Design Thinking Submission

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Group Name:Smurfs
Section: G
Topic: Enhancing teamwork experience
Team Members:

1. Naamin Phaisal [email protected]

2. PoojaTalapatra [email protected]
3. Sanya Singh Thakur [email protected]
4. AkshayUthkarsh [email protected]
5. NooluSatishSrikanth [email protected]
6. SwagatikaSahu [email protected]

User Pain Points Interesting Insights Remark

1. Male, 23 1. Unresponsive Has the desire to work Thinks that the place of
team members in teams, as long as he meeting/working of the
2. Thinks its a has co-operative team has no relevance
waste of time members. Also, wants to the quality of work
to choose his team- produced.

2. Male 25 1. No mechanism to find Everyone is ready to At end of each group

out who actually put the work if there is good work peer evaluation
effort enough incentives for can be done to rate the
2. Prefer to work the group work amount of contribution
individually by each member for

3. Male 22 1. Lack of Instead of dividing At the end of day group

coordination work into parts, prefer work should not be
2. Fragmented work doing it while sitting fragmented, should not
together by mutual be mere points
contribution assorted together
User Pain Points Interesting Insights Remark
4. Male 21 1. Difficult to Working in groups In most of the group works,
coordinate with which are formed on tasks are being distributed
all the members their own are better within the members and
2. Cant force compared to PGP not putting collective
others to do the groups efforts

User Pain Points Interesting Insights Remark

5. Female, 22 Free riding takes place Sometimes feel less A common meeting hall
pressurized when work should be there where all
is divided equally and the members can sit
everyone contributes. together and work
simultaneously and
possibly complete the given
work easily and quickly.
Place does matter because
some girls are never
comfortable in boys hostel
and they cannot work

User Pain Points Interesting Insights Remark

6. Male 22 Free riding Likes to work in groups There should be a common
takes place when members can place where everyone can
No common meet personally and meet
place suiting theyre accommodating
everybodys of each others opinion

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