Crystal Structure

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Crystal Structure

1. Atoms are bound together in a solid. Due to the nature of the forces that bind the
atoms together (and hence due to the energies involved), the atoms sometimes show a
high degree of symmetry in their alignment. An ideal crystal has this symmetry

2. Sometimes, though, the symmetry is based on molecules instead of individual atoms.

To deal with this, we use the following terminology:
An ideal crystal is composed of a perfectly symmetric series of lattice points, and
associated with each lattice point is a basis which consists of an atom or a set of atoms.

3. There are different standard types of lattices based on the different types of
symmetries that are possible.
a) reflection symmetry: If the lattice looks the same above and below a plane
(looks like a mirror image), then the lattice has a reflection symmetry.
Example (in 2-D):
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *

Counter-example (in 2-D):

* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *

b) rotation symmetries: If the lattice looks the same when you rotate through a
certain angle, then that lattice has that particular rotation symmetry. All lattices, of
course, have a 360o (or 2 radians) symmetry. All lattices also have a 180o (or
radians) symmetry. (Due to the repetitive nature of a lattice, if there is a lattice point in
front of a certain lattice point, there is another lattice point behind that certain lattice
point. If there is lattice point at a certain angle from that lattice point, then there will be
another lattice point 180o from that angle from that certain lattice point. Try to see this in
both of the above examples in part a.
If a lattice has ONLY this 360o and 180o symmetries, then it is called an oblique
Lattices can have other rotational symmetries. If we confine ourselves to 2-D
lattices (easier to see and draw), we can get some kind of experience in identifying
possible lattice symmetries. Can you draw visualize a lattice with 90o (2/4) rotational
symmetry? A square lattice has this. Can you visualize a lattice with 120o (2/3)
rotational symmetry? A hexagonal lattice has this. Also, when you draw it, youll see it
also has a 60o (2/6) symmetry. Can you visualize a pentagonal symmetry (72o or 2/5)
symmetry? When you try to do this, you will see that you do NOT create a lattice that is
repeatable! Are there any more special types of lattices you can see? Yes, a
rectangular lattice. It does NOT have a 90o symmetry, but it does have a reflection
symmetry. There is also a centered rectangular lattice which also has reflection
symmetry. Thus, we have identified 5 types of 2-D lattices: the general oblique lattice
that does NOT have reflection or anything beyond 360o and 180o rotational symmetries;
the square lattice, the hexagonal lattice, the rectangular lattice, and the centered
rectangular lattice.

4. Translation Vectors (T) and lattice vectors (ai)

In order to make the lattice type identifications more mathematical, we employ
the idea of a translation vector, T. If you are at a lattice point that has a location ri, by
adding the translation vector, T, you end up at another lattice point, rj:
ri + rj = T.
* * * * * * * *
* * * T* * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
Origin: X

Following this idea, we can see that we can define a translation vector, T, in terms
of integer values of (in 2-D) two basic, called primitive, translation vectors.

* * * * * * * *
* * * a2 * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * a*1 * * * *
* * * * * * * *

Note that either the blue or the red pair of vectors can be used so that any lattice
point can be reached from any other by using only integer values of a1 and a2, but the
green pair can NOT reach all lattice points in the same way.
T = na1 + ma2 , where n and m are integers.

5. 2-D Lattice Types revisited.

For a square lattice, we can see that a1 = a2, and that the angle, , between a1
and a2, is 90o.
For a hexagonal lattice, a1 = a2, and that the angle, , between a1 and a2, is 120o
(or we could choose 60o)
For a rectangular lattice, a1 a2, and that the angle, , between a1 and a2, is
90 .
For a centered rectangular lattice, , a1 a2, and that the angle, , between a1
and a2, is less than (or greater than) 90o.

6. 3-D Lattice Types

There are 14 basic lattice types in 3-D, but we will only be concerned about a few.
Sometimes the 3-D lattice types are better described in terms of non-primitive
descriptions, but we should always remember that we will need primitive lattice vectors
to work fully with the mathematical descriptions.

a) The easiest 3-D lattice to work with is the simple cubic lattice (scc) which has
lattice points on all the corners of a cube. It is just the 3-D extension of the 2-D square
lattice. If we align the x,y,z axes with the cube, we get: a1 = ax, a2 = ay, a3 = az.

b) A second 3-D lattice that has a nice 3-D extension of a 2-D lattice is the body
centered cubic lattice (bcc). In this lattice, in addition to having lattice points at all the
corners of a cube, there is a lattice point right in the middle of the volume of the cube. A
convenient way of identifying primitive lattice vectors is to start at a lattice point at a
corner of the cube and choose lattice vectors to three of the nearest center lattice points.
This gives:

a1 = a (x + y z) ; : a2 = a (-x + y + z) ; : a3 = a (x - y + z) .

Note: we could have chosen to make a1 = a (x + y + z), but then we would have
various combinations of minus signs in the other two primitive lattice vectors, a2 and a3.
The above choice has a very nice symmetry to it.

c) Another 3-D lattice is one based on the 2-D hexagonal lattice. Actually two of
the 3-D lattices are based on the 2-D hexagonal lattice: the face centered cubic (fcc) and
the hexagonal close packed (hcp). These two lattices have the hexagonal structure in 2-
D, but have different stackings for the planes that fit on top to create the 3-D lattice.
The fcc structure has a cubic structure with lattice points at the corners of the
lattice like the scc lattice, but in addition it has lattice points in the center of all six faces
(sides) of the cube. It does NOT have a lattice point in the middle of the cube like a bcc
lattice does. A convenient way of identifying primitive lattice vectors is to start at a
corner of the lattice and choose lattice vectors to three of the nearest face centered lattice
points. For the fcc, a good (symmetric) choice of primitive lattice vectors is:

a1 = a (x + y) ; : a2 = a (y + z) ; : a3 = a (x + z) .
7. Volumes in 3-D lattices
a) Lets consider the volumes associated with the above three types of 3-D
a1) The easiest to see is the scc. It should be easy to see that each lattice
point has a volume of a3 associated with it. (To see this, simply image each lattice point
goes forward half way to the next lattice point. This gives +a forward and backward in
each of the three directions, giving a volume of a3 for each lattice point. Alternatively,
each cube can be seen to have a corner on a lattice point. Since a corner lattice point is
actually part of 8 different cubes, each corner lattice points contributes (1/8) of a point to
each cube. But since each cube touches 8 lattice points (4 points on a square at the
bottom and 4 points on a square at the top), the number of lattice points per cube is 8
lattice points times (1/8) per lattice point giving 1 lattice point per cube, or 1 lattice point
per volume of a3.
a2) For the bcc, we can visualize the scc cube with an additional lattice
point in the middle. Thus a volume of a3 contains two lattice points, and hence the
volume associated with each lattice point is a3.
a3) For the fcc, we can again visualize the scc cube with additional lattice
points in the middle of each of the six faces. Since each of the face lattice points actually
touches two cubes, each of these six lattice points count only for each cube. This gives
1 lattice point from the simple cube plus 6 * for each of the face centers giving a total
of 4 lattice points per cube, or a volume per lattice point of a3.

An alternative way of getting the volume associated with each lattice point is using the
primitive lattice vectors. Since the area defined by a pair of 2-D distance vectors is the
length of each times the sine of the angle between the two (area of a parallelogram), the
magnitude of the cross product of the two vectors should give the area with a direction
perpendicular to both (a1 x a2). To get the volume, the length that is perpendicular to this
area should be multiplied by the area. But this is just the dot product of the third vector
with the previous area vector: V = (a1 x a2) a3 .

Top view showing area Side view showing volume

a2 sin() a3 cos()
a3 a3
(a1 x a2)
Area = a1 a2 sin()

8. Hole sizes in the 3-D lattices

If we assume atoms have spherical shapes and the volumes are basically box
shapes (to completely fill up the space), there will always be empty places in the volume.
To find out how where and how big these empty spaces are, we need to first find out
where the atoms touch.
a) In the simple cubic lattice, the nearest atoms touch along the cube edges. This
means that if there is an atom at one lattice point, the next nearest atom is a distance a
away. Since the atoms touch along this distance, a = 2r where r is the radius of the
lattice atom. It is easy to see that the biggest empty space will be right in the middle of
the cube. The full diagonal of the cube is: d = [a2 + a2 + a2] = 3 * a. The space
actually taken up is 2r. Therefore the biggest sphere (atom) that could fit in that hole
without further spreading out the lattice would have a diameter of 3*a 2r
(but 2r = a) so the biggest sphere would have a diameter of (3-1)*a, or it would have a
radius of (3-1)*r. It is one of the homework problems to determine where the lattice
atoms touch in a bcc and in an fcc lattice. It is also one of the homework problems to
determine the size of a sphere that would fit in the biggest hole in each of these three
b) How much space is actually being used by the atoms and how much space is
empty? We use the concept of packing fraction to quantify this. The packing fraction
is simply the volume of the atoms divided by the total volume of the lattice. For a simple
cubic lattice with atoms only at the lattice points (monatomic lattice), the packing fraction
would be: pf = (4/3)r3 / a3 but since a = 2r (atoms touch along the edges), we get
pf = (4/3)r3 / (2r)3 = 4 / 3*8 = /6 = .524 . Again, it is a homework
assignment to determine the packing fractions for bcc and fcc lattices. For use later on,
we list the packing fractions: for bcc, the pf = .680; for fcc, the pf = .740 .

9. Why are there different lattice types in nature?

For most single atom crystals, such as metals, the normal lattice structure is fcc
(or hcp) because it has the highest packing fraction. However, for diatomic molecules,
such as NaCl, we can have only one type of atom at a lattice point. The second atom
must fit in a hole. For an ionic bonding molecule, it is better energy-wise if the positive
ions touch the negative ions but do not touch the other positive ions. Thus, if we locate
the bigger of the two atoms at the lattice points, we would want the smaller atom to be a
little bit bigger than the lattice hole size so it will push the lattice atoms apart, but not too
big to leave more empty space. It is a homework assignment to determine which type of
lattice NaCl and CsCl would take, given that the Cl ion has a radius of 1.81 Angstroms;
the Na ion has a radius of 0.97 Angstroms, and the Cs ion has a radius of 1.67 Angstrom.

10. Specifying Planes in a 3-D Lattice and Miller Indices

It is often useful to specify certain planes in a 3-D lattice. The straightforward
way is to simply specify three points that lie in the plane but are not colinear. For a
lattice, we could simply specify the locations of three lattice points in those planes (that
is, specify an integer to go along with each primitive lattice vector.
There is another way, much more convoluted but it turns out more useful in later
work. The procedure is as follows:
1. Find three points as above (but which do NOT go through the origin), i.e.,
determine the coefficients of a1, a2, and a3. For example, say the points are (ma1), (na2),
and (pa3).
2. Take the reciprocals of these three numbers (e.g., 1/m, 1/n, and 1/p).
3. Reduce these three numbers (fractions) to a common denominator (e.g.,
np/mnp, mp/mnp, and mn/mnp).
4. Simplfy if possible (get lowest common denominator).
The result enclosed in parenthesis ( hkl) is called the index of the plane. These are
sometimes called Miller Indices. Note that if the plane does NOT cross a certain
direction, then it intersects at infinity and the inverse of infinity is zero.
Example: A plane that runs parallel to the yz plane and cuts the x axis at 1*a1 would be
the (100) plane. A plane that goes through the points 2a1 and 3a2 and never crosses a3
would have: step 1: (2, 3, infinity)
step 2: (1/2, 1/3, 0)
step 3: (3/6, 2/6, 0/6)
step 4: (3,2,0) so the plane would be the (320) plane.
Negative signs are usually designated with a bar over the negative number in the (hkl)

To draw a line perpendicular to this plane, note that the cross product of two vectors in
the plane will give a vector perpendicular to each line, and hence perpendicular to the
plane. A line in the plane that has points are (ma1), (na2), and (pa3) can be found simply
by going from one point to another. The vector (ma1 - na2) is a vector in the plane, and
the vector (na2 -pa3) is also in the plane. To find a vector perpendicular to the plane,
simply take the cross product of these two vectors.

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