Visual Arts - Reports

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Visual Arts - Report Comment Bank Semester 1 2017

Semester Overview:

This semester students adjusted to the collaborative work environment in the Art room honing their basic art
skills. Gaining confidence with the expectations and routines has been a steep learning experience. Students
cast their handprints in plaster and decorated the surrounds with a variety of marks and patterns. They also
experimented with methods such as collaging and foam printing to demonstrate various compositional effects
and explored the concept of colour.
Differentiated comments:

Achievement Level Comment

By the end of Below {He/She/Name} settled into the Art routine at {his/her} own pace and
Foundation participated in all activities with less support as the semester progressed.
students make {He/She/Name} viewed a range of Keith Haring artworks with common
artworks using themes and subject matter and with assistance created an artwork
different materials expressing {his/her} ideas.
As {his/her/name}s confidence grows {he/she} is beginning to take more
and techniques
risks in {his/her} learning in the Art room and is starting to use a range of
that express their
materials and techniques to create artworks.
ideas, observations
At level {He/She/Name} settled into the Art routine and participated in all
and imagination. activities.
Students identify {He/She/Name} enjoyed the hand print project and explored the concept
and describe the of creating a regular pattern to decorate the frame.
subject matter and {He/She/Name} successfully explored ideas, experiences, observations
ideas in artworks and their imagination to create visual artworks.
they make and {He/She/Name} viewed a range of Keith Haring artworks with common
view. themes and subject matter and based on {his/her} observations and
imagination {he/she} created an original artwork.
{He/She/Name} experimented with different materials and techniques to
make artworks.
{He/She/Name} used techniques to demonstrate various compositional
effects as demonstrated in {his/her} Keith Haring style artwork as {he/she}
overlapped the printed image and arranged the collage of dancing figures.
{He/She/Name} competently created and displayed artworks.
{He/She/Name} contributed to class discussions, describing the theme or
ideas being expressed in exhibited artworks.
{He/She/Name} responded appropriately to visual artworks and was able
to consider where and why people make visual artworks.
{He/She/Name} discussed how design elements such line, shape, colour or
texture are used in their own artworks and in the artworks of others.
{He/She/Name} experimented with colour and colour mixing and
identified the primary colours as red, blue and yellow.
Above {He/She/Name} settled into the Art routine well and participated
enthusiastically in all activities.
{He/She/Name} was able to follow instructions to produce original work
reflecting an understanding of the skills being taught.
{He/She/Name} discussed how design elements such line, shape, colour or
texture are used in their own artworks and in the artworks of others.
{He/She/Name} experimented with colour and colour mixing and
identified the primary and secondary colours correctly.
Year 1
Semester Overview:

This semester Year 1 students worked on both individual and collaborative pieces. Their first mixed media
piece involved drawing, cutting, pasting and painted elements. Students worked in groups to create large
colourful collage posters displayed for the Fete. Students also experimented with simple forms of print making
such as stamping and foam printing to explore the concept of colour.
Differentiated comments:

Achievement Level Comment

By the end of Level Below {He/She/Name} participated in all activities with less support as the
2, students make semester progressed.
artworks using {He/She/Name}s listening skills and ability to work safety in the Art
different materials, room continues to improve.
techniques and {He/She/Name} experimented with different materials and
processes to techniques to create an original mixed media piece.
express their ideas, At level {His/Her/Name} has worked steadily in class to improve {his/her]
observations and skill in manipulating selected tools and following processes.
imagination. {His/Her/Name} created artworks related to self, others and
Students describe personal environments in different forms as demonstrated in
artworks they {his/her} mixed media piece.
make and view, {His/Her/Name} explored the use of visual conventions in artworks
including where for example the use of colour and expressed these conventions in
and why artworks {his/her} own artworks.
are made and As demonstrated in {his/her/name}s mixed media piece {he/she}
viewed. used and experimented with a range of techniques and processes to
demonstrate various compositional effects based on {his/her}
intentions and choice of subject matter.
{His/Her/Name} followed the technical processes and safe practices
in relation to specific art processes to make artworks for example
{he/she} followed the steps for printmaking using a stamping
{His/Her/Name} contributed to class discussions about exhibited
artworks during which {he/she} talked about how artworks were
made, by who and for what purpose.
Above {His/Her/Name} is an enthusiastic participant who has applied
{himself/herself} well to develop original responses to each task.
{His/Her/Name} compared qualities and properties of different
materials such as paint, pastels, clay and found objects and
confidently selected appropriate materials and art forms to express
a specific concept of theme.
{He/She/Name} confidently used a range of materials and
techniques to create an original mixed media piece.
{His/Her/Name} confidently described the role of the artist in
expressing subject matter and the viewer in interpreting meaning in
artworks. {He/She/Name} also considers how the artworks make the
viewer feel in response to the artists intentions.
Year 2
Semester Overview:

This semester Year 2 students worked on both individual and collaborative pieces. In the process of developing
individual portraits they made decisions about subject and background. Additionally safe use of scissors to
create intricate patterns in paper cutting was expected. Students assisted our visiting Artist, Jo Davies, by
making ceramic leaves for the Forest Installation. Students also experimented with simple forms of print
making such as stamping and foam printing to explore the concept of colour.
Differentiated comments:

Achievement Level Comment

By the end of Level Below {He/She/Name} created artworks related to self, others and
2, students make personal environments in different forms as demonstrated in
artworks using {his/her} mixed media piece.
different materials, With support {He/She/Name} created and displayed artworks to
techniques and express ideas to an audience.
processes to {He/She/Name} is beginning to share {his/her} ideas with the class,
express their ideas, discussing the expressive choices {he/she} made in {his/her}
observations and artwork.
imagination. At level {He/She/Name} has worked steadily in class to improve {his/her}
Students describe skills in manipulating selected tools and following processes.
artworks they As demonstrated in {his/her/name}s mixed media piece {he/she}
make and view, used a range of techniques and processes to demonstrate various
including where compositional effects based on {his/her} intentions and choice of
and why artworks subject matter.
are made and {His/Her/Name} compared qualities and properties of different
viewed. materials such as paint, pastels, clay and found objects and
confidently selected appropriate materials and art forms to express
a specific concept of theme.
{His/Her/Name} is an enthusiastic participant who has applied
{himself/herself} well to develop original responses to each task.
{His/Her/Name} compared qualities and properties of different
materials such as paint, pastels, clay and found objects and
confidently selected appropriate materials and art forms to express
a specific concept of theme.
{He/She/Name} confidently used a range of materials and
techniques to create an original mixed media piece.
{His/Her/Name} confidently described the role of the artist in
expressing subject matter and the viewer in interpreting meaning in
artworks. {He/She/Name} also considers how the artworks make the
viewer feel in response to the artists intentions.
Above {He/She/Name} is a responsible participant who has applied
{himself/herself} well to develop original responses to each task.
{He/She/Name} has a terrific work ethic.
{He/She/Name} works diligently to master taught skills and
experimenting with different materials, techniques and processes to
make artworks in a range of art forms.
Year 3
Semester Overview:

This semester Year 3 students used clay to create both individual and collaborative works. They explored,
designed, created and learnt skills and processes appropriate to clay. Students were given the opportunity to
apply their knowledge of clay by creating tiles as part of the permanent sculpture installation with Artist, Jo
Davies. Students discussed and evaluated art making processes, materials and techniques they used to express
their ideas whilst they explored the concept of colour.
Differentiated comments:

Achievement Level Comment

By the end of level Below {He/She/Name}s confidence in the Art room continues to grow and
4, students plan {he/she} in beginning to contribute more to class discussions about
and make artworks how ideas are expressed in artworks from a range of places, times
that are inspired by and cultures.
artworks they {He/She/Name} continues to develop {his/her} understanding of safe
experience. They visual arts practices.
use materials, {He/She/Name} is beginning to make connections between {his/her}
visual conventions, own artistic intentions and those of other artists.
techniques and As {he/she/name} makes artworks and responds to them, {he/she} is
processes to beginning to explore visual expressions based on investigations of a
express their ideas range of themes.
in artworks. At level {He/She/Name} has worked steadily in class to improve {his/her} skill
Students discuss in manipulating selected tools and following processes.
how artists express {He/She/Name} researched artworks of different styles and artists
ideas and use from different times and cultures to inspire {his/her} own expression
materials, of ideas.
techniques and {He/She/Name} researched artworks of different styles and artists
visual conventions from the Pop Art period to inspire {his/her} own expression of ideas.
in artworks from a As evident in {his/her/name}s Roy Lichtenstein inspired comic
range of places, {he/she} explored ways to express {his/her} ideas using visual
times and cultures. conventions prominent in Pop Art, such as colour, line and
They discuss and proportion.
evaluate the art {He/She/Name} experimented with styles of expression from
making processes, different cultures and times in {his/her} artwork. For example the use
materials and of pointillism in {his/her} Pop Art piece.
techniques they {He/She/Name} researched Roy Lichtenstein artworks and discussed
use to express their the materials and techniques used and developed an original piece
ideas. based on this investigation.
{He/She/Name} contributed to class discussions about what the
artwork was made of, what choice of material was used to enhance
the audiences understanding of the artists intention.
Above {He/She/Name} is a responsible student who has applied
{himself/herself} well to develop original responses to each task.
{He/She/Name} contributed regularly to class discussions about the
role of the artist and artworks as an expression of society and culture.
{He/She/Name} competently compared visual conventions in
artworks made for specific purposes, for example {he/she} discussed
how Roy Lichtenstein expressed an idea to show the audience a
particular viewpoint.
Year 4
Semester Overview:

This semester Year 4 students explored the properties of clay in both individual tasks and by contributing to
the collaborative project with Artist, Jo Davies. Individually students made a functional pot with a fitted lid
using earthenware clay. Students discussed and evaluated art making processes, materials and techniques
they used to express their ideas whilst they explored the concept of colour.
Differentiated comments:

Achievement Level Comment

By the end of level Below {He/She/Name} continues to develop {his/her} understanding of
4, students plan safe visual arts practices.
and make artworks With assistance {He/She/Name} researched Roy Lichtenstein
that are inspired by artworks and discussed the materials and techniques used and
artworks they developed an original piece based on this investigation.
experience. They As evident in {his/her/name}s Roy Lichtenstein inspired comic
use materials, {he/she} explored ways to express {his/her} ideas using visual
visual conventions, conventions prominent in Pop Art, such as colour, line and
techniques and proportion.
processes to At level {He/She/Name} has worked steadily in class to improve {his/her}
express their ideas skills in manipulating selected tools and following processes.
in artworks. {He/She/Name} is a responsible student who has applied
Students discuss {himself/herself} well to develop original responses to each task.
how artists express {He/She/Name} experimented with visual conventions and styles
ideas and use from the Pop Art period to create particular visual effects in
materials, {his/her} comic piece.
techniques and {He/She/Name} manipulated and experimented with combinations
visual conventions of various materials and technologies to create effects, for example
in artworks from a {he/she} used design elements to focus attention in the composition
range of places, of {his/her} comic piece.
times an cultures. {He/She/Name} contributed regularly to class discussions about the
They discuss and role of the artist and artworks as an expression of society and
evaluate the art culture.
making processes, {He/She/Name} competently compared visual conventions in
materials and artworks made for specific purposes, for example {he/she} discussed
techniques they how Roy Lichtenstein expressed an idea to show the audience a
use to express their particular viewpoint.
ideas. {He/She/Name} confidently identified and discussed how ideas are
expressed in artworks from a range of places, times and cultures,
with a particular focus on the Pop Art period this Term.
Above {He/She/Name} is a responsible student who has maintained a
terrific work ethic throughout the semester. {He/She/Name} should
be proud of the artworks {he/she} has created.
{He/She/Name} has a passion for learning about the Art world and
{he/she} was enthusiastic to share {his/her} prior knowledge about
particular artists, methods and techniques.
{He/She/Name} demonstrated the use of different techniques and
processes as {he/she} planed and made artworks this semester.
Year 5
Semester Overview:

This semester Year 5 students worked closely with Artist Jo Davies to replenish and restore the permanent
sculpture in the school forest. This required the manufacture of ceramic pinch pots and painting them prior to
the resin pouring. Individual skills were honed as students made a functional and lidded container. In addition
they also learnt about printmaking and repetition through the creation of stencils during which they also
explored colour.
Differentiated comments:

Achievement Level Comment

By the end of level Below {He/She/Name} researched Pop Artist Andy Warhol as inspiration
6, students explain and with support created a stencil artwork.
how ideas are {He/She/Name} enthusiastically creates artworks using different
expressed in methods and techniques and is beginning to consider how an
artworks they make artwork can be displayed to express and enhance meaning.
and view. They {He/She/Name} is gaining confidence to describe and identify how
demonstrate the ideas are expressed in artworks from different contemporary,
use of different historical and cultural contexts.
techniques and At level {He/She/Name} has worked steadily in class to improve {his/her}
processes in skill in manipulating selected tools and following processes.
planning and {He/She/Name} has used appropriate vocabulary to write about
making artworks. and discuss artwork.
They use visual {He/She/Name} is a responsible student who has maintained a
conventions and terrific work ethic throughout the semester. {He/She/Name} should
visual arts practices be proud of the artworks {he/she} has created.
to express ideas, {He/She/Name} has a passion for learning about the Art world and
themes and {he/she} was enthusiastic to share {his/her} prior knowledge about
concepts in their particular artists, methods and techniques.
artworks. Students {He/She/Name} demonstrated the use of different techniques and
describe the processes as {he/she} planed and made artworks this semester.
influences of {He/She/Name} made aesthetic choices about the expression of
artworks and ideas and beliefs and describes the use of visual conventions and
practices places on processes when {he/she} created {his/her} stencil piece.
their art making. {He/She/Name} worked safely to create {his/her} stencil.
They describe how {He/She/Name} effectively used ICT to help plan {his/her} stencil
artworks that they and worked safely while cutting the stencil out.
make and view can {He/She/Name} practiced art-making skills using a range of
be displayed to materials and technologies as {he/she} planed, made and printed
express and {his/her} stencil piece.
enhance meaning. {He/She/Name} made informed choices about using elements to
Students describe express a concept or theme, which is evident in {his/her} stencil
and identify how piece through their composition and choice of colour.
ideas are expressed Above {He/She/Name} is a responsible student who has maintained a
in artworks from terrific work ethic and demonstrated and ability to express original
different ideas in practical activities and written responses in class.
contemporary, {He/She/Name} should be proud of {his/her} work in Art this
historical and semester.
cultural contexts.
Year 6
Semester Overview:

Students worked closely with Artist Jo Davies to replenish and restore the permanent sculpture in the school
forest. They contributed to each element of the project including original drawings, tile and pinch pot
manufacture, tile layout and assembling each element in situ. Individual skills were honed as students created
a functional and lidded container. In addition they also learnt about printmaking and repetition. Colour was
explored throughout the term and also reflected in their final pieces.
Differentiated comments:

Achievement Level Comment

By the end of level Below {He/She/Name} practiced art-making skills using a range of
6, students explain materials and technologies with less support as the semester
how ideas are progressed.
expressed in
artworks they make At level {He/She/Name} has worked steadily in class to improve {his/her}
and view. They skills in manipulating selected tools and following processes.
demonstrate the {He/She/Name} responded appropriately when {he/she} discussed
use of different the work of others.
techniques and {He/She/Name} analysed the techniques and conventions used by
processes in Andy Warhol to enhance the meaning of his work, for example
planning and {he/she} discussed Warhols use of colour and repetition to enhance
making artworks. the viewers understanding of Warhols intention.
They use visual {He/She/Name} has a passion for learning about the Art world and
conventions and {he/she} was enthusiastic to share {his/her} prior knowledge about
visual arts practices particular artists, methods and techniques.
to express ideas, {He/She/Name} demonstrated the use of different techniques and
themes and processes as {he/she} planed and made artworks this semester.
concepts in their {He/She/Name} made aesthetic choices about the expression of
artworks. Students ideas and beliefs and describes the use of visual conventions and
describe the processes when {he/she} created {his/her} stencil piece.
influences of {He/She/Name} worked safely to create {his/her} stencil.
artworks and {He/She/Name} effectively used ICT to help plan {his/her} stencil
practices places on and worked safely while cutting the stencil out.
their art making. {He/She/Name} practiced art-making skills using a range of
They describe how materials and technologies as {he/she} planed, made and printed
artworks that they {his/her} stencil piece.
make and view can {He/She/Name} made informed choices about using elements to
be displayed to express a concept or theme, which is evident in {his/her} stencil
express and piece through their composition and choice of colour.
enhance meaning. Above {He/She/Name} is a responsible student who has maintained a
Students describe terrific work ethic throughout the semester.
and identify how {He/She/Name} should be proud of {his/her} contribution to the
ideas are expressed forest installation.
in artworks from
historical and
cultural contexts.

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