CDOT 2017 18 Chapter 14 Pavement Justification Report

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Colorado Department of Transportation

2017 Pavement Design Manual


14.1 Introduction
The intent of this chapter is to provide advice, recommendations, and information needed for a
Pavement Justification Report (PJR) to ensure continued quality of pavement structural designs.
The final structural design section must be based on a thorough investigation of project specific
conditions including materials, environmental conditions, projected traffic, life cycle economics,
and performance of other similar structural sections with similar conditions in the same area.

14.2 Pavement Justification Report

The designer shall assemble a PJR for all appropriate projects. As stated in CHAPTER 13,
Pavement Type Selection and Life Cycle Cost Analysis, not every project will require a LCCA,
but every project should have a rational basis for the selection of the pavement type or
rehabilitation alternative. The PJR documents the analysis and procedure the Region used to arrive
at its selection of pavement type or rehabilitation method. HMA overlays less than 2 inches are
considered a preventive maintenance treatment, and therefore a PJR report may not be required.
The designer needs to submit a pavement justification letter (supporting documentation may not
be required) to Pavement Design Manager in the Materials and Geotechnical Branch on all surface
treatment projects and all new or reconstruction projects with Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) or Portland
Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) material costs greater than $2,000,000. The PDPM will not
need PJRs for access and local agency projects. As a minimum, the report should include the

An analysis supporting the pavement type selection or rehabilitation method

Life cycle cost analysis of alternate designs
Pavement distress survey of existing pavements
Pavement thickness calculations of alternate designs
Surfacing plan sheet quantities (FIR or post-FIR)
Final recommendations for typical sections

A copy of the pavement justification report should be maintained in the Region.

14.2.1 General Information

The following items, as applicable, should be included in a PJR for each CDOT project:

The proposed type of construction such as rehabilitation or reconstruction

Proposed location and type of facility
Special construction requirements such as:
Use of geotextile
Temporary dewatering

Colorado Department of Transportation
2017 Pavement Design Manual

Geometric problems
Tabulation of input design data and assumed values (both flexible and rigid
Applicable CDOT forms, worksheets, and checklists

14.2.2 Site Conditions

The following applicable items should be included in a PJR on the site conditions:
Fill and cut situations
Excavation requirements
Backfilling requirements
Topography, elevation, and land use
General geology
Geotechnical investigation
Drill exploratory borings at site
Location and date of task
Subsurface conditions (boring logs)
Laboratory testing
Environmental and drainage issues
Design approaches to provide removal of water from paved areas such as trench drain
and blanket drain (drain detail and length)
Drainage coefficients
Other construction-related issues to the site

14.2.3 Subgrade Materials

The following applicable items should be included in a PJR on the subgrade materials:
Soil and bedrock classification using AASHTO method
Hveem test/ R-values, resilient modulus, correlation of soil classification and k-value
Slope stability requirements
Special requirements for subgrade

14.2.4 Design Traffic

Traffic data
Reliability factor

14.2.5 Pavement Materials Characteristics

Layer coefficients for subbase, base, base course materials, and pavement course
Pavement distress types and severity (PMS Data)
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD)

Colorado Department of Transportation
2017 Pavement Design Manual

14.2.6 Pavement Design and Selection Process

The PJR should include all appropriate documentation on the pavement design and selection
process used to determine pavement type and thickness. Refer to the following items for general
guidelines in performing the pavement design and selection process:

Follow steps in CHAPTERS 6 and 7 for the pavement selection process for new
construction/reconstruction projects.

Follow steps in CHAPTERS 8, 9 and 10 for the rehabilitation alternative selection

process for resurfacing, rehabilitation, and restoration projects.

Follow steps in CHAPTERS 11 and 12 for the pavement selection process for

Perform LCCA using CHAPTER 13 as a guide.

Tabulate results of pavement design and LCCA.

14.3 Guidelines for Data on Plan Sheets

An example of data placed on plan sheets is shown on Table 14.1 Pavement Data on Plan Sheets.
The following items should be placed on plan sheets:

Pavement design information

Preliminary soil boring information
Coring information of existing pavement, for information only, if applicable.
State cold milling thicknesses and locations of paving fabric (for information only) if
When specifying Class E concrete state required strength for a required time period.
When specifying concrete items, state the required sulfate level for project.

Colorado Department of Transportation
2017 Pavement Design Manual

Table 14.1 Pavement Data on Plan Sheets

Design Parameters
Design Life (years) 10
Heavy Trucks (cumulative) 1,030,050
Operational Speed (mph) 65
Effective Binder Content (%) 10.7
Voids (%) 5.5
Milling Thickness (inches) 1
Overlay Thickness (inches) 1.5
HMA Grading SX
HMA Design Gyrations 75
HMA Grading (top lift) PG 58-28
Distress Prediction Summary
Target Prediction
Terminal IRI (inches/mile) 200 97.27
Reliability (%) 90 100
Permanent Deformation (inches) 0.8 0.18
Reliability (%) 90 100
AC Total Fatigue Cracking (%) 25 1.64
Reliability (%) 90 100
AC Total Transverse Cracking (feet/mile) 2,500 205.53
Reliability (%) 90 100
Permanent Deformation AC Only (inches) 0.65 0.09
Reliability (%) 90 100
AC Bottom-up Fatigue Cracking (%) 35 0
Reliability (%) 90 100
AC Thermal Cracking (feet/mile) 1,500 1
Reliability (%) 90 100
AC Top-Down Fatigue Cracking (feet/mile) 3,000 286.05
Reliability (%) 90 100


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