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Smart Phone Light

The circuit shown here is used to in the ambient light and greather than power failure or load shedding also.
switch on a lamp when the tele- 100 kilo-ohms in darkness, is at the heart The light switches off automati-
phone rings, provided that the ambient of the circuit. cally after a programmable time period.
light is insufficient. The circuit is fully isolated from the If required, the lamp lighting period can

be extended by simply pressing a pushbut-

ton switch (S1).
The first part of the circuit functions
as a ring detector. When telephone is on-
hook, around 48V DC is present across
the TIP and RING terminals. The diode
in the opto-coupler is off during this
condition and it draws practically no
current from the telephone lines. The opto-
coupler also isolates the circuit from the
telephone lines. Transistor in the opto-cou-
pler is normally off and a voltage of +5V
is present at the ring indicator line B.
When telephone rings, an AC voltage
of around 70-80V AC present across the
telephone lines turns on the diode inside
the opto-coupler (IC2), which in turn
switches on transistor inside the opto-
coupler. The voltage at its collector drops
to a low level during ringing to trigger IC3
74LS123(A) monostable flip-flop.
The other opto-coupler (IC1) is used
to detect the ambient light condition.
When there is sufficient light, LDR has
a low resistance of about 5 kilo-ohms and
the transistor inside the opto-coupler is
in on state. When there is insufficient
The circuit can be implemented using phone lines and it draws current only light available, the resistance of LDR
just two ICs. A light dependent resistance when the phone rings. The lamp can be increases to a few mega-ohms and the
(LDR), with about 5 kilo-ohms resistance battery powered to provide light during transistor switches to off state. Thus


the DC voltage present at the collector of the programmed duration and nobody attends the phone, the light turns
transistor of the opto-coupler is normally switches back to 0V at the end of the pulse off automatically after the specific time
low and it jumps to 5V when there is no period. period equal to the pulse-width of the
light or insufficient light. This high-to-low transition (trail- second flip-flop.
The 74LS123 retriggerable monos- ing edge) is used to trigger the second The light sensitivity of LDR
table multivibrator IC is used to gener- monostable flip-flop 74LS123(B) in the can be changed by changing re-
ate a programmable pulse-width. The same package. Output of the second sistance R3 connected at collec-
first monostable 74LS123(A) generates monostable is used to control a relay. tor of the transistor in light mon-
a pulse from the trigger input avail- The lamp being controlled via the N/O itor circuit. Similarly, switch-on
able during ringing, provided its pin 2 contacts of the relay gets switched on. period of the lamp can be controlled by
input (marked B) is logic high (i.e. The on period can be extended by sim- changing capacitor C3s value in the
during darkness). It remains high for ply pressing pushbutton switch S1. If second 74123(B) monostable circuit.


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