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Chapter 1

Internationalization and Globalization

in Higher Education

Douglas E. Mitchell and Selin Yildiz Nielsen

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
The core ideas developed in this is chapter were stimulated by two studies in which the
authors explored how globalization is affecting higher education in the USA. The first was a
study of how globalization has been transforming the faculty labor market in two-year
community colleges (Mitchell, Nielsen & Batie, 2011). That study clarifies why these colleges
have dramatically expanded their reliance on a part-time and task-contingent faculty
workforce. The second study was a qualitative assessment of how faculty, students and
administrators in a four-year research intensive public university computer science
department are interpreting the globalization of intellectual, employment and student
recruitment aspects of their work (Nielsen, 2011). This study documented ways in which
research universities aggressively pursue internationalization of intellectual and
organizational dimensions of their work while remaining largely unconscious of the extent
to which these changes are related to political, social and economic globalization of the
larger culture in which they are embedded.

With these studies as background, the body of this chapter examines the differences
between internationalization and globalization in the contemporary development of higher
education. Internationalization is seen as something higher education institutions do while
globalization is something that is happening to them.

Virtually all institutions of higher education, public and private, are rapidly evolving into
global actors, following a trend found in many other industries (Naidoo, 2006). The
influence of globalization and internationalization on the character and behavior of
higher education institutions has become a key theme in recent research (Enders, 2004; van
der Wende, 2001). Unfortunately, the more frequently these terms are used, the more their
meanings get mingled and confused (Enders, 2004). There remain some fundamental

2012 Mitchell and Nielsen, licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
4 Globalization Education and Management Agendas

differences between these terms, however, and clarifying those differences is an important
first step in understanding how higher education institutions are evolving.

Despite being a popular buzz word in the mainstream media, the nature and significance of
globalization has proven hard to pin down with enough precision to see how it is
influencing policies or practices in higher education. Globalization is an inherently
complicated phenomenon, stubbornly resisting easy interpretation and application (Carnoy
& Rhoten, 2002). Like globalization, internationalization is also a popular and frequently
employed concept, used in varying contexts and for diverse purposes. But the operational
meaning of this term remains equally vague and unclear (Knight, 1999; Stier 2003; Yang,
2002). Knight (1999) makes a helpful contribution toward distinguishing these two terms.
She argues that: globalization can be thought of as the catalyst while internationalization is
the response, albeit a response in a proactive way (p. 14).While we like the notion that
internationalization is the active ingredient acting to express and reinforce globalization, we
do have a minor quibble with Knight regarding his distinction. As the Nielsen (2011) study
indicates, internationalization can be, and probably should be, thought of as a leading
variable, encouraging and facilitating globalization, not just a response variable describing
how institutions respond to the presence of globalization in the spheres of economics,
politics, culture and social interactions.

In the next few paragraphs we explore in greater depth the nature and dynamics of
globalization. This analysis is followed by a synthesis of ideas about internationalization.

2. Globalization
Structurally, globalization is made both possible and necessary by the development of two
transforming technologies transportation and communication (Boyd & Mitchell, 2005).
From supertankers to supersonic aircraft, from superhighways to bullet trains,
transportation advances have radically penetrated economic markets and breached cultural
barriers, making access to material goods, social interactions and political relationships
unimaginable two generations ago. Simultaneously, communication technologies carrying
hundreds of simultaneous high-fidelity, real-time, voice and video channels by satellites and
over the internet are giving global reach to political ideas, competitive price/value
comparisons, instant news, social organization networks and dozens of other innovations in
the way people access events, ideas, information and opinions. Transportation and
communication technology innovations are no longer optional attributes to be used
primarily by cultural or political elites. Ordinary citizens have nearly universal access to
these technologies and are reaping substantial social, political, cultural and economic
benefits. Virtually all important social institutions, as well as entrepreneurs, intellectual,
political and cultural leaders, ignore the global reach of ideas and material things now
available to nearly everyone at their peril. American economic dominance is being
challenged as are the political ideas and cultural mores in all developed nations. From
Tiananmen Square to the Arab Spring and the U.S. Occupy movement the world has seen a
Internationalization and Globalization in Higher Education 5

dramatic melding of technological and cultural change on an unprecedented scale made

possible by technological change, but driven by an emerging global consciousness.

2.1. Two dimensions of globalization

Although the term globalization has been around since the early 1960s, developments in
the last 20-30 years have largely shaped its character and impact. In recent literature the
term is typically used either to characterize international spatial awareness or to highlight a
transformation in the processes of interaction among individuals and groups. Tomlison,
(1999) takes the first of these views the spatial view in his book Globalization and
Culture. He argues that globalization refers to the world as a single place that serves as a
common frame of reference for everyone. This notion is shared by many authors including
Robertson, who was the first author to use it in the title of a sociological article in 1985 (cited
in Currie, 1998). Robertson defined globalization as a compacted world where time and
space are compressed (cited in Currie, 1998; see also Harvey, 1989). In this context,
globalization also used to refer to the interconnections arising among mass cultures creating
a consciousness of living in a global village (McLuhan, 1964; New World Encyclopedia,
2007). For observers emphasizing this geographic conceptualization, institutions of higher
education are seen as at the center of this compressed world (Suarez-Orozco & Qin-Hillard,
2004). For these observers, the essence of globalization is found in new ways of thinking
about space and time (Carnoy, 1999). Higher education institutions help to stimulate and
clarify this new way of thinking (Suarez-Orozco & Qin-Hillard, 2004). Geographical space
becomes increasingly measured by the time it takes to get from one location to another. As
the time necessary to connect distinct geographical locations is reduced, distance or space
undergoes psychological and cultural compression (Tomlison, 1999). Entrepreneurial
institutions of higher education seek to capitalize on the shrinking geography, while less
entrepreneurial ones find themselves pressured to adapt and respond (Carnoy, 2005).

The second view of globalization the interaction process view is found in the works of
authors such as, Morrow & Torres (2000), Giddens (1994), Rizvi (2004), Altbach (2001),
Beerkens (2003), Armstrong (2007) and Spring (2008). From this process view, globalization
is defined as the practice of growing social interaction and connectivity among people
around the world, creating economic, social, cultural, political, environmental, scientific and
technological interdependence (Levin, 2001; Marginson, 2007). This type of interdependence
has been described by Castells as creating a network society (1997). Not surprisingly,
taking the spatial orientation toward globalization focuses attention more on transportation
technologies while the process view tends to give priority to innovations in communication.
One should not make too much of this distinction, however, since transportation
innovations improve direct, face-to-face, communication while the virtually instant and
increasingly high fidelity communications of the internet annihilate spatial barriers when
information and idea sharing, rather than exchange of material goods, are the primary goals.

Globalization in both its spatial and process dimensions has been happening to the world
for a long time. Only since the mid-twentieth century has its impact on the stability and
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viability of the modern system of nation-states become recognizable. Before the Second
World War and the subsequent abandonment of European colonization of so-called third
world nations the system of nation states was not thoroughly established and stable enough
to seem to be the natural order of political institutions. Although de-colonialization is not
yet complete, globalization and internationalization are shaking the foundations of the
nation-state system of global political and economic organization.

2.2. Globalization challenges nation state integrity

Beerkens (2003, p.130) highlights key elements in the pressure system challenging nation-
state political integrity. He sees four challenges arising from globalization. First, global is
identified as, a geographical concept distinguishing it from local. This makes it necessary
for nation-states to critique parochial policies, norms and practices by referencing them to
those of other nations. Second, globalization is, a concept of authority distinguishing it
from territorial sovereignty. This means that the global perspective is challenging the very
idea of national sovereignty by asserting that nations are, and should be, held to an
international accounting of their human rights practices, social welfare policies and
protection of political liberties. Third, globalization is seen as, a cultural concept
distinguishing it from isolation. Nowhere is this more visible than in the uprisings of the
Arab Spring which produced a transnational sense of political solidarity or in the
worldwide dissemination of popular music, folk art and dramatic films. Fourth, Beerkens
(2003, p. 130) sees globalization as, an institutional concept distinguishing it from
national. On this point, his summary formulation is a bit fuzzy, but the essential point is
that social institutions of all types increasingly derive their legitimacy and, therefore, their
social and political support, by reflecting worldwide standards of organization and
operation. For our purposes in this chapter, this globalization of institutional forms can be
applied directly to colleges and universities.

The political arena of globalization cannot be separated from social, cultural, and economic
forces that shape the states position. While global processes are often seen as beyond the
control of nation-states, the role of the state has remained key in the expression of social
interests and representation of social groups or classes that benefit or suffer from public
policy formation in response to globalization (Shaw, 1999; Morrow, Torres, 2000). As the
control of the economy is transferred from the public to the private sector which is broadly
the main argument of the neo-liberal economic agenda, there has been a shift in the political
platform of institutions (Cohen, 2007). Higher education institutions that pursue an
institutional integration to the new economy have benefited from these political processes
(Slaughter & Rhoades, 2004).

An example of this can be seen in many states having legal requirements that faculties
reveal patentable findings of research to make certain that colleges and universities have the
opportunity to review them for commercial possibility (Chew, 1992). Another feature of
globalization on institutional policies is the cross-national policy borrowing by institutions
and forming international policies among institutions (Lingard, 2000). Appadurai (1996)
Internationalization and Globalization in Higher Education 7

argues that the policy ideas flowing globally are also linked to international political
organizations such as the EU, World Bank, IMF, UN, UNESCO and OECD. These
organizations or systems are largely institutionalizing mechanisms and they represent a
complex and ungovernable web of relationships that extends beyond the nation state
(Lingard, 2000; Waters, 2001).

2.3. Globalization is transforming higher education

From the social process transformation perspective, globalization is having a transformative
effect on the core functions of institutions of higher education. Under the influence of social
interaction globalization, higher educational institutions are developing a consumerist
mentality which transforms education into a product exchangeable in an open market
(Marginson & Considine, 2000; Altbach, 2004, Slaughter & Rhoades, 2004). Slaughter and
Leslie argue that the academy has shifted from a liberal arts core to an entrepreneurial
periphery, in which marketization of the academics leads to the rise of research and
development with commercial purpose (1997, p. 208). This commercial purpose allows
higher education institutions to compete for the monetary or human resources available
globally to benefit their institutions (Slaughter & Rhoades, 2004).

Economic globalization is also turning knowledge into a commodity; a commodity whose

value depends on the ease and security with which it is created, stored and transferred from
producers to users, as well on its utility in the production of other goods and services. As
knowledge is being commodified, however, social, political and cultural globalization turn
knowledge production and distribution into symbolic status and power resources with
significant consequences. Seeking the power and prestige of symbolic knowledge, higher
education institutions are encouraged to pursue internationalization of recruitment faculty
and students and to secure recognition for knowledge production. Importantly, the Nielsen
(2011) study shows, however, that the faculty and administrators pursuing this
internationalization remain largely unconscious of how this activity is reinforcing the very
globalization forces that are reshaping their work force and productive processes.

Globalization in academy also constitutes of a wide variety of components including higher

education institutions, the academic fields, scholars, and students as contributing factors.
These components each hold a different position in the identification of globalization in
higher education.

2.4. Market competition divides as well as integrating institutions

The institution of higher education has always been international in scope with the
exchange of ideas, scholars and students, but modern technology, the internet,
communication technologies, the increasing flow of students and highly educated scientists
from all over the world as well as scientific investments, patent activities and R & D make
globalization more visible in the scientific field today (Heylin, 2006). The arrival of computer
networks and systems, and the challenges they bring cannot be solved without international
8 Globalization Education and Management Agendas

collaboration, such as adapting software usage around the world, the internet not having a
single owner, overcrowding of the internet and selection of knowledge. For example, a
software developer in California needs to collaborate with researchers in India in order to
have adaptable products. At the center of these challenges are current national and
international policies. For example, while developing technology with collaborations among
different nations, agreements can be made to protect intellectual property but enforcements
may not be possible. For example, the DVD copying is solved by having six different regions
around the world. A DVD bought in Europe does not work in North America because of
regional differences encrypted in the DVD. However, as digital technology advances and
more and more information is online, controlling piracy again became an issue. As the
concern over controlling technological innovations increase, we see more and more higher
education institutions dealing with issues to manage R&D and protecting ownership. The
way institutional policies are formed in the light of scientific and technological
advancements reflect how the institutions respond to globalization. (Jenkins, 2003).

2.5. Globalization is transforming social relationships

Technological and economic changes have an influence on social and cultural structures.
Globalization has created a new social environment (Kellner, 2002). This social environment
has been described in terms of the widening, deepening and speeding up of world-wide
interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life (Held et al., 1999, p. 2). It is a
process which symbolizes a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and
connections. These connections can be evaluated in terms of their amplitude, strength, speed
and impact generating global or local flows and networks of activity, interaction, and the
exercise of power (Held et al., 1999). Social groups get closer together but at the same time
persistently try to maintain a more intentional focus on their localized identities (Chaney &
Martin, 2004; Knight 2004; Yang, 2002) In social and cultural perspective, globalization can
be seen as a double-edged sword. Chomsky refers to globalization as international
integration (Chomsky, 2006). This simple explanation can hold divergent worldviews
socially and culturally. For example, globalization can bring people who share certain
beliefs, professions or causes together such as the professional cultures, Turkish pop music
fans, holocaust survivors, Muslim extremists or human rights activists to form new forms of
societies. At the same time, as the national communities get more pluralized, cultural and
economic differences can form divisions among the people who share the same locality
(Cevre, 1995; Hannerz, 2004).

2.6. Research universities play a prominent role

Armstrong (2007) introduced a new conceptual framework through which to examine the
impact of globalization on US higher education institutions. His framing of the process of
globalization in the international arena sees higher education institutions as hubs.
Armstrong depicts a new model of institutions where students and faculty earn degrees
from various international locales through global partnerships and satellite campuses
Internationalization and Globalization in Higher Education 9

thereby categorizing such institutions as non-traditional in the sense that they have no
geographical borders. In this sense, institutions branch out and become global as opposed to
just exchanging people and scholars with a fixed location. They expand their concept of
being global as having international students, curriculum and activities, and having study
abroad programs to a different order of having programs overseas which rely a great deal
on the partnerships between the people from different educational institutions around the
world (Armstrong, 2007; Scott, 2000).

When exploring globalization especially in the academics, we see that research universities
play a particular role with global competition and high number of international students.
Armstrong & Becker (2004) discuss in a lecture series on the subject of Higher Education and
the Global Marketplace, the present situation, the emerging environment, and future positions
of US research universities. Altbach and Knights (2007) article discusses the motivations
behind the global activities of research universities. Armstrong and Becker explain the high
cost associated with supplying research, instruction and social environment for students in
undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs serving mostly traditional students (2004).
Traditional students are identified as the ones that study on campus. Education in these
universities is seen as investment in the future of a private market economy. Therefore, as the
global economy depends on skilled workers, the need for educating more people to participate
in this economy gains importance (Armstrong & Becker, 2004).
Altbach and Knight discuss the motivations of research institutions to participate in the
global arena in a different light. They explain the motivation of expansion also includes
enhancing research knowledge and capacity as well as to increase cultural awareness in
these organizations (Altbach & Knight, 2007). Both articles stress the point that the higher
education institutions, particularly research institutions that participate in the global arena
do so not only with the traditional ways of having international students and curricula, but
also expanding to different locales in the world by branch campuses and online
In sum, this brief analysis of globalization reveals that wide-ranging interconnectedness
trends are evident, and they directly have an influence on higher education institutions
(Altbach, 2004). Many of these institutions, however, struggle as they have to respond to an
ever-increasing set of global challenges such as competition or handling increasing
international populations while remaining confined by institutional structural principles
passed on from an earlier, more state-centered world

(Najam, Runnalls & Halle, 2007). Academic systems and institutions try to accommodate
these developments in different ways; internationalization is one way of responding to
globalization (Altbach, 2001).

3. Internationalization: The engine of globalization

As distinguished from globalization with its emphasis on worldwide conditions that
influence perceptions of space, mobility of actions, the nature of communication and
orientations to social interaction, internationalization focuses attention on the intentional
10 Globalization Education and Management Agendas

actions of individual, groups and social institutions as they actively seek to cross national
borders in pursuit of social, economic, political or cultural benefits. Looking at higher
education institutions, Knight (1999) offers a working definition of internationalization in
this domain. She sees internationalization as a matter of integrating transnational elements
into the, purpose, functions or delivery of post-secondary education (p. 2). That is,
colleges and universities are internationalizing their behavior when they reshape their
purposes to attract international students, to deploy their programs across national borders,
concentrate on internationally advantageous educational program niches, restructure work
roles or compensation systems to recruit, retain or manage employees, etc.

3.1. World citizenship consciousness

One of the more powerful ways in which internationalization of action arises is through
reconceptualization of citizenship. Rather than seeing themselves as citizens of a region,
cultural subgroup or nation state, ordinary people are increasingly seeing themselves as
entitled to, and ready to participate in, opportunities for interaction, work and consumption
on an international scale. Individuals see themselves as citizens of the world, free to move
about, trade experiences, seek educational opportunities, and pursue work or entertainment.
Once they acquire this world consciousness they begin to find national borders inconvenient
annoyances, inhibiting rather than enhancing security and opportunity. Though new and
rapidly expanding in many domains, for students and faculty of higher education
institutions, this kind of internationalization is not new. Since the medieval times,
universities have been internationally oriented. For example, academics and students
moved from Cairo to Bologna to Oxford in order to take advantage of the academic elites of
those locations (Stier, 2003). Contemporary internationalization of higher education has its
roots in this academic mobility of students and scholars (Scott, 2006). Scholarly exchange of
faculty and students involved with scholarly inquiry has been a hallmark of university
internationalization throughout their history (Vestal, 1994).

Internationalization has become more complex and comprehensive in recent decades. As

noted during Congressional hearings on the International Education Act (IEA) of 1966 there
is now a broad consensus that internationalization of education encompasses three major
areas: a) movement of scholars and students seeking training and research, b) convergence in
curricular content, and c) structural arrangements that provide cross-border technical
assistance and educational cooperation programs (IEA, 1966). In 1994, Kerr, Gate & Kawaoka
gave less emphasis to the structural components of international cooperation, but otherwise
reaffirmed these components of internationalization, In research reports prepared for ACE
(2002) and the International Association of Universities (IAU) (2003) the mobility of students
and faculty were seen as the primary mechanisms of internationalization (Knight, 2003).

3.2. Collaborative science and scholarship

Internationalization in higher education is also evident in scholarly collaboration and the
development of international standards in academic writing. Students move to other
Internationalization and Globalization in Higher Education 11

countries for training and researchers join forces internationally for collaborative research
and a substantial number cross international borders (often several times) during the course
of their academic careers. Moreover, by the start of the twenty-first century most prominent
academic journals were routinely accepting submissions from any part of the world and
trying to apply universal criteria in reviewing them (Martin, 2007).

There are many ways by which technology is influencing this international collaboration
(Castells, 1999). Big Science like that involving collaborative space exploration or the
CERN collider in Geneva, Switzerland routinely involves multinational teams of researchers
and multinational financial support. Science oriented industrial processes are also
transformed into international endeavors by new forms of technology such as
nanotechnology, biotechnology, biometrics, network technology, and information
technology (Taylor, 2001). These developments require a more educated work force and
open up global markets for products and ideas, encouraging higher education institutions to
take an international stance in order to respond (Carnoy, 2005; Carnoy & Rhoten, 2002;
Altbach, 2004; Marginson, 2007).

The internationalization of higher education institutions focused on research and cross-

national teaching is facilitated by multinational research and development agreements with
international business and industry organizations (Marginson & Considine, 2000; Slaughter
& Rhoades, 2004). Such agreements call for the movement of personnel and facilities as well
as ideas.

3.3. Dispersal of operations: Campus and center establishment

One prerequisite for success in the global marketplace is decentralization of service delivery
so that the specialized needs and preferences of customers and clients can be served
efficiently and effectively. This decentralization, combined with the centralization of
production standards, is achieved by having a long list of highly standardized products and
services that are mixed and matched by front line workers (Wallace & Brady, 2001). In
computer manufacture, for example, a wide variety of highly standardized parts are
produced in manufacturing plants all over the world. The parts are to exacting standards so
that they are delivered ready for off the shelf assembly into highly individualized
personal computers (Levinson, 2005). Labels like made in China or made in America no
longer make sense as parts are manufactured in many different countries and their
assemblage no longer has a singular national identity (Griffin, 2004, p.251).

Sharing knowledge and production of finished goods is rapidly leading to the

spatialization of work. Spatialization is a term coined by Wallace & Brady (2001) to
characterize work that is no longer bound to a particular geographical location (cited in
Mitchell, Yildiz & Batie, 2011).This spatialization is reflected in the explosion of on-line,
distance education programs, and the proliferation of satellite research centers and
instructional campuses, and the restructuring of professional work into limited obligation,
contingent contracts that commission the teaching of courses one at a time and remove full-
12 Globalization Education and Management Agendas

time and tenured status from the working contracts of many teachers and staff specialists.
An example, is seen in the number of students Turkeys Anadolu University is serving in
many different countries their numbers have more than doubled in the last decade; they
are now serving more than a million students (International Center for Distance Learning,
Anadolu University). The University of London and Stanford University are also in the top
ten of distance education universities in the world each with students living in over 180
countries (ICDL).

Studies have identified that in order to give way to cultural convergence; institutions must
consciously increase their internationalization efforts (U.S. Department of Education, 1979;
Clarke, 2004). Consequently, internationalization is both a response to globalization and a
causal force hastening its further development. By having a chance to share cultural
differences or personal similarities by studying in the same academic fields, people from
distant locations in the world converge toward a common culture and loyalty to the same
institutions (UNESCO, 2004).

3.4. International entrepreneurialism

Development of an international market for college level research and teaching has
stimulated a sharp increase in university entrepreneurialism. Increased availability of
knowledge creates competition among higher education institutions to keep up with the
growth in specialized knowledge and control a market share in its development and
distribution. Institutional status depends on being able to contribute to acquisition and
dissemination of knowledge at its frontiers. To remain competitive, higher education
institutions require increasingly substantial fiscal resources. And gaining needed financial
support, requires establishing and maintaining a reputation for academic excellence. This
reputation, in turn, is enhanced by pursuing the very best student and faculty talents even if
it means investing heavily in recruiting across national borders.

Academic capitalists seek to accumulate information resources and to control flows of

information within and across national boundaries. As a particular type of economic capital
information can be compared with physical capital that is relatively static often tied to a
specific location and fiscal capital that is easier to move and leverage for marketplace
advantage but remains scarce and difficult to reproduce or pirate. Information capital, by
contrast, is much more volatile than other forms of capital because it is relatively easy to
replicate and thus be moved to a new location without disappearing in its current location.
Thus, information is hard to hoard or otherwise control without very strong
transorganizational and transnational agreements on patents, copyrights, and access to
institutions of advanced education. It is for these reasons that the internationalization of
higher education and the movement to contingency employment of higher education faculty
are playing a vital role in facilitating and directing the progress of globalization.

During the Cold War, the motivation behind internationalization in United States higher
education institutions was highly political and contradictory. Although the drive for
Internationalization and Globalization in Higher Education 13

internationalization was seen as a sign of American imperialism by the rest of the world; US
policymakers presentation was on the lines of an initiative for peace and mutual
understanding (de Wit, 1995). This view of international education as a force for peace has
been a dominant one in US politics and higher education over the past 50 years. Following
World War II, this political rationale was the dominant one in initiatives to internationalize
higher education and stimulated investments like the European Marshall Plan the OECD
and UNESCO. But with the end of the Cold War, political emphasis slowly gave way to an
economic rationale (Knight, 2003). Economically, there is an argument that globalization is
changing the goals of higher education in order to mirror markets. This notion is labeled as
academic capitalism to symbolize a systematic creation of policies to make marketable
activities possible, changes in the connections with the states, private organizations to
support research; basically a change that prioritizes potential revenue generation rather than
general expansion of knowledge (Slaughter & Rhoades, 2004). This change in the
establishment of higher education institutions can be interpreted as a result of economic
globalization. Advanced knowledge is seen as raw material that can be owned, marketed
and sold. In addition, rising private corporations need well educated workers that influence
the curricular selections (Schmidt, 2002; Slaughter & Leslie, 1997).

Partly because the core concepts of globalization have become an ideology driving
organizational development and management strategies, and partly because measures of
standardized educational attainment are now seen as reliable and appropriate, community
colleges are being intensely pressured to adopt globalized marketing principles in their
policy and management processes (Levin, 2001). Unfortunately, community colleges have
only been able to develop systems for responding to half of the globalized equation they
produce an enormous variety of specialized educational programs, responding to virtually
any recognizable community preference or demand. Cain (1999, p. 3) makes this point by
comparing community colleges to Wal-Mart stores, saying, The community college extends
the one-stop shopping idea to education. If a need exists, a community college administrator
is searching for a way to meet it. But the colleges are sorely lacking in the capacity to
centralize the standards for producing these educational programs. Lack of standardization
is partly the result of the traditional emphasis on academic freedom in all colleges and
universities. More often, however, it is simply the result of an inability to clearly specify
what instructional standards are required, and a general weakness in the ability of college
administrators to hold faculty accountable for meeting whatever standards they are able to
specify (Grubb, 1999; Levinson, 2005).

3.5. Neo-liberal managerialism: The mechanism of competition for resources

Internationalization of higher education has generated an important shift toward a much
more aggressive managerialism, often referred to as neo-liberalism. This aggressive
managerialism is aimed at transforming the nature of work and restructuring relationships
between employers and workers. Ideas pioneered by David Gordon (Gordon, 1980) and
creatively advanced by Wallace and Brady (2001) depict the development of the new
14 Globalization Education and Management Agendas

economy as grounded in the inevitable tensions between labor and management as they
seek to establish workplace rights and responsibilities within the evolving technologies of
production and management. These scholars argue that industrialization, with its advancing
complexity and intensification of workplace technologies continues to create distinctive
restructuring of labor/management relationships. In an early industrial period direct
supervision of workers by the owner/entrepreneurs for whom they worked was made both
possible and necessary as industry needed to separate workplaces from domiciles.
Supervisory control was simple and direct because the entrepreneurs were craftsmen
themselves and typically worked alongside their employees. This served to obscure social
class differences while generating loyalty from the workers (Gordon et al, 1982).

As production technologies grew, a distinctive managerial class came into existence,

creating a new framework for labor management relations and work supervision. The idea
of scientific management emerged. Scientific management focused on technical control
over worker activities through the disaggregation of tasks and utilizing time and motion
studies of how each component task can be most efficiently performed to guide managerial
supervision. Worker organizations were craft unions empowering skilled workers
performing the same generic tasks (D. Gordon, 1980, Sennett, 1998). As intelligence
gradually moved from the workers into their machines, however, supervision became more
bureaucratic, and there arose a sharp distinction between the primary labor market for
skilled and professional workers whose tasks required autonomy and managerial support
(rather than supervisory direction) and a secondary labor market for unskilled workers
who were managed through direct supervision. Until industrial unions developed,
unskilled workers could be, and often were, easily replaced to control costs and discourage
worker collusion (Gordon, Edwards, & Reich, 1982). Public sector unions, including those
embraced by community college faculty, adopted the industrial union paradigm.

Wallace and Brady (2001) argue that we are now moving into a fourth period in which
labor/management relationships are driven by the technologization of the work itself. They
call this fourth period the period of work spatialization to highlight two key components
of the new worker/manager relationship. First, spatialization highlights the fact that the
application of advanced digital technologies has resulted in work that is no longer place
bound to a particular factory or work site. Management, through detailed specification of
measurable work standards, can farm out various components of almost any production
process to far away places and still maintain tight control over its quality, quantity and cost.
This broad distribution of work components enables managers to both seek the most
economical venue for production and, simultaneously, undercut the power of worker
organizations by simply moving production away from organized worker environments
(Burris, 1993; Harrison, 1994; Vallas & Beck, 1996; Wallace & Brady, 2001).

With the emergence of internationalism in higher education labor/management

relationships are shifting rapidly away from permanent, full-time jobs and toward work that
involves contingent, intermittent, task contracting that is not tied to specific work locations.
New managerial technologies make it possible to supervise outcomes rather than task
Internationalization and Globalization in Higher Education 15

performance, and to employ workers only for the amount of time needed to complete
specified tasks (Iversen, 2004; Sennett, 2006; Carnoy, 2000). This strategy has dramatic
consequences for work role definitions as workers are no longer expected to develop loyalty
to their firms or to require fringe benefit packages that keep them tied to a particular firm.
Loyalty is dead Sennett (1998, p. 65) asserts, and, therefore, each vigorous employee
ought to behave like an entrepreneur. Crucial to this redesign of work, however, is the
development of managerial tools for actually monitoring production results (and assigning
responsibility for those results to specific workers), rather than supervising the execution of
specific tasks (Applebaum & Albin, 1989). Think, here, about the new strategies for building
products as diverse as automobiles, computers and household appliances. These products
are now designed to consist of highly standardized modular parts whose production can be
spatially distributed. Construction, repair and maintenance of these products consists of
assembling or replacing the appropriate modular components. This work can be monitored
remotely and technologically (Griffin, 2004). Diagnostic instruments identify problematic
modules, and worker training focuses on reading the diagnostic instruments and adjusting
or replacing the appropriate module. Moreover, management can fairly easily test whether
any given worker knows how to undertake the identification and proper installation of
modular parts. Thus workers can be hired contingently, performing tasks on a piece work

The shift is also visible in the large scale shift of manpower and capital from material
manufacturing to information processing industries (Reich, 1992; Rifkin, 1995). As
manufacturing production jobs decline in the highly industrialized countries, these jobs are
replaced by new jobs that require higher levels of education to keep up with the
everchanging technology (Carnoy, 2000). As one economist observed three decades ago, the
average machine has at least a high school diploma and is learning more every year
(Theobold, 1972). The widely noted shrinkage of the American middle class is, no doubt,
substantially linked to the awesome gap that has developed between what it takes to tend
the new production machinery and what it takes to finance, design, build and manage it. That
said, the real impact of technology on skills according to Spenner (1985), Freeman & Soete
(1994) and Carnoy (2000) depends on the distinct qualities of the labor force and the relation
between the economy and the educational system. As Carnoy (2000) puts it Technology
seems simultaneously to de-skill and re-skill the labor force (p.43).

For many Americans, community colleges are the point of entry into the information age
economy. The technical revolution created a plethora of specialized, high-skilled jobs that
fueled a need for workforce training, which community colleges were willing and able to
provide expeditiously (Levinson, 2005, p.47). They sort and assign their students to future
roles in that economy. Their task, already enormous and growing more difficult all the time,
is to assist their students in moving from service and production workers, who live to
support the information economy infrastructure, into the ranks of knowledge workers who
are capable of organizing and managing the information systems on which it is based
(Griffith & Connor, 1994; Cain, 1999; Levinson 2005). Business thinker Peter Drucker
commented on this subject in 1977, saying that The substitution of knowledge for manual
16 Globalization Education and Management Agendas

effort as the productive resource in work is the greatest change in the history of work, which
is, of course, a process as old as man himselfEducation has moved from having been an
ornament, if not a luxury, to becoming the central economic resource of technological
society (cited in Griffith & Connor, 1994, p.78). To respond to these changes, the
community colleges need a faculty that is both smarter than the average machine and
capable of teaching students how to become reasonably efficient lifelong learners (Cohen &
Brawer, 2003). This task is doubly daunting because community college faculty have high
workloads, low levels of professional support, and typically are working with students who
have a lot to learn just to catch up with more advantaged peers who are attending the
nations four-year colleges and universities (Grubb, 1999; McGrath & Spear, 1991; Kozeracki,

3.6. Neo-institutionalism: Prioritizing legitimacy in the nation-state

Another dimension of internationalization is the development of organizational designs
often characterized as a neo-institutionalism. This new framework for organizational
theory is replacing bureaucratic organizational theory as the dominant paradigm for
analyzing complex organizations. Beginning in the 1970s with a seminal article by John
Meyer and Brian Rowan (Meyer & Rowan, 1977), organizational sociologists increasingly
emphasized the fact that many organizational activities often are not rationally linked to
productivity goals. Instead, they emerge as a means of securing and maintaining
organizational legitimacy in the eyes of governmental, professional and community groups
(Powell & DiMaggio, 1991).

Early in the twentieth century the German sociologist Max Weber (Weber, Henderson, &
Parsons, 1947) convincingly characterized rational bureaucracies as the archetypical modern
social organizations. In this conception, organizational design is directed toward realizing
production goals. Fredrick Taylor (Taylor, 1911) applied the Weberian concepts and used
the idea of rational organization to develop guidelines for scientific management of
bureaucratic production (Ray & Reed, 1994). By the 1970s, however, there developed a
substantial reconceptualization of how complex social organizations are created and
sustained. Research revealed that, within their boundaries, organizations are cultural
systems with traditions, moral (or perhaps immoral) value systems, and a rich set of
symbols and rituals for creating and expressing shared meanings capable of establishing
social identities (not just work roles) for organizational members (Senge, 1990; Bolman &
Deal, 2003). Beyond the organizational boundaries, emergent scholarship was documenting
the broad dependencies of all organizations on the ways in which environmental actors
civic governments, professional associations and community groups are willing to endorse
their legitimacy by embracing their organizational missions and approving their operational
routines. As a result, contemporary organizational sociology has raised to central
significance the institutional rather than the bureaucratic aspects of complex social
organizations (Rowan & Miskel, 1999; Scott, 1992). By institutional these sociologists mean
that the moral, normative and symbolic dimensions of organizational behavior are more
Internationalization and Globalization in Higher Education 17

important to organizational stability and success than are rational, means-ends productivity
considerations. In short, the new organizational sociology proclaims that legitimacy has
trumped productivity as the fundamental standard for evaluation and support (Mitchell,
1996; Powell & DiMaggio, 1991). The internationalization of universities puts this need for a
coherent culture at the center of organizational effectiveness, creating significant tensions
between the entrepreneurialism and neo-liberal managerialism with their emphasis on
competitive processes and the neo-institutional corporate need for a more collaborative and
culture building process which is more fragile in character and requires more substantial
social interaction than is often produced in international educational ventures.

Neglect of the neo-institutional aspects of international cooperation was seen In the Nielsen
study, where a major finding is that research university faculty did not consider cultural
globalization to be something emerging from their international actions. They intellectually
recognize globalization with world citizen consciousness as a phenomenon encountered in
their international relationships, but do not see that their actions are building that citizenship
consciousness. They do not account for the actions of their academic department in terms of
global consciousness or interaction. Rather, they interpret their actions almost entirely in
terms of competitive entrepreneurialism raising the institutional ranking of the department,
conducting good research, getting good students, getting more grants (money), etc.

Internationalization of student recruitment and competitive knowledge production

reinforces the entrepreneurial side of international behavior, and deflect attention away
from the impact of this competition on the development of multinational globalized and
institutionalized forms of collaboration. As a result, observers note the emergence of global
norms and cultures, while the students, faculties and university administrators who are
producing these changes see themselves acting in largely self-interested and nationalistic
ways. Ironically, it appears that the harder universities strive to mobilize human capital
resources and achieve national prestige and reputations for excellence, the more they
succeed in globalizing the higher education culture and produce a higher education ranking
system which has common international metrics of success.

For the less prestigious community colleges, the competition of resources, students and high
status internationalized programs leads to dramatically higher levels of neo-liberal
management behavior through part-time contingent faculty employment and rapid changes
in instructional program emphases. For these institutions, the reality of globalized
educational norms means unrelenting pressure to advance instructional programs in
response to global knowledge dissemination and secure control over the employment and
assignment of teachers to allow for sharply increased managerial control.

3.7. The yin and yang of internationalization and globalization in higher

We started this chapter with an explanation of globalization, arguing that internationalization
is both a response to, and a contributing factor facilitating, globalization. This was illustrated
18 Globalization Education and Management Agendas

with examples from two studies exploring globalization and internationalization in higher
education settings. Like the Yin and Yang forces in ancient Chinese philosophy
internationalization and globalization work together to transform the self-understanding
and organizational activities of both research universities and community colleges.
Grounded in a revolution in transportation and communication technologies, globalization
and internationalization operate together to create a global interdependence in economics,
politics and culture.

With the Nielsen (2011) study of a research university department, we see international
faculty and students moving freely around the world, contributing to globalization.
Internationalization of higher education allows them to cross borders and institutions,
challenging their national loyalties while strengthening their intellectual and institutional
loyalties. Institutions like this rely on this shift in loyalties to bring top talent from around
the world to work at a prestigious university. Loyalty to institution and field of endeavor
are proving stronger than loyalty to national culture, orienting university scholars to pursue
international legitimacy and prestige.

In Community colleges, it is not the loyalty to the field that provides the institution the
legitimacy for survival. It is meeting a market need. The contingency of labor is legitimate
because it benefits the institution financially and enables it to survive in the highly
competitive global economy. The institution strives for ever greater flexibility to respond to
rapidly changing market conditions and, in doing so, the community colleges operating in a
global culture needing to quickly respond to technological advances and the changing job
opportunities brought about by the globalization of market structures.

In sum, globalization is allowing a new order in the world of higher education. Going from
political to economical purposes, nationalism giving way to world citizenship, culture
depending on the identified groups more than geographical locales, organizational
legitimacy more and more depending on global name recognition and expansion, allegiance
to the organization giving way to entrepreneurialism and most of all control of knowledge
dissemination; these forces have altered the fabric of higher education. Adaptation is a
survival tool. Higher education organizations that fit, participate and welcome global
changes will survive the best.

Author details
Douglas E. Mitchell and Selin Yildiz Nielsen
University of California, Riverside, USA

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