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China is in East Asia() China

(parts of speech)

1(noun n.) pen()English()life()

2)(pronoun pron.) we()his()all()
3)(adjective adj.) great()honest()difficult()
4)(numeral num.) four()eighteen()first
5)(verb v) write()walk()think()
6)(adverbadv.) quickly()often()very
7)(article art.) aan()the()
8)(preposition prep.)() from()in(
9)(conjunction conj.) and()because()i
10)(interjection int.)oh()aha()hush()
[]()(notional word)
(form word)
[] work()fast()since(

(members of the sentence)

1)(subject) I study English() I
2)(predicate verb) I study English study
3)(predicative) I am a student(
) studentOur classroom is clean() clean
4)(object) I study English English
They don't work on Sunday() Sunday o
5)(attribute) He likes to drink co1d milk()
6)(adverbial) He works hard() hard



Beijing is the capital of our country.( Beijing )

She is fond of sports.( She )

My brother rides. his bicycle to work.( rides )

His father is a doctor.( doctor )

The lesson is easy and Short.( easy short )
That classroom is ours( ours )

I love music.( music )

The medicine is good for her.( her )

Li Hong is an excellent teacher.( excellent )

Our monitor does well in English.( well )


a)(infinitive phrase) He 1ikes to read newspapers after lunch() to

read newspapers after lunch
b)(gerundial phrase)
Staying indoors all day is unhealthy() staymg indoors all day
c)(participial phrase)
I saw many people walking along the lake() walking along the lake
d)(prepositional phrase)
He came by bus() by bus


a)(subject clause) What I want to say is this() what I want to say

b)(predicative clause) This is what I want to say() what I want to say
c)(object clause) I have said what I want to say() what I want to say
d)(attributive clause) This is the thing I want to say() I want to say
e)(adverbial clause) If you want to say somethingsay it clearly(
) if you want to say something


a)(simple sentence)
The people's Republic of China was founded in 1949.
b)(compound sentence)
Tom's father worked from morning till night but he got very little money.

c)(complex sentence)
It's a long time since I saw you last.

a)(declarative sentence)
I saw him yesterday.
b)(interrogative sentence)
Did you see him yesterday??
c)(imperative sentence)
Please come in.
d)(exclamatory sentence)
What a beautiful voice she has!!
[](word order)

We help each other.
We go to school every day.
It's fine today.
I like this place.()
There are many trees in this place.()

The school library has many books on agriculture.(many on agricultu

re booksmany books on agriculture )

The Summer Palace is very beautiful.(very beautiful bea

utiful )
I know him well.(well
know know )
The students often go on a picnic.
(often go)
We take exercise every day.(every day take exercise

I met a friend at the bus-stop.
There is a map of China on the wall.
They worked quickly and efficiently.
He works just as hard as everyone else although he is over sixty.

Ohit's you!!

baby time
pencil socialism
air Shanghai

1)(common noun)
soldier water
pupil health
machine pleasure
2)(proper noun)

Lei Feng Karl Marx

London China
The Communist Party of China
The Great Hall of the People
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1)(class noun)
tractor panda
factory teacher
2)(collective noun)
class herd
crowd army
3)(material noun)
steel gram
fire cotton
4)(abstract noun)
happiness life
work whiteness
[](countable noun)(uncountable noun)

minative case)(objective case)(possessive case)

My brother always misplaces his schoolbag.

(brother schoolbag misplaces )
Every written sentence should begin with a capital letter.(se
ntence letter with )


John's friend
Xiao Wang's notebook
children's books
my father's room

the Party's concern of the younger generation
the hatred of the soldiers for the enemy
the reactionary rule's overthrow
the occupation of the city by the enemy

a friend of my sister's (= one of my sister's friends)a picture of Mr. Wu's (
)(a picture of Mr. Wu )
this lovely child of your aunt's

The dictionary is not mine, but Xiao Wang's.

I met him at the Johnson's (shop).

I went to my uncle's (house) yesterday.
(indefinite article)(definite article)
1) aan
a) a an

b) a an a notebook a cigarette an old ma

n an English class
u [ju:][j] a ana useful book
a university h an a an hour [&#60
1;nauə]an honest [ən nist] person
c) a an [E][En]
2) the
b) the
c)[Ti][TE] the evening [Ti5:vniN] ()the car [TEkB:] ()
u [ju:]y [j][əTE] the unit [TE5ju:nit] ()the yard [TE
jB:d] ()

a (an)
Xiao Xu's father is a miner.()
Give me a ballpen , please.()
A steel worker makes steel.()
A triangle has three angles.()
He comes from a firm in Beijing.
A young man wants to see you.
A car stopped in front of the gate.
Butter is 4 yuan a kilo.
He drove the car at 18 miles an hour.
The Chinese Export Commodities Fair is held in Guangzhou twice a year.

The doctor told him to take the medicine three times a day.

This is the house where Lu Xun once lived.()
The book on the desk is an English dictionary.(
book on the desk )
Cairo is the capital of Egypt.
We plan to cut the wheat in these fields in three days time.(
Open the door, please.()
The Manager is in his office.()
Let's meet at the railway station.()
Last week I read a story and a play. The story is about the Second World War and the play about the life of
university students.

4) the sun the moon the earth the sky th

e world
5) the
The Chinese student of English is apt to make such mistakes..
The favourite fast food in the United States is the hamburger.
The compass was invented in ancient China.
At the Children's Palacesome children learn to play the pianoothers learn to play the violin.

[] the verb() the elephant() the rose()

A horse is a useful animal.
The horse is a useful animal.
Horses are useful animals.
6)the the Chinese Communist Party the working
class the bourgeoisie the Labour Party()
7) the poor the rich
the wounded the sick the beautiful
8) the
Shanghai is the biggest city in China.
January is the first month of the year.
The sun rises in the east.
9) the
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
to go to the theatre(cinema)()()

Shanghai Britain Edgar Snow

the Yellow River the Baltic(Sea)the Pacific (Ocean)the Atlantic(Ocean)
the Xisha islands the Tianshan Mountains the Himalayas
the People's Republic of China the United States of America (
the Philippines the Sudan )
the National People's Congress the State Council the United Nations

the Tang dynasty the Warring States period
the National Art Gallery the Great Wall the Peking Zoo the British Mu
the People's Dailythe Reader's Digest the Being Hotel
The Lius have moved to Tianjin.
The Greens came to China for a visit last year.

War is the continuation of politics.
Our battalion fought north and south during the Anti Japanese War.

He is fond of music.
Did you like the music of the film??
Science is making rapid progress in China.
Physics is the science of matter and energy.
China is rich in oil.
The oil produced in Dagang is of first-rate quality.

It is a great joy to live in New China.

Liu Hulan has an ardent love for the people and a deep hatred for the enemy.
Mao-tai is a famous Chinese liquor.
She built a fire.
Have a smoke?
Nothanks. I gave Up smoking long ago.

Canada Japanese love hatred glass water
2) thisthatmyyourwhosesomeanynoeachevery

That is my cap.
I enjoyed every minute of it.
I want this book, not that one.
Spring has come.
Winter is the best time for skating.
Her little daughter was born in April 1987. 1987 4
We have mathematics on Monday.
[] in the spring in spring
I don't approve of cousins marrying.
Books are my best friends.

What does this word mean, Father??

Mrs. Johnson is director of the office.
by air at night in fact in danger after school at home
in town to go to school to go to bed to go to class from door to
door from morning till night
Have you had breakfast??
After lunch we usually have a nap.
What did you have for supper??
[] Come on, or the dinner will be getting cold.(
My younger brother likes to play table tennis.
Let's go and watch them play chess.
New Year's Day National Day
May Day Children's Day
Christmas Day
Letter from Beijing: Women in Capital Cotton Mill (letter
Bosses Force Deadlock on Pay Increase Talks (bo
sses thedeadlock a, pay increase talks the)


a) I am reading The Arabian Nights.()
This is John Smith speaking.()()
Can I help you??()
That's all.()
b)His father is an eye-doctor.()
All men are equal.()
3) I ()me ()Who ()whom ()
whose other's somebody's one's

5) the otherthe othersa fewa little

1)(personal pronoun)
2)(possessive pronoun)
4)(reciprocal pronoun)each otherone another.
5)(demonstrative pronoun)thisthatthesethosesuchsame.
6)(interrogative pronoun)whowhomwhosewhichwhat.
7)(relative pronoun)whowhomwhosewhichthat.
8)(indefinite pronoun)somesomethingsomebodysomeoneanyanythinganybody
anyonenonothingnobodyno oneeveryeverythingeverybodyeveryoneeachmuchm
anylittlea littlefewa fewotheranotherallnoneonebotheitherneither.

I am a cook.() We are cooks
You are a teacher.() You are teachers.
He is a barber.() The yare barbers.
She is a nurse.()The yare nurses.
It is a cart.() They are carts.
It's I . Ohit's you.
[] I ()()
[] it's I (he, she ) Its me (himher )
The dog bit him.
Our P. T. teacher taught us to swim yesterday.
This is my new hat. Do you like it ??
My brother often writes tome.
They took good care of us.
a) we I ( our my)
We believe that China will make still greater progress in shipbuilding.

In our opinion this is the best film of the year.

b) she
That's the picture of the Dongfeng; she is a 10,000 ton class ocean going freighter.

The dog waved his tail when he saw his master.

The child smiled when it saw its mother.
d) they they say
They say there's going to be another good harvest this year.

I love my work in the hospital.
How many students are there in his (her) class?()?
There are many good teachers in our school.
I saw a film lasts saturday. Its title was Guerrillas on the Plains.

Our room is on the first floor, and theirs is on the second
Ours is a socialist country.
I didn't borrow her dictionary. I borrowed his.
Whose pencil is this?It is hers.?

These tools are ours.

[]of+ 2.12 of+
a friend of mine (())
this lovely child of yours ()


Please help yourself to some lea.( help )
The girl is too young to look after herself.( look after )
He was always ready to help others; he never thought of himself ( t
hought of )

You yourself said so.

The desk itself is not so heavy.
I fixed the window myself.

Do you often see one another??
New and old students learn from each other..
John and Tom helped each other.
We are interested in one another's work.
The students corrected each other's mistakes in their homework.
Students cut each other's hair.
3)each other
Each tried to persuade the other to stay at home.

this that these those it Such


This is a plane()
Ohit's not that.()
How do you like these??()
This book is about Chinese traditional medicine.()
insthesethat those
1)This (these)that(those)

This is a sickle and that is an axe.

These days are cold.
In those days the poor people had a hard time.
2) that those this these
I had a bad cold. That's why I didn't come.
Those two statements are not true.
What I want to say is thisPronunciation is very important in learning English.

chairman Mao honoured Lin Hulan with these wordsA great life A glorious death

3) that those
The climate of shenyang is just as good as that of Beijing. (that climat
The county's grain output of 1981 was double that of 1970. 1987 1980
(that grain output)
Television sets made in Nanjing are just as good as those made in Shanghai.
(those television sets)
4)This that
The book is about this thick.
I don't want that much.
It it

Who is it?it's me.?

Oh, it's youLao Wang.
Such same
The foreign Visitors said they had never seen such a beautiful city before.

We are not talking about the same thing.

[] such Such

Such were his words.()
The same can be said of the Other article.()
Take from the drawer such as you need.()
His name and mine are the same.()
[] same the

who()whom()whose()what() which(

Who is going to speak to us tomorrow??(who )
Who told you so??(who )
Whom are you talking about ??(whom who whom)
Whose umbrella is this ??(whose )
What is that? ?(what )
What did he say??(what )
Which is yoursthe blue pen or the redone??(which )
[] 77.7077.72
[] whowhatwhich ever
What ever do you want??
Who ever is she looking for ??
[]which what
What do you usually have for lunch??
Which do you like best??
Which of you comrades come from the Northeast? ?

Who will be in charge of the work is still not decided.(

who )
Do you know what his name is??( what
[] what ()
What he says is quite true.(what that which
Children do what the nurse tells them to do.(what
[] whateverwhoeverwhichever
whateverwhoeverwhichever 15.65 15.72)
They eat whatever they can find.(whatever
Ive got plenty of books 1eft.Whoever wants an extra copy can get one from me.
(whoever )

( 4.18)

The man who is talking with Mr. Brown is an eye Specialist
( who man)
He is the comrade whom you have been looking for ( whom
comradewhom )
The old man whose son is in the navy used to be carpenter.
( whose man)
The film which I saw last night is about a young teacher.
( which film, which )
This is the plane that will fly to Tokyo in the afternoon.( that

some ()
any ()
no ()
no one
neither ()
none ()
either ()
other (s)()
much ()
many ()
few ()
a few ()
little ()
a little ()
one ()

Both of them are waiters.
Is everybody here??
I know little about the novel
I am speaking for myselfnot for others.
I was interested in everything that the old man told me.
That's all for today. class is dismissed.
This book is too much for me.
Study well and make progress every day.
He has some English books.
china will become a powerful modern country in another twenty years.

Wang and Li both made good progress.()
They all went to the Zoo.()
Are you any good at mathematics??()
The meeting lasted some two hours.()

someanynoevery -body-one-thing
a) somebody someone
b) anybody anyone
c) nobody no one
nothing [5nQWiN]
Everything is made of elements.()
I have got nothing to say.()
something anything some any

Have you anything to say about this question? No, I havent anything to say. ( I have nothing to say.)(
Yes, I have something to say.) ?(
She told them something about her work.()
There is nothing wrong with the lathe.
is there anything important in today's newspaper??
I need somebody strong to help me.


1) (cardinal numeral)one ()twenty()hundred

2) (ordinal numeral)first ()twentieth ()hun

1 one[wQn] 11 eleven[i5levn]
2 two[tu:] 12 twelve[twelv]
3 three[Wri:] 13 thirteen [5We:5ti:n]
4 four[fC:] 14 fourteen
5 five [faiv] 15 fifteen [5fif5ti:n]
6 six[siks] 16 sixteen
7 seven [5sevn] 17 seventeen
8 eight [eit] 18 eighteen[5ei5ti:n]
9 nine[nain] 19 nineteen
10 ten[ten] 20 twenty [5twenti]
21 twenty-one [5twenti5wQn] 60 sixty
30 thirty [5WE:ti] 70 seventy
40 forty [5fC:ti] 80 eighty
50 fifty[5fifti] 90 ninety

1)1319 -teen[5ti:n] thirteenfifteeneighteen

2) 2090 -ty[ti]
100 hundred [5hQndrid]
1,000 thousand [5WauzEnd]
1,000,000 million [5niljEn]
100,000,000 hundred million
1,000 million (=billion)
499 four hundred and ninety-nine(101999 )
3,876 three thousand eight hundred and seventy-six (10019999 )
57,453 fifty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty-three(1000199999))
768, 921 seven hundred sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-one
8,641, 457 eight million six hundred forty-one thousand four hundred and fifty-seven
50, 000, 000 fifty million
500, 000, 000 five hundred million
5, 000, 000, 000 five thousand million( five billion)
50, 000, 000, 000 fifty thousand million ( fifty billion)

1)100 100 hundredthousandmillion, billion

2) and and 850 eight hundred fifty

Two plus nine is eleven.
Four times six is twenty-four.
Three of them went to college last year.
( the three of them)
Give me two.
There are nineteen students in our class.
My uncle bought two hand tractors recently.
()hundred()thousand() million()( of
Our country has a population of l,200 million people.
There are three thousand students in the university.
Rice has been cultivated in the East for thousands of years.
Maize is the most important food crop for millions of people in the world.

She is just fourteen.
He was already forty when he began to learn English


first [fE:st] lst
second [5sekEnd] 2nd
third [We:d] 3rd
fouth [fC:W] 4th
fifth[fifW] 5th
sixth[siksW] 6th
seventh[5sevenW] 7th
eighth[eitW] 8th
ninth[nainW] 9th
tenth[tenW] 10th
eleventh 11th
twelfth[twelfW] 12th
thirteenth 13th
nineteenth 19th
twentieth [5twentiiW] 20th
fortieth 40th
fifty-first 51st
sixty-second 62nd
eighty-third 83rd
ninety-fourth 94th

1) 119 (first)(second)(third)-th
2) th fiftheighthninthtwelfth
3) ty y i-eth [i
4) twenty-one twent

The first is better than the second.
He was among the first to arrive.
China exploded its first atom bomb in October 1964. 1964 10
His father died in the Second World War.
Jack is always the first to get to the office in the morning.
[] the

12 one half [hB:f] 13 one-third 23 two-thirds
14 one-fourth one quarter [5kwC:tE] 34 three-fourths three quarters 2 3/5 two and three-f
0.5 zero [5ziErEu] point five 1.25 one point two five 3.458 three point four five eight.

1) in
(in) 897 (in) eight hundred and ninety-seven
(in) 1961 (in) nineteen sixty-one ( in nineteen hundred and sixty-one)
(in) 1905 (in) nine teen and five
(in) 1800 (in) eighteen hundred
2) in

(in) January Jan. (in) April Apr.

(in)February Feb. (in) May
(in) March Mar. (in) June
(in) July (in) October Oct.
(in) August Aug. (in)December Dec.
(in) September Sept. (in)November Nov.
3) ( the) on
(on) the first (on) the eighteenth
(on) the thirty=first
in September 1954 ( in September nineteen fifty four)1954 9
On May 171960( on May (the) seventeenth nineteen Sis-ty )1960 5 17
On October 1, 1949 ( On October (the) firstnineteen forty nine)1949 10 7
[] the twentiesthe thirties in the nineties of the last century(

1) at
We get up at six ( at six oclock).
They begin work at eight.
a) past()
eleven past seven
a quarter past eight
half past nine
b) to()
two to seven
a quarter to eight
eighteen to nine

715 seven fifteen 1130 eleven thirty

920 nine twenty 353 three fifty-three


a lovely baby
the beautiful picture
modern history

He is a good boy.
The Chinese Communist Party is a great party.
The film is both moving and instructive.
I am very glad to see you.
Have you got everything ready for the journey? ?
We keep our rooms clean and tidy.
4) the
The young are active.(the young )
The blind can learn to read with their fingertips. (the blind )
He has a keen sense of the new.(the new )
[] the young = the young peoplethe blind the Blind peoplethe new the new things.
( 3.4 7)
[] The sun rose red() red Dont marry young() young

( 16.18)

a large wild plant
a simple musical instrument
a small fierce dark brown animal ( dark brown)
1arge wild 1arge
wild plant and
a strong, swift horse
many happy and healthy children
a short and militant article (militant short

(degrees of comparison)(comparative degree) (su

perlative degree)(positive degree)
+ er more + + est
most +
[] -er -est[E][ist]o

tall [tC:l] taller[5tC:lE] tallest[5tC:list]
happy [5hApi] happier[5hApiE] happiest[5hApiist]
thin [Win] thinner [5WinE] thinnest [5Winist]
fine [fain] finer [5fainE] finest [5fainist]
[] r-er -est r [r]
near [niE] nearer [5niErE] nearest[5niErist]
clear [kliE] clearer[5kliErE] clearest [5kiErist]
[N]-er -est [N][g]
strong [strCN] stronger [5strCNgE] strongest [5strCNgist]
long [lCN] longer [5lCNgE] longest [5lCNgist]
right, wrongwoolenwooden.

we11 better best
bad worse worst
many more most
little 1ess 1east
far fartherfurther farthestfurthest
1ess least
interesting difficult
less interesting less difficult
least interesting leas difficult

+ than

Li is older than Zhou. ( is old)

There are more children in this nursey than in that one.(
there are children)
After two years physical trainingshe is healthier and stronger.
()( than she was)
We are much better off than ever before.(than we w
Paul weighs less than harry.
Mary is less clever than Jane.
[] that
The climate of Kunming is better than that of Lanzhou.
This book is even more difficult than that one.
Will the younger people give their seats to old people??


Peter is the oldest boy of them all.( of them all )

London is the biggest city in Britain( in Britain )
Mt. Qomolangma is the Worlds highest peak (
the worlds)
This is the best film (that) I have ever seen.(that that
This novel is the best (that) I have ever read.
This is the shortest of the two roads.
[] theHe is happiest when he is working.


here very quickly

1) now there rather

2)-1y firmly happi1y
early adj. early adv.
high adj. high adv.
long adj. long adv.

1)(ordinary adverb)together well seriously slowly carefully

2)(interrogative adverb)when where how why

3)(relative adverb)wherewhen
4)(conjunctive adverb)then so there{ore however hence
thus nevertheless otherwise still

It is raining hard.( hard is raining)
Don't drive too fast.(fast drive too
He speaks English quite well.(well speaksquite well)
This is a fairly useful tool(fairly useful)
He has always helped his sister with her homework.(always h
as helped)
She often went there.(often there went)
Perhaps he will telephone later.(perhaps )
Is he up??
She is out.
Life here is full of joy.(here life)

It is a rather difficult job(rather difficult)
He runs very fast.(very fast)
The peasants there are busy digging a canal now.
On my way homeI met groups of Young Pioneers.

-1y ( early -1y

) more most wellbadly

hard harderhardest
fast faster fastest
well better best
badly worseworst
early earlier earliest
quickly more quicklymost quickly
happily more happily most happily

David drives faster than anyone I know.
She plays table tennis better than I.( play table tennis)
Mr. Martin usually gets to the office earlier than others.
They speak less fluently but more correctly than we do.
2) the ( the )
I work fastest when I'm under pressure.
He swims the best in Class One.

1)Rome is one of the oldest cities in the world.

Her eldest daughter is a school teacher.
My elder brother is in college. He is two years older than I.
2)They reached the place later than we.
Twenty years later he returned to his home village.
3)Who spoke last??
What is the latest news about the sports meet??

as...asnot so. . .as not as...as

1) as...as
2) not so...as not as...as
1)This knife is as sharp as that one.
Bill is as tall as I.
Is this bag of soyabeans as heavy as that one??
You know as well as I do.
[] as a a
German is as difficult a language as English.() so
I have never seen so beautiful a place as Guilin before.()
2)tian An Men Square was not so big as it is now.
The Atlantic Ocean is not as big as the Pacific ocean.

twice ()three times() as...as..

New York is ten times as big as my home town.

The output of the paper mill is now three times as high as it was in 1966.

This river is twice as long as that one.

Asia is four times as large as Europe.
Three times three is nine.
He is twice my age.
This lake is four times the size of that one.
The irrigated area in this province is four times bigger than in l978. 1978
(four times bigger than = four times as big as)
Our county's agricultural output this year is 5 per cent higher than that of last year.

muchfarstillevena 1itt1enoanya great deal

The Yellow River is longbut the Changjiang River is even longer.

We are much better off now.
She sings far better than the others.
Wang is taller than Zhang. Li is still than Wang.
I couldn't move a step further
The meeting lasted two hours longer than usual.
He is a head taller than I.( He is taller than me by a head.)
They got there earlier than we by twenty minutes.
The students of the university have increased by 100 per cent since l978.

Do you want any more? -Yesgive me two more.

Have you any more tickets? -SorryI have no more.
[] + possible imaginable
I think he is the best possible man for the job.( the best man possibl
Swimming in winter is the best form of exercise imaginable.( the best
imaginable form)

[vip] + and +
( than )
The days are getting longer and longer.
He is becoming more and more interested in sports.

The more the more

The harder you workthe more you Will learn.

The greater the mass of a bodythe greater is its inertia.
The more you eatthe fatter you get.
The morethe better.

more than less than

There are more than three hundred households in this village.

The finished the Work in less than a year.
Our country has established diplomatic relations with more than one hundred countries.

no more than not more than

no more than not more than
There are no more than ten tickles left. ()
The experiment was done by not more than 5 persons. (
This room is no bigger than that. ()
This room is not bigger than that one. (
[] not . Any more than no more...than
They cannot do the impossible any more than we can.
He is no more diligent than I am.

no less than not 1ess than

no less than not less than
There were no less than a thousand people at the meeting.
There were not less than one thousand people at the meeting.
This song is no less popular than that one.(
This song is not less popular than that one.(

All the better so much the better

If that is soall the better.

If he will comeso much the better.

a)swim push
b)have be

(finite verb)(nonfinite verb)

He is a tractor driver.
Facts are more eloquent than words.
We have friends all over the world.
An apple falls by the force of gravitation.

I am pleased to meet you.()

Smoking is harmful to the health.()
I heard them singing the Internationale()
Spoken words are often more powerful than writing.()

(notional verb)(1ink verb)(modal verb)

(auxiliary verb)
The sun shone brightly this morning.
He likes to go for a long walk on sundays.
We have a big TV set in the club.
2) be()seem()look
It is never too late to mend.
It was a close game.
The children in this nursery look very healthy.
Keep quietplease!!
The tape recorder seems all right.
Later he became a doctor.
The problem remained unsolved until last year.
[] come go
The old man's dream has come true.
Something has gone wrong with the truck.
[] seem, appear to be
The new text seens to be easybut actually it is rather difficult.
She appears to be the girl's sister.
3) can ()may ()must() couldmight

4) shallwillhavebeshouldwonld do

1) (transitive verb)
I believe that the committee will consider our suggestion.
How long can I keep the book ?Harry asked.?
Dr. Bethune set us a good example.
Crude oil contains many useful substances.
2) (intransitive verb)
Birds fly.
It happened in June 1932.
My watch stopped.
She spoke at the meeting yesterday evening.

Shall I begin at once??(begin )
She began working as a librarian after she left school.(began )
When did they leave Chicago?(leave )
They left last week. (left )
Wash your hands before meals.
Does this cloth wash well? ?

a) arrive agree
We arrived at the railway station at noon.(at )(We reached the r
ailway station at noon.)
Everybody listened to the lecture with great interest.(to )(
We all heard the lecture.)
Do they agree to the plan??(to )
b) serve
Our children are taught to serve the people wholeheartedly.

(phrasal verb)

1) +
The small boy insisted on going with his parents.
Do you often listen to broadcasts in English? ?
Look at the children. Arent they lovely?!
We stand for self-reliance.
depend on (upon)(*)wait on ()look for ()deal with
()look after()wait for()
2) +
I always get up as soon as the bell rings. ()
Look outthere's a car coming! !()
Have you handed in your exercises already? ?()
Please dont forget to put on your coatit's cold outside.()
put out () eat up ()putdown() set
off ()come up()go on()
[] + + +

Please wake me up at five tomorrow.

If you have done your exercisesplease hand them in.
She doesn't normally behave like thatshe's putting it on.
He took off his hat when he entered the office.
The plane took off at seven sharp.
Charlie rang up Neil to ask about the time of the meeting.
If you can't comeplease ring up and let us know.()
3) + + +

Do not give up hope. We must go on with the experiment

(go on with )
He came up to me.(come up to )
look down upon()do away with()put up with()
4) + +
He shook hands with all the guests at the banquet.
Young pioneers often come to the Childrens Palace to take part in after=school activities.

Pay attention to the temperature of the stored rice.

Her job is taking care of the babies.
put an end to ()take notice of ()catch hold of ()lose sight of
()make use of()

principal forms of the verb

1) room form of the verb (past tense form)
past participle (present participle)

work worked worked working
write wrote written writing
have had had having
do did done doing
2) behavedoworkstudy
3)(regular verb)
[] -ed
5traveltraveled 5level1evelled
5totaltotaled 5model modelled
(irregular verb)

4) -ing

a) -ing
gogoing standstanding
askasking answer answering
studystudying bebeing
[] -s(-es) + yy
-ing studying [5stQdiiN]fly flying [5flaiiN]carrycarrying [5kAriiN]
[] r -ingr
enter [5entE] entering [5entEriN]
answer [5B:nsE]answering[5B:nsEriN]
wear [wZE] wearing [5wZeriN]
b) e e-ing
comecoming writewriting
taketaking becomebecoming
Sitsitting runrunning
Stopstopping beginbeginning
admitadmitting forgetforgetting
[] sendthinkaccept
[] -ing
5traveltraveling 5levellevelling
5totaltotaling 5modelmodelling
d)-ie ie y ing
diedying tietying
[]-c -c ck, -ed -ing
picnic picnicked picnicking
traffic trafficked trafficking

l) every daytwice a week()o

ften ()usually()always()seldom()sometimes()
She is our English teacher.
He takes a walk after supper every day.
The children go to school at seven every morning.
He workshard.()
Does she like sports??(?)
The children draw well.()
The sun rises in the east.
Two plus two makes four.
Knowledge is power

When they leave school, they will go to work in Tibet.
If You see himwill You tell him to ring me ??
We'll visit the cotton mill if it is fine tomorrow.

2)( gocomeleavestart )

The train starts at ten o'clock in the morning.

When does the Japanese Youth delegation leave for Xian? ?
Supper is at five today.
Marx says that a foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.
The story describes how a Young scientist develops a new theory.


Galileo insisted that the earth moves round the sun.


What time is it now? ?
The patient is much better now.
What is Shanghai like now? ?

Here he comes. ( here )

There goes the bell. ( there )

(past indefinite tense)

He went to town yesterday.()

The weather was warm last month.
When I was Young I took cold baths regularly.()

l) be

2) be was were
3) have had

l) yesterdaytwodays agolast weekin l958

We had a good swim last Sunday.
She suddenly fell ill yesterday.
He got up early in the morningfetched waterswept the yard and then went out to work.

When my brother was a teenagerhe played table tennis almost everyday.

[] would used to
When he was a child he would go skating every winter.
Mr. Higgins used to have a big house in downtown.
My elder brother used to be in the PLA. He is now a police officer.
They said they would let us know if they heard any news about him.

He promised me that when he went to the bookstore he would get me a copy of the Selected Stories of Lu

(future indefinite tense)

shall() will()+

1)tomorrow()next week(
)from now on()in a month()in the future()
My daughter will be twelve years old tomorrow.
He will come to see you the day after tomorrow.
The indoor swimming pool will be open to the public from October 16.
He will go to the technical training class every other day.
I shall go back to see my childhood friends in the summer vacation.
Today we shall have a report on the situation in Africa.
We shall work in this factory everyday.

1)be going +

We are going to visit the Museum of Chinese History.()

Little Wang studies very hardhe is going to try for a scholarship.
Look at those clouds. It's going rain.()
The wall is going to collapse! ? ()
2) go, come, leave, start
3)be about +
The English evening is about to begin.
We are about to leaveso there is no time to visit him now.
4)be + ( 10.2 3)
The boys are to go to school next week.
He and I are to meet at the Shanghai Railway Station.
I'm to be home before midnight.

(future-in-the-past indefinite tense)

should() would()

I rang up to tell my aunt that I Should leave for Los Angeles next Monday.

Michael said that about twenty agronomists Would come here in a few days.

They wanted to know when you would finish the article.

We asked him where we Should go to work next week.
[] 8.16

(continuous tense)



We read newspapers every day.

She is now reading the newspaper.

He sings well.
He is singing a folk song.
know() be()have
()1ove ()hate()want()1ike()think()believe()see()hear(

What are you doing?
I'm doing some washing.?
Look! It is snowing.!
She is drawing a map.
Are they listening to the music?
NOthey are listening to the radio.?
He is working on a paper.
They are compiling a dictionary.
3)( gocomestay1e
avestart )
He is corning to see you tomorrow.
They are going to the Ming tombs this coming Sunday.
They are taking the children to the zoo on Sunday.
What are you doing next Sunday? I'm going on a picnic with my wife and daughter.

(past continuous tense)

I was practicing the violin at eight o'clock yesterday evening.
When Walter arrived homehis sister was doing her homework.
Pat was watching TV all evening.

was() were ()

She was reading an English magazine when I came in.

It was getting dark.
They were working all day yesterday.
We were cleaning the auditorium from 7 to 9 last night.
I met him when he was crossing the street.

1) gocomestartstayleave

They wanted to know when we were leaving for Shanghai.

She asked whether he was starting then ext day.
2) go ( 8.2
4 3)
They said they were going to set up a nursery.
She said the foreign guests were going to visit the Shanghai in dustrial Exhibition.

The monitor announced that our new teacher was going to speak to us.
It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A young woman suddenly
appeared on the riverbank. it was Xier. She had just escaped from Huang Shiren's house.

We built a bridge last winter.()

We were building a hydro-electric station last winter.(
I wrote a letter home last night. ())
I was writing a letter to my pen friend in America last night. (

(future continuous tense)

1) be shall be() will be()
This time tomorrow I shall be flying to Guangzhou.
What will you be doing at eight tomorrow morning? ?
I hope you won't be feeling too tired.
We'll be watching television all evening.
We'll be having tea after dinner as usual.
The leaves will be falling soon.
Ill be seeing him in the office tomorrow.
We shall be having a meeting tomorrow morning.
Ill be taking my holidays soon.

(future-in-the-past continuous tense)

1) should be() wonld be()

He asked me what I should be doing at ten the next day.
They said that they would be expecting us the next week.
He said he could not come because he would be haying a meeting.


(future-in-the-past continuous tense)

1) should be() wonld be()

He asked me what I should be doing at ten the next day.
They said that they would be expecting us the next week.
He said he could not come because he would be haying a meeting.


We read newspapers every day.

She is now reading the newspaper.

He sings well.
He is singing a folk song.
know() be()have
()1ove ()hate()want()1ike()think()believe()see()hear(

What are you doing?
I'm doing some washing.?
Look! It is snowing.!
She is drawing a map.
Are they listening to the music?
NOthey are listening to the radio.?
He is working on a paper.
They are compiling a dictionary.
3)( gocomestay1e
avestart )
He is corning to see you tomorrow.
They are going to the Ming tombs this coming Sunday.
They are taking the children to the zoo on Sunday.
What are you doing next Sunday? I'm going on a picnic with my wife and daughter.

(past continuous tense)

I was practicing the violin at eight o'clock yesterday evening.
When Walter arrived homehis sister was doing her homework.
Pat was watching TV all evening.

was() were ()

She was reading an English magazine when I came in.

It was getting dark.
They were working all day yesterday.
We were cleaning the auditorium from 7 to 9 last night.
I met him when he was crossing the street.

1) gocomestartstayleave

They wanted to know when we were leaving for Shanghai.

She asked whether he was starting then ext day.
2) go ( 8.2
4 3)
They said they were going to set up a nursery.
She said the foreign guests were going to visit the Shanghai in dustrial Exhibition.

The monitor announced that our new teacher was going to speak to us.
It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A young woman suddenly
appeared on the riverbank. it was Xier. She had just escaped from Huang Shiren's house.

We built a bridge last winter.()

We were building a hydro-electric station last winter.(
I wrote a letter home last night. ())
I was writing a letter to my pen friend in America last night. (

(future-in-the-past continuous tense)

1) should be() wonld be()

He asked me what I should be doing at ten the next day.
They said that they would be expecting us the next week.
He said he could not come because he would be haying a meeting.


We read newspapers every day.

She is now reading the newspaper.

He sings well.
He is singing a folk song.
know() be()have
()1ove ()hate()want()1ike()think()believe()see()hear(

What are you doing?
I'm doing some washing.?
Look! It is snowing.!
She is drawing a map.
Are they listening to the music?
NOthey are listening to the radio.?
He is working on a paper.
They are compiling a dictionary.
3)( gocomestay1e
avestart )
He is corning to see you tomorrow.
They are going to the Ming tombs this coming Sunday.
They are taking the children to the zoo on Sunday.
What are you doing next Sunday? I'm going on a picnic with my wife and daughter.

(past continuous tense)

I was practicing the violin at eight o'clock yesterday evening.
When Walter arrived homehis sister was doing her homework.
Pat was watching TV all evening.

was() were ()

She was reading an English magazine when I came in.

It was getting dark.
They were working all day yesterday.
We were cleaning the auditorium from 7 to 9 last night.
I met him when he was crossing the street.

1) gocomestartstayleave

They wanted to know when we were leaving for Shanghai.

She asked whether he was starting then ext day.
2) go ( 8.2
4 3)
They said they were going to set up a nursery.
She said the foreign guests were going to visit the Shanghai in dustrial Exhibition.

The monitor announced that our new teacher was going to speak to us.
It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A young woman suddenly
appeared on the riverbank. it was Xier. She had just escaped from Huang Shiren's house.

We built a bridge last winter.()

We were building a hydro-electric station last winter.(
I wrote a letter home last night. ())
I was writing a letter to my pen friend in America last night. (

(future continuous tense)

1) be shall be() will be()
This time tomorrow I shall be flying to Guangzhou.
What will you be doing at eight tomorrow morning? ?
I hope you won't be feeling too tired.
We'll be watching television all evening.
We'll be having tea after dinner as usual.
The leaves will be falling soon.
Ill be seeing him in the office tomorrow.
We shall be having a meeting tomorrow morning.
Ill be taking my holidays soon.

(future-in-the-past continuous tense)

1) should be() wonld be()

He asked me what I should be doing at ten the next day.
They said that they would be expecting us the next week.
He said he could not come because he would be haying a meeting.


Present perfect tense

have (has) +

I have finished my work.
We have set up many new factories in this area.
She has read all these books.
Have you ever seen the play The Doll's House? ?
YesI have seen it twice.
I have learnt to drive.
The man has lived in China.
[] be
Where have you been? I've been to the laboratory.?
Have you ever been to Hangzhou? NoI've never been there.?
How have you been?I've been well thank you.?

1)I have lost my pen.()

She lost her pen yes today.()
2)I have been to the Agricultural Exhibition.()
I went to the Agricultural Exhibition last week.(
3) Who has opened the door? ?()
Who opened the door? ?()
4) AHave you had your lunch? ?(?)
BYesI have.()
AWhen did you have it ?()
BI had it about half an hour ago.

1) since
for (for )
How long have you been in Beijing ? I have been in Beijing for four years.?

Isaacs father has been a school teacher since 1968.

We haven't had a vacation for a long time.
Three years have passed since we left school.
It is three years since I began to work on the state farm.( has
It's a long time since I saw you last.
Ill go with you when I have finished my home work
Well wait here until you have Written the letter.
Perhaps Ill know more English after I have learnt it for two years.

1) yesterday1a
sr monththree years agoin l960
just before
He has just come.
We have seen the movie before
2) alreadynevereveralwaysyetnot...yetoften

Have you ever been in a plane? ?

The new books have not arrived yet.
The Xisha lslands have always been Chinese territory.
Have you heard from him yet? ?
They have already finished their experiment.
Many westerners have never seen a giant panda.
We have often been to the Summer Palace.
3) nowtodaythis monththis year

We have planted many fruit trees this year.

Have you seen Benny today? ?
We've had a lot of rain this summer.

The conference opened this month.

Their farm set up a pumping station this year.
wherewhyhow when
(when )
Where have you been? ?( Where did you go?)
Why have you turned off the radio? ?(
Why did you turn off the radio?)

(past perfect tense)

had +

1) bybefore

By the end of last week we had learned ten lessons.

He had learned some English before he came to the institute.
I didnt go to the film because I had seen it twice.
When I had gone over my lessons I took a rest.
I gave my little sister the flowers that I had bought for her.
In the exhibition he saw many oil paintings that he had never seen before.

2) for(
) since since
It rained yesterday after it had been dry for many months.
By the I read his new book I had known him for a long time.
He said that great Changes had taken place in his hometown since1980. 7980

[] whenbeforeafteras soon as

We had breakfast after we did morning exercises.

When I finished supperI took a walk.
The train started to move just before he reached the platform.
They started ploughing as soon as they got to the fields.

(future perfect tense) shall()

will() have will

By the end of this week I shall have finished the book.

By this time tomorrow they will have repaired the machine.
The children will have gone to sleep by the time We get home.
When you come tonight at eight o'clockI shall have written my paper.

By next year our teacher will have taught English for twenty years.


(past future perfect tense)

should() Would() have Would

He said he would have paid me back the money by the end of the week.
We told him that we should have returned to the camp by four o'clock.
I hoped she would have finished the work before I got back.


I have been waiting for you for two hours.()

It has been raining for three hours.()
He has been working on the paper all day.()
How long have you been learning English? I have been learning English for two years.
Why are you so dirty I've been playing football.?(
2) behave likeloveknowseehesr

She has been ill for a long time.

I have not seen you for ages.


I have been reading Lu Xun this week.()

I have read A Madman is Diary this week.(
I have read The story of Ah Q before. Q ()
Now we have cleaned the roomwe can move the things in.
()You look so tired. What have you been doing? ?

(past perfect continuous tense)

1) had been +

He told me that he had been waiting for me for two hours.()

The baby had been crying for fifteen minutes when her mother came in.
It seemed to her that the boys had been shouting for a long time.
The teacher had been teaching for forty years by the time he retired


(sequence of tenses)

He says his father is (waswill be)an engineer.()

Can you tell me when you finished (will finish) the work? ()


He told me he was unwell.

She said her brother was reading a magazine at the moment.

He said he had posted the letter.

Our teacher told us he had been to lndia.

They did not know when they would go to the Great Wall.
He said he was going to be an actor after leaving school.
The teacher told the pupils that the earth is round.
Somebody told me you an a writer.

The teacher told his pupi1s that the Chinese Communist Party was founded in Shanghai in l921.

My father told me that my grandfather was born in l900. OO


1)(auxiliary verb) shallwillshouldwouldbehavedo

China has entered a great new era. ()

Some boys are playing on the grass. ()
Mother is written by Gorky. ()
We Shall have the football match if it does not rain.(
Do you see my point? ?()
2) not
is notisn't would notwouldn't
are notarent [B:nt] have nothavent
was not wasn't has nothasn't
were not werent [wE:nt] had nothadn't
shall notshant [FB:nt] do notdon't [dEunt]
will notwon't [wEunt] does notdoesn't
should notshouldn't did notdidnt


be bebe
The driver is cleaning the car.
Yesterday afternoon we were discussing a new plan.
Women in our country are playing an important part in socialist construction.

2) be
A lot of consumer goods are made of nylon.
The Flower Show is usually held here in October. 10
The cinema will be closed for repair from March 3rd.
The delegation is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow.
Im to be home before midnight.
Youre to hand in your exercises tomorrow.
Where am I to put these tools? ?
What is to be done??
c) can may
I am not sure whether he is to turn up tonight.
My key is nowhere to be found.
d) be + about +
The meeting is about to begin.

hadHave (had)
I have known Mr. Smith for four years.
He has not made up his mind yet.
A woman came in with a babywho had just swallowed a safety pin.

[] have 'vehas 'shad 'd


diddo (did)
Do you know each other? ?
How do you find the climate here? ?
She did not go to hospital after breakfast She went to work as usual.

Don't be so careless.
Do not hesitate to come when you need help.
I do think he is right.
Do come often.
Do askif you have any questions.
Only then did I understand the importance of science.
Never did I expect to see him there.
Does he also study geography?? Yeshe does.
Did it snow a lot last week? Yesit did?
He works even harder than you do.
[] do

shall Will

shall ( will )shall

I shall think it over.

Dont worry. We shall tell you all about it.

will will
He will be twenty-five years old next month.
You will have an examination in English tomorrow.
The weather forecast says that therell be heavy rain tomorrow.

should would

should shall ( would)should

We were told that we should sight the Treasure lsland that night.

would will would

He said that he would always remember that day.


1)(modal verb)


3)(ought ) shallwillshouldwould

I can We can
You can You can
They can
She can
may would
can could
may night
shall should
have to had to
must must ( had to)
ought to ought to
dare dare( dared)
3)can(maymust)be doingcan
(maymust) have donecan(maymust)be done

shall notshan't [FB:nt]
will notwon't [wEunt]
can notcan't [kB:nt]
must notmustn't [5mQsnt]
should not shouldn't
would not wouldn't
could not couldn't
dare not daren't [dZEnt]
need not needn't

May I ask you a question? ?

Can you let me use your dictionary for a minute? ?
Would you like to visit the heavy machinery plant? ?
have to
Do you have to go out today? ?
Does he have to finish the work tomorrow? ?
[]can, could
can could

Can you ride a bike? YesI can.?

Can Mr. Smith use chopsticks? Nohe cant . ?
Most women here can read and write now.
In China even barren mountains can be turned into fertile fields.

It surely can't be six o'clock already? ?
You can't be hungry so soonTom. You've just had lunch.
She cannot be so careless.
Where can he be? ?
What can he mean? ?
It surely can't be six oclock already? ?
[] can
What can he be doing all this time? ?
She cannot be playing ping-pong now.
[] can may may
You can drop in any time.
Can I use your basin? of courseyou can.?
You can have my seatIm going now.

could Call 1) 2)()
1)We were sure that he could do the work.
He was a farmhand. He could not afford to send his son to school.
2)At that time we thought the Story could not be true.
[] could can
could you wait half an hour??
could you please ring up again at six? ?
could we visit a kindergarten? Ive been wanting to see one ever since I came to China.
[] were (was) able (to) could
I am glad we were able to catch the train.
could not
I am sorry we couldnt ( weren't able to) catch the train.

can can could
() be able
With their help, we shall be able to finish the work in a few days.

They have not been able to come to Boston.

Mr. Johnson rang up just now to Say that he won't be able to come over this evening.

can (could)
could can
Can he have left already? ?
Could she have forgotten my address? ?
It couldnt have been henry. He has gone to the factory.
Surely she can not have arrived so early.
[] could
You could have done the work better.()
You could have got the early train.()

I must leave at 9:00
Soldiers must obey orders.
You must get to the stallion before three oclock.
You must come earlier tomorrow.

must must not

We mustnt waste our time.

Passengers must not walk across the railway line.
You mustnt miss that modern balletIt is extremely good.
One must not divorce oneself from the masses.
[] need not
Must we hand in our exercises today? NoYou needn't.?

must ()
He told us we must all be ready by nine.
It was too late to go backwe must go on.
[] have to ()
I am afraid You will have to wait a while.
At every step I had to pull my legs out of the snow.

He must be in the library now.
The old man must be over seventy now.
She must know how to do farm work.
You ate very little at breakfast today. You must be hungry now.

[] must

She must be working on the experimental plot.


I mailed the letter two weeks ago. She must have received it.

She must have studied English before.

How did you know about it? Somebody must have told you. ?

[]--may, might
may might
May I come in? Yesdo. ?
May I borrow you raincoat? ?
You may go now.
You may ring us up any time during office hours.
[] may must not()
May I take this book out of the reading-room? Noyou mustnt. ?

We may call on you this evening.
She may not go to the concert tonight.
The news may or may not be true.
[] may
May you succeed.
May you have a pleasant journey.

might may
The speaker said we might ask him any question.
He said he might go to the Palace Museum on Sunday.
[]night may
He night not come today.
Might I make a suggestion? ?
You mightpay more attention to spoken English.
You might shut the windows. The wind is blowing so hard outside.

may (might)
may might might
Nick may (might) have gone to the library.
Our manager may (might) have gone to Harbin last weekend.

She may (might) have missed the plane.

[] may might so that in order that ( can)

Write is in simple language in order that everybody may understand it.

He diedso that others night 1iye.

[] might

You might have told me earlier.

You might have been more careful.

[]have to
have to
have to

Mr. Johnson has to work very hard to earn a living.

I had to leave the party early last night. I wasnt very well.
We will have to get up very early tomorrow.
I shall have to go to the clinic today for my bad cough.
[] I have got toyou have got to I have toyou have to. Have I got to? Do I have to?


You shall do itwhether you want to or not. ()

You shall have the book as soon as I finish it.()
You shall pay for it.()


What shall I do now? ?

Shall we go for a walk? ?
Shall he come tomorrow? ?
We Should learn about the computer and make full use of it.
You should listen to the doctors advice.
You should study the article care fully.


They should be here by now.

The reference book should be in the reading-room.


Why should I go? ?()

I am sorry that he Should be so obstinate.()
Its strange that it should be so hot today.()


You should have stopped at in red light.
You Should not have gone back to work without the doctors permission.

He Should have come earlier.


I will try.
I will do my best.
We will never do it again.
Which will you fake??
Who will go with me? ?


Will you please explain the sentence once more??

Will you have western food or Chinese foodMr. Smith? ?
Will you pass me the butter? ?
Won't you come in ??
[] will
Ill be glad if you will come.()
[]will = I suppose() probably()
This will be the room you are looking for.
You will remember the story I told you the other day.
Water will boil at 100 degrees Centigrade. 100
Boys will be boys.

He declared that he would do everything to help us.
I told peter that I would go along wit him.
All in e doctors and nurses told Dr. Bethune not to give his own blood to the wounded, but he wouldnt liste

would will
Would you tell us something about yourself? ?
Would you like to have a glass of wine? ?
Would you please tell me the way to the nearest bus-stop? ?
Would you mind helping me with my packing? ?
[]I would like to I should like to I would like Id like
I should (would) like to have a look at the new television set.
Id like to borrow a copy of Alice in Wonderland.

I found that retired persons would often go to the park to play chess.
When he had a problem to solvehe would work at it until he found an answer.

ought to Ought
You ought to follow the old mans advice.
You oughtnt to smoke so much.
You ought to go to the clinic at once. You dont look well.
[]ought should

(ought to have done) should have d
one(ought not to have done) should not ha
ve done
He ought to have done the exercise more carefully.
I ought to have returned these books to the library last week.
You ought not to have been so rude.
You ought not to have taken his skates without asking him.

dare ()
dare dare
They dare not tell the truth.
Dare he admit his mistake? ?
He dared say no more
dare to
Young people should dare to thinkdare to speak and dare to act.
[]dare do
Do they dare to do it? ?
The enemy did not dare to come out after dark.
I didnt dale come.
Who dares stop me? ?
to to
Need we return the magazines today??
Every member needs to pay only a little money a year to get medical care.

You need not write down your translation. You may do it orally.

[] dare need to do
Do they need to take any tools with them? No., they dont need to.?
He did not need to go there early that day.


I need a dictionary.
You need a hair-cut.
Do you need a fountain-pen? ?
I dont need a new jacket.
Mary looks triedshe needs a rest.

Neednt ( to)

You neednt have watered the vegetablesas it is going to rain.

You neednt have brought your umbrella. We are going by taxi

[] didnt have to didnt nee to

I didnt have to interpret it for herfor she knows Chinese.
I didnt need to take a taxi it is only five minutes walk to the station.

[] used to had better used to

(would )
When I was youngI used to play football.
He didnt use to come. ( usednt to)
Did he used to come? ( used he to...?)?had better

We had better go now.

Youd better stop now.( had better)
Hadnt we better go now? ?(had better )


a)(indicative mood)
There are two sides to every question.
Jinzhou is famous for its apples.
Comrade Zhang Side had a deep love for the Party.
b)(imperative mood)
Bring along your exercise books tomorrow.
Make yourself at home.
Don't move! !
Don't be late.
Be quiet! !
c) (subjunctive mood)

[] A

If I were not so busyI would go with you.()

I wish Lao Li were here.H6 would know how to fix the machine.
He suggests that we should all go to see the film.()

2)(be were)
3) had + ()
4) should + ()
5) should have + ()
6) should ()Would() +
7) should()Would() + have +

If I Were you I should go and see the dentist at once.
If they were no gravity, we should not be able to walk.
If they had timethey would study Italian too.
If She knew GermanShe would read Marx and Engels in the original

He would tell me if he knew but he does notknow anything about it.

If I had known of your arrival I should have met you at the station.

If you had come a few minutes earlieryou would have met him.

If She hadnt been so strict with herself, she wouldnt have made such great progress.

If the child had fallen through the ice, he would have drowned.
If it Were Sunday tomorrowmy brother would go skating at the Beihai Park.

If you dropped the glassit would break.

What Would happen if I put the paper on the fire? It Would bum.?

[] were to + (
) should +
If you were to come tomorrowI might have time to see you.
If I were to see her tomorrowI would tell her about your decisions.

If it should rain tomorrowwhat would we do??

If you should meet Georgetell him I want to see him.

[] B
werehad should w
erehad should
Should he cometell him to ring me up.
Were I in your positionI would go.
Had they not helped usour experiment would have failed.

without contradiction nothing would exist.
We could not have done the work well without your help.
It wonld be a good idea to go swimming at the summer palace.
All this would have been impossible ten years ago.

[] C

() couldmightwou1d to

If I were youI Would go.

If he were herehe might agree with you.
I Would help you if I could.
If it had not been for their helpwe could not have succeeded.

[] D

If he had followed the doctor's advicehe Would be quite all right now.
If I were youI Would have gone to the theatre.(
If you hadn't helped meI couldn't have finished it on time and most likely I would be still working now.

If it rains tomorrowwe shall not go out.

The dog wont attack you if you sit still.
If the train leaves at eight thirtythere is no time to lose.
If the rain stopsIll go for a swim.

[] E

That would be fine.( if you should do it )
You might stay here forever.( if you wanted )
I would not have done it.( if were you )
Who would have thought of it ? ?
If he were here!!
If I had never married.
if only
If only I could help you! !
If only I were ten years younger!!
If you would only try harder!(only would )
[] if only
If only I had known earlierId have sent you a telegram.

[] F

It is natural(necessarystrangeimportant) that...that
It is quite natural that he should think so.
It is strange that he Should have gone away without telling us.
It is necessary that the question should be settled at once.
It is important that we should speak politely.
It is imperative that we should practise criticism and self-criti - cism.

1) wish ( that)
I wish I were a pilot.
I wish I knew how to operate the machine.! (= I'm sorry I dont kno
I wish he hadn't gone.!(= I'm sorry he has gone.)
We wish you had come to our New Year's party.(= but you did

She wished she knew how to play golf. ()

I wished I hadn't been so forgetful. Then I shouldnt have missed the concert.
[] would might .
I wish hemight stay with me.
He wishes I would go with him.
I wish you would be quiet.
2) demand()suggest()order ()insist()propose()
I suggest that we should hold a meeting tonight.
The chairman proposed that we Should discuss the question.
Most students insist that they should have more English classes.
[] should() h
olddiscuss have should holdshould discuss should have
I suggest that we make a new expertinent.
I propose that the matter be put the vote at once.

as if as though
(be were) had +
My mother locked after the orphan as if he were her own child.
You speak as if you had really been there.
as if
It looks as if it might rain
[] lest in case 15.33 15.30

It is time (that)

It is time we left.
It is time we went to bed.
It is time we summed up our results.

1) 1ive Long live

Long live the Communist Party of China! !
Long live the people! !
(1ive lives)
2)May ()
May good luck be yours.
May you be happy.
May you do even better! !
[] A


He likes to sing

They like to sing.

like likes like

The man walking in front was carrying a flag.

The men walking in front were carrying flags.

be was were.

He promised to do it tonight.( to do "

tonight promised )
I am sorry to have disturbed you.(to have disturbed to disturb
I saw many people spreading manure in the fields.( spreading
manure in the fields)
There is no time to be lost.(to be lost to lose

I have no time to finish that long novel this week.()

Forgetting the past means betrayal.()
Members wishing to see the play are requested to notify Li Min be fore Saturday.

[] B

1)(infinitive) to

He wants to study Japanese.( to study Japanese)
The rain continued to fall heavily.( to fall heavily)
to study Japanese to fall heavily

To lean out of the window is dangerous.
To talk with him is a great pleasure.
To die for the people is a glorious death!

It is a great pleasure to talk with him.

It is a glorious death to die for the people.
It is++
It is necessary to make a plan for this course of study.
It is not difficult to learn a foreign if you spend time and effort on it.

Its just impossible to see that and not weep.( weep

Her wish is to become an astronaut.
Our plan is to finish the work in two weeks.
His only desire was to be useful to the country.
3) want()wish()like()deci

He wants to be a village school teacher in a mountain area.

Do you like to watch football matches? ?
Learn to walk before you run.
We decided to make changes in our plan.
)anxious() able()sure()glad()sorr
He is sure to succeed.
How do you do? Im glad to meet you. ?
The boys and girls are anxious to learn how to skate.
He is always the first one to get up.
I have a few words to say on this question
They are discussing ways to guarantee high output.
After the Ching Ming Festival it is time to sow sorghummillet and corn.

He went to Beijing to study in 1988.
He went to Paris to learn French.
[] in order to () so as to()

We often listen to English broadcasts in order to get more practice in training our ears.

In order to learn acupunctureshe practiced on herself every day.

( in order to )
We must have good soil so as to grow roses.
To be a good teacher one must use good teaching methods.
To de fend our country we must strengthen ourselves.
[] to begin with()to conclude()to be sure
()to tell you the truth()
My grandmother lived to see the birth of my little daughter.
A few years later he came home to find that his hometown had greatly changed.

[] too...to()
He is too young to join the army.
It was too coldto go out last night.
[] only
I went to see him only to find him out.
I hurried to the post officeonly to find it was closed.

[] C

)call on()
He got someone to repair the door.
I persuaded my brother to change his mind.
The doctor advised him to take a good rest.
too make()let()see()
watch()hear()have()feel() help to
Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China.
He let me go home.
We must have someone repair the refrigerator.
I heard him speak in the next room.
Mother is helping pat (to) clean her shoes.
[] to

[] D

to not
He decided not to go home.
The teacher warned the pupils not to go skating on thin ice.
I told him not to open the door.

whowhatwhich whenwherehow

When to start has not been decided.()

They told her where to find her little brother.()
The teacher showed the students how to do the exercise.()
He thought a lot about how to improve his English pronunciation.(

for + () +
for () for

For us to learn foreign languages is important.
for us to learn foreign languages
for + () +

It is important for us to learn foreign languages.

It is necessary for us to learn from each other.
It is for you to decide.
Can you arrange for a car to take us there??
There is a lo to work for us to do.
The policeman blew his whistle for the carts to stop.()

[] E

I saw him go out.(saw go out )
Would you help me put things in order before we leave??(w
ould help put )
I hope to see you again.(to see hope )
The boy said he wanted to be a scientist.(to be wanted )

to write to be writing
to have written

I am sorry to have kept you waiting.(to have kept am )

She seems to have read the book before.(to have read seems
The battery appears to have run down.(to have run down appears

We were to have met at ten.()

He see ms to be recovering.
When he came inI happened to be lying on the bedreading.

[] E

to be written
to have been written

The next thing to be done is to carry away the earth.

No harm seems to have been done.

to(split infinitive)

He likes to half close his eyes.

Our object is to further cement friendly relations between the two countries.

At first he wasnt interested in bookkeepingbut later he began to actually like it.

[] F


I have finished repairing that machine.
They have started working in the apple-orchard.

repairing that machine working in the apple-orchard

Getting up early is a good habit.( getting up )
The foreign visitors enjoyed seeing Chinese acrobatics.( seeing )

Seeing is believing.
Reading aloud is very important in learning English.
Looking down on women is feudal ideology.
Its no use over spilt milk.()
Its no good talking about it.
Her job was looking after the pigs.
His hobby is collecting stamps.
She was washing clothes. ()

Her job was washing clothes. ()

a) beginstartstopfinishlike
please stop talking.
You must practise reading English aloud.
My sister is fond of reading novels.
Were tired of having the same kind of food everyday.
Instead of going to Zhongshan parkthey went to the ZOO.
Mr. Bush earns his living by teaching.
He was punished for stealing.
My father works in a printing shop.
Our school built a swimming pool last summer.
Our teacher uses a very good teaching method.

Trying without success is better than not trying at all.
He Hated himself for not having worked hard.

Your going there will help a lot.

(your going there )
Please excuse my interrupting you.(my interrupting you excuse )
Do you mind my smoking??(my smoking mind )
Aunt Liu was very happy about Wangs coming to see her.(Wangs coming
about )
We are looking forward to the experts coming to speak to us.(the e
xperts coming look forward to )

Please excuse me interrupting you.

Aunt Liu was very happy about Wang coming to see her.

His father agreed to him becoming an engine-driver.

DO you remember me and my mother coming to see you??
Tides are caused by the moon and sun pulling water toward them.

having written

Children enjoy watching colour TV.

(enjoy watching )
Would you mind opening the window and letting a little a air in?? (opening
letting mind )

Do you remember cutting rice on the state farm? ? (cutting reme

mber )
I shall never forget seeing Lu Xun for the first time in 1932.
(seeing forget )
I regret having been unable to write to you earlier.
His leg showed no symptom of having been injured.
We were overjoyed at the news of China haying launched another man-made satellite.

being written
having been written

This picture shows a child being beaten by a Japanese soldier.

The meeting was put off without his having been consulted.



The students like playing football.()

Would you like to play football this afternoon??()

She hates to trouble you.(to trouble she)

She hates smoking.(smoking she)

Stop talking.!(talking )
Stop to think about it for a moment.(to think )
I remember seeing him()
You must remember to post the letter.()
4) finish(
)avoid()enjoy()mind()insist on()object to()give up
()practise ()put off()
We all enjoy listening go Beethoven's symphonies.
We should avoid making grammer mistakes in our exercises.
The doctor says I must give up smoking.
Would you mind repeating what you have just said??
5) want()wish()
I hope to visit China again.
I wish to take this opportunity to make up for the lessons I have missed.
Teachers and students managed to set up a laboratory.
6) begin()start
When did you begin learning (to learn) typewriting??
They continued working (to work) after the meal.

(verbal noun)

She likes reading Jane Eyre.()

The reading of The Dream of the Red Chamber took her about two weeks.
They started cleaning their room at six.()
They gave the classroom a good cleaning.()
reading ()
readings ()
writing ()
writings ()

[] G

reading materials (reading materials .reading reading

materials = materials for reading)
leading comrades (1eading comrades leading leading c
omrades= comrades who lead)

a reading-room
drinking water
a writing course
a sleeping car ()
the getting-up bell

[] H




surprising ()
surprised ()
an exciting story ()
excited spectators ()
a moving film
A moved audience
A tiring journey
A tired football player
He told us many interesting things last night.
She is interested in astronomy.

fallen leaves
the exploded bomb
a retired miner
returned students

the changing world

the changed world
boiling water
boiled water ()
developing countries
developed countries
[] I

Im reading a very interesting book.
He likes to drink cold boiled water.

China is a developing socialist country belonging to the Third world.

(= which belongs to the Third World)

The man sitting it the corner is my brother.(= who is sitting in the com
Most of the people invited to the party did not come.(= who were invi
ted to the party.)
The opera is very moving and instructive.
The cups are broken.
He is married.

Lei Fengs spirit is inspiring the people all over the country. ()
His report is inspiring. ()
The road was completed by the PLA men.()
The road is completed.()
Looking out of the windowI saw groups of children passing by the house.
(= When I locked out of the window)
Heatedthe metal expands.(= When it is healed)
Opening the drawer he took out a dictionary.(= He opened the drawer and t
[] when while

While working in the factory (= While I was working in the factory)I learnt a lot from the workers.

When heatedthe metal expands.

Feeling tired, I telephoned and said I couldnt come to a hospital of Chinese medicine.
(= Since I felt tired)
Thinking that Chinese medicine might helphe went to a hospital of Chinese medicine.
(= As he thought that...)
Inspired by the excellent situation they worked even harder.
(= Since they are inspired by...)
He came running back to tell us the news.()
She stood there waiting for the bus.()
The child fellstriking head against the door and cutting it.()
He went out slamming the door.()
The lichens came borne by storms.()

Not knowing what to doshe went to the teacher for help.
I left at noonnot staying for lunch.
The boy was left uncared for.

We saw them walking across the road.
We heard the children singing I Love Beijings Tian An Men
I found my hometown almost completely rebuilt.
have get

We must get the television set repaired.()

I had my watch mended in town.()
If we have shortcomingswe are not afraid to have them pointed out and criticized.
He had his arm broken.()

They were seen walking across the road.

The children were heard singingI Love Beijing Tian An Men

I saw him go upstairs.()

I saw him going upstairs.()
I was working in the room all morning I heard somebody All knock at the next door.
When I went back to the roomI heard her practicing singing in the next room.

[] J

having written

Working together with Dr. Bethunewe learnt a lot from him.

(working leamt )
Knowing that they were going abroad next week they began to make preparations.
(knowing began )
He came up to mesayingGlad to see you again.(saying
came )

Having done his homeworkthe schoolboy began to write his diary.

(having done his homework began )
Not haying done it right, I tried again.
(not having done tried )

being written
haring been written

This is one of the many dams being built the river.

Being surroundedthe enemy troops were forced to surrender.
Having been asked to stayI couldnt very well leave.

(absolute construction)

The young woman standing over there is our new English teacher.
( standing over there the young woman)
Having finished his workhe went out to play volleyball.(having finished
his work he)(
The dark clouds having dispersedthe sun shone again.()
We shall thresh the wheatweather permitting.()
Their room was on the first floorits broad window overlooking the park.
(the first floor
We redoubled our effortseach man working like two.()
Almost all metals are good conductorssilver being the best of all.
The meeting overwe all left the room.( over
This donewe went home.()
She gazedher hands clasped to her breast.*

Generally speakingthis book is not very difficult.

Judging from what you sayhe has done a very good job.
Considering that he has been in china for only a yearhe speaks Chinese well.

talking of ()speaking of ()
[]with + + ()

He fell asleep with the lamp burning.

She gazed with her hands clasped to her breast.*

He sleeps with the windows open even in winter.

A girl carte in with a book in her hand.(A girl
came inbook in hand.)

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