SSN College of Engineering Department of Information Technology Eee - Iv Sem - A Assignment - I DATE: 04.2.16
SSN College of Engineering Department of Information Technology Eee - Iv Sem - A Assignment - I DATE: 04.2.16
SSN College of Engineering Department of Information Technology Eee - Iv Sem - A Assignment - I DATE: 04.2.16
C++ Programs
1. Write a program to find the area of circle, square, rectangle using separate
5. How does a constant defined by const differ from the constant defined by the
preprocessor statement #define?
7. Write a program to find the value of m using inline function.
9. Write a program to read a file and convert the contents of the file to Uppercase
10.Write a program having a structure named Time which has three integer data
members i.e. hour, minute and second. The task is to add two Time type
variables using a function.