultimately opted for a 1.4 bcm floating LNG terminal. In July
2010, PV Gas signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for supply
of LNG to the power plant in Ho Chi Minh City for 20 years.19
Most of the planned terminals in the Southeast Asian region are floating
storage and regasification units (FSRUs), which have a shorter building
time than onshore terminals, making them a better option for countries
facing more immediate natural gas shortages.20

With the world price of energy increasing constantly, Map Ta Phut is an example
of an LNG regasification facility being built by a country hedging its bets (not
wanting to be left behind in the rush for natural gas). Ibid.
15IEA MTOGM 2011.
16Randy Fabi, UPDATE 1-Thai PTT has not Scrapped LNG Deals with Qatar-

exec, Reuters, Sept. 20, 2011,

17IEA MTOGM 2011.
19IEA MTOGM 2011.
20Ibid. at p.262.
Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 121



There are currently nine intra-regional natural gas pipelines in Southeast

Asia that connect the natural gas producing countries Indonesia,
Myanmar and Malaysia with the demand countries Singapore,
Malaysia and Thailand.21 Only one pipeline expansion is being planned
and the outlook for pipeline interconnections looks doubtful due to the
fact that the major exporters in the region are facing declining produc-
tion.22 Another limitation to increasing pipeline connections is the large
differences in economic development throughout the region.
While there is currently a lack of potential for additional pipeline con-
nections, there is the potential for the region to develop an intra-regional
LNG trading hub based on small-scale LNG projects. Small-scale floating
LNG (FLNG) projects are well suited to supply isolated and remote areas
with small LNG vessels and gas could be used to complement variable
power sources such as hydropower in regions not connected to existing
electricity networks.23
Singapore has a vision of developing into an LNG hub for LNG and
gas trading in Asia and is geographically well positioned to serve the LNG
demand centers of Northeast Asia as well as the major supply regions of
the Middle East and Australia. The Government of Singapore has intro-
duced various tax incentives to help spur the development of an LNG
trading hub in Singapore.24 In addition, the Singapore terminal also wants
to offer LNG storage to third parties and this might enable the develop-
ment of a regional gas price, similar to spot prices in the US and the UK.25
While it remains to be seen whether Singapore will emerge as a major
LNG trading hub in the coming years, it is a development worth watching.


In addition to the traditional European LNG importers discussed in detail

in Chapter 3, a number of other European countries are also considering
building import terminals, including Poland, Croatia, Albania, Cyprus,

21Ibid. According to the IEA, Malaysia imports gas from Indonesia.

23Ibid. at p.263.
24Singapore LNG Corporation,
25IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.263.
122 Energy for the 21st century

Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden and Eire.26

Polskie LNG27 recently received an award of over 200 million Euros
towards the construction of a new terminal at winoujcie in northwest
Poland. The terminal is a major energy project for the Polish government
and offers Poland the opportunity to diversify its gas supply and improve
the countrys energy security, since, like most of Europe, Poland is heavily
dependent on Russian imports. Construction of the terminal began in
March 2011 and it is expected to begin operations in July 2014.28


In recent years, gas demand in Latin America has been growing fast at 3.5
percent per year over 20002008 and represents approximately 20 percent
of the total primary energy supply. Despite rapid growth, however, Latin
American gas demand represents only about 4 percent of the total global
gas demand.29
Due to LNG exports from Trinidad and Tobago, the Latin American
region as a whole is a net gas exporter but several countries are looking to
increase their natural gas use, in part to meet increased energy demand, to
replace use of expensive oil products, and/or to reduce reliance on hydro
power, which has experienced problems due to irregular rainfall patterns.
Additionally, the region also suffers from natural gas supply shortages
of pipeline gas primarily due to policy and regulatory failures that have
limited investment and development of resources. As a result, a number
of countries in Latin America already import LNG and may increasingly
look to LNG to meet their natural gas needs.30 (See Figure 5.2.)

26Andy Flower, LNG in Europe, LNG Industry, Winter 2009, at pp.1015.
27 Polskie LNG was established in 2007 by Polish Gas and Oil Company

PGNiG (PGNiG SA). Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (GAZ-

SYSTEM S.A.), a company owned by the State Treasury and responsible for
the security of natural gas supplies via transmission networks, became the owner
of Polskie LNG. GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. will supervise the construction of a LNG
terminal and the Polish Oil and Gas Company, PGNiG, is responsible for the
supply and transport of LNG to the terminal in winoujcie. Polskie LNG, http://
28 European Commission Backs Polands LNG Terminal, The News.

Pl, News from Poland, Oct. 7, 2011,

29IEA MTOGM 2010.
Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 123

Punta Caucedo AES

Penuelas EcoElectrica

Terminal da LNG de Altamira Point Fortin Atlantic LNG

Pecm Port Transpetro

Pampa Melchorita Peru LNG

Guanabara Bay Transpetro

Mejillones GNL Mejillones

GNLEscobar Excelerate Energy

Quintero GNL Quintero S.A.

Bahia Blanca Repsol YPF

Liquefaction plants

Regasification plants

Source: GIIGNL, The LNG Industry in 2011

Figure 5.2 Latin American liquefaction and regasification plants

5.5.1 Argentina

Argentina has the largest gas market in Latin America with natural gas
reserves estimated at 428 bcm as of 2009. Argentinas natural gas sector
was opened up to private investment in the 1990s, which transformed the
country from a natural gas importer to a major gas exporter in the region.
124 Energy for the 21st century

The financial crisis of 200102 and the resulting devaluation of the peso
against the US dollar had a severe impact on Argentinas gas industry.
As a result of the crisis, gas prices were frozen while demand continued to
grow and production started stagnating due to underinvestment. Between
2001 and 2008, natural gas demand increased by 25 percent, with pro-
duction falling by 3.1 percent between 2006 and 2008. Gas shortages in
Argentina are particularly problematic since the country relies on natural
gas for 52 percent of its total energy supply.31
In 2008, Argentina began importing LNG to supplement domestic
supply and insufficient imports from Bolivia. Domestic gas shortages
have serious financial implications for the government, which spent an
estimated $7 billion on energy subsidies in 2008 and which also subsidizes
LNG imports.32 The federal government has recently sought to stimulate
natural gas production through a Gas Plus Program that allows producers
to obtain higher prices which the government hopes will also encourage
investment in unconventional gas projects.33
In the meantime, Argentina was planning to increase its natural gas
imports from Bolivia but it appears that Bolivia might be struggling
to meet the output requirements of the 20-year contract it signed with
Argentina in October 2006. For example, in 2009, Bolivia was able to
increase exports to Argentina only because of reduced demand from
Brazil. This called into question whether Bolivia could sufficiently increase
production to fill a new proposed pipeline linking Bolivias southern gas
fields to Argentinas Northern provinces.34
In order to ensure natural gas supply, in late 2009 Argentina began con-
struction of a new LNG terminal. The Escobar LNG terminal is located
on the Paran River and has the capacity to handle 500 million cubic feet
(mcf) of LNG a day and a peak capacity of 600mcf.35 It is the second ter-
minal to be built in Argentina (the first being the Bahia Blanca terminal)
and total investment in the Escobar project is estimated at $140$150m.
The terminal was jointly developed by Repsol YPF, state energy utility
Enarsa and Excelerate Energy. Repsol YPF and Enarsa jointly own the
The facility features a 150,900m floating storage and regasification

35 Escobar LNG Terminal, Project Summary from hydrocarbons-technology.

Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 125

vessel, a new distribution pipeline, a high-pressure gas manifold, four

docking dolphins and a berthing tower. The regasification vessel uses
Excelerate Energys ship-to-ship transfer technology to unload LNG
through the loading arms. It vaporizes LNG onboard and unloads it
through a high-pressure manifold connected to the LNG loading arms.
The high-pressure manifold enables liquid transfer or high-pressure gas
discharge to be carried out. From the manifold the LNG is transported
directly to the Argentine natural gas system through the new distribution
pipeline. The new pipeline is connected to the Transportadora Gas del
Norte pipeline, which carries natural gas to northern Argentina.37
In April 2011, Morgan Stanley purchased 14 cargoes which will be
sourced from Nigeria and Trinidad for the Escobar terminal. Morgan
Stanley was awarded a contract to supply 70 percent of the LNG required
by the terminal between June and December. Spains Gas Natural will
supply the remaining 30 percent of the LNG required by the terminal.38
Argentina is expected to pay $10.70 per mmBtu of natural gas supplied
to Escobar. About 45 to 50 LNG cargoes are expected to be imported
through both the Escobar and Bahia Blanca terminals in 2011.39 As noted
in Chapter 12, in early 2012, Argentina announced the planned seizure
and nationalization of a 51 percent stake in YPF SA from majority stake-
holder Repsol YPF SA. The potential impact of the nationalization on
Argentinas natural gas markets is unclear as of the time this book goes
to print.

5.5.2 Bolivia

Bolivia has the second-largest natural gas reserves in Latin America after
Venezuela with an estimated 710 bcm at the end of 2009. Bolivia is also
the largest exporter of natural gas in the region although production has
been stagnating since the 2006 nationalization process with production
currently at 15 bcm, while 2008 contracted demand was around 17.5 bcm.
Bolivias primary export markets are Argentina and Brazil, which gener-
ally command higher prices than the domestic market.40
In May 2010, President Evo Morales enacted the announced nationali-
zation of four major electricity companies in Bolivia, some with foreign
participation. In addition to the nationalization, President Morales

40IEA MTOGM 2010.
126 Energy for the 21st century

ordered a 20 percent reduction in actual electricity prices. The nationaliza-

tion is expected to make future investors much more cautious and may
severely limit Bolivias ability to increase natural gas production.41

5.5.3 Brazil

Brazils natural gas imports have more than doubled over five years from
5.1 bcm in 2003 to 12 bcm in 2008. Gas demand is expected to continue to
grow due to an expected growth in gas-fired power generation and overall
growth in Brazils economy. Brazils gas production is also expected to
grow and should reach 50 bcm by 2019, with most of the increase coming
from recent pre-salt discoveries.
Petrobras is the largest producer of natural gas in Brazil and the
company controls almost 90 percent of Brazils natural gas reserves.
State-controlled Petrobras42 is looking at options to monetize associ-
ated natural gas when production from the Tupi pre-salt field starts
after 2016, but so far many foreign companies have been reluctant to
invest in the natural gas sector due to the perceived dominance of the
state-controlled company and the lack of a clear regulatory framework
for gas.43
Brazil imports natural gas from three primary sources from Bolivia
and Argentina and LNG primarily from Trinidad and Tobago. Bolivia
is by far Brazils biggest supplier and in 2008 99 percent of Brazils total
natural gas imports came from Bolivia via the Gasbol pipeline. Due to
Bolivias recent nationalizations, however, Brazil is eager to diversify
supply and may look more to LNG imports to meet seasonal demand for
natural gas.44
Brazil currently has two LNG regasification terminals the 2.0 bcm
Pecem terminal in the northeast, and the 4.8 bcm Guanabara Bay termi-
nal in the southeast near Rio de Janeiro. Both facilities were installed in
the past few years and both are floating regasification and storage units
(FRSUs) provided by Golar LNG. The Pecem terminal received its first
LNG cargo from Trinidad and Tobago in July 2008. The Guanabara Bay

41 Ibid.
42 Petrobras is a publicly traded corporation, the majority stockholder of
which is the Government of Brazil. Petrobras is active in the following sectors:
exploration and production, refining, oil and natural gas trade and transporta-
tion, petrochemicals, and derivatives, electric energy, biofuel and other renewable
energy source distribution. Petrobras,
43IEA MTOGM 2010.
Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 127

terminal came online in May 2009. In 2009. Brazil received 0.7 bcm of
LNG, all from Trinidad and Tobago.45
Petrobras is planning a third offshore LNG terminal, the 2.2 bcm
Tergas terminal, which is expected to come online by 2013. Petrobras is
also considering building a floating LNG liquefaction plant in the offshore
Jupiter field, which could process associated gas coming from the pre-salt
fields. Were this to happen, Brazil could supply its own LNG import
terminals as well as export to other countries in Latin America.46

5.5.4 Chile

In 2009, Chile became the third-largest LNG importer in Latin America

and the only one on the Pacific Coast of South America. Most of Chile
was entirely dependent on Argentina for its natural gas imports until its
two LNG import terminals Quintero and Mejillones started operations
in 2009 and 2010, respectively. The state-owned companies, the National
Petroleum Company (ENAP) in the Central Region and the National
Copper Corporation (CODELCO) in the north, are the main sponsors
and developers of the two LNG projects, which were started in response to
the Argentinian financial and gas crisis of the early to mid-2000s.47
The first phase of the GNL Quintero regasification terminal, located
114 km from Santiago, was inaugurated in July 2009 with an initial fast-
track phase that used unloading vessels as storage tanks to store the LNG
until it could be regasified and injected into pipelines linking the terminal
to consumers in Central Chile. This allowed the project to be in operation
about a year earlier than it would have been, since the two larger storage
tanks would not be operational until late 2010. The estimated cost of the
project is $940 million, with an initial send-out capacity of 2.3 bcm. GNL
Chile has a contract with BG Group to buy up to 2.3 bcm/y of LNG from
BG Groups global portfolio.48
Chiles second import terminal, GNL Mejillones, began operations
during the second quarter of 2010. The project is a 50/50 joint venture (JV)
between Suez Energy and the state-owned mining company, CODELCO.
Suez is expected to provide 0.8 bcm of LNG for the first three years from
its global LNG portfolio, including from Yemen LNG. GNL Mejillones is
located in the northern area of Chile and is a priority for the mining sector

128 Energy for the 21st century

and the region, which is heavily dependent on gas and other fossil fuels.
The terminal has a send-out capacity of 2 bcm and an estimated cost of
$500 million. As of mid-2010, GNL Mejillones was considering building
permanent storage tanks.49
While it would seem logical for Chile to import LNG from Peru, a long-
standing border dispute between the countries has made this impossible.
Chile also has a border dispute with its neighbor to the northwest, Bolivia,
dating back to the 187983 War of the Pacific, that makes gas exports
from Bolivia to Chile unlikely in the near future.50

5.5.5 Colombia

Compared to Argentina and Brazil, Colombia is a small natural gas

market, consuming about 10 bcm. Colombia is self-sufficient in natural
gas and has been exporting natural gas to Venezuela since 2008 via its one
pipeline connection with that country. Gas production in Colombia is
highly concentrated with just two fields accounting for around 90 percent
of production: the Guajira field operated by Ecopetrol and Chevron and
the Cusiana field operated by Ecopetrol, BP and Total.51 The government
has been encouraging greater use of natural gas with natural gas vehi-
cles (NGVs) in particular being heavily promoted. As of January 2010,
Colombia had 305,000 NGVs, representing close to 10 percent of the total

5.5.6 Venezuela

Venezuela has the largest natural gas reserves in Latin America with 4.8 tcm
(2.7 percent of proven global gas reserves). Despite large reserves, however,
gas production in Venezuela has been declining from a peak of 31 bcm in
1998 to 23 bcm in 2009. While the state-owned PDVSA has ambitious plans
to increase production, it has not been able to reach its targets, in part due
to a lack of foreign investment after President Chavez announced plans to
nationalize various industries, including electricity and telecoms.53
In October 2009, the largest discovery in Venezuelas history was made
by Eni and Repsol the Perla field. This field is estimated to hold over 220
bcm, but it could hold more and might produce over 25 bcm/y. Although

Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 129

Eni and Repsol have a 50/50 JV on the field, PDVSA has plans to take 35
percent in the project.54
Venezuela has ambitious plans to develop three LNG liquefaction
trains with each train having a different holding structure, with PDVSA
having majority stakes in each, along with 11 different companies. This
different ownership could be an obstacle for the projects to reach FID and
it is unlikely that the projects will be operational in 2014 as planned.55

5.5.7 Peru

Despite relatively small gas reserves (415 bcm), Peru recently became the
second LNG exporter in Latin America, after Trinidad and Tobago, and
the first LNG exporter in South America. The Peruvian government is
optimistic about Perus ability to expand its reserves and recent discoveries
may aid in that.56 A detailed description of the Peru LNG project is found
in Chapter 9.



Perhaps one of the most surprising recent trends in the global gas markets
is that the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region is currently faced
with what some industry leaders have called a natural gas puzzle.57 The
puzzle is that although the region as a whole holds 40 percent of the
worlds proven gas reserves, the reserves are not evenly distributed. This
results in an abundance of gas in some countries but a shortage of gas in
many countries in the MENA region.
While historically there has been a dearth of information about natural
gas markets in the MENA region, the so-called gas puzzle has resulted in
more analysis being done on these markets in recent years. According to the

57Simon Webb and Eman Goma, Shell Says Middle East Needs to Solve Gas

Puzzle, Reuters, April 26, 2010,

rbssEnergyNews&rpc5401. See also Malcolm Brinded, Natural gas: changing
the Middle East energy landscape, Speech given by Malcolm Brinded, Executive
Director, Shell Upstream International, at the Middle East Petroleum & Gas
Conference in Kuwait, April 26, 2010,
130 Energy for the 21st century

IEA, natural gas demand growth in the MENA region has been at least 8
percent per year and often as much as 10 percent. Dubai and some areas of
Saudi Arabia had demand growth of 13 to 15 percent in 2008. The increased
demand is due in part to rapid economic growth, which has led to increased
demand for power generation driven by natural gas. Pricing policies in the
MENA region have also resulted in artificially low natural gas prices, which
has spurred economic growth but also encouraged more demand.58
According to the IEA, the installed electricity generating capacity in
the MENA region is about 200 Gigawatts (GW) and in 2008 the six Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) states of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab
Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman accounted for 82 GW of installed
electricity capacity. Iran had about 50 GW of installed capacity and Egypt
had about 25 GW. Approximately 55 to 60 percent of the installed gener-
ating capacity in the MENA region is gas-fired. Small consumers such as
Bahrain and Qatar are 100 percent gas-fired, while larger consumers such
as Algeria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are 90 percent gas-fired.
Egypt is 75 percent gas-fired and Saudi Arabia relies on gas for about 45
percent of its electricity generation with the balance being provided for by
oil. Kuwait also generates about half of its power from oil.59
The Oxford Institute for Energy60 has recently published the first aca-
demic book providing a comprehensive analysis of natural gas markets
in the MENA region.61 The book concludes that, despite large reserves,
the majority of countries in the region are encountering serious difficul-
ties meeting rising demand for natural gas, projected by the authors to
be 67 percent per annum. The difficulties are due in part to very low
domestic gas prices (one-third to one-sixth of the cost of new domestic
production) that are just a fraction of the price of internationally traded
gas. While the low gas prices have helped spur economic growth, they have
also resulted in some countries having to import pipeline gas and LNG
to meet the growing demand. The book suggests that MENA countries
need to raise domestic gas prices to at least cost-based and eventually to
internationally traded levels.62

58IEA MTOGM 2010, Focus on Middle East and North Africa, at p.14.
60The Oxford Institute for Energy specializes in advanced research into the

economics and politics of international energy.

61 Bassam Fattouh and Jonathan Stern (eds), Natural Gas Markets

in the Middle East and North Africa, The Oxford Institute for Energy
Studies (2011),
Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 131

According to industry experts, the current analysis suggests that solving

the MENA gas puzzle will require three crucial elements: (1) increasing
natural gas supplies through exploration and development; (2) expanding
the regions natural gas and LNG infrastructure; and (3) adjusting the
regions gas pricing policies.63
While demand for natural gas in the MENA region is likely to remain
high, the prospects of the region being able to increase production and
export capacity remain doubtful. The only exception might be Qatar but
even Qatars ability to increase production beyond the current projects is
uncertain. Algerias exports will most likely continue to grow slowly and
will probably peak before the end of this decade. Although Iraq and Israel
might become modest exporters of natural gas, the general outlook for
exports from the region is bleak.64 Thus, to achieve gas supply security for
all countries in the MENA region, something more will need to be done.
The second element of solving the gas puzzle is to continue investing in
the infrastructure that enables countries with a gas deficit to import their
needs. In that context, LNG is an interesting option. By investing in LNG
regasification terminals, countries can tap into the fast-globalizing LNG
market and diversify their gas supplies. Regasification terminals can be
built relatively quickly (in three years or less) and, unlike cross-border
pipelines, do not require the same bilateral agreements and cooperation.
The MENA region is likely to be an attractive market for LNG exporters
because of its anti-cyclical nature. Most countries in MENA require LNG
in the summer months for air conditioning and cooling, while demand in
Europe and Asia is relatively low during these months.
Perhaps the most challenging aspect of solving the MENA regions
natural gas puzzle relates to pricing. Part of the reason for the gas supply
challenge in this region is a history of low natural gas pricing. There have
been times when regional gas prices were a fifth of the gas prices of the
UK and the US, a tenth of gas prices in the Far East and less than one-
twelfthof the energy equivalent price of oil. While the availability of cheap
gas has helped drive industrial growth and keep inflation low, it has also

63Malcolm Brinded, Natural gas: changing the Middle East energy land-

scape, speech given by Malcolm Brinded, Executive Director, Shell Upstream

International, at the Middle East Petroleum & Gas Conference in Kuwait,
April 26, 2010,
64 Bassam Fattouh and Jonathan Stern (eds), Natural Gas Markets in the

Middle East and North Africa, The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (2011),
132 Energy for the 21st century

encouraged relatively high per capita consumption of energy resources.

While some countries mainly net gas exporters can subsidize domestic
gas with the income from exports, other countries are only likely to attract
imports at competitive export prices.
As a result, MENA countries are increasingly trying to develop energy
policies that remove energy subsidies and promote energy efficiency and
conservation. One potential approach might be to have industrial users
pay higher, more market driven gas prices. For example, in May 2008, the
Egyptian government announced an increase in the price of natural gas
to energy intensive industries of nearly 60 percent. This resulted in signifi-
cant cuts in the governments energy subsidy bill. It remains to be seen in
the coming decades what new energy policies will arise from the MENA
region and whether the region can solve its natural gas puzzle.

5.6.1 Kuwait a Middle East Importer of LNG

All countries in the MENA region face the problem of growing summer
peak power demand as more air conditioning is used during this time.
To meet this increased seasonal demand for power, Kuwait has turned to
LNG imports via a floating regasification facility with LNG supply coming
from various producers. Interestingly, one of the very first LNG cargoes
from the Sakhalin II project in eastern Russia was delivered to Kuwait.65

5.6.2 Dubai (UAE) and Bahrain

Like Kuwait, Dubai has started to import LNG in order to meet high
summer seasonal demand for natural gas. Bahrain is also planning an
offshore LNG terminal to meet seasonal demand. The LNG terminals in
Dubai and Kuwait are both FSRUs and the shorter building times made
the FSRU a practical option for both Kuwait and Dubai.66

5.6.3 Iran a Future Exporter?

With one of the largest gas reserves in the world, Iran would have great
potential to be a major natural gas producer were it not for the economic
sanctions from the UN, the US and the EU over Irans nuclear program.
As a result of the sanctions, Iran has limited access to the advanced tech-
nologies needed to successfully develop an LNG project and has faced

65IEA MTOGM 2010 at p.14.

66IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.266.
Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 133

serious difficulties developing three proposed LNG projects: Iran LNG,

Persian LNG and Pars LNG. While these LNG projects have stalled, Iran
still has the option to develop its gas fields through pipeline exports to
neighboring countries or to use the gas for domestic consumption.67

5.6.4 Iraq a Future Exporter?

Iraq has approximately 3.2 tcm of proven gas reserves and thus has
the potential to become a significant gas producer and potentially an
exporter.68 However, Iraq has continued to struggle to boost its energy
production, with one of the biggest challenges being the continued delay in
passing an oil and gas law. Although the Iraqi Cabinet approved the Draft
Hydrocarbon Law in February 2007, disagreement over various provi-
sions and among various parties has prevented the Iraqi Parliament from
approving the law.69 Other challenges for the Iraqi energy sector include
a lack of critical infrastructure such as roads, bridges, gas transmission
networks and gas-fired power plants.70
Most of Iraqs natural gas resources are located in the South Eastern
Basrah province although there are also fields in the North and the West.
Iraq has never attempted to develop its natural gas resources, in part due
to years of sanctions, wars, and political unrest. Currently, only 2 bcm
of natural gas is used in the domestic market while an estimated 7 bcm
is flared or vented due to the lack of transport infrastructure and lack of
According to the World Bank, Iraq loses $5 million a day by flaring
off associated gas and is one of the worlds biggest gas-flaring polluters.
According to data collected in conjunction with the World Bank-led
Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership,72 Iraqs flared gas has risen
to 10 bcm/year, up from 3 bcm/year in 1994, due to Iraqs increased oil

67IEA MTOGM 2010 at p.252.

68IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.238.
69See Susan L. Sakmar, The Status of the Draft Iraq Oil and Gas Law, Houston

J. Intl Law, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2008), available at

This article analyzes the main provisions of the Iraq Draft Hydrocarbon Law and
highlights the issues that must be resolved in order for the Iraqi government to
pass the Draft Hydrocarbon Law. The article provides critical insight into Iraqs
oil and gas reserves, the background of Iraqs Draft Hydrocarbon Law, and the
main issues of contention including foreign participation in Iraqs energy sector
and revenue sharing.
70IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.238.
72World Bank, Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership, http://web.
134 Energy for the 21st century

production, putting it in fourth place behind Russia, Nigeria and Iran.73

World Bank officials are currently working with officials in Iraq to come
up with ways to reduce flaring, including implementing regulations and
pricing systems that can provide incentives as well as penalties to help
reduce gas flaring.74
Three different oil and gas licensing rounds organized by the Ministry
of Oil have taken place since 2008, offering 11 oil fields and 3 gas fields.
The gas fields only found bidders in the third round, reflecting uncer-
tainty on the future of Iraqs gas industry.75 Shell, Europes largest
energy producer, has been in talks with the Iraqi government since 2008
to set up a venture to capture flared gas. In June 2010, the Iraqi cabinet
approved a $12 billion project to capture gas flared from the Rumaila,
Zubair and West Qurna-1 oil fields and Shell agreed to operate the
project through the Basrah Gas Company (BGC), including Iraqs South
Gas Company (51 percent); Shell (44 percent) and Mitsubishi (5 percent).
(See Table5.1.) So far, Shell has struggled to get the final approvals and
contract details.76
The captured gas from the three oilfields would mainly serve the
domestic market but could be exported if the Iraqi government decides
on that option.77 Three export possibilities have been considered so far
the Nabucco pipeline, the Arab Gas Pipeline and an LNG project in the
Basrah region.78

5.6.5 Israel Importer, Exporter, Neither or Both?

Recent discoveries of large offshore natural gas reserves make Israel a

particularly interesting case study on the role of natural gas and LNG in,,m
73 Estimated Flared Volumes from Satellite Data, 20062010, World Bank,

Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership,

74 Iraq Needs to Cut Flaring: World Bank, Bloomberg, Sept. 29, 2011, http://
75IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.239.
77 Iraq Needs to Cut Flaring: World Bank, Bloomberg, Sept. 29, 2011, http://
78IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.239.
Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 135

Table 5.1 Gas fields under development in Iraq

Licensing round Field Plateau (mcf/d) Company

Ministry of Oil
Round 1 Rumaila, 700 currently flared South Gas Co. (51%);
Zubair, but up to 3000 later Shell (44%);
West Qurna Mitsubishi (5%)
Round 3 Akkas 400 KOGAS
Round 3 Mansouriya 320 Kuwait Energy/
Round 3 Siba 100 Kuwait Energy/TPAO
Kurdistan Regional Khor Mor 300 Crescent (40%);
Government Chemchemal 200 Dana (40%);
MOL (10%);
OMV (10%)

Source: IEA MTOGM 2011

a countrys energy supply mix. Historically, Israel has been an island

in terms of electricity supply since, for political reasons, its electrical grid
is not connected to any of its Arab neighbors.79 Faced with an electrical
power system unable to meet the demands of a growing economy, in
recent years Israel has been forced to make some difficult decisions about
the future of its energy supply mix.
Fortunately for Israel, the decision making process has been aided by
two significant discoveries of natural gas offshore. In 2009, the offshore
Tamar field was discovered with reserves of approximately 240 bcm (8.4
Tcf). In 2010, the larger offshore field Leviathan was discovered with
estimated reserves of 450 bcm (16 tcf). The IEA has indicated that the
estimated reserves of the Tamar and Leviathan fields are sufficient to
meet Israels growing domestic gas demand and might also allow Israel to
become an LNG exporter.80
While Israel was in the process of analyzing the potential of its newly
discovered gas fields, a study was done to help the Israeli government
exploit the use of natural gas while minimizing the potential drawbacks.81
Although the study was conducted before the reserves of the two fields were

79Steven W. Popper, Energy Resiliency: A New Way for Israel to Tap into the

Future, Rand Review, Spring 2010,

80IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.253.
81Steven W. Popper, Energy Resiliency: A New Way for Israel to Tap into the

Future, Rand Review, Spring 2010,

136 Energy for the 21st century

firmly established, it found that Israel should increase its use of natural gas
through pipeline imports and/or LNG imports. Since Israel did not have an
LNG terminal, the study recommended that Israel should plan for an LNG
terminal but delay construction until future demand and costs became
In October 2011, state-owned Israel Natural Gas Lines announced
it had signed a deal with Italian marine contractor Micoperi to build
an offshore floating LNG (FLNG) terminal costing approximately
$140 million.83 The 2.5 bcm terminal will be built some 10 km out from
the Mediterranean coastal city of Hadera and will be the unloading
point for ships carrying the natural gas, which will then be fed directly
into Israels underwater gas pipeline. Construction is due to begin in
the second half of 2012 and be completed by the end of the year. The
proposed FLNG terminal is viewed as a quick solution and of the
utmost strategic importance for the countrys ability to ensure a con-
tinuous energy supply to its power stations and to safeguard its energy
In the meantime, however, Israel could face a natural gas shortage
as early as the third quarter of 2012 since Israels sole working gas field
is nearly depleted and gas supplies from Egypt have been continuously
disrupted due to chaos and sabotage in the Sinai Peninsula. Although
natural gas production in Israel is set to soar in coming decades, produc-
tion from the Tamar field is not expected to begin until 2013 and produc-
tion from the even larger Leviathan field will not be online until about
Thus, the offshore LNG terminal is being viewed as just one of Israels
stop-gap solutions. The government has also instructed a number of
energy companies exploring its territorial waters to speed up operations
and threatened to let their licenses expire if they do not meet their com-
mitments.86 Israel may also have to resort to burning more coal or diesel to
power its power plants, although these two options are less desirable from
a cost and environmental standpoint.87

83Ari Rabinovitch, Israel Signs Deal for $140 mln Off-shore LNG

Terminal, Reuters, Oct. 31, 2011,

Global LNG demand and emerging demand markets 137



In 2006, it was widely expected that natural gas supply from indigenous
sources in the North American region would not keep pace with demand
over the longer term and, as a result, North America, and in particular the
US, was expected to be a major source of demand growth for LNG in the
21st century.
In its Annual Energy Outlook 2007, the US Energy Information
Administration (EIA) predicted that US LNG imports would grow from
0.6 trillion cubic feet in 2005 to 4.5 trillion cubic feet in 2030.88 According
to the EIA, the future direction of the global LNG market is one of the
key uncertainties [going forward]. With many new international players
entering LNG markets, competition for available supply is strong, and the
supplies available to the U.S. market may vary considerably from year to
This was consistent with some analysts who predicted that the US LNG
market would be a supply-push not a demand-pull market. In this
type of market, other regions will price LNG away from the US when they
need it but, since other regions lack significant storage, the US will attract
LNG supplies during times of low demand and will absorb the worlds
excess when there is nowhere else to put it.90
As discussed in detail in Chapters 1012, with the recent increase in
production of shale gas in the US, it now appears that, far from being a
large importer of LNG, the US may ultimately become a large exporter
of LNG!

88 Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2007 (EIA

AEO 2007),

89 Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2008, Early

Release, (EIA AEO 2008),

90 Credit Suisse Equity Research Report, Natural Gas Group Sector Review:
LNG, Dec. 31, 2007.
6.The globalization of LNG: the
evolution of LNG trade, pricing and
6.1The Evolution of LNG Trade: From
Regional to Global Trade

The LNG markets originally developed as a niche business under which a

relatively small number of sellers supplied specific regional markets with
LNG under long-term contracts. Historically, there was very little trade in
terms of a spot or short-term market and likewise, there were very few cargo
diversions from the originally intended destination. As discussed in detail
in Chapter 3, LNG trade has historically been divided into the Asia-Pacific
and Atlantic Basin/North American regions with very little trade occurring
between the two.1 For example, LNG trade data for the period 19952005
indicate that suppliers in both the Asia-Pacific and the Atlantic Basin regions
dedicated over 99 percent of their supply to markets in the same region.2
In addition to trade being mostly regional, the vast majority of the
cargoes to those regions were committed under long-term contracts that
were generally required to underpin the financing and capital invest-
ment required for the capital-intensive LNG projects. Typical contracts
normally specify delivery of gas to a particular location for a duration
of 2025 years. Historically, the contracts have usually been structured
on a take-or-pay basis for specified volumes, with pricing linked either
to crude oil or to a basket of crude oil and refined products. In this way,
risk is shared between the LNG supplier and the buyer, where the supplier
assumes the price risk and the buyer assumes the volume risk.3

1 Energy Information Agency, The Global Liquefied Natural Gas Market:

Status and Outlook (2003),

2 Liquefied Natural Gas, Topic Paper no. 13, Working Document of the

National Petroleum Council (NPC) Global Oil & Gas Study (2007), http://www.

The globalization of LNG 139

In more recent years, global LNG trade patterns have shifted, with
more LNG being traded between the historically distinct LNG regions
and more players entering the market (see Appendix D for a list of compa-
nies with major holdings in LNG projects). The growth in LNG trade over
the past few years has led many to question whether the LNG markets
have become globalized and whether LNG could ever trade as a global
commodity. In order for this to happen, a number of factors would have
to converge including: (1) increased patterns and flow of international
trade of LNG; (2) the establishment of a single price; (3) liquid trading;
and (4) flexibility of supply.4 Of these, the establishment of a single price is
perhaps the most complicated and difficult to achieve due to differences in
the global pricing of natural gas, which is discussed in detail below.

6.2LNG Trade Is Set to Grow Significantly

in the 21st Century

While identifying and developing new gas fields is critical to maintaining

gas supplies, bringing gas to markets is equally important and identify-
ing the market will determine the infrastructure to be built, the projects
development costs, the economics and which partners are needed. While
pipeline gas has historically dominated international trade in gas,5 in
recent years there has been a surge in LNG trade for a number of reasons.
One reason is the limited flexibility of pipelines once the end-point is
decided.6 This is where LNG has the distinct advantage since LNG that
was earmarked for a particular country can potentially be redirected if
markets change. The flexibility of LNG has been demonstrated in recent
years by the redirecting of Qatari LNG that was originally destined for
the US as well as by the additional cargoes that went to Japan after the
Fukushima disaster.
In addition to increased flexibility, the wave of emerging LNG import-
ers continues to grow as more countries look to LNG to diversify supply
options and also meet increasing demand for natural gas. For example,

4Michael Stoppard, Towards a Global Gas Market, Presentation to CeraWeek

2008, Houston, TX.

5Most notably supply to Western Europe from Russia, North Africa and

Norway and supply to the US from Canada. Liquefied Natural Gas, Topic
Paper no. 13, Working Document of the National Petroleum Council (NPC)
Global Oil & Gas Study (2007),
6IEA Medium-Term Oil and Gas Markets (MTOGM) 2011.
140 Energy for the 21st century

some countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia are looking to import

LNG because their gas reserves are located far from the demand centers,
which historically were served by closer producing gas fields that are now
Other countries are looking to increase LNG imports to compensate for
the decline in domestic gas production, or to substitute LNG for imported
oil and coal.8 Substituting LNG for higher-priced fuels such as oil can
have a significant impact for many countries. For example, Lebanon
recently announced it was considering building an LNG import terminal
to reduce its reliance on higher-priced gas oil. Switching to LNG would
save Lebanon an estimated $1 billion on its energy bill, with a $2 billion
impact on the economy as a whole.9
Underlying the need to import LNG in many countries are strong
economic growth and large populations. For example, there are more
than 400 million people in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, Thailand and
Singapore, and their combined GDP was nearly $1.47 trillion in 2010, on a
par with Indias economy.10 In terms of gas consumption, these countries
consumed 13.4 bcf/d in 2010, more than China, India or Japan consumed
Another reason why many countries are looking to build regasification/
import capacity is to ensure security of supply. For example, Poland
and the Baltic states launched their plans to develop LNG imports
when Russias Gazprom announced alternate supply routes to Europe.12
Similarly, continued tension in the Middle East led Israel, Lebanon and
Jordan to propose building LNG import capacity.13 In Southeast Asia,
Thailand and Singapore are looking to supplement and diversify away
from an exclusive reliance on pipeline imports. Singapore currently
imports pipeline gas from Malaysia and Indonesia but if additional sup-
plies are insufficient, then Singapore is planning to supplement its existing
LNG contract with BG. Thailands PTT relies solely on pipeline imports
from Myanmar but has always been uncomfortable with its reliance on
only one gas supplier and is thus looking to LNG imports.14

7International Gas Union (IGU) World LNG Report 2011 at p.30.

9 Lebanon to Base its Future on LNG, LNG World News, July 4, 2012, http://
10International Gas Union (IGU) World LNG Report 2011 at p.31.
12Ibid. at p.32.
The globalization of LNG 141

1,500 50
1,200 Share of LNG 40
(right axis)

900 30

600 20

300 10

0 0
2000 2008 2020 2035

Source: IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010, OECD/IEA 2010, Figure 5.7, p.195

Figure 6.1 World inter-regional natural gas trade by type

Due to the above factors, as well as others discussed throughout this

book, international trade in natural gas is set to grow rapidly in the
coming decades and more than half of the growth will be in the form of
LNG.15 According to the IEA, the share of LNG in total gas trade rises
from 31 percent in 2008 to 35 percent in 2020 and 42 percent in 2035
(Figure 6.1).
Trade in LNG will account for almost 70 percent of the increase
ininter-regional trade by 2030 and exports of LNG will grow from 90
bcm (8.7bcf/d) in 2004 to 470 bcm (45.5 bcf/d) in 2030.16 In the IEA
WEO-2010 New Policies Scenario, trade in LNG more than doubles
between 2008 and 2035, reaching 500 bcm, or 11 percent of world

15IEAWEO-2010 at p.192.
16IEAWEO-2006, Between 2002 and 2007, global LNG trade
expanded by around 50%. The global economic crisis in 200809 led to a sudden
and pronounced drop in global gas demand. The drop in demand coincided with
a huge increase of new LNG liquefaction capacity, which increased the supply of
gas globally and resulted in a supply glut for most of 200809, with many in the
industry wondering how long the supply glut would last. In 2010, the glut began
to dissipate in response to a rebound in gas demand, especially from Asia and
emerging economies, as well as cold weather across the Northern Hemisphere that
called on more gas for heating. IEA World Energy Outlook 2011, Special Report,
Are We Entering a Golden Age of Gas?, June 6, 2011, http://www.iea/org/weo/docs/
weo2011/WEO2011_GoldenAgeofGasReport.pdf (hereinafter IEA Golden Age
Report), at p.31.
142 Energy for the 21st century

demand, with most of the incremental LNG supply going to Asia

(Figure 6.2).
As discussed in detail in Chapter 1, in the IEAs Golden Age of Gas
Report GAS Scenario, the volume of inter-regional trade of natural gas is
expected to more than double by 2035, reaching more than 1 tcm by 2035
and accounting for around 20 percent of total gas trade.17 Inter-regional
trade in the form of LNG increases by around 290 bcm, and by 2035 trade
in LNG accounts for about 50 percent of the overall trade in natural gas.18
In the coming years, China, India and several countries in the Middle East
and Latin America are expected to become increasingly reliant on LNG
To meet the anticipated growing demand for LNG, the LNG industry
is in the midst of a rapid expansion of both liquefaction and regasification
capacity. In terms of liquefaction capacity, 100 bcm per year of liquefac-
tion capacity has come online since early 200920 (Figure 6.3). As discussed
in detail in Chapter 8, most of this capacity is from Qatar but other
countries, such as Australia, are expected to add significant capacity in the
coming decades. This additional supply will facilitate even greater trade in
LNG as both buyers and sellers seek to take advantage of the flexibility
of supply.
In terms of global regasification capacity, the number of countries
having regasification capacity has more than doubled since 2001 with eight
countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Kuwait, the Netherlands,
Thailand, and Dubai, UAE) adding regasification capacity since 2006.21
Global regasification capacity continued to grow in 2011 with an ever-
larger number of LNG importing markets, many of which were not
expected as recently as 2006.22 As of the end of 2011, there were 89 regasi-
fication terminals around the world, representing 608 MTPA in regasifica-
tion capacity. Of these, 29 started commercial operations between 2006
and 2011.
Regasification capacity is expected to continue to grow, and out
of the 24 projects currently under construction 18 are completely
new terminals and, once they are completed, five new countries will

17IEA Golden Age Report at p.32.

18Ibid. The other 50% is composed of inter-regional trade via natural gas
pipelines. While pipeline trade is important, a detailed discussion is beyond the
scope of this book.
19Ibid. at p.67.
21IGU World LNG Report 2011 at p.35.
12 19
45 94

11 50 62
4 15 22 83 98 138 6 40
9 5 15 9 11 21
16 5
5 8 36 60 26
7 18 29 44
41 45 49

4 10 27
14 18
5 16

6 11 41 43

OECD North America OECD Europe Middle East OECD Asia

Latin America Eastern Europe/Eurasia India Other Asia
1 2008 2 2020 3 2035
Africa China OECD Oceania

Source: IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010, OECD/IEA 2010, Figure 5.6, p.194

Figure 6.2Inter-regional natural gas net trade flows between major regions in the New Policies Scenario (bcm)
144 Energy for the 21st century

600 Europe
Other Africa
Middle East
400 Russia


100 Other Asia

0 Australia
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020

Source: IEA Golden Age Report 2011, OECD/IEA 2011, Figure 2.8, p.71

Figure 6.3 Projected LNG liquefaction capacity by country

have LNG import capacity: Indonesia, Israel, Malaysia, Poland and

Singapore.23 A somewhat surprising amount of additional regasifica-
tion capacityalmost 700 bcm/y is under consideration although it is
unrealistic to expect that all of the considered regasification capacity will
be built.24 Nonetheless, the amount of interest in regasification capac-
ity stands in contrast to the relatively limited number of inter-regional
pipelines under consideration.25

6.3Is LNG A Global Commodity?

The increase in inter-regional trade, as well as the increased number of
countries entering the LNG market, has led many to question whether
the gas markets are globalizing and whether LNG could ever trade
as a global commodity.26 The general consensus that seems to have

24IEA Medium-Term Gas Market (MTGM) Report 2012. As an indication

of the growing importance of natural gas, the IEA for the first time has separated
oil from gas in its 2012 medium-term report and issued a separate report focused
entirely on gas.
25Ibid. noting that, in terms of pipelines, not much is happening apart from

a first decision on the much-awaited Southern Corridor.

26IEA MTOGM 2010 at pp.158, 168.
The globalization of LNG 145

US production Prices Pipeline suppliers

Source: IEA MTOGM 2010, OECD/IEA 2010, p.159

Figure 6.4 Globalization of gas markets

emerged is that while the gas markets are globalizing, they are not
yet globalized since approximately two-thirds of global gas is still con-
sumed in the country where it is produced.27 Moreover, a truly global
LNG market continues to be hindered by the lack of a single pricing
structure for LNG, with natural gas remaining the most important com-
modity with no global market price yet.28 As such, prices in the various
LNG markets remain the balancing point between global gas markets
(Figure 6.4).
As inter-regional trade in LNG continues to grow, however,
the traditional pricing structures are being challenged and, as dis-
cussed below, there are a number of developments that might cause
the traditional pricing structure to change over time, with the possibil-
ity that LNG will one day trade as a global commodity more similar
to oil. For the near term, however, it is expected that the divergence
among regional gas prices will decline but remain a feature of global gas

27Ibid. at pp.15860.
28IEA MTGM 2012.
146 Energy for the 21st century

6.4Traditional Pricing Structure for

LNG Oil-Linked Pricing

Approximately 70 percent of world LNG trade is priced using a compet-

ing fuels index, generally based on crude oil or fuel oil, and referred to as
oil price indexation or oil-linked pricing.30 The original rationale
for oil-linked pricing was that the price of gas should be set at the level of
the price of the best alternative to gas.31 Historically, the best alternative
was heavy fuel oil, crude oil or gas oil. While the substitutability of oil and
gas has decreased over time, the traditional oil-linked pricing remains. As
such, in most areas of the world, natural gas prices rise and fall broadly in
line with oil prices.
This is true for most European markets with the exception of the United
Kingdom, where the linkage between gas and oil prices is typically formal-
ized by contract, so as oil prices move, gas prices automatically follow.
In more recent years, the two largest gas markets in Europe the UK
and Germany have set the two universally accepted reference points
for natural gas prices: the UK National Balancing Point (NBP) and the
German Border Price (GBP).32
In the United Kingdom, more than half the gas consumed is traded on
spot markets with the virtual National Balancing Point (NBP) as the key
trading point in the entry/exit based system. Recent long-term contracts
supporting large infrastructure projects between the UK and Qatar were
at NBP prices rather than oil prices. The other half of the UK gas market
is delivered according to the terms of old North Sea prices, which incorpo-
rate many indices such as coal, inflation, electricity, fuel oil and gas oil.33

30Australian Government, Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics

(BREE), Gas Market Report July 2012, (hereinafter BREE Gas
Market Report 2012). This is the first of what is planned to be an annual report
on the current state and projected developments in international and domestic gas
markets. The Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (BREE) is a profes-
sionally independent, economic and statistical research unit within the Australian
Governments Resources, Energy and Tourism (RET) portfolio. The Bureau was
formed on 1 July 2011 and its creation reflects the importance placed on resources
and energy by the Australian Government and the value of these sectors to the
Australian economy. BREE,
31 BREE Gas Market Report 2012 at p.42.
32Anthony J. Melling, Natural Gas Pricing and its Future: Europe as

the Battleground (2010), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, www. This report is adapted from a 2009/10 study commis-
sioned by Cheniere Energy Partners and submitted as part of Chenieres applica-
tion for approval to export LNG.
33International Energy Agency (IEA), Natural Gas Market Review 2006,
The globalization of LNG 147

The German Border Price (GBP) is published in Germany by Bundesamt

fr Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) each month. BAFA pub-
lishes the total value of gas imports into Germany during each month
and the total quantity in energy units. The GBP price is determined by
dividing the total value by the quantity to obtain the average gas price
known as the GBP.34
In the Asia-Pacific region, LNG contracts are typically based on the his-
torical linkage to the Japanese Customs-cleared Price for Crude Oil (JCC,
or the Japanese Crude Cocktail). This is due to the fact that at the time
that LNG trade began, Japanese power generation was heavily dependent
on oil so early LNG contracts were linked to JCC in order to negate the
risk of price competition with oil.35 The formula used in most of the Asian
LNG contracts that were developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s can
be expressed by:36

PLNG 5 a 3 Pcrude 1 b

PLNG 5 price of LNG in US$/mmBtu (US$/GJ 1.055)
Pcrude 5 price of crude oil in US$/barrel
a 5 crude linkage slope
b 5 constant in US$/mmBtu (US$GJ 1.055).
Historically, there was little negotiation between parties over the slope
of the LNG contracts, with most disagreements centered on the value of
the constant b. Following the oil price declines of the 1980s, most new
LNG contracts incorporated floor and ceiling prices that determined the
range over which the contract formula could be applied.37 Since suppli-
ers had to make substantial investments in LNG liquefaction trains, a
pricing model developed that provided a floor price. For suppliers, this
floor limits the fall in the LNG price to a certain level even if the oil price
were to continue falling. Conversely, buyers are protected by a price

Gas Prices and Market Design (hereinafter IEA Nat. Gas Mkt. Review 2006),
34Anthony J. Melling, Natural Gas Pricing and its Future: Europe as

the Battleground (2010), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, www.
35 James T. Jensen, Asian Natural Gas Markets: Supply, Infrastructure and

Pricing Issues, a Background Paper prepared for the National Bureau of Asian
Research, 2011 Pacific Energy Summit, available at
36 BREE Gas Market Report 2012 at p.42.
37 BREE Gas Market Report 2012 at p.42.
148 Energy for the 21st century

cap, which restricts LNG price rises when oil prices rise above a certain
According to Poten & Partners study in the Kitimat LNG export
application, the Asia-Pacific LNG market is predominantly based
on long-term supply contracts based on the JCC price. In 2009, more
than 95 percent of total LNG deliveries were under such long-term
contracts.39 Long-term contracts are the norm in order to address both
buyer concerns with security of supply risks and the sellers insistence on
firm commercial arrangements to underpin construction and operation
of LNG liquefaction facility economics, including financing arrange-
ments.40 Unlike in the Atlantic Basin, historically, there are no liquid gas
markets in the Asia-Pacific region to provide a ready fall-back market for
buyers or sellers.
In North America, the gas market originally operated in a similar
manner to the European market with long-term, oil-based contracts.
When the North American gas markets were liberalized in the 1980s and
1990s, a hub system developed whereby natural gas is now traded at
over 40 principal centers, or hubs, spread across North America. The best
known is Henry Hub in Louisiana, which is the reference point for the
pricing of NYMEX gas futures contracts.41 In many countries, including
countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Latin America,
the former Soviet Union, most of the rest of Africa, gas prices are set
without any linkage to oil or costs and gas prices barely cover production

6.5Recent Pricing Issues

In terms of price, the last few years can be analyzed as three different
stages. The first stage, from mid-2007 to mid-2008, represents the time
when gas market prices, along with other fuel prices, were increasing and

38IEA Nat. Gas Mkt. Review 2006.

39 Poten & Partners, 20152035 LNG Market Assessment Outlook for the
Kitimat LNG Terminal, Prepared for KM LNG Operating General Partnership,
Oct. 2010,
pdf?nodeid5656825&vernum50. See Chapter 3, Section 3.2.
40 For a listing of the long-term and medium-term contracts in force in 2011,

see GIIGNL, The LNG Industry 2011, at pp.2730.

41IEA Nat. Gas Mkt. Review 2006.
42IGU World LNG Report 2011 at p.18.
The globalization of LNG 149

US Henry Hub
Average German Import Price cif 14
Japan LNG cif


94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2012

Figure 6.5 International gas prices, 19942011

regional prices converged, reflecting a tightening of the global gas mar-

kets.43 (See Figure 6.5.)
In the second stage, mid-2008 to mid-2009, all regional prices
decreased due to the global recession. By the end of 2009 and into the
first half of 2010, spot gas prices weakened significantly relative to oil
prices. This decoupling was primarily due to two things happening
on the supply side the surge in LNG capacity when new production
came online and the unexpected boom in shale gas production in North
America. The increase in supply coming at a time when demand was
dropping in the face of recession led to a sizable glut of natural gas
on the market.44
The significant imbalance in the gas markets led to a large and unprec-
edented gap between prices in the competitive markets of North America
and the United Kingdom and prices in those markets where gas was
indexed to oil under long-term contracts namely continental Europe and
Asia-Pacific.45 For example, in 2009, the spot price for Henry Hub (HH)

43IEAMTOGM 2011 at p.212.

44IEAWEO-2010 at p.185.
45 Because North America is a deregulated market for natural gas, gas is not

traded based on an energy-equivalent value of gas vs. oil and the recent ratio of oil
150 Energy for the 21st century

in the US averaged $4/Mmbtu, the UK NBP averaged $5/Mmbtu, and

Japan and continental Europe averaged $9/Mmbtu46 (Figure 6.5).
The price decoupling caused buyers of oil-linked contracts in Europe
to seek to renegotiate pricing terms with their suppliers. For example,
Russias Gazprom granted some important concessions on pricing, par-
tially moving from oil to spot gas price indexation over a three-year period
causing prices to fall in some key markets like Germany. Buyers were also
granted some other concessions to provide them more flexibility when
they were required to lift contracted volumes.47
The unprecedented decoupling of natural gas prices from oil caused
some to question whether the historic link between oil and gas prices was a
divorce or merely a temporary separation.48 At the time, the IEA pre-
dicted that as long as the gas supply glut existed, the pressure to move further
away from oil indexation would remain, especially for long-term contracts.49
The third stage depicted in the graph (Figure 6.5 above) started in the
second quarter of 2010 when HH and NBP spot prices started to diverge and
NBP increased towards the GBP. The unexpected increase in NBP was due
to a combination of factors. There were some LNG supply production prob-
lems from Norway and Qatar, which took some LNG off the market. There
was also a tightening of global gas markets due to strong LNG demand in
Asia and a switching from coal to gas in the European power sector.
By April 2011, the NBP monthly average day-ahead price was 85
percent higher than it was in April 2010, and more than twice as high as
HH. In March 2011, the spread between the US HH and the UK NBP was
an unprecedented difference of $5.8/MBtu. The spread between the Asian
LNG price and the US HH was an even higher $8/MBtu.50

to gas prices reflects the huge discount in the value of gas versus oil. The following
table illustrates the recent ratio between gas and oil prices:

US Canada Jan. 24, 2012 pricing

37:1 41:1 Henry Hub Spot: US $2.63/MMBtu
Heat Parity: 6:1 AECO Spot: Cdn $2.40/Mcf
Discount: 84% WTI Spot: US $98.75/MMBtu

Source:Ziff Energy Group,

46IEA WEO-2010 at p.185.

48Ibid. The IEA highlighted the separation with a special spotlight in the

WEO-2010 Oil and gas prices: a temporary separation or a divorce?

49IEA WEO-2010 at p.185.
The globalization of LNG 151

































US Henry Hub Japan LNG France PEG
Canada AECO Germany BEB Hu
Netherlands TTF
Belgium Zeebrugge
Brent crude oil UK NBP

Source: US EIA

Figure 6.6Global spot natural gas and crude oil prices with average
monthly LNG prices in Japan, Jan. 2010March 2012

Throughout most of 2011, the Asian and European markets faced rising
natural gas prices, while the US HH price declined even further. However,
by June 2011, European gas prices were back to the level of October 2008
while US HH prices continued to fall.51 In 2011, US HH prices sunk to
their lowest levels in ten years, while Europes prices ultimately stabilized
at $8-10/MBtu with Japans LNG import price peaking at $17/MBtu by
late 2011.52 (see Figures 6.5 and 6.6.)

6.6From Convergence to Divergence: Is

the US Market Moving Away?

Since LNG is the glue linking global gas markets, the IEA has recently
analyzed how LNG arbitrage created a convergence between the markets
in 200910 and more recently why the convergence appears to have

52IEA MTGM 2012.
152 Energy for the 21st century

ended.53 In 2007, the average US LNG import price was $0.1/MBtu higher
than the HH price. This increased to more than $1/MBtu in 2008 as LNG
went to the higher-priced NBP markets. Between 2007 and 2008, US
LNG imports dropped more than 50 percent, from 22 bcm to 10 bcm. In
mid-2009, the NBP and HH prices converged, the difference between the
HH price and the US LNG import price increased, and US LNG imports
increased slightly to 13 bcm. This continued up to the beginning of 2010
until the NBP and HH prices diverged again with the US LNG import
price moving above the HH price again.54
In analyzing the different LNG import prices, the IEA noted that
several countries (Trinidad and Tobago, and Egypt) export LNG to the
US at prices linked to HH. Qatar and Nigeria account for 21 percent of
US LNG imports with prices from those countries linked to NBP. As a
result, the average US LNG import price is somewhere between HH and
NBP, depending on import volumes from the respective supplier.55 The
delta between the LNG import price and the market price is an indication
that US LNG imports of 12 bcm in 2010 were at a minimum and that any
cargo that could be re-routed was. In other words, the only LNG that
would come to the US was under contract and couldnt be rerouted or
LNG that was necessary to avoid shutting down existing US terminals.56
In 2010, it became evident that LNG was no longer a price setter in the
US and that the US market had become almost immune from global price
developments with the US EIA noting that US net imports of natural gas
have fallen for three consecutive years,57 due largely to growing domestic

53IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.214.

56LNG import terminals must be maintained in their cryogenic state in order

for them to be able to perform the primary functions of the receipt, storage and
regasification of LNG and send-out of natural gas. As such, a sufficient quantity
of LNG must be retained in the LNG storage and piping systems regardless of
whether or not a terminal is importing. This became a challenge for US import
terminals that faced dwindling imports as market conditions changed due to shale
gas production and higher priced LNG markets elsewhere. Donna J. Bailey, US
LNG Import Terminals the Perfect Storm, Liquefied Natural Gas: The Law and
Business of LNG, 2nd edn (2012) (ed. Paul Griffin), at p.166.
57 Between 2007 and 2010, annual net imports declined by about 1.2 trillion

cubic feet, or nearly one-third. Net imports by pipeline account for over 80%
of total net imports and come entirely from Canada (the United States is a net
exporter to Mexico). Net pipeline imports fell by 28%. Net imports in the form of
liquefied natural gas (LNG) were down nearly 50%. US EIA, Energy Today, April
1, 2011, US Natural Gas Imports Fall for Third Year in a Row,
The globalization of LNG 153


trillion cubic feet


10 Consumption
Net imports

1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010

Source: US EIA, Energy Today, April 1, 2011, US Natural Gas Imports Fall for Third
Year in a Row,

Figure 6.7US natural gas consumption, production, and net imports,


production from shale gas formations, which more than tripled between
2007 and 2010 (Figure 6.7).
According to the IEA, whether the price divergence continues into the
future depends on whether US production of shale gas is sustained and
also the continued development of LNG re-exports (Section 6.8) or the
development of new US export capacity (see Chapters 11 and 12).58

6.7The Growing Spot and Short-Term LNG


In recent years, the LNG markets have seen the emergence of a growing
spot and short-term LNG market, which generally includes spot contracts
and contracts of less than four years.59 Short-term and spot trade allows
divertible or uncommitted LNG to go to the highest value market in
response to changing market conditions. The short-term and spot market

58IEAMTOGM 2011 at p.214.

59AnthonyPatten and Philip Thomson, LNG Trading, Liquefied Natural
Gas: The Law and Business of LNG, 2nd edn (2012) (ed. Paul Griffin), at p.55.
154 Energy for the 21st century

began to emerge in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The LNG spot and
short-term market grew from virtually zero before 1990 to 1 percent in
1992, to 8 percent (400 Bcf or 8.4 million tons) in 2002.60 In 2006, nine
countries were active spot LNG exporters and 13 countries were spot
LNG importers.61
Due to divergent prices between the markets in the past few years, the
short-term LNG market has grown rapidly, and by 2009 the spot and
short-term market had grown to 16.3 percent of the world LNG trade (491
cargoes and 65.1 106 m3).62 In 2010, the short-term and spot trade jumped
up 40 percent from 2009 and accounted for 18.9 percent of the world LNG
trade (727 cargoes and 91.3 106 m3).63 Europe in particular attracted a
large number of spot cargoes due to the availability of uncommitted LNG
supply from the Middle East.64
In 2011, the spot and short-term market again recorded strong growth,
reaching 61.2 Mt (994 cargoes) and more than 25 percent of the total LNG
trade.65 Asia attracted almost 70 percent of the global spot and short-
term volumes primarily due to Japans increased LNG need following the
March 2011 Fukushima disaster. Spot and short-term LNG imports into
Korea almost doubled (10.7 Mt) and they almost tripled for China and
India, with these two countries importing a combined 6.5 MT of LNG.66
By the end of 2011, 21 countries were active spot LNG exporters and
25 countries were spot LNG importers. The growing number of countries
looking to participate in the spot market is indicative of the increased
desire for flexibility to cope with market changes or unforeseen events
such as Fukushima as well as the increased number of countries now
participating in the LNG markets. Going forward, short-term trade is
expected to continue to grow both in absolute terms and as a share of total
trade67 although the availability of future spot LNG cargoes is a source of
much speculation.68 In 2012, Angola LNG is expected to deliver its entire
production of 7 bcm as spot cargoes. Although several Australian projects
are expected to come online in the next few years, most of the capacity has

61IGU World LNG Report 2011 at p.16.
62GIIGNL, The LNG Industry 2010,
64Ibid. at p.3.
65GIIGNL, The LNG Industry 2011,
67Stephen Thompson, Poten & Partners, Inc., The New LNG Trading

Model Short-Term Market Developments and Prospects,

68IEA MTGM 2012 at p.146.
The globalization of LNG 155

been contracted for by Asian buyers and any available spot cargoes would
most likely go to Asia.69 For the near term, it appears that additional
sources of flexible LNG are most likely to come from the US and Canada
where several LNG export projects are planned.70 In particular, the con-
tracts for Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction project do not require a
destination clause and are based on spot indexation.71

6.8An Emerging Trend LNG Re-Exports

Re-exports of LNG occur when foreign LNG shipments are offloaded into
the above-ground storage tanks located on-site at the imports terminals and
then stored while waiting for price signals to dictate whether to deliver the
LNG to the higher-paying markets in Asia, Europe, and South America.72
As an indication that re-exports may be a growing and profitable busi-
ness opportunity, in 2011 there were over 40 cargoes reloaded, compared
with 19 cargoes in 2010. The re-exported volumes went to 13 countries,
with cargoes being re-exported from the Atlantic Basin to Europe, Asia
and South America. (See Table 6.1.)
The ability to re-export LNG has allowed US LNG importers in par-
ticular to take advantage of the arbitrage opportunity between the US
and other markets in recent years. For example, in 2010 the US LNG
import price was around $5/Mbtu whereas the LNG price in Asia was
around $1011/Mbtu. With marginal operation costs of storage and
reloading into LNG tankers, the main cost to re-export would be ship-
ping to the new destination. Assuming freight to Asia is around $3/Mbtu,
LNG re-exports would be a potential solution to under-utilized import
At least in the US, the re-export business appears to be quite profitable
even taking into account regasification and storage costs. For example, in
2011, the average landed price for US LNG imports was $7.5/MBtu, com-
pared to an average FOB price for re-exports of $9.3/MBtu.74 Re-exports

69Ibid. For a listing of the long- and medium-term contracts concluded in

2011 for the Australian projects see GIIGNL, The LNG Industry 2011, at p.6.
70IEA MTGM 2012.
72 US EIA, Today in Energy, Re-exports of Liquefied Natural Gas Rose

Rapidly in Early Winter, June 6, 2011,

73IEA MTOGM 2011.
74IEA MTGM 2012.
156 Energy for the 21st century

Table 6.1 Re-exports of LNG cargoes, 2011

Export country/exporter Import country No. of cargoes

Belgium/Zeebrugge Japan 3
Belgium/Zeebrugge Netherlands 1
Belgium/Zeebrugge South Korea 1
Belgium/Zeebrugge Spain 4
Spain/Cartagena Argentina 1
Spain/Cartagena Italy 5
Spain/Huelva Argentina 1
Spain/Huelva Italy 3
Spain/Mugardos Argentina 3
Spain/Mugardos Italy 1
Spain/Mugardos Kuwait 1
Spain/Mugardos Taiwan 1
Mexico/ECA Chile 1
USA/Sabine Pass Brazil 3
USA/Freeport Brazil 1
USA/Cheniere Chile 1
USA/Sabine Pass China 2
USA/Freeport India 2
USA/Sabine Pass India 2
USA/Cameron Japan 1
USA/Freeport South Korea 1
USA/Sabine Pass South Korea 1
USA/Cameron Spain 1
USA/Sabine Pass Spain 1
USA/Sabine Pass United Kingdom 1

Note: Duration: spot, in all cases.

Source: GIIGNL, The LNG Industry 2011, at p. 7

of foreign sourced LNG from two of the three US LNG terminals

authorized to re-export (Freeport in Texas, Sabine Pass and Cameron
in Louisiana) exceeded 12 billion cubic feet (Bcf) in January 2011 alone,
equivalent to about 30 percent of US LNG import volumes during that
month, and the highest volume since the start of re-export service in
December 200975 (Figure 6.8).

75 US EIA, Today in Energy, Re-exports of Liquefied Natural Gas Rose

Rapidly in Early Winter, June 6, 2011,

The globalization of LNG 157

12 Sabine Pass

billion cubic feet

Dec. 09 Mar. 10 June. 10 Sept. 10 Dec. 10 Mar. 11

Note: No re-export volumes at Cameron as of March 2011.

Source: US EIA, Today in Energy, Re-exports of Liquefied Natural Gas Rose rapidly in
Early Winter, June 6, 2011

Figure 6.8 US re-exports of LNG, Dec. 2009March 2011

6.9The Evolution of LNG Contract Terms

Just as the LNG markets and trading have evolved over the past
decade, so too have the contracts for LNG, with both buyers and sellers
searching for more flexibility and shorter-term contracts becoming more
common. Nonetheless, long-term (1525 years) sale and purchase agree-
ments (SPAs) have historically been the cornerstone of the commercial
arrangements between LNG buyers and sellers and remain so today and
for the foreseeable future.76

6.9.1 The Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA)

The SPA is the key economic driver in an LNG project, and the agreement
underpinning much of the LNG project financing. For example, SPAs
typically provide most, if not all, of the revenues for an upstream LNG
project and also provide anchor supplies for development of LNG regasi-
fication facilities.77 In fact, new LNG trains are typically not launched

76Tusiani & Shearer, LNG: A Non-Technical Guide, at Chapter 12.

77Steven Miles and Thomas Holmberg, Baker Botts LLP, LNG Master
158 Energy for the 21st century

without at least some long-term contract coverage. SPAs also have firm
take-or-pay obligations for buyers and firm deliver-or-pay obligations for
Although there is generally a common group of core issues included
in every SPA, a model agreement does not exist, owing to the diversity
of participants involved in supply and offtake and the variety of com-
mercial models and gas markets.78 Nonetheless, some of the key issues,
such as quantities and price review, warrant a brief discussion here.

The quantity clause sets forth the quantity obligations of the seller and the
buyer as well as the terms of delivery. For example, the seller may be obli-
gated to make the LNG available for delivery at its facilities with the buyer
providing for the LNG shipping namely, free on board (FOB) as per
Incoterms.79 If the seller is providing the LNG shipping to the buyers
facilities, then the term is delivery at terminal (DAT) or delivery at
place (DAP), as per Incoterms 2010.80 The primary obligations set out
in the quantity clause include:81

the base annual contract quantity (ACQ) obligations

the amount of any downward quantity flexibility (usually for the
buyer but sometimes for the seller)

Sales Agreements (MSAs) and their Value in a Destination Flexible LNG Market,
Presentation to the CWC Group, LNG Contracting, Pricing and Trading
Workshop B, San Antonio, TX, April 21, 2008.
78Susan H. Farmer and Harry W. Sullivan, LNG Sale and Purchase

Agreements, Liquefied Natural Gas: The Law and Business of LNG, 2nd edn
(2012) (ed. Paul Griffin), at p.29. While contracts and project financing are critical
elements of LNG projects, a detailed discussion of these issues is beyond the scope
of this book. For a useful book on these issues, see Paul Griffin (ed.), Liquefied
Natural Gas: The Law and Business of LNG, Globe Business Publishing Ltd.,
2012. Tusiani & Shearer, LNG: A Non-Technical Guide, Chapter 12, also pro-
vides an excellent discussion of the upstream gas supply agreements.
79Susan H. Farmer and Harry W. Sullivan, LNG Sale and Purchase

Agreements, Liquefied Natural Gas: The Law and Business of LNG, 2nd edn
(2012) (ed. Paul Griffin), at p.32. Incoterms is the International Chamber of
Commerces rules on the use of domestic and international trade terms and was
originally created in 1936 with the most recent publication Incoterms 2010. Ibid.
80Ibid. Noting that the former delivery ex-ship or DES term was deleted

in Incoterms 2010 and that the current rule is either DAT or DAP. However,
parties can still continue to use DES so long as the long-term SPA refers to
Incoterms 2000. Ibid.
81Ibid. at pp.323.
The globalization of LNG 159

any requirements for the buyer to take delivery (make good) the
quantities previously exercised as downward flexibility
the buyers obligation to take or pay for a minimum quantity of
the parties obligations with respect to force majeure make-up
the parties rights and obligations with respect to quantities in excess
of the ACQ
the buyers right or the sellers obligation to take or supply make-
up quantities of LNG for any take-or-pay payments made by the

The prevailing market conditions for example, whether it is a buyers

market or a sellers market will determine the level of flexibility that a
seller is willing to give the buyer in terms of its firm offtake obligations.82
Because the seller typically has made a large investment in liquefaction
facilities, the seller generally would prefer to limit the buyers ability to
use downward quantity flexibility to reduce its take-or-pay obligation for
any year and require the buyer to take equivalent quantities at a later date
as make good.83 In recent years, the increased growth in LNG trade,
and in particular the increase in spot trade, as well as the increase in the
number of import terminals and buyers, has injected more flexibility into
the markets and facilitated the resolution of certain issues. For example,
a buyer typically may want a period of two to four years to ramp up its
ACQ obligations to the full level. Due to the growing spot and short-
term market, it is now more feasible for sellers to accommodate such

Long-term SPAs generally are 2025 years in length, which reflects the
substantial investment required for LNG facilities. As the LNG indus-
try has expanded and matured, there are more mid-term deals ranging
from 3 to 15 years.85 This reflects the fact that that many of the major
LNG players are either supplying from a portfolio of supply sources and

82Ibid. at p.33.
85See GIIGNL, The LNG Industry 2011, Long-Term Contracts concluded

2011, at p.6, indicating a number of contracts signed in 2011 have durations of 15

or less years with the maximum duration being 21 years (Australia & BG Portfolio
and Chubu Electric).
160 Energy for the 21st century

iversified shipping fleets or buying for a portfolio of consumer destina-

tions with diversified shipping fleets.86

As previously discussed, unlike crude oil, natural gas and LNG are not
priced on an international market basis, with most LNG being priced on
a long-term basis of 20 years or more. The contractual and confidential
nature of LNG pricing coupled with a lack of transparency of individual
cargo prices means that a wide range of prices might exist even within the
same country or region. For example, an LNG contract entered into many
years ago may still be in effect under far different pricing structures that
existed at the time.87
Historically, some Asian buyers have been able to introduce price caps
or S-curves into their pricing mechanisms, which protect them against
very high JCC prices and, in return, protect sellers against very low JCC
prices. In addition, SPAs with Japanese and Korean buyers are generally
viewed as incorporating the principle of price review or price reopen-
ers for extraordinary circumstances.88

Price review or price re-opener clauses

A price review or price re-opener clause is found in many, but not all,
long-term contracts. An example of the language typically used is as

If ... economic circumstances in the [buyers market] ... have substantially

changed as compared to that expected when entering into the contract for
reasons beyond the parties control ... and the contract price ... does not
reflect the value of natural gas in the [buyers market] ... [then the parties may
meet to discuss the pricing structure]89

While price review clauses have been a feature of continental European

long-term pipeline gas sale contracts for a long time, the reaction of most
common-law lawyers to such clauses is one of extreme discomfort for
the obvious reason that when invoked, the parties usually find that their
interests were more divergent then expected!90 Nonetheless, price review

86Susan H. Farmer and Harry W. Sullivan, LNG Sale and Purchase

Agreements, at p.36.
87Ibid. at p.40.
88Ibid. at p.42.
89Ibid. at p.43.
90Ibid. at pp.434.
The globalization of LNG 161

or reopener clauses still remain a key clause of most long-term LNG SPAs
and many, if not all, LNG suppliers and buyers enter into negotiations
without fully grasping how difficult it is to negotiate such clauses, espe-
cially if they are to be enforceable if invoked.91 As such, the following are
key elements that must be addressed with regard to negotiating a price
reopener clause:92

The trigger event or conditions entitling a party to invoke the clause

must be defined. Usually this is a change of circumstances beyond
the control of the parties.
The elements of the price mechanism which are subject to review
must be defined and usually include:
- the base price
- indexation
- floor price
- ceiling price
- inflection points of the S-curve formula.

If a requesting party has satisfied the trigger event or criterion, then

there is the challenge of determining which benchmark should be applied
to determine the revised price mechanism, and often the buyers and
sellers views of the relevant market differ significantly. Moreover, since
the LNG market is not transparent, the parties may not always be able
to access the necessary information and use data that are almost always
confidential in price review discussions.93
If the parties cannot agree on a revised price mechanism, then they
should consider referral of the matter to a third party or arbitration.
However, many LNG contracts contain meet and discuss price review
clauses that do not allow for such referral, leaving the parties without
recourse unless some specific recourse is specified. For example, the
parties could provide that if the parties are unable to agree on the revised
price mechanism, then the seller has the right, upon written notice, to
terminate the long-term LNG SPA.94

91Ibid. at p.44.
92Ibid. at p.45.
162 Energy for the 21st century

6.9.2 Other LNG Contracts and the Terminal Use Agreement (TUA)

In addition to negotiating the SPAs, lawyers specializing in LNG projects

work with clients to ensure that the terms of the SPAs and/or other master
sales agreements (MSAs) are coordinated with those of other major
project agreements such as the engineering, procurement and construction
(EPC) contracts, gas sale and purchase agreements, LNG shipping agree-
ments and terminal use agreements (TUAs).95
Worth mentioning here is the TUA which contains terms and conditions
similar to those found in tariff structures, such as LNG and gas quality
specifications, LNG and gas measurement, and other technical specifica-
tions. In the US, the use of TUAs followed after several regulatory actions
effectively gave a US terminal operator the right to develop a proprietary-
access business model for LNG import terminals.96 As such, the TUA also
contains a key commercial term, which is the fee for service or use of the
terminal.97 In the US, this is generally a negotiated rate that is high
enough to allow the terminal operator a financial rate of return above that
which could be obtained in a regulated environment.98

6.9.3The AIPN Model LNG Master Sale and Purchase Agreement


In more recent years, new forms of master sales agreements (MSAs) have
been utilized to address the commercial relationships developing under the
growing LNG spot trade. MSAs typically consist of a main MSA that sets
forth the General Terms and Conditions and a shorter Confirmation

95 Baker Botts LL.P., LNG Projects, Deeper Understanding, Better Solutions,

2009 (in-house publication). Baker Botts is a lawfirm with significant experience

advising clients on all aspects of the LNG value chain, including structuring LNG
projects and investments in LNG projects and developing flexible contractual
96In 2002, in what is commonly referred to as the Hackberry decision, the

US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) permitted, for the first

time, the construction and operation of an LNG import terminal on a propri-
etary, individually negotiated basis, not subject to open access or service or rate
regulation. Donna J. Bailey, US LNG Import Terminals: the Perfect Storm,
Liquefied Natural Gas: The Law and Business of LNG, 2nd edn (2012)
(ed. Paul Griffin), at p.164, citing Hackberry LNG Terminal, LLC 101 FERC
61,294 (2002), order issuing certificates and granting rehg 104 FERC 61,269
97Tusiani & Shearer, LNG: A Non-Technical Guide at p.385.
The globalization of LNG 163

Memorandum that constitutes a separate agreement between buyer and

seller to purchase one or more cargoes of LNG. MSAs are an important
part of the evolving LNG spot market and facilitate a number of transac-
tions. For example, MSAs permit sales of LNG produced in excess of
committed SPA sales for an LNG liquefaction project. Suppliers might
also use MSAs to sell extra cargoes at higher prices to alternative destina-
tions experiencing seasonal peaks in demand. MSAs might also be used by
buyers to source additional cargoes to meet seasonal or temporary LNG
The Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN)100
recently concluded a substantial industry-wide effort101 to draft a Model
LNG Master Sale and Purchase Agreement (LNG MSPA), which was
first released in 2009 (LNG MSPA 2009) with the most recent updated
version released in June 2012 (LNG MSPA 2012). The 2012 version is
broader than the LNG MSPA 2009 and addresses a variety of [LNG]
trading arrangements.102 According to the AIPN, the LNG MSPA
2012 is intended to be used for spot sales of LNG and will accommo-
date transportation by the Buyer (FOB) or by the Seller (DAP or
As with other master agreements, Parties to the LNG Master MSA
would execute the Base Contract (which includes a checklist of the MSA
options and alternatives selected by the Parties, and which incorporates
the provisions of the MSA by reference). Upon execution of the Base
Contract, the MSA is effective (for example, provisions relating to con-
fidentiality and certain other matters are intended to be binding from
execution of the Base Contract), but the obligations to purchase and sell
cargoes do not go into effect until such time, if ever, as the Parties or
their Affiliates execute a Confirmation Memorandum setting forth the
commercial terms applicable to a specific cargo. A form Confirmation

99Miles and Holmberg, LNG Master Sales Agreements (MSAs).

100Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN), http://www.
101 Co-chairs Steven Miles (partner, Baker Botts LLP) and Harry W. Sullivan,

Jr. and their drafting committee held more than 15 meetings and 5 workshops in 7
countries on 5 continents over a several year period in order to develop and final-
ize the MSA. The drafting committee was composed of more than 150 industry
representatives, including members from many of the major LNG sellers, buyers,
transporters and traders worldwide.
102AIPN, Press Release, 2012 LNG Master Sale and Purchase Agreement

Published, July 6, 2012,, quoting AIPN

President William Lafferrandre, ConocoPhillips.
103AIPN, Model Contracts, LNG Master LNG 2012,
164 Energy for the 21st century

Memorandum is attached as Exhibit A to the MSA and Drafters Notes

are also provided as part of the Model LNG MSPA.104
Consistent with other AIPN model forms, the MSA is intended to
reflect an overall balance between Buyer and Seller interests, and to be
sufficiently flexible to be used for trades in any geographical region. The
options and alternatives included in the MSA provide Buyers and Sellers
with substantial flexibility to tailor the agreement to meet their needs.
The AIPN hopes that the Model LNG MSPA will help to enable the
creation of a more efficient secondary market for LNG that will facilitate
trading and arbitrage of LNG cargoes. According to one of the legal experts
that assisted in drafting the Model LNG MSPA, this may happen since
the development of a unified form among LNG buyers and sellers will
help promote the development of an LNG secondary market by reducing
transactional cost and time involved in trading/hedging cargoes.105
Prior to the Model LNG MSPA, there was no industry standard in the
LNG market, with more than 100 different forms being used by buyers and
sellers of LNG. Moreover, many of the existing MSAs in the market were
out of date and did not address key terms required by the current LNG
industry, including destination flexibility, shipping optimization, offshore
title transfer and counterparty risk mitigation. As such, the Model LNG
MSPA should help the industry establish a uniform short-term and spot
sales agreement, thereby reducing transaction time, cost and uncertainty.

6.9.4Recent Contractual Developments the Worlds First Bi-directional

Contracts for US LNG Exports

The contracts entered into between Cheniere and four companies for
Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction project (Figure 6.9) represent an
unusual contract structure wherein the buyers agree to purchase an annual
contract quantity of LNG and pay Sabine Pass Liquefaction a fixed sales
charge of between $2.25/MBtu and $3.00/MBtu for the full contract quan-
tity, regardless of whether the buyer purchases any cargoes of LNG. The
fixed sales charge will be paid ratably on a monthly basis, and 15 percent
of the fixed sales charge will be subject to annual adjustment for inflation.

104The LNG MSPA 2012 and other model contracts are available complimen-

tary to AIPN members, and may be purchased by non-members for a nominal fee
on AIPNs website,
105 Baker Botts Press Release, New Model LNG MSA Will Promote

Development of LNG Secondary Market, Sept. 24, 2009, http://www.bakerbotts.

steven-miles-09-24-2009/, quoting Baker Botts Partner Steven Miles.
Source: Cheniere

Figure 6.9Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction sale and purchase agreements

166 Energy for the 21st century

If the buyer purchases LNG cargoes, then the buyer will also pay Sabine
Pass Liquefaction a contract sales price for each MMBtu of LNG deliv-
ered under the SPA. The contract sales price will be equal to 115 percent
of the final settlement price for the New York Mercantile Exchange Henry
Hub natural gas futures contract for the month in which the relevant cargo
is scheduled.106
The buyer will have the right to cancel all or any part of a scheduled
cargo of LNG by a timely advance notice, in which case the buyer will
continue to be obligated to pay the full monthly fixed sales charge but will
forfeit its right to receive the cancelled quantity and will not be obligated
to pay the contract sales price for the forfeited quantity.
Most unusual is the fact that buyers will receive bi-directional capacity
rights (such as the right to use both import and export services). In addi-
tion, there is no destination clause so buyers are free to ship LNG to any
location not prohibited by law, providing for true destination flexibility.

6.10LNG is Globalized but not Yet


The trade in LNG seems likely to continue to globalize in the coming

years and the IEA has recently recognized that globalization is not only
measured by the ratio between LNG trade and total demand, but also by
the number of countries (or regions) involved.107 As discussed throughout
this book, the number of countries looking to both import and export LNG
is increasing and new players are emerging. For example, over the past
decade, the number of importing countries grew from 11 in 2001 to 25 in
2011, with 89 LNG regasification terminals (including ten floating facilities)
in operation by the end of 2011, compared with 40 terminals in 2001.108 The
globalization of LNG trade is also evident when one compares trade move-
ments over the past decade from 2001 (Figure 6.10) to 2011 (Figure 6.11).109

106A summary of the key terms of Chenieres export SPA with BG Group can

be found in Chapter 12. Chenieres contract with BG Group was submitted to the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with Chenieres SEC 8-K filing on
October 26, 2011, and is available at
107IEA MTOGM 2011 at p.185.
108GIIGNL, The LNG Industry 2011
109While global natural gas trade increased by only 4% in 2011, LNG ship-

ments grew by 10.1% with Qatar (134.8%) accounting for virtually all (87.7%)
of the increase. Pipeline shipments grew by just 1.3%. BP Statistical Review of
World Energy 2012, Natural Gas Trade Movements,



12.36 20.2
4.87 8.3
109.02 6.67
8.63 4.2 6.89
4.28 30.59
5.3 15.27
2.62 3.04
2.6 8.2


S & Cent. America
Former Soviet Union
Middle East Trade flows (bcm)
Africa Natural gas
Asia Pacific LNG

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2002

Figure 6.10 Major LNG trade movements, 2001


29.1 9.8
26.6 16.8 12.1
3.9 35.2
44.1 19.8
15.7 10.2 5.0 19.0
4.4 14.3
17.4 41.3
14.1 7.1
3.8 8.6

9.7 3.0
S. & Cent. America
Europe & Eurasia
Middle East
Trade flows (billion cubic metres)
Pipeline gas
Asia Pacific

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2012

Figure 6.11 Major LNG trade movements, 2011

The globalization of LNG 169

Moreover, there is growing recognition that LNG is the glue linking

global gas markets and this trend is likely to continue into the future.110
So while LNG has not yet become commoditized in the sense that it
still does not trade on international markets based on a single pricing
structure, there is no doubt that LNG trade has become globalized.

6.11The Future Evolution of LNG Markets

Going forward, most experts expect the LNG markets to continue to

evolve from the traditional market structure to a more dynamic, flexible
structure that better reflects the LNG trade today (Figure 6.12).
Whether Asia, as the largest LNG market, will continue to follow its
oil-linked pricing structure is always discussed at industry conferences.
The general consensus seems to be that most people expect the Asian LNG
market to develop more flexible characteristics, including spot trading, a
spot price index and more operational flexibility.111 Nonetheless, at least
for the foreseeable future, an oil-linked gas pricing mechanism is likely to
remain dominant for long-term contract pricing in the Asia-Pacific market
for several reasons.
First, LNG producers still require pricing certainty because of the high
capital costs of developing LNG projects. Given the increase in capital
costs over the past decade, and in particular the high costs for Australian
projects, mechanisms for guaranteeing returns for LNG producers remain
critical. While this does not necessarily require that gas prices be linked
to oil prices, it supports a long-term contract price which locks in the
existing mode of pricing for the duration of the contract. Most, if not
all, of the recent Australian LNG projects are underpinned by long-term
(1525-year) contracts linked to oil.112
Second, in order for gas and oil prices to decouple in Asian markets,
there needs to be an alternative mechanism on which to base prices. This
mechanism needs to be transparent to ensure that no party (buyer or
seller) is disadvantaged at price settlement. There is currently no suitable
alternative mechanism in the Asian market.113
Third, key buyers, such as Japan and Korea, have limited import
options and are currently constrained to LNG-based imports. As such,

110IEA MTOGM 2010 at p.158.

111Pat Roberts, CWC Dynamic Insights Report, World LNG Series Asia
Pacific Summit, September 1921, 2011, Singapore.
112 BREE Gas Market Report 2012 at p.42.
170 Energy for the 21st century

Traditional Evolving

Regional markets Global markets

Bilateral point to point project Diverse supplier and

structures customer portfolios

Long-term Mix of long-term and short-

contracts medium-term contract durations

Some exposure to pricing in

Oil indexed pricing other basins (HH/NBP influence)

DES DES and FOB mix

Increased flexibility and

Limited flexibility destination freedom

No buyer equity in upstream Buyer desire for upstream

and plant and plant equity

Project (JV) lifting Equity lifting

Source: Pat Roberts, CWC Dynamic Insights Report, World LNG Series Asia Pacific
Summit, September 1921, 2011, Singapore, citing Stephen Del Regno, Managing Director
Asia Region, Chevron Global Gas.

Figure 6.12 Evolution of LNG markets

security of supply is of paramount concern and there is a fear that any

alternative pricing mechanism might jeopardize this.114
Given the dynamic nature of global gas markets and the significant
price differentials that currently exist between the regions, there are a
number of key questions going forward regarding how LNG trade and
pricing will continue to evolve. These questions include:

Will oil indexing continue to remain the dominant pricing struc-

ture or will other indexations emerge? Can oil indexation and hub
pricing co-exist in Europe and the world?

The globalization of LNG 171

Sustained high prices in recent years have prompted many com-

panies with additional capacity to secure short- and medium-term
contracts at high rates. What implication does this have for pricing
and the spot market? Will the spot market continue to expand and
where will additional spot cargoes come from?
What impact will North American LNG exports have on global
LNG prices and will North American exports sustain the growing
spot market?
How will the addition of emerging markets impact LNG trade flows
and prices? As more countries look to import LNG, there will be
more buyers that can come into the markets when prices are low.
Does this mean emerging markets will put a floor under LNG
7.Safety and environmental
sustainability of LNG

Regarding it as a clean-burning fuel, many policy leaders have suggested

that LNG can play an important role as the world struggles to meet
growing energy demand using more environmentally sustainable fuels.
Others, however, have claimed that various safety issues and the envi-
ronmental impact of LNG projects, including the life-cycle emissions
of producing and shipping LNG, may nullify any clean-burning benefit
LNG might otherwise provide. Over the same time period that the trade
in LNG has grown, it has become increasingly clear that energy produc-
tion and use will play key roles in moving toward an environmentally
sustainable future. This chapter analyzes whether LNG can play a role
in a sustainable energy future in the context of the above-mentioned
Going forward, new projects in Australia and elsewhere will inform
the discussion over the environmental sustainability of LNG and there is
much room for research and debate on this topic. Some of the key issues
that need to be analyzed will require a balancing of a number of factors

1. the emission benefits of natural gas

2. the economic benefits generated from LNG projects
3. security of supply and the role of natural gas
4. the environmental impact of LNG facilities
5. safety issues pertaining to LNG
6. methane and life-cycle emissions of LNG projects
7. technological breakthroughs that may make the production and trans-
portation of LNG more efficient and sustainable.

Some of these factors have already been discussed in the chapters per-
taining to the Golden Age of Gas and elsewhere throughout this book.
For that reason, this chapter focuses primarily on the environmental and
safety issues and the role of LNG in a carbon-constrained world.

Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 173



The construction of LNG facilities, whether liquefaction or regasification/

import terminals, gives rise to numerous potential environmental impacts.
While the potential impacts and necessary regulations vary depending on
the project and the country, the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
has issued guidelines that are illustrative of the many issues faced by all
countries when assessing the environmental impact of proposed LNG
facilities. The IFCs Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities1 are technical reference docu-
ments with general and industry-specific examples of Good International
Industry Practice (GIIP). When one or more members of the World
Bank Group are involved in a project, the IFC EHS LNG Guidelines are
applied as required by their respective policies and standards.2

7.2.1The Environmental Impact of LNG Facilities IFC EHS LNG


The IFC EHS LNG Guidelines contain the performance levels and meas-
ures that are generally considered to be achievable in new facilities by exist-
ing technology at reasonable costs. The applicability of the IFC EHS LNG
Guidelines should be tailored to the hazards and risks established for each
project on the basis of the results of an environmental assessment in which
site-specific variables are taken into account. When host country regula-
tions differ from the levels and measures presented in the IFC EHS LNG
Guidelines, projects are expected to achieve whichever is more stringent.3
The IFC EHS LNG Guidelines provide that the following environmen-
tal issues associated with LNG facilities should be considered as part of a
comprehensive assessment and management program:

Threats to aquatic and shoreline environments Construction and

maintenance dredging, disposal of dredge spoil, construction of
piers, wharves, breakwaters and other structures, and erosion may

1International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group,

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
5bb18/Final%2B-%2BLNG.pdf?MOD5AJPERES&id51323161924903, hereinaf-
ter IFC EHS LNG Guidelines.
174 Energy for the 21st century

lead to short-and long-term impacts on aquatic and shoreline habi-

tats. Additionally, the discharge of ballast water and sediment from
ships during LNG terminal loading operations may result in the
introduction of invasive aquatic species.
Hazardous materials managementStorage, transfer, and transport
of LNG may result in leaks or accidental releases. LNG tanks and
components should meet international standards for structural
design integrity and operational performance to avoid failures and
to prevent fires.
WastewaterThe Guidelines provide information on wastewater
management, water conservation and re-use, along with wastewater
and water quality monitoring programs.
Air emissionsAir emissions from LNG facilities related to com-
bustion sources for power and heat generation in addition to the use
of compressors, pumps, and reciprocating engines. Emissions due to
flaring and venting may result from activities at both LNG liquefac-
tion and regasification terminals. Principal gases from these sources
include nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon
dioxide (CO2), and in cases of sour gases, sulfur dioxide (SO2).
Waste managementWaste materials should be segregated into
non-hazardous and hazardous wastes and a waste management plan
should be developed that contains a waste tracking mechanism from
the originating location to the final waste reception location.
NoiseThe main noise emission sources in LNG facilities include
pumps, compressors, generators and drivers, compressor suction/
discharge, recycle piping, air dryers, heaters, air coolers at liquefac-
tion facilities, vaporizers used during regasification, and general
loading/unloading operations of LNG carriers/vessels.
LNG transport Common environmental issues related to vessels
and shipping (such as hazardous materials management and waste-
water) are covered in the IFC EHS Guidelines for Shipping.
Emissions from tugs and LNG vessels, especially where the jetty is
within close proximity to the coast, may also represent an important
source affecting air quality.

7.2.2 Safety Issues Pertaining to LNG Facilities Is LNG Safe?

While the LNG tanker industry can claim a record of relative safety since
LNG shipping began in 1959, the safety record of onshore LNG terminals
is a bit more mixed. In 1944, an accident at one of the United States first
LNG facilities in Ohio killed 128 people and led to public fears about the
safety of LNG that still persist today. While technology has made LNG
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 175

facilities much safer, a January 2004 accident at Algerias Skikda LNG

terminal that killed an estimated 27 workers and injured 74 others added
to the ongoing controversy over LNG facility safety.4
Most of the debate and concerns pertaining to the safety of LNG origi-
nate from the United States where LNG is officially classified as a hazard-
ous material. Since natural gas is combustible, an uncontrolled release of
LNG poses a fire hazard or potentially an explosion if in confined spaces.
While various experts have identified several potentially catastrophic
events that could arise from an LNG release, the likelihood and severity of
these events remains the subject of debate. Nonetheless, there appears to
be consensus as to what the most serious physical and safety hazards are.

Physical and safety hazards of LNG

Pool firesIf LNG spills near an ignition source, the evaporating

gas in a combustible gasair concentration will burn above the
LNG pool and the resulting pool fire will spread as the LNG pool
expands away from its source and continues evaporating. Many
experts believe that that pool fires, especially on water, pose the
greatest LNG hazard.
Flammable vapor cloudsLNG that spills without immediately
igniting could form a vapor cloud that may drift some distance
from the spill site. If the cloud encounters an ignition source, those
portions of the cloud with a combustible gasair concentration will
burn. An LNG vapor cloud fire would gradually burn its way back
to the LNG spill and continue to burn as a pool fire.
Flameless explosionsIf LNG spills on water, it could theoretically
heat up and regasify almost instantly in a flameless explosion
(also called a rapid phase transition). The effects of tanker-scale
spills have not been studied extensively, but there is a general belief
among experts that the hazards of a flameless explosion are not as
great as those of a pool fire or vapor cloud.

Terrorism hazards
LNG tankers and land-based facilities could be vulnerable to terrorist
attacks, including physical attacks on LNG tankers or tankers that are

4 Paul W. Parfomak, Cong. Research Serv., Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in

U.S. Energy Policy: Infrastructure and Market Issues, Jan. 31, 2006, http://www., citing Junnola, Jill et al., Fatal
Explosion Rocks Algerias Skikda LNG Complex. Oil Daily, Jan. 21, 2004, p.6.
176 Energy for the 21st century

commandeered for use as weapons against coastal targets. LNG terminal

facilities might also be physically attacked with explosives or by some
other means.
The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States focused
more attention on the vulnerability of LNG infrastructure. A number of
technical studies were commissioned after the attacks, which caused some
controversy due to differing conclusions about the potential public hazard
of LNG terminal accidents or terror attacks. Moreover, there was exten-
sive media coverage and public debate due in part to the number of LNG
import terminals that were being proposed at the time in the US.
In an effort to resolve the inconsistencies, the Department of Energy
commissioned a comprehensive LNG hazard study from Sandia National
Laboratories that was released in December 2004. Although the report
concluded that risks from accidental LNG spills ... are small and
manageable, it also concluded that the consequences from an inten-
tional [tanker] breach can be more severe than those from accidental
breaches.5 The Sandia study also determined that a worst-case, cred-
ible LNG tanker fire could emit harmful thermal radiation up to 2,118
meters (1.3 miles) away.6 As a result of the mixed findings from Sandia,
both proponents and opponents of new LNG terminals in the US cited
the Sandia findings to support their positions and the controversy

7.2.3 LNG Terminal Siting in the United States

In 2003, it was anticipated that much of the growth in demand for LNG
would come from the United States, where LNG was expected to fill the
supply gap caused by rising demand for natural gas coupled with falling
indigenous natural gas reserves in the United States and Canada. While
forecasts varied, many analysts expected LNG to account for 12 to 21
percent of total US gas supply by 2025, up from approximately 3 percent
in 2005.7
Energy experts also suggested that the United States would need to
rapidly invest in additional regasification terminals to accommodate the

5Sandia National Laboratories, Guidance on Risk Analysis and Safety

Implications of a Large Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Spill Over Water

(SAND2004-6258) (Sandia Report), Dec. 2004, Albuquerque, NM, at p.14.
6Sandia Report, at p.51.
7 Paul W. Parfomak, Cong. Research Serv., Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in

U.S. Energy Policy: Infrastructure and Market Issues, Jan. 31, 2006, http://www.
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 177

expected increase in LNG imports8 and numerous actions were under-

taken by the US Congress, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC), the Department of Energy, and other federal agencies to
promote greater LNG supplies, including changing regulations, clarify-
ing regulatory authorities, and streamlining the approval process for new
LNG import terminals.9
For example, in December 2002, FERC exempted LNG import termi-
nals from rate regulation and open access requirements.10 This regulatory
action, commonly called the Hackberry decision, allowed import ter-
minal owners to set market-based rates for terminal services, and allowed
terminal developers to secure proprietary terminal access for corporate
affiliates with investments in LNG supply. These regulatory changes
greatly reduced investment uncertainty for potential LNG developers and
assured access to their own terminals. In February 2004, FERC stream-
lined the LNG siting approval process through an agreement with the US
Coast Guard and the Department of Transportation to coordinate review
of LNG terminal safety and security. The agreement stipulates that the
agencies identify issues early and quickly resolve them.11
One of the key actions also undertaken to promote LNG development
was the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-58), which
amended Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act of 1938, granting the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission explicit and exclusive authority to
approve onshore LNG terminal siting applications (Sec. 311c) among
other provisions. As a result, FERC is responsible for granting federal
approval for the siting of new onshore LNG facilities and interstate gas
pipelines, and also regulates prices for interstate gas transmission.12
FERCs approval process incorporates minimum safety standards for
LNG established by the Department of Transportation (DOT). DOTs
authority originally stemmed from the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of
1968 (P.L. 90-481) and the Hazardous Liquids Pipeline Safety Act of 1979

8Daniel Yergin and Michael Stoppard, The Next Prize, Foreign Affairs, Vol.

82, No. 6 (2003) at pp.10911.

9 Paul W. Parfomak, Cong. Research Serv., Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in

U.S. Energy Policy: Infrastructure and Market Issues, Jan. 31, 2006, http://www.
10Open access required terminal owners to offer services on a first come, first

served basis, and could not discriminate against service requests to protect their
own market activities.
11 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Press release, R-04-3,

Feb. 11, 2004.

12 Natural Gas Act of 1938 (NGA), June 21, 1938, ch. 556, 52 Stat. 812 (codi-

fied as amended at 15 U.S.C. 717 et seq).

178 Energy for the 21st century

(P.L. 96-129) but these acts were subsequently combined and recodified
as the Pipeline Safety Act of 1994 (P.L. 102-508). The acts were further
amended by the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-355)
and the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-468). Under
the resulting statutory scheme, DOT is charged with issuing minimum
safety standards for the siting, design, construction, and operation of
LNG facilities.13
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 ( 311(c)) explicitly preserved states
authorities in LNG siting decisions under the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act, the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, and other
federal laws pursuant to which states could influence the siting of an LNG
project by attaching various conditions or by denying certification.14 For
example, under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, often referred to
as the Clean Water Act (CWA), states have the authority to develop and
enforce their own water quality standards.15 Any federal permit applicant
for a project that may discharge pollutants into navigable waters must
provide the permitting agency with a certification from the state in which
the discharge originates or will originate that the discharge is in compli-
ance with the applicable provisions of the CWA, including the states
water quality standards.16
Despite the regulatory changes and encouragement by many US energy
experts and politicians (see Chapter 3), the proposed construction of new
LNG import terminals in the United States generated considerable public
opposition in many of the communities where the terminals were pro-
posed. Choosing acceptable sites for new LNG terminals was particularly
challenging since many developers sought to build terminals near major
consuming markets in California and the Northeast to avoid pipeline bot-
tlenecks and to minimize transportation costs. However, those proposals
struggled for approval due to community concerns about the safety and
environmental impact of LNG facilities.17
For example, in California several proposed LNG terminals were

13 Paul W. Parfomak and Adam Vann, Cong. Research Serv., Liquefied

Natural Gas (LNG) Import Terminals: Siting, Safety, and Regulation (RL 32205),
Feb. 24, 2009.
15 33 U.S.C. 1251(a),(b).
16Ibid. at 1341(a).
17 Paul W. Parfomak, Cong. Research Serv., Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

in U.S. Energy Policy: Infrastructure and Market Issues (RL32386), Jan. 31, 2006, As was noted at the
time, LNG terminal opposition is not unlike that experienced by some other types
of industrial and utility facilities. Ibid.
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 179

blocked, including a proposed terminal in Northern Californias

Humboldt Bay, Sound Energy Solutions proposed terminal in Long
Beach, California, and BHP Billitons proposed floating LNG facility off
the coast of Malibu.18
Proposed LNG terminals on the East Coast of the United States did
not fare much better, and in April 2008 the New York Secretary of State
rejected a proposal by Broadwater Energy to construct a floating storage
and regasification unit for imported LNG in Long Island Sound.19 The
proposed facility had been approved by FERC subject to more than 80
mitigation measures to enhance safety and security and minimize environ-
mental impacts.20 Terminals were blocked in other states as well and some
developers abandoned proposals due to intense community opposition.21
In 2003, leading energy expert Daniel Yergin predicted that due to envi-
ronmental concerns in the United States, import terminals would prob-
ably need to be built in neighboring countries such as Mexico and Canada
to supply the United States. Mr Yergins predictions were correct and, to
date, the only West Coast import terminal to have been built is Sempras
LNG terminal, Energia Costa Azul, located in Baja California, Mexico (at
the border of Southern California and Mexico).22

18See Sierra Club, Huge Victory Against Offshore LNG Terminal, available

at, and Sierra

Club, Liquefied Natural Gas Threatens Californias Coastal Communities, available
19 New York Secretary of State Determines Broadwaters LNG Facility Not

Consistent with the Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program, New York
Dept. of State Press Release, Apr. 10, 2008, available at http://www.dos.state.
20 FERC Approves Broadwater LNG Project Subject to Safety, Environmental

Measures, FERC News Release, March 20, 2008, available at

news/news-releases/2008/2008-1/03-20-08-C-1.asp. FERCs review of the project
took 38 months and 25,000 staff hours and produced a final environmental impact
statement (EIS) exceeding 2,200 pages. Ibid.
21Due to local community opposition, LNG developers withdrew terminal

projects proposed in California, Maine, North Carolina, Florida, and Mexico.

Other terminal proposals in Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey and Canada
faced stiff community opposition. In Alabama, a state assumed by many to be
friendly to LNG development, community groups effectively blocked two onshore
terminal proposals and called for LNG import terminals to be built only offshore.
Paul W. Parfomak, Cong. Research Serv., Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in U.S.
Energy Policy: Infrastructure and Market Issues (RL32386), Jan. 31, 2006, http://
22 Sempra Energys New Baja California LNG Terminal Ready for Commercial

Operations, May 15, 2008,, available at

180 Energy for the 21st century

In short, no LNG project was successfully executed in the United

States in the face of staunch state and local opposition. The importance of
ensuring local stakeholder acceptance held true even though FERC was
granted primacy over the siting of LNG terminals and approved a number
of terminals. As it turned out, the US did not end up needing all of the
proposed import terminals and most of the import terminals that were
built are now seeking to try to add export capability! This amazing turn of
events is discussed in detail in Chapters 1012.



Is LNG a contributor to a sustainable energy future? Initial analysis indi-

cates that it may be. As the world grapples with issues related to climate
change and carbon emissions, it has been widely recognized that natural
gas is one of the cleanest-burning fuels and produces relatively low carbon
dioxide emissions.23 Nonetheless, there are two primary environmental
considerations related to LNG emissions. The first is the methane emis-
sions that come from all natural gas. The second consideration is the
criticism that the life-cycle emissions the entire supply chain emissions
diminish any clean-burning benefits LNG might provide.

7.3.1 Natural Gas Methane Emissions

Although natural gas is a relatively low-carbon, clean-burning fuel, the

principal component of natural gas is methane (CH4). Methane is a potent
greenhouse gas (GHG) and has 23 times the radiative forcing impact
of CO2 on a weight basis over a 100-year period. Methane is the largest
contributor to anthropogenic GHG emissions after carbon dioxide and
accounts for about 16 percent of the total on a CO2 equivalent basis. This
factor makes the control of CH4 emissions an important component of
any GHG emissions mitigation strategy.24

23 LNG: An Essential Part of Americans Clean Energy Mix, Center for

Liquefied Natural Gas, Media Advisory (April 24, 2008), available at http://www.
24IPIECA Workshop Report, Natural Gas as a Climate Change Solution:

Breaking Down the Barriers to Methanes Expanding Role (2007), http://www. as-c limate-c hange-s olution-b reaking-d own-
barriers-methanes-expanding-role, hereinafter IPIECA Workshop Report 2007.
Co-sponsored by the Methane-to-Markets Partnership, US EPA and IPIECA,
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 181

Methane emissions occur in all sectors of the natural gas industry,

from drilling and production, through processing and transmission, to
distribution. Emissions primarily result from normal operations, routine
maintenance, fugitive leaks and system upsets. As gas moves through the
system, emissions occur through intentional venting and unintentional
leaks. Venting can occur through equipment design or operational prac-
tices, such as the continuous bleed of gas from pneumatic devices (which
control gas flows, levels, temperatures, and pressures in the equipment), or
venting from well completions during production.
In addition to vented emissions, methane losses can occur from leaks
(also referred to as fugitive emissions) in all parts of the infrastructure,
from connections between pipes and vessels to valves and equipment.25

7.3.2 Life-Cycle Emissions of LNG

Although LNG burns cleanly, concerns have been raised that the envi-
ronmental impact and emissions associated with LNG production may
nullify the clean-burning benefits of LNG. To date, there is limited inde-
pendent research that analyzes the environmental impact of the entire
life-cycle emissions of LNG and most environmental impact statements
(EIS) tend to focus on just one aspect of the LNG supply chain, such as
the emissions associated with the liquefaction or regasification process.
But at least one study, the Heede Cabrillo Study (discussed in detail
below) has suggested that the entire supply chain emissions or life-cycle
emissions from production through end-use of the delivered natural gas
might be quite significant and should be considered in any environmen-
tal impact report.26 As this book goes to print, more attention is being
paid to life-cycle emissions and this appears to be the growing standard,

this workshop brought together experts from academia, business, governments,

and international and non-governmental organizations to focus on the barriers to
bringing methane to market, with attention to both increasing natural gas supply
and decreasing fugitive methane emissions, on current strategies for breaching
these barriers and on case studies that highlight successful implementation of these
strategies in the oil and gas industry. The IEA has also recognized the importance
of policy measures aimed at mitigating methane emissions. IEA (2009), Energy
Sector Methane Recovery and Use: The Importance of Policy, OECD/IEA, Paris.
25 Natural Gas STAR Program, available at
26 Heede, Richard (2006), LNG Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emissions

for the Cabrillo Deepwater Port: Natural Gas from Australia to California, com-
missioned by California Coastal Protection Network & Environmental Defense
Center (Santa Barbara, CA),
LNGrptMay06.pdf (hereinafter Heede Cabrillo Study).
182 Energy for the 21st century

although much more research and studies are needed with regard to
In the Heede study, an analysis was conducted of the life-cycle emis-
sions resulting from BHP Billitons proposed Cabrillo LNG terminal
off the coast of southern California. In its permit application to the US
Coast Guard and the State of California, BHP estimated greenhouse gas
emissions only from the operation of its proposed Cabrillo Deepwater
Port. The Heede study was commissioned to estimate the entire life-cycle
emissions of the project from the production platform offshore Western
Australia and across the Pacific Ocean to Southern California, including
combustion by end-users in Southern California.27
The purpose of the Heede Cabrillo Study was not to attribute the entire
supply chain emissions to BHP but, rather, to fully account for all the
emissions attributable to the proposed project from start to finish from
production to combustion. The study ultimately found that the supply
chain emissions from production through end-use of the delivered natural
gas [were] equal to 4.3 to 4.9 percent of Californias total GHG emissions,
and 5.3 to 5.9 percent of CO2 emissions using EIA emissions data.28
The largest component of the supply chain emissions was the combus-
tion of the natural gas delivered to the Southern Californian utility and its
end-users. The emissions estimates for this segment ranged from 15.82 to
15.89 MtCO2-eq plus 0.58 to 0.72 MtCO2-eq of methane for an average
total estimate of 16.50 MtCO2-eq per year, or 72 percent of the total
While not the largest component of emissions, the most relevant find-
ings for LNG processing are the emissions estimates for the processing
segment and the transportation segment. The emissions estimates for the
processing segment range from 1.97 to 3.17 MtCO2-eq for an average of
2.69 MtCO2-eq per year, or 11.8 percent of the total. The emissions esti-
mates for the transportation segment range from a low of 1.80 MtCO2-eq
to a high of 2.37 MtCO2-eq for an average of 2.09 MtCO2-eq per year, or
9.2 percent of the total.30
A major limitation of the Heede Study is that it is based on estimates
assuming industry best practices or, in some cases, improvements over
standard practice or industry benchmarks. The estimates were used since
the facilities had not been designed or built and Heede did not have access

27 Heede Cabrillo Study.

Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 183

to BHP engineering data other than limited information in the permit

application. Nonetheless, the Heede study is instructive since the life-cycle
analysis was used to support strong environmental opposition to BHPs
proposed LNG facility which was ultimately denied by the State of

7.3.3LNG versus Coal-fired Power Plants Life-cycle Analysis of


In much of the world, coal is a plentiful resource and therefore is the domi-
nant fuel source for electrical power production. Natural gas, and LNG
as a supplement to domestic natural gas supplies, is increasingly playing
a larger role in electrical power generation due to the perceived emissions
benefits. At least two studies have accessed the GHG emissions from LNG
versus coal-fired power plants and have reached different conclusions.
A study by researchers at Carnegie Mellon found that LNG imported
from foreign countries to be used for electricity generation could have
35 percent higher life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions than coal used
in advanced power plant technologies.32 The Carnegie Mellon study
analyzed the effects of the additional air emissions from the LNG/SNG
life-cycle on the overall emissions from electricity generation in the United
States. The study found that with current electricity generation technolo-
gies, natural gas life-cycle GHG emissions are generally lower than coal
life-cycle emissions, even when increased LNG imports are included.
However, the range of life-cycle GHG emissions of electricity generated
with LNG is significantly closer to the range of emissions from coal than
the life-cycle emissions of natural gas produced in North America. The
study also found that upstream GHG emissions of NG/LNG/SNG33
have a higher impact in the total life-cycle emissions than upstream coal

31See Sierra Club, Huge Victory Against Offshore LNG Terminal, available

at, and Sierra

Club, Liquefied Natural Gas Threatens Californias Coastal Communities, available
32 Jaramillo, P., W.M. Griffin and H.S. Matthews (2007), Comparative Life-

cycle Air Emissions of Coal, Domestic Natural Gas, LNG, and SNG for Electricity
Generation, Environmental Science Technology, 41 (17), 629096, available at
(hereinafter Jaramillo Life-cycle Study 2007).
33 NG 5 natural gas, LNG 5 liquefied natural gas, SNG 5 synthetic natural

gas (produced via coal gasificationmethanation).

34 Jaramillo Life-cycle Study 2007.
184 Energy for the 21st century

The Carnegie Mellon Study also analyzed advanced technologies and

suggested that as newer-generation technologies and carbon capture and
storage (CCS) are installed, the overall life-cycle GHG emissions from
electricity generated from coal, domestic natural gas, LNG or SNG could
be similar. For SOx, the study found that coal and SNG would have the
largest life-cycle emissions. For NOx, LNG would have the highest life-
cycle emissions and would be the only fuel that could have higher emis-
sions than the current average emission factor from electricity generation,
even with advanced power design.35
In contrast to the Carnegie Mellon Study, a study commissioned by
the Center for Liquefied Natural Gas (CLNG) found that existing US
domestic coal power plants produce two-and-a-half times more emissions
on a life-cycle basis than LNG does.36 LNG emissions were even lower
when compared with those of advanced ultra supercritical pulverized coal
(SCPC) power plants and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC)
coal-fired power plants (neither of which are currently commercially
viable in the US). The production and combustion emissions were greater
in all of the coal cases but the processing and transportation segment emis-
sions were greater in the LNG cases.37 (See Table 7.1.)
It has been recognized that comprehensive life-cycle analysis (LCA)
of emissions is very complex and requires a variety of methodological
and data assumptions. Thus, while there are published reports from both
private and governmental agencies related to emissions, the uncertain-
ties, process changes and lack of comprehensive measurement in the value
chain make it difficult to draw definitive conclusions related to emission
contributions especially from the fuel value chain prior to the power

36 Pace, Life Cycle Assessment of GHG Emissions from LNG and Coal

Fired Generation Scenarios: Assumptions and Results, Prepared for Center

for Liquefied Natural Gas (CLNG), Feb. 3, 2009,
resources/LCA_Assumptions_LNG_and_Coal_Feb09.pdf (hereinafter Pace
CLNG Study).
37 Pace CLNG Study.
38Working Document of the NPC North American Resource Development

Study, made available September 15, 2011, Paper no. 4-2, Life-cycle Emissions of
Natural Gas and Coal in the Power Sector, Prepared by the Life-Cycle Analysis
Team of the Carbon and Other End-Use Emissions Subgroup, http://www.npc.
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 185

Table 7.1Life-cycle emissions of coal power plants and LNG (Ibs CO2e/

Production Processing Transportation Combustion Total

LNG 15 134 99 797 1,045
Coal IGCC 61 24 9 1,714 1,808
Advanced 61 24 9 1,773 1,868
ultra SCPC
Existing coal 76 30 12 2,614 2,731

Source: Pace CLNG Study



Until recently, there have been very limited public data on emis-
sions from LNG projects. New projects in Australia should provide
some of the missing information. For example, Australia is plan-
ning a massive expansion in LNG liquefaction with several major
projects underway including the massive Gorgon and Wheatstone
projects. Going forward, assessing the environmental sustainability of
LNG will mainly be driven by analysis of the data coming from the
planned Australian LNG projects, primarily because Australia has a
well-developed environmental and regulatory framework that is also
Since many of the Australian projects are still under construction, they
are only just starting to shed some light on the potential emissions from
LNG projects around the world. For example, the Wheatstone Draft EIS,
which was released in July 2010, offered the following glimpse of what the
emissions might be in that project as well as other LNG projects around
the globe.39 For the Wheatstone project, it is estimated that the annual
greenhouse gas emissions from the project may increase Australia and

39 Chevron Australia, Draft Environmental Impact Statement/

Environmental Review and Management Program for the Proposed
Wheatstone Project: Volume I (Chapters 1 to 6) (hereinafter Wheatstone Draft
EIS/EMP), July 2010,
186 Energy for the 21st century

Western Australias greenhouse gas emissions by 1.7 percent and 13.5

percent respectively.40
The Draft EIS argued that this increase should be considered in the
context of the impact on global emissions and referenced a WorleyParsons
study commissioned by Woodside Energy to compare exports of Australian
LNG with exports of Australian black coal in terms of life-cycle emissions
where the end-use was for electric power generation in China.41 According
to the WorleyParsons study, for each megawatt hour of electricity gener-
ated in China using LNG as a fuel (imported from Australia), between 440
and 600 kg of greenhouse gases were released to the atmosphere. For each
megawatt hour of electricity generated using imports of Australian black
coal, the range was between 720 and 1010 kg, or approximately 40 percent
higher.42 Thus, the Wheatstone Draft EIS suggested that exporting LNG
to China was a better alternative in terms of emissions than exporting coal
to China.43
The early Wheatstone Draft EIS also attempted to benchmark other
LNG projects but acknowledged that very limited data were available.44
The chart in Figure 7.1 shows the greenhouse gas emissions intensity asso-
ciated with LNG processing for LNG projects currently in production as
dark grey bars. The medium grey bars show the estimated LNG process-
ing emissions intensity for the two Australian LNG projects that are cur-
rently under construction and the light grey bars show the estimated LNG
processing emissions intensity for other Australian LNG projects that are
currently undergoing environmental impact assessment. The estimated
LNG processing emissions intensity of the Wheatstone project is shown in
black. Where data are available, the white bar shows the emission intensity
of the associated gas production operations. Projects where publicly avail-
able data on gas production emissions are not available are indicated with
a circle.

40Wheatstone Draft EIS/EMP.

41WorleyParsons, Woodside Energy Limited Greenhouse Gas Emissions Study
of Australian LNG, Originally prepared August 7, 2008, Modified for public
release, March 2011, available at
emissions%20study%20of%20australian%20lng.pdf (hereinafter WorleyParsons
GHG LNG Study).
43Wheatstone Draft EIS/EMP, at Section 4.2.6, p.118.
44Wheatstone Draft EIS/EMP.
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 187

Tonnes CO2e/tonnes LNG 0.8

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No public data available on gas production emissions intensity

Source: Wheatstone Draft EIS/EMP

Figure 7.1 Greenhouse gas emissions from major LNG projects

7.4.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Australian Projects45

According to a recent article that summarized the greenhouse gas emis-

sions from several major projects in Australia, preliminary analysis shows
that greenhouse gas emissions from Australias booming LNG sector are
set to grow sharply.46
The article acknowledged that while LNG is a cleaner fuel than
coal, extracting, processing, chilling and then shipping LNG releases
large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions (the total life-cycle emis-
sions), particularly carbon dioxide. The following are the estimated
emissionsfrom several major Australian projects either under construction
or awaiting final investment decisions.47

45The Australian projects, and in particular Chevrons Gorgon project, are

discussed in more detail in Chapter 8.

46David Fogarty, Factbox: Projected CO Emissions from Top Australia
LNG Projects, Reuters, May 10, 2011,
188 Energy for the 21st century


Initial capacity: 15 mtpa (likely to be expanded to 20 mtpa).

Emissions: estimated CO2-e emissions between 5.45 and 8.81 million
tonnes per annum, depending on the level of CO2 captured and stored.

The A$37 billion project includes a A$2 billion investment to pump 3.3
million tonnes of CO2 stripped from the raw gas back into a deep natural
reservoir. The Gorgon gas field has a high CO2 content of between 13
and 14 percent, but capturing part of the CO2 helps lower the projects
emissions intensity to about 350 kilograms per tonne of LNG shipped.


Target total LNG capacity: 25 mtpa.

Emissions: based on 25 mtpa production, the company estimates
total greenhouse gas production of 10.3 million tonnes per year.

The gas fields tapped for the Wheatstone project have a much lower CO2
content than Gorgon and the 2010 Draft EIS indicated that the lack
of commercially viable reservoirs nearby and low CO2 content made
re-injection of the stripped CO2 unfeasible. Estimated emissions intensity
for the project is 370 kg of CO2-e per tonne of LNG.


Initial capacity to come online in 2011: 4.3 mtpa. Second produc-

tion train of 4.3 mtpa planned. Possibility of up to four trains of 4.3
Emissions: about 1.4 million tonnes of CO2-e for the first 4.3 mtpa.

The Pluto gas field has a CO2 content of 2 percent and the company says
the emissions intensity of the project is about 320 kg of greenhouse gas
pollution per tonne of LNG produced. The company has signed a deal
worth nearly A$100 million to create tree plantations to offset emissions
from the project.

48Additional information about greenhouse gas related issues from the

Gorgon project can be found in Chapter 13 of the Draft Environmental Impact

Statement/Environmental Review and Management Programme for the
Gorgon Development,
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 189


LNG capacity: between 11 and 50 mtpa.

Emissions: between 7.1 million and 32 million tonnes of CO2-e.
Total CO2 will depend on the design of the LNG plant and the
eventual size of the operation.

Emissions from the project are estimated to be higher because of the high
CO2 content of the raw gas from the three main fields at 10 percent. The
company says it is looking at re-injecting CO2 back into underground rock


LNG capacity: 8.4 mtpa.

Emissions: about 7 million tonnes of CO2-e per year, or an estimated
278 million tonnes over the projects 40-year lifetime.

The Ichthys project will tap two main gas fields with 8 percent and 17
percent CO2 content. About a third of the projects total carbon emis-
sions will come from venting the stripped CO2 into the atmosphere,
although energy efficiency steps might reduce emissions on this project
over time.


LNG capacity: 3.5 mtpa.

Emissions: 2.3 million tonnes of CO2-e.

This is among the more emissions-intensive LNG projects because of its

9 percent CO2 content in the feed gas. Total greenhouse gas emissions are
just over 600 kg per tonne of LNG produced.

Australia Pacific LNG Project (APLNG)

LNG capacity: initially about 9 mtpa in two trains. Up to 18 mtpa

in final development.
Emissions: estimated at 640 kg CO2-e per tonne of LNG shipped, or
about 5.7 million tonnes for a 9 mtpa production capacity.

This is a coal seam gas to LNG project.

190 Energy for the 21st century

Curtis Island (QCLNG)

LNG capacity: estimated at 11 mtpa by 2021 in three trains.

Emissions: 4.5 million tonnes of CO2-e.

This is a coal seam gas project.

Gladstone (GLNG)

Capacity: 10 mtpa in three production trains.

Emissions: project documents estimate between 5 and 7.2 million
tonnes CO2-e per annum.

This is a coal seam gas project.

7.4.2 Should Emissions be Considered on a Global or Local Basis?

In terms of countering claims that the new LNG projects planned for
Australia will increase Australias emissions, for its part the industry
maintains that LNG can actually reduce overall emissions on a global
basis with the contention that for every tonne of greenhouse gas emissions
generated by LNG production in Australia, between 4.5 and 9 tonnes are
avoided in Asia when this gas is substituted for coal in electricity genera-
tion.49 In support of its position, the LNG industry primarily relies on the
WorleyParsons study referenced in the Wheatstone Draft EIS and most
recently modified for public release in March 2011.50
The study, entitled Greenhouse Gas Emissions Study of Australian
LNG, provides a comparison of Australian LNG and Australian black
coal in terms of life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions, which includes the
entire process from extraction and processing in Australia through to an
end-use of combustion in China for power generation.51

49Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA),
emissions.html, and see Chevron Australia, Gorgon Project, Greenhouse Gas
mentalresponsibility/greenhousegasmanagement.aspx, Gorgon can help reduce
net greenhouse gases worldwide by displacing other fossil fuels. Gorgon LNG sold
globally will result in about 45 million ton[n]es less global greenhouse emissions
per year, compared to the use of coal.
50WorleyParsons GHG LNG Study.
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 191

Table 7.2 Life stages of fuel for GHG emissions assessment

North West Shelf Project LNG Australian black coal

Extraction, processing & liquefaction Mining & processing in Australia
in Australia
Transport/shipping to China Transport/shipping to China
Regasification in China Combustion/power generation in
Combustion/power generation in China

Source: WorleyParsons GHG LNG Study

An assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions for the life-cycles of both

LNG from the North West Shelf (NWS) Project and Australian black coal
from the Hunter Valley was carried out to determine the total emissions
attributable to each fuel source throughout its life-cycle, as indicated in
Table 7.2.
The WorleyParsons study found that the displacement of coal with
LNG for use for power generation in China results in substantial reduc-
tions globally in greenhouse gas emissions, albeit at the expense of
some additional Australian greenhouse gas emissions. For the scenarios
addressed in Table 7.3, between 5.5 and 9.5 tonnes of CO2-e are saved
globally by LNG replacement of coal for every tonne of CO2-e released in
Australia in the LNG process.
While the measurement of emissions on a global basis has some
merit, it is far from clear that this is the consensus view. In addition, as
discussed in Chapter 1, the IEAs Golden Age of Gas Report indicated
that, absent additional actions, the worlds increased use of natural gas
would not result in the agreed-upon reduction of greenhouse gas emis-
sions. More recently, at an energy conference in Australia, Christof Ruhl,
chief economist at BP, told the conference that although natural gas is
the fastest-growing fossil fuel, it is unlikely to reduce emissions enough to
reduce climate change. Mr Ruhl also noted that while the replacement of
coal by gas would have some effect, it would not be enough to stave off
greenhouse gas emissions that can cause climate change. He indicated that
BPs 2030 projections indicate CO2 emissions will continue to increase
despite advancements in energy efficiency. Moreover, The problem of
energy security wont subside just shift, with India and China relying on
imports for up to 80 percent of their oil consumption.52

52Rick Wilkinson, WorleyParsons: LNG has Lower GHG-emission

192 Energy for the 21st century

Table 7.3Example scenarios of Australianglobal emissions relationship

for LNG

Scenario Case Technology Global life- Australian Emissions

cycle GHG component ratio (global
intensity of the GHG change in
t CO2-e / intensity emissions:
MWh t CO2-e / Australian
MWh emissions)
t CO2-e /
t CO2-e
New power Base case Super- 0.769 0.03
generation critical
plant in
LNG CCGT 0.440 0.06 5.5: 111

New power Base case Sub-critical 1.018 0.04

LNG CCGT 0.440 0.06 9.5: 112
plant in

1. This shows that through the utilization of LNG for a new power generation plant in
China in place of coal, 5.5 tonnes of CO2-e are saved globally, at the expense of every
tonne of CO2-e emitted in Australia.
2.This shows that through the replacement of a current coal-fired power generation
plant in China with a LNG power plant, 9.5 tonnes of CO2-e are saved globally, at the
expense of every tonne of CO2-e emitted in Australia.

Source: WorleyParsons GHG LNG Study

7.4.3 Australias Proposed Carbon Tax

Policy makers throughout the world are considering a variety of legislative

and regulatory options to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Assessing
these options requires understanding their likely effectiveness, scale, and
cost, as well as their implications for economic growth and quality of life.
For its part, the Australian government has acknowledged that the
oil and gas industry is an important contributor to Australias economy
and employs about 12,000 people. LNG exports alone were valued at

Benefit, Oil&Gas Journal, April 21, 2011,

Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 193

$7.8 billion in 200910 and are projected to increase to over $8.4bn in

201011.53 While recognizing the economic benefits from the energy
industry, the Australian government has also been seeking to impose a
carbon tax on the industry in an effort to reduce emissions.
In July 2011, Australias government unveiled its proposed plans for
a carbon tax. Not surprisingly, the plans were not well received by the
Australian LNG industry, which argues the tax will make the indus-
try less internationally competitive.54 The plan as proposed by Prime
Minister Julia Gillards government includes an initial carbon tax of
A$23($24.74) per tonne from 2012, rising by 2.5 percent a year, moving
to a market-based trading scheme in 2015. The plan could lead to the
largest emissions trading scheme outside Europe as Australia tries to cut
its emissions by 159 million tonnes by 2020, or by 5 percent based on 2000
Because the Australian LNG producers will receive a supplementary
allocation of emissions permits for 50 percent effective assistance on the
tax, many industry analysts feel the impacts will be minor to moderate.
Moreover, since the bulk of the costs for an LNG project are capital
expenditures, the carbon tax may end up being a significant part of the
operating cost but a relatively small portion of the overall project costs.
Nonetheless, there is some concern that the tax will add yet one more
additional cost to projects that are already considered to be some of the
worlds most costly and have gained a reputation for running over budget.
However, although the carbon tax may erode the profit margins of some
LNG projects, so far it appears that no major Australian project will
become uneconomic as a result of the tax.56
The Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association
(APPEA) has opposed the tax, claiming that the proposal does not do
enough to protect the competitiveness of Australias growing LNG
industry. The industry also rejects the claim that it is the big polluter

53Global Methane Initiative, citing Australian Bureau of Statistics, 8155.0

Australian Industry, 20089.

54Rebekah Kebede, Q1A Australias Carbon Tax and the LNG Industry,

Reuters, July 11, 2011,

56Ibid. As this book goes to print, potentially huge cost blowouts for some

of the Australian projects are being announced with details yet to follow. Matt
(Chambers), Gorgon Project Profitable Despite Cost Blowout, Says Chevron,
The Australian, Dec. 1, 2012,
194 Energy for the 21st century

when for every tonne of emissions produced in liquefying natural gas,

up to 9.5 tonnes are saved from entering the atmosphere when LNG is
substituted for coal in customer countries.57 The industry also maintains
that the carbon tax proposal would give Australias competitors in LNG
production Qatar, Malaysia, and Indonesia an edge over Australia,
which is already suffering from a high cost environment.58
At this stage, it appears the proposed tax scheme will impact each
project differently since carbon emissions vary for each project. For
example, some projects in the Browse Basin off Western Australia have
as much as 10 percent carbon dioxide by volume, which is extracted at
the same time as the gas. Coal seam gas projects in Australias eastern
state of Queensland may produce more greenhouse gas due to the amount
of energy required to extract the gas. In addition, some LNG trains are
more energy and carbon efficient than others. Yet another difference
is that some projects are limiting or offsetting carbon emissions. For
example, Chevron plans to sequester some of the carbon it emits at its
Gorgon projects, while Woodsides Pluto LNG will be offsetting its
carbon emissions over 50 years by planting millions of trees at a cost of
While the impact of Australias proposed carbon tax will require closer
analysis once it goes into effect on July 1, 2012,60 at least one analyst has
said that, for the moment, the carbon tax may be less of a worry than
current labor shortages in Australia.61

57APPEA Media Release, Carbon Pricing Mechanism to Add Cost to LNG

Exports, July 1, 2012,

60Australias carbon pricing mechanism commenced on July 1, 2012, and is

expected to apply to about 300 of Australias largest polluters. Starting in 2013,

emitters will have to buy a permit from the government (a carbon unit) for each
tonne of pollution at the fixed price of $23 per tonne. For a summary of the key
provisions, see The Weekend Australian Financial Review, June 30July 1, 2012,
61Myles Morgan, Labour Shortage Tops Gas Industry Carbon Tax Fears,

ABC News Australia, Oct. 7, 2011,

07/20111007-lng-conference-carbon-tax/3347750. Poten & Partners representa-
tive Stephen Thompson told a South East Asia Australia Offshore Conference
in Darwin that The shortage of labour and how to get enough people to do
all of the projects Australia is currently embarked on is probably the most
significant problem people have in mind. However, others at the conference
expressed concerns that the carbon tax would hurt Australias thriving LNG
export business. Ibid.
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 195


While the Australian projects offer valuable insight into LNG emissions,
much more analysis is needed of those projects, as well as other new
projects around the world. Looking ahead, it is important that the LNG
industry continues to utilize best practices to optimize energy efficiency
and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Although the ways in which the
LNG industry can enhance environmental sustainability vary project by
project,62 in general some of the most significant advancements can be
achieved with methane mitigation and improved efficiencies in processing
and transportation.

7.5.1 Benefits of Methane (CH4) Mitigation

Reducing methane emissions has many important energy, economic,

environmental, and safety benefits. Methane is second only to carbon
dioxide (CO2) as a GHG resulting from human activities, and emissions
of methane are expected to increase 23 percent to nearly 8 million tonnes
(Mt) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-eq) by 2020, driven by growth in
emerging economies, particularly in the natural gas and coal sectors.63
Methane is 23 times as effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere as
CO2 and also has a relatively short atmospheric lifetime of approximately
12 years. These two characteristics make methane emission reductions
particularly effective in mitigating global warming in the next 25 years.64
Since methane is the primary constituent of natural gas, the collection and
utilization of methane provides a valuable, clean-burning and renewable
energy source. Producing energy from recovered methane can also help to
avoid the use of higher CO2- and pollutant-emitting energy sources such
as coal and oil.
Methane mitigation is also recognized as an important component
under the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocols flexible mechanisms,
the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation
(JI), provide carbon credits for fuel switching or CH4 emission reduction
projects. However, as of the end of 2005, only 2 percent of the credits from
approved or proposed CDM projects were for reduction of CH4 emissions

62See Chapter 8 for a discussion of the efficiency gains in the Chevron

Gorgon project.
63Methane to Markets, Global Methane Emissions and Mitigation

Opportunities, available at

196 Energy for the 21st century

from oil and gas operations. Credits from the flexible mechanisms can be
used in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) or sold
in the carbon market. Under the EU ETS fuel switching from coal-fired
electricity production to natural gas-fired electricity production may be
promoted where the incremental rise in costs is met or exceeded by the
value of carbon credits.65

7.5.2 Barriers to Methane Mitigation

There are several barriers to reducing CH4 emissions. In some instances

there is a lack of information about emission levels and the value of the
fuel being lost. Traditional industry practices, such as using high-pressure
natural gas in pneumatic devices, can also be a barrier to considering
lower-emission alternatives. There may also be resistance from local com-
munities to the building of the infrastructure (such as LNG terminals and
pipelines) needed to transport recovered gas to market.66
Technical barriers to CH4 emission reduction from oil and gas operation
can arise from a lack of measurement techniques to characterize emissions
and of familiarity with technical options and their benefits. Addressing
technical barriers requires implementation of a phased approach to emis-
sion reduction. Initial steps require that all existing and potential sources
of emissions are identified and inventoried. Following characterization
of emission sources, the alternative technological options for reducing
emissions can be evaluated, and project feasibility studies developed.
Reviewing and evaluating experiences, as well as information sharing
through partnerships, enables these barriers to be addressed.67
Additionally, regulatory barriers can block production of otherwise
economically recoverable natural gas resources. For example, much of the
potential natural gas production capacity in the US is currently inaccess
ible because of regulatory restrictions. Removing these restrictions requires
public, political and industry support. To overcome the above barriers, the
following partnerships and cooperative efforts have been formed.
Natural Gas STAR is a voluntary partnership between the US EPA and
oil and gas industry partners with the goal of implementing cost-effective
technologies and practices to reduce CH4 emissions from oil and gas

65IPIECA Workshop Report, Natural Gas as a Climate Change Solution:

Breaking Down the Barriers to Methanes Expanding Role (2007), http://www.
methanes-expanding-role (hereinafter IPIECA Workshop Report (2007)).
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 197

perations. The Natural Gas STAR partners have identified approxi-

mately 100 emission reduction techniques, which have led to cumulative
emission reductions of 460 Bcf.
Natural Gas STAR International works to promote technology transfer
and provide assistance to international oil and gas companies to develop
and implement cost-effective CH4 emission reduction plans, and report on
successes in controlling CH4 emissions from their international natural gas
The Methane to Markets Partnership is a cooperative agreement between
countries designed to reduce CH4 emissions from all anthropogenic
sources, including the oil and gas industry. Private companies participate
through a project network, which now includes more than 350 organiza-
tions. In 2005, the partner countries accounted for 56 per cent of global
methane emissions from the oil and gas industry. In October 2010, the
Methane to Markets Partnership became the Global Methane Initiative,
and as of the time this book goes to print the website and outreach
materials are in a transition phase.
The Global Methane Initiative (GMI) was launched on October 1,
2010, and replaced the Methane to Markets Partnership. The member-
ship of the GMI includes 38 governments, the European Commission, the
Asian Development Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank,
which launched the GMI to urge stronger international action to fight
climate change while developing clean energy and stronger economies.
GMI builds on the existing structure and success of the Methane to
Markets Partnership to reduce emissions of methane, while enhancing and
expanding these efforts and encouraging new resource commitments from
country partners.68
The Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership is an agreement between
countries, international oil companies, the World Bank, OPEC and the EU
to support developing nation governments and the petroleum industry in
their efforts to reduce gas flaring and venting. It has developed global stand-
ards for flaring and venting, regulatory best practices and a gas flaring data
tool, and promoted carbon credit financing for flare reduction projects.69
The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate involves
six countries (Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea and the US) and has
the goal of promoting the development and deployment of clean energy
technologies. One of its eight task forces is focused on cleaner fossil

68The Global Methane Initiative,

69World Bank, Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership,
198 Energy for the 21st century

fuel technology, including greater use of LNG. Experience drawn from

projects and initiatives highlights the importance of information in over-
coming the technical barriers to CH4 emission reduction, and the need for
an improved regulatory environment and stakeholder support for projects
to increase natural gas supply.

7.5.3 Methane Mitigation Opportunities in the Gas and LNG Industry

A wide variety of technologies are available to reduce CH4 emissions from

natural gas production and use. The Natural Gas STAR programme
has identified almost 100 emission reduction techniques. Many of these
technologies are relatively simple and cost effective, such as vapour recov-
ery for storage tanks and the use of electric motors rather than gas-fired
engines to power wellhead equipment.70
Methane emission reduction opportunities generally fall into one of three
categories: (1) technologies or equipment upgrades that reduce or eliminate
equipment venting or fugitive emissions; (2) improvements in management
practices and operational procedures; or (3) enhanced management prac-
tices that take advantage of improved technology. In all cases, reducing
methane emissions makes additional gas available for sale and use.71
Methane losses from LNG facilities are estimated at 4 Bcf and can be
broken down as follows:72

Emissions from LNG liquefaction equipment

compressor seals
CO2 removal systems
dehydration systems
tank overpressure
ship loading displacement vapors

Emissions from LNG storage tanks

tank overpressure venting
leaks from pressure relief valves
vapor recovery compressors

70IPIECA Workshop Report (2007).

71Methane to Markets, Global Methane Emissions and Mitigation
Opportunities, available at
72 ConocoPhillips and EPAs Natural Gas STAR Program, Kenai, AK, May

25, 2006, Liquefied Natural Gas Emissions Reduction Opportunities, available at
pdf (hereinafter ConocoPhillips Nat Gas STAR Program).
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 199

Emissions from LNG marine terminals

venting, if boil-off vapor cannot be consumed as fuel

Emissions from LNG tankers

flanges and fitting leaks during cool-down
leaking vapor recovery systems, not operating
leaking cargo tank relief valves
cargo tank venting during delays

Emissions from LNG send-out

vaporizer fuel system leaks
pressure relief valves.

Methane savings in the LNG sector can come from the use of centrifu-
gal compressor seals and by implementing a directed inspection and main-
tenance (DI&M) program. Other LNG emission prevention opportunities
include improved connect/disconnect practices, improved tank pressure
management, improved vapor recovery system maintenance and avail-
ability, and strict enforcement of ship venting rules.73

7.5.4 Efficiencies in LNG Liquefaction Processes

The liquefaction process transforms natural gas into LNG by cooling it

to approximately 161 C, after which it is stored until it can be shipped
on board LNG tankers to its final destination, where it is regasified at the
import terminal. There are a variety of proprietary processes marketed for
large-scale LNG liquefaction plants, which can be broken down into the
following broad categories:74

pure-refrigerant cascade process

propane-precooled mixed-refrigerant processes
propane-precooled mixed-refrigerant, with back-end nitrogen
expander cycle
other mixed-refrigerant processes
nitrogen expander-based processes.

While a detailed technical discussion of the various methods is beyond

the scope of this book, the propane-precooled mixed-refrigerant (C3-MR)

ConocoPhillips Nat Gas STAR Program.
Michael D. and Shearer, Gordon (2007), LNG: A Nontechnical
Guide, PennWell Books.
200 Energy for the 21st century

process is worth noting since it is considered the workhorse of the LNG

industry with over 80 percent of the worlds completed trains utilizing
a variation of this process due to its proven technology in a variety of
process and environmental settings and high efficiency.
In general, the C3-MR system uses a multi-component refrigerant to
condense and evaporate natural gas in one cycle over a wider range of
temperatures. The mixed refrigerant used is Air Products & Chemicals,
Inc. (APCI)s proprietary Multi-Component Refrigerant (MCR). High
efficiencies are achieved by adding the propane pre-cooling stage for both
feed gas and the mixed-refrigerant loop, allowing the MCR vaporization
temperature curve to closely match the natural gas liquefaction curve.75
Since the LNG business is extremely capital intensive, economies of
scale are critical, especially when it comes to the size of LNG trains. Since
about 2001, LNG trains have more than doubled in size from 2 million
tons per year to 5 million tons per year. The drive toward increased lique-
faction economies of scale led APCI to develop a variant of their C3-MR
process that increases the liquefaction train capacity from 5 to almost 8
MMt/y. The new AP-X process adds a third cycle of nitrogen expander
(N2) refrigeration to the back end of the C3-MR processs propane (C3)
mixed-refrigerant (MCR) cycles. This (N2) cycle takes the LNG subcool-
ing duty off the MCR cycle, increasing the natural gas capacity and reduc-
ing the refrigeration loads on the first two cycles.76
To gain a competitive advantage in the LNG market, ExxonMobil and
RasGas began the development years ago of so-called mega trains using
the APCI AP-X process that will be able to process 7.8 MMt/y. These
larger, more economical trains use state-of-the-art turbines, compressors
and heat exchangers uniquely combined to result in greater efficiencies.77
In 2009, the first of the Qatari mega trains (RasGas Train 6) began pro-
duction with other trains following in more recent years. It remains to be
seen whether the production from these mega trains will result in signifi-
cant efficiencies and further studies and research are needed to determine
whether the mega trains offer any net environmental benefits.78

77 ExxonMobil Corp. News, A Sea Change for LNG Carriers, available

at corporate news_features_20070901_lngcarriers.

78As this book was going to print, additional information was becoming

available about methane emissions from the natural gas industry, including
LNG. For example, building on the prior workshops, the IPIECA held another
workshop in 2012 that focused on recent estimates of life-cycle GHG emissions
Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 201

7.5.5 Efficiencies in LNG Transportation

For more than 30 years, the size of LNG ships remained virtually
unchanged with capacity of about 140,000 cubic meters. In 2001, joint
venture partners Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil wanted to expand
beyond the primarily Asian market for Qatars LNG and thus needed to
develop a better way to deliver Qatars LNG to more distant ports. Since
shipping accounts for about one-third of the cost of LNG, a new class of
carrier that was more efficient needed to be designed and built.
Over the course of several years, the design team settled on two similar
ship platforms called the Q-Flex (Q for Qatar and Flex for the flexibility
to access most LNG ports) and the slightly larger Q-Max (Max for the
largest ship that can use the Qatar LNG terminal). The new large LNG
ship technologies include a number of industry breakthroughs and signifi-
cant enhancements, including increased ship size, onboard reliquefaction
units, slow-speed diesel engines, twin propellers and rudders, and the latest
in hull and antifouling protection and improved fire-protection systems.
The Q-Flex carries 50 percent more LNG than the average carrier
operating today while the Q-Max transports 80 percent more. The Q-Max
carriers are longer than three football fields, tower twenty stories tall from
keel to masthead and are equipped with the largest membrane contain-
ment tanks ever built. With a total capacity of up to 266,000 cubic meters,
each ship carries enough natural gas to meet the energy needs of 70,000 US
homes for one year.
The innovative Q-Max ships carry up to 80 percent more cargo, yet
require approximately 40 percent less energy per unit of cargo than con-
ventional LNG carriers due to economies of scale and efficiency of the
engines. The end result of these new-generation ships is a 2030 percent
reduction in transportation cost with improved efficiency and emission
reductions. Improved efficiency and emission reduction are key as the
shipping industry is certain to encounter more stringent guidelines from
the International Maritime Organization (IMO) going forward with
recent measures to reduce GHG emissions from international shipping.79
(See Chapter 12.)

from natural gas production, transport and use, in relation to competing systems
such as gas and coal fired power generation. There was also special considera-
tion of the implications for gas from unconventional sources and LNG systems.
IPIECA Workshop Report, The Expanding Role of Natural Gas: Comparing Life-
Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2012),
79IMO MEPC, 59th Session, July 1317, 2009, IMO Environment
202 Energy for the 21st century

In addition to increasing the size of the ship, a major initiative was

undertaken to design, test and implement the on-board reliquefaction
plant, which reliquefies natural gas that is vaporized during transit, re-
injecting it as liquid into the cargo tanks rather than using is as vaporized
gas to power the tanker itself allowing for delivery of nearly 100 percent
of the cargo. This is particularly beneficial for the long-haul voyages from
Qatar to Europe and the Americas.
The on-board reliquefaction facilities created an opportunity to shift
from steam boilers and turbines used for propulsion by conventional LNG
ships to highly efficient slow-speed diesel engines. The Q-Max ships are
equipped with two diesel engines driving twin propellers and rudders. This
leads to more energy efficient, reliable and maneuverable ships, reducing
fuel consumption by up to one-third.80
While the large tankers offer economies of scale and greater efficiencies,
a limitation is that these tankers will require appropriate accommodation
at the loading and unloading facilities. Unless existing LNG importers
reconfigure and reinforce their terminals berthing facilities, the new-
generation LNG tankers will be tied to newly constructed import termi-
nals designed specifically to accommodate the larger ships.81

7.5.6 Efficiencies in LNG Import Terminals

The LNG receiving or import terminal is the final link in the LNG chain
and the point of connection to the consumers. Whereas the liquefaction
plants serve as enormous refrigerators to cool natural gas into a liquid,
the import terminals regasify or warm the gas back up so that it can be
sent through the gas pipeline system. All baseload onshore LNG import
terminals basically feature the following components: tanker berthing and
unloading facilities, storage tanks, a regasification system, facilities to
handle vapor and boil-off gas, high-pressure LNG pumps, a metering and
pressure regulation station, gas delivery infrastructure, gas odorization,
calorific value control and LNG truck loading facilities.
While there are many aspects of efficiencies to be gained at import

Meeting Issues Technical and Operational Measures to Address GHG

Emissions from Ships, available at mainframe.
80 ExxonMobil Corp. News, A Sea Change for LNG Carriers, available

at corporate news_features_20070901_lngcarriers.

81Tusiani, Michael D. and Shearer, Gordon (2007), LNG: A Nontechnical

Guide, PennWell Books.

Safety and environmental sustainability of LNG 203

terminals, the design of more efficient ambient air vaporizers, which heat
the LNG into its gaseous state, has received the most focus. There are
essentially two designs of ambient air vaporizers:

direct ambient air vaporizersThis design transfers heat from the

ambient air directly into the LNG through the heat transfer surface
of a heat exchanger.
indirect ambient air vaporizersIn this design, heat from ambient air
is transferred to an intermediate fluid which in turn transfers heat to
LNG through a separate heat exchanger.

Although the final determination of the vaporization design is site spe-

cific, recent analysis suggests that direct ambient air vaporizers are a more
efficient solution as they add some, if not all, of the heat required to vapor-
ize LNG under the range of operating conditions. Also, since the amount
of supplemental heat that will need to be added (by natural-gas-fired
heaters) will be lower in systems that use direct ambient air vaporizers,
there is a corresponding reduction in emissions to the environment.82

82Oregon LNG Import Terminal, Vaporizer Alternatives Study, prepared by

CH-IV International, available at

8.Global LNG mega projects
and players Qatar and

In recent years, two countries have emerged as the dominant players in

LNG markets Qatar and Australia. Although Qatar1 is one of the
worlds smallest countries, it has been the worlds largest LNG producer
since 2006. Qatars dominance in the LNG markets was confirmed with
the December 2010 announcement that Qatar had reached its long-stated
goal of a combined LNG production capacity of 77 million tonnes per
annum. While Qatars LNG production capacity would be difficult, if not
impossible, for most countries to beat, Australia is giving it a try with over
$200 billion of LNG projects under construction or planned. Whether
Australia can catch Qatar remains to be seen but it will be an interesting
race to follow.

1 Qatar is a small Middle Eastern peninsula bordering the Persian Gulf and

Saudi Arabia. According to the US CIA World Factbook, Qatar has been ruled
by the Al Thani family since the mid-1800s and has transformed itself from a poor
British protectorate noted mainly for pearling into an independent state with
significant oil and natural gas revenues. During the late 1980s and early 1990s,
the Qatari economy was crippled by a continuous siphoning-off of petroleum
revenues by the Amir, who had ruled the country since 1972. His son, the current
Amir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, overthrew him in a bloodless coup in 1995.
Qatar has not experienced the level of unrest or violence seen in Tunisia, Egypt,
Libya and other Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries in 201011,
due in part to the fact that its energy sector has fueled the Qatari economy and
resulted in Qatar having the highest per capita income in the world. Doha,
Qatar, is the home of the Al Jazeera news network and also the Gas Exporting
Countries Forum (GECF), which is discussed in Chapter 12. US CIA World
Factbook, Qatar,

Global LNG mega projects and players 205

Russia 1,680.0

Iran 1,045.7

Qatar 895.8

Saudi Arabia 275.2

United States 272.5

Trillion cubic feet

Source: US EIA

Figure 8.1 World natural gas reserves by country, Jan. 1 2011

8.2Qatar The Worlds Leading LNG


Qatar, with proven natural gas reserves of approximately 896 Tcf, cur-
rently holds the third-largest gas reserves in the world behind Russia and
Iran2 (Figure 8.1). The majority of Qatars natural gas is located in the
massive offshore North Field, which occupies an area roughly equiva-
lent to Qatar itself. The North Field is part of the worlds largest non-
associated natural gas field and is a geological extension of Irans South
Pars field, which holds an additional 450 Tcf of recoverable natural gas
reserves (Figure 8.2). In recent years, Qatars energy-fueled GDP growth
and small population have catapulted the country toward the top of the
global per capita GDP rankings with a 2009 estimate of $121,700.3

8.2.1 Qatars LNG Industry

Although Qatar has been exporting LNG only since 1997, government
emphasis on the LNG sector in terms of both making investments
and attracting foreign investors resulted in the rapid development of

2 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Qatar,

cfm?fips5QA, last updated Jan. 2011. Qatar holds almost 14% of the worlds total
natural gas reserves.
3 Christopher M. Blanchard, Qatar: Background and U.S. Relations,

Congressional Research Service, RL31718, May 5, 2010.

206 Energy for the 21st century

South Pars

North Field
Maritime border
of Qatar and Iran

Persian Gulf

Natural gas field
Oil field
Oil & gas field

Source: US EIA

Figure 8.2 Qatars North Field

Qatars LNG capacity, thus enabling Qatar to become the worlds largest
LNG producer from 2006.4 Qatars position as the worlds largest LNG
exporter was solidified in December 2010 when Qatar announced that it
had reached its long-stated goal of combined LNG production capacity
of 77 million tonnes per annum (mtpa).5 In February 2011, Qatargas and
Shell announced that the first cargo of LNG from Qatargas 4 Project

4IEA WEO-2009 at p.490.

5 Qatar Celebrates Achieving 77 Mta LNG Production Capacity, LNG World
News, Dec. 15, 2010, The 77 Mta Celebration
Event was the highest-profile energy event in Qatar in 2010 and celebrated the
vision set out by the Emir of Qatar for Qatar to reach LNG production capacity
of 77 million tonnes of LNG per annum by the end of 2010, a milestone achieved
in a mere 14 years.
Global LNG mega projects and players 207

(Train 7) was loaded and en route to the Hazira receiving terminal in

India, thereby completing Qatars vision of becoming the largest LNG
producer in the world.6
Qatars energy sector is dominated by state-owned Qatar Petroleum
(QP), which has played an important role in developing Qatars LNG
industry. While QP has maintained a majority share in most of its LNG
projects, there is extensive foreign company involvement by international
oil companies with the technology and expertise in integrated mega
projects, including ExxonMobil, Shell, and Total.7
Qatars LNG projects are shared, along with international partners, by
two sister companies, Qatargas Operating Company Limited (Qatargas)
and Ras Laffan Company Limited (RasGas), both of which are owned by
QP. Qatargas and RasGas handle all upstream to downstream natural gas
transportation, while the Qatar Gas Transport Company Nakilat (which
means carriers in Arabic) is responsible for shipping Qatari LNG to
customers around the world.8
Qatargas operates four major LNG ventures (Qatargas IIV) and
RasGas operates three major LNG ventures (RasGas IIII). RasGas is
70 percent owned by QP and 30 percent owned by ExxonMobil, while the
Qatargas consortium includes QP, Total, ExxonMobil, Mitsui, Marubeni,
ConocoPhillips, and Shell. Each venture has an individual ownership
structure, though QP owns at least 65 percent of all the above ventures.9
Along with numerous other technological advancements, the worlds
largest trains, capable of producing 7.8 MMt/y (10.6 bcm/y) of LNG
were constructed for the Qatargas and RasGas projects. Qatargas also
pioneered the development of two new classes of LNG tankers the
Q-Flex and the Q-Max. The Q-Flex and Q-Max were designed by a team
of engineers that made a quantum leap in the capacities of LNG carriers,
with each ship having a cargo capacity of between 210,000 and 266,000
cubic meters. A total of 32 of these ships (19 Q-Flex and 13 Q-Max) have
been delivered for Qatargas.10
RasGas and Qatargas currently have 14 LNG trains online, with a total

6 Qataragas Press Release, Qatargas, The Worlds Largest LNG Producer,

Sends First Train 7 Cargo to India, Feb. 20, 2011,

7 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Qatar,

8 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Qatar,

10 Qatargas Operating Company Ltd.,
208 Energy for the 21st century

Table 8.1 Qatargas and RasGas LNG projects

Project Start-up date Capacity MMt/y Partners

(initial target) (bcm/year)
Qatargas (QG) projects
QG 1: Trains 13 199798 3 3 3.2 QP, XOM, Total,
(12.9) Marubeni, Mitsui
QG 2: Train 4 Q2 2009 (2008 Q1) 7.8 QP, XOM
QG 2: Train 5 Q3 2009 (2008) 7.8 QP, XOM, Total
QG 3: Train 6 2010 (2009) 7.8 QP,
(10.6) ConocoPhillips,
QG 4: Train 7 2011 (2010) 7.8 QP, Shell
RasGas projects
RasGas: Trains 1-2 1999 2 3 3.2 QP, XOM, Kogas,
(9.0) Itochu, LNG Japan
RasGas: Train 3 2004 4.7 QP, XOM
RasGas: Train 4 2005 4.7 QP, XOM
RasGas: Train 5 2007 4.7 QP, XOM
RasGas: Train 6 Q3 2009 (2008) 7.8 QP, XOM
RasGas: Train 7 2010 (2009) 7.8 QP, XOM
Total LNG 77

Sources: IEA, EIA, Qatargas, RasGas

LNG liquefaction capacity of 3,750 Bcf/y (77 MMt/y). Five of these trains
were added in 2009 and 2010. RasGas III, Train 7, with a liquefaction
capacity of 380 Bcf/y (7.8 MMt/y) of LNG began operations in February
2010. Qatargas III, Train 6, came online in November 2010 with the same
liquefaction capacity. In March 2011, the inauguration of Qatargas IV,
Train 7, completed Qatars monumental cycle of LNG infrastructure
expansion.11 (See Table 8.1.)

11 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Qatar,

Global LNG mega projects and players 209

8.3OVERVIEW OF Qatargas LNG Projects12

The LNG industry in Qatar was pioneered by state-owned Qatargas and

today Qatargas is the largest LNG producing company in the world, with
an annual LNG production capacity of 42 million tonnes per annum
(MTA). Qatargas has seven LNG trains, four of which are the largest trains
in the world (known as mega trains) each with a production capacity of
7.8 MMt/y (10.9 bcm/y). Since the establishment of Qatargas 1, Qatargas
has completed an expansion program that has included the development
of Qatargas 2, Qatargas 3 and Qatargas 4 projects; the Laffan Refinery; a
dedicated fleet of ships; a regasification terminal; liaison Offices in Japan
and China; and the move to corporate headquarters in central Doha,
Qatargas operates all its existing trains and facilities, including Offshore,
on behalf of its shareholders in all of its assets Qatargas 1, Qatargas 2,
Qatargas 3 and Qatargas 4. The North Field Bravo offshore complex is
the heart of the Qatargas offshore operation. Commissioned in 1996, the
main facilities in this complex include living quarters, two production
facility platforms, three wellhead platforms (two of which are connected
by bridges to the production facilities) and one remote platform located
about 5 km away.
Qatargass onshore operations occupy a site within Ras Laffan
Industrial City. The original plant consisted of only three trains to
process the natural gas from offshore into LNG, but has since expanded
to accommodate an additional four trains. In 2009, Qatargas Trains 4 and
5, each with a capacity of 7.8 million tonnes per annum (MTA), started
operating, bringing the combined production capacity of Qatargas to
26 MTA. In late 2010 Qatargas Train 6 started producing LNG, fol-
lowed by Qatargas Train 7 in early 2011. Qatargas Trains 6 and 7 each
have a capacity of 7.8 MTA. With the start of production of LNG from
Qatargas Train 7, Qatargass overall production capacity is 42 million
tonnes of LNG per annum.

8.3.1 Qatargas 1

The principal market for current LNG production from Qatargas 1 is

Japan with Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. currently being the biggest

12 Qatargas Corporate Brochure,

210 Energy for the 21st century

Table 8.2 Japans receiving terminals for Qatargas imports

No. Terminal Buyer

1 Kawagoe Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc.
2 Yokkaichi Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc.
3 Chita Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc., Toho Gas Co., Ltd.
4 Niigata Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.
5 Futtsu The Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc.
6 Higashi-Ohgishima The Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc.
7 Sakai The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.
8 Himeji The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.Osaka Gas Co.
9 Yanai The Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc.
10 Mizushima The Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc.
11 Sodegaura Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.
12 Ohgishima Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.
13 Negishi Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.
14 Senboku Osaka Gas Co. Ltd.

Source: Qatargas

c ustomer in terms of contracted volumes. Japan receives LNG from

Qatargas at 14 terminals (Table 8.2).
Qatargas 1 has a fleet of ten purpose-built vessels, each with a capacity
of about 135,000 cubic meters (4.8 million cubic feet) currently in opera-
tion for the transportation of LNG from Qatargas to its Japanese buyers.
Each vessel contains five Moss-Rosenberg design spherical LNG tanks
with a maximum cruising speed of about 20 knots, which translates into a
return voyage time between Qatar and Japan of about one month.

8.3.2 Qatargas 2 the Worlds First Integrated LNG Project13

The Qatargas 2 (QG2) project is the worlds first fully integrated value
chain LNG venture. It includes two world-class LNG mega trains, each
with a capacity of 7.8 million tonnes per annum (MTA) of LNG and 0.85
MTA of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), condensate production of 90,000
bpd, a fleet of 14 Q-Flex and Q-Max ships and Europes largest LNG
receiving terminal South Hook.

13Summaries of Qatargas 23 are adapted from various Qatargas publications

available at
Global LNG mega projects and players 211

In April 2009, the QG2 project was inaugurated in a special ceremony

in Doha by His Highness the Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani,
in the presence of His Royal Highness the Duke of York, Prince Andrew.
The receiving terminal, South Hook, was inaugurated in the UK five
weeks later in May 2009 by His Highness the Emir of the State of Qatar in
the presence of Her Majesty the Queen.
QG2 includes 30 offshore wells and three platforms in Qatars North
Field. The offshore platforms are unmanned and produce 2.9 billion
cubic feet of gas per day. Total production is piped to shore via two
wet-gas pipelines. The LNG is processed using Air Products propri-
etary APX process technology. As part of the total expansion of Ras
Laffan capacity, Qatargas 2 also led to the construction of facilities for
expanded LNG storage and loading, including five 145,000 cubic meter
tanks and three LNG berths, a 12,000 tonne/day common sulfur system
serving all Ras Laffan ventures and an export pipeline and mooring buoy
for loading condensate ships some 55 km offshore.
Once the gas is processed and turned into LNG, it is loaded and shipped
in a specially designed fleet of ships to markets in the United Kingdom, the
United States, Asia and continental Europe. Upon arrival in the United
Kingdom, the LNG is off-loaded into a purpose-built LNG receiving ter-
minal, South Hook, at Milford Haven, Wales. The terminal is the largest
LNG receiving terminal in Europe and is linked to the UKs national
pipeline grid serving approximately 20 percent of the current UK natural
gas demand.

8.3.3 Qatargas 3

The Qatargas 3 (QG3) project involved the construction of a new LNG

mega train (Train 6) with a capacity of 7.8 million tonnes per annum
(MTA). Production from Train 6 started in November 2010. The LNG
produced by QG3 is transported to market on a fleet of ten ships, each
with a capacity of approximately 210,000266,000 cubic meters. The
upstream platforms and infrastructure consist of three unmanned plat-
forms, 33 wells and two subsea pipelines, all of which are shared with the
Qatargas 4 project. Qatargas 3 produces 1.4 billion standard cubic feet of
gas per day, delivering LNG and substantial volumes of condensate and
Qatargas 3 utilizes the same Air Products proprietary APX process
technology as Qatargas 2, which helps to achieve economies of scale and
integration. The Qatargas 3 and Qatargas 4 projects were developed and
executed by a joint asset development team to capture synergies between
the two projects.
212 Energy for the 21st century

8.3.4 Qatargas 4 Completing the Vision

Qatargas 4 (QG4) started producing LNG in January 2011 and completed

Qatargass planned LNG expansion projects. The QG4 project involved
the construction of a new LNG mega train (Train 7), similar to Qatargas
2 and Qatargas 3 with a production capacity of 7.8 MTA. The upstream
platforms and infrastructure consist of three unmanned platforms (each
containing 11 wells) and two subsea pipelines, which are shared with
Qatargas 3.
Qatargas 4 will produce 1.4 billion standard cubic feet of gas per day,
delivering LNG and substantial volumes of condensate and LPG, as well
as high purity grade sulfur. QG4 utilizes the same Air Products proprie-
tary APX process technology as QG2 and QG3, helping to achieve econo-
mies of scale and integration not previously possible in the LNG industry.
The QG3 and QG4 projects were developed and executed by a joint asset
development team to capture synergies between the two projects. The
LNG from QG4 will be transported to global markets via a fleet of eight
Q-Flex or Q-Max ships (approximately 210,000266,000 cubic meters
capacity each) that have been constructed in Korean shipyards. Qatargass
seventh train will predominantly supply North America, the Middle East
and Asia.

8.3.5 Qatargass Role in LNG Markets

The significance and role of Qatargas in world LNG markets was high-
lighted after Japan lost most of its nuclear power after the March 2011
tsunami and Fukushima disaster. Qatargas was able to step in quickly to
support its long-term foundation customers in Japan and committed to
supply additional LNG volumes equivalent to over 60 conventional LNG
cargoes to Japan. According to Qatargas, 60 conventional LNG cargoes
represent approximately 4 million tonnes of LNG, which will generate
approximately 28 terrawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity, or enough to meet
the average electricity consumption of five million Japanese households
for a year.14 The ability to swiftly secure the additional LNG supplies for
Japan demonstrates Qatargass ability to respond to sudden changes in
the market and also highlights the important role Qatargas plays as the
worlds largest LNG supplier.

14The Pioneer, The Magazine of Qatargas Operating Company, May 2011,

Issue 132,

Global LNG mega projects and players 213

8.4RasGas LNG Projects15

RasGas Company Limited (RasGas) was established in 2001 as a Qatari

joint stock company by Qatar Petroleum (70 percent) and ExxonMobil
(30 percent). It acts as the operating company for and on behalf of various
project owners including the following: Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas
Company Limited, which was established in 1993 to produce LNG and
related products from its two trains Trains 1 and 2; Ras Laffan Liquefied
Natural Gas Company Limited (II), which was established in 2001 and
owns Trains 3, 4, and 5; and Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company
Limited (3), which was established in 2005 and owns Trains 6 and 7.16

8.4.1 RasGas Trains 1 and 2

Trains 1 and 2 were RasGass first onshore LNG trains, capable of

producing a combined 6.6 Mta of LNG. In August 1999, the first LNG
produced by Train 1 was exported to KOGAS (RasGass first customer),
marking the end of a development process that had begun back in 1971
when natural gas was first discovered off the northeast coast of Qatar.
The construction of Trains 1 and 2 set many new benchmarks for the
LNG industry. Although the trains themselves are onshore, there is a
substantial offshore infrastructure supplying the raw natural gas that they
process. Three wellhead platforms supply gas and condensate from 15
offshore wells with a production capacity of 1.2 billion standard cubic feet
per day (Bscfd). The gas and condensate extracted from the North Field
are dehydrated offshore, then transported onshore together through a 32-
inch diameter, 92 km export pipeline. The offshore facilities also include
two 16-inch intrafield pipelines, a riser, utilities, living-quarter platforms
and a flare structure.

8.4.2 RasGas Trains 3, 4 and 5

In February 2004, RasGas Train 3 began exporting LNG to India.

Train 3 was built to fulfill the major part of the agreement with Indias
Petronet LNG to supply 5 Mta of LNG for a period of 25 years. The
following year, in August 2005, RasGas commissioned Train 4 to fulfill
its European sales commitments. The inauguration of RasGas Train 5

15Summaries of RasGass LNG projects are adapted from RasGas, http://
16RasGas, About RasGas,
214 Energy for the 21st century

in March 2007 took Qatars LNG production capacity to 20.7 Mta and
firmly placed Qatar at the top of the list of global LNG producers. The
LNG from Train 5 is largely exported to RasGass growing portfolio of
customers in Europe.
Trains 3, 4 and 5 each have a capacity of 4.7 Mta, representing a per
train increase of 40 percent over Trains 1 and 2. Together the three trains
form part of the first RasGas expansion project, known as RGX, and
individually each marks a number of major technological and commercial
milestones. Trains 3, 4 and 5 represent one of the largest and most innova-
tive LNG projects ever completed and set the pace for the development
of RasGass two mega trains: Trains 6 and 7.

8.4.3 RasGas Train 6

Train 6 was RasGass first in a new generation of LNG mega trains. Each
of these new trains is capable of producing 7.8 Mta of LNG. RasGas
Train 6 produced its first LNG in July 2009. The following month its first
cargo, a 212,000m3 shipment of LNG, was loaded aboard the RasGas
Q-Flex tanker Al Utouriya. The new train was formally inaugurated in
October 2009 and the start-up of Train 6 boosted RasGass LNG produc-
tion capacity to 28.5 Mta.
Train 6 forms part of the RasGas Expansion Phase 2 Project (RGX2),
a multi-billion dollar expansion project that brought the companys LNG
production capacity to approximately 37 Mta in 2010, with the comple-
tion of seven operational trains. The new mega trains build on the success
of existing RasGas expansion projects in terms of technology, design,
project specifications, existing infrastructure and location. Train 6 is fed
by an expansion to RasGass offshore facilities that also serves Train 7,
including two offshore 12-well platforms and two 100 km 38-inch export
pipelines to the shore. Each pipeline has an eventual transmission capacity
of up to 2.1 Bscfd. Helium recovered from the raw input stream will supply
a second Qatar helium refining plant.

8.4.4 RasGas Train 7

Train 7 came on-stream in February 2010, and together Trains 6 and 7

have greatly extended RasGass global reach. Like Train 6, RasGas Train
7 is one of the new generation of LNG mega trains operated by RasGas,
each with a production capacity of 7.8 Mta, and is part of the RasGas
Expansion Phase 2 Project (RGX2), which brought the companys LNG
production capacity up to approximately 37 Mta. Building the new mega
trains was an enormous accomplishment that required:
Global LNG mega projects and players 215

more than 1,200 major pieces of equipment

a 500,000 square meter site roughly equal to 100 football fields
44,000 tonnes of structural steel
up to 28,000 site workers at peak periods.

As well as generating 15.6 Mta of LNG, the two trains together produce
110,000 barrels per day of condensate and 1.5 Mta of liquefied petroleum
gas (LPG). A significant amount of the LNG produced by Train 7 was
expected to be shipped to the United States aboard RasGass own char-
tered LNG carriers, which deliver to the new Golden Pass regasification
terminal in Texas.

8.5Ras Laffan Industrial City17

In the mid-1990s, Qatar invested millions in port facilities and infra-

structure to create the Ras Laffan Industrial City (RLIC) to support the
exploration, storage and export of its vast natural gas resources. Covering
an area of more than 295 square km, RLIC lies 80 km northeast of Doha
and is strategically close to the North Field, between the Far East and
Europe on the international maritime shipping route. Over 100,000 work
at RLIC, which is an energy industry hub, home to international compa-
nies such as RasGas, Qatargas, ExxonMobil, Shell, Total and Dolphin
In 2006 the management team completed a master plan that anticipates
the citys next 20 years of growth. Implementation is under way, with
extensive development work at Ras Laffan Port to handle the anticipated
increases in volume of LNG and associated liquid products. Qatars
achievement of its long-term goal of a total LNG production capacity of
77 MTPA was made possible by the facilities at RLIC, including seven
RasGas LNG trains, seven Qatargas LNG trains, storage facilities and
Ras Laffan Port, the largest LNG-exporting facility in the world.
In 2010 RLIC became the home of the Ras Laffan Emergency and
Safety College, under an agreement between Qatar Petroleum and Texas
A&M Engineering Extension Service. The new college, the first of its kind
in the Middle East, will include training facilities for dealing with indus-
trial and hazardous materials and for municipal, rescue and emergency
medical services.

17Summaries of RasGass LNG projects are adapted from RasGas, http://
216 Energy for the 21st century

8.6Prospects for Future LNG Projects and

Other Qatari Gas Projects

The prospects for further growth in Qatari LNG production beyond 2012
are clouded by the uncertainty created by a moratorium on new export
projects, which was imposed in 2005, while the effect of existing projects
on North Field reservoirs was studied. Most recently, Qatari government
officials have indicated that they do not anticipate building any more
LNG facilities in the near term, and that any additional capacity increases
will be the result of improvements in the existing facilities.18 It is worth
noting that, in addition to its LNG projects, Qatar is the supplier for the
Dolphin Project and also commissioned the worlds biggest GTL plant,
Oryx, in 2006.

8.6.1 Dolphin Gas Project19

The Dolphin Gas Project is a unique strategic energy initiative that

involves production and processing of natural gas from Qatars offshore
North Field and transportation of the processed gas by subsea pipeline to
the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman (Figure 8.3).20
Dolphin Energy, in which Oxy has a 24.5 percent interest, is a develop-
ment company established in Abu Dhabi to implement the Dolphin Gas
Project. Dolphin Energy processes gas produced from wells offshore
Qatar at the onshore plant in Ras Laffan, Qatar, the biggest initial build
gas plant ever built. This massive plant processes approximately 2.5
billion cubic feet of natural gas and liquids per day. The gas is transported
through a 48-inch-diameter, 230-mile-long subsea pipeline the longest
large-diameter pipeline ever built for subsea use to markets in the UAE
and Oman.21
The Dolphin Gas Project is the first cross-border natural gas pipeline
in the Gulf Arab region and the pipeline currently exports 2 Bcf/d from

18Although Qatars most recent train additions were originally intended with

US markets as the primary target, low US gas prices due to the shale gas boom
have significantly reduced US demand for imported LNG. For example, in the
first ten months of 2010, the United States had imported only 33 Bcf of LNG from
Qatar. The reduced demand from the US has caused Qatar to pursue LNG con-
tracts with other countries particularly China and India. EIA Country Analysis
Briefs, Qatar,
19Dolphin Energy,
21Oxy, Dolphin Gas Project,
Global LNG mega projects and players 217


Ras Laffan
Export line
DOHA Dubai

QATAR Taweelah


Source:, Dolphin Gas Project

Figure 8.3 Dolphin Gas Project map

Qatar, though it has a design capacity of 3.2 Bcf/d. Dolphin Energy has
been trying to secure additional Qatari gas to meet the rapidly growing
demand for gas in the UAE, but increased supplies from Qatar are

8.6.2 Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) Projects

Gas-to-liquids (GTL) technology uses a refining process to turn natural

gas into liquid fuels such as diesel, naphtha, and LPG (Figure 8.4).
Qatar is one of only three countries South Africa, Malaysia, and Qatar
to have operational GTL facilities. Qatars Oryx GTL plant (QP 51
percent, Sasol-Chevron GTL 49 percent) came online in 2007 but, due to
initial problems, was not fully operational until early 2009. At full capac-
ity, the Oryx project uses about 330 MMcf/d of natural gas feedstock from
the Al Khaleej field to produce 30,000 bbl/d of GTL.23
The Pearl GTL project (QP 51 percent, Shell 49 percent) is expected to

22 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Qatar,

23 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Qatar,

cfm?fips5QA; Oryx GTL,

218 Energy for the 21st century

Natural gas Synthesis FISCHER
AIR Hydrogen UNIT


Source: Oryx GTL,

Figure 8.4 Gas-to-liquids (GTL) process

use 1.6 Bcf/d of natural gas feedstock to produce 140,000 bbl/d of GTL
products as well as 120,000 bbl/d of associated condensate and LPG.24
The Pearl GTL project is being developed in two phases. The first phase
started up in early 2011 and exported the first commercial shipment of gas
oil in June 2011. Phase 2 of the plant started up in early November 2011
by bringing in sour gas from offshore wells. The whole plant is currently
ramping up towards full production by mid-2012.25 In addition to being
the largest GTL plant in the world, the Pearl project will also be the first
integrated GTL operation, meaning it will have upstream natural gas
production integrated with the onshore conversion plant.26

24 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Qatar,

25Shell, Pearl GTL An Overview,

26 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Qatar,

Global LNG mega projects and players 219

8.6.3 Barzan Gas Project

Rather than plan additional LNG export, GTL, or pipeline projects,

in recent years the Qatari government has been more concerned about
ensuring adequate natural gas supplies to the domestic market, includ-
ing a burgeoning petrochemical sector. In 2007, gas blocks at the North
Field assigned to a canceled GTL project (a joint venture between Qatar
Petroleum and ExxonMobil) were reassigned to the domestic Barzan Gas
Project.27 In January 2011, Qatar Petroleum and Exxon Mobil entered
into a formal agreement to develop the Barzan gas plant to produce gas
from Qatars North Field for utilization in the domestic gas related and
petrochemical industries.28
While not directly related to Qatars LNG industry, the Barzan Gas
Project is a significant project designed to fuel the future growth of Qatar.
Over the next decade a range of factors will drive growth in the demand
for energy in Qatar. For example, a new airport and seaport will be built,
and major initiatives will take place in the transport, health and education
sectors. In addition, a host of new facilities will need to be built in readi-
ness for the FIFA World Cup in 2022.
When its two trains enter production, Barzan will supply gas to generate
the power needed to drive the next phase of Qatars physical and economic
development. For that reason, the Barzan project is much more than
an important business partnership: it is a giant step forward, in line with
Qatars National Vision 2030, in Qatars overall industrial and human
In December 2011, Qatar Petroleum (QP) announced the successful
closing on the financing of the US$10.4 billion Barzan Gas Project. The
project will be financed with up to 30 percent equity and the remaining
70 percent by a combination of banks and export credit agencies in the
form of a syndicated loan expected to total US$7.2 billion. ExxonMobil,
QPs partner in the project, also provided a pro rata portion of the senior
The financing of the Barzan Gas Project was the worlds largest project
financing to close in 2011 and one of the largest oil and gas project financ-
ings ever concluded. It comprises a commercial bank facility of US$3.34

27 Energising Qatar, RasGas Magazine,

28 Qatar Petroleum, Barzan Gas Project,

29 Energising Qatar, RasGas Magazine,

220 Energy for the 21st century

billion, a US$850 million Islamic facility and US$2.55 billion of export

credit agency (ECA) financing.
The ECA financing was arranged from Japan (US$1.2 billion facil-
ity, with US$600 million provided by the Japan Bank for International
Cooperation and US$600 million funded by banks and insured by Nippon
Export and Investment Insurance), Korea (US$1 billion, of which US$700
million was provided by K-Exim and US$300 million was bank-funded
against a K-Exim guarantee), and Italy (US$355 million funded by banks
and guaranteed by SACE). The US$1 billion K-Exim facility is the largest
project financing that K-Exim has ever concluded.
RasGas, the project manager and operator, will develop and operate
the Barzan Gas Project on behalf of its shareholders, Qatar Petroleum and
ExxonMobil, which have a 93 percent and 7 percent stake in the project,
When finished, the Barzan Gas Project will consist of onshore and
offshore gas-processing facilities with the initial gas production line, Train
1, expected to be completed in 2014 and Train 2 scheduled for completion
in 2015. Barzan will eventually produce 1.4 billion cubic feet of sales gas a
day. The project is designed to accommodate a maximum of six trains.30

8.7Australia The Next Qatar?

In 2010, Australia was the fourth-largest LNG producer, behind Qatar,

Malaysia and Indonesia.31 In the coming years, however, Australia is
poised to assume the number two spot and could even overtake Qatar
as the worlds largest LNG exporter. Australia is by far the most rapidly
growing LNG producer in the world, with 8 of the 14 liquefaction plants
under construction around the world located in Australia.32 Stated another

30 Qatar Petroleum, QP Completes Funding for the Barzan Gas Project,

Dec. 22, 2011,

31IGU World LNG Report 2010; see also EIA Country Analysis Briefs,

32Deloitte Access Economics, Advancing Australia: Harnessing our

Comparative Energy Advantage (June 2012), available at APPEA, http://www. Commissioned by the Australian Petroleum Production &
Exploration Association (APPEA) and produced by Deloitte Access Economics,
the report Advancing Australia: Harnessing our comparative energy advantage
analyses the economy-wide effect of the industrys expansion and outlines the
policy framework needed to secure long-term benefits for all Australians. APPEA
Media Release, Multi-speed Economy Analysis Reveals Multiple Fast Lanes, June
Global LNG mega projects and players 221

250 Australia





Existing Committed/under construction

Source: BREE Gas Market Report 2012

Figure 8.5 Australian and world LNG export capacity

way, about two-thirds of the total world LNG liquefaction capacity cur-
rently under construction is located in Australia33 (Figure8.5).
With the massive amount of LNG capacity under construction, Australia
is projected to become the worlds second-largest exporter of LNG, behind
Qatar, as early as 201516.34 According to the Australian Petroleum
Production & Exploration Association (APPEA),35 the Australian LNG
industry is targeting production of at least 60 million tonnes per annum

25, 2012,

33Australian Government, Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics

(BREE), Gas Market Report July 2012,, (hereinafter BREE Gas
Market Report 2012). This is the first of what is planned to be an annual report
on the current state and projected developments in international and domestic gas
markets. The Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (BREE) is a profes-
sionally independent, economic and statistical research unit within the Australian
Governments Resources, Energy and Tourism (RET) portfolio. The Bureau was
formed on 1 July 2011 and its creation reflects the importance placed on resources
and energy by the Australian Government and the value of these sectors to the
Australian economy. BREE,
34 BREE Gas Market Report 2012.
35The Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Ltd

(APPEA) is the peak national body representing Australias upstream oil and gas
exploration and production industry. APPEA,
222 Energy for the 21st century

(mtpa) by 2020, up from 2009 production of 16.71 mtpa.36 The IEA fore-
casts that by 2016, Australias LNG production capacity should reach
75.8 bcm/y (55.7 mtpa) of LNG, making it the worlds second-largest
LNG exporter after Qatar.37 Moreover, there are a number of other
LNG projects under consideration which, if brought into operation,
could increase Australias LNG capacity to over 100 Mt and could make
Australia the worlds largest LNG exporter by the end of the decade.38
Australias potential as a major LNG exporter is underpinned by
several significant factors. First, Australias petroleum, natural gas and
coal reserves are so significant relative to its domestic demand that it is
one of only three member states of the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD) that are net energy exporters.39
According to the Oil & Gas Journal, as of January 2011, Australias
proven natural gas reserves are 110 Tcf, making Australia the twelfth-
largest holder of conventional natural gas reserves in the world. Australia
also has significant unconventional natural gas reserves such as shale gas
and coal bed methane.40
Second, Australias stable political environment has made it success-
ful in attracting foreign investment to develop capital-intensive LNG
projects.41 Australias management of oil exploration and production is
divided between the states and the Federal (Commonwealth) govern-
ments. Australias states manage the applications for onshore exploration
and production projects, while the Commonwealth shares jurisdiction
over Australias offshore projects with the adjacent state or territory.
The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (RET) and the
Ministerial Council on Energy (MCE) function as regulatory bodies over
Australias oil and gas sector. In place of a national oil company, the
Australian government supports privately held Australian companies,
of which the largest are Woodside Petroleum and Santos. ExxonMobil
is the largest foreign oil producer; other international oil companies

37IEA Medium-Term oil and Gas Markets (MTOGM) 2011 at p.246. The
IEAs forecast does not include the Prelude FLNG, which is expected to start
operations in 2017.
38 BREE Gas Market Report 2012.
39Martin Ferguson, Australian Minister for Resources and Energy and

Minister for Tourism, Australias Energy and Resources Future, June 23, 2010,
available at
sEnergyandResourcesFuture.aspx. Canada and Norway are the other two OECD
members that are net energy exporters.
40 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Australia.
41IEA MOTGM 2011.
Global LNG mega projects and players 223

include Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Japex, Total, BHP Billiton, and

Lastly, Australia is geographically close to the growing Asia-Pacific
LNG market and many of Australias LNG projects have already been
committed to buyers in this region.43 Australias major LNG markets
are Japan, China and South Korea, while India is an important emerg-
ing market. The Australian LNG industry has been promoting LNG to
the buyers in the Asia-Pacific region as a more environmentally friendly
alternative to coal for power generation. According to the APPEA, for
every tonne of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the production,
liquefaction, and transport of Australian LNG, up to 9 tonnes of emis-
sions are avoided in customer countries when LNG is substituted for coal
in electricity generation.44

8.8 Current Australian LNG Projects

At the end of 2011, Australia had two producing LNG developments

and several other confirmed LNG projects, with more than a dozen other
LNG projects either under construction or at various stages of planning.
The countrys first LNG project the North West Shelf Venture (NWSV)
began shipping LNG in 1989. The project has since grown to include
five production trains and now produces up to 16.3 mtpa of LNG. The
countrys second LNG development Darwin LNG began production
in 2006. This one-train project produces up to 3.5 mtpa.
In addition, six large LNG projects are currently under construction.
Four are in northern Western Australia (Pluto, Gorgon, Wheatstone,
and Prelude) and two in Queensland (Queensland Curtis and Gladstone
LNG). (See Figure 8.6.) The Australia Pacific LNG project is currently
planned for Queensland but is still in the approval process, with FID not
yet taken at the time of this writing.
As well as the existing and committed projects, Australia currently
has around $200 billion worth of LNG projects on the drawing board,45
leaving no doubt that the Australian economy is in the relatively early
stages of the largest oil and gas investment boom in history.46 The existing

42 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Australia,

cabs/Australia/pdf.pdf, last updated Oct. 2011.

43IEA MTOGM 2011.
46Deloitte Access Economics, Advancing Australia: Harnessing our
224 Energy for the 21st century

Darwin LNG

Prelude FLNG

AustraliaPacific LNG

NWS Gladstone LNG

Queensland Curtis LNG

Source: APPEA

Figure 8.6 Australias existing and committed LNG plants

and planned LNG projects involve a continual flow of LNG tankers to

overseas customers and in aggregate trade terms the flow of LNG (and
related liquids) from Australia represents an important contribution to
Australias export income. An example of the economic value of a typical
LNG tanker is set forth in Figure 8.7.47

8.9Overview of Australian Conventional

LNG Projects

Four new conventional LNG production projects are under construction

or are in advanced planning in Australia that will use conventional gas

Comparative Energy Advantage, June 2012, available at APPEA, http://www.
Global LNG mega projects and players 225

A standard LNG tanker holds about 140,000 cubic metres of LNG. At

present production levels, around one tanker leaves Australias shores
every day destined for export markets this will increase substantially as
additional LNG terminals come online over the next five years.

Each tanker cargo contains an export value of LNG equal to approximately

$33 million at current prices, with a value added economic contribution of
around $31 million.

Each cargo provides a total tax contribution of about $8.7 million (based
on industry averages), comprising $4.9 million in company tax and $3.8
million in associated production taxes such as royalties and resource rent

Source: Deloitte Access Economics

Figure 8.7 Economic breakdown for standard LNG tanker cargo

from offshore the northwest coast Pluto, Gorgon, Wheatstone, and


8.9.1 Pluto LNG48

The Pluto LNG project was approved for development in July 2007 and
will process gas from the Pluto and Xena gas fields, located about 190 km
northwest of Karratha in Western Australia, into LNG and condensate.
The Pluto and Xena gas fields are estimated to contain 4.8 trillion cubic feet
(Tcf) of dry gas reserves and an additional 0.25 Tcf of contingent resources.
Pluto LNG is expected to come online in 2012 with a single 4.3 mtpa
LNG processing train but there are tentative plans to add further trains.49

48Woodside, Pluto LNG Project, available at

49According to reports, Woodside Petroleum Ltd.s A$15 billion Pluto
226 Energy for the 21st century

Woodside Energy owns 90 percent of the venture, which is supported by

15-year sales contracts with Kansai Electric and Tokyo Gas, each with a 5
percent equity ownership. The Pluto project includes an offshore platform
connecting 5 subsea wells and a 112-mile pipeline to an onshore LNG
facility on the Burrup Peninsula.50
Plans for a second train for Pluto have recently been placed on hold
as additional gas supplies are sought. In July 2011, Woodside Petroleum
announced that it had slowed progress on an expansion of its flagship
Pluto gas-export project as it searches for more gas to support a larger
Pluto project. While Woodside is betting billions of dollars on projects
like Pluto that could transform the company into a major gas exporter in
the Asia-Pacific region, significant delays to expanding the A$14.9 billion
(US$15.8 billion) Pluto project could be problematic since energy companies
in Australia have been competing for materials, labor and Asian buyers.51

8.9.2 Gorgon52

At an estimated cost of $37 billion, the Gorgon project is one of the

worlds largest natural gas projects and the largest single resource natural
gas project in Australias history.53 The greenfield Gorgon LNG project
is based on three liquefaction trains, each capable of producing 15 million
tonnes per year. Chevron took the final investment decision on Gorgon
LNG in September 200954 and groundbreaking for the LNG plant took
place in December 2009.55

facilities began production of LNG in May 2012 with the lead-up to the first sales
cargo, although no date for the shipment has been announced. Rick Wilkinson,
Woodside Starts Pluto LNG Production, Explores for more Reserves, Oil&Gas
Journal, May 7, 2012,
50 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Australia,

51Ross Kelly, Woodside Delays Orders for Pluto LNG Expansion, Wall Street

Journal Online, July 19, 2011,

52 Chevron Australia, Gorgon,

53 Chevron Australia, Business Portfolio,

54 Chevron Press Release, Chevron Makes Final Investment Decision to

Construct Gorgon Gas Project, Sept. 13, 2009,

55Offshore Technology, Gorgon,
Global LNG mega projects and players 227

The Gorgon project is currently under construction with an expected

completion date of 2014.56 The massive Gorgon project is operated by
Chevron and is a joint venture of the Australian subsidiaries of Chevron
(approximately 47 percent), ExxonMobil (25 percent) and Shell (25
percent), together with Osaka Gas (1.25 percent), Tokyo Gas (1 percent)
and Chubu Electric Power Company (0.417 percent). In the beginning
of 2011, Chevron signed long-term sales agreements with Nippon and
Kyushu corporations for sales of Gorgon LNG.57
The Gorgon project will develop the Gorgon and Jansz/Io gas fields,
located within the Greater Gorgon area, about 130 km off the northwest
coast of Western Australia. The huge Gorgon gas field is believed to
contain 40 Tcf of natural gas and is currently Australias largest known
natural gas resource. The Gorgon project includes development of the
gas fields, with connection by subsea pipelines to Barrow Island, where
gas processing facilities will have production capacity of 700 Bcf per year
to supply gas to Western Australia. Plans also include the construction
of a 15 million tonne per annum (MTPA) LNG plant on Barrow Island.
Gorgon LNG will be offloaded via a 4 km-long loading jetty for transport
to international markets. (See Figure 8.8.)
The complexity and scale of Gorgon makes it one of the most techni-
cally challenging LNG projects of the 21st century.58 For example, one
of the challenges for Gorgon is what to do with the carbon dioxide pro-
duced from the project. The raw gas from Gorgon contains 1215 percent
carbon dioxide (CO2). In order to avoid freezing in the LNG process,
the carbon dioxide contained in the natural gas produced from the field
will be removed prior to liquefaction. Instead of being vented into the

56 Chevron Australia, Gorgon,

57 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Australia.
58 For example, General Electric (GE) is supplying the project with more than

$1 billion in heavy duty mining and LNG equipment. In July 2012, GE announced
it had won another $600 million contract to provide Chevron with mission critical
services at Gorgon for the next 22 years. Among the equipment GE is supply-
ing are five 2,300 ton power generation modules that will produce a combined
650 megawatts of electricity for the Barrow Island terminal and heavy-duty gas
turbines that will drive Gorgons refrigeration units that turn the natural gas into
LNG. GE subsea technology such as wellheads, pipeline termination systems
and other equipment will help move gas through an underwater pipeline network
that measures hundreds of miles long. GE will also power Chevrons unique
CO2 sequestration system that will pipe carbon dioxide into empty gas wells.
GE Reports, Gorgontuan: New $600 Million LNG Services Deal with Chevron in
Australia Brings GEs Total to $1.8 Billion, July 20, 2012, http://www.gereports.
228 Energy for the 21st century



to B sea t Barrow Island
arr ie-ba
Isla ck Gas Plant
nd Karratha
nb line
Co main
u e
B p
nn lan to Pi
ec er s
tio d pi l Ga
m a
Da tur
Thevenard Island



Source: Chevron Australia

Figure 8.8 Overview of the Gorgon project

a tmosphere, the carbon dioxide will be injected into the Dupuy saline
reservoir below Barrow Island59 (Figure 8.9).
The CO2 injection location is on the central eastern coast of Barrow
Island near the gas processing plant. The CO2 injection wells will be direc-
tionally drilled from surface locations to reduce the surface area impact
and monitoring wells will provide a sample point within the injection
Once the CO2 is injected into the subsurface, it will continue to move
through the host reservoir, driven by the injection pressure and natural buoy-
ancy until it becomes trapped. According to Chevron, there are four mecha-
nisms that can trap injected CO2 within the host reservoir: solution trapping;

59Offshore Technology, Gorgon,

Global LNG mega projects and players 229

CO2 is separated
from natural gas


GAS from
fed to plant

CO2 is compressed
and injected 2.5 km
underground into
Dupuy Formation

Source: Chevron Australia, Gorgon, Carbon Dioxide Injection, http://

Figure 8.9 Gorgon CO2 injection

residual gas trapping; mineralogical trapping; and large-scale geometric

trapping. A range of monitoring activities are planned, including routine
observation and surveillance to detect CO2 migrating to the surface.60
Chevron plans to inject and permanently store about 2 trillion cubic
feet of CO2 more than 8,200 feet beneath Barrow Island, which is four
times more CO2 than any previous project, making Gorgon the largest
commercial scale CO2 injection project in the world.61 If this is success-
ful, Chevron and Australia could become global leaders in underground
carbon dioxide injection technology.62

60 Chevron Australia, Gorgon, Carbon Dioxide Injection, http://www.
61 Chevron, Next Magazine, Issue 4, November 2010, http://www.chevron.

62 Chevron Press Release, Chevron Makes Final Investment Decision to
230 Energy for the 21st century

According to Chevrons benchmarking analysis, the proposed LNG

facility on Barrow Island has the potential to be among the most green-
house gas efficient of its kind in the world.63

The greenhouse efficiency of the LNG component of the reference case for the
Gorgon Development is 0.353 tonnes of CO2e per tonne LNG. This efficiency
includes all emissions related to the production of the natural gas from the off-
shore fields, the energy required to inject reservoir CO2 and the volume of reser-
voir CO2 vented. As such, it represents the greenhouse efficiency of the overall
LNG component of the proposed Development, not just the manufacture of

Based on this data, the Gorgon project emissions will be comparable

to those of the North West Shelf Train 4 and proposed Train 5 expan-
sion, with only Oman LNG and Snohvit having appreciably better LNG
greenhouse gas efficiency (Figure 8.10).
While the CO2 injection and storage are significant components in
reducing emissions from Gorgon, other efforts were also made to reduce
emissions from the original 1998 concept, including replacing the offshore
gas processing platform with an all subsea development, changes in
LNG process technology, and improving waste heat recovery on the gas
turbines resulting in a significant reduction in the use of supplementary
boilers and heaters65 (Figure 8.11).
Aside from emissions, the Gorgon project remains challenging due to
numerous environmental constraints, including the fact that the selected
project site of Barrow Island was declared a Class A nature reserve in
1910 and is home to many rare fauna and flora.66 As a result, the Gorgon
project underwent a rigorous and thorough environmental assessment
that culminated in some of the most stringent conditions imposed on a
major project anywhere in the world.67 Nonetheless, some environmental

Construct Gorgon Gas Project, Sept. 13, 2009,

63 Chevron Australia, Draft Environmental Impact Statement/
Environmental Review and Management Programme for the Gorgon
Development, pp.61617,
65 Chevron Australia, Gorgon, Greenhouse Gas Management, Minimising

66 Chevron, Next Magazine, Issue 4, November 2010, http://www.chevron.

67 Chevron Australia, Gorgon, Environmental Approvals, http://www.chev
Global LNG mega projects and players 231

Australian LNG developments

Tonnes CO2e/tonnes LNG

0.5 0.075 International LNG developments


0.44 0.46 0.075 0.075

0.4 0.075 0.075
0.39 0.39
0.35 0.35 0.36
0.075 0.34

0.2 0.22


North West
North West
North West
Shelf Train 4
North West
Shelf Project
Darwin LNG
10 MTPA Design


Oman LNG

Nigeria LNG

Atlantic LNG


Source: Chevron Australia, Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental
Review and Management Programme for the Gorgon Development, p.617, http://www.

Figure 8.10 Benchmarked greenhouse gas efficiency

groups have challenged the project from its inception citing numerous
environmental concerns and, in particular, concerns about the projects
impact on the Australian flatback sea turtle, which nests on the beaches
near the project.68 While some are opposed to the project, significant
opposition has failed to materialize, in part due to Gorgons remote
Western Australian location and the general acceptance of lucrative
energy and mining projects.69
68Sea Turtle Restoration Project, Threats to Endangered Sea Turtles from

Oil and Gas Exposed in Chevron Alternative Annual Report and Ads: International
Activists Call for Halt to Natural Gas Facilities on Turtle Beaches, http://www. See also The Wilderness Society of Western
Australia, and Save The Kimberley, www.savethekimber
69As one reporter has noted, Its frankly a challenge to rally opposition to a

project on an island almost no one is allowed to set foot on in a territory four times
the size of Texas but home to only 2 million people. Mining for iron, copper, gold
232 Energy for the 21st century



0.7 0.20
Tonnes CO2e/tonnes LNG

0.6 0.06
0.89 0.20

0.3 0.07


1998 Concept

Use of


waste heat

Reservoir CO2

Reference case

Potential for further

reductions based
on performance
Source: Chevron Australia

Figure 8.11 Gorgon greenhouse gas emissions efficiency improvements

8.9.3 Wheatstone70

In conjunction with the Gorgon project, the Chevron-led Wheatstone

project in northwestern Australia reinforces Chevrons and Australias
position as leading LNG suppliers in the Asia-Pacific region. Chevron
is the operator of the Wheatstone project and holds an approximate 73
percent interest in the project along with Apache (23 percent), Kuwait
Petroleum (KUFPEC) (7 percent) and Shell (6.4 percent). KUFPEC

and coal is the keystone of the Western Australia economy. Flush with cash from
mining and energy projects (a unionized welder can bring home $500,000 a year),
the citizenry is relatively sanguine about environmental damage. Christopher
Helman, Drilling into Eden, Forbes Magazine, August 22, 2011, http://www.forbes.
70 Chevron, Wheatstone,

Global LNG mega projects and players 233

and Apache joined the project as gas suppliers from their nearby Julimar
and Brunello fields, which will extend the life of the project. Wheatstone
is supported by long-term LNG sales contracts with Tepco and
Gas will be processed at an onshore facility located at Ashburton
North, 12 km west of Onslow in Western Australias Pilbara region.
The foundation project will include two LNG trains with a combined
capacity of 8.9 million tonnes per year and a domestic gas plant with
a targeted completion date of 2016.72 While some concerns were raised
in 2011 about potential cost increases and labor shortages in Australia
that could negatively impact planned LNG projects, in September
2011 Chevron took a final investment decision (FID) on the A$29
billion Wheatstone project.73 Chevron indicated that construction on
Wheatstone was to begin immediately with an estimated start-up date
of 2016.74
According to analysts at Wood Mackenzie,75 Australia could have 73
million tonnes a year of capacity once all the projects that are producing or
have been sanctioned, including Wheatstone, are taken into account. This
compares with 77 million tonnes a year of capacity in Qatar. However, if
the Japanese Ichthys project is sanctioned by the end of 2011 as expected,
Australia could achieve 81.4 millon tonnes a year of capacity by 201718,
surpassing Qatar.76
With projects like Wheatstone, the Australian economy is likely to
remain strong if recent years are any indication. For example, in the
first half of 2011, higher prices and greater volumes pushed the value of
Australias LNG exports up 34 percent to A$10.5 billion. The Australian
governments Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics has forecast a
further 11 percent increase to A$11.6 billion in 201112.77

71EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Australia.

72EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Australia.
73 Chevron, Wheatstone, Press Release dated Sept. 26, 2011, Chevron Gives

Wheatstone Project Green Light,

75 Wood Mackenzie is the most comprehensive source of knowledge about

the worlds energy and metals industries. Wood Mackenzie website, http://www.
76 Peter Smith and Sylvia Pfeifer, Chevron Approves A$29bn Australia LNG

Project, Financial Times, Sept. 26, 2011,

234 Energy for the 21st century

8.9.4 Prelude the Worlds First FLNG Project

Australia also seems likely to become the first country in the world to host
a floating LNG liquefaction project. Shell Development Australia will use
a specially designed ship the largest floating structure ever built with
LNG production facilities to develop its Prelude gas field off the north
coast of Western Australia. This project is expected to begin producing 3.5
mtpa from 2016 or 2017.78 For additional discussion about FLNG and the
Prelude project, see Chapter 12.

8.10The Next Wave of Australian LNG


There are several other LNG projects in the planning stage in Australia
with some aimed at taking FID in late 2011 or later79 (Table 8.3).
Some projects have secured buyers and are in advanced stages of obtain-
ing permits. For example, Woodsides Browse LNG is in talks with Asian
customers and aims to finalize contract terms in 2011.80 The Australian
state environmental approval for Browse was granted in December 2010
and is now proceeding to the Australian Federal government approval
process. Shell and PetroChina are jointly developing the CS CSG project
after Arrow Energys board of directors and shareholders approved a
takeover bid in 2010.81
The Bonaparte project is a 2.7 bcm floating LNG project that GDF
Suez expects to take FID on in 2014. The pre-FEED contract was
awarded in 2011 and this project could reinforce GDF Suezs position in
the Asia-Pacific region after signing short-term contracts with Kogas and
CNOOC.82 Woodsides Greater Sunrise project seems to be facing chal-
lenges as East Timor continues to insist that the project be built on East
Timors national territory, although the project sponsors are looking at a
floating option due to project economics.83
The Icthys project, located off the northwest coast in the Browse Basin,
is now expected to begin construction in early 2012. The project is led by
Japans INPEX (74 percent) and Total (26 percent). A 528-mile undersea

78IEA MTOGM 2011.

Table 8.3 Emerging Australian LNG projects

Project Partners (share) Expected Capacity LNG buyers Sales volume Start-up CAPEX ($b)*
FID (bcm) (bcm)
Wheatstone Chevron 80%, 2011 11.7 Tokyo Electric, 5.6 2016 29.0
Apache 13%, Kogas, Kyushu 2.7
Kufpec 7% Electric 1.1
Australia ConocoPhillips 50%, 2011 6.1 plus Sinopec 5.8 20151 19.6
Pacific LNG Origin 50%
Pluto Train2 Woodside 100% 2011 6.5 None yet N/A 2016 15.3
Ichthys Inpex 76%, Total 24% 2011 10.9 None yet N/A 20161 30.8
Browse Woodside 50%, 2012 16.3 Osaka Gas, CPC 1.6 20161

Chevron 16.7%, 4.1
BP 16.7%BHP and
Shell 8.3% each
CS CSG Shell 50%, 2012 10.8 plus Petro China, Shell 5.4 20161
PetroChina 50% 5.4
Greater Sunrise Woodside 33.4%, 2012 6.8 None yet N/A 20161
shell 26.6%,
ConocoPhillips 30%,
OG 20%
Bonaparte GDF Suez 60%, 2014 2.7 None yet N/A 2018
Santos 40%

Sources: IEA MOTGM 2011; Deloitte Access Economics Study*

236 Energy for the 21st century

pipeline will connect the gas fields to a new export LNG terminal to be
built near Darwin. The project is expected to come on-stream in 2016, with
an expected production of 380 Bcf of LNG and 19 million barrels of LPG
per year, as well as 100,000 bbl/d of condensate. The Australian govern-
ment gave environmental approval in June 2011 and the final investment
decision is expected in the fourth quarter of 2011.84

8.11Australian LNG Projects based on


Australias energy industry is making multibillion-dollar investments pio-

neering the development of coal seam gas (CSG) into LNG. CSGis a form
of natural gas (methane) found in coal seams, rather than in the sandstone
reservoirs that hold conventional natural gas. The amount of gas held
in coal seams may be several times greater than the current reserves of
natural gas. Much of the attention is focused on Queensland since it is one
of the most abundant regions for coal seam gas in the Pacific Basin.86 In
Australia, approximately 20 percent of natural gas currently being used
comes from coal seam gas.87
There are currently four LNG projects based on CSG planned for
development in Queensland. Two of these schemes Gladstone LNG and
Queensland Curtis have already received all necessary federal and state
approvals and the project proponents have made positive final investment
The Gladstone project,88 located onshore Queensland, will be the
worlds first major CSG to LNG operation. The project is a joint venture
between Santos (30 percent), Petronas (27.5 percent), Total (27.5 percent),
and Kogas (15 percent) and, so far, a long-term sales agreement with
Kogas has been signed.89 The project will initially produce 7.8 million
tonnes per annum (mtpa) of LNG, with a maximum potential production
of 10 mtpa. Construction is expected to start in 2011, with the first cargoes
scheduled to be exported from 2015.90
The Queensland Curtis LNG (QCLNG) project is being developed

84 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, AustraliaI.

86 QCLNG Project,
87Gladstone LNG,
88Gladstone LNG,
89IEA MOTGM 2011.
90Gladstone LNG,
Global LNG mega projects and players 237

by QGC, a BG Group business and a leading Australian coal seam gas

explorer and producer.91 Queensland Curtis LNG is a priority project for
QGC and involves expanding exploration and development in southern
and central Queensland and transporting gas via a 540 km buried pipe-
line to Curtis Island near Gladstone, where it will be liquefied. In 2009,
QGC produced approximately 20 percent of Queenslands natural gas.
QGC has agreements in place to supply China, Chile and Singapore.92
The projects first stage will consist of two LNG trains, at the Curtis
Island plant. These trains, which have a design life of at least 20 years,
will produce a combined 8.5 million tonnes of LNG a year. The QCLNG
site can accommodate an expansion to 12 million tonnes of LNG a year.
Construction is scheduled to begin in 2010, with the first LNG delivery
expected in 2014. The proposed LNG plant will occupy less than 1
percent of Curtis Island and will be separated from public areas by an
environmental protection zone.93
Two other large CSGLNG projects, Australia Pacific LNG and Arrow
LNG, are also being planned for Queensland, although these have not yet
finished working their way through the federal and state approvals proc-
esses and FIDs have not yet been made on these projects. However, the
project proponents are actively developing gas fields and pipelines and are
marketing their gas to potential buyers.
The four CSGLNG projects will pipe the gas from the CSG fields
of inland Queensland to the port city of Gladstone. Plants at Gladstone
will then liquefy the natural gas into LNG. The Queensland Government
expects these projects will create around 18,000 jobs, increase State
Domestic Product by 1 percent, and generate around $1 billion per annum
in state revenue.
As an end-use product, CSGLNG is the same as conventional natural
gas and is used to generate electricity and to power natural gas appliances
such as heaters and stoves. CSG already comprises about 90 percent of
Queenslands gas production and the industry is forecast to become a
substantial contributor to New South Wales (nsw) energy production.
CSG companies are undertaking appraisal and early-stage development
work in several traditional coal-mining regions of NSW, as well as in the
Gunnedah and Clarence-Moreton basins in northern NSW.

91 QCLNG Project,

238 Energy for the 21st century

8.11.1 CSG and Economic and Regional Development94

The Australian government believes that CSG can play an important role
in regional development by bringing infrastructure and investment to
parts of rural and regional Queensland and NSW, and by providing new
jobs and strengthening and diversifying regional economies. The CSG
industry has already become a major source of employment and income
in parts of inland south Queensland. Several Queensland and NSW CSG
companies have built or are planning to build significant gas-fired power
stations and associated infrastructure near regional centers. Over the next
two decades, the CSG industry is likely to spend as much as $6 billion
on NSW gas field developments and a further $3.9 billion of operating
spending, according to a report commissioned by APPEA.95
According to APPEA, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO)96 has estimated eastern Australias CSG
resources to be more than 250 trillion cubic feet; this is enough to power
a city of one million people for 5,000 years and more than enough to
feed Australias domestic and export CSG projects for many decades to
come.97 Nonetheless, the CSG industry has recently come under greater
scrutiny as cost blow-outs have been announced amid doubts about the
CSG industrys ability to supply enough gas to the three LNG export
projects based on CSG.98

8.12 Environmental Issues Related to CSG

Although the Australian government is optimistic about the benefits of

CSG, numerous environmental concerns have been raised about CSG

95APPEA, Economic Significance of Coal Seam Gas in New South Wales.
96The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation (CSIRO) is Australias national science agency and one of the
largest and most diverse research agencies in the world. CSIRO, http://www.csiro.
98Matt Chambers, CSG Industry in Crisis as Gas Plays Face $20bn

Blowout, The Australian, July 7, 2012,

frg9df-1226419419888, noting that QUEENSLANDS burgeoning $60 billion
coal-seam gas export industry is facing growing doubts about its ability to supply
enough gas to three giant export plants due to start in Gladstone in 2014, and to
contain development costs.
Global LNG mega projects and players 239

and opposition to Australias CSG industry appears to be growing

with calls for new legislation to regulate the industry. A recent poll
released by Australias Green party, which is strongly opposed to the
industry, showed that 70 percent of respondents want coal seam gas
miningbanned in urban areas, while 68 percent want a moratorium on
CSG in Australia until the effects on the environment are more fully
The concerns raised about CSG are quite similar to the concerns raised
about the production of shale gas (see Chapter 10). First, coal seam gas
production involves hydraulic fracturing, which requires large volumes of
water, sand and chemicals to be injected into the well at high pressure to
free the gas trapped in the coal seams. Opponents say the process could
cause the water table in key farming areas to drop and may also cause
water contamination. Concerns have also been raised that the extensive
dredging required to build the CSG projects could harm sites including
Australias Great Barrier Reef.100
Landowner rights are another point of contention. Under Australian
law, landowners have surface land rights, but the government owns
the mineral rights. Coal seam gas companies have said they prefer to
make voluntary agreements with landowners rather than force their
way onto farmland to gain access to resources, and companies typically
negotiateland access agreements with landowners.101 While the terms of
these agreements are usually confidential, Queensland AgForce, a group
that represents agricultural interests, has suggested that compensation
varies widely, ranging from A$500 (U$522.77) to A$5,000 a year per
In terms of restrictions, both Queensland and New South Wales have
banned the chemical combination known as BTEX, which has been used
for hydraulic fracturing in the United States. These states have also ruled
out using evaporation ponds to dispose of the extremely saline water
produced by coal seam gas production. Other restrictions vary from state
to state.103 In Queensland, State Premier Anna Bligh recently banned
mining and coal seam gas exploration within 2 km of urban areas with
populations over 1,000. Farmers have pushed to get the ban extended to

99Rebekah Kebede, Q1A Regulating Australias Coal Seam Gas

Sector, Reuters, Aug. 26, 2011,

240 Energy for the 21st century

farmland, but experts say Bligh is unlikely to do so, given the huge amount
of investment and jobs involved.104
New South Wales, where the coal seam gas industry is still relatively
new, has extended an existing moratorium on hydraulic fracturing through
the end of 2011.105 The Australian Green party is currently leading the
charge to impose more stringent regulations on CSG development and
recently introduced legislation that would allow farmers to refuse to have
coal seam gas drilling on their land.106 Analysts say the recent tightening
of regulations in Queensland is unlikely to affect projects significantly, but
the growing public opposition to the coal seam gas sector could be a factor
down the road and might lead to project delays and higher costs.107
For its part, the Australian CSG industry contends that the CSG indus-
try has been around for decades and it has been a significant source of gas
production in Queensland for more than ten years.108 Moreover, industry
and government have a detailed knowledge of the hydraulic fracturing
process and of the chemicals being used. Water and sand comprise more
than 99 percent of the volume of fracking fluid and companies must
identify the chemicals being used in any fracking operation and detail any
likely interactions with the water and rock formations in the area being
In terms of landowners issues, the industry notes that by law companies
must notify landholders before entering their land. They are generally
required to give at least ten business days notice before entering land for
any form of activity. For any activities entailing some form of disturbance
of the land, companies must have a negotiated conduct and compensation
agreement with the landholder.
The industry also maintains that wells are constructed in a way that
ensures there can be no migration of gas to neighboring bores and aqui-
fers. A recent wellhead safety report in Queensland surveyed more than
2,900 wells and found only 35 leaks of concern. These leaks posed no
threat to human health but the companies were required to rectify them.
In terms of arguments that the CSG production activity could cause the
Great Artesian Basin to dry up, threatening farming activity, the industry
maintains that given the huge volume of water held in the Great Artesian

107Rebekah Kebede, Insight: Australias Coal-seam Gas Industry Feels

Political Heat, Reuters, Nov 16, 2011,

Global LNG mega projects and players 241

Basin, the actual volume predicted to be extracted by CSG production is

a tiny fraction of this total. If there are any localized impacts on pressure
in some waterbores, CSG producers are required to make good any loss
of access to water, ensuring a continued reasonable supply of water to
9.New players and projects Russia,
Peru, Yemen, and Papua New

The projects in Qatar demonstrate how vision and technology can trans-
form a country into the worlds largest LNG exporter. Similarly, the huge
waves of LNG projects underway in Australia demonstrate vision and
technologies that will propel the LNG industry to even greater achieve-
ments. At the same time, however, the Australian projects are challenged
by many environmental and emissions concerns and, for that reason, these
projects will no doubt be studied well into the 21st century.
While Qatar and Australia are global leaders in LNG, a number of
other countries have recently stepped onto the world LNG stage for the
first time, including Russia, Peru, Yemen, and Papua New Guinea. These
new projects present numerous opportunities and challenges that differ
significantly from those presented in Qatar and Australia. For example,
in Russia, the challenges of working through an opaque bureaucracy
that requires many layers of approvals can delay or even derail projects.
Russia also demonstrates the difficulties of working in extremely harsh
Arctic conditions. The Peru, Yemen, and Papua New Guinea LNG
projects highlight the opportunities and challenges associated with bring-
ing natural gas to the global market while balancing economic growth,
environmental protection and social development demands.



Russia is a key player in the global energy markets and is a major exporter
of oil and natural gas. Over the past decade, most of Russias economic
growth has been driven by its energy exports. Natural gas exports remain a
major driver of Russias gas industry since most of the industrys revenues
come from exports, whereas natural gas for the domestic market is sold

New players and projects 243

at regulated prices.1 According to the IEAs most recent World Energy

Outlook (WEO-2011), which featured a special section on Russia, the
energy policy choices made by Russia in the coming years will have major
implications on global energy security and environmental sustainability.2
The state-run Gazprom dominates Russias upstream energy sector and
Gazprom controls more than 65 percent of Russias proven natural gas
reserves, with additional reserves being controlled by Gazprom in joint
ventures with other companies. In addition, almost 90 percent of Russias
total natural gas output is produced by Gazprom. While independent pro-
ducers have gained some footing in recent years, with producers such as
Novatek and LUKoil contributing increasing volumes to Russias produc-
tion, the upstream sector remains fairly limited to independent producers
and other companies.3 Gazproms position is further cemented by its legal
monopoly on Russian gas exports (discussed below).

9.2.1 Russias Natural Gas Reserves

According to the Oil & Gas Journal, Russia holds the worlds largest
natural gas reserves, with 1,680 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) or approximately
48 trillion cubic meters (tcm)4 (Figure 9.1). Russias reserves account for
about a quarter of the worlds total proven reserves, with the majority of
these reserves located in Western Siberia, with the Yamburg, Urengoy,
and Medvezhye fields alone accounting for about 45 percent of Russias
total reserves.5

1Interfax, Corporate News Agency, Russias Gas Industry in 20102011, July

2011. Interfax Group ( is a leading provider of information

on Russia, China and the emerging markets of Central Asia. In September 2011,
Interfax launched a new natural gas service, Interfax Global Energy Services
(, and pdf publication, Natural Gas Daily, which pro-
vides global coverage of every phase of the gas chain. Interfaxs information on
Russias natural gas industry was particularly helpful for this book.
2IEA WEO-2011, Chapter 7, Russian Domestic Energy Prospects.
3 EIA Country Analysis Brief, Russia (Nov. 2010), available at http://www.
4Ibid. Most recently, the IEA has indicated that proven reserves of natural

gas in Russia are generally quoted to be about 45 tcm with varying estimates
including: 45 tcm, BP, 2011; 48 tcm in O&GJ; 46 tcm in Cedigaz, 2011; and 48
tcm in Government of Russia, 2009. IEA WEO-2011. A useful website for metric
conversions is
5 EIA Country Analysis Brief, Russia (Nov. 2010), available at http://www.
244 Energy for the 21st century

1,800 1,680
Trillion cubic feet

1,200 1,046
1,000 899
400 265 263 245 176
199 185 159

Saudi Arabia



United States

Abu Dhabi



Source: US EIA

Figure 9.1 Top proven natural gas reserve holders, 2010

9.2.2 Exploration and Production

Russia has been the worlds long-standing leader in terms of natural gas
production. However, in 2009, and largely due to the increase in shale gas
production, the United States overtook Russia and became the worlds
largest natural gas producer with production of 21 Tcf versus Russias
production of 19.3 Tcf, although Russia was still the worlds largest
exporter of natural gas (7.3 Tcf).6 According to the BP Statistical Review
of World Energy 2012, the United States remains the worlds top natural
gas producer for the third consecutive year. (See Chapter 11, Table 11.1.)

9.2.3 Russian Natural Gas Flaring

Natural gas associated with oil production is often flared. According to

the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Russia flared
an estimated 1,432 Bcf of natural gas in 2008, the highest of any country in
the world (Figure 9.2). The Russian government has taken steps to reduce
natural gas flaring and set a target of 95 percent utilization of associated
gas by 2012.7

New players and projects 245


Billion cubic feet (Bcf)



600 532
196 184
200 133 124 110



Saudi Arabia





Source: US EIA

Figure 9.2 Volumes of gas flared, 2008

9.2.4 Natural Gas Exports and Export Disputes

Russia supplies Europe with most of its natural gas and, in particular,
supplies significant amounts of natural gas to the Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS).8 Germany is the biggest export market with
a 33.4 percent share.9 In addition, Gazprom, through its subsidiary
Gazexport, exports natural gas to Turkey, Japan, and other Asian coun-
tries.10 According to published data, in 2009 Russia exported more than
6.5 Tcf of natural gas, which includes 4.5 Tcf to Eastern and Western
Europe and 2.2 Tcf to CIS countries.11 The share of Russias natural gas
exports as a percentage of Russias gas output was the highest in 1999,
amounting to 33.5 percent.12 While this percentage has dropped in recent

9Interfax, Corporate News Agency, Russias Gas Industry in 20102011, July 2011.
10 EIA Country Analysis Brief, Russia (Nov. 2010), available at http://www.
12Interfax, Corporate News Agency, Russias Gas Industry in 20102011, July

246 Energy for the 21st century

years (2010 26.8 percent), Russia/Gaszprom still remains the largest

natural gas supplier in the European market with a market share of 23
Most of Europes natural gas imports from Russia transit through
Ukraine and Belarus via pipeline. In recent years, pricing disputes between
Russia and these natural gas hubs have resulted in natural gas being cut
off to much of Europe. As a result, most European countries are seeking
alternate sources of natural gas and alternate pipeline routes to ensure
security of natural gas supplies in the future.14

9.2.5 Russias Natural Gas Pipelines

As in the upstream operations, Gazprom also dominates Russias

natural gas pipeline system. There are currently nine major pipelines
in Russia, seven of which are export pipelines. The Yamal-Europe I,
Northern Lights, Soyuz, and Bratrstvo pipelines all carry Russian gas
to Eastern and Western European markets via Ukraine and/or Belarus.
These four pipelines have a combined capacity of 4 Tcf. Three other
pipelines, Blue Stream, North Caucasus, and Mozdok-Gazi-Magomed,
connect Russias production areas to consumers in Turkey and the
former Soviet Union (FSU) republics in the east.15 As noted below,
there are also a number of pipeline expansion projects underway in

Yamal-Europe II
A proposed expansion of the current 1 Tcf Yamal-Europe I, which carries
natural gas from Russia to Poland and Germany via Belarus, would add
another 1 Tcf of capacity. Gazprom and Poland currently disagree on
the exact route of the second branch as it travels through Poland, with
Gazprom wanting a route via southeastern Poland to Slovakia and on to
Central Europe, while Poland wants the branch to travel through its own
country and then on to Germany.17

13Ibid. Other major natural gas suppliers to Europe include Norway (19%),

Algeria (10%), and Qatar (6%). Ibid.

14 EIA Country Analysis Brief, Russia (Nov. 2010), available at http://www.
New players and projects 247

South Stream
The first component of the South Stream project plans to send natural gas
from the same starting point as the Blue Stream pipeline at Beregovaya
for 560 miles under the Black Sea, achieving a maximum water depth of
over 6,500 feet. The second, onshore component will cross Bulgaria with
two alternatives: one directed towards the northwest, crossing Serbia and
Hungary and linking with existing gas pipelines from Russia; and the other
directed to the southwest through Greece and Albania, linking directly to
the Italian network. As a result of the RussiaUkraine disputes, the pipe-
line will be constructed through Turkeys waters, avoiding Ukraines terri-
tory altogether. Gazprom expects the pipeline to be completed by 2015.18

Nord Stream pipeline

A northern pipeline extending over 2,000 miles from Russia to Germany
via the Baltic Sea was initially approved in 2005. Once completed, the
pipeline will be the longest subsea pipeline, with a capacity to transport
1.9 Tcf of natural gas.19 Although the project has suffered delays, the first
phase of the Nord Stream gas pipeline was launched in November 2011,
with some calling into question the project economics for the pipeline
as well as Europes need for the new pipeline.20 One consultancy report
predicts that gas price growth will stop in 2015 as a gas glut hits Europe,
thereby obviating the need for the Nord Stream pipeline.21
By far, Germany appears to be the primary beneficiary of the Nord
Stream pipeline as an eventual 55 bcm/y of extra gas (Nord Streams total
capacity once fully operational) will flow directly to Germany, with no
transit states and to the benefit of local German companies Wintershall
and E.ON Ruhrgas, which are shareholders of Nord Stream. This should
certainly help German energy security, especially since Germany has
replaced planned nuclear power with gas-fired power.22

20 Josh Posaner, What Does Nord Stream Mean for Europe? Interfax Global

Energy Services, Natural Gas Review, Dec. 1, 2011, available at http://interfax
21Ibid., citing a report unveiled in Germany by consultancy firm AT Kearney,

called the European Gas Market Study.

22 Josh Posaner, What Does Nord Stream Mean for Europe? Interfax Global

Energy Services, Natural Gas Review, Dec. 1, 2011, available at http://interfax
248 Energy for the 21st century

+ Sakhalin-5
+ (East Shmidtovski)

(West Shmidtovski) Sakhalin-5 (Lopukhovsky)
Sea of Okhotsk

Sakhalinski Sakhalin-5 (Kaigansko-Vasyugan)

Bay Elvari Neftegaz

Sakhalin-4 (Astrakhanov) ODOPTU MORE(Sakhalin-1)

Sakhalin-3 (East Odoptinski)
Sakhalin-3 (Ayashski)
Lazarevo ARKUTUN-DAGI (Sakhalin-1)
CHAIVO Sakhalin 3 (Veninski)
Kirinskoye (Sakhalin 3)
De-kastri LUNSKOYE (Sakhalin-2)
Sakhalin-3 (Kirinski)

Sakhalin Islan

Sakhalin-6 (Pogranichnoye)

+ +

Sakhalin-6 Greater Area


Sakhalin-6 (Varvarinski)




24 oil. 48 gas (LNG export)





Sakhalin LNG



Source: US EIA/Wood Mackenzie

Figure 9.3 Sakhalin Island

9.2.6 Sakhalin Island, Sakhalin LNG and Sakhalin IVI

Sakhalin Island is a former penal colony located on the Far East side of
Russia and is a major oil and gas producing area. It is also the location of
Russias first LNG terminal Sakhalin LNG.23 (See Figure 9.3.)

23 EIA, Country Analysis Brief, Sakhalin Island (last updated June 2011),

available at
New players and projects 249

According to energy experts Wood Mackenzie, technically and com-

mercially recoverable oil reserves around Sakhalin Island are estimated
at almost 5 billion barrels. Natural gas reserves are estimated to be
approximately 34 trillion cubic feet. Both Russian exploration compa-
nies and international consortia are involved in the development of the
various projects on Sakhalin Island. Although there are extensive export
plans via LNG and pipelines to the mainland, little progress has been
made beyond the first two developments on Sakhalin Sakhalin I and
Sakhalin II.24

Sakhalin I25
The Sakhalin I project is led and operated by Exxon Neftegaz, a subsidi-
ary of ExxonMobil, which holds a 30 percent interest. Other participants
include: Russian oil company Rosneft acting via its affiliates RN-Astra
(8.5 percent) and Sakhalinmorneftegas-Shelf (11.5 percent); Japanese
consortium SODECO (30 percent), and Indian state-owned oil company
ONGC Videsh Ltd. (20 percent).26
Due to its harsh Arctic climate, Sakhalin-1 is one of the most challeng-
ing projects in the world. Although they were discovered several decades
ago, the Sakhalin-1 fields were not developed until new technologies
became available as a result of the partnerships between Russian and
international companies.27 The first phase of the project development is
already underway and Exxon Neftegaz is extracting resources from both
the Chayvo and Odoptu fields. Commercial production of oil and natural
gas in the Odoptu field began in September 2010, offsetting the declining
output from the projects Chayvo field. Subsequent phases of the project
will include the development of the Arkutun-Dagi field as well as Phase
II of the Chayvo development. The Arkutun-Dagi field development
will help maintain production as the Chayvo field production naturally
declines. According to Exxon Neftegaz, oil production is expected to begin
in 2014. Phase II of the Chayvo field will allow for expanded natural gas
production for both domestic consumption and exports.28
So far, the mode of natural gas exports from Sakhalin 1 has not
been decided, but the project is supplying natural gas to the local area.

25 Exxon Neftegas Limited, Sakhalin-1,

28 EIA, Country Analysis Brief, Sakhalin Island (last updated June 2011),

available at
250 Energy for the 21st century

ExxonMobil would like to send the natural gas to the south via pipeline
to China, but other shareholders and Gazprom would rather market the
natural gas as LNG via Sakhalin II, which would require an expansion of
the facilities there.29

Sakhalin II (Sakhalin LNG)30

The Sakhalin II project is being developed under a production-sharing
agreement (PSA) that includes Gazprom (50 percent), Shell (27.5 percent),
Mitsui (12.5 percent), and Mitsubishi (10 percent), all of which participate
in the Sakhalin Energy consortium. The project includes the development
of two offshore fields, the Piltun-Astokhskoye (mostly oil) field and the
Lunskoye (mostly gas) field, as well as construction of onshore pipelines to
carry oil and gas to the south of the island, an onshore processing facility,
LNG liquefaction plants, and offloading terminals for crude oil and LNG.
Sakhalin IIs estimated commercial and technical reserves are 14 Tcf of
natural gas and 1 billion barrels of liquids.31
Sakhalin II is one of the largest integrated projects in the world and
was undertaken amid some of the worlds harshest conditions in an
area prone to earthquakes.32 Perhaps not so surprisingly, the projects
faced major delays and cost overruns.33 The cost overruns, along with
other challenges encountered throughout the project, ultimately resulted
in Shell losing control of the majority interest in the project in 2007.
Shell originally held a 55 percent stake in the project until Gazprom
announced in late 2007 that it was cutting Shells stake in Sakhalin II
to 27.5 percent and reducing the interest of the Japanese partners as
well. While details are limited, Gazproms actions appeared to be due
to Russia asserting control over its natural resources as well as the cost
of the project under Shell, which ballooned from $10 billion in 1997 to
$20 billion in 2005. The cost overruns, plus some other environmental

30Sakhalin Energy,
31 EIA, Country Analysis Brief, Sakhalin Island (last updated June 2011),
available at
32Shell News Release, Sakhalin II Gears up for Full Production, May 20, 2009,

available at
33 EIA, Country Analysis Brief, Sakhalin Island (last updated June 2011),

available at For an interesting

article describing the challenging conditions at Sakhalin, including the long
journey just to get there, see Sakhalin Island: Journey to Extreme Oil, Bloomberg
Businessweek, May 15, 2006, available at
New players and projects 251

concerns and mishaps, apparently caused anger and resentment towards

Shells leadership.34
In terms of environmental issues, Sakhalin II faced intense opposi-
tion from an environmental group called Sakhalin Environment Watch
(SEW). SEW was highly critical of Sakhalin Energys pipeline route,
oil-spill preparedness and construction techniques. Moreover, there were
concerns about the huge projects impact on the salmon spawning habitat
and the overall marine ecosystem.35
Despite the challenges and delays, Sakhalin II eventually came online
in March 2009, two years later than its targeted date of 2007.36 In April
2009, the first Sakhalin II LNG cargo was delivered to Japan, marking the
very first Russian export of LNG. Virtually all of the gas from Sakhalin
II has been sold under long-term contracts to customers in the Asia-
Pacific region, including Japan and South Korea. In 2010, Sakhalin LNG
announced it had reached full production capacity of 9.6 MMT/y, which
is about 5 percent of the world LNG output.37

Sakhalin III
The Kirinskoye and Veninskoye blocks in the Sakhalin III project are
estimated to contain 1.5 billion barrels of oil and 2.7 Tcf of natural gas
in commercial and technical reserves. The Veninskoye block, with oil
reserves of 1.4 billion barrels, will be developed by a Rosneft-Sinopec
consortium, with four wells drilled so far. Once exploration has been
completed, production could start from the Veninskoye field in 2017.
Gazprom began exploration drilling at the Kirinskoye offshore field in
July 2009, and it is the first Sakhalin project to be carried out completely
by a Russian firm. The company plans to deliver natural gas produced
at the field to the Sakhalin-Khabarivsk-Vladivostok gas system by 2014.

34Abraham Lustgarten, Shell Shakedown,, Feb. 1, 2007,

available at
36Interestingly, Sakhalin received a commissioning cargo in October 2007

from the tiny Kenai LNG facility in Kenai, Alaska, when Marathon Oils
Arctic Sun berthed at Sakhalin Island. Since Alaskan LNG is mainly methane,
it was ideally suited for the initial commissioning and testing of the Sakhalin
LNG plant. Sakhalin Energy, Alaska to Aniva ... Second LNG Shipment
Arrives! (Oct. 2007), available at
37Sakhalin Energy, In 2010 Sakhalin Energy Produced 100 LNG

(August 2010),

252 Energy for the 21st century

Gazprom also holds licenses to the Vostochno-Odoptu and Ayashski


Sakhalin IVVI
Areas of Sakhalin Island lying to the north and southeast of Sakhalin I
and II are at various preliminary stages of development and have thus
far shown mixed results. The Rosneft-BP efforts in the East and West
Shmidtovski fields have been disappointing. However, exploration in the
Kaigansko-Vasyugan continues with promising results.39

Table 9.1 summarizes Sakhalin IVI.

9.2.7 Yamal LNG

Two gas mega projects are currently underway in Russia, the Yamal
LNG project and the Shtokman project.40 The Yamal LNG project was
launched in late 2008 in response to output declines in the Yamburg,
Urengoy, and Medvezhye fields.41 The Yamal project is being developed
by Novatek, Russias largest independent natural gas producer and the
second-largest natural gas producer in Russia after Gazprom.42
In 2010, Novatek accounted for approximately 6 percent of the natural
gas produced in Russia, providing approximately 10 percent of total
natural gas deliveries through the UGSS (United Gas Supply System)
to the domestic market. Novatek is currently required to sell 100 percent
of its natural gas to customers in the Russian Federation and its main
customers are power generation companies, industrial users, regional gas
distributors and wholesale gas traders.43
As an independent natural gas producer, Novatek is not subject to the
governments regulation of natural gas prices; however, the regulated
price as set by the Federal Tariff Service (FTS) significantly influences the
market conditions in Novateks regions of delivery as well as the price in its
natural gas contracts with end-customers and wholesale traders. Novatek
transports its natural gas through its own pipelines into the UGSS, which it
then uses to deliver its gas to end-customers in accordance with the relevant

38 EIA, Country Analysis Brief, Sakhalin Island (last updated June 2011),

available at
40IEA WEO-2011.
42 Novatek, About Us, available at
Table 9.1 Sakhalin project summary

Sakhalin Sakhalin Sakhalin Sakhalin Sakhalin Sakhalin

Primary Odoptu (Onshore), Piltun- Kirinkii, Pogranichny Kaigansko- Pogranichny
field/block Chayvo (Onshore Astokskoye, Veninskoye, Block Vasyukansk
names and offshore), Lunskoye Vostochno- Okruzhnoye, East Schimdt
Arkutun-Dagi Odoptu, Aiyashkii West Schmidt
Oil reserve 2.1 billion bbl (Source: 1.0 billion bbl 45 billion bbl of Up to 1.3 East Schmidt 600 million
estimate Wood Mackenzie) (Source: Wood oil (Source: IHS) billion bbl (2.98 billion bbl
Mackenzie) (Source: IHS) bbl), K-V (8.5
billion bbl)
(Source: IHS)

Gas reserve 16.9 Tcf (Source: Wood 14.2 Tcf (Source: 49 Tcf (Source: 19 Tcf, 1 Tcf 15.217.7 Tcf n/a
estimate Mackenzie) Wood Mackenzie) Gazprom) in west
Primary Exxon Nefttegaz Gazprom (50%), Roseneft(49.8%), BP (49%), Elvary Urals
project (30%), Sakhalin Energy Chinese Sinopec Rosneft (51%) Neftegas: Energy (via
developers SODECO (30%), Investment (25.1%) and BP (49%), Petrosakh),
ONGC Videsh (20%), Company:Shell Sakhaliskaya Rosneft (51%) Alfa Eco
Sakhalinmo meftegaz (27.5%), Mitsui Neftyanaya
(11.5%), and (12.5%), Kompaniya(25.1%)
RN Astra (8.5%) Mitsubishi(10%)

Source: US EIA
254 Energy for the 21st century

transportation contracts it enters into with Gazprom. The UGSS trans-

ports substantially all of the natural gas sold in Russia and is owned and
operated by Gazprom. UGSS transportation tariffs are set by the FTS.44
In June 2009, Novatek acquired 51 percent of the ordinary shares in
Yamal LNG LLC, which holds the exploration and production license
for the South-Tambeyskoye field. The South-Tambeyskoye field was
discovered in 1974 and is located in the northeastern portion of the Yamal
peninsula. As of 31 December 2009, the field contained 380.0 bcm of
proved natural gas reserves and 13.7 mmt of proved liquid hydrocarbon
reserves. In 2009 and 2010, various 3D and 2D seismic data were collected
and a number of exploratory wells were drilled.45
In May 2010, Yamal LNG LLC announced that it had awarded a con-
tract to CB&I for the concept development services for the Yamal LNG
integrated project to be completed in first-half 2011. The project consists
of the production, treatment, transportation, liquefaction, and shipping
of natural gas and NGLs from the South Tambey field on the Yamal
Peninsula in northwestern Siberia. Reserves in the South Tambey field are
estimated at more than 1 trillion cu m (35.3 tcf).46
CB&Is project scope includes concept development of the 1516 million
tonne/year LNG liquefaction plant, including LNG storage and loading,
as well as Arctic shipping and ice management, a gas transmission pipe-
line, central production for gas and condensate treatment, and associated
well sites and gas gathering, said the announcement. Concept development
will address the technical, economic, and execution feasibility of the
remote arctic project and provide a project schedule and cost estimates, in
addition to the design basis for front-end engineering and design.47
In June 2010, Novatek entered into a cooperation agreement with
Gazprom setting out the key parameters for joint activity between the
companies in terms of implementing and developing the Yamal LNG
project. The terms of the agreement with Gazprom set out the scope
of the construction, development and subsequent utilization of related
infrastructure, including energy and transportation systems and LNG
production facilities.48

45 Novatek, South-Tambeyskoye Field, available at

46O&GJ Editors, Yamal LNG Awards Concept Contract, Oil & Gas Journal,

May 5, 2010,

48 Novatek, South-Tambeyskoye Field, available at

New players and projects 255

In October 2010, the Russian government officially outlined its position

on tax concessions planned for the development of the Yamal peninsula.
Following this announcement and the completion of its final investment deci-
sion and feasibility studies, Novatek plans to finalize its total capital expendi-
ture plans, including construction expenses for the Yamal LNG plant.49
Within the projects framework Novatek is planning further explora-
tion and development activities at the South-Tambeyskoye field including
production drilling and infrastructure development. Infrastructure plans
are expected to include the construction of a gas gathering system, a gas
complex processing facility, a gas condensate processing unit, an LNG
plant, pipelines which enable gas transportation from the field to the
plant, an offshore shipping terminal and a transport infrastructure system
(including an airport, terminal and highways).
In September 2011, Novatek announced that it had exercised an option
to buy a 49 percent stake in the Yamal LNG, taking full ownership of
the project. While few details are available, Novatek indicated that it had
exercised two call options for 23.9 percent and 25.1 percent, which will be
paid in installments through June 30, 2012. The company did not provide
any financial details, but said earlier it held an option to buy the 25.1
percent stake for $526 million.50
In October 2011, Novatek completed the sale of a 20 percent stake
of Yamal LNG to French oil and gas group Total. Novatek indicated
that the deal was concluded through a subsidiary, Novatek North-West,
and that Total will provide financing for project development.51 As of
November 2011, Yamal LNG was in active talks with Qatar to add Qatar
as a partner to the project. The project is expected to produce 15 mtpa of
LNG by 2018.52

9.2.8 The Shtokman Project

The giant Shtokman gas field is estimated to be one of the worlds largest
natural gas deposits with reserve estimates of 3.8 trillion cubic meters of

50 Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen, Novatek Exercises Option to Buy 49% Stake in

Yamal LNG, Dow Jones Newswires, Sept. 30, 2011.

51O&GJ Editors, Total Novatek Sign Yamal LNG Agreement, Oil & Gas

Journal, Oct. 6, 2011, available at

52Regan Doherty, Qatar in Active Talks to Take Stake in Yamal LNG

Project, Reuters, Nov. 13, 2011,

256 Energy for the 21st century

Shtokman field








Source: Gazprom

Figure 9.4 Shtokman field location map

natural gas and about 37m tonnes of gas condensate.53 The Shtokman
field is located in the Russian-controlled sector of the Barents Sea, about
370 miles (500 km) north of the Kola Peninsula (Figure 9.4).
Although the Shtokman gas field was identified in 1988, it was not
developed due to the extreme Arctic conditions where the field is locat-
ed.54 The Arctic climate and the harsh, stormy environment leave a

53 Shtokman Gas Project, available at http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.

54According to the project developers, the Shtokman gas field was identified

in 1988 from offshore geophysical surveys performed by specialists on board the

research vessel Professor Shtokman, from which the field was named. Shtokman
New players and projects 257

narrow window of time favorable for the actual development operations.

Additional challenges include the fact that the Shtokman gas deposits
lie in four main layers with the reservoir depth varying between 1,900m
and 2,300m. Due to the extreme cold conditions of the Arctic, one of the
greatest hazards for production platforms at these depths will be from
an iceberg collision. This potential hazard will be mitigated by the use of
floating removable platforms, which are technologically and economi-
cally challenging to build.55 The scale and complexity of the operations,
harsh climate in the areas where the gas is produced and transported, and
the need to apply fundamentally new engineering and process solutions
during the course of development all demonstrate the unique nature of the
Shtokman project.56
Gazproms subsidiary, Sevmorneftegaz, has the rights to explore for
and produce gas from the Shtokman field but it needed the expertise and
investment of foreign oil companies to do so. In 2008, a special purpose
vehicle (SPV), called the Shtokman Development Company (SDC), was
set up to develop and exploit the field. Ownership of the SDC is divided
between Gazprom (51 percent), Total (25 percent) and StatoilHydro (24
percent).57 Development of the Shtokman field will be done in four phases,
with the full field development expected to deliver a massive 71.1 bcm of
gas per year, 30 MTA of LNG and 600,000 t of gas condensate per year
over a 50-year period.58
According to Gazprom, the Shtokman project is of strategic sig-
nificance and is expected to become a pivotal point to form a new
gas producing region on the Russian Arctic shelf.59 The Shtokman
Development Company has also highlighted the projects significance
on a dynamic website that notes that the Shtokman field will create a
basis for further harnessing the Arctics offshore hydrocarbon potential,
simultaneously strengthening Russias position as a key player not only
on the European gas market but also on the global energy arena. The gas
produced by Shtokman will play a major part in natural gas supplies to
the European and world markets.60 The Shtokman project is also viewed

55 Shtokman Gas Project, available at http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.

56Shtokman Project,
57 Shtokman Gas Project, available at http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.

59Gazprom, Shtokman Project, available at

60Shtokman Project,
258 Energy for the 21st century

as a resource base to supply natural gas via the new Nord Stream pipeline
to Western Europe, as well as for the production of Russian LNG for
overseas markets.61 It should be noted that the US was one of the markets
the Shtokman project was targeting but, as noted in other chapters, with
the production of shale gas, it now appears that the US will not be a major
LNG importer.
The Shtokman field was expected to come on-stream by 201315, with
estimated development costs between $12 and $25 billion for the first
phase and a $50 billion overall investment. The first gas was expected in
2013 at 11 bcm a day along with 205,000 t of gas condensate per year and
the first LNG was expected in 2014 at 7.5 MTA.62 However, in February
2010, the project development schedule was postponed for three years due
to a decrease in demand for gas in European markets. It is now expected
that gas production from Shtokman will start in 2016. The first LNG
production has been postponed until 2017 due to changes in the targeted
US LNG market.63
Reaching a final investment decision (FID) for Shtokman has always
been viewed as a difficult aim as the partners weigh uncertainty about
demand and prices and, as this book goes to print, the FID for the
Shtokman project has yet to be made after several delays.64 Among the
many challenges is the problem of where the gas will be marketed and
how to transport it. Sevmorneftegaz and the Shtokman Development
Company are working on the phase I development (design and construc-
tion) of the Shtokman infrastructure. This will include a production
complex, a pipeline network and an LNG plant. The gas was initially
destined for the US market as LNG export but Gazprom has also indi-
cated that it wants to export some of the produced gas to Europe via the
Nord Stream pipeline. However, this will require a pipeline spur from the
Shtokman field to the Murmansk Oblast and then via Kola Peninsula to
Volkhov in the Leningrad Oblast.
A Gazprom representative indicated at a major energy conference in
November 2011 that Shtokman will go ahead. However, it is a matter
of timing. It will be underpinned by long-term contracts. We are working

62, Shtokman Gas Project, available at http://
64See Josh Lewis, Shtokman FID Delayed Again, Upstream, March 30,

2012,, noting that the

Shtokman partners have pushed back FID on the first phase of development until
July 1, 2012.
New players and projects 259

hard to make that timing as soon as possible. For the time being we remain
positive. However, challenges remain for the project.65
Other challenges include the fact that Shtokmans foreign shareholders,
Total and Statoil, have said repeatedly that the project needs tax breaks
similar to the Yamal LNG project, which received breaks on the natural
resource extraction tax and local taxes, as well as a zero percent export
duty.66 Analysts have questioned whether government financial aid will
be available for both Yamal and Shtokman, since the cost of Novateks
Yamal LNG project alone is estimated to reach 24 billion ($33 billion).67
Statoil CEO Helge Lund has said repeatedly that Statoil cannot arrive at
an FID without aclear definition ofthe fiscal regime forthe project, which
may not be economically viable without significant tax breaks.68



Peru LNG69 became the worlds newest LNG exporter in June 2010, and
joined the club of LNG exporters as its 18th member.70 The Peru LNG
pipeline and liquefaction project located at Pampa Melchorita is the
largest industrial project ever undertaken in Perus history.71 It is also the

65Leigh Elston and Ahmed Mehdi, Challenges Remain for Giant Shtokman

Project, Interfax Energy, Nov. 2011, available at

giant-shtokman-project, citing comments made by Frederic Barnaud, president
and managing director of Gazprom Global LNG, at the CWC 12th Annual LNG
Summit in Rome.
66Leigh Elston and Ahmed Mehdi, Challenges Remain for Giant Shtokman

Project, Interfax Energy, Nov. 2011, available at

68The Moscow Times, No Shtokman Clarity This Year, Nov. 28, 2011, avail-

able at
69 Peru LNG,
70 Peru LNG was officially inaugurated on June 10, 2010, when Repsol

delivered its first LNG shipment, onto the Barcelona Knutsen tanker. Repsol
Press Release, Repsol Delivers its First Cargo from the Peru LNG Plant, June 24,
71 CB&I, a leading engineering firm, engineered the liquefaction plant and

jetty topsides. CB&I,

260 Energy for the 21st century

first LNG plant in South America and was the only LNG project world-
wide that took an affirmative final investment decision in 2006.72

9.3.1 Project Overview

The Peru LNG project is made up of two major segments. The first
segment, and a major element of the project, was the construction of a
34-inch diameter pipeline for the transportation of natural gas from the
Camisea gas field located in the Andes Mountains east of Ayacucho to
the LNG plant at Pampa Melchorita on the coast.73 Development of the
408 km pipeline began in 2005 and faced numerous challenges including
difficult terrain conditions, landslides, altitude considerations, govern-
ment regulations, and difficult environmental and ecological conditions.
The ultimate route evaluated by Gulf Interstate Engineering and various
specialists follows an undulating route, winding along narrow mountain
ridges through the Andes Mountains with near inaccessible locations and
terrain conditions that are considered the toughest in the world when
engineering and constructing a pipeline project of this sort.74 The pipeline
ends at the LNG Plant at Pampa Melchorita, located on the coast. (See
Figure 9.5.)

9.3.2 The LNG Plant

The LNG plant is a single-train facility with a capacity of 4.4 million

tonnes a year. The equipment and utilities include gas dehydration and
carbon absorption units, facilities for refrigeration and liquefaction, two
storage tanks of 130,000 m LNG capacity each and refrigerant storage.75
Initially 17 sites were evaluated for the LNG facility and then a more
detailed assessment was applied to the selected few. Although the ultimate
site at Pampa Melchorita is located on a steep cliff with a 140 m drop to
the beach, it was chosen as the best option based on a number of environ-

72 Introducing Peru: Worlds Newest LNG Exporter, Facts Global Energy,

Gas Advisory, Issue no. 50, June 2010.

73 Gulf Interstate Engineering Case History, Peru LNG Pipeline Project (2009), Gulf Interstate Engineering (Gulf) was selected to provide basic

design services (FEED) for Peru LNG, including assessment of the route selection
and constructability analysis and the development of a capital cost estimate and
project schedule. Gulf was subsequently awarded the detailed engineering, design
and procurement services on the Peru LNG Pipeline Project.
75 Peru LNG,
New players and projects 261


Existing pipelines
Campo Malvinas

Ayacucho Machu BOLIVIA

Pampa Cuzco
200 miles
New pipeline


Figure 9.5 Peru LNG project

mental, technical and economic considerations including stable soils to

prevent damage from Perus high level of seismic activity.76

9.3.3 Marine facilities77

The marine facilities consist of various projects including a 1.35 km-long

trestle from the shore to the loading platform. A 1 km-long marine termi-
nal was constructed to facilitate tankers of capacities ranging from 90,000
to 173,000 m. Because the Peruvian coastline is exposed to long period
Pacific swells during parts of the year, a breakwater will provide for safe
berthing and will allow the marine facilities to remain accessible all year
An LNG tanker navigational channel was dredged to provide access in
and out of the berth area. The channel has a water depth of 15 m, a width
of 250 m and a total length of 3,600 m. The channel is 18 m deep where the
LNG carriers make turns outside the protection of the breakwater.
The engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for
the project was awarded to CB&I and the entire project took four
years to complete.78 One interesting construction detail to note is that

78 CB&I Factsheet, LNG Production Facility, Pampa Melchorita, Peru. CB&I

is a leading engineering firm with extensive experience in the construction of LNG

facilities. CB&I,
262 Energy for the 21st century

the project was designed and constructed for a high seismic region and
the project site experienced an 8.0 Richter scale earthquake during

9.3.4 Project Partners and Financing

Peru LNG is somewhat unique among global liquefaction projects because

the host countrys state-owned petroleum company, Petroleos del Peru,
plays no role in its upstream or downstream business. The US-based Hunt
Oil company is the majority (50 percent) owner and operator of the project
along with SK Corporation of Korea (20 percent), Repsol YPF of Spain
(20 percent) and Marubeni Corporation of Japan (10 percent).
Repsol has an exclusive rights contract with Peru LNG to market the
entire output of the plant, in accordance with an agreement signed with
Peru LNG in 2005 for a term of 18 years from the start of commercial
operations. In terms of volume, this will be the biggest LNG acquisition
ever made by Repsol.80
Repsol also has an LNG supply contract with the Federal Commission
of Electricity (CFE), Mexico, for the natural gas terminal at Puerto de
Manzanillo, on the Mexican Pacific coast. This contract provides for
the supply of LNG to the Mexican plant for a period of 15 years with a
volume of at least 67 bcm, which is due to be operative during the fourth
quarter of 2011. The Manzanillo plant, which will supply power plants of
the Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE) in West Central Mexico, will
source the gas from the Peru LNG plant.
The total investment for the project, including the liquefaction plant
($1.5 billion), related marine and pipeline facilities, and development and
financing costs, was $3.8 billion.81 The project was financed by a variety
of sources, including approximately $2.25 billion secured by Hunt Oil,
Repsol, SK Energy and Marubeni through third parties including export
credit agencies, multilateral institutions and commercial banks in June
2008. The Inter American Development Bank (IDB) and other multilat-
eral institutions signed loans of $800 million for the project. About $1.6
billion was secured through equity. A sum of $200 million was raised
through bond issue in Perus capital market in 2009. In July 2010 Peru

79 CB&I Factsheet, LNG Production Facility, Pampa Melchorita, Peru.

80Repsol Press Release, Repsol Delivers its First Cargo from the Peru LNG
Plant, June 24, 2010,
81 CB&I engineered the liquefaction plant and jetty topsides. CB&I, www.
New players and projects 263

LNG received a two-year credit line of $75 million for short-term financial
needs to export the LNG.82
In addition, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) approved a
$300 million loan for the Peru LNG project in June 2008. The IFC also
advised Peru LNG on numerous environmental issues to ensure that
communities surrounding the project site were protected.83 According to
the IFC, Peru LNG will enhance opportunities for local businesses to sell
goods and services to the project and raise peoples incomes and job pros-
pects. IFC is developing programs to engage local communities in moni-
toring the effects the project will have on their lives and is also establish-
ing training for nearby municipalities to make best use of the significant
new revenues they will receive as a result of the project. These programs
build on IFCs experience with similar initiatives in some of Perus poorest
regions. The Peru LNG project is expected to help generate significant tax
and incremental royalty payments to the government, equivalent to over
1.5 percent of current state revenues, and the project is expected to make
Peru a net gas exporter after operations begin in 2010.84


Located at the southwestern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen is an

impoverished Arab country that faces an array of daunting development
challenges that some observers believe make it at risk for becoming a failed
state.85 Moreover, the countrys rugged terrain and geographic isola-
tion, strong tribal social structure, and sparsely settled population have
historically made Yemen difficult to centrally govern.
According to the US EIA, Yemen is located along one of the worlds
most strategic oil shipping routes the Bab al-Mandab from which

82, Peru LNG, http://www.hydrocarbons-
83International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group, Peru LNG

84International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group, Peru LNG

85 Jeremy M. Sharp, CRS Report for Congress (RL34170), Yemen:

Background and U.S. Relations, Jan 13, 2010, available at

document/RL34170/2010-01-13/. In 2009, Yemen ranked 140 out of 182 countries
on the United Nations Development Programs Human Development Index, a
score comparable to the poorest sub-Saharan African countries. Over 43% of the
population of nearly 24 million people live below the poverty line, and per capita
GDP is estimated to be between $650 and $800. Ibid.
264 Energy for the 21st century

an estimated 3.5 million barrels of oil passed daily in 2010. Disruption

to shipping in the Bab al-Mandab could prevent tankers in the Persian
Gulf and the Gulf of Aden from reaching the Suez Canal/Sumed pipeline
complex, thus requiring a costly diversion around the southern tip of
Africa to reach western markets.86 (See Figure 9.6.)
Yemens economy is heavily dependent on hydrocarbons, which account
for 30 percent of GDP, nearly 75 percent of government revenues, and
over 90 percent of foreign exchange earnings. In more recent years, Yemen
has sought to increase foreign investment in its energy sector since declin-
ing oil revenues are weakening the governments ability to provide basic
services.87 However, foreign investment in Yemen has been limited due
to the myriad of problems and challenges facing Yemen, including poor
governance and lack of succession plans stemming from President Salehs
30-year reign over Yemen.88
In addition to Yemens development challenges, security concerns over
actual and potential attacks, involving militant and terrorist groups such as
Al Qaeda, have also deterred investment, with numerous attacks to energy
infrastructure slowing production and increasing costs. Tribal conflicts have
also resulted in attacks on pipelines in the north of the country.89 Adding
to Yemens internal struggles is the fact that in recent years the region sur-
rounding Yemen has seen rising piracy off the Somali coast in the Gulf of
Aden and southern Red Sea, reaching further out into the Indian Ocean.90

9.4.1 Yemen LNG Project

One of the few bright spots in Yemen is the Yemen LNG project.91
Launched in 2005, the $4.5 billion Yemen LNG project is the largest

86 EIA Country Analysis Briefs, Yemen (last updated Feb. 2011), available at
87 EIA Country Analysis Brief, Yemen.
88 Jeremy M. Sharp, CRS Report for Congress (RL34170), Yemen:

Background and U.S. Relations, Mar. 22, 2011, available at http://assets.opencrs.

com/rpts/RL34170_20110322.pdf, hereineafter CRS Report RL34170, Yemen.
89 EIA Country Analysis Brief, Yemen. According to experts, Al Qaedas

attack against the USS Cole in 2000 (while docked at a Yemeni port) coupled with
the attacks of September 11, 2001, a year later officially made Yemen a front in the
so-called war on terror. CRS Report RL34170, Yemen.
90 EIA Country Analysis Brief, Yemen.
91According to information posted on Yemen LNGs website, Yemen LNG

produced a World Bank compliant Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

which was revised and updated in February 2006 to provide a full description of
the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the Yemen LNG project and


DHAMAR Arabian Sea
Dhamar Ataq
Red Al Hudaydah
Ibb Al Bayda

Gulf of Aden Socotra
Bab al Mandab



Source: CRS Report for Congress, RL34170

Figure 9.6 Map of Yemen

266 Energy for the 21st century

industrial project in Yemens history.92 While Yemen had been producing

oil since 1986, it had not sought to leverage its gas reserves until 2005 when
the Yemeni government approved plans by Total and partners to develop
the majority of the 260 billion cubic metres of proved gas resources located
in Block 18 in the Marib region, east of the Yemeni capital of Sanaa.93
The project has three main components: the gas production and treat-
ment facilities in Block 18, a 325 km pipeline to carry the gas across the
desert to Yemens southern coast, and an industrial complex in Balhaf
consisting of the Yemen LNG liquefaction facilities, storage tanks, and
export terminal with an annual capacity of 6.7 million metric tons.94
With its location near a major international shipping lane, the Yemen
LNG plant is ideally positioned to serve the main consumer markets for
LNG, both in the Asian-Pacific basin and on either side of the Atlantic.
The development of the Yemen LNG project is driven by long-term LNG
purchase and sale agreements signed in 2005 with leading gas companies
such as Frances GDF Suez, South Koreas KOGAS and Total Gas &
Power. The Total Gas & Power contract requires chartering four LNG
carriers for a period of 20 years.95 The Yemen LNG Plant was inaugu-
rated in November 2009 with a first shipment of 1.49 million cubic meters
of LNG.96 In April 2010, a second train was added bringing total capacity
to 6.7 mmtpa (326 Bcf/year).97

the mitigation measures that will be implemented to avoid or minimize these

impacts. While Yemen LNG asserts that the ESIA was prepared in accordance
with World Bank/International Finance Corporation (IFC) operational policy
guidelines, it is unclear whether Yemen LNG actually received any financing
from the World Bank/IFC. See Yemen LNG,
92Yemen LNG,
93Total, Yemen LNG Project, available at

html. Total is the lead partner with a 39.62% interest, alongside Hunt, 17.22%;
Yemen Gas Company, 16.73%; SK Corporation, 9.55%; Korea Gas Corporation,
6%; Hyundai Corporation, 5.88%; and GASSP, the General Authority for Social
Security and Pensions, Yemens largest social security organization, 5%.
94Total, Yemen LNG Project.
96World Bank, Yemen Quarterly Economic Review (Spring 2010), available

Yemen Quarterly Economic Review is a quarterly report produced by the World
Bank Country Office in Sanaa. It consists of several sections covering major
political, social and economic developments. It also provides information on
ongoing World Bank operations in Yemen, key indicators in Yemen, and a list of
conferences and donor activities.
97 EIA, Country Analysis Brief, Yemen.
New players and projects 267

The Yemeni Ministry of Finance expects an estimated $233 million

in revenues from the LNG and gas export in 2010. Once the production
capacity reaches its target capacity of 6.7 mmtpa, the annual revenue flow
is expected to amount to about $370 million. However, government net
revenues from LNG sales will not reach their full level for the next first six
to seven years, as cost recovery by the companies will weigh in to compen-
sate for the initial investment.98
According to the World Bank, fiscal revenues from the Yemeni LNG
project are derived from two sources: (1) directly, from taxation, bounces
and royalty, and (2) indirectly, from the profit share agreement of the
consortium signed with state-owned agencies (YGC, GASSP). Current
estimates of the overall revenue potential over the estimated lifespan of
the 20-year sales and purchase agreement (SPA) for the LNG production
and export vary between $8 billion (government estimates) and $20 billion
(industry estimates).99

9.4.2 Prospects Going Forward for Yemen LNG Exports

According to recent estimates by Cedigaz, Yemen exported a total of

243 Bcf of LNG in 2010, comprising 85 cargoes to markets in North
America100 and Asia, principally South Korea and China. Due to a recent
shift in relative demand growth from the Atlantic Basin to the Asia-Pacific
region, Yemen LNG is seeking to divert as much as 560 million cubic feet
per day (MMcf/d) to Asian markets through the negotiation of mid-term
supply contracts.101
Earnings from Yemen LNGs exports are projected to provide a partial
offset of Yemens falling oil export revenues in 2011, when the Yemen
LNG project reaches full production capacity. However, due to the low
price previously negotiated with Korea Gas for its LNG purchases,
natural gas exports can only mitigate a downward trend in government

98World Bank, Yemen Quarterly Economic Review (Spring 2010), available

100In February 2010, the first LNG tanker from Yemen arrived in the USs

Boston Harbor despite protests from Bostons Mayor that LNG from Yemen
should not be allowed due to security risks. According to the US Coast Guard,
extra security measures for the tanker were put in place due to Yemens strong ties
to Al Qaeda, including boarding the tanker out at sea to inspect it for proper docu-
mentation and possible stowaways. Kathleen McNerney, Yemeni LNG Tanker
Arrives Safely in Boston Harbor, WBUR, Boston NPR, Feb 23, 2010, available at
101 EIA Country Analysis Brief, Yemen.
268 Energy for the 21st century

revenues. Yemen also signed 20-year contracts with GDF Suez Company
and lead developer, Total.102
More recently, the unrest in the Arab World (commonly referred to as the
Arab Spring) in early 2011 focused increased international attention on
Yemen as sustained mass protests and an assassination attempt on President
Saleh caused him to flee to Saudi Arabia,103 and later led to his official
ousting, creating a power vacuum in the country.104 Despite the unrest, in
March 2011, it was reported that Yemen LNG had loaded the 100th LNG
carrier at Balhaf and that production capacity had reached 6.7 MT.105
As this book goes to print, Yemeni soldiers have been deployed to protect
the gas pipeline feeding the Yemen LNG export terminal as the country
tries to shield its biggest industrial asset from attacks by armed groups
that have repeatedly sabotaged Yemens oil and gas pipelines, causing fuel
shortages and slashing export earnings for the impoverished country.106


In December 2009, the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im

Bank)107 approved the largest financing transaction in its 75-year history
$3 billion to support U.S. exports for a liquefied natural gas (LNG)
project in Papua New Guinea.108 Along with the Ex-Im Bank, five other
export credit agencies and 17 commercial banks will provide financing for

103 UPI, Yemen: Saleh and New Guard Play for Time, Nov. 16, 2011,

available at
104Sami Aboudi, Yemens Saleh Faces Music after 33 Years in Power,

Reuters, Feb. 12, 2012,

105LNG World News, Yemen Loads 100th Cargo, March 27, 2011, http://
106Mohammed Ghobari and Daniel Fineren,Yemen sends soldiers to protect

its LNG, Reuters (June 21, 2012),

107The Ex-Im Bank is an independent, self-sustaining US federal agency that

helps to create and maintain US jobs by financing the sale of US exports, primarily
to emerging markets throughout the world, by providing loan guarantees, export
credit insurance and direct loans. More information is available on the Banks web
site at
108 Ex-Im Bank Press Release dated December 14, 2009, Ex-Im Bank

Financing for Papua New Guinea LNG Project to Generate Significant Revenue
for Island Nation, While Employing Workers at Dozens of American Companies,
New players and projects 269

the project, which is estimated to cost about $18.3 billion.109 According

to the lenders, the project has the potential to double the gross domestic
product of Papua New Guinea.110
The Papua New Guinea Liquefied Natural Gas (PNG LNG) Project is an
integrated development that includes gas production and processing facilities
in the Southern Highlands and Western Provinces of Papua New Guinea.
Liquefaction and storage facilities with capacity of 6.6 million metric tons per
year will be located near Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea.
Over 700 km (450 miles) of pipelines will connect the facilities, which includes
an offshore pipeline connecting to the LNG terminal.111 (See Figure 9.7.)

9.5.1 Project Timeline

The Project is to be undertaken in a series of development phases, with

Phase I scheduled to commence operations in 2014, followed by additional
developments in subsequent years112 (Figure 9.8).

9.5.2 Project Customers and Sponsors

It is expected that over 9 Tcf of gas will be produced and sold over the life of
the project. The Project will supply four major LNG customers in the Asia-
Pacific region under long-term sales agreements: China Petroleum and
Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), Osaka Gas Company Limited, the Tokyo
Electric Power Company, Inc, and Chinese Petroleum Corporation.113
The original Project sponsors are: ExxonMobil, which, through its
subsidiary Esso Highlands Limited, will be the operator of the project
with a 33.2 percent interest; Oil Search Limited (29 percent), Papua New
Guineas largest oil and gas producer and operator; National Petroleum
Company Papua New Guinea (16.6 percent), owned by the Papua New

available at
0E90CFB3EFBC0262/ (hereinafter Ex-Im Bank Press Release).
109The original cost estimate for the PNG LNG Project was $18.3 billion.

More recent cost estimates indicate that The investment for the initial phase of
the Project, excluding shipping costs, is estimated at US$15.7 billion. PNG LNG,
110 Ex-Im Bank Press Release.
111 Papua New Guinea Liquefied Natural Gas Project, Quarterly

Environmental and Social Report, First Quarter 2010,

pdf (hereinafter PNG 1Q 2010 Report).
112 PNG 1Q 2010 Report.
Major town
Highlands highway
Onshore pipeline
Offshore pipeline
Existing oil pipeline
Province boundary 0 60 120 Kilometers

Source: PNG LNG

Figure 9.7 PNG LNG project overview map

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Phase J A SO N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Area/Activity Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q4



1 plane (Antonov) heavy load


Upstream Early Works & C1 Early Works

Infrastructure (C1)
Komo Airfield (EPC5b)
LNG Feed Gas
Upstream Facilities (EPC4)
Onshore Pipeline (EPC5A) Camps & ROW Onshore Pipeline to Kutubu

Dredging & LNG Commissioning

Offshore Pipeline (EPC2)
Shore Works Gas Available

LNG Plant (C2 & EPC3) C2 Early Works LNG Plant, LNG Tanks & Marine

Drilling Mobilize

Permanent Office &

Associated Gas & Related

Commissioning & Start Up

2 Angore Field Development

3 HGCP: Booster Compression

4 Juha Field Development

5 Agogo / Moran Fields

6 SE Hedinia Field Developm. Future

Note: This was the project schedule at the time of the 1Q 2010 Report but may not be the current schedule. It is provided here for illustrative

Source: PNG 1Q 2010 Report

Figure 9.8 Phases of development for PNG LNG

272 Energy for the 21st century

Guinean Government and holder of the majority of state-owned commer-

cial assets; Santos (13.5 percent), Australias largest domestic gas producer;
Nippon Oil and Gas Exploration (4.7 percent), Japans largest integrated
oil company; Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) (2.8
percent), trustee and manager for landowner interests in PNG oil and gas;
and Petromin PNG Holdings (0.2 percent).114

9.5.3 Economic Benefits and Revenue Sharing

The Project sponsors and lenders maintain that the Project has the poten-
tial to transform the economy of Papua New Guinea by, among other
economic benefits, boosting GDP and export earnings, providing employ-
ment opportunities, and providing royalty payments to landowners.115
In fall 2009, the State of Papua New Guinea, representatives of Project
area landowners, and various provincial and local level governments
executed the Project License based Benefit Sharing Agreement as a first
step in the allocation and sharing of the revenues associated with the
Project. In general, the agreement outlines the sharing of revenue streams
from royalties, development taxes and equity dividends totaling approxi-
mately US$5.6$7.5 billion over the Project life. Under the agreement, a
portion of the states project equity will go to landowners and provincial
governments. In addition, US$432 million was committed over the next ten
years for infrastructure development such as roads, bridges, airports and

9.5.4 Environmental and Social Plans

Since Esso, a subsidiary of ExxonMobil, operates the project, ExxonMobils

management systems regarding all safety, security, health, environmental
and social aspects underpin the entire Project and are quite broad and
comprehensive (Figure 9.9).

9.5.5 Project Financing and Environmental Requirements

The PNG LNG Project secured financing from various export credit
agencies and commercial banks and these lenders require the Project
to conform to a number of environmental and social principles and




Environmental Ecology Raw Materials Air Emissions Cultural Resettlement Impacts Community Strategy Labor and
Monitoring Heritage Policy Summary Worker
Erosion and Waste Framework Health and Stakeholder Conditions
Wood, Plant, Sediment
Environmental Chance Finds Safety
Pathogen Control Water (Contractor) Strategy
Performance and Pest Protocol Camp
Indicators Noise and Action Plans* Action Plan*
Reinstatement Acid Sulfate Vibration Salvage Health, Safety Procurement
Soils Protocol and Security Development and Supply
Induced Spill Prevention (Company) Support*

Hazardous National
Quarantine Infrastructure
Material Content*
Strategy* Dredging



*Milestone Schedule Commitment documents (and not part of ESMP)

Core Environmental Social

document plans plans

Source: PNG LNG,

Figure 9.9 Environmental and Social Management Plan

274 Energy for the 21st century

standards.117 For example, the Project assumed numerous environmental

requirements in conjunction with the Ex-Im Bank financing. The material
requirements of the Ex-Im Bank are summarized below.118
The Project must comply in all material respects with the approved
environmental and social management plan, national environmental laws
and lender environmental and social standards (including the Ex-Im Bank
Environmental Procedures and Guidelines). Lenders must be promptly
notified of any material non-compliance with the social or environmental
requirements or the occurrence of events relating to social or environmen-
tal matters that could cause significant adverse risk.
The Project must provide periodic Environmental and Social
Reports on the results of monitoring of the Projects compliance with
the Environmental and Social Management Plan. The Reports will be
submitted quarterly until the construction is completed and on a semian-
nual basis for the first year following completion, and annually thereafter.
In addition to the above requirements, numerous environmental reports
and plans were required to be submitted by specified due dates, includ-
ing the Construction Phase Environmental and Social Management
Plan, Environmental and Social Milestones Schedule, Environmental
Monitoring and Reporting Plan, Social Monitoring Plan, Operations
Environmental and Social Management Plan, Operation Oil Spill
ResponsePlan, Noise and Vibrations Plan, Ambient Noise and Vibration
Plan, Traffic Management Plan, Biodiversity Strategy, Biodiversity
Monitoring Program, Community Support Strategy, Cultural Heritage
Management Plan and various Resettlement Plans.
In addition to the above required reports, the Project elected to make
publicly available the Environmental and Social Compliance Reports
prepared by the Independent Environmental and Social Consultants by
posting the reports on the Project website.119

9.5.6The Role of the IFC Guidelines in Promoting Better Environmental


The PNG LNG Project is a great resource for learning more about
environmental issues associated with LNG projects and numerous envi-
ronmental documents have been made publicly available and are easily

118 Ex-Im Bank, Papua New Guinea LNG Project AP084099XX Environmental

Requirements Summary,

119 PNG LNG,
New players and projects 275

accessed at the PNG LNG Project website.120 As an IFC financed project,

the PNG LNG Project also illustrates the role that the IFC Guidelines
(discussed in more detail in Chapter 7) can play in LNG Projects. For
example, the contractors in the PNG LNG Project are required to comply
with all applicable laws of Papua New Guinea as well as the applicable
regulations of the IFC.
Thus, although PNG has no specific air emissions or ambient air
quality standards, the IFC Performance Standards apply to air emissions
and ambient air quality during construction. These standards generally
establish requirements for the assessment, management, and abatement of
pollution from project activities with the goal of promoting the reduction
of emissions.121 This is just one example of the many areas where the IFC
Guidelines might play a role in promoting better environmental practices
in the construction of LNG projects.

9.5.7 The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Chapter 26 of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in the

PNG LNG Project provides a detailed analysis and assessment of the
greenhouse gas emissions associated with the construction and opera-
tion of the Project.122 The chapter begins by outlining the context of
greenhouse gas emissions in Papua New Guinea and its contribution
to future global carbon reductions (Section 26.1), then outlines the
methods of assessment (Section 26.2), describes the predicted emissions
from the Project during its life-cycle (Section 26.3), benchmarks the
emissions against other liquefied natural gas facilities (Section 26.4),
outlines the Project design features to maximize energy efficiency
(Section 26.5) and then provides an assessment of the residual impact
(Section 26.6).
At the outset, the EIS notes that greenhouse gas intensity refers to
the volume of greenhouse gases emitted per unit of energy or economic
output. The greenhouse gas intensity of the facilities is influenced by a
range of internal (technology) and external (environmental/geological)
factors. The main factors that have a significant impact on greenhouse


121PNG LNG, Environmental and Social Management Plan, Appendix
2: Air Emission Management Plan,
122 PNG LNG Project, environment impact statement (EIS), Chapter

26, Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change,

276 Energy for the 21st century

efficiency are the reservoir CO2 content (a higher CO2 content equates to
more CO2 removal prior to liquefaction) and ambient temperature (com-
pressor efficiency is favored by cooler temperatures). Other technological
and process factors that influence greenhouse gas intensity include: the
choice of liquefaction technology; the power generation source, technol-
ogy and configuration; waste heat recovery; and the acid gas removal

9.5.8 Project Design123

The proposed PNG LNG Project includes a number of design features

and industry good practice initiatives that will ensure that energy effi-
ciency is maximized and greenhouse gas emissions are minimized. For
example, waste heat will be recovered and used as an energy source at
the Hides Gas Conditioning Plant and the LNG Plant, which will reduce
fuel gas consumption and greenhouse gas emissions that would otherwise
be associated with providing an alternative heat source. At the Hides
Gas Conditioning Plant, waste heat from the exhaust of the pipeline
compressor gas turbines will be used to provide heat to the thermal-fluid-
based, hot-oil system. Similarly at the LNG Plant, waste heat recovery
units will utilize heat from the exhaust from the aero-derivative turbines
driving the two propane refrigeration compressors to provide the main
source of heat to the hot-oil system.

9.5.9 Greenhouse Gas Emissions124

In assessing the greenhouse gas emissions, the EIS acknowledged

thattheProject would contribute to Papua New Guineas total emissions.
The PNG LNG Project is expected to generate total annual greenhouse
gas emissions of 3.1 Mt CO2e. Over the 30-year life of the Project, total
emissions are estimated at 77 Mt CO2-e. The LNG Plant accounts for 75
percent of total emissions, the Hides Gas Conditioning Plant accounts
for 20 percent of total emissions, and the balance of activities (shipping/
Juha production facility) accounts for the remaining 5 percent of total
emissions. According to the analysis in the EIS, the low level of CO2 in the
feed gas and the choice of aero-derivative technology have resulted in the
overall greenhouse gas emissions for the Project comparing favorably with
other similar LNG operations around the world.

123 EIS, Chapter 26.5.

124 EIS, Chapter 26.3, 26.4, 26.6.
New players and projects 277

Placed in context, the EIS noted that PNG contributes only a small
proportion (less than 0.2 percent) of worldwide carbon dioxide emis-
sions. In general, emissions in PNG have increased from 2.58 Mt in
2001 to 4.35 Mt in 2005. As a comparison, Australias CO2 emissions
from fossil fuel combustion increased from 367 Mt in 2001 to 407 Mt in
PNG ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCC) in 1993 and the Kyoto Protocol in 2002. In March
2008, PNG entered into a cooperative agreement with Australia to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation: the Papua New Guinea
Australia Forest Carbon Partnership. Nearly two-thirds of PNGs land
area is forested (more than 29 million hectares).
Additionally, Papua New Guineas rainforests are being targeted for
carbon emission reduction schemes under the reduced emissions from
deforestation and degradation (REDD) mechanism provided for under
the UNFCC and Kyoto. The REDD mechanism is aimed at offsetting
carbon emissions by protection of forest that would otherwise have been
degraded by logging or other means.

9.5.10Should Greenhouse Gas Emissions be Assessed on a Global


The EIS for the PNG LNG Project found that while the Project will be a
contributor to Papua New Guineas total emissions, in a global context,
the production and export of LNG from this project will represent a
reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions compared to if customers
were to use other fossil fuel sources for their energy requirements (e.g.,
coal, fuel oil or diesel).126 This statement is supported by the following

Gas-fired electricity generation produces less than half the green-

house gas emissions of coal-fired generation, and uses a minute
fraction of the water that coal-fired electricity requires.
Every million tonne of LNG that replaces coal-fired power genera-
tion is equal to taking more than 500,000 cars off the road.

EIS, Chapter 26.1.
EIS, Chapter 26.6, Residual Assessment.
127 PNG LNG, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Factsheet,

278 Energy for the 21st century

For every tonne of carbon dioxide emitted in LNG production, 4

tonnes of emissions from the coal alternative could be avoided in
Japan. Between 5.5 and 9.5 tonnes can be avoided in China. (Source:
APPEA Submission to the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
Green Paper.)

The analysis used in PNG LNG to justify the increase in domestic

emissions by claiming that global emissions will be reduced is the same
analysis used in the Australian LNG projects and the WorleyParsons
study discussed in more detail in Chapter 7. How this analysis will play out
over time remains to be seen and, as with the Australian projects, the PNG
LNG Project will provide valuable insight into the emissions generated by
these large-scale LNG projects.
It should also be noted that the Ex-Im bank also used this same analysis
when reviewing the PNG LNG Project, finding that the production and
export of LNG from the Project will represent a net reduction in global
greenhouse gas emissions compared to the case where customers were to
meet their energy requirements by coal, fuel oil or diesel commonly used
in the regional market, even though the project will add to Papua New
Guineas total emissions of greenhouse gasses.128
Some environmental groups have criticized the Ex-Im Banks financing
of fossil fuel projects such as PNG LNG claiming that such projects cause
significant harm to the environment, contribute to global climate change,
and hinder efforts to export clean technologies.129
In March 2010, the Ex-Im Bank announced a new carbon policy
designed to ramp up financing for renewable energy and impose new
reviews of large fossil fuel projects as part of a broad new climate change
strategy. The announcement was part of a 2009 settlement resolving a
lawsuit involving Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and several cities
that had alleged that the Ex-Im Bank had provided more than $32
billion to fossil fuel projects without considering the impacts of global
warming as required under the National Environmental Policy Act

128Ex-Im Bank Press Release.

129 Environmental Leader, Ex-Im Banks Carbon Policy Criticized by
Environmental Groups, March 15, 2010, http://www.environmentalleader.
com/2010/03/15/ex-i m-b anks-c arbon-p olicy-c riticized-b y-e nvironmental-
130Lisa Friedman, Ex-Im Bank Approves New Scrutiny of Fossil

Fuel Projects, New York Times, March 10, 2010,

New players and projects 279

9.5.11 Project Status and Ongoing Challenges

In May 2010, PNG LNG issued the first quarterly report131 indicating
that with the completion of the financing arrangements, the Project was
now moving into the full execution phase. Managing Director of Esso
Highlands, Peter Graham, commented that the Project sponsors are
developing this challenging project in a manner that reflects our high
standards in business and operational integrity, and importantly in safety,
security, health, environmental and social management. He stressed that
The benefits that flow from the project will support the PNG govern-
ments objective to strengthen its economy and infrastructure base for the
benefit of its people. This is the first in a series of reports that details our
progress in this challenging project.132
In September 2010, the numerous challenges the Project faces became
more evident when local villagers attacked the Project, burning heavy
machinery and using high-powered weapons to damage construction
equipment near the site.133
Papua New Guineas minister of planning and development has
acknowledged that there has been infighting among the landown-
ers affected by the Project, but maintained that the Project is still
expected to stay within the original cost estimate and start exporting
LNG in 2014. According to the minister, some of the approximately
60,000 landowners affected by the Project question the division of
benefitsfromtheProject with some LNG benefit-sharing negotiations
resulting in violence as various tribal groups argue over a share of the
The September 2010 incident was not the first one for the Project. News
accounts have indicated that in Feburary 2010 Esso Highlands stopped
work after four people were killed when fighting broke out over a land
dispute. In mid-August 2010, issues with landowners forced a shutdown of
some work activities.135

131 PNG 1Q 2010 Report.
132 Jane Dawson, PNG LNG Report Shows Progress in Challenging

Conditions, GasWorld, June 9, 2010,

133 Exxon Mobils LNG Project in PNG Attacked, Reuters, Sept. 27, 2010, ng-i dUSSGE68R00

135 Jonty Rushforth, ExxonMobil Subsidiary Halts Some PNG LNG Work after
280 Energy for the 21st century

While some have suggested that the Southern Highlands area of Papua
New Guinea where most of the conflicts have been centered are too diverse
for widespread insurrection, some local leaders have expressed concern
that the benefits of the LNG Project will fall short of expectations, leading
locals to turn their anger on the foreign energy companies building the
Project. Others have called into question whether Papua New Guinea
is ready to manage the potential wealth that might be generated by the
Project and still others have expressed concern about possible corruption
within the government that will result in a windfall for some, but not the
In order to stem further conflicts, the United States has offered to
provide whatever help it can to help the country manage its coming
resource revenues, including assisting with the creation of a sovereign
wealth fund.137 In a visit to Papua New Guinea in November 2010, US
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, There is a phrase resource curse
where ... an abundance of natural resources like oil and gas or gold or
minerals, if they are not handled right can actually (make) a country
poorer instead of richer. As such, Secretary Clinton said the US was
ready to help PNG translate its natural resources into widespread pros-
perity. Secretary Clinton also noted that the United States would soon
be breaking ground on a new embassy in PNG and that the US wants
to provide technical training for the countrys scientists and engineers as
well as job training so that it is PNG residents who take the jobs that are
In the meantime, the Project is progressing from a construction stand-
point but the conflicts are ongoing. In January 2011, Esso Highlands
again shut down some work after a group of people entered a Project
camp in the Southern Highlands area.139 In May 2011, a group of land-
owners in the Highlands area threatened to shut down the Project if the
PNG government did not take action on a long list of grievances. The

Invasion, Platts, Jan. 24, 2011,

RSSFeed/Oil/7963298. Singapore (Platts)--24Jan2011/.
136 Norimitsu Onishi, Riches May Not Help Papua New Guinea, The New York

Times, Oct. 25, 2010,

137 U.S. Offers Help for Papua New Guinea LNG, UPI, Nov. 4, 2010, http://www.upi.

139 Jonty Rushforth, ExxonMobil Subsidiary Halts Some PNG LNG Work after

invasion, Platts, Jan 24, 2011,

RSSFeed/Oil/7963298. Singapore (Platts)--24Jan2011/.
New players and projects 281

impetus for this recent threat appears to have been the death of Tuguba
Chief Himuni Homoko. Chief Himuni Homoko had been fighting for his
Tuguba tribe over the way in which the government is handling the terms
of the main revenue sharing agreement the Kokopo agreement. While
a bit unclear, it appears that the primary claim is that the government of
PNG is not distributing funds quickly enough, as opposed to a grievance
with the actual project.140
As of the time of this writing, it appears that the conflicts in Papua New
Guinea can be managed so as not to become obstacles to the Project.141
However, this will require much effort on everyones part so that the con-
flicts do not turn into another Bougainville.142

140ABC Radio Australia, Landowners Threaten to Shutdown PNG LNG

Project, May 26, 2011,

141In May 2012, ExxonMobil announced that the PNG LNG Project

onshore pipeline has reached a significant milestone, with 50% of the LNG gas
pipeline now welded. The 292-kilometre onshore pipeline is being constructed
to transport the gas from the Hides Gas Conditioning Plant, which is cur-
rently under construction, down to the Omati area where it will connect to the
offshore pipeline. Elsewhere in the Project, progress is being made to meet first
gas in 2014 with the first LNG tank roof installed and the 2.4km jetty trestle
nearing completion at the LNG Plant site, and the offshore pipeline construc-
tion almost finished. ExxonMobil Media Release, Onshore Pipeline Reaches
Halfway Milestone, May22, 2012,
142Australia Network News, In-depth with the Chairman of Bougainville

Copper Ltd, Feb. 21, 2011,

The Panguna copper mine on Papua New Guinea island of Bougainville was
closed in 1988 after landowner anger over the share of benefits from the mine and
its environmental impacts boiled over into a bloody ten-year civil war.
10.The role of shale gas in the Golden
Age of Gas

Although natural gas seems poised to enter the golden age, this may
ultimately depend on whether countries around the globe develop the
vast resources of unconventional gas shale gas, tight gas and coal
bed methane that exist in almost every region of the world.1 Since the
development of unconventional gas resources is different and more chal-
lenging than conventional resource development, a basic understanding
of the different types of gas reservoirs is helpful in order to appreciate
the difficulties involved in extracting natural gas from certain types of
reservoirs. In general, gas reservoirs are classified as conventional or
unconventional based on the following.2

Conventional reservoirs In a conventional reservoir, natural gas has

migrated from a source rock into a trap that is capped by an imperme-
able layer of rock.3 Conventional gas reservoirs are often associated with
deposits of oil and are often developed in conjunction with oil.4 In con-
ventional gas reservoirs, a traditional well may simply be drilled directly
into the reservoir.5 Because the sands or rock that contain the gas have

1IEA, Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas, World Energy Outlook Special

Report on Unconventional Gas, May 29, 2012, http://www.worldenergyout-
(hereinafter IEA Golden Rules Report).
2Ground Water Protection Council & ALL Consulting, Modern Shale

Gas Development in the United States: A Primer 15 (2009), http://www.netl.
(hereinafter Ground Water Prot Council, Modern Shale Gas Primer).
3 See Jacqueline Lang Weaver, Texas Oil and Gas Law: Cases and
Material 17 (2009) (discussing conventional geology and methodology of oil
and gas production).

The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 283

interconnected pore spaces and are thus permeable in nature, the gas flows
naturally to the wellbore.6

Unconventional reservoirs In an unconventional reservoir, natural gas

must be extracted from the source rock itself using a variety of produc-
tion techniques including hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling.7
Because of the low permeability of unconventional reservoirs, these tech-
niques are used to stimulate the reservoir by creating fissures in the rock,
the gas flows more easily through it, enhancing production.8 There are
three types of unconventional gas reservoirs:

1. Tight gasTight gas commonly refers to natural gas that is trapped in

2. Coal bed methane (CBM) CBM is natural gas that is produced from
coal seams, which act as the source and reservoir for the natural gas.10
3. Shale gas Shale gas is natural gas produced from shale formations
that typically function as both the reservoir and source for the natural
gas.11 The economic potential of a particular shale formation can be
evaluated by identifying specific source rock characteristics.12 These
characteristics are used to predict whether commercial volumes can be
produced from the shale formation.13 A number of wells may need to
be drilled and analyzed in order to sufficiently determine the potential
of the shale formation, especially if the basin is large and the targeted
zones varied.14


In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in both the production
of shale gas in the United States and the potential for worldwide shale

7SeeGround Water Prot. Council, Modern Shale Gas Primer, at 15.
8Ibid.see Chesapeake Energy, Hydraulic Fracturing Fact Sheet 1 (2010),
pdf (hereinafter Hydraulic Fracturing Fact Sheet).
9 Enerdynamics, The Rise of Unconventional Gas, The Energy Insider, Sept.

18, 2007, at 4.
10Ground Water Prot. Council, Modern Shale Gas Primer, at 15.
11Ibid., at 14.
12Ibid. at 16.
284 Energy for the 21st century

gas production.15 As a result, shale gas has been referred to as a game

changer, and for this reason this chapter focuses on shale gas exclusively
although tight gas and coal bed methane are also important potential
future sources of natural gas supplies.
Although experts have known for years about the vast deposits of shale
gas found throughout the world, technological difficulties and the high
costs of producing shale gas historically made it impractical to consider as a
serious energy source.16 More recently, however, technological innovations
combining hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling technologies17 have
resulted in a tremendous boom in shale gas production in the United States
since about 2007.18 This boom seems likely to continue with leading energy
experts proclaiming shale gas an energy game changer that will revolu-
tionize global gas markets and help bridge the gap between conventional
resources and the development of renewable energy sources.19
Thus far, the United States has been the undisputed leader in unlocking
the vast tracts of gas-bearing shale found throughout the lower 48 states,
but the so-called shale gale, the strong wind blown by the technological
advances in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, is not limited
to only North America. Because shale formations exist in almost every
region of the world, the potential for shale gas development is enormous
and global in scope.20

15See Am. Petroleum Inst., Facts about Shale,

16See Halliburton, U.S. Shale Gas: an Unconventional Resource,
Unconventional Challenges 1 (2008),
17The hydraulic fracturing technology has been so successful that energy

experts have called this the most significant energy innovation so far of this
century. Mary Lashley Barcella and David Hobbs, Fueling North Americas
Energy Future, Wall St J., Mar. 10, 2010, at A10.
18See Am. Petroleum Inst., Hydraulic Fracturing,

policy/exploration/hydraulicfracturing; see also Am. Petroleum Inst., Advanced

Drilling Techniques,
(explaining horizontal drilling techniques).
19See Tom Fowler, Energy Game-Changer?, Hous. Chron., Nov. 1, 2009,

at A1.
20See Leta Smith and Peter Jackson, Is Unconventional Gas Going Global?,

Wall St J., Mar. 10, 2010, at A14, available at

NAm2010-03-10.pdf. A new EIA sponsored study on global shale gas resources
reports an initial assessment of 5,760 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of technically
recoverable shale gas resources in 32 foreign countries, compared with 862 Tcf
in the United States. Today in Energy, Shale Gas is a Global Phenomenon,
US Energy Info. Admin. (2011),
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 285

Since hydraulic fracturing is an essential part of developing global

shale gas resources,21 it is imperative that the industry ensures that the
process is safe and environmentally sound before applying the technol-
ogy to more areas of the world.22 In the United States and elsewhere,
numerous concerns have been raised about the potential environmental
impacts of hydraulic fracturing and shale gas development with the IEA
recently stating that although there are numerous factors that will impact
the development of unconventional gas resources, there is a critical link
between the way that governments and industry respond to [the] social
and environmental challenges associated with shale gas development and
the prospects for increased production.23



The trick that has enabled companies to unlock natural gas from shale
rock involves the combination of two production technologies horizontal
drilling and hydraulic fracturing.24 Although these two technologies have
been around for decades, the combination of the two, coupled with
technological advances in equipment and cost reductions, was the key to
unlocking the vast reserves of shale gas in North America.25
Horizontal drilling has been instrumental in increasing production
volumes from all forms of natural gas and oil wells and is used extensively
in shale gas production.26 Horizontal drilling involves drilling a vertical
well to intersect the shale formations found at various depths ranging from
1,000 to more than 13,000 feet. Before the targeted depth is reached, the
well is deviated, or turned to achieve a horizontal wellbore within the shale
formation. Wells can be oriented in a direction that is designed to maximize

21See Halliburton, at 1; see also Am. Petroleum Inst., Hydraulic Fracturing,

at 3.
22See Hannah Wiseman, Untested Waters: The Rise of Hydraulic Fracturing

in Oil and Gas Production and the Need to Revisit Regulation, 20 Fordham Envtl L.
Rev. 115, 116 (2009).
23IEA Golden Rules Report at p.9.
24See Coastal Oil & Gas Corp. v. Garza Energy Trust, 268 S.W. 3d 1, 6 (Tex.

2008) (Texas Supreme Court describing the fracking process); see also Hydraulic
Fracturing Fact Sheet, at 27.
25See US Energy Info. Admin., Annual Energy Outlook 2010, http://www.
26Ground Water Prot. Council, Modern Shale Gas Primer at ES-3.
286 Energy for the 21st century

the number of natural fractures present in the shale and these natural
fractures can provide pathways for the gas to flow into the wellbore.
Horizontal drilling provides greater exposure to the shale formation, which
in turn optimizes natural gas recovery and improves well economics.27
Once the targeted area is reached by horizontal drilling, hydraulic
fracturing is then used to help produce the gas reservoir. Beginning at the
tow of the long horizontal section of the well, segments of the wellbore are
isolated, the casing is perforated and hydraulic fracturing fluid is pumped
under high pressure (thousands of pounds per square inch) through
the perforations, cracking the shale and creating one or more fractures
that extend out into the surrounding rock.28 These fractures continue to
propagate for hundreds of feet or so until the pumping ceases. Proppants,
the most common being sand, are carried along in the hydraulic fractur-
ing fluids and these proppants open the fracture after pumping stops and
the pressure is relieved. The propped fracture is only a fraction of an inch
wide, held open by the grains of sand and hydraulic fracturing fluids. The
hydraulic fracturing process and the resulting fracturing creates the path-
ways for the oil and gas to enter the wellbore so the fluids can be pumped
to the surface.29 (See Figure 10.1.)
The hydraulic fracturing of shale gas wells is performed in numerous
stages with each stage using a series of different volumes and composi-
tions of fracturing fluids.30 A typical shale gas well may involve four or
more stages that use millions of gallons of water-based fracturing fluids
mixed with a variety of proppant materials and chemical additives.31 This
process raises a number of issues in terms of water usage and availability
and chemical composition.

10.3.1 Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids

A key component of hydraulic fracturing is the high-pressure injection of

hydraulic fracturing fluids32 that increases the permeability of the rock by

27See Advanced Drilling Techniques.

28Am. Petroleum Inst., Freeing Up Energy, Hydraulic Fracturing: Unlocking
Americas Natural Gas Resources, 5 (2010),
Policy/Exploration/HYDRAULIC_FRACTURING_PRIMER.ashx (hereinafter
API Freeing Up Energy).
30Ground Water Prot. Council, Modern Shale Gas Primer at p.58.
31Ibid. at 6061.
32See Hydraulic Fracturing Fact Sheet, supra note 8; see also Envtl Prot.

Agency, Evaluation of Impacts to Underground Sources of Drinking

Water by Hydraulic Fracturing of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs Study, at
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 287

Typically, steel pipe known as surface

casing is cemented into place at the
WELLHEAD uppermost portion of a well for the
explicit purpose of protecting the
Cement SOIL groundwater. The depth of the surface


1,000 feet Casing casing is generally determined based
AQUIFER on groundwater protection, among
Cement other factors. As the well is drilled
Surface deeper, additional casing is installed
Casing to isolate the formation(s) from which
2,000 feet oil or natural gas is to be produced,
Fluid which further protects groundwater
from the producing formations
in the well.
Casing and cementing are critical parts
3,000 feet
of the well construction that not only
protect any water zones but are also
important to successful oil or natural
gas production from hydrocarbon
bearing zones.
4,000 feet
Industry well design practices protect
sources of drinking water from the other
geologic zone of an oil and natural gas
well with multiple layers of impervious
5,000 feet rock.1
1 Industry has developed equipment-specific and
operating practices for use in drilling and production
activities. Examples include: API 5 Series
Publications: Tubular Goods; API 7 Series
Publications: Drilling Equipment; API 10
6,000 feet Series Publications: Oil Well Cements; API 11
Series Publications: Production Equipment; API 13
Series Publications: Drilling Fluid Material.

Source: API Freeing Up Energy

Figure 10.1 Hydraulic fracturing for shale development

propping up or holding open the fractures.33 According to the industry,

fracturing fluid is a mixture of about 90 percent water, 9.5 percent sand,
and 0.5 percent other chemicals (Figure 10.2).34
Although water is the main component of hydraulic fracturing fluids,
a number of additives and chemicals are also used, the number varying
based on the conditions of the specific well being fractured and thus no
one-size fits all formula for the volumes for each additive.35 The chemi-
cal additives used include common chemicals which people regularly
encounter in everyday life as well as chemical additives that could be

4-1 (2004),

wells_coalbedmethanestudy.cfm (hereinafter Drinking Water Impact Study).
34API Freeing Up Energy.
35Ibid. at 61.
288 Energy for the 21st century

Compound Purpose Common application

Helps dissolve minerals
Acids and initiate fissure in Swimming pool cleaner
rock (pre-fracture)
WATER Allows a delayed
Sodium Chloride breakdown of the gel Table salt
9.5% polymer chains
Minimizes the friction Water treatment, soil
Polyacrylamide between fluid and pipe conditioner
CHEMICAL Automotive anti-freeze,
Prevents scale deposits
ADDITIVES Ethylene Glycol in the pipe
deicing agent, household

Maintains fluid viscosity Laundry detergent, hand

Borate Salts as temperature increases soap, cosmetics

Maintains effectiveness Washing soda, detergent,

Sodium/Potassium of other components, soap, water softener,
Carbonate such as crosslinkers glass, ceramics

Disinfectant, sterilization
Eliminates bacteria in
Glutaraldehyde the water
of medical and dental
Thickener in cosmetics,
Thickens the water to
Guar Gum suspend the sand
baked goods, ice cream,
toothpaste, sauces

Prevents precipitation of Food additive; food and

Citric Acid
metal oxides beverages; lemon juice

Used to increase the Glass cleaner,

Isopropanol viscosity of the fracture antiperspirant, hair
fluid coloring

Source: API Freeing Up Energy

Figure 10.2 Typical shale fracturing fluid makeup and chemicals

hazardous, but are safe when properly handled.36 The service compa-
nies that provide these additives have developed a number of different
combinations to be used depending on the well characteristics.37



The production of shale gas has expanded particularly rapidly in the

United States38 with natural gas production from shale gas formations
rising almost 65 percent from 2007 to 2008 alone.39 According to the US
EIA, shale gas represents the largest source of growth in US natural gas

36Ibid. at 62.
38 US Dept of State, Global Shale Gas Initiative (GSGI), http://www.state.

39American Clean Skies Foundation,

The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 289

production for the coming decades. The rapid development of US shale

gas resources has dramatically transformed the global gas markets and led
many experts to proclaim shale gas an energy game-changer.40
The game-changing nature of shale gas in North America is not just
due to increased production but is also due to significant increases in the
estimated natural gas resource base. An influential study done in 2008
estimated that North America has 2,247 Tcf of natural gas resources,
which is about 100 years of production at current levels.41 In June 2009,
the Potential Gas Committee established by the University of Colorado
School of Mines estimated the US natural gas resource base at 2,074 Tcf,
the highest estimate ever released by that group.42
In terms of technically recoverable resources, the US EIA has esti-
mated that the US has 827 Tcf of technically recoverable shale gas
resources, although this number may change as more information
becomes available from developing shale plays.43 More recently, the
US EIA has noted that there is uncertainty regarding the ultimate size
of technically recoverable shale gas due to a number of factors. First,
because many shale gas wells are only a few years old, their long-term
productivity is untested and consequently the long-term production
profiles of shale wells and their estimated ultimate recovery of oil and
natural gas are uncertain. Second, in emerging shale plays, production
has been confined largely to those areas known as sweet spots that
have the highest known production rates for the play. If the produc-
tion rates for the sweet spots are used to infer the productive potential
of entire plays, their productive potential probably will be overstated.
Third, many shale plays are so large (for example, the Marcellus shale)
that only portions have been extensively production tested. Fourth,

40Intl Energy Agency, Press Release, The Time Has Come to Make the Hard

Choices Needed to Combat Climate Change and Enhance Global Energy Security,
Says the Latest IEA World Energy Outlook, Nov. 10, 2009,
press/pressdetail.asp?PRESS_REL_ID5294. See also Amy Myers Jaffe, Shale Gas
Will Rock the World, Wall St J., May 10, 2010, available at
41Ibid., citing the July 2008 study, North American Natural Gas Supply

Assessment, done by Navigant Consulting.

42 Potential Gas Committee Reports Unprecedented Increase in magnitude of

U.S. Natural Gas Resource Base, June 18, 2009, available at http://www.mines.
43 US Energy Information Admin., Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) 2011 (US

EIA AEO 2011), available at

290 Energy for the 21st century

trillion cubic feet

History 2010 Projections


20 49%
23% Shale gas

Tight gas 21%
10 2% 9%
Non-associated offshore
9% 7%
Coalbed methane 1%
5 10%
Associated with oil 7%
21% Non-associated onshore 9%
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035

Source: US Energy Information Administration, AEO 2012, Early Release Overview,

January 23, 2012

Figure 10.3 US natural gas production, 19902035

technical advancements could lead to more productive and less costly

well drilling and completion. And lastly, currently untested shale plays,
such as thin-seam plays or untested portions of existing plays, could
prove to be highly productive.44 As a result of these factors, estimat-
ing the technically recoverable shale gas resource base in the United
States is an evolving process that is likely to continue for some time.
Nonetheless, the general consensus is that the US shale gas resource
base is significant, with the US EIA estimating that US production of
shale gas is expected to increase and constitute 49 percent of total US
natural gas supply by 2035.45 (See Figure 10.3.)

10.4.1 Overview of Major US Shale Plays

In the United States, shale gas exists in most of the lower 48 states.46 The
most active shale basins to date are the Barnett Shale, the Haynesville/

44 US EIA, Review of Emerging Resources: U.S. Shale Gas and Shale Oil

Plays, Release date: July 8, 2011, available at

45 US EIA, Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) 2012, Early Release Overview,

Jan. 23, 2012,

46See generally US Energy Info. Admin., Shale Gas Plays, Lower 48 States,
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 291

Lower 48 states shale plays

Shale plays Basins

Current plays * Mixed shale &
Prospective plays chalk play
** Mixed shale &
Stacked plays limestone play
Shallowest/youngest *** Mixed shale &
Intermediate depth/age tight dolostone-
Deepest/oldest siltstone-sandstone

Source: US EIA

Figure 10.4 Map of US shale basins

Bossier Shale, the Antrim Shale, the Fayetteville Shale, the Marcellus
Shale, the Eagle Ford, and the New Albany Shale.47 (See Figure 10.4.)
The Barnett Shale is located in the Fort Worth Basin of north central
Texas and was the first major shale play in the United States.48 The promi-
nence of the Barnett Shale and its record as one the busiest shale gas plays
(home to more than 10,000 wells) in the United States is undisputed.49
As one of the first of the modern shale plays, the Barnett Shale was the
testing grounds for proving that the combined technologies of horizontal
drilling and hydraulic fracturing could lead to the successful and economi-
cal development of shale gas.50 With over 10,000 wells drilled to date, the
Barnett Shale is widely considered the gold standard of US shale plays,
having produced over 5 Tcf of natural gas.51

47Ground Water Prot. Council, Modern Shale Gas Primer, at ES-2.

48Ground Water Prot. Council, Modern Shale Gas Primer, at 13, 18.
49Ibid. 13.
51Hart Energy, Unconventional Oil & Gas Center, Snapshot: Barnett Shale,
292 Energy for the 21st century

The success of the Barnett Shale grabbed the industrys attention and
as production in the Barnett matured, natural gas producers looked to
extrapolate the lessons learned in the Barnett to the other shale gas forma-
tions present across the United States and Canada.52 The development of
the Fayetteville Shale, which is situated in the Arkoma Basin of northern
Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma, began in the early 2000s.53 Companies
who had reaped the success of the Barnett Shale were looking forward to
applying the same techniques to similar formations, or new shale plays.54
These companies quickly recognized the parallels between the Barnett and
Fayetteville Shales similar age of the formation and geologic character.
Lessons learned from the horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing tech-
niques employed in the Barnett assisted in the commercial viability of the
Fayetteville Shale,55 where more than 1,000 wells now exist.56
The Haynesville/Bossier shale play is mainly found in North Louisiana
but also touches parts of East Texas.57 Although there has already been
exploratory drilling and testing for several years, the full extent of the
play will only be known after several more years of development are
The Marcellus Shale is the most expansive shale gas play59 covering six
states in the northeastern United States: New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia.60 Range Resources Corporation
was the first company to drill economically producing wells in the
Marcellus formation, with their success attributable to the use of horizon-
tal drilling and hydraulic fracturing techniques, the same techniques used
in the Barnett Shale in Texas.61 Widely considered one of the most prom-
ising shale plays in the US, the Marcellus Shale has also been the center
of environmental controversy, with New York having an effective mora-
torium on shale gas development pending further environmental review.
Other shale plays in the US include the Woodford Shale in south central
Oklahoma, which is at an early stage of development62 and the New
Albany Shale located in the Illinois Basin and covering portions of Illinois,

52Ground Water Prot. Council, Modern Shale Gas Primer.

53Ibid. at 19.
57Ibid. at 20.
59Ibid. at 21.
62Ibid. at 22.
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 293

Indiana and Kentucky.63 The Antrim Shale is in the Michigan Basin64 and
next to the Barnett Shale; the Antrim Shale has been one of the most
actively developed shale gas plays.65 Most of its expansion took place in
the late 1980s.66 As opposed to other gas shale plays in the United States,
the Antrim has a shallow depth and small stratisgraphic thickness.67
More recent developments in the US include a focus on liquids-rich
shale plays such as the Eagle Ford as US natural gas producers seek to lev-
erage liquids and light oil reserves to maximize the value of the production
stream in gas shales. With the US Henry Hub price remaining persistently
low (less than $4.00/Mcf), liquids-rich hybrid plays offer higher rates of
return. For example, in some cases, there may be oil molecules valued at
$15.00/Mcf versus $4.00/Mcf for gas with NGLs being valued somewhere
in between. For this reason, the focus on liquids-rich plays in the US, and
in particular the Eagle Ford, seems likely to continue into the future.68



Canada has significant petroleum, natural gas, and coal reserves,69 and
along with Australia and Norway it is one of only three member-states of
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
that are net energy exporters.70 Canada is the largest source of US energy
imports, as nearly all of its oil and gas exports go to the United States.71
Recognizing the importance of energy trade, both the US and Canada,

63Ibid. at 24.
64Ibid. at 23.
68 Paula Dittrick, Focus: Unconventional Oil & Gas: Industry Expects Rapid

Gains in Eagle Ford Shale Output, Oil & Gas Journal, July 4, 2011, available
unconventional-oil-gas-industry-expects.html, noting that energy analysts Bentek
Energy LLC believes the Eagle Ford stands above the crowd of multiple US
unconventional oil and gas plays because of its high liquids potential and access to
crude and natural gas liquids markets.
69See Country Analysis Briefs: Canada, infra note 71.
70Martin Ferguson, Austl. Minister for Res. and Energy and Minister for

Tourism, Australias Energy and Resources Future (June 23, 2010), available at
71 Energy Info. Admin., Country Analysis Briefs, Canada, http://www.eia.
294 Energy for the 21st century

along with Mexico, participate in the North American Energy Working

Group, which seeks to improve energy integration and cooperation
between the countries in the region.72
Although Canada is a major producer of conventional natural gas, in
recent years the country has increasingly focused on developing natural
gas from unconventional resources such as shale gas.73 This is largely
due to the view that production of conventional gas has peaked and new
gas finds are needed to offset the decline.74 The Canadian gas industry
is currently undergoing a transformation similar to that of the United
States through its increased focus on shale gas production.75 The most
significant shale basins are located in northeastern British Columbia,
while some shale basins in Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes
also have some potential.76 Although large-scale commercial production
of shale gas has not yet occurred in Canada, this might change in the
coming years.77 More than $2 billion has been invested in northeast British
Columbia to establish land positions in the Horn River Basin and the
Montney Trend.78 (See Figure 10.5.)
In terms of the potential resource base of Canadian natural gas
resources, estimates show a dramatic increase in Canadas natural gas
reserve potential and put Canadas natural gas in place (GIP) at almost
4,000 TCF.79 Such a dramatic increase in the reserve estimates results
from the large contribution unconventional gas resources make to the
reserves, dramatically changing the picture of Canadas gas potential. (hereinafter Country Analysis

Briefs: Canada).
72 US Dept of Energy, North American Energy Working Group (NAEWG), (The North American Energy Working

Group (NAEWG) was established in 2001 by the US Secretary of Energy, the
Secretary of Energy of Mexico, and the Canadian Minister of Natural Resources.)
73 Can. Socy for Unconventional Gas, Unconventional Gas Facts, http://
75See Country Analysis Briefs: Canada, supra note 71; see also Gary Park, Gas

Revolution No. 2: Canadian Shale, Pipeline & Gas J., May 2010, available at http://
76See Unconventional Gas Facts.
77 Can. Socy for Unconventional Gas, Shale Gas,

79 F.M. Dawson, Cross Canada Check Up: Unconventional Gas Emerging

Opportunities and Status of Activity 3 (2010),

Technical_Luncheons/Presentations/2010/MDawson_AGM2010.pdf (hereinafter
Cross-Canada Check Up).
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 295

Source: Michael Dawson, President, Can. Socy for Unconventional Gas, Shale
Gas Plays in Canada: Opportunities from Coast to Coast, Lecture at the Developing
Natural Gas Conference April 7, 2009, available at

Figure 10.5 Map of Canadas shale gas plays

Table 10.1 Canadas gas in place resources (TCF)

Conventional (GIP) 692

Natural gas from coal/coal bed methane 801
Tight gas 1,311
Shale gas 1,111
Total 3,915

Source: F.M. Dawson, Cross Canada Check Up, 2010

(SeeTable 10.1.) The marketable portion is between 700 and 1300 TCF, of
which 357 TCF are conventional and between 376 (low case) and 947 TCF
(high case) are unconventional.80
This estimate is significantly higher than prior estimates that did not
include potential unconventional resources, but it may still underestimate

80 Paul Wells, CSUG Report Pegs Canadas Natural Gas in Place at Almost

4,000 tcf, Oil & Gas Inquirer, June 2010, available at http://www.oilandgasin-
296 Energy for the 21st century

Table 10.2 Canadas estimated marketable gas resources (TCF)

Conventional (Remanining GIP) 357

Natural gas from coal/coal bed methane 34129
Tight gas 215476
Shale gas 128343
Total 7331,304

Source: Petrel Robertson/CUSG Study, 2010

the true value of Canadas gas reserves.81 A lack of available data on some
emerging shale gas plays resulted in those plays being excluded from the
total.82 This additional natural gas will likely play a major role in shaping
Canadas long-term natural gas supply.83



The shale gas revolution that is transforming the North American

natural gas market is not limited to that region.84 It has been widely
recognized that there is enormous unconventional gas potential in other
parts of the world.85 While shale gas appears to be the most promising
type of unconventional gas around the world, some countries are also
developing tight gas and CBM.86 One of the main challenges for shale gas
development globally is estimating the potential resource base.87

10.6.1 IEA Estimates of Global Shale Gas Resources

According to the IEA, there are only limited studies estimating global
unconventional gas resources and major work is still needed to refine and
expand [the] data.88 With few exceptions, unconventional gas resources

82See ibid.
83See Cross Canada Check Up, at 3.
84Smith and Jackson.
87See Intl Energy Agency, Medium-Term Oil & Gas Markets 185 (2010)

(hereinafter IEA MTOGM 2010).

The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 297


Tight gas Coal bed methane Shale gas
Europe Latin America FSU
Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East and North Africa North America
Asia Pacific

Source: IEA MTOGM 2010, p.185

Figure 10.6 Worldwide unconventional gas resources in place

around the world have largely been overlooked and understudied and
most have not been appraised in any systematic way.89
In terms of existing regional estimates of global unconventional gas poten-
tial, Asia Pacific and North America have the highest, with 274 TCM and
233 TCM respectively followed by [the former Soviet Union] with 155 TCM,
Latin America [with] 98 TCM and [the Middle East-North Africa region
with] 95 TCM.90 Though significant attention has been devoted to Europes
potential unconventional gas resources, so far, they are estimated at only 35
TCM.91 The IEA notes that shale gas represents half of this global potential
and is especially present in Asia and North America while CBM is mainly in
[the former Soviet Union] and tight gas is quite evenly distributed between
the regions92 (Figure 10.6). However, these numbers should be considered
with caution as not all of this gas will be recoverable.93

89Ibid. at 186.
90Ibid. at 185; see Susan L. Sakmar, Recent Development, The Status of the
Draft Iraq Oil and Gas Law; 30 Hous. J. Intl L. 289, 295 n. 35 (2008) (noting Iraqs
fairly significant gas reserves).
91IEA MTOGM 2010 at 185.
93Ibid. The IEA has estimated that around 380 tcm would be recoverable

based on current data and knowledge. Ibid. at 186.

298 Energy for the 21st century

In terms of country-specific developments, Australia ranks first among

the countries able to develop their unconventional gas resources in the
short term.94 CBM has been at the mature market stage in Australia for
some time, but shale gas is still in its infancy.95
China has potentially significant unconventional gas resources and has
expressed considerable interest in developing these. Historically Chinas
focus has been on CBM, but recently its focus has shifted towards devel-
oping its shale gas resources. Although these are estimated at 26 TCM,
the country has never appraised its shale gas reserves but is expected
to do so in the near future.96 Chinas Ministry of Land and Resources
(MLR) has announced a strategic goal of reaching a production target
of 1530 bcm (billion cubic meters) by 2020.97 In this regard, it will be
critical for China to acquire technology to meet these production goals.
Chinas Sinopec has already engaged in dialogue with international oil
companies in furtherance of this goal. In November 2009, China and the
United States signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly cooper-
ate in assessing Chinas shale gas resources and, consequently, promote
investments in this area.98
Like China, India has historically focused on CBM but is now turning
to shale gas, which is rapidly gaining the attention of industry players.99
In April 2010, Indias Reliance Industries Ltd invested $1.7 billion in the
US Marcellus Shale play. This was viewed as an indication that Indian
companies are looking to acquire expertise and technology to develop
shale gas resources, both at home and abroad. The two major obstacles
for India are a lack of clarity regarding upstream regulation for shale
gas and a lack of data as most of Indias shale gas potential remains
Compared to Australia and India, Indonesia has been slow to develop
its unconventional gas resources and foreign companies have been reluc-
tant to invest there, largely because of the legal and regulatory uncertain-
ty.100 Indonesias outlook may change, however, in light of its estimated
shale gas potential of approximately 30 TCM and its plans to launch a
tender of shale gas fields.
Europe has received the most attention, with many countries in the

94Ibid. at 187.
95Ibid. at 188.
96Ibid. at 1889.
97Ibid. at 189.
98Ibid. at 188.
99Ibid. at 189.
100Ibid. at 190.
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 299

CBM Tight gas Shale

Austria OMV
Belgium European Gas, Transcor Astra Group
Bulgaria CBM Energy
France European Gas Ltd Total, Egdon Resources, Mouvoil,
Schueppbach Energy LLC, Dale Gas
Partners, Eagle Energy Ltd, Bridgeoil
Ltd., Diamoco Energy
Wintershall ExxonMobil,
Germany ExxonMobil
MOL, Falcon,
Italy Ind. Resources plc
Poland Composite Energy, EurEnergy Aurelian ExxonMobil, ConocoPhilips, Lane
Energy, Talisman, Chevron, Aurelian,
FX Energy
FX Energy
Romania Falcon, Galaxy Aurelian, FX Energy
Sweden Shell
UK Island Gas, Composite Energy
BG, Nexen, Marathon
Turkey TransAtlantic Petroleum, TPAO
Preliminary work, exploration, assessment of seismic data
Wells drilled

Note: The list of companies is not exhaustive.

Source: IEA MTOGM 2010, p.191

Figure 10.7 Unconventional gas activities in Europe

region looking to replicate the US shale gas revolution. While there are
many challenges that could prevent an unconventional gas boom hap-
pening in Europe, recently there has been a lot of activity and interest in
shale gas in Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania,
Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. International oil companies,
which were largely absent from early shale gas development in the United
States, have been more proactive in Europe. Many major oil companies,
including ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Marathon, and
Total, are present in one or more European countries.101 (See Figure 10.7.)
In most European countries, most of these developments are at the
very early stages and seismic data are just barely being compiled.102 The
IEA notes that only a few European countries are actually producing

101Ibid. at 19091.
102Ibid. at 190.
300 Energy for the 21st century

nconventional gas, and then only in small quantities.103 Of these, Poland

is worth noting as shale gas has received significant attention in that
country.104 In its report, the IEA also notes that Poland has approved
approximately 45 exploration licenses for shale gas [and] ExxonMobil has
five concessions in the Podlasie and Lublin basins representing 1.3 million
According to estimates by Wood Mackenzie, an oil and gas research
group, Polands unconventional gas reserves could be as high as 48
TCF.106 If confirmed, this would significantly increase the European
Unions proven reserves of natural gas and ... make Poland, which
imports 72 per cent of its gas, self-sufficient for the foreseeable future.107
Significant shale gas production in Poland could also alter the gas geopoli-
tics for the entire European region, which has historically been dependent
on Russian supplies of natural gas.108 In light of this, there is a land grab
under way109 in Poland with several major energy companies investing
in the nascent shale gas industry including Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and
Canadian-based Talisman.110
France, Germany, and Hungary are also just emerging as poten-
tial shale gas players while other countries are starting to assess their
potential reserves.111 The IEA notes that many initiatives are under-
way such as the Gas Shales in Europe (GASH), coordinated by the
German GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) and The Institut Franais du
Ptrole (IFP). In other regions, [international oil companies (IOCs)] and
National Oil Companies (NOCs) have been carrying out exploratory
work [on unconventional resources,] yet the results remain to be seen.112

104Ibid. at 191.
106Robin Pagnamenta, Dash for Polands Gas Could End Russian Stranglehold

on Supplies, The Times (London), Apr. 5, 2010, at 33.

108See Ibid.; see also Kim Talus, Access to Gas Markets: A Comparative Study

on Access to LNG Terminals in the European Union and the United States, 31 Hous.
J. Intl L. 343, 354 (2009).
109 Pagnamenta (quoting Oisin Fanning, executive chairman of San Leon

Energy, a British company that has secured three license areas in Poland); see also
Dinakar Sethuraman, Exxon, Chevron Land Grab for Europe Shale Gas, JP
Morgan Says, Bloomberg Businessweek, Feb. 11, 2010, available at http://www.
110IEA MTOGM 2010 at 191.
111See generally Ibid. at 192.
112Ibid. at 186.
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 301

Assessed basins with resource estimate

Assessed basins without resource estimate
Countries within scope of report
Countries outside scope of report

Source: EIA/ARI World Shale Gas Resource Assessment

Figure 10.8 Worldwide shale basins

10.6.2 World Shale Gas Resources: an Initial Assessment

While assessments are underway in Europe, the US EIA recently released

a study commissioned by an external consultant to assess the potential of
international shale gas resources.113 The report assessed 48 shale basins in
32 countries containing almost 70 shale gas formations. Figure 10.8 indi-
cates the location of assessed shale gas basins for which estimates of the
risked gas in place and technically recoverable resources were provided.
Although the shale gas resource estimates will change over time as
additional information becomes available, the report shows that the
global shale gas resource base is vast. The initial assessment of technically
recoverable shale gas resources in the 32 countries outside the US is 5,760
Tcf (trillion cubic feet). When the US shale gas resource base of 862 Tcf is
added to this, the total global shale gas resource base is 6,622 TCF. (See
Table 10.3.)
The report noted that these estimates are relatively conservative and
likely to go up as more information becomes known and this has certainly
been the case in the US. However, it is also important to note that the
report estimated technically recoverable resources, which does not

113 US EIA, World Shale Gas Resources: An Initial Assessment of 14 Regions

Outside the United States, Release date: April 5, 2011,

302 Energy for the 21st century

Table 10.3 Country listing of technically recoverable shale gas resources

Continent Technically
recoverable (Tcf)
North America (non-US) Canada, Mexico 1,069
US 862
Total North America 1,931
Africa Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, 1,042
Libya, Mauritania, Western,
Sahara, South Africa
Asia China, India, Pakistan 1,404
Australia 396
Europe France, Germany, 624
Netherlands, Sweden, Norway,
Denmark, UK, Poland,
Lithuania, Ukraine, Turkey
South America Colombia, Venezuela, 1,225
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
Uruguay, Paraguay
Total 6,622
Total without US 5,760

Source: EIA/ARI World Shale Gas Resource Assessment

mean commercially viable resources. In other words, it may not make

commercial sense to exploit all of these resources.
The report also noted that there were two country groupings where
shale gas development might be most attractive. The first group consists
of countries that are currently dependent upon natural gas imports and
have at least some gas production infrastructure and where the estimated
shale gas resources are substantial relative to the current gas consump-
tion. This group includes France, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, South
Africa, Morocco and Chile. The second group comprises those countries
where the shale gas resource estimate is large and there already exists a
significant natural gas production infrastructure. In addition to the US,
this group includes Canada, Mexico, China, Australia, Libya, Algeria,
Argentina and Brazil.



The IEA has recognized that there are numerous challenges

to replicating the success of the US unconventional gas revolution
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 303

verseas.114 The issues raised by the IEA that may impact the develop-
ment of global unconventional gas resources include:115

1. limited studies on unconventional gas potential around the world

2. environmental concerns
3. fiscal conditions
4. landowner acceptance
5. interference from local authorities
6. pipeline and infrastructure issues
7. availability of technology, equipment and skilled labor force
8. gas players experience.

Of these, landowner acceptance and environmental concerns are worth

noting since these two areas have been the most challenging in the devel-
opment of shale gas in the US.116
Landowner acceptance is likely to vary depending on whether the land-
owner stands to gain financially from the drilling activity.117 In the United
States, landowners often stand to benefit financially from drilling on their
property if they own the underground resources, they may receive a
bonus or royalties upon leasing to an oil company in order to develop the
resources.118 For example, some US landowners who own the underground
mineral resources have received up to $25,000 per acre, and sometimes
up to 25% royalty by leasing their property for shale gas development.119
Although this financial incentive has been particularly helpful in the
development of shale gas in the United States, it may not be as relevant in
other areas of the world where landowners do not own the underground
In its report, the IEA also noted the numerous environmental concerns
that have been raised in the United States.121 These concerns include the
impact hydraulic fracturing might have on local water supplies in terms
of potential contamination of underground drinking water sources and
surface waters as well as issues related to the quantity of water used in the
process.122 These issues are discussed in detail in the following sections.

114See IEA MTOGM 2010 at 1845.

116See ibid. at 1867.
118See ibid. at 187.
120See ibid.
121See ibid. at 1867.
122See ibid.
304 Energy for the 21st century



In recognition of the growing worldwide interest in developing unconven-

tional gas resources, in April 2010 the US Department of State launched
the Global Shale Gas Initiative (GSGI) in order to help countries
seeking to utilize their unconventional natural gas resources to identify
and develop them safely and economically and in an environmentally
sensitive manner. The goal of the GSGI is to assist countries seeking to
develop their own unconventional gas resources with balancing energy
security and environmental concerns.123
A countrys ability to participate in the initiative depends largely on the
presence of gas-bearing shales within their borders, market potential,
business climates, geopolitical synergies, and host government interest.
Countries have been classified into tiers, with Tier 1 countries being those
that have the greatest potential for benefiting from GSGI opportuni-
ties and Tier 2 countries being those that have expressed interest and
meet GSGI criteria. So far, partnerships have been arranged with China,
India, and Poland.124
In August 2010, when the first meeting of the GSGI took place, the
representatives of 17 different countries discussed the importance
of shale gas as a lower-carbon fuel option that can help reduce CO2
emissions while ensuring energy security and economic development
in the 21st century. The meeting was a regulatory conference
designed to showcase the umbrella of laws and regulations [in the
United States] that makes sure [shale gas development] is done safely
and efficiently.125
At the conference, the State Department noted that the United States
has both federal and state laws to protect land use, water, and air as well
as the capacity to monitor, regulate and enforce the laws. The confer-
ence gave US agencies, such as the EPA and the EIA, the opportunity to
explain the laws and regulations pertaining to shale gas development in the

123 US Dept of State, Briefing on the Global Gas Shale Initiative

Conference, Remarks by David L. Goldwyn, Special Envoy for International

Energy Affairs (Aug. 24, 2010), available at
124 Polish Delegation Attends First Multilateral Meeting of the Global Shale

Gas Initiative, US Diplomatic Mission to Warsaw, Poland (Aug. 24, 2010), http://
125 Briefing on the GSGI Conference.
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 305

United States, with particular attention being paid to issues pertaining to

water protection since water is scarce in many countries.126
Whether the GSGI can provide a regulatory model for environmental
best practices is debatable and remains to be seen.127 In light of the growing
environmental challenges and potential additional regulations facing the
US shale gas industry, the usefulness of the US legal scheme as a model
framework is still an open question,128 especially as it relates to environ-
mental issues.129 As discussed in detail below, there is some indication
that production in the US may have outpaced the ability of some states to
effectively oversee the safety and environmental sustainability of shale gas
development.130 If the United States is having difficulty with the safety and
environmental aspects of shale gas drilling, how can other countries keep
pace with shale gas developments? This question is especially critical for
those countries with less-developed laws and regulations.131



The development of shale gas in the United States has been widely recog-
nized as one of the most promising trends in the US in terms both of job
creation and economic benefits and of its resulting increase in the domestic

127To date, there appears to be only limited activity related to the GSGI and it

remains to be seen whether this initiative gains in prominence. The GSGI has been
renamed the Unconventional Gas Technical Engagement Program (UGTEP). US
Dept of State, Unconventional Gas Technical Engagement Program (UGTEP),
available at
128See IEA MTOGM 2010 at 1867; see also Amy Westervelt, Shale

Gas Booming Globally, Despite Chemical Dangers, Solve Climate News,

Aug. 9, 2010,
130See Anthony Andrews et al. (2009), Unconventional Gas Shales:

Development, Technology, and Policy Issues, pp.338,

131See Laura C. Reeder, Note, Creating a Legal Framework for Regulation of

Natural Gas Extraction from the Marcellus Shale Formation, 34 Wm & Mary Envtl
L. & Poly Rev. 999, 1022 (2010) (describing the complex legal obstacles inherent
in shale gas development).
132Since the US has thus far been the leader in shale gas development,

this section focuses on environmental issues in the US with the view that other
306 Energy for the 21st century

supplies of natural gas.133 Many people view natural gas as a cleaner-

burning fossil fuel that could enhance energy independence, reduce emis-
sions and serve as a bridge fuel to renewable energy.134
While there are many proponents of shale gas, there are also many who
oppose it because of the technology necessary to produce it.135 This oppo-
sition has intensified as hydraulic fracturing has become more common-
place in wells around the country and around the world.136 For its part,
the gas industry contends that hydraulic fracturing is safe, well regulated,
and has a proven track record having been used in the United States since
the 1940s in drilling more than one million wells.137
In support of the safety of hydraulic fracturing, the industry often
points to a 2004 EPA study that assessed the potential for contamination
of underground sources of drinking water from the injection of hydraulic
fracturing fluids into CBM wells.138 In that study, the EPA concluded that
the injection of hydraulic fracturing fluids into these wells posed little or
no threat to [underground drinking water].139 After reviewing incidents
of drinking water well contamination, the EPA found no confirmed cases
that are linked to fracturing fluid injection into coalbed methane wells or
subsequent underground movement of fracturing fluids.140
The industry also maintains that the continued use of hydraulic

c ountries may face similar issues should they choose to develop their own shale
gas resources.
133IHS Report (2012), Americas New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil

and Gas Revolution and the US Economy,

new-energy-future.aspx. (Unconventional oil and gas activity is already revolu-
tionizing Americas energy future and bringing enormous benefits to its economy.
Unlocking unconventional energy will generate millions of jobs and billions in
government receipts.)
134See Shale Gas, Energy Tomorrow,

Shale_Gas.aspx; Briefing on the GSG Conference. See generally Marianne

Lavelle, Natural Gas Stirs Hope and Fear in Pennsylvania, National
Geographic, Oct. 13, 2010, available at
135See, e.g., Wes Deweese, Fracturing Misconceptions: A History of Effective

State Regulation, Groundwater Protection, and the Ill-conceived FRAC Act, 6 Okla.
J. L. & Tech. 49, 6 (2010).
136As shale goes global, concerns have been raised in other countries as well.

See e.g., Monique Beau Din, Shale-gas Opposition is Growing, Survey Concludes,
The Gazette (Montreal), Feb. 16, 2011, at A6; Exploration Ban in France Extended,
Calgary Herald (Can.), Jan. 20, 2011, at B4.
137API Freeing Up Energy.
138See ibid.
139 Drinking Water Impact Study at 7-5.
140Ibid. at 7-6.
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 307

f racturing is critically important to producing the natural gas America will

need in the future.141 It is estimated that [80%] of natural gas wells drilled
in the next decade will require hydraulic fracturing142 and that, without
it, the US could lose 45 percent of domestic natural gas production.143

10.9.1 Water Contamination Concerns

Despite the industrys claims that hydraulic fracturing is a safe and proven
technology, environmental organizations, public health groups, and local
communities have expressed numerous concerns about the potential
environmental impacts of the use of hydraulic fracturing around the coun-
try.144 There have been many allegations that hydraulic fracturing has led
to the contamination of drinking water in many communities.145 This has
led to increased calls for federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing under
the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) that would provide a minimum
federal floor for drinking water protection in the states engaged in drilling
shale gas.146
The nonprofit, investigative journalism organization ProPublica has an
extensive investigation of hydraulic fracturing underway.147 According
to that investigation, numerous states have reported cases involving
spills of hazardous materials or other occurrences of water contaminated
by oil or gas operations.148 There are also hundreds of cases of water

141 Hydraulic Fracturing.

143American Petroleum Institute,, citing Global Insight,

Measuring the Economic and Energy Impacts of Proposals to Regulate Hydraulic

Fracturing, (2009).
144See Amy Mall, Incidents Where Hydraulic Fracturing is a Suspected Cause of

Drinking Water Contamination, Switchboard: Natl Res. Def. Council Staff Blog,
Oct. 4, 2010,
lic_frac.html (listing incidents of drinking water contamination and supporting
regulation of hydraulic fracturing under the Safe Drinking Water Act).
147See Buried Secrets: Gas Drillings Environmental Threat, ProPublica, http:// ecrets-g as-d rillings-environmental-threat

(containing links to various investigative pieces concerning the environmental
impact of gas drilling). The New York Times is also examining the risks of shale
gas drilling and efforts to regulate the rapidly growing industry in its Drilling
Down series, available at
148Abraham Lustgarten, Setting the Record Straight on Hydraulic

Fracturing, ProPublica, Jan. 12, 2009,

308 Energy for the 21st century

c ontamination in drilling areas where hydraulic fracturing is used, includ-

ing some pending lawsuits alleging contamination.149
ProPublica has also noted the difficulty scientists face in specifically
determining which aspect of drilling the hydraulic fracturing, the waste
water that accidentally flows into the ground, the leaky pits of drilling
fluids or the spills from truckloads of chemicals transported to and from
the site causes [the reported] pollution.150 One challenge has been the
refusal by the industry to make public the chemical makeup of the hydrau-
lic fracturing fluid used on a particular well.151 Without this information,
environmental officials say they cannot conclude with certainty when or
how certain chemicals entered the water.152

10.9.2 Water Quantity and Flowback Concerns

Concerns have also been raised pertaining to the large volumes of water
needed during the hydraulic fracturing process, and the disposal of the
flowback or wastewater from fracturing operations.153 A recent US
Geological Survey (USGS) report noted these concerns with regard to
water resources and gas production in the Marcellus Shale.154 According
to the USGS report, many regional and local water management agen-
cies [in the Marcellus Shale region] are concerned about where such large
volumes of water will be obtained, and what the possible consequences
might be for local water supplies.155
Chesapeake Energy Corp., one of the most active drillers in the
Marcellus Shale,156 candidly admits water is an essential component of
its deep shale gas development.157 According to the company, fracturing

the-record-straight-on-hydraulic-fracturing-090112 (hereinafter Setting the Record

Straight on Hydraulic Fracturing).
149Ibid.; Abraham Lustgarten, Pa. Residents Sue Gas Driller for Contamination,

Health Concerns, ProPublica, Nov. 20, 2009,

150 Setting the Record Straight on Hydraulic Fracturing.
153Andrews et al.
154Daniel J. Soeder and William M. Kappel, Water Resources and Natural Gas

Production from the Marcellus Shale 34 (2009),

155Ibid. at 4.
156 Chesapeake Energy, Press Release, Chesapeake Energy Corporation

Confirms Decision Not to Drill for Natural Gas in the New York City Watershed
(Oct. 28, 2009) available at
157 Chesapeake Energy (2010), Fact Sheet: Water Use in Marcellus Deep
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 309

a typical Chesapeake Marcellus horizontal deep shale gas well requires

an average of five and a half million gallons per well.158 Chesapeake
also maintains that water resources are protected through stringent state,
regional and local permitting processes and, in comparison to other uses
within the area, deep shale gas drilling and fracturing uses a small amount
of water.159
Hydraulic fracturing also gives rise to concerns pertaining to the dis-
posal of wastewater.160 While some of the injected hydraulic fracturing
fluids remains trapped underground, the majority 6080 percent
returns to the surface as flowback.161 The USGS has noted that because
the quantity of fluids is so large, the additives in a 3 million gallon frac job
would yield about 15,000 gallons of chemicals in the flowback water.162
Some states, such as West Virginia, have noted that wastewater disposal
is perhaps the greatest challenge in hydraulic fracturing operations.163
Other shale producing areas face the same challenges. In north Texas,
increased water use stemming from a growing population, drought, and
the Barnett Shale development has led to heightened concerns about
water availability.164 In January 2007, the Texas Water Development
Board (TWDB) published a study of a 19-county area in North Texas that
contains estimates of water used in the Barnett Shale development.165 The
TWDB report indicates that the fracturing of a horizontal well comple-
tion can use more than 3.5 million gallons (more than 83,000 barrels) of
water.166 In addition, the wells may be re-fractured multiple times when
the natural gas flow slows after being in production for several years.167
However, the report estimates that the amount of water used for devel-
opment has been a relatively small percentage of the total water use.168

Shale Gas Exploration,

lus_water_use_fact_sheet.pdf (hereinafter Chesapeake Energy, Water Use).
160See Drinking Water Impact Study at 3-11.
162Soeder and Kappel at 4.
163Andrews et al. at 35.
164 James E. Ben and Robert Harden, Northern Trinity/Woodbine

Groundwater Availability Model: Assessment of Groundwater Use in

the Northern Trinity Aquifer due to Urban Growth and Barnett Shale
Development 1 (2007),
166Ibid. at 14.
167Ibid. at 2-44.
168Ibid. at 2-3.
310 Energy for the 21st century

Although growing, the report calculated water used for the Barnett Shale
accounted for only 3 percent of the total groundwater used.169 The TWDB
report makes predictions of future water needs for the area, including
Barnett Shale development.170 These estimate an increase in the ground-
water used from 3 percent in 2005 to 713 percent in 2025.171

10.9.3 The EXXON/XTO Merger

The Exxon/XTO merger was announced against the backdrop of increased

interest and scrutiny in developing US shale gas resources.172 In December
2009, ExxonMobil (Exxon)173 announced plans to buy XTO Energy
(XTO)174 in an all-stock transaction worth about $41 billion (including
debt of $10 billion), which would create the largest US natural gas pro-
ducer and holder of gas reserves.175 Exxons interest in XTO was primarily
due to XTOs strong unconventional gas resource focus, including XTOs
resource base, as well as its technical expertise in extracting shale gas
through hydraulic fracturing technology.176
The Exxon/XTO merger was seen by many in the oil and gas industry
as a show of confidence in the future of shale gas.177 Many praised
the deal as a boost for shale gas to play a greater role in supplying
the world with abundant, affordable, and cleaner-burning energy.178
At the same time, however, the proposed merger led to greater scru-
tiny of the hydraulic fracturing technology, which has drawn intense
criticism from environmentalists and lawmakers concerned about the

171Ibid. at 3.
172 ExxonMobil to Boost Unconventional Focus by Acquiring XTO, Oil & Gas
J., Dec. 21, 2009, at 31; see Natural Gas Helps Exxon and Shell Lift Profits, N.Y.
Times, July 30, 2010, at B4.
173 ExxonMobil website,
174 XTO Energy website,
175 ExxonMobil to Boost Unconventional Focus by Acquiring XTO, supra note

176 The ExxonMobil-XTO Merger: Impact on U.S. Energy Markets: Hearing

Before the Subcomm. on Energy and Envt of the H. Comm. on Energy and
Commerce, 111th Cong. 53 (2010) (statement of Rex Tillerson, CEO, ExxonMobil
Corp.), available at
177 Katie Howell, House Panel Looks into Effects of Exxon-XTO Merger, N.Y.

Times, Jan. 19, 2010,

The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 311

potential impact of hydraulic fracturing on water supplies and the

At the congressional hearings related to the merger, several lawmakers
expressed concern that the proposed merger would reduce competition in
the oil and gas industry and also lead to an increase in the use of hydraulic
fracturing and horizontal drilling.180 Other lawmakers expressed concern
that the technologies could pollute drinking water supplies.181 Exxon
Chairman Rex Tillerson defended the controversial hydraulic fractur-
ing technology and assured lawmakers that [w]ith recent advances in
extended reach horizontal drilling, combined with the time-tested technol-
ogy of hydraulic fracturing ... we can now find and produce unconven-
tional natural gas supplies miles below the surface in a safe, efficient and
environmentally responsible manner.182
Mr Tillerson also indicated that continued use of hydraulic fractur-
ing was essential for the industry and the merger.183 Indeed, the con-
tinued use of hydraulic fracturing was so important to the combined
companys success that the merger agreement provided an opt out
provision allowing the deal to be called off if any event or action
gave rise to a Company Material Adverse Effect, which included
changes in laws that made hydraulic fracturing illegal or commercially
impracticable.184 Although the XOM/XTO merger closed on June
25, 2010, without any congressional or regulatory action to limit or
ban hydraulic fracturing,185 the controversy surrounding the use of
hydraulic fracturing continues to this day in the US and has spread to
other continents.

180Tom Doggett, Exxon-XTO Merger Draws Scrutiny from Congress, Reuters,

Jan. 20, 2010, available at

184 XTO Energy Inc., Agreement and Plan of Merger, Dated as of Dec. 13,

2009Dec. 15, 2009, art. I, IX, available at

XTO-ENERGY-INC_8-K/dex21.htm; see also Russell Gold, Exxon Can Stop
Deal if Drilling Method is Restricted, Wall St J., Dec. 17, 2009, at B3.
185 ExxonMobil Announces Completion of All-Stock Transaction for XTO,

Business Wire, June 25, 2010, available at

newsId520100625005806&newsLang5en; see also Anna Driver, Exxon Sees
Greater Scrutiny After BP Spill, Reuters, July 8, 2010, available at http://www.
312 Energy for the 21st century



As the undisputed leader in shale gas development, the US also has the
most experience with the regulatory framework to govern the shale gas
industry. As other countries assess their shale gas resources, they will
also need to assess whether they have the sufficient regulatory frame-
work in place to manage shale gas development. In this regard, the US
framework could prove to be a useful starting point for some countries
and, for that reason, an overview of the US regulatory framework is
provided below.
As previously noted, hydraulic fracturing is a water intensive
technology that raises many issues related to the environmental protec-
tion of US water supplies. The gas industry believes that existing state
regulations are adequate to protect water resources during the devel-
opment of shale gas resources.186 This view is shared by the Ground
Water Protection Council (GWPC), which represents state groundwater
protection agencies and underground injection control (UIC) program
administrators.187 However, there is a growing contingent of landowners,
environmental groups and citizen groups calling for federal regulation
and further investigation of hydraulic fracturing due to concerns about
water usage and possible contamination issues.188 While an analysis of
individual existing state laws is beyond the scope of this chapter, there
are several important federal regulations that are relevant and discussed
in detail below.

186 Hydraulic Fracturing Fact Sheet, supra note 8; see Hannah Wiseman,

Regulatory Adaptation in Fractured Appalachia, 21 Vill. Envtl L. J. 229, 2889

(2010); see also Hydraulic Fracturing, supra note 18 (outlining industry practices
relating to hydraulic fracturing).
187 Hydraulic Fracturing Fact Sheet; Ground Water Prot. Council, About Us,
188See Mireya Navarro, 8,000 People? E.P.A. Defers Hearing on Fracking,

Green: a Blog about Energy and the Envt, Aug. 10, 2010, 5:28 p.m., http://;
see also Mike Soraghan, BP, Others Push Against Federal Regulation of
Fracturing, N.Y. Times, Mar. 23, 2010, available at
gwire/2010/03/23/23greenwire-b p-o thers-p ush-a gainst-f ederal-r egulation-o f-
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 313

10.10.1 The Safe Drinking Water Act

The SDWA189 is the primary federal law for protecting public water
supplies from harmful contaminants.190 Enacted in 1974,191 and broadly
amended in 1986 and 1996,192 the SDWA is administered through a
variety of programs that regulate contaminants in public water supplies,
provide funding for infrastructure projects, protect underground sources
of drinking water, and promote the capacity of water systems to comply
with SDWA regulations.193
The EPA is the federal agency responsible for administering the
SDWA194 but a federalstate structure exists in which the EPA may del-
egate primary enforcement and implementation authority (primacy) for
the drinking water program to states and tribes.195 The state-administered
Public Water Supply Supervision (PWSS) program remains the basic
program for regulating public water systems,196 and the EPA has delegated
primacy for this program to all states, except Wyoming and the District of
Columbia (which SDWA defines as a state).197 The EPA has responsibil-
ity for implementing the PWSS program in these two jurisdictions and
throughout most Indian lands.198
A second key component of the SDWA requires the EPA to regulate
the underground injection of fluids to protect underground sources of
drinking water.199 In terms of oil and gas drilling, the UIC program
regulations specify siting, construction, operation, closure, financial
responsibility, and other requirements for owners and operators of injec-
tion wells.200 Thirty-three states (including West Virginia, Ohio, and

189Safe Drinking Water Act, 42. U.S.C. 300f (2005).

190Office of Water, Envtl Prot. Agency, Safe Drinking Water Act, http://water.
193See generally Envtl Prot. Agency Office of Water, Understanding the

Safe Drinking Water Act (2004),

upload/2009_08_28_sdwa_fs_30ann_sdwa_web.pdf (hereinafter Understanding
the Safe Drinking Water Act).
195See ibid.
196Office of Water, Envtl Prot. Agency, Public Water System Supervision

(PWSS) Grant Program,

197 Understanding the Safe Drinking Water Act, supra note 193.
198See ibid.
199Andrews et al., supra note 130, at 37.
200Ibid. (noting that requirements for Class II wells are found in 40 C.F.R.

314 Energy for the 21st century

Texas) have assumed primacy for the UIC program.201 The EPA has lead
implementation and enforcement authority in ten states, including New
York and Pennsylvania, and authority is shared in the remainder of the
Notwithstanding the SDWAs general mandate to control the
underground injection of fluids to protect underground sources of
drinking water, the law specifically states that EPA regulations for state
UIC programs may not prescribe requirements which interfere with
or impede ... any underground injection for the secondary or tertiary
recovery of oil or natural gas, unless such requirements are essential to
assure that underground sources of drinking water will not be endan-
gered by such injection.203 Consequently, the EPA has not regulated gas
production wells, and historically has not considered hydraulic fractur-
ing to fall within the regulatory definition of underground injection.204

10.10.2 Leaf v. EPA

Until 1997, it was unclear whether hydraulic fracturing was regulated

under the UIC programs.205 However, the US Court of Appeals for the
11th Circuit ruled that the hydraulic fracturing of coal beds for methane
production constituted an underground injection that must be regulat-
ed.206 Since this decision applied only in the 11th Circuit, the only state
required to revise its UIC program was Alabama.207

202See ibid. To receive primacy, a state must demonstrate to the EPA that its

UIC program is at least as stringent as the federal standards. Ibid. For Class II
wells, states must demonstrate that their programs are effective in preventing pol-
lution of underground sources of drinking water. Ibid. at 37, n. 77.
203Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. 300h(b)(2) (2005).
204Andrews et al., supra note 130, at 37.
205Deweese, supra note 135, at 10.
206 Legal Envtl Assistance Found. v. Envtl Prot. Agency, 118 F.3d 1467, 1477

(11th Cir. 1997).

207Ibid. In 2000, a second suit was filed against the EPA wherein the court

approved Alabamas revised UIC program, despite several alleged deficiencies.

Legal Envtl Assistance Found. v. Envtl Prot. Agency, 276 F.3d 1253, 1256 (11th Cir.
2001). The US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit directed the EPA to require
Alabama to regulate hydraulic fracturing under the SDWA. Ibid. at 14778.
Thecourt determined that the EPA could regulate hydraulic fracturing under the
SDWAs more flexible state oil and gas provisions in section 1425, rather than the
more stringent underground injection control requirements of section 1422. Ibid.
at 126061.
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 315

In response to the decision in Leaf v. EPA208 and citizen complaints

about water contamination attributed to hydraulic fracturing, the EPA
began to study the impacts of hydraulic fracturing practices used in CBM
production on drinking water sources, and to determine whether further
regulation was needed.209 In 2004, the EPA issued a final (phase I) report,
based primarily on interviews and a review of the available literature, and
concluded that the injection of hydraulic fracturing fluids into CBM wells
posed little threat to underground sources of drinking water and required
no further study.210
The EPA noted, however, that very little documented research had been
done on the environmental impacts of injecting fracturing fluids.211 It also
noted that estimating the concentration of diesel fuel components and
other fracturing fluids beyond the point of injection was beyond the scope
of its study.212 Some members of Congress and some EPA professional
staff criticized the report, asserting that its findings were not scientifically
Ultimately, in the Energy Policy Act of 2005,214 Congress amended
SDWA Section 1421 to specify that the definition of underground
injection excludes the injection of fluids or propping agents (other
than diesel fuels) used in hydraulic fracturing operations related to oil,
gas, or geothermal production activities.215 This exclusionary language
effectively removed the EPAs (unexercised) authority under the SDWA
to regulate the underground injection of fluids for hydraulic fractur-
ing purposes.216 Environmentalists and others opposed to hydraulic
fracturing commonly refer to this exclusionary language as The
Halliburton Loophole, based on a New York Times editorial of the
same title.217

208 Legal Envtl Assistance Found. v. Envtl Prot. Agency, 118 F.3d 1467 (11th

Cir. 1997).
209Drinking Water Impact Study, at ES-1.
211Ibid. at 4-1.
212Ibid. at 4-12.
213Mike Soraghan, Natural Gas Drillers Protest Nomination of Fracking

Critics for EPA Review Panel, N.Y. Times, Sept. 30, 2010, available at http://
214 Energy Policy Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. 109-58, 119 Stat. 594 (2005).
215Ibid. 322.
216See Safe Drinking Water Act 1421, 42 U.S.C. 300h.
217 The Halliburton Loophole, New York Times Editorial, Nov. 2, 2009, http://
316 Energy for the 21st century

10.10.3 The FRAC Act

As shale gas development spread across the US, so too did public concern
about the safety and environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing. These
concerns ultimately made their way to the US Congress where companion
bills H.R. 2766 and S. 1215 were introduced in 2009 in an effort to amend
the SDWA to include hydraulic fracturing.218 Representative Diana
DeGette introduced H.R. 2766 on June 9, 2009, and Senator Robert Casey
Jr. introduced S. 1215 as the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of
Chemicals Act (or FRAC Act).219
The FRAC Act would amend the SDWA definition of underground
injection to expressly include the underground injection of fluids or
propping agents used for hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas operation
and production activities.220 The bill would also require public disclosure
of the chemical constituents (but not the proprietary chemical formulas)
used in the fracturing process.221 As of October 23, 2010, H.R. 2766 had
69 co-sponsors but ultimately the FRAC Act did not reach the house floor
before the 111th Congress recessed.222 The FRAC Act was re-introduced
in the 112th Congress223 but is unlikely to pass before the 112th Congress
adjourns but could be re-introduced in the 113th Congress.

10.10.4 Other Congressional Actions: Disclosure of Frac Fluid Chemicals

In addition to the FRAC Act seeking disclosure of the chemicals used

in hydraulic fracturing, Congress has separately requested information
from the industry about the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing.224 On

218 Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act of 2009, S.

Con. Res. 1215, 111th Cong. (2009); Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of
Chemicals (FRAC) Act, H.R. Con. Res. 2766, 111th Cong. (2009).
219S. 1215; H.R. 2766.
220S. 1215 2(a); H.R. 2766 2(a).
221S. 1215 2(b).; H.R. 2766 2(b).
222 Bill Summary and Status, H.R. 2766, 111th Congress (2009), The Library

of Congress, Thomas, (follow Bills, resolu-

tions hyperlink; then follow Bill summary and status hyperlink; then search
Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act).
223S. 587, 112th Cong. (2011); H.R. 1084, 112th Cong. (2011).
224 Press Release, Comm. on Energy and Commerce, Energy & Commerce

Committee Investigates Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing, Feb. 18, 2010,

available at
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 317

February 18, 2010, Henry A. Waxman, Chairman of the Subcommittee

on Energy and Environment, and Subcommittee Chairman Edward
Markey sent letters to eight oil and gas companies that use hydraulic frac-
turing requesting information on the chemicals used in fracturing fluids
and the potential impact of the practice on the environment and human
On July 19, 2010, Congressmen Waxman and Markey sent another letter
requesting additional information from companies involved in hydraulic
fracturing, including a list of the total volume of flowback and produced
water recovered from wells, how the water was disposed of and a variety of
other well-specific data to determine the chemical content of flowback and
produced water.226 The companies did not thoroughly respond, and said
they were not able to provide data on the proximity of specific wells to
underground sources of drinking water, or on the recovery and disposal of
fluids and water that flowback to the surface of wells.227


In December 2009, six months after the introduction of the FRAC

Act 2009, the US House of Representatives Appropriation Conference
Committee concluded a focused study analyzing the relationship between
hydraulic fracturing and drinking water.228 The committee believed the
EPA should conduct this study.229 The EPA agreed with Congress that
a study was warranted by the serious concerns from citizens about the
potential impact on drinking water resources and public health, and

226Letter from Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Chairman, Comm. on Energy

and Commerce, to 10 Oil and Gas Companies, July 19, 2010, available at
Fracturing.07.19.2010.pdf; see also Press Release, Comm. on Energy and
Commerce, Committee Requests More Details on Hydraulic Fracturing
Practices, July 19, 2010, available at
&Itemid555 (hereinafter Committee Requests More Details).
227 Committee Requests More Details.
228Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

Appropriations Act, H. Rep. 111-316, at 109 (2010); Envtl Prot. Agency, Hydraulic
index.cfm (hereinafter Hydraulic Fracturing Overview).
318 Energy for the 21st century

e nvironmental impacts in the vicinity of shale gas production areas

employing hydraulic fracturing technology.230
In addition to examining the potential relationships between hydrau-
lic fracturing and drinking water, a key goal of the EPA study is to
generate data and information that can be used to assess risks and
ultimately inform decision makers.231 In conducting its study, the EPA
intends to follow a case study approach, which is often used in in-depth
investigations of complex issues like hydraulic fracturing. The EPA
admits that developing a single, national perspective on [hydraulic frac-
turing] is complex due to geographical variations in water resources, geo-
logic formations, and hydrology.232 Nonetheless, the EPAs intention is
that the types of data and information that are collected through case
studies should provide enough detail to determine the extent to which
conclusions can be generalized at local, regional, and national scales.233
An initial set of research questions proposed by the EPA includes:234

1. What sampling strategies and analytical methods could be used to

identify potential impacts on sources of drinking water, water supply
wells, and receiving streams?
2. Are there vulnerable hydrogeologic settings where HF may impact the
quality and availability of water supplies?
3. How does the proximity of HF to abandoned and/or poorly con-
structed wells, faults, and fractures alter expected impacts on drinking
water resources and human health?
4. Is there evidence that pressurized methane or other gases, HF fluids,
radionuclides, or other HF-associated contaminants can migrate into
underground sources of drinking water? Under what conditions do
these processes occur?

10.11.1 The EPA Study Plan and Case Sites

In April 2011, the EPA announced the experts, primarily composed of

members of academia, chosen for the Science Advisory Board (SAB)s

231 Envtl Prot. Agency, Opportunity for Stakeholder Input on EPAs Hydraulic

Fracturing Research Study: Criteria for Selecting Case Studies, 1 (July 15, 2010), (hereinafter
Opportunity for Stakeholder Input).
232Ibid. at 2.
The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 319

study review panel235 and the EPA subsequently submitted its draft study
plan to the SAB for review.236 On November 2, 2011, the EPA released
details of its hydraulic fracturing study plan.237 As set forth in the study,
the EPA will focus on the entire hydraulic fracturing water life-cycle, from
water acquisition to wastewater treatment and disposal.
The EPA will use a case study approach and has selected seven case
studies that it believes will provide the most useful information about
the potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water resources
under a variety of circumstances. Two sites are prospective case studies
where the EPA will monitor key aspects of the hydraulic fracturing
process at future hydraulic fracturing sites. Five sites are retrospective case
studies, which will investigate reported drinking water contamination due
to hydraulic fracturing operations at existing sites. The EPA is expected to
issue its first report of findings in 2012 and its final report in 2014.

10.11.2 Other EPA Actions

While the EPA study is ongoing, there are a number of other activities
underway by the EPA that could impact shale gas development going

Effluent guidelines for shale gas extraction

In October 2011, the EPA initiated a rulemaking to set discharge stand-
ards for wastewater from shale gas extraction.239 In terms of background,
according to the EPA, and based on information provided by industry, up
to 1 million gallons of shale gas wastewater, or flowback or produced

235 Envtl Prot. Agency Sci. Advisory Bd, Members of the Hydraulic Fracturing

Study Plan Review Panel,

236 Hydraulic Fracturing Overview.
237 US EPA, Plan to Study the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic

Fracturing on Drinking Water Resources, available at

238There are numerous actions underway at EPA with respect to shale gas

development and a detailed discussion of all actions underway is beyond the scope
of this book. For illustrative purposes, two EPA actions pertaining to effluent
guidelines and diesel use are discussed here.
239 EPA Fact Sheet, EPA Initiates a Rulemaking to Set Discharge Standards for

Wastewater From Shale Gas Extraction,

320 Energy for the 21st century

water, may be produced from a single well within the first 30 days fol-
lowing fracturing. These produced waters generally contain elevated salt
content (often expressed as total dissolved solids, or TDS), many times
higher than that contained in sea water, conventional pollutants, organics,
metals, and NORM (naturally occurring radioactive material). Additional
data show that flowback waters contain concentrations of some of the
fracturing fluid additives.
While some of the shale gas wastewater is re-used or re-injected, a
significant amount still requires disposal. Some shale gas wastewater is
transported to public and private treatment plants, many of which are not
properly equipped to treat this type of wastewater. As a result, pollutants
are discharged into surface waters such as rivers, lakes or streams where
they can directly impact aquatic life and drinking water sources.
As part of the rulemaking process, the EPA plans to reach out to
affected stakeholders to collect relevant data and information. The EPA
also plans to collect financial data on the shale gas industry to determine
the affordability of treatment options for produced water.

Guidance for diesel fuels

A key element of the SDWA UIC program is setting requirements for
proper well siting, construction, and operation to minimize risks to under-
ground sources of drinking water. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 excluded
hydraulic fracturing, except when diesel fuels are used, for oil and gas
production from permitting under the UIC program. This was because of
concern about the risks to drinking water from diesel fuels.
Over the past few years, there has been some confusion over whether
the industry must disclose the use of diesel fuel in hydraulic fracturing
activities and, if so, how and when. In the summer of 2010, the EPA
added a statement to its website that Any service company that per-
forms hydraulic fracturing using diesel fuel must receive prior authori-
zation from the UIC program. Injection wells receiving diesel fuel as a
hydraulic fracturing additive will be considered Class II wells by the UIC
program.240 Industry groups filed a lawsuit against the EPA in the US
Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit contending that the website posting
constituted a final agency action requiring certain procedural actions
by the EPA prior to posting such as notice and public comment.241 More

240 Envtl Prot. Agency, Regulation of Hydraulic Fracturing by the Office

of Water,
241Tom Zeller, Gas Drilling Technique is Labeled Violation, N.Y. Times,

Feb.1, 2011, at B1.

The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 321

recently, the EPA announced it is formulating guidelines for the use of

diesel fuel in hydraulic fracturing.242


The EPA study and any legislative action taken by Congress may ulti-
mately take several years to resolve. In the meantime, and in response to
the continued public scrutiny of shale gas drilling, some state governments
have begun to amend or enact state laws and regulations in an effort to
pre-empt the need for any eventual federal regulation of shale gas drilling
operations. For example, New York is currently in the process of complet-
ing a Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS)
for horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing243 with a revised draft
SGEIS expected in June 2011.244 In the interim, and pursuant to an order
issued by New York Governor David Patterson, no permits for shale gas
drilling may be issued.245
The suspension of drilling activity in New York may give that state
time to learn lessons about hydraulic fracturing from its neighboring
state, Pennsylvania, where more than 1,000 wells have been drilled in
the Marcellus Shale since 2005.246 Those lessons may be difficult for the
industry to learn. A recent report from the Pennsylvania Land Trust
Association indicates that drillers in Pennsylvania have been cited for
1,435 violations since 2008, 952 of which may affect the environment.247
The article notes that [i]ssues listed in the report include improper con-
struction of waste-water compounds used to store [fracking] fluids and
violations of the states clean stream law.248
On a more positive note, some companies have begun to voluntarily dis-
close the chemicals they are using in hydraulic fracturing.249 For example,

242 US EPA, Underground Injection Control Guidance for Permitting Oil and

Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing Activities Using Diesel Fuels, available at http://
243 N.Y. Dept. of Envtl Conservation, Marcellus Shale, http://www.dec.
249See Range Resources, Press Release, Range Resources Announces Voluntary
322 Energy for the 21st century

on July 14, 2010, Range Resources announced a voluntary disclosure initi-

ative for its Marcellus Shale operations whereby it will voluntarily submit
to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection additional
information about additives used in the hydraulic fracturing process.250
The companys press release notes that the disclosure initiative will
provide regulators, landowners and citizens of the Commonwealth an
accounting of the highly diluted additives used at each well site, along with
their classifications, volumes, dilution factors, and specific and common
More recently, in April 2011, the shale gas industry launched FracFocus.
org, which is an online portal designed to serve as a repository for volun-
tary disclosure of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing as well as provide
a wide array of reference materials from federal, state, and independ-
ent sources. A number of US states, including Texas, Louisiana, and
Montana, have incorporated the use of FracFocus in recent legislative and
regulatory initiatives requiring disclosure.252


On March 31, 2011, President Barack Obama stated that recent innova-
tions have given us [the US] the opportunity to tap large reserves perhaps
a centurys worth of shale gas.254 In order to facilitate this development
and ensure adequate environmental protections were in place, President
Obama tasked the US Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu, to create a sub-
committee of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) to make
recommendations to address the environmental and safety issues that had
been raised pertaining to shale gas development in the US.

Disclosure of Marcellus Shale Hydraulic Fracturing, July 14, 2010, available

252 Paula Dittrick, Shale Gas Subcommittee Reviews Industry, Government

Progress, Oil & Gas Journal, Nov. 21, 2011, available at
253 US Dept. of Energy, Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB), Shale

Gas Production Subcommittee,

254 US Dept. of Energy, SEAB, Shale Gas Production Subcommittee,

90-Day Report, Aug. 18, 2011, at p.5,

The role of shale gas in the Golden Age of Gas 323

On August 18, 2011, the Shale Gas Production Subcommittee issued

its 90-Day Report presenting a number of recommendations that if
implemented will reduce the environmental impacts from shale gas
production.255 At the outset, the Subcommittee recognized that shale gas
has enormous potential to provide economic and environmental benefits
for the country including creating jobs across the country and climate
change advantages due to the low carbon content of natural gas compared
to coal.256 However, the Subcommittee also recognized that, [a]s will
all energy use, shale gas must be produced in a manner that prevents,
minimizes and mitigates environmental damage and the risk of accidents
and protects public health and safety. Public concern and debate about the
production of shale gas has grown as shale gas output has expanded.257
Absent effective environmental policies and controls, the Subcommittee
believed that public opposition to shale gas development would grow, thus
putting continued production at risk. The Subcommittee also believed
that, absent effective action in terms of strong regulations and industry
support, environmental consequences would grow.258
Nonetheless, the Subcommittee was optimistic that the industry would
continue to pursue more efficient operations that include minimizing
waste, greater gas recovery, less water usage, and a reduced operating
footprint.259 The Subcommittee also believed that a more systematic
commitment to a process of continuous improvement to identify and
implement best practices is needed, and should be embraced by all
companies in the shale gas industry.260
In the Report, the Subcommittee identified four primary areas of
concern: (1) Possible pollution of drinking water from methane and
chemicals used in fracturing fluids; (2) Air pollution; (3) Community
disruption during shale gas production; and (4) Cumulative adverse
impacts that intensive shale production can have on communities and
In an effort to address these environmental concerns, the Subcommittee
made a number of recommendations including: (1) improve public infor-
mation about shale gas operations; (2) improve communication among
state and federal regulators; (3) improve air quality by reducing emissions

255Ibid. at p.1.
256Ibid. at p.5.
257Ibid. at pp.89 (emphasis in the original).
258Ibid. at p.8.
259Ibid. at 89.
260Ibid. at 910.
261Ibid. at 8.
324 Energy for the 21st century

of air pollutants, ozone precursers, and methane; (4) protection of water

quality by adoption of a systems approach to water management; (5)
disclosure of fracturing fluid composition; (6) reduction in the use of
diesel fuel; (7) managing short-term and cumulative impacts on communi-
ties, land use, wildlife and ecologies; (8) organizing for best practice; and
(9)increasing funding for research and development.262
The Subcommittees 180-day final report was issued on November 18,
2011, and offered a review of the progress made on the 20 recommenda-
tions the subcommittee outlined in its August 18 initial report. While the
subcommittee said in a November 10 news release that it was gratified by
the actions taken to date, it added that the progress to date is less than
what the subcommittee hoped.263
As this book goes to print, the global shale gas industry is still in its
formative years, with major questions still to be answered about the extent
of the resource base as well as the ability of the industry to develop it
economically. There are also numerous legal, policy and environmental
challenges that must be addressed, including how the social and environ-
mental debate will play out in different parts of the world. As stated in the
IEAs recent Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas report, a continuous
drive from governments and industry to improve performance is required
if public confidence is to be maintained or earned and the industry needs
to commit to apply the highest practicable environmental and social stand-
ards at all stages of the [shale gas] development process.264 Although it is
too soon to predict the ultimate outcome of global shale gas development,
the production of US shale gas alone has already impacted global gas
markets by giving rise to the prospects of North American LNG exports,
a development which is discussed in detail in the next two chapters.

262Ibid. at 35. This is just a summary of the recommendations. More detail

regarding the specifics of the recommendations can be found in the report.

263 Paula Dittrick, Shale Gas Subcommittee Reviews Industry, Government

Progress, Oil&Gas Journal, Nov. 21, 2011, available at

264IEA Golden Rules Report, supra note 1, at p.9.
11.The impact of shale gas on global
gas markets and the prospects for
US and Canadian LNG exports

As discussed in the preceding chapter, the tremendous boom in US shale

gas has been a game changer for the US with numerous benefits deriving
from shale gas development including economic growth, energy security,
and the potential for emissions reductions as coal-fired power plants are
replaced with gas-fired power plants. As a result, governments around the
world are in the process of assessing their own shale gas reserves to deter-
mine whether they can replicate the success of US shale gas development
in their own country.
Over time, and given the vast global shale gas resource base, increased
global shale gas production could have numerous implications in terms of
geopolitics and energy security. For example, European shale gas produc-
tion could result in a reduced dependence on Russian natural gas imports
if production is sufficient to offset the continuing decline in reserves.
Whether or not enough European countries will develop their shale gas
resources remains to be seen. At least one major study has suggested
that while shale gas is not likely to be a game changer for European gas
markets overall, it could have a significant impact on individual countries,
such as Poland, that are committed to shale gas development.1
That study found that much more stringent European environmental
standards and the difficulties of access to land and fresh water, as well
as the lack of incentives for landowners to allow companies to drill, will
require a completely different business model for unconventional gas
development in Europe as compared to that in the US. The study also
noted that although the impact of shale gas development could be greater

1 Florence Gny, Can Unconventional Gas be a Game Changer in

European Gas Markets? Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 2010,

326 Energy for the 21st century

in Poland and Germany, overall it would be surprising if unconventional

gas provided more than 5 percent of European gas demand before the
early 2020s.2
In terms of the impact of shale gas on LNG markets, it remains to be
seen whether the global production of shale gas could ultimately displace
some LNG production. At this point, this seems a distant possibility
since LNG terminals have been and continue to be built around the
world at enormous expense. Over time, however, if shale gas production
ramps up, it is possible that some LNG production could be displaced
by shale gas, depending on cost. It is also possible that, over the long
run, increased production of global shale gas will actually strengthen the
global LNG markets as increased shale gas supplies will lead to a further
shifting of demand to natural gas. Moreover, increased shale gas produc-
tion around the world could further strengthen LNG markets as more
suppliers and buyers enter the market and the LNG market becomes
more liquid.
While over the longer term successful shale gas development in coun-
tries outside of North America could have a significant impact on global
gas markets, it remains to be seen how far the shale gas revolution will
spread.3 In the meantime, however, the sizable increase in shale gas pro-
duction in the US alone has already impacted global gas markets in ways
that were unthinkable just a few years ago.



One of the most dramatic impacts of the US shale gas revolution is the sur-
prising shift of the worlds top gas producing countries. For over a decade,
the Russian Federation held the top spot as the number one producer of
natural gas in the world. According to the BP Statistical Review of World
Energy 2012, in 2011 the US surpassed Russia as the worlds top natural
gas producer for the third consecutive year.4 (See Table 11.1.)

3IEA WEO-2010.
4 BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2012, www.bp/com/statisi-
calreview. BP issues its statistical review of world energy every year and it is an
excellent source of statistical data for all energy sources, including natural gas and
LNG. It is worth noting that, according to BP, the US is also the worlds largest
consumer of natural gas with 2011 consumption of 690.1 bcm or 21.5% of the
worlds total. Ibid.
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 327

Table 11.1Worlds top ten natural gas producers, 200511 (in billion
cubic meters)

Rank Country 2011 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
(2011) % of
1 United States 651.3 20.0 611.0 582.8 570.8 545.6 524.0 511.1
2 Russia 607.0 18.5 588.9 527.7 601.7 592.0 595.2 580.1
3 Canada 160.5 4.9 159.8 163.9 176.4 182.5 188.4 187.1
4 Iran 151.8 4.6 138.5 131.2 116.3 111.9 108.6 103.5
5 Qatar 146.8 4.5 116.7 89.3 77.0 63.2 50.7 45.8
6 China 102.5 3.1 96.8 85.3 80.3 69.2 58.6 49.3
7 Norway 101.4 3.1 106.4 103.7 99.3 89.7 87.6 85.0
8 Saudi Arabia 99.2 3.0 83.9 78.5 80.4 74.4 73.5 71.2
9 Algeria 78.0 2.4 80.4 79.6 85.8 84.8 84.5 88.2
10 Indonesia 75.6 2.3 82.0 71.9 69.7 67.6 70.3 71.2

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2012, www.bp/com/statisicalreview.



The surge in production of shale gas in the US has essentially eliminated

the need for the US to import LNG and most LNG originally destined for
the US has had to be diverted to Europe or Asia. The dramatic shift in the
USs LNG import needs has also resulted in certain knock-on effects for
those countries that had planned LNG export projects with the US as the
major destination. One such project is the $9.9 billion Angola LNG liq-
uefaction project sponsored by state-owned Sonangol. This is the largest
investment ever made in Angola and was expected to provide a huge
economic boost for the country. When the project was first envisioned
years ago, Angola LNG expected the US to take the majority of its LNG
production, with the LNG being imported through the recently opened
Gulf LNG Energy import terminal located in Pascagoula, Mississippi.
Half of the terminal capacity of Gulf LNG Energy is contracted out
to US-based Chevron, UK-based BP, Frances Total, and Italys Eni.5
Angola LNG was expected to come online in early 2012 but many analysts
question where the LNG will be exported since the increase in shale gas

5Gulf LNG Energy is a partnership between El Paso Corp (50%), Crest

Group (30%) and Sonangol USA (20%).

328 Energy for the 21st century

production in the US makes it unlikely that it will go to the US. If the

contracts have diversion clauses, then LNG cargoes could be diverted to
the best markets.6
At an energy conference in late 2011, representatives from Sonangol
indicated they still expected the US to import Angolan LNG but more
recent reports indicate that Sonangol has been considering other options
such as exporting to the Asia-Pacific region.7 While the Angolan LNG will
eventually find a home, it is unclear where and at what price. One analyst
has suggested that Angolan LNG will most likely be diverted to Europe.8
Most recently it was reported that Angola LNGs first cargo will ship in
the second quarter of 2012 and will be on spot transactions in Europe
and Asia. Chevron has indicated that, once some contractual issues are
resolved, it may revisit prospects for selling at least some of the Angola
LNG production under long-term agreements but for the moment there is
a robust spot market for LNG. Moreover, the increase in the number of
LNG import terminals being built around the world signal[s] continued
strength in demand for LNG going forward.9



The surge in US shale gas production over the past several years has
led numerous companies in the US and Canada to seek authorization
to export LNG in order to take advantage of the arbitrage opportunity
resulting from the current supply overhang of shale gas and the price dif-
ferentials between global gas markets. At least one expert has referred to
the price differential due to shale gas production as the shale spread and
has defined the various shale spreads as shown in Table 11.2.
By early 2010, it was increasingly apparent that the shale spreads were
creating a market opportunity for US LNG exports. At the time, LNG
sold to European markets at the UK National Balancing Point (NBP)

6 Jessica Hatcher, Questions Remain over Angola LNG Export Plans to the

US, Interfax, Natural Gas Review, Nov. 23, 2011, citing, CWC World LNG
Conference, Rome, Italy.
9 Chevrons Angola LNG Cargoes to Rely on Spot Markets, Argus Media,

March 13, 2012,

The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 329

Table 11.2 Shale spreads

Shale spread Definition

Shale spread The difference between low US prices due to shale
gas production and high international prices that are
indexed or benchmarked to oil.
Pacific shale spread The difference between low US prices and Pacific LNG
prices indexed to oil.
Atlantic shale spread The difference between low US prices and European
market prices that oscillate between oil and gas.

Source: Christopher Goncalves, Vice President, Charles River Associates, Chasing the
Shale Spread: Potential New Markets for LNG, Presentation to the CWC 12th Annual
World LNG Summit, November 1417, 2011, Rome, Italy.

was trading at about a $5.00 MMBtu premium over gas traded at the US
Henry Hub price. (See Figure 11.1.)
The first US company to seize the opportunity created by the shale
spreads was Cheniere Energy, which announced in June 2010 that it was
initiating a project to add liquefaction facilities to its existing Sabine Pass
LNG import terminal.10 The addition of liquefaction would make Sabine
Pass LNG the worlds first bi-directional facility capable of both importing
and exporting LNG. At the time, Cheniere expected to offer customers the
bi-directional services for a capacity fee of approximately $1.40 to $1.75/
MMBtu, which would provide customers the option to either import or
export natural gas and would offer buyers an attractive opportunity to
buy US sourced natural gas at prices indexed to Henry Hub (Figure 11.2).

10 Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P., Press Release dated June 3, 2010, Cheniere

Energy Partners Initiating Project to Add Liquefaction Capabilities at the Sabine Pass
LNG Terminal,
newsArticle&ID51434470&highlight5. At the time, Chenieres Chairman and
CEO, Charif Souki summarized the market opportunity for US LNG exports as
follows: We believe current market fundamentals have created an opportunity
for the U.S. to offer natural gas to global markets at competitive prices. The U.S.
is experiencing an increase in natural gas production, primarily driven by uncon-
ventional gas plays, while natural gas demand in the U.S. continues to lag behind
market projections. Due to the depth of the markets in South Louisiana with an
abundance of supply and existing pipeline infrastructure, we can provide an addi-
tional outlet for U.S. natural gas production while offering a low cost source of
supply for global buyers seeking alternatives to oil-indexed contracts. The ability
to buy or sell natural gas in one of the worlds most liquid natural gas markets
provides industry players with a very powerful tool to manage their portfolios.
On Oct. 1, US Henry Hub price
$/MMBtu 2006, the
UK National Balancing Point (NBP)
Langeled With less
18 Norway gas-on-gas
pipeline competition, In 2008, US
16 opened. UK UK/EU shale Starting April
2007 pipeline markets production 2010, UK/EU
14 imports reacted more doubled, markets rallied,
climbed 57% quickly to oils tumbling offering a
over 2006 steep rise to Henry Hub ~$5/MMBtu
12 prices as US
pummeling UK $147/bbl. premium over US
prices. economy Henry Hub.
10 softened.


2 Between Mar 2009 and Mar 2010,

US/UK/EU markets largely correlated




Source: Zeus Development Corporation (

Figure 11.1 UK/US price spread volatility, Jan. 2006July 2011

The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 331


LNG export commodity charge: $HH/MMBtu

Fuel surcharge:

Source: Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P. Cheniere Energy, Inc., Proposed Sabine Pass
LNG Facility Expansion Adding Liquefaction Capabilities, Presentation dated June 4,

Figure 11.2 Cheniere commercial structure for LNG exports

With the existing market dynamics, Cheniere expected to be able to

liquefy and ship LNG to Europe cheaper than oil-indexed pipeline
gas in Europe on the margin. In its analysis, Cheniere assumed that
the continued increase in US natural gas production driven by shale
gas effectively capped Henry Hub prices at a mid-range of $6.50/
MMBtu. Cheniere also claimed that if oil remains above $65/Bbl, Sabine
Pass LNG is cheaper than oil-indexed pipeline gas in Europe on the
margin, while oil prices above $77/Bbl justify it on an all-in basis. (See


The actual and potential increase in shale gas production has led to a
dramatic shift in natural gas markets in North America, particularly in
the United States. Whereas just a few years ago it was predicted that
the United States would become a large importer of LNG, the rise of
shale gas has largely eliminated the need for the US to import LNG
and LNG appears to come to the US only as a place of last resort.
332 Energy for the 21st century

Source: Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P. Cheniere Energy, Inc., Proposed Sabine Pass
LNG Facility Expansion Adding Liquefaction Capabilities, Presentation dated June 4,

Figure 11.3 Cheniere US LNG exports delivered costs to Europe

As a result, LNG importers in the US have had to adjust strategies to

attempt to monetize their costly LNG infrastructure investments. In a
significantturn of events, in 2010, several US companies began pursu-
ingthe option to export LNG from the US to other markets under a
variety of scenarios including re-exporting LNG previously imported
or exporting to countries with whom the US has a free trade agreement
Cheniere Energy, Inc. (Cheniere), through its wholly owned subsidi-
ary Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC (Sabine Pass), was the first company
to seek long-term, multi-contract authorization from DOE to export LNG
to any country that has the capacity to import LNG and with which trade
is not prohibited by US law or policy.12

11 US Dept. of Energy, 2010, Pending LNG Export and Long Term

Natural Gas Applications, available at

regulation/authorizations/2010_Long_Term_Applications.html. In addition to
Sabine Pass Liquefaction, other companies seeking to export LNG at the time
Cheniere initially filed included Freeport LNG, Lake Charles Exports LLC, Carib
Energy (USA) LLC, and Dominion Cove Point LNG.
12 Application of Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC for Long-Term Authorization

to Export Liquefied Natural Gas, FE Docket No. 10-111-LNG (Sept. 7, 2010),

The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 333

Chenieres early lead to export LNG is reminiscent of its attempt in 1999

to gain an early-mover advantage by being at the forefront of US LNG
terminal development and construction by identifying potential terminal
sites early on along the US Gulf Coast.13 As a result of its quick action,
Cheniere was the first company to build a new import terminal in the
United States in anticipation of the US becoming a large LNG importer.14

11.5.1 Background on Chenieres Import/Regasification Terminal

Chenieres original plans called for the development of three 100%

owned onshore LNG import terminals along the US Gulf Coast with an
aggregate send-out capacity of 9.9 billion cubic feet of natural gas per
day as well as associated pipeline development and natural gas marketing
activities through various subsidiaries.15
Chenieres 2.6 Bcf/d Sabine Pass LNG import terminal became
Chenieres flagship asset at an approximate cost of construction of
$900950 million, before financing costs.16 Cheniere later sought FERC
(Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) approval to expand Sabine Pass
from its initial capacity of 2.6 Bcf/d to 4.0 Bcf/d with the cost of the planned
expansion to be approximately $500 million, before financing costs. By
2005, Cheniere had successfully raised over $1.7 billion in debt financing.17
Ultimately, FERC authorized Sabine Pass to site, construct, and
operate a liquefied natural gas (LNG) import, storage and vaporization
terminal with a total send-out capacity of 4.0 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per
day (4.0 Bcf/d).18 The Sabine Pass terminal was designed to accommodate

available at
13 Cheniere Annual Report 2005, available at

14 Clifford Krauss, U.S. Company, in Reversal, Wants to Export Natural Gas,

NY Times, Jan. 27, 2011, available at

16 The Sabine Pass LNG terminal is located on 853 acres of land along

the Sabine Pass River on the border between Texas and Louisiana, in Cameron
Parish, Louisiana. It is located at the widest point on the Sabine River Navigation
Channel, only 3.7 nautical miles from the open water and 23 nautical miles from
the outer buoy. The channel is maintained at a depth of 40 feet and is not subject to
tidal limitations. The terminal has two docks that are recessed far enough so that
no part of the LNG vessel will protrude into the open waterway while docked.
17 Cheniere Annual Report 2005, available at

18 U.S. Dept. of Energy, DOE Docket No. FE-08-77-LNG, Sabine Pass LNG
334 Energy for the 21st century

up to 400 LNG vessels per year ranging in size from 125,000 cubic meters
(m3) to up to 266,000 m3, including the Q-max class vessels which are
authorized to transit through the Sabine Pass Channel to the terminal.19
Phase 1 of Sabine Pass LNG commenced service in April 2008 with
an initial 2.6 Bcf/d of send-out capacity and 10 Bcf of storage capacity.20
Phase 2 was completed in mid-2009 and gave Sabine Pass a total send-out
capacity of 4.0 Bcf/d and 16.8 Bcf of storage capacity, thus making the
Sabine Pass terminal the largest receiving terminal, by regasification
capacity, in the world.21
According to Chenieres corporate filings, the entire 4.0 Bcf/d of
regasification capacity at Sabine Pass was originally reserved under three
20-year, firm commitment terminal use agreements (TUAs) that require
payment regardless of whether or not the contracting parties use the
terminal.22 The initial three contracts are as follows:

Total Gas and Power North America, Inc. (Total) has reserved
approximately 1.0 Bcf/d of regasification capacity and has agreed to
make monthly capacity payments to Sabine Pass LNG of approxi-
mately $125 million per year for 20 years commencing April 1, 2009.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc. (Chevron) has reserved approximately 1.0
Bcf/d of regasification capacity and has agreed to make monthly
capacity payments to Sabine Pass LNG of approximately $125
million per year for 20 years commencing July 1, 2009.
Chenieres wholly-owned subsidiary, Cheniere Marketing, reserved
the remaining 2.0 Bcf/d of regasification capacity, and is entitled
to use any capacity not utilized by Total and Chevron. Cheniere
Marketing began making its TUA capacity reservation fee payments
in the fourth quarter of 2008 and is required to make capacity pay-
ments totaling approximately $250 million per year from January 1,
2009, through at least September 30, 2028. Cheniere has guaranteed
Cheniere Marketings obligations under its TUA.

Export Project, available at

20 Cheniere Announces Opening of Sabine Pass Terminal, Business Wire,

April 21, 2008, available at

21 Cheniere, Sabine Pass LNG Terminal, available at http://www.cheniere.

22 Cheniere Energy, Inc., 2009 Annual Report, Form 10-K, available at http://
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 335

Under each of these TUAs, Sabine Pass LNG is entitled to retain 2 percent
of the LNG delivered for the customers account for its own use as fuel for
revaporization and self-generated power at the Sabine Pass LNG receiving

11.5.2 Cheniere Marketing Re-Export Application 2008

Although Cheniere ultimately won the race to construct the first new
LNG import terminal in the US,23 the dynamic LNG market had already
shifted by the time Sabine Pass was completed and Cheniere found that
very little LNG was coming to the US as suppliers sought higher paying
Asian and European LNG market destinations.24 In light of changing
market dynamics, by late 2008 it was evident that one of Chenieres
key assets, the 2.0 Bcf/d of regasification capacity reserved by Cheniere
Marketing, was essentially unused or underutilized capacity that needed
to be monetized in some way.25
In August 2008, Cheniere Marketing, Inc., applied to the Office of
Fossil Energy of the Department of Energy (DOE/FE) requesting
blanket authorization to export LNG that previously had been imported
from foreign sources.26 The application sought approval to export up to
64 Bcf over a two-year period from the Sabine Pass LNG terminal to the
United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Turkey, Italy, Brazil,

23 Clifford Krauss, U.S. Company, In Reversal, Wants to Export NaturalGas,

NY Times, Jan. 27, 2011, available at

business/economy/28gas.html?_r51&emc5eta1, Cheniere Annual Report
24 Cheniere Marketing, Inc., Application for Blanket Authorization to Export

Imported Liquefied Natural Gas, Docket No. 08-77-LNG (Aug. 8, 2008). In

support of its application, Cheniere stated that increasing world-wide demand for
LNG in European and Asian markets, and relatively high prices, has resulted in a
decrease in deliveries of LNG to the U.S. recently. Application, p.4.
25 Chenieres Annual Letter to Shareholders found in its 2009 Annual Report

states that Chenieres key assets include the 2 Bcf/d of regasification capacity at
the Sabine Pass LNG receiving terminal and that Chenieres strategy continues
to be to maximize the value of [its] assests by monetizing [its] capacity by enter-
ing into long-term TUAs, [and] developing a portfolio of long-term, short-term
and spot LNG purchase agreements.
26 Cheniere Marketing, Inc., Application for Blanket Authorization to Export

Imported Liquefied Natural Gas, Docket No. 08-77-LNG (Aug. 8, 2008). Chenieres
application was pursuant to Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act, 15 U.S.C. 717b,
and Part 590 of the Department of Energys regulations, 10 C.F.R. Part 590
(2008). All of the filings are available at
336 Energy for the 21st century

Argentina, Mexico, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, India, Dominican

Republic, Chile and possibly the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.27
In its application, Cheniere stated that it was seeking to export LNG
that had been imported into the US but for which there was no US
demand thus creating a market for re-exports. Cheniere also indicated
at the time that very little LNG was coming to the US since other markets
were paying higher prices. Authorization to re-export would thus allow
Cheniere to purchase LNG at current prices with the intent that such
LNG would subsequently be exported to a foreign market paying higher
prices at a later date.28 For example, on November 8, 2010, the month-
ahead premium of UK ICE futures over US prices for [LNG] stood at
$3.357/MMBtu [indicating] a significant arbitrage even after shipping is
factored in.29
Indeed, this arbitrage opportunity ultimately resulted in the first
LNG cargo from the US to the UK in 50 years. On November 6,
2010, the Maersk Meridian left Chenieres Sabine Pass terminal with
a cargo of LNG headed to the UK,30 and it arrived at the UKs Isle
of Grain import terminal some ten days later.31 According to traders,
this was the first USUK LNG shipment since the worlds first ever
shipment of LNG was made by the Methane Pioneers maiden voyage
on February 20, 1959, from an LNG storage facility near Lake
Charles, Louisiana, to Canvey Island, UK.32 The Methane Pioneer
subsequently delivered seven additional cargoes, thereby demonstrat-
ing that largequantities of liquefied natural gas could be transported
safely across the ocean.33 Fifty years after the Methane Pioneers his-
toric voyage, is the US poised to become a major LNG exporter with
Cheniere leading the way?

27 Cheniere Marketing, Inc., Application for Blanket Authorization to Export

Imported Liquefied Natural Gas, Docket No. 08-77-LNG (Aug. 8, 2008).

28Ibid. at pp.45.
29Oleg Vukmanovic, First LNG Cargo from US to UK in 50 Years Arrives at

Grain LNG, Platts LNG Daily, Nov. 19, 2010, available at
30 US Dept. of Energy, LNG Imports Nov. 2010, Monthly Report (revised

1/20/11), available at

31Oleg Vukmanovic, First LNG Cargo from US to UK in 50 Years Arrives at

Grain LNG, Platts LNG Daily, Nov. 19, 2010, available at
33 Center of Energy Economics (CEE), Brief History of LNG, available at _06.php.
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 337

11.5.3 Sabine Pass Liquefaction Phase One FTA Countries

On August 11, 2010, Sabine Pass filed the first part of a two-phased export
application with the Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the US Department
of Energy (DOE) under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA)34 for the
long-term, multi-contract authorization to export up to 16 mtpa of LNG
(803 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per year) for a 30-year term to any nation that
the US has a free trade area agreement (FTA) with currently or in the
future requiring the national treatment for trade in natural gas and LNG.35
Sabine Pass submitted its application under section 3(c) of the NGA
which, as amended by the US Energy Policy Act of 1992,36 requires DOE/
FE to grant, on an expedited basis, an application for the exportation of
natural gas if there is an FTA in effect requiring national treatment for
trade in natural gas.37 If an FTA is in force, then such exports are deemed
to be in the public interest and must be granted without modification or
delay.38 Applications for export authorization absent an FTA require
DOE/FE to review and analyze whether such exports are consistent with
the public interest.39 Since Sabine Passs application fell under NGA

34 15 U.S.C. 717b (2000),

35 US Dept. of Energy, Application of Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC to

Request Long-term Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Free Trade

Agreement Countries, Docket No. 10-85-LNG, http://www.cheniereenergypart-
36Section 201, Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-486).
37 15 U.S.C. 717b provides as follows:

(b) Free trade agreements

With respect to natural gas which is imported into the United States from a
nation with which there is in effect a free trade agreement requiring national treat-
ment for trade in natural gas, and with respect to liquefied natural gas
(1) the importation of such natural gas shall be treated as a first sale within
the meaning of section 3301(21) of this title; and
(2) the Commission shall not, on the basis of national origin, treat any such
imported natural gas on an unjust, unreasonable, unduly discriminatory, or pref-
erential basis.
38 15 U.S.C 717b provides as follows:

(c) Expedited application and approval process

For purposes of subsection (a) of this section, the importation of the natural
gas referred to in subsection (b) of this section, or the exportation of natural gas
to a nation with which there is in effect a free trade agreement requiring national
treatment for trade in natural gas, shall be deemed to be consistent with the public
interest, and applications for such importation or exportation shall be granted
without modification or delay.
39 15 U.S.C 717b provides as follows:
338 Energy for the 21st century

section 3(c), as amended, DOE/FE summarily granted the application on

September 7, 2010, and authorized Sabine Pass to export domestically
produced LNG to any FTA country.40

11.5.4 Sabine Pass Liquefaction Phase Two WTO Nations

On September 7, 2010, Sabine Pass filed the second part of its two-phased
export application seeking long-term, multi-contract authorization to
export up to 16 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of domestically pro-
duced LNG for a 20-year period to countries other than those that have
negotiated FTAs with the US that are members of the World Trade
Organization (WTO Countries) and those countries that do not hold
membership in the WTO (non-WTO countries) and with which trade is
not prohibited by US law or policy.41
In its application, Sabine Pass requested that DOE/FE review its request
to export LNG to WTO countries under the same standard of review
applicable to FTA countries and specifically requested that DOE/FE
conduct its review under the standards set forth in section 3(c) of the NGA,
15 U.S.C. 717b(c) instead of section 3(a) of the NGA, 15 U.S.C. 717b(a).42

(a) Mandatory authorization order

After six months from June 21, 1938, no person shall export any natural gas
from the United States to a foreign country or import any natural gas from a foreign
country without first having secured an order of the Commission authorizing it
to do so. The Commission shall issue such order upon application, unless, after
opportunity for hearing, it finds that the proposed exportation or importation will
not be consistent with the public interest. The Commission may by its order grant
such application, in whole or in part, with such modification and upon such terms
and conditions as the Commission may find necessary or appropriate, and may
from time to time, after opportunity for hearing, and for good cause shown, make
such supplemental order in the premises as it may find necessary or appropriate.
40Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC, FE Docket No. 10-85-LNG, Order No.

2833 (Sept. 7, 2010). The DOE/FE order authorizes LNG exports to the follow-
ing FTA countries: Australia, Bahrain, Singapore, Dominican Republic, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Chile, Morocco, Canada, Mexico,
Oman, Peru, Singapore (sic) and Jordan, and to any nation which DOE subse-
quently identifies publicly (currently at
regulation/authorizations/How_to_Obtain_Authorizations.html) as having
entered into a free trade agreement providing for national treatment for trade in
natural gas, provided that the destination nation has the capacity to import LNG.
41Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC, FE Docket No. 10-111-LNG, Application

of Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC for Long-Term Authorization to Export Liquefied

Natural Gas (Sept. 7, 2010) available at
gasregulation/authorizations/Orders_Issued_2010/10_111sabine. pdf.
42Application at 2-3.
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 339

In making this novel request, Sabine Pass contended that US trade

policy, as well as US obligations under the WTO, required the auto-
matic export authorization process applicable for export of LNG to
FTA countries and therefore sought DOE/FEs immediate approval to
export LNG to WTO countries.43 In support of its argument, Sabine Pass
submitted Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement and a compendious legal
memorandum entitled A Review of International Trade-Related Legal
Obligations and Policy Considerations Governing U.S. Export Licenses
for Liquefied Natural Gas (Aug. 23, 2010).44
Despite Sabine Passs extensive briefing of the trade issues, DOE/FE
found that Sabine Passs request for review under section 3(c) was not
supported by law or policy.45 With very little discussion of WTO issues,
DOE/FE stated that section 3(a) of the NGA, not section 3(C), was the
appropriate legal provision to an application to export LNG to any nation
other than FTA countries. Since Sabine Pass had not pointed to any leg-
islation authorizing or requiring a different result, DOE has no authority
to grant Sabine Passs request for section 3(c) review.46 On October 21,
2010, DOE/FE issued an opinion and order denying Sabine Passs request
that its export application be reviewed under section 3(c) of the NGA and
ordering that the application be reviewed under section 3(a) of the NGA.47
Under section 3(a) of the NGA, there is a rebuttable presumption
that proposed exports of natural gas are in the public interest.48 In
order to overcome this presumption in favor of exports, opponents of an
export license must make an affirmative showing of inconsistency with
the public interest.49 In evaluating whether a proposed export is within
the public interest, DOE/FE applies the principles established by Policy
Guidelines issues in 1984.50 Under the Policy Guidelines, DOEs public
interest analysis of export applications under section 3(a) is focused on the

43Application at 23-29.
44Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC, FE Docket No. 10-111-LNG, Opinion and
Order Denying Request for Review under Section 3(c) of the Natural Gas Act, Oct.
21, 2010, at 3, available at
45Opinion and Order at 6.
46Opinion and Order at 7.
47Opinion and Order at 8.
48Opinion and Order at 4.
49Opinion and Order at 4-5, Order No. 1473, note 42 at 13, citing Panhandle

Producers and Royalty Owners Assoc. v. ERA, 822 F.2d 1105, 111 (DC Cir. 1987).
50 Policy Guidelines and Delegation Orders Relating to the Regulation of

Imported Natural Gas, 49 Fed. Reg. 6,684 (Feb. 22, 1984).

340 Energy for the 21st century

1. The domestic need for the natural gas proposed to be exported;

2. Whether there is a threat to the domestic security of supply; and
3. Other factors to the extent they are shown to be relevant to a public
interest determination.51

As an alternative to its WTO argument, Sabine Pass also addressed

the public interest test in its application. At the outset, Sabine Pass
stated that its proposed liquefaction plans are in response to the improved
outlook for domestic natural gas production, and in particular increased
shale gas production, which has lessened the uncertainties associated
with future US natural gas production. In support of its application,
Sabine Pass commissioned several reports to assess the domestic need
for the natural gas proposed to be exported and, based on these reports,
contended that the US has significant natural gas resources available at
modest prices to meet protected domestic demand and 16 mtpa of exports
over the 20-year period as requested in its Application.52
In its application, Sabine Pass contended that exports of LNG would
provide the following benefits, which are consistent with the pubic

1. The project will stimulate the local, regional, and national economies
by creating jobs, increased economic activity and tax revenues.
2. The project will play an influential role in contributing to the growth
of natural gas production in the US and a reduced reliance on foreign
sources of oil.
3. LNG exports will further President Obamas National Export
Initiative by improving the balance of payments with the rest of the
world, thereby reducing the overall trade deficit.
4. Exports of LNG will raise domestic natural gas productive capacity
and promote stability in domestic natural gas pricing.
5. Exports of LNG will promote liberalization of the global gas market
by fostering increased liquidity and trade at prices established by
market forces.
6. Exports of LNG will advance national security and the security of US
allies through diversification of global natural gas supplies.

51Opinion and Order at 7.

52 75 Fed. Reg. 62512 (Oct. 12, 2010) available at
53Summary from the Federal Register Notice, 75 Fed. Reg. 62512 (Oct. 12,

The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 341

7. Exports of LNG will advance initiatives underway to promote invest-

ment in energy infrastructure and to increase trade with Caribbean
and Central/South American nations.

Sabine Passs export application received significant support from local,

state and national politicians54 as well as support from natural gas compa-
nies such as Chesapeake.55 In addition, Cheniere/Sabine Pass Liquefaction
entered into eight non-binding MOUs with potential customers for the
proposed bi-directional facility, representing a total of up to 9.8 mtpa of
capacity.56 While the MOUs were non-binding, they were indicative of at
least some market interest in the project.

11.5.5 Opposition to Chenieres Sabine Pass Export Application

Chenieres Sabine Pass export application received opposition from two

industry groups representing industrial users of natural gas the Industrial
Energy Consumers of America (IECA)57 and the American Public Gas
Association (APGA).58 IECA filed a timely Motion to Intervene on
December 13, 2010.59 In its motion, IECA contended that exports of LNG

54See, for example, Joint Letter to President Obama in Support of

Application, filed December 13, 2010, by Senators James Inhofe and Mary
Landrieu andRepresentativesDan Boren and Charles Boustany along with other
Members of Congress, available at
pdf. Other letters of support are listed on the Sabine Pass Docket page at
55See Letter from James C. Johnson, Senior Vice President Marketing,

Chesapeake Energy Corporation in Support of Application, available at http://
56 Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P., Press Release Dated May 6, 2011, Cheniere

Energy Partners Reports First Quarter 2011 Results,

57 IECA is a 501 (C) (6) nonprofit member-led organization created to

promote the interests of manufacturing companies for which the availability, use
and cost of energy, power or feedstock play a significant role in their ability to
compete in domestic and world markets. About IECA, available at http://www.
58APGA is the national, non-profit association of publicly owned natural gas

distribution systems and has over 700 members in 36 states. About APGA, avail-
able at
59IECA Motion to Intervene: FE Docket No. 10-111-LNG, Sabine Pass

Liquefaction, LLC, Application for Long-Term Authorization to Export Liquefied

342 Energy for the 21st century

are not in the public interest since such exports have the potential to increase
demand and thereby the price of natural gas for the manufacturing sector
and the public. IECA further claimed that increased natural gas prices
erode US manufacturing competitiveness and could lead to further job
losses in the manufacturing sector. While IECA acknowledged that recent
estimates of US natural gas reserves had increased, IECA maintained that
there were still many uncertainties that could reduce natural gas supplies,
especially over the 20-year approval period that Sabine Pass is seeking in its
export application.60 IECA also argued that Sabine Pass is seeking export
approval for a significant amount of natural gas as much as .803 trillion
cubic feet per year for a 20 year period [which is] equivalent to 3.54 percent
of 2009 US demand; 13.4 percent of industrial demand; 17.1 percent of
residential demand and 11.6 percent of electric sector demand.61
In response, Sabine Pass filed an Answer to IECAs Motion contending
that IECAs motion was unsupported by any empirical market studies or
other data and therefore failed to overcome the statutory presumption in
favor of granting the application.62
On March 4, 2011 the American Public Gas Association (APGA) filed
a late Motion to Intervene in the Sabine Pass proceeding.63 Although
DOE/FE ultimately issued a procedural order denying APGAs late filed
motion, resulting in APGA not being a party to the proceeding, DOE/FE
nonetheless reviewed APGAs submission so that a complete evaluation of
all relevant arguments was conducted in light of the precedential nature
of [the] proceeding.64

Natural Gas, available at

62Answer of Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC to Motion to Intervene of

Industrial Energy Consumers of America, available at

63Motion to Intervene Out-Of-Time and Protest on Behalf of the American

Public Gas Association, FE Docket No. 10-111-LNG, Sabine Pass Liquefaction,

LLC, Application for Long-Term Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas,
available at
Orders_Issued_2011/american_public_gas_assc_03_04_11.pdf. In addition to its
Motion to Intervene, the APGA Board of Directors will be considering a policy
resolution on the issue of the exportation of domestically produced natural gas at
its May meeting in Washington, DC. APGA Files Motion to Intervene in Sabine
Pass LNG Export Facility Application, available at
64 Opinion and Order Conditionally Granting Long-Term Authorization to
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 343

In its motion, APGA contended that the export of large quantities of

natural gas may have significant adverse implications for domestic con-
sumers of natural gas, for U.S. energy supply, and national security. The
motion also argued that the export of natural gas is inconsistent with a
policy of energy independence, especially as APGA continues to push for
domestic natural gas to play a larger role as a transportation fuel. APGAs
motion contended that the replacement of existing gasoline-powered
fleets and passenger vehicles with natural gas vehicles (and support
infrastructure) would significantly reduce US dependence on foreign oil,
and thereby enhance US security and strategic interests. Thus, instead of
exporting domestic natural gas, the United States should maximize its use
domestically in order to increase energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and increase energy independence.

11.5.6DOE/FE Opinion and Order Conditionally Granting Chenieres

Sabine Pass Export Application

On May 20, 2011, DOE/FE issued its Opinion and Order in the Sabine Pass
case.65 In its summary of findings and conclusions, DOE/FE found that
Sabine Pass had submitted substantial evidence showing an existing and
a projected future supply of domestic natural gas sufficient to simultane-
ously support the proposed export and domestic natural gas demand both
currently and over the 20-year term of the requested authorization.66
The studies submitted by Sabine Pass indicated a modest increase in
the domestic market price for natural gas through 2035, which reflected,
according to DOE/FE, the costs of additional domestic production for
LNG exports as opposed to an increase in price due to an alleged conver-
gence of domestic natural gas prices with international gas prices linked

Export Liquefied Natural Gas from Sabine Pass LNG Terminal to Non-Free
Trade Agreement Nations, DOE/FE Order No. 2961, May 20, 2011, FE Docket
No. 10-111-LNG, Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC, Application for Long-Term
Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas, available at http://www.fossil.
65 Opinion and Order Conditionally Granting Long-Term Authorization to

Export Liquefied Natural Gas from Sabine Pass LNG Terminal to Non-Free
Trade Agreement Nations, DOE/FE Order No. 2961, May 20, 2011, FE Docket
No. 10-111-LNG, Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC, Application for Long-Term
Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas, available at http://www.fossil.
66Ibid. at p.29.
344 Energy for the 21st century

to oil.67 Significantly, DOE/FE noted that the opposing parties had not
submitted any contrary studies.68
DOE/FE also found that the approval of the requested authorization
would not threaten US energy security and that Sabine Pass had pointed
to a number of significant economic and public benefits that would ensue
from the granting of the application.69 These benefits included potentially
significant job creation70 due to the construction of the project as well
as improving the US balance of payments through the exportation of
approximately 2 Bcf/d of natural gas, valued by the applicant at approxi-
mately $5 billion, and the displacement of $1.7 billion in natural gas
liquids imports.71 While the opponents had alleged a number of negative
consequences to the public, they did not refute the alleged benefits of the

11.5.7 DOE/FEs Continuing Duty to Protect the Public Interest

While DOE/FE found that Sabine Pass had provided substantial evidence
supporting its export application, it also recognized that no person can
unqualifiedly warrant either that the present conditions that have yielded

69Ibid. at p.30.
70 Chenieres Sabine Pass project appeared to have considerable support
from both federal and local governments. For example, according to US Energy
Secretary, Steven Chu, Our long term economic strength depends on safely and
responsibly harnessing Americas domestic energy resources while developing new
and innovative clean energy technologies ... [The Sabine Pass] project reflects a
broad, all of the above approach that will put Americans to work producing the
energy the world needs. US Senator Mary Landrieu said, Cheniere Energys
plan to transform its existing terminal into a facility that can both import and
export liquefied natural gas is a precedent-setting breakthrough that will bring
substantial economic benefits to southwest Louisiana. DOE Press Release,
Energy Department Approves Gulf Coast Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas:
Conditional Authorization for Sabine Pass LNG Terminal Could Bring Thousands
of Jobs, May 20, 2011,
71 Opinion and Order Conditionally Granting Long-Term Authorization to

Export Liquefied Natural Gas from Sabine Pass LNG Terminal to Non-Free
Trade Agreement Nations, DOE/FE Order No. 2961, May 20, 2011, FE Docket
No. 10-111-LNG, Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC, Application for Long-Term
Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas, available at http://www.fossil.
pdf, at p.30.
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 345

substantial new gas reserves [from shale] or the resulting projections of

continuing supply increases contained in the studies presented by the
applicant, will prove completely accurate over the entire 20-year projected
term of the requested authorization.73
Some of the potential variables that could alter projections included
the possibility that other nations might successfully develop their own
shale gas resources, as well as environmental, regulatory, and safety
considerations.74 In terms of the potential environmental impact of
shale gas development, DOE/FE took administrative notice of the EPA
study of the possible impacts from hydraulic fracturing discussed above
in Chapter 10.75 DOE/FE also noted the possibility that the results of the
EPAs review could ultimately reduce the supplies of natural gas below the
projections contained in the applicants submission.
DOE/FE also recognized that projections regarding the demand for
natural gas are also subject to change based on future demand for natural
gas in the electricity sector and/or as a transportation fuel, both of which
are difficult to predict. In short, DOE/FE indicated that it intended to
monitor the conditions impacting natural gas supply/demand in the future
to ensure that the exports of LNG authorized ultimately do not lead to
a reduction in the supply of natural gas needed to meet essential domestic
needs.76 In particular, DOE/FE noted it would evaluate the cumula-
tive impact of the instant authorization and any future authorizations for
export authority when considering any subsequent application for such
authority to ensure that there was no threat to the public interest.77
After conducting its analysis, DOE/FE ordered that Sabine Pass is
authorized to export domestically produced LNG by vessel from the
Sabine Pass LNG Terminal up to the equivalent of 803 Bcf per year78 of
natural gas for a term of 20 years to commence on the earlier of the date of
first export or five years from the date of the issuance of this authorization
on its own behalf or as agent for others pursuant to one or more long-
term contracts (a contract with a term greater than two years) that do not
exceed the term of this authorization.79
DOE/FE also ordered that Sabine Pass must commence export

73Ibid. at 31.
76Ibid. at 32.
78Sabine Pass applied for authorization to export up to the equivalent of 16

mtpa of LNG, which is approximately 2.2 Bcf/d or 803 Bcf per year.
79Ibid. at 42.
346 Energy for the 21st century

perations using the planned liquefaction facilities no later than seven

years from the date of issuance of this order and that the LNG may
be exported to any country with which the United States does not have a
FTA requiring the national treatment for trade in natural gas and LNG,
which currently has or in the future develops the capacity to import LNG,
and with which trade is not prohibited by United States law or policy.
The DOE/FE authorization was also conditioned on the satisfactory
completion of that environmental review process in FERC Docket No.
PF10-24-000 and on issuance by DOE/FE of a finding of no significant
impact or a record of decision pursuant to NEPA.

11.5.8 NEPA and FERC Review and Project Financing

As of November 2011, Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction project

was still awaiting final environmental review pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)80 and ultimate approval by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), which has the exclusive author-
ity to approve or deny an application for the siting, construction, expan-
sion, or operation of an LNG terminal. As the lead agency, FERC will
ultimately determine whether Cheniere will be issued an Order Granting
Authority under Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act for the construction and
operation of the Sabine Pass Liquefaction Project. FERC will also
monitor all construction and restoration activities to insure that Cheniere
complies with all federal, state, and local permits, plans, and regulations.81
On July 26, 2010, Cheniere requested authorization from FERC to
engage in the Pre-Filing Environmental Review Process. The pre-filing
process provides opportunities for federal and state cooperating agencies
as well as other public stakeholders to comment on the projects impacts

80To fulfill the requirements of NEPA, FERC must prepare an Environmental

Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The purpose of

the EA/EIS is to inform the public and the permitting agencies about the poten-
tial adverse and/or beneficial environmental and safety impacts of proposed
projects and their alternatives. To assist FERC, Cheniere prepared Resource
Reports covering the following: General project description; Water use and
quality; Fish, wildlife, and vegetation; Cultural resources; Socioeconomics;
Geological resources; Soils; Land use, recreation, and aesthetics; Air and noise
quality; Alternatives; and Reliability and safety. Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P.,
FERC Process,
81 Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P., FERC Process, http://www.cheniereener-
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 347

prior to an application to FERC being submitted. Permission was granted

to begin the pre-filing process on August 4, 2010.82
In terms of the project schedule, Cheniere estimated that the
Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Statement would be
issued in the second half of 2011 along with the Issuance of Authorization
and the filing of the Initial Implementation Plan. Cheniere estimates that
it will commence construction in the first quarter of 2012 and the liquefac-
tion facility will be placed in service in 2015.83 However, some analysts
have cautioned that Chenieres project timeline may be too optimistic and
that 2016 is a more realistic date.84
At the time, analysts also cautioned that even assuming FERC approval,
Cheniere still needed to secure project financing to construct the $6.5
billion liquefaction facility.85 In order to underpin the financing, Cheniere
would most likely need to enter into binding agreements with customers
reserving bi-directional capacity at Sabine Pass LNG, and at the time
Cheniere only had in place non-binding MOUs. At least one analyst com-
mented that obtaining financing might be difficult and that

[t]he goal for Cheniere will be to lock in a Henry Hub/Japanese Crude Cocktail
price spread of future cash flows in order to get the right backing. Securing
supplies at a low enough price will be key in carrying the project forward. Any
terminal looking to export US gas would face a major hurdle: finding producers
willing to sell their gas below the $6/MMBtu breakeven price necessary to keep
such projects economically viable in 2015 and beyond.86

Timing might also be of the essence since any export terminal faces a
rapidly-closing window to meet Asian particularly Chinese demand,

84Samantha Santa Maria, US LNG Export Proposals May Be Too

Optimistic: SocGen Analyst, Platts, May 25, 2011,

RSSFeedDetailedNews/RSSFeed/NaturalGas/6135424, quoting Societe Generales
analyst Laurent Key as stating that even though there is some existing infrastruc-
ture in place, late 2016 would seem to be a more reasonable start-up date.
85 Chenieres anticipated investment of $6.5 billion will expand its Sabine

Pass facilities with one of the largest capital investments in Louisiana history.
Louisiana Economic Development, News Release July 19, 2011, Cheniere Energy
Announces More Than $6 Billion Natural Gas Facility in Louisiana, http://www.
86Samantha Santa Maria, US LNG Export Proposals May Be Too

Optimistic: SocGen Analyst, Platts, May 25, 2011,

RSSFeedDetailedNews/RSSFeed/NaturalGas/6135424, quoting Socit Gnerales
analyst Laurent Key.
348 Energy for the 21st century

as China ramps up its shale production. Acting fast is thus a necessity for
future US exporters to build a new value-creating, successful LNG export
facility.87 Suffice it to say, back in 2010 and 2011, many experts were
skeptical about Chenieres export plans and the feasibility of US LNG
exports in general.88 As discussed in detail in Chapter12, Chenieres export
project started to gain traction in 2012.


Canadian gas production is connected to the North American gas market

through a network of thousands of kilometers of pipelines that allows
buyers to purchase and transport natural gas from a number of supply
sources across the continent. While many gas market transactions in
North America are based on the pricing at Henry Hub, the main Canadian
pricing point is the AECO-C hub in southeast Alberta with another
pricing point being the Dawn hub in Ontario.89
Since the Canadian and US natural gas markets operate as one large
integrated market where events in any region such as changes in transpor-
tation costs, infrastructure constraints or weather will have effects on the
other regions, the dramatic increase in US shale gas production has also
had a significant impact on Canada.90 Most significantly, US shale gas
production has effectively destroyed export demand for Canadian gas
from the US, resulting in Canada now looking to other markets to export
its gas.91
While Canada itself has significant shale gas resources that could be
developed, the price of Canadas AECO-C hub has tracked the downward
trajectory of the US Henry Hub, with the AECO-C hub price actually

88 Edward McAllister, Pricing and Politics to Scupper US LNG Export Plan,

Reuters, June 16, 2010, quoting analysts calling into question the economics
of Chenieres export plan, available at
news/analysis-pricing-and-politics-to-scupper-us-lng-export-plan-142980. See also
Ryan Dezember, Cheniere Doubles Down on Its LNG Bet, Wall Street Journal,
May 23, 2011, noting that Cheniere was wagering big again and that Chenieres
export project faced challenges even with DOEs approval.
89 Canada National Energy Board (NEB), Natural Gas How Canadian

Markets Work,

91Darrell Stonehouse, Fenced In: Canada Needs New Oil and Gas Markets for

Sustained Growth, Profiler, 2011 Gas & Oil Expo Publication, June 2011.
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 349


2009 2010 2011 2012
Henry Hub AECO Dawn

Source: Canada National Energy Board (NEB)

Figure 11.4 North American natural gas prices (monthly averages)

lower than Henry Hub since Canadas natural gas is now desperately in
need of a market, having lost the US as its primary market.92 According
to Canadas National Energy Board (NEB), prices for natural gas have
declined over the first quarter of 2012, averaging US$2.96/MMBtu at
Dawn in Ontario (top line), US$2.53/MMBtu at Henry Hub (middle
line) and $2.12/GJ at AECO in Alberta (bottom line) from January to
March 201293 (Figure 11.4). According to the NEB, prices for the second
quarter of 2012 for these hub points could move lower by about $0.50 due
to an excess volume of gas in storage and reduced demand due to mild

92Rebecca Penty, Canada Must Invest $50 Billion to Stay in LNG Race:

Report, Calgary Herald, May 10, 2012,

93 Canada National Energy Board (NEB), Natural Gas Current Market

Conditions AprilJune 2012,

94Ibid. As explained by the NEB, spring is considered a shoulder season
350 Energy for the 21st century

The loss of the US as Canadas main market, coupled with growing sup-
plies of shale gas and low prices, has led to Canada seeking to export its
natural gas as LNG, with Asia being the prime market. One of the most sig-
nificant hurdles for Canada is the need to build the Pacific Trail Pipelines,
which will carry gas from the gas fields to the port of Kitimat where, as
discussed in detail below, several LNG export projects are planned.95
According to some experts, Canada does not really have any choice but
to export its gas as LNG and must move quickly before other competitors
move in.96 At the same time, Canada itself is expected to produce large
amounts of shale gas that will need a market. These dynamics mean that
Canada will need to look to new customers to monetize its natural gas
reserves, with the Asia-Pacific market being the prime target.97
In recent years, Asia-Pacific markets, led by emerging economies like
China and India, have been driving global economic growth. Despite the
incredible growth in these countries and their high demand for all goods,
particularly energy resources, the Asia-Pacific region currently imports
very little from Canada. For example, Canada accounted for just 1.1%
of Chinas total imports in 2008 and its share of the Chinese markets has
fallen since 1988. Western Canadas share of Canadian exports to China
has also fallen over the same period (from 72.5% to 66.3%).98 With

in the natural gas markets. Demand for natural gas tends to be lower as milder
temperatures reduce the need for space heating or cooling. Natural gas prices tend
to move in response to the need to withdraw gas from storage to avoid penalties
and the pace of the storage refill. Mild winter temperatures in 2012 combined
with strong production of natural gas are resulting in record storage inventories
in Canada and the US and are causing prices to decline. The price of natural gas
at the Henry Hub pricing point throughout the April to June 2012 outlook period
is expected to be US$1.75 to2.50/MMBtu but could fluctuate in response to cold
spells or an early onset of hot temperatures.
95 Justine Hunter, Kitimat Weighs Up the Risks of Oil and Gas, The Globe

and Mail, Jan. 12, 2012,, noting that Canadian

Premier Christy Clark is very much in favor of building the $1 billion Pacific Trail
Pipelines project to facilitate LNG exports.
96Rebecca Penty, Canada Must Invest $50 Billion to Stay in LNG Race:

Report, Calgary Herald, May 10, 2012,

print.html?id56598438&sponsor5curriebarracks, citing a recent report by Ernst
& Young finding that Canada must speed up development of its LNG export
projects to compete with other countries, such as Australia, Qatar, Russia and
Malaysia, seeking to export to Asia.
97Darrell Stonehouse, Fenced In: Canada Needs New Oil and Gas Markets for

Sustained Growth, Profiler, 2011 Gas & Oil Expo Publication, June 2011.
98 Canada West Foundation Publication, Window on the West: A Look at

Life and Policy in Western Canada, March 2011, at p.5. Canada West Foundation
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 351

a bundant natural resources, western Canada seems well positioned to

increase trade with the Asia-Pacific region.99

11.6.1 Canadas LNG Export Projects Kitimat Case Study

At present, there is only one LNG terminal operating in Canada

Canaport LNGs receiving and regasification terminal at Saint John, New
Brunswick.100 At one point, there were several proposed LNG regasifica-
tion projects in Canada but all of these have been canceled or suspended
due to difficulties securing long-term supply commitments, concerns over
existing excess regasification capacity in North America, and the pros-
pects for domestic shale gas as a new long-term source of natural gas.101
In order to monetize the abundant natural gas and shale gas resources
found in Canada, a number of companies have been exploring opportuni-
ties to build an LNG export facility. As of the time of this writing, there
are currently two LNG export applications before Canadas National
Energy Board (NEB) Kitimat LNG and Douglas Channel LNG.102 It
is also expected that additional LNG export applications will be filed in

99 Canada West Foundation Publication, Window on the West: A Look at

Life and Policy in Western Canada, March 2011,, Forging closer
economic ties with Asia-Pacific and with China and India in particular could
ensure the long-term prosperity of western Canada for years to come.
100 Natural Resources Canada,

102The Proposed Douglas Channel LNG project is a barge-based liquefac-

tion plant which will be fabricated and assembled in a shipyard and then towed
to its permanent location in British Columbia on the west bank of the Douglas
Channel. This project is much smaller than the proposed Kitimat LNG project
and calls for up to 125 million cubic feet of gas per day, or approximately 900,000
tonnes per annum of LNG. Douglas Channel LNG, http://douglaschannelenergy.
com/?page_id542. The Applicant for the Douglas Channel project is BC LNG
Export Co-operative LLC (BC LNG), which was formed to purchase LNG at
the outlet of the LNG facility. The LNG facility will be developed and owned by
Douglas Channel LNG and operated by Douglas Channel Energy Partnership.
National Energy Board (NEB), Application of BC LNG Export Co-operative
LLC, March 8, 2011,
103 For example, in October 2011, Shell announced it had acquired the Kitimat

Marine Terminal, in Kitimat, British Columbia, from Cenovus Energy Inc and
is now exploring the potential for an LNG export terminal on the site. LNG
World News, Shell Buys Site for LNG Export Project, Oct. 21, 2011, http://www.
352 Energy for the 21st century

The Kitimat LNG export project is particularly noteworthy since it was

originally slated to be an LNG import facility but when the market for
imports shifted in 2008, Kitimat reversed its proposal and sought approval
for an export facility instead. This move reflected the increased optimism
over new shale gas developments in Canada, and North America more
broadly, as well as the expectation that natural gas prices in Asia would
continue to exceed those in North America, thereby creating an export
opportunity for Canadian companies.104

11.6.2 Kitimat LNG Project Background

Kitimat LNG is 40 percent owned by KM LNG Operating General

Partnership (KM LNG) through its managing partner Apache Canada
Ltd.,105 30 percent owned by EOG Resources Canada Inc.,106 and 30
percent owned by EnCana Corporation.107 KM LNG is the operator.108
The Kitimat LNG facility will be located at Bish Cove near Kitimat,
British Columbia, about 650 kilometers/400 miles north of Vancouver.
The site seems ideal since it is located in a designated industrial area with a
natural deepwater port that will not require dredging, thereby minimizing
the impact on the marine environment.109 The Kitimat LNG facility will
be built on First Nations land under a unique partnership with the Haisla
First Nation.110 As discussed
in Chapter 12, Shell has recently announced plans for a proposed LNG export
104 Natural Resources Canada,

105Apache Canada Ltd. is a subsidiary of Apache Corporation and is one of

Canadas top oil and gas producers with operations in Alberta, British Columbia,
and Saskatchewan.
106 EOG Resources Canada Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of EOG

Resources, Inc., which is one of the largest independent (non-integrated) oil and
natural gas companies in the United States.
107 Encana is a leading North American natural gas producer focused on

growing its portfolio of natural gas resource plays in key basins from northeast
British Columbia to east Texas and Louisiana.
108 Kitimat LNG, Ownership,

109 Kitimat LNG, Project Site,

site.aspx. Other measures designed to mitigate environmental impact include a

small facility footprint to minimize land use and the use of hydroelectric power to
reduce overall emissions.
110 Under the partnership, the Haisla Nation received a $56 million payment
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 353

Kitimat LNG will include natural gas liquefaction, LNG storage and
marine on-loading facilities. Natural gas will be delivered via a pipeline
lateral of approximately 14 kilometers from the Pacific Trail Pipelines,111
which will connect to the existing Spectra Energy Westcoast Pipeline
system. The proximity of Kitimat LNG to existing pipeline infrastructure
is one of the key advantages of the project and ensures a ready supply of
natural gas.112
The feed gas for Kitimat LNG will come from Apaches and EOG
Resources fields in British Columbia and Alberta, which contain approxi-
mately 19 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of combined marketable/technically
recoverable natural gas resources. The initial LNG plant capacity will be
5 million metric tons per annum (mmtpa) of LNG output with potential
capacity expansion to 10 mmtpa or more. The projected number of
shipments is five to seven per month.113
According to a project update, Kitimat LNG is currently carrying out
a front-end engineering and design (FEED) study,114 which is expected
to provide certainty around project design, construction timelines, costs
and labor force requirements. The study is scheduled for completion in
late 2011 or early 2012. Kitimat LNG expects to be in a position to make
a final investment decision (FID) on the facility near the end of 2011 or

for the sale of their equity in Kitimat LNG, and also will receive long-term,
regular lease and property tax payments combine[d] with the employment and
business opportunities associated with the project to provide a greater measure
of economic stability, Kitimat LNG, Press Release, Canada, BC, Join Haisla
Nation and Kitimat LNG Partners in Marking Project Go-Ahead; A Very Big
Day for Our People Says Chief Councilor Pollard, March 9, 2011, http://media-
111In February 2011, Kitimat LNG Partners entered into an agreement to

purchase the remaining 50 percent interest in Pacific Trail Pipelines Limited

Partnership, thus securing full ownership in the infrastructure to transport natural
gas from production areas to the Kitimat LNG facility. PennEnergy, KBR Wins
Kitimat LNG FEED Contract for Liquefaction, Export off Canadas West Coast,
March 4, 2011,
112 Kitimat LNG, Project Description,

113 Kitimat LNG, Project Summary,
114 Kitimat LNG awarded the FEED contract to KBR, noting that KBR

is a recognized leader in LNG developments and brings extensive experience

to [the] project. PennEnergy, KBR Wins Kitimat LNG FEED Contract for
Liquefaction, Export off Canadas West Coast, March 4, 2011, http://www.pennen
354 Energy for the 21st century

early in 2012. Once the FID is granted, construction of the Kitimat LNG
facility is expected to begin in 2012, with commercial operations expected
to start in late 2015.115
The Kitimat LNG Terminals initial processing capacity in 2015 will be
approximately 19,800 103m3/d (700 MMcf/d) with a send-out capacity of
up to 5 million tonnes per year (5MMt/y) of LNG (natural gas equivalent
of approximately 6,600,000 103m3/y (234 Bcf/y)) (Phase 1). The approxi-
mate cost of Phase 1 is $3 billion. An additional train is currently pro-
posed for the 201718 timeframe at a cost of an incremental $1.5 billion,
although this timing could be accelerated based on market conditions and
engineering studies (Phase 2). This expansion will double the process-
ing capacity of the Kitimat LNG Terminal to 39,600 103m3/d (1.4 Bcf/d)
with a send-out capacity of 10 MMt/y of LNG (natural gas equivalent of
approximately 13,300,000 103m3/y (468 Bcf/y)).116

11.6.3 Kitimat LNG Export Application

On December 9, 2010, KM LNG filed its application for a license author-

izing the export of LNG with the National Energy Board (NEB)117 of
Canada pursuant to Section 117 of the National Energy Board Act and
the National Energy Board Part VI (Oil and Gas) Regulations. In its
application, KM LNG sought approval for a 20-year license to export up
to 10 million tonnes of LNG per year (10 MMt/y), the natural gas equiva-
lent of approximately 13,300,000 103m3/y or 468 Bcf/y.118
KM LNGs application noted that this is the first time that an export
of LNG has been applied-for under the present National Energy Board

115 Kitimat LNG, Community Update, Fall 2011, http://www.kitimatlngfa-
116 National Energy Board, Application by KM LNG Operating General

Partnership, for a License Authorizing the Export of Liquefied Natural Gas, at

/657379/657474/670503/657060/B1-3 _-_ KM_LNG_Application_-A1W6S5.
117The NEB is an independent federal regulator that regulates several aspects

of Canadas energy industry. The NEBs primary purpose is to regulate pipelines,

energy development and trade in a manner consistent with the Canadian public
118 National Energy Board, Application by KM LNG Operating General

Partnership, for a License Authorizing the Export of Liquefied Natural Gas,

https://www.neb-o ng/livelink.exe/fetch/2000/90466/94153/5
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 355

Part VI (Oil and Gas) Regulations, for the purpose of accessing offshore
markets. The application also noted that since the NEBs Filing Manual
does not expressly contemplate offshore LNG exports, KM LNG was
therefore applying the Filing Manual by taking into account the unique
circumstances presented as compared to a conventional onshore pipeline-
transmitted export to the US.119
In its application, KM LNG acknowledged that the application was
in response to a rapidly changing North American gas market and the
previously unforeseen abundance of shale gas driven by recent technologi-
cal advances. The majority of the gas sought to be exported under KM
LNGs license would be sourced from Northeast British Columbia, a
region widely considered to hold significant gas resources, although it is in
a relatively early stage of development.120
KM LNGs export application noted that gas production will be liq-
uefied at the Kitimat LNG Terminal and directly transported by LNG
carriers, primarily to Asia-Pacific markets. According to KM LNG,
Asia-Pacific presently represents a new, long-term and stable market for
Canadian natural gas supply, with the Kitimat LNG Terminal well posi-
tioned to take advantage of the growing Asian demand for LNG.
KM LNG also stated that, unlike continental North American natural
gas markets served by onshore pipelines, Asia-Pacific LNG buyers
are seeking long-term secure gas supply arrangements with regulatory
certainty before committing to long-term contractual commitments.
Therefore, KM LNG was seeking a long-term gas export license prior to
completing gas export sales contracts. This contrasts with the National
Energy Board Part VI (Oil and Gas) Regulations requirement for gas
export sales contract information as part of the gas export.
Lastly, KM LNG indicated that it had retained energy consultants
Poten & Partners Inc. (Poten)121 to provide an independent assessment
(Kitimat LNG Market Assessment) of the international demand for
LNG relevant to the potential for the Kitimat LNG Terminal to meet
some of this demand, especially in the Asia-Pacific market.122

119Ibid. at p.4.
120Ibid. at pp.34 (quoted directly from the application).
121 Poten & Partners is a global broker and commercial advisor for the energy

and ocean transportation industries and they are recognized leaders in LNG, crude
and petroleum products, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), fuel oil, naphtha and
asphalt market sectors. Poten & Partners,
122 National Energy Board, Application by KM LNG Operating General

Partnership, for a License Authorizing the Export of Liquefied Natural Gas, at

356 Energy for the 21st century

The key conclusions of the Kitimat LNG Market Assessment were:123

(a) The Asia Pacific region is the natural market for the Kitimat
LNG Terminal due to its location. Strong LNG demand growth is
expected in the Asia Pacific region due primarily to growth in gas for
power generation in China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. LNG
demand is expected to grow in Asia Pacific an average of 3.25%/year
during the 20142035 period.
(b) The largest supply shortfall is projected for the period 20142018
and it is anticipated that Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China
will need additional LNG supplies to fill this supply gap in
thetimeperiod when the Kitimat LNG Terminal is scheduled to
start operation. These countries are currently seeking secure long-
term supply contracts with proponents whose projects are most
likely to commence commercial operations during the 20142018
(c) The Kitimat LNG Terminal is well positioned to capture long-
term market share given that it meets the qualities valued by
Asia Pacific buyers including: (1) security of a long-term contract
backed by long-term supply commitments from Apache and EOG;
(2) a diversification of supply previously relied on by the market;
(3) high likelihood of the project being built and operational to
meet the forecasted demand/supply gap; (4) political stability and
regulatory certainty in British Columbia, and in Canada generally;
and (5) strong equity players in the project, namely Apache and

KM LNG also retained additional energy consultants to assess the

potential impact that LNG exports might have on the ability of Canadians
to meet their expected energy requirements over the proposed 20-year
license term.124 According to these consultants findings, the proposed
exports were not expected to have a significant effect on future natural

123Ibid. at pp.67.
124 KM LNG retained Ziff Energy Group, a premier consulting practice,

providing leading edge long-term forecasts for the gas industry, benchmarking
reports, and oil and gas production consulting,, and
Mr Roland Priddle, a well-established energy expert and inductee of the Canadian
Petroleum Hall of Fame,
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 357

gas prices and the Canadian gas-producing sector would be able to meet
Canadian energy demand even with the proposed exports.125

11.6.4 The NEB Grants KM LNGs Application

On October 13, 2011, the NEB granted KM LNGs export application

and authorized KM LNG to export 200 million tonnes of LNG (equiva-
lent to approximately 265 million 10m or 9,360 Bcf of natural gas) over a
20-year period. The maximum annual quantity allowed for export will be
10 million tonnes of LNG (equivalent to approximately 13 million 10m
or 468Bcf of natural gas).126
The NEB took note of the fact that this was the first application
for an LNG export license that the Board had considered since the
deregulation of the natural gas market in 1985. The NEB also found
that the exported LNG will not only open new markets for Canadian
gas production, but will also serve to promote the ongoing development
of shale gas resources which will ultimately further increase the avail-
ability of natural gas for Canadians. In light of Canadas significant gas
resources, the Board was satisfied that the quantity of gas to be exported
does not exceed the amount required to meet foreseeable Canadian
Prior to approving the license, the NEB also considered the environ-
mental and related socio-economic effects of KM LNGs application.
These effects included matters related to marine shipping, and the pro-
posed LNG terminal and Pacific Trail Pipelines. The NEB also acknowl-
edged the potential economic benefits associated with KM LNGs project.
These benefits include employment opportunities due to the development
of the LNG terminal and the Pacific Trail Pipelines.

125 National Energy Board, Application by KM LNG Operating General

Partnership, for a License Authorizing the Export of Liquefied Natural Gas,

at p.9,
126 NEB News Release, NEB Grants 20-year Export License to KM LNG,

Oct. 13, 2011,

html. See also Kitimat LNG Press Release, Kitimat LNG Partners Announce
Export License Approval by National Energy Board, Oct. 14, 2011, http://media-
127 NEB News Release, NEB Grants 20-year Export License to KM LNG, Oct.

13, 2011,

358 Energy for the 21st century

11.6.5 The Expected Market for Canadian LNG is Asia

As part of its application, KM LNG was required to provide a description

of the market to be served by the proposed exportation. In the NEBs
Reasons for Decision, the NEB highlighted the relevant market conditions
and noted that no parties took an opposing view regarding the informa-
tion submitted by KM LNG about its proposed markets for LNG that
would be exported from the terminal.128
In the Reasons for Decision, the NEB noted that KM LNG submitted
that it will follow a traditional LNG business model that includes the
marketing and selling of LNG directly to Asia-Pacific buyers who seek
large volumes and long-term firm SPAs. This type of alignment provides
the security of demand for the seller which is required to underpin the
large-scale financial investment, as well as security of supply for the LNG
Long-term supply reliability was identified to be a cornerstone require-
ment of Asia-Pacific LNG buyers. KM LNG stated that LNG buyers
see KM LNGs access to the highly liquid North American natural gas
market as an opportunity because it contributes to project longevity,
which distinguishes KM LNG from other LNG projects. According to
KM LNGs consultants, LNG sold under new long-term supply contracts
to the Asia-Pacific market is currently priced around 90 percent of oil on
an equivalent heat-value basis. In Asia, oil is considered to be a substitute
fuel to natural gas and oil prices are considered a regional energy price
In terms of international demand for LNG, KM LNG expects demand
for LNG in Asia-Pacific markets to grow on average by 2.7 percent per
year between 2014 and 2035, driven primarily by gas-fired power genera-
tion growth in China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Starting around
2015, when KM LNGs terminal is projected to come on-stream, a supply
deficit emerges between long-term contracts and forecast demand. The
capacity of KM LNGs terminal represents approximately 8 percent of the
global LNG supply deficit currently forecast for 2035.
The NEB also acknowledged the significance of the Asia-Pacific region
to the Kitimat LNG export project by stating:

128 National Energy Board (NEB), Reasons for Decision in the Matter of KM

LNG Operating General Partnership Application Dated 9 December 2010 for a

Long-term Export License to Export Liquefied Natural Gas under Section 117 of the
National Energy Board Act (NEB Act), GH-1-2011, October 2011, https://www.
The impact of shale gas on global gas markets 359

The Board recognizes that forecast demand growth for LNG in the Asia Pacific
region provides a new opportunity for Canadian producers to diversify their
export markets. The Board also recognizes that long-term oil-indexed sales
contracts could provide for higher netbacks to Canadian producers. While the
Board noted the existence of competing sources of global LNG, given the size
of Canadas natural gas resource, proximity to markets in Asia and Canadas
stable political and regulatory environment, the Board was of the view that
KM LNG has the opportunity to compete in the global LNG market. Having
regard to the size and potential growth of the Asia Pacific market, the Board
concluded that the proposed export volume is likely to flow.129

12.Emerging issues in the LNG

As this book goes to print, there are a number of emerging issues that
highlight some of the opportunities and challenges the industry will
encounter in the coming decades, although there will no doubt be many
more than can be envisioned at the time of this writing, with new poten-
tial issues emerging on an almost daily basis.1 Perhaps one of the most
dramatic opportunities is the possibility of North American LNG exports,
which was discussed in detail in Chapter 11 but, because of its potential
significance, is highlighted again in this chapter with a discussion of the
most recent developments (Section 12.2). A related emerging issue that
may make US LNG exports more viable is the expansion of the Panama
Canal, which will allow larger ships to transit the canal upon its expected
completion in 2014 (Section 12.3).
On the technical side, one of the key emerging issues is the development
of the worlds first floating LNG (FLNG) liquefaction terminal, the Shell
Prelude project. If successful, the Prelude project could pave the way for
other floating LNG projects, which are expected to be a growing segment
in the global LNG industry (Section 12.4).
In terms of market developments, the role of the Gas Exporting

1 For example, as this book was going to print, Argentinas president

Cristina Fernandez announced the planned seizure and nationalization of a 51

percent stake in Argentinas energy company, YPF SA, from majority stake-
holder Repsol YPF SA, contending that Repsols lack of investment had led to
a decline in Argentinas oil and gas production. Spanish based Repsol has sued
Argentina (Carlos Ruano and Jonathan Stempel, Repsol Sue Argentina over Giant
YPF Seizure, Reuters, May 15, 2012,
repsol-ypf-idUSL5E8GF9RN20120515) and has also canceled LNG cargoes
to Argentina. Alejandro Lifschitz, Exclusive: Repsol Cancels LNG Cargoes to
Argentina, Reuters, May 18, 2012,
us-repsol-argentina-idUSBRE84H0SI20120518 (noting that Argentina relies on
LNG imports to meet 2030 percent of domestic natural gas consumption and that
Repsol had agreed to supply Argentina with 10 LNG cargoes in 2012).

Emerging issues in the LNG industry 361

Countries Forum (GECF) emerging as a potential Gas OPEC has

been discussed in various publications but merits mention here since
the GECF only recently became a full-fledged organization that is
startingto participate in various forums throughout the world (Section
Lastly, as the world continues to focus on reducing emissions and
on environmental sustainability, the emergence of LNG as a poten-
tial shipping fuel and vehicle fuel could aid in emission reduction and
environmental sustainability efforts around the world (Section 12.6).

12.2Will North American LNG Exports

Become A Reality?

12.2.1 The Arbitrage Opportunity for US LNG Exports Increases

Initially there was much skepticism about the prospects of US LNG

exports with analysts predicting that pricing and politics would hinder US
export plans.2 Analysts doubted that the economics [would] work out
in Chenieres favor, calculating that LNG prices would have to be about
$810/MMBtu in Europe to make the project economically feasible. More
skepticism was raised about the project costs (Chenieres original estimate
was $23 billion) and whether Chenieres proposed capacity fee would
have to be increased to reflect higher construction costs.3 Doubts were
also raised whether DOE would authorize US LNG exports since there
was little precedent and likely to be opposition.4
More recent articles have indicated that the prospects for US LNG

2 Edward McAllister, Pricing and Politics to Scupper US LNG Export Plan,

Reuters, June 16, 2010,

pricing-and-politics-to-scupper-us-lng-export-plan-142980 (quoting analysts
calling into question the economics of Chenieres export plan).
3At least one analyst cautioned that Sabine Pass projected in-service date

of 2015 is unrealistic, that its $4 billion price tag for liquefaction facilities was
to be taken with a grain of salt, and that LNG buyers would be hard-pressed
to find US producers willing to sell gas forward at prices below $6/MMBtu for
2015 or 2016. Samantha Santa Maria, US LNG Export Proposals May Be
Too Optimistic: SocGen Analyst, Platts, May 25, 2011,
RSSFeedDetailedNews/RSSFeed/NaturalGas/6135424 (quoting Socit Gnrale
analyst Laurent Key).
4 Edward McAllister, Pricing and Politics to Scupper US LNG Export

Plan, Reuters, June 16, 2010,

362 Energy for the 21st century

exports are now much brighter due to higher than expected Japanese
demand coupled with a widening of the shale spreads. For example,
in April 2012, Japan alone consumed a record amount of 4.56 million
tonnes of LNG equivalent, primarily due to increased use of natural gas
for electricity generation after Japans loss of nuclear power due to the
Fukushima disaster in 2011.5 Going forward, Japans demand for LNG
is expected to remain strong since the Fukushima crisis has eroded public
confidence in nuclear power and prevented the restart of Japans nuclear
At the same time, US shale gas production has continued to grow,
keeping Henry Hub prices at ten-year lows of about $2/MMBtu as of
May 2012, while Asian LNG prices are at four-year highs of around $18/
MMBtu.7 These spreads make US LNG exports much more attractive
with at least one major consulting firm opining that a spread of just $4
for Europe and $6 for Asia would justify the infrastructure investment
for US LNG exporters.8 As indicated in Figure 12.1, Cheniere expects
to be able to deliver LNG from the US to the Americas, Europe or Asia
for$79/MMBtu. Since most LNG prices around the world are linked
to an oil-based index, global LNG prices are expected to continue to
trade in a range of $1123/MMBtu, assuming oil remains at $100/bbl
or higher. If Chenieres estimates are correct, then US LNG exports
would be competitive at prices in the range of $79/MMBtu to most

12.2.2 The Commercial Structure for US LNG Exports

As the markets started to warm up to the prospect of US LNG exports in

2011, more details began emerging about the possible commercial struc-
ture for such exports. Under Chenieres proposed plans, customers will
pay a take-or-pay capacity fee plus a fuel surcharge to Cheniere, which
gives the customer the option to either import or export LNG. Customers

5Osamu Tsukimori, Japan Utilities Burn Record LNG Equivalent for

April, Reuters, May 16, 2012,

7 Edward McAllister, Excelerate to Build First Floating US LNG

Export Plant, Reuters, May 15, 2012,

8 Christopher Swann and Neil Unmack, Outlook Brightens for U.S. Gas

Exports, New York Times, Oct. 13, 2011,

ness/outlook-brightens-for-us-gas-exports.html (quoting consultancy firm IHS).
Sabine Pass LNG exports will provide global LNG buyers
with an attractive, long-term, alternative source of supply

Worldwide LNG prices predominantly based on oil prices = $1123/MMBtu

LNG Contract price
Indexation % 11% 15%
at $100/bbl $ 11.00 $ 15.00
at $150/bbl $ 16.50 $ 22.50

Cost of delivered gas from Sabine Pass to Americas/Europe/Asia = $79/MMBtu

Americas Europe Asia


Henry Hub $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ 3.00
Capacity charge 3.00 3.00 3.00
Shipping 0.75 1.25 3.00
Fuel/basis 0.35 0.35 0.35
Delivered cost $ 7.10 $ 7.60 $ 9.35

Current 3040 Bcf/d LNG contracts indexed to oil prices rule of

LNG market thumb 11% to 15% of crude oil prices
Growth 100 Bcf/d Power generators switching from oil to gas
market paying $13 to $19/MMBtu for fuel oil and diesel

Source: Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P., Corporate Presentation dated June 2012.

Figure 12.1 Cheniere/Sabine Pass Liquefaction arbitrage opportunity

364 Energy for the 21st century

Source: Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P., Corporate Presentation dated June 2011

Figure 12.2 Cheniere/Sabine Pass Liquefaction commercial structure

are responsible for securing the feed gas at prevailing Henry Hub prices
and delivering the feed gas to Sabine Pass for liquefaction processing and
shipping (FOB) from Sabine Pass to any destination permitted under
export licenses. (See Figure 12.2.)

12.2.3Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction Project Secures the First

Contracts for US LNG Exports

On October 26, 2011, Chenieres export project received a significant

boost when Cheniere announced that it had signed an LNG Sale and
Purchase Agreement (SPA) with BG Gulf Coast LNG (BG), an affili-
ate of BG Energy Holdings Limited (BG Parent), a major player in the
LNG world.9 A summary of the key terms of the SPA is as follows:10

9 Cheniere Energy Partners, Press Release, Oct. 26, 2011, Cheniere and BG

Sign 20-Year LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement,

10 Chenieres contract with BG Group was submitted to the Securities and
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 365

BG agreed to purchase 3.5 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of

LNG and pay Sabine Liquefaction a fixed sales charge for the full
annual contract quantity of 182,500,000 MMBtu (equivalent to
approximately 3.5 mtpa).
BG will pay Sabine Liquefaction a fixed sales charge of $2.25 per
MMBtu for the full 182,500,000 MMBtu annual contract quantity
regardless of whether BG purchases any cargoes of LNG. The fixed
sales charge will be paid ratably on a monthly basis, and 15 percent
of the fixed sales charge will be subject to annual adjustment for
BG will also pay Sabine Liquefaction a contract sales price for
each MMBtu of LNG delivered under the SPA. The contract
sales price will be equal to 115 percent of the final settlement
price forthe New York Mercantile Exchange Henry Hub natural
gas futures contract for the month in which the relevant cargo is
BG will have the right to cancel all or any part of a scheduled
cargo of LNG by a timely advance notice, in which case BG will
continue to be obligated to pay the full monthly fixed sales charge
but will forfeit its right to receive the canceled quantity and will
not be obligated to pay the contract sales price for the forfeited
The LNG delivery, payment and related provisions of the SPA will
have a 20-year term, commencing on the date designated for the first
commercial delivery of LNG. BG will have the right to extend the
20-year term for an additional period of up to 10 years.

The SPA is subject to certain conditions precedent, including but not

limited to Sabine Liquefactions receiving regulatory approvals, securing
necessary financing arrangements and making a final investment decision
to construct the liquefaction facilities.
In November 2011, Chenieres project received another boost when it
secured its second foundation customer, Gas Natural Aprovisionamientos,
a subsidiary of the Spanish Gas Natural Fenosa. The 3.5 mtpa SPA with
Gas Natural Fenosa represented another milestone for Cheniere, allow-
ing the project to reach its contract capacity target of 7 mtpa. With the
two foundation contracts in place, Cheniere planned to proceed towards

Exchange Commission (SEC) with Chenieres SEC 8-K filing on October 26, 2011,
and is available at
366 Energy for the 21st century

making a final investment decision in order to start construction11 on the

first two liquefaction trains in early 2012.12

12.2.4Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction Project Gains Traction with

Additional Contracts, FERC Approval and Financing

As a further sign of increased interest and conviction in the feasibility of

US LNG exports, in January 2012 BG Group announced that it would
purchase an additional 2 mpta of LNG over a 20-year period from
the Sabine Pass Liquefaction terminal, building on the prior ground-
breaking agreement entered into in 2011. In the press release announcing
the revised deal, BG Group stated that the agreement to add additional
volumes was due to the material increases in US gas reserves as well as a
favourable long-term outlook for global LNG demand.13 The additional
capacity contracted for by BG Group was under the same commercial
terms as the earlier deal except that the fixed liquefaction fee paid by BG
to Cheniere was increased from $2.25/MMBtu to $3.00/MMBtu, putting
the weighted average cost of BGs secured capacity at $2.52/MMBtu.
As per the original agreement, BG will pay an additional 115 percent of
the NYMEX Henry Hub contract to source volumes from the US pipe-
line system before lifting them free on board (FOB) at the Sabine Pass
Liquefaction facility.14 According to media reports, since suppliers are
not comfortable in signing long-term supply deals, customers for Sabine
Pass will secure feed gas based on Henry Hub pricing, which should pose

11In November 2011, Cheniere, through its subsidiary, Sabine Pass

Liquefaction, also entered into a lump sum turnkey contract with Bechtel Oil, Gas
and Chemicals, Inc. (Bechtel) for the engineering, procurement and construc-
tion (EPC) of the first two liquefaction trains at the Sabine Pass LNG terminal.
Cheniere Energy Partners, PR Newswire, Press Release, Nov. 14, 2011, Cheniere
Partners Enters into Lump Sum Turnkey Contract with Bechtel, http://www.
12 Cheniere Energy Partners, PR Newswire, Press Release, Nov. 21, 2011,

Cheniere and Gas Natural Fenosa Sign 20-Year LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement,
13 BG Group Press Release, BG Group to Increase LNG Volumes from Sabine

Pass, Jan. 26, 2012,

14 BG Group Adds 2.0mpta [sic] of Export Capacity at Sabine

Pass, ICIS Heren, Jan. 27, 2012,

Emerging issues in the LNG industry 367

no security of supply issues since the US gas market is well supplied and
highly liquid.15
In addition to the additional volumes contracted for by BG, Cheniere
has most recently entered into an SPA with KOGAS for 3.5 mtpa,
commencing with the start of train three operations. As the largest
LNG importer in the world, KOGAS is viewed as a strong addition to
Chenieres portfolio of customers for its liquefaction project.16 Cheniere
has also entered into a contract with GAIL (India) Ltd. that commences
with the start of train four operations,17 bringing the total long-term
take-or pay style contracts for Sabine Pass exports to approximately 16
mtpa. (See Figure 12.3.)
In April 2012, Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction project received
regulatory approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC), thus becoming the first LNG export project to receive FERC
approval.18 In its order, FERC found that since the proposed liquefac-
tion project was located entirely within the footprint of the previously
approved and operating Sabine Pass LNG terminal site, the environmen-
tal impacts were limited and well defined. Nonetheless, FERCs order
was subject to Sabine Pass adhering to 55 mitigation measures to limit the
environmental impact of the new facility and also required the project to
be complete and made available for service within five years of the date of
issuance of the order.19
As this book goes to print, financing the approximately $4.5 to 5.0
billion project appears to be the final milestone for Chenieres Sabine
Pass Liquefaction project (Table 12.1). Cheniere has indicated that it
intends to finance the project with a combination of debt and equity. In

15 Cheniere Primed to Sanction Sabine Pass Project, ICIS Heren Global LNG

Markets Report, April 20, 2012,

16 Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P., News Release, Cheniere and KOGAS Sign

20-Year LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement, Jan. 30, 2012, http://phx.corporate-ir.
17 Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P., News Release, Cheniere and GAIL India Sign

20-Year LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement, Dec. 22, 2011, http://phx.corporate-ir.
Commencement of construction for the third (KOGAS) and fourth (GAIL) trains
is subject to, but not limited to, entering into an EPC contract, obtaining financing
and Cheniere Partners making a final investment decision.
18 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), News Release, FERC

Approves LNG Export Project, April 16, 2012,

19 Sabine Pass LNG, L.P., 139 FERC 61,039 (2012). Order Granting Section 3

Authorization at p.40,

(1) Conditions precedent must be satisfied by December 31, 2012 for BG Group and Gas Natural Fenosa and by June 30, 2013 for KOGAS and
GAIL (India) Ltd. or either party can terminate. CPs include financing, regulatory approvals, positive final investment decision, issuance of
notice to preceed and entering into common facilities agreements (other than KOGAS and GAIL (India) Ltd.).
(2) A portion of the fee is subject to inflation, approximately 15% for BG Group, 13.6% for Gas Natural Fenosa and 15% for KOGAS and
GAIL (India) Ltd.
(3) Ratings may be changed, suspended or withdrawn at any time and are not a recommendation to buy, hold or sell any security.
(4) SPAs have a 20 year term with the right to extend up to an additional 10 years. Gas Natural Fenosa has an extension right up to an additional
12 years in certain circumstances
(5) BG will provide annual fixed fees of approximately $520 million for trains 12 and $203 million for trains 34.

Source: Cheniere Energy Partners, Corporate Presentation, June 2012,

Figure 12.3 Contracted capacity at Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction

Emerging issues in the LNG industry 369

Table 12.1 Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction project milestones

Milestone Target Date

Trains 1 and 2 Trains 3 and 4
DOE export authorization Received Received
Definitive commercial agreements Completed 7.7 mtpa Completed 8.3 mtpa
BG Gulf Coast LNG, LLC 4.2 mtpa 1.3 mtpa
Gas Natural Fenosa 3.5 mtpa
KOGAS 3.5 mtpa
GAIL (India) Ltd. 3.5 mtpa
EPC contract Complete 4Q12
Financing commitments 1Q13
Equity Complete
Debt 1H12
FERC authorization Received Received
Certificate to commence Received 2013
Commence construction 1H12 2013
Commence operations 2015/16 2017/18

Source: Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P.

February 2012, Cheniere entered into an arrangement with Blackstone for

a $2 billion equity investment in the project20 and in May 2012, Cheniere
agreed to sell $2 billion of equity in the project to Blackstone and Cheniere
Energy, Inc., thus completing the equity portion of the financing.21
In terms of the debt financing, in April 2012 Cheniere engaged eight
financial institutions to act as Joint Lead Arrangers to assist in the struc-
turing and arranging of up to $4 billion of debt facilities and it remains
to be seen what terms will be agreed upon for this portion of the projects
financing.22 Assuming Cheniere takes a final investment decision on the

20 Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P., News Release, Blackstone

Enters into an Arrangement for $2B Equity Investment for the Sabine Pass
Liquefaction Project, Feb. 27, 2012,
21 Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P., News Release, Cheniere Agrees to Sell $2B of

Equity for Sabine Pass Liquefaction Project, May 15, 2012, http://phx.corporate-ir.
22 Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P., News Release, Cheniere Engages

Eight Joint Lead Arrangers to Arrange the Debt Financing for the Sabine Pass
Liquefaction Project, April 16, 2012,
370 Energy for the 21st century

project, it also remains to be seen whether Chenieres export/liquefaction

project will encounter a better, and more profitable, fate than Chenieres
import/regasification project, which has been to the brink of bankruptcy
and back in the past year.23
It also remains to be seen whether Cheniere can get its liquefaction
terminal built in time to take advantage of the arbitrage opportunity that
now exists but may disappear before an export terminal can be built.24
For now, it is a risk that Cheniere and a growing number of companies in
the US and Canada are willing to take.25 According to the US DOE, as
of April 2012, there are 11 proposed/potential LNG export terminals in
North America with more likely on the way26 (Appendix E). As discussed
in more detail below, all except Chenieres Sabine Pass Liquefaction are
awaiting DOE approval to export to WTO nations (Appendix F) and it

23In October 2011, Standard & Poors issued a report indicating that

Chenieres contract with BG Group would probably not avoid a cash crunch that
threatened to trigger a default on debt maturing in May 2012. As of June 30, 2011,
Cheniere had $162.6 million in cash and a $298 million debt payment due in May
2012. Cheniere has $3.14 billion in outstanding debt, most of it from the largely
idle regasification terminal it built to import natural gas. Joe Carroll, Chenieres
BG Agreement May Not Prevent Default, S&P Says, Bloomberg, Oct. 31, 2011,
24According to Michelle Michot Foss, chief energy economist at the

University of Texas Center for Energy Economics, while the arbitrage opportunity
for exports is huge (shipping 18 mtpa of LNG is worth approximately $1.7 billion
at todays prices) it is tricky because no one is positioned to take advantage
of the opportunity right now. By the time an export terminal can be built, the
opportunity might disappear as competition increases or market conditions
change. Joe Carroll, LNG Export Plant Verges on U.S. Approval Amid Shale Glut,
Bloomberg Businessweek, April 13, 2012,
25As Chenieres project has advanced, the interest among buyers has also

increased, with other projects also gaining traction. For example, in April 2012,
Sempra Energy announced that it had signed a commercial development agree-
ment with Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsui & Co., Ltd. to develop and construct
an LNG export facility at the site of Sempras existing import terminal, Cameron
LNG, in Hackberry, LA. Sempra Energy Media Release, Sempra Energy Unit
Signs Commercial Development Agreements with Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsui &
Co., Ltd. to Develop Louisiana Liquefaction Facility, Apr 17, 2012, http://sempra.
26 For example, in March 2012, the State of Alaska reached a settlement

with Exxon Mobil Corp and its partners to develop a huge, long-fallow oil
and gas field, possibly paving the way for a $26 billion pipeline and an export
plant for liquefied natural gas. Yereth Rosen, Alaska, Exxon Deal Opens
Way for LNG Exports, Reuters, March 30, 2012,
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 371

remains to be seen how many export terminals will ultimately be built in

North America.27

12.2.5Will Political Pressure and the Potential Impact on Domestic

Prices of Natural Gas Hinder US LNG Exports?

While the market opportunity for US LNG exports seems to have solidi-
fied, concerns about the effect of US LNG exports on the domestic price
of natural gas began to mount in late 2011. While many factors can have
a bearing on the price of domestic gas, exports are likely to have an effect
since they represent an additional source of demand. At the same time,
over the long run, an increase in demand is also likely to increase supply.
The extent to which the price of natural gas interacts with its supply and
demand has been a cause of much speculation in the US, which in turn led
to a US Senate Subcommittee hearing in November 2011 to address the
issues raised by the possibility of US LNG exports.28
At the outset of the hearing, it was noted that the last time the Senate
held a hearing on LNG was in 2005, when the US was anticipating the
need to import growing quantities of LNG, whereas the current hearing
was to discuss the role that LNG exports might play in the US energy
future. As stated in the opening statement, there were two main objectives
of the hearing. The first was to understand the laws and regulations that
govern LNG exports. Those laws were put into place assuming the United
States would be an importing country, not an exporting country.29
Accordingly, US policy makers considered whether it made sense to take a
new look at existing US laws in light of the new market situation.
The second objective was to understand how exports might affect the
domestic natural gas market. While the implications of increased gas
exports for US job creation and the balance of payments could be very
positive, it was also noted that U.S. energy security requires reliable and

27Richard Nemec, LNG Exports: The Newest Economic Engine, or a Fad That

Will Pass?, Pipeline and Gas Journal, April 2012, http://pipelineandgasjournal.

com/lng-exports-newest-economic-engine-or-fad-will-pass?page5show. See also
Eric Martin, Export Floodgates are Ready to Burst, LNG Unlimited, May 14,
2012, (noting that according to PFC Analyst Nikos
Tsafus, the US has a great history of getting LNG completely wrong and that
only a few US export terminals will ultimately be built).
28 United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources,

LNG Export Approvals, Market Impacts, Nov. 8, 2011, http://energy.senate.

372 Energy for the 21st century

affordable energy prices, not just reliable supplies. Therefore, understand-

ing how exports might affect domestic prices is also critical.30 Since US
gas prices are considerably lower than prices in most of the rest of the
world, Senators questioned how the US could ensure that our export
policy is consistent with our continued ability to reap the benefits of our
newfound abundance of natural gas.31

12.2.6 The Impact of US LNG Exports on US Natural Gas Prices

At the hearing, several Senators questioned a Department of Energy

(DOE) official about the impact LNG exports could have on domestic
natural gas prices.32 In addition to concerns about gas price, the Senators
also questioned regulators about whether the current export licensing
system can protect US interests, given that they were written when the US
was assumed to be a gas-importing not exporting country.33
At the hearing, US Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon,
noted that its very understandable why North American natural gas pro-
ducers would want to build LNG export terminals so they can sell natural
gas to Asia and other overseas markets at four or five times the prices here.
Whats less clear is how this is going to be beneficial for our businesses and
our consumers who are going to have to compete with these prices.34
Senator Wyden also raised concerns that DOE appeared to be satisfied
with Sabine Passs projections that exports from the proposed export facil-
ity could raise gas prices by 10 percent by 2015. In response to questions
about how much of a price increase DOE would find acceptable, DOE
acknowledged that the analysis was complicated and that when DOE
does the public interest determination, a range of factors are considered
such as the impact on jobs, the balance of trade, and the impact on price.
Since some of the factors are influenced by price itself, DOE explicitly
recognized the importance that price holds.35

32 Kate Winston, Senators Question Price Impact of LNG Exports, Platts

Energy Week TV, Nov. 9, 2011,

aspx?storyid5174167&catid5293. Several witnesses presented testimony before
the subcommittee and that testimony can be found at http://energy.senate.
35Statement of Christopher Smith, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oil and

Natural Gas, Office of Fossil Energy, US Department of Energy, Before the

Emerging issues in the LNG industry 373

At the hearing, DOE also noted that when it approved the Sabine Pass
export application, it indicated that DOE has a continued duty to monitor
the cumulative impact of such exports. DOE was mindful of the fact that
there was a growing interest in exporting domestically produced LNG
and that DOE had four other long-term applications pending before it to
export US-produced LNG to countries with which the United States does
not have a free trade agreement.36
The volumes of LNG that could be authorized for export in those
non-free trade agreement applications, including the 2.2 Bcf/d author-
ized for export in Sabine Pass, would total 6.6 Bcf/d, which represents 10
percent of total current domestic natural gas daily consumption in the
United States. Consistent with the Natural Gas Act, DOE has already
granted authorization from these five facilities to export the same volume
to free trade agreement countries but has not ruled on the non-free trade
applications yet.37
In order to address the potential cumulative impact of granting the
pending export applications, DOE indicated at the Senate hearing that
it had commissioned two studies. One study will be conducted by DOEs
Energy Information Administration (EIA) and will look at the price
increase that will result from an incremental increase in demand for
exports. A private contractor, who will use the EIA data to study the net
impact of exports on the economy, including job creation and the US
balance of trade, will do the second study. Taken together, the studies will
address the impacts of additional natural gas exports on domestic energy
consumption, production, and prices, as well as the cumulative impact on
the U.S. economy, including the effect on gross domestic product, jobs
creation, and balance of trade, among other factors.38

12.2.7Price Studies on the Impact of US LNG Exports on the Domestic

Price of Natural Gas

At the US Senate hearing in November 2011, DOE indicated that it was

mindful of the need to promptly decide the other export applications

Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, The Department
of Energys Role in Liquefied Natural Gas Export Applications, Nov. 8, 2011, avail-
able at
38 Kate Winston, Senators Question Price Impact of LNG Exports,

Platts Energy Week TV, Nov. 9, 2011,

374 Energy for the 21st century

pending before it but noted that the two pricing studies were an important
component of a sound evidentiary record on which DOE would ultimately
base its decision on further US LNG exports.39
In January 2012, the US EIA issued the first study analyzing the impact
of US LNG exports on the domestic energy market. As requested by
DOE, the EIAs study looked at how specified scenarios of natural gas
exports could affect the US energy markets, focusing on consumption,
production, and prices. The study was not intended to give an estimate of
what LNG exports would likely be in the future, but to assume that the
levels of exports would be either 6 Bcf/d or 12 Bcf/d, discounting other
possible scenarios. In summary, the US EIA concluded that increased
natural gas exports lead to higher domestic natural gas prices, increased
domestic natural gas production, reduced domestic natural gas consump-
tion, and increased natural gas imports from Canada via pipeline.40
In terms of the impact of exports on US natural gas prices, the EIA
noted at the outset that US natural gas prices are expected to increase
even before considering the possibility of additional exports. Nonetheless,
increased natural gas exports are expected to lead to higher domestic
natural gas prices, with the amount dependent on the ultimate level
of exports and the rate at which increased exports are phased in. For
example, under the low/slow scenario, it is assumed that 6 Bcf/d of exports
are phased in at a rate of 1 Bcf/d per year over six years. Under this sce-
nario, the wellhead price impacts peak at about 14 percent ($0.70/Mcf) in
2022 but the wellhead price differential falls below 10 percent by about
2026.41 Although the impact of LNG exports varies depending on the
assumptions about resource availability and economic growth, the basic
assumption remains the same: higher export levels would lead to higher
prices, rapid increases in exports would lead to sharp price increases,
and slower export increases would lead to slower but more lasting price
In contrast to the potentially severe impacts on price found in the EIA
study, an independent assessment done by Deloitte MarketPoint LLC
(DMP) found that any price increase resulting from US LNG exports
would be quite minimal.43 In the DMP assessment, Deloitte applied its

40 US EIA, Effect of Increased Natural Gas Exports on Domestic Energy

Markets, (January 2012), available at

fe_lng.pdf, p.6.
41Ibid., p.8.
42Ibid., p.9.
43 Made in America: the Economic Impact of LNG Exports from the United
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 375

Table 12.2Study-by-study comparison of the average price impact from

US LNG exports, 201535

Study Average price Average price Average price

without exports with exports increase
($/MMBtu) ($/MMBtu) (%)
EIA* 5.28 5.78 9
Deloitte 7.09 7.21 2
Navigant (2010)** 4.75 5.10 7
(2 bcf/day of exports)
Navigant (2012)*** 5.67 6.01 6
ICF International*** 5.81 6.45 11

6 bcf/day of LNG exports (unless otherwise noted)
* Price impact figure for EIA study reflects the reference case, low-slow export scenario.
** The Navigant study did not analyze exports of 6 bcf/day.
*** Navigant (2010 and 2012) and ICF International studies are based on Henry Hub

Source: Dr Charles K. Ebinger, Liquid Markets: Assessing the Case for U.S. Exports of
LNG, the Brookings Institution Energy Security Initiative, Presentation dated May 11, 2012

integrated North American Power, Coal, and World Gas Model to

analyze the price and quantity impacts of LNG exports on the US gas
market. Using the Model and assuming 6 Bcf/d of exports, the DMP study
projected that the average impact on US prices from 2016 to 2035 would
be $0.12/MMBtu. This represents a 1.7 percent increase in the projected
average US citygate gas price of $7.09/MMBtu over the same time period.
The projected impact on the Henry Hub price is $0.22/MMBtu and signifi-
cantly higher due to the close proximity to the proposed export terminals.
According to DMP, the price impacts diminish further away from the
Gulf Coast export terminals. For example, the projected price impacts for
markets in the New York and Chicago areas are less than $0.10/MMBtu.44
In May 2012, the Brookings Institution released a report that analyzed
the various pricing studies that had been conducted on the impact of
US LNG exports45 (see Table 12.2). While there does not seem to be
consensus on the exact price impact of US LNG exports, there does seem

States, Deloitte MarketPoint LLC and the Deloitte Center of Energy Solutions
(Dec. 2011), available at
44Ibid. at p.2.
45The Brookings Institution, Liquid Markets: Assessing the Case for U.S.
376 Energy for the 21st century

to be consensus that the US domestic price of natural gas will increase

by some amount in the range of 211 percent due to US LNG exports.
What impact this will have in terms of a US policy or regulatory response
is unclear, with Brookings advocating for what could be called a do
nothing approach:

The study recommends that U.S. policy makers should refrain from introduc-
ing legislation or regulations that would either promote or limit additional
exports of LNG from the United States. The nature of the LNG sector, both
the costs associated with producing, processing, and shipping the gas, and the
global market in which it will compete, will place upper bounds on the amount
of LNG that will be economic to export. Incremental increases in the price
of domestic gas (as a result of domestic demand or export) negatively impact
the economics of each additional proposed export project, which even with
government approval will still require private financing and interested buyers.
Efforts to intervene in the market by policy makers are likely to result in
subsidies to consumers at the expense of producers, and to lead to unintended
consequences. They are also likely to weaken the position of the United States
as a supporter of a global trading system characterized by the free flow of goods
and capital.46

While the various studies are analyzed and additional studies are no
doubt underway by a variety of groups, numerous export applications
remain pending at DOE with the most recent news indicating that political
opposition to US LNG exports may be growing. Adding to the uncertainty
about the future of US LNG exports was the March 2012 announcement
by DOE that the much-anticipated second study on the impact of LNG
exports on the US gas market, originally expected in early 2012, is now
delayed until sometime later in 2012.47
While the length of time DOE has taken in considering the remaining
export applications has caused a level of market uncertainty for the projects
awaiting approval, it has also allowed more time for other opponents to
voice concerns about the impact of US LNG exports. For example, US
Representative Ed Markey (DemocratMassachusetts) has introduced two
bills in the US Congress with the stated purpose of protecting US consumers
from increased natural gas prices and ensuring that Americas natural gas

Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas, May 2, 2012,

46The Brookings Institution, Liquid Markets: Assessing the Case for U.S.

Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas, May 2, 2012,

47 US Government Further Delays LNG Export Decision, ISIS Heren, March

30, 2012, available at

Emerging issues in the LNG industry 377

stays in America.48 The first bill, the North America Natural Gas Security
and Consumer Protection Act,49 would preclude FERC from approving
new LNG export terminals. The second bill, the Keep American Natural
Gas Here Act,50 would require natural gas extracted from federal lands to
be resold only to American consumers. Subsequent to FERCs approval of
Chenieres Sabine Pass, Congressman Markey issued a press release contin-
uing to express his concern that US LNG exports would increase domestic
prices for natural gas, which would harm individual as well as industrial
users of natural gas such as the steel, plastics, and fertilizer industries.51
Congressman Markey is not alone in his view that America should
exploit her competitive advantage with lower natural gas prices to create
jobs in the United States,52 with leaders from other industries calling on
the US to use its cheap natural gas to convert to products for export, as
opposed to exporting the natural resource itself. For example, the CEO of
Dow Chemical has argued that US LNG exports should be limited since
there is up to eight times more value in using Americas abundant and
cheap natural gas as the raw material to create high-value products that
can be exported, as opposed to simply exporting the natural gas itself.53

12.2.8Will Environmental Opposition to Shale Gas Development Hinder

US LNG Exports?

In addition to political opposition to US LNG exports, there is some risk

that environmental opposition to shale gas development will spill over

48 Natural Resources Committee, Press Release, Feb. 14, 2012, Markey

Introduces Legislation to Keep American Natural Gas in America, http://democrats.
49 H.R. 4024, 112th Cong., 2nd Sess. (2012),

50 H.R. 4025, 112th Cong., 2nd Sess. (2012),

51 Congressman Ed Markey, Press Release, April 17, 2012, Markey Sabine

LNG Export Facility Approval Would Help Export US Manufacturing Jobs, http:// elease/markey-s abine-lng-export-facility-approval-
52 Kate Winston, Senators Question Price Impact of LNG Exports,

Platts Energy Week TV, Nov. 9, 2011,

53 Christopher Helman, Dow Chemical Chief Wants to Limit U.S. LNG

Exports, Forbes, March 8, 2012,

man/2012/03/08/dow-chemical-chief-wants-to-limit-u-s-lng-exports/ (citing Dow
CEO Andrew Liveris).
378 Energy for the 21st century

into opposition to US LNG exports. This has already occurred to some

extent with the Sierra Club filing an opposition to Chenieres Sabine Pass
export project54 as well as Dominions Cove Point liquefaction project.55
In its Opposition to Dominions Cove Point export project, the Sierra
Club argued that in addition to issues about whether LNG exports will
increase the domestic price of natural gas, the environmental impacts asso-
ciated with natural gas production must also be considered in determining
whether US LNG exports are in the publics interest.56 While the Sierra
Club contends that all environmental impacts from natural gas production
need to be considered, their brief highlighted the particular environmental
concerns that have been raised pertaining to hydraulic fracturing and
shale gas development. In summary, the Sierra Club maintains that DOEs
approval for LNG exports could have major environmental impacts
through the [United States], and especially in the Northeast, where [US
LNG exports] will intensify Marcellus Shale extraction activities.57

54Although the Sierra Club filed an opposition to Chenieres Sabine Pass

export project, it appeared to have limited impact in that case.

55While Dominions Cove Point export project received DOE authorization

in October 2011 to export LNG to countries that have free trade agreements with
the United States, it is one of the pending projects awaiting DOE approval to
export to WTO nations. Dominion Cove LNG,
56Sierra Clubs Motion to Intervene, Protest, and Comments, In the Matter of

Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP., FE Docket No. 11-128-LNG (Feb. 6, 2012), http://
Motion_to_Intervene_Sierra_Club_02_06_12.pdf. The Sierra Club and Dominion
also appear to be in dispute over whether Dominion even has a right to construct
its export facilities. The Sierra Club alleges that a 2005 agreement with Dominion
precludes the export project in its entirety but Dominion claims otherwise and is
seeking a declaratory judgment that the prior agreement does not preclude the
export project. See Sierra Club Letter to Paul E. Ruppert, Senior Vice President
Transmission, Dominion, April 26, 2012,
files/documents/4_26_12_DCP_Cease_and_Desist_Letter.pdf (stating that a 2005
settlement between the Sierra Club and Dominion seeks to protect the area sur-
rounding Cove Point and precludes the expansion of the facility for exports due to
the environmental impacts), and Dominion Press Release, May 18, 2012, Dominion
Files Lawsuit to Confirm Right to Construct Cove Point Natural Gas Liquefaction
html (stating that Dominion would seek judicial declaratory judgment that the 2005
agreement with the Sierra Club does not preclude constructing an export facility).
57Sierra Clubs Motion to Intervene, Protest, and Comments, In the Matter

of Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP., FE Docket No. 11-128-LNG (Feb. 6, 2012), at
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 379

The Sierra Clubs opposition to Dominions Cove Point export project

also appears to coincide with an intensified effort on the part of the Sierra
Club to ensure that as coal-fired power plants are retired, they are not
replaced with natural gas power plants. To that end, the Sierra Club
recently announced that it is launching a new Beyond Gas campaign
that represents a significant expansion of the groups ongoing efforts
against other major fossil fuels and is modeled after the decade-old
Beyond Coal campaign that sought to phase out coal-fired power
plants. According to the Sierra Club, it will seek to prevent new gas
plants from being built wherever we can.58
While it remains to be seen whether the environmental opposition to
US LNG exports will grow more intense over time, some reports have
acknowledged that since the case for US LNG exports depends on the
continued development of shale gas, the publics concerns over the envi-
ronmental impacts of shale gas development must be resolved.59 In the
meantime, as a result of the growing controversy over US LNG exports, it
appears that DOE will not make a decision on any of the pending export
licenses until after the US presidential election in November 2012.60 This
would once again give Cheniere a first-mover advantage, with Chenieres
Sabine Pass Liquefaction project being, to date, the only project to secure
DOE approval to export to all WTO nations and the only export project
to secure FERC approval. While some have expressed concern that DOE
could ultimately revoke or amend even Chenieres license to export, it is
unclear whether DOE would have the legal authority to do so and, thus
far, DOE has appeared reluctant to consider this possibility.61
Some policy makers and business leaders have urged the US to approve

58Amy Harder, War Over Natural Gas About to Escalate, National

Journal, May 3, 2012,

59 Charles Ebinger, Kevin Massy, and Govinda Avasarala, Evaluating the

Prospects for Increased Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas from the United States,
Energy Security Initiative, Brookings Institution, Jan. 2012, http://www.brookings.
60 US Government Further Delays LNG Export Decision, ICIS Heren, March

30, 2012,

further-delays-lng-export-decision.html; Tennille Tracy, U.S. Gas Exports Put
on Back Burner, May 31, 2012, Wall Street Journal at B3 (indicating that The
Obama administration is telling Japan and other allied countries they will have to
wait before moving forward on plans to buy American natural gas).
61Ayesha Rascoe, US Will Not Revoke LNG Exports to Control Prices

DOE, Reuters, March 1, 2012,

380 Energy for the 21st century

export licenses and have expressed the view that the market should dictate
whether US LNG exports happen or not.62 For example, at the November
2011 Senate hearing, Senator Lisa Murkowski (RepublicanAlaska) indi-
cated she is inclined to let the market sort out the issue. Our proper
course wont be sweeping legislation or layers of new regulation. Instead,
it will be to ensure a degree of comfort that our newfound energy security
can be maintained under current export rules.63

12.2.9 Will Canada Win the Race to Export?

While the debate over LNG exports in the US continues, it appears that
LNG export projects in Canada may be gaining an advantage with strong
government support64 amidst a growing recognition that Canadas LNG
export projects should move forward with haste to exploit the market
advantage that now exists.65
With the final investment decision (FID) still pending on Kitimat LNG
as this book goes to print, it is unlikely that Kitimat LNG will become
operational by 2015 as originally planned. There are, however, a number
of encouraging developments that will help the project move forward. One
positive development was the NEBs approval of Kitimat LNG, which
was considered momentous since it was the first LNG export license
considered by the board and the first LNG project to move forward since
several had collapsed in the 1980s.66

62Tennille Tracy, U.S. Gas Exports Put on Back Burner, May 31, 2012, Wall

Street Journal at B3 (noting that ExxonMobil is looking at exporting from the US

and Canada and that Exxons CEO, Rex Tillerson, laid out the case for exports
at Exxons shareholder meeting [on May 30, 2012], saying they would create jobs
and help the U.S. trade balance.) See also Eric Martin, Domestic Price Impact
Elephant in the Room, LNG Unlimited, May 14, 2012,
(noting that as a free trade nation, the US may have little choice but to approve
LNG exports).
63 Kate Winston, Senators Question Price Impact of LNG Exports,

Platts Energy Week TV, Nov. 9, 2011,

64 British Columbia News Release, Premier Applauds Progress on Kitimat

Project: LNG Canada, May 15, 2012,

premier-applauds-progress-on-kitimat-project-lng-canada.html (noting Canadas
Premier Christy Clarks support of several proposed Canadian LNG projects).
65 Nathan Vanderklippe, Shell Urges Quick Action to Secure LNG Markets

for Kitimat Terminal, The Globe and Mail, May 15, 2012, http://www.the-
66Vaughn Palmer, Opinion: Kitimat LNG Export Project Gliding Along with

Little Opposition. NEB Approval Grabs Attention of Would-be Operators of Oregons

Emerging issues in the LNG industry 381

Another encouraging development for the project is the interest of

Korea Gas Corp (KOGAS), the worlds largest importer of LNG. In June
2009, Kitimat LNG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
with KOGAS pursuant to which KOGAS will acquire up to 40 percent
of Kitimat LNGs production, or 2 million tons per year for 20 years with
an option to acquire an equity stake in the terminal. The total purchase
value over that period would be more than US$20 billion. In addition,
earlier in 2009, Kitimat LNG had entered a nonbinding agreement with
Mitsubishi whereby Mitsubishi would buy 1.5 million tonnes a year of
terminal capacity and acquire a minority equity interest in the terminal.67
In 2010, KOGAS and EnCana entered into a three-year deal whereby
KOGAS will invest $565 million to acquire a 50 percent working interest
in expected production from three shale gas fields in the Canadian Horn
River and Montney formations. The deal added a lift to Kitimat LNGs
plans and sets the stage for Canada to access Asian markets and end its
total reliance on the United States as an export outlet.68
Despite the boost from the KOGAS deals, there is still some uncertainty
whether FID will be taken on Kitimat LNG, whether the project could
compete with Australias LNG projects, and whether, when shipping costs
are factored in, Kitimat LNG could be profitable.69 In addition, Kitimat
LNG is now facing growing competition from larger companies seeking
to take advantage of the market opportunity for Canadian LNG exports.
For example, in May 2012, Shell, KOGAS, Mitsubishi, and PetroChina
announced they are developing a proposed LNG export facility (LNG
Canada) in Western Canada, near Kitimat, British Columbia.70 Although
the proposed 12 mtpa (1.2 bcf/d) LNG Canada project will be a large,
complex project, Shell has indicated it will start front-end engineering and

Coos Bay Terminal, Vancouver Sun, Oct. 16, 2011,

67 Kitimat LNG Signs Deal with Korea Gas Corp. Worth $20 Billion,

Horn River News, June 9, 2009,

68Some analysts have suggested that shipping LNG from Canada to

Asia might cost C$5 per thousand cubic feet, which raises questions about
theprofitability of the Kitimat project. Kitimat believes shipping will cost C$34
per thousand cubic feet. Gary Park, Kogas Cuts EnCana Deal, Farm-in Gives
Lift to Kitimat Plans; Kogas Could Spend C$1.1B over 5 Years, Petroleum News,
March 7, 2010,
70Shell Press Release, Shell and Partners Announce LNG Project in Canada,

May 15, 2012,

382 Energy for the 21st century

design (FEED) work on the project in 2013 with FID on the estimated
$9.613.2 billion project expected sometime in 2015.71

12.2.10 Can North American LNG exports compete?

One of the issues that has been raised regarding the proposed North
American LNG export projects is whether they can compete with other
LNG projects, especially the mega projects in Qatar and Australia.
According to Chenieres analysis, the range of liquefaction costs for many
of the global LNG projects is $2002,000 per ton, with several of the
Australian projects at the higher end of the range and Chenieres Sabine
Pass Liquefaction project estimated to be $400 per ton (Figure 12.4).
In a research report analyzing the competitiveness of North American
LNG exports, Barclays Capital (BarCap) concluded that US LNG exports
from the Gulf Coast might be competitive with other global LNG projects,
but it is likely to be at the higher end of the supply curve.72 The BarCap
report found while US Gulf Coast LNG exports might be competitive with
the costly Australian projects, they would have a much harder time compet-
ing with Qatari projects. This is because the revenue the Qatari projects
earn from selling the natural gas liquids (NGLs) associated with the feed
gas in Qatar covers not only the upstream costs of development but also
the majority of the capital costs of liquefaction. As such, the Qatari projects
yield a breakeven LNG cost as low as the cost of operation.73 Whether or
not Qatar can maintain its competitive advantage in the longer term remains
to be seen given the recent focus on liquids-rich US shale plays74 as well as
a moratorium Qatar has on developing additional LNG capacity pending a
study on the sustainability of the North Field due to be completed in 2013.75

71 Nathan Vanderklippe, Shell Urges Quick Action to Secure LNG Markets for

Kitimat Terminal, The Globe and Mail, May 15, 2012, http://www.theglobaand-
72 Barclays Capital, Natural Gas Weekly Kaleidoscope, Can North American

LNG Exports Compete?, April 12, 2011,

73 Barclays Capital, Natural Gas Weekly Kaleidoscope, Can North American

LNG Exports Compete?, April 12, 2011,

74Due to low natural gas prices, there has been a shift in US shale gas production

from dry gas to liquids-rich plays that improve the plays economics. Ben DuBose, WPC
12: US Shale Gas Development Shifts from Dry to Liquids, Hydrocarbon Processing,
March 29, 2012,
US-shale-gas-development-shifts-from-dry-to-liquids.html?Print5true, noting that
US shale plays are rapidly shifting away from dry gas towards areas with NGLs to take
advantage of the extremely high spread between US oil and gas plays.
75 Qatars LNG Threat,, May 17, 2012,
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 383

Notes: Projects costs per ton are total project costs divided by mtpa capacity of LGN
trains. Figures do not attempt to isolate, where applicable, the cost of liquefaction
facilitieswithin a major LNG complex. Chart includes a representative sample of
liquefaction facilities and does not include all liquefaction facilities existing or under

Source: Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P., Corporate Presentation dated June 2011

Figure 12.4 Estimated liquefaction project costs for global LNG projects

Other experts have indicated that whether or not North American LNG
exports can compete beyond 2015 is far less certain as more uncontracted
LNG supply will come online at this time at prices that are yet to be deter-
mined (Figure 12.5).
In addition, a number of so-called wildcard factors could also weigh
heavily on the shale spreads that have existed in recent years. These factors
could push US prices up and global prices down, which could impact the
ability of North American LNG exports to compete on a global basis. (See
Figure 12.6.)

story/pdf/Qatars_LNG_threat-ZAWYA20120517041238/, noting that Qatar faces

competition from other LNG players such as Australia but has moved to maintain
its economic advantage with other projects such as Pearl GTL.
70 LNG capacity
USA uncontracted capacity-high
USA uncontracted capacity-low 29.0 Bcfd
60 Other uncontracted capacity (with North
Contracted capacity-Pacific Basin Am. LNG)

50 Contracted capacity-Middle East Basin 23.1 Bcfd

Contracted capacity-Atlantic Basin (without North
Total liquefaction capacity Am. LNG)
40 3.5 Bcfd




2010 2015 2020

Uncontracted capacity equals CRA projected liquefaction capacity minus contracted capacity including both LNG SPA and LNG MOU/HOA/
LOO agreements in place. It does not reflect spot LNG trade. The liquefaction capacity reflects CRA research and judgement as to project status,
timing, and delays.
Charles Rivers Associates (CRA) ( is a leading global consulting firm that offers economic, financial, and business management
expertise to major law firms, corporations, accounting firms, and governments around the world. These conclusions are based on independent
research, and publicly available material, and do not reflect or represent the views of Charles River Associates or any of the organizations with
which the author is affiliated. Neither the author nor Charles River Associates accept a duty of care or liability of any kind whatsoever to any
party, or any responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any party as a result of decisions made, or not made, or actions taken, or not taken,
based on these materials.

Source: Christopher Concalves, Vice President, Charles River Associates (CRA), Chasing the Shale Spread: Potential New Markets for LNG,
Presentation to the CWC 12th Annual World LNG Summit, November 1417, 2011, Rome

Figure 12.5 Uncontracted LNG capacity 2015 and beyond

The leading fundamental drivers and wildcards could weigh heavily on shale spreads,
pushing US prices up and global prices down unless the wave of LNG regasification
demand swells to tsunami status
Shale spread uncertainty Natural gas price Shale Incremental
impacts spread volume
North Am
Fundamental Price Drivers by 2020 Global LNG Impacts (Bcfd)
US shale net impact on production NA 6.6

North American LNG exports 3.57.3

US emissions regulation and coal retirements NA 3.6

US NGV penetration NA 0.41.6

China and ROW unconventional production growth NA 7.416.8

Nuclear safety policy and retirements NA 1.84.2

New regasification / LNG demand growth NA 7.621.4

Factors pushing US prices down / shale spreads up 6.6

Factors pushing US prices up / shale spreads down 7.512.5

Factors pushing global prices down / shale spreads down 7.416.8

Factors pushing global prices up / shale spreads up 9.425.6

Source: Christopher Goncalves, Vice President, Charles River Associates, Presentation to the CWC 12th Annual World LNG Summit,
November 1417, 2011

Figure 12.6 Wildcard factors and shale spreads

386 Energy for the 21st century

12.2.11Will North American LNG Exports Impact the Global LNG


At the US Senate hearing regarding US LNG exports, the issue was raised
whether US exports would definitively link US gas prices to higher inter-
national prices. Some of the related questions that have been raised are:

How much LNG can be exported before it becomes self-limiting?

What will limit volumes first rising US gas prices that make
exports uneconomic or the fear of price increases that drives vested
interests to persuade regulators to restrict exports?
Will the threat of North American LNG exports impose a future
ceiling for European gas prices?

While these questions are difficult to answer, most experts seem to

be of the opinion that the global inter-dependencies among gas markets
will continue over the next decade and that this will influence global
gas pricing more than North American LNG exports. While the North
America region is expected to remain largely disconnected from global
gas markets as oversupply continues to depress Henry Hub prices, some
experts have noted that it is possible that the mere movements of North
America toward becoming an LNG exporter could have an impact on
price even before LNG exports become a reality.76
As LNG becomes a more widely traded commodity, it is expected that
the mechanisms determining its price will evolve.77 For the time being,
however, it appears that the LNG trading system is not advanced enough
to erase the boundaries between US and global prices.78 As explained at
the US Senate hearing, at the relatively low levels of exports expected from

76Warren R. True, Gastech: WoodMac Expects Global Gas Dependencies to

Continue, Oil & Gas Journal, Mar. 28, 2011,

(citing Noel Tomnay, Head of Global Gas Research, Wood Mackenzie, Gastech
Conference, Amsterdam, Mar. 21, 2011).
77Some experts have argued that as gas becomes a more important fuel for

countries around the world, it will become increasingly necessary for its pricing
to reconnect with economic and market fundamentals, rather than continue to
be determined by crude oil and oil product prices, or politically-driven subsidies.
Jonathan Stern (ed.), The Pricing of Internationally Traded Gas, The Oxford
Institute for Energy Studies (2012),
78 Kate Winston, Senators Question Price Impact of LNG Exports, Platts

Energy Week TV, Nov. 9, 2011,

Emerging issues in the LNG industry 387

the US, natural gas will remain an inherently local domestic commod-
ity, especially since there is not the infrastructure in place at the moment
to allow prices in the US to become coupled with prices in Asia.79
More recently, some experts have also opined that LNG exports from
the US if and when they happen would have little if any effect on the
European gas supply. While the immediate effect of shale gas develop-
ment in the US was to divert LNG shipments away from the US, the
markets have already absorbed that effect.80 Moreover, according to some
analysts, since natural gas is currently at a price disadvantage to coal in
Europe, and with the likely demand-depressing effects of the ongoing
financial crisis, Europe is unlikely to attract much US-produced LNG, no
matter how much or how little liquefaction eventually gets built there.81
For now, with export terminals not even yet built, it remains to be seen
what the prospects will be for North American LNG exports. Nonetheless,
a few energy analysts are already forecasting that, while there may be a
short-term window for North American LNG exports, after 2018 North
American LNG exports, particularly from the US, will be limited by
competition and demand.82

12.3The Panama Canal Expansion and

Potential Impact on LNG Trade

An emerging issue that may open up new trade routes for LNG, includ-
ing making US LNG exports more viable, is the expansion of the
Panama Canal, which is targeted for completion in 2014. In 2006, the
government of Panama announced plans to expand the Panama Canal
to accommodate increased trade between China and the West and also
to accommodate the advent of much larger ships that currently cannot

79Ibid., quoting Christopher Smith, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oil and

Natural Gas Office of Fossil Energy, US Department of Energy.

80Warren R. True, WPC20: US LNG Exports to Have Little Effect on Europe,

Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 8, 2011,

us-lng-exports-to-have-little-effect-on-europe.html, citing E.On Energy Trading
Chairman Klaus Schafer in comments to Oil & Gas Journal made on the final day
of the 20th World Petroleum Congress in Doha, Qatar.
82 Long-Term LNG Projects in US May Face Stiffer Competition, JPT Online,

April 5, 2012,, citing a Wood

Mackenzie energy study that forecast that incremental US LNG exports into Asia
after 2018 will be limited by competition and demand and that a positive scenario
would be for the US to achieve exports of 5.1 Bcf/D by 2022.
388 Energy for the 21st century

Main Routes FY 2010

Total (long tons) 204.8 M

East Coast US Asia 83.2 M
West Coast South America East Coast US 23.8 M
West Coast South America Europe 13.3 M
West Coast Central America East Coast US 10.3 M
West Coast US Europe 7.7 M

Source: Rodolfo Sabonge, Vice President, Market Research and Analysis, Panama
Canal Authority, The Panama Canal Expansion: Further Developing Trade Integration,
Presentation to the University of Texas Center for Transportation Research Annual
Symposium, April 2011, available at

Figure 12.7 Panama Canal main trade routes

transit the canal due to size.83 As envisioned, the $5.25 billion expansion
project will double the canals capacity by creating a new lane of traffic
along the canal through the construction of a new set of locks that will
allow more ships to transit through the Panama Canal trade routes.84 (See
The Panama Canal expansion is also designed to open up new trades
that are not coming through the canal today, such as LNG. Currently,
only about 6 percent of the worlds LNG fleet can use the canal. As shown
in Figure 12.8, the expansion will increase the existing locks maximum
vessel size to accommodate typical LNG vessel sizes of 150,000180,000
cubic meters. According to the Panama Canal Authority, the maximum

83 John Lyons, Panama Takes Step Toward Expanding the Canal, Wall Street

Journal at A8, April 24, 2006.

84 Panama Canal Authority, Expansion Project,

Emerging issues in the LNG industry 389

LNG vessel

Source: Panama Canal Authority

Figure 12.8 Panama Canal lock and LNG vessel size

vessel size that will fit the new locks is 366 meters long (LOA), 49 meters
wide (beam) and 15.2 meters draft. To the extent that an LNG vessel
meets these dimensions, it will be able to transit the new locks.85 Once the
expansion is completed, it is expected that about 80 percent of the worlds
LNG fleet will be able to fit through the locks.86 The only exceptions to the
LNG carrier feet appear to be the mega ships such as the Q-Max (266,000
cubic meters) and the Q-Flex (210,000 cubic meters), which are larger than
180,000 cubic meters and also wider than 49 meters.87
Some analysts have also stated that the expansion of the Panama Canal
will give US Gulf coast LNG exporters, such as Cheniere, direct access to

85Silvia de Marucci, Leader, Liquid Bulk Segment, Panama Canal Authority,

May 8, 2012, email communication with author (on file with author).
86 Special Report: LNG Update: Panama Canal Expansion Will Loosen LNG

Trade, Oil & Gas Journal, March 15, 2010, available at
87Zeus Development Corporation Conference, LNG: Panama, Suez Canals

Expanding Influence in World Trade, Feb. 17, 2011, available at http://www.zeus
390 Energy for the 21st century

the Asia-Pacific market, which may possibly threaten Australian LNG

projects.88 While the competitiveness of US LNG exports remains to be
seen, another development being eyed by the Panama Canal Authority
is the opening-up of cross-ocean access to new LNG markets in Latin
America. According to the Panama Canal Authority, the expanded Canal
will be the first route choice for LNG trades between TrinidadChile and
PeruUSG.89 Other experts have noted that the canal expansion could
open up LNG trade from the Caribbean directly into the Pacific, and vice
versa, saving some 2,000 nautical miles through the Magellan Straits.90
Still other experts have noted that if the shale spreads between the Pacific
Basin and North America persist, this could put pricing pressure on LNG
opportunity costs to Latin America (Figure 12.9).
Whether the Panama Canal expansion will offer any profound benefits
to the global LNG tanker market remains to be seen and the final cost
in terms of transit fees may ultimately determine whether the expansion
project increases LNG trade or not.91

12.4The Growing Role of Floating LNG

12.4.1 FLNG: The Way Forward?

On the technical side, one of the key emerging issues is the growing role
of floating LNG (FLNG) production facilities. The term FLNG includes
both floating regasification and liquefaction facilities.92 In terms of
FLNG regasification, there are currently eight terminals in operation

88 Kwok W. Wan, Panama Opens Asia to US LNG Exports, Petroleum

Economist, Nov. 2, 2011, excerpt available at

89 University of Texas Center for Transportation Research Annual

Symposium, April 2011, Panama Canal Expansion and World Trade, Presentation
of Mr Rodolfo Sabonge,
90 Panama Canal Expansion to Boost LNG Trade, The Oil Daily, April 15,

2010, and Zeus Development Corporation Conference, LNG: Panama, Suez

Canals Expanding Influence in World Trade, Feb. 17, 2011, http://www.zeusli-
91 For example, at least one shipping expert has indicated that the transit fees

for crude oil tanker traffic through the expanded Panama Canal might prove to
be cost prohibitive despite the expansions opportunity for more efficient trade.
Gibson Consultancy and Research, Panama No Shortcut for Tankers, July 22,
2011, available at
92Other floating structures also exist such as floating production storage and

offloading (FPSO) and floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU). There are
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 391

US Gulf Coast FOB

price to Japan
($/MMBtu) 2020

Annual avg. $9.7114.81

Dominican Republic
LNG opportunity
costs ($/MMBtu) 2020
Annual avg. $10.1715.27

Brazil LNG
Panama Canal opportunity costs
Tool Fee: $0.08 $0.46
($/MMBtu) 2020
Annual avg. $10.5115.61


Argentina LNG
Chile LNG
opportunity costs
opportunity costs $0.94 ($/MMBtu) 2020
($/MMBtu)1 2020
Annual avg. $10.6515.75
Annual avg. $10.4915.59

Note: LNG opportunity costs are calculated by US Gulf costs FOB netback prices for
Japan plus shipping costs to various markets. Panama Canal toll fees apply to Japan and
Chile shipping costs.

Source: Christopher Goncalves, Vice President, Charles River Associates, Presentation to

CWC LNG Americas Summit, San Antonio, TX (April 2012), www.cwclngamericas

Figure 12.9US LNG exporters opportunity cost of supply to Latin

America and the Caribbean

throughout the world, in the US, Brazil, the UK, Kuwait and Argentina.93
A key benefit of FLNG regasification is that the facility can be quickly
constructed to meet seasonal, peak, or short-term demand. For example,
Kuwait imports LNG through an FLNG terminal in order to satisfy peak
summer demand for LNG.94 Other countries including the United Arab
Emirates (UAE), Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia are expected to

also gravity based structures (GBS), which are not very common. A discussion of
these other floating structures is beyond the scope of this book.
93 Floating LNG Terminals Technological Innovation and Low Cost

Monetization of Offshore Gas Reserves Will Play Key Role in Global LNG Industry
Growth, GlobalData Report, July 2011.
94Ibid., noting that in 2010 Kuwait National Petroleum Co. chartered

Excelerate Energys Explorer vessel to receive cargoes under an agreement with

Shell International Trading Middle East Limited to meet peak summer demand
during 201013.
392 Energy for the 21st century

establish FLNG regasification terminals, with some experts predicting

that FLNG regasification terminals will play a major role in the global
regasification market by 2015 when additional terminals come online.95
More recently, companies have been developing floating liquefaction
technology that would allow the offshore liquefaction of natural gas. In
recent years, as the number of offshore gas discoveries has increased, more
countries are looking to utilize FLNG liquefaction to monetize those
offshore discoveries since FLNG is generally faster to construct and more
economical than capital-intensive land-based facilities, especially as the
costs in remote areas have risen. FLNG places gas liquefaction directly
over the offshore fields, eliminating the need for long-distance pipelines to
shore as well as extensive onshore infrastructure. Thus, the use of FLNG
liquefaction could result in significant cost savings.96
A number of companies are participating in small-scale FLNG projects
around the world including Flex LNG, Hoegh LNG, Rift Oil Plc,
Samsung, Daewoo, Mitsubishi, and Peak Petroleum. In May 2015,
US-based Excelerate Energy announced it would develop the USs first
FLNG export facility off the US Gulf Coast. Excelerates Lavaca Bay
LNG project will initially be able to ship 34 mtpa of LNG but could be
expanded to 8 mtpa. Although Excelerate expects to start exporting by
2017, it should be noted that it is now the eighth company awaiting export
approval from DOE.97

12.4.2 Shell Prelude the Worlds Most Closely Watched FLNG Project

While Excelerates Lavaca Bay LNG project appears to be the most

recently announced FLNG project, the most closely watched FLNG
liquefaction project is the Shell Prelude project, which took FID in May
2011.98 Unlike most of the other planned FLNG projects, Shells Prelude
project is large-scale and it is expected to cost up to $12.6 billion. Once
completed, it is likely to be the worlds first FLNG liquefaction facility.99

95 Floating LNG Terminals Technological Innovation and Low Cost

Monetization of Offshore Gas Reserves Will Play Key Role in Global LNG Industry
Growth, GlobalData Report, July 2011.
96World Gas Conference 2012, Floating LNG: The Way Forward, New

Sunday Times, June 3, 2012.

97 Edward McAllister, Excelerate to Build First Floating US LNG Export

Plant, Reuters, May 15, 2015,

98Shell, Prelude FLNG An Overview, available at

99Andrew Burrell, $12bn Prelude Floating Plant has Shell Fired for LNG, The
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 393

It is being closely watched because if Shell can prove that FLNG liquefac-
tion is economically viable and operationally reliable, then it could open
the door for more FLNG projects in areas where the natural gas reserves
have been stranded due to the lack of appropriate onshore plant sites or
the high costs of pipeline transportation from offshore.100
The Prelude FLNG facility will produce an estimated 3 Tcf of gas
and equivalent resources from the Prelude field, which was discovered
by Shell in 2007 and is approximately 125 miles off the coast of Western
Australia.101 The first production of approximately 3.6 million tonnes per
year of LNG is expected by 2017.102 When constructed, the Prelude FLNG
facility will be the worlds largest offshore FLNG facility ever built, meas-
uring 1,062 ft (488 m) long by 243 ft (74 m) wide, and comparable in size to
many of the worlds most iconic structures103 (see Figure 12.10).
The practical realization of FLNG requires the successful integration of
many complex technological elements. Even though each element is based
on existing technology, the ability to mix them optimally and integrate
them wholly is required. Moreover, there are numerous technological
issues unique to floating facilities, such as the impact on the capacity of
liquefaction due to wave vibration (declining liquefaction efficiency, low-
ering plant operation rates, shortened life-cycles and potential accidents);
an impact on storage (potential accidents due to sloshing liquid levels in
tanks); and an impact on shipping (lowering operation rates and higher
potential accidents).104
Construction of Shells Prelude project will take place at Samsung Heavy
Industries Geoje Shipyard in South Korea, which is one of the few loca-
tions in the world with a dry dock large enough to accommodate a facility

Australian, May 21, 2011,

100IEA MTOGM 2011, at p.248.
101 Joel Parshall, Shell to Build Worlds First Floating LNG Facility,

Journal of Petroleum Technology, Sept. 2011,

102Andrew Burrell, $12bn Prelude Floating Plant has Shell Fired for LNG, The

Australian, May 21, 2011,

103 Joel Parshall, Shell to Build Worlds First Floating LNG Facility,

Journal of Petroleum Technology, Sept. 2011,

archives/2011/09/11FLNG.pdf; Shell, Prelude FLNG in Numbers, http://www.
104 Chiyoda Corp, http://www.chiyoda

800 m
700 m
600 m
500 m
400 m
300 m
200 m

100 m

Sydney Opera London Eye Taj Mahal N Seoul Eiffel Tower Petronas Shell FLNG Taipei 101 Willis Ostankino Canton Tower Tokyo Sky Burj Khalifa
House London Agra Tower Paris Towers facility Taipei Tower Tower Guangzhou Tree Dubai
Sydney Seoul Kuala Lumpur (top view) Chicago Moscow Tokyo

Source: Shell International Limited

Figure 12.10Length of Shell Prelude compared with heights of major structures worldwide
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 395

of this size.105 Once constructed, the facility will be towed to location a

six-week journey where it will be fully moored and commissioning of the
facility will begin. Once operational, Shell Prelude is expected to produce 4
million tons/yr of LNG, 1.4 million tons/yr of condensate, and 0.4 million
tons/yr of LPG.106
The facility will be equipped with dual-row membrane for LNG/LPG
storage and have storage capacities of 7.8 MMcf for LNG, 3.2 MMcf for
LPG, and 4.5 MMcf for condensate. All reservoir, subsea control, process-
ing, storage, and offloading systems are operated from the facility, which
has an integrated system design combining upstream production with
the FLNG process to optimize efficiency, safety, and reliability in opera-
tion.107 One of the worlds largest mooring systems will secure the facility
and four groups of mooring lines will anchor it to the seabed. The system
allows the facility to turn slowly to absorb the impact of strong weather
conditions while remaining moored over the gas field. The sheer size of the
facility should help it withstand severe weather and it is designed to stay
safely moored at sea even during Category 5 cyclones.108

12.5The Gas Exporting Countries Forum

(GECF) the Next OPEC?

In terms of market developments, the potential of the Gas Exporting

Countries Forum (GECF) to act as a Gas OPEC has been discussed
in various publications in the past, but merits discussion here since the
GECF only recently became a full-fledged organization with the potential
impact of the organization going forward unknown.

12.5.1 Early Years of the GECF

In May 2001, the GECF109 held its first ministerial meeting in Tehran,
Iran, to enhance cooperation between the major gas producing countries,
including Algeria, Brunei, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman,

105Samsung Heavy Industries, Geoje Shipyard,
106 Joel Parshall, Shell to Build Worlds First Floating LNG Facility,

Journal of Petroleum Technology, Sept. 2011,

109Gas Exporting Countries Forum,
396 Energy for the 21st century

Qatar, Russia, Norway and Turkmenistan. Between 2001 and 2008, the
GECF operated as a loose association with seemingly very limited coordi-
nation and without a clear mandate. Although ministerial meetings were
held yearly, the countries participating in the meetings tended to vary,
with little detail about the meetings made public. As an informational
organization without a secretariat, the GECF also received very little
international recognition although many speculated whether the GECF
would operate as a Gas OPEC.110
This speculation continued throughout the early to mid-2000s, with
most analysts concluding that the GECF was unlikely to become
an OPEC-like cartel, for a number of reasons. First, the GECF had
too many members with competing interests such that the ability to
constrain new supply projects in the near term was unlikely. Second,
it was likely to take a decade or more before the GECF members
could collectively assert sustainable monopoly power over the worlds
gas markets, although a swing gas producer such as Qatar or Russia
could potentially influence markets by manipulating supplies. Lastly,
since the worlds natural gas markets were still primarily regional and
lacking a single pricing structure, it would be difficult for any cartel
to significantly influence price.111 In addition to these factors, much
of the early questions regarding the motives of the GECF appeared
to be driven by the fact that since very little official information was
made available by the GECF, its mission and motives were ripe for

12.5.2 The GECF Becomes an International Organization

In December 2008, after seven years of operating as an informal organiza-

tion, the GEFC became a full-fledged international organization with a
secretariat and headquarters located in Doha, Qatar, upon the signing
of two documents, which, according to the GECF, form the legal basis

110Ronald Soligo and Amy Myers Jaffe, Market Structure in the New Gas

Economy: Is Cartelization Possible? Prepared for the Geopolitics of Natural Gas

Study, a joint project of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development at
Stanford University and the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice
University (May 2004).
111Ibid. and see Hadi Hallouche, The Gas Exporting Countries Forum: Is it

Really a Gas OPEC in the Making?, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (June
2006); Monika Ehrman, Competition is a Sin: An Evaluation of the Formation and
Effects of a Natural Gas OPEC, 27 Energy L.J. 175 (2006).
112 Hadi Hallouche, The Gas Exporting Countries Forum: Is it Really a Gas

OPEC in the Making?, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (June 2006).
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 397

for the GECF the Agreement on the functioning of the GECF and the
Statute of the GECF.113
The GECF became operational on October 1, 2009, when five member
countries deposited their ratification instruments: Russia, Qatar, Libya,
the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, and Algeria. In March 2010, two
more countries joined the GECF Egypt and the Republic of Equatorial
Guinea, followed by Venezuela, Nigeria, Iran and Bolivia.114 In addition
to the 11 regular members, three other countries have observer status at
the GECF Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, and Norway. Together, the 11
members of the GECF control about 70 percent of the worlds natural gas
Since 2008, the GECF has continued to evolve as an organization and
expand its influence in the worlds natural gas markets. These efforts
have been aided by the appointment of the Russian national Leonid
Bokhanovsky as Secretary General in late 2009. In October 2010, the
GECF was invited to participate in the JODI Gas Data Transparency
Conference. JODI stands for the Joint Organisations Data Initiative,
which was first launched for oil in 2001 with the goal of increasing trans-
parency in world oil markets. The initiative was later extended to gas
markets. The JODI Gas Data Transparency Conference invited the GECF
in recognition of its work in establishing a data collection mechanism and
its increased role in joining inter-organizational efforts to enhance gas
data transparency.116 The IEA has also recognized the cooperation of the
GECF in the JODI Gas initiative.117
While not necessarily significant events, these two instances indicate
that the GECF is stepping up to take a more active role in international
dialogue concerning global gas markets. Moreover, these events also
show that other international organizations are beginning to recognize

113 Presentation of HE Mr Leonid Bokhanovsky, Secretary General of the

GECF, to the 12th IEF Ministerial & 4th IEBF, Cancun, Mexico, March 3031, 2010,
available at
115Gas Exporting Countries Forum,
116 Joint Organisations Data Initiative (JODI), Gas Data Transparency

Conference, Oct. 26, 2010, Moscow, available at

events. More recently, the GECF participated in the second JODI Transparency
Conference held in Doha, Qatar, in May 2012. Gas Data Meeting Opens in Doha,
Gulf Times, May 23, 2012,
117IEA Energy Statistics Cooperation, Presentation of Jean-Yves Garnier,

Head, Energy Statistics Division, The Role of the IEA in Strengthening International
Cooperation, IEA, Paris, April 1314, 2011.
398 Energy for the 21st century

the GECF as a legitimate organization. As such, it is useful to once again

review the GECFs mission and objectives with a view towards determin-
ing what influence the organization might seek to exert over global gas
markets going forward.

12.5.3 The GECFs Mission and Objectives

The stated objectives of the GECF are to support the sovereign rights
of member countries over their natural gas resources and their abilities
to independently plan and manage the sustainable, efficient and envi-
ronmentally conscious development, use and conservation of natural gas
resources for the benefit of their peoples.118 These objectives are pro-
moted through the exchange of experience, views and information focused
on the following key goals of the GECF:

to develop and implement necessary steps to guarantee member-

countries derive the most value from their gas resources;
to protect sovereign rights of member-countries over their natural
gas reserves;
to exploit and preserve natural gas reserves to benefit of their
to promote integration of gas markets and its stability.119

12.5.4 Is the GECF a Cartel Designed to Influence Global Gas Prices?

Despite the rather benign stated objectives, the GECFs actions and
statements have always been scrutinized for indications of cartel-like
behavior, with some members of the GECF more likely to be willing to try
to influence global gas markets than others. For example, in March 2010,
Russians Prime Minister Vladimir Putin indicated that Russia expects
the GECF to become the gas equivalent of the OPEC oil cartel and an
effective tool for coordinating the international gas industry.120
In April 2010, Algeria proposed that GECF member countries reduce

118Gas Exporting Countries Forum,

119 Presentation of HE Mr Leonid Bokhanovsky, Secretary General of the
GECF, to the 12th IEF Ministerial and 4th IEBF, Cancun, Mexico, March
3031, 2010, available at
120Aleksey Nikoiskyi, Russia Says GECF Gas Forum Should Become

Effective Market Tool, RIA Novosti, March 24, 2010,

Emerging issues in the LNG industry 399

gas exports to restore balance in global gas markets.121 Other members,

most notably Qatar, seemed to shy away from this suggestion, with the
GECF ministers as a whole agreeing that the overall aim was to support
the linking of gas to oil parity and also that there should not be gas-on-gas
competition between pipeline gas and LNG.
In October 2010, it was reported that the GECF was studying OPECs
experience as the GECF attempted to build a model for the global natural
gas market. The basis for the model would be the gathering of information
and data swaps between the GECF countries, with the model itself being
based on a positive practice of creation of the oil market ... worked out
with participation of Opec and International Energy Agency (IEA).122
In December 2010, Russias Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko indicated
that the GECF would become fully operational in 2010 and that it would
play a key role in coordinating the market for LNG, especially since its
membership consists of the worlds major LNG-producing countries.123

12.5.5 The GECF Seeks to Maintain Oil-linked Prices

For the moment, the main goal of the GECF appears to be maintaining
the traditional gasoil parity. Prior to the global economic crisis of 2008,
there was a growing spot trade of LNG largely due to high LNG prices
in Asia and Europe. Following the economic crisis in 200809, oil and
gas demand dropped causing prices to drop as well. For the most part,
201011 was characterized by low natural gas prices and rising oil prices.
This led to a de-linking of the historical gasoil parity of approximately
101 (for example, at $100 per barrel of oil, natural gas should trade at
Many have questioned whether this de-linking is a trend that is likely to
continue and, if so, whether the traditional oil-linked gas markets Asia
and Europe will seek to renegotiate existing long-term oil-linked con-
tracts or otherwise take advantage of lower spot market prices of natural
gas. The IEA has questioned whether this de-linking is a separation or
a divorce.

121IEA WEO-2010, p.196, The GECF seeks oil price parity and ponders how

to achieve it.
122Gulf Times, Gas Exporters Study Opec for LNG Market Model, Oct. 25,

2010, available at

123Aleksey Nikoiskyi, Russia Says GECF Gas Forum Should Become

Effective Market Tool, RIA Novosti, March 24, 2010,

400 Energy for the 21st century

Although it remains to be seen longer term, the global gas markets in

2011 appeared to be tightening as Asian demand reached record highs.
For example, by June 2, 2011, when the GECF ministers met for their
12th Meeting of the GECF in Cairo, Egypt, the supply glut had largely
dissipated with the global gas markets tightening due to Japans nuclear
crisis, Middle Eastern turmoil, and rising demand. Accordingly, the
GECF stated that there was no need to consider cutting output of natural
gas because any excess supply would soon be taken due to growing
demand. This appeared to have played out as predicted by the GECF in

12.5.6 Will the GECF Evolve into a Cartel Like OPEC?

There is no doubt that the GECF has come of age in the past two years
although it is still not as transparent an organization as many would like.
This may change over time as the organization continues to take shape. In
the meantime, the GECF is increasing its participation as an international
organization in a number of forums and this trend is likely to continue in
the future.
For its part, the US has largely viewed the GECF as an ineffective
organization that is unlikely to significantly affect gas markets. Moreover,
US Congressional analysts have expressed the view that the the current
structure of natural gas markets (that is, long-term contracts and pipe-
lines connecting individual sellers to specific buyers) is not conducive to
supply or price manipulation, and significant changes would need to be
made to how natural gas is bought and sold before the GECF could have
For the moment, it thus appears that the GECFs role is merely to
facilitate information sharing and dialogue among the main gas exporters.
The main question, however, is whether the GECF will evolve over time
into an OPEC-like cartel. Although the GECF could seek a more proac-
tive role on market and pricing related issues in the future, its ultimate
ability to operate as a cartel is probably limited by the relative ease with
which other fuels can substitute for natural gas.125 Moreover, a gas cartel
makes less sense than a cartel for oil since gas exports generally require
the construction of capital-intensive pipelines or LNG facilities anchored

124Michael Ratner, Global Natural Gas: A Growing Resource, Cong.

Research Serv., Report R41543, Dec. 22, 2010,

125IEA WEO-2009.
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 401

by long-term contracts. As such, the main GECF member countries, such

as Qatar, that have large infrastructure projects and long-term supply
contracts are less likely to favor cartel behavior than other members of
the GECF. In addition, the recent success of US shale gas and the pos-
sibility of global shale gas development makes it less likely that the GECF
could influence price as an increasing number of countries now have the
potential to become major gas producers.

12.6LNG As a Shipping and Vehicle Fuel

More than ever before, LNG has the opportunity to win the race to fuel
the heavy-duty fleets of the 21st century as ships, trains, trucks and buses
search for low-cost, cleaner-burning and abundant fuels. In some areas,
such as shipping, the switch to LNG fuels is largely being driven by the
enforcement of IMO (International Maritime Organization) emission
standards. As the world continues to find new solutions to reduce emis-
sions, LNG as a fuel is likely to gain even wider acceptance in the coming
decades as a fuel for more and more types of vehicles.

12.6.1 LNG as a Shipping Fuel

Historically, stringent environmental and emission regulations were not

applied to the global shipping industry. However, the significant increase
in global trade over the past few decades has resulted in increased emis-
sions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases from the shipping industry,
which now carries almost 90 percent of global trade by weight. As a result,
increased attention has been focused on the shipping industry and in an
effort to join the global community in emission reduction efforts the IMO
recently adopted new regulations to reduce air pollution and greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions.126
By way of background, the IMO regulates pollution from ships through
the International Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,
known as MARPOL 73/78. In 1997 a new annex (Annex VI) was added
to MARPOL 73/78 to regulate airborne emissions from ships, and spe-
cifically SOx, NOx, ODS, and VOC.127 MARPOL Annex VI entered into

126International Maritime Organization (IMO), Marine Environment

Protection Committee, 58th Session, July 28, 2008 (MEPC 58/4/5), Prevention of
Air Pollution from Ships.
127International Maritime Organization (IMO), Air Pollution and Greenhouse
402 Energy for the 21st century

force on May 19, 2005, and a revised Annex VI with tighter emission limits
was adopted in October 2008 and entered into force on July 1, 2010.128
In general, the revised Annex VI sets limits on NOx and SOx emissions
from ship exhausts, and prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone depleting
substances. The IMO emission standards are commonly referred to as
Tiers I, II, and III and the requirements are divided into two categories:
global requirements, and more stringent requirements applicable to ships
in geographically limited Emission Control Areas (ECAs). An ECA can
be designated for SOx, and PM, or for NOx, or for all three types of emis-
sions from ships. The Baltic Sea and the North Sea are already enforced as
ECAs. The US coastlines will be enforced as an ECA starting in 2012 and
other areas are under consideration.129
In order to comply with the new IMO SOx and NOx emission reduction
limits, shipowners currently have three options if they want to continue
sailing in ECAs starting from 2015. They can switch to a low-sulfur fuel,
install an exhaust gas scrubber, or switch to LNG as a shipping fuel.130
While switching to a low-sulfur fuel requires only minor modifications to
the ships fuel system, the availability of low-sulfur fuel is already limited
and rising demand is expected to increase its price. An exhaust gas scrub-
ber can be installed to remove sulfur from the engine exhaust by using
chemicals or saltwater but scrubbers require significant ship alterations.
Moreover, scrubbers also increase power consumption, which leads to an
increase in CO2 emissions.131
Accordingly, the third alternative, to use LNG as a fuel, is emerging as
potentially the best option to meet the new IMO regulations. Since LNG
is a clean-burning fuel, no additional abatement measures are required
in order to meet the ECA requirements for ships fueled with LNG.

Gas Emissions,

128Annex 13, Resolution MEPC.176(58), Adopted on 10 October 2008,

Amendments to the ANNEX of the Protocol of 1997 to Amend the International

Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, As Modified by
the Protocol of 1978 Relating Thereto (Revised MARPOL Annex VI), available
129Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Greener Shipping in North America, Feb.

DNV is a global provider of risk management services with the purpose of safe-
guarding life, property and the environment. DNV has done extensive work and
analysis on LNG as a shipping fuel.
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 403

However, an LNG-fueled ship requires purpose-built or modified engines

and a sophisticated system of special fuel tanks, a vaporizer, and double-
insulated piping. A key challenge has been available space for cylindrical
LNG fuel tanks on board ships but new hull integrated tanks are expected
to resolve this issue.132
LNG as a shipping fuel has the added advantage of being the only
option that offers any noticeable reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions. According to the IMO, in 2007 international shipping was
estimated to have contributed about 2.7 percent of the global emissions
of CO2. In recognition of the need for the industry to reduce its CO2
emissions, the IMO has been pursuing the control of GHG emissions
from international shipping for a number of years. In July 2011, the IMO
adopted mandatory technical and operational energy efficiency meas-
ures, which will significantly reduce the amount of CO2 emissions from
international shipping.133
While the adoption of the IMO GHG measures is a significant step
towards the regulation of GHG emissions, there is some indication that
some states, most notably the EU, consider them insufficient and may
establish even stricter standards.134 While it is a bit early to predict how the
GHG emission regulations will eventually play out, even stricter standards
would bode well for LNG fuel emerging as the best of the three options.
Indeed, some industry experts are already advocating for LNG since it
may offer the best economics to shipowners and the best environmental
effect to the public.135
Nonetheless, the application of LNG-fueled ships has developed more
slowly than some expected, given the superior qualities of LNG com-
pared to other fuels,136 with most of the developments thus far occurring

133IMO, Breakthrough at IMO: Adoption of the First Ever Global and Legally

Binding CO2 Standard for an Industry Sector, available at

134DNV, CO Emissions from Ships: the Latest IMO Regulatory Developments
and What They Mean for Bulk Carriers, available at
135Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Greener Shipping in North America, Feb. 2011,
136DNV, Greener Shipping in the Baltic Sea, June 2010, available at http://www.
404 Energy for the 21st century

in Norway, which currently has more than 20 LNG-fueled ships.137 While

initially the focus has been on short sea shipping involving relatively small
ships, such as LNG-fueled ferries, more recent attention has been focused
on the international ocean-going fleet, with DNV recently demonstrating
the feasibility of LNG-fueled large ships through concept studies of a
container ship and a VLCC-size oil tanker.138
One potential limitation to the widespread use of LNG as a fuel is that
it requires an LNG fuel supply infrastructure and a large fleet of LNG-
fueled ships.139 These two are mutually interdependent since shipowners
will not invest in LNG-fueled ships until an LNG fuel supply infrastruc-
ture is in place, and LNG fuel suppliers will not invest in infrastructure
until there is a large fleet of LNG-fueled ships.140
More recently, it appears that LNG as a ship fuel is gaining some
momentum as more key players throughout the shipping industry are
analyzing the benefits of LNG-fueled ships, either as conversions or new
builds. A recent survey of the LNG-fueled marine industry indicated that
there are 48 non-LNG carrier ships fueled with LNG.141 The more recent
and greater interest in LNG as a shipping fuel seems to be creating some
momentum that may eventually increase its use and the speed at which
LNG fuel is introduced around the world. For example, at least one expert
has predicted that 500 LNG-fueled ships will be on order by 2015 and
several thousand by 2020.142

12.6.2 LNG as a Vehicle Fuel

Natural gas as a vehicle fuel can be used in a compressed form (CNG) or

liquid form (LNG) in virtually the whole spectrum of vehicles, including

137Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Greener Shipping in North America, Feb. 2011,

available at
139DNV, Greener Shipping in the Baltic Sea, June 2010,

141Zeus Development Corporation, LNG-Fueled Marine Industry at 48 Ships

and Growing, Zeus Conference to Examine Implications, Dec. 13, 2011, Marketwire,
available at Additional information about the LNG-fueled
shipping industry can be found at Zeus Development Corporation, http://www.
142DNV, LNG as Ship Fuel is Gaining Momentum, available at http://www.
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 405

cars, vans, buses, trucks, trains, and even airplanes. Due to the fact that
natural gas has low energy density at atmospheric pressure and tempera-
ture compared to liquid fuels, compression or liquefaction is needed to
reach an acceptable vehicle range. In general, light-duty vehicles, such
as passenger cars, use CNG or are converted gasoline-powered vehicles.
Heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) require more energy to run and thus tend to
use LNG to maintain an acceptable range.143
Despite the fact that natural gas vehicle (NGV) technology has been
around for a long time and is well established in some countries, world-
wide the use of natural gas in the road transport sector remains negligible
but has the potential to grow in the coming years.144 According to the
IEA, in 2008 there were an estimated 9.6 million NGVs on the roads,
mainly in Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil, India, Iran and Italy. The majority
of NGVs are passenger cars but buses account for more of the consump-
tion.145 In most cases, NGVs were introduced as a means of monetizing
abundant local supplies, but more recently the environmental benefits of
natural gas over gasoline and diesel have increased demand for natural gas
in the transportation sector. This is especially the case in some large cities
throughout the world that have begun to use natural gas for all public
vehicles such as buses.146
Despite the potential environmental benefits of NGVs, expanding the
NGV fleet globally has faced numerous barriers throughout the years.
One barrier is that natural gas must be stored in cylinders on the vehicle,
which reduces overall vehicle storage space. However, the more significant
barrier is the chicken-and-egg problem identified in the section above
regarding LNG as a shipping fuel the absence of an existing fuel distri-
bution network has tended to discourage the uptake of NGVs. For this
reason, public buses and other fleet vehicles have tended to dominate the
use of NGVs. It is possible, however, that more stringent emission stand-
ards could encourage faster deployment of NGVs, especially in countries
with abundant natural gas resources and low prices.147
This is starting to take shape in the United States as a result of the
abundance of low-priced gas resulting from the shale gas revolution in
recent years. The US is a particularly interesting and relevant market

143IEA Working Paper, The Contribution of Natural Gas Vehicles to Sustainable

Transport (2010) available at

144IEA WEO-2009.
406 Energy for the 21st century

Table 12.3Typical economics of an LNG truck in the US in the absence

of tax credits and subsidies

Natural gas price (US$/MBtu) 5.00

LNG costs (US$/gallon diesel equivalent) 2.03
Diesel fuel consumption (gallons/y) 20,000
Diesel price (US$/g) 3.00
Fuel costs savings (US$/y) 19,384
Incremental costs LNG truck (US$) 40,000
Payback period (y) 2.00
Savings over seven-year lifetime (US$) 95,688

Source: IEA, Neandross (2009)

to study in terms of LNG use since the approach to NGVs in the US is

mostly fleet-driven with a focus on HDVs that typically use LNG. While
the availability of natural gas passenger cars is limited to just a couple of
models, there are a wide variety of HDV models now available with trucks
that can reach a range up to 600 miles on LNG.148
Heavy-duty natural gas vehicles are seen in many different applications
in the United States, including specialized vehicles in marine ports and air-
ports, school buses, waste collection, transit buses and long-haul trucks.
Non-road applications including railroad may also be promising. One
reason for this is the fact that the economics of an LNG vehicle seem to
make sense. While incremental costs and savings for an NGV truck vary,
Table 12.3 summarizes some typical data as reported by the industry and
illustrates that, even in the absence of tax credits and subsidies, the fuel
price differential is sufficient to make the economics of NGVs potentially
attractive for fleet owners.
Even though the economics look quite attractive for US fleet owners,
legislation may also be on its way in the US that would provide incentives
for the use of natural gas in transportation to both vehicle owners and
infrastructure builders. In November 2011, the US Senate introduced the
NAT GAS Act of 2011, which would provide a five-year extension of tax
credit incentives for the purchase of NGVs. The bill would also encourage
manufacturers to produce dedicated NGVs. The bi-partisan bill was intro-
duced to accelerate the production and use of natural gas-fueled vehicles

148IEA Working Paper, The Contribution of Natural Gas Vehicles to Sustainable

Transport (2010), available at

Emerging issues in the LNG industry 407

and the legislation would expand the NGV tax incentive to help offset an
NGVs incremental cost, subject to caps depending upon vehicle size.149
According to Clean Energy,150 a leading provider of natural gas fuel for
transportation in North America, the backing by the US Congress is criti-
cal to helping the owners of the approximately eight million heavy-duty
trucks in the US convert from diesel to cleaner-burning, less expensive
natural gas. In some US markets, natural gas is $1.50 per gallon less
expensive than diesel or gasoline, which would significantly reduce costs
for vehicle and fleet owners. Moreover, natural gas could reduce green-
house gas emissions up to 30% in light-duty vehicles and 23% in medium
to heavy-duty vehicles. Lastly, and driven primarily by the increase in
shale gas development, natural gas is a secure North American energy
source with 98% of the natural gas consumed produced in the U.S. and
Aside from the economics and policy support that may be needed to spur
investment in natural gas transportation, other factors are also important
such as having champions major companies in a certain industry who
take the lead will cause others to follow.152 The rise of shale gas in the US
combined with the increased availability of LNG means that natural gas
producers in the US find themselves more and more looking for demand
in an oversupplied market. So, obviously, any new market presenting itself
can certainly count on a healthy interest from gas producers, who can help
to drive NGV market development by either investing directly or actively
supporting lobbying or PR/marketing campaigns.153 This development is
illustrated by a number of recent industry activities.
For example, EnCanas Natural Gas Vehicles Drive Project is convert-
ing several fleet vehicles to natural gas, purchasing natural gas-powered
Honda Civic GX vehicles for employee use and embarking on a consumer-
and industry-focused education campaign about natural gas as a trans-
portation fuel.154 More recently, one of the largest producers of natural

149 Clean Energy Supports 2011 Natural Gas Act, LNG World News,

Nov. 21, 2011, available at

150 Clean Energy,
151 Clean Energy Supports 2011 Natural Gas Act, LNG World News, Nov. 21,

152IEA Working Paper, The Contribution of Natural Gas Vehicles to Sustainable

Transport (2010), available at

154Ibid., citing

408 Energy for the 21st century

gas in the US, Chesapeake Energy, has emerged as a primary champion

of natural gas vehicles with its July 2011 announcement that it will invest
$1 billion over ten years in natural gas vehicle technologies. According to
some, Chesapeakes announcement demonstrates that natural gas produc-
ers believe prices will remain low long-term unless they can find new users
for the fuel.155
Chesapeake and others in the industry, including Mr T. Boone Pickens,
the billionaire investor, have long argued that the US should burn more
natural gas in cars and trucks because it is cleaner and cheaper than oil
and is domestically produced.156 But natural gas vehicles have made only
limited inroads in the transportation sector, in large part because of the
chicken-and-egg problem: Drivers dont want to buy natural-gas vehicles
until there are plenty of places where they can fill them up, but service sta-
tions dont want to invest in natural-gas infrastructure until there are more
drivers who would use it.157
Chesapeake hopes to resolve this dilemma by funding the construc-
tion of about 150 natural gas filling stations on major highways through
a $150 million investment in Clean Energy Fuels, which will help build
Americas natural-gas superhighway.158 The initial focus of the efforts
to build the US natural gas superhighway will be on fueling stations for
heavy-duty vehicles, which should benefit LNG as a vehicle fuel.159
In recent years, the type of project undertaken in the US demonstrates
the focus on fleet owners and HDVs and this focus is likely to continue
for the near future. For example, large transportation company JB Hunt
secured $19 million in state and federal funding for 262 LNG trucks and
two refueling stations, and logistics company Cal Cartage received $12

155 Ben Casselman, Chesapeake will Invest in Uses for Natural Gas, Wall Street

Journal, July 12, 2011,

158Ibid. It is worth noting that environmental groups in the US have been

somewhat skeptical of natural gas vehicle proposals, arguing that while con-
verting from oil to natural gas could provide some environmental benefits, gas
drilling has its own environmental risks. According to a vehicle analyst for the
Natural Resources Defense Council, Improving vehicle efficiency is the cleanest,
fastest and cheapest way to cut our oil consumption and carbon pollution from
159See Clarissa Kell-Holland, Could LNG be a Lifeline for Truckers? Land

Line Magazine, March/April 2009, noting that trucking companies are increas-
ingly using LNG to fuel their fleets and that more LNG infrastructure is being
Emerging issues in the LNG industry 409

million in funding for 132 LNG trucks (currently they have 400 LNG
trucks) plus $1 million for two LNG fuel stations.160
In the US, more LNG refueling stations and networks have been
emerging, albeit slowly, over the past few years, with station builder Clean
Energy recently reporting that it currently builds one station per week.161
In terms of LNG infrastructure there are 60 fuel stations, eight production
plants plus landfill LNG sites. The stationary characteristic of the LNG
market is illustrated by the fact that 54 percent of the market consists of
transit buses, 30 percent refuse vehicles, 12 percent port applications and
only 4 percent road use, although the industry expects the latter to grow
substantially in the next few years as it targets the fleet of, in total, three
million trucks in the United States.162
California has a high concentration of LNG and CNG stations, with
many in and around Los Angeles, which converted its refuse trucks fleet to
LNG a few years ago. To illustrate the costs involved, an LNG project for
the city of San Bernardino received $1.7 million in grants, of which $1.23
million was used for the LNG refueling station and $492,000 was used to
purchase 20 LNG trucks.163
While it remains to be seen how many fleets will convert to LNG,
the initial results look promising. For example, in April 2011, the US
Department of Energy (DOE) announced the National Clean Fleets
Partnership, which is a publicprivate effort to help large companies
reduce diesel and gasoline use.164 Each of the partners involved has
already shown a commitment to using clean energy technologies and
reducing petroleum use. For example, Ryder announced it will use hun-
dreds of heavy-duty LNG trucks and build out additional infrastructure,
such as LNG fueling stations and two additional maintenance facilities,
to support them. This project alone is expected to save 1.5 million gallons
of diesel.165

160IEA Working Paper, The Contribution of Natural Gas Vehicles to

Sustainable Transport (2010),

164 Fact Sheet, National Clean Fleets Partnership, April 1, 2011, available at
165 Six New Corporations Join the National Clean Fleets Partnership, July 7,

2011, available at ew-c orporations-

Conclusion: the future looks bright for
LNG as a fuel for the 21st century
As the preceding chapters hopefully demonstrate, the LNG business is
both exciting and challenging, with the past decade being one of the most
dynamic periods in time for the LNG industry. The start of the millennium
saw a sharp increase in LNG trade as major projects came online to supply
the worlds growing economies. While demand for all energy dropped
sharply as the global economic recession took hold in late 2008 to 2009, the
industry proved resilient by rebounding in 2010 with a record 21 percent
growth rate!1
In 2011, the industry again showed its strength by stepping up to supply
Japan with record amounts of LNG after Japans nuclear capacity was
shut down following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. As this
book goes to print, 2011 LNG trade data are just starting to be released
with preliminary reports indicating that 2011 was another strong year of
growth for the LNG industry, with LNG trade up 9.4 percent compared
with 2010.2
Whereas the start of the 21st century saw the emergence of the US as
a major LNG importer, the US is now expected to become an exporter
by the end of this decade with the potential to become a major player
in the LNG markets. While the shale gas revolution has thus far been
limited to North America, more and more countries are assessing their
resources and global shale gas development could take off over the next
decade and significantly alter global gas markets. Indeed, as this book
goes to print, there are an increasing number of opportunities3 and

1GIIGNL, The LNG Industry in 2010,

2GIIGNL, The LNG Industry in 2011,
3In July 2012, ICIS Heren announced the worlds first cleared LNG swap

traded on July 16, 2012, with the contract settling on the ICIS East Asia Index
(EAX) for physical LNG. The deal was done for September 2012 at $13.90/
MMBtu. Up to this point, there has been a very small over-the-counter swaps
market for LNG, with a limited pool of counterparties and no clearing services,
so this swap could signify more active clearing and broking which could accelerate
liquidity growth in the LNG market in the coming years. Worlds First Cleared

Conclusion 411

challenges4 for the global gas industry and there will no doubt be many
more by the time this book is published.
Regardless of the issues that may arise, however, over the past decade
the LNG industry has adapted and evolved to accommodate various
market forces, geopolitical realities and technological advances and there
is no doubt that the industry will continue to seize the opportunities and
meet the challenges of the 21st century.

LNG Swap Trades Settles on ICIS East Asia Index, ICIS Heren,
4In May 2012, Argentina announced the seizure and nationalization of a 51

percent stake in Argentinas energy company, YPF SA, from majority stakeholder
Repsol YPF SA. While Repsol has canceled LNG cargoes to Argentina, the ulti-
mate impact on global gas markets remains unclear. Alejandro Lifschitz, Exclusive:
Repsol Cancels LNG Cargoes to Argentina, Reuters, May 18, 2012, http://www.
(noting that Argentina relies on LNG imports to meet 2030 percent of domestic
natural gas consumption and that Repsol had agreed to supply Argentina with
10 LNG cargoes in 2012). See also Zaida Espana, IEA Says Firms May Avoid
Argentina after YPF Seizure, Reuters, May 11, 2012,
Appendix AWorldwide Liquefaction Plants

Country Location Status No. Liquefaction Liquefaction Storage Storage Owners Start-up
of capacity capacity tanks* capacity year
trains 106 t bcm** m 3* and
per year* train

Algeria Arzew GL 4Z O 3 0.93 1.5 3 33,000 Sonatrach 1964
Algeria Arzew GL 1Z O 6 8.19 11.2 3 300,000 Sonatrach 1978
Algeria Arzew GL 2Z O 6 7.98 10.9 3 300,000 Sonatrach 1981
Algeria Arzew GL 3Z C 1 4.7 6.4 Sonatrach 2012
(Gassi Touil)
Algeria Skikda GL 1K O 3 3.13 4.3 5 308,000 Sonatrach 1972
Algeria Skikda C 1 4.5 6.1 Sonatrach 201213
Angola LNG Soyo C 1 5.2 7.1 360,000 Sonangol, 2012
Chevron, ENI,
Total, BP
Cameroon Kribi A 1 3.5 4.8 Socit 2016
Nationale des
Egypt (Segas) Damietta O 1 5 6.5 2 300,000 SEGAS 2005
Egypt LNG Idku O 2 7.2 9.8 2 280,000 Egyptian LNG 2005
T1&2 (BG, Petronas,
GDF Suez)
Equatorial Bioko Island O 1 3.7 4.6 2 272,000 EG LNG 2007
New Guinea (Marathon,

Equatorial EG LNG T2 P 6 EG LNG 2016
New Guinea (Marathon,
E.On, Union
Fenosa Gas)
Libya Marsa el Brega O 3 0.6 1 2 96,000 Sirte Oil Co. 1970
Libya Mellitah P 5.2 Eni 2016
Nigeria Bonny Island O 3 9.6 3 252,600 Nigeria LNG 1999
(NNPC, Shell, 2000
Total, ENI)
Country Location Status No. Liquefaction Liquefaction Storage Storage Owners Start-up
of capacity capacity tanks* capacity year
trains 106 t bcm** m3* and
per year* train
Nigeria Bonny Island O 2 8.1 Nigeria LNG 2006
(NNPC, Shell,
Total, ENI)
Nigeria Bonny Island O 1 4 1 84,200 Nigeria LNG 2008
(NNPC, Shell,
Total, ENI)
Nigeria NLNG P 1 8.4 10.9 NNPC, Shell, 20131

Train 7 BP, Total
Nigeria Brass LNG P 2 10 13.6 NNPC, ENI, 2014
Olokola LNG P 4 20 NNPC, Chevron, 20131
Shell, BG
Norway Hammerfest O 1 4.3 5.6 2 250,000 Snhvit AG 2007
Total, GDF
Suez, RWE-
DEA, Hess
Trinidad & Atlantic LNG O 1 3.3 4.5 4 520,000 Atlantic LNG 1999
Tobago Point Fortin (BP, BG, GDF
T1 Suez, Repsol,
Trinidad & Atlantic LNG O 2 6.6 9 Atlantic LNG 2002
Tobago Point Fortin (BP, BG, Train2
T2 Repsol) 2003
Train 3
Trinidad & Atlantic LNG O 1 5.2 7.1 BP, BG, 2006
Tobago Point Fortin Repsol, NGC Train 4
Abu Dhabi Das Island O 3 5.6 7.9 3 240,000 ADGAS 1977
(ADNOC, BP, Trains
Total, Mitsui) 1 and
2 1994

Train 3
Oman Qalhat O 2 7.1 9.8 2 240,000 Oman LNG 2000
(Oman govt., Trains 1
Shell, Total, and 2
Korea LNG
Mitsui, Partex,
Oman Qalhat O 1 3.6 4.9 Qalhat LNG 2006
(Oman govt.,
Oman LNG,
Itochu, Mitsub
ishi, Union
Fenosa Gas,
Osaka Gas)
Country Location Status No. Liquefaction Liquefaction Storage Storage Owners Start-up
of capacity capacity tanks* capacity year
trains 106 t bcm** m 3* and
per year* train
Qatar Ras Laffan O 2 6.4 4 340,000 Qatargas (QP, 1999
(Qatargas ExxonMobil,
1 -T1&T2 Total,
Qatar Ras Laffan O 1 3.1 Ras Laffan 1999
(Qatargas LNG (QP,

1 -T3) ExxonMobil,
Qatar Ras Laffan O 1 7.8 10.6 8 1,160,000 QP, 2009
(Qatargas ExxonMobil)
Qatar Ras Laffan O 1 7.8 10.6 Qatargas 2009
(Qatargas II (QP,
2-T5) ExxonMobil,
Qatar Ras Laffan O 1 7.8 10.6 QP, Conoco, 2010
(Qatargas Mitsuil
Qatar Ras Laffan O 1 7.8 10.6 2011
Qatar Ras Laffan O 2 6.6 9 6 840,000 QP, 1999
(RasGas ExxonMobil, 2000
1 -T1&T2) Kogas, Itochu,
Nissho Iwai,
LNG Japan
Qatar Ras Laffan O 1 4.7 6.4 QP, 2004
(RasGas ExxonMobil
2 -T3)
Qatar Ras Laffan O 1 4.7 6.4 QP, 2005
(RasGas ExxonMobil
2 -T4)

Qatar Ras Laffan O 1 4.7 6.4 QP, 2007
(RasGas ExxonMobil
2 -T5)
Qatar Ras Laffan O 1 7.8 10.6 QP, 2009
(RasGas ExxonMobil
3 -T6)
Qatar Ras Laffan O 1 7.8 10.6 QP, 2010
(RasGas ExxonMobil
3 -T7)
Yemen Bal Haf O 2 6.7 9.2 2 140,000 Yemen LNG 2009
(T1&T2) (Total, Yemen Train1
govt., Hunt 2010
Oil, SK, Kogas, Train 2
Country Location Status No. Liquefaction Liquefaction Storage Storage Owners Start-up
of capacity capacity tanks* capacity year
trains 106 t bcm** m 3* and
per year* train
Australia Withnell Bay, O 4 12.1 4 260,000 Northwest Shelf 1989
WA (Woodside,
Shell, BHP,
BP, Chevron,
Australia Withnell Bay, O 1 4.3 1 65,000 Woodside, 2008

WA Shell, BHP,
BP, Chevron,
Australia Japan
Australia Darwin LNG O 1 3.4 4.5 1 188,000 Darwin LNG 2006
Wickham (ConocoPhil-
Point, NT lips, ENI,
Santos, Inpex,
TEPCo, Tokyo
Australia Pluto LNG C 3 12.9 19.5 Pluto LNG 2012
Burrup (Woodside, Train1
Peninsula, Tokyo Gas, 2013
WA Kansai Electric) Train2
Train 3
Australia Gorgon LNG C 3 15 20.4 Gorgon LNG 2014
Barrow Island (Chevron, Shell,
Tokyo Gas,
Osaka Gas,
Chubu Electric)
Australia Queensland C 2 8.5 11.6 Queensland 2014
Curtis Curtis Curtis LNG Trains 1
Island, (BG, CNOOC and 2
Queensland (T1), Tokyo
Gas (T2)
Australia Gladstone C 2 7.8 10.6 Gladstone 2015
LNG LNG (Santos; Trains 1
Gladstone, Petronas; and 2

QLD Kogas; Total)
Australia Wheatstone C 2 8.9 11.7 Wheatstone 2016
LNG LNG (Chevron, Trains 1
Ashburton Shell, Apache and 2
North, WA Julimar,
Australia Prelude P 3.6 4.9 Shell 2016
(floating) Development
Browse Basin (Australia)
Proprietary Ltd.
Australia Icthys LNG P 2 8.01 10.9 Inpex (76%); 2016
Blaydi Point, Total (24%) Train1
Darwin 2017
Harbor, NT Train 2
Country Location Status No. Liquefaction Liquefaction Storage Storage Owners Start-up
of capacity capacity tanks* capacity year
trains 106 t bcm** m 3* and
per year* train
Australia Australia P 2 9 Australia 2015
Pacific LNG Pacific LNG, Train1
Curtis Island, Gladstone 2016
QLD (ConocoPhil- Train 2
lips, Origin
Energy, Sinopec

Brunei Lumut O 5 7.2 9.8 3 195,000 Brunei LNG 1973
govt., Shell,
Canada Port of P 1 5 6.8 Kitimat LNG 2015
Kitimat, BC (Apache Corp.,
EOG Resources,
Indonesia Blang Lancang O 3 4.75 4 508,000 PT Arun 197879
Arun (Pertamina,
Indonesia Bontang - O 8 22.2 29.4 6 630,000 PT Badak 197798
Badak (Badak (Pertamina,
A-H) VICO, Total,
Indonesia Tangguh O 2 7.6 10.3 2 340,000 Govt Indonesia 2009
Indonesia Masela (Abadi P 1 2.5 Inpex Holdings 2018
field; FLNG) 90%; Energi Train 1
Mega Persada
Energi) 10%
Indonesia Masela P 1 2 TBA
Train 2
Indonesia Sulawesi C 1 2 Donggi-Senoro 2014
(Mitsubishi, PT
Pertamina, PT
Medco Energi

Malaysia Bintulu O 3 8.1 6 445,000 Malaysia 1983
MLNG 1 LNG Sdn Bhd
(Satu) (Petronas, Shell,
Malaysia Bintulu O 3 7.8 Malaysia LNG 1995
MLNG 2 Dua (Petronas,
(Dua) Shell,
Sarawak State
Malaysia Bintulu O 2 6.8 Malaysia LNG 2003
MLNG 3 Tiga (Petronas,
(Tiga) Shell, Nippon
Country Location Status No. Liquefaction Liquefaction Storage Storage Owners Start-up
of capacity capacity tanks* capacity year
trains 106 t bcm** m 3* and
per year* train
Oil, Diamond
Gas, Sarawak
State Gvnt)
Papua New Port Moresby C 1 6.6 ExxonMobil, 2014
Guinea Oil Search, Train 1
Santos, AGL,
Nippon Oil,

Eda Oil, local
Papua New Napa Napa P 2 4 InterOil Corp., 2015
Guinea Pacific LNG Trains 1
Operations and 2
Ltd., Petromin
PNG Holdings
Papua New Papua New P 3 DSME, Hough 2014
Guinea Guinea LNG, Petromin
(floating) LNG
Peru Peru LNG O 1 4.45 2 260,000 Hunt Oil, SK 2010
-Melchorita Corp. Repsol,
Russia Sakhalin 2 O 2 9.6 2 200,000 Sakhalin 2009
Sakhalin Investment
Island Co. (Gazprom,
Shell, Mitsui,
Russia Shtokman P 2 7.5 OAO Gazprom, 20141
LNG Total SA,
Teriberka, Statoil
Russia Yamal P 15 Yamal LNG 20161
LNG South (Novatek 51%,
Tambey, Total 20%)

US/Alaska Kenai LNG O 2 1.4 3 108,000 ConocoPhillips, 1969
Kenai, Alaska Marathon
US Sabine Pass P 4 18 Cheniere 2015/16
Sabine, LA Energy Trains1
Partners, and 2
Sabine Pass 2017/18
Liquefaction Trains 3
and 4

Notes: * Capacity data from GIIGNL; ** bcm capacity from IEA. O Operation; C Construction; P Proposed; A Announced

Sources: GIIGNL World LNG 2010; IEA MTOGM 2010; O&GJ 2012 LNG World Trade Map
Appendix BLNG Carrier Fleet (as of Nov. 11, 2011)

IMO no. Name LiqCub Blt Blt Mth Subtype Commercial owner
9377547 ASEEM 154,800 2009 11 3J/QGTC/SCI
9307176 AL DEEBEL 145,130 2005 10 3J/QShip
9298399 AL THAKHIRA 145,702 2005 10 3J/QShip
9285952 LUSAIL 145,000 2005 6 3J/QShip
9256200 FUWAIRIT 138,200 2004 1 3J/QShip
9253703 RAAHI 138,076 2004 12 3J/QShip/SCI
9250713 DISHA 136,025 2004 1 3J/QShip/SCI
9334076 EJNAN 145,000 2007 1 4J/Qatar Gas Transport
8013950 WILPOWER 125,929 1983 8 Awilco LNG
8125832 WILGAS 126,975 1984 7 Awilco LNG

8014409 WILENERGY 125,542 1983 10 Awilco LNG
9425277 METHANE PATRICIA CAMILA 170,683 2010 10 BG Group
9516129 METHANE BECKI ANNE 170,678 2010 9 BG Group
9520376 METHANE MICKIE HARPER 170,684 2010 12 BG Group
9412880 METHANE JULIA LOUISE 170,723 2010 3 BG Group
9321744 METHANE HEATHER SALLY 145,611 2007 6 BG Group
9321768 METHANE ALISON VICTORIA 145,578 2007 5 BG Group
9307188 METHANE RITA ANDREA 145,644 2006 3 BG Group
9321770 METHANE NILE EAGLE 145,598 2007 12 BG Group
9321756 METHANE SHIRLEY ELISABETH 145,488 2007 3 BG Group
9307190 METHANE JANE ELIZABETH 145,644 2006 6 BG Group
9307205 METHANE LYDON VOLNEY 145,644 2006 8 BG Group
9256793 METHANE KARI ELIN 138,267 2004 6 BG Group
7390181 LNG AQUARIUS 126,750 1977 6 BGT/MOL/LJ
7390167 LNG TAURUS 126,750 1979 8 BGT/MOL/LJ
7413232 LNG LIBRA 126,750 1979 4 BGT/MOL/LJ
7390208 LNG CAPRICORN 126,750 1978 6 BGT/MOL/LJ
7390193 LNG ARIES 126,750 1977 12 BGT/MOL/LJ
9333620 BRITISH DIAMOND 151,945 2008 10 BP
9333606 BRITISH RUBY 151,945 2008 6 BP
9333618 BRITISH SAPPHIRE 151,945 2008 9 BP
9333591 BRITISH EMERALD 151,945 2007 7 BP
9238040 BRITISH INNOVATOR 136,135 2003 2 BP
9250191 BRITISH MERCHANT 138,000 2003 7 BP
9238038 BRITISH TRADER 138,248 2002 11 BP
7347768 BELANAK 75,000 1975 7 FSU Brunei Shell Tankers
9496305 ARKAT 147,000 2011 2 Brunei Shell Tankers
9496317 AMALI 147,000 2011 8 Brunei Shell Tankers

9210828 ABADI 136,912 2002 6 Brunei Shell Tankers
7121633 BEBATIK 75,056 1972 10 Brunei Shell Tankers
7347732 BILIS 77,731 1975 4 Brunei Shell Tankers
7359785 BUBUK 77,679 1975 10 Brunei Shell Tankers
9368302 BW GDF SUEZ PARIS 162,400 2009 8 BW Gas
9368314 BW GDF SUEZ BRUSSELS 162,400 2009 6 BW Gas
9230062 BW SUEZ BOSTON 138,059 2003 1 BW Gas
9243148 BW SUEZ EVERETT 138,028 2003 6 BW Gas
9256597 BERGE ARZEW 138,089 2004 7 BW Gas
8210209 KOTO 125,454 1984 1 BW Gas
9269960 LNG LOKOJA 148,471 2006 11 BW Gas/Marubeni
9311567 LNG KANO 148,565 2007 1 BW Gas/Marubeni
9311579 LNG ONDO 148,478 2007 9 BW Gas/Marubeni
9311581 LNG IMO 148,399 2008 6 BW Gas/Marubeni
IMO no. Name LiqCub Blt Blt Mth Subtype Commercial owner
9267003 LNG OYO 145,842 2005 12 BW Gas/Marubeni
9266994 LNG ENUGU 145,926 2005 11 BW Gas/Marubeni
9266982 LNG RIVER ORASHI 145,914 2004 12 BW Gas/Marubeni
9267015 LNG BENUE 145,952 2006 3 BW Gas/Marubeni
9275359 MUSCAT LNG 145,000 2004 4 Cardiff Marine
7229447 ISABELLA 35,491 1975 4 Chemikalien Seetransport
7328243 ANNABELLA 35,491 1975 Chemikalien Seetransport
9369473 DAPENG STAR 147,210 2009 11 China LNG Shipping
9305128 MIN LU 147,210 2009 8 China LNG Shipping
9308479 DAPENG SUN 147,210 2008 4 China LNG Shipping
9308481 DAPENG MOON 147,210 2008 7 China LNG Shipping
9305116 MIN RONG 147,210 2009 2 China LNG Shipping

9433884 2,536 2008 10 Chuo Kaiun
7357452 METHANIA 131,235 1978 10 Distrigas
9323687 CLEAN ENERGY 149,700 2007 3 Dynagas
9315692 CLEAN POWER 149,700 2007 7 Dynagas
9317999 CLEAN FORCE 149,700 2007 11 Dynagas
9433717 CASTILLO DE SANTISTEBAN 173,600 2010 8 Elcano
9236418 CASTILLO DE VILLALBA 138,000 2003 10 Elcano
9064085 LNG LERICI 63,957 1998 3 ENI
9064073 LNG PORTOVENERE 63,993 1997 4 ENI
6905616 LNG PALMARIA 39,691 1969 10 ENI
6928632 LNG ELBA 39,795 1970 6 ENI
9389643 EXPEDIENT 150,900 2010 4 REGAS Excelerate
9444649 EXEMPLAR 150,900 2010 9 REGAS Excelerate
9381134 EXQUISITE 150,900 2009 10 REGAS Excelerate
9252539 EXCELLENCE 138,120 2005 4 REGAS Excelerate
9239616 EXCELSIOR 138,074 2005 1 REGAS Exmar
9230050 EXCALIBUR 138,034 2002 10 Exmar
9361079 EXPLORER 150,981 2008 4 REGAS Exmar/Excelerate
9361445 EXPRESS 150,900 2009 4 REGAS Exmar/Excelerate
9322255 EXCELERATE 138,074 2006 10 REGAS Exmar/Excelerate
9246621 EXCEL 138,134 2003 9 Exmar/Mitsui OSK
9352860 GASLOG SAVANNAH 154,984 2010 5 GasLog
9355604 GASLOG SINGAPORE 155,006 2010 7 GasLog
9306495 PROVALYS 154,472 2006 11 GDF Suez
7391214 MATTHEW 126,540 1979 6 GDF Suez
9269207 GDF SUEZ GLOBAL ENERGY 74,130 2004 11 GDF Suez
7390179 LNG VIRGO 126,750 1979 12 General Dynamics
7390143 LNG GEMINI 126,750 1976 9 General Dynamics
7390155 LNG LEO 126,750 1978 12 General Dynamics

9256614 GOLAR WINTER 138,250 2004 3 FSRU Golar LNG
7373327 GOLAR SPIRIT 129,013 1981 9 FSRU Golar LNG
7382744 LNG KHANNUR 125,003 1977 7 FSRU Golar LNG
7361922 GOLAR FREEZE 125,858 1977 2 FSRU Golar LNG
9303560 GOLAR GRAND 145,700 2006 1 Golar LNG
9320374 GOLAR MARIA 145,700 2006 6 Golar LNG
9256767 GOLAR VIKING 140,207 2005 1 Golar LNG
9253715 METHANE PRINCESS 138,000 2003 8 Golar LNG
9165011 GOLAR MAZO 135,225 1999 12 Golar LNG
9253105 GOLAR ARCTIC 138,538 2003 12 Golar LNG
7382720 HILLI 124,890 1975 12 Golar LNG
7382732 GIMI 124,872 1976 12 Golar LNG
7361934 GANDRIA 125,904 1977 10 Golar LNG/Bluewater
IMO no. Name LiqCub Blt Blt Mth Subtype Commercial owner
9155078 HANJIN MUSCAT 138,366 1999 7 Hanjin Shipping
9176010 HANJIN SUR 138,333 2000 1 Hanjin Shipping
9176008 HANJIN RAS LAFFAN 138,214 2000 7 Hanjin Shipping
9061928 HANJIN PYEONG TAEK 138,366 1995 9 Hanjin Shipping
8706155 EKAPUTRA 136,400 1989 1 Humpuss Trans
9060534 SURYA AKI 19,538 1996 3 Humpuss Trans
7411961 RAMDANE ABANE 126,190 1981 7 Hyproc
7400704 MOURAD DIDOUCHE 126,130 1980 12 Hyproc
7400663 LARBI BEN MHIDI 129,767 1977 6 Hyproc
7359955 MOSTEFA BEN BOULAID 125,260 1976 8 Hyproc
7400675 BACHIR CHIHANI 129,767 1979 2 Hyproc
9372999 HYUNDAI ECOPIA 145,000 2008 11 Hyundai Merchant Marine

9155157 HYUNDAI COSMOPIA 137,415 2000 1 Hyundai Merchant Marine
9155145 HYUNDAI TECHNOPIA 137,415 1999 7 Hyundai Merchant Marine
9179581 HYUNDAI AQUAPIA 137,415 2000 3 Hyundai Merchant Marine
9183269 HYUNDAI OCEANPIA 137,415 2000 7 Hyundai Merchant Marine
9018555 HYUNDAI UTOPIA 125,182 1994 6 Hyundai Merchant Marine
9075333 HYUNDAI GREENPIA 125,000 1996 11 Hyundai Merchant Marine
9317200 NORTH PIONEER 2,513 2005 11 Iino Gas Transport
9247194 SK SUNRISE 138,270 2003 10 Iino/Itochu
9360790 AL ORAIQ 210,000 2008 6 J5/Qatar Gas Transport
9360829 UMM AL AMAD 210,100 2008 9 J5/Qatar Gas Transport
9360817 FRAIHA 210,000 2008 8 J5/Qatar Gas Transport
9360805 MURWAB 210,100 2008 6 J5/Qatar Gas Transport
9360843 AL THUMAMA 216,200 2008 4 J5/Qatar Gas Transport
9360855 AL SAHLA 216,200 2008 6 J5/Qatar Gas Transport
9360867 AL UTOURIYA 216,200 2008 9 J5/Qatar Gas Transport
9338266 AL AAMRIYA 210,000 2008 5 J5/Qatar Gas Transport
9330745 NEVA RIVER 145,394 2007 12 K Line
9355379 TANGGUH PALUNG 154,810 2009 3 K Line/Meratus
9349007 TANGGUH FOJA 154,810 2008 11 K Line/Meratus
9349019 TANGGUH JAYA 154,967 2008 12 K Line/Meratus
9276389 ARCTIC DISCOVERER 142,612 2006 2 K Line/Mitsui & Co.
9275335 ARCTIC VOYAGER 142,759 2006 7 K Line/Mitsui & Co.
9350927 TRINITY GLORY 154,200 2009 3 K Line/Mitsui & Co./Shoei
9329291 LNG EBISU 145,000 2008 9 Kansai Electric/Mitsui
OSK/Iino Kaiun
9351971 PACIFIC ENLIGHTEN 145,000 2009 3 KE/Tepco/NYK/MOL/MC
9401295 BARCELONA KNUTSEN 173,400 2010 4 Knutsen O.A.S. Shipping
9477593 RIBERA DEL DUERO KNUTSEN 173,400 2010 11 Knutsen O.A.S. Shipping

9434266 VALENCIA KNUTSEN 173,400 2010 8 Knutsen O.A.S. Shipping
9414632 SEVILLA KNUTSEN 173,400 2010 6 Knutsen O.A.S. Shipping
9338797 SESTAO KNUTSEN 138,000 2007 11 Knutsen O.A.S. Shipping
9326603 IBERICA KNUTSEN 138,000 2006 8 Knutsen O.A.S. Shipping
9246578 CADIZ KNUTSEN 138,826 2004 6 Knutsen O.A.S. Shipping
9236432 BILBAO KNUTSEN 138,000 2004 2 Knutsen O.A.S. Shipping
9275074 PIONEER KNUTSEN 1,100 2004 3 Knutsen O.A.S. Shipping
9373010 K. MUGUNGWHA 151,812 2008 10 Korea Line
9373008 K JASMINE 151,800 2008 5 Korea Line
9157636 K ACACIA 138,017 2000 1 Korea Line
9186584 K FREESIA 138,015 2000 6 Korea Line
7428433 TENAGA EMPAT 128,354 1981 3 FSU MISC
9331660 SERI BALHAF 157,720 2009 1 MISC
9331672 SERI BALQIS 157,610 2009 3 MISC
IMO no. Name LiqCub Blt Blt Mth Subtype Commercial owner
9331658 SERI BIJAKSANA 152,900 2008 4 MISC
9331646 SERI BEGAWAN 152,900 2008 1 MISC
9321665 SERI ANGKASA 145,130 2006 12 MISC
9293844 SERI AMANAH 145,709 2006 3 MISC
9321653 SERI ANGGUN 145,731 2006 11 MISC
9261205 PUTERI MUTIARA SATU 137,595 2005 4 MISC
9248502 PUTERI FIRUS SATU 137,489 2004 8 MISC
9211872 PUTERI DELIMA SATU 137,489 2003 10 MISC
9245031 PUTERI ZAMRUD SATU 137,100 2004 1 MISC
9229647 PUTERI NILAM SATU 137,489 2003 9 MISC
9213416 PUTERI INTAN SATU 137,489 2002 8 MISC
9030838 PUTERI ZAMRUD 130,358 1996 7 MISC

9030814 130,405 1994 12 MISC
9030826 PUTERI NILAM 130,405 1995 7 MISC
9030840 PUTERI FIRUS 130,358 1997 5 MISC
9030802 PUTERI INTAN 130,405 1994 7 MISC
9331634 SERI BAKTI 152,944 2007 6 MISC
9329679 SERI AYU 145,894 2007 10 MISC
9293832 SERI ALAM 145,572 2005 9 MISC
7428445 TENAGA LIMA 130,000 1981 3 MISC
7428471 TENAGA TIGA 130,000 1982 1 MISC
7428457 TENAGA SATU 130,000 1979 2 MISC
7428469 TENAGA DUA 130,000 1981 8 MISC
9320386 SIMAISMA 145,700 2006 7 Maran Gas Maritime
9331048 MARAN GAS CORONIS 145,700 2007 7 Maran Gas Maritime
9302499 RASGAS ASCLEPIUS 142,906 2005 6 Maran Gas Maritime
9324435 AL JASSASIYA 145,700 2007 5 Maran Gas Maritime
9308431 UMM BAB 142,891 2005 11 Maran Gas Maritime
9016492 AMAN BINTULU 18,927 1993 10 MISC/NYK
9134323 AMAN SENDAI 18,928 1997 5 MISC/NYK
9161510 AMAN HAKATA 18,942 1998 11 MISC/NYK
9274226 ENERGY PROGRESS 147,558 2006 11 Mitsui O.S.K.
9256602 LNG PIONEER 138,121 2005 7 Mitsui O.S.K.
8125868 WAKABA MARU 127,209 1985 4 Mitsui O.S.K.
9187356 SURYA SATSUMA 23,096 2000 10 Mitsui O.S.K.
9385673 GDF SUEZ NEPTUNE 145,130 2009 11 REGAS Mitsui OSK/Hoegh LNG
9390680 GDF SUEZ CAPE ANN 145,130 2010 6 REGAS Mitsui OSK/Hoegh LNG
9271248 ARCTIC PRINCESS 147,835 2005 1 Mitsui OSK/Hoegh LNG
9284192 ARCTIC LADY 147,208 2006 4 Mitsui OSK/Hoegh LNG
7320344 NORMAN LADY 87,994 1973 Mitsui OSK/Hoegh LNG
9349942 SUN ARROWS 19,176 2007 11 MOL/Hiroshima Gas

9361639 BEN BADIS 177,300 2010 11 MOL/Itochu
9360922 ABDELKADER 177,000 2010 2 MOL/Itochu
9275347 LALLA FATMA NSOUMER 145,445 2004 10 MOL/Itochu/Sonatrach/
9324344 CHEIKH BOUAMAMA 75,558 2008 7 MOL/Itochu/Sonatrach/
9324332 CHEIKH EL MOKRANI 75,759 2007 6 MOL/Itochu/Sonatrach/
9085649 AL ZUBARAH 137,573 1996 12 MOL/NYK/K Line/Iino
9132741 AL BIDDA 135,279 1999 11 MOL/NYK/K Line/Iino
9086734 AL RAYYAN 135,358 1997 3 MOL/NYK/K Line/Iino
9085625 AL WAJBAH 137,308 1997 5 MOL/NYK/K Line/Iino
9085651 BROOG 137,529 1998 5 MOL/NYK/K Line/Iino
9085637 DOHA 137,262 1999 6 MOL/NYK/K Line/Iino
IMO no. Name LiqCub Blt Blt Mth Subtype Commercial owner
9132818 ZEKREET 137,482 1998 12 MOL/NYK/K Line/Iino
9086746 AL WAKRAH 137,568 1998 12 MOL/NYK/K Line/Iino
9132791 AL JASRA 135,169 2000 7 MOL/NYK/K Line/Iino
9085613 AL KHOR 137,354 1996 12 MOL/NYK/K Line/Iino
9338929 GRAND MEREYA 145,963 2008 10 MOL/Primorsk
9375721 GDF SUEZ POINT FORTIN 154,914 2010 2 MOL/Sumitomo/LNG
9315719 GRACE BARLERIA 149,700 2007 9 NYK
9322803 LNG BORNO 149,600 2007 9 NYK
9322815 LNG OGUN 149,600 2007 6 NYK
9074640 AL HAMRA 137,000 1996 12 National Gas Shipping

9074626 135,000 1996 1 National Gas Shipping
9074638 MRAWEH 135,000 1996 5 National Gas Shipping
9074652 UMM AL ASHTAN 137,000 1997 5 National Gas Shipping
9035852 SHAHAMAH 135,496 1994 10 National Gas Shipping
9038452 GHASHA 137,514 1995 6 National Gas Shipping
9035864 ISH 137,512 1995 11 National Gas Shipping
9038440 AL KHAZNAH 135,496 1994 5 National Gas Shipping
7708948 LNG BONNY 132,588 1981 12 Nigeria LNG
9241267 LNG BAYELSA 137,500 2003 2 Nigeria LNG
9216298 LNG RIVERS 137,500 2002 6 Nigeria LNG
9216303 LNG SOKOTO 137,425 2002 8 Nigeria LNG
9262211 LNG ADAMAWA 138,437 2005 6 Nigeria LNG
9262209 LNG AKWA IBOM 141,500 2004 11 Nigeria LNG
9262223 LNG CROSS RIVER 141,000 2005 9 Nigeria LNG
9262235 LNG RIVER NIGER 141,000 2006 6 Nigeria LNG
7360124 LNG LAGOS 122,255 1976 12 Nigeria LNG
7619587 LNG EDO 126,530 1980 5 Nigeria LNG
7702401 LNG FINIMA 132,588 1984 1 Nigeria LNG
7619575 LNG ABUJA 126,530 1980 9 Nigeria LNG
7360136 LNG PORT HARCOURT 122,255 1977 10 Nigeria LNG
9260603 SHINJU MARU No. 1 2,513 2003 7 NS United Kaiun Kaisha
9250725 NORTHWEST SWAN 140,500 2004 4 NWS LNG Shipping

8913174 NORTHWEST SEAEAGLE 125,541 1992 11 NWS LNG Shipping
9045132 NORTHWEST STORMPETREL 125,525 1994 12 NWS LNG Shipping
8608872 NORTHWEST SANDERLING 127,525 1989 4 NWS LNG Shipping
8608705 NORTHWEST SHEARWATER 127,500 1991 9 NWS LNG Shipping
8913150 NORTHWEST SANDPIPER 125,042 1993 2 NWS LNG Shipping
8608884 NORTHWEST SNIPE 127,747 1990 10 NWS LNG Shipping
9320075 GASELYS 154,472 2007 3 NYK/GDF Suez
9323675 GRACE COSMOS 141,000 2008 3 NYK/MBK
9315707 GRACE ACACIA 149,700 2007 2 NYK/MBK
9475208 SOYO 160,000 2011 8 NYK/MBK/Teekay
9490959 MALANJE 160,000 2011 9 NYK/MBK/Teekay
9490961 LOBITO 160,000 2011 10 NYK/MBK/Teekay
9403657 TAITAR No. 4 145,333 2010 10 NYK/Mitsu & Co./CPC
9403645 TAITAR No. 2 147,000 2009 12 NYK/Mitsu & Co./CPC
IMO no. Name LiqCub Blt Blt Mth Subtype Commercial owner
9403671 TAITAR No. 3 145,000 2010 1 NYK/Mitsu & Co./CPC
9403669 TAITAR No. 1 145,000 2009 9 NYK/Mitsu & Co./CPC
9043677 DWIPUTRA 127,386 1994 3 NYK/MOL
8014473 SENSHU MARU 127,167 1984 2 NYK/MOL/K Line
8702941 LNG SWIFT 127,580 1989 8 NYK/MOL/K Line
8110203 ECHIGO MARU 125,568 1983 8 NYK/MOL/K Line
8701791 NORTHWEST SWALLOW 127,544 1989 11 NYK/MOL/K Line
9265500 DUKHAN 137,661 2004 10 NYK/MOL/KL/MBK/
Qatar Shipping
9020766 LNG VESTA 127,547 1994 6 NYK/MOL/KL/OG/TG/
9006681 LNG FLORA 127,705 1993 3 NYK/MOL/KL/OG/TG/

9483877 ENERGY HORIZON 177,000 2011 9 NYK/Tokyo Gas
9405588 ENERGY CONFIDENCE 153,000 2009 5 NYK/Tokyo Gas
9200316 LNG JAMAL 133,333 2000 10 OG/NYK/MOL/KLine
9253284 GOLAR FROST 138,830 2004 6 FSRU OLT
9326689 IBRA LNG 148,176 2006 8 Oman Shipping
9300817 SALALAH LNG 145,000 2005 12 Oman Shipping
9294264 NIZWA LNG 145,469 2005 12 Oman Shipping
9317315 IBRI LNG 145,173 2006 7 Oman Shipping
9210816 SOHAR LNG 137,248 2001 10 Oman Shipping
9341689 LNG JUPITER 155,999 2009 6 Osaka Gas/NYK
9341299 LNG BARKA 153,643 2008 12 Osaka Gas/NYK
9277620 LNG DREAM 145,254 2006 9 Osaka Gas/NYK
9337743 AL HAMLA 216,200 2008 2 OSG/QGTC
9337705 AL GATTARA 216,280 2007 11 OSG/QGTC
9337731 TEMBEK 216,200 2007 11 OSG/QGTC
9337717 AL GHARRAFA 216,200 2007 1 OSG/QGTC
9337975 DUHAIL 210,000 2008 1 Pronav/QGTC
9337963 AL SAFLIYA 210,000 2007 10 Pronav/QGTC
9337987 AL GHARIYA 210,000 2008 1 Pronav/QGTC
9337951 AL RUWAIS 210,000 2007 10 Pronav/QGTC
9388819 LIJMILIYA 261,700 2008 12 QGTC
9372743 AL GHUWAIRIYA 261,700 2008 12 QGTC
9388821 AL SAMRIYA 261,700 2009 2 QGTC
9397315 AL MAFYAR 266,000 2009 4 QGTC
9397298 AL MAYEDA 266,000 2009 3 QGTC
9443413 RASHEEDA 266,276 2010 8 QGTC
9397303 MEKAINES 266,000 2009 3 QGTC
9443683 AL DAFNA 266,000 2009 9 QGTC

9388833 BU SAMRA 266,000 2008 12 QGTC
9337755 MOZAH 266,000 2008 9 QGTC
9372731 UMM SLAL 266,000 2008 11 QGTC
9443401 AAMIRA 266,237 2010 4 QGTC
9418365 SHAGRA 266,000 2009 11 QGTC
9431214 ZARGA 266,433 2010 3 QGTC
9431123 AL KARAANA 210,100 2009 10 QGTC
9360831 AL SHEEHANIYA 210,100 2009 2 QGTC
9431147 AL BAHIYA 210,100 2010 1 QGTC
9431111 AL KHATTIYA 210,100 2009 7 QGTC
9397353 ONAIZA 210,100 2009 3 QGTC
9397341 AL SADD 210,100 2009 3 QGTC
9431135 AL NUAMAN 210,100 2009 10 QGTC
9397286 AL GHASHAMIYA 266,000 2009 4 QGTC
IMO no. Name LiqCub Blt Blt Mth Subtype Commercial owner
9397339 AL REKAYYAT 216,200 2009 6 QGTC
9337729 MESAIMEER 216,200 2009 3 QGTC
9397327 AL KHARAITIYAT 216,200 2009 6 QGTC
7391197 LNG DELTA 124,014 1978 5 Shell
9253222 GEMMATA 135,269 2004 1 Shell
9236626 GALLINA 135,269 2002 12 Shell
9236614 GALEA 135,269 2002 9 Shell
7391202 GALEOMMA 124,014 1978 12 Shell
9319404 TRINITY ARROW 154,982 2008 3 Shoei
9157624 SK SUMMIT 135,244 1999 8 SK Shipping
9180231 SK SPLENDOR 135,603 2000 3 SK Shipping
9180243 SK STELLAR 138,540 2000 12 SK Shipping

9157739 135,490 2000 1 SK Shipping
9038816 Y. K. SOVEREIGN 127,125 1994 12 SK Shipping
9468437 NORGAS UNIKUM 12,000 2011 6 Skaugen I.M.
9468449 BAHRAIN VISION 12,000 2011 10 Skaugen I.M.
9378278 NORGAS INNOVATION 10,000 2010 1 Skaugen I.M.
9378292 NORGAS INVENTION 10,000 2011 1 Skaugen I.M.
9378280 NORGAS CREATION 10,000 2010 8 Skaugen I.M.
9482299 SONANGOL ETOSHA 160,500 2011 11 SONANGOL
9475600 SONANGOL SAMBIZANGA 160,500 2011 10 SONANGOL
6910702 SCF ARCTIC 71,651 1969 Sovcomflot
6901892 SCF POLAR 71,650 1969 9 Sovcomflot
9325893 TANGGUH TOWUTI 145,700 2008 10 Sovcomflot/NYK
9334284 TANGGUH BATUR 145,700 2008 12 Sovcomflot/NYK
9338955 GRAND ANIVA 145,000 2008 1 Sovcomflot/NYK
9332054 GRAND ELENA 145,580 2007 10 Sovcomflot/NYK
9383900 STENA CRYSTAL SKY 171,800 2011 5 Stena
9413327 STENA CLEAR SKY 171,800 2011 5 Stena
9315393 STENA BLUE SKY 145,700 2006 6 Stena
9372963 STX KOLT 145,700 2008 11 STX Pan Ocean
9390185 STX FRONTIER 153,000 2010 4 STX Pan Ocean
9361990 TANGGUH SAGO 155,000 2009 3 Teekay
9230048 HISPANIA SPIRIT 138,517 2002 8 Teekay
9333632 TANGGUH HIRI 155,000 2008 11 Teekay
9247364 GALICIA SPIRIT 140,624 2004 7 Teekay
9259276 MADRID SPIRIT 138,000 2004 12 Teekay
9236420 CATALUNYA SPIRIT 138,000 2003 8 Teekay
9001784 ARCTIC SPIRIT 89,089 1993 12 Teekay
9001772 POLAR SPIRIT 88,996 1993 6 Teekay
9342487 MAERSK MAGELLAN 165,500 2009 3 Teekay LNG Partners

9339260 MAERSK ARWA 165,500 2008 9 Teekay LNG Partners
9336737 MAERSK METHANE 165,500 2008 2 Teekay LNG Partners
9336749 MAERSK MARIB 165,500 2008 5 Teekay LNG Partners
9369899 WOODSIDE DONALDSON 165,500 2009 10 Teekay LNG Partners
9369904 MAERSK MERIDIAN 165,500 2010 1 Teekay LNG Partners
9321732 MAERSK QATAR 145,130 2006 4 Teekay LNG Partners
9255854 MAERSK RAS LAFFAN 138,270 2004 3 Teekay LNG Partners
9360893 AL SHAMAL 217,000 2008 6 Teekay/QGTC
9360908 AL KHUWAIR 217,000 2008 6 Teekay/QGTC
9360879 AL HUWAILA 217,000 2008 5 Teekay/QGTC
9360881 AL KHARSAAH 217,000 2008 6 Teekay/QGTC
9325697 AL AREESH 151,700 2007 1 Teekay/QGTC
9325702 AL DAAYEN 151,700 2007 3 Teekay/QGTC
9325685 AL MARROUNA 151,816 2006 9 Teekay/QGTC
IMO no. Name LiqCub Blt Blt Mth Subtype Commercial owner
9247962 PACIFIC NOTUS 137,006 2003 9 Tokyo Electric/NYK/
Mitsubishi Corp
9343106 ALTO ACRUX 147,798 2008 3 Tokyo Electric/NYK/
Mitsubishi Corp
9376294 CYGNUS PASSAGE 145,000 2009 1 Tokyo Electric/NYK/
Mitsubishi Corp
9264910 PACIFIC EURUS 135,000 2006 3 Tokyo Electric/NYK/
Mitsubishi Corp
9269180 ENERGY ADVANCE 147,624 2005 3 Tokyo Gas
9355264 ENERGY NAVIGATOR 147,558 2008 6 Tokyo LNG/Mitsui OSK
9245720 ENERGY FRONTIER 147,599 2003 9 Tokyo LNG/Mitsui OSK
9324277 NEO ENERGY 146,735 2007 2 Tsakos

9469235 2,512 2008 11 Tsurumi Sunmarine
7359670 TRANSGAS 129,323 1977 12 Unknown
9404584 CORAL METHANE 7,350 2009 4 Veder A.
Under Construction
9486738 STX JINHAE 5003 160,000 2015 4 Anangel Shipping Ent.
9486740 STX JINHAE 5004 160,000 2015 4 Anangel Shipping Ent.
9627966 DAEWOO 2290 160,500 2014 2 Awilco LNG
9627954 DAEWOO 2289 160,500 2013 9 Awilco LNG
9645970 HYUNDAI 2580 155,000 2013 9 BW Gas
9640437 HYUNDAI 2571 155,000 2014 11 BW Gas
9640645 HYUNDAI 2572 155,000 2015 3 BW Gas
9636711 DAEWOO 2297 159,000 2014 3 Cardiff Marine
9636735 DAEWOO 2400 159,000 2014 7 Cardiff Marine
9636747 DAEWOO 2401 159,000 2014 9 Cardiff Marine
9636723 DAEWOO 2298 159,000 2014 5 Cardiff Marine
9610779 SAMSUNG 1942 160,000 2015 5 Chevron
9610767 SAMSUNG 1941 160,000 2015 2 Chevron
9606950 SAMSUNG 1921 154,800 2013 12 Chevron
9606948 SAMSUNG 1920 154,800 2013 10 Chevron
9583677 SHEN HAI 147,210 2012 11 China LNG Shipping
9629586 HYUNDAI 2556 155,000 2013 7 Dynagas
9637492 HYUNDAI 2558 155,000 2014 3 Dynagas
9629598 HYUNDAI 2557 155,000 2013 10 Dynagas
9637507 HYUNDAI 2565 155,000 2014 8 Dynagas
9638525 DAEWOO 2402 173,400 2014 5 FSRU Excelerate
9480356 SAMSUNG 1839 220,000 2012 4 FLNG FLEX LNG
9438107 SAMSUNG 1762 220,000 2014 11 FLNG FLEX LNG
9514573 SAMSUNG 1850 220,000 2012 9 FLNG FLEX LNG

9438092 SAMSUNG 1761 220,000 2013 9 FLNG FLEX LNG
9638915 SAMSUNG 2044 155,000 2014 10 GasLog
9634098 SAMSUNG 2042 155,000 2014 3 GasLog
9600528 SAMSUNG 1946 155,000 2013 3 GasLog
9626285 SAMSUNG 2017 155,000 2013 7 GasLog
9634086 SAMSUNG 2041 155,000 2013 12 GasLog
9600530 SAMSUNG 1947 155,000 2013 6 GasLog
9638903 SAMSUNG 2043 155,000 2014 6 GasLog
9626273 SAMSUNG 2016 155,000 2013 5 GasLog
9637765 SAMSUNG 170,000 2013 9 REGAS Golar LNG
9626027 SAMSUNG 2026 160,000 2014 4 Golar LNG
9635315 SAMSUNG 2047 160,000 2014 7 Golar LNG
9624926 SAMSUNG 2022 160,000 2013 7 Golar LNG
9624940 SAMSUNG 2024 160,000 2014 1 Golar LNG
IMO no. Name LiqCub Blt Blt Mth Subtype Commercial owner
Under Construction
9637325 SAMSUNG 2048 160,000 2014 9 Golar LNG
9624914 SAMSUNG 2021 160,000 2013 4 Golar LNG
9624938 SAMSUNG 2023 160,000 2013 10 Golar LNG
9626039 SAMSUNG 2027 160,000 2014 8 Golar LNG
9629536 HYUNDAI ULSAN 2549 170,000 2014 2 FSRU Hoegh L. & Co.
9629524 HYUNDAI ULSAN 2548 170,000 2013 12 FSRU Hoegh L. & Co.
9627497 DAEWOO 2291 156,000 2014 6 Maran Gas Maritime
9633173 DAEWOO 2296 156,000 2013 12 Maran Gas Maritime

9627502 DAEWOO 2292 156,000 2015 6 Maran Gas Maritime
9633161 DAEWOO 2295 156,000 2013 10 Maran Gas Maritime
9627485 DAEWOO 2288 156,000 2013 6 Maran Gas Maritime
9633434 HYUNDAI SAMHO S625 156,000 2014 4 Maran Gas Maritime
9633422 HYUNDAI SAMHO S624 156,000 2013 12 Maran Gas Maritime
9613161 HUDONG ZHONGHUA 170,000 2016 4 Mitsui O.S.K.
9613135 HUDONG ZHONGHUA 170,000 2014 5 Mitsui O.S.K.
9613159 HUDONG ZHONGHUA 170,000 2015 9 Mitsui O.S.K.
9613147 HUDONG ZHONGHUA 170,000 2015 1 Mitsui O.S.K.
9645736 MITSUBISHI NAGASAKI 153,000 2014 4 Mitsui O.S.K.
9645748 MITSUBISHI NAGASAKI 153,000 2015 2 Mitsui O.S.K.
9540716 KAWASAKI 1665 177,000 2013 1 NYK
9607760 MITSUBISHI NAGASAKI 145,000 2013 6 NYK
9621077 MITSUBISHI NAGASAKI 2289 145,400 2014 2 NYK
9491812 CUBAL 160,000 2012 1 NYK/MBK/Teekay
9468451 DINGHENG JIANGSU 2007-003 12,000 2012 2 Skaugen I.M.
9468463 DINGHENG JIANGSU 2007-004 12,000 2012 6 Skaugen I.M.
9378307 NORGAS CONCEPTION 10,000 2011 11 Skaugen I.M.
9482304 SONANGOL BENGUELA 160,500 2011 12 SONANGOL

9630004 STX JINHAE 1910 170,200 2013 8 Sovcomflot
9630028 STX JINHAE 1911 170,200 2014 3 Sovcomflot
9644421 DAEWOO 171,800 2015 2 Stena
9644419 DAEWOO 171,800 2014 2 Stena
9636785 SAMSUNG 2045 160,000 2013 12 Thenamaris
9636797 SAMSUNG 2046 160,000 2014 3 Thenamaris
9640023 SAMSUNG 2049 160,000 2014 7 Thenamaris
9617698 MEYER WERFT 665 15,000 2012 12 Veder A.

Source: EA Gibson
Appendix CWorldwide LNG Regasification Terminals

Location/site/ No. of Total No. of Nominal Capacity, Status Start- Principal owner
project storage storage vaporizers send-out million up year
tanks capacity (excluding capacity tpy*
in cm back-up in NG
(liq) capacity) bcm/y
France Fos-sur-Mer 3 150,000 15 5.5 5.1 O 1972 Elengy (GDF
(Fos Tonkin) Suez)
Montoir de 3 360,000 11 10 7.5 O 1980 Elengy (GDF
Bretagne Suez)
Montoir de 1.8 C 2015

Fos-Cavaou 3 330,000 4 8.25 6.0 O 2009 Socit du
2010 Terminal
Methanier Fos
Cavaou (GDF
Suez, Total SA)
Antifer, 6.5 A 2015 Gaz de
La Havre Normandie
(Poweo 73%;
Dunkerque 5.8 C 2015 EDF 65%;
Fluxys 25%;
Total 10%
Spain Barcelona 6 540,000 13 17.08 12.5 O 1968, Enagas
Huelva 4 460,000 9 11.83 8.6 O 1988; Enagas
Cartagena 4 437,000 9 11.8 8.6 O 1989, Enagas
Bilbao 2 300,000 4 7 5.9 O 2003 BBG (Enagas,
Mugardos 2 300,000 3 3.6 2.6 O 2007 Reganosa
(El Ferrol) Group, Union

local companies
Sagunto 3 450,000 5 8.76 6.3 O 2007, Union Fenosa,
2009 Iberdrola,
Oman Oil,
Osaka Gas
El Musel, Gijon 5.1 C 2013 Enagas
Palos de la 3.0 A 2015 Energas
Italy Panigaglia 2 100,000 4 3.32 2.5 O 1969 GNL Italia
Rovigo 5 8 5.8 O 2009 Adriatic LNG
(Atlantic LNG) (ExxonMobil,
QP, Edison)
Location/site/ No. of Total No. of Nominal Capacity, Status Start- Principal owner
project storage storage vaporizers send-out million up year
tanks capacity (excluding capacity tpy*
in cm back-up in NG
(liq) capacity) bcm/y
Livorno (FRSU) 2.73.4 C 20111 OLT Offshore
LNG Toscana
SPA (Endesa,
OLT-E, Golar)
Porto Empedocle 5.8 A 2016 Nuove Energie
(Enel 90%;

Group 10%)
Belgium Zeebrugge 4 380,000 11 9 6.6 O 1987 GDF Suez,
Turkey Marmara Ereglisi 3 255,000 7 6.2 4.8 O 1992 Botas
Aliaga/Izmir 2 280,000 5 6 4.4 O 2006 Egegaz
Greece Revithoussa 2 130,000 6 5 2.3 O 2000 Depa S.A.
Portugal Sines 2 240,000 5 5.2 4.00 O 2004 Ren Atlantico
Sines Expansion 1 150,000 2009
Project 2012
United Kingdom Isle of Grain 8 1,000,000 14 19.5 14.8 O 2005 National Grid
Teesside 1 138,000 3.0 O 2007 Excelerate Energy
Milford Haven 5 775,000 15 21 15.6 O 2009 South Hook
(South Hook LNG (QP,
LNG) ExxonMobil,
Milford Haven 2 320,000 6 6 6.6 O 2009 Dragon LNG
(Dragon LNG) (BG, Petronas,
Walney Island, 5.8 A 2013 Port Meridan
FLNG Energy (Hoegh
Netherlands* Gate LNG 8.8 O 2011 Gasunie, Vopak,

Dong Energy,
E.ON Ruhrgas
Poland* winoujcie 1.0 C 2014 PGNiG
Canada St. John, NB 3 160,000 8 10 7.5 O 2009 Canaport LNG
(Canaport (Irving Oil,
LNG) Repsol)
United States Everett, Mass. 2 155,000 4 6.9 6.1 O 1971 GDF Suez LNG
Elba Island, Ga. 5 535,000 11 16.3 11.4 O 1978 Southern
2010 LNG (El Paso)
(restarted 2001,
Location/site/ No. of Total No. of Nominal Capacity, Status Start- Principal owner
project storage storage vaporizers send-out million up year
tanks capacity (excluding capacity tpy*
in cm back-up in NG
(liq) capacity) bcm/y
Lake Charles, La. 4 425,000 14 24.3 14.0 O 1982 Trunkline
Cove Point, Md. 5 380,000 10 10.74 13.8 O 1978 Dominion Cove
2003 Point (restarted

Gulf Gateway, 1 150,000 4.6 3.3 Clsd 2005 Excelerate Energy
offshore (facility retired
Louisiana 2011)
Northeast 1 150,000 4.6 3.0 O 2008 Excelerate Energy
offshore Mass.
Freeport, Tex. 2 330,694 7 18 11.4 O 2008 Freeport LNG
(Freeport Development
LNG) (Michael
Hackberry, La. 3 480,000 10 15.5 11.4 O 2009 Cameron LNG
(Cameron (Sempra)
Sabine Pass, 3 480,000 16 27 30.5 O 2008 Cheniere Energy
La (Cheniere).
Sabine Pass, Tex 5 775,000 9.8 15.6 O 2010 Golden Pass
(Golden Pass) (ExxonMobil,
Neptune LNG, 2 290,000 3.9 3.8 O 2010 GDF Suez LNG
offshore Mass.
Pascagoula, 5.0 O 2011 Gulf LNG
Miss. (Gulf Energy (GE
LNG) Energy Finan.
Ser., Sonangol,

El Paso)
Dominican Andres (Punta 1 160,000 2 2.32 1.8 O 2003 AE SAndres
Republic Caucedo) Corp.
Mexico Altamira, 2 300,000 5 7.8 3.8 O 2006 Shell (50%),
Tamulipas Total (25%),
Mitsui (25%)
Enseada, 2 320,000 6 10.33 7.5 O 2008 Energa Costa
Baja California Azul (Sempra)
(Energia Costa
Enseada, 7.5 A TBD
Baja California
Location/site/ No. of Total No. of Nominal Capacity, Status Start- Principal owner
project storage storage vaporizers send-out million up year
tanks capacity (excluding capacity tpy*
in cm back-up in NG
(liq) capacity) bcm/y
Manzanillo, 3.8 O 2011 Terminal de GNL
Colima (Samsung,
Korea Gas,
Puerto Rico Penuelas, 1 160,000 2 3.75 2.7 O 2000 Gas Natural and
Puerto Rico International

Argentina Bahia Blanca 6 3 3 O 2008 Repsol, YPF
Escobar 3.8 O 2011 Enarsa, YPF
Cuatreros, 3 O 2012 Enarsa, YPF
Bahia Blanca
Buenos Aires- 2.74.5 C 2013 Enarsa, ANCAP,
Montevideo UTE
San Antonio 5 A 2014 Enarsa
Oeste, Rio
Negro (FLNG)
Brazil Pecem (FRSU) 1 129,000 2 2.5 1.5 O 2009 Petrobras
Guanabara 1 138,000 2 5 3.5 O 2009 Petrobras
Bay (FRSU)
Bay of All 3.7 A 2013 Petrobras
Saints, Bahia
Chile Quintero 3 344,000 3 3.65 2.5 O 2009 GNL Quintero
Mejillones (FSU) 1 154,500 3 2 1.5 O 2010 GNLM
Dubai Jebel Ali 1 125,850 3 3.72 O 2010 Dubai Supply
(FSRU) Authority
(charter from
Golar LNG)

Kuwait Mina Al Ahmadi 1 150,000 7.07 0.01 O 2009 Kuwait national
(GasPort) Petroleum Co.
China Dapend, 3 480,000 7 4.9 6.7 O 2006 Dapeng LNG:
Shenzhen CNOOC, BP
Fujian 2 320,000 3.7 2.6 O 2008 Fujain LNG
(CNOOC 60%,
Fujian NV &
Dev. Corp.
Shanghai, 3 120,000 0.2 O 2008 Shanghai Gas
Mengtougou Group
Shanghai, 3 495,000 4.1 3.0 O 2009 Shanghai LNG
Yangshan (CNOOC 45%,
Location/site/ No. of Total No. of Nominal Capacity, Status Start- Principal owner
project storage storage vaporizers send-out million up year
tanks capacity (excluding capacity tpy*
in cm back-up in NG
(liq) capacity) bcm/y
(Ximentang Shenenergy
Isle) Group 55%)
Shanghai 3.0 A* TBD
Dalian 3.5 O 2011 Kunlun
Energy (75%),
Dalian Port
(20%), Dalian

Zhejiang 3.5 C 2012 CNOOC,
Ningbo Zhejiang
Energy Group,
Ningbo Power
Jiangsu 3.5 O 2011 Kunlun Energy
Rudong (55%), Pacific
Oil and Gas
(35%), Jiangsu
Group (10%)
Shandong 3.0 C 2013 Sinopec, China
Quindao Huaneng
Zhuhai 3.5 C 2013 CNOOC Gas &
Jinwan LNG, Power Group
Zhuhai 3.5 A* 2015
Jinwan LNG
Tianjin 2.2 A 2013 CNOOC Gas &
(FSRU) Power Group
Tianjin 6.0 A 2015 CNOOC Gas &
Power Group
Yuedong 2.0 C 2013 CNOOC

LNG, Jieyang,
Shenzhen city, 2.5 A* 2014 PetroChina
Heiyangang, 2.0 A* 201516 CNOOC
Hainan Hainan Natural
Yangpu Gas (CNOOC
Economic Dev. 65%; Hainan
Zn. Development
Holdings 35%)
*Approved by
India Dahej 4 592,000 19 12.5 11.65 O 2004, Petronet LNG
Location/site/ No. of Total No. of Nominal Capacity, Status Start- Principal owner
project storage storage vaporizers send-out million up year
tanks capacity (excluding capacity tpy*
in cm back-up in NG
(liq) capacity) bcm/y
Hazira 2 320,000 5 3.4 3.60 O 2005 Hazira LNG
Private Ltd
(Shel 74%,
Tota 26%)l
Hazira Expansion 1.40 A 2013
Dabhol 5.50 O 2011 Ratnagiri LNG

State Electricity
Kochi, Kerala 2.50 C 2012 Petronet LNG
Kochi, Kerala, 2.50 A 201213
Japan Nigishi 14 1,180,000 14 15 12.10 O 1969 Tokyo Gas
Senboku I, 4 180,000 5 2.94 2.50 O 1972 Osaka Gas
Senboku II, 18 1,585,000 15 15.7 12.90 O 1977 Osaka Gas
Sodegaura, 35 2,660,000 36 41.6 29.30 O 1973 Tokyo Gas
Chita Kyoda 4 300,000 14 9.89 7.6 O 1978 Toho Gas, Chubu
Joint Terminal, Electric
Tobata, 8 480,000 9 10.28 6.8 O 1977 Kita Kyushu
Kitakyushu LNG
Himeji LNG 7 520,000 8 11 8.5 O 1979 Kansai Electric,
Osaka Gas
Chita LNG 7 640,000 11 15.7 11.5 O 1983 Chubu Electric,
Toho Gas
Higashi 9 540,000 9 18 15.5 O 1984 Tokyo Electric
Kawasaki City

Niigata, 8 720,000 14 11.6 9.0 O 1984 Nihonkai LNG
Higata Higashi Co. Ltd.,
Port (Nihonkai Tohoku
LNG) Electric
Himeji 8 740,000 6 6.4 5.0 O 1984 Osaka Gas,
Kansai Electric
Futtsu, Chiba 10 1,110,000 13 26 20.1 O 1985 TEPCO
Yokkaichi 4 320,000 8 9.2 7.1 O 1988 Chubu Electric
LNG Centre
Yanai 6 480,000 5 3.1 2.4 O 1990 Chugoku Electric
Oita, Oita City 5 460,000 6 6.27 4.9 O 1990 Oita LNG
Yokkaichi 2 160,000 4 2 0.7 O 1991 Toho Gas, Chubu
Works, Mie Electric
Fukuoka 2 70,000 7 1.1 0.9 O 1993 Saibu Gas
Location/site/ No. of Total No. of Nominal Capacity, Status Start- Principal owner
project storage storage vaporizers send-out million up year
tanks capacity (excluding capacity tpy*
in cm back-up in NG
(liq) capacity) bcm/y
Omuta satellite, 0.5 O 2011 Saibu Gas
Hatsukaichi, 2 170,000 4 1.15 0.6 O 1996 Hiroshima Gas
Kagoshima, 2 86,000 3 0.3 0.2 O 1996 Nippon Gas

Kawagoe, Mie 4 480,000 4 7.1 5.5 O 1997 Chubu Electric
Sodeshi, 3 337,200 8 3.9 0.9 O 1996 Shimizu LNG
Ohgishima, 3 600,000 10 12.4 6.0 (1998) O 1998, Tokyo Gas
Yokohama 2009
Shin-Minato, 1 80,000 3 0.38 0.3 O 1997 Sendai Gas
Sendai City
Chita 2 400,000 7 9.2 5.4 O 2001 Toho Gas, Chubu
Midorihama, Electric
Nagasaki 1 35,000 3 0.2 0.1 O 2003 Saibu Gas
Mizushima, 1 160,000 3 1.3 0.6 O 2006 Mzushima LNG
Sakai, Osaka 3 420,000 6 8.7 2.1 O 2006 Kansai Electric
Sakaide, 1 180,000 3 1.64 1.3 O 2010 Shikoku Elec.
Shikoku Power; Cosmo
Oil; Shikoku
Okinawa 0.3 O 2012 Okinawa Electric
Ishikari, TBA C 201213 Hokkaido Gas
Hokkaido Co., Ltd
Naoetsu, 1.0 C 2014 Inpex Holdings
Joetsu City,

Hachinohe, TBA C 2015 JX Nippon Oil &
Hokkaido Energy
Hitachi, TBA A 2015 Tokyo Gas
Kita Kyushu TBA A 2014 Hibiki (Saibu
City, Fukuoka Gas; Kyushu
Pref. Electric)
Shin-Sendai TBA A 2016 Tohoku
Toyama TBA A 2018 Hokuriku Electric
Shinko, 2019 Power
Location/site/ No. of Total No. of Nominal Capacity, Status Start- Principal owner
project storage storage vaporizers send-out million up year
tanks capacity (excluding capacity tpy*
in cm back-up in NG
(liq) capacity) bcm/y
Joetsu TBA A TBD Chubu Electric,
Tohoku Electric
S. Korea Pyeong-Taek 14 1,560,000 31 40.28 31.20 O 1986 Korea Gas Corp.
Inchon 20 2,680,000 33 40.99 32.80 O 1996 Korea Gas Corp.
Tong-Yeong 12 1,680,000 12 20.72 15.00 O 2002 Korea Gas Corp.
Gwangyang 3 365,000 2 2.3 1.80 O 2005 Posco
Samcheok 18.35 C 2013 Korea Gas Corp.

Taiwan Yung-An 6 690,000 16 23 17.9 O 1990 CPC Corp.
Taichung 3 480,000 6 9 3.0 O 2009 CPC Corp.
Thailand* Map Ta Phut, 5.0 O 2011 PTT LNG
Rayong Prov. Co. Ltd.,
Egco Group,
Singapore* Jurong Island, 3.50 C 2013 Singapore LNG
Singapore (Energy
Indonesia* Jakarta Bay, 3.80 C 2012 Nusantara Regas
West Java (Pertamina,
FRSU 60%;
Gas Negara
Malaysia* Mukim Sungai 3.80 C 2012 Petronas

Udang, Melaka
(jetty regas)
Pakistan* Karachi 3.5 A 2013 Sui Southern Gas
(offshore) Co.

Note: Status: O 5 Operating; C 5 Under construction; A 5 Announced.

Sources: GIIGNL, The LNG Industry 2010; Oil&Gas Journal 2012 LNG World Trade Map*
Appendix DCompanies with Major Holdings in LNG and Other
Notable Projects by Company

Company Lead role in LNG export and Participation in LNG export and LNG regasification
other major export projects other major projects
Shell Brunei, Malaysia, Nigeria LNG, North West Shelf, Australia; Altamira, Costa Azul, Mexico;
Oman LNG, Sakhalin II, Russia, Qatargas 4 (Train 7); Gorgon, Hazira, India; Broadwater, Cove
Shell Australia LNG Prelude, Australia; Greater Sunrise OK Point, Elba Island, US; Fos
Australia Pearl GTL, Qatar LNG, Nigeria Faster, France; Ionio LNG, Italy
Total Yemen LNG; Shtokman Bontang, Indonesia Brunei, Abu Fos Cavaou, Dunkirk France;

(Technical), Russia; Pars LNG, Dhabi; Oman; Snohvit, Norway; Altamira, Mexico; Hazira, India;
Iran (suspended) Nigeria LNG; Angola LNG; Brass Sabine Pass, US; South Hook,
LNG, Nigeria; Barnett Shale UK; Krk Island, Croatia
BP Tangguh, Indonesia Abu Dhabi; North West Shelf; Cove Point, US; Isle of Grain,
Bontang, Indonesia UK; Guangdong Dapeng, China
ExxonMobil Arun, Indonesia; PNG LNG, Qatargas 1&2, RasGas, Gorgon, South Hook, UK; Golden Pass,
Papua New Guinea Australia XTO (shale) US; Rovigo, Italy
Chevron Angola LNG; Gorgon, North West Shelf, Australia; OK Sabine Pass, US
Wheatstone, Australia LNG, Nigeria
ENI Libya (?) Segas, Egypt Qalhat, Oman Darwin Panigaglia, Italy; Spain via Union
LNG, Australia Brass LNG, Nigeria Fenosa Gas; Cameron, US
ConocoPhillips Kenai, Alaska; Darwin, Qatargas 3 (T6) Brass LNG, Nigeria Freeport, Golden Pass, US
Australia; Australia Pacific LNG Greater Sunrise
Marathon Equatorial Guinea LNG Kenai, Alaska Elba Island, Georgia (US)
BG Group Egyptian LNG; Queensland Atlantic LNG, Trinidad; Equatorial Lake Charles, US; Dragon,
Curtis LNG, Australia Guinea LNG; OK LNG, Nigeria; Wales; Brindisi, Italy
Sabine Pass, US
Repsol Peru LNG Atlantic LNG, Trinidad Canaport, Canada
GDF Suez Bonaparte LNG, Australia Egyptian LNG T1; Snohvit, France; UK; Belgium; India; US;
Norway; Trinidad T1 Chile; Canada; Italy; Pakistan

Woodside North West Shelf, Pluto, Browse
LNG, Australia; Greater Sunrise
StatoilHydro Snohvit, Norway Egyptian LNG; Gladstone LNG, Dragon LNG, UK; Port Dickson,
Australia Malaysia
Inpex Ichthys, Australia; Masela, Bontang, Indonesia Naoetsu
Cheniere Sabine Pass LNG, US (proposed) Sabine Pass LNG, US (proposed) Sabine Pass LNG, US

Sources: IEA MTOGM 2010; Company data

Appendix ENorth American LNG Import/Export Terminals
Proposed/Potential (as of July 17, 2012)

Source: US DOE/FERC,
Appendix FApplications Received by DOE/FE to Export Domestically
Produced LNG from the Lower-48 States (as of July 16,

Company Quantity(a) FTA applications(b) Non-FTA applications(c)

(Docket number) (Docket number)
Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC 2.2 billion cubic feet Approved (10-85-LNG) Approved (10-111-LNG)
per day (Bcf/d)(d)
Freeport LNG Expansion, L.P. and 1.4 Bcf/d(d) Approved (10-160-LNG) Under DOE Review
FLNG Liquefaction, LLC (10-161-LNG)
Lake Charles Exports, LLC(e) 2.0 Bcf/d(d) Approved (11-59-LNG) Under DOE Review
Carib Energy (USA) LLC 0.03 Bcf/d:FTA Approved (11-71-LNG) Under DOE Review

0.01 Bcf/d: non FTA(f) (11-141-LNG)
Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP 1.0 Bcf/d(d) Approved (11-115-LNG) Under DOE Review
Jordan Cove Energy Project, L.P. 1.2 Bcf/d: FTA Approved (11-127-LNG) Under DOE Review
0.8 Bcf/d: non-FTA(g) (12-32-LNG)
Cameron LNG, LLC 1.7 Bcf/d(d) Approved (11-145-LNG) Under DOE Review
Freeport LNG Expansion, L.P. and 1.4 Bcf/d(d) Approved (12-06-LNG) Under DOE Review
FLNG Liquefaction, LLC(h) (11-161-LNG)
Gulf Coast LNG Export, LLC(i) 2.8 Bcf/d Under DOE Review (12-05-LNG)
Cambridge Energy, LLC 0.27 Bcf/d(j) Pending Approval (12-18-LNG) n/a
Gulf LNG Liquefaction Company, LLC 1.5 Bcf/d Approved (12-47-LNG) n/a
LNG Development Company, LLC 1.25 Bcf/d: FTA Approved (12-48-LNG) Under DOE Review
(d/b/a Oregon LNG) 1.3 Bcf/d: non-FTA (12-77-LNG)
SB Power Solutions Inc. 0.07 Bcf/d Approved (12-50-LNG) n/a
Company Quantity(a) FTA applications(b) Non-FTA applications(c)
(Docket number) (Docket number)
Southern LNG Company, L.L.C. 0.5 Bcf/d Approved (12-54-LNG) n/a
Excelerate Liquefaction Solution I, LLC 1.38 Bcf/d Pending Approval (12-61-LNG) n/a
Total of all applications received 18.70 Bcf/d 14.61 Bcf/d

(a) Actual applications were in the equivalent annual quantities.
(b) FTA Applications to export to free trade agreement (FTA) countries. The Natural Gas Act, as amended, has deemed FTA exports to be in
the public interest and applications shall be authorized without modification or delay.
(c) Non-FTA applications require DOE to post a notice of application in the Federal Register for comments, protests and motions to intervene,
and to evaluate the application to make a public interest consistency determination.
(d) Requested approval of this quantity in both the FTA and non-FTA export applications. Total facility is limited to this quantity (i.e. FTA and
non-FTA volumes are not additive at a facility).
(e) Lake Charles Exports, LLC submitted one application seeking separate authorizations to export LNG to FTA countries and another

authorization to export to non-FTA countries. The proposed facility has a capacity of 2.0 Bcf/d, which is the volume requested in both the
FTA and non-FTA authorizations. [From the October 12, 2012 update, available at
(f) Carib Energy (USA) LLC requested authority to export the equivalent of 11.53 Bcf per year of natural gas to FTA countries and 3.44 Bcf per
year to non-FTA countries.
(g) Jordan Cove Energy Project, L.P. requested authority to export the equivalent of 1.2 Bcf/d of natural gas to FTA countries and 0.8 Bcf/d to
non-FTA countries.
(h) DOE/FE received a new application (11-161-LNG) by FLEX to export an additional 1.4 Bcf/d of LNG from new trains to be located at
the Freeport LNG Terminal, to non-FTA countries, and a separate application (12-06-LNG) to export this same 1.4 Bcf/d of LNG to FTA
countries (received January 12, 2012). This 1.4 Bcf/d is in addition to the 1.4 Bcf/d FLEX requested in dockets (10-160-LNG and 10-161-LNG).
(i) An application was submitted by Gulf Coast on January 10, 2012, seeking one authorization to export LNG to any country not prohibited by
US law or policy.
(j) Cambridge Energy, LLC requested authority to export up to 2 million metric tons of LNG annually, equivalent to an average of 0.27 Bcf/d of
natural gas to FTA countries in Central and South America, the Caribbean, and the Asia/Pacific region.

Source: Office of Oil and Gas Global Security and Supply, Office of Fossil Energy, US Department of Energy,
Annual contract quantity (ACQ): The quantity delivered in each contract
year, as specified in a gas or LNG sales contract.
Annual delivery program (ADP): The annual program for the delivery and
receipt of LNG cargoes. The ADP is usually agreed on between sellers
and buyers before the beginning of each contract year.
Associated natural gas: Gas found mixed with oil in underground reser-
voirs. Associated natural gas comes out of solution as a by-product of
oil production.
Baseload: The volume of gas designed to be delivered by a system that does
not fluctuate significantly.
Boil-off or Boil-off gas: The gas produced when LNG in a storage vessel
evaporates as heat leaks into the liquid. This vaporized gas can be recov-
ered and used as energy. The evaporation process keeps the liquid cool
and is called auto-refrigeration.
Burner tip: The ultimate point of consumption for natural gas.
Cargo containment system: The method of storing LNG in a ship.
Charterparty: A contractual agreement between a shipowner and a cargo
owner, whereby a ship is chartered (hired) for a single voyage or over a
period of time.
CIF (cost, insurance, and freight) contract: An LNG sales and purchase
agreement in which the buyer of the LNG takes ownership either when
the LNG is loaded onto the vessel or during the voyage to the receiv-
ing terminal. Payment is made at the time of the transfer of ownership:
however, the seller remains responsible for the transportation and the
transportation cost.
Combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT): The combination of gas turbines
with a waste heat recovery steam generator and a steam turbine in an
electric power generation plant.
Compressed natural gas (CNG): Natural gas compressed under high pres-
sures, usually between 3,000 and 3,600 psi. CNG may be used as a
vehicle fuel.
Condensates: Hydrocarbon liquids, existing as vapor in a natural gas reser-
voir that condense to liquids as their temperature and pressure decrease
during production. Natural gas condensates consist mainly of pentanes

464 Energy for the 21st century

(C5H12) and heavier components. They are usually blended with crude
oil for refining.
Daily average sendout: The total volume of natural gas delivered over a
defined period of time divided by the total number of days in the period.
Debottlenecking: The process of increasing the capacity of a plant by
making relatively minor modifications to individual systems.
Deliverability: The amount of natural gas that a well, field, pipeline, or
distribution system can supply in a given period (typically 24 hours).
Delivery at Place (DAP): Term used when the seller is providing the LNG
shipping to the buyers facility.
Delivery at Terminal (DAT): Term used when the seller is providing the
LNG shipping to the buyers facility.
Delivery Ex-ship (DES) contract: An LNG sales and purchase agreement
in which title to the LNG is transferred to the buyer when the LNG is
unloaded at the receiving terminal and payment is made. The term DES
has been replaced by DAP as per Incoterms 2010.
Deregulation: The process of decreasing or eliminating government regu-
latory control over industries and allowing competitive forces to drive
the market.
Downstream: Oil or gas operations that are closer to the end user (see
Draft: The vertical distance from the waterline to the lowest point of the
ship, or stated another way, the least depth of water needed for the ship
to float.
Dry gas: Natural gas that doesnt contain liquid hydrocarbons.
Engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract: The EPC con-
tract defines the terms under which the detailed design, procurement,
construction, and commissioning of an LNG export or import facility
will be conducted.
Exclusion zone: An area surrounding an LNG plant in which an opera-
tor legally controls all activities. The exclusion zone creates a buffer in
the event of an LNG incident. It provides thermal-radiation protection
from fires and flammable vapor-dispersion protection from un-ignited
vapor clouds.
Feedstock gas (feedgas): Dry natural gas used as raw material for LNG,
petrochemical, and gas-to-liquids plants.
FERC: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (United States).
FERC regulates interstate transmission of gas and electricity as well as
aspects of LNG terminal siting.
Flaring: Burning off unwanted natural gas under controlled conditions.
Force majeure: French for greater force. Force majeure is a common
clause in contracts that essentially releases one or both parties from
Glossary 465

liability or obligation when an extraordinary event beyond the control

of the parties, such as war, strike, riot, crime, act of God (e.g., flood,
earthquake, or volcano), prevents one or both parties from wholly or
partially performing their obligations under the contract.
Free on board (FOB) contract: An LNG sales and purchase agreement in
which the buyer takes title to the LNG on loading at the liquefaction
plant and is responsible for transporting it to the receiving terminal.
Front-end engineering design (FEED): The engineering phase that defines
the design parameters of a project in sufficient detail to permit an
accurate assessment of the projects costs prior to the final investment
decision and to provide the basis for the competitive bidding of an EPC
Gas reserves: Gas deposits that geologists and petroleum engineers know
or strongly believe can be recovered given todays prices and drilling
technology. The term reserves is distinct from the term resources,
which includes all the deposits of gas that are still in the ground.
Gas-to-liquids (GTL): A process that converts natural gas into high-value
liquid fuels similar to diesel, distillate or heating oil.
Greenfield plant: A brand-new facility built on a parcel of land which has
not previously been used for that purpose.
Heads of agreement (HoA): A document outlining the main issues to be
included in a subsequent contract or agreement (e.g., the sale and pur-
chase of LNG). It serves as a guideline for both parties negotiating the
final documents. HoAs may be binding or non-binding.
Heating value (HV): The amount of heat produced from the complete
combustion of a unit quantity of fuel. The gross HV occurs when all
the products of combustion are cooled to standard conditions and the
latent heat of the water vapor formed is reclaimed. The net HV is the
gross value minus the latent heat of the vaporization of the water.
Henry Hub: A point on the U.S. natural gas pipeline system in Erath,
Louisiana. Henry Hub is owned by Sabine Pipe Line LLC and intercon-
nects with nine interstate and four intrastate pipelines. It is the standard
delivery point for NYMEX natural gas future contracts in the United
States and is the point at which the benchmark natural gas price is set
for the Gulf Coast.
Hub: A physical location where multiple pipelines interconnect and where
buyers and sellers can make transactions.
Hydrocarbon: An organic chemical compound of hydrogen and carbon in
gaseous, liquid, or solid phase.
Interchangeability: The ability to substitute one gaseous fuel for another in
a combustion application without materially changing operational safety
or performance and without materially increasing air pollutant emissions.
466 Energy for the 21st century

Liquefied natural gas (LNG): Natural gas, consisting mainly of methane

(CH4) that has been liquefied by cooling to 260F (161C) at atmos-
pheric pressure. LNG occupies approximately l/600th of the space
required for the vapor state at standard conditions.
Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG): Hydrocarbons that are gases at normal
temperatures and pressures but readily turn into liquids under moderate
pressure at normal temperatures, including propane, propylene, butane,
isobutane, butylenes, or mixtures in any ratio.
LNG chain: The components of an LNG project that link the natural gas
in the ground to the ultimate consumer. The main links are natural gas
production and processing, liquefaction, shipping, regasification, and
LNG tanker: A tanker ship designed to transport LNG. An LNG tanker
must have insulation and cryogenic facilities to keep LNG cool enough
to stay in liquid form.
Manufactured gas: Gas produced from oil, coal, or coke.
Natural gas liquids (NGL): Liquid hydrocarbons extracted from natural
gas in the field, typically ethane, propane, butane, pentane, and natural
Natural gas processing: The treatment of field gas for use as pipeline
quality gas or as a feedstock for a liquefaction plant. Processing includes
removing liquids, solids, vapors, and impurities.
Net back price: The price that the producer of natural gas receives at a
defined point. The net back price is derived from the market price for
the gas minus delivery charges to the market.
Nonassociated gas: Gas located in a reservoir that does not contain oil.
Off-peak: The period of a day, week, month, or year when demand is at
its lowest.
Offshore LNG terminal: An LNG terminal that is located at an offshore
location rather than on land.
Open access: A pipeline transportation or LNG terminaling service that is
available to all shippers on a non-discriminatory basis, subject to capac-
ity availability.
Peakshaving: The supplementing of the normal supply of gas during
periods of peak demand with gas taken from LNG storage facilities, or
produced from a mixture of propane and air. These facilities are usually
located near load centers (market areas).
Peakshaving plant: A plant that liquefies gas from a pipeline during off
peak periods and stores it as LNG for future use, usually for local
markets in cold climates.
Project financing: A common method of financing the construction of
industrial infrastructure whereby the value of the plant and part or all
Glossary 467

of its anticipated revenues are pledged as collateral to secure financing

from lenders, who have limited or no rights to seek debt repayment
(recourse) from the owners. Also known as non-recourse financing.
Receiving terminal: A large facility capable of receiving and storing the
cargo from an LNG ship and vaporizing it for delivery to a pipeline
Regasification: Converting LNG back to its gaseous state by the applica-
tion of heat. Also known as vaporization.
Royalties: A payment to an owner, often a government, for the right to
produce oil and gas resources, usually calculated as a percentage of the
revenues obtained at the point of production.
Sale and purchase agreement (SPA): A contract between a seller and a
buyer for the sale and purchase of a certain quantity of natural gas or
LNG for delivery during a specified period at a specified price.
Sendout: The volume of gas delivered by a plant or system in a specified
period of time.
Spot sales: The sale of natural gas on a short-term basis.
Stranded gas: Gas that is not close to the market and requires significant
infrastructure to deliver it to the market.
Take or pay: A commitment by the buyer of natural gas or LNG to pay for
a minimum quantity in a defined period regardless of whether delivery
is accepted.
Time charter: A contract for a specified period of time or a particular
voyage, in which the shipowner provides the vessel and crew while the
charterer supplies the cargo.
Tolling rates: Pricing that charges a customer a fixed rate per volume for
use of a facility.
Upstream: Oil or gas operations that are closer to production.
Vaporization: See regasification.
Weathering: The change in LNG composition over time as a result of
the preferential evaporation of nitrogen and methane in the boil-off of
stored LNG.
Wet gas: Natural gas that produces a liquid condensate when it is brought
to the surface.

Source:Adapted from Michael D. Tusiani and Gordon Shearer, LNG A

Nontechnical Guide, (PennWell 2007); Bob Shively, John Ferrare, and Belinda
Petty, Understanding Todays Global LNG Business (Energy Dynamics
Publications 2010).
accidents 1745 American Public Gas Association
ACPI AP-X liquefaction process 36 (APGA) 3413
Adriatic terminal 78 Anadarko Petroleum 114
AECO Hub 3489 Angola
Africa gas flaring 245
LNG industry LNG exports 112, 3278
emerging suppliers 11415, 119, natural gas reserves 112
12936 Angola LNG 94, 154
liquefaction capacity 144 liquefaction terminals 383, 412
production capacity predictions project costs 383
96 US shale gas, knock-on effects of
trade flows 1678 3278
natural gas annual contract quantity (ACQ) 463
consumption trends 57 annual delivery program (ADP) 463
gas puzzle 12932 Antrim Shale 291, 293
reserves 93, 129, 297, 302 Apache Canada Ltd 352
unconventional gas 297, 302 APCI AP-X liquefaction process 200
see also MENA APCI MCR liquefaction process 36,
AIPN Master Sale and Purchase 200
Agreements 1624 Arab Gas Pipeline 109, 134
Alaska Argentina
exports to Japan 5960 Gas Plus Program 124
Kenai terminal 57, 5960, 423 LNG exports 127
LNG industry development 59 LNG imports
Albania 80 regasification 142, 448
Algeria terminals 1245, 142, 448
accidents, at LNG facilities 175 trends 49, 1234
electricity generating capacity 130 natural gas reserves 123
gas flaring 245 Arish-Ashkelon pipeline 109
on GECF cartel activity 3989 Arkutun-Dagi gas field 249
liquefaction 144, 412 Arrow LNG 237
LNG exports 935, 105 Arun terminal 98
to Europe 567, 73, 756, 105 Arzew LNG 105, 412
to US 57 Asia-Pacific LNG market
natural gas contracts and pricing 723, 1478,
production trends 327 160
reserves 93, 244 demand trends and predictions 72,
Aliaga terminal 80, 444 118
Altamira terminal 123, 447 history 578, 138
ambient air vaporizers 489, 203 inter-regional trade flows 143, 1678
American Gas Association (AGA) 7 LNG exports

470 Energy for the 21st century

emerging European importers Gladstone LNG project 66, 95, 187,

1212 190, 2234, 2367, 383, 419
re-exports 155 Gorgon LNG project 66, 95, 104,
LNG imports 72, 11921 1878, 2234, 22632, 383, 419
liquefaction capacity 144 Greater Sunrise LNG project 2345
from MENA region 12936 greenhouse gas emissions, from
from North America 137, 35051, LNG 18590, 277
3589 compared with coal emissions
regasification capacity 50 19092
from South and Central America Ichthys LNG 187, 189, 2345, 419
1229 industry management structures
natural gas 2223
consumption trends 57 liquefaction 144, 41820
reserves 93, 297, 302 LNG exports 95, 223
trade flows 167 competition from North America
unconventional gas 297, 302 382
and Panama Canal expansion to Japan 2256
38990 to Taiwan 67
spot and short-term LNG markets trends and predictions 1923,
1545 22022
see also individual countries LNG market entry 57
Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean LNG production capacity 96, 98,
Development and Climate 22022, 233
1978 LNG projects, generally 169, 2236,
associated natural gas, meaning 463 2368
Association of International Petroleum natural gas reserves 93, 101, 222,
Negotiators (AIPN) 1624 225, 298, 302
Association of South East Asian North West Shelf LNG 187, 191,
Nations 101 223, 231
Atlantic Basin region see North Panama Canal expansion, potential
American/Atlantic Basin impact 38990
Atlantic Basin terminal 81 Pluto LNG 95, 1878, 194, 223,
Atlantic LNG 104, 187, 231 2256, 235, 418
Atlantic shale spreads 329 Prelude LNG 95, 187, 189, 2234,
Australia 234, 3925, 419
Arrow LNG 237 Queensland Curtis LNG 120, 2234,
Australia Pacific LNG 187, 189, 2367, 419
2234, 235, 237, 420 shale gas developments 298, 302
Bonaparte LNG project 2345 spot and short-term LNG markets
Browse LNG 187, 189, 194, 234 1545
Carbon Tax proposal 1925 unconventional gas 298, 302
coal seam gas to LNG projects Wheatstone LNG project 66, 1858,
2367 2234, 2323, 235, 419
environmental concerns 23841 Australia Pacific LNG 187, 189, 2234,
landowner rights 23940 235, 237, 420
Curtis Island LNG 187, 190, 237, Australian Petroleum Production and
383 Exploration Association (APPEA)
Darwin LNG 187, 2234, 231, 418 1934
floating terminals 95, 187, 189, Austria 299
2234, 234, 3925 Azerbaijan 79
Index 471

Bahia Blanca terminal 1234, 448 Cameron LNG 156, 461

Bahrain 93, 130, 132 Cameroon 11314, 413
Barnett Shale 29092, 30910 Camisea gas field 260
Barrow Island terminal 22731 Canada
Barzan Gas Project 21920 energy exports, generally
baseload, meaning 463 pricing trends 3489
Basrah Gas Company 134 to US 2934
bcm, meaning 54 LNG exports
Bechtel Corp 60 to Asia-Pacific 35051, 3589, 381
Belarus 246 competition potential 38082
Belgium development trends 35051
LNG imports 57, 73, 444 Kitimat LNG project 72, 148,
LNG re-exports 156 3517, 380, 420
regasification terminals 789, 444 pipeline developments 350
Zeebrugge Hub 78, 79 US shale gas impact on 3489
Zeebrugge terminal 789 LNG imports
BG Group 108, 114, 120, 3646, 459 demand trends and predictions 49,
BHP Biliton 179, 1823 83, 142
Bintulu LNG 99, 101, 421 history 81
Blackstone 369 regasification 142, 445
Blue Stream gas pipeline 2467 LNG trade flows 1678
Bolivia natural gas
electricity nationalization 1256 production trends 327
LNG exports 124, 126, 128 reserves 93
natural gas reserves 125 shale gas
boil-off gas, meaning 463 development and expansion 2936
Bonaparte LNG project 234 estimated recoverable reserves
Bontang-Badak terminal 98, 420 2946
Botas 80 key shale gas plays 2945
BP 128, 458 Canaport LNG 351, 445
Brass LNG 106, 414 Cancun Climate Change talks 28
Bratrstvo gas pipeline 246 Canvey Island terminal 76
Brazil carbon tax, Australian proposal for
LNG import trends 49, 1267, 142 1925
regasification 142, 4489 cargo container system, meaning 463
British Gas Council 56 Carib Energy 461
Broadwater Energy 85, 179 Caribbean
Browse LNG 187, 189, 194, 234 Panama Canal expansion 390
Brunei 57, 140, 420 see also Trinidad and Tobago
Bulgaria 80, 122, 247, 299 Carnegie Mellon lifecycle emissions
Bureau of Resources and Energy study 1835
Economics 146 Cartagena terminal 156, 443
burner tip, meaning 463 Centrica 76
charterparty, meaning 463
C3-MR (propane-precooled mixed- Chayvo gas field 249
refrigerant process) 199200 Cheniere Energy 459
Cabot, Godfrey 55 Case Study 33148
Cabrillo Deepwater Port 1823 Cheniere Marketing 33148
Cal Cartage 4089 see also Sabine Pass LNG terminal
Cambridge Energy 461 Chesapeake Energy Corp 3089, 408
472 Energy for the 21st century

Chevron 458 ConocoPhillips 59, 459

activities in Angola 112, 3278 closure of Kenai terminal 88, 91
activities in Colombia 128 liquefaction project costs 383
see also Gorgon; Wheatstone Optimized Cascade process 36, 60
Chile Continental Oil Company 56
LNG import trends 49, 1278 Copenhagen Accord (2009) 1314, 212
and Panama Canal expansion 390 Cove Point terminal 812, 86, 89, 102,
regasification terminals 449 3789, 446, 458, 461
China Croatia 80
12th Five-Year Plan 245 cryogenic storage tanks 48
global energy market role 1618, Curtis Island terminal 187, 190, 237,
235 383
LNG imports Cusiana gas field 128
demand trends and predictions Cyprus 80
6870, 142
import terminals 689, 44951 Dahej terminal 70, 451
from North America 35051 daily average sendout, meaning 464
regasification 142, 449 Damietta LNG 1078, 112, 413
natural gas DAP contract (delivery at place) 52,
production trends 327 158, 464
reserves 93, 101, 298 Darwin LNG 187, 223, 231
unconventional gas 298 DAT contract (delivery at terminal)
shale gas 298 158, 464
China National Offshore Oil Company Dawn Hub 348
70 debottlenecking, meaning 464
Chinese Petroleum Corporation 67 Delaware Coastal Zone Act 88
Chubu Electric Power Co 20910 deliverability, meaning 464
Chugoku Electric Power Co 210 deregulation, meaning 464
CIF contract (cost, insurance and DES contract (delivery ex ship) 464
freight) 512, 463 diesel fuels, EPA guidelines on 32021
Clean Development Mechanism Distrigas 57, 78
(CDM) 1989 Dolphin Gas Project 21617
Clean Energy Fuels 4079 Dominion 102
coal bed methane (CBM) 283, LNG export proposals, opposition
28999 to 3789
coal seam gas (CSG) to LNG projects see also Cove Point terminal
in Australia Dominion Republic 447
environmental concerns 23841 Donggi Senoro LNG 95, 98
landowner rights 23940 Douglas Channel LNG 351
projects 2367 downstream, meaning 464
hydraulic fracturing 23940 draft, meaning 464
processes 236 Dragon terminal 76, 445
Colombia 128 dry gas, meaning 464
combined-cycle gas (CCG) turbines Dual Mixed Refrigerant (DMR)
463 process 36
Compagnie Industrielle Maritime 77 Dubai see United Arab Emirates
compressed natural gas (CNG) 121, Dunkerque terminal 77, 442
as vehicle fuel 4045 EA Gibson 423
condensates, meaning 4634 Eagle Ford Shale 291, 293
Index 473

East Ohio Gas Company 56 ENI 77, 114, 1289, 458

Ecopetrol 128 Ennore terminal 71
EDF 77 environmental issues
EG LNG 413 coal seam gas to LNG processes
Egegaz 80 23841
Egypt environmental threats
electricity generating capacity 130 to aquatic/shoreline environments
international energy market role 1734
10910 from LNG industry 1736
liquefaction terminals 413 from LNG transport 174
LNG exports 108, 112 physical safety hazards 1745
pipeline exports 10911 greenhouse gas emissions
pricing 152 emissions targets 1314, 212, 28
supply capacity 1069 IEA GAS Scenario 289
natural gas IEA New Policies Scenario 212
consumption trends 1067 methane emissions 18081, 1959
reserves 93 methane mitigation 1959
political unrest, impact of 11112, new technologies, role of 289
136 from shipping, regulation of 40,
El Musel terminal 75, 443 201, 4013
Elba Island terminal 812, 86, 89, 445, whether global or local concern
4589 19092, 2778
electricity generation see power international environmental
generation guidelines 1734
Elengy 77 lifecycle emissions, of LNG 172,
emerging issues 1813
floating terminals 360, 39095 carbon capture and sequestration
Gas Exporting Countries Forum 184
(GECF) 36061 LNG vs. coal-fired power plants
compared with OPEC 400401 1835
history and development 3956 LNG export projects, opposition to
international status 3968 3413, 3789
mission and objectives 398 natural gas
oil-linked prices, policy on advantages 78
399400 as bridge fuel 7, 1112
whether a cartel 3989 compared with fossil fuels 8,
LNG as fuel 140 1113, 1815
for shipping 361, 4014 noise pollution 174
for vehicles 361, 4049 shale gas 11
Panama Canal expansion hydraulic fracturing 3067, 30911
history and progress 3878 water contamination 30610,
importance of 360 31315
potential impact of 38990 water quantity and flowback
purpose 3889 30810, 31920
vessel size 3889 waste management 174
see also LNG exports under US wastewater disposal 174, 309, 31920
Enarsa 124 Environmental Protection Agency
EnCana 381, 4078 (EPA)
Energia Costa Azul terminal 87, 179 diesel fuel guidelines 32021
energy poverty 20 hydraulic fracturing study 31719
474 Energy for the 21st century

Leaf v. EPA 31415 shale gas developments 299300

shale gas, effluent guidelines 31920 XTO Energy merger 89, 31011
EPC contract (engineering, see also PNG LNG (Papua New
procurement and construction) Guinea)
Equatorial Guinea 113, 413 Faraday, Michael 55
Escobar terminal 1245, 448 Fayetteville Shale 2912
Esso Highlands Limited 269, 279 Federal Energy Regulatory
Estonia 80 Commission (FERC) 1778, 464
Europe Cheniere re-export proposals 3468
Emissions Trading Scheme 196 FEED (front-end engineering and
LNG market design) 46, 465
domestic production market share feed/feedstock gas 334
73 feed/feedstock gas, meaning 464
emerging European importers 80, flag states 412
1212 flameless explosions 175
energy supply mix, position in 734 flammable vapor clouds 175
history 558, 734 flaring see gas flaring
import terminals 745 FLNG see floating terminals
inter-regional trade flows 143, floating terminals 360, 39095
1678 advantages 391
liquefaction capacity 144 operational and under construction
overview 7580 39091
pipeline gas, competition from see also Prelude LNG
734 Fluxys 78
natural gas FOB contract (free on board) 52, 158,
consumption trends 57 465
reserves 93, 297300, 302 force majeure, meaning 4645
unconventional gas 297300, 302 Former Soviet Union see Russia
shale gas Fos-Cavou terminal 77, 442
developments 297300 Fos-Sur-Mer terminal 77, 442
potential impact 3256 Fos-Tonkin terminal 77
see also individual countries Foster Wheeler AG 11314
European Climate Roadmap 11 FracFocus 322
European Gas Advocacy Forum 11 Fracturing Responsibility and
Everett terminal 812, 445 Awareness of Chemicals Act 316
Excelerate Energy 1235, 392, 462 France
exclusion zone, meaning 464 CBM and shale gas developments
Export-Import Bank of the United 299300
States 2689, 274, 278 LNG imports
Exxon Neftegaz 24950 demand trends 77
ExxonMobil 458 history 57, 73
activities in Australia 2223 regasification terminals 77, 442
Barzan Gas Project 219 Freeport terminal 1567, 446, 461
liquefaction processes used by 36 Fujian terminal 68
natural gas business development Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power
89, 299300 plant disaster 246, 63, 117
Q-Flex and Q-Marx shipping 2012,
207 Gas Authority of India Limited
Qatari mega projects 207 (GAIL) 367
Index 475

Gas de France 108 exports to Korea 66

Gas Exporting Countries Forum greenhouse gas emissions 187, 190
(GECF) 36061 project costs 383
compared with OPEC 400401 global economic crisis 20082009 12,
history and development 3957 1314, 11617, 149, 410
international status 3968 Global Gas Flaring Reduction
membership 3967 Partnership 1345, 197
mission and objectives 398 global LNG markets
oil-linked prices, policy on 399400 demand overview 11619
whether a cartel 3989 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power
gas flaring 464 plant disaster 117
in Iraq 1345 GECF role in 399401
in Russia 2445 and global recession 12, 1314,
volume 245 11617, 149, 410
World Bank Global Gas Flaring history and development 1389
Reduction Partnership 1335, commoditization 166, 169
197 emerging markets 119
Gas Infrastructure Europe 74 influences on 16971
gas on gas competition 38 trade flow trends 1435, 1678
Gas Shales in Europe 300 liquefaction trends 144
Gasbol pipeline 126 LNG exports from North America,
Gassi Touil LNG 95 influence of
Gate terminal 79, 445 Canadian exports 38082
Gaz de Normandie 77 generally 3827
Gazexport 245 US exports 3867
Gazprom price convergence/divergence trends
alternate European supply routes 1513
140 regasification trends 142, 144
carrier fleet expansion 44 Global Methane Initiative 197
dominance of 243, 2456 global recession 12, 1314, 11617,
pipeline disputes 246 149, 410
pricing concessions 150 Global Shale Gas Initiative (GSGI)
Sakhalin II and III, role in 25052 3045
Shtokman project 2579 Golden Age of Gas 1, 15
Yamal LNG 252, 254 Chinas role in 235
Gazprom Global LNG Limited demand drivers 248
(GGLNG) 44 IEA Gas Scenario 229, 142
GDF Suez 65, 77, 2345, 459 LNG, role in 3031, 117, 1912
GECF see Gas Exporting Countries nuclear power influence on 246
Forum (GECF) price trend predictions 27
GeoForschungsZentrum 300 sectoral demand trends 224
German Border Price (GBP) 1467, transportation, role in 27
15051 Golden Pass terminal 50
Germany 80 Gorgon gas field 227
LNG import transit 2468 Gorgon LNG project 66, 95, 104,
unconventional gas developments 2234, 419
299300 challenges 23031
Gladstone LNG project 95, 2234, 419 CO2 injection 22830
coal seam gas to LNG projects greenhouse gas emissions 1878,
2367 22832
476 Energy for the 21st century

history and development 2267 Hides Gas Conditioning Plant

project costs 383 276
Greater Sunrise LNG project 2345 higher heating value 34
Greece 73, 80, 444 Honda Civic GX vehicles 407
greenfield plant, meaning 465 Horn River shale gas field 381
greenhouse gas emissions hub, meaning 465
Australian LNG experiences 18592 Huelva terminal 156, 443
emissions targets 212, 28 Hungary 299300
IEA GAS Scenario 289 Hunt Oil Company 262
IEA New Policies Scenario 212 hydraulic drilling 2856
methane emissions 18081, 1959 hydraulic fracturing 2867
methane mitigation 1959 in coal seam gas to LNG projects
from natural gas, compared with 23940
fossil fuels 8, 1113, 1815 EPA study 31719
new technologies, role of 289 hydraulic fracturing fluids 2868,
from shipping, regulation of 40, 201, 31617
4013 Leaf v. EPA (US) 31415
study of 19092 safety concerns 3067, 30911
whether global or local concern in shale gas industry, importance
19092, 2778 285, 3067
Ground Water Protection Council underground injection 31416
(GWPC) 312 US regulation 312, 316
Groupe International des Importateurs hydrocarbon, meaning 465
de Gaz Naturel Liqufi
(International Group of Ichthys LNG 187, 189, 2345, 419
Liquefied Natural Gas Importers) Idku terminal 1078, 413
(GGIGNL) 34 Incheon terminal 65
GTL (gas-to-liquids) 21718, 465 India
Guajira gas field 128 LNG imports
Guanabara Bay terminal 123, 1267, demand trends and predictions
449 7071
Guangdong terminal 68 import/regasification terminals 71,
Gulf Coast LNG Export 461 4512
Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge terminal price controls 712
88, 446 natural gas
Gulf Interstate Engineering 260 demand trends 18
Gulf LNG Energy 327 reserves 101
Gwangyang terminal 65, 456 unconventional gas 298
shale gas developments 298
Hackberry decision 162, 177 Indian Oil 71
Hackberry terminal 162, 446 Indonesia
Halliburton Loophole 31415 LNG industry
Hammerfest terminal 102, 414 generally 989
Haynesville/Bossier Shale 2912 liquefaction 144, 42021
Hazira terminal 70, 452 LNG exports 67, 935, 98
heads of agreement, meaning 465 regasification 49, 457
heating value, meaning 465 natural gas
Heede Cabrillo Study 1813 consumption trends 140
Henry Hub 14853, 293, 32931, 362, production trends 327
465 reserves 93, 101, 140, 298
Index 477

unconventional gas 298 Israel

shale gas developments 298 LNG exports 131, 1345
Inpex 459 LNG imports 1346, 140
Institut Franais du Ptrole (IFP) 300 natural gas reserves 1346
integrated gasification combined cycle Israel Natural Gas Lines 136
(IGCC) power plants 1845 Italy
Inter American Development Bank LNG imports
262 demand trends 778
interchangeability, meaning 465 history 57, 73
International Energy Agency (IEA) regasification terminals 78, 4434
450 Scenario 1516, 18, 22
Current Policies Scenario 15, 18 Jansz/Io gas field 227
on energy poverty 20 Japan
Golden Age of Gas (GAS Scenario) export credit agency financing role
2231, 142 21920
LNG measurement units 54 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power
New Policies Scenario 1522, 257, plant disaster (aka the Great
1412 East Japan Earthquake) 246,
World Energy Outlook 2009 1314 63, 117
World Energy Outlook 2010 15, 20, LNG imports 5864, 410
224 from Australia 2256
International Energy Consumers of demand trends and predictions
America (IECA) 3412 6064, 362
International Finance Corporation global markets, influence on 634
(IFC) 263 history 57, 5960
environmental practices guidelines import/regasification terminals 50,
1734, 2745 61, 4526
International Gas Codes 40 from Qatar 634, 20910
International Gas Union (IGU) 7 from Russia 251
International Maritime Organization LNG storage capacity 50
(IMO) nuclear power, reliance on 63, 410
on greenhouse gas emissions 40, 201, Sale and Purchase Agreements 160
4013 Japanese Crude Cocktail (JCC) 1478
on LNG carrier design and safety JODI see Joint Organisations Data
40 Initiative
Iran Joint Organisations Data Initiative
electricity generating capacity 130 3978
gas flaring 245 Jordan 140
LNG exports 79, 1313 Jordan Cove Energy Project 461
natural gas Jupiter gas field 127
production trends 327
reserves 923, 97, 205, 244 K-Power 65
sanctions, impact of 1323 Kaigansko-Vasyugan gas field 252
Iraq Kansai Electric Power Co Inc 210, 226
gas flaring 1345, 245 Kashiwazaki-Kariwa power plant 63
legal challenges 134 Kazakhstan 245
LNG exports 1334 Kenai terminal 57, 423
natural gas reserves 93, 133 closure 88, 91
Ireland 80 exports to Japan 5960
Isle of Grain terminal 76, 444 import proposals 91
478 Energy for the 21st century

Kenya 114 liquefaction terminals

Kirinskoye gas field 251 design features 346
Kitimat LNG project 72, 148, 420 floating terminals 360, 39095
background and development 3514, growth and capacity trends 378,
380 142, 144
estimated production capacity 354 by region and country 41223
LNG exports from processes 334
to Asia-Pacific 3589 APCI AP-X process 200
license applications 3548 Multi-component Refrigerant
market assessment 3556 (MCR) 36, 200
KM LNG see Kitimat LNG propane-precooled mixed-
Kochi terminal 71, 452 refrigerant (C3-MR) 199200
KOGAS purification 334
imports 65, 213, 381 technology developments 346
SPA with Cheniere 367 train capacities 35
terminal upgrade program 645 Lithuania 80
Kuwait LNG chain, meaning 466
electricity generating capacity 130 LNG contracts
LNG imports 49, 132, 142 AIPN Master SPA 1624
LNG regasification 142, 449 bi-directional contracts 1646, 329,
Kyoto Protocol 13, 277 331
methane mitigation 1956 cost, insurance and freight (CIF)
Lake Charles terminal 812, 446, delivery at place (DAP) 52, 158
461 delivery at terminal (DAT) 158
Lamut terminal 57 delivery ex ship (DES) 464
landowner rights engineering, procurement and
in coal seam gas to LNG projects construction (EPC) 464
23940 free on board (FOB) 52, 158, 465
and shale gas development 303 historical basis 138
Latin America see South and Central production sharing contracts 51
America Sale and Purchase Agreements
Lavaca Bay LNG project 392 (SPA) 15764
Le Havre-Antifer terminal 77 Terminal Use Agreements (TUA) 162
Leaf v. EPA (US) 31415 trends 148, 1513
Lebanon 140 LNG demand
Leviathan gas field 135 global LNG demand
Libya emerging markets 119
gas flaring 245 and global recession 12, 1314,
liquefaction terminals 57, 413 11617, 149, 410
LNG supply capacity 106 influences on 11618
lifecycle emissions 172, 1813 overview 11619
carbon capture and sequestration see also under individual countries
184 and regions
LNG vs. coal-fired power plants LNG exports see under individual
1835, 19092 countries and regions
liquefaction LNG generally
efficiency developments 199200 advantages 1, 30, 13940
gas and steam turbines 356 competition with pipeline gas 38,
history 55, 578 734, 13941
Index 479

emerging markets 11415, 119 shipyard locations 42

as fuel 140 tanker capacity 534, 225, 42341
for shipping 361, 4014 efficiency developments 2012
for vehicles 361, 4049 environmental threats 174
global natural gas trade, role in 1, history 423
47 Panama Canal expansion, potential
history 558 impact on 390
meaning 1, 466 as terrorist targets 1756
measurement units 534 through Suez Canal 11011
trade trends and growth predictions LNG storage
3031 terminal storage tank capacity 48,
uncontracted capacity estimates 384 50, 152
LNG imports, generally LNG supply, generally
importing countries, developments demand trends and predictions 92
1667 first wave suppliers 934
see also individual countries global natural gas reserves 923,
LNG markets 296302
GECF role in 398401 production capacity trends 946
see also under Asia-Pacific; Europe; second wave suppliers 946
global LNG market; North LNG trading
American/ Atlantic Basin commoditization trends 1668
LNG projects, generally potential 1, 145
challenges 967 spot and short-term LNG markets
costs 96 1535, 399400, 467
project structures 50 see also LNG contracts
company/merchant model 512 LNG transportation see LNG
contract styles 513, 158 shipping
integrated model 51 LNG value chain
production sharing 51 development, influences on 323
tolling model 523 liquefaction phase 337
LNG re-exports 1557 LNG shipping 3745
see also under Sabine Pass LNG overview 323
terminal regasification 4550
LNG shipping 466 Londe, Karl von 55
accidents and safety records 1745 LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) 21718,
carrier fleet 466
design features 3740 Lumskoye gas field 250
expansion 424
flag states 412 Maersk Meridian (ship) 336
greenhouse gas emissions, Malaysia 100
regulation of 40, 201, 4013 LNG industry
international design specifications generally 99, 140
40 import/regasification terminals 49,
mega ships, development of 445 102, 120, 457
membrane design carriers 3940 liquefaction terminals 421
Moss sphere design carriers 39 market entry 57
40, 43, 210 supply trends 94
Q-Flex and Q-Max carriers 2012, natural gas
207 consumption trends 140
ship registration 412 reserves 93, 99, 101, 140
480 Energy for the 21st century

Peninsular Gas Utilization project liquefaction capacity 144

99 production capacity predictions 96
pipeline networks 99, 1012 regasification receiving capacity 50
Malaysia International Shipping trade flows 1678
Corporation 101 natural gas
manufactured gas, meaning 466 consumption trends 47
Map Ta Phut terminal 119, 456 gas puzzle 12932
Marathon 59, 88, 91, 459 reserves 923, 129, 297
Marcellus Shale 2912, 298, 3089, unconventional gas 297
3212 see also MENA
Marmara Eregelisi terminal 80, 444 Milford Haven terminal 76, 445
Marsa el Brega terminal 57, 413 Mineral Resources Development
Marshall Islands ship registry 412 Company 272
Marubeni Corporation 262 MIT, natural gas vs. coal study 12
measurement units 534 Mitsubishi 250, 381
Mejillones terminal 1278, 449 Mixed Fluid Cascade liquefaction
membrane design carriers 3940 process 36
MENA region (Middle East North Montney shale gas field 381
Africa) Montoir de Bretagne terminal 77, 442
electricity generating capacity 130 Moss sphere design carriers 3940, 43,
energy policy developments 131 210
infrastructure investment 131 Mozambique 114
LNG demand 131 Mozdok-Gazi-Magomed gas pipeline
natural gas 246
gas puzzle 12932 Mugardos terminal 156, 443
reserves 12930, 297 Multi-Component Refrigerant (MCR)
unconventional gas 297 36, 200
pricing 13031 Myanmar 140
methane 33
coal bed methane 283, 297 Nabucco gas pipeline 134
methane emissions 18081 Nakilat 207
environmental sustainability, and National Balancing Point (NBP)
LNG 18081 1467, 14951, 32931
from LNG industry processes 1989 National Clean Fleets Partnership 409
methane mitigation National Copper Corporation 127
advantages 1956 National Petroleum Company (Chile)
barriers to 1968 127
opportunities in gas and LNG National Petroleum Company (PNG)
industry 1989 269, 272
Methane Pioneer (ship) 423, 56, 336 natural gas
Methane to Markets Partnership 197 associated/nonassociated natural
Mexico gas, meaning 463, 466
LNG imports 81, 262, 4478 coal bed methane (CBM) 283,
LNG re-exports 156 28999
LNG trade flows 167 coal seam gas to LNG projects
natural gas reserves 93 in Australia 23641
Micoperi 136 hydraulic fracturing 23940
Middle East processes 236
LNG industry consumption trends 47
import trends 49 conversion tables xviixviii
Index 481

demand trends 1, 47, 1415 Nihonkai LNG 453

IEA GAS Scenarios 224, 142 Nippon Oil and Gas Exploration 272
IEA Policy Scenarios 1420 nitrogen injection 34
in power generation 1820, 23 noise pollution 174
regional demand trends 1820, nonassociated gas, meaning 466
1412 Nord Stream pipeline 2478, 258
by sector, generally 1820 Nordic LNG 94
in transportation 1921, 24 North American/Atlantic Basin LNG
dry gas 464 market
and environmental sustainability compressed natural gas, in vehicles
advantages 78, 29 21, 4045
as bridge fuel 7, 1112 contract and pricing trends 148,
compared with fossil fuels 8, 1513
1113, 1815 history 558, 81, 138
history 55 influences on 81
natural gas liquids (NGL) 33, 466 inter-regional trade flows 143, 1678
oil company focus trends 811 liquefaction capacity 144
price trend predictions 27, 3489 LNG exports
reserves competition potential 38085
global reserves 923 global influence of 3867
meaning 465 LNG import trends 137
reservoirs, classification 2823 natural gas
tight gas 283, 297 consumption trends 47
trade flows 1, 167 price trends 3489
wet gas 33, 467 reserves 93, 297, 302
see also shale gas unconventional gas 297, 302
natural gas liquids (NGL) 33, 466 shale gas, influence on 76, 88, 105,
Natural Gas STAR 1968 137, 153, 32831
natural gas vehicle technology 4057 supply and demand trends 137
Natural Gas Vehicles Drive Project see also Canada; United States
4078 North Caucasus gas pipeline 246
NBP (National Balancing Point) North Field 2056, 209, 382
1467, 14951 North West Shelf LNG 187, 191, 223,
net back price, meaning 466 231
Netherlands 49, 79, 142, 445 Northern Lights gas pipeline 246
New Albany Shale 2913 Norway
New Policies Scenario see under liquefaction terminals 414
International Energy Agency (IEA) LNG supply trends 94
NGL (natural gas liquids) 33, 466 natural gas production trends 327
Nigeria northern sea route/northwest
LNG industry 58 passage 103
exports 152 Snhvit LNG 36, 1024
liquefaction 144, 383, 41314 Novatek 252, 2545, 259
supply capacity 96, 106 nuclear power
natural gas Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power
gas flaring 245 plant disaster 246, 63, 117
reserves 93, 244 Kashiwazaki-Kariwa power plant
Nigeria LNG 187, 231, 41314 closure 63
Nigerian National Petroleum and natural gas demand trends 20,
Corporation 106 234
482 Energy for the 21st century

Oceania Pascagoula terminal 112, 447

natural gas consumption trends 57 PDVSA 1289
see also individual countries peakshaving, meaning 466
Odoptu gas field 249 Pearl GTL 21718
OECD countries Pecem terminal 123, 1267, 448
natural gas growth trends 1820 Pedro Duran Farrell pipeline 75
off-peak, meaning 466 Peninsular Gas Utilization project 99
Office of the Federal Coordinator Penuelas terminal 123, 448
for Alaska Natural Gas PERC (power release couplers) 46, 48
Transportation Projects 11819 Perla gas field 1289
offshore terminal, meaning 466 Peru
oil companies, generally LNG exports 128, 262
natural gas business development and Panama Canal expansion 390
trends 811 trends 94, 129
oil-linked pricing 138, 1468 natural gas reserves 129
decoupling 14950 Peru LNG
GECF role in 399400 costs 97
Oil Search Limited 269 development 25960
Olokola LNG 106, 414 marine facilities 2612
Oman partners and financing 2623
electricity generating capacity 130 terminals 123, 26062, 422
LNG industry 58 Petro Vietnam Gas 120
exports 67 Petrobras 1267
greenhouse gas emissions 187 Petroleos del Peru 262
liquefaction 383, 415 Petronas 99, 101, 120
supply capacity 105 Petronet 71, 213
ONGC Videsh Ltd 249 Phillips Petroleum 59
open access, meaning 466 see also ConocoPhillips
open rack vaporizers 48 Piltun-Astokhskoye oil field 250
Ophir Energy 114 Pluto gas field 225
Optimized Cascade process 36, 60 Pluto LNG 95, 1878, 194, 223, 2256,
organizations, abbreviations for xiiixvi 235, 418
Oryx GTL 217 PNG LNG (Papua New Guinea) 95
Osaka Gas Co Ltd 210 benefit sharing agreements 272
challenges 27981
Pacific shale spreads 329 customers and sponsors 269, 272
Pacific Trail gas pipeline 353 development phases 27071
Pakistan 457 environmental impact statements
Panama Canal expansion 2757
history and progress 3878 environmental requirements 2727
importance of 360 financing 2689, 2723
potential impact of 38990 greenhouse gas emissions 2768
purpose 3889 liquefaction terminals 422
vessel size 3889 production predictions 269, 27980
Panigaglia terminals 78, 443 project design 276
Papua New Guinea 26870 project progress 269, 27981
liquefaction terminals 422 US support proposals 280
political challenges 26971 Poland
see also PNG LNG (Papua New LNG imports 80, 122
Guinea) regasification terminals 49, 445
Index 483

unconventional gas developments project financing, meaning 4667

299300 propane-precooled mixed-refrigerant
Polskie LNG 80, 122 (C3-MR) 199200
pool fires 175 ProPublica 3078
Portugal 73, 80, 444 PTT LNG 119, 140
POSCO 65 Puerto del Manzanillo terminal 123,
power generation 262, 448
influence on natural gas demand Puerto Rico 448
trends 1820, 23 Pyeongtaek terminal 65, 456
lifecycle emissions analysis 1820,
23, 1835, 19092 Q-Flex 2012, 207
LNG vs. coal-fired power plants Q-Marx 2012, 207
1820, 23, 1835, 19092 Qatar
power release couplers (PERC) 46, 48 electricity generating capacity 130
Prelude LNG 95, 189, 198, 223, 234, Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) projects
360, 3925, 419 21718
prices on GECF cartel activity 3989
alternative pricing mechanisms 169 greenhouse gas efficiency 231
contract and pricing trends 723, helium refining 214
13031, 14751 liquefaction capacity 144
decoupling 14950, 169 liquefaction processes 36
floor and ceiling prices 147 LNG carrier capacity 38, 42
German Border Price (GBP) 1467, LNG exports 78, 945, 131
15051 to Belgium 78
and global recession 149 competition from North America
influences on price structures 145 382
international reference points 1468 to Italy 78
Japanese Crude Cocktail (JCC) to Japan 634, 20910
1478 pricing links 152
market convergence 14851 to Taiwan 67
market divergence 1513 to UK 76, 21011
National Balancing Point (NBP) to US 152
1467, 14951, 32931 US shale gas industry, influence
natural gas on 76
price predictions 27 LNG industry, generally
shale gas influences on 3489 contribution to GDP 97, 205
net back price, meaning 466 history, development and
oil-linked pricing 138, 1468, prospects 58, 2048, 21620
399400 production capacity 967, 204,
price controls 712, 160 2067
price review/price re-opener clauses LNG projects
16061 Barzan Gas Project 21920
pricing certainty, importance of 169 Dolphin Gas Project 21617
under Sale and Purchase Agreements natural gas
16061 production trends 327
shale spreads 32831, 362, 3835 reserves 923, 97, 205, 244
spot and short-term markets 1535, see also Qatargas; RasGas
399400, 467 Qatar Petroleum 36, 97, 207, 219
US influence on 1513, 362, 3712 Qatargas
production sharing contracts 51 consortium members 207
484 Energy for the 21st century

greenhouse gas emissions 187 reservoirs, conventional/

liquefaction 383, 41617 unconventional, meaning 2823
LNG market role 212 Revithousasa terminal 444
market entry/history 58 RN-Astra 249
production capacity 2079, 21112 Romania 80, 299
Q-Flex and Q-Max shipping 2012, Rosneft 24950
207 Rosneft-Sinopec Consortium 2512
Qatargas I 20810 Royal Dutch Shell 458
Qatargas II 36, 200, 208, 21011 activities in Iraq 134
Qatargas III 94, 208, 211 activities in Russia 250
Qatargas IV 94, 97, 2067, 208, 212 natural gas business development 9
quantities, abbreviations for xvi Prelude LNG project 95, 189, 198,
Queensland AgForce 239 223, 234, 360, 3925, 419
Queensland Curtis LNG 120, 2234, Shell Gas BV 70
2367, 419 terminal sponsorship 77
Quintero terminal 123, 127, 449 Royal Vopack 77, 79
royalties, meaning 467
Ras Laffan Emergency and Safety Ruhl, Christof 191
College 215 Rumaila gas field 134
Ras Laffan Industrial City 209, 215 Russia
RasGas LNG (Ras Laffan Co Ltd) liquefaction capacity 144
58, 78 LNG exports 67, 2456
Barzan Gas Project 220 disputes over 74, 246
greenhouse gas emissions 187, 231 European region 734
history 213 to Japan 251
liquefaction 200, 383, 41617 South Stream project 247
production capacity 2078, 21315 to Turkey 79
RasGas Train 1 208, 213 US shale gas impact on 3267
RasGas Train 2 208, 213 LNG trade flows 1678
RasGas Train 3 208, 21314 natural gas
RasGas Train 4 208, 21314 consumption 57
RasGas Train 5 208, 21314 exploration and production 244
RasGas Train 6 208, 214 gas flaring 2445
RasGas Train 7 94, 208, 21415 production trends 327
REDD mechanism 277 reserves 923, 205, 2434, 297
regasification 4550, 467 role in economic development
efficiency developments 2023 2423
terminals unconventional gas 297
capacity trends 4950, 142, 144 pipeline gas 67, 2467
development trends 50, 142 European competition from
floating terminals 360, 39095 734
overview 456 Nord Stream pipeline 2478, 258
processes 468 Sakhalin project 24853, 423
by region and country 44257 challenges 249
Reliance Industries 298 imports from Kenai LNG, Alaska
renewable energy 91
global recession, influence on liquefaction processes used by 36
1415 liquefaction project costs 383
and natural gas demand trends 20 Sakhalin I 24950, 253
Repsol 65, 1235, 128, 262, 459 Sakhalin II 97, 132, 25051, 253
Index 485

Sakhalin III 2513 Sakhalin III 2513

Sakhalin IV 2523 Sakhalin IV 2523
Shtokman project 2559, 423 sale and purchase agreements (SPA)
Yamal LNG 252, 2545, 259, 423 157, 467
Russian Shipbuilding Corporation 44 AIPN Master SPAs 1624
duration 15960
Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal 102 price review/price re-opener clauses
Sabah-Sarawak Gas Pipeline 99, 1012 16061
Sabine Pass terminal 76, 88, 423, 447 quantities 1589
bi-directional contracts 1646, 329, Santos 222, 272
331 Sarawak gas field 99, 101
delivered cost comparisons 332 Sasol-Chevron 217
early mover advantage 3323 Saudi Arabia
environmental impact, regulatory electricity generating capacity 130
controls 367 gas flaring 245
import/regasification facility natural gas
development 3325, 447 demand 130
liquefaction project developments production trends 327
35, 1646, 33741, 36671, 383 reserves 93, 205, 244
LNG re-exports 1567, 329, 331, SB Power Solutions, Inc. 461
3356, 461 SCF Group 44
applications and approvals 3468, SEGAS 1078
4612 Sempra 179
commercial structure 3624 sendout, meaning 467
DOE role 3436, 4612 Sevmorneftegaz 2579
environmental impact concerns shale gas
3446 as bridge to renewable energy 1112
export predictions 361, 3634 in Canada
financing arrangements 3478 development and expansion
opposition to 3413 2936
public interest duties 34041, estimated recoverable reserves
3446 2946
SPA with BG Gulf Coast LNG key shale gas plays 2945
3646, 368 environmental concerns 11
SPA with Blackstone 369 hydraulic fracturing, safety of
to WTO nations 33841, 37071 3067, 30911
project costs 383 water contamination 30610,
shale spreads 329, 331 31315
Safe Drinking Water Act 31314 water quantity and flowback
safety features 46, 48 30810, 31920
Sakhalin Environment Watch 251 in Europe
Sakhalin-Khabarivsk-Vladivostok gas potential impact 3256
system 2512 global industry
Sakhalin project 24853, 423 challenges 3023
challenges 249 developing trends 41011
imports from Kenai LNG, Alaska 91 estimated recoverable reserves
liquefaction processes used by 36 296302
liquefaction project costs 383 hydraulic drilling 2856
Sakhalin I 24950, 253 hydraulic fracturing 2867
Sakhalin II 97, 132, 25051, 253 EPA study 31719
486 Energy for the 21st century

hydraulic fracturing fluids 2868, Shmidtovski gas field 252

31617 short-term LNG markets 1535
importance of 285, 3067 Shtokman Development Corporation
safety concerns 3067, 30911 2578
underground injection 31416 Shtokman gas field 2558
overview 2835 Shtokman project 2559, 423
technology, role of 284, 28990 Sierra Club
in US Beyond Gas campaign 13, 379
challenges 3034, 323 opposition to LNG export projects
development and expansion 3789
28890 Singapore 140
DOE role and recommendations import/regasification terminals 49,
3234 120, 456
environmental issues 30510, Sinopec 298
37780 SK Corporation 262
EPA diesel fuel guidelines 32021 Skikda LNG 57, 95, 105, 175, 412
EPA effluent guidelines 31920 Snhvit LNG 1024
EPA hydraulic fracturing study greenhouse gas emissions 187, 231
31719 liquefaction 36, 383
estimated recoverable reserves 289, Snow White gas field see Snhvit
302 SODECO 249
Exxon/XTO merger 89, 31011 Sonangol 112, 328
Global Shale Gas Initiative 3045 Sonatrach 57, 105
impact on Russian LNG sector Sound Energy Solutions terminal 88
3267 South and Central America
Leaf v. EPA (US) 31415 LNG imports 50, 1223
liquids-rich shale plays 293 LNG trade flows 1678
LNG exports, influence on 37780 natural gas
LNG imports, influence on 76, 88, consumption trends 57
105, 137, 153, 3278, 3312 reserves 122, 297, 302
production trends 28890 unconventional gas 297, 302
regulatory developments, Federal Panama Canal expansion, potential
31217 impact of 38990
regulatory developments, State US exports to, opportunity cost of
3212 391
shale plays/deposit locations see also individual countries
29093 South Hook terminal 76, 78, 21011,
shale spreads 32831, 362, 445
3835 South Korea
Shale Gas Subcommittee (US DOE) LNG imports
3224 demand trends and projections
shale spreads 32831, 3835 657
Shanghai terminal 68, 44950 history 578
Shell see Royal Dutch Shell import/regasification terminals 50,
ship registration 412 646, 456
shipping importance of 645, 67
LNG as fuel for 361, 4014 sources 65, 213, 381
engine modifications 403 Sale and Purchase Agreements 160,
limitations 404 367
see also LNG shipping South Pars gas field 97, 205
Index 487

South-Tambeyskoye gas field 254 LNG imports

Southern LNG Co 462 regasification 49, 142, 456
Sovcomflot (SCF Group) 44 terminals 11920, 456
Soyo LNG 112, 412 trends 11920, 140
Soyuz gas pipeline 246 tight gas 283, 297
Spain time charters, meaning 467
LNG imports 57, 73, 75, 443 Tokyo Electric Power Company
LNG re-exports 156 (Tepco) 57, 59, 63, 210
LNG storage capacity 50 Tokyo Gas 57, 59, 210
Spanish Egyptian Gas Company tolling rates, meaning 467
1078 Tongyeong terminal 65, 456
Spectra Energy Westcoast gas pipeline Total 458
353 activities in Australia 95, 419
spot and short-term LNG markets activities in Colombia 128
1535, 399400, 467 Total Gaz Electrici Holdings France
StatoilHydro 257, 259, 459 70
stranded gas, meaning 467 trans-ASEAN gas pipeline system
STX Offshore and Shipbuilding 44 (TACP) 101
submerged combustion vaporizers 48 transportation sector
subsea processes 104 natural gas role in 1921, 24
Suez Canal 10911 see also vehicles, fuels for
Suez-Mediterranean (SUMED) Trinidad and Tobago
pipeline 11011, 264 LNG exports 934
supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) to Brazil 126
power plants 1845 pricing links 152
Sweden 49, 80, 299 supply capacity 104
Swinoujscie terminal 80, 445 to US 81, 1045
LNG industry history 58
Taichung terminal 67 Turkey
Taiwan 578 LNG imports 73, 7980
import demand trends and regasification terminals 80, 444
predictions 68 shale gas developments 299
import/regasification terminals 50, Turkmenistan 93, 244
678, 456
Taiwan Power Company 678 Ukraine 74, 246
take or pay, meaning 467 UN Framework on Climate Change
Tamar gas field 135 277
Tangguh terminal 65, 421 unconventional gas see coal bed
tankers see carrier fleet under LNG methane; shale gas; tight gas
shipping Union Stock Yards of Chicago 56
Tanzania 114 United Arab Emirates
terminals, generally electricity generating capacity 130
design features 467 LNG industry
receiving terminals, meaning 467 liquefaction terminals 415
storage tank capacity 48, 50, 152 regasification 142, 449
see also under liquefaction; supply capacity 105
regasification trends 49, 132
terrorism 1756 natural gas
Thailand demand 130
gas consumption trends 140 reserves 244
488 Energy for the 21st century

United Kingdom sources 812, 108, 152, 280

domestic LNG supplies 76 trade protectionism 177
LNG imports LNG industry, generally
from Algeria 567, 73, 75, 105 environmental concerns 17680
demand trends and predictions LNG for vehicle fuel, policy
734, 76 development on 4067
import/receiving terminals 50, 76, prices, influence on 1513, 362,
4445 3717
from Qatar 76, 21011 public opposition to 85, 878,
National Balancing Point (NBP) 1789, 3413, 3789
1467, 14951 site locations, influences on
United States 17680
energy imports, from Canada 2934 LNG re-exports 1557, 1567, 329,
Energy Policy Act 2005 1778, 315 331, 3356, 461
Kenai terminal 57, 5960, 88, 91, 423 applications and approvals 3468,
LNG exports 4612
bi-directional contracts 1646, commercial structure 3624
329, 331 DOE role 3436, 4612
commercial structure 137, 362, environmental impact concerns
364 3446
domestic gas pricing, influence on export predictions 361, 3634
3717 financing arrangements 3478
export terminals 88, 90, 460 opposition to 3413
global impact of 3867 public interest duties 34041,
opportunity cost of 391 3446
political influences on 3712 Sale and Purchase Agreements
shale gas influence on 37780 3646, 3689
success predictions 3612 to WTO nations 33841, 37071
LNG facilities LNG storage capacity 50, 152
accidents at 1745 LNG trade flows 1678
import/regasification terminals 50, natural gas
82, 859, 1767, 4457, 460 consumption trends 47, 407
liquefaction terminals 57 production trends 327
regulatory developments 1778, reserves 93, 205, 244
31217, 3212 Safe Drinking Water Act (US)
site location, influences on 17680 31314
LNG imports shale gas
controversy and opposition 85, challenges 3034, 323
878 development and expansion
demand trends and predictions 28890
813 DOE role 3224
government policy developments environmental issues 30510,
834 37780
import/regasification terminals 50, EPA guidelines 31921
82, 859, 1767, 4457, 460 EPA hydraulic fracturing study
influences on 81, 1767 31719
price linking 1513 estimated recoverable reserves 289,
shale gas industry influence on 302
76, 88, 105, 137, 153, 3278, Exxon/XTO merger 89, 31011
3312 Global Shale Gas Initiative 3045
Index 489

Leaf v. EPA 31415 West Qurna-1 gas field 134

liquids-rich shale plays 293 wet natural gas 33
LNG exports, influence on 37780 wet natural gas, meaning 467
LNG imports, influence on 76, 88, Wheatstone LNG project 66, 1858,
105, 137, 153, 3278, 3312 2234, 2323, 235, 419
production trends 28890 Woodford Shale 2923
regulatory developments, Federal Woodside Energy 10, 186, 194, 222,
31217 226, 459
regulatory developments, State Browse LNG project 187, 189, 194,
3212 234
Russian LNG sector, impact on Greater Sunrise LNG project 2345
3267 Pluto LNG project 95, 1878, 194,
shale plays/deposit locations 223, 2256, 235, 418
29093 World Energy Outlook 2009 (IEA)
shale spreads 32831, 362, 1314
3835 World Energy Outlook 2010 (IEA) 15
terrorist attacks 176 Worley Parsons study, on LNG
upstream, meaning 467 greenhouse gas emissions 186,
vaporizers 489
vehicles, fuels for Xena gas field 225
compressed natural gas 21, 4045, XTO Energy 89, 31011
LNG as 361, 4049 Yamal-Europe I and II gas pipelines
natural gas vehicle technology 4058 2467
potential cost savings 406 Yamal LNG 252, 2545, 259, 423
US policy development on 4069 Yemen 265
Venezuela 128, 244 challenges
Veninskoye gas field 2512 location 2634, 266
venting 181 political 264, 268
Vietnam 120 hydrocarbon dependency 264
LNG exports
waste management 174 to Chile 1278
water trends 94, 2678
disposal concerns 309, 31920 Yemen LNG 97, 264, 2668
drinking water 30610, 31314 Yergin, Daniel 87, 179
quantity and flowback 30810, Yung-An terminal 67, 456
in shale gas production 309, 31920 Zeebrugge Hub 78, 151
wastewater 174, 309, 31920 Zeebrugge terminal 789, 151, 156,
weathering, meaning 467 444
Weavers Cove terminal 87 Zubair gas field 134

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